HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 08 13 Ltr to DEP r, CR OF SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Also Phone (772) 388-8214—Fax (772) 589-5570 E-Mail: smaioAcitvofsebastian.orq August 13, 2010 Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 125 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000 RE: Submerged Lands Lease Renewal BOT No. 310006484 To Whom It May Concern: Attached please find a Sovereignty Submerged Lands Lease Renewal for the City of Sebastian as authorized for execution by the City Council on August 11, 2010 along with a check in the amount of$3,196.68, billing information form and a City of Sebastian tax exemption certification. The lease has been executed by Mayor Richard Gillmor, attested by City Attorney, Robert Ginsburg and City Clerk, Sally Maio and notarized by Deputy City Clerk Jeanette Williams. Though the attached lease renewal in its title states "Modification to increase square footage and reflect change in ownership" and in its body notes a fee of"$449.11 for the expanded area, we have been notified that fee is due on the entire lease area in the amount of$3,196.68. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Growth Management Director, Rebecca Grohall at (772) 388-8228 or rgrohall(a citvofsebastian.orq or City Manager, Al Minner at (772) 388-8203 or aminner(c�citvofsebastian.orq. As soon as we receive the fully executed lease back from FDEP, my office will take immediate steps to have the lease recorded and returned to FDEP as required. Sin -rely, Sally A. aio, MMC City Clerk Enclosures(4) (lease, check, billing information form, tax exempt certificate) Cc: City Manager City Attorney Growth Management Director Administrative Services Director This Instrument Prepared :y: Pattie J.Scott Recurring Revenue Sectio Bureau of Public Land A• I• 'station 3900 Commonwealth Bo I evard Mail Station No.125 Tallahassee,Florida 3239' B s ARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA SOVEREIGNTY SUBMERGED LANDS LEASE RENEWAL MODIFICATION TO INCREASE SQUARE FOOTAGE AND REFLECT CHANGE IN O RSHH' BOT FILE NO.:3100064:4 PA NO.: THIS LEASE is iereby issued by the Board of Trustees of the Internal provement Trust Fund of the State of Florida,hereinafter referre s to as the Lessor. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of payment of the annual lease fees hereinafter provided and the faithful and timely perfo . ance of and compliance with all terms and conditions stated herein,the Lessor does hereby lease to the Ci of Sebasti.s Florid. hereinafter referred to as the Lessee,the sovereignty lands described as follows: A parce of sovereignty submerged land in Section 06 Towns p 31 South,Range 39 East,in the Indian River, Indian •'ver County,containing 20,855 square feet, more or less,as is more particularly described and shown on Atta.hment A,dated June 4,2010. TO HAVE THE SE OF the hereinabove described premises from June 28,2010,the effective date of this modified lease renewal,through Au... 15 2014 the expiration date of this modified lease renewal. The terms and conditions on and for 1 which this modified lease,-newal is granted are as follows: 1. USE OF PR•PERTY: The Lessee is hereby authorized to construct and operate a 13-slip commercial docking facili and non-water d-. ndent build n!structure exclusively to be used for mooring fishing and recreational vessels in conjunction with an upl.I.customer parking lot for marina,without fueling facilities,with a sewage pumpout facility if it meets the regulatory requiremen of the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection or State of Florida Department of Health,whichever agenc has jurisdiction,and without liveaboards as defined in paragraph 29,as shown and conditioned in Attachment A. All of the,oregoing subject to the remaining conditions of thislease. 2. LEASE FEE': The Lessee hereby agrees to pay to the Lessor an initial annual lease fee for the expanded area (2,930 square feet)of$449.11 plus 25 percent surcharge and sales tax pursuant to Section 212.031,Florida Statutes,if applicable,within 30 days•f receipt of this fully executed modified lease. The annual fee for the remaining years of this lease for the entire lease area 20 85.square feet)shall be adjusted pursuant to provisions of Rule 18-21.011,Florida Administrative Code. The State of Florida Dep. ent of Environmental Protection,Division of State Lands(the"Division")will notify the Lessee in writing of the amount and s e due date of each subsequent annual lease payment during the remaining term of this lease. All lease fees due hereunder shall b;remitted to the Division,as agent for the Lessor. [01-06] 3. WET SLIP RENTAL CERTIFICATION/SUPPLEMENTAL PAYMENT: (A)The Lessee shall provide upon request by the Lessor any and all information in a certified form needed to calculate the lease fee specified in paragraph two (2)above,including the income,as defined in subsection 18-21.003(31),Florida Administrative Code,derived directly or indirectly from the use of sovereignty submerged lands on an annual basis. When six percent(6%)of said annual income exceeds the base fee or minimum annual fee established pursuant to Rule 18-21.011,Florida Administrative Code,for any lease year during the term of this lease,the Lessor shall send the Lessee a supplemental invoice for the difference in the amounts for that lease year. (B)The instrument or agreement used by the Lessee to transfer or assign the right to use a wet slip at the leased docking facility to a third party shall include a provision that clearly notifies the wet slip renter/user/holder that if the wet slip renter/user/holder subsequently transfers his right to use said wet slip to another party,the instrument or agreement used to transfer said wet slip shall contain a provision that requires six percent(6%)of the annual gross income derived from said instrument or agreement for the use of said wet slip be paid to the Lessee who,upon receipt,shall report and transmit said amount to the Lessor. The instrument or agreement used by the Lessee to transfer a wet slip shall also include a provision that clearly notifies the wet slip renter/user/holder that no interest in said wet slip may be further transferred unless a substantially similar provision to the one contained in the preceding sentence is placed in each succeeding instrument or agreement used to transfer said wet slip to each new wet slip renter/user/holder. 4.LATE FEE ASSESSMENTS: The Lessee shall pay a late payment assessment for lease fees or other charges due under this lease which are not paid within 30 days after the due date.This assessment shall be computed at the rate of twelve percent(12%)per annum,calculated on a daily basis for every day the payment is late. 5. EXAMINATION OF LESSEE'S RECORDS: For purposes of this lease,the Lessor is hereby specifically authorized and empowered to examine,for the term of this lease including any extensions thereto plus three(3)additional years,at all reasonable hours,the books,records,contracts,and other documents confirming and pertaining to the computation of annual lease payments as specified in paragraph two(2)above. 6. MAINTENANCE OF LESSEE'S RECORDS: The Lessee shall maintain separate accounting records for: (i)the gross revenue derived directly from the use of the leased premises,(ii)the gross revenue derived indirectly from the use of the leased premises,and(iii)all other gross revenue derived from the Lessee's operations on the riparian upland property. The Lessee shall secure,maintain and keep all records for the entire term of this lease plus three(3)additional years. This period shall be extended for an additional two(2)years upon request for examination of all records and accounts for lease verification purposes by the Lessor. 