HomeMy WebLinkAbout03182013BUD AgendaSEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 P.M. MONDAY — MARCH 18, 2013 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes: a. Meeting of February 24, 2013 5. Comments by City Manager 6. Review First Quarter Financial Report — As of December 31, 2012 7. Discussion of any topics /ideas for upcoming budget 8. Discuss Next Meeting Date (Tuesday, June 17, 2013) 9. Adjourn Agenda Attachments: Minutes for Meeting of February 24, 2013 First Quarter Financial Report — As of December 31, 2012 ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F. S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589 -5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. 2 3. 2 5 Q 7 0 cce MOF Jam"' L HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 04, 2013 - 6:00 P.M. City Council Chamber, 1225 Main Street, Sebastian Mr. Ed Herlihy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL: Present: Gary O'Hara Ed Herlihy Tim Slaven Not Present: Harry Marshall - Unexcused Dionna Farmer Christine Vicars Bruce Hoffman Staff Present: Al Minner, City Manager Debbie Krueger, Administrative Services Director Donna Cyr, Recording Secretary Introduction of Members: Mr. Herlihy introduced all the board members. Selection of Chairperson: Mr. Minner asked for nominations for Chairperson of the board and Mr. Slaven nominated Mr. Herlihy. Being no other nominations Mr. Herlihy was named Chair. Selection of Vice Chairperson: Mr. Herlihy asked for nominations for Vice Chairperson. Mr. Herlihy nominated Ms. Vicars. Being no other nominations Ms. Vicars was named Vice Chair. Approval of Minutes: August 14, 2012 Regular meeting MOTION by Mr. Hoffman and SECOND by Mr. O'Hara to approve the August 14, 2012 minutes as written, passed on a unanimous voice vote. Comments by the City Manager: Mr. Minner went over the Funding Sources and Uses report, explaining all the funds and what money could be spent where. (see attached) He asked for questions from the board and there were none. 9. Review of Fourth Quarterly Report — FY 2012: All members had a chance to review the Fourth Quarterly Report and Mr. Herlihy asked for questions. Ms. Farmer had none, Mr. Hoffman said he did have a couple questions and received his answers from Mr. Minner earlier through emails. Mr. Herlihy had no questions. Ms. Vicars said she had no questions but did have a comment that everyone Budget Advisory Meeting February 4, 2013 Page Two came in on budget and everyone did a really good job. Mr. Minner said we were 97% on total expenses which was good but we were 95% on revenue which was not good. There were no questions from Mr. O'Hara or Mr. Slaven at this time. 10. Review Budget Calendar and Discuss Next Meeting Date: Mr. Minner said staff followed the same guidelines as last year's calendar. He thinks that 2014 should be interesting because both the PEA and PBA union contract are to be renewed. He feels that there are three major issues that need to be addressed and that is employees and second is street paving and the third are MIS issues, both software and hardware. A server crashed and the City was without email for a week. He commended staff for getting us back up and running but because of this situation and other computer issues an outside consultant is being brought in to give a comprehensive look at our MIS system and give an overview of what we need. Mr. Minner also stated that he is optimistic that the City's franchise revenue should be better and our past projections have been good. We should know more in June. Mr. Hoffman asked if we had a priority list of the streets that need to be fixed. Mr. Minner confirmed that there is a list and it already has been before Council. He said he would get the board a copy of the list. Mr. Minner listed some of the streets as the other half of Englar and Tulip. He said he will try to get some DST money for parking improvements in the Laconia area of Tulip and Barber Street Sports Complex. Ms. Farmer said she has a concern about spending money to pay a consultant to look at our MIS needs even if it is a minute amount. Mr. Minner said we have great professional staff and their suggestions and concerns were taken into consideration but having an outside consultant would add fresh eyes to the global perspective and they will have a better chance at selling the changes to the community. He said we are looking at substantial costs. Ms. Krueger also added that staff doesn't have the time or resources to do a thorough plan to present to Council. Mr. Herlihy said it has been a struggle for MIS to keep it together. The equipment is old and no longer supported. Mr. Herlihy did commend staff on doing a lot with what we have. He suggested everyone compare the Sebastian website with the Vero Beach website. Sebastian is far ahead with having records available on line. Mr. Herlihy asked if the two labor contracts ended September 30th and Mr. Minner stated they were. Mr. Herlihy asked if the board could get a list of vehicles operated by the Police Dept. and what they are used for. Mr. Herlihy said he has had people ask him about the amount of vehicles in the Police parking lot. Mr. Herlihy also asked about the spending of money on economic development, are we spending for advertising, also what our new sources of revenue are. Mr. Minner said the City set aside $20,000 for economic development which is in Airport Fund. We did create that budget for advertising but didn't spend it. Mr. Herlihy said he doesn't have any ideas on new sources of revenue and asked the members to think about this and if they get any ideas to contact Mr. Minner and discuss it with him. 11. Being no further business, Mr. Herlihy adjourned the meeting at 6:34 p.m. Citizen Budget Advisory Board Chairperson Signature Date 'all U) _o a r�r^ o vI q. a% U LL d a° h d a a m a a R N a T 3 O' d a w V .y O r G a H O i O Cl) N N N O C = > W NU N N >> 0 N C 40i N C E N Q - O W 0 U U E C j a) C E > o 0 E N N C O_ W U o ° U o C7aa) C O N ° o F— OC (D o a W �O C Q @ y a° °c m o W �a - Q N N ° aa) m C p C N C U o C N O C C N N (6 U O N f a) @ y C O N N y = c@ L LL =O E d @ m a s a o O C U o U R O. O U u o N N X O W 2 N a) O o > m r.0 > E W (j U LL U LL LL U� Q U 0 m a @ m a, O y Z @ a� J N � QU W C C a) O O N 0) @ y O - N N y a) C = L LL O @ m LL 0 0) y � LL U R N a N N N N O 0 > m w 0 W (j U LL U LL LL U� t: 0 m (� C U p0_- Q O = 'O W Q J LL = ❑ LL m m C ( Q Q m N O N «N @ y C N N :3 N N V @ m LL 0 0) y U m@ E N N N f- > a) N L LL w o ¢ n 0 U� a N 0 C .6 @ Q = @ U Q J LL = ❑ LL m m aTy of SIE]BASTIAN ' . HOME Of PELICAN ISLAND city of Sebastian, r ioricia Subject: Resolution Accepting Quarterly Financial Agenda No. Report and Adopting Necessary Amendments to the Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Budget. Department Origin: Administrative Services: Approved for Submittal by: City Attorney: City Clerk: Al Minner, City Manager Date Submitted: March 20, 2013 For Agenda of: March 27, 2013 Exhibits: • Resolution No. R -13 -05 • Quarterly Financial Report for the Quarter Ended December 31, 2012 SUMMARY Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and any necessary adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. A capital project status report, investment report and accomplishments are also included. The format of financial information has been modified to include additional information on reserve account balances. No adjustments were necessary during the period that would require approval by the City Council. In accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager has approved budget transfers between accounts within Departments and made adjustments necessary to "implement programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council ". Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included budget changes to reallocate funds to and from expenditure accounts and capital projects as necessary during the quarter. These adjustments are summarized in Exhibit "A" attached to the Resolution. RECOMMENDED ACTION Move to approve R- 13 -05. RESOLUTION NO. R -13 -05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2012 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A "; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R -12 -29 on September 26, 2012 approving the City's 2012 -13 budget, also referred to as the Annual Budget Resolution; and WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months ended December 31, 2012 has indicated that no approvals of adjustments are required to be approved by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager have previously approved any necessary adjustments in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2012 and ending September 30, 2013 be amended as necessary, a summary of such amendments being attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A ", the revised appropriations, if any, are set out therein and are hereby made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember was as follows: Mayor Bob McPartlan Vice -Mayor Don Wright Councilmember Andrea Coy Councilmember Richard H. Gillmor Councilmember Jim Hill and, upon being put to a vote, the vote The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 27t" day of March 2013. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: Mayor Bob McPartlan ATTEST: Approved as to form and content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Sally A. Maio, MMC Robert A. Ginsburg, City Clerk City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" of RESOLUTION R -13 -05 SUMMARY OF BUDGET CHANGES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 Changes Authorized by City Manager: Established budgets in the Capital Projects Funds for new approved projects. Set aside amount of prior year savings on Health Reimbursement Account. Transfer classification of approved MIS item to the proper account code. Transfer from City Council travel account to computer supplies for I -Pads. Adjustment for Golf Course for equipment and P &I payments on Bank Loan. Additional Changes Submitted for City Council Approval: No changes are submitted at this time. Amounts $ 3,473,888 $ 28,481 $ 5,000 $ 800 $ 78,436 QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 Prepared by Administrative Services Department CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GENERAL FUND The graph below and left compares General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Total Reserves (Committed and Uncommitted Reserves) at the end of the current quarter to the end of the prior fiscal year. Most property tax payments are received the first quarter, so the Reserves balances are at a high point of the year. The graph below and right compares the first quarter of the current year to the first quarter of the prior two years. Revenues and amounts Expended appear in line with prior years' first quarters and Reserves are at expected levels. 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 Revenues 2 9,684,999 12 3,640,749 Expended Reserves 9,785,285 5,002,171 2,300,732 6,342,188 7,000,000 � G 6,000,000 G�aa��Jarl`'a �a�a�Qao`�,eO pJ 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Revenues Expended Reserves ■1213112010 3,729,492 2,362,529 6,959,390 0 12J311201 3,416,677 2,353,699 6,165,235 ■12/3112012 3,640,749 2,300,732 6,375,747 The graph below and left shows collections through the first quarter of the three main sources of General Fund Revenue and of those three as a total. Those three sources and property taxes are 68% of all budgeted revenue. About $28,000 of additional revenue above budget is projected from those three sources. The graph below and right shows the percentage of budgeted expenditures by the end of the first quarter. The City Clerk's office is at 25.7% of budget due to annual renewals of equipment maintenance contracts and election costs. Non - Departmental is high due to the full transfer of the City's CRA contribution. 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500, 000 1,000,000 500,000 0 1 st Qtr 2012 1 st Qtr 2013 2013 Budget 2013 Projection ❑Electric Franchise ■Electric Utility Tax SHalf -cent Sales Tax ❑Totals of the Three SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AND CAPITAL PROJECTS 45. 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% op 6",G \a°c°eS ��\,x a��\c3�o��a9e�ea�c°ea�\ G 6m GbI ��o �\ peQ Q3° �a� QeQ Pd '? GAO Nom For the most part, Special Revenue Funds provide the monies needed for capital projects. The graph below and left shows collections through the first quarter of the current year to the first quarter of last year and shows the current annual budget and staffs projection for this year for Local Option Gas Taxes (LOGT), Discretionary Sales Tax (DST) and Stormwater Fees. The graph below and right shows the total amounts budgeted this year for capital projects, as compared to amounts spent through the end of the first quarter. 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 LOGT DST Stomp Mer fee 01st Qtr 2012 ■ 1 st Otr 2013 02013 Budget 02013 Projection Page 1 of 2 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 � G as \aa Co, G�aa��Jarl`'a �a�a�Qao`�,eO pJ S�o� �ea\o� °� \pP CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (CONTINUED) DEBT SERVICE FUNDS AND LONG -TERM DEBT The City's bonded debt is accounted for in the two Debt Service Funds. They are the Discretionary Sales Tax Bonds ($5,420,000 outstanding, maturing 4/01/18) and the Stormwater Revenue Bonds ($3,505,000 outstanding, maturing 5/01/22). The City also has a Bank Note for Street Repaving ($2,199,000 outstanding, maturing 12/01/22) and a Bank Note for Golf Course Equipment ($56,436 outstanding, maturing 12/06/15). The City is in compliance with covenants and repayment requirements on all these obligations. GOLF COURSE The graph below and left compares Golf Course Revenues, Expenses and Reserves at the end of the current quarter to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares Revenues, Expenses and Reserves for the first quarter of the current year to the first quarter of the prior two years. We have seen a steady reduction in the negative amount of Reserves. Reserves are net of liabilities for accrued leave and advance payment of fees (about $90,000). 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 (200,000) Revenues Expended Reserves 9/3012012 1,354,089 1,339,730 (148,613) 12/31/2012 415,034 318,192 (105,366) F (100,000) (200,000) (300,000) 500,000 Revenues Expended Reserves 400,000 212/31/2010 368,077 307,675 (275,544) 105,216 113,740 IN 1=112011 365,353 312,306 (188,505) 248,398 173,968 IM 12/31/2012 1 415,034 318,192 (105,366) 118,714 AIRPORT The graph below and left compares Airport Revenues, Expenses and Reserves at the end of the current quarter to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares the first quarter of the current year to the first quarter of the prior two years. Reserves are net of liabilities for accrued leave (about $63,000). 