HomeMy WebLinkAbout07012013BUD MinutesCITY OF SET�11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES 6:00 P.M. MONDAY — JULY 1, 2013 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN Chairman Herlihy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Ed Herlihy Christine Vicars Harry Marshall Bruce Hoffman Absent: Dionna Farmer (unexcused) Gary O'Hara (excused) Tim Slaven (excused) Also Present: Don Wright, Vice Mayor Al Minner, City Manager Debra Krueger, Administrative Services Director Ken Killgore, Finance Director Barbara Brooke - Reese, MIS Senior Systems Analyst Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary 4. Approval of Minutes: a. Meeting of June 17, 2013 MOTION by Mr. Hoffman and SECOND by Mr. Marshall to approve the June 17, 2013 minutes passed with a voice vote of 4 -0. 5. Budget Overview by the City Manager The City Manager thanked the Management team for putting together the budget figures; this year looked a little better; and he presented a PowerPoint presentation. (See attached) The City Manager said the original budget expenses were $9.7M and the revenues are $9.9M so this is the first time in many years the budget is in the black. He said the new revenues included increases in the utility service taxes, state shared revenues, and the Building Department income from Business Taxes. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board July 1, 2013 Page Two 6:24 pm 6:31 pm 6:42 pm He said to take care of the employees first, management developed a revenue sharing formula which is the FY14 revenues minus the FY13 revenues, plus personnel /position savings divided by two yielded $195,629 each for personnel and City modifications. He said management would like to use the new revenue for CBA negotiations and in the MIS Division by promoting Rob Messersmith, providing a new position, increasing the City's bandwidth, and improving the software /hardware. On the operating side, he pointed out the ditch and swale mowing contract didn't work out so they will realize an increase when they go out to bid for contract renewal. He went over the planned capital purchases and Mr. Hoffman asked why some items wind up in the capital outlay of the operating budget and some wind up in capital improvements program funded by DST. The City Manager explained that new capital items go into the DST fund; non- recurring items above $50K will come out of special revenue funds, otherwise they will come out of the general fund noting the diversification benefits the general fund and keeps taxes down. In regard to the assessed value, the City Manager said he expected the 3% growth to continue on existing properties and new construction would be gravy on top of the 3 %. He said staff recommended setting the millage rate at 3.7166 and the DR420 form rate also at 3.7166. He reported the Golf Course remains the same; the Airport continues to be the primary economic tool; City Gas will put their gas station in front of Sebastian Middle School which will encourage new growth; the Building Department has shown good revenue growth requiring a new permit technician. He outlined the proposed Capital Improvement projects in his presentation. 6. Board Review and Comments on Draft Budget — FY2013/2014 In response to Mr. Hoffman, the City Manager said the Department of Revenue is backing up the projected increase in the state shared revenues. Mr. Hoffman asked for clarification in not going with the roll forward rate so we won't have to make a substantial jump in three years. The City Manager explained the things that make up staff recommendation are politics and keeping all parties happy by not raising taxes; sustaining services but not increasing services; a strong reserve fund. He said we don't want to grow too fast because if we overtax that will put us where we spend a little too much so we are being conservative. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board July 1, 2013 Page Three 7:13 pm He suggested as a Board, if they increased taxes, they could get more aggressive with capital purchasing to free up the special revenues and take care of more street paving, noting it is up to them and Council to direct staff where to spend. He noted the City does not have utility and in response to a possible push to get communities off of septic systems to protect the Lagoon, he explained some of the CRA money will continue to go to the sewer hook program with a possible match by the County and we will pursue a stormwater master plan for the CRA district. Mr. Hoffman asked why garbage pickup is not mandatory since it would generate a considerable amount of revenue if the remainder of the City participated. The City Manager said mandatory pickup is political, people don't mind taking their trash to the dump even though pickup would only come out to about $18 a month, and there was an unsuccessful 2004/2005 referendum for mandatory pickup. Chairman Herlihy pointed out under the new Waste Management contract, the cost went down, and subscribers will receive a wheeled cart. He said that with promotional efforts, maybe more people will subscribe and one day single point recycling would be initiated. In response to Mr. Marshall, the City Manager clarified that management plans to share the revenue increase with employees. Mr. Marshall asked if there are contingencies should the bottom fall out. The City Manager said there aren't, but we are in a strong position and the worst case scenario is we will remain steady. He noted the assessed values are in arrears by a year and things are improving. The Finance Director pointed out that Save Our Homes limits how much of the increase can be captured. In response to Ms. Vicars, the City Manager said management feels the 4 -5% increase for employee health care will be off set with the unused money in the HRAs and the new federal mandate to provide coverage for two part time employees will be in the 2015 budget. Chairman Herlihy said the Property Appraiser said he saw a sharp increase in home sales since last December. He asked if we have any crises in road maintenance. The City Manager responded it depended on what street he lived on but overall we are in good shape. Chairman Herlihy asked that all of them receive a copy of the PowerPoint presentation. In response to Mr. Hoffman, the City Manager said the 96% ad valorem collected was typical and the delinquent taxes will just flow in. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board July 1, 2013 Page Four 7:26 pm 7. Other Discussion /Questions by Committee Members Chairman Herlihy said the next meeting will be July 15tH 8. Public Input Vice Mayor Wright pointed out there might be some more good news for 2017- 2018 because while Save Our Homes limits them to collecting 3 %, there will be a substantial effect on the future resale of foreclosed homes. Vice Mayor Wright asked if the City Manager took out the City Hall debt obligation in the 2017 projection as that would recapture $1 M. The City Manager said management concentrated on the ad valorem decrease. One thing he pointed out is if the DST funds are not reaffirmed by the voters the loss of $2.5 M will hurt because it will place a number of capital projects and police car