HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-22-2023 CC AgendaCM OF SE,BASTL4 HOME Of PELICAN ISLAND SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2023 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAY BE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OR ON THE CITY'S WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. MOMENT OF SILENCE 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Council Member Dixon 4. ROLL CALL 5. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications for additions require a unanimous vote of City Council 10 6. PROCLAMATIONS. AWARDS. BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENTS Presentations of proclamations, certificates and awards, and brief timely announcements by Council and Staff. No public input or actions under this heading. A. Special Presentation and Dedication of a Ray McLendon Highwayman Landscape by the Sebastian Riverfront Fine Arts and Music B. Sebastian Rotary Brewfest Update by Marc Gingras and Scott Thiel C. Proclamation - Declaring the City of Sebastian to be a Moonshot Community D. Proclamation - Inviting the Public to Participate in the Centennial Celebration BriefAnnouncements: Sunday, February 26 - American Legion POW -MIA Monument Dedication at Veterans Memorial Park — 1 pm March I — Sebastian CRA Redevelopment Team Workshops — Council Chambers - 11: 00am to ]pm or 5pm to 7pm Please take our survey on what you would like to see in the riverfront! https: //www.sui-veymonkey. com/r/SebastianCRA March 3 - Chamber of Commerce Concert in Riverview Park— The Reckless Shots - 5:30pm to Spm 1 of 325 7. PUBLIC INPUT The heading on Regular Meeting agendas "Public Input" provides an opportunityfor individuals to bring NEW INFORMATION OR REQUESTS TO CITY COUNCIL NOT OTHERWISE ON THE PREPARED AGENDA. Individuals are asked to resolve matters with staff prior to meetings. Individuals are asked to provide copies of materials for Council one week prior to the meeting if they intend to refer to specific material. City Council will not debate an issue during Public Input but may by consensus direct a Charter Officer in regard to the item if necessary or place a requested item on a future agenda. 8. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member of City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. If a member of the public wishes to provide input on a consent agenda item, he/she should request a Council Member to remove the item for discussion prior to start of the meeting or by raising his/her hand to be recognized. p9s 7-11 A. Approve a Forfeiture Fund Distribution in the Amount of $500 to the Executive Roundtable of Indian River County on behalf of the Sebastian Police Department (Transmittal, F.S.932.7055, Letter) p9s 12-16 B. Approve a Forfeiture Fund Distribution in the Amount of $1,000 to the Substance Awareness Center of Indian River County on behalf of the Sebastian Police Department (Transmittal, F.S.932.7055, Letter) 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS & APPOINTMENTS City committee reports and Council Member regional committee reports. No public input or action except for City committee member nominations and appointments under this heading. 10. PUBLIC BEARINGS Procedures for leeislative public hearines: Mayor opens hearing Attorney reads ordinance title Staff presentation Public input Staff summation Mayor closes hearing Council deliberation and action p9s 17-W A. First Reading and Public Hearing - Ordinance 0-23-02 - Request for Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment - Hess Parcel, 8925 86th Avenue (Transmittal, 0-23-02, Staff Report, Minutes) 2 of 325 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, APPROVING A SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP TO DESIGNATE A LAND USE CLASSIFICATION OF LDR (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) FOR LAND WITH A CURRENT INDIAN RIVER COUNTY LAND USE DESIGNATION OF R (RURAL RESIDENTIAL) FOR LAND CONSISTING OF 40.23 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED SOUTH OF SEBASTIAN RIVER LANDING, EAST OF VACANT PROPERTY, WEST AND NORTH OF SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT; AUTHORIZING FINDINGS AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING AN ADOPTION SCHEDULE. Ouasi Judicial Public Hearines: Mayor opens hearing Attorney reads ordinance title City Council Members disclose ax parte communication City Clerk swears in those who intend to provide testimony Applicant makes their presentation Staff presents their findings City Council asks questions of applicant or staff Mayor opens the floor for anyone in favor of the request Mayor opens the floor for anyone opposing the request Applicant provided the opportunity to respond to issues Staff provided opportunity to summarize request City Council deliberation Mayor calls for a motion pgs 61-162 A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing of Resolution R-23-05 - Request for a Special Use Permit - Mr. Clean Car Wash - 200 & 203 Sebastian Boulevard (Transmittal, Report, Presentation, Letter & Data, Minutes, R-23-05) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT PURSUANT TO LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 54-2-3.1 FOR A CAR WASH FACILITY TO BE LOCATED AT 200 AND 203 SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD WITHIN THE TRIANGLE OVERLAY DISTRICT'S CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) ZONING DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EXPIRATION DATE. pgs 163-2D7 B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing of Resolution R-23-06 - Request for a Special Use Permit - Take 5 Express Car Wash -1979 U.S. Highway #1 (Transmittal, Report, Presentation, Minutes, R-23-06) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT PURSUANT TO LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 54-2-3.1 FOR A CAR WASH FACILITY TO BE LOCATED AT 1979 U.S. HIGHWAY #1 WITHIN THE RIVERFRONT OVERLAY DISTRICT'S CR (COMMERCIAL RIVERFRONT) ZONING DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EXPIRATION DATE. 3 of 325 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12. NEW BUSINESS pgs 208-232 A. Resolution No. R-23-07 Accepting the 4 h Quarter Financial Report and Recognizing Necessary Amendments and Adjustments to the FY 2021-2022 Annual Budget (Transmittal, R-23-07, Report) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA RECOGNIZING CERTAIN ADJUSTMENTS TO THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2021 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A'; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. pgs 233-237 B. Consider the Natural Resources Board's Request to Sell Alcohol (Beer Only) at the Upcoming Earth Day Celebration in Riverview Park on Saturday, April 22nd from 9:00am to 4:00pm (Transmittal, Proposal) pgs 238-250 C. Review and Discuss Ordinance No. 0-21-03 Mobile Food Establishments and Criteria for Temporary Uses (Transmittal, 2021 Transmittal, F.S.509.102, FDACS Requirements) pgs 259-32D D. Review and Discuss the Strategic Plan Process (Transmittal, Summary, Performance Measures, Survey) pgs 321 325 E. Resolution No. R-23-03 — Charter Officer Evaluation Procedure (Transmittal, R- 21-04, R-23-03) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR CHARTER OFFICERS FOR GOAL SETTINGS, EVALUATIONS, WAGE ADJUSTMENTS OR OTHER INCREASES IN COMPENSATION, AND RE -NEGOTIATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS; REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. R-21-04, IN ITS ENTIRETY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 13. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS A. Interim Attorney Update 14. CITY MANAGER MATTERS 15. CITY CLERK MATTERS 4 of 325 16. CITY COUNCIL MATTERS A. Council Member McPartlan B. Mayor Jones C. Vice Mayor Nunn D. Council Member Dixon E. Council Member Dodd 17. ADJOURN (All meetings shall adjourn by 9:30 pm unless extended for up to one half hour by a majority vote of City Council) NO STENOGRAPHIC RECORD BY A CERTIFIED COURT REPORTER WILL BE MADE OF THE FOREGOING MEETING. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL, BOARD OR AGENCY WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING OR HEARING WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) OF 1990, ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 388-8226 — ADA@ CITYOFSEBASTIAN.ORG AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. ZOOM INFORMATION Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84007001826 Or One tap mobile: US: +13052241968„84007001826# or +19294362866„84007001826# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 305 224 1968 or +1 929 436 2866 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 309 205 3325 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 931 3860 or +1 253 205 0468 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 360 209 5623 or +1 386 347 5053 or +1 507 473 4847 or +1 564 217 2000 or +1 669 444 9171 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 689 278 1000 or +1 719 359 4580 Webinar ID: 840 0700 1826 International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdh6clPsTX 5 of 325 PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC INPUT IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLUTION NO. R-21-32 Regular Citv Council Meetings Public input is ALLOWED under the heading: Consent Agenda • Public Hearings • Unfinished Business New Business Public Input Public Input is NOT ALLOWED under the headines: Proclamations, Awards, Brief Announcements (except for individuals giving or accepting proclamations or awards); Committee Reports and Appointments (except for committee members giving reports and applicants being interviewed for committee appointments); City Council Matters Charter Officer Matters Council may, by majority vote, call upon an individual to provide input if desired. Workshops and Special Meetings Public input is limited to the item on the agenda Time Limit Input on agenda items where public input is permitted on agendas is FIVE MINUTES; however, City Council may extend or terminate an individual's time by majority vote of Council members present. Input Directed to Chair Speakers shall address the City Council IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO CITY COUNCIL DELIBERATION of the agenda item and ALL INPUT SHALL BE DIRECTED TO THE CHAIR, unless answering a question of a member of City Council or City staff. Individuals shall not address City Council after commencement of City Council deliberation on an agenda item after public input has concluded, providing, however, the Mayor and members of City Council may recall an individual to provide additional information or to answer questions. Certain Remarks Prohibited Personal, impertinent, and slanderous remarks, political campaigning, and applauding are not permitted and may result in expulsion from the meeting. The Chair shall make determinations on such remarks, subject to the repeal provisions below. Appealing Decisions of Chair Any member of Council may appeal the decision of the Chair to the entire Council. A majority vote of City Council shall overrule any decision of the Chair. Public Input Headine on ALyenda The heading on Regular Meeting agendas "Public Input" provides an opportunity for individuals to bring NEW INFORMATION OR REQUESTS TO CITY COUNCIL NOT OTHERWISE ON THE PREPARED AGENDA. Individuals are asked to attempt to resolve matters with staff prior to meetings. Individuals are asked to provide copies of material for Council one week prior to the meeting if they intend to refer to specific material. City Council will not debate an issue during Public Input but may by consensus direct a Charter Officer in regard to the item if necessary or place a requested item on a future agenda. 6 of 325 OnCf SIEBAS-T�N HOME OF PELICAN 15iAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meetine Date: February 22, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Forfeiture Fund Distribution Recommendation: Staff respectfully requests City Council to approve a donation in the amount of $500 to the Executive Roundtable of Indian River County on behalf of the Sebastian Police Department. Backeround: The requested donation is for the Executive Roundtable of Indian River County, an established 501 C (3) requesting donations to fulfill the tasks of effecting positive change and facilitating the needs of families in Indian River County. Their most recent endeavor is Communities That Care (CTC), a prevention structure, grounded in science that gives communities the tools to address their adolescent health and behavior problems through a focus on empirically identified risk and protective factors. If Agenda Item Reauires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: NIA Total Cost: $500.00 Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Forfeiture Fund Attachments: 1. Florida Statute 932.7055 2, Letter from Chief of Police Administrative Services Departm t view:, City Attorney Review: i Procurement Division Revie*, if City Manager Authorization: Date: 7 of 325 Select Year: 12022 v Go The 2022 Florida Statutes (including Special Session A) Title XLVII Chanter 932 View Entire CRIMINAL PROCEDURE AND PROVISIONS SUPPLEMENTAL TO CRIMINAL Chapter CORRECTIONS PROCEDURE LAW 932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.— (1) When a seizing agency obtains a final judgment granting forfeiture of real property or personal property, it may elect to: (a) Retain the property for the agency's use; (b) Sell the property at public auction or by sealed bid to the highest bidder, except for real property which should be sold in a commercially reasonable manner after appraisal by listing on the market; or (c) Salvage, trade, or transfer the property to any public or nonprofit organization. (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a seizing agency must destroy any image and the medium on which the image is recorded, including, but not limited to, a photograph, video tape, diskette, compact disc, or fixed disk made in violation of s. 810.145 when the image and the medium on which it is recorded is no longer needed for an official purpose. The agency may not sell or retain any image. (3) If the forfeited property is subject to a lien preserved by the court as provided in s. 932.703(7)(b), the agency shall: (a) Sell the property with the proceeds being used towards satisfaction of any liens; or (b) Have the lien satisfied prior to taking any action authorized by subsection (1). (4) The proceeds from the sale of forfeited property shall be disbursed in the following priority: (a) Payment of the balance due on any lien preserved by the court in the forfeiture proceedings. (b) Payment of the cost incurred by the seizing agency in connection with the storage, maintenance, security, and forfeiture of such property. (c) Payment of court costs incurred in the forfeiture proceeding. (5)(a) If the seizing agency is a county or municipal agency, the remaining proceeds shall be deposited in a special law enforcement trust fund established by the board of county commissioners or the governing body of the municipality. Such proceeds and interest earned therefrom shall be used for school resource officer, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, drug abuse education and prevention programs, or for other law enforcement purposes, which include defraying the cost of protracted or complex investigations, providing additional equipment or expertise, purchasing automated external defibrillators for use in law enforcement vehicles, and providing matching funds to obtain federal grants. The proceeds and interest may not be used to meet normal operating expenses of the law enforcement agency. (b) These funds may be expended upon request by the sheriff to the board of county commissioners or by the chief of police to the governing body of the municipality, accompanied by a written certification that the request complies with the provisions of this subsection, and only upon appropriation to the sheriff's office or police department by the board of county commissioners or the governing body of the municipality. (c) An agency or organization, other than the seizing agency, that wishes to receive such funds shall apply to the sheriff or chief of police for an appropriation and its application shall be accompanied by a written certification that the moneys will be used for an authorized purpose. Such requests for expenditures shall include a statement describing anticipated recurring costs for the agency for subsequent fiscal years. An agency or organization that receives money pursuant to this subsection shall provide an accounting for such moneys and shall furnish the same reports as an agency of the county or municipality that receives public funds. Such funds may be expended in accordance with the following procedures: 1. Such funds may be used only for school resource officer, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, drug abuse education, or drug prevention programs or such other law enforcement purposes as the board of county commissioners or governing body of the municipality deems appropriate. 2. Such funds shall not be a source of revenue to meet normal operating needs of the law enforcement agency. 8 of 325 3. Any local law enforcement agency that acquires at least $15,000 pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act within a fiscal year must expend or donate no less than 25 percent of such proceeds for the support or operation of any drug treatment, drug abuse education, drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer program or programs. The local law enforcement agency has the discretion to determine which program or programs will receive the designated proceeds. Notwithstanding the drug abuse education, drug treatment, drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer minimum expenditures or donations, the sheriff and the board of county commissioners or the chief of police and the governing body of the municipality may agree to expend or donate such funds over a period of years if the expenditure or donation of such minimum amount in any given fiscal year would exceed the needs of the county or municipality for such program or programs. The minimum requirement for expenditure or donation of forfeiture proceeds established in subparagraph 3. does not preclude expenditures or donations in excess of that amount. (6) If the seizing agency is a state agency, all remaining proceeds shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund. However, if the seizing agency is: (a) The Department of Law Enforcement, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Forfeiture and Investigative Support Trust Fund as provided in s. 943.362 or into the department's Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 943,365, as applicable. (b) The Department of Environmental Protection, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited in the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, the Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund, the Inland Protection Trust Fund, the Coastal Protection Trust Fund, or the Solid Waste Management Trust Fund, as specified by the statute under which the violation occurs. (c) The Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Alcoholic Beverage and Tobacco Trust Fund or into the department's Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 561,027, as applicable. (d) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 932.705(1)(a) or into the department's Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 932.705(1)(b), as applicable. (e) The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the State Game Trust Fund as provided in ss. 379.338, 379.339, and 379.3395 or into the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund as provided in s. 379,337. (f) A state attorney's office acting within its judicial circuit, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the State Attorney's Forfeiture and Investigative Support Trust Fund to be used for the investigation of crime and prosecution of criminals within the judicial circuit. (g) A school board security agency employing law enforcement officers, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the School Board Law Enforcement Trust Fund. (h) One of the State University System police departments acting within the jurisdiction of its employing state university, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into that state university's appropriate local account. (i) The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the General Inspection Trust Fund or into the department's Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 570,205, as applicable. (j) The Department of Military Affairs, the proceeds accrued from federal forfeiture sharing pursuant to 21 U.S.C. ss. 881(e) (1)(A) and (3), 18 U.S.C. s. 981(e)(2), and 19 U.S.C. s. 1616a shall be deposited into the Armory Board Trust Fund and used for purposes authorized by such federal provisions based on the department's budgetary authority or into the department's Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 250.175, as applicable. (k) The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit of the Department of Legal Affairs, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Department of Legal Affairs Grants and Donations Trust Fund to be used for investigation and prosecution of Medicaid fraud, abuse, neglect, and other related cases by the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. (l) The Division of Investigative and Forensic Services in the Department of Financial Services, the proceeds accrued under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund to be used fl;�othpyrposes of arson suppression, arson investigation, and the funding of anti -arson rewards. (m) The Division of Investigative and Forensic Services of the Department of Financial Services, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund as provided in s. 626.9893 or into the Department of Financial Services' Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 17,43, as applicable. (7) If more than one law enforcement agency is acting substantially to effect the forfeiture, the court having jurisdiction over the forfeiture proceedings shall, upon motion, equitably distribute all proceeds and other property among the seizing agencies. (8) Upon the sale of any motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft, real property, or other property requiring a title, the appropriate agency shall issue a title certificate to the purchaser. Upon the request of any law enforcement agency which elects to retain titled property after forfeiture, the appropriate state agency shall issue a title certificate for such property to said law enforcement agency. (9) Neither the law enforcement agency nor the entity having budgetary control over the law enforcement agency shall anticipate future forfeitures or proceeds therefrom in the adoption and approval of the budget for the law enforcement agency. History.-s. 5, ch. 92-54; s. 2, ch. 92.290; s. 21, ch. 94-265; s. 479, ch. 94-356; s. 5, ch. 95-265; s. 72, ch. 96-321; s. 41, ch. 96-418; s. 2, ch. 98-387; s. 3, ch. 98-389; s. 4, ch. 98.390; s. 5, ch. 98-391; s. 2, ch. 98-392; s. 2, ch. 98-393; s. 2, ch. 98.394; s. 61, ch. 99-245; s. 2, ch. 2000-147; ss. 26, 79, ch. 2002-402; s. 1923, ch. 2003-261; s. 37, ch. 2003-399; s. 3, ch. 2004.39; s. 38, ch. 2004-234; s. 16, ch. 2004-344; s. 23, ch. 2005-3; s. 19, ch. 2005-71; s. 2, ch. 2005-109; s. 5, ch. 2005.117; s. 11, ch. 2006-26; s. 20, ch. 2006-176; s. 21, ch. 2006-305; s. 7, ch. 2007-14; s. 10, ch. 2007-73; s. 10, ch. 2008-153; s. 207, ch. 2008-247; s. 7, ch. 2009.82; s. 8, ch. 2010-153; s. 18, ch. 2011-47; s. 31, ch. 2012-88; s. 15, ch. 2012-119; s. 4, ch. 2013-5; s. 12, ch. 2013-41; s. 13, ch. 2014-43; s. 22, ch. 2014.53; s. 2, ch. 2015-7; s. 35, ch. 2015-222; s. 58, ch. 2016.62; s. 45, ch. 2016-165; s. 4, ch. 2016-179; s. 51, ch. 2017-3; s. 19, ch. 2017-71; s. 10, ch. 2019-4; s. 17, ch. 2019-141. Copyright m 1995-2023 The Florida Legislature • Privacv Statement • Contact Us 10 of 325 6NIt. Daniel Acosta, Chief of Police 1201 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 Phone:772-589-5233 1 Fax:772-388-1872 E-mail: sndtac0ofsebastial' n P, February 14, 2023 Fred Jones, Mayor Christopher Nunn, Vice Mayor Bob McPartlan, Councilman Kelly Dixon, Councilwoman Ed Dodd, Councilman City of Sebastian 1225 Main St. Sebastian, FL. 32958 Reference: Expenditures from Forfeiture Account - FS 932.7055 (5) (b) Council Members, ma n Per Florida Statute 932.7055 (5) (b) pertaining to the use of forfeiture funds- I am requesting to utilize some of these funds for the following items: The Executive Roundtable of Indian River County; this is a donation to assist with the tasks of effecting positive! change and facilitating the needs of families in Indian River County. ($500) The Substance Awareness Center of Indian River County; this is a donation to assist with their mission of reducing the impact of substance misuse and behavioral health disorders in Indian River County through prevention, education, treatment, and recovery support. ($1,000) I certify the above items are an allowed use of the forfeiture funds per Florida Statute 932.7055 (5) (b). If you have any question please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ianWiel Acosta Chief of Police 11 of 325 CMCf SEELASMAiN A. HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: February 22, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Forfeiture Fund Distribution Recommendation: Staff respectfully requests City Council to approve a donation in the amount of $1,000.00 to the Substance Awareness Center of Indian River County on behalf of the Sebastian Police Department. Background: The requested donation is for the Substance Awareness Center of Indian River County a non-profit organization that provides services to our community. Their mission is to reduce the impact of substance misuse and behavioral health disorders in Indian River County through prevention, education, treatment, and recovery support. If Agenda Item Reauires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: NIA Total Cost: $1,000.00 Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Forfeiture Fund Attachments: 1. Florida Statute 932.7055 2. Letter from Chief of Police Administrative Servic City Attorney Review: Procurement Division es Departmen evie C ! -t-c- Re ew, if dpplic /V �� City Manager Authorization: Date: , 2IIS 12 of 325 Select Year: 12022 v Go The 2022 Florida Statutes (including Special Session A) Title XLVII Chanter 932 View Entire CRIMINAL PROCEDURE AND PROVISIONS SUPPLEMENTAL TO CRIMINAL Chapter CORRECTIONS PROCEDURE LAW 932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.— (1) When a seizing agency obtains a final judgment granting forfeiture of real property or personal property, it may elect to: (a) Retain the property for the agency's use; (b) Sell the property at public auction or by sealed bid to the highest bidder, except for real property which should be sold in a commercially reasonable manner after appraisal by listing on the market; or (c) Salvage, trade, or transfer the property to any public or nonprofit organization. (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a seizing agency must destroy any image and the medium on which the image is recorded, including, but not limited to, a photograph, video tape, diskette, compact disc, or fixed disk made in violation of s. 810.145 when the image and the medium on which it is recorded is no longer needed for an official purpose. The agency may not sell or retain any image. (3) If the forfeited property is subject to a lien preserved by the court as provided in s. 932.703(7)(b), the agency shall: (a) Sell the property with the proceeds being used towards satisfaction of any liens; or (b) Have the lien satisfied prior to taking any action authorized by subsection (1). (4) The proceeds from the sale of forfeited property shall be disbursed in the following priority: (a) Payment of the balance due on any lien preserved by the court in the forfeiture proceedings. (b) Payment of the cost incurred by the seizing agency in connection with the storage, maintenance, security, and forfeiture of such property. (c) Payment of court costs incurred in the forfeiture proceeding. (5)(a) If the seizing agency is a county or municipal agency, the remaining proceeds shall be deposited in a special law enforcement trust fund established by the board of county commissioners or the governing body of the municipality. Such proceeds and interest earned therefrom shall be used for school resource officer, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, drug abuse education and prevention programs, or for other law enforcement purposes, which include defraying the cost of protracted or complex investigations, providing additional equipment or expertise, purchasing automated external defibrillators for use in law enforcement vehicles, and providing matching funds to obtain federal grants. The proceeds and interest may not be used to meet normal operating expenses of the law enforcement agency. (b) These funds may be expended upon request by the sheriff to the board of county commissioners or by the chief of police to the governing body of the municipality, accompanied by a written certification that the request complies with the provisions of this subsection, and only upon appropriation to the sheriff's office or police department by the board of county commissioners or the governing body of the municipality. (c) An agency or organization, other than the seizing agency, that wishes to receive such funds shall apply to the sheriff or chief of police for an appropriation and its application shall be accompanied by a written certification that the moneys will be used for an authorized purpose. Such requests for expenditures shall include a statement describing anticipated recurring costs for the agency for subsequent fiscal years. An agency or organization that receives money pursuant to this subsection shall provide an accounting for such moneys and shall furnish the same reports as an agency of the county or municipality that receives public funds. Such funds may be expended in accordance with the following procedures: 1. Such funds may be used only for school resource officer, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, drug abuse education, or drug prevention programs or such other law enforcement purposes as the board of county commissioners or governing body of the municipality deems appropriate. 2. Such funds shall not be a source of revenue to meet normal operating needs of the law enforcement agency. 13 of 325 3. Any local law enforcement agency that acquires at least $15,000 pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act within a fiscal year must expend or donate no less than 25 percent of such proceeds for the support or operation of any drug treatment, drug abuse education, drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer program or programs. The local law enforcement agency has the discretion to determine which program or programs will receive the designated proceeds. Notwithstanding the drug abuse education, drug treatment, drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer minimum expenditures or donations, the sheriff and the board of county commissioners or the chief of police and the governing body of the municipality may agree to expend or donate such funds over a period of years if the expenditure or donation of such minimum amount in any given fiscal year would exceed the needs of the county or municipality for such program or programs. The minimum requirement for expenditure or donation of forfeiture proceeds established in subparagraph 3. does not preclude expenditures or donations in excess of that amount. (6) If the seizing agency is a state agency, all remaining proceeds shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund. However, if the seizing agency is: (a) The Department of Law Enforcement, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Forfeiture and Investigative Support Trust Fund as provided in s. 943,362 or into the department's Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 943,365, as applicable. (b) The Department of Environmental Protection, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited in the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, the Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund, the Inland Protection Trust Fund, the Coastal Protection Trust Fund, or the Solid Waste Management Trust Fund, as specified by the statute under which the violation occurs. (c) The Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Alcoholic Beverage and Tobacco Trust Fund or into the department's Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 561.027, as applicable. (d) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 932.705(1)(a) or into the department's Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 932.705(1)(b), as applicable. (e) The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the State Game Trust Fund as provided in ss. 379,338, 379.339, and 379.3395 or into the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund as provided in s. 379,337. (f) A state attorney's office acting within its judicial circuit, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the State Attorney's Forfeiture and Investigative Support Trust Fund to be used for the investigation of crime and prosecution of criminals within the judicial circuit. (g) A school board security agency employing law enforcement officers, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the School Board Law Enforcement Trust Fund. (h) One of the State University System police departments acting within the jurisdiction of its employing state university, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into that state university's appropriate local account. (i) The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the General Inspection Trust Fund or into the department's Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 570.205, as applicable. (j) The Department of Military Affairs, the proceeds accrued from federal forfeiture sharing pursuant to 21 U.S.C. ss. 881(e) (1)(A) and (3), 18 U.S.C. s. 981(e)(2), and 19 U.S.C. s. 1616a shall be deposited into the Armory Board Trust Fund and used for purposes authorized by such federal provisions based on the department's budgetary authority or into the department's Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 250,175, as applicable. (k) The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit of the Department of Legal Affairs, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Department of Legal Affairs Grants and Donations Trust Fund to be used for investigation and prosecution of Medicaid fraud, abuse, neglect, and other related cases by the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. (l) The Division of Investigative and Forensic Services in the Department of Financial Services, the proceeds accrued under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund to be used fpfoh�p�rposes of arson suppression, arson investigation, and the funding of anti -arson rewards. (m) The Division of Investigative and Forensic Services of the Department of Financial Services, the proceeds accrued pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund as provided in s. 626.9893 or into the Department of Financial Services' Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 17.43, as applicable. (7) If more than one law enforcement agency is acting substantially to effect the forfeiture, the court having jurisdiction over the forfeiture proceedings shall, upon motion, equitably distribute all proceeds and other property among the seizing agencies. (8) Upon the sale of any motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft, real property, or other property requiring a title, the appropriate agency shall issue a title certificate to the purchaser. Upon the request of any law enforcement agency which elects to retain titled property after forfeiture, the appropriate state agency shall issue a title certificate for such property to said law enforcement agency. (9) Neither the law enforcement agency nor the entity having budgetary control over the law enforcement agency shall anticipate future forfeitures or proceeds therefrom in the adoption and approval of the budget for the law enforcement agency. History.-s. 5, ch. 92-54; s. 2, ch. 92-290; s. 21, ch. 94.265; s. 479, ch. 94-356; s. 5, ch. 95-265; s. 72, ch. 96-321; s. 41, ch. 96-418; s. 2, ch. 98.387; s. 3, ch. 98-389; s. 4, ch. 98-390; s. 5, ch. 98-391; s. 2, ch. 98-392; s. 2, ch. 98-393; s. 2, ch. 98-394; s. 61, ch. 99-245; s. 2, ch. 20D0.147; ss. 26, 79, ch. 2002-402; s. 1923, ch. 2003-261; s. 37, ch. 2003-399; s. 3, ch. 2004-39; s. 38, ch. 2004-234; s. 16, ch. 2004-344; s. 23, ch. 2005.3; s. 19, ch. 2D05-71; s. 2, ch. 2005-109; s. 5, ch. 2005-117; s. 11, ch. 2006-26; s. 20, ch. 2006-176; s. 21, ch. 2006-305; s. 7, ch. 2007-14; s. 10, ch. 2007-73; s. 10, ch. 2008-153; s. 207, ch. 2008-247; s. 7, ch. 2009-82; s. 8, ch. 2010-153; s. 18, ch. 2011-47; s. 31, ch. 2012-88; s. 15, ch. 2012-119; s. 4, ch. 2013-5; s. 12, ch. 2013-41; s. 13, ch. 2014-43; s. 22, ch. 2014-53; s. 2, ch. 2015-7; s. 35, ch. 2015-222; s. 58, ch. 2016.62; s. 45, ch. 2016.165; s. 4, ch. 2016-179; s. 51, ch. 2017-3; s. 19, ch. 2017-71; s. 10, ch. 2019-4; s. 17, ch. 2019-141. Copyright m 1995-2023 The Florida Legislature • Privacv Statement • Contact Us 15 of 325 Glk I;• P+tc4 ,n February 14, 2023 Fred Jones, Mayor Christopher Nunn, Vice Mayor Bob McPartlan, Councilman Kelly Dixon, Councilwoman Ed Dodd, Councilman City of Sebastian 1225 Main St. Sebastian, FL. 32958 ■ Daniel Acosta, Chief of Police 1201 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 Phone:772-589-5233 1 Fax.772-388-1872 E-mail: sodf@citvofsebastian.orR Reference: Expenditures from Forfeiture Account - FS 932.7055 (5) (b) Council Members, Per Florida Statute 932.7055 (5) (b) pertaining to the use of forfeiture funds- I am requesting to utilize some of these funds for the following items: �W The Executive Roundtable of Indian River County; this is a donation to assist with the tasks of effecting positive change and facilitating the needs of families in Indian River County. ($500) The Substance Awareness Center of Indian River County; this is a donation to assist with their mission of reducing the impact of substance misuse and behavioral health disorders in Indian River County through prevention, education, treatment, and recovery support. ($1,000) I certify the above items are an allowed use of the forfeiture funds per Florida Statute 932.7055 (5) (b). If you have any question please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ianiel. Acosta Chief of Police 16 of 325 cmYor HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: February 22, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Ordinance 0-23-02 — First Reading and Public Hearing - Request for Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment — Hess Parcel, 8925 86th Avenue Recommendation: Approve Ordinance 0-23-02 on First reading and set date for adoption Background: The property owner, Daniel Hess of Double R&D Inc., has requested a voluntary annexation into the City of Sebastian. The subject property consists of 40.23 acres, more or less, located south of Sebastian River Landing subdivision and east of vacant property. The property is currently vacant and intended to be developed in tandem with the adjacent parcel to the west. The subject property is currently located within unincorporated Indian River County, contiguous to the existing corporate limits and boundaries of the City of Sebastian to the north and west. The proposed development is within the service boundary for municipal services and has provided statements addressing available infrastructure. Current land use and zoning in the County is "R" Rural Residential and "AG-1" Agricultural, respectively. Application has been made to amend the land use to be compatible with the adjacent properties and intentions for development to "LDR" Low Density Residential simultaneously with the annexation of property. The applicant proposes to rezone the property to "PUD" Planned Unit Development as part of the entire 80+/- acre development under the guidance of the City land development regulations. Small Scale Amendments are defined by statute to be 50 acres or fewer and limited to FLUM changes for site -specific small scale development activities only. The State land planning agency does not require a review however the amendment does not become effective until 31 days after adoption by the local government. This amendment will be transmitted to the DEO upon adoption by COS city council. The Planning and Zoning Commission/Land Planning Agency of the City of Sebastian held a public hearing at its duly noticed January 19, 2023 public meeting to consider the proposed Future Land Use Map amendment and recommended adoption of the proposed request. If Agenda Item Requires Exuenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: NA Total Cost: NA Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NA Attachments: 1. Ordinance 0-23-02 1. FLUM Staff Report and Attachment A 2. January 19, 2023 PZ/LPA meeting minutes 17 of 325 Administrative Service City Attorney Review: Procurement Division s Departme evie l R ew, if pplicable: �} City Manager Authorization: Date: 11 a. 18 of 325 ORDINANCE NO.O-23-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, APPROVING A SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP TO DESIGNATE A LAND USE CLASSIFICATION OF LDR (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) FOR LAND WITH A CURRENT INDIAN RIVER COUNTY LAND USE DESIGNATION OF R (RURAL RESIDENTIAL) FOR LAND CONSISTING OF 40.23 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED SOUTH OF SEBASTIAN RIVER LANDING, EAST OF VACANT PROPERTY, WEST AND NORTH OF SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT; AUTHORIZING FINDINGS AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING AN ADOPTION SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, after careful review and a public hearing on January 19, 2023 of the Planning and Zoning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, a favorable recommendation was made for the adoption of the requested change to the Future Land Use map and the change was found to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the criteria identified in the Comprehensive Plan and Florida Statutes together with the findings and recommendations of its staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council has provided notice of the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment and has conducted the required public hearings to receive citizen input; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the proposed changes in the City Comprehensive Future Land Use Map, are consistent with the existing future development goals of the City of Sebastian; encourages the most appropriate use of land, water and other resources; promotes and protects the public health, safety, and general welfare; provides adequate and efficient infrastructure and resources; and protects the public interest within the City of Sebastian. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. AFFECTED PROPERTY. The amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM) adopted by this Ordinance shall affect the following described real property, now lying and being within the incorporated area of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida: See attached Exhibit "A" Property Warranty and Survey Section 2. DESIGNATION. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map shall be amended to include the affected property, and designate the same as Low Density Residential (LDR) in accordance with the requirements of Florida law. See attached Exhibit `B " Future Land Use Map Section 3. TRANSMITTAL. The City Manager is directed to transmit a certified copy hereof to the authorities designated under Fla. Stat. 163.3184(3) upon final adoption at second reading, and proceed herewith in accordance with the provisions of Fla. Stat. Chapter 163. 19 of 325 Section 4. CONFLICT. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. SEVERABILITY. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold or determine that any part of this Ordinance is invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of the Ordinance shall not be affected and it shall be presumed that the City Council did not intend to enact such invalid or unconstitutional provision. It shall further be assumed that the City Council would have enacted the remainder of this Ordinance without said invalid or unconstitutional provision, thereby causing said remainder to remain in full force and effect. Section 6. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or re -codified copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon the concurrence of the issuance of a Notice of Intent by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity or other final action finding the amendment herein in compliance. Section 8. ADOPTIVE SCHEDULE. That this Ordinance was passed on the first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the February 22, 2023 and adopted on second/final reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 12'h of April, 2023. PASSAGE UPON FIRST READING The foregoing Ordinance was moved for passage upon first reading this 22nd day of February, 2023, by Councilmember . The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice Mayor Christopher Nunn Council Member Kelley Dixon Council Member Ed Dodd Council Member Bob McPartlan ATTEST: Jeanette William, MMC City Clerk 20 of 325 ADOPTION The foregoing Ordinance was moved for adoption by Council Member . The motion was seconded by Council Member and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice Mayor Christopher Nunn Council Member Kelley Dixon Council Member Ed Dodd Council Member Bob McPartlan The Mayor thereupon declared this Ordinance duly passed and adopted this day of 12023. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: Fred Jones, Mayor Approved as to form and legality for Reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Manny Anon, Jr., City Attorney This ordinance is effective the day of , 2023, concurrent with the issuance of the Notice of Intent finding the amendment in compliance by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunities. 21 of 325 �OF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Comprehensive Plan Amendment Land Planning Agency January 19, 2023 ITEM 6.A. LPA Legislative Public Hearing — Recommendation to Citv Council Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Amendment Hess Subdivision 1. Project Name: Hess Subdivision, 8925 86th Avenue 2. Project Applicant: Vincent Musso-Ryan Homes (Authorized Applicant) 3. Requested Action: Request is for a change from County R (Rural Residential) to City LDR (Low Density Residential) (Attachment A) 3. Project Location: Section 26, Township 31 South, Range 38 East Subject Parcel is 40.23 Acres, More or Less Parcel # 31382600000300000006.0 Legals: See Deed and Survey (Exhibit 1) 4. Project Description The property owner, Daniel Hess of Double R&D Inc., has requested a voluntary annexation into the City of Sebastian. The subject property consists of 40.23 acres, more or less, located south of Sebastian River Landing subdivision, east of vacant property, and west and north of single family development. The property is currently vacant and intended to be developed in tandem with the adjacent parcel to the west. The subject property is currently located within unincorporated Indian River County, contiguous to the existing corporate limits and boundaries of the City of Sebastian to the north and west. The proposed development is within the service boundary for municipal services and has provided statements addressing available infrastructure. Current land use and zoning in the County is "R" Rural Residential and "A-1" Agricultural, respectively. Application has been made to amend the land use to be compatible with the adjacent properties and intentions for development to "LDR" Low Density Residential simultaneously with the annexation of property. The applicant proposes to rezone the property to "PUD" Planned Unit Development as part of the an 80+/- acre development under the guidance of the City land development regulations. Small Scale Amendments are defined by statute to be 50 acres or fewer and limited to FLUM changes for site - specific small scale development activities only. The State land planning agency does not require a review however the amendment does not become effective until 31 days after adoption by the local government. This amendment will be transmitted to the DEO upon adoption by COS city council. 5. Site Data a. Site Characteristics 1) Total Acreage: (2) Current Land Use(s): (3) Current Zonina: b. Adjacent Properties Zoning North (City) PUD-R 40.23 acres County R (Rural Residential, 1 unit/1 ac) County AG-1 (Agricultural, 1 unit/5 ac) Existinq Use Future Land Use Residential Subdivision VLD 22 of 325 East: (County) A-1 Rural Residential R West: (City) RS-10 ResidentialNacant LDR South: (County) RS-3 ResidentialNacant L-1 6. Comprehensive Plan Consistencv a. Chanced Conditions: The proposed change of land use to a higher intensity of use is consistent with the current land uses surrounding the property. Existing residential development is adjacent to the property and is consistent for this area which contains established public schools and is near commercial service areas. The applicant proposes to combine two 40 acre parcels into one residential subdivision. This designation will provide suitable uses for potential future developments. b. Land Use Coms)atibility: The LDR (Low Density Residential, 5 units/ac) land use was established to implement policies and performance standards for density in areas within the perimeter of the City and primarily comprised of single family homes. This use is compatible with the City of Sebastian current and future land use along this corridor. Surrounding land uses also consist of low density single family residential. c. Conformance with Ordinances: The proposal is in conformance with applicable substantive requirements of the Code of Ordinances and Land Development Code, and no changes to these ordinances are required at this time due to this request. d. Adequate Public Facilities: Public facilities requirements for this proposed land use change have been provided in Attachment A. The property has provided assurance of the availability of sufficient public access and public facilities. The property is within the current service boundary for water/sewer and public safety. Proof of ROW access has been provided from CR 510. e. Natural Environment: An environmental assessment of the subject property will be required as part of site plan development application. All natural resource protection measures, including tree protection, wetlands, and listed species, will be required as part of the permitting and development process. Economic Effect: The property contains vacant agricultural lands that may be combined with adjacent property for residential growth. FDOT has funded improvements to the CR 510 corridor and additional residential developments have been proposed along this corridor to meet the current market needs. The City has identified the need for more affordable housing and this may be encouraged on this property. In addition, the development will bring sewer and water into this part of the City. These infrastructure improvements provide a higher value to future residential or commercial development, which support the tax base within the City. g. Orderly Development: The proposed land use change is consistent with the Land Development Code and Code of Ordinances. h. Public Interest: The proposed change in land use does not appear to be in conflict with the public interest and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan 2040 and Land Development Code. 7.Conclusion: The requested land use change from County R to City VLD is consistent with the Future Land Use Map and staff supports a recommendation of approval to the City Council from the Land Planning Agency Lisa L. Frazier. AICP PREPARED BY 2 1 /11 /2023 DATE 23 of 325 aa ! �� s R �If �6i ■ � b� i --------------L —yg ---------------�I ----- I fits tih b gab 1a��1� —__�'I—------------------ - — •_ _ — — — — _ _ _ _ — _ — _ _ ��$ Of A!i 0C 2SYd 'I! N00a Md d101 AYAt lO MM elSe7e���b�«.ttll■Y.LL7l5�.i �� IDA 24 of 325 1523056 RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF JEFFREY K BARTON, CLERK Cn=XT COMT n4DIM RIVER CO FL, BK: 1702 PG: 2152, 03/10/2004 03:29 PM DOC STAMPS D $5880.00 PV9 Fee .Cl Doe. stps. .00 EXHIBIT 1 Prepared by and Return to. I [OPWARCIAL TITLE SERVICES, 111C, 1627 U.S. Highway 1. Suits 7 I sebastian. Florida J2959 I Incident to the issuance of title insurance I Tax ID 131-39-26-OD000-3000-00906.0 CM-6364 THIS WARRANTY DEED made the a day of March, 2004 by John M. Kassey, Jr.. individually, and as Trustee under The John W. Massey, Jr., Revocable Trust, dated October 13, 1996 hereinsfter called the grantor, to Double; R A D In., a Florida corporation whose address is: 13465 N. Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida 329SS hereinafter called the grantee: blaNESSETH: That the grantor, for and in consideration of the suet of $10.00 and other valuable considerations. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants. bargains, sells, +Miens, remises. releases, conveys and confirms unto the grantee all that certain land situate in Indian River County. State of Florida, via: Tke Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 26, Township 31 South, Range 38 East, said land lying and being in Indian River County, Florida. 700E HER wm an easement for ingress and egress as set forth in Official Record Book 902, Page 1077. Public Records of Indian, River County, Florida. ce + Subject property is vacant and unimproved land and does not adjoin the hovesteed property of the grantor herein. TOGETHER, with all the t4mements. bereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND To How. the same in fee simple forever. AND the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has goat right cad lawful authority to sell and convey said land. and hereby warrants the title to said land and will defend the same ao_ainst she lawful claims of all parsons ; and that said Tend is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subse*mt to December 31. 2003. IN Wr"gW WHEREOF. the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the.. day and year first above written. ssnled an i in rS,ha presence o �r " 6Htlsass nil. Icassey. ] .. as DEMISE FORTIsIER p0 Hoak 5%, Haiaass0, ida 32970 ti� Sign ter w lrfitness Irld mess Grantors Address: Printed Signature OM State of Florida County of Indian River The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before sax on this data, by John W. o%ssey. Jr.. who is personally known to we or who has produced: rn XcL! a iQRUW as identification. sxy hand and official seal in the State and county 1 Zlflomlwald this 4�D daof (larch. Z00�1. �p FOiiTNERPrinted ` Notary's Printed Nara cPublic commission Expires: (hfoury Sealwpm ) aeerE IM >rroonsr�aw►s a,tS M tam epedVnarr,uear,w. 25 of 325 1'1'Ll� JW1{7; ti,e,a4i7eaa nwssaiaaca...•, .r,�ww ...... �. +.�..�.. ....__ • ��-». ; '- C day cif ,.. _ 1991t by and between JACK DAVIS, -mot Of $690 06th Aver'.e, -Vero Beach, Florida 3296 �,-,,,,_, hereinafter � cr+ CAS Called MDaviB"; J. M. RUSULL, of 8920 86th Avenue. Vero BeacO Florida 32966 hereinafter called "Russell"; and f JOHN W. HASSEY and NARY NASSEY, • his wife, of Box - 5a11 _ Wabasso, Florida 32970 � hareinafter called "Hassey►"; w WEM S: the above parties are the owners of land located in `- r Section 26, Township 31 South, Range 38 East, Indian River Omaty, Florida; and. a WH8UWo all the parties are desirous of establishing a private easement for ingress and egress over their respective N to Properties from State Road 510 to the South right of way of the Sebastian River Drainage Canal; NOW. TiiE PGRE. in consideration of $10.00 and other valu- able considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowleftod, and in consideration of the mutual covenants and easements herein contained, it in agreed between the parties as follows: I. That all parties herein grant to the other parties herein an easement over their properties for ingress and egress to and froze their respective properties. to state Road 510. 2. The description of the easement is as follows,. An ease.meht 6+0 feet in width lying 30 feet either side of the East line of the Southwest one --quarter of Section 26, Township 31, Range 38. AND An easement 60 meet in width lying 30 feet either sate of the East line of the Southeast ore -quarter of Northwest one- i'ter of Section 26, Township • 31, Ran * 38 and the North 30 feet of the West 6o feet of the Bouthwest Me -quarter of Northeast one -quarter of Section 26, Township 31, Ratlge 38. 3. The easement shall be private and shall run with the iand of all the owners herein, and any conveyance of praperty ca shall include tho es s"went for the benefit of the owner, and said p conveyance till be subject to the easement for the benefit of all a 26 of 325 �" ,. and from the respective properties. the parties may agree among themselves to impose such restrictions far their joint benefit to maintain the road as a private -road for the use of the *wners of property, heroin only and to provide security for all the under -- signed owners. S. This agreement &hall be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective heirs, personal representatives., and assigns. IN WITNESS WiE EOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals~, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and deliver- ed in the presence .of: Nam \RobertYackson N Bertha B. arP As to Jack Davis Le N "Rober 3 ckson Rajbe Bertha S. Sharp As to J. M. Russell • k Davis N. Russell Signed, sealed and delivered 3 : the presence f_:+ /!/�'♦ �A/A1y►-) f/f� f /f ohn V. Massey .;�:, . ,.. ..... ; Mary Itassey A o Mr. and Mrs. Massey cs A %O C2 r%) v a� 27 of 325 r+ 111MMaY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly ' qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared JACK DAVIS to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before as that he executed the $mane. VIT�I= try hand and o f icial sea t the county and state last aforosai.d. this � day of ��. .. rl�OTARY SEALS X�/ Name notary Public. State of Florida at Large. My commission expires: STATE OF FLORIDA CQUN'1'Y OF INDIAN RIVER I HEREBY CERTIFY -that on this day before me, an officer duly rnailified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared J. K. t. Ts 'ELL, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS ay hand and 'Official seal in the County and State last aforesaid, this !' day of rrr (NOTARY S$ALj�- Name Notary Public, State of Florida at Large. my commisa Q ties: MOTAW puaLlt. STILE OF fl Roj WC" E1{PIRE aM fi �KFRA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVM Y HEREBY CERMY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared J. W. MMSEY and KARY mAssEY, his wife, to met known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrur-Tit and ackrwvledged before that they -executed the same. WITNESS my barns and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid, this_aday of(KrIARY SEAL) ter". :- Hot ry Public, State of Florida at � Large. my coamission expires: +� J PO 1u�1u+ Y.. This Instrument Prepared By: "" 1W%M.-t- lrjm-lr+nn _ Fan- 28 of 325 ATTACHMENT A U11LT SET_" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET w SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-S518 a www.cityofsebastian.org Comp Plan Land Use Amendment (Large Scale) x Comp Plan Land Use Amendment (Small Scale) Comp Plan Text Amendment Land Development Code Text Amendment Rezoning R Annexation Project Name: Hess Subdivison Total Site Area: 40.23 acres/ 1,752,419 Sf Acres\SF Parcel ID: 31-38-26-000003000-00006.0 Existing Address .of Site: 8925 86th Avenue posed Address of Site: TBD (Proposed 89th Street) I Proposed Use: Single -Family Residential Land Use: LDR Contact Name: Mr. Vincent Musso- Ryan Homes Address:1450 Centerpark Blvd. #340, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Telephone:561-720-1371 Email: vmusso@nvrinc.com Zoning: PUD Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Owner: Double R&D Inc_ - Address:13465 N. Indian River Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958 _ Telephone: Email: Date Received: Fee Paid: Received by: FORM B =1 29 of 325 Surveyor- Address:- - - - — — - - - --- - - j Telephone: - — — - Email: y� I Engineer: MBV Engineedng, Inc.— Address:1835 20th Street, Vero Beach 32960 ' Telephone: `772-569-0035 Email: aaronb@mbveng.com Pre Application Meeting Date: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROIEC'r: Annexation of Mess parcel into the City of Sebastian (31-38-26-000003000-00006.0) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANI I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of approval does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Mr. Daniel Hess ,f �� - l r17 y o -2 Print name Signature Date Notarv: STATE, OF: F to r i do( COUNTY: Indian AI VF ► - I hereby certify that on AW9, U St 17 , 20 �Zl personally appeared Pa rli t'l HF'ss who is ,_ personally known to me or has produced identification. Type of identification produced: DY-1 d�tr'S I 1 �,iri (slrALI 10 K x { KLFY K COOK Notary Public Gdtupt AM*HH 41125 pr,� _ 25 esAu2U94,2025 My Commission ]Expires: FORM 8 30 of 325 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET a SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 a www.citvo1sebastlan..91 $2,000 Camp Plan Land Use Map Amendment (Large Scale) $1,500 Comp Plan Land Use Map Amendment (Small Scale) $1,000 Annexation APPLICATION FEES: $2,000 Comp Plan Text Amendment $1,500 Land Development Code Text Amendment $1,250 Rezoning "APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE UPON PAYMENT TO THE CITY* DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED FOR APPLICATION REVIEW: Z Summary Report: addressing review considerations in accordance with i4-1-2.7 Land Development Code and 54-1-2.9 Land Development Code where applicable; or. objective 1-2.4 of Comprehensive Plan 2040 of all annexations. 9 Location Map ® Two (2) Boundary and'- ... i& Surveys 9 Warranty Deed for all owners and/or Notarized Letter of Authorization 9 Future Land Use Map: Current and Proposed © Zoning Map: Current and Proposed Traffic Impact Analysis Statement LE Electronic Copy - Complete Submittal ❑ Stormwater Calculations ADDITIONAL. FEES -N - M - - Should the review process be delayed by the applicant for longer than 6 months, re -submittal sill he required consistent with current regulations and fees. x 'The applicantAm-ner shall have I Near from the approval elate to commence construction of all or and phase. lr the site plan expires, the applicant/mi-ner must re -apply for a ne-tv review with applicable fees. An extension may be requested for additional fees. FORM B 31 of 325 2022 FLORIDA PROFIT CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT DOCUMENT# P02000117400 Entity Name: DOUBLE R & D INC. Current Principal Place of Business: 13465 N. INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 Current Mailing Address: 1335 SHORELINE CIRCLE SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 FEI Number: 20.0275401 Name and Address of Current Registered Agent: HESS, DANIEL PSR. 13465 N. INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 US FILED Mar 28, 2022 Secretary of State 2417735327CC Certificate of Status Desired: Yes The above named entity submits this statement for the purpose of changing its registered office or registered agent, or both, in the State of Florida. SIGNATURE: Electronic Signature of Registered Agent Officer/Director Detail : Title P Name HESS, DANIEL P SR. Address 13465 N. INDIAN RIVER DRIVE City -State -Zap: SEBASTIAN FL 32958 Title ETC Name 1 REILLY, ROBERT Address 386 JANUA COELI WAY City -State -Zip: RUTHERFORDTON NC 28139 Title VP Name OREILLY, STEPHEN R Address 386 JANUA COELI WAY City -State -Zip: RUTHERFORDTON NC 28139 Date 1 hereby certify that the information indicated on this report or supplemental report is tnre and accurate and that my electronic signature shall have the same legal effect as ffmade under oath., that I am an officer or director of the corporation or the receiver ortrustee empowered to execute this report as required by Chapter 6e7, Florida Statutes; and that my name appears above, or on an attachment with all other De empowered. SIGNATURE: DANIEL P HESS PRESIDENT 03/28/2022 Electronic Signature of Signing Officer/Director Detail Date 32 of 325 1790278 RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF JEFFREY K BARTON, CLERK CIRCUIT COURT INDIAN RIVER CO FL, BK: 2088 PG: 1758, 10/12/2006 08:18 AM DOC STAMPS D $0.70 RNV Dedication — Blue Water Bay PD Tax ! D #3149; 26-00000-5000-00001.0 Tax ID #31-39-26-OMM-5000-00001.1 Tax ID #31-39-26-00000-5000-00001.2 Instrument prepared by and should be returned to the County Attorneys Office 1840 2e Street, Vero Beech. FL 32980 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this 2," day of %RP<-1 I.. __, 2006, between 510 GROUP, L.L.C., a Florida limited liability company, 1974 14' Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32960, GRANTOR, and INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, 1840 25th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32956, GRANTEE, WITNESSETH THAT: GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the GRANTEE, and GRANTEE'S heirs and assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying, and being in Indian River County, Florida: SEE EXHIBITS "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF AND GRANTOR does hereby fully warrant the title to the said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. Signed i pre ' 510 GROUP, .L.C. sign:, f .� I Printedname:�%l4'LL�t�t.s-1}- By sign►.'L� Mark A. Brackett Witness Printed rne: J e551 C t 'C Managing Member STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF;JGI"' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this2q day of APr; I 2006, by Mark A. Brackett, Managing Member of 510 GROUP, L.L.C., a Florida limited liability company, who is personally known to me or produced as identification. sign: - Stamped seal udth printed name, Lunn F H Notary Public Commission # 8 expiration date Myy ppt7tgep a EX1*03 F eW1Jiry07 2007 33 of 325 BK: 2088 PG: 1759 Description A strip of land in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 26, Township 31 South, Range 38 East, Indian River County, Florida, said strip being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of said Southwest 1/4 of Section 26, proceed North 00' 15' 05" East along the East line of said Southwest 1/4 a distance of 53.26 feet to a point on the North right—of—woy (r/w) line of County Road No. 510 (100' r/w), said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue North 00' 15' 05" East along said East line, a distance of 2598.81 feet to the Northeast corner of said Southwest 1/4 of Section 26; thence North 89' 44' 40" West along the North line of said Southwest 1/4, o distance of 85.09 feet; thence South 00' 11' 20" West a distance of 30.00 feet to a point of curvature of a curve concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 55.00 feet, and a tangent bearing of North 89' 48' 40" West; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 91 03' 45 , a distance of 86.45 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence South 00' 15' 05" West, along a line parallel to and 30.00 feet West of said East line of the Southwest 1/4, a distance of 1310.59 feet; thence South 01' 56' 56" West a distance of 32.27 feet; thence South 15' 2W 59" West a distance of 51.78 feet; thence South 01' 46' 10" West a distance of 284.84 feet; thence South 15' 45' 24' East a distance of 25.34 feet; thence South 00' 15' 05' West along .a line parallel to and 45.00 feet West of (when measured perpendicular to) said East line of the Southwest 1/4 a distance of 745.03 feet; thence South 45' 17' 35" West a distance of 56.53 feet; thence South 00' 15'. 05" West a distance of 26.84 feet to a point on said North r/w line of County Road No. 510; thence South 89' 46' 39" East along said North r/w line, a distance of 85.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing on area of 100,354 square feet, or 2.30 acres, more or less. Proposed Btuewatelr Bey S/D r/w - East Slde William B. Zentz & Associates, Inc. Pnofenibn& 8L"eynr eel Meplpers \vAZCENIM E of arrNaRLrAIM (LB) no. esw 684 Old Dixie Highway arLI Vero BGoch, Fl 32962 Phone; (772) 567-7552 w9jFax : (772) 567-1751 yrASURVEYOR 5278 EX H I B IT "All SHW OF 1 2 34 of 325 BK., 2088 PG: 1762 Description A strip of land in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 26, Township 31 South. Range 38 East, Indian River County, Florida. said strip being more particularly described as follows: Commencing of the West 1/4 comer of said Section 26, proceed South 89' 48' 40" East along the North line of said Southwest 1/4 a distance of 275.00 feet to a point on the East line of Sebastian River Water Control District Lateral D Canal right—of—way; thence continue South 89' 48' 40" East along said North line of the South— west 1/4, a distance of 2291.77 feet to a point lying 85.09 feet West of the Northeast comer of said Southwest 1/4 as measured along said North line; thence South 00' 11' 20" West a distance of 30.00 feet: thence North 89' 48' 40" West, parallel to and 30.00 feet South of (when measured at right angles to) said North line, a distance of 1709.49 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave Southerly, having a radius of 2835.00 feet; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of OW 11' 30", a distance of 405.32 feet to a point of revenge curvature with a curve concave Northerly, 'having a radius of 1236.00 feet; thence Westerix along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 08' 17' 43 a distance of 178,95 feet to a point on said East line of the ofore— mentioned Lateral "D" canal right—of—way; thence North 00' 11' 51" East, along said East right—of—way line, a distance of 71.53 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing an area of 79,309 square feet. or 1.82 acres, more or less. Proposed Biuewater Bay S/D rtw - North Side William B. Zentz & Associates, Inc. JM Ab. ilk &wabnad Srrveycm&A&Ata m r ao _0:a CUMMAN or MM"MMN (LB) No. sew WE ,•. 684 Old Dixie Highway I 3 31 %d 0 31JO106 Vera Beach. FI 32962 - % - �: Phone: (772) 567-7552 NyuiW A z[Mrz SHEET of REOEWDFox : (772) 567-1751 ffArTOrF }vW ft. SPIVIAMM 1 2 EX H I B IT "All 36 of 325 ANNEXATION ANALYSIS This analysis has been prepared to support a request to annex the subject property into the City of Sebastian and change the future land use map (FLUM) designation of approximately 40 acres from Indian River County "R" (Rural Residential) to City of Sebastian "Low Density Residential (LDR)" and redesignate the zoning district for the site from Indian River County "AG-1" (Agricultural) to the City of Sebastian's "PUD" (Planned Unit Development) district. The purpose of this request is to secure the approvals necessary for developing the property with a future use compatible with the adjacent properties and the applicant's intentions for development. The applicant intends on developing a residential neighborhood that preserves the beautiful south prong of the Sebastian River, while providing new residential housing. The property site is located adjacent to the City of Sebastian on the south and western boundaries. The property is intended to be developed in tandem with the similarly sized parcel Immediately on its western boundary which also has a Low Density Residential (LDR) Future Land Use designation. As part of the annexation, we are providing the following information regarding concurrency and the possible impacts to the City: Impact on Public Facilities and Services. • Transportation • Access • Water and Sewer • Solid Waste • Stormwater • Parks & Open Space • Schools • Concurrency Summary II, Fiscal Analysis III. Environmental Impacts IV. Compatibility with City's Comprehensive Plan V: Compatibility with Surrounding Area VI: Conclusion VII: Attachments I. Impact on Public Facilities and Services. The site is located within the Urban Services Area, an area deemed suitable for urban development. Several services are already provided from both the county and City, including utilities and emergency services and should therefore be compatible with the City's future service areas. The Comprehensive Plan, FLU Element and Intragovernmental Element establishes standards for Concurrency management and specifically, standards for Transportation, Potable Water, Wastewater, Drainage, and Recreation. 1(Pago 39 of 325 Chapter IX of the City's Land Development Code, "Concurrency Management", defines the level of service standards for these facilities, and specifies that adequate provisions for these services are necessary to support new development. Because a site plan is not typically prepared for an annexation or Land Use Amendment, the Concurrency analysis is based on an assumption that the site would be developed at an average density of 4 dwelling units per acre, similar in density to the proposed Spencer parcel directly adjacent to the west. The act of annexing the site will not change the impact and demand on public services, as its envisioned that the site will be developed whether its stays in the County or Is brought into the City. And by its proximity to the City, the development will naturally add to the traffic on the roads and schools (both of which are County facilities). However, annexing the site will provide the City control and oversight of the future development of the site, and it will ensure the City will be the recipient of additional sources of revenue. Transportation: This site currently has an Indian River County "R" (Rural Residential) designation and for the annexation is seeking to amend that to the City of Sebastian "Low Density Residential" (LDR). In looking at this site, we have calculated the trip generation based upon its current Land Use, and also calculated the proposed trips based upon the full five units an acre allocated in to the LDR land use. Of course, during site plan development, if required, a full traffic impact report will be submitted that shows the impacts to each of the adjacent roadways. This site is primarily going to access County Road 510, which FDOT has a phased plan adopted and approved to increase capacity. TRAFFIC STATEMENT PARCEL SIZE: 40.23 ACHES PER ITE,10TH EDITION: EXISTING LAND USE: IRC - R i 1-UNITJ ACRE USE 1: (210 - SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED) = 9.44 ADT PER UNIT 40.23 ACRES/ 1-UNITJ ACRE = 40.23 UNITS 9.44 X 40.0 UNITS = 378 AADT PROPOSED LAND USE: SEBASTIAN - LDR (5-UNITS/ ACRE) USE 1: (270 - RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) = 7.38 ADT PER UNIT 40.23 ACRES X 5-UNITS/ ACRE = 201 UNITS (Maximum allowable units per land use density) PROPOSED NUMBER OF UNITS: 156 7.38 X 156.0 UNITS = 1,151 AADT EXISTNG LAND USE ALLOWABLE: 378 AADT PROPOSED LAND USE ALLOWABLE: 1,151 AADT DIFFERENCE: 773 AADT ADDITIONAL TRIPS ADDED 2 1 P a g e 40 of 325 Access: This site has a planned shared new roadway near Sebastian River High School on County Road 510 on east -west roadway into the development that will be 8P Street, additionally there is a planned secondary connection on the southeast corner of the development that would run to a second point on CR 510. This site is also adjacent to the North County Transit Hub, offering quick connections onto the Go Line's public transit options for Routes 5, 9,10, and 12. The planned FDOT roadway improvements also offer a proposed new bike lane as part of the redesign of CR 510. IT is understood that development approvals for this property are contingent upon the construction of the planned 8V1 Street access that is currently under design in coordination with Indian River County. Water and Sewer Utility: Water and sewer are available adjacent to the site and will connect. Both water and sewer design plans will be completed concurrent with any proposed development plan. The City's Comprehensive Plan indicates that 250 GPD per equivalent residential unit (ERU) is still the most appropriate measurement to utilize. Demand: 250 GPD per ERU is the appropriate calculation for both Water and Wastewater (Sanitary Sewer). The County has indicated this is a consistent measurement for the Utility design and capacity data indicates that adequate capacity exists. Solid Waste: The City has a franchise agreement with Waste Management to provide solid waste collection, two times a week. The County also has an agreement with Waste Management but just offers once a week pickups. Waste Management utilizes the IRC transfer and landfill facilities. The calculation demand and capacity are included below based upon Waste Generation Units (WGU): The following analysis is provided, consistent with IRC requirements: 156 units x 1.6 WGU = 249.60 WGU's of waste. Capacity -county landfill: Based on information from IRC there is adequate capacity forecasted through 2071. Stormwater: The drainage level of service standards outlined in the City's 2040 Comp Plan, Include: 1. Post -development run-off shall not exceed pre -development run-off for a 25-year 24-hour event. 2. Treatment of run—off from the first 1 inch of rainfall on -site. 3. Meet design and performance standards of 17-25 FAC. 3 1 P a 9 e 41 of 325 Prior to any site development approval, the City's land development regulations require that the proposed development plan provides sufficient evidence that the project, when constructed and operating, will meet or exceed the local and state requirements. All developments, at time of site plan application, are reviewed for compliance with local and state stormwater regulations, which require on - site retention and pollutant abatement, preservation of floodplain storage and minimum finished floor elevations. In addition, development proposals must meet the discharge criteria of the City storm water ordinance and the state -environmental permitting agency (S-I.R.W.M.D.). Therefore, any future development on the site would be prohibited from discharging any runoff in excess of the pre - development discharge rates and prohibited from discharging pollutants in excess of pre -development amounts. The City has adopted and implemented a stormwater program and this site would be subject to those requirements, including the payment of an annual Stormwater Impact Assessment (levied through the annual property tax assessment) that is currently $120 per residential unit. Its important to note that site development will Improve the water quality to the receiving waters (in this case, the Indian River lagoon). In its current condition, which appears to have untreated stormwater run-off. Site development regulations require the construction of storm water management systems that detain and prevent erosion and excess stormwater run-off, removes pollutants, and often requires the Installation and maintenance of shoreline protection buffer(s) when adjacent to surface waters or wetlands, and protection of or mitigation for jurisdictional wetlands on the site. As a result, the stormwater run-off discharge rates and pollutant volumes discharging off -site will be reduced. Recreation & O; en S pace: This site Is strategically located to offer fast and easy access to many local passive and active recreational parks. The Land Development Code indicates that 2.0 acres per 1,000 persons for Neighborhood (within a % mile) and Community Parks (within a 1/2-mile to 3 mile radius) are the appropriate metric. We have prepared a graphic showing the proximity to several community and regional parks. Notably, the North County Regional Park is 1.6 miles away, and the Kayak launch is 1.3 miles away. Also within easy distance Is the Rail Trail, running along the north side of CR 512 about a block north of the road. This follows the rail bed of the historical Dinky Line of the Trans -Florida Central Railway that originally serviced Fellsmere Farms. At the County's North Regional Park, this facility follows a paved surface that leads to the I-95 overpass and links up a number of State Parks. Also, the City's Community Park at Barber Street is within a 3 mile radius. The North County Library is within two miles, and there are sidewalks to provide easy access to all these amenities. Through the site plan process, neighborhood level recreational amenities and open space will be identified. The Comprehensive Plan also requires the dedication of land for parks or fees in lieu thereof for all new dwelling units. These fees are paid at the time of building permits. 4 1 P a g e 42 of 325 Schools: The School District has completed the Conditional School Concurrency form and it is attached that shows there is adequate capacity at each of the local area schools: Treasure Coast Elementary, Sebastian River Middle School and Sebastian River High School. Concurrence Summary: Based on the above data, public facilities for traffic, drainage, solid waste, water, wastewater, parks and open space, and schools have adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed use of the subject property. Fiscal Statement The proposal to annex the 40 acre property into the City of Sebastian will have a positive fiscal Impact to the City as the property is developed. In its current state, the property enjoys an Agricultural classification and historically low property taxes for its Agriculture status. However, this site is planned for a new subdivision to provide 156 homes. As this happens, each homesite will be subject to Ad Valorem taxes and fees established upon the value of each property. Annexing the site will provide the City control and oversight of the future development of the site, and it will ensure the City will be the recipient of additional sources of revenue that the City would otherwise not obtain. Additionally, the City will benefit from Impact Fee collection and building permit fees. This property currently has a 2021 Market Valuation of $680,000 per the Property Appaiser's Office. After various discounts including an Agricultural Exemption, this site collects $157.83 in property taxes to the County (none of that goes to the City). After this development is built, it is projected that each property would be valued on its own. In looking to Sebatian River Landings, three properties were sampled to develop a snapshot of the potential Ad Valorem rates and the Stormwater fee. Address 2021 Market Valuation 176 Port Royal Ct. 225,000 146 Morgan Ct. 202,417 220 Barbossa 217,811 Average 215,076 Source. Indian River County Property Appraiser Data Interpolating this, the Ad Valorem average value of $215,076, utilizing the City's millage rate of 3.0043 is $646.15 per annum. The tax generation for 156 new residential units is estimated to be $100,800 annually and will likely grow as values grow over time. Additionally, the Stormwater fee of $120 per unit is $18,720.00. 6 1 P a g e 44 of 325 III. Environmental Impacts A preliminary Environmental Assessment has been prepared for this site dated February 11, 2021. A full copy is in the application package, and this section will summarize the report. Also, the Surveyor has identified the native tree species that occur on the site as well as noted the presence of nuisance and exotic species. There were no gopher tortoise burrows or individuals observed, nor does the site contain scrub jay habitat. This site is outside the quarter mile threshold from the nearest occupied scrub Jay territory or suitable habitat. The site does appear to have a native upland community and access to the one of the branches of the Sebastian River. in preliminary discussion with the City, the developer understands the unique natural amenity and will work with the City to determine the most appropriate methods to conserve the site and access to the south prong. This site is classified as Flood Zone X, as a largely abandoned citrus grove it does support some native oaks and palms, but there are no protected species found on the site. The site also contains a few small segregated wetlands and other surface waters from the agricultural use. A formal wetlands delineation will be done during the permitting process. Any impacts to the wetlands will be addressed through avoidance and minimization where possible, mitigation by enhancing and preserving, and wetland mitigation credits where needed. Currently, the Corrigan ranch property has available wetland mitigation banks. Environmental impacts caused by the potential development of the site would be essentially the same under either the existing IRC or the proposed City FWM designation, or whether in IRC or the City of Sebastian. It is important to acknowledge that prior to any site development, requisite permits from the appropriate agency are required. Any wetlands or other natural resources that may be located on the site are protected by federal, state, and local regulations and would require the approval of those agencies through their review and permitting process. 7 1 P a g e 45 of 325 IV. Compatibility with C'rty's Comprehensive Plan (2040) 2040 Comprehensive Plan Analysis: Approving the annexation and granting the request to re -designate the subject property to a "LDR" FLUM designation within the City would result in development which would be compatible with surrounding areas and in this case both Sebastian River Landings to its north, future residential development on the vacant parcel to its West, and the future development of Blue Water Bay to its south. The site already has an IRC "AG" future land use designation and "Rural Residential" zoning, so the annexation and FLUM designation would change the anticipated development consistent and compatible with the parcels around it, and the original Sebastian Highlands development which is also LDR. Annexing the site will provide the City control through their land development regulations and oversight of the future development of the site, and it will ensure the City will be the recipient of additional sources of revenue that the City. Annexing the property is consistent with the City's long-term objectives and goals adopted in its Comprehensive Plan. The following references are in direct support of annexation and the designation of "LDR" Future Land Use in this vicinity: Key Objectives and Policies in the City's 2040 Comprehensive Plan are referenced below: Map 1-14: nis site is located within the City's annexation reserve area. Objective 1-1.2 Residential Land Use Policy 1-1.2.2. Low Density Residential Development (LDR) Areas designated as Low Density shall accommodate a maximum density of up to five (5) dwelling units per acre and shall be comprised primarily of single family detached homes on individual lots and attached residential homes. This site is intended to offer single family attached residential homes, and be developed in conjunction with the adjacent parcel to offer single family detached homes. Policy 1-1.2.6. Allocating Residential Development. The highest residential densities shall continue to be allocated to sites with adequate and supporting public infrastructure, accessible to major arterials or collector streets and adjacent to existing development with the same or higher density. The allocation of new residential land use shall be based on the following considerations: • Projected population -These homes will help fulfill housing needs for the City's projected population needs. • Infrastructure (availability) — Nater and Sewer is adjacent and available. • Infill — i nis site wouio serve as infill development as its within the Urban Service Boundary and aajacent to other developments. B1Page 46 of 325 • Enclaves — This site is adjacent to the City boundaries and could be considered an enclave. • Housing trends and characteristics including provisions for missing middle and attainable housing; • Provision and maintenance of quality residential developments and housing stock. This site seeks to provide "missing middle" housing that would be attainable for the local area. • Protection of environmentally natural systems —At the site plan stage, this site will add additional protections to the South Prong of the Sebastian River. • Location and or proximity to the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA) — This site is not located within the Ch... • The need to plan for transition in residential densities - This site is adjacent to the Spencer Parcel whicn is aireauy wimm «Ic ULY? 011u ib CDR. Additionally, most of Sebastian is LDR including the original Highlands subdivision. • Provision and maintenance of traffic circulation — FDOT is investing heavily in CR 510, and a new east west roadway(tS9L115treetj is piannea Detween this site and the Bluewater Bay that will be maintained by Indian River County, Objective 1-2.2: Prevent Proliferation of Urban Sprawl. The City shall continue to maintain LDCs which Include performance standards ensuring that the location, scale, timing, and design of development shall be coordinated with public facilities and services in order to prevent the proliferation of urban sprawl, maximize pubic infrastructure, and achieve cost effective land development patterns. This site meets all criteria, it's a compact site that is adjacent to several other developments and has easy access through the arterial roadway of CR 510. Schools are uniquely close by the site — with close proximity to Sebastian River High School, Sebastian River Middle School, and Treasure Coast Elementary. Objective 1-3.4: Design for Healthy Communities. Encourage design principles that accommodate for healthy lifestyles and safety. Policy 1-3.4.1: Healthy Communities. The City shall ensure equitably distributed and accessible active transportation facilities (i.e. sidewalks, bike lanes) and recreational opportunities (i.e. parks, greenways) to support healthy lifestyles and physical activity. this site offers easy access to County Parks, City Parks and the Indian River County Greenway/Blueway. The County's North Regional Park is nearby, as are connection to the Rail Trail that is built upon the historical Dinky Rail Line. The County's Blueways Kayak Park is nearby on CR 512 with two access points (one closer to Fischer Lake Isle and one just east of the main entrance to Sebastian River Landings), and the City's Barber St Park offering football, skateboarding and more is within a 3 mile radius. FDOT has planned bike lane improvements on CR 510 that are funded and will begin in Fall 2022, while the sidewalks are wide sidewalks designed to accommodate a variety of pedestrian and people powered movement. 