HomeMy WebLinkAbout11182014NRB MinutesOft Lf SEB.ASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 (772)589-5330 Phone (772)589-5570 Fax MINUTES NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD WORKSHOP TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2014 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" Chairman Northcott called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Rose Glaser Gil Gordian — Vice Chairman George Millar Alan Northcott - Chairman Absent: John Brady James Clifton (excused) Ann Lucier (excused) Bob Progulske (excused) Also Present: Frank Watanabe, P.E., Public Works Director Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary 4. OYSTER MATS Introduction of Boy Scout Troop Paul Giordano introduced himself and his son, Eagle Scout Candidate John Giordano. Mr. Giordano said they thought the installation of the mats would be a good Eagle Scout project noting John would need to submit a detailed project description and timeline to the Scout Board for approval, and the mats could be assembled with Troop assistance at Camp Oklawaha. Discussion followed on assembling 200 mats that could be assembled one weekend morning. Mr. Giordano said his church would like to assist. Mr. Gordian said the SRHS Green Club would also like to assist. Mr. Giordano offered to check on liability insurance for other groups that might assist at Camp Oklawaha. Natural Resources Board Meeting November 18, 2014 Page Two Captain Paul Dritenbas, Rotary Club of Vero Beach Sunrise 6:32 pm 7.04 pm Mr. Dritenbas gave the following helpful tips: -only use a drill press, the shells are too hard for hand drills -the hardest part of the project is getting the mat to the site -assembling makes a great social event, monitor the volunteers for correct assembly -a typical recycling bin holds 9,000 shells that will have to dry for four months -the shells could be bleached for 24 hours in the recycling bins to prevent invasion of non- native species -make mats in 9 - 16 inch mat squares -someone that has placed the mats should accompany them when they are ready to install -injuries come from digging the shells out of the bins and during installation in the water (the shells are very sharp) -the FDEP permit takes 30 days - $100 -the Army Corp permit takes about four months -important to let Corp know when project is completed -GPS the coordinates when placing the mats -the Army Corp likes to hear project results projects can be permitted in phases -don't place mats in recreation areas -shells will cut boat, anchors will pull up mat -at one of the Rotary Club event, they made 72 mats in half a day -a prolific spat area is by the Relief Canal -choose intertidal zone, half in water, half out water Identify area to install mats within the Lagoon The Board agreed to get permits and GPS coordinates for locations D and E on the attached map. Mr. Gordian said he could mark the sites with PVC pipe. ii. Identify the number of mats to construct The Board agreed to make 200 mats for the locations D and E. iii. Cost of mats (Price workup from Vero Beach Power Squadron) The City Engineer stated that the material cost for the 200 mats could be covered by the City. Mr. Dritenbas said the mesh could be obtained from Pentair Aquatics (item no. M0350 - 3/ in. 48 in. wide by 50 feet long $134.68 a roll), the zip ties could be obtained from Zip-Tie.com. Discuss the construction of mats/where? Mr. Gordian said he is willing to take the supplies to the SRHS Green Club to assemble. (Green Club Member, Katelyn Lanctot was in attendance.) Mr. Giordano noted there is a camp ranger and drill press at Camp Oklawaha. Natural Resources Board Meeting November 18, 2014 Page Three 5. By: iv. Discuss transport and store of mats for drying at City Compound Mr. Millar said the Melbourne seafood house is willing to provide some oyster shells. The City Engineer said he could arrange a City truck to pick up and transport the oysters but the Board would need to provide the labor of loading and unloading. V. Permits and fees The City Engineer advised the Board they should begin to fill out the permits application and the City would pay the application fees. He advised them to submit the Army Corp permit by the end of December 2014. vi. Any other items Mr. Millar summarized they will make 200 mats; GPS coordinates need to be obtained; the shells will be dried at the City Compound; the mats will be built at Camp Oklawaha; someone should start filling out the permits; and he will call to see where they can get shells. Mr. Gordian will get the mesh information; check to see how many shells they can have from the Aquatic Preserve location; and get the GPS coordinates for the two locations. The City Engineer distributed a map of the City Compound which identifies the storage location that Board members can dry shells at. Being no further business, Chairman Northcott adjourned the Natural Resources Board meeting at 7:54 p.m. NZ&O MI - N - Chairman Alan Northcott ZG I 4 Date DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY i JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS 'I • �' 400 HIGH POINT DRIVE, SUITE 600 1 • � � COCOA. FLORIDA 32926 - - REIIIY TO AI TEN i ION Ol. North Pennits Branch December 3. 