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 zLi 40mw (200'000) Reserves Revenues Expended 9/30/2012 645,579 555,324 (64,860) F1w--w012j 118,714 108,618 (72,920) 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 (50,000) (100,000) 500,000 ■12/31/2010 143,251 400,000 Revenues Expended I Reserves ■1213112010 105,216 113,740 (681899) 200,000 ■12131/2011 248,398 173,968 (43,087) ❑12/3112012 118,714 108,818 (12,920) BUILDING The graph below and left compares Building Department Revenues, Expenses and Reserves at the end of the current quarter to the end of the prior fiscal year. The graph below and right compares the first quarter of the current year to the first quarter of the prior two years. First quarter Revenues are higher than received in the first quarter for several years. Reserves are net of liabilities for accrued leave and advance payment of business taxes (about $95,000). 600,000 500,000 ■12/31/2010 143,251 400,000 557,225 300,000 160,712 90,783 530,376 200,000 �12I31I2012 1 182,363 100,000 579,441 0 (100,000) (200,000) Revenues Expended Reserves 9/30/2012 426,218 399,497 487,169 12/31/2012 182,363 90,090 579,441 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Revenues Expended Reserves ■12/31/2010 143,251 104,817 557,225 ■12131/2011 160,712 90,783 530,376 �12I31I2012 1 182,363 90,090 579,441 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 12/31/12 LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES 2009/2010 2010/2011 201112012 2012/2013 2012/2013 2012/2013 INTERGVT'L REVENUE 1ST QTR 1ST QTR 1ST QTR 1ST QTR ANNUAL PERCENT MISC. REVENUE ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GENERALFUND - 98,521.06 - 97,240.18 - 92,712.00 - 92,115.96 - 571,104 16.13% TAXES - 3,432,196.27 - 3,120,718.97 - 2,835,606.83 - 3,011,530.23 - 6,466,854 46.57% LICENSES & PERMITS - 9,757.50 - 3,841.00 - 7,614.50 - 8,042.50 - 28,950 27.78% INTERGVT'L REVENUE - 283,429.80 - 285,827.81 - 295,506.46 - 309,992.95 - 1,919,700 16.15% CHARGES FOR SERVICE - 62,189.23 - 66,987.16 - 65,561.65 - 83,885.43 - 373,347 22.47% FINES AND FORFEITS - 16,871.27 - 18,682.73 - 12,509.54 - 13,996.14 - 70,500 19.85% MISC. REVENUE - 78,903.25 - 49,252.24 - 28,128.48 - 73,301.77 - 250,363 29.28% TRANSFERS IN - 191,221.98 - 184,181.79 - 171,750.03 - 140,000.01 - 565,399 24.76% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 28,481 0.00% GENERAL FUND REVENUE - 4,074,569.30 - 3,729,491.70 - 3,416,677.49 - 3,640,749.03 - 9,703,594 37.52% CITY COUNCIL 10,708.40 10,950.31 11,008.48 12,336.50 51,717 23.85% CITY MANAGER 58,548.69 50,784.15 50,718.63 49,174.15 233,387 21.07% CITY CLERK 96,273.49 71,661.99 96,436.75 72,828.88 283,667 25.67% LEGAL 16,641.97 16,016.56 17,743.65 17,097.48 102,360 16.70% FINANCE /ACCOUNTING 117,659.00 115,061.00 112,016.96 111,738.56 478,561 23.35% M.I.S. DIVISION 52,161.14 57,148.87 30,244.42 35,612.93 163,290 21.81% POLICE DEPARTMENT 1,079,781.52 1,062,527.62 993,685.60 959,306.01 4,199,206 22.84% PUBLIC WORKS 788,992.96 648,852.48 717,363.45 680,033.47 3,228,464 21.06% GROWTH MANAGEMENT 85,260.23 77,280.49 51,731.35 51,453.82 242,980 21.18% NON - DEPARTMENTAL 343,563.07 272,245.95 272,949.22 311,150.57 719,962 43.22% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 2,649,590.47 2,382,529.42 2,353,898.51 2,300,732.37 9,703,594 23.71% LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES - 98,503.81 - 96,529.99 - 92,673.09 - 92,024.20 - 560,000 16.43% INTERGVT'L REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -9,474 0.00% MISC. REVENUE -17.25 - 710.19 -38.91 -91.76 -1,630 5.63% LOGT FUND REVENUE - 98,521.06 - 97,240.18 - 92,712.00 - 92,115.96 - 571,104 16.13% OPERATING EXPENSES 52,866.23 48,577.63 51,548.03 48,393.25 208,000 23.27% DEBT SERVICE 0.00 132,207.38 132,782.83 122,240.69 243,076 50.29% TRANSFERS OUT 43,749.00 697,040.12 31,250.01 1,445.00 100,000 1.45% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,028 0.00% LOGT FUND EXPENDITURES 96,615.23 877,825.13 215,580.87 172,078.94 571,104.00 30.13% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX TAXES - 326,840.88 - 330,733.98 - 331,630.14 - 355,496.32 - 2,414,900 14.72% MISC. REVENUE - 4,353.17 - 439.12 - 1,997.13 - 1,164.56 - 21,975 5.30% TRANSFERS IN - 222,000.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 308,746 0.00% DST FUND REVENUE - 553,194.15 - 331,173.10 - 333,627.27 - 356,660.88 - 2,745,621 12.99% TRANSFERS OUT 579,710.50 464,274.59 518,876.00 468,063.67 2,745,621 17.05% RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND MISC. REVENUE - 351.06 - 1,296.84 - 1,070.90 163.17 -3,064 -5.33% TRANSFERS IN - 430,035.67 - 297,619.74 - 255,068.85 - 266,323.21 - 264,809 100.57% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 192,167 0.00% RRD REVENUE - 430,386.73 - 298,916.58 - 256,139.75 - 266,160.04 - 460,040 57.86% OPERATING EXPENSES 19,464.96 46,135.92 43,70670 50,488.74 114,040 44.27% GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 24,413.02 0.00 0.00 36,000 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 17,266.27 26,800.47 15,000.00 18,353.60 310,000 5.92% RRD EXPENDITURES 36,731.23 97,349.41 58,706.70 68,842.34 460,040 14.96% \sue Page 1 of 3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 12/31/12 OPERATING EXPENSES 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2012/2013 2012/2013 TRANSFERS OUT 1ST QTR 1ST QTR 1ST QTR 1ST QTR ANNUAL PERCENT STORMWATER FUND EXPENSE ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND - 1,018,123 24.54% 375.00 0.00 0.00 375.00 MISC. REVENUE 0.00 0.00 - 3,451.95 - 4,611.40 - 13,850 33.30% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 26,482 0.00% PARKING IN LIEU OF REVENUE 0.00 0.00 - 3,451.95 - 4,611.40 - 40,332 11.43% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,332 0.00% RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND 0.00 5,881.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% MISC. REVENUE - 5,878.28 - 4,056.74 - 16,772.60 - 23,770.11 - 41,535 57.23% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 288,465 0.00% RECREATION IMPACT FEE REVENUE - 5,878.28 - 4,056.74 - 16,772.60 - 23,770.11 - 330,000 7.20% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,517.41 0 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 1,555.57 13,536.13 28,281.78 98,318.00 330,000 29.79% RECREATION IMPACT FEE EXPENSE 1,555.57 13,536.13 28,281.78 100,835.41 330,000 30.56% STORMWATER UTILITY FUND MISC. REVENUE - 590,195.27 - 608,723.14 - 610,712.01 - 772,446.64 - 1,006,957 76.71% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 47,551 0.00% STORMWATER FUND REVENUE - 590,195.27 - 608,723.14 - 610,712.01 - 772,446.64 - 1,054,508 73.25% OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,416.70 45,100 12.01% TRANSFERS OUT 234,561.00 234,719.28 385,706.86 234,852.00 1,009,408 23.27% STORMWATER FUND EXPENSE 234,561.00 234,719.28 385,706.86 240,268.70 1,054,508 35.28% LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND - 1,018,123 24.54% 375.00 0.00 0.00 375.00 FINES AND FORFEITS - 627.00 - 800.00 0.00 0.00 -8,000 0.00% MISC. REVENUE - 104.84 -40.40 -39.02 -45.33 -2,125 2.13% LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE REVENUE - 731.84 - 840.40 -39.02 45.33 - 10,125 0.45% OPERATING EXPENSES 3,178.90 614.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 5,881.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,125 0.00% LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE EXPENSE 3,178.90 6,495.00 0.00 0.00 10,125 0.00% DST SER 2003 DEBT SVC FUND MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERSIN FROM FUND BALANCES DST SER 2003 REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES DEBT SERVICE DST SER 2003 EXPENDITURE STORMWATER 2003 DEBT SERV FUND MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERSIN STORMWATER DEBT FUND REVENUE DEBT SERVICE TO FUND BALANCES STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES - 199.14 - 459.87 - 293.68 - 1,212.41 - 22,365 5.42% - 258,966.00 - 249,389.25 - 249,347.76 - 248,655.24 - 994,621 25.