7. AGREEMENT TO EXTENT OF USE: This lease is given to the Lessee to use or occupy the leased premises only for those activities specified herein. The Lessee shall not(i)change or add to the approved use of the leased premises as defined herein(e.g.,from commercial to multi-family residential,from temporary mooring to rental of wet slips,from rental of wet slips to contractual agreement with third party for docking of cruise ships,from rental of recreational pleasure craft to rental or temporary mooring of charter/tour boats,from loading/offloading commercial to rental of wet slips,etc.);(ii)change activities in any manner that may have an environmental impact that was not considered in the original authorization or regulatory permit;or(iii)change the type of use of the riparian uplands or as permitted by the Lessee's interest in the riparian upland property that is more particularly described in Attachment B without first obtaining a regulatory permit/modified permit,if applicable,the Lessor's written authorization in the form of a modified lease,the payment of additional fees,if applicable,and,if applicable,the removal of any structures which may no longer qualify for authorization under the modified lease. 8. PROPERTY RIGHTS: The Lessee shall make no claim of title or interest to said lands hereinbefore described by reason of the occupancy or use thereof,and all title and interest to said land hereinbefore described is vested in the Lessor. The Lessee is prohibited from including,or making any claim that purports to include,said lands described or the Lessee's leasehold interest in said lands into any form of private ownership,including but not limited to any form of condominium or cooperative ownership. The Lessee is further prohibited from making any claim,including any advertisement,that said land, or the use thereof,may be purchased,sold,or re-sold. Page 2 of 16 Pages Sovereignty Submerged Lands Lease No. 310006484 9. INTEREST IN RIPARIAN UPLAND PROPERTY: During the term of this lease,the Lessee shall maintain the interest in the riparian upland property that is more particularly described in Attachment B and by reference made a part hereof together with the riparian rights appurtenant thereto,and if such interest is terminated,the lease may be terminated at the option of the Lessor. Prior to sale and/or termination of the Lessee's interest in the riparian upland property,the Lessee shall inform any potential buyer or transferee of the Lessee's interest in the riparian upland property and the existence of this lease and all its terms and conditions and shall complete and execute and documents required by the Lessor to effect an assignment of this lease,if consented to by the Lessor. Failure to do so will not relieve the Lessee from responsibility for full compliance with the terms and conditions of this lease which include,but are not limited to,payment of all fees and/or penalty assessments incurred prior to such act. 10. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE: This lease shall not be assigned or otherwise transferred without prior written consent of the Lessor or its duly authorized agent. Such assignment or other transfer shall be subject to the terms,conditions and provisions of this lease,current management standards and applicable laws,rules and regulations in effect at that time. Any assignment or other transfer without prior written consent of the Lessor shall be null and void and without legal effect. 11. INDEMNIFICATION/INVESTIGATION OF ALL CLAIMS: The Lessee shall investigate all claims of every nature at its expense. Each party is responsible for all personal injury and property damage attributable to the negligent acts or omissions of that party and the officers,employees and agents thereof. Nothing herein shall be construed as an indemnity or a waiver of sovereign immunity enjoyed by any party hereto,as provided in Section 768.28,Florida Statutes,as amended from time to time,or any other law providing limitations on claims. 12. VENUE: Lessee waives venue as to any litigation arising from matters relating to this lease and any such litigation between Lessor and Lessee shall be initiated and maintained only in Leon County,Florida. 13. NOTICES/COMPLIANCE/TERMINATION: The Lessee binds itself,its successors and assigns,to abide by the provisions and conditions herein set forth,and said provisions and conditions shall be deemed covenants of the Lessee,its successors and assigns. In the event the Lessee fails or refuses to comply with the provisions and conditions herein set forth, or in the event the Lessee violates any of the provisions and conditions herein set forth,and the Lessee fails or refuses to comply with any of said provisions or conditions within twenty(20)days of receipt of the Lessor's notice to correct,this lease may be terminated by the Lessor upon thirty(30)days written notice to the Lessee. If canceled,all of the above-described parcel of land shall revert to the Lessor. All costs and attorneys'fees incurred by the Lessor to enforce the provisions of this lease shall be paid by the Lessee. All notices required to be given to the Lessee by this lease or applicable law or administrative rules shall be sufficient if sent by U.S.Mail to the following address: City of Sebastian,Florida Sebastian City Hall 1225 Main Street Sebastian,Florida 32958 The Lessee shall notify the Lessor by certified mail of any change to this address at least ten(10)days before the change is effective. 14. TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS: The Lessee shall assume all responsibility for liabilities that accrue to the subject property or to the improvements thereon,including any and all drainage or special assessments or taxes of every kind and description which are now or may be hereafter lawfully assessed and levied against the subject property during the effective period of this lease. 15. NUISANCES OR ILLEGAL OPERATIONS: The Lessee shall not permit the leased premises or any part thereof to be used or occupied for any purpose or business other than herein specified unless such proposed use and occupancy are consented to by the Lessor and the lease is modified accordingly,nor shall Lessee knowingly permit or suffer any nuisances or illegal operations of any kind on the leased premises. 16. MAINTENANCE OF FACILITY/RIGHT TO INSPECT: The Lessee shall maintain the leased premises in good condition,keeping the structures and equipment located thereon in a good state of repair in the interests of public health, safety and welfare. No dock or pier shall be constructed in any manner that would cause harm to wildlife. The leased premises shall be subject to inspection by the Lessor or its designated agent at any reasonable time. Page 3 of 16 Pages Sovereignty Submerged Lands Lease No.310006484 • 17. NON-DISCRIMINATION: The Lessee shall not discriminate against any individual because of that individual's race,color,religion,sex,national origin,age,handicap,or marital status with respect to any activity occurring within the area subject to this lease or upon lands adjacent to and used as an adjunct of the leased area. During the lease term,the Lessee shall post and maintain the placard furnished to the Lessee by the Lessor in a prominent and visible location on the leased premises or adjacent business office of the Lessee. It shall be the responsibility of the Lessee to post the placard in a manner which will provide protection from the elements,and,in the event that said placard becomes illegible at any time during the term of this lease(including any extensions thereof),to notify the Lessor in writing,so that a replacement may be provided. 18. ENFORCEMENT OF PROVISIONS: No failure,or successive failures,on the part of the Lessor to enforce any provision,nor any waiver or successive waivers on its part of any provision herein,shall operate as a discharge thereof or render the same inoperative or impair the right of the Lessor to enforce the same upon any renewal thereof or in the event of subsequent breach or breaches. 19. PERMISSION GRANTED: Upon expiration or cancellation of this lease all permission granted hereunder shall cease and terminate. 