701 Cocoa Permits Section SA.1-7(111-(111211 (NW '-ISDI Rotary Club of % cro Beach C/o Paul Dritenhas 4485 11"1 Place Vero Beach. Florida 37906 Linailaddress: r. i l li;inn Dcar Mr. Dntenhus: Your request [or a Department 11 the \tm\ hcrmil \\a' rccer\cd r:rt September 16.'_01 1. has been assicned numberSA.1 IM13-00211 (NW -I -SDI. A rc\Ic\\ of the inli,rmation and dray ings pro\ided on \o\cnlhvi- 18. 7011, .hn\\> the proposed \\oik is to rYyi,orc o\'tile- hahitat in the Indian Ricci at the Nloorings Flats project site. 1 his o\;tct rccfrestomtion prgjecl \611involve the placcnunt by hand ol'227 - Ib square inch o\stcr mats in hat-rcn ,Uhwatc in the Indian River. Clean oyslei <hclls \\ill he allachcd to plastic mesh ;nuts that \\ill he secured \\ith concrete irrieition "doU_L'hI1UtS olid cable tic; to till' Substrate. I he pruicet \\ ill he l0ealcd \within portions of the Indian Ri\cr that are ad.jacem to but currently do not support an\ cmergent. submcrLCU aquatic \egd.Xiotl or o\>ters. I he project is located hl the Indian Ri\cr. south\\csl of Windward \\ a\. \+est of 1lead Co\e. in Vern Beach. in Section 78. I u\vnship ? ; South. Range 40 hast in Indian Rix cr ( ount\. Florida. Your project. as depiclyd on the cncloscd cshibu,. i� ;uithorited h\ \nuom\I& Permit (NWP) Numher 77 lu addition. project ,pecihc cnmlluom ha\r hccn cncloNed. I his \crifieation is valid until March X. 7017 ['lease access the 1'. S. Arm\ ( orps of I-.ngioeer� t( orpsl .iacksonk ille District's Regulator\ Webpage to access \\ch links to \ ic\\ the t inal Natilm\\ide Permits. I ederai Register Vol. 77. dated Februai\ 71. 701-2. specllicall} page; 10270 10790- the Corrections to the Final Nationwide Pennils. I cderal Reri,tcr 77. Murch Iv. -1012. and the I isl of Rcgiln,al Conditions. 'I'hc website address is as Billow% . l; r Please he aware this wch address Is case scnsiU\e and should he entered a, it appears above. (bice there \ou "Ill need to click on-\atiom\ulc Pcrn,ils.` Ihe,e files contain the description of the Naliumtidc Permit authorization, the \ationwidc Permit general conditions. and the regional conditions. \which apply speciticall\ to this verification lir N\\ 1' 77 hnclosed is tt list of the six General Conditions. which uppl\ to all Department of the Arm% authorizations. You must comply with all ofthe special and general conditions and any project specific condition of this authorization or you may be subject to enforcement action. In the event you have not completed construction of your project within the specified time limit, a separate application or re -verification may be required. Me billowing special conditions are included with this verification: 1. Reporting Address: and c....uuwns of Ims nenmt snau ne summ�teo to the touuwing address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Division. Enforcement Section. P.O. Box 4970. Jacksonville, FI. 32232. the Permittee shall reference this permit number. SA.I ?0 1 3-002 1 1 (NW- I'SD). un all submittals. Q.. Commencement Notification, -Within 10 da�,s from the dale of initiatinti the authorized work. the Permittee shall provide to the Corps a written notification of the date of --------------- j commencement of work authorized by this permit. .3. Completion Notification: Within 60 days ofcomnletion ofthe work authorized, the attached ':Self -Certification Statement of Compliance" must h • completed and submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of L•ngineers. MaiI the completed form to the l:.S. ;Army Corps of Engineers. Regulatory Division. Enforcement Section. P.O Hox 4970. Jacksonville. PL q. Cultural Resources/Historic Properties: it. No structure or work shall adversely affect impact or disturb properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRI II') or those eligible for inclusion in the NRNP b. If during the ground disturbing activities and construction work within the permit area. there are archacologicalicultural materials encountered which were not the subject of a previous cultural resources assessment survey (and which shall include. but not be limited to: potter. modified shell. Ilora. tuunat. human remains, ceramics, stone tools or rnetul implements, dugout canoes. evidence of vtructures or any other physical remains that could be associated with Native American culturcS or early colonial or American settlement), the Permittee shall immediately stop all work to the vicinity and notify the Corps. I