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,137 0.00% - 259,165.14 - 249,849.12 - 249,641.44 - 249,867.65 - 1,018,123 24.54% 375.00 0.00 0.00 375.00 300 125.00% 0.00 0.00 375.00 0.00 1,017,823 0.00% 375.00 0.00 375.00 375.00 1,018,123 0.04% -4.50 -41.93 -66.41 - 127.80 -1,056 12.10% - 109,560.00 - 109,719.27 - 109,630.74 - 109,851.99 - 439,408 25.00% - 109,564.50 - 109,761.20 - 109,697.15 - 109,979.79 - 440,464 24.97% 89,117.50 84,892.50 79,998.75 74,398.75 439,048 16.95% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,416 0.00% 89,117.50 84,892.50 79,998.75 74,398.75 440,464 16.89% Page 2 of 3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 12/31/12 OPERATING EXPENSES 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 201212013 2012/2013 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1ST QTR 1ST QTR 1ST QTR 1ST QTR ANNUAL PERCENT DEBT SERVICE ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GOLF COURSE FUND 130,075.52 133,939.83 134,828.62 142,681.09 662,759 21.53% CHARGES FOR SERVICE - 374,168.03 - 351,816.33 - 348,485.80 - 349,888.38 - 1,357,775 25.77% MISC. REVENUE - 8,617.00 - 7,325.59 - 8,180.51 - 65,146.05 - 91,396 71.28% GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE - 382,785.03 - 359,141.92 - 356,666.31 - 415,034.43 - 1,456,671 28.49% PERSONAL SERVICES 58,357.68 58,588.09 44,634.82 45,307.21 218,529 20.73% OPERATING EXPENSES 44,665.01 74,089.48 88,024.26 82,338.97 340,652 24.17% DEBT SERVICE 1,075.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,852.50 65,000 25.93% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,457 0.00% ADMINISTRATION 104,097.69 132,677.57 132,659.08 144,498.68 651,638 22.17% OPERATING EXPENSES 140,075.52 133,939.83 134,828.62 141,059.16 583,185 24.19% CAPITAL OUTLAY - 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,107.00 56,436 1.96% DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 514.93 15,638 3.29% MAINTENANCE 130,075.52 133,939.83 134,828.62 142,681.09 662,759 21.53% PERSONAL SERVICES 17,075.36 16,256.81 15,145.82 14,456.87 77,089 18.75% OPERATING EXPENSES 24,161.06 15,865.61 20,985.74 16,555.03 65,185 25.40% GOLF COURSE CARTS 41,236.42 32,122.42 36,131.56 31,011.90 142,274 21.80% GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENSES 275,409.63 298,739.82 303,619.26 318,191.67 1,456,671 21.84% AIRPORT CHARGES FOR SERVICE - 4,081.39 - 2,905.99 - 3,417.49 - 9,842.52 - 25,000 39.37% MISC. REVENUE - 67,731.68 - 90,787.99 - 88,544.42 - 108,871.66 - 413,319 26.34% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -7,309 0.00% AIRPORT REVENUE - 71,813.07 - 93,693.98 - 91,961.91 - 118,714.18 - 445,628 26.64% ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 55,404.93 51,689.35 52,242.50 42,981.39 176,456 24.36% OPERATING EXPENSES 72,539.36 49,186.30 60,178.25 63,748.73 232,597 27.41% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,168.00 0 0.00% DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,575 0.00% ADMINISTRATION 127,944.29 100,875.65 112,420.75 107,898.12 425,628 25.35% ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 719.48 20,000 3.60% AIRPORT EXPENSE 127,944.29 100,875.65 112,420.75 108,617.60 445,628 24.37% BUILDING LICENSES & PERMITS - 138,915.42 - 141,808.03 - 158,085.03 - 179,386.88 - 406,150 44.17% CHARGES FOR SERVICE - 481.20 - 558.53 - 1,236.30 - 1,865.75 -6,300 29.62% FINES AND FORFEITS - 500.00 - 500.00 - 1,143.00 - 713.18 -5,500 12.97% MISC. REVENUE - 256.46 - 384.90 - 247.38 - 396.74 -3,600 11.02% BUILDING REVENUES - 140,153.08 - 143,251.46 - 160,711.71 - 182,362.55 - 421,550 43.26% PERSONAL SERVICES 87,481.68 81,922.09 69,491.14 70,313.01 319,884 21.98% OPERATING EXPENSES 23,733.80 22,895.38 21,291.77 19,777.34 91,116 21.71% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,550 0.00% BUILDING EXPENDITURES 111,215.48 104,817.47 90,782.91 90,090.35 421,550 21.37% Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 12/31/12 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2012/2013 2012/2013 1ST QTR 1ST QRT 1ST QRT 1ST QUARTER ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES 5,699.68 5,695.20 5,694.60 5,688.87 22,745.00 25.01 OPERATING EXPENSES 5,008.72 5,255.11 5,313.88 6,647.63 28,972.00 22.95 TOTAL 10,708.40 10,950.31 11,008.48 12,336.50 51,717.00 23.85 CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICES 55,473.30 50,360.85 49,911.52 48,470.22 229,837.00 21.09 OPERATING EXPENSES 3,075.39 423.30 807.11 703.93 3,550.00 19.83 TOTAL 58,548.69 50,784.15 50,718.63 49,174.15 233,387.00 21.07 CITY CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES 54,070.05 52,695.19 53,605.41 53,561.60 246,678.00 21.71 OPERATING EXPENSES 42,203.44 18,966.80 42,831.34 19,267.28 36,989.00 52.09 TOTAL 96,273.49 71,661.99 96,436.75 72,828.88 283,667.00 25.67 LEGAL OPERATING EXPENSES 16,641.97 16,016.56 17,743.65 17,097.48 102,360.00 16.70 TOTAL 16,641.97 16,016.56 17,743.65 17,097.48 102,360.00 16.70 FINANCE /ACCOUNTING PERSONAL SERVICES 90,660.40 87,979.02 86,907.88 85,814.38 397,206.00 21.60 OPERATING EXPENSES 26,998.60 27,081.98 25,109.08 25,924.18 81,355.00 31.87 TOTAL 117,659.00 115,061.00 112,016.96 111,738.56 478,561.00 23.35 M.I.S. DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 45,660.08 44,400.59 25,094.88 24,521.87 117,955.00 20.79 OPERATING EXPENSES 5,200.54 12,748.28 5,149.54 11,091.06 40,335.00 27.50 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,300.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 - TOTAL 52,161.14 57,148.87 30,244.42 35,612.93 163,290.00 21.81 POLICE ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 122,824.93 110,140.48 116,935.83 97,588.92 501,230.00 19.47 OPERATING EXPENSES 39,313.10 36,695.48 29,043.59 35,823.16 103,685.00 34.55 TOTAL 162,138.03 146,835.96 145,979.42 133,412.08 604,915.00 22.05 POLICE PATROL PERSONAL SERVICES 501,359.37 516,346.97 485,515.29 503,183.41 2,060,690.00 24.42 OPERATING EXPENSES 33,907.11 40,970.79 47,660.37 58,989.93 193,135.00 30.54 TOTAL 535,266.48 557,317.76 533,175.66 562,173.34 2,253,825.00 24.94 CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 27,164.07 30,873.50 31,716.46 30,726.43 143,719.00 21.38 OPERATING EXPENSES 5,280.53 4,754.00 4,930.70 6,324.29 20,680.00 30.58 TOTAL 32,444.60 35,627.50 36,647.16 37,050.72 164,399.00 22.54 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 213,323.37 198,821.73 139,693.21 110,800.96 580,024.00 19.10 OPERATING EXPENSES 20,762.98 18,946.85 24,644.17 23,518.91 98,716.00 23.82 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6160 919.