20. RENEWAL PROVISIONS: Renewal of this lease shall be at the sole option of the Lessor. Such renewal shall be subject to the terms,conditions and provisions of management standards and applicable laws,rules and regulations in effect at that time. In the event that Lessee is in full compliance with the terms of this lease,the Lessee may apply in writing for a renewal. Such application for renewal must be received by Lessor no sooner than 120 days and no later than 30 days prior to the expiration date of the original or current term hereof. The term of any renewal granted by the Lessor shall commence on the last day of the previous lease term. If the Lessee fails to timely apply for a renewal,or in the event the Lessor does not grant a renewal,the Lessee shall vacate the leased premises and remove all structures and equipment occupying and erected thereon at its expense. The obligation to remove all structures authorized herein upon termination of this lease shall constitute an affirmative covenant upon the Lessee's interest in the riparian upland property more particularly described in Attachment B which shall run with the title to the Lessee's interest in said riparian upland property and shall be binding upon Lessee and Lessee's successors in title or successors in interest. 21. REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES/ADMINISTRATIVE FINES: If the Lessee does not remove said structures and equipment occupying and erected upon the leased premises after expiration or cancellation of this lease,such structures and equipment will be deemed forfeited to the Lessor,and the Lessor may authorize removal and may sell such forfeited structures and equipment after ten(10)days written notice by certified mail addressed to the Lessee at the address specified in Paragraph 13 or at such address on record as provided to the Lessor by the Lessee. However,such remedy shall be in addition to all other remedies available to the Lessor under applicable laws,rules and regulations including the right to compel removal of all structures and the right to impose administrative fines. 22. REMOVAL COSTS/LIEN ON RIPARIAN UPLAND PROPERTY: Subject to the noticing provisions of Paragraph 21 of this lease,any costs incurred by the Lessor in removal of any structures and equipment constructed or maintained on state lands shall be paid by Lessee and any unpaid costs and expenses shall constitute a lien upon the Lessee's interest in the riparian upland property that is more particularly described in Attachment B. This lien on the Lessee's interest in the riparian upland property shall be enforceable in summary proceedings as provided by law. 23. RECORDATION OF LEASE. The Lessee,at its own expense,shall record this fully executed lease in its entirety in the public records of the county within which the lease site is located within fourteen(14)days after receipt,and shall provide to the Lessor within ten(10)days following the recordation a copy of the recorded lease in its entirety which contains the O.R.Book and pages at which the lease is recorded. 24. RIPARIAN RIGHTS/FINAL ADJUDICATION: In the event that any part of any structure authorized hereunder is determined by a final adjudication issued by a court of competent jurisdiction to encroach on or interfere with adjacent riparian rights,Lessee agrees to either obtain written consent for the offending structure from the affected riparian owner or to remove the interference or encroachment within 60 days from the date of the adjudication. Failure to comply with this paragraph shall constitute a material breach of this lease agreement and shall be grounds for immediate termination of this lease agreement at the option of the Lessor. Page 4 of 16 Pages Sovereignty Submerged Lands Lease No.310006484 25. AMENDMENTS/MODIFICATIONS: This lease is the entire and only agreement between the parties. Its provisions are not severable. Any amendment or modification to this lease must be in writing,must be accepted, acknowledged and executed by the Lessee and Lessor,and must comply with the rules and statutes in existence at the time of the execution of the modification or amendment. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph,if mooring is authorized by this lease,the Lessee may install boatlifts within the leased premises without formal modification of the lease provided that (a)the Lessee obtains any state or local regulatory permit that may be required;and(b)the location or size of the lift does not increase the mooring capacity of the docking facility. 26. ADVERTISEMENT/SIGNS/NON-WATER DEPENDENT ACTIVITIES/ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES/MINOR STRUCTURAL REPAIRS: No permanent or temporary signs directed to the boating public advertising the sale of alcoholic beverages shall be erected or placed within the leased premises. No restaurant or dining activities are to occur within the leased premises. The Lessee shall ensure that no permanent,temporary or floating structures, fences,docks,pilings or any structures whose use is not water-dependent shall be erected or conducted over sovereignty submerged lands without prior written consent from the Lessor. No additional structures and/or activities including dredging, relocation/realignment or major repairs or renovations to authorized structures,shall be erected or conducted on or over sovereignty,submerged lands without prior written consent from the Lessor. Unless specifically authorized in writing by the Lessor,such activities or structures shall be considered unauthorized and a violation of Chapter 253,Florida Statutes,and shall subject the Lessee to administrative fines under Chapter 18-14,Florida Administrative Code. This condition does not apply to minor structural repairs required to maintain the authorized structures in a good state of repair in the interests of public health, safety or welfare;provided,however,that such activities shall not exceed the activities authorized by this lease. 27. ACOE AUTHORIZATION: Prior to commencement of construction and/or activities authorized herein,the Lessee shall obtain the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers(ACOE)permit if it is required by the ACOE. Any modifications to the construction and/or activities authorized herein that may be required by the ACOE shall require consideration by and the prior written approval of the Lessor prior to the commencement of construction and/or any activities on sovereign,submerged lands. 28.COMPLIANCE WITH FLORIDA LAWS: On or in conjunction with the use of the leased premises,the Lessee shall at all times comply with all Florida Statutes and all administrative rules promulgated thereunder. Any unlawful activity which occurs on the leased premises or in conjunction with the use of the leased premises shall be grounds for the termination of this lease by the Lessor. 29.LIVEABOARDS: The term"liveaboard"is defined as a vessel docked at the facility and inhabited by a person or persons for any five(5)consecutive days or a total of ten(10)days within a thirty(30)day period. If liveaboards are authorized by paragraph one(1)of this lease,in no event shall such"liveaboard"status exceed six(6)months within any twelve(12)month period,nor shall any such vessel constitute a legal or primary residence. 30.GAMBLING VESSELS: During the term of this lease and any renewals,extensions,modifications or assignments thereof,Lessee shall prohibit the operation of or entry onto the leased premises of gambling cruise ships,or vessels that are used principally for the purpose of gambling,when these vessels are engaged in"cruises to nowhere,"where the ships leave and return to the state of Florida without an intervening stop within another state or foreign country or waters within the jurisdiction of another state or foreign country,and any watercraft used to carry passengers to and from such gambling cruise ships. 