he Unrps shall then notify the Florida State Historic Preservation Officer (SI IPO) and the appropriate I ribal Historic Preservation Officer(s) (I*HPO(s)) to assess the significance of the discovery and devise appropriate actions. c. A cultural resources assessment may be required ofthe permit area. ifdcemed necessary by the Sf1PO.'fl-IPO(s)- or Curps. in uccurdancc with 36 CFR 800 or 33 CFR 3?5. Appendix C (5). Based. on the circumstances ofthe discovery. equity to all parties. and considerations of the public interest. the Corps may modify. suspend or revoke the permit In accordance with 33 CFR Part 325.7. Such activity shall not resume on non-federal lands without written authorization f}om the SHPO and the Corps. d. In the unlikely event that unmarked human remains are identified on non-federal lands. thev will he treated in accordance with Section 872.05 Florida Statutes. All work in the vicinm shall immediately cease and the Permiuce shall immediately notify the medical examiner. Corps, and State Archeologist. I lie Corps shah then notify the appropriate S IPO and T[ I I'O(s). Based, on the circumstances of the discover%. equi(N to all parties. and considerations of the public interest, the Corps ma% modify. suspend or revoke the permit in accordance with 33 CPR Part 31_5.7. Such activity shall not resume without written authorization from the State Archeologist. SHPO and the Corps. 5. Manatee condition: the permittee shall comply with the "Standard Manatee Conditions for In -Water Work 2011- designed to protect the endangered West Indian Manatee provided in Attachment 2 of this permit. 6. Manatee condition: All in water work shall occur at least one-half hour after sunrise to one-half hour before sunset. 7. Assurance of Navigation and Maintenance: I he Permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the removal, relocation. or other alteration. of the structures or work herein authorized. or if in the opinion of tltc Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative. said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the Permittee will be required. upon due notice from the Corps of Engineers, to remove. relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States on account of any such removal or alteration. 8. Regulatory Agency Changes: Should any other regulatory apcnc) require changes to the work authorized or obligated by this permit. the Permittee is advised that a modification to this permit instrument is required prior to initiation of those changes. It is the Permittee's responsibility to request it modification of this permit from the Cocoa Regulatory Office. inn dors riot obviate the necessity to or local permits. which may he required. Prior to the initiation of any construction. projects qualifying for this Nationwide permit must quality for an exemption under section 403.813(1). F.S. or 373.406. I .5.. or otherw ise be authorized by the applicable permit required under Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S.. by the Department of I(it\ ironmental Protection. a water management district under section 37 3.069. F.S.. or a local government \\ ith dclecated authority under sectio[ 373.441. F.S., and receive Water Quality Cerlilirdion (WO(-') and applicable Coastal Lone onststency Concurrence (C'L.('C) or waiver thereto. as well as any authorizations required for the use of state-owned submerged lands under C'haptcr 253. P.S.. and. its applicable. Chapter 258, F.S. You should check Statc-permitting requirements \vith the Florida Department of Environmental Protection or the appropriate water management district. this letter ofauthurizauon dues not include conditions that would prevent the -take* of a state -listed fish or wildlife species. 1 hese species are protected under sec. 379.411. Florida Statutes. and listed under Rule 68A-27. Florida Administrative Code. With regard to fish and wildlife species designated as species of special concern or thr_atened by the State of Florida, you are responsible for coordinating directly \\ith the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (PWC'). You can visit the Fkk*(' license and permitting Nwhpagc ,1 (hit,, \N\\\ .I Ii\iNt Oml liio, v. ii -11,1L ) for more information, including a list of dtosc fish and wildlife species designated as species of special concern or threatened. The Florida Natural Areas Inventory (Iut1 o;u..v;_ ) also maintains updated lists. by county. ofdocumented occurrences of those species. This letter does not give absolute Federal authority to perform the work as specified on your application. The proposed work may be subject to local building restrictions mandated by the National Flood Insurance Program. You should contact your local office that issues building permits to determine if your site is located in a flood -prone area. and if you must comply with the local building requirements mandated by the National Flood Insurance Program. If you are unable to access the internet or require a hardcopy of am of the conditions. limitations. or expiration date lir the above referenced N W P. please contact 1 amy Dabu by telephone at 121-504-1771 extension 11. Thank you for your cooperation with our permit program. The Corps Jacksonville District Regulatory Division is committed to impro\ ing service to our customers. We strive to perlirrm our duty in a friendly and timely mariner while working to preserve our environment. We invite you to take a fcw minutes to visit the following link and complete our automated Customer Service Surve%. lttl}r_ n,''.11,\, } -,Mn I.