HomeMy WebLinkAbout11172014FSLAgendaCfrY OF 5*'VNEW- --i� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 (772)589-5330 Phone (772)589-5570 Fax AGENDA FSL GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING City Council Chambers MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2014 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. OLD BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of Regular Meetings: 1/14/14, 1/21/14, and 2/18/14 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Review of Budget and Funds Available B. Review application and make recommendation to CRA Board: • Tiki Bar and Grill — 1109/1130 Indian River Drive — CJD Holdings of IR, Inc • Diesel Power Pro & Auto Repair — 705 US #1 — Bill Hennen 6. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. FAQADE, SIGN AND LANDSCAPING GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES Tuesday, January 14, 2014 5:00 PM 1. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Tom Haynes Donna Keys Warren Dill Mickey Capp Excused Absence: Lisanne Robinson Staff present: Jan King, Senior Planner Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — Regular Meeting of April 9, 2013 MOTION by Dill/Capp to accept the minutes of the April 9, 2013 meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. 5. OLD BUSINESS: A. Review FSL Grant Information & Application proposed changes and make recommendation to CRA Board Chmn. Keyes reviewed that the changes [to the application] were proposed by the Committee at their last meeting 4/9/13 and the document they had in their packet showed the changes in the strike -out and underlined format. Ms. Bosworth asked the Committee to verify that the wording in Section 6 was as they intended in that within two years a property could receive up to $15,000 in grant monies, and that they would then have to wait an additional two years to be able to submit another application. The Committee concurred. MOTION by Dill/Capp to send the proposed application changes [as written] to the CRA Board for approval. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Review of Budget and Funds Available Ms. Bosworth quickly discussed the Program Summary To Date which included the $30,000 budgeted for the grant for this fiscal year, but also award money set aside for Alpha Hardware which had not been used as of yet. She explained the award would expire in a few days and she had not been able to contact the recipient. Mr. Haynes stated he had spoken to the applicant, who had had some health issues in the past year, and she wished to withdraw her project and rescind the grant award. Ms. Bosworth noted with the rescinded monies considered, the Committee had $46,139 available funds to be awarded. 1 Mr. Dill stated if all the applications submitted in this first cycle were awarded grants, it would total $37,680. B. Review applications and make recommendation to CRA Board: • River Park Plaza — 480-484 US Highway #1 — Jay Dick/Joe Cataldo • Buried Treasures — 1554 US Highway #1 — Renee Powell • Rella's Bistro — 1550 Indian River Drive — Robert Giambanco • Treasure Coast Thoracic Surgery — 816 US Highway #1 — Michael Greene • River Plark Plaza Businesses: o The Italian Cousin —480 US #1 —Gus Rivera o Debbie's Hair Pampering — 484 US #1 — Debra Poli o Tiki Sandals — 484 US #1 — Richard Reppa o Seaside Vapors — 484 US #1 — Linda Stursberg River Park Plaza — Mr. Joe Cataldo was present and explained that their site had a non -conforming [pole] sign close to the road, and that they had presented a few different sign designs that the Committee had reviewed and did not like during the last grant cycle. He gave a brief history of the site, its development hurdles from the previous owner, and the current owner's construction projects. They had the sign company create additional monument sign designs for the Committee's re -review but, also stated that if there was limited award monies he would rather see the tenants be given the money for their fagade sign applications. Ms. Keys stated she was really happy with the current redevelopment of the site and glad the applicant came back with additional designs. Mr. Dill verified that there were four designs. Ms. Bosworth stated there were five - one sheet had two different proposals. Ms. Keys asked Mr. Cataldo what his preferred sign was, to which he replied the one with the "gingerbread" embellishments [Design #27204 B]. He proceeded to show the designs on the overhead projector. Ms. Keys stated the price quote for the preferred sign was $9,967, and asked if that price was inclusive to all costs. Ms. Bosworth stated she did not think it covered building permit fees. Mr. Dill noted at that price 80% would be over [the maximum award of] $7500. MOTION by Capp/Dill to approve for River Park Plaza sign design #27204 B for $7500. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Buried Treasures — Ms. Renee Powell was present. Mr. Capp disclosed that he had bid on the construction of Ms. Powell's new project. Ms. Keys asked if he would gain any financial advantage if she was approved for a grant. Mr. Capp stated no. Ms. Powell showed her two monument sign considerations on the overhead projector. She stated the one she would like to install was the design [by Indian River Signs] as it would use the materials preferred by the Committee. It would be sandblasted but appear to be hand -carved, and not be internally lit but have goose -neck lighting from the top. The design and colors would match the new building exactly. Mr. Dill reviewed his previous concerns that Buried Treasures was not an existing site, and that based on the proposed changes to the application it might not be approvable as it was a sign for a new building. Ms. Keys stated, based on the previous discussion noted in the minutes from the last meeting, she felt Ms. Powell was grandfathered in. Ms. Keys stated the price quote for the preferred sign was $8,500 in addition to $4,150 for the lighting and base. Ms. Bosworth reviewed that at the last meeting [4/9/13] the Committee had passed a motion to award $4,320 to Buried Treasures conditional on reviewing revised sign designs, but that there had also been a lot of discussion and voiced concerns from the Committee that her site plan had not yet even been approved. To address those concerns, Ms. Powell formally withdrew her application from the last grant cycle before her site plan project went to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Ms. Bosworth stated this would nullify the last motion. Her site plan has since been approved by the PZC, and Ms. Powell re -submitted an application for this grant cycle. MOTION by Capp/Keys to approve the sign for Buried Treasures for the maximum amount of $7500 — sign by Indian River Signs and additional construction by Sunshine State Construction. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Rella's Bistro — Mr. Robert Giambanco was present and gave a brief review of their recent purchase of the site and existing building. He had submitted two sign designs with the application, and presented his preferred sign on the overhead projector [Design #27988 from Art -Kraft Sign Co.]. He stated it would be lit externally up from the ground, had carved letters, and showed alternatives designs for the monument base matching more the building materials and colors. The Committee discussed and compared the two designs and alternative bases. Ms. Keys had concerns with the preferred sign since it would be next to Fisherman's Landing, the large scale of the sign for a small site, and the bold color. She preferred the second sign. Mr. Dill also did not like the gold colors. Several ideas were discussed for modifications to both the base and colors. The Committee was leaning towards the second sign, but Mr. Giambanco stated it was out of his budget. There was discussion on the second sign, the distance between the two panels and how the sign calculations per code would be applied. Ms. Keys read from the grant application that "fagade, signage, and landscaping grants must support the goals of the overlay district for the CRA area. Applicants are required to use the design guidelines specified in the Overlay District to achieve the Old Fishing Village theme." It was suggested that the applicant resubmit modified or additional signs for consideration. The upcoming opening date for the restaurant was discussed. Mr. Capp proposed a few small design changes to the preferred sign that might make it applicable. The Committee stated they would like to see revised designs. It was the consensus of the Committee to table a decision on the grant award until a meeting scheduled a week later on Tuesday, January 21, at noon. Treasure Coast Thoracic Surgery — The applicant withdrew his application earlier in the week. River Park Plaza Businesses: [Fagade signs] ❖ The Italian Cousin — Michelle Rivera was representing the applicant. She showed the two sign designs on the overhead projector and stated they were both preferred equally. She explained that The Italian Cousin was a separate operation from the Former River Grille [at the same location]. Ms. Keys verified that all the businesses currently have blank rectangular, internally -lit signs on their fagade. Ms. Rivera stated that the existing signs no longer match the beautiful enhancements the new developer was constructing. 3 Mr. Capp questioned if tenants had previously been awarded fagade sign grants or only monument signs. Mr. Dill had concerns since the business had previously been awarded a $3400 grant. Ms. Bosworth stated it had been three years since that award, as currently allowed by the grant program. She also reminded the Committee that the program allowed for a maximum of $15,000 per property and that an earlier $7500 grant had been recommended for the plaza. She suggested that if a grant was given for the remaining $7500, the developer could distribute evenly the money to the tenants to help with nicer looking signs. The Committee discussed whether the business signs complied with the conditions of the grant — nonconforming or blight, and their concerns with the proposed design if the businesses went under or relocated, and how hard they would be to retrofit. There was additional discussion with the developer, Mr. Cataldo, on the requirement of a Master sign plan, and that if awarded monies, the "coffin" signs would need to be removed. He confirmed that if there were no monies awarded, the businesses did not have the funds to replace the coffin signs and they would remain. In response to Ms. Keys, Ms. King explained how a master sign plan works relating to the codes. Mr. Cataldo reviewed additional site improvements they were currently working on with the City and how important they felt new fagade signs would enhance the overall look of the plaza. Ms. Rivera told the Committee how long three of the tenants have had to endure maintaining the plaza with their own money while legal issues with the previous owner were going thru the courts. Mr. Haynes stated he thought the intention of the grant and Committee was to influence the type of sign being installed. He had concerns with setting precedent for other strip malls but did not like the coffin signs and would like to help get rid of them. Mr. Dill asked staff if the signs met the intent of the Old Fishing village theme. Ms. Bosworth stated in the past, staff was more stringent with the larger monument sign designs, and mostly reviewed the fagade signs for color and master sign plan compliance. The amount of total grant monies allowed for the property and/or each application was again discussed, along with grant applicability for future tenant signs. Mr. Cataldo stated future tenants would be responsible for the purchase of their own signs and meet the new master sign plan, if grants were awarded for a new design. Ms. Keys re -iterated that the Commission was trying to get away from internally lit signs and go with externally lit designs, though that might add an additional expense. Mr. Haynes referred to the Committee's handout of suggested village -type signs, specifically the "Trattoria" sign, (attached), which was hand -carved with overhead goose -neck lighting. Ms. Keys stated that was the design they were looking for. Mr. Cataldo stated he was not opposed to that look as long as the tenants could still incorporate their own logo and not all have to use the same lettering. He also thought the gooseneck lighting would be attractive on the new facades. He asked if he could use grant money for a fagade improvement since the lighting and electrical would be expensive. The Committee agreed it would qualify, and it was discussed if the applicant could submit information in time for the next meeting [in one week on 1/21/14]. Mr. Cataldo stated he would try. Staff clarified that Mr. Cataldo, representing River Park Plaza, would bring in additional information for goose -neck lighting and electrical cost to the next meeting, which would be added to his sign application, to be considered for an additional $7500 fagade grant. The tenants would then be considered individually on their applications, at the next meeting, for fagade signs with the new hand - carved design, to be submitted. P19 MOTION by Dill/Haynes to table The Italian Cousin application until noon on January 21St, 2014 A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. ❖ Debbie's Hair Pampering MOTION by Dill/Haynes to table Debbie's Hair Pampering application until noon on January 21St, 2014. