HomeMy WebLinkAbout01302013FSL MinutesFAQADE, SIGN AND LANDSCAPING GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES Wednesday, January 30, 2013 5:00 PM The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Tom Haynes Lisanne Robinson Warren Dill Donna Keys Excused: Carolyn Anderson Staff present: Joe Griffin, Community Development Director Jan King, Senior Planner Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Secretary 4. APPOINT CHAIRPERSON & VICE -CHAIRPERSON Mr. Dill nominated Donna Keys for chairperson. All were in favor. Donna Keys nominated Lisanne Robinson for vice -chairperson. All were in favor. 5. OLD BUSINESS — Minutes of Regular Meeting of 1/9/2012 Mr. Dill verified that the money amounts shown in the minutes for Suzi's Tiki were correct with regards to the funds indicated in the summary chart. MOTION by Dill/Lisanne to accept the minutes of the January 9, 2012 meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Review of Budget and Funds Available Ms. Bosworth had previously explained that the Tiki Bar & Grill (Suzi's) had requested a six month extension, until July 2013, for their grant funds awarded for landscaping plans. These monies were set aside and not included in the available funds figure. Mr. Griffin stated that a portion of the Southern Sisters Phase II monies was not used and therefore now available for this year's applications. Total funds available for the 2013 applicants is $31,139. B. New Applications The Committee decided to review all the applications and then discuss allocation of the funds. Ms. Robinson stated she felt the Committee had become more of a signage group, which was disappointing, instead of reviewing projects that were geared towards the development of a Fishing Village. She was unhappy with the line-up of lit billboards along US Highway #1 and felt the signs should be establishing unity within the CRA, and that grant monies should be used on older properties or those no longer in compliance with the overlay district regulations. She preferred hand -carved, non -lighted signage that appeared small village - like. Ms. Keys gave the members a hand-out for dimensional signs (attached). Mr. Dill agreed, and stated he was looking more at the fagade and landscaping projects this year, though not disregarding signage. Ms. Robinson discussed asking City Council/CRA to allow the FSL Grant Committee to only approve a more creative type of sign if grant monies were being used. Ms. Keys was in agreement, and stated that staff has to approve signs that meet code but, as an advisory board they can approve aesthetics. She stated she would also like to get away from the internally lit, monument based signs and move towards nice sand -blasted, overhead or ground lit signs that feel like a village. Mr. Griffin reminded the Committee to keep costs in mind, and that he felt that there had been improvement in the Riverfront with the previously approved signs. Mr. Dill agreed that if grant monies were being used for the sign, an aesthetically nicer sign should be approved. River Park Plaza — 480 to 484 US Highway #1 The applicant, Mr. Jay Dick, was not present. Staff explained that the development of the 2004 site plan had been halted years ago, and the current owners were now in the process of completing the project. They had requested grant monies for landscaping and replacement of the non -conforming pole sign. Mr. Keys stated she would consider the replacement of the pole sign but felt the landscaping was a requirement of the site plan approval and didn't meet the grant criteria. Mr. Dill agreed. There was a discussion of the two proposed sign designs, which the Committee felt did not meet the Fishing Village look. Ms. Robinson understood the need for a multi -tenant sign but liked the carved, multi -tenant sign installed for Washington Plaza (Vic's Pizza) much better. Alpha Hardware & Marine Supply — 712 Cleveland Street The applicant, Ms. Edith Humphrey, was not present. Staff verified the request was for facade improvements to a very old building, and new signage. Mr. Dill noted landscaping was lacking from the site as well. Ms. Robinson was happy to discover this building was used as the city's Post Office in the 1950's, and was excited for it to have a facelift. She felt this was the intent of the grant program. The committee had questions to ask the applicant 2 about the proposed fagade changes. There was a discussion regarding tabling the application. Buried Treasures — 1554 US Highway #1 Ms. Renee Powell explained that she had purchased the property across the street from her existing business location, which she was currently developing. She was requesting grant funds for signage and landscaping. She stated it was hard to get quotes from sign companies and suggested the Committee have a list available of companies that design and construct the signs they were interested in. She stated her proposed building was designed to look like an old cracker house, and the site plan should be completed within a month. Ms. Keys stated she felt the same regarding the landscaping request as with the River Park Plaza application, in that it will be a part of the approval for the site plan, but she like the direction of the proposed sign. Ms. Robinson liked the logo and wanted to possibly add funds for landscaping around the sign. The Committee discussed recommending an award amount tonight, but wanted to work with the applicant in tweaking the sign design. Sebastian Vacation Rentals — 1301 US Hiahwav #1 Mr. John Conway stated he currently had a small business located in town since 2008, but now wanted to start his new business venture at a location that needed much renovation. He had worked with city staff regarding the zoning change of use, site plan, and approval of colors, and had been working with a structural engineer regarding building permit requirements. He was requesting grant funds for fagade, signage, and landscaping, and although the signage costs were a high part of his application, it was not what he wanted to spend the most money on. He would rather use grant monies for fagade and landscaping, if awarded. The Committee discussed with staff how the grant program allowed monies to be divided between the three items. Mr. Conway explained his facade improvements on the overhead projector, and went over the condition of the building. Mr. Dill stated he thought this application had the potential to be the best project the grant program had ever funded as it was removing blight that was in the center of the city, and should be considered for maximum award. He verified that Mr. Conway had a long-term lease with the