31. SPECIAL LEASE CONDITIONS: A. Unless authorized in writing by the Lessor,the Lessee shall not rebuild or restore the non-water dependent structures included in this lease if 50 percent or more of the area encompassed by a structure is destroyed or if use of a structure has been discontinued and 50 percent or more of the area encompassed by a structure must be replaced in order to restore the structure to a safely useable condition. In addition,the use of the non-water dependent structures included in this lease shall not be converted to a new use except as authorized in writing by the Lessor. B. Within 60 days after the Lessor's execution of this lease,Lessee shall install and display permanent manatee educational signs that provide information on the mannerisms of manatees and the potential threat to this endangered species from boat operation. Lessee shall maintain these signs during the term of this lease and all subsequent renewal periods and shall be required to replace the signs in the event they become faded,damaged or outdated. Lessee shall ensure that the view of the signs is not obstructed by vegetation or structures. The number,type,and procedure for installation of these signs shall be in accordance with the handout,"Permanent Manatee Signs,"which can be obtained from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission,Imperiled Species Management Section,620 S.Meridian Street—6A,Tallahassee,Florida 32399- 1600(Phone 850/922-4330). Page 5 of 16 Pages Sovereignty Submerged Lands Lease No.310006484 WITNESSES: BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Original Signature (SEAL) BY: Print/Type Name of Witness Jeffery M.Gentry,Operations and Management Consultant Manager,Bureau of Public Land Administration, Division of State Lands,State of Florida Department of Original Signature Environmental Protection,as agent for and on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida Print/Type Name of Witness "LESSOR" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 b Y Y Jeffery M.Gen try Operations and Management Consultant Manager,Bureau of Public Land Administration,Division stun of State Lands,State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection,as agent for r and on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida. He is personally known to me. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Notary Public,State of Florida DEP Attorney Printed,Typed or Stamped Name My Commission Expires: Commission/Serial No. WITNESSES: City of Sebastian,Florida (SEAL) BY: ' S A- Ori_'+. i ature Sall A. Maio, City Clerk Original gnature of xecuting Authority Richard H.Gillmor yped/Printed Name of Witnes obert A. Ginsburg Typed/Printed Name of Executing Authority Mayor Original Signature Title of Executing Authority Typed/Printed Name of Witness "LESSEE" STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF Indian River The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 11th day of August ,20 10 ,by Richard H.Gillmor as Mayor,for and on behalf of the City of Sebastian,Florida. He is personally known to me pr wh o-has pied ,as-identti§eatiew �J /� My Commission Expires: 2/28/2011 ,/_. e,Li�YI F.Lt C lZt yy4 ature of Notary Public Notary Public,State of Florida Jeanette Williams Commission/Serial No. 1)D 630052 Printed,Typed or Stamped Name "°"'""°"` JEANETTE WILLIAMS Page 6 of 15 Pages ■I%) Commission DD 630052 Sovereignty Submerged Land Lease No. 310006484 (y^'1i1 Expires February 28,2011 wax Oin°MA &Mr:MN Troy Fein Immo 800385-7019 Boundary Survey for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowski Marina w o 0 Indian River County, Florida > a c Not w o of Valid Without All Sheets U {,V U / \ ': :'.1 \ Er °, fii T*. •,: '''.n" .y \• a O Ana®d-'-"-rowx. .— -'-• ---"-' ''� °� ,p� 2._, 0•. it%k b PROJECT`_• It\��. 4, LOCATION A,,; -, `\ Ito:' - Pop ��Qaa a ���D *A®� p ik ,„„,,,,.!_,,,...... iiiiirm,. . GOV l'I' 5 i„,,,,,...,,!,„,,,,,,,, -• e i asttan 01_lu,tilit Irm Ilia 11:0$2. 0 11114 li i.. �, 11111.. ..iiiiii®b�[ iu u; i"D1`. LUT 6 as 1111111 IN �n T: ,t11.77%= , eo in- sis .F mt .� 0 o ,, 0 va '•'8�7i !J /fY k in B atiogtasae�so�w ®� c0 Vc1 r, !1R a97fl9d lir, �i ` ,. iR ,;a.., r: a E seeeeeeer. ��1A _ P.EJ9Er F;rj 0 q s, ,3'� CERTIFIED TO: STATE OF FLORIDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES'C)F' , THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Sheet 1 of 7 TDrawn by: Checked by File name Dare ., $'Shia I Drawing Name 1 CIG DMT 6483 �,,,6/04I2pP :1 NQNitp, 6483.0WG NEST VAUDg 7}'TI•Ti T}713'.,0�A�11NE/AND Masteller, Molei, Reed ce Taylor; Inc. 1 TN OF IGINAL RATS 0 SEAL OF A FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL SURFEYORSANDMAPPERS ,v G# LINDSURYEI7NGB(ISIVESS#1611 81h I 1655 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 t +.. ,j•� Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fax: 772 794-0647 ?`' ( ) =°DA4tD'.4.y R .•5$13" Attachment A Page 7 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 Boundary Survey for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowski Marina Indian River County, Florida Not Valid Without All Sheets GE D RAW RIGHT—OF—WAY NO. NUMBER R RADIUS L LENGTH CH CHORD DISTANCE CB CHORD BEARING PSM PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER A DELTA N NORTH S SOUTH E EAST W WEST P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING NAVD NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM LB LICENSED BUSINESS FDEP FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PB PLAT BOOK PG PAGE SQ. FT. SQUARE FEET EGAL DESCRIPTION FOR SUBMERG U L AS EA A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A NAIL & DISK STAMPED WIZ AT THE INTERSECTION OF 177E NORTH LINE OF PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 564, PAGE 596, PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA AND THE EAST RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF INDIAN RIVER DRIVE, THENCE 52539'00"E, 182.97 FEET TO AN IRON ROD & CAP STAMPED LB 4644 AT THE SOUTH LINE OF MIDDELTJN'S SUBDIVISION PER PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 56 PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE S8817'26"E ALONG THE SAID SOUTH LINE OF MODEL TON'S SUDI VISION 116.14 FEET TO THE MEAN HIGH WATER OF THE INDIAN RIVER; THENCE ALONG THE SAID MEAN HIGH WATER THE FOLLOWING CALLS; THENCE NO750'15"E, 32.54 FEET; THENCE N1356'13"W, 15.89 FEET; THENCE NO274'55"E, 42.86 FEET; THENCE N21'54'421; 14.69 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID MEAN HIGH WATER N2831'48"W, 13.04 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID MEAN HIGH WATER N6904'47"E, 32.41 FEET; THENCE N2119'47"W, 120.07 FEET; THENCE N'6459'24"E, 122.46 FEET; THENCE N6737'58"E, 31.12 FEET; THENCE S2111.231-, 43.03 FEET; THENCE 522'06'09"E, 47.14 FEET; THENCE S2339'34"E, 43.70 FEET; THENCE S68 41'41"W, 77.52 FEET,- THENCE S25 05'08"E, 2.35 FEET; THENCE 567'53'24"W, 22.27 FEET; THENCE 52435'54"E, 3.63 FEET; THENCE 567'55'22°W, 87.00 FEET BACK TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.48 ACRES (20854.71 SO. FT) MORE OR LESS. 4,. Sheet 2 of/ Drawn by: Checked by File name Date Scale Dr'awing Nam CJG ; DMT 6483 :6/04 0{0 ,' „ NbNE 6483DWG �Yfafleller, 1YIoIer, Reed c� Taylor Inc 'NOT �n�D W1411 11C47�1� SIGNATUR AND as PROFESSION/11 SCRVETORSA�ND EA L q�S p $ ; 0E-14'A,FLORIDA /1\ tllA�PPERS LICENS FI?"/OR At111>M141\PPER.• INDSURVE�DIrGBUSINESS 644 1655 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 I y ''I'rl�tr Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fax (772) 794-0647 I DAVt EA/b '`3 /bjTAYLAR P.L•�5243 Attachment A Page 8 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 Boundary Survey for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowski Marina Indian River County, Florida Not Valid Without All Sheets REPORT OF SURVEY: • 'TYPE OF SURVEY: BOUNDARY(THIS IS A FIELD SURVEY) 'SURVEYOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: DAVID TAYLOR P.S.M. 5243 •MASTELLER, MOLER, REED &.TAYLOR INC. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION LB. 4644 1655 27TH STREET, SUITE 2. VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 PHONE(772)564-8050 •THIS SURVEY AND REPORT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE SURVEY MAP AND/OR REPORT OF SURVEY BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES. •HORIZONTAL CONTROL ACCURACY: THE EXPECTED USE OF THE SURVEY MAP AND REPORT FOR THE LAND, AS CLASSIFIED IN THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS(5J-17 FAC) IS SUBURBAN. THE MINIMUM RELATIVE DISTANCE ACCURACY FOR THIS TIRE OF BOUNDARY CONTROL SURVEY IS 1 FOOT IN 7500 FEET. THE ACCURACY OBTAINED BY MEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION OF A CLOSED GEOMETRIC FIGURE OR REDUNDANCY OF MEASUREMENT WAS FOUND TO MEET OR EXCEED THIS REQUIREMENT. •HORIZONTAL FEATURE ACCURACY: TOPOGRAPHIC LAND FEATURES(SIGNS, INLETS, VALVES, MAILBOXES POWERPOLES, DRIVEWAYS, CULVERTS AND SIMILAR FEATURES)HAVE A HORIZONTAL FEATURE ACCURACY OF PLUS OR MINUS 0.25 ELEI. •VERTICAL CONTROL ACCURACY: VERTICAL CONTROL AS ESTABLISHED FOR THIS PROJECT SITE IS ACCURATE TO PLUS OR MINUS 0.05 FEET TIMES THE SQUARE ROOT OF THE DISTANCE IN MILES. •ELEVATIONS OF WELL—IDENTIFIED FEATURES CONTAINED IN THIS SURVEY AND MAP HAVE BEEN MEASURED TO AN ESTIMATED VERTICAL POSITION ACCURACY OF PLUS OR MINUS 0.10 FEET. •DATA ACQUISITION WAS OBTAINED DURING THE FOLLOWING TIME FRAME OR DATE 5/10 •THE BEARING BASE FOR THIS SURVEY IS AS FOLLOWS A)ASSUMED B) THE EAST RIGHT-OF—WAY LINE OF INDIAN RIVER DRIVE AS DEPICTED. C) THE LINE BEARS 500'25'39"E •THE ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY ARE BASED ON THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTCIAL DATUM OF 1988. •NO INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD REFLECTING EASEMENTS, RIGHTS—OF—WAY AND/OR OWNERSHIP WERE FURNISHED TO THIS SURVEYOR EXCEPT AS SHOWN. NO TITLE OPINION IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. •THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CERTIFY TO THE EXISTENCE OR LOCATION OF ANY FOUNDATIONS, UTILITIES UNDERGROUND ENCROACHMENTS OR IMPROVEMENTS EXCEPT AS SHOWN. •UNLESS A COMPARISON IS SHOWN, PLAT VALUES&MEASURED VALUES ARE THE SAME. •ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN FEET AND DECIMAL PARTS THEREOF AND ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF THE UNITED STATES. •THE HORIZONTAL VALUES SHOWN HEREON REFER 10 THE STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, FLORIDA EAST ZONE NAD 83(NOS ADJUSTMENT OF 1990)ESTABLISHED USING RD<OBSERVATIONS. 'THIS MAP IS INTENDED TO BE DISPLAYED AT A SCALE OF 1"•(AS NOTED) OR SMALLER. Sheet 3 of 7 Drawn by: Checked by File name I Date r 'Shcalen' �Dpawjng Name I C1G i BMT I 6483 6/04) T(TrJoNT �I Fg3.DWG �.. �?ar�eller ilfol , , ^ '` er, .Reed Taylor Inc. Nok,Vaud�r hAq y, sty,of, . Is , ; ' ORIGIN)1T_ (ZAI�'ED S€q['dF PL,©RIUA' PROFES.fIOA LSURYEFORf.�NLAIII'PERS *;I UC€NSELf ?drioiM gR. .1,1112)SIlRYEI7NGBIlSlNESS#4641 V fi LA' 1655 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fax: (772) 794-0647 DANb k T OftiPW ,( 4,..ttsWItit.timwo!.01,440 • • Attachment A Page 9 of 15 Pages SSLL No.310006484 Boundary Survey for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowsl i Marina \ Indian River County, Florida Not Valid Without All Sheets iiiil;lllifi''' "''ilili,l;�!iC hik. SKF,TCHOFLEQSEA AREA SCIuIPTI 'i' V! !;'1 �!I FOUND,x,- AND pAI�ENTP1YOP.�It7'YIlETAIl P ii I II IIIIr CONCRETE ♦ Ilia ii MONUMENT_,.,. FOUND NAIL & • DISK LB 4644 \ 't Z z \ FOUND IRON ROO ,.�t �r &CAP BHZ W \ -7 2361 258 UNE 0 \ FOUND J'XJ' is RIPPRIPN CONCRETE MONUMENT \ lP I- SOOD LeE OF 0011ER,plr . 101111 rnr2 b J \ LEASE AREA �� ro \ P. C \ DISK NAIL& 20654.71 SQ FT • \ \ 579' E tst.80 �, 0.48 ACRES '' 2590 �� t9 �C WORMY LRAM 0,U M "" C3 MERShIP �' S lna� T L2 �,t 110 N°� c y nuan. ° t3 172 '3: l y Lfe yy G 117 `1 \ 7z T?: \ + c'�r� tz 'J��F .•'6 naO1v-n•ruin o n7 $CP,13'I _ 9E r9sv rcm9 0 V(111 wrt9 ana ww '( $` r \ Sm Y 268133.2 . 17:411snv>arR UNE 14° � �°� 827434.7 IPPRtr. �1 xr.— sutrnl uE—7,-yov,am A R cll P°IALI4 SS 116(314 R7r8 J \ \ IT 211"E 176.14 N FOUND 3/4'IRON Parcel Line Table PIPE '{, \ Parcel Line Table NO(DEN TIF)CA D(JN SET IRON ROD. 1+'8/ L1204 DIrection &CAP LB 46 LM! Lrr91h Ohcllon -%\ U 1104 M28:7718'e' .A L14 3234 NOT50'15T L2 3241 5690.475 \ g L15 1289 NIJ36•131r U 121207 52179',71' Y 116 4268 50214355 L4 12248 148439'245 \ LI7 1489 52/34125 L3 31.12 58777585 LIB 1.41 52871'495 18 41°J 52171'2J5 \ L20 1482 51238'065 17 47.14 52211'0.95•z Z - Lxr 1281 93139b95 Le 43.7° 52779'345 "� ., \ L22 13.79 y, SJ8U2'J55 L9 77.52 56811'41'8 y 123 1590 52734165 110: 235 525V5.085 0 100' 200' \ \. A L25 9.43 56334.475 LII .22.27 S6733'24.7 \ oz. f..1.0.. \ \` 52435.54E'• cIa b7ro ,s673sa2•i Sheet 4 of 7 (Drawn by heclied by I File name Date 4% ..SqeaWf J .*ing Name C.IG DMT 6483 674f2g4q•d 200°1 .ig..a itG IYlasteller, �Jloler, Il�eed& Ta low Inc. NOT VALI& W111-100,f, 4ltNAruRE X.4b9 y 11-IE bRIGINAL1aisED S OF 4,rui2IDA a ,PROFESSIONAL SURFEFORS.INDMAPPERS BCENSW' `9AA 131 "' LAND SURGEPINGBUSINESS#4644 .i'i' 'f 4;`� 1655 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 L � �4 Phone: fp /..., (772) 564 8050 Fax: (772) 794-0647 - 3 ) DAVID l'Al'E(J►Z p�gr •"�3 Attachment A Page 10 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 • • Boundary Survey r' In for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowski Marina \ India,,River County, Florida \'tn Not Valid Without All Sheets \ SHORELINE DETf1IL 3,,_ / \ \\\ A\5 GAP ' ) / r ���,verki A) -• SVBJECk SHORELINE OF \ ,I \ SUBJECT PROPER = 1Y 2051 \ 36'1 NATURAL 18% 169'1 HEADWALL 82% \ \ \\\ SHORELINE SOUTH \ 1351 ROCKS 12% \ 947'± NATURAL 88% �y;��pwl u1 il,lll •SHORELINE NORTH \\\ �i,lllil;ll i I'Iiil! 421'± NATURAL 399 \ \ \ 238'± SEAWALL 22% \\ \ 42b1d3=drieltVETINENT 39% \\\ . Sheet 5 of 7 Drawn by: Checked by File name Date Scale Drawing Name CJG f DMT l 6403 16./,04/2010 1::,=!10: ,46,A DWG �lajleller, Moiler, t?ee�lc� Taylor Inc N9T''VALID IMltlfiy1 THE iSSIcl7Ai1L�L-�D„, • 1 ,11-1E ORfgNALr 'VS.t,pgh.'oftx oye6DA., PROFESSIONfILSURYBYORS�II DMeiPPERS p� LICENSED S YOR A4NNj�rMA PER if V Oat fi4r '. L4111)SURf'BYINCBUSlYESA'#16�1 V f � �rrl 1655 27th Street. Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 � '` "'� t ,>-0. Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fax: (772) 794-0647 ?DAVID T YU=f 1 i4,5 43 h4 Attachment A Page 11 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 Boundary Survey for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowski Marina Indian River County, Florida • Not Valid Without All Sheets \ SKETCH OFEXISTING IA P.ROVEABIJVLS IFITRIN LEASE AItEI •S, AND UP-LINND STA'UCTU1 DETAIL 7' o Z o 'CD �N� s N � Z PRt � P \� www° SEE SHEET 7 1 't-- FOR DETAIL �-4 X000 p e ® (T WI : �9 gyp...Fri MM. ��;'°. �. �.� �� * 3 - .rte, i > v- MJOO O.. tro •�"'^- eDiuinNNC 3a M�-°.° Z wa: ;4J��(DAMACED w � \r :�'' . NO SmVCNRES MDIIN ■ uX_UNCS.OMr tr STORE iv,p�` 100'OF SWiN u c q DRIVE \ 9N OF LEASE AREA. (Nor Ku.DenneD) 1M 05 Nt51 \ \II, E 140110 1 RIPPRtP� T3\‘' MEAN NCH WADER LINE Eill'll �\ (E2EVAfON�_O.72 NAw ee IPP EaN7 a ED$P.EETIER ) II��11\ DAZED 543/2010 AND �i I l i LOCATED 5/13/2010\ \ 1 III I .I∎i�I II VIII \ 0 80' 160' \ I ii I I \ \ \--------- Sheet 6 of 7 Drawn by Checked by File name Date 1 DFdwn flame UG DMT 6463 6/04/,,2P1U 1i'=8o7 6483.s.WG ill-as/el/et; lYlolel,Reed Taylor Lac. NOT ze,""Ti_ia THE cN�vgg ,dhi,x PROFESSIONAL SURYEfORLIND ✓ ' THE OEt SE er AISED+ A�t �{mF10RIbA MAPPERS LI Eh1SE0 S ftygYbR AND,,dAPPER LArVDSURYEnYG BUSINESS#4644 S 1655 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 / .. Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fox: (772) 794-0647 {DAVID T14YI. ,.P:L5,j,95,4;"' 1:4-....-1'- '''/ -`'L ' Attachment A Page 12 of 15 Pages SSLL No.310006484 Boundary Survey for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowski Marina India!z River County, Florida Not Valid Without All Sheets DETAIL OFEXISTEIV IMPROVEMENTS , INLEASEAREA . 0 0 ill?''1'\w BOAT SLIP 6 44. m, BOAT SLIP 5 ���•10� N �Y - ••• BOAT SLIP 8 • 41 BOAT S IP 4 .• ''•'r,.�'����•��• BOAT SLIP 7 �r e• - :oar SLIP 3 WOOD RUNG ; (TYPICAL) 4S q 9 LEASE AREA 'B6 ��� r O•; BOAT SLIP 2 17.3' •• 4 8' ' 4.� BOAT SLIP \11 N i7 BOAT SLIP 13 �`� BOAT SLIP I 114 12 ��. l‘ti I- BOAT SLIP `II= �� 1101.1 % AT SLIP 5n 11 . VII, 1 10 r' X % Etc SOS 5 BOAT 5LIPP _ \ i ,i'1,* • V� 9 m � �2•�, CRANDFA/NERED I' � • / • yy„ BOWING �•0 u� -`S (DALUCED) 0O. %S°�°I • G • i 1 Vi VI 01 1` *it lll�l�i Ili II!�I1 Milli.; II .r '0 \•`5: \ IfII�III Illll1ll1: id 1 111111 \ MEAN HIGH WA lE17 LINE ` (nEVA1roN- ass'Haw ea) 0 30' 60' PER 711E 5/13/2010 LETTER I F- DATED 5/13/2010 AND l �7 LOCATED 5/13/2010 Sheet 7 of/ Drawn by: Checked by File name 'OMe + Scale Drawing Nal CJG I DMT 6483 ,�6°,84/2 'I„7:e=301,1;l 6483 DWG Mnsteller,'Vole,; Reed Taylor, Inc. NOT VAUl� 1Yi3t1FiU 1 111 IGNATURE MD THE•80IGINAL RAISED EPA OF. A FLOF110A A PROF.E SION.4LSUITI TORS,INDMAPPERS IJCENSLD, FFV Yb AND MAPPER,4. L 1MJSIlRYEITNGBIl.S71VEfSfId644 ,” '' 0 F- 1655 5 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 4 v'�.' Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fax: (772) 794-0647 � !/- AYL E E 2 DAVID'7AYLOR.:.R,L . 