HomeMy WebLinkAbout04072014VAC AgendaCM OF 5E BAS7 N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND VETERANS ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2014 - 3:00 PM SEBASTIAN CITY HALL CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN ST, SEBASTIAN, FL 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVE MINUTES A. August 5, 2013 Meeting 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Proposed New Monument for Memorial Park (Frank Cutrone, VFW) B. Memorial Day Celebration (Barney Giordan) C. Opening a Line of Communications Regarding Flying the American Flag at Half Mast (Vernon Barnes, American Legion & VFW) D. Thanking the City Council For the Band Stand 6. MEMBERS MATTERS 7. CITY MANAGER MATTERS A. Update on Veterans Housing (City Manager) 8. OTHER MATTERS A. Set Next Meeting Date and Agenda 9. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589 -5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. 1. +R 3. 4. a MY of SEBAST HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2013,3:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN ST, SEBASTIAN, FL Chairman Taylor called the meeting to order at 3:16 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. MEMBER APPOINTMENTS For the record, the Recording Secretary announced the following committee members: Chairman Kory Taylor, Commander of American Legion Post 189 Jerry Piper, Commander of VFW Post 10210 Butch Dawson, Member of VFW Post 10210 Pete Puzzo, Member of American Legion Post 189 Donna Goff, President of Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post 10210 Tom Nagle, Alternate Member of VFW Post 10210 To Be Announced, Alternate Member of American Legion Post 189 ROLL CALL Present: Kory Taylor — Chairman Jerry Piper Donna Goff Also Present: Council Member Andrea Coy Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. June 3, 2013 Meeting Not Present: Butch Dawson Pete Puzzo Tom Nagle MOTION to approve by Ms. Goff and SECOND by Mr. Piper to approve the June 3, 2013 minutes. 6. OLD BUSINESS A. Transition House Chairman Taylor said he reviewed the minutes of the past meetings, he works closely with the National Veterans Housing Homeless Support (NVHS) and would support the idea of establishing a transitional house. Veterans Advisory Board Meeting 2 August 6, 2013 Mr. Piper explained that a couple of the members toured the Melbourne facility and brought back their origination documents and guidelines to Mr. John King, a local realtor, who has volunteered to head up an executive steering committee to include a human resources employee of the school district, a local business woman and former City Attorney, Rich Stringer. As of this date, he has not heard back from Mr. King, noting there are people willing to donate to this but at this point, he would like the LLC set up with back accounts by the executive committee. He asked Chairman Taylor to continue trying to contact John King. Chairman Taylor indicated he sent an introductory e-mail to Mr. King. Mr. Piper noted nothing has been done in regard to the proposed parcels. Council Member Coy advised a couple hundred dollars would be needed to set up a 501 c3 and it takes a year and half to go through before they could collect donations. She said a separate account could be established with one of the posts but it would make the post liable and a 501c3 might be a better option. Barney Giordan advised the Veterans Council of Indian River County has already coordinated a housing and feeding program that is county wide and their proposal might be a duplication of efforts. Mr. Piper noted the project is not VFW or Legion project, is for all veterans of all organizations and the Board's function is to advise the City on how to spend funds that are available. Council Member Coy added the Sebastian Veterans Advisory Board was established to serve as representatives for the City because there was a huge hole here as Sebastian veterans assisted with fundraising in Vero Beach but nothing was returned to the north. B. Solicitation Resolution Mr. Piper explained there was resolution presented to Council but it did not make it. He explained when people were coming to solicit funds for veterans in front of the Walmarts, WinnDixies, and Publixs a minute amount was returned back to the veterans, most of the money went to the gas, hotel expenses of the Ft. Lauderdale /Miami soliciting individuals. The Board was asking the stores to check if the solicitors were soliciting for the proper cause. Council Member Coy concurred the resolution was encouraging the big box stores to keep the soliciting for the locals but it did not fly. She advised while Council has not changed the fraud solicitors have been exposed, and the individuals organizations should draft up a letter to the store managers. She noted the new Walmart manager has been doing a good job and when out -of- towners show up people call her and she calls the managers so circumstances have changed. Chairman Taylor asked what Council's opposition was. Council Member Coy said they didn't want to appear to only endorse the two organizations. W 3:44 pm Veterans Advisory Board Meeting 3 August 6, 2013 Mr. Giordan said the active organizations have been monitoring the solicitors and those who could not produce a DD214 (which is brief synopsis of the veteran's service history) stopped their effort. C. Stand Down Chairman Taylor said he participates annually with Stand Downs and will be speaking to the NVHS on August 14th to host one at the American Legion Post. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Soup Kitchen One Day a Week Chairman Taylor said the kitchen is completed at the American Legion Post and asked for input on opening the Post one day a week and possibly getting the neighbors involved. Council Member Coy asked how many homeless veterans there are and where are they. Chairman Taylor said with the Stand Down Search and Rescue division for the past year, he has identified 200 people along U.S.1 across the street from Publix, and further down by the Sebastian Bridge. Council Member Coy said they might want to tag onto the coalition of non - profit organizations called the North County Hunger Relief Organization who are cooking and delivering 140 meals on Wednesdays from the St. Sebastian Catholic Church. She said they have found that homeless people are snowbirds that go up north when it is hot and if they have a car to drive to a location; they really don't need a meal so the Coalition delivers where they are needed. She said the churches are the foundation; the main sponsor is the Salvation Army which is their outreach to the north county for our bell ringing for them. She said the Coalition could use volunteers to deliver the meals to legitimate people. She invited the veterans to join them. She said the hardest part is finding the people who really need a meal, they have gone behind Walmart, Home Depot and by the bridge. This fall they might get the Sheriff's helicopter to go up and locate the homeless because sometimes it is dangerous to approach the homeless. Veterans Memorial at Riverview Park Mr. Giordan asked the City for help in adding an Iraq and Afghanistan memorial at the park to be installed by Veterans Day 2013. Mr. Piper pointed out there is a stone honoring Gulf War veterans. Mr. Giordan said that was for the Desert Storm veterans who served under George Bush and they are separate conflicts. Mr. Piper pointed out one stone honors the WWII veterans who served in all corners of the earth and Gulf War stone might include Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. Giordan said the stone could be modified but he didn't see any connection between Desert Storm and Iraq and Afghanistan. 3 Veterans Advisory Board Meeting 4 August 6, 2013 Chairman Taylor said the campaign ribbons are separate and the wars were 15 years apart; Council Member Coy added the Pacific Theater and Atlantic Theater had different ribbons. In response to Ms. Goff, Mr. Giordan offered to get cost information from Frank Cantrone. Council Member Coy advised them to come to Council with their entire information ready along with funding ideas such as the CDGB grant. Ms. Goff suggested soliciting the Clam Bake Foundation next year. 8. MEMBERS MATTERS — None. 9. OTHER MATTERS A. Set Next Meeting Date and Agenda Chairman Taylor announced the next meeting will be October Ph at 3:00 p.m. 10. Being no further business, Chairman Taylor adjourned the Veterans Advisory Board meeting at 4:04 p.m. By: Chairman Date Sec. 2 -251. - Mission. The veterans advisory board shall advise the city council with respect to matters especially relating to or affecting veterans, male and female, who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States, and their dependents, including without limitation: (a) Celebrations, ceremonials, monuments, parades, recognitions, honors and awards; (b) Education including training and retraining; (c) Employment; (d) Housing; (e) Benefits, preferences and entitlements; (f) Transportation; (g) Community participation and volunteer opportunities; (h) Health and rehabilitation; (i) Any other matters requested or assigned by the city council. (Ord. No. 0- 12 -05, § 1, 4- 25 -12) Sec. 2 -252. - Officers, procedure. The board shall select its own officers and adopt and enforce its own rules of procedure; provided, however, that all meetings shall be held in the city council chambers, all provisions of Florida's Open Government Laws, including the Sunshine Law and the Public Record Laws shall apply and all meetings shall be open to the public. The board shall periodically report on its activities to the city council. (Ord. No. 0- 12 -05, § 1, 4- 25 -12) Sec. 2 -253. - Repealer. This division shall stand repealed one year from its effective date, unless, prior to that time, the city council adopts a resolution providing for its extension. City of Sebastian Code of Ordinances Sec. 2 -260. - Veterans advisory board; creation. There is hereby created a veterans advisory board, which shall consist of five reqular members and two alternate members, appointed in the followinq manner: Position Description in Code of Ordinances Current Member, Affiliation and Contact Information (1) The Commander of VFW Post 10210, or in the discretion of the Commander, VFW Commmander or another VFW member designated by Commander another member of the VFW designated by the Commander; Butch Dawson Dee. butchdawson(a)_att.net (2) A member of the VFW Post 10210 designated by the Commander; VFW Member Designated by VFW Commander Jerry Piper JerryJo39 a- yagoo.com (772) 321 -4374 (3) The Commander of American Legion Post 189, or in the discretion of the Commander of American Legion or another American Legion member designated by Commander Commander, another member of American Legion Post 189 designated by the Commander; Wayne Newland — Chairman Waynewlandaatt.net 772 584 -2450 (4) A member of American Legion Post 189 designated by the Commander Member of American Legion designated by Commander Fred Lurs (5) On a rotating basis: Donna Goff ?? (a) The President of the Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post 10210, or in the discretion of the president, another member of the Ladies Auxiliary designated by the President or, (b) The President of the Ladies Auxiliary of American Legion Post 189, or in the discretion of the President, another member of the Ladies Auxiliary designated by the President. (6) The Commanders of VFW Post 10210 and America Legion Post 189 shall VFW Alternate selected by Commander.' each select one alternate member of the board from their respective Posts. Tom Nagle — Alternate 702 Bougainvillea Circle Barefoot Bay, FL 32976 (772) 664 -2431 American Legion Alternate selected by Commander. Barney Giordan (772) 589 -8710 (772) 696 -5182