purchases in the general fund. In response to Chairman Herlihy, the Finance Director said the reserve number was $4,595,000 at the end of 2012. MOTION by Chairman Herlihy to stay away from the reserve fund and leave it at $4.5 M. There was no second. Mr. Hoffman pointed out if they use the roll forward rate they wouldn't need to touch the reserve. It was the consensus of the Board to support Chairman Herlihy' recommendation. MOTION by Chairman Herlihy and SECOND by Ms. Vicars to recommend to City Council a millage rate of 3.7166 passed with a unanimous voice vote of 4 -0. 9. Being no further business, Chairman Herlihy adjourned the Citizens Budget Review Advisory meeting at 7:32 p.m. J \� By: Chairman Ed Herlihy Date PROPOSED FY 2014 BUDGET BUDGET ADVISORY WORKSHOP MONDAY, JULY 1, 2013 "Catching the Can" cm tf SE A TIA HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Prepared By. City Manager and :administrative Services Department PRESENTATION OVERVIEW ;➢ General Fund Executive Summary New revenue Growth ' General Fund Services Setting Ad valorem 'Tax Levels On �� SEBASTIAN- HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND v' Setting Foundation for Quality Service & Sustainabilit Enterprise Funds ➢ CIPS Cl III edlo Q' 00 H V W W �J n z LU 0. • WC C FY 14 GENERAL FUND Initial Budget Expenses - $9,765,324 Wget Revenue Regulatory $345,8 Public Works $3,262,188 33% - $9,977,534 Non- $98,365 Less `1 han Projected FY 13 with $212,210 Available Public Safety 450903-341 - 42 °,Io 1 a 0 "'If IAN Y. HL")ME OF PELICAN ISLAND Administration $153611521 - 14- i'� GENERAL FUND Expenditures By Category Operating $2,329,893 - 24% Capital $79,500-1% ti'[1) .'F SEW�STIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Personnel $7,355,931- 75% C� ti" Z J .+ W _ f• t�L W J 1 A z w a w z w c7 v� T� V/1 a PEA W C=7 C In 9 -0 Q d CV V. �1J 0 i•I �y W �1J ..r.G cu P W © U 1 I C In 9 -0 Q d CV V. AA- V�- ift- ift- V - in- vv C In 9 -0 Q d CV V. Deferred $281,010 Clothing $26,560 - 0% F1 $39,2' X) GENERAL FUND 74� SEBAISMAN Personnel Expenses By Category HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Health Care Chapter 185 $861,947 _ 12% Worker's Comp Overtime $244,550 - 3% ,077 -2% Regular Salaries $5,057,296 - 73% W z I ...j tIn BMWs J I.J.. Ci LL Wc G Fv 14 GOOD NEWS ➢Revenue Growth — $324,500 ✓Utility Service Taxes - $111,400 l:M 4' SEWSTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND ✓State Shared Revenues - $113,100 ✓Return Business Tax - $100,000 * *** Ad Valorem Discussion Corning Later in the Presentation W U W cn A Z w W z w c� F�- i n z Dooms i� W. I C" LL. 0 low • F'V I XIEW PROGRAMS ➢Personnel :E9i "f SEBASTIA�N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND ➢Information Technology Network ➢Operations ➢Capital Purchases NEW PROGRAMS I Personnel Wages/Benefits � Employees First Campaign ITA "Y- SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND V/ Improve Wages/Benefits Prior to Making Other Expense modifications with New Revenues Revenue Sharing Approach Formula V' ((FY 14 Revenues — FY 13 Adopted Revenues) + (Personnel Savings))/2 1/ (($9,977,534—$9)6753,113)+($88,838))/2 v' Yields $195,629.50 for Personnel and City Modifications )�- Items to Negotiate During the CB A Process v"" COLA v' Bonuses End Furloughs (Ending 12 Days - $270,908 or 70% New Revenue to Employees) Hybrid Wage Improvements Approach Other Issues as Presented by Bargaining Units /Management ,:M .T NEW PROGFAMS SEBAST1j Improving Information Technology HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Recent Network Assessment Revealed Four Weaknesses V Bandwidth