5243 Attachment A Page 13 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 This instrument Prepared Brand Please Return To: Ameticmt Govemua,a Snyso Cu,po,a ion 1312 wen Linebeughn A.cuee Th,npa,Florida 33611 2077483 AGS023482 THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS • TRUSTEE'S DEED OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FL BK:2431 PG:1266, Pagel of 2 THIS EIDENTURE, made this day of Lune, A.D. 2010, 0%11212010 at 11:53 AM,D DOCTAX PD between HERBERT V.MORRISON,SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE OF 85250.00 THE HENRY J_DABROWSKI IRREVOCABLE TRUST UNDER REVOCABLE LIVLNG TRUST AGREEMENT DATED JULY 17, JEFFREY K BARTON,CLERK OF COUF 2007,whose address is 28126 Ramblewood Drive,Farmington Hills, MI 48334-1750,Grantor,and CITY OF SEBASTIAN,a municipality within Indian River County,Florida,whose mailing address is 1225 Main Street,Sebastian,Florida 32958,Grantee, (Where.er used herein the t "Craw and`grantee"include all the parties to this instrument and their heirs,feral reprooamtnes,successors sad assigns. "Cramer"and"grantee"are need ror singular end plural,as the sourest requires sad the use of any gender shall include all genders.) VeTINESSETH:That the said Grantor,for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerations,to said Grantor in hand paid by said Grantee,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,does hereby remise,release and quit-claim unto the said Grantee forever,all right,title,interest,claim and demand which the said Grantor has in and to the following described land situate,lying and being in Indian River County,Florida,to-wit See Exhibit"A"attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. By acceptance of this Trustee's Deed,the Grantee hereby agrees that the use of the Property described herein shall be subject to the covenants and restrictions as set for!)in the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants recorded in the Public Records of Indian River County,Florida. These covenants and restrictions shall nun with the Property herein described. If any term or condition of the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants is violated by the Grantee or by some third party with the knowledge of the Grantee and the Grantee does not correct the violation pursuant to the Dxlarae,oa of Restrictive Covenants,fee simple tide to all interest in the Project Site shall be conveyed to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Pond of the Stare of Florida in accordance with Chapter 380,Pan III,Florida Statute: TO HAVE ADD TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and all the estate,right,title,interest,lien,equity and claim whatsoever of the said Grantor either in law or equity,to the only proper use,benefit and behoof of the said Grantee forever. THIS DEED is executed pursuant to and in exercise of the power and authority granted to and vested in said Trustee by the terms of said dada or deeds in trust delivered to said Trustee in pursuance of the Trust Agreement above mentioned. This deed is made subject to taxes and assessments for the year 2010 and years thereafter and subject to easements and restrictions of record,if any. This conveyance is subject to easements,restrictions,limitations and conditions of record if any now exist,but any such interests that may have been terminated are not hereby re-imposed_ This property is not die homestead property of the Grantor(s),nor contiguous to homestead property,as such homestead is defined under Florida law. LN'WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has hereunto set Grantor's hand and seal,the day and year first above written. Signed,sealed and delivered in the present • • I f I. liltc,,,,� (SSrgg. ante• first Witness) Herbert V.Morrison,Successor Trustee of the Henry J.Dabrowskl C,53-4" f/61‘,/ ∎---ry, y Irrevarable Trust Under Revacable LivIng Trust Agreement dated ( n typed or stamped name of July 17,2007 n [Wines-) • f v✓ $) (S azure of sec tmess) (Printed,typed or stamped name of second witness)I STATE OF f•t/ •hII(tirAA.) COUNTY OF Le,PrYN The fpcegoitng,instrument was acknowledged before rune this�vk day of Tall ,2010,by Herbert V.Morrison, r•itecepmp'Ttustge of the Henry J.Dabrowsld Irrevocable Trust Under Revocable Living Trust Agreement dated July 17, ^•lZd tiiliPers orits)(Notary Public must check applicable box): f ' • (1 is •nany known me / _ [� •raced a ctnrent di.,license. " •,� .r l% - L) roduced asidentifir tion. otary•ublic-State of • igan - i.h,(;OHU • %;. ° •,:1 rU; ;,STATE OF tti f� `S, (Printed,Typed or Stamped Name of Notary Publi' 041,11"(OF(liA Comrrrssion No.: ry YSLYdEXTES{yce +i l..12.; My Commission Expires: Attachment B Page 14 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 • EXHIBIT"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION UPLAND PARCEL THE SOUTH 13 FEET OF LOT 1 AND ALL OF LOT 2,BLOCK 1,MIDDLETON'S SUBDIVISION,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 56,PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY,FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF MIDDLETON'S SUBDIVISION AND THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF INDIAN RIVER DRIVE(BEING A POINT 37.15 FEET DUE EAST OF THE CENTERLINE OF INDIAN RIVER DRIVE),THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTHERLY 118°41'37°ALONG THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF INDIAN RIVER DRIVE,A DISTANCE OF 184.75 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT MARKED"X";THENCE RUN EAST 10°NORTH OF DUE EAST TO THE HIGH WATERLINE OF THE INDIAN RIVER;THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE HIGH WATER LINE OF SAID INDIAN RIVER TO A POINT INTERSECTING THE EASTERLY PROJECTED SOUTH LINE OF MIDDLETON'S SUBDIVISION AND THE HIGH WATER LINE OF THE INDIAN RIVER;THENCE WEST TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. BEING A PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1,SECTION 6,TOWNSHIP 32 SOUTH,RANGE 39 EAST. TOGETHER WITH A UPLAND,SUBMERGED LAND,LITORIAL RIGHTS, SHORE RIGHTS AND RIPARIAN RIGHTS LYING TO THE EAST THEREOF TO THE CENTER OF THE INDIAN RIVER TO THE EXTENT THAT SAME APPERTAIN TO THE PROPERTY ABOVE DESCRIBED. SUBJECT TO ALL LIENS,EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. • Attachment B Page 15 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 WITNESSES: BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Original Signature (SEAL) BY: Print/Type Name of Witness Jeffery M.Gentry,Operations and Management Consultant Manager,Bureau of Public Land Administration, Division of State Lands,State of Florida Department of Original Signature Environmental Protection,as agent for and on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida Print/Type Name of Witness "LESSOR" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,20 ,by Jeffery M.Gentry Operations and Management Consultant Manager,Bureau of Public Land Administration.Division of State Lands,State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection,as agent for and on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida. He is personally known to me. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Notary Public,State of Florida DEP Attorney Printed,Typed or Stamped Name My Commission Expires: Commission/Serial No. WITNESSES: City of Sebastian,Florida (SEAL) BY: Original Signature Original Signature of Executing Authority Richard H.Gillmor Typed/Printed Name of Witness Typed/Printed Name of Executing Authority Mayor Original Signature Title of Executing Authority Typed/Printed Name of Witness "LESSEE" STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 ,by Richard H.Gillmor as Mayor,for and on behalf of the City of Sebastian,Florida. He is personally known to me or who has produced ,as identification. My Commission Expires: Signature of Notary Public Notary Public,State of Commission/Serial No. Printed,Typed or Stamped Name Page 6 of 15 Pages Sovereignty Submerged Land Lease No. 310006484 . Boundary Survey for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowski Marina w° o 0 Indian River County, Florida > INJ Not Valid Without All Sheets U i ' \ ...,-s.:• 4 \\ f �I �,�� 0 — — — — 1ivx�:� %.PlY a I' x • p S«0 � e .