HomeMy WebLinkAbout11212013PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING vi �" ` NOVEMBER 21, 2013 • O m Chairman Dodd called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. •� Rg `� .. •� cc The pledge of allegiance was said by all. .9 a ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Roth Mr. Dodd E O Ms. Kautenburg (a) Mr. Carter zz Mr. McManus (a) f EXCUSED: Mr. Reyes Mr. Paul c Mr. Durr Mr. Qizilbash •— 0 C .. . 4? p a a CX CD N Ct ALSO PRESENT: Jan King, Senior Planner Q V) Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Planner /Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Dodd announced that Mr. Reyes, Mr. Paul, Mr. Durr, and Mr. Qizilbash were excused from the meeting. Ms. Kautenburg and Mr. McManus would be voting in their place. Chmn. Dodd also stated there would be a change in the agenda order. Item No. 7 (New Business) would be conducted before No. 6 (Old Business). APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Roth /Carter to accept the minutes of the October 17, 2013 meeting as written. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. NEW BUSINESS: B. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEW – LDC SECTION 54 -2 -7.5 – 1517 EMERSON LANE – 24'X 30'(720 SF) DETACHED GARAGE – JOHN & NANCY ALLEN Ms. Bosworth stated the homeowners wanted to place a prefab detached garage on their adjacent vacant lot, and she then proceeded to review items within the staff report, i.e. setbacks, existing sheds, etc., indicating compliance with the LDC. She noted there was an existing 264 SF shed on the property behind the house and, with the proposed detached garage the homeowners would still have less than the 1000 SF maximum. The applicants had told her the structure would be painted to match the house and trim. Ms. Bosworth also explained that although the new garage would be structurally higher than the house, visually it would appear even based on the elevation difference of the vacant lot and finished grade of the house, meeting the intention of the code. An auxiliary driveway onto to the vacant lot was existing. She stated staff recommended approval. Mr. Roth verified that there was not a code issued with the structure being metal. Ms. Bosworth stated that if the garage was over 750 SF, the finish material would then need to match the house exactly, i.e. stucco or hardiplank. The proposed roof would be different from the house, metal vs. asphalt shingles, but the color would be the same. She answered Mr. Roth's questions that the roof would have an overhang and was not rounded, and that the auxiliary driveway was piped and grassed. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2013 Ms. Kautenburg asked for clarification regarding the existing garage attached to the house. Ms. Bosworth stated that the code included an exemption for the garage built with the house to not be included in the maximum 5% total accessory structure square- footage allowed. She relayed to the Commission that the applicants were using the detached garage for storage of antique cars and it would not be used for living space. Mr. Carter asked if foundation plantings were required. Ms. Bosworth stated based on the size of the garage, no. Mr. Allen spoke and stated that there was a row of plants behind the garage near the property line so that the rear neighbors were buffered, and he was planning on installing a privacy fence in the front. MOTION by Roth /Carter to approve the accessory structure for 1517 Emerson Lane as presented [along] with staffs comments. ROLL CALL: Mr. McManus yes Ms. Kautenburg yes Mr. Roth yes Mr. Carter yes Mr. Dodd yes The vote was 5 -0. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS: A. QUASI - JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING — RIVERFRONT OVERLAY DISTRICT WAIVER — BURIED TREASURES ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES — 1554 US HIGHWAY #1 — WAIVER REQUEST FROM OVERLAY LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS — LDC SECTION 54- 4- 21.A.7 Chairman Dodd reviewed that the site plan for the project had been approved [on September 5th 2013] conditional on approval of the landscape plan, which was being reviewed tonight with the request for some waivers of the overlay district landscaping requirements. Chairman Dodd asked the Commissioners if they had any ex -parte communication to disclose. Mr. Ginsburg reminded the Commissioners that shortly after the public hearing for the site plan they had all received a one -page email expressing one of the Commissioner's view of applications like [Buried Treasures], both presently and historically. He then asked each of the Commissioners, except Mr. McManus who, was appointed after the email was sent, if they would "be able to hear and judge this application fairly, neutrally, and partially, and base your decision on the testimony and evidence that you hear tonight, and on no other outside factor." Mr. Dodd, Mr. Roth, Mr. Carter, and Ms. Kautenburg each individually, via roll call, stated