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. ❖ Tiki Sandals MOTION by Dill/Haynes to table the Tiki Sandals application until noon on January 21St, 2014. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. ❖ Seaside Vapors MOTION by Dill/Haynes to table the Seaside Vapors application until noon on January 21St, 2014. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:32 PM. Approved @ Regular Meeting of by Chairman, FSL Grant Review Committee 5 /d b A r , �`•, Lutfitfar, l },Ijrf 1. s "00; ti10R-4H1� �t� too Hone uckle Ite mist,� wv.a a IN STREET EAST MAS 10 A 19 ayview WATERFRONT• HO � . AA;A Nd McDonald McGarry INSURANCE' +� 774-3200 •AUTO.HOML• •Llrc*6us1NE5s• I FACADE, SIGN AND LANDSCAPING GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES Tuesday, January 21, 2014 12:00 NOON The meeting was called to order at 12:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Tom Haynes Donna Keys Warren Dill Mickey Capp Excused Absence: Lisanne Robinson Staff present: Jan King, Senior Planner Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None OLD BUSINESS: A. Review tabled applications and make recommendation to CRA Board: Rella's Bistro —1550 Indian River Drive — Robert Giambanco - WITHDRAWN River Park Plaza — 480-484 US Highway #1 — Jay Dick/Joe Cataldo — Fagade Lighting River Plark Plaza Businesses — Fagade signs: o The Italian Cousin — 480 US Highway #1 — Gus Rivera o Debbie's Hair Pampering — 484 US #1 — Debra Poli o Tiki Sandals — 484 US #1 — Richard Reppa o Seaside Vapors — 482 US #1 — Linda Stursberg [Rella's Bistro withdrew their application on Wednesday, January 15th, 20141 Mr. Joe Cataldo, representing River Park Plaza, stated he did not have new drawings. After meeting with their contractor, they calculated they would need 76 goose -neck lamps for all the units, and based on the low height of the parapet and the number of light fixtures, they felt the previously suggested "Trattoria" design would not compliment the buildings. He gave examples of other sites in the county that used the lamps only for decoration but still used internally lit signs. After looking at computer models, they felt adding that many lights would take away from the look of the buildings. Ms. Keys stated she was reluctant to reconsider the previously submitted channel -letter signs and re - voiced her concerns on the city paying for signs that couldn't be used again if the business went under. Mr. Dill re -stated his concerns that he didn't feel the previous signs met the intent of the Old Fishing Village theme or were consistent with the grant requirements. The existing "coffin" [rectangular] signs were discussed. Mr. Cataldo stated it would be disappointing to have to leave them up and be the master sign plan, and that he would be willing to reimburse the channel -letter signs if a business left. He also discussed the idea of a "contoured" box sign Mr. Haynes agreed with Mr. Dill and wasn't too fond of the channel letters, but liked the contour idea because the panel could be replaced for a new business. Mr. Cataldo showed examples to the Commission. Mr. Dill suggested tabling the decision again for a few weeks or 30 days, so the applicant could work on additional designs. Ms. Keys suggested the tenants could put up temporary signs over the existing signs until the design issues were resolved. Ms. Lori Reilly, Art -Kraft Signs, reviewed with the Commission the type of signs they were looking for, and went over replacement costs, material information, and illumination issues with sign design in general. Mr. Haynes discussed contour sign designs with Ms. Reilly. Ms. Bosworth stated there was scroll work on the approved monument sign and suggested that be incorporated into the tenant signs. The Commission discussed visibility issues with Ms. Reilly if hand -carved, externally lit signs were used for businesses open after dark. Michele Rivera, representing The Italian Cousin, noted that new signs installed to the south of the property were internally -lit channel letters, and there did not seem to be conformity within the area. MOTION by Dill/Haynes to "table the applications for The Italian Cousin, Debbie's Hair Pampering, Tiki Sandals, and Seaside Vapors for 30 days to allow the applicant time to come back with new concept drawings that better comply with the guidelines". Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Dates for the re -review were discussed, and the meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, February 18th at 5 pm. 6. NEW BUSINESS: None 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:36 PM. Approved @ Regular Meeting of by Chairman, FSL Grant Review Committee 2 /db FAPADE, SIGN AND LANDSCAPING GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:00 PM The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Donna Keys Mickey Capp Warren Dill Excused Absence: Lisanne Robinson Staff present: Jan King, Senior Planner Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Secretary Chmn. Keys stated Mr. Haynes recently resigned from the Committee, and the City was taking applications to fill the vacant position. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meetings of January 14, 2014, and January 21, 2014 [Removed from the agenda — lack of completed minutes] OLD BUSINESS: A. Review tabled applications and make recommendation to CRA Board: • River Plark Plaza Businesses — Fagade signs: o The Italian Cousin — 480 US Highway #1 — Gus Rivera o Debbie's Hair Pampering — 484 US #1 — Debra Poli o Tiki Sandals — 484 US #1 — Richard Reppa o Seaside Vapors — 482 US #1 — Linda Stursberg Mr. Joe Cataldo, representing the River Park Plaza Businesses, presented two new fagade sign proposals on the overhead projector, and explained they tried to achieve a hand -carved looking sign with a replaceable panel. He stated the canister itself, for each sign, was the main expense, with the panels being able to be changed out for each new tenant. After being asked by Mr. Capp, he stated he preferred the arched -top sign, but others had preferred the oval. Mr. Dill felt the arched -top version was more appropriate for meeting the grant requirements. Ms. Keys agreed. Mr. Dill also noted that the code [LDC] called for darker backgrounds, which the signs did not propose. Ms. Keys stated she felt the applicants have gone to "extremes" to meet the wishes of the Committee, and they have met the requirements of the grant guidelines as the property was undergoing an "overall improvement program". She verified with Mr. Cataldo which tenants had existing signs that needed replacement, and stated grant monies would not be for new signs for new tenants. The Committee discussed permit and engineering fees, and the sign costs for each of the four applications. Staff verified $31,139 remained in the grant budget. Ms. Bosworth also noted the Committee should verify if they were considering the applications together as part of one property eligible for a maximum award of $15,000, or the applications separately, each eligible for $7,500. Mr. Dill felt that that may be a CRA Board decision, since it was a matter of policy. The Italian Cousin's sign request was discussed because they were requesting two signs, one being larger than the others because of the size of their building. Mr. Dill stated the City should only pay for one sign per business. Mr. Cataldo stated he could divide the $7500 award accordingly. MOTION by Dill/Capp to "recommend approval of 80% of the costs, not to exceed $7,500, for the four businesses that have applications before us" Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Dill clarified that the approval was for Art -Kraft Design #281158. Ms. Keys stated that she would like the Committee to put together a "Design Brochure" of the preferred sign designs to give to the applicants, and referred to the copy she had that staff currently hands out. She asked the Committee to come up with additional sign design ideas for the next meeting. Possible workshop dates before the March 12th CRA Board meeting were discussed. It was decided so as to not rush completion of a brochure just to meet the deadline, a meeting would be held at a later date. Mr. Dill stated since the proposed changes to the grant guidelines and applications were scheduled for the 12th, he would like to add a revision that the Council would approve only one sign per applicant. There was a discussion on the current handout and Ms. King noted some of the sign designs would not meet the existing LDC sign requirements. Mr. Capp stated some of them may not meet structural codes, also. Discussion continued on Mr. Dill's proposed revision. Ms. Bosworth noted that with $7500 a small business removing blight might be able to purchase both a monument and a fapade sign, and asked if the intent was to not allow that. Mr. Dill stated he saw that as two signs, that was his intent, and felt with one sign there would be more monies available for additional applicants which would lead to more visual benefits to the city. He suggested adding an exception if the applicant was applying to remove two non -conforming signs. Mr. Dill requested to also add a second revision in that there be a maximum established of $15,000 to replace signs for any property regardless of how many businesses were in the plaza. Mr. Capp agreed. Ms. Bosworth verified the revisions would be in Section 4 and 6, and the Committee further discussed adding a definition of "property" and/or removing the adjective "individual". Mr. Dill suggested that "property" be defined as "a location of one or more businesses as tenants on a parcel of land." MOTION by Dill/Capp to add the definition of "property" to Section 4. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. MOTION by Dill/Capp to add a one sign limit with an exception where more than one non -conforming sign is being replaced. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. 4 There was discussion on re -wording one of the paragraphs in Section 4 regarding the signage monies. MOTION by Dill/Capp to change the verbiage in Section 4 to say "For signage and landscaping improvements, and/or just signage improvements, up to $7,500 shall be available for an individual business, not to exceed $15,000 for an individual property". Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. The Committee verified with staff they would like to call a workshop sometime after the March 12th CRA Board meeting. 