Hardware/ Software Security /Procedures V Personnel )- Weaknesses Already Addressed in FY 14 Budget Bandwidth Upgrade to 20 IN PBS - x$8,500 Annual Increase In Operations Security Weaknesses Improved v` Personnel Changes Made IT Network Manager Upgrade New IT System Analyst Position Proposed Developing a Plan to Address New Hardware /Software Applications with Allocation Coming From DST Fund NEW PROGRAMS Operating and Capital Operating Increases ' $100,000 Additional for Swale /Ditch Maintenance ➢ Major Capital Purchases ($77,500) v' SPD — Taser Upgrades ($5,000) v' SPIN — Portable Finger Print Scanner ($3,000) ✓ Pte' — Utility Berl ($6,000) v/ PW - Pick -Up Truck ($25,000) v/ Parks — Basketball Goal ($4,000) Parks —Mower ($12,500) Facilities - New Floor Community Center 12,000) ✓ Facilities - Lift Station Pump — Yacht Club ($10,000) <f n 11 SE13AST_" =ate - HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND W x FMI z w W O 4e a z 9 Wc G JT) SETTING THE ADVALOREM RATE EWkSTIA ,I Taxing Options IRPrI ROME OF PELICAN ISLAND FY 13 ASSESSED VALUE FY 14 ASSESSED VALUE $322,69( -5,004 $ 125 10 . r4 CURREC ,,JT RATE ROLL FORWARD RATE f- f� CURRENT REVEME POTENTIAL REVENUE CURRENT - ROLL FORWARD ARD $17,185 MAJORITY VOTE RATE MAJORITY REVENUE $6,2385 $4,890,01 7 CURRENT - MAJORITY VOTE SETTING THE ADVALOREM RATE At the Bottom? r It. $1,800,080, 000 $1,600,000,000 $1,400,W,000 $1,200,000,000 51,000,000,000 $800,000,000 $600,000,000 $440,000,000 $200,000,000 i[eti SF:EtASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 2002 2003 2004 20115 2W 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 20,15 2016 2017 2010 201'9 202D 2021 2022 V�vkto "'s YO rv-vW4 ------ - - ----------------- --- I ................. ........ ... — "Y MOW INS SU i� � 2 ASSESSED VALUE INCREASE FY 14 ADJUSTED TREND FY 13 PRaJECTED VALUE 3% GROWTH FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 2002 2003 2004 20115 2W 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 20,15 2016 2017 2010 201'9 202D 2021 2022 oop W LU w � v r'r'1 a a a G A C7 z QW-4 H H w } tw47- V. L r v o G a 6 P M a aw* 0 N r LL °a LL , 1 Z L, L, CL Q U, m z 0 L) W LU a LU 0 0 a I 4 w m C) { v o G a 6 P M a aw* 0 N r LL °a LL t two L i S w x 0 a a w x F Rm 4 M mo Fmo h� 4YI • T N ct P� w A 0 N Q a� 0 H CW7 A a z 41 f...q w � tA LU WC C 0 FUTURE SUSTAINABILITY General Fund Operations Through FY 22 iTll .'f SEBAS- 11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND FY 2814 FY 2414 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2819 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FYZ013 PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED TTm PROJECTED (f1„a1) P-dF 7 (PdF -d) w % (3% ) P%1 0% V 0 % EstinaledReserve 4,721JN8 4,934,100 4,7G,2DI 4,721386 4;613`1,920 4, 0,455 4334,348 4340,270 4,3C9p82 4, 91,595 4,138,771 4A1,524 Assess VAR 1 822,1 %904 825,100,342 875,100,342 825100342 849B53,M 675 A,%3 90199,421 9JW.704 956,517,435 985,212,958 1,014,766,347 1,1145,212.427 WIlap Rae $ 3.7166 3 -7166 S 3,7166 $ 3.71E6 1 3.7156 1 4.2500 1 4.2500 1 4.20700 1 41500 5 4.2500 S 4.25110 Taxes 2,'917254 2,92840 2,'928,240 2,946,425 3,025,117 3,115,656 3,685,248 3,774,435 39116939 4,0612,797 4,1T4131 4,245,)745 Franchise Fees 1,119,000 1,143AR3 1,1431100 1,143,00] 1,177290 1,177,290 1,177,290 1212,1399 1248,987 12%.457 1,325,1}50 136AX2 Utility Service Tax 2,464.71)0 2,,177110] 2,5071100 2„9171100 2,582 10 2982,210 2,582,210 29579,676 2,739,467 2$21,651 2,9(Xa,-1111 2,993,489 Stale SharedReaenue 2,114,800 2,030437 20.800 211!;307410 2,091,724 2X1,724 201,724 2.154,476 2,215,110 22K.0 2.364;Z4 2,424;881 