owner. Ms. Robinson and Mr. Haynes also agreed with awarding the maximum amount however the applicant wanted to break it down. Ms. Keys asked if the applicant would consider down -sizing the 10'X 10' sign to being more in proportion with the building. Mr. Conway stated he would consider not using an internally lit sign, and would like to incorporate the proposed shell into the design. Ar -Pat's Dry Cleaners — 720 Harrison Street Mr. Sam Desai explained that he had other various businesses between West Palm Beach and Daytona, but loved Sebastian, and actually bought the property and building at this location. In the past few years, he has been continuing site improvements. He felt a monument sign would be appealing to his freestanding building, which the site has never had. He also stated he would be adding landscaping around the sign and to the front area. 3 Ms. Keys asked if an irrigation system existed on site. Mr. Desai stated it did on the east and north side of the building. She discussed with Mr. Desai if any existing signage would be removed if a monument sign was installed. He stated if the monument sign was big enough he would consider removing the signage on the canopy. The Committee discussed the amount of existing signage, and if additional signage was necessary. Ms. Robinson stated she would not like to see a lit sign next to the city's park, and would consider a grant if the sign was re -designed, blending more in with the district. Mr. Dill agreed, and would also like to see some of the existing signage removed, and possibly help with costs to re -paint the canopy. The Committee and staff discussed the LDC requirement of having signage reflect the design of the building. The Committee then discussed which existing signage they would like to have Mr. Desai remove, and consideration of approving funds for a non -internally lit sign. The Committee then had a general discussion on which applications should be awarded grant monies and how much. It was agreed by all that Sebastian Vacation Rentals should receive maximum amount based on its blighted condition, and the following applications in following priority: 2) Alpha Hardware, 3) Buried Treasures, 4) Ar -Pat's, and 5) River Park Plaza. Staff and the Committee discussed language in the grant program with regards to how many times the applicants could apply, which was until the maximum amount was awarded to them, and then they were not eligible for another three years. The city attorney would be asked for his opinion of this verbiage. There was also a discussion with staff regarding the LDC and internally lit signs. Ms. King stated the code listed signs that were "encouraged", such as the wood -carved signs the Committee was interested in, but it was hard to enforce because of the way it was worded. Staff suggested asking the CRA to allow the condition that if you receive grant monies for a sign, it would have to be of a certain design that the Committee was looking for. After discussion, the Committee decided to recommend grant awards to the CRA so that a meeting could be scheduled for final decisions in order not to further delay projects that wished to begin, but that they would like to meet with the applicants at a future meeting date to work on and approve final sign designs. Ar -Pat's Dry Cleaners: Motion by Robinson/ to award $4,320 [for a sign] contingent upon further design review. Motion died for lack of a second. It was discussed that when the sign design was brought back for further review, the Committee could then decide if or which existing sign might be required to be removed. C! Motion by Dill/Robinson to recommend to City Council [CRA] to award Ar -Pat's $4,320 subject to further review of the signage by this Committee. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. Buried Treasures: Motion by Dill/Robinson to recommend to City Council [CRA] to award Buried Treasures $4,320 subject to further review of the signage by this Committee. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. Sebastian Vacation Rentals: Motion by Dill/_ that we recommend to City Council [CRA] to award Sebastian Vacation Rentals $15,000 subject to further review of the signage by this Committee. Motion died for lack of a second. There was discussion with the applicant if grant money was wanted for the proposed sign, and a review of the grant program verbiage regarding the amounts allowed for each element ensued. Mr. Conway stated if money was awarded for his proposed signage, he was agreeable to return with a new design, especially if it may be less expensive. Motion by Dill/Keys to recommend to City Council [CRA] to award Sebastian Vacation Rentals $15,000 subject to further review of the signage, landscaping, and fagade improvements by this Committee. A voice vote was taken. All members were in favor. Alpha Hardware: Motion by Dill/Robinson to recommend to City Council [CRA] to award Alpha Hardware and Marine Supply $7,499 subject to further review of the signage, landscaping and fagade improvements by this Committee. A voice vote was taken. All members were in favor. It was discussed by staff and the Committee that Ms. Humphrey could apply for an additional $7,501 through the next grant cycle. River Park Plaza: Motion by Dill/Haynes to recommend to City Council [CRA] the denial of a grant to River Park Plaza, LLC. A voice vote was taken. All members were in favor. The Committee stated the denial was based on that they felt the landscaping was a part of their approval for the site plan, and that grant monies would be spent better on other properties that met the intent of the program. E: Ms. Keys and Ms. Robinson offered to meet with the applicants to help design and discuss revisions to their sign details. The next FSL Grant Committee meeting to review final designs was tentatively scheduled for the first week of March. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM. t Approved,, _p @ Regular Meeting of L C? a.O(-_ bJairCan, S rant Fetiew Committee N Dimensional Slane ./ Letters Detail of sandblasted sign RoUTED/SANDBL-ASTER SIGNS These are we special signs mat everyone, notices and appreciates. Routed signs are signs where here the letters are carved into the `ace. Sandblasted signs are where. the face is blasted to leave behind raised letters or in-tages, Sandblasted is offered using very durable sign foam or cedar. Routed signs are typicaily made from PVC or wood. 0 Page 1 of 1 ,..... --- Page I of I Chase Ave. 4 -47 -1303 - Al r Municipal Building I " foor Mop" KITCHENS CUSTOM CABINETRY DESIGN ICEI�t��R BOOM DR LANE yY a3^ ► .gin L, D � w { cs Yffnt'ri tA.r.1�n+JC*trt.T.„C. a �R � f C.x y, it•. rev i?f S M a