9 1 P a g e 47 of 325 V. Compatibility with Surrounding Areas The property is located adjacent to the City's western central boundary, adjacent to Sebastian River Landings and the Spencer Parcel, accessible via County Road 510. The northern side, as well as the western side, of the site abuts the City of Sebastian City limits. The parcel to the west shares the same LDR designation, and LDR is the predominant designation throughout the City. VI. Conclusion Based on the analysis, the City can conclude that the requested annexation and land use designation is compatible with surrounding areas, consistent with the comprehensive plan, meets all concurrency criteria, will have no negative impacts on environmental quality, and meets all applicable land use designation amendment criteria. Most importantly, the subject property is in an area that offers municipal services and critical infrastructure water and sanitary sewer. VII. Attachments SCADL —Conditional Concurrency from Indian River County School Board Annexation Maps showing the City's Adjacent Land Use and the City's Zoning Designations 101 Page 48 of 325 Time Stamp Received School Impact Analysis Form instructions: Submit one copy of completed application, location map, and applicable fee for each new residential project or building permit requiring a determination of school capacity to the applicable local government. Conditional School Capacity Availability Determination School Capacity Availability Determination Type of Application Request: L3 Request for Exemption Project Information Project Name: Double R & D Inc. Subdivision Annexation Municipality (if applicable): Sebastian Parcel ID#: (attach separate sheet for multiple parcels): 31-38-26-000003000-00006.0 Location/Address of subject property: 8925 86th Avenue (Attach vicinity location map — with Closest Major Intersection) Generally located at SE quadrant of CR 510 & 512, see attached maps. Ownership/Contact Information Owner/Contract Purchaser Name(s): Double R&D Inc. Agent/Contact Person: Bill Pittsley (If agent or contact information is completed the District will forward all information to that person) Mailing address: 1835 20th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Telephone#: 772-569-0035 Current Land Use Designation A-1 Current Zoning R-Rural Fax: Development Information Proposed Land Use Designation Proposed Zoning Proposed # Dwelling units by type*: • Show only the # of units for this application not the total for the development 401:4 PUD-R SF:156 TH: MF: (rental) Condo: - I hereby certify the statements and/or information contained in this application with any attachments submitted herewith are true and correct to the (best of my knowledge. -� w /(.1) ,, 9f 15/2022 Owner or Agent Signature e�.T�,� *....�«�.y, Date (if applicant is not the owner of record, a letter of authorization from the property owner(s) must be included with this form at time of application submittal.) 49 of 325 eSignature Details Signer ID: usTfRJLnNjgJKTLxR4manzk2 Signed by: Dan Hess Sent to email: hessdp@hotmail.com I Address: Signed at: Sep 15 2022,12:49 pm EDT For School District Use Only (Capacity Availability Determination) School Capacity Available:_, School Capacity Not Available: Exempt: Sc ool Capacity Availa14419N-�- 'Adjacent Service Area: chool District Facilities Specialist Signature Dat 50 of 325 Friday, September 16, 2022 Indian River County School District School Concurrency Availability Determination Project Name: Double R&D Inc. Subdivision Annexation Project Unit Yield By Type of School Date Received: 9/16/22 @ 9:15am Yield Elem Mid High Case Number: Single 0.189 29 Builder Name: Single 0.097 15 Location: 8925 86t" Avenue Single 0.123 19 Sebastian, FL (Generally located at the SE quadrant of CR 510 & 512) Parcel ID: Project Planned Units: # Single Family 156 # Multi -Family: 0 # Townhomes: 0 # Apartments: 0 Additional Applicant: Double R&D Inc. Information:Contact: Bill Pittsley 1835 201' Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772)569-0035 school Service Area Current I Programmed Total Current Vested I Total Available Project Boundary (SSAB) Capacity Capacity Capacity Enrollment Demand Demand Capacity Demand Treasure Coast ES 799 0 799 639 0 639 160 29 Sebastian MS 1017 277 1294 840 0 1007 454 15 Sebastian HS 2334 0 2334 1908 0 1908 426 19, This letter is in response to a Conditional School Capacity Availability Determination Request for the Project Double R&D Inc. Subdivision Annexation. This Project is located in SSAB for Treasure Coast Elementary School, Sebastian River Middle School, and Sebastian River High School. The SSAB does have sufficient space available to accommodate the students projected to be generated from this project. 51 of 325 1523056 RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF JEFFREY K BARTON, CLERK CIRCUIT COURT INDIAN RIVER CO FL, BK: 1702 PG: 2152, 03/10/2004 03:29 PM DOC STAMPS D $5880.00 A Roc. Fee $6.00 G Doc. Stps. $5880.00 Prepared by and Return to: I OMMERCIAL TITLE SERVICES, INC, I 1627 U.S. Highway 1, Suite 7 I Sebastian, Florida 3295E I Incident to the issuance of title insurance I Tax ID # 31-33-26-00000-3000-00006.0 CTS-6364 THIS WARRANTY DEED made the --?1h day of March, 2004 by Sohn W. Massey, 3r.. individually, and as Trustee under The Sohn W. Massey, 3r., Revocable Trust, dated October 13, 199E hereinafter called the grantor, to Double R 6 D Inc., a Florida corporation whose address is: 13465 N. Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida 3295E hereinafter called the grantee: WITNESSETH: That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises. releases, conveys and confines unto the grantee all that certain land situate in Indian River County, State of Florida, e3 viz: i The Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 26, Township 31 South, Range 39 East, said land lying and being in Indian River County, Florida. TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress and egress as set forth in Official Record Book 902, Page 1077, Public Records of Indian River County, Florida. Subject property is vacant and unimproved land and does not adjoin the homestead property of the grantor herein. TOGETHER, with all the tenements. bereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. AND the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land, and hereby warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 2003. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. d��l� Iva In presence o . /01 " Witness hn W. Hassey, 3 .. as DEN FORTNER PO Box s94, Wabaseo, iorida 32970 Jintdig turq a��itness�'jj� IYti.s Grantor's Address: Printed Signature oT Witness State of Florida County of Indian River The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this date, by 7ohn W. Massey, 7r., who is personally known to me or who has produced: uriy—IA ?'bacon as identification. WI1 S my hand and official seal in the State and County 1 aforesaid this WT day of March, 2004. DFNrOF FpRTNFR !% � Notary's Printed Name Notary Public commission Expires: (Notary Seal) WM — NCAM8N i awe15,2W sanj*WRkuV& .9D.pa 56 of 325 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 19, 2023 Call to Order -- Chairman Alvarez called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledqe of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Mr. Lucier Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Carter Ms. Lorusso (a) Also Present Mr. Haddix (a) Ms. Battles Ms. Kinchen Mr. Alvarez Ms. Lisa Frazier, AICP Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Community Development Manager Mr. Manny Anon, Jr., City Attorney Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer IV. Announcements and Agenda Modifications Mr. Alvarez extended the Commissioners' condolences to the family of their fellow commissioner and respected colleague, Mr. Bill Simmons, who passed away earlier this month. A memorial service and mass are being held tomorrow at St. Sebastian Catholic Church at 10:00 a.m. with a reception to follow. Mr. Alvarez also welcomed to the Commission two new alternate members, Mr. Dennis Haddix and Ms. Susan Lorusso. Mr. Haddix will be voting tonight in Mr. Simmons' vacant position. City Attorney Anon announced that he recently held training for City Council which was dealing with public records, the Sunshine Laws, and quasi-judicial hearings. If any of the Commissioners are interested, there are two options: (1) to go online under the Commission's section on the website along with all the packets that he had presented; (2) a Power Point presentation which was already videoed, 38 minutes long, and can be added to the agenda of a future meeting. 58 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 2 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 V. AmDroval of Minutes: Regular meeting of October 6, 2022 All indicated they had reviewed the Minutes of October 6, 2022. Mr. Alvarez called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes from October 6, 2022 as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Ms. Kinchen, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VI. Local Planninq Aqencv (LPA) Public Hearinqs Mr. Alvarez closed the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and opened up the Local Planning Agency Public Hearing. Mr. Anon stated this is an LPA recommendation to City Council -- Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment -- Hess Subdivision, Applicant (Proposed Annexation) -- An amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map for property containing 40.23 ACRES, more or less, located south of Sebastian River Landing, east of vacant property, west and north of single-family development. Existing County Land Use designation is R (Rural Residential), and the requested Sebastian land use is LDR (Low -Density Residential). Mr. Alvarez reviewed the rules that apply to this hearing and asked the staff to make their presentation. Ms. Frazier explained what is being presented tonight, a Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Amendment request. This 40-acre piece has been brought before City Council requesting a voluntary annexation into our City. Thus, they are coming before this Commission to change their land use from County Rural Residential to the City's Low -Density Residential. She pointed out in the packet the Comprehensive Plan levels that are explained. Staff feels that it is compatible with the adjoining lots. The applicant has expressed that with these 40 acres they will be combining it with the adjacent 40 acres to the west and will be coming back to this Commission for a rezoning to the PUDR for a full 80-acre development. The applicant has supplied information regarding their legal access to this property from CR-510. She stated that staff support is a recommendation for approval for this land use change at the same time as the annexation occurs. Mr. Alvarez called on the applicant to make their presentation. Mr. Bill Pittsley with MBV Engineering, Vero Beach, Florida, identified himself. He had nothing to present other than if anyone had questions or concerns regarding this request. Mr. Carter asked why the applicant is doing the request in two steps. Mr. Pittsley stated it is because the western parcel is already in the City of Sebastian. The parcel being addressed tonight is still in the County. 59 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 3 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 Ms. Kautenburg referred to the statement on Page 8 of the proposed Amendment where it states, "This site is intended to offer single-family attached residential homes and developed in conjunction with the adjacent parcel to offer single-family detached homes." She asked if the statement was correct. Mr. Pittsley stated yes, that these dwellings will be basically villas or duplexes which share a common wall. She opined that every new development that is proposed should have a higher density in order to provide more attainable housing in Sebastian. Ms. Frazier explained that when conceptual planning is addressed for PUDR, that will be the time to talk about clustering and the density that can be attained. Mr. Alvarez asked about ingress and egress for this development. Mr. Pittsley stated the main access is going to be 891h Street, which is currently in design with the County. Ms. Frazier added that at the corner of Blue Water Bay, which was never developed, there is an access from there, and the applicant has legal access to that road, which will provide a secondary access. Mr. Alvarez called for public input. There was none. At this point, Mr. Alvarez closed the Local Planning Agency hearing and called for a motion. A motion recommending approval of the Small -Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment from County R to City LDR was made by Mr. Lucier and seconded by Ms. Kinchen. Roll Call Ms. Kinchen -- Yes Ms. Battles -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Mr. Lucier -- Yes Mr. Haddix (a) -- Yes Mr. Alvarez -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Vote was 7-0 in favor, unanimous. Motion carries. VII. Planning and Zonino Commission (PZC) Quasi -Judicial Hearinas A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing -- PZC -- Recommendation to City Council -- Special Use Permit -- Mr. Clean Car Wash -- 200 & 203 Sebastian Boulevard -- Community Redevelopment Area -- Triangle Overlay District -- Commercial General (CG) Zoning District Mr. Alvarez asked all the Commissioners if they had had any ex parte communications regarding this matter. Ms. Kautenburg stated she did have conversations with the current owner of the land. Ms. Kinchen stated she also had communication with the owners in 60 of 325 cm LN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meetina, Date: February 22, 2023 A,,enda Item Title: Resolution R-23-05 — Request for a Special Use Permit — Mr. Clean Car Wash — 200 & 203 Sebastian Boulevard Recommendation: Hold a quasi-judicial public hearing to consider granting the requested Special Use Permit Background: Guggenheim Development Services, LLC, has requested a Special Use Permit for vacant properties located at 200 & 203 Sebastian Boulevard within the Triangle Overlay District in the CG (Commercial General) zoning district to construct and operate a car wash facility with a proposed 3,200 SF car wash tunnel building along with 2 queuing lanes and pay kiosks, 28 canopied vacuum stations, and 4 employee parking spaces. A Special Use Permit is necessary when a use, such as a car wash, is not specifically provided for in any of our Land Development Code zoning districts. As required by code, staff has reviewed the application and prepared a staff report. The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on January 19, 2023, and made a recommendation to City Council to deny the Special Use Permit by a vote of five (5) to two (2). The same materials that the PZ Commission reviewed is being presented to Council for their consideration, along with items and letters presented to them at the hearing. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: Total Cost: N/A Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Attachments: 1. Staff Report + Exhibits 2. Applicant's Presentation (from PZC hearing) 3. Letter & Data from Opponents 4. Minutes of PZC 1/19/23 hearing 5. Resolution R-23-05 Administrative Services City Attorney Review: Procurement Division R City Manager Authorization: / f Date: ��7 4,3 I SEBASTLAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Special Use Procedures As detailed in Section 54-2-3.1 of the Land Development Code, a special use is a use which is not specifically provided for in the zoning regulations. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council may permit such uses in such zoning districts or classifications as special uses only if the applicant meets specific provisions and conditions deemed appropriate. City Council may, in its sole discretion, grant a special use permit in any district for a use which is not provided for in the zoning regulations. All such uses shall not be otherwise illegal, shall not be specifically prohibited pursuant to the comprehensive plan or other applicable laws or regulations, and shall satisfy the findings of fact outlined in Section 54-2-3. 1 (a)(3) of the Land Development Code. Procedurally, staff has reviewed the application to determine its recommendation. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a public hearing and shall indicate whether, in their opinion, the proposed special use meets the required findings of facts (Section 54-2-3.1(a)(3) noted above) and review criteria established in Section 54-2-6.2(d). The Planning and Zoning Commission shall then make a recommendation to City Council to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application for the special use. The City Council shall then hold a public hearing, review the findings of facts and review criteria, and by resolution approve or deny the application. Community Development Department Special Use — Staff Report 1. Project Name: Mr. Clean Car Wash 2. Requested Action: Approval of a Special Use Permit application to allow development of a commercial Car Wash facility which includes a 3,200 SF automated carwash tunnel building, two (2) queuing lanes and pay kiosks, twenty-eight (28) canopied vacuum stations, and four (4) employee parking spaces in addition to required stormwater, utilities, and landscaping to be located at the requested site. 3. Project Location: a. Address: 200 & 203 Sebastian Boulevard b. Legal: Lots 3 & 4, Rohm Commercial Subdivision Replat, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 26, Pages 83 thru 85, of the Public Records of Indian River County, Florida C. Parcel #: 31-39-07-00006-0000-00003.0 & 4.0 62 of 325 4. Applicant: Guggenheim Development Services, LLC 3000 Internet Boulevard, Suite 570 Frisco, Texas 75034 Mary Solik, Esq, Representative msolik@dotysoliklaw.com (407) 367-7868 5. Property Owners: William Brognano, Todd Brognano, & Daniel Brognano P.O Box 780874 Sebastian, Florida 32978-0874 ameronh@aol.com (727) 589-1299 6. Project Description: a. Narrative of proposed action: Application has been made for approval of a special use permit to allow a 3,200± SF carwash facility on vacant property located on Sebastian Boulevard within the Triangle Overlay District. The double lot site is adjacent and east of the existing Sherwin Williams Paint Store & O'Reilly's Auto Parts Store, west of the vacant City Public Works Compound & American Legion Post, and across the street from the Orange Heights Mobile Home Subdivision. If the special use permit is approved, a final, detailed site plan application would then follow. The current request is for approval of the carwash use only. b. Current Zoning and Land Use: Land Use: Mixed Use (RMU) Zoning: Commercial General (CG) C. Adjacent Properties: Zoning Current Land Use Future Land Use North R-MH Residential — Orange Heights East PS American Legion & Vacant City Garage South C-512 Vacant Commercial West CG Commercial d. Site Characteristics: (1) Project Area: Total Area 2.8 acres 2 MH INS C-512 CG 63 of 325 (2) (3) (4) 7. Staff Comments: Current Land Use: Water Service: Sanitary Sewer Service: Vacant Indian River County Utilities Indian River County Utilities During the past year, staff was approached by AXIS Infrastructure, representing Mr. Clean Car Wash, regarding development of two vacant lots on Sebastian Boulevard for an automated carwash facility. The LDC does not have specific regulations regarding carwash uses, therefore approval of a special use permit is needed before making application for development of the site. During telephone & electronic discussions with AXIS, staff disclosed that important issues that would need to be considered and should be addressed in their application submittal were the amount of existing carwashes already in operation, along with the number of proposed car wash applications, compliance with the redevelopment plan, and compliance with the Triangle Overlay District's architectural regulations (EXHIBIT A, B & Q. The special use application was received on December 6, 2022, and included a project narrative, proposed architectural elevation renderings, a survey, and a conceptual site plan (EXHIBIT D1 thru D5). No other supportin_z documents. includinz a market analysis or noise analysis. were submitted with the application. Staff has reviewed the submitted information and offers the following for consideration: • Comprehensive Plan and Community Redevelopment Area Master Plan The location of the proposed car wash facility is located within the city's Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) in a locale referred to as the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area and/or the Sebastian Boulevard Mixed Use District. In 2005, the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay District regulations were adopted and added to the Land Development Code to help assist with attaining redevelopment goals within the triangle area. The CRA Master Plan includes the vision for the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area (Triangle). It specifically states "The linchpins of this Plan are the eventual redevelopment of the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area, as well as the redevelopment of Riverview Park and the surrounding vicinity. The Sebastian Boulevard Triangle serves as an important gateway to Downtown Sebastian, and the concepts presented within this plan will create a vibrant small-town neighborhood within this area that integrates well into the adjacent residential communities." Ensuing guidelines noted within the Master Plan establish strategies for future development to help achieve the small, mixed -use residential gateway envisioned for the Triangle. (EXHIBIT E) Comprehensive Plan Objective 1-3.3: Encourage Redevelopment and Renewal of the Future Land Use Element requires that the City, through Policy 1-3.3.1, shall continue to promote vitality and redevelopment of the Sebastian Boulevard Mixed Use District as directed in the CRA Master Plan. (EXHIBIT I) 3 64 of 325 FOR CONSIDERATION: If the car wash special use permit is approved and the facility is built, will it incentivize residential development within the Triangle and on the adjacent vacant parcel? Does it encourage other envisioned residential mixed -uses such as restaurants, coffee shops, and gift retail, with promotable pedestrian systems? Can a mixed -use neighborhood be built around a car wash? • History of Uses allowed in the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area In 2000, the city received a final Charrette Report (the Development Master Plan) from the commissioned Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council which outlaid the future development plan for the CR-512 corridor. A key element of the Development Plan was redevelopment of the land located between the divided right-of-way for the corridor under a "New Town Center" concept. In 2002, City Council passed two measures, Ordinance (0- 02-11) which declared a six-month Moratorium on development in the Triangle, and the other, Resolution (R-02-16) (EXHIBIT G), which declared an Impending Change in Law, also for development in the Triangle, so that staff and the city could adjust LDC regulations because "the concept will lose its integrity if some parcels within the area develop outside of the regulations being proposed." A Community Redevelopment Advisory Committee (CRAG) was formed to assist the PZ Commission and City Council in amending the LDC for redevelopment in the Triangle. While the boards were meeting and initiating proposed amendments, the site plan for the Firehouse Garage was approved and built on an Industrial -zoned parcel in the Triangle in 2004. Uses in the zoning districts had not yet been amended, so the permitted Vehicular Service and Maintenance use was allowed. However, within the ensuing 12 months, workshops and numerous hearings were held by the CRAC, PZ Commission, and City Council to consider uses that would be permitted to be developed within the Triangle's three existing zoning districts - Commercial General, Industrial, and Public Service, i.e. those uses that would support achieving the Master Plan goals. Ordinance 0-05-13 was adopted in June 2005 (EXHIBIT H), with Vehicular Service and Maintenance and Vehicular Sales uses (except for indoor vehicular sales) removed from the CG and IN districts as not being supportive, or uses that did not belong in a proposed Gateway to downtown. FOR CONSIDERATION: Would a proposed car wash facility be too similar and/or be considered a prohibited vehicular service activity? Is the use supportive to the goals of redevelopment in the Triangle? Is it a use that does not belong in a Gateway? Are there better suited Commercial General or Industrial zoned areas for a car wash operation? • Market Analysis Currently, there are three (3) fully operational commercial car wash facilities located within the city limits. The distance from the proposed location of the Mr. Clean Car Wash to these existing car wash sites would be: a. 2,075± Lineal Feet from 509 US Highway #1, or .39 miles b. 9,875± LF from 921 Sebastian Boulevard, or 1.9 miles c. 11,150f LF from 13020 US Highway #1, or 2.1 miles Two additional proposed car wash facilities have submitted applications, one in Sebastian city limits, one within Indian River County, both within 1000 LF from the existing car wash business on US #1. 4 65 of 325 Sebastian's current population is approx. 25,600. Industry standards indicate that one express carwash will service 20,000-25,000 residents. Other articles written by car wash experts state "Competing carwashes in a three-mile radius must be seriously considered." (EXHIBIT I) Mr. Clean Car Wash may suggest that the special use should be granted because they will be offering a better car washing experience. This may be beneficial to the residents, but should be outweighed by the possibly that one or more of the existing car washes may be forced out of business. This occurrence happens in the business community. However, what is not commonplace, is that these types of facilities are considered single -purpose buildings. In the event that one of the businesses decides to relocate or goes out of business, the building could potentially remain empty and become obsolete, especially if two carwashes are nearby each other. The structure would be difficult, or financially burdensome, to convert to a different, permitted use, i.e. an office, or restaurant. This concern is also discussed in Exhibit I. The applicant did not submit anv data or information that the Citf! of Sebastian could sunnort 4. 5. 6. or even 7 operational car washes. FOR CONSIDERATION: Does the existing and proposed car wash competition for Sebastian's population pose a large enough risk that if approved, the Mr. Clean Car Wash may go out of business, and the Triangle could end up with an empty single -purpose building on 2.8 acres? • Noise The conceptual site plan indicates 28 vacuum stations are proposed. It is presumed that noise levels will increase exponentially with both multiple vacuum use and simultaneous blower use. Residents in both the adjacent Orange Heights Mobile Home Subdivision and Ashbury PUD may be affected by the amount of proposed vacuum stations. Staff researched acceptable and/or harmful decibel levels regarding carwashes and found that the OSHA regulations permit only noise exposure levels up to 85 decibels for an eight - hour workday. This information was supplied in an article from the Professional Carwashing & Detailing magazine titled "Reducing Carwash Noise". Staff has included the article for consideration purposes because we feel it is current and applicable, provides noise reduction suggestions, but also confirms that many other communities, councils, and concerned citizens are prone to worry about noise disruption from these types of uses. (EXHIBIT T) The applicant did not submit anv information regardinz the expected noise exposure levels that 28 vacuum stations would generate. or what type of vacuum si stem(v was being proposed. FOR CONSIDERATION: If the special use permit is approved, consideration should be given to the number of vacuum stations proposed, and if 28 vacuum stations are necessary. The number could be reduced as a condition of approval. In addition, if approved, "industry 66 of 325 standard recommended noise reduction measures," as noted in the Exhibit J article, should be included as a condition of approval, also. • Proposed Elevations & Conceptual Site Plan The proposed car wash facility would be located in the Triangle Overlay District, which has adopted the Riverfront Overlay District's regulations (Section 54-4-21.C.3). The architectural design of the proposed building does not meet the requirements that have been established for the Triangle District. Specifically, commercial prototype architecture such as flat roofs is prohibited, as shown in the applicant's proposed elevations (Exhibit D2). The intent of the Riverfront Overlay District was to encourage "Old Florida Fishing Village" architectural styles. The conceptual site plan (Exhibit D5) was not reviewed in detail, as it is not the subject of the application, but consideration should be given to the design as to best minimize or reduce any of the expected nuisances the car wash use may bring. 8. Required findinus of fact (Section 54-2-3.1(a)(3): a. The approval of the application for a special use will not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare, or be injurious to other properties or improvements within the immediate vicinity in which the property is located based on criteria established in Article VI; Consideration of the minimal information supplied by the applicant and discussed in staff s report should be used to determine if the location and operation of the proposed car wash facility will affect the welfare of the adjacent residents and surrounding business community. If the special use is approved, the public health and safety matters will be addressed via a fully engineered site plan that must be submitted for review and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Any conditions of approval for the special use required by City Council would need to be implemented into the site plan. The site plan review will include drainage, parking, traffic, landscaping, and special buffering requirements. b. The use requested is consistent with the purpose and intent of the respective district, and can be demonstrated to be similar in nature and compatible with the uses allowed in such district; The car wash facility use, considered in general, does not appear to be consistent with the intent of the Triangle redevelopment goals as specified in the CRA Master Plan, and as demonstrated by the city's previous removal of Vehicular Maintenance and Service and Vehicle Sales uses as an allowed use within the Triangle Overly District. 6 67 of 325 C. The requested use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code of Ordinances. The use does not appear to be consistent with Comprehensive Plan Objective I - 3.3: Encourage Redevelopment and Renewal 9. Conditions of approval (Section 54-2-3.1(a)(4): In approving an application for a special use under this section, the City Council may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, substantially secure the objectives and intent of the zoning regulations. If the special use permit is recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, staff suggests specific conditions of approval regarding the following matters are forwarded to City Council: a. Reduction in the number of vacuum stations b. Submittal of a noise analysis c. Industry standard recommended noise reduction measures required for the car wash equipment d. Increased landscape buffers for both noise reduction, and gateway enhancement — combination of walls & landscaping, height of landscape buffers, number of trees, etc. e. Hours of operation f. Building design meeting Riverfront Overlay District requirements regarding architecture, colors, and landscaping, but enhanced to also meet CRA Master Plan intentions 10. Plannin2 and Zoninp- Commission findings (Section 54-2-6.2(d): Any approval with or without conditions shall be rendered only after a finding by the Planning and Zoning Commission that the proposed use satisfies the following criteria: (1). Is so designed, located and proposed to be operated so that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. See discussion as stated in #8a above (2). Does not present an unduly adverse effect upon other properties in the impacted area in which it is located. This must be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. (3). Based on the scale, intensity and operation of the use, shall not generate unreasonable noise, traffic, congestion, or other potential nuisances or hazards to contiguous residential properties. 7 68 of 325 Staff opines that because of the number of proposed vacuum stations that the intensity may generate unacceptable noise levels for the adjacent residential subdivisions. (4). Conforms to all applicable provisions of the district in which the use is to be located. Staff opines that the car wash use is too similar to the removed Vehicular Service and Maintenance use, and therefore does not conform to the applicable provisions of the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle District. However, if approved, site plan review will insure conformity to all applicable provisions of the Land Development Code, Commercial General Zoning District regulations, the Triangle Overlay District, and include conditions that may be imposed by approval of a special use permit. (5). Satisfies specific criteria stipulated for the respective conditional use described in this article. There are no specific criteria stipulated in the Land Development Code for a car wash facility. If approval is granted, conditions suggested by staff have been provided. (6). Is consistent with the Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan. The use does not appear consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 11. Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Commission held a quasi-judicial public hearing on January 19,', 2023, and by a vote of 5-2, passed a motion to recommend that City Council deny the special use permit request. Pursuant to Sections 54-2-3.1(a)(2)e and (a)(3), City Council shall hold a quasi-judicial public hearing, and after consideration of the materials presented by the applicant and staff, and in consideration of the Findings of Fact and criteria discussed in Sections 8 and 10 of the staff report, the Council may: • Approve Resolution R-23-05 granting the Special Use Permit with conditions; or • Approve Resolution R-23-05 without conditions; or • Deny the Special Use Permit request (Pc.. rN��t2 Community Developmen? Department 8 69 of 325 EXHIBIT A Dorri Bosworth From: Dorri Bosworth <dbosworth@cityofsebastian.org> Sent: Friday, May 27, 2022 9:43 AM To: 'Teresa Curry' Subject: RE: Sebastian, FL GIS Good questions. But based on Section 54-5-22.(c)(29), the definition for Vehicular Sales states "The sale or rental of motor vehicles and related equipment, with incidental accessory service activities." Only if the car wash was incidental to a primary vehicular sales business. Our Land Development Code does not have any specific regulations for car washes. As such, a car wash use meets the definition as described in Section 54-.2.3.1 "Special Use — A use which is not specifically provided for in the zoning regulations. The planning and zoning commission and city council may permit such uses in such zoning districts or classifications as special uses only if the applicant meets specific provisions and conditions deemed appropriate." Also, the property is within the Triangle Overlay District in the CRA. Please see Article XXII Performance Overlay Districts, Division C, Section 54-4-21.C.4 — Use restrictions. Vehicular sales or related service is not noted as a permitted or conditional use in the CG zoning district within the Triangle Overlay District. Hope this clarifies. From: Teresa Curry [mailto:teresacurry@axiscompanies.com] Sent: Friday, May 27, 2022 7:18 AM To: Dorri Bosworth Subject: RE: Sebastian, FL GIS Thank you for that information! Is a car wash not a permissible use per the CG zoning? I had assumed it fell under 'vehicle sale or related service'. Or is it because it's in the CRA? From: Dorri Bosworth <dbosworth@cityofsebastian.org> Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 4:57 PM To: Teresa Curry <teresacurry@axiscompanies.com> Subject: RE: Sebastian, FL GIS Ms. Curry — A Car Wash use at this location and in the City of Sebastian will need to apply for and receive a Special Use Permit before a site plan would be able to be submitted. The Special Use will need to receive approval from both the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. Your client may wish to see if the Special Use is granted first before detailed work on a site plan is started. Each request is reviewed and determined on its own merits, but a car wash application a few months ago was denied. The proposed location is in a Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) with strict architectural, color, landscaping, and signage regulations. Please contact staff at 772-388-8232 if you need additional information. Regards, Dorri Bosworth, Manager/Planner Community Development Department City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, Florida 32958 (772) 589-5518 (772) 388-8248 fax 71 of 325 �fr. r citv ofsebastian. orf [0 From: Kim Haigler Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 4:41 PM To: Teresa Curry' Cc: Dorri Bosworth Subject: RE: Sebastian, FL GIS Teresa, Sorry, but the City does not maintain that information. I recommend calling 811 for that information. Kimberly Haigler Fjivironmental Plainer khaigler@citvofsebastian.org (772) 388-8206 For information regarding Sebastian's Natural Resources, xisit httl>szl/www.dtvofsebasfim.ont/26WNaun-g-Resources-Board City of Sebastian i.Lx ANCommunnity Development. Department - ■■ 1225 Main St. HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Sebastian FL 32958 From: Teresa Curry [mailto:teresacurry@axiscomoanies.com] Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 12:50 PM To: Kim Haigler Subject: Sebastian, FL GIS CAUTION: This email originated from OUTSIDE our email system. PLEASE exercise caution when opening ANY attachments or clicking on links. ESPECIALLY from unknown senders. Good afternoon. My client is looking at building a car wash behind the Sherwin Williams store @ 223 Sebastian Blvd. Do you have any GIS information on water/sewer/gas and/or electric lines in the area? Thank you. Teresa 72 of 325 Teresa Curry, P.E. A ISFSTRUCTURE 1111 Cambridge Square, Suite C Alpharetta, GA 30009 678.395.4920 Office 678.237.2764 Cell teresacurrvPaxiscompanies.com ►0 This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as Spam. This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as spam. 73 of 325 EXHIBIT B Dorri Bosworth From: Dorri Bosworth <dbosworth@cityofsebastian.org> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2022 10:09 AM To: 'Izzy Diaz' Cc: Lisa Frazier; Michelle Faulkner Subject: RE: FL, Sebastian permits Hello Existing, operational car washes within city limits: 1) 13020 US Highway #1; 2) 509 US Highway #1; 3) 921 Sebastian Boulevard Proposed car wash locations: 1) 13070 US Highway #1, 2) 12950 US Highway #1; 3) 1979 US Highway #1 - All three within 700 feet of an existing car wash; Car washes are not a permitted or conditional use in any of the city's zoning districts, and must receive a Special Use Permit from the PZ Commission and City Council in order to be able to develop. At this time, staff would not support any Special Use applications for a car wash within city limits. The small population of Sebastian could not support 6 car washes, which are single -use structures and are not easily adaptable to other uses if the business closes. Regards, Dorn Bosworth, Manager/Planner Community Development Department City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, Florida 32958 i7721 589-5518 (772) 388-8248 fax dbosworth0 ciwofSebastian.ore From: Izzy Diaz[mailto:izzydiaz0axiscomaanies.comj Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 1:50 PM To: Dorri Bosworth Subject: FL, Sebastian permits CAUTION: This email originated from OUTSIDE our email system. PLEASE exercise caution when opening ANY attachments or clicking on links. ESPECIALLY from unknown senders. Hi Dorri, Good afternoon, hope all is well. Would you mind please providing me with the addresses of the 3 permit applications for car washes? We understand there are three pending at the moment. Please let me know. Best, Izzy Diaz Marketing Coordinator Aly I S At INFRASTRUCTURE 74 of 325 1111 Cambridge Square I Alpharetta, GA 30009 (0) 678.395.4920 1 (C) 678.983.1029 Izzvdiaz@axiscompanies.com ��I*W 401 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as spam. 75 of 325 EXHIBIT C Dorri Bosworth From: Dorri Bosworth Sent: Friday, October 7, 2022 12:15 PM To: 'Joe Mines' Cc: Teresa Curry Subject: RE: Mr Clean car wash Attachments: Article 3 Special Use Permits.pdf, 6.2(d).pdf Hello — Please see clarification in red below, and attached section of code that I gave information on yesterday in our telephone conversation. Regards, Dorri Bosworth, Manager/Planner Community Development Department City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, Florida 32958 (772) 589-5518 (772) 388-8248 fax d bosworih['ci tvofseba s tian . org From: Joe Mines [mailto:joeminesC axiscompanies.com7 Sent: Friday, October 7, 2022 11:47 AM To: Dorri Bosworth Cc: Teresa Curry Subject: Mr Clean car wash CAUTION: This email originated from OUTSIDE our email system. PLEASE exercise caution when opening ANY attachments or clicking on links. ESPECIALLY from unknown senders. Ms Bosworth, Thank you for taking the time to review the steps we need to take to get approval be considered for a car wash in Sebastian. You stated that due to the location of our properties (parcel ID 31390700006000000003.0 and 31390700006000000004.0) No, I stated Car Washes are not a permitted or conditional use in any of our zoning districts, and therefore the use itself needed to be approved first through the Special Use process described in the Land Development Code Article III being in an historic overlay, being in the Triangle Overlay District and redevelopment area (CRA), staff would most likely not support the request for a car wash Special Use Permit at this location, and because we already have three existing car washes with three more applications pending. we would need approval of a Special Use Permit before proceeding with a pre-app meeting to discuss any proposed site plan/site development. I wanted to confirm that this is accurate, and request documentation outlining this requirement for our client. Thank you, Joe Mines Engineering Coordinator AVI S k INFRASTRUCTURE 1111 Cambridge Square I Alpharetta, GA 30009 (C) 404.518.6052 CEPaxiscompanies.com 76 of 325 C Sec. 54-2-3.1. - Procedures and criteria for review of special uses and special exceptions. Special use. A use which is not specifically provided for in the zoning regulations. The planning and zoning commission and city council may permit such uses in such zoning districts or classifications as special uses only if the applicant meets specific provisions and conditions deemed appropriate. Special exception. A use, which is provided for in the zoning regulations for a particular zoning district or classification and if controlled would not affect the public safety, health or general welfare by allowing the use in an additional zoning district or classification. The planning and zoning commission and city council may permit such uses in such zoning districts or classifications as special exceptions only if the applicant meets specific provisions and conditions deemed appropriate. (a) Uncertainty. Wherever uncertainty exists regarding whether a specific use is allowed as a permitted use, approved as a conditional use, or is prohibited in the zoning district regulations of article V, the planning and zoning commission and city council shall apply the following procedures and criteria for reviewing such uses. (1) Criteria for review. Notwithstanding any provisions of this article, the city council may, in its sole discretion, grant a special use permit in any district for a use, which is not provided for in the zoning regulations. All such uses shall not be otherwise illegal, shall not be specifically prohibited pursuant to the comprehensive plan or other applicable law or regulations, and shall satisfy the following findings of fact by the city council. (2) Procedures for review. a. Application. Application for approval of a special use or special exception shall be filed with the planning and growth management department on a form prescribed by the planning and growth management director. Seven copies of the application and all supporting information shall be included. b. Staff review. The planning and growth management director shall distribute the application and supporting information to the appropriate staff for review and comment. The staff can include outside agencies. c. Recommendation to planning and zoning commission. The planning and growth management director shall summarize the staff s comments and make a recommendation to the planning and zoning commission. d. Planning and zoning commission public hearing. The commission shall hold a public hearing pursuant to -4D section 54-1-2.8 and shall indicate whether, in their opinion, the proposed special use or special exception meets the required findings of facts and review criteria established in section 54-2.6.2(d), including criteria of article VI. The planning and zoning commission shall make a recommendation to the city council to approve, approve with condition, or deny the application for the special use. e. City council public hearing. The city council shall hold a public hearing with notice pursuant to section 54- 1-2.8. By resolution of the city council, the application for approval of a special use or special exception permit may be approved, upon a finding that the requirements of section 542-6.2(d), including criteria of article VI, are met. If the application is denied, the city council shall state the reasons for denial. (3) Required findings of fact. The city council shall not approve an application for a special use or special exception under this section unless it finds, based upon the evidence presented, that the following conditions are satisfied: a. The approval of the application for a special use or special exception will not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare, or be injurious to other properties or improvements within the immediate vicinity in which the property is located based on criteria established in article VI; and b. The use requested is consistent with the purpose and intent of the respective district, and can be 77 of 325 C demonstrated to be similar in nature and compatible with the uses allowed in such district; and c. The requested use Is consistent with the comprehensive plan and the [ode of Ordinances. (4) Conditions of approval. In approving an application for a special use under this section, the city council may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, substantially secure the objectives and intent of the zoning regulations. 