HomeMy WebLinkAbout01142014FSLMinutesFACADE, SIGN AND LANDSCAPING GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES Tuesday, January 14, 2014 5:00 PM The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Tom Haynes Donna Keys Warren Dill Mickey Capp Excused Absence: Lisanne Robinson Staff present: Jan King, Senior Planner Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — Regular Meeting of April 9, 2013 MOTION by DiIVCapp to accept the minutes of the April 9, 2013 meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. 5. OLD BUSINESS: A. Review FSL Grant Information & Application proposed changes and make recommendation to CRA Board Chmn. Keyes reviewed that the changes [to the application] were proposed by the Committee at their last meeting 4/9/13 and the document they had in their packet showed the changes in the strike -out and underlined format. Ms. Bosworth asked the Committee to verify that the wording in Section 6 was as they intended in that within two years a property could receive up to $15,000 in grant monies, and that they would then have to wait an additional two years to be able to submit another application. The Committee concurred. MOTION by Dill/Capp to send the proposed application changes [as written] to the CRA Board for approval. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Review of Budget and Funds Available Ms. Bosworth quickly discussed the Program Summary To Date which included the $30,000 budgeted for the grant for this fiscal year, but also award money set aside for Alpha Hardware which had not been used as of yet. She explained the award would expire in a few days and she had not been able to contact the recipient. Mr. Haynes stated he had spoken to the applicant, who had had some health issues in the past year, and she wished to withdraw her project and rescind the grant award. Ms. Bosworth noted with the rescinded monies considered, the Committee had $46,139 available funds to be awarded. Mr. Dill stated if all the applications submitted in this first cycle were awarded grants, it would total $37,680. B. Review applications and make recommendation to CRA Board: • River Park Plaza — 480-484 US Highway #1 — Jay Dick/Joe Cataldo • Buried Treasures — 1554 US Highway #1 — Renee Powell • Rella's Bistro —1550 Indian River Drive — Robert Giambanco • Treasure Coast Thoracic Surgery — 816 US Highway #1 — Michael Greene • River Plark Plaza Businesses: o The Italian Cousin — 480 US #1 — Gus Rivera o Debbie's Hair Pampering —484 US #1 —Debra Poli o Tiki Sandals —484 US #1 —Richard Reppa o Seaside Vapors — 484 US #1 —Linda Stursberg River Park Plaza — Mr. Joe Cataldo was present and explained that their site had a non -conforming [pole] sign close to the road, and that they had presented a few different sign designs that the Committee had reviewed and did not like during the last grant cycle. He gave a brief history of the site, its development hurdles from the previous owner, and the current owner's construction projects. They had the sign company create additional monument sign designs for the Committee's re -review but, also stated that if there was limited award monies he would rather see the tenants be given the money for their fagade sign applications. Ms. Keys stated she was really happy with the current redevelopment of the site and glad the applicant came back with additional designs. Mr. Dill verified that there were four designs. Ms. Bosworth stated there were five - one sheet had two different proposals. Ms. Keys asked Mr. Cataldo what his preferred sign was, to which he replied the one with the "gingerbread" embellishments [Design #27204 B]. He proceeded to show the designs on the overhead projector. Ms. Keys stated the price quote for the preferred sign was $9,967, and asked if that price was inclusive to all costs. Ms. Bosworth stated she did not think it covered building permit fees. Mr. Dill noted at that price 80% would be over [the maximum award of] $7500. MOTION by Capp/Dill to approve for River Park Plaza sign design #27204 B for $7500. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Buried Treasures — Ms. Renee Powell was present. Mr. Capp disclosed that he had bid on the construction of Ms. Powell's new project. Ms. Keys asked if he would gain any financial advantage if she was approved for a grant. Mr. Capp stated no. Ms. Powell showed her two monument sign considerations on the overhead projector. She stated the one she would like to install was the design [by Indian River Signs] as it would use the materials preferred by the Committee. It would be sandblasted but appear to be hand -carved, and not be internally lit but have goose -neck lighting from the top. The design and colors would match the new building exactly. Mr. Dill reviewed his previous concerns that Buried Treasures was not an existing site, and that based on the proposed changes to the application it might not be approvable as it was a sign for a new building. Ms. Keys stated, based on the previous discussion noted in the minutes from the last meeting, she felt Ms. Powell was grandfathered in. 2 Ms. Keys stated the price quote for the preferred sign was $8,500 in addition to $4,150 for the lighting and base. Ms. Bosworth reviewed that at the last meeting [4/9/13] the Committee had passed a motion to award $4,320 to Buried Treasures conditional on reviewing revised sign designs, but that there had also been a lot of discussion and voiced concerns from the Committee that her site plan had not yet even been approved. To address those concerns, Ms. Powell formally withdrew her application from the last grant cycle before her site plan project went to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Ms. Bosworth stated this would nullify the last motion. Her site plan has since been approved by the PZC, and Ms. Powell re -submitted an application for this grant cycle. MOTION by Capp/Keys to approve the sign for Buried Treasures for the maximum amount of $7500 — sign by Indian River Signs and additional construction by Sunshine State Construction. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Rella's Bistro — Mr. Robert Giambanco was present and gave a brief review of their recent purchase of the site and existing building. He had submitted two sign designs with the application, and presented his preferred sign on the overhead projector [Design #27988 from Art -Kraft Sign Co.]