- 1 '.ir,•.LI Inti Your input is appreciated favorable or otherwise. Sincerely. Irene Sadowski Chief, Uocoa Permits Section Enclosures Gf{NLRAI_ CONDITIONS .33 CFR PARI 3311-3-30 PUBLISHED FEDERAL REUS'I LiR DA 11-11) 13 NOVEMBER 1986 I. fhe time limit for completing the work authorized ends on March 18, 2017. If you f ind that you need more time to complete the authorized activity. submit your request lirr a time extension to this off ice for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. Z. You must maintain the activity authorized be this permit in good condition and in conformance with the teens and conditions of this: permit. You are not relieved of this requirement il'you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized acti\ its or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer. you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activih authorized by this permit. you must immediately notifv this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effon of il'the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit you must „Main the signature of the new owner in the space provided and fonyard a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for .your project. you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience. a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. 6. You must allow representatives I*Tom this otlice to inspect the authorized acti%6 at anv time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. SELF -CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: NW- 27 CX Application Number: SAJ-2013-00211 %�} 'aC�• Fermittee's Name a Address (please p --n-, or type): 'I'eleohone P:umbei Locatior: Of the 1,1: Date work stdr[ed: -a-.a wcrk. Description of the Work te.g., baak stab.li.•z:t'. :, � r:r.ci•:�c• �•:: commercial filling, docks, dredging, Acr.:aye or _. lar- . _ of 1¢spKccs Lu lvav_r:- ;! _.._ ';a C.Si: .,, at•" Describe Mill' y tion c:omp!e,,-ed �if Descrine any Deviations tr::m Permit (attach araw i rig isj depicli by the deviateons;: ! certify snot ai_ woo;, anc mitiga*_iun applicable; was aone accordance with me limitations and _.,:Ir___.i.. as described _II Lae• eermit. Anv devia,icris as described at:::v<: are depicted on me attached drawing(s) �.tgnat'-.:r= •:f Pc�rm.ittee itt t• Mail L 1 L. :AIL. :. _t r_.. !,rIL It ,.'. !i_j _rpfi r Ia a r r rj Ll 'i Vi 6LaII, r.P`-'Cld. 1'[G_'•.r]C� 5 it r: Y',r Cernr f� .iyr•r_ :S' �. r. �:.rr ..4r DEPARTMENT OF THC: ARMY PERMIT TRANSFER REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2013-00211 (NW-"fSD) When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still in existence at the time the property is transferred. the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding ou the nc%y uwncns) of the property. Although the construction period for works authorized by Department ofthe Army permits is finite the permit itself with its limitations, does not expire. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated responsibilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions. have the transferee sign and date below and mail to the (1.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Enforcement Branch. Post Office Box 4970. Jacksonville. FI. 12232-0019. (TRANSFEREE—SIGNATURE) (DATE) (NAME -PRINTED) (MAILING ADDRESS) (CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE) (Telephone number) (Fax number) (E-mail address) SUBDIVISION) (LOT) (BLOCK) (STREET ADDRESS) NORI." 6OUNDA- SEE PAGE 209 AND GLOBE 27'36'15 - 27'35'00 �11, ( , I w. FiLiLineers 'i.A. m,-ffY2HjLW-FSD 'OtAtLows 45 oG V 18 201 S 47 Wool An NIFIG4915114WIW' 606 U 5 IA. ril'pd RayA LMO RG 11"i 2./�R.15R- , 1 4 � SMALL W R O -T. HOATAAMP 3 42 N QW mqwk It 24' R 1 7- Ott, -IV cri,l R 2 R S 1�,.2,011 L0021 1 L NW R CANALS ANO SAH�ELINC40 (T flead ming, Flat, nil as $h - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - n+ v N 1' _•— 'fMEM00PoN0.4'gWNFI--•-. 'IVER LAGOON U ... .._� m SAY \ �. HEAD COVE _ _. "SOVEREIGNTY SUBMERGED LANDS" `ArrW� N27 �3AA W 1,W61MAL F (A1,W 00,W, r 39-?, ' c t ,Cor9,t9D lrUad�l/� INDIAN RIVER LAGOON. �f / t . Y. YXI�mYmObY (. SD) — - -- -- -- --- CONSUL n LNG,rc. 17 '2mW `f NOV 18 1013 VDIAn I vEP x�-i:m EvIll it a 1 W.. t�[W (urniro�.es�r.,v¢ o�iszeu� —, 17 1 eARC �C o fie. i r'�!11( �DSEDF •. UkI air O`( MATT �. - --: t . • s �.