HomeMy WebLinkAbout06242013 PR MinutesRECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES JUNE 24.2013 The Sebastian Parks and Recreation Committee was called to order by the Vice - Chairman. Roll Call was taken and the following members were present: Mr. Tenerowicz, Mr. Sims, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Flescher, Mrs. Nelson, Mr. Paschall, Mrs. White, AE Staff members present were Linda Kinchen, Secretary; Al Minner, City Manager, Chris McCarthy, Parks Superintendent NOMINATIONS FOR CHAIRMAN AND VICE - CHAIRMAN John Tenerowicz nominated Mr. Sims for Chairman who declined the nomination — Mr. Tenerowicz withdrew his nomination — Mrs. Flescher nominated John Tenerowicz for Chairman Second by Mrs. Webster — Unanimous Mrs. Flescher nominated Mr. Sims, second by Mr. Tenerowicz passed unanimously. Mrs. Flescher is voting in the absence of Mrs. White Mr. Tenerowicz takes over control of the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Sims made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 20, 2013 meeting. Second by Mrs. Webster passed unanimously. Again Mrs. Flescher was voting in Mrs. White's absence OLD BUSINESS CIP DISCUSSION: Mr. Minner gives a short outlay for members Mr. Tenerowicz has a few money questions — asks if any of the projects can be started now - Mr. Minner says prefers to wait for council approval. Mr. Paschall asks what happens at build out — Mr. Minner says we would get no more impact fees and any future improvements would have to be done from the general fund Mr. Minner says we can move forward with the projects but wants to wait until chairman speaks to council. Parks and Recreation Minutes June 24, 2013 Page Two CIP CONTINUED Mr. Tenerowicz asks if the community center playground fence is included in the project — Chris answers yes Mr. Sims asks about a water fountain for the community playground Mr. Sims says still would like to see a sign on US #1 directing people to the Community Center.- MR. Minner says we can try to do it but it must be approved by DOT. Mr. Sims asks about the skate park project — will it be the same design but different material — yes per Mr. Minner NEW BUSINESS; NONE PUBLIC INPUT: Jim Sunnycalb — Riverview Park volleyball — thanks from the players — asks Chris if a bleacher can be put there — yes per Chris also there is a new squirrel box there people are taking pictures of them — regarding the boardwalk at the county — Commissioner Flescher to see if cleaning can be put on the schedules. — August is anniversary of the Bark Park CHAIRMANS MATTERS: Mr. Tenerowicz says didn't see the parking lot on Tulip in the budget and Mr. Minner says it may not have to come from the recreation budget that's why — currently in the DST funding budget trying to get a grant to match LOGT also funding some Mr. Tenerowicz asks Mr. Minner when he should go to council — Mr. Minner says give them a heads up on Wednesday. Ball field lights look good, community center playground looks good also. Got a complaint about trash in the dugouts in the AM — July 4th there is a 5K run, then the parade at 8:30 AM fireworks at 9AM. Mr. Paschall — asks if park on 512 between Publix and the church is in the City — Mr. Minner says no it is a county park. Mrs. Nelson asks if the trees at Easy Street Park can be trimmed over the sidewalk. Where we are on the demo at Schumann Park — waiting for employee to get back from vacation - Ball fields look nice Mrs. Flescher says Garden Club has been cleaned up — need to move the benches out until we can repair — George Street sand still needs to be raked — grass looks good but we Parks and Recreation Minutes June 24, 2013 Page Three need to trim the palm trees. Says the county boardwalk was treated two days ago waiting on cleaning Mrs. Webster says field four behind home plate washed out NE corner and there will be a 5K walk inside the park in October for cancer Mr. Tenerowicz asks if we can support something like that as a community — yes per Mr. Minner Mr. Sims when will multi purpose field be finished and how will public get to use it MR. Minner says we will need a use permit from all groups STAFF COMMENTS: Mr. McCarthy says John Danise the tennis pro wants to get a grant to put lines on the courts. A motion to direct Chris to look into the grant by Mrs. Flescher second Mr. Tenerowicz passed unanimously Next meeting is July 22, 2013 With no other business to come before the Parks and Recreation Committee, Mrs. White declared the meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM. Approv.ecb June 24t 13 Regular Meeting. By.' Jahn Tenerowicz, Chairman'------ Parks and Recreation Committee