78 of 325 Sec. 54-2-6.2. - Review procedures. (a) Application. The application for a conditional use shall be filed with the department of planning and growth management and shall be submitted on a form provided by the department. Five copies of the application and supporting information shall be included. The required supporting information shall be submitted with the application. (b) Staff review. The planning and growth management director shall distribute the application and supporting information to the appropriate staff for review and comment. The planning and growth management director shall summarize the stafrs comments and make a written recommendation to the planning and zoning commission concerning appropriate action together with any applicable conditions recommended by staff. (c) Planning and zoning commission public hearing. Upon receipt of the staff recommendations, the planning and zoning commission shall hold a public hearing pursuant to section 54-1-2.8, except that the newspaper notice is not required. The planning and zoning commission shall approve, approve with conditions or deny a proposed conditional use. (d) Planning and zoning commission findings. Any approval with or without conditions shall be rendered only after a finding by the planning and zoning commission that the proposed conditional use satisfies the criteria of this article and that the proposed conditional use: (1) Is so designed, located, and proposed to be operated so that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. (2) Does not present an unduly adverse effect upon other properties in the impacted area In which it is located. (3) Based on the scale, intensity and operation of the use shall not generate unreasonable noise, traffic, congestion or other potential nuisances or hazards to contiguous residential properties. (4) Conforms to all applicable provisions of the district in which the use is to be located. (5) Satisfies specific criteria stipulated for the respective conditional use described in this article. (6) Is consistent with the Code of Ordinances and comprehensive plan. Upon such finding, the planning and zoning commission shall approve the application for the conditional use permit. On all development, the planning and zoning commission's decision shall be final unless that decision is appealed to the city council within ten days following the planning and zoning commission's action (reference section 54-2-6.3 below). A written record of findings by the board shall be maintained, including a written statement of all: 1) conditions of approval; and 2) findings supporting the approval or denial of a conditional use. 79 of 325 EXHIBIT D 1 GUGGEnHEIM October 2022 City of Sebastian Community Development Department 1225 Main St Sebastian, FL 32958 Dear Staff., Guggenheim Development Services, LLC 3000 Internet Blvd, Ste. 570 Frisco, TX 75034 Mr. Clean Car Wash is an exciting partnership between a trusted Proctor & Gamble brand known internationally and a long-time industry leader in the Atlanta -metro area, Carnett's Car Washes. Mr. Clean Car Wash currently operates eleven locations in "Georgia as well as two Florida locations with an aggressive growth plan to extend throughout the Southeast United States. The company's mission statement is "Clean Cars Fast! Delivered with fantastic quality and genuine hospitality!" This proposed Mr. Clean Car Wash development is on 2.8 acres and consists of a 3,200 square foot building with lobby waiting room, office, bathroom, storage and an express automated tunnel of approximately 100'. Once leaving the tunnel, customers are able to pull into one of 28 canopied vacuum spaces to dry, vacuum, and detail their own vehicle. Four employee parking spaces and two handicap spaces are provided. Ingress and egress to the property is primarily through new curb cuts along Sebastian Boulevard, eastbound and westbound. Additional upgrades to the property will include an enclosed trash enclosure, site lighting, and landscaping. Typical operational hours are Monday -Saturday 8AM to 7 PM and Sunday 8AM to 6PM.- There are typically three to four employees on site daily. Respectfully Submitted, a"t-k- se Kent Director of Development 80 of 325 D5 �rOF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET aE SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-S518 m www.cityofsebasfian.org 0 Accessory Structure Reviewed by P\Z ❑ Conditional Use Permit (Commercial) ❑ Administrative Variance (Fence or Septic System) ❑ Conditional Use Permit (Model Homes) ❑ Easement (Abandonment) ❑ Board of Adjustment (Appeal) Xl Special Use Permit\Special Exception O Board of Adjustment (variance) Project Name: Mr. Clean Car Wash Total Site Area: 2.8 Acres Acres\SF Parcel ID: 31390700006000000003.0 & 31390700006000000004.0 Address of Site: 200 & 203 Sebastian Blvd. Proposed Use: Automated Car Wash Land Use: Applicant Name: Guggenheim Development Services, LLC i Address: 3000 Internet Blvd., Ste. 570, Frisco, TX 75034 Telephone: (407)367-7868 Email: Mixed Use Zoning: CG msolik@dotysoliklaw.com M,q,6/ D. 56L1 k 4 �. `"'`"'firb���CCC I Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Owner: William Brognano, Todd Brognano, & Daniel J. Brognano Address: PO BOX 78074 Telephone: (772)589-1299 Email: ameronh@aol.com J Date Received: I W J rt l ,L . Fee Paid: f 5100• X Received by: F J SS f-I D Zr1i22 Cit4" of sebastiarl Community Development Dept. FORM D 91 of 325 D5 Surveyor: Jeffery Lucas, ESP Associates ,I Address: 291-A Cahaba Valley Pkwy North, Pelham, AL 35124 I Telephone: (205)-664-8498 Email: jlucas@espassociates.com I lEngineer: AXIS Infrastructure Address: 1111 Cambridge Square, Ste. C, Alpharetta, GA 30009 I Telephone: (678)395-4920 Email: lukewemette@axiscompanies.com Pre — Application Meeting Date: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT: SEE ATTACHED I i SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of approval does not presume to give Wit ri.t iolate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local lawwreggla4ft construction or, the performance 0 situ on.. mks I, Pt nt name S>fg #u. 7 V1`S 6. 5't,l Nuw Date Notarv: STATE OF:� COUNTY: OA L I- I hereby ceri i . Chat � 2(i . erstitially appeared y fy on 0[,lfy1p who. ispenonaily knawo to -tno fsr.bs [SEAL]_.S IBM WWP _ r A'y Notary ID # 12glWW ]tip ar Public ,.Novemberg, My Commission Expires: I •N11 k7j,� 92 of 325 EXHIBIT E CRA Master Plan Economic Trends The recommendations contained within this Plan are based on recent economic analysis of the Sebastian Market Area, which reveals: • Property value increases within Downtown Sebastian increased from $45.83 million from to $66.17 million between Fiscal Years 2001 and 2004, indicating that the area is positively perceived by the market; • There will be an estimated demand for between 600 and 700 new residential units in the Market Area annually through 2010; • Higher value single-family attached (townhouse) development should be encouraged for the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area, and will create land values substantially higher than under the current industrial zoning; • The market area could support the development of approximately 100,000 square feet of new retail space annually through 2010, in addition to approximately 150,000 square feet of retail space in the vicinity of Riverview Park; and, • Office development and hospitality uses will not likely play a significant role in redevelopment. Redevelopment Concept Plan The Redevelopment Plan Summary Map (Figure 1) provides an overview of proposed redevelopment concepts within the CRA. These concepts include the following: • Improvements to Riverview Park and the surrounding vicinity, utilizing public - private partnerships to create improvements to the park and surrounding streetscape, while also encouraging development of retail space adjacent to the park on privately -owned land; • Creation of a mixed -use district within the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area, incorporating retail and commercial space, in addition to creating a new "lake" and park within the retail district; • Enhancement of the streetscape on Riverside Drive, including installation of waterfront pedestrian "pocket parks" where feasible; • Considering the future creation of a Main Street activity center, increasing the usability of the City -owned park and capitalizing on the historical museum as a cultural amenity; • Streetscape enhancements along US-1 throughout the CRA, including enhanced pedestrian lighting, trees and vegetation, and well -delineated pedestrian crossing areas; • Encouraging commercial developers of land fronting on US-1 to "build to the street" to create a more defined urban edge; • Installation of gateway treatments at major points of entry to the City along Sebastian Boulevard and US-1; and • Retaining current building height and density requirements within the CRA to reinforce the "Old Florida Fishing Village" design theme. Sebastian, Florida 2 Updated: October 2010 93 of 325 E CRA Master Plan The linchpins of this Plan are the eventual redevelopment of the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area, as well as the redevelopment of Riverview Park and the surrounding vicinity. The Sebastian Boulevard Triangle serves as an important gateway to Downtown Sebastian, and the concepts presented within this plan will create a vibrant small-town neighborhood within this area that integrates well into the adjacent residential communities. Riverview Park is already a magnet for the southern portion of the CRA. Redevelopment of the park and surrounding vicinity will create additional recreational opportunities for residents of Sebastian, and will provide attractive opportunities for complementary retail and commercial development oriented to the park. In addition to the above, numerous urban design recommendations are proposed throughout the CRA, infrastructure improvements are proposed to allow for anticipated future development, and other improvements are proposed that maintain the small-town feel of Sebastian while also providing a demand and population base for the Downtown. Revenue Projections In 2003, the CRA is expected to receive a total payment of approximately $250,000, which includes City and County tax increment revenues. With the addition of the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area, the CRA is projected to generate approximately $1 million in annual increment by 2012. This continued growth will provide the City with considerable bonding leverage for large-scale projects such as streetscape and infrastructure improvements. Sebastian, Florida 3 Updated: October 2010 94 of 325 A CRA Master Plan The following are brief descriptions of each Performance Overlay District, as well as their respective site design requirements. Section III of this Plan presents recommendations for additional regulations within these districts. Riverfront Overlay District Regulations The Riverfront Overlay District was created to "encourage development and redevelopment within the Riverfront District that includes promotion of traditional building types with arcades, balconies, and porches." Moreover, the District is intended to encourage architectural design consistent with the "Old Florida Fishing Village" theme of Sebastian. This District covers all of the CRA east of the Florida East Coast Railroad. Design criteria within the District are summarized as follows: • Buildings with facades fronting on more than one street should have consistent detailing on all building elevations on street frontages; • Porches are encouraged; • Wood picket fences, wrought iron fences, or landscape buffers are encouraged along property lines; • Buildings with larger facades are required to provide a vista through which to view adjacent water bodies; • Flat, blank, unarticulated, or "massive" building facades are prohibited; • Lighting may not follow the form of a building, and neon lighting, fiber optics, and similar systems are prohibited; • Accessory structures should be consistent in design to the site's primary building; • Whites, earth tones, and subdued gray building colors are encouraged, while fluorescent and bright colors are prohibited. In addition to the above, the District regulations contain guidelines for roof slopes landscaping, exterior wall finishes, signage, and other relevant site design considerations. CR512 Overlay District Regulations The CR512 Overlay District includes all properties abutting Sebastian Boulevard within the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area. This District does not include properties within the CRA west of the FEC Railroad right-of-way that do not have lot frontage on Sebastian Boulevard. The purpose of the CR512 Overlay District is to provide an "attractive, well maintained, orderly and uncluttered appearance" to the corridor through the installation and maintenance of landscaping, appropriate building architecture, and through encouragement of multi -modal transportation accommodating mass transit, and pedestrians in addition to the automobile. A summary of site design criteria within this District is as follows: Sebastian, Florida 15 Updated: October 2010 95 of 325 CRA Master Plan La • Corporate signature architecture is prohibited, including flat roofed convenience stores, gas stations, and canopies for gas stations, car washes, and drive -through facilities; • "Kitsch" architecture (buildings not resembling a typical structure) is prohibited; • Materials, finishes, signage, and colors of shopping centers and structures developed on shopping center out -parcels shall be compatible with each other; • Buildings with facades fronting on more than one street shall have similar design considerations and consistent detailing on all street frontages; • Flat, blank, unarticulated, or "massive" facades fronting on a roadway are prohibited; • Advertising is prohibited on any exposed amenity or facility (e.g. benches, trash containers); • "Visually offensive elements" (e.g. walk-in coolers, electrical equipment, etc.) as well as "nuisance elements" must be screened from view on all sides; • Base building colors must be related to wall and parapet wall areas and shall be limited to white and light neutral colors in the warm range. For complete Land Development Code language for each Performance Overlay District, please see Appendix D. E. Public Facilities and Environmental Features Boat access in the CRA Area occurs via the Indian River, which runs east of and contiguous to the CRA Area. In addition, passive recreation opportunities are provided in Riverview Park in the southern portion of the CRA, and through riverfront pedestrian trails and observation areas. A park housing the Chamber of Commerce and the Sebastian Historical Museum is located on the south side of Main Street between Indian River Drive and U.S.-1. Municipal facilities within the CRA Area include the City's Public Works compound, located between the Sebastian Boulevard east and westbound split. The City also maintains boat and vehicle parking facilities throughout the CRA, and is in the process of building a boat -docking pier east of Riverview Park. Critical environmental resources within the CRA Area include the rich habitat provided by the Indian River. In addition, a small lake between the Sebastian Boulevard east and westbound split provides recreation opportunities in the westernmost section of the CRA. F. Redevelopment Needs A number of significant factors indicating a need for redevelopment were identified in the 1995 Sebastian Community Redevelopment Plan as well as the 2002 City of Sebastian CRA Expansion Finding of Necessity. A summary of these blighting factors is presented as follows: Sebastian, Florida 16 Updated: October 2010 96 of 325 E CRA Master Plan R Guiding Principles Using the public involvement findings and background data and analysis as a basis, the following principles were developed to guide plan preparation and implementation. Land Use • Encourage residential and mixed -use development in the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area. • Encourage retail uses adjacent to Riverview Park. • Create an "institutional" land use designation to include civic, non-profit, and related uses. Land Development Regulations • "Double Front" buildings on Riverview Drive. • Provide for expedited approval of development furthering the redevelopment goals of the City. • Recommend amendments to the City's existing Performance Overlay Districts as appropriate to encourage appropriate redevelopment. • Consider implementing regulations that will encourage primary and out -parcel structures built to property lines along U.S.A. Architectural Style • Enhance the character of Downtown Sebastian with architecture that addresses the community's "Fishing Village" scale and feel. • Create conceptual land use districts with distinct recommendations for character, architectural style, and community identity. • Create CRA entry features at west end of Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area and on U.S.-1. Waterfront Projects /Historic Preservation • Protect and enhance uses and buildings along and adjacent to one of the CRA district's most important assets: the Indian River Lagoon. Waterfront projects will make important properties more economically viable and contribute to maintaining and improving the "Old Florida Fishing Village" design theme. • Protect important historic resources in the CRA, particularly those that help to illustrate the City's fishing heritage, as well as those that meaningfully contribute to the "Old Florida Fishing Village" design theme. Sebastian, Florida 22 Updated: October 2010 97 of 325 E CRA Master Plan Specific urban design enhancements within this district will address: • Parallel on -street parking; • Curb and gutter installation; • Pedestrian and roadway lighting; • Sidewalks; • Street trees; • Street furniture; • Raised Pedestrian intersections; • Traffic circles with public art or architectural features; and • Underground utilities. Long-term improvements are shown in Figure 13, and emphasize infill commercial development adjacent to the park, and other large-scale redevelopment initiatives in the district. Please note that while retail uses are encouraged adjacent to the park, no commercial other privately owned land use is recommended for the park itself. Additionally, the development of this district (and generally, the CRA) should be considered a public -private partnership. That is, infrastructure and physical improvements to publicly owned land will be completed by the City, and complementary retail and related uses will be developed by the private sector in cooperation with the City to ensure redevelopment goals are met. Figure 14 shows a typical roadway cross-section within the Riverview Park District. This cross-section features wide pedestrian arcades to provide shade for shoppers, a 16 feet wide landscaped pedestrian zone adjacent to the roadway, and on -street parallel parking. Conceptual improvements to Sebastian City Park, located on the south side of Main Street between US-1 and Riverside Drive, should also be considered within this district. Creation of a future Main Street activity center may increase the usability of the park. The City should also capitalize on the historical museum as a cultural amenity, and investigate the feasibility of developing an expanded facility in the future. Sebastian Boulevard Mixed -Use District (Figure 7-b) The Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area Concept Plan is shown in Figure 15, and is predicated on significant land use and zoning changes, which are presented in Subsection 1 of this Section. Urban design and other conceptual improvements presented in this plan are summarized as follows: • Creation of mixed -use commercial areas and single-family attached (townhouse) uses throughout the district; • Creation of City gateway features at the Sebastian Boulevard east and westbound split and at Sebastian Boulevard westbound and U.S.-1 to provide: o Architectural features and/or flags; Sebastian, Florida 35 Updated: October 2010 98 of 325 E CRA Master Plan o Signature landscaping; o Specialty feature lighting; and o A fountain feature at the conceptual new lake. • Modification of the existing lake in order to create a park; • Creation of pedestrian and visual connections between the commercial, mixed, and residential multi -family uses; • Realignment of property boundaries (e.g. parcel assembly) to create more usable parcel configurations; • Streetscape Sebastian Boulevard; o Double rows of large shade trees; 0 10 feet wide pedestrian/bikeway; o Placing structures between the roadway and parking areas; o Installation of pedestrian and roadway streetlights; o Specialty paving at key intersections; o A 25 feet wide proposed parkway zone; and o Pedestrian and vehicular connections to adjacent residential use. • Creation of a connection to South Wimbrow Drive: o Traffic roundabout and focal point; and o Vehicular and pedestrian connection to adjacent residential land use. Figures 16 and 17 provide conceptual roadway cross -sections for Sebastian Boulevard east and westbound, respectively. U.S.-1 Commercial District (Figure 7-c) The U.S.-1 Commercial District is characterized by large-scale auto -oriented development, such as auto parts stores, big box development, drive -through restaurants, and other linear strip development common on arterial highways. Figures 12 and 13 primarily show improvements to Riverview Park, but also call for the following improvements along U.S.-1. These improvements are shown as typical roadway cross- section in Figure 18. • Streetscape enhancement o Large specimen Medjool Date Palms in median for scale and visual statement; o Decorative lighting in median where possible; o Washington Palms along roadside; o Decorative pedestrian -scale lighting along roadside; o Bury existing utility lines; and Sebastian, Florida 36 Updated: October 2010 99 of 325 CRA Master Plan for private development/redevelopment, provision of adequate parking, particularly public parking, has become even more important. The CRA should conduct a parking study to update data regarding parking needs and resources in the CRA district, and recommend specific projects that can be undertaken to adequately meet the need for parking. L Land Use and Zoning Recommendations Land use and zoning recommendations are included herein to address proposed land use according to the redevelopment concept plan, building height, mixed -use development, urban design guidelines, and building setbacks. These recommendations are shown on Figure 11. Proposed Land Use/Zoning by Conceptual Planning District Existing site development regulations and permitted uses for each zoning/land use district throughout the CRA are presented in Appendix F. Specific land use/zoning recommendations presented below, and are organized by conceptual planning district. Park District: No changes are proposed. Sebastian Boulevard Mixed -Use District. Currently the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area is zoned for Public Service, Industrial, and Commercial General. The land uses in the industrial -zoned areas is typically commercial in nature, and include equipment rental, automotive -based uses, and other similar uses. The land use/zoning throughout this District should be changed to a new zoning/land use designation closely resembling the requirements of the Commercial Waterfront Residential district (e.g. Commercial/Residential Mixed Use), which will provide for appropriate mixed -use development throughout the area such as single-family attached (townhouse) and commercial mixed uses, and will support the existing clubs and lodges within the district. U.S. -I Commercial District. No land use or zoning amendments are proposed. However, the City should complete further study of how to mitigate the impacts of large commercial development setback further study of how to mitigate the impacts of large commercial development setback considerably from U.S.-1. These developments have large amounts of parking in the front, and can create the image of a "sea of parking" when traveling down the highway. The City should investigate adopting regulations for an overlay area including all commercial parcels adjacent to U.S.-1 requiring a reasonable part of a large development's out parcels adjacent to U.S.-1 requiring a reasonable part of a large development's out parcel space be dedicated to buildings built close to (or -on) the properly line, with parking behind the structure. This helps create a more pedestrian -friendly urban edge throughout the district. Riverfront District. No changes are proposed. Sebastian, Florida 39 Updated: October 2010 100 of 325 EXHIBIT F Objective 1-3.2: Protection of Archaeological and Historic Resources. The establishment of procedures for identification and protection of historic properties and structures within the City will provide for the protection of archaeological sites. Policy 1-3.2.1: Development Impacts. The City shall require applicants to demonstrate measures to mitigate the adverse impacts of the proposed development on historic or archaeological site or structure identified in the adopted Comprehensive Plan. At a minimum, the plan shall identify precautions to be taken to prevent the following adverse impacts: • Destruction or alteration of all or part of such site; • Isolation from, or alteration of the surrounding environment; • Introduction of visual, audible, or atmospheric elements that are out of character with a property or alter its setting; • Vegetation removal shall not be permitted on a historic or archaeological site unless the vegetation to be removed is a part of a duly authorized scientific excavation, or is a part of an approved development plan; • Transfer or sale of the site of significance without adequate conditions or restrictions regarding preservation, maintenance, use or re -use; and • Other forms of neglect resulting in resource deterioration. Policy 1-3.2.2: Programming for Archaeological and Historic Sites. The City shall coordinate with the State in developing programs for implementing City and State policies for identifying, preserving, and enhancing sites of historical and/or archaeological significance. Programs for identification, evaluation of relative significance, protection, preservation, and enhancement shall be promoted, utilizing available public resources at the local, State, and Federal level as well as available private sector resources. Objective 1-3.3: Encourage Redevelopment and Renewal. The City shall maintain procedures in the LDC to limit the proliferation of urban sprawl and encourage redevelopment and revitalization of blighted and economically challenged areas. Policy 1-3.3.1: Or`mm,,miiy f of v(-,1opment Area. The FLUM depicts the boundaries of the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA). The City shall continue to promote vitality and redevelopment of the five conceptual districts: Park District, Sebastian Boulevard Mixed Use District, U.S.-1 Commercial District, Riverfront District, and the Sebastian Boulevard South District as directed in the City of Sebastian Community Redevelopment Master Plan included in this Element's DIA. The City shall update the CRA Master Plan reflecting the principles and strategies contained within this Comprehensive Plan and apply those to the targeted redevelopment areas. Policy 1-3.3.2: Managing Development Within Mixed Use Districts. Consistent with Objectives 1- 1.3 and 1-1.5 and their respective policies the City's LDC shall maintain performance standards for the City's Mixed Use Districts to ensure that land development activities, resource conservation and infrastructure issues are managed in a manner that will consider the needs of all the citizens of Sebastian. Adopted June 23, 2021 91 If"PE 0D 1060OF C�H EXHIBIT G RESOLUTION NO. R 02-16 A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, DECLARING AN IMPENDING CHANGE OF LAW FOR LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN THE EASTERN PORTION OF THE SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD CORRIDOR; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS ARE 9V112; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian commissioned the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council to host a charette over the future development of the County Road 512 corridor through the City; and VITMKFASS, the City of Sebastian received the Gharette Report (the "Development Master Plan") dated November 3, 2000, and adopted it as the conceptual basis for the policies governing development in the CR 512 corridor within. the City of Sebastian; and WHMREAS, on November 28, 2001 the City of Sebastian began to implement these policies through adoption of Resohition R 01-83. renaming the roadway "Sebastian Boulevard", with this re -christening taking .effect March 1, 2002; and WHEREAS, the Master Plan recommends various enhancements to the Sebastian Boulevard roadway, other public infrastructure improvement projects, as well as changes ib. the zoning laws and development standards for the corridor; and WHEREAS, on March 27, 2002 the City Council adopted Resolution R-02-15 submitting the first of these improvements to the Federal Enhancement Program administered through the Metropolitan Planning Organization; and WMEREAS, a key element of the Sebastian Boulevard Development Master Plan involves creation of a "new town center" area in the land located between the divided right-of- way for the corridor; and WHEREAS, at its January 23, 2002 meeting the City Council discussed pending changes to the laws governing Community Redevelopment Agencies that have subsequently passed and will take effect in the coming months; and WHEREAS, it was determined that Staff would review the City's redevelopment plans in light of these changes and further advise Council; and 104 of 325 9 WHEREAS, consideration is being given to implementing the redevelopment provisions of the New Town Center concept of the Sebastian Boulevard Development Master Plan by utilizing the Community Redevelopment Agency provisions of law, and it would be advantageous to do so before the recent amendments take effect; and WHEREAS, the New Town Center concept requires an integrated redevelopment plan; the concept miff lose its integrity if some parcels within the area develop outside of the regulations being proposed; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TBE COUNCII., OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIA.N, as follows: Section 1. EWENDING CHANGE OF LAW. The City Council of the City of Sebastian does hereby declare an Impending Change of Law for development regulations governing the area described in the attached F abibit "A". Section 2. PREPARATION OF MORATORIUM. The City Council of the City of Sebastian does hereby direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance imposing a moratorium on substantive redevelopment within the area descnbed in Exhibit'W' Section 3. PREPARATION OF IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS. The City Council of the City of Sebastian does hereby direct the City Attorney and City Manager to formulate, prepare and process such ordinances, resolutions and amendments to the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan and the City Code as are needed to implement the New Town Center concept of the Sebastian. Boulevard Development Master Plan_ Section 4. are hereby repealed. Section 5. its adoption_ CONFLICT. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith EFFECTIVE DATE. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon 105 of 325 The foregoing Resolution was moved for adoption by Councilmember Coniglio . The motion was seconded by Councilmember Hill vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Walter Barnes Vice -Mayor James 1:0 Councalmember Joe Barczyk Councilmember Edward J. Majcher, Jr. Councailmember Ray Conigho and, upon being put into a absent aye nay aye aye The Mayor thereupon derdared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this I e day of April, 2002. ATTEST: y AAk o, CMC City Cl Approved as to form and legality for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Rich Stringer, City Att ey CITY OF SEBASTTAN, FLORIDA James Hill for -� Mayor Walter Barnes 106 of 325 EXHIBIT H ORDINANCE NO.O-05-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AMENDING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ARTICLE XXI TO CREATE DIVISION C, SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD TRIANGLE OVERLAY DISTRICT REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City adopted a Community Redevelopment Plan that provides for a special plan for the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle area; and WHEREAS, full implementation of the plan will require new zoning categories that can only be instituted through an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan, which can only be done under certain time restrictions; and WHEREAS, the City desires to provide a protective zoning overlay to the area until the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan can be processed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. AMENDMENT. That Chapter 54, Article = of the City Code, City of Sebastian, Florida, LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. Performance Overlay Districts is hereby amended to create Division C. SEBASTIANBOULEVARD TRIANGLE OVERLAY DIS7RICTREGUL.ATIONS consisting of Sections 54-4-21.C.1 through 544- 21.C.4, to read as follows: DIVISION C. SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD TRIANGLE OVERLAY DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 54-4-21. C.1. Intent. The Sebastian Boulevard Triangle is envisioned as a mixed -use district that will extend the town center outward from its traditional riverfront district into the more recently developed business district along Sebastian Boulevard/County Road 512. As a gateway into the City of Sebastian riverfront district, the triangle area will have an attractive, well maintained, orderly and uncluttered appearance which will be characterized by impressive vegetation and landscaping; complementary buildings and signs with enhanced designs and aesthetic appearances; and a safe transportation system that accommodates mass transit, pedestrians, bicycles, and other transportation alternatives, as well as automobiles. 107 of 325 H Sec. 54-4-21.C.2. Boundaries of the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay District. The boundaries of the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay District shall include all the properties included in the Sebastian Community Redevelopment District lying north of the eastbound roadway of the divided right-of-way of the twin pairs of Sebastian Boulevard, and west of the CSX Railway right-of-way. Sec. 54-4-21.C.3. Adoption of Performance Standards. The performance and nonconformity standards set forth for the Riverfront Overlay District in Sections 54-4-21.A.3. through 54-4-21.A.9. shall apply to properties within the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay District. Sec. 54-4-21.CA. Use restrictions. Notwithstanding the provisions 54-4-21.1, the permitted and conditional uses within the various zoning districts of this Code shall be modified for the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay District to list as follows: CG Zone Permitted Uses: Cultural or civic facilities Churches Clubs and lodges, public and private Business and professional offices, excluding drive -through facilities Medical services Commercial retail < 20,000 sq. ft. Plant nurseries Restaurants, excluding drive -through facilities Trade and skilled services Hotels and motels Administrative services, public and private Accessory uses to permitted uses Home occupations All uses permitted within the RM-8 Zoning District Conditional Uses: Bars and lounges Commercial retail ? 20,000 sq. ft. Business and professional offices with drive -through facilities Farmer's markets Funeral Homes Nursing Homes Child Care Services Utilities, public and private Parks and recreation, public Protective and emergency services, public Restaurants with drive -through facilities Veterinary services Wholesale trades and services Commercial amusements, enclosed 108 of 325 Accessory uses to conditional uses Vehicular Sales Indoors Gasoline sales as part of retail operation Parlang garages PS Zone No changes! IN Zone Permitted Uses: Business and professional offices, with or without drive -through facilities Commercial retail < 5,000 sq. ft. Commercial amusements, enclosed Plant nurseries Restaurants with or without drive -through facilities Trades and skilled services Wholesale trades and services Veterinary services Clubs and lodges, public and private Administrative services, public and private Accessory watchman facilities Medical services Accessory uses to permitted uses Conditional Uses: Commercial retail with > 5,000 sq. ft. Hotels and Motels Protective and emergency services, public Parks and recreation, public Parking garages Utilities, public and private Commercial amusements, unenclosed Flea markets Electronics, research & development, and similar uses <_ 5,000 sq. ft. Vehicular Sales Enclosed All uses permitted within the RM-8 Zoning District Accessory Uses to conditional uses Section 2. All code provisions in conflict herewith are repealed. Section 3. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction determines that any part of this Ordinance is invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance shall not be affected and it shall be presumed that the City did not intend to enact such invalid provision. It shall further be assumed that the City would have enacted the remainder of this Ordinance without said invalid provision, causing the same to remain in full force and effect. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be effective upon passage. 109 of 325 The foregoing Ordinance was moved for adoption by Councilmember Monier . The motion was seconded by Councilmember B u r k e e n and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Nathan McCollum a a, e Vice -Mayor Brian Burkeen a y e Councilmember Lisanne Monier a y e Councilmember Andrea Coy a y e Councilmember Sal Neglia absent The Mayor thereupon declared this Ordinance duly passed and adopted this 2 2 n diay of June, 2005. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ATTEST: By: Z4 Mayor Nathan B. McCollum Sally A. io, MMC City Cl Approved as to form and legality for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Rich Stringer, C Atto e 110 of 325 EXHIBIT I DULTMEIER SALES BLOG, Published 12/20/17, by Jeff Hansen — HOW TO START A CAR WASH Everything You Need to Know About Starting a Car Wash r'?.= Revenue Projections Our experience tells us that it takes a population of about 1000-1500 people to support a single self - serve bay car wash. Therefore, one can conclude that a town of 5000 people will support a total of 5 self -serve bays between ALL competitors. Given the current population level of the United States, the national average one can project roughly $2000/bay per month during peak traffic season(s). This is an estimated average — revenue can and will vary. The ideal number of vacuums to have is 1.5 vacuums per bay of service. Therefore, a three bay wash should have four to five vacuums in an area of the lot that will not affect traffic flow. The national average per vacuum is approximately $200/vacuum per month. Again, revenue can and will vary. SONNY'S - THE CARWASH FACTORY, Published 7/13/17, by Anthony Analetto — 10 MISTAKES PEOPLE MAKE WHEN THEY START A CAR WASH BUSINESS 10 Mistakes People Make When They Start a Car Wash Business #2 - I'll steal an existing wash's business For many new investors not familiar with the concept of a "single use property," this misconception makes intuitive sense. It's a scary proposition to combine intuition and research to select the perfect piece of land in an underserved market. For many new investors, building across the street from a busy wash with a plan to steal their business by offering a better customer value seems like a safer bet. There's no denying that this logic has advanced every technology from cell phones to social media. So why doesn't it work for car washing? Because car washes are "single use properties." That means that once a property has a car wash built on it, it can only be a car wash. If you build across the street from another wash and are successful putting it out of business, the bank takes over the other property when it fails. They will then try to get rid of it fast, more often than not to an experienced operator well below market value. Now you have a competitor across the street with a lower debt service that can retrofit the wash and reopen at a lower price to steal market share. Believing you'll build across the street from a busy wash and steal their business is a tragic misconception that rarely turns out well. 111 of 325 About the author Anthony Analetto — President Joining the company in 2000, Anthony Analetto serves as the President of SONNY'S CarWash Equipment Division. In this role, Anthony leads the innovation of new products to drive client success, and oversees all operations, engineering, and supply chain management. Washing cars for over 30 years, Anthony was the director of operations for a 74 location national car wash chain prior to joining the company. NEW HORIZONS CAR WASH — AUTOMATIC CAR WASH STRUCTURES, From 2022 website — HOW TO CHOOSE A CAR WASH LOCATION Competition Finally, along with all the considerations that go into choosing a location, don't forget to consider the level of competition you will face. Consider, for example, that as a rule of thumb, an urban and suburban area with a population of 20,000 or so can comfortably support an eight -bay self -serve car wash. Your assessment, of course, can be loosened somewhat if you are building in a rapidly growing area. Consider whether the population will grow fast enough to keep your cash flowing on a consistent basis. CARWASH.COM BY CAR WASH ADVISORY, Published 4/1/16, by Harvey M Miller — SITE SELECTION: CRITICAL IN BUILDING A CARWASH NEARBY COMPETITION Competing carwashes in a three-mile radius must be seriously considered. Visit local washes that are not service stations or self -serve washes. If your plan is to build an express exterior wash, can existing full -serves have the possibility of converting to an express or flex -serve? Are there already express locations within the marketing area? Remember, whatever the population is in a three-mile radius, divide that into how many tunnel washes, including your potential site, are in the area. For example, if the population is 100,000 and you will be the third tunnel wash in the area, that reduces the population to approximately 35,000 for each location. In my opinion, there is too much competition for the population in this example. Harvey M. Miller is the owner of Car Wash Consultants. He travels nationally to perform site selection services as well as to analyze existing facilities. Miller has owned and operated 32 carwashes and detailing centers. He has been performing consulting services for the past 33 years. His carwashes have been recognized eight times as No. 1 Carwashes. He is the past president of the Western Carwash Association (WCA) and the International Carwash Association (ICA). Miller can be reached at carwashconslt@aoLcom or 949-230-3623. 