09herReenue 771,162 Bmo 13071.855 E 2)356 U)Q 56 8020% 892,0% B02 P% 802'A% B020% 80205 802P36 IroerlundTransk4s 5175,399 5E6 J0 566,&38 595638 565.638 465,-99 465,399 415,396 415,399 415,99 415,399 415,339 From General Fund Reserve TOT GEN FUND REVENUE 9.863.689 1 9,977,534 1 M77,534 f 9,995.719 1 01.245,355 1 10,235.135 f 14.784.724 1 11,879.471 1 11:312.758 1 11.614.843 1 11.425.994 1 12.246.472 Personnel 5 7,35549071 5 7,355,931 1 7,355,931 3 1 1 S i 1 i $ Fudouo Termuiation 270,907 270 907 Personnel - Total S 7,493,545 5 7355,931 5 711x235M 5 7 RB MB 5 7,814 443 1 8114 X76 1 8298,343 5 8,539,053 5 8.795,225 1 9X,R8t 5 9 338,854 5 9,610,779 Dperations 2,185791 232OJ393 2329,893 2929393 2,353 „192 2376,724 2.400,491 2,424,496 2.448,741 2.473,213 2.497,961 2,522,940 Capital 184,352 79,500 79,500 79,%0 100.000 100,000 10opm 103,0010 11111p130 100,000 100000 100,030 Experrses Modificatlons Red KePDOT 120A PD 09 ,Ead r Relirement RO.04 (>3J,p0[rj TOT GEN FUND EXPS 1 4.883.689 S 9,765.324 S 5.995131 t 9,996.231 1 10,267.635 1 10.525,640 1 14.790,934 1 11.063.549, 11.3J3.9G6 1 11,632.310, 11.928,014 1 12.233,720 REVENUE - EXPENSES 1 S 212.210,$ In.6971 1 x512 I 17L2a4i 1 0110.46; � re.10 '1 µ1,Wa 1 131,2078, 1 417.4r; : 12,8141 1 11.753 RESERVE REOUIRENENT # 2.959.107 4 1.929,597 1 2.1798.864 $ 2,999.889 1 3,190.291 1 3.157,98 S 3.237258 1 3.319,1155 1 3.443.190 1 3.489,693 I S 3.578."4 1 3.674.116 PERCENT COVERAGE 47.9`; 50.5°; 47.0-41 47,2:, 45k'1 41.7'l 40.6% 39.2 °a 38.0% 36.9"1 36.0'a 35.2% FUTURE SUSTAINABILITY $5,000,000 $4,500,000 $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 What is the Best Tax Rate? HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND - - - GF RESERVE REQUIREMENT CURRENT TAX RATE - - ADJUSTED TAX RATE FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 (j) A z w W V) 0=04 PM4 W ionq z w 'J r) Q th z LU ,J Cl. LL 0 LW ENTERPRISE FUNDS Golf Coarse - FY 14 $113425660 1, Revenue 'Trend Steadv VT 10 - 51,27,11 %/IA7 11 - S 1,331,072 VFY 12 - $1,354,042 VFY 13 - $110353,673 �fll SEIRAS-TIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND v/May Need to Consider mother Modest Increase for FY 14 v/Trend Shoes Strong Season and Poor Cuff- Season Fee Increase from FY 13 Not Providing Enough Capital Funds Goals for FY 2013 and FY 2014 Continue Cart Path Replacements (Nearly Complete w/ New Funds) Equipment Purchases for Turf and Irrigation Improvement VPla.nning Capital Projects Fleeting W IGM *Green Rebuild - S1251000 az 11 � J J LiJ r.4 's j G W f 2 LU A z w W cn P4 R. W H z w 0 cU a C N ov a v r— v Q v cn 0 4 G Law �Q Q� N a� cU ca 9 A 0 C7 O N .y A A U U w U v U A 10-. LO Ln t Q ., 4 U Q CJ1 � � U GU U .0 Q 0 +-j �+ 4-j d ,Q u, +, ;-4 A W W A A 0 cU a C N ov a v r— v Q v cn 0 4 G Law �Q Q� N a� cU ca 9 A 0 C7 O N .y A A U U w U v U A ENTERPRISE FUNDS SE Building Department HOME � PELICAN ISLAND r New .Revenue and Positive Growth Trend ➢Projected Loss For FY 12 ➢Estimate Losses Through FY 2011 *FY 2007 — ($497,275) •FY 2008 — ($212,17+0 •FY 2009 — (S 159,430) -FY 2010 — X5117)693 •FY 2011 — ($58,344) eFY 2012 — $26,574 eFY 2013 — $2285574 •FY 2014 — $105,754 )i;;�,FY 14 — Transfer Business Tax Back to General Fund 1;-New Position Proposed — Permit Technician BUILDING DEPARTMENT $1,6430,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,v00 $400,000 $200,000 - $- Forecast On 1�F SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND - - - BF RESERVE REQUIREMENT ENDING FUND BALANCES UPDATED PROJECTION FY 13 PROJECTION FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 ; E \ LAJ �A ) \ k Lu r � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � .� .� � U � � .� � � � # / \ & # & > K y % > / ¥ / \ / 6 % , \ % m \ a $ % % + > ® to w) _ n c4 � - �6 & w w w k � 7 7 |2 w E -1 - 0 < U . (1) z ± Lu 0 6 � 3 w Q a. af U . � � | � ! � ! � | � .� ` � e 0 � � � | . � C . � . � r� . � # / \ & # & > K y % > / ¥ / \ / 6 % , \ % m \ a $ % % + > ® to w) _ n c4 � - z w w 0 x a a d H a v ■1 A-tmq to C7 O a a z .J tjl� c. G CIP FUNDS ➢ CIP Funded by Special Revenues i. Discretionary Sales 'Tax 2. Motor Fuels Tax (Local Option Gas) 3. Stormwater Utility Fee 4. Impact Fees —Recreation 5. Incremental Property Taxes (CR ) J n S.' SEBASTIA HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND . / %� � NNW. z LLJ ud- W-1 LU +-j I- u /---N OC \10. L-n � CIN � � \ �� � \\ M O i, a� a 4) V R w LUM t --A LAJ 00 6,j A° air V& - " \ I � J a j W 1 FFFF �} r �1 4� �A c� a� 4� 4� c� .0 .—� C�3 y(j) C� Q O P PLACE rQ i0 c PA �i iw L=1 I LU rM4 M Ln ta \% � . \ \� � H•I'm 'Z � � \ \� Z � l/ LL. M u V F- 0 C� C� V 0 O �4 Q z LW G. U- w C� 1��yy V 4� p�p Lr� Z A u iz u '1"1 CI1 u 04 43 4-j l� N Indian River Drive T.iorht Pnle- Renair .115 �'+ SE T1A --,�-� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND LU e 2 4� C) `) rr> ^� � V y ,fir t� tali w y � e , Al 'Y L��, O 6L. 6Aj 4L n r m VJ TEN TM I Railroad Crossing 'N'T - I., -'. -.- -.- - - 'Irn 47* SEBASTI NN .ICAN ISLAND LOGT Forecast 1-11) :1F E—�T HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND F1'" 11.12 FY 1243 FY 13 14 FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 FY 16 -17 FY 17 -18 FY 1849 L-1 Opw Gas 7-- 1, 596, 702 t5.AA D0O 6644,D D0 SSda PT1. SS44 960 5544.000 S6440M 1544,030 FOOT Lightvg Agr "-"' 9353 9979 9.424 9474 9474 9,474 9.474 9;474 Pl-N Loan Rooaeds ] 712 ® 0 D 0 6 D D Isesemml Jaewne i�X 2539 1555 1,43fi 1621 1545 1 71 1697 741a1 Reveeun P)%l 059 SSefi,i 13 S695,10 V-65 T, SA WS XS S%5,119 W6145 055,171 D*m PaTmeet 2;3m,742 Finarw rp Costs 3D1031 Op—" Costs (Sheet Lghte; etc.] 189311 sing Maiien - RJR CrosFe 5,103 La Oe T—s —A F—d 125900 Got a Gars Match 589)0 TOTAL 2,7307 ar Delp Payment 243 pn Opeeaterg Costs (sheet LJybts,mo.] 2039FA RJR Crossseg Maime me 5.(100 Sheet Repseing 27s= TOTAL 23G.p76 Dobl Pay—rd 247741 C) e, mg Casts (SUeet UgHs) 203900 RJR Crosseng M3a nerve 5900 India. R— 0me Lghl Pdcs 5 pm Road stnptog 10,000 S4-.N. Repairs 25Jl(A SE" RePa. 9 75DX TOTAL x)41 Debt Papmem 242163 Operali,a3 Costs (Sree1 Lights]. X}3900 PA Crossing }dawn -- 5Jim Sd'erc alk Repiirs 25 MO Elrc Rep. -g 75 xw TOTAL 554,783 DMt Paymem 242,74B Opa.wl Casts ($reel Lights? 278.DW RMCrossing Mil.n 's 5900 sw., lk Repair, 25960 Sf,w Rep." 25,1-100 TOTAL 5M.74B Debt Payme d 242535 Opera N Casts (M—f Lights] 203;000 RM Crossing trla:is_. 5900 slum ReRv" 100:970 TOTAL 550 535 Lieu Par." 242445 Opeali, g Coed* (St est Lghc6] 2113900 RJRCrossing Me�'aerp a 591-13 51�e44 Repmmg 1C0pm TOTAL 5-50,445 D#4Pwoni l- FinatFY71 -Z3 253,177 OP-2 Casts (Street Lights} 203LLD R» R Crossing Mmmearmc* 5900 S1roe1 Repamg mopI1 TOTAL SS1,177 BEGNMG FUND BM1UtNCE S 58,5-52 #19(1 74 S ]0311 S 9,700 S t39� S 18,334 S 22;818 S 27,118 E>u0GE7- WESERvE 15 %DF E?WEN5 55,3 72,450 41 100 12.450 4245A e5,3,dD 4600 451012 UNRESTRICTEDWESERI+E6,41MANCE 3166 117,824 (24, 8) (52.7W) (26.4 y (Y AO (23,382) (18MZ TOTAL REVENUES Ml 10 5%,113 555,,130 5551070 555!095 555,119 5% 445 555,17$ TOTAL EWENOITURES.TRANSFER'3 2730147 TNJJ26 555741 57a3 55074® 5501®6 553445 551,177 ER NIV FUND BALANCE 1 134,$77 S (52,139) 4 G5X% S 98,462) $ (2'!,116) # (39,383) S(t6,6Gd] S (14,698] 1-11) :1F E—�T HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 4� 4� w V OMNI rm i 0 FMdd ;2 cl z z 77 L, U CL LL 0 L.0 cn 0 VON( z 2 6JJ C) Al, EM 1-0 O 1� Al'A LU cc 00 (M CO) 7� (U (U �i Cz) C) C) T-4 t4 Nl__.