they could. Staff presented first, and Ms. King explained that a waiver is some "relief' that the Commissioners can grant to the special conditions established by the Overlay District regulations. At this point, Chmn. Dodd had those who were going to speak sworn in by the city attorney. Jan continued, and summed up the request from the applicant which was for a reduction in the number of canopy trees (10), a reduction in the number of understory trees (8), and the number of the foundation shrubs (115), and a reduction in the perimeter landscape strip from 10 feet to 5. She discussed what would have been required with the basic landscape code and what the overlay district amounts were. She noted that the submitted plan was short 22 shrubs required by the basic code, and if the shrubs were not added to the plan, a variance would be needed. Mr. Dodd verified that the variance would not be affected if the waivers were granted. Mr. Ginsburg stated it would not because variance requests were heard by the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Dodd stated his main concern was for the back of the property {east side), which abuts the 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2013 parking area for Fisherman's Landing, to have a good buffer since the rear of the structure was plain, unless it was not a concern of the city. Ms. King verified that she had worked with the landscaper to add more than what was originally proposed. Mr. Scott Becker, project landscaper, addressed Mr. Dodd's concerns that the proposed plant material (red maples, live oak, wax myrtles, etc.) would buffer the building with projected future growth. Mr. Roth asked how high the trees would be at planting. Mr. Becker stated 12 feet high. Mr. Carter asked if the waiver was being requested because of the small size of the property and size of the building. Ms. King stated the building, parking, and stormwater took up a large portion of the lot, all within code. Mr. McManus asked for a definition of an understory tree, and if irrigation would be installed. Ms. King read the understory tree information, stated the requirement of understory trees was unique to the overlay districts, and verified there would be an irrigation system. Mr. Roth felt the Commission shouldn't encumber a business with undue hardship with a lot of extra plantings, and was overall OK with the numbers [of plantings] proposed. Ms. Kautenburg stated, once planted, she didn't think anyone would miss the trees not planted Chmn. Dodd opened Public Input. No one spoke in favor, or in opposition, of the application. MOTION by Kautenburg /Roth to grant the waiver as requested ROLL CALL: Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Roth yes Mr. Carter yes Mr. McManus yes Mrs. Kautenburg yes The vote was 5 -0. Motion passed. Mr. Dodd noted that a lot of the remaining developable properties in the riverfront were smaller and /or unique, and maybe the Commission should consider revising the code to save businesses the expense and time processing waivers. Ms. King stated that the Chamber of Commerce was working on a list of possible code changes, including landscaping, that would make things more "business friendly ", and would be presented to City Council for feedback. Mr. Dodd stated it was difficult for the Commission to consider something that was already quasi- approved by the City Council. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Mr. Dodd continued his thoughts about changing the code to be more pro- business, especially landscaping and defining the Fishing Village theme, and hoped any suggestions would be brought before the Commission first. MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. McManus spoke on his experience with commercial development and how important the economic feasibility was in making a project work, and small lots were difficult with too many code restrictions on them. 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2013 Mr. Roth stated he was very happy with the addition of the rope and posts to the Ay Jalisco site, and thought they looked fantastic. He hoped to continue with the trend. Mr. Dodd noted that the Sebastian Charter Jr. High School project looked great, too, better than the proposed pictures. Mr. Carter asked about the status of lighting the front City Hall sign. Ms. King said she did not know and would check with Mr. Griffin. DIRECTOR MATTERS: Ms. King updated the Commission that the special exception for Avery Way Apartments, qualified affordable senior housing, was approved by City Council. Also, the preliminary plat for Rohm Commercial Subdivision, along with the final plat was approved, and final plats for two additional phases of Cross Creek Lake Estates were approved by City Council. Mr. Roth asked about the lack of sidewalk shown on the conceptual plan for Avery Way. Ms. King stated that can be addressed when they submit the site plan for Commission's review. ATTORNEY MATTERS: None Chairman Dodd adjourned the meeting at 7:48 p.m. (db) 0