112 of 325 EXH I BIT J Reducing carwash nolse How to lower the noise output from your carwash. By 'ids�gack on August 27, 2078 Meagan Kusek Is the senior editor of Professional Caneashing & Detailing. As evidenced by recent reporting in Professional Carwashing & Detailing, more and more, owners and operators are facing obstacles from municipalities and residents about noise pollution — often before a carwash even exists. Those planning to build carwashes around residential areas are especially prone to sitting through city council hearings where concerned citizens voice their fears about noise disruption, and these hearings can draw out an already beleaguered permit application and approval process. on the flip side, there are established carwashes that suddenly find themselves face-to-face with city noise ordinance officials because a neighbor has complained. These carwashes then have to undergo sound testing on -site, and if they don't pass the tests, the consequences could range from mandatory, new equipment purchases to amending the carwashes' policy and compliance (P&Q governance. Residents are quick to offer suggestions about how to mitigate noise — from reducing hours of operation to replacing dryer equipment with hand -drying — but they often don'ttake into account a wash's profit margin. With these scenarios in mind, this article looks into why noise reduction is so important for carwashes as well as ways to implement it. 113 of 325 1/5 ampational Health and Safety Administration (Q5HAJEegdWh= permit only noise exposure levels up to 85 decibels for an eight -hour workday, and carwashes that surpass those noise levels are subject to fines. However, the reality is that local noise ordinances are often far stricter, and you're more likely to be cited by a municipal official for disturbing the neighbors. "We, in the industry, have been getting a lot of pushback from neighborhood groups, from residents, from adjacent businesses, etc.,' says Chris McKenna of McKenna Assets LLC (www.carwash-consultantcoml. "It's gone so far now where there's actually some [carwashes] that are being required to test once a year or once every two years with an actual [decibel] meter and the whole deal. It's cumbersome." Of course, depending on where your carwash is situated — in an urban, suburban or Waal area — you may experience less pushback than others. According to Stuart Levy, president of Clean Car Consulting, "Cities already have a great deal of noise generated by traffic in the area. Chances are that any noise coming from the carwash will be absorbed by street noise and not be too much of a problem, if at all — particularly if the carwash's exit is set back from the street.' Suburban areas, on the other hand, could have zoning regulations regarding noise pollution, Levy notes. As such, those building a new carwash may have to pacify residential complaints with plans for noise reduction before their permits are even approved. However, rural areas should not be a concern, Levy states. Art Stephens, president of International Drying Corp. (www.[ntemationaldrying,SQM), notes that, within a city, industrial areas will tend to be more tolerant of noise than residential ones, but he adds, 'It is my opinion and observation we will see more and more regulation with regards to noise." Balancing your right as a business owner to run your carwash optimally and your neighbors' rights to some peace and quiet is a tough act. Still, even if you're willing to take your chances with the neighbors, you should not be taking chances with your employees and customers. As Stephens explains, "Safety for employees and comfort for customers has become an issue that is not ignored like it once was. [Speaking] as a 37-year veteran of this industry, hearing loss is something that we are much more aware of. Noise truly is a danger, both to your health and to the quality of life. A little bit of planning can save you a lot of headaches and money in the long run.' As such, the consensus among industry experts is to be proactive in reducing noise levels from your property. After all, if you do end up being cited, you will have to take many of the following measures anyway. The main culprits "Too much noise, particularly coming from air dryers or vacuums, can be a major irritant to area homeowners by interrupting their quiet neighborhoods,' Levy notes. Blowers and vacuums are both essential to your carwash business, but they are also the biggest noise -makers. So, what can you do? 114 of 325 216 now that are engineered for sound control. Some are manufactured without any sound containment around them and will meet or exceed national or international sound requirements, he adds. However, in the case of existing carwashes, Stephens explains, "All washes can retrofit for some form of sound reduction or containment. it can be as simple as a change of equipment, which can be accomplished in a few hours, or construction of sound rooms, which can take weeks " McKenna also recommends using variable frequency drives (Ms) with your blowers to help reduce noise, since they regulate the power going into the blower. With less power, there will be less motor drive, less air intake and, consequently, less noise. While Stephens says that you can also encase a drying system in its own room, he claims the most effective solution is simply to buy an engineered quiet drying system. As far as a central vacuum system is concerned, McKenna says that the best way to reduce vacuum noise is to seal off the vacuum room and put soundproofing inside the walls, like one would in a music studio. once you've sealed off the vacuum room, the only noise you'll hear from the vacuums while outside is the suction of air through the hoses, and even that is reduced when the hoses are in their holsters. Finally, McKenna and Stephens both agree that hydraulic power packs are another heavy noise -maker at a carwash. As such, McKenna recommends using electric motors instead — and as an added bonus, you won't have to deal with using oil. Creative solutions McKenna bar, firsthand experience dealing with noise complaints. Two of his carwashes have been cited with noise violations in the past, and one even got dragged into state court because of it. As a result, he had to do a sound test and comply with open- versus closed - window variables as well as summer versus winter variables. Having gone through the sound -testing rigmarole, McKenna enacted every out -of -the -box solution he could think of to make sure his carwashes passed their noise tests — and he eventually succeeded. For example, in addition to purchasing quiet dryer systems and isolating and soundproofing his vacuum motor, McKenna also coated his tunnel with a stucco -like wall shielding that is commonly used on highways and roller coaster tunnels. '°You'll be able to pick up three- or four- or five -decibel noise reductions by coating your walls around where the blower is, if not the whole tunnel. That's a $30,000 to $50,000 investment, depending on how much you use," he explains. Stephens adds that having doors operate between washes is another option for lessening noise. Another common noise -cancelling solution that carwashes use is landscaping. According to the article "Landscape noise reduction" by Maureen Gilmer on Mmlandscaninenetwork.com, there are four ways in which you can help cancel out noise 115 of 325 3/6 J • Sound absorption • Sound refraction • Sound deflection and reflection • White noise. Sound absorption and sound refraction both involve using plants. According to Gilmer, all parts of a plant, from bark to leaves, will absorb sound. Therefore, planting rows of hedges or thin evergreen trees can help prevent sound from leaving your property. However, when choosing plants, make sure to choose something that will close gaps and grow close to the ground, since sound will escape through areas where the plants do not grow. one commonly used hedge is a boxwood. Sound refraction refers to how noise is dissipated when it strikes a rough plane, Gilmer notes. As carwash exteriors become sleeker with more modern designs, they may actually exacerbate noise. As such, coating walls or the ground in flora will help a carwash lot reduce the din. Sound deflection and reflection involves installing a wall around the property to reflect the sound back at the site or deflect it in different directions, Gilmer writes. The denser the material (such as masonry versus wood), the more sound will be reflected; the more flexible the material (such as fiberglass or corrugated metal), the more it will be deflected. You can combine greenery with a wall to help absorb, deflect and refract noise. The final option, Gilmer notes, involves a different strategy from the above three: creating a pleasant white noise to mask the undesirable clamor. For instance, water features that make loud splashes are a typical example of white noise, but plants — such as pine trees — that rustle loudly in the wind can also be used. A small water feature may prove practical for your waiting area, if you have one, to distract guests from any noise on the property. Being proactive When looking to build a new carwash, site selection and design are critical for multiple reasons. Your design process should consider the area in which the lot is located and be optimized to best fit in with what already exists around it. Of course, this extends to traffic flow and curb appeal, but be sure to take noise into your site design considerations as well. "Understanding the demographics the carwash is being built in is an important part of winning over the community and creating goodwill even before attending any zoning board approval meetings," Levy concludes. "Many locals think of carwashes as creating noise and traffic problems. Of course, this is not true, but getting to know your neighbors prior to any zoning town hall meeting could go a long way. When attending the zoning meeting, be prepared to illustrate why there will not be any offending noise. Be prepared to illustrate the overall noise decibel level to pacify anyone with concerns." In this article: dryers vacuums l O COMMENT 116 of 325 4/6 Table of Contents 1. All Car Washes - Sebastian 2. Sebastian Car Wash 3. City Suds Car Wash 4. Purtple Pelican Car Wash 5. Subject Site —Mr. Clean Car Wash GUGGEnHEIM 129 of 325 All Car Washes Sebastian Table of Contents i+lr�yPl�rWlr�� i�arC'+•,� 130 of 325 Additional Information City of Sebastian LDC Section 54-2-3.1(a)(3) a) The approval of the application for a special use or special exception will not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare, or be injurious to other properties or improvements within the immediate vicinity in which the property is located based on criteria established in article VI; The approval of the proposed car wash use will enhance ttie public welfare by providing a service (express car wash service) not currently being offered to the surrounding residential development. • No safety or health detriment. b) The use requested is consistent with the purpose and intent of the respective district, and can be demonstrated to be similar in nature and compatible with the uses allowed in such district; ■ Property is Zoned CG Commercial General with Sebastian Triangle Overlay • Intent of Sebastian Triangle is mixed use district that extends the town center outward from traditional riverfront district into the more recently developed business district along Sebastian Blvd./County Road 512 • Current commercial uses in Sebastian Triangle include auto repair, auto glass repair, self storage, auto parts store, paint store, air conditioning business, cafe, vape lounge, American Legion Post, City public works ■ Proposed car wash use is similar and compatible with the other neighborhood serving commercial uses permitted under the CG zoning in the Sebastian Triangle overlay GUGGEnHEIM 19 146 of 325 Additional Information c) The requested use is consistent with the comprehensive plan and the Code of Ordinances. • The request is consistent with Objective 1-3.3 Encourage Redevelopment and Renewal and the policies that support this objective. ■ The proposed use is consistent with the commercial designation of the property in the City's Redevelopment Master Plan (Policy 1-3.3.1) ■ Provides a commercial use to meet the needs of the citizens of Sebastian that is not currently being met (Policy 1-3.3.2) GUGGEnHEIM 20 147 of 325 DAVIT) M CA101111 R IDD W I I NNFI 1. I.I.M. ANTHON) P 6Ut 11I I R. I I.M' i RO) It 1IAI NFR. 1-I.IM ' WI I IAINI N K11,K. 11.10. II11,i1N K.IARSON.11,M l I I111S10I'Illlt 11. MAItINI B100KI W.ODOM IAtinN I. ODt IAV �11 llmim 11111I11rn tit i( I lil Al `I l 81 IA1:11 C! P 111 II 11 111I 11 Tit r,,, .\N'D I1 IA111 GOULD COOKSEY LtU FENNELL Ask Someone You Trust' 979 READ ILAND BOULLVARD ■ VERO BEACH. FLORIDA 329t13 772.231.1 I00 11-I I-Plicml ■ 772.231.2020 IAX v-ww.gouldcooksc\-.com EMAIL CORRESPONDENCE January 19, 2023 Community Development Department City of Sebastian Attn: Dorri Bosworth, Manager/Planner 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Re: Mr. Clean Car Wash/Sebastian Blvd. Dear Mrs. Bosworth: SANDRA G. RFNNIt_A III ION I ROKEKI-S. II M-t If FFRLY I. WINA-IENNINGS I L.M. DANi It. (III IAN BYRON I. Cot KSEY 0927-2014) DARRIII FENNELL 11937.20041 10IIN IL GOULD 11921-196$1 CI INT S- MAI ONE I197d-2(R171 t 11 Ft IAI:11/ 1kill 11[114%IAN This firm represents Snapper Creek Enterprises, LLC, the owner of City Suds car wash located at 921 Sebastian Blvd ("City Suds"). I am also a principal of this company. We learned of the above proposed project today. This correspondence is to note my client's objections to the project, and the adverse, predatory impact it is likely to have on both City Suds and other established business enterprises in the vicinity. I request that you read this correspondence into the record at the public hearing, or note the City Suds objection at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting scheduled for this evening, January 19t". The City Suds car wash was acquired two years ago. At the time of purchase, this facility was a failing business enterprise in an advanced state of disrepair, poorly maintained, and subject to several incidents of vandalism. Since acquisition, Snapper Creek Enterprises has performed extensive renovations and reconditioning of the car wash facility. These efforts include replacing old equipment and systems, repainting, resurfacing asphalt, along with a comprehensive re -landscaping and installation of an irrigation system. This effort was extremely time consuming and expensive, but we believe the effort both improved and enhanced the City Suds facility, to the end that City Suds has become a valued member of the Sebastian business community. Our concern, and a basis for our objection, is the feared negative impact that another car wash facility may have on City Suds business interests. The proposed location of Mr. Clean is less than half a mile from another existing car wash, and less than 2 miles west along the CR-512 roadway from City Suds. it would not appear to serve any useful community purpose to permit a new car wash in such close proximity to existing, established car wash facilities. We cannot speak for the other car wash on US], but I can state that City Suds is not functioning anywhere near its potential customer capacity. Business has improved considerably since City Suds opened, but there is still a long way to go before it reaches optimal customer capacity. The introduction of another car wash facility in such close proximity is just unnecessary. [11077.0000001/4120387/11 E7KAIL RECEIVED tAN 1 q 3 City of S*W"n325 Community Development Dept We are aware that the City has looked unfavorably upon other similar proposals of this nature in the past, and we would urge the City to remain consistent in its denial of this request. Thank you for your consideration. Sincere[ r. Christopher H. Mdrine CHM/mrd Attachments Cc: Snapper Creek Enterprises, LLC [11077.0000001/9120387/13 149 of 325 I Key Demographics I Make CiAW`it 411 JL, Eat"' SITE FUNDAMENTALS Traffic Count Competition Site Visibility Site Retail Draw overall Accessibility excellent great good borderline poor Com etition: *M.U.P = Monthly Unlimited Package Purple Pelican Car Wash Express/SS/IBA Yes www.purplepelicanwash.com 0.001 Caliber Car Wash (Coming) Express Yes www.calibercarwash.com 0.25' 'Classic Car Wash Full-service/detail No www.classiccarwashverobeach.co 16.19, Kiwi Car Wash (Coming) Express Yes www.kiwicarwash.com 16.53 Bill's Car Wash Express Yes www.biliscarwash.com 16.69 Pros: 0 Existing car wash 0 Retail draw Visibility Household income Cons: Market competition (coming) d Access Working population C� Unemployment rates b Growth trends PZC MTCr- RECEIVED 1AN 19 2022 City of Sebastian Community Development Dept. E)PPoNeAJr— 9..4kvANt-nS wWV1lSOnnysDireCt.Com Join Sonny's _-- -- OneWash./ " and Save Toll Free 8OO-327-e723 I Rq: 9,5,11-"720-4100 I Hiatus Road, Tamatw F[. 3�03211 LISP? 150 of 325 Make 'arWashing Easy- .rrw.w�rr� � SUMMARY FINDINGS This 5-mile market has the population density to support an express/flex mode car wash project. There are 27,289 vehicles with one market tunnel competitor (coming). They will be the express model, and they will offer monthly clubs, making it more challenging to take market share from them. The closest out of market competitors are 16+ miles away, so the market may be a little wider. The demographics profile mid -aged families and retirees with some discretionary income. The working population is well below our benchmark (retiree population is 39.7%), and the unemployment rate is above the national average (5.6%), this could affect discretionary spending on non -essential items like car washing. Only 14% of this population base are renters, leaving more "driveways" to compete with. The driveway is still one of a professional car washes biggest competitors. This area is trending marginal 4.3% growth in population and strong 18.0% growth in income over the next 5 years, so it is essentially a mature market. This market has a wide range of incomes, around the location household incomes are also a range. * Household Income Map This location has strong weekly needs retail draw to the area in the Walmart Supercenter and Publix in addition to the other retail in this corridor. Car wash visibility is good from both directions of travel, The access is easy in/out for the northbound traffic pattern. A left turn on/off the site will require a u- turn because of the median divider, this can be a limiting factor. The traffic volume in front of the car wash is good and this traffic pattern is mostly local in make-up. As the only car wash currently in the market, you will have market recognition and a customer base to build on. There is competition coming, they will have to take your market share from you. The viability of that car wash project will be determined by the customer experience and finished product you are giving your customer. If you can lock up this market with monthly clubs and not give them a reason to leave, you should do well. However, the limited "free vacuums" and footprint may be frustrating for your customers opening you up to a competitor. I think the size and strength of your membership program will determine if you just refurbish, add a second tunnel, build one large tunnel, or try to sell the gar wash. www.SonnysDirect.com 3oln Sonny's OneWash vl" and Save Toll Free 800-327-8723 1 Tel: 954-720-41001 Fax: 954-724-4288 15605 Hiatus Road, Tamarac, FL 33321 USA 151 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 3 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 Ms. Kautenburg referred to the statement on Page 8 of the proposed Amendment where it states, "This site is intended to offer single-family attached residential homes and developed in conjunction with the adjacent parcel to offer single-family detached homes." She asked if the statement was correct. Mr. Pittsley stated yes, that these dwellings will be basically villas or duplexes which share a common wall. She opined that every new development that is proposed should have a higher density in order to provide more attainable housing in Sebastian. Ms. Frazier explained that when conceptual planning is addressed for PUDR, that will be the time to talk about clustering and the density that can be attained. Mr. Alvarez asked about ingress and egress for this development. Mr. Pittsley stated the main access is going to be 89'h Street, which is currently in design with the County. Ms. Frazier added that at the corner of Blue Water Bay, which was never developed, there is an access from there, and the applicant has legal access to that road, which will provide a secondary access. Mr. Alvarez called for public input. There was none. At this point, Mr. Alvarez closed the Local Planning Agency hearing and called for a motion. A motion recommending approval of the Small -Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment from County R to City LDR was made by Mr. Lucier and seconded by Ms. Kinchen. Roll Call Ms. Kinchen -- Yes Ms. Battles -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Mr. Lucier -- Yes Mr. Haddix (a) -- Yes Mr. Alvarez -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Vote was 7-0 in favor, unanimous. Motion carries. VII. Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) Quasi -Judicial Hearings A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing -- PZC -- Recommendation to City Council -- Special Use Permit -- Mr. Clean Car Wash -- 200 & 203 Sebastian Boulevard -- Community Redevelopment Area -- Triangle Overlay District -- Commercial General (CG) Zoning District Mr. Alvarez asked all the Commissioners if they had had any ex parte communications regarding this matter. Ms. Kautenburg stated she did have conversations with the current owner of the land. Ms. Kinchen stated she also had communication with the owners in 152 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 4 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 the distant past. Everyone who was to testify was sworn in. Mr. Alvarez called on the applicant to make their presentation. Mary Solik, 121 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1500, Orlando, Florida introduced herself as legal counsel for Guggenheim Development Services, who is the applicant on this project. She stated she is presenting the Mister Clean project this evening for special use approval. She introduced those who accompanied her. She stated they may or may not speak depending on what questions are asked. Jessie Kent and Preston Miner are with Guggenheim; Teresa Curry is with Axis Infrastructure as the Project Engineer; Sean McGovern is with Mr. Clean Car Wash who is going to be the proposed tenant on this project. Guggenheim is the contract purchaser of the property, and the sellers, the Brognanos, and the broker and their attorney are all here as well. Ms. Solik reviewed her history of doing land -use work throughout the State of Florida. She reviewed her interpretation of some of the items set forth in the staff report. She reviewed the history of this property and suggested the benefits that this proposed project will bring to the City. She stated that this project is consistent with the Commercial General zoning on the property and the Mixed Use, future land use. She called on Mr. Sean McGovern who is with the Mister Clean project, and he will explain what the project is, and present examples of other car washes they have developed in other communities. He will also address the architectural style of the building. Mr. Sean McGovern introduced himself as the CEO of Carnett's Management Company, the parent company of Mr. Clean Car Wash, and described the history of the business and the product they offer. He showed photos that described examples of their buildings (SEE ATTACHED). He described how the water is processed and recycled. Ms. Solik addressed the subject of a market analysis, which she opined is not necessary. She also showed slides of maps on the monitor and described what is shown on the maps. She talked about the surrounding businesses and how the proposed project is compatible with those surrounding businesses. She reviewed differences with the staff report as written. Mr. Alvarez called on staff for their findings and analyses. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the process for applications such as these for the new members of the Commission and what items the Commission can consider relating to applications such as the one presented tonight. She also reviewed the history of the creation of the Triangle area and suggestions made in the past as to what would be acceptable in that area. She also reviewed the items that the Commission shall consider in making their recommendations that are contained in the staff report. She stated that staff recommends that the Commission 153 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 5 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 hold this hearing, consider the questions that staff has asked in the staff report, and make recommendations to City Council to either approve, approve with conditions, or deny. If the Commissioners deny, she will ask that the Commissioners state the reasons for denial for the record. Mr. Alvarez opened the floor to anyone wishing to speak or ask questions advocating approval. Jonathan Rhodeback, Dill, Evans and Rhodeback, 1565 US Highway 1, Sebastian, Florida. He represents the owners of the property that is at issue: Todd, William, and Dan Brognano; He is not speaking on behalf of the applicant tonight. He reviewed the history of his clients owning the property for approximately 20 years. The property has been for sale for that entire time. The project that is put before the Commission tonight is the only project that has been put forth. There have been other feelers put out for uses for this property, but the Brognanos did not bring those matters before the City. He reviewed the history of the Brognanos and their businesses here in Sebastian. He opined that this project, is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. It meets the requirements of the City's special use permit, and the overarching goal according to the Comprehensive Plan is vitality and redevelopment. He gave some background as to the condition of the property over the years. He described the entity that is proposing this project and the positive effects it will have on the City. He asked that the Commission approve referral of this application to City Council. There being no one else appearing in favor of the project, Mr. Alvarez called on anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the project. Bryson Arvanitis, Sebastian. He is the owner of the Purple Pelican Carwash. He is rebranding to Pelican Express. He has been planning to do this for approximately a year and a half. He described the business when he purchased it. He planned to renovate this site with new equipment, etc. He stated that when Dirty Dogs, which is about 500 feet south of his business, wanted to build an express tunnel he decided to do a site analysis. He provided copies of that site analysis to the Commissioners (SEE ATTACHED) and reviewed it. He also described the other carwashes in the area. At this point, Mr. Alvarez read a letter received from Gould, Cooksey and Fennell, the firm who represents Snapper Creek Enterprises, LLC, the owner of City Suds Car Wash (SEE ATTACHED) and sets forth their objections to the application being addressed at this meeting. Ronald Adamson, 564 Balboa Street, Sebastian, reviewed the history of his application for a business in the Triangle area in 1997. He had presented a conceptual drawing, and 154 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 6 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 City Council rejected it, saying that there will never be a car wash in the Triangle. He opined that at that time the City already had in mind what could go in on that property. Patti Baisley, 442 Briarcliff Circle, Ashbury Subdivision, directly behind where the proposed building is going to be located. She added that she is next to a grammar school, and she does not feel that the City needs another car wash or another Dollar Store or another auto parts store right next to the children attending that school. Georgeanne McCluskey, 138 Briarcliff Circle, Ashbury Subdivision, Sebastian. She has been in Sebastian for 14 years and loves it. She addressed the impact on traffic if this project is completed and opined that it will make the intersection where the Ashbury residents enter and leave their development more congested. She asked that more thought be put into this application. Alan Baisley, 442 Briarcliff Circle, Sebastian. He opined that Sebastian does not need another car wash. The aesthetics will have a negative impact on the neighborhood. The runoff of water from the business will contain various chemicals. He added that it will have a negative impact on the Lagoon, which is a very sensitive environment. He suggested various other negative impacts. Mr. Alvarez called on the applicant to address items raised by the public. Mr. Sean McGovern spent considerable time addressing the pros and cons of the proposed project. Ms. Solik added to what Mr. McGovern discussed. Mr. Alvarez then called on the staff to summarize. Ms. Bosworth emphasized that only the use is being considered with this application. If the use is approved, then the applicant will have to meet the Code regarding parking, landscaping, stormwater, etc. as well as a traffic analysis. She read into the record from the staff report as to what considerations should be given in making the Commissioners' recommendation to City Council. The recommendation as stated in the Staff Report at Number 11 is as follows: Staff advised the Planning and Zoning Commission to review the staff report, exhibits, application submittal materials, and the detailed considerations. Per LDC, Section 54-2- 3.1(a)(2)d, the PZ Commission shall indicate whether, in their opinion, the proposed special use meets the above Finding of Facts. The PZ Commission shall then make a recommendation to City Council to: • Approve the Special Use Permit request • Approve the request with conditions 155 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 7 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 • Deny the request. Ms. Bosworth added that there is a concern with the number of vacuum stations and how noise may be an issue, and staff has suggested that, as a condition of approval, the number of stations may be reduced. Staff feels that the car wash is too similar in nature to vehicular service and maintenance and auto sales uses and that, therefore, it does not conform with the provisions of the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle District. If this application is approved, staff will ensure that it does meet all of the conditions of the Overlay District with regards to architecture, signage, landscaping, and site plan requirements. Staff feels that it is not consistent with the Code of Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan. She asked that, when the commissioners make their motion, they address those items that they feel do or do not meet the criteria that are required by their recommendation. Mr. Alvarez called for a 5-minute recess. Upon return from the recess, all members were present. Mr. Alvarez called for deliberations by the Commissioners. Ms. Battles had several questions for the applicant and is aware of the concerns of the applicant as to the City staff procedures. She is also aware that the staff is very detailed in their reviews. She asked Ms. Bosworth if the staff has any history of other special use applications that have since been approved or denied in the Triangle District since the removal of vehicular uses wording was implemented. Ms. Bosworth said no. The Firehouse Garage was the impetus that had a previous council stating that this is not really what is wanted in the gateway to the downtown area. Sherwin-Williams and the O'Reilly business are considered retail stores, so they were included in the permitted uses for Commercial General. Ms. Battles then asked if it is fair to say that all of the uses that the applicant mentioned in its presentation would not have been special uses because they were either done before or are uses that were permitted. Ms. Bosworth agreed. She also stated that some of the uses that the applicant noted were not in the Triangle; they were in the Community Redevelopment Area but not in the Sebastian Triangle. Mr. McGovern then answered several other questions of Ms. Battles regarding this project. Ms. Curry and Ms. Solik also answered several questions. Ms. Battles recalled that the applicant had estimated that this car wash could handle up to 120 cars per hour, and she asked how many trips are being estimated. Mr. McGovern stated that this facility is designed to run between 120 and 150 cars an hour. However, that is not what they typically see. Typical is anywhere from 20 to 40 cars. Teresa Curry spoke on behalf of the applicant as to trip generations that are calculated. She estimated the number of cars during what hours and days of the week. Ms. Battles asked what is the number of trips that are anticipated for this business as well as what percentage of those are being 156 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 8 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 currently served, and they are now going to come to your car wash. Mr. McGovern said businesses typically generate additional customers because it's a product that is not currently available in many markets. Ms. Battles asked how the applicant would say their business is different from other car wash businesses. Mr. McGovern elaborated on how the proposed car wash is different from the car washes that are currently in Sebastian. Mr. McGovern described what services they provide, and they are provided quickly compared to others. Ms. Battles asked the applicant to explain specifically how the car wash complies with the Master Plan verbiage that says, "Concepts created within this plan will create a vibrant small-town neighborhood within this area that integrates well into the adjacent residential community." She said that is the part that she is having trouble with. Ms. Solik stated the property is commercially zoned, and this is more of a personal services business that will serve the residential community that surrounds it with a product that is not currently available. She pointed out that the O'Reilly Auto store does perform small repairs and services in the parking lot. Mr. Haddix addressed the aesthetics of a proposed car wash. How does a car wash aesthetically accomplish the goal of aesthetics of a multi -use facility that caters to perhaps more options available than a single car wash. Ms. Solik said that the applicant will meet the architectural design guidelines of the district as was done on Sherwin-Williams and the O'Reilly auto store. Mr. Haddix spoke to the estimated number of cars that will be served, and it was estimated at 20 to 40 cars an hour. He asked where these numbers come from and what kind of population does this refer to. Mr. McGovern said it is based on historical data. Similar markets, similar traffic counts, similar residential density, similar competition. They do not look for properties that will not be of benefit to them. Mr. Haddix stated he also does not want to see more abandoned buildings in Sebastian. Ms. Lorusso had questions about the history of the Firehouse Garage, which Ms. Bosworth addressed. Ms. Lorusso is doubtful as to the need for another car wash, which Mr. McGovern addressed. Ms. Bosworth added that the issue of this being a single - purpose building is also a concern of staff. Ms. Lorusso stated she has been here for 20+ years, and she has not seen one car wash very busy. She questioned where the applicant's figures came from, opining that Sebastian is going to support another car wash. Mr. McGovern said they are bringing a product to Sebastian that is not in your market right now. Ms. Bosworth stated staff supports free enterprise, but the concern is that, because of saturation there would be too many single -purpose buildings that would become empty if car washes go out of business. Ms. Battles asked if the applicant would speak to the single -purpose buildings. Ms. Solik asked if the concerns are for this building or the existing car washes. Ms. Battles said any of them. Ms. Solik described that the existing car washes are concrete block, bay —they are not enclosed buildings. They are easily demolished and the site made ready for a different product. 157 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 9 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 Ms. Kautenburg stated she is conflicted regarding this project. She reviewed the purpose for this meeting. She was present for all of the discussions in the past regarding the Triangle. She does not see the need for another car wash. She opined that the only positive result of another car wash is that the City will have an increase in the tax base. She does not see anyone from the public speaking in favor of the car wash. She said the City needs to be careful about having abandoned buildings in the City. She stated the Commission needs to be cautious about going around the zoning in order to create something of the moment. She asked why install a product that can wash 120 cars an hour when the estimate is for only 20 to 40 cars an hour. Mr. McGovern said it is getting the job done more quickly and more efficiently and being a better steward of the water by setting the equipment up to move that quickly. Mr. Lucier asked about the size and position of the building on the property as well as noise from the business. Mr. McGovern addressed those questions. Ms. Kinchen thinks the proposed project is a positive for the City. She does have concerns about the number of additional car washes potentially coming to Sebastian, but she does not see this car wash as competition, as it is going to be totally different from the car washes presently in Sebastian. Mr. Alvarez asked about the number of employees as well as the water that will be needed. He is concerned about protecting the resources of the City. Mr. McGovern stated that professional car washes are a steward of water. Mr. Alvarez also questioned the number of employees that are proposed for the car wash. Mr. McGovern listed what the employees' jobs are. Ms. Bosworth responded to something that was brought up in the discussion of the Triangle about the development —that there really only has two businesses built out so far over all those years. She did state that the Triangle is varied still, and it is a condition of when it was added in the CRA, a lot of why those properties are in there. That is why there is this Master Plan. It was mentioned that the City's compound was 4.6 acres, which is one of the largest parcels. For consideration, now that the compound has been relocated, that property most likely will be up for redevelopment. All it is going to take is one development to get that Triangle going, and others will follow through. A lot of those properties east of the American Legion are residential areas with old mobile homes. They are slowly leaving that area, and there is vacant property there. So, the Triangle is still very open for redevelopment. For consideration, is the car wash going to be an impetus to bring future development into the Triangle or a deterrent? Is this going to push 158 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 10 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 development such as townhouses in the Triangle as envisioned in the Master Plan, or cause them to shy away? She opines that that should be part of the consideration too now that the former public works property is going to be available for redevelopment. Ms. Battles, similar to what Ms. Kautenburg had stated, she also feels very conflicted. She is very much pro development, but she does not know if it is the right use in the right location. Ms. Lorusso has used the single -serve tunnel in Vero Beach. Mr. Alvarez clarified that he thinks the building is beautiful, and the applicant might have a great product, but the area is the sticking point for the City. He is concerned for the future of the City. Deliberation having been completed Mr. Alvarez called for a motion. A motion not to recommend to City Council the approval of a special use permit for Mr. Clean Car Wash, 200-203 Sebastian Boulevard, Community Redevelopment Area, Triangle Overlay District, Commercial General (CG) Zoning District was made by Mr. Carter and seconded by Ms. Battles. Roll Call Mr. Lucier -- No Mr. Alvarez -- Yes Mr. Haddix -- Yes Ms. Battles -- Yes Vote was 5 ayes and 2 nays. Motion carries. Ms. Kinchen -- No Mr. Carter -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Ms. Bosworth clarified that this was the recommendation to City Council, and it will be forwarded along with the Minutes to City Council. That meeting has been tentatively scheduled for February 22^ City Council will also have a public hearing for consideration, and then they will make the final decision. B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing -- PZC -- Recommendation to City Council -- Special Use Permit -- Take 5 Car Wash -- 1979 U.S. Highway #1 -- Community Redevelopment Area -- Riverfront Overlay District -- Commercial Riverfront (CR) Zoning District Mr. Alvarez asked the Commissioners if they have had any ex parte communication 159 of 325 RESOLUTION NO. R-23-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT PURSUANT TO LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 54-2-3.1 FOR A CAR WASH FACILITY TO BE LOCATED AT 200 AND 203 SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD WITHIN THE TRIANGLE OVERLAY DISTRICT'S CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) ZONING DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVERNER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EXPIRATION DATE. WHEREAS, Guggenheim Development Services, LLC has filed an application for approval of a special use permit to operate a commercial car wash on the properties located at 200 & 203 Sebastian Boulevard in the Commercial General zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a quasi-judicial public hearing on January 19, 2023, and recommended denial of the special use permit by a vote of five (5) to two (2); NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, as follows: Section 1. FINDINGS. The City Council of the City of Sebastian does hereby find: a. The requested car wash use will not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare, or be injurious to other properties or improvements within the immediate vicinity in which the property is located based on criteria established in the Land Development Code; and b. The proposed car wash would be consistent with the purpose and intent of the respective district, and can be demonstrated to be similar in nature and compatible with the uses allowed in such district; and C. The requested use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code of Ordinances. Section 2. SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL. The City Council of the City of Sebastian does hereby approve a special use permit for Guggenheim Development Services, LLC to construct and operate a car wash facility at 200 & 203 Sebastian Boulevard, subject to the following 160 of 325 special conditions: (1) A reduction in the number of vacuum stations (2) Submittal of a noise analysis (3) Industry standard recommended noise reduction measures are required for the car wash equipment; (4) Addition of increased landscape buffers for both noise reduction, and gateway enhancement, i.e. a combination of walls & landscaping, increased height of landscape buffers, increased number of trees, etc. (5) Hours of operation limited at nighttime (6) The building design must meet the Triangle Overlay District's requirements (same as the Riverfront Overlay District) regarding architecture, colors, and landscaping, but enhanced to also meet the CRA Master Plan intentions Section 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section or part of a section of this Resolution is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the validity, force and effect of any other section or part of a section of this Resolution shall not thereby be affected or impaired unless it clearly appears that such other section or part of a section of this Resolution is wholly or necessarily dependent upon the section or part of a section so held to be invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4. CONFLICT. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this resolution may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of the City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Section 7. EXPIRATION DATE. The special use permit will expire three years from the date of the effective date if construction of the facility has not yet begun. The foregoing Resolution was moved for The motion was adoption by Councilmember seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put into a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice -Mayor Christopher Nunn Councilmember Kelly Dixon Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Bob McPartlan 2 161 of 325 The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 22ND day of February 2023. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk Approved as to form and content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Manny Anon, Jr., City Attorney CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Mayor Fred Jones 3 162 of 325 On iv HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meetine Date: February 22, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Resolution R-23-06 — Request for a Special Use Permit — Take 5 Express Car Wash — 1979 U.S. Highway #1 Recommendation: Hold a quasi-judicial public hearing to consider granting the requested Special Use Permit Backeround: Driven Brands has requested a Special Use Permit for a property located at 1979 US Highway #1 (site of the empty World Savings Bank) within the Riverfront Overlay District in the CR (Commercial Riverfront) zoning district to construct and operate a car wash facility with a proposed 4,276 SF car wash tunnel building along with 3 queuing lanes and pay kiosks, 18 canopied vacuum stations, and 8 employee parking spaces. A Special Use Permit is necessary when a use, such as a car wash, is not specifically provided for in any of our Land Development Code zoning districts. As required by code, staff has reviewed the application and prepared a staff report. The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on January 19, 2023, and made a recommendation to City Council to deny the Special Use Permit by a vote of four (4) to three (3). The same materials that the PZ Commission reviewed is being presented to Council for their consideration, along with items presented to them at the hearing. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: Total Cost: N/A Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Attachments: 1. Staff Report + Exhibits 2. Applicant's Presentation (from PZC hearing) 3. Minutes of PZC 1/19/23 hearing 4. Resolution R-23-06 Administrative Service City Attorney Review: Procurement Division City Manager Authorization: Date: . 163 of 325 LP AF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Special Use Procedures As detailed in Section 54-2-3.1 of the Land Development Code, a special use is a use which is not specifically provided for in the zoning regulations. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council may permit such uses in such zoning districts or classifications as special uses only if the applicant meets specific provisions and conditions deemed appropriate. City Council may, in its sole discretion, grant a special use permit in any district for a use which is not provided for in the zoning regulations. All such uses shall not be otherwise illegal, shall not be specifically prohibited pursuant to the comprehensive plan or other applicable laws or regulations, and shall satisfy the findings of fact outlined in Section 54-2-3.1(a)(3) of the Land Development Code. Procedurally, staff has reviewed the application to determine its recommendation. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a public hearing and shall indicate whether, in their opinion, the proposed special use meets the required findings of facts (Section 54-2-3.1(a)(3) noted above) and review criteria established in Section 54-2-6.2(d). The Planning and Zoning Commission shall then make a recommendation to City Council to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application for the special use. The City Council shall then hold a public hearing, review the findings of facts and review criteria, and by resolution approve or deny the application. Community Development Department Special Use — Staff Report 1. Project Name: Take 5 Express Car Wash 2. Requested Action: Approval of a Special Use Permit application to allow development of a commercial Car Wash facility which includes a 4,276 SF automated carwash tunnel building, three (3) queuing lanes and pay kiosks, eighteen (18) canopied vacuum stations, and ten (10) parking spaces in addition to required stormwater, utilities, and landscaping to be located at the requested site. 3. 3. Project Location: a. Address: 1979 US Highway 1 b. Legal: That portion of Lot 27, lying West of U.S. Highway No. 1, of the Plat of Wauregan Subdivision, as more specifically described by metes and bounds on the survey performed by Southeastern Surveying & Mapping Corporation 164 of 325 4. 5. 6. C. Parcel #: 30-38-21-00001-0000-00026.2 Applicant: Driven Brands c/o Rebecca McAllister 440 S. Church Street, Suite 700 Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Rebecca.McAllister@drivenbrands.com (281) 660-9583 Property Owner: Project Description: Roc & Ax Holdings, LLC Lisa D'Amico, Representative 3860 Windmill Lake Road Weston, Florida 33332 lisardamico@aol.com (954) 592-4699 a. Narrative of proposed action: Application has been made for approval of a special use permit to allow a 4,276 SF carwash facility on improved property located on U.S. Highway #1 within the Riverfront Overlay District. The proposed site is the location of the empty World Savings Bank, which is adjacent and south of the Wal-Mart Super Center, and north of the IRC Satellite office building. The existing bank would be demolished if a car wash facility is developed. If the special use permit is approved, a final, detailed site plan application would then follow. The current request is for approval of the carwash use only. b. Current Zoning and Land Use: C. Land Use: Riverfront Mixed Use (RMU) Zoning: Commercial Riverfront (CR) Adjacent Properties: Zoning Current Land Use Future Land Use North CR Retail RMU East PS Cemetery INS South CR Offices & Retail RMU West CR Stormwater & FEC RR RMU Site Characteristics: (1) Project Area: Total Area 1.16 acres 2 165 of 325 (2) (3) (4) 7. Staff Comments: Current Land Use: Water Service: Sanitary Sewer Service: Empty building Indian River County Utilities Indian River County Utilities Earlier last year, staff was approached by Rogue Architects, Inc., representing Driven Brands/Take 5 Express Car Wash, regarding re -development of an empty bank site located at 1979 US Highway #1 for an automated carwash facility. Because the LDC does not have specific regulations regarding carwash uses, approval of a special use permit is needed before development of the site could be applied for. During a Pre -Application zoom meeting held on September 20, 2022 with Rogue Architects and Pennoni Associates (project engineers), staff confirmed that car washes were not considered a Vehicle Service and Maintenance use, which are allowed as Conditional uses in the Commercial Riverfront (CR) zoning District. Staff also disclosed that important issues that would need to be considered and should be addressed in their application submittal were the close proximity to existing car washes, the amount of existing car washes already in operation, and compliance with the Riverfront Overlay District's architectural regulations. The special use permit application was received on December 6, 2022, and included a narrative and justification memorandum, proposed architectural elevation renderings, a survey, and a conceptual site plan (EXHIBIT Al thru A5). No other supportinE, documents. including a market analysis or noise analysis. were submitted with the application. Staff has reviewed the submitted information and offers the following for consideration: • Proximity to Existing Car Wash Facilities & Market Analysis Currently, there are three (3) fully operational commercial car wash facilities located within the city limits. The distance from the proposed location of the Take 5 Express Car Wash to these existing car wash sites would be: a. 1,088f Lineal Feet from 13020 US Highway #1, or .2 miles b. 8,887f LF from 509 US Highway #1, or 1.6 miles c. 18,310± LF from 921 Sebastian Boulevard, or 3.5 miles Two additional proposed car wash facilities have submitted applications, one in Sebastian city limits, and one across the street within Indian River County's jurisdiction. The distance of the proposed Take 5 Car Wash to these sites would be: d. 602f LF from 12950 US Highway #1, or .11 miles e. 10,062f LF from 200/203 Sebastian Blvd., or 1.8 miles The car wash application for 12950 US Highway #1 is being processed by the county on property zoned Commercial Limited where car washes are a permitted use. A site plan application for a Dirty Dogs Car Wash is currently under review by county planning staff (EXHIBIT B). If the car wash use is approved for the Take 5 Express site at 1979 US Highway #1, there would be three car wash facilities within 1100 LF of each other. (EXHIBIT C) 3 166 of 325 Sebastian's current population is approx. 25,600. Industry standards indicate that one express carwash will service 20,000-25,000 residents. Other articles written by car wash experts state "Competing carwashes in a three-mile radius must be seriously considered." (EXHIBIT D) Take 5 Express Car Wash may suggest that the special use should be granted because they will be offering a better car washing experience. This may be beneficial to the residents, but should be outweighed by the possibly that one or more of the existing car washes may be forced out of business. This occurrence happens in the business community. However, what is not commonplace, is that these types of facilities are considered single -purpose buildings. In the event that one of the businesses decides to relocate or goes out of business, the building could potentially remain empty and become obsolete, especially if two carwashes are nearby each other. The structure would be difficult, or financially burdensome, to convert to a different, permitted use, i.e. an office, or restaurant. This concern is also discussed in Exhibit D. The applicant did not submit anv data or information that the City o1'Sebastian could support 4. 5. 6. or even 7 operational car washes. FOR CONSIDERATION: 1)Does the proximity of three car washes, with their numerous vacuum stations, and their sites adjacent or across the street from the large Walmart parking lot, affect this area of the US #1 corridor regarding the city's vision of Old Florida Fishing Village and downtown development? Or 2) Does the existing and proposed car wash competition for Sebastian's population pose a large enough risk that if approved, the Take 5 Car Wash, or Dirty Dogs, or the existing Purple Pelican Car Wash may go out of business, and the US #1 commercial corridor within the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) could end up with an empty, or even two empty single -purpose buildings & sites becoming blighted and abandoned? And 3) Does the proximity of three car washes within 1100 SF of each other affect the welfare of each of the individual car washes, but specifically the existing car wash? • Site History The proposed location is the site of the empty World Savings Bank, which was approved and built in 1999. Because of the proximity of the property to Walmart's southern US #1 driveway (less than 35 feet), FDOT would not issue the bank its own driveway permit. As such, access had to be arranged from the Walmart site with Walmart dedicating an access easement in exchange for specific use restrictions of the bank property, liability guarantees, and other agreed upon provisions. The executed document stipulates that Walmart must approve any change of use to the bank site in order to continue access from their parking area. Staff requested that the car wash use be approved by Walmart in writing prior to scheduling a pre -application meeting. Walmart's approval was received on August 22, 2022. (EXHIBIT E) The conceptual site plan (Exhibit A3) was not reviewed in detail, as it is not the subject of the application. However, from a cursory review of the proposal, it appears that the existing onsite stormwater retention areas are not remaining, but new proposed areas are not shown on the plan. The lake to the west of the property is the stormwater pond for Walmart, and is not a master retention area for surrounding properties. 4 167 of 325 FOR CONSIDERATION: If the special use permit is approved, the Take 5 car wash site plan will need to provide onsite stormwater treatment areas on its own property, unless an arrangement and a drainage easement is agreed upon with Walmart, and capacity data and information is submitted and reviewed by SJRWMD. • Proposed Elevations & Conceptual Site Plan As discussed at the pre -application meeting, the proposed car wash facility would be located in the Riverfront Overlay District. The architectural design of the proposed building does not meet the requirements that have been established for the Riverfront District. Specifically, commercial prototype architecture such as flat roofs is prohibited, as shown in the applicant's proposed elevations (Exhibit A2). The intent of the Riverfront Overlay District was to encourage "Old Florida Fishing Village" architectural styles. • Noise The proposed location is not adjacent to any residential districts or uses, and noise levels, at this time, do not appear to be a concern. However, if the special use permit is approved, staff would suggest that industry standard recommended noise reduction measures be required for the tunnel and vacuum equipment. 8. Required findings of fact (Section 54-2-3.1(a)(3): a. The approval of the application for a special use will not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare, or be injurious to other properties or improvements within the immediate vicinity in which the property is located based on criteria established in Article VI; Consideration of the information supplied by the applicant and discussed in staff s report should be used to determine if the location and operation of the proposed car wash facility will affect the wel are of the adjacent residents and surrounding business community. If the special use is approved, the Dublic health and safety matters will be addressed via a fully engineered site plan that must be submitted for review and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Any conditions of approval for the special use required by City Council would need to be implemented into the site plan. The site plan review will include drainage, parking, traffic, and landscaping requirements. b. The use requested is consistent with the purpose and intent of the respective district, and can be demonstrated to be similar in nature and compatible with the uses allowed in such district; The car wash facility use, considered in general, is consistent with the intent of the commercial district, as demonstrated by the approval of the other existing car washes and their special use requests. All are located in commercial districts. However, it is the proposed location and its proximity to two other car wash facilities that must be considered to determine if this car wash facility is still 5 168 of 325 considered a compatible use within the district. Each special use request should be considered on its own merits. C. The requested use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code of Ordinances. The use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code of Ordinances. 9. Conditions of approval (Section 54-2-3.1W(4): In approving an application for a special use under this section, the City Council may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, substantially secure the objectives and intent of the zoning regulations. If the special use permit is recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, staff suggests specific conditions of approval regarding the following matters are forwarded to City Council: a. Industry standard recommended noise reduction measures required for the car wash equipment b. The proposed architectural rendering for the car wash is revised to meet all of the design and color criteria of the Riverfront Overlay District requirements c. Any other applicable conditions as required by the PZ Commission and/or City Council 10. Plannina and Zoning_ Commission findings (Section 54-2-6.2(d): Any approval with or without conditions shall be rendered only after a finding by the Planning and Zoning Commission that the proposed use satisfies the following criteria: (1). Is so designed, located and proposed to be operated so that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. See discussion as stated in 48a above (2). Does not present an unduly adverse effect upon other properties in the impacted area in which it is located. This must be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. (3). Based on the scale, intensity and operation of the use, shall not generate unreasonable noise, traffic, congestion, or other potential nuisances or hazards to contiguous residential properties. The proposed site does not abut nor contiguous to residential properties 6 169 of 325 (4). Conforms to all applicable provisions of the district in which the use is to be located. If approved, site plan review will insure conformity to all applicable provisions of the Land Development Code, Commercial Riverfront Zoning District regulations, the Riverfront Overlay District, and include conditions that may be imposed by approval of a special use permit. (5). Satisfies specific criteria stipulated for the respective conditional use described in this article. There are no specific criteria stipulated in the Land Development Code for a car wash facility. If approval is granted, conditions suggested by staff have been provided. (6). Is consistent with the Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan. The use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code of Ordinances. 11. Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Commission held a quasi-judicial public hearing on January 190', 2023, and by a vote of 4-3, passed a motion to recommend that City Council deny the special use permit request. Pursuant to Sections 54-2-3. 1 (a)(2)e and (a)(3), City Council shall hold a quasi-judicial public hearing, and after consideration of the materials presented by the applicant and staff, and in consideration of the Findings of Fact and criteria discussed in Sections 8 and 10 of the staff report, the Council may: Approve Resolution R-23-06 granting the Special Use Permit with conditions; or Approve Resolution R-23-06 without conditions; or Deny the Special Use Permit request C-4w-*(]� . Ak&4r-1 AWvtA Community Development Department 7 170 of 325 EXHIBITAI TO: Nan'ative and J — ushfication FROM; City of Sebastian planning and Zoning DATE: Jason Sheridan, pE SUBJECT..November 22, 2022 Take 5 Car Wash Sebastian Driven Brands is pro Proposed develo proposing to construct a car Walm pirient area is 50 703 Wash facility Parking lot to the north square feet (1 16 acres)t 1979 US Highway 1 Sebastian Proposed developmenta stormu'ater and is bound b an Florida.supporting will consist of a Pond to the west Y US The su g utili 4,276 s Highv'a spinfrastnictcon including ofsquare foot ' and a step mall to the south t° the east, car w existing driveway to the west. storrnwater mana ash, vacuum bays The Bement. The Ys' parking lot, and The current zoningproposed site will includes and future land utilize the With the Vehicular Service and use for the site is community comprehensive plan Maintenance. The Proposed Take 5 rfront. Land Develo and bulk density P p°sed Take $ The conditional uses listed attenuation. Development Code, Stormwater t3'standards listed ' Car wash was Proposed Take 5 management in Sec. 54-2-5 designed to comply the current Bement w111 be desi 4 of the Ci drive in bank will Car Wash will produce 78 Bned to provide ty of Sebastian Produce 391 week v'�kda Water quality and �Y trips, Y �ps, while the trips generated by 1!�nnon- DRV13R2202a _ Take S Car Wash Sebastian 172 of 325 CDOF A5 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET t, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 E www.cityofsebaslian.org ! I Accessory Structure Reviewed by P1Z I_, Conditional Use Permit (Commercial) Li Administrative Variance (Fence or septic System) C Conditional Use Permit (Model Homes) Li Easement (Abandonment) L Board of Adjustment (Appeal) iKl Special Use PermitlSpecial Exception I.: Board of Adjustment (variance) Project Name:Take 5 Car Wash Sebastian Total Site Area: 50,703 SF or 1.16 Acres Acres\SF Parcel 1D: 30382100001000000026.2 Address of site: 1979 US Highway 1 Sebastian, FL 32958 Proposed Use: Car Wash Land Use: Commercial Applicant Name: Driven Brands POC: Rebecca McAllister Zoning:Commercial Riverfront (Clf ) Address: 440 South Church St, Suite 700 Charlotte, NC 28202 lTelephone: (281) 660-9583 Email. Rebecca.McAllister@drivenbrands.com rApplicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) IOwner: Roc & Ax Holdings LLC { Address: 3860 Windmill Lake Rd Weston, FI 33332 Telephone: C15H - s9Q _ 4699 Email: L l S&r Hann I L 0 An - Lo M Date Received: 12. Qj 1.X Fee Paid: I5`00 -do Received by: _ `+ FORM D 176 of 325 f Surveyor: James E. Mazurak, PSM A5 I_ r Address: 6500 All American Boulevard Orlando, FL 32810-4350 Telephone: (407) 292-8580 Email: info@southeasternsurveying.com Engineer: Jason Sheridan, PE Address:5755 Rio Vista Drive Clearwater, FL 33760 Telephone: (727) 325-1257 Email: jsheridan@pennoni.com Pre - Application Meeting Date: 09/20/2022 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT: Ground up construction of a Take 5 Car Wash with supporting parking, stormwater management, and utilities f SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of approval does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. /a i, 1 S G' !J ►—i M r cs l.J�,. \' l 1 t ��l a Print name Signature Date Notary: STATE OF: COUNTY: V- 1 u I hereby certify that on I ) _ G 1 , 20_4 personally appeared CC �� l ✓ M' who is personally known to me or has produced identification. Type o f,jI ftification produced: d e-J, to Dtz-1 Ve i" L.0 rC.r t- 117 ORO �!40" [SEAL] �2�N Notary Public My Commission Expires: C'T&-l\ 3 : j 6 .. Ogobra►/3, ZOQb Oni s o,`• FORM D 1 177 of 325 t COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET a SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 , www.c;r-: otsebasiian.orr APPLICATION FEES: $100 Accessory Structure Reviewed by Planning & Zoning $100 Administrative Variance (Fence or Septic System) $200 Board of Adjustment (Appeal) $200 Board of Adjustment (variance) $250 Conditional Use Permit (Model Home) $150 Model Home Renewal (annually) $250 Easement (Abandonment) $450 Conditional Use Permit $500 Special Use Permit/Special Exception "APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE UPON PAYMENT TO THE CITY** DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED FOR APPLICATION REVIEW (AS APPLICABLE): ® Five (5) Sets of 24x36 plans IN Five (5) Boundary and Topographic Surveys ® Building Elevations and Floor Plans ® Warranty Deed for all owners and/or Notarized Letter of Authorization X Electronic Copy - Complete Submittal 2 Applicable Jurisdictional Permits Additional documents may be required. View the applicable Land Development Code and Code of Ordinances for more information. • Accessory Structures: Sec. 54-2-7.5 • Administrative Variance —Fence: Sec. 54-2-7.7. • Administrative Variance — Septic System: Sec. 50-1. • Board of Adjustment — Appeal: Sec. 46-35 • Board of Adjustment —Variance: Sec. 46-36 • Conditional Use Permit — Commercial & Model Homes: Sec. 54-2-6.4 • Special Use Permit/Special Exception: Sec. 54-2-3.1 ADDITIONAL FEES mill EMLM -------.. wm. ._`mm"". d. a — .. ..-...ram+ ai�ai—�u.+ya�air�- i_L. __L.. _Ip :�TF.Nam­_.r Should the review process be delayed by the applicant for longer than 6 months, re -submittal will be - required consistent with current regulations and fees. The applicant,owner shall have 1 year from the approval date to commence construction of all or any phase. , If the site plan expires, the applicant/owner must re -apply for a new review with applicable fees. An a • extension may be requested for additional fees. —L .�..Li�= +��. i _�uiL �i .. ■ -- — ....— --��. ...�.... ---�. i�.�+'i_ t AA—)L'-IAIWL n FORM D 178 of 325 EXHIBIT B INDIAN RIVER COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1801 27th Street, Vero Beach FL 32960 772-226-1237 / 772-978-1806 fax www.ircgov.com October 06, 2022 RICK J PELLHUM P.E. ATWELL LLC 1800 PARKWAY PL SUITE 700 MARIETTA, GA 30067 RE: Project Name: DIRTY DOGS CAR WASH FKA CALIBER CAR WASH Project Number: 2003040050 Application Description: +/- 3,766 SQ. FT. TUNNEL CAR WASH WITH 16 VACUUM STALLS (CUSTOMER PAID) Application Number: 93404 Tax ID#: 30-38-21-00001-0000-00024.0 Site address/Location: 12950 US HIGHWAY 1 LOT 1 SEBASTIAN FL 32958 Dear Mr. Pellhum: Please find the following staff comments from the recently held formal pre -application conference on the above referenced proposal: (PL3) - PLANNING: CURRENT DEVELOPMENT 1. The plans provided do not show enough detail and does not provide any site data (except for parking numbers) for Planning Staff to provide detailed comments. The comments generated will be general comments. 2. Provide all required site data (setbacks, min. open space, max. building coverage, etc.) on the Site Plan with formal submittal. Be advised without a complete site data table it is difficult to provide feedback on the required zoning parameters (building coverage, open space, etc.). 3. The site is within the Roseland Corridor District which has specific design criteria for building colors, materials, design, site lighting, landscaping, signage, etc. Refer to section 911.21 of the County's Land Development Regulations (LDRs) for specific details. Colorized building elevations are required to determine compliance with corridor standards. This includes founding plantings, which are required. 4. Provide a location map showing the general location of the site depicted on a roadway map (scale shall be adequate to cover a region of the county). -) ' 9' K' ')�- -PC-- 179 of 325 EXHIBIT D DULTMEIER SALES BLOG, Published 12/20/17, by Jeff Hansen — HOW TO START A CAR WASH Everything You Need to Know About Starting a Car Wash Revenue Projections Our experience tells us that it takes a population of about 1000-1500 people to support a single self - serve bay car wash. Therefore, one can conclude that a town of 5000 people will support a total of 5 self -serve bays — between ALL competitors. Given the current population level of the United States, the national average one can project roughly $2000/bay per month during peak traffic season(s). This is an estimated average — revenue can and will vary. The ideal number of vacuums to have is 1.5 vacuums per bay of service. Therefore, a three bay wash should have four to five vacuums in an area of the lot that will not affect traffic flow. The national average per vacuum is approximately $200/vacuum per month. Again, revenue can and will vary. SONNY'S THE CARWASH FACTORY, Published 7/13/17, by Anthony Analetto — 10 MISTAKES PEOPLE MAKE WHEN THEY START A CAR WASH BUSINESS 10 Mistakes People Make When They Start a Car Wash Business #2 - I'll steal an existing wash's business For many new investors not familiar with the concept of a "single use property," this misconception makes intuitive sense. It's a scary proposition to combine intuition and research to select the perfect piece of land in an underserved market. For many new investors, building across the street from a busy wash with a plan to steal their business by offering a better customer value seems like a safer bet. There's no denying that this logic has advanced every technology from cell phones to social media. So why doesn't it work for car washing? Because car washes are "single use properties." That means that once a property has a car wash built on it, it can only be a car wash. If you build across the street from another wash and are successful putting it out of business, the bank takes over the other property when it fails. They will then try to get rid of it fast, more often than not to an experienced operator well below market value. Now you have a competitor across the street with a lower debt service that can retrofit the wash and reopen at a lower price to steal market share. Believing you'll build across the street from a busy wash and steal their business is a tragic misconception that rarely turns out well. 181 of 325 X About the author Anthony Analetto — President Joining the company in 2000, Anthony Analetto serves as the President of SONNY'S CarWash Equipment Division. In this role, Anthony leads the innovation of new products to drive client success, and oversees all operations, engineering, and supply chain management. Washing cars for over 30 years, Anthony was the director of operations for a 74 location national car wash chain prior to joining the company NEW HORIZONS CAR WASH — AUTOMATIC CAR WASH STRUCTURES, From 2022 website — HOW TO CHOOSE A CAR WASH LOCATION Competition Finally, along with all the considerations that go into choosing a location, don't forget to consider the level of competition you will face. Consider, for example, that as a rule of thumb, an urban and suburban area with a population of 20,000 or so can comfortably support an eight -bay self -serve car wash. Your assessment, of course, can be loosened somewhat if you are building in a rapidly growing area. Consider whether the population will grow fast enough to keep your cash flowing on a consistent basis. CARWASH.COM BY CAR WASH ADVISORY, Published 4/1/16, by Harvey M Miller — SITE SELECTION: CRITICAL IN BUILDING A CARWASH NEARBY COMPETITION Competing carwashes in a three-mile radius must be seriously considered. Visit local washes that are not service stations or self -serve washes. If your plan is to build an express exterior wash, can existing full -serves have the possibility of converting to an express or flex -serve? Are there already express locations within the marketing area? Remember, whatever the population is in a three-mile radius, divide that into how many tunnel washes, including your potential site, are in the area. For example, if the population is 100,000 and you will be the third tunnel wash in the area, that reduces the population to approximately 35,000 for each location. In my opinion, there is too much competition for the population in this example. Harvey M. Miller is the owner of Car Wash Consultants. He travels nationally to perform site selection services as well as to analyze existing facilities. Miller has owned and operated 32 carwashes and detailing centers. He has been performing consulting services for the past 33 years. His carwashes have been recognized eight times as No. I Carwashes. He is the past president of the Western Carwash Association (WCA) and the International Carwash Association (ICA). Miller can be reached at carwashconslt@aol.com or 949-230-3623. 182 of 325 EXHIBIT E Dorri Bosworth From: T5CWDEV_PMReview <t5cwdev_pmreview@drivenbrands.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 8:08 AM To: Rosa Morquecho; Jason Sheridan Subject: FW: <External> FW: Walmart Supercenter # 1068 - 2001 US Highway 1, Sebastian, Florida - Request for Consent Rosa/Jason, please see below and confirm with the city if this is sufficient. Thank you! Rebecca McAllister Car Wash & Co -Development Project Manager DrivenBrands 1 4TOGETMER, we are From: Valeria Kozhich <Valeria.Kozhich@drivenbrands.com> Sent: Monday, August 22, 2022 10:17 AM To: T5CWDEV_PMReview <t5cwdev pmreviewCcDdriven bra nds.com> Cc: Delbert Renfroe <Delbert. RenfroePdriven bra nds.com>; Meredith Odom<Meredith.OdomPdrivenbrands.com> Subject: FW: <External> FW: Walmart Supercenter # 1068 - 2001 US Highway 1, Sebastian, Florida - Request for Consent Rebecca, Is the below sufficient? Sincerely, Valeria Valeria Kozhich Senior Corporate Counsel - Real Estate O: (704) 533-3564 C: (646) 727-8777 firaods From: Gina Meredith <Gina.MeredithC&walmart.com> Sent: Monday, August 22, 2022 9:41 AM To: Greg D. Meadows <GDM@tenniaw.com> Cc: Valeria Kozhich<valeria.kozhich@drivenbrands.coi > Subject: RE: Walmart Supercenter # 1068 - 2001 US Highway 1, Sebastian, Florida - Request for Consent 1 183 of 325 E G reg, Walmart has reviewed the Access Easement document recorded with the Clerk of court in Indian River County, Florida in the Official Records Book 1316 Page 2492, and in regards to the conditions and verbiage of the easement agreement, specifically section 1(b), are ok with a proposed car wash use on the subject property. Note that once your client has final plans, please send those to me so that we can run those through our CEC for final Walmart approval. Thanks, Gina Meredith, Senior Manager Walmart U.S. Real Estate 2608 SE J St. Bentonville, AR 72716-5510 Mailstop 5510 Save Money. Live Better. 184 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 10 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 development such as townhouses in the Triangle as envisioned in the Master Plan, or cause them to shy away? She opines that that should be part of the consideration too now that the former public works property is going to be available for redevelopment. Ms. Battles, similar to what Ms. Kautenburg had stated, she also feels very conflicted. She is very much pro development, but she does not know if it is the right use in the right location. Ms. Lorusso has used the single -serve tunnel in Vero Beach. Mr. Alvarez clarified that he thinks the building is beautiful, and the applicant might have a great product, but the area is the sticking point for the City. He is concerned for the future of the City. Deliberation having been completed Mr. Alvarez called for a motion. A motion not to recommend to City Council the approval of a special use permit for Mr. Clean Car Wash, 200-203 Sebastian Boulevard, Community Redevelopment Area, Triangle Overlay District, Commercial General (CG) Zoning District was made by Mr. Carter and seconded by Ms. Battles. Roll Call Mr. Lucier -- No Ms. Kinchen -- No Mr. Alvarez -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Haddix -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Ms. Battles -- Yes Vote was 5 ayes and 2 nays. Motion carries. Ms. Bosworth clarified that this was the recommendation to City Council, and it will be forwarded along with the Minutes to City Council. That meeting has been tentatively scheduled for February 22^ City Council will also have a public hearing for consideration, and then they will make the final decision. 6. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing -- PZC -- Recommendation to City Council -- Special Use Permit -- Take 5 Car Wash -- 1979 U.S. Highway #1 -- Community Redevelopment Area -- Riverfront Overlay District -- Commercial Riverfront (CR) Zoning District Mr. Alvarez asked the Commissioners if they have had any ex parte communication 196 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 11 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 regarding this proposed project. All indicated they had not. Everyone who was to testify was sworn in. Mr. Alvarez called on the applicant to make their presentation. Dale Renfroe with Driven Brands, and Jason Sheridan with Pennoni Associates identified themselves and presented a Power Point presentation of their project (SEE ATTACHED). Mr. Sheridan stated that he and Mr. Renfroe were here to ask for a special use permit for the proposed site just south of the Walmart Super Center along US1. On this site is an abandoned, vacant bank. It is a little over one acre in the center of the Commercial Riverfront Zoning District. It does front US1 which has about 22,600 vehicles a day on average. They will have a common easement with Walmart with direct access to US1. To the back adjacent to the stormwater pond there is also a common driveway to Jackson Street with northern access to US1. According to the trip generation table from the ITE manual, based on the bank with a 4,000 square foot building with a drive-thru, the applicant is reducing both peak traffic and weekday average. So the surrounding area can support the traffic that will be generated from the site. He reviewed the site illustrated on the map. The architectural design will be compliant with the Riverfront Overlay District requirements. He stated that the existing car washes in Sebastian are either self-service or in -bay. They are not set up to turn around the volume that the applicant is proposing. Mr. Renfroe stated that there is no doubt that this car wash is going to compete some with the other car washes. It is his job to find potential locations, and he looks at it as a rising regional trade area. The average cars per day for this business are 150 cars per day. Walmart does over 130,000 monthly visits. So it is less than 5% of the monthly visits that are already generated from Walmart that this business would attempt to get. He opined that the Take 5 Car Wash will not necessarily take a ton of the local business from the Purple Pelican business. He reviewed the projections for the monthly usage of this car wash. Mr. Sheridan reviewed what is considered when looking for site locations: ease of access, highly traveled streets and roads, and sufficient space. This would primarily be a location in the area near a Walmart or a commercial area like a strip mall. The most ideal location for a car wash is an area that is heavily traveled. The projected number of vehicles using this business is typically about 150 vehicles a day as a target. That is less than 1 % of the daily travel on that road. So it would be 5,000 to 6,000 cars per month being washed, which is about 34% of the shoppers going to that Walmart per month. He stated that Driven Brands is a national company that has multiple auto companies underneath it, and does a significant amount of research in determining the most sustainable locations. This is a tunnel car wash. He added that there has been discussion about single -purpose buildings and said that about 85% of redevelopment is ground -up construction, and most 197 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 12 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 of that is based on the location of the site. The location of the property is what is going to determine the value of that site. Mr. Alvarez called on staff for their presentation. Ms. Bosworth reviewed that this site is in a Community Redevelopment Area also. However, vehicle maintenance and services are allowed. Auto sales are not allowed in this zoning district, but the vehicular maintenance and service use is a conditional use in this CR zoning district. This site is in the US1 corridor, which is also planned out in the City's Master Plan. But it has a much different vision than the City has for the Triangle. So some of those concerns are not the same for this application. She gave a history of the site, the last business being a bank. After the bank discontinued its business, this site has been vacant for 10 years. She added that her department has had numerous calls from restaurants and other uses that would be amenable to use the building. She cannot speak regarding the owner on why none of those businesses went through. She pointed to the aerial map and emphasized that the site is right next to the Walmart site. The Walmart was built before the bank. At the time this bank was built, FDOT stated it is too close to the entrance of Walmart and would not give a driveway for this site. So negotiations were held with Walmart regarding going through their parking lot to get access to this site. The road behind this site as you go off of Jackson Street and turn is not a continuation of Jackson Street. It is a private drive owned by Walmart, and the large lake that Walmart has is not a master plan for these properties but their own stormwater. Walmart also has put use restrictions on the property —competing businesses. Walmart has a tire change and auto service, so there cannot be those businesses on this site. She named some of the other businesses that are contained in the Walmart Super Store that would not be allowed on this site. Staff asked Take 5 to contact Walmart to see if they would approve a car wash use on the site. Walmart said it would be allowed. She stated that the City's main concern is again the location of this particular car wash with regards to other car washes. There is an existing car wash approximately 1100 feet up the road from this site. Also, there are two properties north of the cemetery that are an enclave of the County. They have not been annexed in. Those properties are zoned Commercial Limited. Car washes are a permitted use on those properties. There is an application presently under site plan review within the County. She has included the first page of their review in the agenda packet. She opined that if they go through with that application, most likely that car wash will be there eventually. So we would have three car washes within 1100 feet of each other. The City is concerned that if one or more of those car washes goes out of business, there will be vacant buildings within the US1 corridor. The Commissioners should consider their thoughts regarding the proximity of this car wash to the other two across the road. Staff requests that the Commissioners also review the required findings of fact and conditions of approval and make a recommendation to City Council. Staff then requested the Staff Report and exhibits be entered officially into the 198 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 13 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 record. Staff did not receive any formal letters for or against this application. Mr. Alvarez Staff did not receive any formal letters for or against this application. Mr. Alvarez called on the Commissioners for questions/comments on this matter. Ms. Battles pointed out the 150 trips per day that the applicant mentioned, and it was mentioned that a lot of those would be by Walmart customers using this business. She asked for a percentage of the 150 trips that would be otherwise served by existing car washes. Mr. Renfroe said 150 is the average brand -wide, but he does not have any other information to report. She also reviewed the three criteria that are taken into account when selecting a site, but there is nothing said relating to competition. She asked if that was not part of site selection. Mr. Renfroe stated that it would be great if there were no competitors, but he opined that the market still supports having another car wash, and he is comfortable moving forward. Mr. Sheridan stated that the aerial view of the site states that it meets all of the criteria for choosing a site. Ms. Lorusso asked if the applicant researched accidents in the area of the Jackson Street intersection. Also, she stated that one of the entrances to Walmart is very close to the entrance to the medical facility, and there have been a lot of near misses there. She asked if this site would be accessed from that road between the Murphy gas station and the bank. Mr. Sheridan answered yes, but the main driveway would be to the rear. Mr. Renfroe said they had to agree with Walmart to cut off the access on the side street. They are only going to have it from the back street, the one that connects to Jackson. Ms. Bosworth stated that the parties will eventually get into site plan issues. Although this was not put in the Staff Report, staff has concerns of only having that access there because it sends all of the traffic through the intersection at Jackson Street. Mr. Haddix referred to where on the aerial map it says, "Existing access drive Walmart agreement," and asked if that is a conditional ingress/egress for the applicant's facility or will that not be utilized. Mr. Renfroe said it will not be utilized. Mr. Sheridan stated that if someone were southbound on US1, they could utilize that, but it's not the primary driveway access. Ms. Kautenburg stated that when there are a number of opportunities, and a number of businesses offer a very similar product, human nature tells us we go to the ones that are on the side of the street we are driving on. She is certain that this business would have an impact on the other businesses, she opined that this business would also draw some business that would not visit a similar business on the other side of the road because it is not easy to turn around there. She is not comfortable for stepping around zoning for special uses. She opined that perhaps that is not the Commissioners' position at this point in time. She suggested that, if we are going to be inundated with car -wash requests, 199 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 14 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 we probably should be dealing with exactly where they should go, and they should be mentioned in the City's zoning. Mr. Sheridan stated that this is not stepping around zoning, as it is a special use application, not a variance or relief that the applicant is asking for, or a prohibited use. Ms. Kinchen has concerns that the business will have only one ingress and egress on the property. If you are coming out of the gas station and want to go around that street to get to the traffic light, there is a large blind side there. She is worried that with all the traffic coming from a car wash in addition to everything coming out of Walmart and the gas station, it is going to make it worse. Mr. Sheridan said that would probably only be for the northbound traffic going to that light. If you were going southbound, you would probably exit to the north and use the existing driveway. He stated that, again, this is generating less trips than a bank. Ms. Kinchen's other concern is that there will be five car washes on US1 in close proximity. At this point, Mr. Alvarez opened the floor for anyone who wishes to speak in favor of this project. Guy D'Amico identified himself as the listing broker and represents the seller of the property. He addressed the history of this site. The bank was in operation for approximately 10 years. The second owner was a doctor whose plans did not materialize. He explained that there were several entities who were interested in the property, and Walmart turned them all down. Walmart did not want any competition within what was considered their parking lot area that might take away from their business. Walmart, in placing the ability for use of their driveway because of the FDOT restriction when the bank building was originally built, to develop that property, the agreement was made with Walmart directly in order to utilize their access agreement through their property line. Walmart said no problem, but they would have to approve anything that goes there. The language comes down to no competition. The present owners have had a lot of interest, especially from a lot of the blight businesses that are seen on either side of US1, which basically are adult arcades that are everywhere. They were ultimately shut down. Since then, every entity who applied to purchase and use this property the owner has verbally turn down because they knew Walmart would turn them down. Presently, Walmart when presented with the idea of a car wash, liked the idea. He stated the applicant's business is one that is completely different from anything in the area. The proposed project is within the zoning and planning, and it does help with community development. Mr. Alvarez then called on anyone who wished to speak against the project. 