HomeMy WebLinkAbout05202013 PR MinutesRECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MAY 20, 2013 The Sebastian Parks and Recreation Committee was called to order by the Chairman. Roll Call was taken and the following members were present: Mr. Tenerowicz, Mrs. White, Mr. Sims, Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Flescher, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Webster, AE Staff members present were Linda Kinchen, Secretary; Al Minner, City Manager, Chris McCarthy, Parks Superintendent APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Flescher made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 22, 2013 meeting. Second by Mr. Tenerowicz passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS GREENWAY SIGNS: Mr. Simpson shows his new proposal for the sign — Mrs. White agrees it is better — Mr. Simpson says can make from wood to keep the cost down with laminate over the map since Mr. Minner says they would be cost prohibitive in metal. Mr. Sims asks if wood would cause splinters after time — Mr. Minner will take back to Council next month. NEW BUSINESS: CIP DISCUSSION: Mr. Minner says the following items should be included 1) Tennis Wall /Racquetball court 2) Dog Park slab 3) Community Center Needs analysis 4) Community Center Sign Mrs. Nelson asks if we have a time frame for a new building — Mrs. White says can't put one on it — funding should increase soon as economy picks up. Mr. Minner asks what they want from a new building 1) Recreation Classes 2) Senior Programs 3) Meeting rooms for clubs and groups 4) Commercial kitchen for rentals Parks and Recreation Minutes May 20, 2013 Page Two New construction would be $200 SF or 1 to 2 million The facilities at city hall have room for expansion. A new building will cost a lot in Impact Fees per Mr. Minner Mrs. Flescher asks at what point do we get someone to draw it — Mr. Minner says may want to do a study. Mrs. White says where would money come from — Mr. Minner says should stay in Impact only other one would be DST but feels Council will probably want to use Impact Fees Mrs. White asks if rental fees go back to impact — No fees all go to the general fund. Mrs. Flescher asks what should we do to get people here to tell us what they want. Mr. Sims says didn't know what time frame would be involved wanted to know if renovations to old building would take away from new building. Mrs. White says it would be a few years. Mr. Tenerowicz asks can we get any grant money — Yes Mrs. White says needs vs. costs must be considered. Where are we with using the Schools. Mr. Minner says will not happen due to liability. Mrs. Nelson asks if there is room at Friendship Park. Mr. Minner says the bocce and horseshoe could go and put in Tennis wall or behind the PD fence. But doesn't see any room for a building — No more room at Schumann or Barber Street, Hardee Park would not be good Filbert has some turtle issues but can work around them it might be a good location for it. Mrs. Flescher was just asking which would be better — Mr. Minner feels adding to city hall area would be best. Mrs. White says still need to get usage needs — Mr. Minner says lets put it in the CIP for needs analysis and see what happens. Mr. Sims asks if money will be wasted on Playground if we put in now — Mrs. Flescher says playground can be moved if needed. Mrs. Nelson says the current building needs work now and we should fix minor things until a new one is built. Mr. Simpson asks what the time frame would be for a consultant — Mr. Minner says at least 120 days. Mr. Sims says safety items should not be put on hold — Mrs. Nelson says the floor needs to be done and would like to see a sign put up outside. Mr. Minner says the draft CIP for the next meeting. 1) Tennis wall 2) Community Center Sign 3) Consultant for Community Enter 4) Dog Park Slab Parks and Recreation Minutes May 20, 2013 Page Three Mrs. Flescher says garden club park has some benches with no seats can we put in recycled plastic like at George Street — light poles need painting 2 city signs need to be fixed needs some sprucing up at Garden Club Park now a "C" but could be an "A" Park Mrs. White ask if Garden Club is still in existence — No George Street Park looks good needs a couple loads of sand or raked and trim the trees Filbert Street — Power wash playground per Mr. Tenerowicz and says there is a definite problem at the gate after rain at the dog park. Mrs. Nelson says been to Hardee Park several times there are 2 spots where roots are showing but other wise very well maintained and used. Mr. Sims says are there any updates on Schumann and asks if a fountain at the creative playground can be put in He says it is amazing what one piece of equipment has done there. Mr. Simpson says Bryant Court says several of the parks could use more trees He is hesitate to spend money on a new Community Center then not have money for improvements to the small parks. Filbert and Blossom need trees Mrs. White asks the cost — Mr. Minner say class A trees are $150 -$200 Mrs. White says Easy Street Park is well used. Mr. Tenerowicz says not a lot of big money items in 2014 CIP should we call the tennis people Mr. Minner says not now Mr. Simpson doesn't want to get rid of any courts. Cost for Racquet ball court would be $80,000 but Randy Hines would do the labor for free if the city buys the materials Mr. Tenerowicz says the zone maps should be updated to add the Gated communities Mr Minner will look at this and get back to them PUBLIC IMPUT; Jim Sunnycalb says how many months out of service will there be for anew community Center — Wants to know if we are going to move the maintenance building on Sebastian Blvd says would be a good place for a community center. Mr Minner says he is opposed to moving the Public Works to the airport due to rent — Mr. Sunnycalb asks if we can get sponsors — we will look at that Mr. Sunnycalb would like to see a community center everyone ohs and ahs over. Mr. Sunnycalb says he feels Riverview Park should be watched by one of the committee members and not him. He would like us to advertise the map signs and have people email problems with any park — Mr. Minner tells him the Parks and Recreation Minutes May 20, 2013 Page Four boardwalk is county but in our city- Sunny says the benches are nasty and need cleaned or replaced. Mrs. Flescher says she will tell her husband out concerns. CHAIRMANS MATTERS; Mr. Simpson says this is his last meeting really enjoyed working with everyone MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Sims says members should visit their parks and bring back comments Mrs. Nelson says autistic football- great response Mr. Tenerowicz nominates Mr. Sims for Chairman — Secretary advises that organizational meeting will be on next agenda. Are the lights on at Riverview park late for a reason — Council requested they be one for safety reasons per Chris. John says the memorial services is at 10 am Mrs. Flescher says thanks to the chairman for his service. Mrs. White Music in the Park was packed good job — asks about the speed limit on US #1 should Parks and Recreation agree — Mr. Minner says you can if you want too. Mrs. White is in favor of sending support. Make a resolution in support of lowering the speed limit Mr. Minner says will put on the next meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: Mr. Minner says there was a donation of a parcel at 922 Rosearbor Drive adjacent to the Garden Club Park given to the city. Next meeting 6 -24 -2013 at 6PM The agenda for the next meeting will have the CIP Final Budget Discussion With no other business to come before the Parks and Recreation Committee, Mrs. White declared the meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM. Approved June 24th, 2013 Regular Meeting. By N Mathew Sims, Vice - Chairman Parks and Recreation Committee