HomeMy WebLinkAbout03252013 PR MinutesRECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MARCH 25, 2013 The Sebastian Parks and Recreation Committee was called to order by the Vice - Chairman. Roll Call was taken and the following members were present: Mr. Tenerowicz, Mr. Sims, Mrs. White, Mr. Simpson and Mrs. Flescher were absent excused. Mrs. Webster was absent and Mr. Lucier, resigned. Staff members present were Linda Kinchen, Secretary; Al Minner, City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Tenerowicz made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 25„ 2013 meeting. Second by Mrs. White passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS — 1) UPDATE ON GREENWAY SIGNS Mr. Minner says chairman made a new recommendation for the signs — they can A). discuss at this time and change recommendation, B) pull the item form the Council agenda or C) move forward with original recommendation Mrs. White recommends the item be pulled from the agenda. Committee agrees to pull the item. NEW BUSINESS - CIP DISCUSSION Mr. Minner says we need to consider additional parking at the multi use field. The next Street to be paved is Tulip Drive from Barber Street to Croquet so parking in the right of way could be done at that time with Stormwater improvements approximately $350,000 the City will be applying for a 319 grant which will hopefully pay for 1/2 of the cost. Mr. Tenerowicz asks how many spaces can we get and Mr. Minner reply's approximately 20. A- Dog Park Slab B- Racquetball courts C- Community Center improvements Mr. Tenerowicz is in favor of the slab at the Dog Park Mrs. White and Mr. Sims concurs. Mr. Sims opens the discussion up to the public The dog park representative Marie speaks and gives a long list of requests from their meeting. She says a dog park user is handicapped and is in favor of the slab and sidewalks because she uses a scooter. Parks and Recreation Minutes March 25„ 2013 Page Two Racquetball courts — Mr. Tenerowicz says we had a presentation at the last meeting and was suppose to bring back prices tonight. Bob Faust — gives a picture of racquetball courts- cost of $2000 — 40 ft wide 30 ft high in Vero — Mr. Minner says a tennis wall is more economical than racquetball courts which would cost about $80,000. Rich Sicher — says it would be better at the Clay courts would get more use there Mr. Minner says it would be used at either place. Mr. Sicher says must be a stand alone to not tie up the courts says doesn't need a fence the grass will stop the ball. This is ten times better than practice on the courts for rehabilitation. Mr. Minner says number crunching and location will bring back to the next meeting — Mr. Tenerowicz says a tennis wall not a racquetball court. Says it could go at Schumann where the swing set is now.- no other place to put it. Community Center Discussion — Mrs. White says wasn't here for the last meeting Mr. Minner says we should wait for a full committee to discuss — Mrs. White and Mr. Sims suggests that the members go out there and look before the meeting. She asks the Secretary to send an email asking the committee to do that. PUBLIC INPUT: Maria from the Dog Park — Goes over her list wants a monitor — Mr. Minner says not money for enforcement People need to work together. Donna Dean — Says not all dogs get along — we should put in a run — there are 15 at a time when busy day. Angela Ramsey — City should enforce the rules through Police or code enforcement — can make money — also they are finding broken beer bottles in the park — Mr. Minner to talk to the Chief. Bob Phelps — lock the gate at night- also the sprinklers are not working %2 the grass is dead — 2 dead trees need to be removed and branches on others are at eye level and need trimming. Larry Frashier — was attached last Friday called 911 didn't respond with urgency took 7 minutes — when called for a break in took 2 min to respond - didn't feel he got what he deserved on the complaint. A woman no name given speaks about it being a dust bowl sprinklers need to be fixed — Mr. Minner to speak to Chris. Parks and Recreation Minutes March 25„ 2013 Page Three Bob Phelps speaks again about the sprinkler system says after they run it is good but not working for a long time. Mr. Minner recaps the dog water area, dead trees, irrigation; he says locking it up will be difficult. CHAIRMANS MATTERS: None — but thanks to the Public for attending and voicing concerns, Thanks to the city staff for the work they do in the parks — Tells the members to check out the community center. MEMBERS MATTERS: Mrs. White asks when crossing US #1 it's a short time to cross that long area of lanes — DOT issue per Al will send them an email. Mr. Tenerowicz asks about Recreation Impact Fee fund balances. He asks if there is a Relay for Life team this year. Reminds everyone about the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday at 10 AM. STAFF COMMENTS: None Next meeting April 22, 2013 Will discuss CIP and Dog Park With no other business to come before the Parks and Recreation Committee, Vice - Chairman Sims declared the meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM. Approved April 22, 2013 Regular meeting. NA By Matthew Sims, Vice - Chairman, Parks and Recreation Committee