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 - TOTAL 234,086.35 218,687.99 164,337.38 134,319.87 678,740.00 19.79 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 115,451.19 103,429.45 113,094.72 91,506.29 489,592.00 18.69 OPERATING EXPENSES 394.87 628.96 451.26 843.71 7,735.00 10.91 TOTAL 115,846.06 104,058.41 113,545.98 92,350.00 497,327.00 18.57 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 12131/12 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2012/2013 2012/2013 1ST QTR 1ST QRT 1ST QRT 1ST QUARTER ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET ROADS AND DRAINAGE 142,444.62 136,671.65 104,840.26 112,085.71 496,889.00 22.56 PERSONAL SERVICES 176,124.94 143,255.59 142,056.69 139,775.09 622,687.00 22.45 OPERATING EXPENSES 23,120.59 17,175.98 17,854.75 18,399.20 108,733.00 16.92 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39,000.00 - TOTAL 199,245.53 160,431.57 159,911.44 158,174.29 770,420.00 20.53 STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 142,444.62 136,671.65 104,840.26 112,085.71 496,889.00 22.56 OPERATING EXPENSES 64,996.92 64,851.11 102,106.45 67,661.26 405,890.00 16.67 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 - TOTAL 207,441.54 201,522.76 206,946.71 179,746.97 903,979.00 19.88 CENTRAL GARAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 39,085.97 17,789.82 38,248.58 41,303.25 182,300.00 22.66 OPERATING EXPENSES 9,404.72 7,713.42 4,067.12 2,963.94 24,466.00 12.11 CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - TOTAL 60,490.69 25,503.24 42,315.70 44,267.19 206,766.00 21.41 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 26,955.06 25,499.30 50,799.01 38,069.86 160,541.00 23.71 OPERATING EXPENSES 16,201.48 11,038.80 12,731.62 18,500.84 114,776.00 16.12 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 - TOTAL 43,156.54 36,538.10 63,530.63 56,570.70 315,317.00 17.94 PARKS /RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES 179,734.59 155,667.05 145,790.85 146,003.13 652,045.00 22.39 OPERATING EXPENSES 62,023.41 45,453.19 52,687.12 52,599.04 229,683.00 22.90 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 1,429.65 10,679.13 19,190.32 33,000.00 58.15 TOTAL 241,758.00 202,549.89 209,157.10 217,792.49 914,728.00 23.81 CEMETERY 0.00 0.00 17,013.69 13,195.61 210,981.00 6.25 PERSONAL SERVICES 31,795.95 19,613.17 20,295.77 19,601.07 86,814.00 22.58 OPERATING EXPENSES 5,104.71 2,693.75 6,406.11 3,880.76 30,440.00 12.75 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 8,799.99 0.00 0.00 - TOTAL 36,900.66 22,306.92 35,501.87 23,481.83 117,254.00 20.03 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 83,027.57 69,957.35 48,482.21 48,884.27 222,280.00 21.99 OPERATING EXPENSES 2,232.66 7,323.14 3,249.14 2,569.55 20,700.00 12.41 TOTAL 85,260.23 77,280.49 51,731.35 51,453.82 242,980.00 21.18 NON - DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 17,013.69 13,195.61 210,981.00 6.25 OPERATING EXPENSES 343,563.07 272,245.95 255,935.53 297,236.99 496,093.00 59.92 GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 717.97 0.00 - TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,888.00 - TOTAL 343,563.07 272,245.95 272,949.22 311,150.57 719,962.00 43.22 ALL DEPARTMENTS PERSONAL SERVICES 1,910,855.14 1,769,196.91 1,675,696.86 1,610,780.94 7,424,213.00 21.70 OPERATING EXPENSES 725,434.81 610,983.45 658,722.53 670,043.14 2,148,293.00 31.19 CAPITAL OUTLAY 13,300.52 2,349.06 19,479.12 19,190.32 118,200.00 16.24 GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 717.97 0.00 - TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,888.00 - TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2,649,590.47 2,382,529.42 2,353,898.51 2,300,732.37 9,703,594.00 23.71 0 Page 2 of 2 CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT 12/31/2012 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 310 Project Number Description A1310 Police Vehicle Replacement A1311 Old City Hall Windows A1312 FDLE Firewall A1313 Diesel Fuel Tanks A1314 Stormwater Equipment CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND 320 Project Gateway Enhancement Number Description C0921 Schumann Park Improvements C1123 Bark Park Amenties C1124 Lift Station - Riverview Park C 1125 Riverview Park Irrigation Fountains A1222 Blueway Signage A1223 Bleacher Shields A1224 Creative Playground A1225 Handicapp Pier A1320 Fish House Improvements A1322 Schumann Park Playground A1323 Volley Ball Court Lighting (RVP) A1324 Multi -use Field Lighting (BBSC) TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 330 Project Number Description C1126 Presidental Streets CI 132 Gateway Enhancement P0001 Road Paving A1231 Cav Corp Enhancements A1233 Indian River Drive Parking A1234 Davis Street Sewer A1330 Barber Street Bridge Repairs STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT FUND FUND 363 Project Number Description P0004 1/4 Round Swale Rehab AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND 455 Project Number Description C1152 Install Security Cameras A1251 Airport, Survey, Marking and Apron Rehab A1351 Main Street Access Road Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered 56,000.00 - 52,318.00 3,682.00 93.43% 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 - - 5,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 0.00% 230,000.00 185,940.00 44,060.00 80.84% 321,000.00 185,940.00 52,318.00 82,742.00 74.22% Percent Percent Project Expenditures Expended/ Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered 246,460.00 226,810.82 3,525.64 16,123.54 93.46% 100,000.00 11,478.50 2,500.00 86,021.50 13.98% 100,586.50 62,862.49 - 37,724.01 62.50% 25,000.00 8,261.52 - 16,738.48 33.05% 25,000.00 - - 25,000.00 0.00% 50,000.00 86.49 - 49,913.51 0.17% 130,000.00 98,318.00 - 31,682.00 75.63% 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 0.00% 325,000.00 - - 325,000.00 0.00% 25,000.00 - - 25,000.00 0.00% 20,000.00 - - 20,000.00 0.00% 185,000.00 - 168,000.00 17,000.00 90.81% 1,247,046.50 407,817.82 174,025.64 665,203.04 46.66% Percent Percent Project Expenditures Expended/ Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered 473,500.00 33,179.44 - 440,320.56 7.01% 25,000.00 - - 25,000.00 0.00% 327,442.57 23,928.73 213,741.55 89,772.29 72.58% 825,000.00 47,217.44 22,922.58 754,859.98 8.50% 125,000.00 43,182.74 4,000.00 77,817.26 37.75% 150,000.00 4,500.00 500.00 145,000.00 3.33% 60,000.00 - - 60,000.00 0.00% 1,985,942.57 152,008.35 241,164.13 1,592,770.09 19.80% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered 500,000.00 159,305.30 32,741.20 307,953.50 38.41% 500,000.00 159,305.30 32,741.20 307,953.50 38.41% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered 43,000.00 24,777.49 16,939.00 1,283.51 97.02% 164,400.00 26,479.50 93,596.22 44,324.28 73.04% 1,200,000.00 - - 1,200,000.00 0.00% 1,407,400.00 51,256.99 110,535.22 1,245,607.79 11.50% QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 As of December 31, 2012, the total available funds of the City were $13,733,489. $8,157,220 was held in an interest bearing checking account, $3,573,329 was invested with the State Board of Administration and $2,002,940 in government securities. All the remaining investments in government securities will mature during the next quarter. At the Investment Committee's last meeting on November 28, 2012, it was decided to defer further purchases until after some resolution was seen on the "fiscal cliff' issue. At this time, the obtainable yields for maturities less than three years are less than the yield received on our checking account. STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION CURRENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION PERCENT BALANCE General Fund + Performance Deposits 51.56% 1,842,388.89 Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 23.94% 855,544.69 Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 2.81% 100,526.28 Parking In- Lieu -Of Fund 0.87% 31,076.50 Recreation Impact Fee Fund 0.57% 20,222.94 Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 1.67% 59,629.28 Golf Course Projects Fund 1.21% 43,414.56 Building Department Fund 10.23% 365,554.36 Cemetery Trust Fund 7.14% 254,971.64 Total 100% 3,573,329.14 CUSTODIAL ACCOUNT H YIELD TO DATE OF PURCHASE 12/31/2012 MATURITY CUSH, ASSET NAME MATURITY PURCHASE PRICE FAIR VALUE DATE NUMBER U.S. Treasury Note 0.7917% 03/31/11 996,836.00 1,000,860.00 02/28/13 912828QK9 FHLB Note 0.8641% 03/31/11 1,002,670.00 1,002,080.00 03/27/13 313372RK2 TOTAL $ 1,999,506.00 S 2,002,940.00 FUND ALLOCATION General $ 1,399,294.00 $ 1,401,697.18 69.98% Discretionary Sales Tax 100,053.00 100,224.83 5.00% Riverfront