6. NEW BUSINESS: None 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 PM. Approved @ Regular Meeting of by Chairman, FSL Grant Review Committee 3 /d b MOF SEBAS-T," HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Fagade, Sign, & Landscape Grant Program Summary To Date FiscalYear/Awarded to: Funds Available Funds Awarded and Disbursed Funds Awarded but not yet Disbursed 2005/06 $30,000 Buena Vista E eland $6,050 2006/07 $30,000 Wendy's $3,251 H.A.L.O. $15,000 Professional Title (expired) $0 2007/08 $30,000 Keg Shack $5,005 Sebastian Executive Plaza $4,000 Anchor Plaza $7,500 Captain Hiram's $15,000 VFW $6,775 2008/09 $30,000 2009/10 $30,000 Jerry Smith Tile $6,581 Sebastian Antiques $6,389 Island Tropical Smoothie $4,744 (tree removal) $350 Southern Sisters — Phase I $7,500 Southern Sisters — Phase II $2,463 Maxwell Plumbing $14,569 FisealYear/Awarded to: Funds Available Funds Awarded and Disbursed Funds Awarded but not yet Disbursed 2010/11 $30,000 Earl's Hideaway $7,500 Riverfront Chill & Grill $7,000 Philipson/920 Plaza $7,500 River Grille $3,398 Kim Ellis Insurance $4,400 Fountain Plaza $7,436 Squidly Books $5,500 Washington Plaza $7,500 Professional Title $6,859 H.A.L.O. $3,717 2011/12 $20,000 Clark Water $5,500 Tire Kingdom $3,750 Riverfront Auto $6,541 Tiki Bar & Grill $13,083 2012/13 $26,000 Sebastian Vacation Rental $15,000 Alpha Hardware (withdrew) 0.00 2013/14 $30,000 River Park Plaza $7,500 Buried Treasures 7,500 River Park Plaza Businesses 7,500 2014/15 $30,000 TOTALS TO DATE $286,000 $209,861 $22,500 Total funds in program $ 286,000 Less funds awarded and disbursed 209,861 Less funds awarded, but not yet disbursed 22,500 Available Funds to be Awarded $53,639 (As of 11-6-2014) 2 MYMY � q� l Ilk- J . 3 HOME OL "PELICAN ISLAND � L FaSade ! and Landscaping i Information « Application FACADE SIGNAGE AND LANDSCAPING GRANT 0 The Sebastian CRA Facade, Signage and Landscaping Improvement Grant Program (FSL Grant Program) is a program designed to encourage visible, exterior improvements that meet the intent and mission of the CRA District to any existing building (residential or commercial) to encourage private investment within the Sebastian Community Redevelopment Area. The program provides up to $15,000 of CRA funds per building to match private funds to pay for impro <ements within the Sebastian CRA. Funds are appropriated annually in the CRA budget, and funding is available on a first come first serve basis. However, the program may be subject to the availability of funds. Facade, signage and landscaping (FSL) .rants i,rjust support the goals of the Overlay District for the CRA area. Applicants are required to use the design guidelines specified in the overlay district to achieve the "Old Florida Fishing Village" theme. Applicants are reminded that grant awards made are discretionary in nature and should not be considered an entitlement by the applicant. All grant criteria contained herein are guidelines for awards and successful applicants may receive any amount Lap to the maximum award. Should an application meet all grant criteria, a grant may or may not be awarded at the CRA Board's discretion due to funding limitations, competing applications, and/or competing priorities. SECTION 1: ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS The FSL program is available to businesses and/or building owners that are located within the CRA district of the City of Sebastian. Businesses must be properly licensed through the City's Occupational Licensing Division and applicants must be a permitted/conforming use within the CRA district. Applications will not be accepted from property owners (and tenants of property owners) who are delinquent on their property taxes. Applicants must not have any outstanding code liens or code violations that cannot be remedied with the grant assistance. SECTION 2: ELIGIBLE IMPROVEMENTS The FSL Grant Program shall provide matching funds for the exterior (street side) improvements that are consistent with and further the implementation of the Land Development Code, CRA Redevelopment Plan and City Comprehensive Plan. Funds may be used for the following illustrative improvements.- • Replacement of windows and doors; • Exterior painting or siding as part of an overall facade renovation program. For example, painting is an eligible expense when done in conjunction with changes in a flat roof to a pitched roof, dormers, gables. Painting otherwise is not an eligible expense. Approved by CRA 6/12/06, rev. 0612G/07, 09/23/09, and 03/12/14 Page 1 FAPADE SIGNAGE AND LANDSCAPING GRANT • New signs as part of an overall improvement program for an existing improved property, and removal of existing non -conforming and blighted signs; • Landscaping when associated with a Fagade Renovation Program, replacement of a non -conforming sign, or an overall improvement program for an existing improved property; • Exterior architectural amenities (e.g., addition or improvement of balconies, porches. or arcades); • Awnings and shutters; • Other exterior (street -side) fagade improvements (considered by the CRA on a case-by-case basis); • Architectural, engineering or landscape architectural services to design improvements to be funded through this program (maximum of 10% of total improvements). *NOTE: All architectural designs, materials and colors must be consistent with the historic and architectural heritage of the Sebastian Community Redevelopment Area. SECTION 3: NON -ELIGIBLE IMPROVEMENTS The FSL grant cannot be used to fund interior renovations or roof repair, other maintenance items and cannot be used to renovate a non -conforming sign unless the sign is being brought into conformity. Any improvements constructed or installed prior to City Council approval are not eligible. SECTION 4: AVAILABLE FUNDING AND MATCHING REQUIREMENT The City shall fund this program from the City's CRA funds. It is anticipated that 2-3 projects per year will receive funding, however, if additional funding is available, additional funding cycles may be considered. For the purposes of grant consideration, "property" shall be defined as a location of one or more businesses as tenants on a parcel of land. For landscaping improvements, up to $5,000 shall be available for an individual property. The City will reimburse up to 80% of the costs, up to the dollar amount approved by the CRA Board. For signage and landscaping improvements, and/or just signage improvements, up to $7,500 shall be available for an individual business, not to exceed $15,000 for an individual property. The City will reimburse up to 80% of the costs, up to the dollar amount approved by the CRA Board. An individual business will be eligible for one sign only, except where more than one non -conforming or blighted sign is being replaced. Approved by CRA 6/12/06, rev. 06/20/07, 09/23/09, and 03/12114 Page 2 FAPADE SIGNAGE AND LANDSCAPING GIANT For exterior facade improvements, up to $10,000 shall be available for an individual property. The City will reimburse up to 80% of the costs, up to the dollar amount approved by the CRA Board. For exterior fagade improvements including signage and/or landscaping, up to $15,000 shall be available for an individual property. The City will reimburse up to 80% of the costs, up to the dollar amount approved by the CRA Board. Applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. As long as the FSL Grant Program is funded, the annual grant cycle will cor:mence on October 1St of each year. All app.ications for funding shall be due on November 15th, or the next immediate workday if November 15th is a holiday or weekend. Application deadlines may change if funding levels permit additional grant cycles. In that case, the City will announce modifications to the above stated schedule. The following chronology outlines the application process: (1) The applicant receives a FSL Grant Program Application. Application forms are available at City Hall, the City's website (www.cityofsebastian.org) or the office of the Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce, 700 Main St., Sebastian, Florida. City Staff is available to meet for an optional pre -application meeting to answer any questions. (2) The applicant completes the application (pgs. 6, 7 & 8) and submits it to the City for review and consistency with the CRA Redevelopment Plan, the Land Development Code, and any other applicable plans. The application package includes the following: a. completed application; b. proof of ownership of the property,- c. roperty;c. proof of paid property taxes (current and prior years); d. copy of occupational license(s) (current); c. copies of three (3) cost estimates for the work to be completed; and, d. photos of areas to be improved. The applicant is responsible for all building and other permits and fees which are associated with the proposed project. Applicants are advised to submit a complete application and all supporting materials per the instructions in this packet. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Approved by CRA 6112/06, rev. 0612j107, 09123100, and 03112114 Page 3 FAPA®E SIGNAGE AND LANDSCAPING GRANT (3) The FSL Committee reviews the application according to the program selection criteria and scores the grant application based upon FSL grant criteria established herein. The FSL Committee shall forward a recommendation to the CRA Board for final grant consideration. The CRA Board shall approve, approve with modifications, or deny the funding application. The FSL Committee will be appointed by the CRA Board. The FSL Committee shall consist of three (3) persons operating business in the CRA and two (2) citizens at large. (4) The CRA Board shall have sole authority to award grants. If a grant application is denied, the applicant may reapply in the next funding cycle. ® Please note that applications must be reviewed and approved BEFORE facade, sign or landscaping construction work begins. Grants will not be awarded to improvement projects (fagade, sign or landscaping) that are under construction or completed prior to grant application. (5) For approved grant projects, prior to construction of improvements, the applicant must submit and receive applicable building and other regulatory permits. The City of Sebastian is required to file informational returns (Form 1099-G) for individuals and entities receiving grants from the City. This information is confidential and will only be used for informational return reporting purposes. Grant recipients must sign and return a W9 form to the City before funds can be distributed. (6) Upon completion of the improvements, final inspection and approval by the City, and issuance of a certificate of occupancy (if applicable), the applicant submits a "reimbursement package" to rhe City which includes the following: a. completed reimbursement form (provided by the City), b. copies of applicable invoices or receipts; c. proof of payment for improvements (which must be at least as much as the amount indicated in the application); and d. photos of improvements (before and after). Applicants will receive grant funding after the project is completed and all associated costs have been paid. Upon cornpietion of approved work, in order to receive grant payment, the applicant must submit documentation of work completed and proof of payment. It is the responsibility of the award recipient to maintain proper documentation of funds expended in the course of completing the improvement project. Release of funds is subject to submission of this documentation. All improvements must be completed essentially as presented to the FSL Committee and CRA Board in order to receive payment. Approved by CRA 6/12/06, rev. 06/2_-A�7, 09/23/09, and 03/12/14 Page 4 If - Acceptable documentation is defined as PAID invoices/statements and/or schedule of values from vendors clearly detailing the work done, accompanied by copies of the cancelled check(s) showing payment accompanied by a vendor invoice. (7) If the project is not completed, is not approved in its final inspection, or does not receive its certificate of occupancy (if applicable) within one year of award, the grant award shall expire. The applicant may request a 6 month extension. Extensions