- � i� �,`� T y : 5. � a �.:m�_:�_. � 9;.:��ft _6:-4--7 : 7 7 5 f /2.21 44 L ;-(,021W \V-I'SD) 'iIEaC:1f::�-1:: %iA SERF-CERT.IFICATIOR STATI*XT OF COMPLZAKM Permit Number: -NW- 27 Appliaation-'Number: Mad 2013-.00211 Pgrmittee''s Name s Address (please print or type:l: M -S�j)n 2,04 Telephone. ,NMber:. 770- 532- 931( Location .of the Work.* &44A t; A1475. ZDP1AA1,A/A�E GBGLVJ� Date-Wozk Started. 2�%1y Date Work Coa:pleted: IMAUZ Description of 'the tM-kk (e.g., bank stabi:liaation, residential oar commercial filling, docks, dredging, etc,).. Square Feet o Im acts to Waters .Detribe' Mitigation -completed lif applicable): t#e United States: Describe any Deviations from :Permit (attach drawing (s) depicting the deviations) : , 1fi0 js¢77bcZs I certify that all work, and mitigation (if applicable) was done in acco.rdance with the. limitationsand., condi s as de gibed in the permit.. Any deviations .as described Ye a e 'e c ed on the attached draw•ingis) ignatiire of- Pexmittee U f0 Date Mail this completed form to the U.S, Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory, Division, Special Projects 6'E•nforeement Settion, Post O"inP 6o3c 4970, aapk50TlViile, Florida 32232-:0019. REQUEST FOR VERIFICATION OF AN EXEMPTION Instructions: submit this form to request verification whether an activity qualifies for an exemption from the Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) requirements of Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S., and Chapter 62- 330.050-0511, F.A.C. With some exceptions, notice is not required to conduct an activity that qualifies for an exemption from permitting under Sections 373.406, 373,4145, or 403.813, F.S., or Rules 62- 330.050 through 62-330.0511, F.A.C. Exceptions where prior notice to the Agency is required prior to conducting an exempt activity are: • Activities having minimal impact under Section 373.406(6), F.S., often referred to as a "de minimis" exemption. • Section 403.813(1)(f), F.S., when maintenance dredging within previously dredged portions of natural water bodies within drainage rights-of-way or drainage easements which have been recorded in the public records of the county. • Section 403.813(1)(t), F.S., for the repair, stabilization, or paving of existing county maintained roads and the repair or replacement of bridges that are part of the roadway. • Section 403.813(1)(u), F.S., for an individual, residential property owner to remove organic detrital material from freshwater rivers or lakes that have a natural sand or rocky substrate and that are not located in an Aquatic Preserve. • Section 403.813(3), F.S., for maintenance dredging at seaports. • Rule 62-330.0511, F.A.C., for minor silvicultural surface water management systems In accordance with Chapter 253, F.S., and Chapter 18-21, F.A.C., (April 14, 2008) activities conducted on state-owned submerged lands also must be authorized by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (BOT). Certain activities on state-owned submerged lands may qualify for Consent by Rule under paragraph 18-21.005(1)(b), F.A.C. All authorized activities on state-owned submerged lands must comply with the General Conditions for Authorizations under subsection 18- 21.004(7), F.A.C. The Agency will use this form to determine if an additional authorization to perform works on these lands is required. Requests to "self certify" a private, single-family dock must be submitted to the Department's Internet site at: http://www.deo.state.fl.us/secretary/aortal/r)ermit.htm and CANNOT be made using this notice. However requests to verify construction of a dock that does not qualify for self certification may be made using this form. In addition to the information described in this form, any submittal requesting verification of an exemption, must also include: • Location map(s) of sufficient detail to allow someone who is unfamiliar with the site to travel to and locate the specific site of the activity. • One set of plans and drawings, calculations, environmental information, and other supporting documents that clearly and legibly depict and describe the proposed activities in sufficient detail to demonstrate that the work qualifies for the exemption. • The required fee. $'Ioa=— Please identify the exemption you are requesting to use: Subsection/Paragraph 62-330.050 ( 1 ), F.A.C. ❑ Section 373.406(6), F.S. (known as the "de minimis exemption — see section of Applicant's Handbook Volume I for additional information) ❑ Section 373.4145(6) C____), F.S. (for certain "grandfathered" activities) ❑ Section 403.813(1)0, F.S. (generally, "dredge and fill" exemptions) ❑ I do not know the exemption