CRA 200,106.00 200,449.67 10.00% Stormwater Revenue 100,053.00 100,224.83 5.00% Building 200,000.00 200,343.48 10.00% TOTAL S 1,999,506.00 $ 2,002,940.00 100.00% H Memorandum To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Al Minner, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Director of Finance Date: March 8, 2013 Re: I" Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2013 Enclosed please find the I" Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended December 31, 2013. CITY CLERK Legislative Support Matters • Prepared agenda packets and minutes for five Regular City Council meetings, one joint workshop with City of Fellsmere — attended six meetings for 10 hours. • Six resolutions adopted, two failed. • Three ordinances adopted. • 14 resolutions adopted. • One official document recorded with Clerk of Court. • Five proclamations prepared and presented. • Placed two legal notices in Press Journal. • Placed two legal notices in the Press Journal. • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, city staff and press. • Provided monthly regional and county board meeting calendars to Council. • Provided notice to regional boards and committees of new Council appointees. • Coordinated attendance of clergy for Council meeting invocations. • Distributed one City Code supplement. • Prepared travel reimbursement for one Council Member for Advanced Institute for Elected Municipal Officials. Records Management Program • Responded to 50 public records request. • 11 boxes of records that reached retention or were scanned & 15 bags of duplicate and OSA records destroyed by Shred -It Recycling - 17 trees saved. • Scanned into Laserfiche - 20 sets of minutes, 28 agenda packets, 6 Resolutions, 3 Ordinance, 7 agreements and 55 Cemetery files — 60 other documents. • 591 Building Contractor Files and Permit Folders with Plans scanned by the Building Dept. Election Matters • All Candidate and PAC G2, G3 and G4 reports timely submitted as well as some termination reports. • Advertised two general election ads. • Coordinated use of city facility and AV staff for two candidate forums. • Clerk assisted with setup and opened /closed for SOE staff for eight day early voting in City Council Chambers. • Swore in two newly elected Council members at 11/14/12 regular meeting. • Orientation documents prepared and conducted for one new Council member with City Manager and City Attorney. • One plaque prepared for presentation for departing Council member. �O City Board Matters • Filled eight board vacancies. • Prepared eight certificates of appreciation for outgoing board members. • RPM attended and recorded three Natural Resources Board meetings. • Deputy City Clerk attended and recorded Treasure Coast Council of Local Government meeting in October and November. • Clerk coordinated and attended Treasure Coast Council Local Government Luncheon in Ft. Pierce in November. • Arranged four gifts for Treasure coast Council of Local Government leadership change. • Deputy City Clerk attended and recorded three Veterans Advisory Committee meetings. Cemetery Matters • Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 14 locations for a total of $17,200. Community /Staff Matters • Placed three courtesy ads in Press Journal. • Responded to a -mails to the General City of Sebastian e-mail address and/or forwarded them to the appropriate departments for response. • Deputy Clerk and Records Program Manager volunteered at Sebastian Clambake. • Clerk volunteered for Salvation Army. • Clerk coordinated Mayor Hill's greeting of Justin Riney who visited Sebastian in 167 mile Indian River Lagoon paddle to promote lagoon awareness. • Clerk obtained IRC permit, Council approval and assisted with coordination of Christmas parade and prepared ads and certificates of appreciation to sponsoring organizations and PD volunteers. • RPM weekly update of City Hall marquee. • Deputy Clerk swore in two police officers. Personnel/Educational Matters • RPM attended the Annual FACC Fall Academy in October and obtained CMC Certification in December. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Prepared the 4th Quarter 2012 Budget Amendment to the City Council. • Submitted the approved 2013 Operating Budget to the Government Finance Officers Association Awards Program. • Assisted Auditors with interim audit work. • Closed financial records for year -end and opened up the new budget year on the accounting software. • Began preparation of the financial statements for the year ending September 30, 2012. • Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. • Hosted the Annual Awards Banquet in December. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with ICMA. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. • Recruited, interviewed, and hired replacements for vacant positions. C/)/ 2 POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration • Incident Reports processed/dispersed to proper agencies and entered into IMC... 473 • Arrest Reports ( Juveniles) ................................... ............................... 11 • Arrests Reports ( Adults) ..................................... ............................... 78 • Accident Reports/Driver Exchanges processed, dispersed/entered into IMC....... 72 • Traffic Citations processed and entered into IMC ....... ............................... 205 (Civil — 153; Criminal — 37 ; Citation Arrests — 15; Voided - 0) • Parking Citations processed, followed up and entered into IMC ..................... 8 • Warning Citations processed, followed up and entered into IMC ................... 691 • Subpoenas signed, processed and distributed ............. ............................... 205 • Traffic Enforcements ......................................... ............................... 583 • Code Violations, including parking ........................ ............................... 623 • Public Records Request: Oct. 26; Nov. 23; Dec. 41 ..... ............................... 90 • Conducted 911 Operator Interviews for open positions. • Conducted interviews and hired a Crime Analyst/Accreditation Manager to fill an open position. • Continued review of agency policies as per accreditation standards. • Administration attended 5 Council meetings. • Attended over 50 Law Enforcement related meetings and 15 public meetings and/or speaking engagements. • Conducted 2 mock assessments for Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. • Attended over 40 hours of training. • Assisted Ft. Pierce PD with promotional process. Volunteers • Volunteers worked a total of 2,321 hours during this quarter. • 35 bank deposit details were made. This service is done to save time for City Hall employees. • 2 traffic control details were assigned. These consist of directing traffic at City events, road closures, etc. • 474 house watches /close patrols were completed. • 68 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs, etc. • 226 business checks were made. These business checks are done and help patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which cuts down on crime. • 133 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times help to deter crime. • 30 Airport checks were made. Again, the visibility helps to deter crime. • 61 special details were assigned, there were no miscellaneous assist for law enforcement personnel. • 95 paper runs, i.e.: State Attorneys Office, Sheriffs Office, etc. Volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney packets and whatever other items are needed. • Assisted with traffic control on 5 traffic crash scenes. • 1 warnings /ticket for handicapped