shall only be granted by the CRZA Board. SECTION 6: RECURRING FSL GRAFT APPLICATIONS FSL grant applications will not be considered if the single building/property under the same ownership has received maximum grant funds ($15,000) within two previous fiscal years. Additionally, points will be awarded to first time applicants and/or applicants that have not previously received a gran, , the past two years. SECTION 7: FSL GRANT IMPROVEMENT RANKING CRITERIA The following selection criteria may be used to review and rate applications for the FSL Improvement Grant Program. Criteria are derived from the goals and objectives of the City's adopted Redevelopment Plan as well as the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. Criteria are weighted with a maxirnum score of 100 points. (1) Streetscape Aesthetics and Functionality and Quality of Design (Up to 30 points): Degree to which the proposed project enhances the streetscape of Sebastian CRA district, including the addition or enhancement of display windows, awnings, landscaping, handicapped accessibility and architectural amenities such as arcades, balconies and porches. Points are awarded for achieving the goals of the Riverfront Overlay District and for remedying non -conformities. (2) Conformity to City Regulations and Overlay District Goals (Up to 25 points): Degree to which the proposed projeu promotes the unique character of Sebastian and promotes the historic fishing village overlay goals through the implementation of the Land Development Regulations and the use of urban design principles, site design, architecture, materials, color, landscaping, and other visual physical amenities. (3) Removal of Slum and Slight and Positive Impact to Neighborhood (Up to 25 points): Degree to which the proposed project upgrades or eliminates substandard structures, code violations and/or eiiminates non -conforming uses, as well as achieving the goals of the CRA district. (4) Historic Preservation and eoftitaria_s (Up to `i5 points): Degree to which the proposed project promotes the historic character of Sebastian through historic preservation, adaptive re -use of `-:ystcric structures, site design, architecture, materials, landscaping, and other visual and hh°3slca! amenities. Approved by CRA 6112106, rev. 06/2, IG 7, :390/73/09, and 03/12/14 Page 5 PAPA®E SIGNAGE AND LANDSCA:dNG GRANT (5) Previous Grant Assistance (Up to 5 points): Applicants who have not been awarded the grant in the previous two are eligible for five (5) points. Disclaimer: The City of Sebastian, nor its affiliates, shall be responsible for the planning, design, or construction of improvements to property that is owned by the applicant. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by the description of, application for or participation in the Fagade, Signage and Landscaping Improvement Grant Program. The applicant is advised to consult with licensed architects, engineers, or building contractors before proceeding with final plans or construction. Approved by CRA 6/12/06, rev. 06/20/07, 09/23/09, and 03/12114 Page 6 FACADE SIGNAGE AND LANDSCAPING GRANT FACADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM 1. Project Location Address of Property to be improved: Assessor Parcel Number(s): '� 3 0 — (Y)0(__)__' 10 Name of Business(es) in Project: ICCCa COCA �4'] I I Building Frontage Measurement of Project: 2. Applicant Information Name: , Mailing Address: 61 n I City:Stater Zip: 3 c; Phone:T7c1 Email: CiOr-e--dC`iuura 6 Do you Own, Rent or Lease the subject property? _ DWn *If you are not the owner, the owner will need to co-sign this application. 3. Businesses or Services Offered on Site: h(�(— I r-e�)UrA r�+ 4. Description of Proposed Improvements: � � ()'i-f"O40k e [tet Approved by CRA 6/92/06, rev. 06/20/07 and 09/23/09 Page 7 C_, FAPADE SIGNAGE AND LANDSCAPING GRANT 5. Please identify ways in which this project supports the Overlay District Concepts( '� Pp 0, f' n o—w Cnn 6. Submittals Applications must include the following materials, if applicable, for consideration by the City: Current Photo(s) of project site . Assessor parcel number and proof of paid property taxes ' Applicant Information Listing of businesses or services offered on site Description of proposed improvements Identification of project's support of the Overlay District Current Occupational License Rendering or sketch of proposed improvements Architectural plans - elevation drawing, dimensions, measurements, etc Color and material samples R Sian/Awnina design drawings and/or mans J Documentation of cost estimates -- copies of vendor bids, estimates, etc I Signature of Property Owner and Applicant Applications lacking sufficient materials to describe the project will NOT be reviewed. Approved by CRA 6/12/06, rev. 06/20/07 and 09/23/09 Page 8 FACADE SIGNAGE AND LANDSCAPING GRANT 7. Estimated Costs and Timing Please provide copies of three vendor bids/estimates or other documentation of cost estimates for all proposed fagade work. a. Window or Door Replacement $ b. Exterior paint or siding $ c. Signage $ d. Exterior Lighting $ e. Fagade/Exterior Architectural Improv. $ f. Architectural/Design Fees $ g. Landscape/Hardscape Improvements $ h. Awnings or Shutters $ i. Building Permit/Planning Fees $ j. Other Proposed Improvements (specify) TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Estimated Days/Months for Completion 8. Signatures Signed: Signed: ke k-0 Property Owner(s) Signature(s) Applicant(s) Signature(s) This Section for City Use Amount Received.- Date eceived. Date Reviewed.- Recommendation eviewed. Recommendation to CRA: Action by CRA: Approved by CRA 6/12/06, rev. 06/20/07 and 09/23/09 Page 9 FACADE SIGNAGE AND LANDSCAPING GRANT MAP OF CRA BOUNDARY Legend Approved by CRA 6/12/06, rev. 06/20/07 and 09/23/09 Page 10 ppT KRAIT ART -KRAFT SIGN COMPANY, INC. PROPOSAL Proposal Submitted To: Contact Name Date CHRIS PINSON CHRIS PINSON 06-24-14 1130 INDIAN RIVER DR. Phone Sales Person SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 772-388-1080 OR 772-473-1337 Lori Reilly Job Name .& Location Fax Designer Wayne TIKI BAR 1130 INDIAN RIVER DR. E-mail. D._esss>;;;t�n_# SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 sebcaptchris@gmail.com 28544-B & 28544-B1 We_propose hereby to_furnish material and labor co_mRiete_in accordance with. specifications below, for the sum of: ELEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT DOLLARS & 00/100 ..................... $11,128.00 Payment to be made as follows: Deposit of 50% down $5564.00 Balance due upon completion. Credit Card payments subject to 2% service fee. All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from specifications below involving extra cost will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. Authorized Signature-' Lori Reilly �- We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Supply all materials and labor to fabricate the following: 1 - 10' X 13'-11" (OVERALL) NON -ILLUMINATED SINGLE SIDED MONUMENT SIGN, PER DESIGN #28544-8 OR 28544-B1 PRICE: $10,400.00 + tax $728.00 = $11,128.00. ** NOTE. Permit & Engineering to be billed as extra @ AKS cost, plus cost to obtain. ** 1. All signage to remain property of Art -Kraft Sign Company, Inc. until paid in full. The Client/Buyer agrees to pay all cost in the event of default of payment by the ClienUBuyer, including a reasonable attorney's fee. 2. The Client/Buyer hereby grants Art -Kraft Sign Company, Inc. the right of entry into and on the property of the Client/Buyer for the purpose of retaking possession of the signage in the event of default. 3. Any payments not timely received by Art -Kraft Sign Company, Inc. shall bear interest from the due date at the rate of 18% per annum until paid in full. 4. Primary electric to signs by others. Primary electric not included in price. Acceptance of Proposal - The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. WE ARE PLEASED TO ACCEPT Customer Signature IVISA'I Date § ) \ \ ) |0 Proposal Submitted To: CHRIS PINSON 1130 INDIAN RIVER DR. SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 ART -KRAFT SIGN COMPANY, INC. PROPOSAL Contact Name CHRIS PINSON Phone 772-388-1080 OR 772-473-1337 Date 08-22-14 Sales Person Lori Reilly Fax Designer Job Name & Location Wayne TIKI BAR E-mail Design # 1130 INDIAN RIVER DR. SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 sebcaptchris@gmail.com 28544 We propose hereby to furnish material and labor complete in accordance with specifications below, for the sum of: ELEVEN THOUSAND TWENTY-ONE DOLLARS & 00/100 ............................................ $11,021/00 Payment to be made as follows: Deposit of 50% down $5510.50 Balance due upon completion. Credit Card payments subject to 2% service fee. All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from specifications below involving extra cost will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. Authorized Signature ��'- r � •� � ;""�1 Lori Reilly J We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Supply all materials and labor to fabricate the following: 1 - 9'-4 1/2" X 10' (OVERALL) ILLUMINATED DOUBLE SIDED MONUMENT SIGN WITH CHANGEABLE COPY AREA, PER DESIGN #28544. "NOTE: LETTERS FOR CHANGEABLE COPY AREA NOT INCLUDED. PRICE: $10,300.00 + tax $721.00 = $11,021.00. ****NOTE: THE ATTACHED DESIGN IS THE PROPERTY OF ART -KRAFT SIGN CO. AND CANNOT BE SENT OR GIVEN TO OTHER VENDORS FOR COMPARATIVE PRICING.— ** NOTE: Permit & Engineering to be billed as extra @ AKS cost, plus cost to obtain. ** 1. All signage to remain property of Art -Kraft Sign Company, Inc. until paid in full. The ClientlBuyer agrees to pay all cost in the event of default of payment by the Client/Buyer, including a reasonable attorney's fee 2. The ClientlBuyer hereby grants Art -Kraft Sign Company, Inc. the right of entry into and on the property of the ClientlBuyer for the purpose of retaking possession of the signage in the event of default. 3. Any payments not timely received by Art -Kraft Sign Company, Inc. shall bear interest from the due date at the rate of 18% per annum until paid in full. 4. Pnmary electric to signs by others. Primary electric not included in price. Acceptance of Proposal - The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. WE ARE PLEASED TO ACCEPT Customer Signature Date V` U Z� • 20 a2; Zg • ggz • O z9 rc 2925§� 1O ' �LL t LU } 3 LU 'U U) O J Q W Ea _ Y Q O t d ww :� ¢ ODO R►� ART-KRAFT SIGN COMPANY, INC. PROP 0 S AL I 1 a is"I Proposal Submitted To: Contact Name Date CHRIS PINSON CHRIS PINSON 08-22-14 1130 INDIAN RIVER DR. Phone Sales Person SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 772-388-1080 OR 772-473-1337 Lori Reilly Fax Designer Job Name & Location Wayne TIKI BAR E-mail Design # 1130 INDIAN RIVER DR. SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 sebcaptchris@gmail.com 28544-C We propose hereby to furnish material and labor complete in accordance with specifications below, for the sum of: NINE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS & 00/100 .................................... $9630.00 i Payment to be made as follows: Deposit of 50% down $4815.00 Balance due upon completion. Credit Card payments subject to 2% service fee. All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from specifications below involving extra cost Wll be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. Authorized Signature ��`- �• �. Lori Reilly J We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Supply all materials and labor to fabricate the following: 1 - 10'X 5'-8" (OVERALL) ILLUMINATED DOUBLE SIDED MONUMENT SIGN WITH CHANGEABLE COPY AREA, PER DESIGN #28544-C. *NOTE: LETTERS FOR CHANGEABLE COPY AREA NOT INCLUDED. PRICE: $9000.00 + tax $630.00 = $9630.00. ****NOTE: THE ATTACHED DESIGN IS THE PROPERTY OF ART -KRAFT SIGN CO. AND CANNOT BE SENT OR GIVEN TO OTHER VENDORS FOR COMPARATIVE PRICING.