number Please provide numbers for additional Exemptions if you are requesting to use more than one: Form 62-330.050(1) — Request for Verification of Exemption Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330.050(2), F.A.C. (10-1-2013) Page 1 of 4 PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION A.CONTACT Name: Last: First. Middle: Title: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Home Telephone: Work Telephone: Cell Phone: Fax: E-mail Address: Preferred correspondence method: ■ mail S Mail B. Location of proposed activities: Tax Parcel Identification Number: Address: City: County: Zip: Latitude (DMS) 0 1" Longitude (DMS) ° C. Date activity is proposed: To Commence: To be Completed: D. Proposed Activities (be specific: use additional sheets as necessary) Describe in general terms the proposed project, system, or activity (including materials to be used and construction methods: Form 62-330.050(1) — Request for Verification of Exemption Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330.050(2), F.A.C. (10-1-2013) Page 2 of 4 E. Is any work proposed in wetlands or other surface waters? ®Yes no If yes, please specifically describe, with specific references as to how the limits of the proposed worFwill comply with the terms and conditions of the above exemption: F. Please provide a description of all sediment and erosion controls to be used during the completion this activity (such as use of turbidity and erosion controls): PART 2: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I understand this notice is being provided solely to seek verification of qualification to use this exemption(s), and that I am NOT requesting the Agency to process this notice as an application for a permit. I hereby understand that the Agency will undertake reasonable efforts to determine, within 30 days of receipt of this notice, whether the activity contained in this notice qualifies for the above exemption. If it does not, the Agency will provide its determination that the requested activity does not meet the terms and conditions of the exemption, at which time I may provide a new notice with additional or modified information, or I may submit an application for an Environmental Resource Permit. In either case, denial of qualification to use an exemption will be made without prejudice, pending submittal of clarification of any errors or omissions contained in this notice or other information that demonstrates compliance with the terms and conditions of the exemption. Typed/Printed Name Signature Date Form 62-330.050(1) — Request for Verification of Exemption Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330.050(2), F.A.C. (10-1.2013) Page 3 of 4 SUBMITTAL AND FEES This notice and the appropriate fee, should be submitted to the agency having regulatory authority for the activity. Operating Agreements between the Department and the water management districts spell out which agency will process any given application. For more information go to htto://www.deo.state.fl.us/water/wetlands/erp/wmd.htm . Several agencies now allow this application form to be submitted electronically on the Internet; in those rases, follow the on-line submittal requirements of that agency: • Northwest Florida Water Management District: http://www.nwfwmd.state.fl.us/permits/ero/epermit home.html • St Johns River Water Management District: https://permitting.sirwmd.com/epermittincilisp/Account0verview.do?command=i nit • Southwest Florida Water Management District: hftp://www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/permits/epermittinci/ • South Florida Water Management District: http://mv.sfwmd.gov/ePermitfingiMainPage.do If submitting a paper application, please see (Appendix A) of the Environmental Resource Permit Applicant's Handbook Volume I for submittal locations. Form 62-330.050(1) — Request for Verification of Exemption Incorporated by reference in subsection 62-330.050(2), F.A.C. (10-1-2013) Page 4 of 4 CENTRAL PUMP&SUPPLY, In Tom Wallace BRANCH MANAGER Cell: (772) 473-9654 Branch: (772) 778-7875 Fax: (772) 778-5508 twallace@centraipump. net 2Nw f y+a2&6�f9�M B et Vero Beach, Fl, 32960 "Professionals Supplying Professionals" anac SEB N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Frank Watanabe, P.E. Community Development Director/City Engineer (772) 388-8228 1225 Main Street (772) 388-8248 Fax Sebastian, Florida 32958 (772) 321-7336 Cell fwatanabe@cityofsebastlan.org www.Cityofsebastian.org R;�O 5cwvllviv- di57XicT /j g4,vcfi` oF�`7G �/NAi' CoTT // �tiTACTS un�vaasrzr ./ ORIDA FL IFASEvt w. R. LEROV CRESWELL University of Florida Sea Grant Extension Indian River Research and Education Center 2199 South Rock Road Fort Pierce, FL 34945-3138 772A68-3922 (ext. 149) 772-834-9062 (cell) 2re2wellAu6 ed Ro da *®J US Army corps of Engineer Engineers Tori White Jacksonville District Deputychiel Regulatory Division 701 San Marco Boulevard Room 373 Phone: 904-232-1658 Jacksonville, FL 32207-8175 Mobile: 904-923-6626 Fax: 904-232-1904 ton.white@usar .army.mil wool . PrP. 57lale, /l Us F //off �feo Al Cb us s .