parking and 0 warnings /tickets for other parking were issued. • 54 citizen contacts and 417 miscellaneous jobs. • 11 Funeral Escorts were done. • Clam Bake and 5K Run in November 2 n 3`a and 4th — 10 Volunteers with a total of 147 hours. • Christmas Parade December 1" — 7 Volunteers with a total of 28 hours. • 5K Run — December 15th — 5 Volunteers with 15 hours. Road Patrol and Special Operations • Officers were dispatched to 3,704 calls for service, and self - initiated 9,590 events. • 78 adult and 11 juvenile arrest were made. • Officers issued 205 citations, 8 parking citations, and 691 written warnings. • Officers completed 473 offense reports and 72 crash reports. Citations Warnings Incidents Arrests • Traffic Homicides (0) • Boat Ofc (ID 447) Temporarily assigned to Road Patrol • K -9 Ofc's 157 98 26 17 • TOTALS 157 98 26 17 • K -9 Usage /Activity Reports: 32 • K -9 Training hours 360 combined hours. • K -9 Demonstrations 6 • K -9 Apprehensions 3 misdemeanor and 2 felony • K -9 Narcotic Searches 14 Road Patrol and Special Operations have continued to professionally serve the community by patrolling the city in order to deter crime and maintain the community policing philosophy. Officers and sergeants maintain their skills by attending mandatory and advanced training throughout the year. Investigations • 41 cases were assigned. Numerous vehicle burglaries, residential burglaries, frauds, sexual battery, thefts, possession of narcotics, stolen vehicle. • 2 arrest and 11 warrants for arrests were obtained. • 17 total cases were cleared. • 48 reports /supplements were completed. Communications Division • 13,294 calls entered into C.A.D. (IMC) of that: • 3,704 were dispatched calls for service • 1,481 were Code Enforcement Initiated calls • 6,755 were Officer Initiated calls • 753 were Volunteer Initiated calls • Total 911 calls received 2,521 of that the breakdown of the lines are as follows: • Wireless 911 calls — 1,777 (cell phones) • Wire -line 911 calls — 566 (residential and/or business land lines) • VOIP 911 calls — 178 • 817 of the calls were transferred to other agencies • 186 were hang -ups • Total Admin Lines calls: • Incoming 5,404 • Outgoing 2,775 • Transferred 726 • Training attended: • 1 Light Duty Officer took State Certification Test • I FDLE Regional Work Group Meeting • 1 FDLE FALCON Training • One set of Dispatcher interviews. • Dispatchers received new shirts. During this quarter as in all quarters, we assisted the Citizens with house watch requests and cancellation services, citation sign off s, information, phone numbers and other services by contacting other Agencies and/or Departments for them. We take and dispatch all non - emergency and emergency phone calls, as well as requests for Law Enforcement, Code Enforcement and Volunteer services. We assist the Officers, Detectives, Code Enforcement and Volunteers with placing phone calls to citizens, parents of juveniles, State Attorney, Court House, Tag Office, Drivers License Office, key holders and any other agency requests they may have as well as sending teletype messages to DHSMV, FCIC/NCIC and other Law Enforcement Agencies regarding cases our agency is working. We also provide services to non- residents by answering questions, giving phone numbers, referring them to the proper agency, etc. We also assist other agencies with information and/or requests they may have. 0 Alarm Assessments • $720 in alarm permits • $850 in false alarms fines • 161 alarm responses by officers, 89 of these were false. • 38 New permits issued. Code Enforcement Division • Issued 263 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 77 property inspections for title companies and 136 sign violations. • 868 Code Services. • 474 re- inspections, 28 violations were not complied with, 123 were posted for abatement, 81 abated by vendors. • 244 violations complied. • 57 Liens filed, 17 liens released. • 174 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. • There were no calls for water violation during the first quarter. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Traffic Division • Regulatory signs 126 • Warning Signs 74 • Guide signs 102 • Specialty signs 187 This includes Temp signs and Aframe/ Marquise signs setup for events. • Pavement Markings. 600 Ft. • Straightening /Maintenance 100hrs. This includes pothole repair. Roads and Maintenance • Weed eat and edge sidewalks on Barber St. • Work on Schumann Tennis court Rest room. • Weed eat along the railroad track on Schumann Dr. and Essex Ln. • Repair lights on I.R.D. • Clean up in the compound. • Trim trees on Essex Ln. • Work on lights at Main st boat ramp. • Set up and close roads for Homecoming. • Trim trees of stop sign at Rolling hill and Damask. • Patch potholes throughout the City of Sebastian • Trim trees off the road and sidewalk on Engler and Power line road. • Install memorial benches in the parks. • Repair flag pole light on 512. • Repair dock lights at the Yacht Club. • Weed eat and edge Power Line road. • Repair road crossing at South Winbrow. • Repair lights at Easy St Park. • Repair lights on Pedestrian Bridges. • Do the repairs at Fishermen Landing. • Do repair at the Senior Center. • Remove dead pine tree off the Golf course. • Repair the net at the driving range. • Mow and weed eat the ditch at the Golf course. • Paint safety yellow at River view Park, Main St boat ramp, Yacht Club, Main St sidewalk and City Hall Complex. • Pick up dead animals throughout the city. • Work on elec. at Schumann tennis courts. • Repair elec. at River view Park. • Clean up after the contractors at the Schumann restrooms. • Set up and brake for 5k run. e • Set up and brake down for Clam bake. • Pick up 200 phone books off Miller Dr.in the right of way. • Install bricks at the War Memorial. • Put dirt on edge of road after the roads where paved. • Repair the sign on UsI I. • Trim new shrubs off the road on Power line road. • Repair the mailbox on 132 Pelican Island Place. • Trim trees at the Golf course. • Trim trees at Boys and Girls Club. • Remove broken bench and install new one at the War memorial. • Build catch basin for Storm Water on Phelps St. • Edge and weed eat and clean quarter round on Easy St. • Clean up trash on Delaware ay. • Build catch basin for Thomas St. • Work at the Airport for pavement removal. • Build catch basin for Layport Dr. • Repair catch basin at the Cemetery. • Haul extra dirt out of the Cemetery from the graves that where dug. • Bob M. helping at the Cemetery • Clean up around the guardrails through out the city. • Help storm water clean quarter round through out the city. • Repair the fence at the Compound. • Cut trees back off the road through out the city. • Clean up Big Building. • Repair clock at Riverview Park. • Cut tree off stop signs through out the city. • Cut ditch on 512 and New pack. • Pick up tree debris after the ditch cleaning crew. • Clean up the fill pile. • Sweep Streets 100miles 4 dumps 3 fills. Cemetery • The Cemetery Division continued regular routine maintenance of mowing, weed eating and edging. • Made necessary irrigation repairs. • Marked out grave sites. • Handled burials. Parks and Recreation • Set up and maintained Riverview Park for Clam Bake • Assisted with Veterans Day and Pearl Harbor Day Ceremonies. • Cancelled Halloween Costume Contest at Riverview Park due to weather • Assisted with Christmas Parade & 5K Run. • Maintained Christmas Tree and fountain at Riverview Park • Installed mulch in medians on Sebastian Blvd. • Repaired fence around playground at Riverview Park • Repaired irrigation from Clambake damage at Riverview Park. • Repaired fence at Friendship Park Tennis Courts • Added surface material to Clay Courts at Friendship Park. • Rewired pump for fountain in pond at Blossom Park. • Repaired fence at football field. • Replaced 2 tennis nets at Schumann Park. • Rewired and installed new breakers for lights at Schumann Park. • Installed new Pirate Ship Playground and 2 Shade Canopies at BSSC. • Repaired ramps at Skate Park. • Repaired irrigation damage from vehicles on U.S. 1 & Sebastian Blvd. • Continued regular maintenance. 