— ** NOTE. Permit & Engineering to be billed as extra @ AKS cost, plus cost to obtain. ** 1. All signage to remain property of Art -Kraft Sign Company, Inc. until paid in full. The Client/Buyer agrees to pay all cost in the event of default of payment by the Client/Buyer, including a reasonable attorney's fee. 2. The Client/Buyer hereby grants Art -Kraft Sign Company, Inc: the right of entry into and on the property of the ClientlBuyer for the purpose of retaking possession of the signage in the event of default. 3. Any payments not timely received by Art -Kraft Sign Company, Inc. shall bear interest from the due date at the rate of 18% per annum until paid in full. 4. Primary electric to signs by others. Primary electric not included in price. Acceptance of Proposal - The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. WE ARE PLEASED TO ACCEPT I Customer Signature Date VASA `, G ji JOSEPH W. SCHULKE, P.E. JODAH B. BITTLE, P.E. WILLIAM P. STODDARD, Ph.D., P.E. November 6, 2014 SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD, L.L.C. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING • LAND PLANNING • ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING Jan King Community Development Department City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 Re: Diesel Power Pro and Auto Repair Fagade, Sign, and Landscaping Grant Application Dear Ms. King: Enclosed please find an application for Fagade, Sign, and Landscaping Grant for the new auto repair shop "Diesel Power Pro and Auto Repair" at 705 US 1. As discussed last week, I am delivering this to you by Nov 7, in order to make the next scheduled Community Redevelopment Agency meeting. We initially understood the applications are due by November 15 (per the application directions), and thought we had a little more time to complete the application. However, we were able to complete everything with the exception of missing one bid for the sign and one bid for the landscape (the application instructions require three bids). I ask that you accept this application and deem complete and include this application in the agenda for the meeting. We anticipate obtaining the third quote prior to the meeting. Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions regarding the application, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely h W./Ochulke, P.E. R90rIven City of 8-*bonuAn CarnmulWy Development Dept. 1717 INDIAN RIVER BLVD., SUITE 201, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 TEL 772 / 770-9622 Fra 772 / 770-9496 EMAIL info@sbsengineers.com Certification of Authorization No: 00008668 a Project Location Address of Property to be improved: 705 US Hwy 1, Sebastian Assessor ParcelNumber(s): 31390600020004000004.0 Name of Business(es) in Project:_ Diesel Power Pro and Auto Repair Inc. Building Frontage Measurement of Project: 153 ft CR 512, 330 ft US Hwy 1 Marne: Diesel Power Pro and Auto Repair, Inc. c/o Bill Hennen Mailing Address: _705 US Hwy 1 City: Sebastian State: FL Zip: 32958 Phone: 772-766-2266 Email: billhennen@yahoo.com Do you Own, Rent or Lease the subject property? Lease *If you are not the owner, the owner will need to co-sign this application, 3. Businesses or Services Offered on Site: Multi use site.- --Auto repair.- Applicant -Other uses on the property include: Auto sales auto detailing and restaurant (vacant at this time). These businesses are owned by others. 4. Description of ProposedImprovements: -Facade improvements: add five awnings to building facade -Signs: add two monument style signs, one at each driveway (CR 512 and south driveway at US 1) -Landscape: plant hedge and palms and ground cover at CR 512 frontage and internal "islands", install nautical themed piling and rope fence. Approved by CRA 6112106, rev. 06120107, 09123109, and 03112114 Page 7 5. Please identify ways in which this project supports the Overlay District Concepts ( Main purpose is to ensure re -development and alterations are completed in a _manner that compliments "Riverfront" theme and reduces/removes perception of blighted area. This particular site has been neglected for years The proposed improvements will enhance aesthetics and curb appeal compliment the riverfront theme and comply with the Overlay District's regulations. The improvements are in addition to the renovations already completed, including cleaning up property, removing trash, painting building, resurfacing parking. 6, Submittals Applications must include the following materials, if applicable, for consideration by the City: Current Photo(s) of project site Assessor parcel number and proof of paid property taxes Applicant Information Listing of businesses or services offered on site Description of proposed improvements Identification of project's support of the Overlay District Current Occupational License Rendering or sketch of proposed improvements Architectural plans - elevation drawing, dimensions, measurements, etc Color and material samples Sign/Awning design drawings and/or plans Documentation of cost estimates -- copies of vendor bids, estimates, etc Signature of Property Owner and Applicant N,pplications lacking sufficient materials to describe—the project will NO—T be reviewed. Approved by CRA 6112106, rev. 06120107, 09123109, and 03112114 . Mage 8 7. Estimated Costs and Timing Please provide copies of three vendor bids/estimates or other documentation of cost estimates for all proposed fagade work. a. Window or Door Replacement b. Exterior paint or siding c. Signage d. Exterior Lighting e. Fagade/Exterior Architectural Improv. f. Arch itectu ra Mesign Fees g. Landscape/Har sc pe Improvements h. Awnings or Shutters i. Building Permit/Planning Fees j. Other Pro used Improvements (specify) Pc C Signed: TIP-Tle- 1� -L- Property Owner(s) Signature(s) lip Amount Received: Recommendation to CRA: 0 7.3 $ 72 Applicant(s) Signature(s) Approved by CRA 6112106, rev. 06120107, 09123109, and 03112114 Page 9 'NOfq-L-/ .Approved by CRA 6112106, rev. 06126107, 09123109, and 03112114 Page 10 CN w �v o o N m O FM- C) 'U ( O z � w w o � ;a w� �Uai� wQ z� z Q to �w �QH LL r W C) N {r r C7 W Q Q a) {n Q O w wt� w ;s LL {, � I.I.i S• LL Cii LU O Z _ jr Zt}^' L U mm 0 a� z z L 1�� J `� w/�// -Ir moLo iL j� O V LL J Q 00 rn 06 00 p Ch = o a W/F/�' C'7 LL fr �Qa Z ry LL o=mQ z =FwOf a2�� WQmcn w ZLomt- �QO wJO)m _� wD aU)< ��rcwn �C6 Q m N Q Q w Q M Carole Jean Jordan, CFC 2013 PAID REAL ESTATE F Indian River County Tax Collector NOTICE OF AD VALOREM TAXES AND NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS ALT, KEY I ACCOUNT, NUMBER PROP RTY ADDRESS,,,T DE ESCROW`; 1020337 1 31-39-06-00020-0040-00004/0 701 US HIGHWAY 1, SEBASTIAN, 32958 1 2A SKIP TRE TRIP Pay Mn Jq at, wwW;IRCTax Com If Postmarked By Dec 31, 2013 Please Pa $0.00 Discount KUNZ FAMILY LTD PARTNERSHIP 1950 LAKELAND AVE RONKONKOMA, NY 11779 Legal Description: EDGEWATER PARK SUB BLK 4 LOTS 4 & 5 PBI 1-23 Paid 12/19/2013 Receipt #81-00033682 005207-000131 $3,150.74 PAY IN U.S. FUNDS TO CAROLE JEAN JORDAN, TAX COLLECTOR - P.O. BOX 1509, VERO BEACH, FL 32961-1509 - Ph: (772) 226-1343 -� DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENU Carole Jean Jordan, CFC Indian River County Tax Collector 2013 PAID REAL ESTATE NOTICE OF AD VALOREM TAXES AND NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS ( 1020337 1 31-39-06-00020-0040-00004/0 1 701 US HIGHWAY 1, SEBASTIAN, 32958 1 2A I i SIOTHE TRIP - Pay onl>Ene at www.IRCTax com If Postmarked By Dec 31, 2013 Please Pa $0.00 Discount KUNZ FAMILY LTD PARTNERSHIP 1950 LAKELAND AVE RONKONKOMA, NY 11779 Legal Description: EDGEWATER PARK SUB BLK 4 LOTS 4 & 5 PBI 1-23 Paid 12/19/2013 Receipt# 181-00033682 005207-000131 $3,150.74 Taxing Authority Telephone Millage Assessed Value Exemption Taxable Value Tax Amount n� COUNTY GENERAL FUND 772-226-1214 3.2620 131,920 0 131,920 430.32 Ww EMERGENCY SERV DIST 772-226-1214 1.9799 131,920 0 131,920 261.19 ow SCHOOL STATE LAW 772-564-3180 5.2680 131,920 0 131,920 694.95 Vte SCHOOL LOCAL 772-564-3180 2.8480 131,920 0 131,920 375.71 LUO CITY OF SEBASTIAN 772-388-8205 3.7166 131,920 0 131,920 490.29 ST JOHNS RIVER WATER 386-329-4500 0.3283 131,920 0 131,920 43.31 DN SEBASTIAN INLET 321-724-5175 0.1124 131,920 0 131,920 14.83 Qm MOSQUITO CONTROL 772-562-2393 0.2678 131,920 0 131,920 35.33 D:,W HOSPITAL DISTRICT 772-770-0935 0.9698 131,920 0 131,920 127.94 LLN FLORIDA INLAND NAVIG 561-627-3386 0.0345 131,920 0 131,920 4.55 LAND ACQUISITION BND 04 772-226-1214 0.3788 131,920 0 131,920 49.97 0z1 iJ "CL, '. � to a� Total Millage 19.1661 Total Ad Valorem Taxes $2,528.39 w 1 Total Non -Ad Valorem Assessments $719.80 ►=-� Authority Telephone Amount p p Taxes & Assessments $3,248.19 �Z-+Z COUNTY LANDFILL FEE 772-226-1300 517.48 . ta. SEBASTIAN STORM WATER SERVICES 772-388-8220 202.32 Tax Questions 3(772) Scan to Pay Online 226-1343 -� DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENU Carole Jean Jordan, CFC Indian River County Tax Collector 2013 PAID REAL ESTATE NOTICE OF AD VALOREM TAXES AND NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS ( 1020337 1 31-39-06-00020-0040-00004/0 1 701 US HIGHWAY 1, SEBASTIAN, 32958 1 2A I i SIOTHE TRIP - Pay onl>Ene at www.IRCTax com If Postmarked By Dec 31, 2013 Please Pa $0.00 Discount KUNZ FAMILY LTD PARTNERSHIP 1950 LAKELAND AVE RONKONKOMA, NY 11779 Legal Description: EDGEWATER PARK SUB BLK 4 LOTS 4 & 5 PBI 1-23 Paid 12/19/2013 Receipt# 181-00033682 005207-000131 $3,150.74 C) N 0 0 r CQ C O i r 0) C6 n Q U) Q N U_ O O cu Q Q Q CL O 00 0- O O O o �L C) U- O O C O O O O CO U m N M M U C a 2 U) ry W Z r Q M } 2 LL Q Q Q Y if LL CcsQ N o Q J 0 LO Y�Um I N a) U) a � Q a J a) Q) c c Q 0a LO m 06 CO r00 Z�e J 0w Z Q W N 0 c 0 .Q - N a) 0 m 0 J F- Lu > Z LLJ Of [if 0 W F - _U C/) W LU (D m u) LLJ W CO Q } (n ~ O U O r Q 0— N N 0 0� �QO� NNr-CO r - r- rnr- 0 00 LOM U)COLor-- f.- mr-�rr-- x r o o rn F 6"�v)64 0000 -Fa N N Ch Ln M M N r > Ili r M Q M M m co r r r r Q 64 64 64 64 U 0000 NVCnr- C'7 M Cl) CO > Cp Cb Cb 00 U 64 64 64 64 N O O O O O O O O -FoN(naor-- >ItI•d'It 64 64 64 64 E5 O o 0 0 >Om00co -��t000 p 00 N N N c o CO CO CO Co e»cauaE» J >UUUU m00oo 0000 it N N N N L "t M N r m r r r r } o O N O 0 0 0 U Q Z t 0 C: o 0 o I1 O �C LO U M• Q o m N U w J U o _ �W co N U N X o a) co N' Cc r O m p r O O co m N N Q0 m r Co m z Y Q U U) 2 W U Q U O d U c Z W< W i LL C) , Q a LL C,-YUWJ co L co r` N � - N E cc:,) CmO 0 r N i O O - ztirnrn 0- E U 0 a o D r- o o 0 0 U o o O O 0 M L v w OO (6 . 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I 1 if f�. -rias. lvm OHE v --- _- _ - _--�-_ -- -_- —_ =3%.e'"-=524 --- ia��cAPrNc— 1 0 U.S. HIGHWAY I - GRAPHIC SCALE 16 tY ( IN 7ROP) 1 mch = 3D R ^r— _ _------ _ --_ -- ,S LAIJSCAPWO - _ _ - - — . ____--. - r r CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN EAST ELEVATION 1/C =V NOR: METAL 7111 -ROOF CANOPY WY BE SIBSITUTED FOR CANVAS RASED ON FINAL COST. 15 X 22.5'3 CNNAS STEEL SIRUCRAR. W -D' RIINNIUM CLEAR SITE DATA APPLICANT: DIESEL POWER d AUTO REPAIR, INC. ATOM: BILL HEMEN 705 US HWY 1 SEBASIW), EL 32958 ENGINEER/AGENT S.TRRNE, BRTIE d STOWPRD LLC 1717 INDIAN RNFR BL`A1 SLATE 201 VERD BEACH. R 32960 (772) 770 -DM TAX/PARCEL No: 3139OW0020001000604A I.p CHANGEABLE MESSAGWEs NNYL HCRUONiAL BOARD SCNHI-� AM ;{\ __.n ..Ai1"�-_.c.' PROPOSED SIGN FACE SINGLE OR DOUBLE FACE le -B' f NORTH ELEVATION 1/{' = V PILAR( SOW ELEVATION VIEW PROPOSED 15' X 225'7 CAMAS ANNING W/ STEEL SROCNRAL SUPPORT I -= I i I I ARD SIGNS DETAIL 1/2'=1' AWIYL WRAPPED !r F.T. PEE C".) W -B- `-FACE I LANDSCAPE/WDSCAPE MATERIALS t- THREE POST SIGN AW7M1 WRAPPED Ir F Z COMMON HANE BOTANICAL 1601E Ott ,." TREE: LACE ) Z H3 Q Z O H J W 6' OR 8' RWID OR Sg1YE P.I. ! % S18V./C18BAGE PP1N Sobel patrretlo 2 EACH >O F= U W a� Fag a EL p o¢NWFn SHIM. JAPANESE YEN PoEocarprs npvopAyE,¢ 16 EACH 0 m W I+1 a Wpp 4 ty CIL U Q Lo. L PERENNIALS PERENNIALS 175 SF TEAM a. P.T. PM 39 FACH - �� 1-1/2- DA WEATHERPROOF HWMAL ROPE 500 LF DETAIL OF ROPE FENCE + zoa PINE wRaP).al4 UNEUSAR VM1 PRCWfOTUA MULCH 106 OF - { CY T CAPP POSSC DIESEL POWER PRO NOTE: CTQSO'NOR ROGATION WITH OWNER 678' WRAPPED PT W hN2� 65' X 4't SCAN R HTC R,EP/Jr. FACE CHANGEABLE MESSAGWEs NNYL HCRUONiAL BOARD SCNHI-� AM ;{\ __.n ..Ai1"�-_.c.' PROPOSED SIGN FACE SINGLE OR DOUBLE FACE le -B' f NORTH ELEVATION 1/{' = V PILAR( SOW ELEVATION VIEW PROPOSED 15' X 225'7 CAMAS ANNING W/ STEEL SROCNRAL SUPPORT I -= I i I I ARD SIGNS DETAIL 1/2'=1' AWIYL WRAPPED !r F.T. PEE C".) W -B- `-FACE I t- THREE POST SIGN AW7M1 WRAPPED Ir F Z P.T. PRE (IYP.) Z } d W N LACE ) Z H3 Q Z O H J W f Two POST SWN O PLAN VIEW >O F= U W a� a V Z EL p o¢NWFn N Q> 0 m W I+1 a Wpp W Q ty CIL U Q Lo. EXISTING CONDITIONS ,::d U z EA1 oa CL 0- W LLJ V) O wf o� a 13— I— A3'RIRPEG x0. {AM E3— a a11iE 2 REG Ma 5T1A6 QP_ P. ST_ R REG IQ 6]W6 DATE SHEET C-100 PROJECT LA0. 