HomeMy WebLinkAbout02182014FSLMinutesFACADE, SIGN AND LANDSCAPING GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:00 PM The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Donna Keys Mickey Capp Warren Dill Excused Absence: Lisanne Robinson Staff present: Jan King, Senior Planner Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Secretary Chmn. Keys stated Mr. Haynes recently resigned from the Committee, and the City was taking applications to fill the vacant position. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meetings of January 14, 2014, and January 21, 2014 [Removed from the agenda — lack of completed minutes] 5. OLD BUSINESS: A. Review tabled applications and make recommendation to CRA Board: • River Plark Plaza Businesses — Fagade signs: o The Italian Cousin — 480 US Highway #1 — Gus Rivera o Debbie's Hair Pampering —484 US #1 — Debra Poli o Tiki Sandals -484 US#1 —Richard Reppa o Seaside Vapors — 482 US #1 — Linda Stursberg Mr. Joe Cataldo, representing the River Park Plaza Businesses, presented two new fagade sign proposals on the overhead projector, and explained they tried to achieve a hand -carved looking sign with a replaceable panel. He stated the canister itself, for each sign, was the main expense, with the panels being able to be changed out for each new tenant. After being asked by Mr. Capp, he stated he preferred the arched -top sign, but others had preferred the oval. Mr. Dill felt the arched -top version was more appropriate for meeting the grant requirements. Ms. Keys agreed. Mr. Dill also noted that the code [LDC] called for darker backgrounds, which the signs did not propose. Ms. Keys stated she felt the applicants have gone to "extremes" to meet the wishes of the Committee, and they have met the requirements of the grant guidelines as the property was undergoing an "overall improvement program". She verified with Mr. Cataldo which tenants had existing signs that needed replacement, and stated grant monies would not be for new signs for new tenants. The Committee discussed permit and engineering fees, and the sign costs for each of the four applications. Staff verified $31,139 remained in the grant budget. Ms. Bosworth also noted the Committee should verify if they were considering the applications together as part of one property eligible for a maximum award of $15,000, or the applications separately, each eligible for $7,500. Mr. Dill felt that that may be a CRA Board decision, since it was a matter of policy. The Italian Cousin's sign request was discussed because they were requesting two signs, one being larger than the others because of the size of their building. Mr. Dill stated the City should only pay for one sign per business. Mr. Cataldo stated he could divide the $7500 award accordingly. MOTION by Dill/Capp to "recommend approval of 80% of the costs, not to exceed $7,500, for the four businesses that have applications before us" Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Dill clarified that the approval was for Art -Kraft Design #28115B. Ms. Keys stated that she would like the Committee to put together a "Design Brochure" of the preferred sign designs to give to the applicants, and referred to the copy she had that staff currently hands out. She asked the Committee to come up with additional sign design ideas for the next meeting. Possible workshop dates before the March 12th CRA Board meeting were discussed. It was decided so as to not rush completion of a brochure just to meet the deadline, a meeting would be held at a later date. Mr. Dill stated since the proposed changes to the grant guidelines and applications were scheduled for the 12th, he would like to add a revision that the Council would approve only one sign per applicant. There was a discussion on the current handout and Ms. King noted some of the sign designs would not meet the existing LDC sign requirements. Mr. Capp stated some of them may not meet structural codes, also. Discussion continued on Mr. Dill's proposed revision. Ms. Bosworth noted that with $7500 a small business removing blight might be able to purchase both a monument and a fagade sign, and asked if the intent was to not allow that. Mr. Dill stated he saw that as two signs, that was his intent, and felt with one sign there would be more monies available for additional applicants which would lead to more visual benefits to the city. He suggested adding an exception if the applicant was applying to remove two non -conforming signs. Mr. Dill requested to also add a second revision in that there be a maximum established of $15,000 to replace signs for any property regardless of how many businesses were in the plaza. Mr. Capp agreed. Ms. Bosworth verified the revisions would be in Section 4 and 6, and the Committee further discussed adding a definition of "property" and/or removing the adjective "individual". Mr. Dill suggested that "property" be defined as "a location of one or more businesses as tenants on a parcel of land." MOTION by Dill/Capp to add the definition of "property" to Section 4. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. MOTION by Dill/Capp to add a one sign limit with an exception where more than one non -conforming sign is being replaced. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. 2 There was discussion on re -wording one of the paragraphs in Section 4 regarding the signage monies. MOTION by Dill/Capp to change the verbiage in Section 4 to say "For signage and landscaping improvements, and/or just signage improvements, up to $7,500 shall be available for an individual business, not to exceed $15,000 for an individual property". Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. The Committee verified with staff they would like to call a workshop sometime after the March 12th CRA Board meeting. 6. NEW BUSINESS: None 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 PM. Approved � @ Regular Meeting of it 17 1 by ^ /� Chairman, FSL Grant Freview Committee /db 3