200 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 15 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 Bryson Arvanitis stated that Dirty Dogs has changed their sign to state winter of 2023. So they are still active in this. We do not know what the County's position is. When and if Dirty Dogs comes in, there are going to be three express washes. He stated that his business is an express wash. He is presently expanding and putting in all brand new equipment, etc. Once the building is completed, it is going to be attractive. He stated they will be able to do 75 cars an hour with the new system, each taking four or five minutes. He stated that if Dirty Dogs comes in and this applicant comes in, there will be three of us 500 feet away from each other in a triangle. There being no one else who wished to speak, Mr. Alvarez called on the applicant to address issues raised by the staff or by the public. Mr. Sheridan noted again that both the Caliber and Purple Pelican Car Wash are on the northbound side, and, as mentioned earlier, the public are probably going to go in the direction of travel when getting their cars washed, and there are currently no car washes on the southbound side of US1. Regarding the population of 25,000 in Sebastian, their target area is a lot wider than that, especially with the amount of traffic on US1. Mr. Renfroe pointed out that the Dirty Dogs is still a proposed car wash. It is not a done deal, and he does not think considering it in that spot can be done. Mr. D'Amico emphasized that one of the issues the County is having is that the Dirty Dogs car wash backs up to a residential area. He opined that the Purple Pelican was grandfathered in. Now the County is looking at it differently, and the residents behind it may be fighting it. The signage initially advertised the Dirty Dogs business was to open in the fall of 2022, and now it is fall of 2023. Ms. Bosworth stated that she did not contact County staff to get updated on the Dirty Dogs application. She stated it is a permitted use in that CL district. They are going to apply the Roseland Corridor overlay district, which is very similar to Sebastian's. She did note that their comments regarding abutting the residential district were the same as Sebastian's — the requirement of additional opaque buffering. She added that the Purple Pelican was not grandfathered in. It also had to go through getting a special use permit. It was approved, and they actually raised their opaque buffer to eight feet in the back. So there were conditions put onto that, and it was approved. Mr. Alvarez called on the staff to summarize. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the questions that staff had brought up for consideration included explaining that vehicular maintenance and service is permitted in the Riverfront District. She read into the record a couple of questions that staff had for consideration: 201 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 16 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 1. Was the proximity of the three car washes with their numerous vacuum stations and the amount of impervious area of the Walmart's parking area the vision for the US1 corridor? 2. Does the existing and proposed car wash competition for Sebastian's population pose a large enough risk that, if approved, the Take 5 Car Wash, Dirty Dogs, or even the Purple Pelican Car Wash would go out of business, and the commercial corridor may have two empty single -purpose buildings? 3. Does the proximity of the car washes within 1100 square feet of each other affect the welfare of the individual car washes, specifically the existing car wash, and does that affect the businesses around it negatively or positively when there are that many car washes in a cluster such as that? She added that, regarding the findings of fact, it was left up to the Commissioners to determine if it was detrimental to the public safety, health, and welfare and injurious to other properties; the use was consistent with the purpose and intent of the respected district. In this one, staff felt that it was, as it is a different corridor than the Triangle, and staff feels that it is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Staff had some recommended minor conditions that if the Commissioners approved the request that were offered for their consideration. It is not adjacent to residential. If it is approved by City Council and per the Commissioners' recommendation, staff will assure that it conforms to applicable requirements of the District through review of the site plan, and staff feels is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Alvarez called on the Commissioners for their comments/questions. Ms. Battles stated again that she is conflicted with this application. She does think that in this case the application is different than the first in that it is not in the gateway corridor. It's in an area of the City that is General Commercial right next to Walmart, where you might expect to see a car wash. She is conflicted as to the short distances between all three car washes. She does not know if that is enough to turn down the application. Mr. Haddix asked if the bank property is locally owned. Ms. Bosworth stated that no, it was a national bank. It has been closed for 12-15 years. Mr. Haddix asked if staff is recommending the application be approved. Ms. Bosworth said no, staff is not making any specific recommendations. Staff is asking the Commissioners to consider it. She stated that staff has also concerns with the number of car washes in a cluster like that. Staff finds the use consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, but staff has concerns with 202 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 17 MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 2023 the potential of empty and blighted sites if any of the car washes were to go out of business. Mr. Carter stated that all the Commissioners are charged with this evening is to make a recommendation whether this should be a special use permit, nothing else. Ms. Lorusso asked why all of a sudden these car washes want to be developed in this one particular area. She asked what is promulgating all these car washes. Mr. Sheridan stated he does not know the answer to that question, but there are a few other locations in the state that he is working on that are in clusters. Mr. D'Amico answered that Florida is the most desirable state that everyone wants to move to. Everything is regionalized for the most part, and now all these businesses are saying they want to be in Florida. Ms. Kautenburg stated she still feels conflicted about the subject of special use permits in general. She feels that there is probably market available on US1 and, because of the location on US1, you will draw from other communities, not just Sebastian. The derelict buildings do not bother her quite as much. Mr. Lucier does not believe we need to be worried about how many car washes are on a particular street. Businesses will take care of themselves. Unfortunately, from those who already have a car wash, he feels bad. But the applicant has a right to put a car wash in a particular spot that will work pretty well in his opinion. Ms. Kinchen noted Sebastian made the top 10 places to retire for snowbirds. Mr. Alvarez asked how many employees this business will have. Mr. Renfroe estimated 9 to 12. Mr. Sheridan said 3 to 5 people there all the time. Mr. Alvarez does not see that. His next concern is the water. People are concerned about the water source in this county. Mr. Sheridan said regarding the water, there are going to be between three and four 1500-gallon tanks, and 60% and 80% of the water used in each wash is reclaimed water. Before it is discharged into the public system it goes through a 2500- gallon sand rinse separator. It is also going to be another revenue source for the water company. There being no other discussion, Mr. Alvarez called for a motion to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application. A motion to recommend approval to City Council with the conditions that staff has outlined in its report was made by Ms. Battles and seconded by Mr. Lucier. Roll Call 203 of 325 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 18 Ms. Battles -- Yes Mr. Lucier -- Yes Mr. Alvarez -- No Ms. Kinchen -- No Vote was 3 ayes and 4 nays. Motion fails. Mr. Haddix -- No Mr. Carter -- NO Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Mr. Alvarez called for another motion. A motion that the Commissioners do not make a recommendation to City Council to approve a special use permit for Take 5 Car Wash at 1979 US Highway 1 in the Community Redevelopment Area of the Riverfront Overlay District was made by Mr. Carter and seconded by Mr. Alvarez. Roll Call Ms. Battles -- No Mr. Lucier -- No Mr. Carter -- Yes Ms. Kinchen -- Yes Vote was 4 ayes and 3 nays. Motion carries. Ms. Kautenburg -- No Mr. Haddix -- Yes Mr. Alvarez -- Yes Ms. Bosworth stated this will be scheduled for City Council to make the final decision on February 22nd. The same materials that were provided and the Power Point presentation and Minutes of the meeting will go to City Council for their consideration. VIII. Unfinished Business -- None IX. New Business -- Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson Mr. Alvarez opened the floor for nominations. Mr. Carter nominated Ms. Kautenburg for Chairperson. Ms. Kinchen seconded that nomination. Ms. Kautenburg accepted the nomination. There being no other nominations, Ms. Kautenburg was named Chairperson via unanimous vote. For Vice Chairperson, Ms. Kinchen nominated Mr. Carter, who declined. Mr. Carter nominated Mr. Alvarez for Vice Chairperson. Mr. Alvarez accepted the nomination. There being no other nominations, Mr. Alvarez was named Vice Chairperson via unanimous vote. X. Adiournment 204 of 325 RESOLUTION NO. R-23-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT PURSUANT TO LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 54-2-3.1 FOR A CAR WASH FACILITY TO BE LOCATED AT 1979 U.S. HIGHWAY #1 WITHIN THE RIVERFRONT OVERLAY DISTRICT'S CR (COMMERCIAL RIVERFRONT) ZONING DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVERNER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EXPIRATION DATE. WHEREAS, Driven Brands has filed an application for approval of a special use permit to operate a commercial car wash on the property located at 1979 U.S. Highway #1 in the Commercial Riverfront zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a quasi-judicial public hearing on January 19, 2023, and recommended denial of the special use permit by a vote of four (4) to three (3); NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, as follows: Section 1. FINDINGS. The City Council of the City of Sebastian does hereby find: a. The requested car wash use will not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare, or be injurious to other properties or improvements within the immediate vicinity in which the property is located based on criteria established in the Land Development Code; and b. The proposed car wash would be consistent with the purpose and intent of the respective district, and can be demonstrated to be similar in nature and compatible with the uses allowed in such district; and C. The requested use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code of Ordinances. Section 2. SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL. The City Council of the City of Sebastian does hereby approve a special use permit for Driven Brands to construct and operate a car wash facility at 1979 U.S. Highway #1, subject to the following special conditions: 205 of 325 (1) Industry standard recommended noise reduction measures are required for the car wash equipment; (2) The proposed architectural rendering for the car wash is revised to meet all of the design and color criteria of the Riverfront Overlay District requirements Section 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section or part of a section of this Resolution is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the validity, force and effect of any other section or part of a section of this Resolution shall not thereby be affected or impaired unless it clearly appears that such other section or part of a section of this Resolution is wholly or necessarily dependent upon the section or part of a section so held to be invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4. CONFLICT. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this resolution may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of the City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Section 7. EXPIRATION DATE. The special use permit will expire three years from the date of the effective date if construction of the facility has not yet begun. The foregoing Resolution The was moved for motion was adoption by Councilmember seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put into a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice -Mayor Christopher Nunn Councilmember Kelly Dixon Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Bob McPartlan The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 22ND day of February 2023. 2 206 of 325 ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk Approved as to form and content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Manny Anon, Jr., City Attorney CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Mayor Fred Jones 3 207 of 325 mcr SEBMT. HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 22, 2023 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution Accepting the 4fl' Quarter Financial Report and Recognizing Necessary Amendments and Adjustments to the FY 2021-2022 Annual Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve Resolution R-23-07. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and any necessary adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. A capital project status report, investment report and accomplishments are also included. Formal approval by City Council was previously given during the quarter for adjustments to use the General Fund R&R Account for replacing a Police Department vehicle; to use DST Reserves for Cyber Security Backup Software; to reduce the previously recorded Grant for the Roseland Road Sewer Project; to use General Fund Reserves to hire outside legal counsel and; to use General Fund Reserves for the demolition of the Harbor lights Property. Formal reporting to the City Council is needed on the use of the General Fund R&R Account during the quarter to replace a condenser coil at City Hall and to replace some controls and a pump at the Splash Pad. In accordance with the authority given by the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager approved other budget transfers between accounts within Departments and authorized adjustments that were necessary to implement programs, projects and expenditures that were previously authorized by the City Council. Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included budget changes within his $15,000 spending authority, budget adjustments between budget accounts within the same departments, as well as adjustments to closeout completed or cancelled projects, The above adjustments are listed in Exhibit "A" that is an attachment to the Resolution. If Asenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: As per Exhibit "A" of the Resolution Total Cost: NIA Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NIA Attachments: 1. Resolution R-23-07 and Attachment "A" 2. 41' Quarter Financial Report, including Capital Project Status, Investments/Loans and Accomplishments Administrative Servic( City Attorney Review: Procurement Division. City ManagerAuthorization: Date: ,.1 208 of 325 RESOLUTION NO. R-23-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA RECOGNIZING CERTAIN ADJUSTMENTS TO THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2021 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months that ended on September 30, 2022- indicated there were two budget adjustments requiring formal approval by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager previously approved any other necessary amendments and adjustments and these should be reported in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022 has been amended and adjusted as necessary within the quarter ending September 30, 2022; a summary of such amendments and adjustments being attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A"; the revised appropriations, if any, are set out therein and are recognized as having been made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. Sections of this resolution may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of the City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice -Mayor Christopher Nunn Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Bob McPartlan Councilmember Kelly Dixon and, upon being put to a vote, the vote The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 22"d day of February 2023. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA I0 Mayor Fred Jones Approved as to form and legality for the reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Manny Anon City Attorney 209 of 325 EXHIBIT "A" OF RESOLUTION R-23-07 SUMMARY OF BUDGET CHANGES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED September 30, 2022 ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment Police Vehicles & E ui ment $0 $42,996 $42,996 07/31/22 Used R&R Reserve for replacing Appropr!gted_from R&R Account ____________($103,336) {$42,996) i$146,332) vehicle with catastrophic engiie failure. Computer Software $0 $113,876 $113,876 07/13/22 Approved purchase of Cyber Appropriated from DST Reserves {$5,442.09?) ($113,876) -107,183)$1,906,802 ($5,555,975j Security Backup Software: Roseland Road Sewer Project $2,013,984 _ $( 05111I22 Reduced Water Management SJRWMD Grant ------------------ _ _($256,144) $107,183 {$148,961 District grant for revised Statement of_Work_ Other Contractual Services $2.500 $9,540 $12,040 02/23/22 Approved outside legal counsel for Appropriation from General Reserves $456,558 _________($9,54D)_____ $466,098 Hall vs. City of Sebastian case: Other Contractual Services $12,040 $29,148 $41 188 07/14/21 Approved expenses for demolition Appropriation from General Reserves__ $466,098 ($29,148) $495,246 of Harbor Lights property. nt ADJUSTMENTS BEING SUBMITTED FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: Budget Before Budget Budget After Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustirnent R&M Buildings ............................. $69,255 $8,965 $78,220 Used R&R Reserve for replacing the City Appropriated_from R&R_Account ($146,332) ($8,965)_____($155,297) Ha1I Condenser Coil .............. R&M Operatigq Equipment .......... $32,800 $5,514 $38,314 Uses R&R Reserve to replace controls and Appropriated_from R&R-Accou-nt---------- --_____($155,297)__________($5,514)_ ($160,811) a pump at Splash Pad._________ ------------ ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED BY THE CITY MANAGER: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment Appropriated from DST Reserves __._..._......._............- ($5,712099)-- $270,000 -- -- $($5,442,099) W Adjustment to close the Harrison Street Park Appropriated from CRA Reserves ($317,216�� $225,000 $92 216 plaza project and defer it to a future year. Harrison Street Park Plaza $495,000 �$495,DDD)---------------$a ---------------------------------------=----------- CAPE Trailer ------ $20 500 $7,499 $27,999 -------- Adjustment using unexpended monies from Police Improvements $4,000 ($4,000) $0 other Police improvements and vehicle Evidence Pavinq & Carport $40,000 ($1,315) $38,685 accounts and another project to cover the Police Vehicles $340,569 ($2,184)______ $338,385 cost of purchasing the COPE Trailer. C rab E Bill's Forensic Testing_ $3D,D00 --------------------------------------------------- -($20,049) $9,951 Adjustment from amount approved by City Appropriated_from CRA Reserves ----- _ ($92,216) _________ �20,049........ ($72,167) _ Council to the actual cost of the work. Tulip Pond Habitat Restoration $0 $23,291 23291 Adjustment for Installation of aerating Indian River Lagoon Council Grant $0 f$4,791) ($4,791) fountain, native vegetation and educational Stormwater Weed Control and Vehicles ---•-----•---•--•--•------- $275 874 '---•------ __($18,500) ----$257,374 signage at the Tulip Stormwater Pond. ------------ ------------------------------ 1_n_ a tructure $777,132 ($92,827) $684,305 ---------------Adjustment for a change in the funding of FDOT Grant Revenue ($36,552 $36,552 $l} the Construction of the Taxi Lane project Appropriated from R&R Account ($160,811 $19 723 ($141 088),.- that was 100% funded by the FAA. Appropriated from DST Reserves ($5,555,975) $36,552 ($5,519,423) Improvements $80,000 ($25,728) $54,272 Adjustment to close the BSSC Baseball Appropriation from Impact Fee Reserves________($186,802) $25,728 ($161,074) Dugouts project. R&M Vehicles $61,517 $1,831 $63,348 Applied insurance proceeds from Police Insurance Proceeds $10 000 $11,831 vehicle accident to added repair expenses___ __ Infrastructure $2,500 _ $218,894 $221,394 - Adjustment for the grant funding awarded FAA Grant Revenue ($2,250) ($194,754) ($197,004)_for the Runway 05-23 Rehabilitation project FDOT Grant Revenue ($125) ($1 D,820) ($10,945F and to cover an independent fee estimate Appropriated_ from DST Reserves _ ($5,519,423} ______($13,320) ($5,532.743) done in advance for the project. Indian River Lagoon Counal Grant ($100,OD0) _ $57,219 ($57,219) Adjustment of projected funding for Sewer Appropriation from CRA Reserves($72 167) _$52 175 ($19,992) Connection Grant and City matching funds Sewer Connection Grants --------------------------------------------------------------------- $200,000 ($109,394) --------- ----- -$90,606 at the end of the funding cycle_ Appropriation from CRA Reserves ($19,992) $4,705 ($15,287) Close project for Consultant Study on CRA Other Contractual Services $57.500 ________ $52„795 Sewer Conversion. ------- ----------------------------------- FDOT Grant _ Appropriation from DST Reserves $222,Di3 ($5,532,743) $37,310 $9,327 ($184,703 ($5,523,416) Adjustment to close project for Engineering - -- - Infrastructure ---------------------------------------- $277,516 ($46,637) - - -- $230,879 on Square Hangar Site at the Airport. - ------------------------------- Vehicles & Equipment - $32,000 $4,000 $36,000 Applying revenue from sale of vehicle to Sale of Fixed Assets ($30 000) ($4,000) ($36 000) replacement of City Manaqer vehicle. 210 of 325 CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOURTH QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 SUMMARY GENERAL FUND ENDED THE YEAR WITH 107.3% OF TOTAL BUDGETED REVENUES RECEIVED AND JUST 92.8% OF DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BUDGETS USED BY YEAR END. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Beginning Balance $ Ad Valorem Taxes Franchise Fees Utility Taxes Hurricane Recoveries Intergovernmental Charges for Service Licenses and Other Transfers From Other Funds Total Revenues i From Fund Balance Total Sources s City Council S City Manager City Clerk City Attomey Admin Services MIS Division Police Department Roads and Drainage Public Facilities Leisure Services Community Dev. Non -Departmental Total Expenditures $ Unappropriated Total Uses $ Ending Unappropriated Fund Balance Budget 4,701,435 1,418,581 3,262,083 3,340.078 733,645 492,439 35,921 13,984,182 656,057 14,640,239 60,500 337,616 262,724 211,922 772,626 597,680 6,942,869 1,104,726 963,309 1,243,260 547,615 1,582,143 14,646,990 s 3 14,646,990 $ S YTD % 6,689,795 4,602,933 97.9% 1,571,571 110.8% 3,172,766 97,3% 148,626 0.0% 411 121,1% 778,572 106.1 % 639,875 129.9% 48,094 133,9% 15,006,982 107.3% 0,0% 15,006,982 102.5% 57,224 94.6% 334,429 99.1% 258,614 91.5% 202,392 91 736,778 95A% 543,467 90.9% 6,661,414 95.9% 959.173 86.8% 93C,651 96.6% 1,092,893 87.9% 474,690 86.7% 1.341,640 84.8% 13,593,565 92.8% nla 13,593,565 918% 8,103,212 WE RECEIVED THE FINAL HALF OF THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT FUNDING. THE CITY COUNCIL AGREED TO APPLY THOSE FUNDS TO THE ITEMS LISTED. AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT FUND Budget YTD % Beginning Fund Balance S - $ 1.667,677 ARPA Grant 1,666,064 1.666,064 100.0% Sale of Fixed Assets nla Interest 5,000 20,587 411.7% Total Revenues i 1.671,064 $ 1,686.651 100.9% From Fund Balance 1.718,263 0.0% Total Sources $ 3,389,327 $ 3,3S4,328 99.0% Employee Retention Pay 5 481,012 S 481,012 100.0% Gardenia Ditch 750,000 3,B44 0.5% Schumann Drive 750,000 0.0% Concha Dam 700,000 0.0% Roadwork 500,000 0.0% Contingency, 208.315 - 0.0% Total Uses $ 3,389,327 $ 484,856 14.3% Ending Fund Balance $ S 2,869,472 Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues - Additional Expenditures 9130122 Ending Available Funds $ 2,869,472 General Fund Revenue eAdjusted Budget ■Ye ar to Date s,aoo 4A00 G 3,000 t r 2Aeo -� Fes_ General Fund Expenditures ®Adjusted Budge+ MY, art4 Date $5,3m SSSm s.sm 53.1. $7.sm Sstm 530W 00. llllll`_ Slsvoi - GxyGG I�5� GdyGa`P4 6s0 ' 0 ", 011q9�bgso' yDD.0'A a t Qoo� D-9 1 '01 .9 a FUND BALANCE USES FOR THE YEAR ARE SHOWN BELOW. HIGHER NET UNASSIGNED RESERVES RESULTED FROM HURRICANE RECOVERIES AND STRONG INTERGOVERNMENT REVENUES, PLUS LOWER SPENDING BY DEPARTMENTS. GENERAL FUND BALANCE FORECAW Fund Balance R&R Account Beginning Reserves 10101/21 S 6,414,795 5 275,000 Year to Date Revenue 15,006,982 Fund BalancelR&R Changes to Date: Unfinished 2021 Projects (378,476) Replaced Main Street Lift Station (4,820) Adjusted 4% vs.3% Raises (78.082) Replaced Police Cruiser (60,338) Replaced AIP Gate Security System (19.723) Police Gate Repairs (4,702) Replaced Easy Street Park Fountain (6,962) Replaced Senior Center Lights (2,463) A/C Repairs at City Hall, Old City Hall and PD (14,925) A/C Repairs at Afrport MIS Server Room (3,643) Standby Generator Repairs at PD (5.483) Cancelled AIP Gate Security System 19,723 Replaced PD Vehicle having engine failure (42.996) Replaced City Hall Condenser Coil (8,065) Replaced controls and pump at Splash Pad (5,514) Attorney for Hall vs. City (9,540) Harbor Lights Demolition (20.148) Year to Date Uses $ (495,24b) $ t160,till) Other Expenditures (12,937,508) Current Reserves 5 7,989,023 $ 114,1189 Expected Changes to Year End: Additional Revenues - Additional Expenditures Ending Reserves $ 7,989,023 $ 114,189 Adjust R&R to $275.000 160.811) 160.811 Adjusted Reserves $ - ,ts'zu'212 $ z75,uuu Assigned Funds f930,002 - Net Unassigned Reserves 5 6,898,21tl 9 275,uuu Total Ending Reserves $ 7,173.210 Projected in 2022 Budget S 5,847,204 ' Assigned Funds include Inventories, Prepaids and the Golf Course Loan. CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOURTH QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 SUMMARY YEAR END AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR THE STORMWATER FUND WERE HIGHER THAN PROJECTED WITH THE FY2022 BUDGET, MAINLY DUE TO FUNDING THE CONCHA DAM PROJECT FROM THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN (ARPA). WE ARE ALSO FUNDING OTHER PROJECTS IDENTIFIED WITH THE MASTER PLAN USING ARPA AND GRANT FUNDING. STORMWATER FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD Beginning Fund Balance $ $ 1,718,263 Stonnivaler Fees 1,952,000 1,952,269 Sale of Fixed Assets Interest and Other Total Revenues From Fund Balance Total Sources Operating Expenditures Capital Outlay Transfer to Capital Projects Total Uses Ending Fund Balance Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues Additional Expenditures Additional Capital Outlay Transfers to Capital Projects 9130122 Ending Available Funds Projected in 2022 Budget 4,244 $ 1,956,244 $ 876,190 $ 2.832,434 $ S 1,797,860 S 154,037 672,053 $ 2,624,750 $ $ 207,684 $ S S 21,425 1,973,694 3,691.957 1,484,098 139,072 311,661 1,934,831 1,757,126 1,757,126 1,373,855 P� 100.0% n1a 504.8°% 100.9% 0.0°% 130.3% 82.5°% 90.3% 46.3% 73.7% PROJECTED RESOURCES FOR THE AIRPORT EXCEED THE AMOUNTS ASSUMED WHEN ADOPTING THE FY2022 BUDGET. BEGINNING AND ENDING RESOURCES WERE ADJUSTED TO EXCLUDE THE LIABILITY FOR THE DST LOAN, WHICH WAS $502,746 AT YEAR END. AIRPORT FUND SUMMARY Budget YTO Beginning Resources Rents Investment Income Transfers In Miscellaneous Total Revenues From Fund Balance Total Sources Operating Expenses DST Fund Loans Capital Outlay Transfers for Projects Total Uses Total Ending Resources Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues Addditional Uses 9130122 Ending Resources Projected In 2022 Budget 0 • $ 489,170 545,759 515,563 720 752 3,643 3,643 V,753 99,603 632,875 619,561 72.917 705,792 $ 1,100,731 % 94.5% 104,4°/° 120.4% 97.9% 0.0% 432,537 S 426,002 08.5°% 36,500 36,500 100.0°% 10,40$ 29,043 279.0% 72,053 4,800 6.7% 5$1,498 $ 496,345 90.0% 154,294 $ 612,386 $ 612,386 $ 362,049 GOLF COURSE ENDING RESOURCES IMPROVED DUE TO HIGH LEVELS OF PLAY THIS PAST YEAR. THE BUDGETED PAYMENT ON THE GENERAL FUND LOAN WAS MADE. Budget YTO % Beginning Resources S • $ (565,341) Charges for Service 1.397,655 1,799,561 124.5% Rent 30,001 30,000 100.0% Miscellaneous 8,660 -5,595 180.1% Total Revenues 1,436,316 1,70,156 124.3% From Fund Balance 27,551 n1a Pro Shop Sales 110,000 111,866 101.7% Pro Shop Purchases (65,000) (66.291} 132.8% Sales vs. Cost of Sales 45,000 '25,575 56.8% Total Sources $ 1,573,867 $ 1,810,731 115.0% Operating Expenses S 1,429,691 $ 1,3N,652 9T5% Ditch Drainage Work 21,400 n1a Cart Loan Payments 51,691 51,691 100.0% Total Operating Expense 1,502,782 1,46,343 96.2% General Fund Payment 35,0005,000 n1a Building Fund Payment 36,085 i.6,085 100.0% Total Uses $ 1,573,867 $ 1,517,428 96.4% Total Ending Resources S $ (272,0381 Expected Change to Year End: Additional Sources Additional Uses - 9130122 Ending Resources $ (272,038) Projected in 2022 Budget $ (567,0341 BUILDING ACTIVITY RESULTED IN FURTHER INCREASES IN RESOURCES AND EXCEEDED THE AMOUNTS ASSUMED WHEN ADOPTING THE FY2022 BUDGET. THIS EXCLUDES THE CALCULATED AMOUNT OF THE STATE MANDATED REBATE WHICH WE RECORD AS BEING PAYABLE AND THE $1,112,843 LONG-TERM ADVANCE TO THE GOLF COURSE. BUILDING FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD Beginning Resources S • 5 1,416,020 Licenses and Permits 969,7CO 1,217.579 Charges for Service 20,600 �0,273 Fines and Forfeits 6,000 6,836 Miscellaneous 40.091 19,060 Golf Fund Loan Payments 36,085 36,085 Total Revenues 1,072.676 1,30 ,833 From Fund Balance 170.240 Total Sources 1,242.916 1,309,833 Operating Expenses S 1.126,916 S 9E4,193 Capital Outlay 116,000 - Total Uses S 11,242,916 S 954,193 Total Ending Resources $ 1,781,660 Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues Additional Uses 9130122 Ending Resources S 1,701.660 Projected in 2022 Budget $ 917,104 125.6% 145.5% 113.9% 47.5% 100.0% 122.1% 0.0% 105.4% 84.7% 0.0% 76.8% GIG CITY OF SEBASTIAN CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 Current Prior Project Budget Share Project Year Year Expenditures Percent Funds Number Description Budget Sources fin Thousands of Sl Budget Expenditures Expenditures To Date Exacaded Encumbrances Remaining FY2019 A1925 Park Signage DST/RIF 73/185 258.341 23,425 213.933 237358 91.88% 5.700 15,283 A1952 Construct Hangar FDOT/DSTIAP 1,800/450/67.2 2.317.253 1.371.606 827.410 2.173.212 93.78% 163,559 (19.517) TOTAL S 2,575,594 S 1,395,032 S 1,041.342 S 2,410.570 93.59% S 169.259 S (4,235) FY2020 A2007 CDBG Grant Program CDBG 384.3 384,286 141,466 120.100 261.566 68.07% 10.369 112.351 A2029 CRA Signage & Landscape CRA 113 113.000 15.266 75.056 90,322 79.93% 13,641 9,037 A2030 Relocate Public FacilitiesCompouad SJRWMD/DST 11.8/9,639 9,651,110 6.252,787 3.248.743 9.158.834 94.90% 487.847 4,449 A2050 Construct Taxi Lane FAA 684.3 684.305 550,812 109.049 659.861 96.43% - 24.444 A2063 Septic to Sewer Grant Program IRLC/CRA 57.2/52.2 90.606 22.380 63,225 85.605 94.48% - 5,001 FV2021 A2104 Phone System A2123 Tree Protection Plan A2126 Yacht Club Seawall A2150 Establish Sewer Service A2161 Stormwater Master Plan FY2022 A2201 Citywide Computers A2204 Network Infrastructure A2206 CAD/RMS System Update A2207 Police Vehicles & Equipment A2209 PD COPE Trailer A2212 PD Vehicles A2214 PD Flooring A2215 Leisure Services Vehicle & Mower A2216 Community Development SUV A2217 Wheeled End Loader A2220 Working Waterfront A2221 B.SSC Baseball Backstops A2222 Playground Improvements A2223 Park Improvements A2224 Riverview Park Enhancements A2230 Sidewalk Replacement A2231 Road Improvements A2250 Construct (2) Square Hangars A2252 Hangar C Office Improvements A2253 Airport Rescue Grant A2254 Rehab Runway 05/23 A2260 Swales Ddveways/Culverts A2261 Concha Dam Replacement A2262 Sliplining A2263 Tulip Habitat Restoration A2264 Gardenia Ditch A2265 Schumann Drive Box Culvert A2267 Mini Excavator GRAND TOTAL S 10,923,327 S 6,982,712 S 3,616,174 S 10,256,189 93.89 % S 511,857 S 155,281 DST 100 100.000 82,727 - 82,727 82.73% 17.273 DST 135 135.000 20.694 40.715 61,409 45.49% 73,591 GF 359 358,962 310.046 40.291 350.337 97.60% 8.625 FDOT/SJRWMD.!DST 1.327256/430 1.906.801 1.628.044 - 1.628.044 85.38% 128.526 150.231 DST/SW 350/350 700,000 541.025 19.725 560.750 80.11% 139.250 - 3,200,763 2,582,535 100,731 2,683,266 93.83 % 267,776 249,721 DST 65 65.146 24,038 - 24.038 36.90% 41,108 DST 30 30.000 9,923 9.923 33.08% 20.077 DST 142 141.925 112,069 112.069 78.96% - 29.856 DST 300 300.213 14.683 14.683 4.89% 277.507 8,023 DST 33 32,786 91 91 0.28% - 32.695 GF 104 103,594 - - 0.00% 103.334 251 GF 39 39,000 103 103 0.26% - 38.897 GF 34 33.657 - 0.00% 33.532 125 GF 26 26.301 0.00% - 26.301 DST 203 203,306 0.00% 203.306 CRA 50 50,000 0.00% - 50,0(10 RIF 75 75,000 0.00% 75.000 RIF 100 100,000 1.526 1.526 1.53% 98,474 RIF 20 20,000 8.959 8.959 44.79% 11.041 DON 2 1.850 - - 0.000/o 1.850 LOGT 100 100,000 6.400 6.400 6.40% 16.720 76,880 ARPA 500 500,000 - - 0.00% - 500.000 FDOT/DST 576/144 720,000 0.00% 720.000 FDOT/DON 35/35 70.000 0.001% 70,000 FAA 32 32.000 27.756 27.756 $6,74% 4.244 FAA/FDOT/DST 197/10.9/13.4 221.394 4,194 4.194 1.89% 217.199 1 SW 245 244.695 36,039 36,039 14.73% 63,961 144.695 ARPA 700 700,000 - 0.00% - 700.000 DST 250 250.000 - 0.00% 71.090 178.911 IRLC/SW 4.8/18.5 23.291 4A31 4,431 19.02% 666 18.194 ARPA 750 750.000 3.844 3.844 0.51% 4.85.1 741.30.1 ARPA 750 750,000 - 0.00% 750.000 SW 67 66.837 - - 0.00% 66.837 - 5,650,985 254,055 - 254,055 4.50 % 1,059,004 4,337,926 S 22,350,669 $ 11.214,332 $ 4,758,247 S 15.604.079 69.81% S 2.007,896 S 4.738,694 213 of 325 QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 At September 30, 2022, the total of the City's cash and investments were $19,366,647.60. Of this, $14,920,790.72 was held in an interest bearing checking account at Seacoast National Bank, $3,918,965.10 was invested with the State Board of Administration and $526,891.78 is deposited with Florida Trust. The City did not purchase any new securities during the quarter and does not hold any direct investments in government securities. Returns at the end of the quarter were 3.30% for the Bank and 4.55% for the State Board. The average annualized return over the 3 months of this quarter from the deposit with Florida Trust was again negative with a loss of $4,074.96. However this will begin being positive in the coming quarters. Florida Trust is pool fund that deals in government securities averaging less than 2 year maturities. SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA) CURRENT CURRENT CASH BALANCE ALLOCATION BALANCE PERCENT [NVF.STMENT ALLOCATION BALANCE PERCENT General Fund S 5,585,979.12 37.44% General Fund S 885,942.37 22.61% American Rescue Plan Act 2,290,723.15 15.35% American Rescue Plan Act 574.190.79 14.65°; Local Option Gas Tax Fund 630,370.76 4.22 % Local Option Gas Tax Fund - 0.00% Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 1,443,596.73 9.68% Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 360,392.94 9.20% Rivcrfront Redevelopment Fund 501,979.48 3.36% Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 125,419.77 3.2056 Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund - 0.00% Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund 99,056.36 2.2716 Recreation Impact Fee Fund 254,593.22 1.71% Recreation Impact Fee Fund 63,450.11 1.621; Stormwater Utility Fund 1,404,026.42 9.41 % Stormwater Utility Fund 350,409.53 8.94% Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 42,386.57 0.28% Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 10,578.83 0.27% Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund 12,779.02 0.09 % Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund - 0.00% Capital Projects Fund (8,298.53) -0.06% Capital Projects Fund 0.00°1. Capital Improvements Fund 1,850.00 0.01% Capital Improvements Fund 0.00% Transportation Fund 52,298.33 0.35% Transportation Fund 0.00% Stormwater Projects Fund 388.287.65 2.60% Stormwater Projects Fund - 0.0D Golf Course Fund 300,352.49 2.01 % Golf Course Fund 75,865.44 1.94% Airport Fund 468,030.01 3.14% Airport Fund 116,991.13 2.99% Airport Projects Fund (275,604.61) -1.85% Airport Projects Fund - 0.009b Building Department Fund 1,565,821.64 10.49% Building Department Fund 390,721.47 9.97% Cemetery Trust Fund 260,869.27 1.75% Cemetery Trust Fund 793.606.36 20.0096 Performance Deposits Fund 750.00 0.01% Performance Deposits Fund 92.340.00 2.36% Total Bank Balance S 14,920,790.72 100.00 % Total SBA Balance $ 3,918,965.10 100.00 % Fund Making Loans GENERAL FUND: Due from Golf Course DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX: Due from Airport Fund Due from Airport Fund BUILDING FUND: Due from Golf Course Due from Golf Course Debt Description INTERFUND LOANS REPORT 10/01/21 Scheduled Balance at Purpose Balance Payments 09/30/2022 Remarks/Terms Cash Flow Loan $500,000 $35,000 $465,000 Pay S35K/Year or More. $285,000 Hangar A $260,742 $7,570 $253,172 5 Years @ 3%, Then 4% for 25 Years. Final in 2038 $267,511 Hangar B $235,275 $8,189 $227,086 5 Years @ 3%, Then 4% for 25 Years. Final in 2041. $700,000 Irrigation $615,456 $30,547 $584,909 Each 5 Years to T-Bond Minus 1%. Final in 2038. $559,684 Other Repairs $559,684 None $559,684 Pay When Possible, Maybe After $700,000 is paid. DEBT DUE TO OUTSIDE PARTIES Initial Principal Principal Balance at Final Initial Bond Amount 9/30/2022 Interest Rate Maturity Rating/insurer Security Pledge Stormwater Utility (Final Payment May 1) $5,630,000 0 2% to 4.2% 2022 AAA/MBIA Stormwater Utility Fees Revenue Bank Notes 2014 Paving Improvements (Final 12/01/2022) $2,296,000 $121,000 1.94% 2022 N/A Local Option Gas Tax Promissory Notes 2012 Golf Cart $313,152 0 3.49% 2022 N/A N/A 60 Month Lease Purchase 2017 Police Camera System $353,624 $80,482 2.75% 2025 N/A N/A 60 Month Lease Purchase May 2021 214 of 325 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 09/30/22 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget GENERAL FUND TAXES -8,167,746.70 -8,124,514.21 -8,948,424.67 -9,347,270.01 -9,382,099.00 99.63% LICENSES & PERMITS -146,812.15 -150,239.71 -195,919.26 -189,642.50 -170,350.00 111.33% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -3,613,868.30 -3,013,721.45 -3,523,087.45 -4,193,170.90 -3,340,078.00 125.54`Yo CHARGES FOR SERVICE -548,099.92 -663,701.96 -763,143.41 -778,571.76 -733,645.00 106.12% FINES AND FORFEITS -50,996.50 -53,164.10 -38,277.14 -82,430.12 -50,900.00 161.95% MISC. REVENUE -421,667.23 -386,060.59 -241,169.51 -367,802.90 -271,189.00 135.63% TRANSFERS IN -23,928.00 0.00 0.00 -48,094.00 -35,921.00 133.89% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -662,808.00 0.00% GENERAL FUND REVENUE -12,973,118.80 -12,391,402.02 -13,710,021.44 -15,006,982.19 -14,646,990.00 102.46% CITY COUNCIL 52,258.79 46,701.88 55,883.03 57,224.01 60,500.00 94.59% CITY MANAGER 336,677.28 269,335.02 285,943.20 334,429.48 337,616.00 99.06% CITY CLERK 205,292.18 264,886.75 205,204.34 258,614.45 282,724.00 91.47% LEGAL 105,408.63 167,044.31 195,695.61 202,392.17 211,922.00 95.50% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 672,001.27 674,672.52 656,306.10 736,777.90 772,626.00 95.36% M.I.S. DIVISION 464,728.90 511,749.95 513,329.17 543,466.93 597,680.00 90.93% POLICE ADMINISTRATION 1,052,404.35 1,263,875.48 1,020,629.98 1,077,427.05 1,157,721.00 93.06% POLICE PATROL 3,412,730.43 3,308,390.76 3,461,188.93 3,648,001.20 3,717,892.00 98.12% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 194,410.44 184,218.93 187,626.15 178,121.05 201,223.00 88.52% POLICE INVESTIGATIONS 818,246.50 1,076,622.17 1,107,742.27 1,161,198.46 1,189,980.00 97.58% POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 622,038.21 582,845.07 577,505.26 596,666.99 676,053.00 88.26% ROADS AND DRAINAGE 887,151.31 963,173.47 927,720.32 959,172.88 1,104,726.00 86.82% CENTRAL GARAGE 232,277.74 202,251.12 211,925.86 226,067.93 231,094.00 97.83% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 398,279.84 568,180.67 598,969.92 562,965.25 589,033.00 95.57% PARKS/RECREATION 1,145,017.29 1,110,021.03 1,035,794.45 1,092,893.48 1,243,260.00 87.91% CEMETERY 178,032.88 177,736.25 178,999.92 141,618.31 143,182.00 98.91% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 366,205.40 539,289.97 477,727.85 474,690.02 547,615.00 86,68% NON -DEPARTMENTAL 1,014,277.26 976,464.26 1,025,034.71 1,341,839.92 1,582,143.00 84.81% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 12,147,438.70 12,887,459.61 12,723,227.07 13,593,567.48 14,646,990.00 92.81% 215 of 325 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 09/30/22 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES -711,023.38 -686,490.82 -741,312.75 -742,456.23 -735,600.00 100.93% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -13,294.89 -13,693.92 -14,104.70 -14,527.70 -14,528.00 100.00% MISC. REVENUE -8,901.60 -1,990.74 -502.86 -5,105.97 -945.00 540.31% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12,724.00 0.00% LOGT FUND REVENUE -733,219.87 -702,175.48 -755,920.31 -762,089.90 -763,797.00 99.78% OPERATING EXPENSES 80,205.11 5,400.00 101,963.80 33,900.00 44,300.00 76.52% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 105,554.31 34,372.00 4,870.00 4,870.00 100.00% DEBT SERVICE 243,186.60 243,886.27 243,398.19 242,800.60 242,801.00 100.00% TRANSFERS OUT 424,060.55 498,043.40 525,946.18 19,123.51 112,724.00 16.96% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 359,102.00 0.00% LOGT EXPENDITURES 747,452.26 852,883.98 905,680.17 300,694.11 763,797.00 39.37% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX TAXES -3,524,824.94 -3,469,567.86 -4,037,460.39 -4,711,994.70 -4,311,580.00 109.29% MISC. REVENUE -115,751.59 -68,126.12 -35,197.73 -39,348.16 -48,500.00 81.13% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,530,567.00 0.00% DST FUND REVENUE -3,640,576.53 -3,537,693.98 -4,072,658.12 -4,751,342.86 -9,890,647.00 48.04% OPERATING EXPENSES 9,675.00 15,486.