+®i oIN b PROJEC '' tJD^ 21 . ,4 \ 1101—,,,,i4gr,maw Eirme..v t V"� GOV 1 f 1 e I astt-an Mapit la* will" �► 1�. ;` �, , \p o r- ®m ®iW um\ , "OY. LOT 6 •e oaMINUaii.naiiP .1.A. .p e 63NR35eaaaaaSUP, ,/R • }1 B ' ,ea a1a9.3sa/� �; ; µ, ,,kin an� Rw5ei % 14‘ 1 to CERTIFIED TO: STATE OF FLORIDA `° BOARD OF TRUSTEES/OF;- . THE INTERNAL IMPRO,OENT!FUND Sheet I of 7 Drawn by: Checked by File name .Dare.- -'.'StS_fa•:5�'�'�0.,daawing Name UG I DMT l 6483 , 6/tI./2Q,i0 '�lva'N r.4. ,6483.DWG kin'steller, Jib/er, Reed Taylor, Inc t T vAt o tit r THs,•&otgAttme,AND y J g tH ,dFBBINAL RAIs:D SExL-OF A,FL p9A PROFES.SION.iLSIIRI�BYORS,IJVDM.�PPERS EII o • YtR3AN,OSA4AF' ,: : L,4IVDSURl�h7?NGBU.SIIVBSS#46A4 :1,1 t '• d1i< pI,#�r v lF� 1655 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 « Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fax: (772) 794-0647 ' a� S. ( ) e.:_.DAVID;. ,,. i ,6 43' is Attachment A Page 7 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 • Boundary Survey for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowski Marina Indian River County, Florida Not Valid Without All Sheets LEGIND R/W RIGHT—OF—WAY NO. NUMBER • R RADIUS L LENGTH CH CHORD DISTANCE • CB CHORD BEARING PSM PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER DELTA N NORTH S SOUTH E EAST W WEST P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT P.0.B. POINT OF BEGINNING NAVD NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM LB LICENSED BUSINESS FDEP FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PEI PLAT BOOK PG PAGE SQ. FT. SQUARE FEET LEGAL D SCRIP ON FOR SUBMERGED EAS ARE A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A NAIL & DISK STAMPED WBZ AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 564, PAGE 596, PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FLORIDA AND THE EAST RIGHT—OF—WAY UNE OF INDIAN RIVER DRIVE, THENCE S2539'00"E, 182.97 FEET TO AN IRON ROD & CAP STAMPED LB 4644 AT THE SOUTH LINE OF MIDDELTON'S SUBDIVISION PER PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 56 PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE S88'17'26"E ALONG THE SAID SOUTH UNE OF MIDDELTON'S SUDIVISION 116.14 FEET TO THE MEAN HIGH WATER OF THE INDIAN RIVER; THENCE ALONG THE SAID MEAN HIGH WATER THE FOLLOWING CALLS; THENCE NO7'50'15"E, 32.54 FEET; THENCE N13-56'13"W, 15.89 FEET; THENCE N0274'55"E, 42.86 FEET; THENCE N2154'42"E, 14.69 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID MEAN HIGH WATER N2831'48"W, 13.04 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID MEAN HIGH WATER N69 04'47"E, 32.41 FEET; THENCE N21'19.47"W 120.07 FEET; THENCE N-64 59'24"E, 122.46 FEET; THENCE N6737'58"E, 31.12 FEET; THENCE S21'11'231; 43.03 FEET; THENCE S2206'09"E, 47.14 FEET; THENCE S2339'34"E, 43.70 FEET; THENCE 56841'41"W, 77.52 FLIT; THENCE 52505'08"E, 87.00 FEET 2.35 FEET; THENCE S67 53 24"W, 22.27 FEET; THENCE 524'35'54"E, 3.63 FEET; THENCE S67'55.22-W, BACK CONTAINING 0.48 (20854.71 SO. FT.) MORE OR LESS. t Sheet 2 f " • 0 7 Drawn by: Checked by File name Date C1G DMT Sca`te Drawing Name 6483 6/0 Oi� ;rutniE 483.DWG j L IvOT LI VAI3 IOU T�I.. SIGe d AIU RE 4ND Afastellez; Maier, Reed& Taylor;Inc" ITHE a 4Ei L r RIDA • ei� AfvP PROFE{SION:4ZSCRVETO ES.1NZI.41LPPERf /I\ VlISIlFPEJ 11'GBUSINESS I I t ' m 1655 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 I ,7 i `1�1tr� a{ Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fax (772) 794-0647 I_: s`yi � "' t. ,.' DkVld'!TAl'f=0(�'p.L•fr 5243 • Attachment A Page 8 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 Boundary Survey for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowski Marina Indian River County, Florida Not Valid Without All Sheets REPORT OF SURVEY: •TYPE OF SURVEY: BOUNDARY(THIS IS A FIELD SURVEY) •SURVEYOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: DAVID TAYLOR P.S.M. 5243 •MASTELLER, MOLER, REED &.TAYLOR INC. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION LB. 4644 1655 27TH STREET, SUITE Z VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 PHONE(772) 564-8050 •THIS SURVEY AND REPORT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE SURVEY MAP AND/OR REPORT OF SURVEY BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES. •HORIZONTAL CONTROL ACCURACY: THE EXPECTED USE OF THE SURVEY MAP AND REPORT FOR THE LAND, AS CLASSIFIED IN THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS(5J-17 FAC) IS SUBURBAN. THE MINIMUM RELATIVE DISTANCE ACCURACY FOR THIS TYPE OF BOUNDARY CONTROL SURVEY IS 1 FOOT IN 7500 FEET. THE ACCURACY OBTAINED BY MEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION OF A CLOSED GEOMETRIC FIGURE OR REDUNDANCY OF MEASUREMENT WAS FOUND TO MEET OR EXCEED THIS REQUIREMENT. •HORIZONTAL FEATURE ACCURACY: TOPOGRAPHIC LAND FEATURES(SIGNS, INLETS, VALVES, MAILBOXES POWERPOLES, DRIVEWAYS, CULVERTS AND SIMILAR FEATURES) HAVE A HORIZONTAL FEATURE ACCURACY OF PLUS OR MINUS 0.25 FEET. •VERTICAL CONTROL ACCURACY: VERTICAL CONTROL AS ESTABLISHED FOR THIS PROJECT SITE IS ACCURATE TO PLUS OR MINUS 0.05 FEET TIMES THE SQUARE ROOT OF THE DISTANCE IN MILES. •ELEVATIONS OF WELL—IDENTIFIED FEATURES CONTAINED IN THIS SURVEY AND MAP HAVE BEEN MEASURED TO AN ESTIMATED VERTICAL POSITION ACCURACY OF PLUS OR MINUS 0.10 FEET. 'DATA ACQUISITION WAS OBTAINED DURING THE FOLLOWING TIME FRAME OR DATE: 5/10 •THE BEARING BASE FOR THIS SURVEY IS AS FOLLOWS: A) ASSUMED B) THE EAST RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF INDIAN RIVER DRIVE AS DEPICTED. C) THE UNE BEARS S00'25.39•E •THE ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY ARE BASED ON THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTCIAL DATUM OF 1988. •NO INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD REFLECTING EASEMENTS RIGHTS—OF—WAY AND/OR OWNERSHIP WERE FURNISHED TO THIS SURVEYOR EXCEPT AS SHOWN. NO TITLE OPINION IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. •THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CERTIFY TO THE EXISTENCE OR LOCATION OF ANY FOUNDATIONS, UTILITIES, UNDERGROUND ENCROACHMENTS OR IMPROVEMENTS EXCEPT AS SHOWN. •UNLESS A COMPARISON IS SHOWN, PLAT VALUES&MEASURED VALUES ARE THE SAME. •ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN FEET AND DECIMAL PARTS THEREOF AND ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF THE UM TED STATES. •THE HORIZONTAL VALUES SHOWN HEREON REFER TO THE STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM FLORIDA EAST ZONE, NAD 8.3(NGS ADJUSTMENT OF 1990) ESTABLISHED USING RTK OBSERVATIONS. •THIS MAP IS INTENDED TO BE DISPLAYED AT A SCALE OF 1'=(AS •NOTED) OR SMALLER. ;. Sheet 3 of 7 [Drawn by: Checked by File name Datei' ,r '''SG le:'r y©ra�((ng Name CJ6 I. DMT 6463 6/.04 1 ,04010 t!..8 '93.DWG .�lasteller, Abler, Reed ce Taylor, Inc No }}`,k"0`vn ' `INe ,t'�n Rt IFI UKIb loA$4AltEb (SF At FLORIDA' PROFF�f,SJONALSURYEPORS�INIJA�PPERS UIEry5�E( "Y,?R9driD P 0R. r.. L.4NOSURYh'I7NG8!lSINBS.S#464'4 ,�• ,�A 8�A r c 1655 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 _ _ Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fax: (772) 794-0647 1151 St 2A3 • Attachment A Page 9 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 Boundary Survey for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowsl i Marina \ Indian River County; Florida Not Valid Without All Sheets II,I,�;ipP'''i i'iig1;1,�„I Sir TCh-°FLEA:SE/ AEI DESCRIPTit\N J IHit IV, FOUND 4'X4- MONCRETE . r4NI�P�''RENTPROP.�ItTYl>ETflll U,��,��;�' .,,.�,1�',. MONUMENT 37 I ill III FOUND NAIL & • DISK Le 4644 \ ,�c 0 y \ &CAP Ka R� °'” 12- 28 MIN, 0\ 5 OP t'.-FOUND 3-X-1" CONCRETE MONUMENT I � \ LEASE �7J\ P. C \ FOUND NAIL& 2071 S 0 J o Q 894-E 151e0 c, 048 ACRES n7+' p Illik %.9 NOR mOar wrs OF u•o `_ mum*,PER ORA 364 roac -66. co 810 r \ V4t 04..smax=as oF ' t3 L/2 g NQ� \46-& o V L16 U \ y G L17 �yzB. 6 ENw��ur lS-4 iii‘a \ i NN P.O.:, ""n"BCruv."imewi°'� j0 SCP 1+4 10.% � 1268133.2 G�4 °m,a 0lNc' R LNY1114 Lee OF NCONNOIV AM Zs \ \ + it 2B"E 116.14 J FOUND 3/4'IRON - Parcel Line Table PIPE �� \ Parcel Line Table Iii/ L.,Be Direction NO IDEN RFlCAnON SET IRON ROD• &CAP LB 46 L1,e/ Length b,9 DFeei LI 1,204 N2871'48'W �� A 1 114 3254. 