�1,�. 3•�D Fie / ,/ /.(/P••3 • � tel, 335<O/ soo�i/e . I�/mrila/d2 C�c�p. Ste. ��C6S ID?o '-,J S. L.0 . USA�� K�i�a b SO k;l sa6i.� � vsAce. o��, rrri/ UsAcoE 77vr1y dA6/ /- 32/ SoX-37J7% eX2L05// 717//5 jOAP c p C! . 400 �4 i yw- �`/dam -�;14 6pc' (e'cat232926 fanny. s.ala� �s�c�. or/•syri OYSTER BAR ENHANCEMENT/CONSTRUCTION AND PURPOSE PROJECT: C.C.A. SITE #1, ST. LUCIE, COUNTY, FLORIDA 1. There are no roads in the vicinity of the proposed oyster construction site. The linear site is located in the Indian River Lagoon and St. Lucie County, Florida. The south end WayPoint #1 is Latitude N27deg 31.759min and W080deg 20.310min and the north WayPoint #2 is Latitude N27deg 31.801min and W080deg 20.323min. This location is between Spoil Islands SL3 to the north and SL4 to the south. See google earth aerial map attached and labeled Exhibit "A". 2. The basic purpose of this project is to create an oyster colony to help clarify the water column by way of the filter feeding characteristics of the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea Virginica). By placing prepared matts that have approximately 36 oyster shells zip -tied to each matt, onto the Lagoon bottom in March, the larvae released by the nearby resident oysters in April immediately attach to the clean shells and begin growing new oysters. Cleaner water allows sunlight to penetrate the shallow water and grow more seagrass improving the Lagoon habitat. Impacts on the existing seagrasses will be avoided by utilizing shallow water skiffs and kayaks to transport the prepared matts to the hard bottom site. No zip -tie residue will be left behind after weighting the matts down with concrete irrigation head donuts on the comers and zip -tying the quilt together. 3. No cultural resources exist on this site, however the area is home to manatees, dolphins and juvenile sea turtles, along with over 440 species of fish, shrimp, crabs and mollusks. The area is currently designated as a manatee zone and idle speed and no wake zone. This site is used daily by pelicans, cormorants and terns as a resting area when the sand bar is exposed during low tide and the proposed design maintains this can be continued. 4. Description of the Work to be Performed: Placement of prepared 16" X 16" UV resistant 1/4" polypropylene mesh with 36 oyster shells zip -tied to the mesh with heel down and leading edge up, onto the lagoon floor and 2 meters away from any living sea grasses. a. Materials used include: sanitized oyster shells, 1/4" X'/4" black UV polypropylene mesh fabric, 8"-40#, black UV zip -ties securing each shell to the matt, 6" diameter concrete irrigation donuts, 12"-604 black UV zip -ties to secure the concrete donut to the corners of the matts following placement on the Lagoon floor. See photo attached. b. Site access will be by way of shallow draft flats boats and kayaks. Matts are floated in plastic bins for the last few yards approaching the site. Volunteers wade the bottom placing the matts, placing and tying the donuts and zip -tying the quilt together. c. Staging will be from the Round Island Park Public Boat Ramp on S.R. AIA in Vero Beach, Fl. This park has restrooms and picnic pavilions for the volunteers. d. Leather gloves and cable tie cutters are the only equipment necessary to install the matts. Iron rakes level the hard bottom to receive the matts. Any single rocks and resident oysters are lifted and stored in the floating bins and after the malts are placed by hand and secured with the zip -ties, the loose rock and oysters are placed on top of the matts. This increases the area for spatt attachment and improves larval attachment in April. e. The project, named CCA #1, due to it's large area, may have to be completed in two phases. Phase I in 2014 and Phase II in 2015. This is totally dependent on how many marts the network of volunteers can tie between now and the end of March 2014. It will take approximately 30 volunteers two full days to place 906 malts. To place all 1,812 matts will require two or three weekends, Saturday and Sunday, to complete the work. Work will begin at 9am and cease by 4pm each day. f. The 16" X 16" matts with 36 oyster shells weigh approximately 3 to 4 pounds. They are placed side by side and edge to edge in multiple rows. A single concrete donut is placed at the intersection of the "4 corners" and tied with a 12" long, 1/4" wide, 60# black UV inhibited zip tie. Tag ends are trimmed and retained. The homogeneous quilt doesn't move once placed on the bottom, even with high current and wave action. Neither of these conditions occur at this proposed site. g. No