0/5- 6 Fleet Management • The Fleet Management staff completed 301 repair work orders, 41 preventive maintenance services, and 37 service calls, and 4 road trips. • In addition to the in -house vehicle /equipment work orders, 43 vehicle and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outside vendors. • The Fleet Management Division has completed the following projects in the past quarter: • Purchased: • (3) pick -ups for Police and Public works. • CAT Front End Loader for the Airport • Large Mower for Parks • The sale of vehicle /equipment using GovDeals.com sold for a net total of $36,423. (For a yearly total of $70,600) • Completed the project for the installation of (1) 16 yd Dump bed on Public Works — PW -14 Dump Truck. • Completed the RFP for outside repair services. • Upgraded the Fleet Management Hurricane Manual. • Fuel costs as of Dec. 31, 2012 are as follows: • $3.26 per gallon of gasoline, increase of 4% over the past 90 days. • $3.66 per gallon of diesel fuel, increase of 1 cent over the past 90 days. Facilities Maintenance • Removed old floor Fisherman's Landing • Repaired A/C Fisherman's Landing • Installed new carpet Fisherman's Landing • Cleaned kitchen and tiles At Fisherman's Landing • Liquid termite treatment Fisherman's Landing • Repaired A/C Golf Course (squirrel fan for Eagles Nest) • Repaired A/C Golf Course (repaired leak Eagles Nest) • Painted men's and ladies restrooms at Golf Course • Started new custodial Crew • Conducted quarterly sprinkler tests • Installed new doors and hardware senior center • Repaired A/C Old City Hall (unit 1a shorted low voltage line) • Clean tiles and carpeting City Hall • Roof repairs City Hall • Added timer for lighting control at airport (Lopresti Hanger) • Continued daily maintenance, cleaning and repair of public work facilities Stormwater • Driveway replacements 34 for 1/4 round installation • Pipe replacements • 980 LF of 12" pipe • Replaced two Road Crossings • Bush Hog mowing — Stormwater park- Periwinkle, Stonecrop area — unit 17 retention ponds • % round Maintenance — Easy Street, South Easy Street, Columbus and Toledo Streets • Filled edge of road from Paving Project on Miller Drive • Completed numerous complaints GOLF COURSE • Total revenue for 1St quarter: $358,518. • Golf Rounds for Is` quarter: 11,608. • Green Fee revenue for 1St quarter: $98,261. • Cart Fee revenue for 1St quarter: $140,157, an increase of $1,379 over Fiscal 11 -12 1` quarter. • Golf shop revenue for I" quarter: $12,913. • Driving range revenue for 1St quarter: $7,916. • Discount Card revenue for Is` quarter: $24,618. • Club Rental & Club Storage revenue for 1St h quarter: $2,580, an increase of $178 over Fiscal 11 -12 1St quarter. • Computerized golf handicap revenue for I" quarter: $4,120. • Rents & Royalty revenue for l St quarter: $6,794, an increase of $428 over the Is` quarter of FY2010 -11. • Professional golf lesson revenue for 1St quarter: $410. • Annual Membership /Initiation revenue for Ist quarter: $59,321, an increase of $1,378 over Fiscal 11 -12 ls` quarter. • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for 1St quarter included Central Baptist Church (40 players), Sebastian Itlian- American Club (132), The Tiki Bar Golf Tournament (137 players), St. Sebastian Church Tournament (60 players) and The Sebastian Amateur (60 players). • Charity, Corporate and Special Golf Tournaments scheduled for 2 "d quarter (2012 -13) include Sebastian River High School Baseball Boosters Tournament, Sebastian Men's Golf Association President's Cup, Vista Gardens Homeowners Association, 2"d Annual Michael Nichols Memorial Golf Tournament, Sebastian Eagles, Vista Del Mar Homeowners Association. • Donated rounds of golf and/or golf course merchandise to numerous charitable fundraisers and events. By donating to worthy causes, SMGC provides key support to numerous community endeavors. • Golf course condition in excellent shape, several customers frequently offered positive comments about condition of golf course and overall shape and speed of greens. Small landscaping projects accomplished throughout the property and around the clubhouse. • Since inception of Sebastian River High School (beginning in 1994), SMGC served as the home golf course for the Sebastian River High School Boy's and girls golf teams. PGA Director of Golf, Greg Gardner, has served as golf coach since 1996. Boys team finished with a season record of 11 wins and 2 losses and one player, Cole Thompson, qualified for the State Regional Championship. • Addressed serious wild hog problem on golf course property. • Created a 30- second commercial which will be aired on Comcast /Golf Channel (Sebastian to West Palm market) mainly during key PGA Tour golf tournaments, which includes the Honda Classic, WGC Doral, Arnold Palmer Invitational, TPC Sawgrass and The President's Cup. BUILDING DEPARTMENT • In the 1St quarter of this fiscal year a total of 23 new single- family homes were issued building permits. This is more than twice as many that were reported in the 4`h quarter of last fiscal year. Other permits of significance include 4 new mobile homes, no new commercial buildings, no commercial additions, 7 commercial alterations, 1 commercial build out, 1 residential addition and 9 residential alterations. In all, only 427 building permits were issued in the I" quarter. This is an approximately the same pace as in the fourth quarter with a distinct increase in residential construction that is taking place in several PUD's. • Total number of inspections for the 1St quarter was 1,276 for an averaEe of 22 inspections per working day. The number of inspections this quarter is approximately the same as the 4t quarter of last fiscal year. • The building department issued 15 certificates of occupancy for new single family residences during the 1 st quarter. • A proposed ordinance revising Chapter 46 of the City Code of Ordinances entitled "Floods" was presented to the City Council. The ordinance changes were promulgated by the mandatory adoption of new floodplain maps provided by FEMA and changes to floodplain management regulations that were previously only contained in local ordinances that are now found in the Florida Building Code. The adoption of the ordinance was necessary for continuation in the NFIP program. The changes were approved at first and second readings and adopted by City Council. • The following list the Business Tax Receipts that were issued in the 4th quarter: New Businesses -35, Renewals -164, Transfers -5, Duplicates -1, Home Based Businesses -27, Commercial Businesses -10, Insurance Companies -3, and Solicitor Permits -18. In addition, there have been 52 requests from lien/title companies for permit records on properties within the city. 0 AIRPORT • Monitored FDOT Grant opportunities. • Coordinated activities of the Airport, Building Department and Planning and Zoning • Continued review of established policies and procedures Economic Development Continued review of established policies and procedures. Considered best management practices to accomplish the department's goals and objectives. ®R