14-162 EXISTING CONDITION 5 Diesel Power Pro Proposals Signs -Brister $7,881.62 -Signs by Tomorrow $5,236.73 Awnings -Island Awning $7,810.00 -ABC $8,645.00 -Atlantic $12,616.30 Landscape -DIGG Gardens $1,350.00 -Aiello $1,642.78 Fencing -3-D $3,290.00 -DIGG Gardens $4,000.00 -Aiello $4,998.54 -Vero Fence Pros $3,457.00 S'B'YCTtMSM' 3300 43rd Ave Suite 6 Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone: (772) 567-3000 Fax: (772) 770-4244 Ordered By: Joseph Schulke I jschulke@sbsengineers.com Bill To: Diesel Power & Auto Repair INC. 705 US 1 Sebastian, FL 32958 E-1759 Created Date: 11/3/2014 6:11 PM Due Date: 11/4/2014 1:00 PM Pick Up: Diesel Power & Auto Repair INC. 3300 43rd Ave Suite 6 Vero Beach, FL 32960 Payment Terms: Cash Customer Salesperson: House Signs By Tomorrow - Vero Beach Entered By: John Schepers Order Description: Main Entrance Signs -un:t price rourided to 4 decural r,lace> # Product Description Quantity Unit Price* Amount 1 Two Post -double sided sign 1 $2,210.24 $2,210.24 1.1.1 PVC - 1/2 inch - 1/2" PVC Panel Part Qty: 1 Width: 78.00"Height: 48.00" 1.1.2 Calandered Digital Vinyl - Digital Print and Laminate Part Qty: 2 Width: 78.00"Height: 48.00" Text: Diesel Power Pro & Auto Repair 772-766-2266 Lamination - Lamination Type: Intermediate Calandered 1.2 Stock Sign - 6"x 6" x 12' Press Treat Posts Part Qty: 2 - Retail Price: $70 1.3 Stock Sign - PVC Sleeves for 6x6 Posts & Caoss Part Qty: 2 - Retail Price: $178.66 1.4 Stock Sign - Vinyl Siding Panel Part Qty: 2 - Retail Price: $30 1.5 Stock Sign - Pronto Letters and Track Part Qty: 2 - Retail Price: $462.96 1.6 In House Installation - - # of Hours: 2 2 Single Sided - 3 Post "V" shape sign 2.1.1 PVC - 1/2 inch - 1/2" PVC Panel Part Qty: 2 Width: 78.00"Height: 48.00" 2.1.2 Calandered Digital Vinyl - Digital Print and Laminate Part Qty: 2 Width: 78.00"Height: 48.00" Text: Diesel Power Pro & Auto Repair 772-766-2266 Lamination - Lamination Type: Intermediate Calandered 2.2 Stock Sign - 6"x 6" x 12' Press Treat Posts $2,683.90 $2,683.90 Generated On: 11/412014 9:52 AM http://www.signsbytomorrow.com/verob Page 1 of 2 -h Part Qty: 3 - Retail Price: $70 2.3 Stock Sign - PVC Sleeves for 6x6 Posts & Caps Part Qty: 3 - Retail Price: $178.66 2.4 Stock Sign - Vinyl Siding Panel Part Qty: 2 - Retail Price: $30 2.5 Stock Sign - Pronto Letters and Track Part Qty: 2 - Retail Price: $462.96 2.6 In House Installation - - # of Hours: 2 Thank you for allowing us to provide you with an Estimate. This estimate covers only the services outlined below. If the scope of the work changes from the original estimate, approved revisions and additions will be charged accordingly. Your sign or graphic is a customized piece work. If you require changes to your design after it has been designed and approved, charges for additional design time as well as any restocking charges incurred will apply. Signature: Date: Sub Total: $4,894.14 Sales Tax: $342.59 Total: $5,236.73 Amount Paid: $0.00 Amount Due: $5,236.73 Generated On: 11/4/2014 9:52 AM http:i;twww.signsbytomorrow.com/verob Page 2 of 2 .-h r -h Joseph Schulke From: John Schepers Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 11:53 AM To: jschulke@sbsengineers.com Subject: Your estimate: E-1759 Attachments: E-1759.pdf Hi Joseph, Attached is the estimate for the entire job including installation for the signs. Permitting will need to be done by the owner or builder. I am not licensed to pull the permit. We can pull some $$ out of this depending on how many letter/number sets they will need. I quoted this with four sets of 250 characters. They may be able to get by with two or three sets. Each letter set with the letter track is $462. The majority of that cost is the letters not the track. Let me know what you think. Thank you. John Schepers Thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide you this estimate. Your estimate with estimate number: E-1759 is attached. We look forward to working with you! Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions. Have a great Day! John Schepers ischepersCa�-signsbytomorrow.com Signs By Tomorrow - Vero Beach Imagine It..... we can do it! (772)567-3000 http://www.signsbytomorrow.com/verobeach Joseph Schulke From: Brister Signs Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 5:19 PM To: jschulke@sbsengineers.com Subject: Re: Joseph, The two pole sign comes to $3,517.00 no tax The 3 pole sign comes to $3,795.00 no tax Prices include permits and engineers stamps of approval (required by city) Also includes a 200 font of changeable copy letters. Thanks! Buster Brister Brister Signs Phone: 772-562-9263 Fax: 772-562-9813 -----Original Message ----- From: Joseph Schulke <Ischulke(@sbsengineers.com> To: Brister Signs <busbristersi ns aol.com> Sent: Mon, Nov 3, 2014 4:49 pm Subject: RE: Both — the v shaped is at CR512 frontage, the other is at us 1 frontage. Best regards, Joseph W. Schulke, P.E., LEED AP Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard LLC 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Ste. 201 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 770-9622 phone (772) 770-9496 fax www.sbsengineers.com Connect with us... PLEASE NOTE: SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC is providing CAD files to the owner, contractor and/or surveyor for its convenience only. Only the signed and sealed drawings shall be considered to have pertinent information for the construction of this project. Your reliance on the attached electronic file(s) is at your sole risk, since electronic files can be corrupted, edited, or may have additional data within the files that is not pertinent to the final design as reflected in the signed and sealed drawings. SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to its suitability for any specific purpose. While we believe this drawing file to be accurate at the time of retrieval, this media and its contents can be easily altered or corrupted either purposely or inadvertently through any number of sources. For this reason, SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC, its managers and or employees shall be indemnified and held harmless from any and all liability that may arise or result from the use of this information by your firm, employees, agents or sub -contractors. Any use of the file provided herein constitutes acceptance of the provisions stated herein. The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated. From: Brister Signs[mailto:busbristersigns((:Daol.com] Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 3:21 PM To: ischulke(c-)sbsengineers.com Subject: Joseph, On your drawings you are showing both a double faced sign on two poles and a v -shaped sign (3 poles). Which are you looking for? My apologies for not getting back to you quicker but we are in the middle of several large projects right now. Buster Brister Brister Signs Phone: 772-562-9263 Fax: 772-562-9813 100 Sebastian Industrial Park Sebastian, Florida 32958 October 30, 2014 Diesel Power Pro and Auto Repair, Inc. 705 US 1 Sebastian, Florida 32958 Joseph Schulke Thank you for the opportunity for allowing Island Awning & Company to bid a proposal. Based on the drawings we received are a total of five awnings. One doorway awning, Hip style. One Patio style awning, 22.5' with a 14' projection. Three 13' wide with a 30" drop and a 30" projection Hip style. The total cost for fabrication and installation $7,810.00. I will need a 3 to 4 week lead time and will require one-third down as a deposit. Thank you in advance for your consideration and please do not hesitate to call with any questions. Island Awning & Company Rich Taube Joseph Schulke From: Richard Taube Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 9:41 PM To: jschulke@sbsengineers.com Subject: FW: Scanned document from HP ePrint user Attachments: filename-l.pdf Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 01:17:11 +0000 From: eprintcenter@hp.com To: islandrt@hotmail.com Subject: Scanned document from HP ePrint user This email and attachment are sent on behalf of islandrt@hotmail.com. If you do not want to receive this email in future, you may contact islandrt@hotmail.com directly or you may consult your email application for spam or junk email filtering options. Regards, HP Team A.B.C. AWNING & CANVAS CO., INC. 2270 Avocado Ave. Melbourne, Fl. 32935 Tel: (321) 253-1960 Fax: (321) 253-1902 COVER SHEET To: Diesel Power Pro and Auto Repair From: Rue McNay ATT:Joe Date: 10/30/2014 Fax: Email: jschull<e@sbsengineers.com sbsengineers.com Subject: quote Total Pages, including cover sheet: 1 Fabricate and install 5 awnings to drawing using a flame retardant vinyl which carries a manufacturers 5 year warranty with most jobs lasting longer than 10 years on mill finish galvanized steel frames: $8,645.00 i, Price includes engineering but does not include permitting or footers. j A 500% deposit is required. Thank you Rue �AcNay 1 Joser)h Schulke From: abcawning@aol.com Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 7:37 AM To: jschulke@sbsengineers.com Subject: quote Attac'}ments: quote Diesel Power Pro and Auto Repair.pdf Good Morning Joe, attached you will find our quote. Since you send us the plans it is not necessary to meet in Sebastian. Thanks Rue McNay -----C !ginal Message----- From. Joseph Schulke <jschulke@sbsengineers.com> To: ahcawning <abcawning@aol.com> Cc: billhennen <billhennen@yahoo.com> Sent: Wed, Oct 29, 20142:17 pm Subject: FW: Diesel Power - awnings Rue' -:hrista Attac-'ied iis a drawing depicting the new auto repair business at CR512 / US 1 in Sebastian. We are interested in ha.-ing lsevem' awnings installed at the bldg.. The attached drawing should adequately depict what we have in mind. Please prepare a proposal to fabricate and install. The-roposal should be to: Owner: Bill'Hennen Dies 1 Power Prc and Auto Repair, Inc The site address is 705 US 1, Sebastian Pie return your proposal to me. Bes' ..7.;rds:, Jos. W.! Schu!' :. P.E., LEED AP Scl , e, Bit(le & L, %cldard LLC 1717:odian,River boulevard, Ste. 201 Vern -'each, Florida 32960 (77 -9622 pr: ;:e (772; I70-9496 fax w, ineers ::om scf!! ! ;F B'ITTLE & STODDARD LLC is providing CAD files to the owner, contractor and/or surveyor for its convenience only. n:- �ned and se: A drawings shall. be considered to have pertinent information for the construction of this project. You; ince on the attached electronic file(s) is at your sole risk, since electronic files can be corrupted, edited, or may have additional data • : ;n tt)e"files that isnot pertinent to the final design as reflected in the signed and sealed drawings. SCI F31?tLE 8`STODDARD LLC makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to its suitability for any spec urpose. Whit, believe this drawing file to be accurate at the time of retrieval, this media and its contents can be easily alter : r corrupted ei', purposely or inadvertently through any number of sources. For t' nson ISChIt! EITTLE & STODDARD LLC, its managers and or employees shall be indemnified and held harmless from any an y that •. e or result from the use of this information by your firm, employees, agents or sub -contractors. An, tile pro. a herein constitutes acceptance of the provisions stated herein. T(t. --------------------------------------------------- T. ont?• ---- ;Iris email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, X4 d to reyr t confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this email ano c3r senuc, fneJ(ately. Your assistance is appreciated. Fr -eih Sc�'. e[iihailto:jschulke@sbsengineers.com] SSaay,'Gc ;der 28, 2014 4:37 PM T(- !