� � �� � / LU V% � f) IWIVV Ln ..� /© \` {�} O n z z Lu LA- 1 AiA L" +-a O �N A-- Recreational Impact Fee Forecast SEBA4ST1 N FAO ME GAF PELICAN ISLAND FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 FY 16 -17 FY 1748 FY 18 -1() Recreation Impact Fees $ 58,500 $ 72,800 $ 35,001) $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 1 35,000 Pelican Isles Escrow Release - - - 146„250 - - - - Inveslrnenllncorne 4,388 1,900 1,569 1,199 901 1,048 1,300 1,654 PROJECTED REVENUE $ 52x888 $ 74,700 $ 36,569 $ 182 „449 $ 35,901 $ 36,048 $ 36,300 3 36,554 Schumann Park 56,027 70,500 Hardee Park (2,568) 125,000 Easy Street Path lights 57.401 15 0BO Schumann Park Pavilli on 28,340 Riverview Park Irrigation and Fountain- - 16,738 Bark Park Ameni -es 10,029 38,522 Riverview Park Electrical 7,339 Rowedine Road 16,323 LM Station - Riverview Park 994 6luewayJSlgnageWlararvements - 25,000 Barber StreetBasehallFieldDrainage 43,923 Barber Street Bleacher Shields 86 49,914 GommunitfCenter Playground Equipment 25,090 Handicap Pier -Yacht Club - 15,000 TOTAL FY 12 217,854 Creative Playground Improvements RKeenriew Park VolteybaII Lights Schumann PlwAmund Equipment Barber Street Multi-use Field Lights TOTAL FY 13 Community Center bleeds Analysis Community Center Sign Dog Park Concrete Pad Tennis WallfR aq uet B all C ou rt TOTAL FY 14 Equipment Building Rebuild Skate Park Ramps TOTAL FY 15 Mooing Fields TOTAL FY 16 TOTAL FY 17 TOTAL FY 18 130,000 20,000 25,000 185,000 580.174 10.000 7,500 3,000 50,000 70,500 100.000 125,000 225,000 15 0BO 15.400 0 rr C� TOTAL FY 19 0 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 848,187 $ 593,221 S 187,747 S 153,816 $ 111,265 S 132,557 $ 168,214 $ 204,514 TOTALREVENUES 62,388 74,700 36,569 182,449 35,901 36,+740 36,300 36,554 TOTALLXPENDITURES 217,054 580,174 70,500 225,000 15,090 0- 0 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 693,221 $ 187,747 $ 153,616 $ 111,265 $ 182,157 S 168,214 $ 201,514 $ 241,068 O 4� 4� 0 U U 4� �A J LJJ LL. 0 W C) 2 .. . � ��p...2 � \ � � � , CIA � � LU 01) %P 10 &AE4 .5 lillillppp� I --, 0 A W4 4c !-2111 ui ED I in ul !-2111 ui ED I in Special Events ($421,468) SEBAS-TLNN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND A M 93 Fff ITL C) IF 4C Cl� r" N1 LE QLC IE esmQ,Mm Umubmbc qam! iq Transfer to General Fund Merm Quality Maintenance (S60,000) �F.II A E� IAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND . _ �'._ ?X .: .: �''- r.,. ?l.'...a_� �a, r!�. .... -�, s. }fit .:i_. ±ki .:��•6 �. �'•S�',• ' _ .. a. ,- 3... _ __. :... ... . lll�k A. iL •T1 v CD K O O T 'r1 1 r � i ri " 2 \ �g . � LU � 0 7 � � � � � W 97:1 � � .� � � � � � � R�J � � � � � � ƒ � | � °!,! ■!� «� % CRA Forecast ."M 'F SEBASTIM HOME ��F PELICAN ISLAND FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FYDA4 FY7-F-1S FY 45 -16 FY 116 -17 FY1T -19 FY TB -19 7ac;rrre -Af -City 9131,921 9145,497 1144,959 914 +,956. 9144 -959 1144,956 914.655 s 144,956 Tufra;re -d ham CP9ah 123,219 120,896 4 2D.fi10 5720.670 9M61.0 1120,610 1120.610 F 770,519 Reo1s 12000 - - - - - - - Tmxastneminr• -tee 1.M.3 1;092 1,936 1.&30 1;930 TAX 1.238 1.930 PRCWECTER RE119111E 29®,512 269,215 267,4D2 267,396 267396 267,399 367,3% 261396. 4-1.g Eg er,dAtres 42.058 Wales -,m Re eonslEaCanses M410 Wale rinM Rars Credb 12,DUO Fa{adPSipn rnpi- - mlPmyam 32.M F:.3er:al Erents 33„3% Tran5T2r 61Oeneral FUrtI Mr COa17r l4ardananta 60.994 wes;annex Sraets'vhPid54! 