60750151 12 3241 NOB 04'47'1= -q 115 IS69 NI326'IJ'W IJ 120.07 N2119'4YW \ . LIB 4286 NO274'55 E 44 12246 N645934F LIT 14.69 62134421 L3 31.12 6877754T 118 1.41 5267148•[ L6 4203 $2171222 \ _ - L20 1482 51258'001 L7 47.14 $22V 861 z L2, 1281 53179'091 Le 4370 223 9341\\ .g.,3'3 \ L22 1179 5381:12:35-E L9 77.52 36B'41'41-W S I21 1290 52774'161 LIO 235 32505'08T 0 100' 200' \ \ L25 943 s3334'4rE LI!',..2227 '56753'241w F-1 I. I --,\ \ \ LIZ:: s.63„ 525:75'S4'E ';.,0,4-!. ,3T-.6.§. S875532'W 7 Sheet 4 of/ IDrawn by:IChecke? File name Date „�9 j,S 1l 11 r0 afhng Name CJG DMT f 6483 fi18411),.:J 504q �' � AWG; I ... 1. al1 . . Afasteller, Molex, Aeedcr Ta for Inc. NOT`sokitt1 ournik:t4i AJJk s4�trf-;', .Y 1 THr_ IGINAL,p I €0 sp Dr of m gc!,C NS`' e ,4 0.13 PROFESSIONALSIR�EPORS.411DMAPPERS LINDSURYBPINGBU{7NBSS#4644 ',4L ,r fly 1655 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 . i•./ A Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fax: (772) 794-0647 4 V� .,. .,y 41- ' Attachment A Page 10 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 Boundary Survey • for Submerged Land Lease N at Dabrowski Marina \ ' Indian River County, Florida VA. Not Valid Without All Sheets S.HORELENE_DET,IEL .. N m / \ \ P� \ � 1 pro,plicurr _0 et) (.00. \-P-- SHORELINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY-205'± 36'± NATURAL 18% \ \ 169'± HEADWALL 82% \ \\ . SHORELINE SOUTH \ i 135± ROCKS 12% / 111 „ „"' \ 947'± NATURAL 88% .` III,II'I 111ili111'1,•SHORELINE NORTH '`e-5• II�I'I,ilj ilI' 'III 421'± NATURAL 39% \ \ 238'± SEA WALL 22% \\ \ 42VE776;'ENT 39% \\\ .' • Sheet 5 of 7 Drawn by:�Checked byl File name Date Scale" Drawing Name CJG DMT. 6483. 6/04/2,010 1"y25o'..• : ,e,DWG I se I Nr ,.k7r .dlastellet; "Valet;Reedcf. Ta'Jlot, Ina NgX`vwD va T'74Elsk iiovii lAD:'"` ✓ 1 ,4:n-,j'ORIG NAI R 1$ER IPPAkt� �t 0R.IDA?15 ulENSE - . � PR. ,e k f;a PFOFESSlON�ILSIBY YORSAYlMAPPEBS .00,:, - A L llD SUR VEYING BUSsf# 644 t 1655 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 rG'.°r°�.. p f c, Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fax: (772) .794-0647DkvieT c+1 j't5���i, t: F err. Attachment A Page 11 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 • • Boundary Survey for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowski Marina Indian River County, Florida Not Valid Without All Sheets \ -----\c3\ S T T CI a r O F EXI S T IN G II LIP I t O YE l 1E TU T S IWITI-LINLE4SEAREA z AND TIP-L 1A STRUCTURE DEVIL 10 n o ANT N n RIPS \� ww�"°iii . SEE SHEET 7 � • � '�--- \ ms ''� FOR DETAIL \ aalpls'" 0 9 B MODO sr. E e (TIPIOA[) 1 ? ti 0 ® ® *.7- 390 ..1- + MooO o.. ��f: .F, LC 3 .PW,r. d �(oAUACeo „stn! 9� NO STRUCTURES INTIM M0.UN0S.OM'R STONE , 100 OF$OVM LINE a• DRIVE \ Or TEASE AREA �\ � MOT KU DEFINED) �\ , i0 ``\ �� R1P PRtP �`,i40. � , MEAN Potts WATER UNE - . Hllp, P 'IF , l'1111 1j l\ 171 VA narve_a.72 Aw e9) II' l I jll j l EATE 5,13/2010 AND � !LOCATED 5/13/2010 l I1\ \ \ \ \ . ,1 i 1 il ji 1 0 so' 160' ----_______ \ \ \ _______ \ I I----1 1 I Sheet V of 7 Drawn by: Checked byl File name Date f,d5 le Dr'3irTrig,Name C1G DMT 6483 16/04 0�0'i1 84r) .,64834LWG LENOT v N1 i HdUT T 4N p ND,fastellet;lloler, Reed Taylor J Lam THE ORIGINAU 1EDtg A�4 �t© 7A LCEf5ED U %sYb8 AJD. SPP,Et: a P.ROFLSSION4LSURPEYORf'AND L4PPERS > o €'l �d1G`p15 , LAND SURl F7NGBISINESS#4644 t L 1655 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 . ,:-.:._.1:y'�, .+ ; Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fax: (772) 794-0647 ,Al_ "' : "1'' `/' .,.:$n' I,..,0p• ' Attachment A Page 12 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 • Boundary Survey for Submerged Land Lease at Dabrowski Marina Indian River County, Florida Not Valid Without All Sheets DETAIL OFEXIST17VG IMPRO!'E1tIENTS I2Y LEASE AREA 41 IN RIPPRlPN BOAT SLIP 6 ,• i3 •w•- N 44- a_ N `,. BOAT SUP 5 ��•�� ,� 3q5 ��.�� I BOAT SLIP 8 42 BOAT S IP 4 ''.r. 0114,111'• ��4 m BOAT SLIP 7 as :OA T SLIP 3 �! M000 PILING ; ix (TYPICAL) 45.: 9 • \lir LEASE AREA �.��:,. BOAT SUP 2 17.3• ♦:? 5 4.\-� • N BOAT SLIP��\ ♦� �'' fT BOAT SLIP ® 13 la, =` BOAT SUP 1 j4 4 BOAT SLIP 12 �� V►po� BOAT SUPT .�{�`j\, It t 04% 110‘t° *BOA T SUP tk \ .z5:`L.09."--- 101 ' : II WWI%.��i CRAW/FATHERED T p �,�; 93. • .: i4S BUILDING ���1 ��� IfIl li Is Als 4011001' it '•� '!�� ��* !!1111!IPI' "9glll!I�III -- �5�.,` I °I !IV o, ,.5 IIIlirifli1lllf Ill' \ MEMI HIGH WATER LINE`� (EIEVAnON-_a.L HMO eel 0 30 60' PER T F.3.EP.LETTER -` LOCATED 5/73/2010 //2D1D "I!' �� :•': Sheet 7 of 7 Drawn by: Checked by File name DMte.,.._'• Scale! brauingN, 1 CJG I DMT I 61+83 ;I,6tb4I20t�,q; ;�4'1Q`,+1,t- ?'':6483:QW Steller, Motet;Reed c� Taylor, Inc. R: .,3v NOT AIOIN`L.-P IS jF1Ei IG F A„FL.ANC , THE•.��IGINAI;' AISEd` EN_ OF. A,FJ�OFiI® PROFES4SIONAL.SURPEPORS'AN UCEt 0 V� . , .. a4, �. MAPPERS ,. A\ Li/VD SURPE 1 PINCBUSINESS#464 vi 4? '•1655 27th Street, Suite 2 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Phone: (772) 564-8050 Fax: (772) 794-0647 DA � �4 DA D 1'AYLOR:;�':L . 5243 4a. . , Attachment A . Page 13 of 15 Pages SSLL No. 310006484 r _ -M1 THIS;DOGUMEN7.CONTAINS MIC OPRINT SIGNATURE LINES,A Vp1Q PANT9p8APH_AND A-WATERMARK AN:BACK CITY OF - ��jj 63-643 SSG G ASS��AN CITY OF SEBASTIAN CHEEK i4t0. 0 7 5 6 0 8 670 WACx® a. : 7225 MAIN STREET 7.5 6 0 8 SEBASTIAN,FL 32958 < GENERAL ACCOUNT HOME OF PELICAN ISLAN©;. VENDOR CHECK DATE CHECK AMOUNT 4700 . 08/13/201C, $3 , 196 . 6'8 ******3 , 196 DOLLARS AND 68 CENTS PAY 1O IP NOT PAID WITHIN 90 DAYS Florida Depart of Environmental Protection - Receipts Section THE P O. Box 3070 To 323157:.3.0.70: •• Tallahassee' FL QRDER TWO SIGNATURES REQUIRED 00 56080 1:06700643210200002731629611' 75608 rY OF SEBASTIAN SEBASTIAN,FL 32958 08132010 075608 NVOIGE DATE INVOICE NUMBER' INVOICE DESCRIPTION NET INVOICE AMOUNT PO NO. VOUCHER )8/02/10 53171 Submerge Land Lease /Dabr 3 , 196 . 68 6334 78291 47002 Florida Depart of Environmental 3 , 196 . 68 75608 BILLING INFORMATION FORM m v PAYMENTS FOR LEASE NO. 310006484 cn D m z Billing Contact Person: Rebecca Grohall, AICP 111 73 C) < 1526 Indian River Drive '‘.C. m Facility Address: XI 0 C) Mailing Address: 1225 Main Street O cn City: Sebastian fa O State: FL Zip Code: 32958 ? z0 -n • Telephone Number: ( 772 ) 388-8228 p w Area Code Q c 772 388-8248 v o Fax Number: ( ) o rn Area Code E-Mail Address: rgrohall@cityofsebastian.org co co SALES TAX CERTIFICATION/EXEMPTION Six percent(6%)sales tax is due on each lease fee payment unless the Lessee can claim an ownership exemption. I/We are exempt from sales tax for the reason checked below. 85-8012740157C-2 - _-_ um [ X ] Government Agency: (Exemption Number) [ ] Exempt Organization: (Exemption Number) [ ] Lease and collect sales tax on all available dock spaces. (Sales Tax Number) [ ] Lease and collect sales tax on some available dock spaces but fully assume the responsibility to remit six percent sales tax on that portion of space on which no sales tax is charged. (Sales Tax Number) [ ] None of the above can be claimed. A copy of the Florida Annual Resale Certificate For Sales Tax or the Certificate of Exemption must accompany this form to claim this exemption pursuant to Section 212.07(1)(b),F.S. If Lessee is a Business/Corporation,Federal Employer Identification Number: I/We certify that the above information is correct and agree to NOTIFY THE BUREAU OF PUBLIC LAND ADMINISTRATION'S ACCOUNTING SECTION AT (850) 245-2720 within 30 days of the date of any change in the above designated billing agent,phone nu + •er,, ) number or Lessee's tax status. Signe9 �/1` Aug. 11, 2010 Ted. ored Entity Date Richar. th•r,iMayor of Sebastian For Recurring Revenue Section Use Only Billing Form to Accountant: , / / Originator's signature Data Entered by Accountant: , / / Accountant's signature Form 18-21.900(1),Effective 10-15-98[Technical Change 5-21-03;Rev.7-26-07,5-7-09] .,. 0) t `-..--.... ce..1- • .-,,,,-.11 1,1 II a' „Ar . , . ..„1-.•.„1.0 -,,, .-_,,f..f„„ , _,....- = 1,, _ hi,11,11.----■ -,.. .... al ''---,.- ■ i . , 14 -,,i..7,.'-, o_isa *,i/ fr- -." '1 1 -1,•- *„, ..,__--,:--Avlilt:‘,. • k.,, m--... . - . it! • ,_.,,,,,,,,,. .17, I -; f -,:-•'1.1,! I 4,,•'.f.'',,,,,,;‘:.--,,,vits-4,N,,i-,- c,.rt.,.... ,iiii I"Y`..,Iil, . , , ,, ,,,,,,..v.1,?`• . -- -,z,-;, 't' w. Lill :ap i ., • -,-.%.4 ,i =-:--1- -- t4,4,.. I .-4) ., ,z•-•-.,,1411;,,,,, ',1*.,,,17-...4-.Ns-, -:- . ''. I' •'' f/11)IcAtgS1W,# 44t, —. 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