�nen@yp oo.com Si =i' . n. -1,,;,ver . AtL_ _a - the sl plan B, J }?.E.; LEEDAP � r!ard LL6 1; varo, �fe. 201 �V 960 (77 70=9496 f ar fti- ;Iii; �•�r? C u i. i P' :. S I CiDDA'RD LLC is providing CAD files to the owner, contractor and/or surveyor for its convenience only. 0 drawings shall be considered to have pertinent information for the construction of this project. Yr I electfonic file(s) is at your sole risk, since electronic files can be corrupted, edited, or may have additional di t pertinent to the final design as reflected in the signed and sealed drawings. 3FJ DARD LLC makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to its suitability for any Poserelieve this dra\h ing file to be accurate at the time of retrieval, this media and its contents can be easily rupic irposely or inadvertently through any number of sources. 3ITTLE & STODDARD LLC, its managers and or employees shall be indemnified and held harmless from any or result from the use of this information by your firm, employees, agents or sub -contractors. erein constitutes acceptance of the provisions stated herein. -------------------------------------- o; this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, d tc t confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this email .:diately. Your assistance is appreciated. 0) TPS REPORT 1.1 1005 12th Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 V: (772) 567-2389 F: (772) 562-1340 www.atlanticautotrim.com information@atianticautotrim.com Date: 11/6/2014 ATLANTIC E]Quote ❑Order AUTO TRIM & GLASS good for 30 AWNING CANVAS & g days UPHOLSTERY Order Date: Quote/ Order/ Invoice # Install: ❑ No 0 Yes Quantity: 5 (five) Price: $ 12,616.30 (incudes tax) Approximate time until completion (from date deposit & signature received, subject to change) } J Lu Customer Name: Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard Fax #: w J Address (install): 705 US Highway 1 Email Address: jschulke@sbsengineers.com 0 0 z_ City/State/Zip: Sebastian, FL 32958 Contact Number: -770-9622 or Bill 766-2266 J J LL- Contact person: Joe Schulke Project Description: Fabricate & install 5 (five) fabric covered awnings with aluminum frames to customer's specifications (see attache sizes) See below for adjustment to size for large north awning; all prices contingent upon engineer review and approval of propsed frarr "PROJECT PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE ENGINEERING AND PERMIT COSTS; TO BE BILLED ATTHE CLOSE OF THE PROJECT AS INCURRED" FRAME F�] Stationary ❑ Retractable ❑ Use Existing ❑✓ New Frame (aluminum unless noted) Drop: ft in Projection: ft in Width: ft in Posts: size: Rigid Valance: in (INCLUDE VALANCE IN DROP) Loose Valance: in (DO NOT INCLUDE VALANCE IN DROP) Tube Size: Tube shape: ❑Round ❑Square Powdercoat: ❑ Frame ❑ Post Color: COVER ❑ No ❑� Yes Brand: Patio 500 or Coastline Plus (65y) Style No: Color: Scallop: ❑ Clam - E ❑ Straight -A ❑ Greek Key - B ❑ Other (see sketch below) Braid: ❑Color: or ❑ Best Match Fabric Attachment: (track top & sides unless noted) 1211 -ace -on ❑Wrap & tek ❑Rivet -on ❑Staple Sketch of awning and/or location`: North awning price based on the following size - 21' wide x 15' project x 3'6" drop (rigid valance = 10" +/-) with three posts 3" - overhead clearance minimum 13'; Garage door awnings to be 13' wide x 3' project x 3' drop (rigid valance = 5" +/-); office door awning 3'6" wide x 3'6" project x 3' drop (rigid valance = 5" =/-) IDEPOSIT: ❑ CASH ❑ CHECK [I CREDIT CAR[E] ON ACCOUNT DATE: I Customer Authorization: Date: google drive/administrative/TPS Report Revision: jtb11052014 Joseph Schulke From: Jeff Bolduc Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 1:58 PM To: 'Joseph Schulke' Subject: RE: Diesel Power - awnings Attachments: SCHULKE, BITTLE, STODDARD AWNING TPS REPORT.pdf Here is the awning quote. Thank you for the opportunity and let me know if there are any questions. Kind regards, Jeff Bolduc Atlantic Auto Trim & Glass. Inc. Atlantic Awning, Canvas, & Upholstery 1005 12th Street Vero Beach, Floridu 32960 www.allanticautotrim.com Est. 1984 (7? 2) 567-2389 (office) (7,72) 562-1340 (fax) ATLANTIC AUTO TRIM & GLASS AW iNG GAUVAG & UPHOLSTERY AA Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail Confidentiality: The information contained in this electronic mail message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain legally privileged, confidential information or work product. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use: dissemination, distribution, or forwarding of this E-mail message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify me by E-mail reply, and delete the original message from your system. From: Joseph Schulke[mailto:jschulke@sbsengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 11:23 AM To: Jeff Bolduc Subject: RE: Diesel Power - awnings Thanks Best regards, Joseph W. Schulke, P.E., LEED AP Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard LLC 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Ste. 201 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 770-9622 phone (772) 770-9496 fax www.sbsengineers.com Connect with us... PLEASE NOTE: SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC is providing CAD files to the owner, contractor and/or surveyor for its convenience only. Only the signed and sealed drawings shall be considered to have pertinent information for the construction of this project. Your reliance on the attached electronic file(s) is at your sole risk, since electronic files can be corrupted, edited, or may have additional data within the files that is not pertinent to the final design as reflected in the signed and sealed drawings. SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to its suitability for any specific purpose. While we believe this drawing file to be accurate at the time of retrieval, this media and its contents can be easily altered or corrupted either purposely or inadvertently through any number of sources. For this reason, SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC, its managers and or employees shall be indemnified and held harmless from any and all liability that may arise or result from the use of this information by your firm, employees, agents or sub -contractors. Any use of the file provided herein constitutes acceptance of the provisions stated herein. The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated. From: Jeff Bolduc[mailto:jeff(abatlanticautotrim.com] Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 9:51 AM To: Joseph Schulke Subject: Re: Diesel Power - awnings I only have raw numbers. I wanted to put together an alternate option for the large awning as well. I typically turn around quotes in 3-4 days. I am on the road all day on Thursdays. If I get ahead I'll see if I can send some numbers around lunchtime. Thanks, Jeff On Nov 6, 2014, at 9:21 AM, Joseph Schulke <jschulkegsbsengineers.com> wrote: My partner Bill Stoddard is looking at. You have a proposal ready. I am meeting with my client this afternoon. It would be very helpful to have the quote. Best regards, Joseph W. Schulke, P.E., LEED AP Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard LLC 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Ste. 201 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 770-9622 phone (772) 770-9496 fax www.sbsengineers.com DIGG GARDENS design, install, garden & gifts �-- --■ J EST. 2014 E> ------- Date:--- - Date: 11/1/2014 Prepared for: Eric Suesz Property Management 177 Caprona Street Sebastian, FL 32958 (772) 480-9054 Prepared by: DIGG Gardens 7430 US HWY 1 Vero Beach, FL 32967 (772) 360-2131 Landscaping Qty Size Description Unit $ Total $ 2 B&B Cabbage Palms 325.00 650.00 16 #3 Podocarpus 10.00 160.00 90 #1 Groundcover TBD 18" on center 4.00 360.00 4 cu yrds Mulch 45.00 180.00 total 1350.00 50% Down 675.00 Balance Due Upon Completion 675.00 DIGG Gardens guarantees all landscape installations for one year. Any questions, please feel free to contact us immediately. We value and treasure your business. Thanks, Spencer Porteous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 AIELLO LANDSCAPE, INC. 2111 47TH ST VERO BEACH, FL 32967 (772)563-0071 CUSTOMER: Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, LLC ADDRESS: 1717 Indian River Blvd, Ste. 201 Vero Beach, FL 32960 DATE: 11/3/2014 JOB TITLE: Diesel Power Pro & Auto LOCATION: 705 US -1 Sebastian, FL INSTALLED QUANTITY DESCRIPTION SIZE COST EACH TOTAL TOTAL LUMP SUM CONTRACT $6,641.32 THIS ESTIMATE IS FOR THE TOTAL FURNISHED AND INSTALLED COST AS PER PLANS. PRICES REFLECT SALES TAX, TREE STAKING, SOIL MIX, MULCHING AND PROPER PLANTING PROCEDURES IF WE CAN BE OF ANY FURTHER ASSISTANCE PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT (772) 563-0071 Sincerely, TOMAS J. AIELLO PRESIDENT 4vamo FENGI IVC 474 Autumn Terrace Sebastian, FL 32958 Phone (772) 388-0844 Fax (772) 589-9989 Cell (772) 321-2051 Job Information: Diesel Power Pro 705 US Highway 1 Sebastian, FL 32958 Phone: 770-9622 Comments or special instructions: Date November 6, 2014 Quotation # 847 Customer ID Diesel Quotation valid until: December 6, 2014 Prepared by: Dan Turner Description AMOUNT 270'- Rope Nautical Fencing $ 4,700.00 * Fence to be built with 6" posts and 2" Manila Rope * Total rope to be 500' * Includes building permit Deposit 30% To accept this quotation, sign/date below and return: Price includes all materials & labor $ 1,410.00 AMOUNT DUE UPON COMPLETION $ 3,290.00 Date: Projected Start/Completion Dates: 4-5 Weeks Date: Daniel S. Turner, Owner, 3-D Fencing 3-D Fencing, LLC agrees to guarantee the above fence to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for one year. It does not guarantee damage after installation caused by the owner, third party, or nature. 3-D Fencing, LLC will assist the customer, upon request, in determining where the fence is to be erected, but does not assume any responsibility concerning property lines or in any way guarantee their accuracy. 3-D Fencing will ensure underground utilities are located and marked but assumes no responsibility for unmarked sprinkler lines or any other unmarked buried lines or objects. The full amount of this contract is due upon completion of all work. A finance charge of 1 1/2% per month, which is an annual percentage rate of 18%, shall be applied to accounts that are not paid within 10 days after completion of work. All materials will remain the property of 3-D Fencing until all invoices are paid in full. The customer agrees to pay all interest and any costs incurred in the collection of this debt. Joseph Schulke From: 3D Fencing, LLC Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 9:08 AM To: 'Joseph Schulke' Subject: RE: Diesel Power Pro - New Fence Attachments: Diesel Power Pro.pdf Joseph Attached is the proposal. It isn't really even an estimate since I was not able to get a solid price on posts. It will probably be less but this is my best guess right now. Dan Turner 3-D Fencing, LLC (772)321-2051 Please take a moment to look at our websites below for pictures and reviews. http://3dfencingco.com/ www.servicemagic.com/biz/3dfencingllc www.facebook.com/3DFencingLLC -----Original Message ----- From: Joseph Schulke [mailto:jschulke@sbsengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2014 8:53 AM To: 3dfencing@comcast.net Subject: RE: Diesel Power Pro - New Fence Dan - have you finalized the proposal?? I am meeting with my client this afternoon. It would really help to have this for the meeting. Best regards, Joseph W. Schulke, P.E., LEED AP Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard LLC 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Ste. 201 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 770-9622 phone (772) 770-9496 fax www.sbsengineers.com Connect with us... KJ PLEASE NOTE: SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC is providing CAD files to the owner, contractor and/or surveyor for its convenience only. Only the signed and