. He stated it would be lit externally up from the ground, had carved letters, and showed alternatives designs for the monument base matching more the building materials and colors. The Committee discussed and compared the two designs and alternative bases. Ms. Keys had concerns with the preferred sign since it would be next to Fisherman's Landing, the large scale of the sign for a small site, and the bold color. She preferred the second sign. Mr. Dill also did not like the gold colors. Several ideas were discussed for modifications to both the base and colors. The Committee was leaning towards the second sign, but Mr. Giambanco stated it was out of his budget. There was discussion on the second sign, the distance between the two panels and how the sign calculations per code would be applied. Ms. Keys read from the grant application that "fagade, signage, and landscaping grants must support the goals of the overlay district for the CRA area. Applicants are required to use the design guidelines specified in the Overlay District to achieve the Old Fishing Village theme." It was suggested that the applicant resubmit modified or additional signs for consideration. The upcoming opening date for the restaurant was discussed. Mr. Capp proposed a few small design changes to the preferred sign that might make it applicable. The Committee stated they would like to see revised designs. It was the consensus of the Committee to table a decision on the grant award until a meeting scheduled a week later on Tuesday, January 21, at noon. Treasure Coast Thoracic Surcery — The applicant withdrew his application earlier in the week River Park Plaza Businesses: [Fagade signs] • The Italian Cousin — Michelle Rivera was representing the applicant. She showed the two sign •designs on the overhead projector and stated they were both preferred equally. She explained that The Italian Cousin was a separate operation from the Former River Grille [at the same location]. Ms. Keys verified that all the businesses currently have blank rectangular, internally -lit signs on their facade. Ms. Rivera stated that the existing signs no longer match the beautiful enhancements the new developer was constructing. Mr. Capp questioned if tenants had previously been awarded fagade sign grants or only monument signs. Mr. Dill had concerns since the business had previously been awarded a $3400 grant. Ms. Bosworth stated it had been three years since that award, as currently allowed by the grant program. She also reminded the Committee that the program allowed for a maximum of $15,000 per property and that an earlier $7500 grant had been recommended for the plaza. She suggested that if a grant was given for the remaining $7500, the developer could distribute evenly the money to the tenants to help with nicer looking signs. The Committee discussed whether the business signs complied with the conditions of the grant — nonconforming or blight, and their concerns with the proposed design if the businesses went under or relocated, and how hard they would be to retrofit. There was additional discussion with the developer, Mr. Cataldo, on the requirement of a Master sign plan, and that if awarded monies, the "coffin" signs would need to be removed. He confirmed that if there were no monies awarded, the businesses did not have the funds to replace the coffin signs and they would remain. In response to Ms. Keys, Ms. King explained how a master sign plan works relating to the codes. Mr. Cataldo reviewed additional site improvements they were currently working on with the City and how important they felt new fagade signs would enhance the overall look of the plaza. Ms. Rivera told the Committee how long three of the tenants have had to endure maintaining the plaza with their own money while legal issues with the previous owner were going thru the courts. Mr. Haynes stated he thought the intention of the grant and Committee was to influence the type of sign being installed. He had concerns with setting precedent for other strip malls but did not like the coffin signs and would like to help get rid of them. Mr. Dill asked staff if the signs met the intent of the Old Fishing village theme. Ms. Bosworth stated in the past, staff was more stringent with the larger monument sign designs, and mostly reviewed the fagade signs for color and master sign plan compliance. The amount of total grant monies allowed for the property and/or each application was again discussed, along with grant applicability for future tenant signs. Mr. Cataldo stated future tenants would be responsible for the purchase of their own signs and meet the new master sign plan, if grants were awarded for a new design. Ms. Keys re -iterated that the Commission was trying to get away from internally lit signs and go with externally lit designs, though that might add an additional expense. Mr. Haynes referred to the Committee's handout of suggested village -type signs, specifically the "Trattoria" sign, (attached), which was hand -carved with overhead goose -neck lighting. Ms. Keys stated that was the design they were looking for. Mr. Cataldo stated he was not opposed to that look as long as the tenants could still incorporate their own logo and not all have to use the same lettering. He also thought the gooseneck lighting would be attractive on the new facades. He asked if he could use grant money for a fagade improvement since the lighting and electrical would be expensive. The Committee agreed it would qualify, and it was discussed if the applicant could submit information in time for the next meeting [in one week on 1/21/14]. Mr. Cataldo stated he would try. Staff clarified that Mr. Cataldo, representing River Park Plaza, would bring in additional information for goose -neck lighting and electrical cost to the next meeting, which would be added to his sign application, to be considered for an additional $7500 fagade grant. The tenants would then be considered individually on their applications, at the next meeting, for fagade signs with the new hand - carved design, to be submitted. El MOTION by Dill/Haynes to table The Italian Cousin application until noon on January 21s`, 2014. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. Debbie's Hair Pampering MOTION by Dill/Haynes to table Debbie's Hair Pampering application until noon on January 21s`, 2014. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. :• Tiki Sandals MOTION by Dill/Haynes to table the Tiki Sandals application until noon on January 21 s`, 2014. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. ❖ Seaside Vapors MOTION by Dill/Haynes to table the Seaside Vapors application until noon on January 215', 2014. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:32 PM. Approved v @ Regular Meeting of I� by / Chairman, FSL Gra Review Committee /db