594 100, 599 Oarewml E.7naluk nertW - 25;AN Ca.Cay Enna, em ft3 43.954 TOTAL FNBWRCgfl CRA FY72 245,426 Od aw�gEondrxns 71;572 4`9a1edM 25,000 FapdeMgn Im -nl Prvgmm 26,1100 sags C4r•alermn Rreroram 1 k,000 9perr4l TMarks .2,469 Tr.-rsTer 4Oen4ral Fend for fSeaNaalaerlananrr 90,900 TOTAL RfWU*FWM1 CRA FY13 4A8,639 Ope "Eanrod". 75,572 'War *r Rennra5onslExF.snses 75.DOD FaF4rtle4ipn 4mPIAlrased P,.V.,. 30;DOD Srvcial f_renl6 42,469 Rr{rrhdnr SmmM'alcr Plan 50.000 7...fer b General rand f., Qwlll7 rA- rrmna.,ce WON TOTAL Rbi€ MNtT M FY14 279,940 OP-2w FaCRrrtl4Yroi 71,5F2 wale Me x Refs . a0o-asrEapc -rases 35,000 TalaUer6lpn rmP m�pm46'4 Prayam 30.000 Sr441a1 E.enls 42,468 Tians9ar m General FYndrpr rm,4rir! MarM1:na.He GWM TOTAL lavE Rl4FF CRA FYIS IM040 Ope ©np Eay4rdWras 37,512 Waleiho. %RenC sBdnSrcry.MSes ]3, 6DD f a6aac ^oipn tmolaren^xrs Program 36,900 9FKIA E.e 42,468 TransrerWOenerai Fund fer Qu MMaiYerArxe 60,000 TOTALS CW C" PYifi 229,040 0p-onp Eryeraybim& 71 -572 waladr[r4 Randacbdn agansas 2Vao Taladws.pnrvlo+ art ..t Proq- 90.,6:09 $retie! Evrnls 42,4 W Trsnsrdr Is Oenarx Fund Tor QLerasMarnar u 6D.M TCT1L RNEFURM7 fM F /47 22%049 00e, g E pe a- 71,572 YTaleltrx4 Rglrr..raD EU ses 25;DO9 Fa1ad4 s-o 6npRrem4rA PlpQam 30,000 S Vial LwrU 42,459: Trarr -,:1er M Peneral Kund 10, Qw6h MaslarrFrte 60;D00 TOTAL UM0411 CRA FYW M 228,000 Op4rrir*s EmenddaaS T1,5T2 wade .m RerdaaAO0.,1EVenses 25-9® Fasade5ign mPr®r�esne+d PrtlyFam 911,000 59r:ial s -terns 42,466 Tnresi-rcm OeneralFUa9 for Wa4FFManhn4rrra _ 60,0610 TOTAL NVEF tOMT CUA FY19 2 situ B101ns 13 RJUD BkLKNCE 5455.999 5479,895 $299,472 9296,834 1325,190 i363,5A0 SAD1,03 1 440;259 ..7:Fd,.0,L R�.FF:ilES Tk9„Si2 269,215 267,402 267,3% 267,396 257,396 267-% 267,396 A71wU FxppNnRuFrFs 24$ -47& 449639 Tf9.04D 229.040 219-M 324040 229,048 Me" Ef"iG R*OBAIAMCE 1478.9!15 6]89422 9256,934 5325,180 ;363.546 7401.903 1440.259 S 4T9-616 ."M 'F SEBASTIM HOME ��F PELICAN ISLAND 7� w m +M) T� i� 4� t� C V d z J LLJ CL 0 W 0 Debt Payment ��„�� SEPASMAN Series 2003 Issue HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND ($440,819 — Retires 2022) Collier Creek Twin Ditch Periwinkle w 0 P � p F Mv= CU V � a 4� a CL, 0 IM m s� a� o � a o c� c �Il 0 a� a� 0 0 0 rO Stormwater Park Maintenance ($251,000) Oh ,I. E BASTt HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND U-m L r � J .r I> LU X i 4� O °aecenj a +Wmm ®b L ury N m � m � e N C s W 47 m CO G5 q W .fin m x 0. 0 N W CZ � a � � � C � � F � W•NL7� ��`! • la WF 6 LL V r W W w J ¢ n m sE Sa d °� S d i; and i z Cz E J. S4 5� #2 pZZm E0': LLaw�Ua a W° G1 w },,a �f 0. m ¢�' no wVa � �0 m a Q, N a- m °e m} a da W abhp= zW�w rc- Or w, °`ae °e Eby pm¢ my 4 n ru t ct a n £ y otm- -M..ow t 'W: c� n R z■r U ..p `n EFEEa =F m€ mm ngY oNE �.bi 91E -�F oN�nea oWP`d w cT Oa z2z2a m oa o e4 Wiab '3 n8�9Yr °G n °�:� am ��Ti .0 W7zzZy m_N CWm.F 0H, ¢Z61A.— dOw D2a` --. at1NNUlUhA 4ON HH dOm War 120e0 >rr dOm WF• W @7 ���eeem WWm pv9tltlac? p Q ®Nm p � awQr M R W n1 mtlW �Neen N N r WOW A an40bbbh N N� W W h• e eWN W WWA m44tl44oW A YZ nrv�44oi r9 0 r w4444WW6N � ee ES a +Wmm ®b L ury N m � m � e N C s W 47 m CO G5 q W .fin m x 0. 0 N W CZ � a � � � C � � F � W•NL7� ��`! • la WF 6 LL V r W W w J ¢ n m sE Sa d °� S d i; and i z Cz E J. S4 5� #2 pZZm E0': LLaw�Ua a W° G1 w },,a �f 0. m ¢�' no wVa � �0 m a Q, N a- m °e m} a da W abhp= zW�w rc- Or w, °`ae °e Eby pm¢ my 4 n ru t ct a n £ y otm- -M..ow t 'W: c� n R z■r U ..p `n EFEEa =F m€ mm ngY oNE �.bi 91E -�F oN�nea oWP`d w cT Oa z2z2a m oa o e4 Wiab '3 n8�9Yr °G n °�:� am ��Ti .0 W7zzZy m_N CWm.F 0H, ¢Z61A.— dOw D2a` --. at1NNUlUhA 4ON HH dOm War 120e0 >rr dOm WF• W @7 n I" LI 2 ID V�F= 'ti x X 'COO I C