sealed drawings shall be considered to have pertinent information for the construction of this project. Your reliance on the attached electronic file(s) is at your sole risk, since electronic files can be corrupted, edited, or may have additional data within the files that is not pertinent to the final design as reflected in the signed and sealed drawings. SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to its suitability for any specific purpose. While we believe this drawing file to be accurate at the time of retrieval, this media and its contents can be easily altered or corrupted either purposely or inadvertently through any number of sources. For this reason, SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC, its managers and or employees shall be indemnified and held harmless from any and all liability that may arise or result from the use of this information by your firm, employees, agents or sub -contractors. Any use of the file provided herein constitutes acceptance of the provisions stated herein. The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated. From: Joseph Schulke[mailto:ischulke(a)sbsengineers.com] Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 1:41 PM To: '3dfe nci ng (abcom cast. net' Cc: billhennen aayahoo.com Subject: FW: Diesel Power Pro - New Fence Dan, Attached is a drawing depicting the new auto repair business at CR512 / US 1. We are interested in having decorative fence improvements completed at the site. The fence would be nautical themed — using piles/ posts and large diameter rope, similar to that seen on several sites in the city of Sebastian. Have you installed this type? The attached drawing should adequately depict what we have in mind. Please prepare a proposal to provide the landscape improvements and if you can, the decorative fence depicted. The plan is in concept and we are willing to consider your recommended modifications. The proposal should be to: Owner: Bill Hennen Diesel Power Pro and Auto Repair, Inc The site address is 705 US 1, Sebastian Please return your proposal to me. Best regards, Joseph W. Schulke, P.E., LEED AP Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard LLC 9717 Indian River Boulevard, Ste. 201 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 770-9622 phone (772) 770-9496 fax www.sbsen,gineers.com Connect with us... 0 PLEASE NOTE: SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC is providing CAD files to the owner, contractor and/or surveyor for its convenience only. Only the signed and sealed drawings shall be considered to have pertinent information for the construction of this project. Your reliance on the attached electronic file(s) is at your sole risk, since electronic files can be corrupted, edited, or may have additional data within the files that is not pertinent to the final design as reflected in the signed and sealed drawings. SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to its suitability for any specific purpose. While we believe this drawing file to be accurate at the time of retrieval, this media and its contents can be easily altered or corrupted either purposely or inadvertently through any number of sources. For this reason, SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC, its managers and or employees shall be indemnified and held harmless from any r i Zt Diesel Power Pro and Auto Repair 705 U51, Sebastian Estimate Estimate for material and installation of decorative rope fencing. The fencing will be as described. 6x6 PT posts set in concrete. Posts will be drilled and have rope threaded through to create a semi -nautical effect. The rope will be 1 % " manila rope. Layout is as per plans and allows for approx 50 poles and 400ft of rope. Material and Installation Permit Terms: Thank you, $2000 down Total $3457 included $3457 $1457 upon completion Pete Franchville Acceptance X Date_/_ Joseph Schulke From: pete Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 2:35 PM To: Joseph Schulke Subject: RE: Diesel Power Pro - New Fence Attachments: Diesel.pdf rVerdencePros,co 7Ta-jai-sisZ,; Joseph, Attached is your estimate for Diesel Power Pros. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or changes. Thank you, Pete Franchville 772-501-6162 On November 4, 2014 at 1:03 PM Joseph Schulke <jschulke@sbsengineers.com> wrote: Pete — do not think you are hamstrung with this. It's the concept. If 6"W' square pots is readily available, and you can get 1 %2" or 1 %" rope, then just give me the specs and quote on whatever basis you use. Best regards, Joseph W. Schulke, P.E., LEED AP Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard LLC 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Ste. 201 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 770-9622 phone (772) 770-9496 fax www.sbsen_qineers.com Connect with us... PLEASE NOTE: SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC is providing CAD files to the owner, contractor and/or surveyor for its convenience only. Only the signed and sealed drawings shall be considered to have pertinent information for the construction of this project. Your reliance on the attached electronic file(s) is at your sole risk, since electronic files can be corrupted, edited, or may have additional data within the files that is not pertinent to the final design as reflected in the signed and sealed drawings. SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to its suitability for any specific purpose. While we believe this drawing file to be accurate at the time of retrieval, this media and its contents can be easily altered or corrupted either purposely or inadvertently through any number of sources. For this reason, SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC, its managers and or employees shall be indemnified and held harmless from any and all liability that may arise or result from the use of this information by your firm, employees, agents or sub -contractors. Any use of the file provided herein constitutes acceptance of the provisions stated herein. The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated. From: pete [mailto:pete@verofencepros.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 11:30 AM To: Joseph Schulke Subject: Re: Diesel Power Pro - New Fence Joe, I'm gonna need a few days to research materials. Dock pilings and/or 6" posts are quite expensive for the amount pop it adds to your landscape. Also a 2" rope is gonna cost anywhere from $900 to $1200 ... Give me a few days. Thank you, Pete Franchville 772-501-6162 On November 3, 2014 at 1:28 PM Joseph Schulke <lschulke a,sbsengineers.com> wrote: Pete, Attached is a drawing depicting the new auto repair business at CR512 / US 1. We are interested in having decorative fence improvements completed at the site. The fence would be nautical themed — using piles/ posts and large diameter rope, similar to that seen on several sites in the city of Sebastian. Have you installed this type? The attached drawing should adequately depict what we have in mind. Please prepare a proposal to provide the landscape improvements and if you can, the decorative fence depicted. The plan is in concept and we are willing to consider your recommended modifications. The proposal should be to: Owner: Bill Hennen Diesel Power Pro and Auto Repair, Inc The site address is 705 US 1, Sebastian Please return your proposal to me. Best regards, Joseph W. Schulke, P.E., LEED AP Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard LLC 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Ste. 201 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 770-9622 phone (772) 770-9496 fax www.sbsengineers.com Connect with us... PLEASE NOTE: SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC is providing CAD files to the owner, contractor and/or surveyor for its convenience only. Only the signed and sealed drawings shall be considered to have pertinent information for the construction of this project. Your reliance on the attached electronic file(s) is at your sole risk, since electronic files can be corrupted, edited, or may have additional data within the files that is not pertinent to the final design as reflected in the signed and sealed drawings. SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to its suitability for any specific purpose. While we believe this drawing file to be accurate at the time of retrieval, this media and its contents can be easily altered or corrupted either purposely or inadvertently through any number of sources. For this reason, SCHULKE, BITTLE & STODDARD LLC, its managers and or employees shall be indemnified and held harmless from any and all liability that may arise or result from the use of this information by your firm, employees, agents or sub -contractors. Any use of the file provided herein constitutes acceptance of the provisions stated herein. The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated. AIELLO LANDSCAPE, INC. 2111 47TH ST VERO BEACH, FL 32967 (772) 563-0071 CUSTOMER: Schulke, Bittie & Stoddard, LLC ADDRESS: 1717 Indian River Blvd. Ste. 201 Vero Beach. FL 32960 DATE: 11/3/2014 JOB TITLE: Diesel Power Pro & Auto repair LOCATION: 705 US -1 Sebastian. FL INSTALLED QUANTITY DESCRIPTION SIZE COST EACH TOTAL 1 1 2 1 Sabal palms 1 16' oa I 327.58 1 655.16 2 16 I Podocarpus macrophyllus # 3 1 13.92 1 222.72 3 1 80 I Jasmine minima 1 # 1 1 6.76 I 540.80 4 1 54 I Bags of Mulch I 1 4.15 1 224.10 5 1 39 18" PT Piles I I 50.14 1 1,955.46 ` 6 j 474 I Linear feet of nautical rope 1 1/2" Rope I 6.42 I 3,043.08 , 8 1 I I I I 9 1 I I I I 10 I I I I 11 I I I I I 12 I I I I I 13 I I I I I 14 I I I 15 I I I I 16 I I I I 17 I I I I 18 I I I 19 I I I 20 I I I I I 21 22 I I I I I 23 I I I I I 24 I I I I 25 I I I I TOTAL LUMP SUM CONTRACT $6,641.32 THIS ESTIMATE IS FOR THE TOTAL FURNISHED AND INSTALLED COST AS PER PLANS. PRICES REFLECT SALES TAX, TREE STAKING, SOIL MIX, MULCHING AND PROPER PLANTING PROCEDURES IF WE CAN BE OF ANY FURTHER ASSISTANCE PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT (772) 563-0071 Sincerely, TOMAS J. AIELLO PRESIDENT D I G U^ G AR" tu D 06"" N S4 design, install. garden & gifts �t T'. 201 Date: 11/1/2014 Prepared for: Eric Suesz Property Management 177 Caprona Street Sebastian, FL 32958 (772) 480-9054 Prepared by: DIGG Gardens 7430 US HWY 1 Vero Beach, FL 32967 (772) 360-2131 Fencing 270'- Rope Nautical Fencing * Fence to be built with 6" posts and 2" Manila Rope * Total rope to be 500' *Includes building permit $4,000.00 50% Down $2,000.00 Balance Due Upon Completion $2,000.00 DIGG Gardens guarantees all landscape installations for one year. Any questions, please feel free to contact us immediately. We value and treasure your business. Thanks, Spencer Porteous Joseph Schulke From: billhennen Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 2:52 PM To: Joseph Schulke Subject: Fwd: Diesel Power Landscape Quote Attachments: DIGG L&E 110314 Diesel Power Landscape.xlsx Sent via the Samsung Galaxy ST"'IIi, an AT&T 4G LTE sinartphone -------- Original message -------- From: Eric Suesz Date: l 1/06/2014 10:23 AM (GMT -05:00) To: billhennengyahoo.com Subject: Fwd: Diesel Power Landscape Quote Bill attached is quote minus pilinrandrope gure another 4000 for that o he high end we are still working on rope cost ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: 'Eric Suesz" <eriesueszpro eeitymaint rx,gmail.com> Date: Nov 3, 2014 11:41 AM Subject: Fwd: Diesel Power Landscape Quote To: <lelawn(@ mail.com> Cc: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "DIGG GARDENS" <digggardens9hotmail.com> Date: Nov 3, 2014 7:12 AM Subject: Diesel Power Landscape Quote To: "eric_snriverranchrv.net" <eric sgriverranchrv.net>, <ericsueszpropert m�(a,gmail.com> Cc: �f �V df7 q a;ftv "eriesuesz rp opertymaintggmail.com" Good Morning Eric, Please find attached the landscape quote for Diesel Power. Let me know. Thanks, Spencer PS What about the dock piling/rope fence??? Do you need a number for that as well???? DIGG GARDENS Design, Installation, Garden & Gifts 7430 US HWY 1 Vero Beach, FL 32697 (772) 360-2131