noise factors will occur during installation, other than periodic laughter. h. No turbidity control devices are being utilized. Foot traffic will cause minor silting but will dissipate fairly quickly due to consolidation by nearby seagrasses. Note DEP section 343.406(6) exemption, which should apply to this project due to minimal affect on water resources. i. First time volunteers with the Treasure Coast CCA, the Vero Beach Power Squadron, local Charter High School science class and individuals who have experience placing matts such as scientists with Florida Oceanographic Society and the Rotary Club of Vero Beach Sunrise, will be present on installation days. Many of the volunteers within the network of matt makers want to help place the matts they have prepared and rightfully so. j. The substrate to receive the matts is medium density sand at the high elevations to rock, shell and sand mix at the mean low water elevations. The nearest seagrasses are on the west side of the site and consist of Shoal Grass, (Halodule wrightii). A few white mangrove trees exist at the north end of the bar and the proposed matts will not compromise the vertical root systems adjacent to the mangroves. 5. Various maps, drawings and photos are included for review. 6. This site was selected because it has good tidal flushing, it has the proper substrate to receive the matts, is easily accessible by the volunteers and is in an area of the Lagoon that does experience compromised water quality during the summer rainy season. This site is within an area of the Lagoon that still allows shellfish harvesting, however, we feel that this will not compromise the eventual benefit of the established oyster reef. With the recent publicity over the last year regarding the compromised water quality in the lagoon, very few people are harvesting shellfish for personal consumption. The site is directly east of the FAU/Harbor Branch facility and could be used for education and research. The salinity in the area averages 32 parts per thousand, with low end during the rainy season of 18 to 20ppt and high side of 34 to 36ppt in draught months. Another direct benefit of placing the matts at this site will be to prevent further erosion of the sand bar and silting -in of the adjacent Intracoastal Waterway Channel located approximately 450 feet west of the site. ***END*** C:oysterbarpermittingstatement.doc/paul OYSTER MATT PREPARATION VS.1.1 10 October 2013 First of all "THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING TO TIE OYSTER MATTS!!" It's fun, but has to be done accurately and correctly. 1. Cut black matt fabric to exactly 16" X 16" from the 48" wide X 50' long rolls. 2. When tying oysters to matt make sure you stay 2" off the edges and 4" off the corners. Always tie across two of the web fibers: not one and not three. 3. If you don't hear the zip ties go "ZZZIPPPP" you've probably installed the end backwards. DO NOT twist the ties when fastening the oysters to malts. 4. All tag ends of the zip ties must project out the bottom of the matt. Oysters will somewhat stand up if you tie across two webs of the matt fabric. 5. Look at the sample matt and it shows you how to successfully tie them on. 6. Tie a total of 36 shells to each matt. Mix it up with small shells and big shells. Counting them out into a pile of shells before starting to attach them to the matt is easier than tying them on and then trying to count them. 7. Always use gloves when digging shells out of containers. Gloves are not required to tie the malts. 8. Stack them a maximum of 5 high. They're easy to count this way too. Thanks again, Captain Paul Dritenbas Rotary Club of Vero Beach Sunrise CAIS SAOysterMatts.doc/paul The boat first visited the mouth of the Sebastian River where historic maps show there has been significant oyster activity in the past. The next target was Spoil Island #2, a conservation island, then the boat was directed along the mainland shoreline, and various areas explored. Findings For oysters to grow satisfactorily, the environment needs to provide both a suitable substrate for oyster attachment and suitable water conditions, which includes salinity, water movement, temperature, etc. The pragmatic approach taken was to examine existing growth, and in particular whether young oysters were thriving in each area. Areas where oysters flourish can change over time, therefore the existence of mature oysters is less important than signs of active new growth which would indicate a good chance that the project could enhance production. We started by looking at the north side of the Sebastian River outlet, where the maps indicated there had been a great deal of oyster activity in the past (denoted by A above and on the plan overleaf). The photograph shows Marc Virgilio with some samples which he retrieved for examination. This area