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 17,848.73 7,151.27 7,151.00 100.00% TRANSFERS OUT 1,600,870.70 2,321,748.31 4,735,153.14 7,973,346.87 9,883,496.00 80.67% DST FUND EXPENDITURES 1,610,545.70 2,337,235.05 4,753,001.87 7,980,498.14 9,890,647.00 80.69% RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND MISC. REVENUE -53,101.43 -41,082.01 -37,466.99 -41,813.13 -40,780.00 102.53% TRANSFERS IN -404,673.34 -403,239.68 -457,671.66 -385,664.86 -431,641.00 89.35% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -15,287.00 0.00% RRD REVENUE -457,774.77 -444,321.69 -495,138.65 -427,477.99 -487,708.00 87.65% OPERATING EXPENSES 396,239.01 286,894.16 252,926.71 283,920.61 290,778.00 97.64% GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 15,000.00 5,323.25 8,048.85 40,000.00 20.12% TRANSFERS OUT 111,244.75 37,871.50 174,304.62 49,572.15 156,930.00 31.59% RRD EXPENDITURES 507,483.76 339,765.66 432,554.58 341,541.61 487,708.00 70.03% PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND MISC. REVENUE -1,393.58 -3,687.38 -11,898.83 -17,570.09 -3,069.00 572.50% PARKING IN LIEU OF REVENUE -1,393.58 -3,687.38 -11,898.83 -17,570.09 -3,069.00 572.50% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,069.00 0.00% PARKING IN LIEU OF EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,069.00 0.00% 216 of 325 RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND MISC. REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCES REC. IMPACT FEE REVENUE TRANSFERS OUT REC. IMPACT FEE EXPENDITURES STORMWATER UTILITY FUND MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERS IN FROM FUND BALANCES STORMWATER REVENUE PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT STORMWATER EXPENDITURES LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE FINES AND FORFEITS MISC. REVENUE FORFEITURES FUND REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS TO FUND BALANCES FORFEITURE FUND EXPENDITURES STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERS IN FROM FUND BALANCES STORMWATER DEBT REVENUE DEBT SERVICE STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 09/30/22 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 4TH QTR Annual Percent ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget -143,801.03 -147,023.00 -214,778.70 -192,041.54 -160,000.00 113.78% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -161,074.00 0.00% -143,801.03 -147,023.00 -214,778.70 -182,041.54 -321,074.00 56.70% 299,688.83 480,159.67 121,037.07 121,275.57 321,074.00 37.77% 299,688.83 480,159.67 121,037.07 121,275.57 321,074.00 37.77% -2,076,431.58 -1,969,427.99 -1,958,661.85 -1,973,692.83 -1,956,244.00 100.89% 0.00 0.00 0.00 -200,000.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -668,506.00 0.00% -2,076,431.58 -1,969,427.99 -1,958,661.85 -2,173,692.83 -2,624,750.00 82.82% 848,907.51 654,104.93 685,797.43 666,255.17 871,655.00 76.44% 536,317.47 613,330.42 790,024.41 817,842.88 926,205.00 88.30% 19,198.16 186,937.35 123,823.94 139,071.34 154,037.00 90.28% 133,758.75 29,019.02 16,502.50 311,661.40 672,853.00 46.32% 1,537,181.89 1,483,391.72 1,616,148.28 1,934,830.79 2,624,750.00 73.71% -11,780.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% -150.00 -133.33 -15,050.00 -21,315.10 -1,000.00 2131.51% -2,494.33 -1,664.82 -1,549.95 -1,913.82 -250.00 765.53% -14,424.33 -1,798.15 -16,599.95 -23,228.92 -1,250.00 18S8.31% 2,566.04 5,072.35 1,500.00 3,061.19 0.00 0.00% 16,425.00 0.00 15,000.D0 0.00 0.00 0.00% 2,500.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 O.DO 0.00 1,250.00 0.00% 21,491.04 6,072.35 16,500.00 3,061.19 1,250.00 244.90% -5,464.46 -2,165.28 -454.15 -396.54 -600.00 66.09% -402,914.00 -401,355.00 -400,961.00 -220,605.43 -233,403.00 94.52% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -167,831.00 0.00% -408,378.46 -403,520.28 -401,415.15 -221,001.97 -401,834.00 S5.00% 403,659.30 402,137.20 400,528.60 401,833.50 401,834.00 100.00% 403,659.30 402,137.20 400,528.60 401,833.50 401,834.00 100.00% 217 of 325 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 09/30/22 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE -1,364,556.15 -1,485,562.98 -1,456,435.74 -1,765,134.89 -1,507,655.00 117.08% MISC. REVENUE -41,466.32 -41,768.49 -42,596.03 -45,596.46 -38,661.00 117.94% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -27,551.00 0.00% GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE -1,406,022.47 -1,527,331.47 -1,499,031.77 -1,810,731.35 -1,573,867.00 115.05% PERSONAL SERVICES 276,152.02 280,309.55 297,091.28 259,508.11 320,202.00 81.05% OPERATING EXPENSES 374,467.40 372,536.31 379,893.66 409,859.13 377,700.00 108.51% CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,892.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,400.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 38,368.00 38,367.00 38,366.00 36,085.00 71,085.00 50.76% ADMINISTRATION 699,979.45 691,212.86 715,350.94 705,452.24 790,387.00 89.25% OPERATING EXPENSES 566,101.47 579,657.81 582,490.37 596,146.20 588,980.00 101.22% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,505.03 0.00 0.00% MAINTENANCE 566,101.47 579,657.81 582,490.37 604,651.23 588,980.00 102.66% PERSONAL SERVICES 91,581.61 99,040.89 107,827.60 143,090.66 138,765.00 103.12% OPERATING EXPENSES 1,365.07 1,108.35 2,586.53 12,542.26 4,044.00 310.14% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 3,715.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% DEBT SERVICE 56,390.60 56,390.40 56,390.40 51,691.20 51,691.00 100.00`Yo GOLF COURSE CARTS 149,337.28 160,255.39 166,804.53 207,324.12 194,500.00 106.59% GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENSE 1,415,318.20 1,431,126.06 1,464,645.84 1,517,427.59 1,573,867.00 96.41% AIRPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0.00 -30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -3,332.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% MISC. REVENUE -567,481.27 -558,675.25 -579,785.29 -615,918.38 -629,232.00 97.88% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 -4,691.00 0.00 -3,643.00 -3,643.00 100.00% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -72,917.00 0.00% AIRPORT REVENUE -570,814.06 -593,366.25 -579,785.29 -619,561.38 -705,792.00 87.78% PERSONAL SERVICES 122,345.87 70,759.66 62,691.53 130,480.52 115,172.00 113.29% OPERATING EXPENSES 270,275.99 256,031.73 277,934.94 295,521.09 298,730.00 98.93% CAPITAL OUTLAY 45,750.85 50,070.10 9,205.00 29,043.00 29,043.00 100.00% DEBT SERVICE 21,823.63 21,476.57 21,115.63 20,740.25 36,500.00 56.82% TRANSFERS OUT 63,321.20 0.00 150,000.00 4,800.00 72,053.00 6.66% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 154,294.00 0.00% AIRPORT EXPENSE 523,517.53 398,338.06 520,947.10 480,584.86 705,792.00 68.09% BUILDING FUND LICENSES & PERMITS -841,623.60 -911,333.84 -1,328,861.77 -1,217,578.85 -969,700.00 125.56% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -13,193.39 -18,094.32 -33,414.91 -30,273.35 -20,800.00 145.54% FINES AND FORFEITS -7,833.50 -6,298.00 -5,200.00 -6,836.11 -6,000.00 113.94% MISC. REVENUE -16,545.67 -9,552.53 -13,210.28 -19,060.24 -40,091.00 47.54% TRANSFERS IN -38,367.00 -38,367.00 -38,366.00 -36,085.00 -36,085.00 100.00% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -170,240.00 0,00% BUILDING REVENUES -917,563.16 -983,645.69 -1,419,052.96 -1,309,833.55 -1,242,916.00 105.38% PERSONAL SERVICES 593,832.74 607,068.93 631,113.16 715,665.08 788,533.00 90.76% OPERATING EXPENSES 100,860.97 135,889.24 160,093.46 238,327.78 338,183.00 70.47% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 3,952.48 22,957.20 0.00 116,000.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 200.00 100.00% BUILDING EXPENSE 694,693.71 746,910.65 814,163.82 954,192.86 1,242,916.00 76.77% 218 of 325 CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 09/30/22 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES 22,735.77 22,728.40 22,732.44 22,726.34 22,730.00 99.98% OPERATING EXPENSES 29,523.02 23,973.48 33,150.59 34,497.67 37,770.00 91.34% TOTALS 52,258.79 46,701.88 55,883.03 57,224.01 60,500.00 94.59% CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICES 325,131.33 258,604.96 273,298.40 285,596.37 286,400.00 99.72% OPERATING EXPENSES 11,545.95 10,730.06 12,644.80 13,695.65 15,216.00 90.01% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,137.46 36,000.00 97.60% TOTALS 336,677.28 269,335.02 285,943.20 334,429.48 337,616.00 99.06% CITY CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES 170,673.19 171,931.73 180,890.48 183,663.92 192,485.00 95.42% OPERATING EXPENSES 20,636.24 92,955.02 24,313.86 74,950.53 90,239.00 83.06% CAPITAL OUTLAY 13,982.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTALS 205,292.18 264,886.75 205,204.34 258,614.45 282,724.00 91.47% LEGAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 92,685.76 162,196.25 176,827.17 176,853.00 99.99% OPERATING EXPENSES 105,408.63 74,358.55 33,499.36 25,565.00 35,069.00 72.90% TOTALS 10S,408.63 167,044.31 195,695.61 202,392.17 211,922.00 95.50% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES 540,447.79 539,815.61 514,984.10 580,626.87 593,704.00 97.80% OPERATING EXPENSES 131,553.48 134,856.91 141,322.00 156,151.03 178,922.00 87.27% TOTALS 672,001.27 674,672.S2 656,306.10 736,777.90 772,626.00 95.36% M.I.S. DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 314,098.20 345,873.93 347,017.64 371,673.60 424,662.00 87.52% OPERATING EXPENSES 126,311.18 163,864.91 166,311.53 171,793.33 173,018.00 99.29% CAPITAL OUTLAY 24,319.52 2,011.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTALS 464,728.90 511,749.95 513,329.17 543,466.93 597,680.00 90.93% POLICE ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 919,090.75 1,064,434.63 895,521.32 967,223.35 1,036,343.00 93.33% OPERATING EXPENSES 133,313.60 160,746.85 125,108.66 101,078.70 112,253.00 90.05% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 38,694.00 0.00 9,125.00 9,125.00 100.00% TOTALS 1,052,404.35 1,263,87S.48 1,020,629.98 1,077,427.0E 1,157,721.00 93.06% POLICE PATROL PERSONAL SERVICES 3,100,165.35 3,029,231.62 3,153,248.17 3,295,521.01 3,363,746.00 97.97% OPERATING EXPENSES 290,786.83 245,672.08 275,263.57 319,925.13 321,256.00 99.59% CAPITAL OUTLAY 21,778.25 33,487.06 32,677.19 32,555.06 32,890.00 99.98% TOTALS 3,412,730.43 3,308,390.76 3,461,188.93 3,648,001.20 3,717,892.00 98.12% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 165,800.76 169,749.55 170,980.96 160,509.98 179,616.00 89.36% OPERATING EXPENSES 18o609.69 14,469.38 16,645.19 17,611.07 21,607.00 81.51% TOTALS 184,410.44 184,218.93 187,626.15 178,121.0S 201,223.00 88.52% POLICE INVESTIGATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 664,952.45 878,785.13 954,684.61 1,017,583.10 1,027,745.00 99.01% OPERATING EXPENSES 115,848.10 123,457.61 143,557.66 140,022.65 157,098.00 89.13% CAPITAL OUTLAY 37,445.95 74,379.43 9,500.00 3,592.71 5,137.00 69.94% TOTALS 818,246.50 1,076,622.27 1,107,742.27 1,161,198.46 1,189,980.00 97.58% POLICE COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 611,731.25 573,959.36 566,550.41 587,521.86 659,748.00 89.05% OPERATING EXPENSES 10,306.96 8,885.71 10,954.85 9,145.13 16,305.00 56.09% TOTALS 622,038.21 582,845.07 577,505.26 596,666.99 676,053.00 88.26% 219 of 325 CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 09/30/22 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget ROADS AND DRAINAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 505,969.60 588,186.35 555,075.81 552,610.74 660,550.00 83.66% OPERATING EXPENSES 325,438.76 335,796.87 328,867.36 346,063.90 381,727.00 90.66% CAPITAL OUTLAY 55,742.95 39,190.25 43,777.15 60,498.24 62,449.00 96.88% TOTALS 887,151.31 963,173.47 927,720.32 959,172.88 1,104,726.00 86.82% CENTRAL GARAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 194,159.14 180,924.19 189,782.67 200,515.11 201,661.00 99.43% OPERATING EXPENSES 28,523.59 18,950.44 22,143.19 25,552.82 29,433.00 86.82% CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,595.01 2,376.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTALS 232,277.74 202,251.12 211,925.86 226,067.93 231,094.00 97.83% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 160,659.79 279,725.54 290,016.58 267,986.91 269,209.00 99.55% OPERATING EXPENSES 219,247.05 234,361.13 234,368.34 286,639.90 311,390.00 92.05% CAPITAL OUTLAY 18,374.00 54,094.00 74,585.00 8,338.44 8,434.00 98.87% TOTALS 398,279.84 568,180.67 598,969.92 562,965.25 589,033.00 95.57% PARKS/RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES 759,730.03 736,296.50 732,945.11 769,163.15 908,848.00 84.63% OPERATING EXPENSES 244,647.75 218,870.83 253,790.12 287,400.84 294,263.00 97.67% CAPITAL OUTLAY 140,639.51 154,853.70 49,059.22 36,329.49 40,149.00 90.49% TOTALS 1,145,017.29 1,110,021.03 1,035,794.45 1,092,893.48 1,243,260.00 87.91% CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES 145,725.26 151,633.45 149,170.67 112,041.37 112,440.00 99.65% OPERATING EXPENSES 32,307.62 26,102.80 29,829.25 28,771.19 29,916.00 96.17% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 805.75 826.00 97.55% TOTALS 178,032.88 177,736.25 178,999.92 141,618.31 143,182.00 98.91% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 318,631.07 392,516.83 416,308.13 403,612.84 427,690.00 94.37% OPERATING EXPENSES 47,574.33 132,123.64 61,419.72 71,077.18 113,226.00 62.77% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 14,649.50 0.00 0.00 6,699.00 0.00% TOTALS 366,205.40 539,289.97 477,727.85 474,690.02 547,615.00 86.68% NON -DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 278,439.04 264,098.13 275,348.94 312,815.03 314,070.00 99.60% OPERATING EXPENSES 712,594.27 707,675.13 703,731.81 714,665.63 738,546.00 96.77% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 23,243.95 4,691.00 45,953.96 314,359.26 529,527.00 59.37% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTALS 1,014,277.26 976,464.26 1,025,034.71 1,341,839.92 1,582,143.00 84.81% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 12,147,438.70 12,887,459.61 12,723,227.07 13,593,567.48 14,646,990.00 92.81% 220 of 325 cuff SEBAMkN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Paul Carlisle, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Administrative Services Director Date: February 6, 2023 Re: 4' Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2022 The following are the 40' Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended September 30, 2022. CITY CLERK Legislative Sunuort Matters • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded four Regular City Council meetings, one special meeting. • Completed follow up of approved Council matters — contracts, letters, e-mails, scanned to LF and indexed. • Ten resolutions adopted by Council. • Eight proclamations prepared for presentation by Mayor. • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, City staff and press. • Two documents recorded with Clerk of Court. • Prepared travel for two legislative conference attendees. Records Management Program • Responded to 37 public records requests • 94 cubic feet of paper records met retention along with duplicate and OSA records destroyed by shredding vendor. • Continued scanning and organizing maps & surveys into Laserfiche for permanent or long term record storage. • Purchased plastic storage bins to store information in the vault for permanent storage. • Continued to re -organize permanent file boxes and update the list of location in Laserfiche and vault. Election Matters • Qualified seven candidates for 2022 Election. • Prepared 2022 election ballot. • Processed relevant campaign treasurer's reports. • Notified candidates of logic & accuracy testing of the voting equipment. • Coordinated Early Voting in Council Chambers for Primary Election. City Board Matters • City Clerk attended four Centennial Celebration Task Force meetings. • Records Specialist prepared agenda, attended and recorded three Centennial Celebration Task Force meetings. • Noticed vacancies, prepared six board appointments, notified and provided info to appointees, updated board handbook and distributed pages. • Records Specialist published all scanned City board agenda packets to City website, Facebook, Laserfiche and also provided to press and Council. • Published one newspaper notice of FY22/23 CRA meetings. • Coordinated board/committee meeting minutes between staff and technical writer. Cemetery Matters • Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 28 locations for a total of $53,500.00. • Scanned all cemetery records as sold or amended for permanent retention. • Records Specialist updated the Rules and Regulations to comply with 0-22-01 regulation changes & adjusted the Rate Sheet to comply with R-22-19 rate increase. Personnel/Educational Matters • Records Specialist attended three project management meetings. • City Clerk and Records Specialist attended active shooter training. • City Clerk and Records Specialist attended an election webinar. • Records Specialist enrolled to be a member of the Florida Association of City Clerks. Community Matters • Responded to or forwarded CITYSEB emails to appropriate departments. • Coordinated with FDOT staff the meeting location for the Resurfacing of US 1 project. 221 of 325 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Provided administrative support to the Police Pension Board. • Presented draft Capital Improvement Program to the Planning and Zoning Board. • Met with Department Heads and worked on drafts of the FY2023 Budget and Capital Program. • Prepared 3'a Quarter Budget Amendment and made presentation to Budget Committee and City Council. • Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. • Maintained listing of current capital projects and held frequent meetings with project managers to monitor progress. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with the ICMA representative. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Recruited replacements for vacant positions. • Worked with Consultant on the Compensation Study. • Documented bids and proposals for purchases to insure purchasing policies were followed. • Reviewed and approved agenda items for contracts and other payments requiring City Council approval. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration • Continued review of agency policies per accreditation standards. • Conducted interviews for Police Officers, Dispatchers, Accreditation / Record's Supervisor, and Police Volunteers. • Participated in Independence Day Parade and Festivities. • Completed an audit on the Investigation and Evidence Safe. • Continued our quarterly auditing and inspection of the police building and equipment. • Attended 5 Council and Special Event/Workshop meetings. • Responded to 3 public records requests. • Attended 2 Executive Round Table Meetings. • Attended 911 Ceremonies at Riverview Park. • Conducted 2 Treasure Coast Chiefs of Police and Sheriff's Association meetings. • Participated in 3 strategic planning meetings. • Conducted 3 leadership and weekly staff meetings. • Two Command Staff members attended the Florida Police Chief's Summer Conference. • Participated in Citywide Grill Out event. • Two Command Staff members attended the Florida Federal Bureau of Investigations National Association Conference. • Completed annual firearms qualifications. • Attended 3 Substance Awareness Center Executive Board Meetings. • Participated in a Back to School Fun Day Event. • Attended multiple other civic and agency related meetings including Multi -agency assemblies and Special School Board meetings. • Attended 3 Juvenile Justice 19"' Circuit Advisory Board Meetings. Volunteers • The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 2,369.50 hours during this quarter. • 74 bank deposit details were completed so City Hall employees do not need to leave their assigned duties. • 36 traffic control details were assigned. These details involve directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. • 2,052 house watches/close patrols were completed. • 102 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking vehicles to different locations for repairs, etc. • 1,456 business checks were made. These business checks are conducted to help patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which helps reduce crime. • 313 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times helps to deter crime. • 147 Airport checks were made. The visibility helps to deter crime. • 34 special details were assigned. • 11 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personnel. • 97 paperwork runs, i.e.: State Attorney's Office, Sheriff's Office, etc. The Volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney documents, and miscellaneous items as needed. • Assisted with traffic control on 10 traffic crash scenes. • 161 citizen contacts. • 505 miscellaneous jobs. • 25 Escorts were completed. 222 of 325 2 School Resource Officers Area/school checks 0 0 0 0 183 16 92 0 1 11 73 12 107 0 11 16 67 0 199 0 12 27 323 28 Reports Crossing Guard contacts Mentor lunches Patrol hours Community event hours Patrol hours Mentor lunches Crossing Guard contacts Reports Area/school checks O 50 100 150 200 Road Patrol and Special Operations • Officers were dispatched to 4,457 calls for service, and self -initiated 2,205 events. • 54 adult and 8 juvenile arrests were made. • 1 Juvenile Civil Citation was issued. • Officers issued 209 citations, 3 parking citations, and 450 written warnings. • Officers completed 423 offense reports and 66 crash reports. N Sept. 0 August N July Special Operations Citations Warnings Incident Reports Arrests Citizen Contacts Traffic Officer Marine & Natural Resources* 6 10 0 *The traffic officer position is temporarily vacant due to personnel shortages. *"Marine & Natural Resources unit is not a full time position. iK-9 unit • K-9 Training Hours: 280 • Misdemeanor Arrests: 0 • Felony Arrests: 11 • Narcotic Searches: 4 • Activity Reports: 16 • K-9 Demonstrations: 4 • Schools Attended: 1 • Additional Training Hours: 16 • Agency Assisted: indian River County 0 39 3 223 of 325 Detectives Subpoenas Arrests Warrants Training/Meeting Hours Follow -Ups Active Cases Assigned Cases Cleared Cases Inactive Cases Supplements Call Outs Back ground/Rpo SIU • Court Order Documents Arrests Warrants Training/Meeting Hours Follow -Ups Active Cases Officer Intel Crime Stoppers Intel Other Intel Source Cleared Cases Inactive Cases Supplements Surveillance (hours) Agency Assist 2 5 1 8 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 13 16 20.5 49.5 13 23 27 63 28 29 31 88 10 11 13 34 8 4 6 18 4 4 7 15 10 17 22 49 2 2 6 10 2 7 3 12 2 5 1 8 4 4 1 1 1 1 75 86 110 271 2 8 6 16 8 3 S 8 4 5 5 14 4 7 2 13 2 4 3 9 2 2 1 2 1 4 6 7 6 19 60 43 35 138 1 1 Surveil lance (hours) Supplements W Inactive Cases Cleared Cases Other Intel Source • Crime Stoppers Intel r Officer Intel p Active Cases .� Follow -Ups Training/Meeting Hours ■; Warrants Arrests Court Order Documents 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 September ■ August ■ July 4 224 of 325 SUBPOENAS ARRESTS WARRANTS TRAINING/1\4EETINGS (hours) FOLLOW-UPS ACTIVE CASES ASSISGNED CASES CLEARED CASES JINACTIVE CASES SUPPLEMENT S SUBPOENAS SIU 2 3 0 5 3 3 1 7 2 2 0 4 14 12 20 46 3 6 6 15 6 6 6 18 3 2 2 7 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 7 5 10 22 12 20 25 57 ­0 GI IU, I I Training/Meeting Hours 75 86 110 271 Follow -Ups 2 8 6 16 Active Cases 8 3 8 8 Officer Intel 4 5 5 14 Crime Stoppers Intel 4 7 2 13 Other Intel Source 2 4 3 9 Cleared Cases 2 2 Inactive Cases 1 2 1 4 Supplements 6 7 6 19 Surveillance (hours) 60 43 35 138 Agency Assist 1 1 Surveillance (hours) ------ Supplements Inactive Cases 1 Cleared Cases Other Intel Source Crime Stoppers Intel lr NSeptember Officer Intel Active Cases ■August Follow -Ups P6 ■July Training/Meeting Hours Warrants Arrests Court Order Documents 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 225 of 325 5 COPE QUARTERLY REPORT ACTIVITY HOURS COMMUNITY EVENTS 19 AGENCY OUTREACH EVENTS COMMUNITY MEETINGS SCHOOL -RELATED EVENTS PUBLIC TRAINING CLASSES REGIONAL OUTREACH rnUaCrivl-ORIENTED POLICING PUBLIC SAFETY CADET ACTIVITIES TRAINING AND SCHOOLS IN-SERVICE INSTRUCTION SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION & RESEARCH ROAD PATROL COVERAGE MARINE PATROL/NAT RESOURCES Communications Division 70 36 2 0 0 10 8 0 8 10 143 16 27 Community Events: Honor Flight -16 Grace's Landing -0 Fellsmere Night Out -0 Chamber of Commerce -0 Clam Bake -0 Shrimp Fest -0 Coffee with a Cop -0 Park Place-3 Boys & Girls Club -0 Agency outreach: Trailer- 45 Sebastian High — 8 Palish/American Club —1 IRCSO Back to School -16 Community Meetings: Exchange Club - 13 SAFIR - 18 Women's Club-1 Rotary - 4 School Related Events: Pelican Island Elem-1 Sebastian Efem-2 Sebastian Charter Jr-O Public Training Classes: Social Media Management: RAD Women-0 Facebook-10 RAD Kid5-0 Instagram -0 TV interviews-0 PSA-0 Radio-0 Regional Outreach: Hometown Heroes-0 Administration & P.esearch: Pension Board - 0 Special Event Meetings - 0 Problem Oriented Policing Monthly Chiefs Brief - 0 Citizen Issues-10 Leadership Meeting - 0 SRO - 106 Awards Committee - 0 Crossing Guard Coverage - 4 Public Safety Cadets- 88Activities: 0 Training and Schools: RAD Women Instructor-0 In -Service Instruction: New hire-0 Firearms-8 Tactical build-0 Road Patrol Coverage-16 Marine Patrol/Natural Resources: Vessel Stops-39 Citations-6 Warnings-10 Natural Resources-27 Maintenance-5 Disp. Calls For Service 1 1,632 1,389 1,373 4,394 Officer Initiated Calls I 753 760 743 2,256 Code Enf. Initiated Calls Il 1,963 1,798 1,497 5,258 Volunteer Initiated Calls 679 923 666 2,168 Caps Entered Into CAD 4,994 4,936 4,328 14,258 911 Caps Received 855 706 714 2,276 911 Calls Transferred Out 403 306 309 1,018 911 Hang-up Calls 69 69 79 217 Admin. Calls Received 681 587 575 1,843 Admin. Calls Transferred N/A N/A N/A N/A Outgoing Admin. Calls N/A N/A N/A N/A Training/Meeting Hours 15 15 15 45 911 phone report system is still not working correctly so we still can not run reports from Isere. All reports before that date are no longer available to us. 226 of 325 6 Training/Meeting Hours Outgoing Admin. Calls Admin. Calls Transferred Admin. Calls Received 911 Nang -up Calls 1 911 Calls Transferred Out S. 911 Calls Received �■ Calls Entered Into CAD - Volunteer Initiated Calls Code Enf. Initiated Calls - Officer Initiated Calls Disp. Calls For Service 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 Crime Scene/Evidence Month 3 ■ Month 2 ■ Month 1 stems Received 79 82 91 252 -vidence Processed In-house 1 33 42 76 vidence Outsourced 9 22 50 81 terms Returned 16 11 8 35 'tems Purged 0 384 0 385 Cars Impounded 0 0 0 0 Video Redaction Hours 184 12 32 228 -Jideos Burned 216 268 322 806 -upplements Written 3 3 2 8 evidence Processing Hours I 26 8 12 46 =rime Scene Processing Hours 8 5 0 13 Training Hours 48 69 104 221 =all Outs 4 2 0 6 Call Outs Training Hours Crime Scene Processing Hours Evidence Processing Hours L Supplements Written Videos Burned Sept Video Redaction Hours e N Aug Cars Impounded Items Purged ■ July Items Returned L Evidence Outsourced Evidence Processed In-house Items Received alb 0 100 200 300 400 500 227 of 325 7 Code Enforcement Of the 5,275 code calls for the quarter the following is a breakdown of some specific calls made: • Issued 321 written warnings. This ranges from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 135 property inspections for title companies and 101 sign violations. • 510 Code Services. • 492 re -inspections, 51 violations were not complied with, 51 were posted for abatement, and 1 abated by vendors. • 387 violations complied. • 0 Liens filed, 1 lien released. • 61 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. • There were 3 calls for water violation during the 4th quarter. Alarm Assessment • $190.00 in alarm permits (new and renew). • $0.00 in false alarms fines. • 39 alarm responses by officers, 4 of these were false. • 17 new permits issued. ROADS Asphalt • Put down 4 at Midvale road crossing and Boys & Girls Club, pipe repair in parking lot and also pot holes in City Hall parking lot. • Dug -out, formed and poured two pads for bike racks at Riverview Park for parks. Grinding • Preformed sidewalk inspection on IRD for trip hazards and ground down any that were found. • Cut roots causing trip hazards and ground down raised concrete at City Hall grounds. • Ground down tripping hazards on Fleming St. at CR512. Removed various trip hazards throughout the City with grinder. Mowing • Cut back overgrown right of ways on vacant lots throughout the City with side mower and /or by hand with chain saw. • Mowed city owned spillways, bridge approach guard rails and maintained areas including Powerline Rd. Concrete • Dug out and formed up for ADA parking spot and sidewalk at Blossom Park Poured 13 yards of concrete. • Broke out and re -poured concrete for trip hazards on Powerline Rd., Periwinkle Dr. and Fleming St. at CR512. Roads • Started with sorting through compound in preparation for relocation to new building, sorting junk. • Helped the Central Garage and sign shop move their equipment and supplies to new facility. Misc. • Re -graded overflow parking lot with millings for July 4th event • Assisted sign shop in cutting back sight obstructions from various stop and street signs throughout the City • Chipped up tree debris for airport that was cut away from building for roof repairs • Assisted SW in mowing grass and using side arm on water banks at SW treatment Facility • Assisted SW in digging up and repairing damaged pipe in Boys & Girls Club parking lot • Repaired lifted pavers in crosswalks at City Hall • Worked with SW to remove old driveways, replaced culvert pipes and maintain road base from washouts until concrete was poured back in place Cavem/Ridgley area • Dug out road base when concrete contractor was able to obtain material & pour driveways in Cavern/Ridgley area • Assisted with demolition & debris hauling of Harbor Light Motel 228 of 325 Facilities Maintenance • Maintain City Flags. • Maintain and monitor all lift stations. • Monthly A/C maintenance all City Buildings. • Monthly monitoring and supplies AED stations. • Daily maintenance and repairs city buildings. • Monitor C1eanSpace Janitorial. • Elevator Inspections (TK Elevator). • Quarterly Fire and Sprinkler test: ADS. • Yacht Club: Prep and recoat restroom floors (CJ Epoxy). • City Hall: Repair roof front lobby (Leeward roofing). • Schumann Park: Replace main underground water line (Advance Plumbing). • Admin. Building Replace Unit AC#3, Unit #7,Unit #7 and Unit #9 (Jimmy's AC). • Old School: Upgrade Emergency Lighting (in Process). • Hurricane Ian: Prep Citywide and clean up Citywide. Sign Shon • Signage and Installation: • Created; 112 • Signs Installed: 155 • Signs Straightened: 104 • Signs Cleaned: 1 • Trees Cut by signs: 29 • Traffic Studies: 0 • GIS Locations 32 • Decals:8 • Pavement Markings: • Stop Bars: 2 • Yellow Line Striping: 36 Ln ft. • White Line Striping: 8844 Ln ft. • Parking Lots: 1 • Cross Walks: 4 • Handicap stalls: 2 • ADA Mats painted: 0 • Blue Paint: LN FT.:250 LN ft, • Arrows:6 • Special Projects: • Install /Replace Warning and Regulatory Signs: 99% Complete. • Repaint Main St. Boat Ramp Parking Lot: Complete • Install "YACHT CLUB ONLY" parking signs: Complete • New Projects: • Move to new shop in progress • Stop bars and crosswalks road paint zonel : 50%Completed • M.O.T/Special Events 4 • School Lights: 3 • Citizens Request:5 (5 completed). • Work Orders: 64 (64 have been completed). • Created Signs Breakdown: • Street Signs: 2 • Regulatory:87 • Warning:15 • Park:8 • Marine:I 229 of 325 Cemetery • Routine Mowing/Weed Eating and Edging • Fix 5 3in. main line breaks, survey blocks in unit 5 • Repair 2 3in. main line breaks • Survey blocks in unit 5 • Add 3 sprinklers to units 1,2 and 4 • Fixed 2 3" main lines • Started landscaping around new cemetery sign • Full Burials 41 Cremains Burials 56 Construction Specialist • Harbor Lights: • Over -see asbestos removal. • Prep for demolition. • Demolition and debris removal. • Start installation of fencing. • Indian River Dr. • General lighting repair and replacement. • Stormwater • Pier# 1 prep and order of wood for replacement. • Chamber of Commence • Rebuild outdoor table. • Cemetery • Well pump line repairs. • Airport. • Install electrical conduit underground and overhead for security cameras. • Runway lighting repairs. • Parks • North Pier repairs. • Yacht Club piling repairs. Fleet Management: • Staff completed 219 repair work orders, 9 preventive maintenance services 0 service calls and 0 road trips to pick up parts. • In addition to in-house work orders, 10 vehicle and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outside vendors. • Took delivery of the following units: None. • Completed the prep(Lights, Rack, Graphics, etc.) on the following units: None. • Completed Sales on Gov. Deals: $14,060.01. • Fuel Cost: • $2.91 per gallon of gasoline 20% increase over the past 90 days. • $4.15 per gallon of diesel fuel, increase of 23.5% over the past 90 days. LEISURE SERVICES Parks Division • Maintain spraying WOW on the volleyball courts at Riverview park, playground Schumann Park, sign on 512. • Cutting and removing debris at the Main St. boat docks. • Set up work event Memorial Park. • Repair pavilion at Main St. docks. • Set up barricades and close parking area for event at Main St. docks. • Move the stage and set it up for events at Riverview Park and pick up the stage for a canceled event at Riverview Park. • Maintain the area by helping the garage move to the new compound. • Take down the wind screens at the Pickleball Court and at the tennis court Friendship Park (hurricane prep). • Put up shutters at City Hall (hurricane prep). • Remove debris at City Hall and throughout the city (hurricane prep). • Install basketball net at Riverview park, Barber St. Complex. • Install blades on the tractor at the Airport. • Repair nets at the tennis courts Schumann Park. • Replace the stop curbs at Riverview Park, install parking curb at PD. • Repair pavers City Hall. • Clean out the storage building at the old compound. 230 of 325 10 • Maintain area by cutting and removing debris. • Repair fence at Riverview Park and Hardee Park. • Maintain weed eating, spraying WOW, and mowing. • Remove graffiti at the Skate Park. • Paint the area at the Skate Park and Barber St. Sports Complex. • Pressure wash graffiti at Skate Park and Barber St. Sports Complex. • Install canopy by the tennis courts at Friendship Park. • Deliver golf carts to the Community Center and return golf courts. • Replace fence at Hardee Park. • Repair the border around the playground at Friendship Park. • Add dirt to the entrance of the twin piers at Riverview Park. • Maintain the area by cutting and hauling off debris at Indian River Park. Recreation Division • Continued city run programs. STORMWATER DEPARTMENT • Debris Removed: 1512 cy. • Misc. Task :18 • Driveways replaced: 13 • Catch basin removed: 57cy • 1 New road crossing and 20 cy removed. • 6 Baffle boxes cleaned 13cy removed. Inspection Tvpe Inspection # Passed Failed Conditional Re -Inspection Fee Final Engineering 278 224 54 0 $0 Driveway 73 70 3 0 $0 Pre -Sod 100 82 18 0 $0 Erosion Control Barrier 86 65 21 0 $0 Drainage pipe Elevation 63 45 18 0 $0 Total 600 Citizen Request Line • July = 85 Approximately - 23 were for Stormwater (27%) 10 Roads (12%)16 General Questions(19%) 0 signs(0%) 3 Parks(3%) 1 (1%) Eric 30ther (3%) 28 Includes 20 Code, 7 County, 1 Building Dept. (33%). • Aug. = 103 Approximately - 27 were for Stormwater (26%) 12 Roads (12%) 18 General questions (17%) 2 signs(3%) 4 parks(4%) Eric 3 (29%) Other (3%) Includes 16 County, 5 Code, 3 Building Department, 6 FPL 11 Unknown • Sept = 155 Approximately - 71 were for Stormwater (46%) 13 roads (8%) IAirport(0%) 21 General questions (14%) 2 Signs(1%) 5 Parks (3%) 1 Building Dept.(0%) 9 FPL(6%) 14 other (9%)(4 Code, 10 County) • July 2022— 85 Requests • 23 Stormwater, Completed • 10 Roads, 1 Outstanding winter projects • 3 Parks, Completed • 1 FPL( on going,) 20 Code (NA) 2 Eric (Completed), 16 General (Completed), 1 Building Dept. Complete • Aug 2022 —103 Request • 28 Stormwater, 2 no call back, 1 mowers behind, 1 HO Responsibility, 1 FPL to fix, 1 no asphalt • 1 County(NA), 1 Code(NA) 2 Eric (Complete) 18 General Questions(Complete) 6 FPL 4 (on going) • Sept. 2022 —155 Requests • 71 Stormwater, 5-ongoin 3 HO to fix, 1 Control gates, 2 not city, 1 no asphalt 4Code, NA, 10 County NA, 13 Eric Complete, 9 FPL on -going project, 21 General questions complete, 8 No call back, 5 Parks, 1 no filet table, No camera's at park, 13 Roads, 2 no asphalt, 1 on going, 1 HO to do, 1 Building Dept., Complete, 1 Airport, we do not have the info being requested. 231 of 325 11 GOLF COURSE Revenue 21-22 4th Quarter Rev. $253,481 YTD Tot. Rev. $1,824,317 4th Quarter Rounds 11,607 YTD Tot. Rds. 59,829 4th Q. Green Fee $73,983 4th Q. Cart Fee $133,325 4th Q. Annual Member $370 YTD Ann. Mem. $187,232 4th Q. USGA Hdcp. $0 YTD USGA Hdcp. $6,314 4th Q. Disct. Card $0 YTD Disct. Cd. $44,457 4th Q. Driving Range $10,774 YTD Dr. Rge. $65,978 4th Q. Club Rental $1,001 4th Q. Golf Shop Retail $24,031 4th Q. Retail COST ($13,683) 4th Q. Golf Shop Profit $10,348 4th Q. Golf Shop Margin 43.06% YTD Shop Retail $114,015 4th Q. PGA Pro Lesson $1,477 YTD Lesson $3,095 4th Q. Restaurant Rent $7,500 YTD Rest. Rent $30,000 • *4th Q. Rain amount 22.07" *Data obtained from weather underground.com AIRPORT • Routine: Mowing, Weed whacking, Edging, Enforce airport security, Runway light maintenance, Spraying, Equipment maintenance and Runway/Taxi area inspection. • Routine Maintenance and cleaning of the AWOS. • Attended construction meetings with Ahrens Companies. • Removed pepper trees around perimeter of airport fence. • Attend construction meetings regarding new water and sewer extensions. • Chaperoned sub- contractors around airport for camera install. • Cleaned and greased all 4 flags. • Trimmed all shrubs around hangars A, B, C and main building. • Cleaned all storm drain pipes in air field. • Trimmed the oak trees at the airport main building. BUILDING FUND • In the 4 quarter of this fiscal year, a total of 48 new single-family homes were issued building permits. The number of new single family homes is only slightly higher than the 3rd quarter when a significant reduction in new single family residential permits was first reported. Other permits of significance include 2 new manufactured homes, 1 new commercial building, 0 commercial additions, 6 commercial alterations, 0 commercial build outs, 3 residential additions and 108 residential alterations. In all, 1132 building permits were issued and permitting in the a quarter increased slightly from the 3rd quarter. • Total number of inspections for the 4`h quarter was 4,254 for an average of 67 building inspections per working day. The number of inspections for the 4'h quarter decreased slightly. • The number of Certificates of Occupancy issued for the 4'h quarter included 75 new single family residences, 0 manufactured homes, 0 commercial certificate of occupancy, 0 commercial temporary certificate of occupancy and 2 commercial certificates of completion. • The following lists the Business Tax Receipt activity for the 4`h quarter: new businesses-39, renewals-398, transfers-0, duplicates-3, home based businesses-28, commercial businesses-11, insurance companies-41, vacation rentals-14 and solicitor registrations-0. There were 97 new Contractor registrations. In addition, there have been 94 requests for permit records on properties within the city from lien/title companies. This is the time of year that Business Tax Receipt renewal notices are sent out and payments are processed. • During the 4'h quarter the overall permitting and number of inspections performed has remained approximately the same as the 3`d quarter. Plans for the front counter renovation have been finalized. City is waiting for the final quote from the design build contractor which will then be brought to City Council for approval. 232 of 325 12 M L* SEBASTIAV HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meetinq Date: February 22, 2023 Aqenda Item Title: Request from the Natural Resources Board to sell alcohol (beer only) at the upcoming Earth Day celebration in Riverview Park. Recommendation: Consider the Natural Resources Board request to serve beer at the Earth Day Celebration. Background: Pursuant to Section 74-4.7, requests to serve alcohol at City sponsored events in Riverview Park require City Councils approval. The Natural Resources Board hosts the City's annual "Earth Day Celebration" at Riverview Park on the last Saturday in April of each year. The Board is requesting the addition of alcohol to this year's event. The event date is Saturday, April 22nd and the event will take place from 9:00am to 4:00pm. The request for consideration is as follows: The Natural Resources Board would like to sell alcohol (draught beer) during the event. The Rotary Club of Sebastian Recreational Foundation, Inc. will be the host with the proceeds from the sale of the beer to be used for the Rotary Club's Lagoon Project. The beer may or may not be donated by JJ Taylor Distribution Company. The Rotary Club will be required to provide a temporary alcohol license from ABT to serve during the event if the request is approved. If Azenda Item Requires Exuenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: $0 Total Cost: $0 Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NA Attachments: 1. The Rotary CIub of Sebastian Proposal Administrative Services City Attorney Review: Procurement Division R Department Re ew: eview, ' applicaSle: City Manager Authorization: Date: ,� /v� 233 of 325 From: mgingras6l@gmail.com Sent: Friday, February 3, 2023 3:15 PM To: Joshua Simpson Subject RE: Rotary & Earth Day Y-Y—Y�YY If they go with the $315, we will do that our selves. If they go with the $1000, we would want to cost share. Take Care and God Bless our Soldiers, Marc Gingras, REAE.TOR® 772-321-3916 be CnJ�►>1�,e Cosa dIc Gvfs 'to be usc.� a_kcL c B; COLDWELL BANKER PARADISE MARC GINGRAS I GLOBAL LUXURY CERTIFIED AGENT 772-321-3916 • MGINGRAS61@GMAIL.COM - MARCGINGRASREALTOR.COM From: Joshua Simpson <JSim son cit ofsebastian.or > Sent: Friday, February 3, 2023 2:39 PM To: mgingras61@gmail.com Cc: Felicia Gordian <FGordian@cityofsebastian.org> Subject: RE: Rotary & Earth Day Thanks Marc this is all great info and Should be sufficient enough . Double logo cups sound great and May be the way to go if the board ok's it. My question is what would they be-esponsible for paying out of the $315? Thanks JOSHUA SIMPSON ZONING TECHNICIAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF SEBASTIAN OFFICE 772-388-8221L isimnson I@citvofsebastian.orz ""'-v O r S f]3ASTIAN 110ME OF PGIACAN ISLAND From: mgingras6l@gmail.com [mailto:mgingras61@gmail.com1 Sent: Friday, February 3, 2023 12:23 PM To: Jos[ ua Simpson 234 of 325 Cc: Felicia Gordian Subject: RE: Rotary & Earth Day Hi Josh, The beer may or may not be donated. We will be getting kegs probably from JJ Taylor distributors. The Rotary Club of Sebastian will be the beneficiary of the proceeds to be used on our Lagoon project. Per our grant with Rotary, 1. Working with local certifying agencies, the Sebastian Rotary will place "oyster farms" in three locations along the river. Two of three sites are already located; final permission is required. 2. The Rotary Club of Sebastian and a permitted partner will consult with public and private sector property owners to identify sites where mangrove trees may be planted. Mangroves are available commercially for approximately $ 20 per small 3-4 f t. seedling, or $1,000 per 50 small trees. The Rotary club of Sebastian Recreational Foundation, Inc will be the host. We are a 501c3 org and will grant the Rotary club the money for the Lagoon project. Derek said the cups with the city and our club logo on them would be $315 for 500 so $.63 each. Procee os �ca� � �aec� 54k-es w ►11 be USe6 on -fie 235 of 325 2113123, 2:42 PM Search for products, categories—, Shop For 16 oz. Greenware Cold Cup CG16 i Grandstand 0 GRANDSTAND 16 oz. Greenware Cold Cup CG16 SKU: CG16 As Low As $0.33 Price calculated at 25000+ yty with a 1 color print. r i Select a Color: Clear Cmmparu� Configure + Instant Quote i Description Specificatiorkss, FAACC, This soft -sided clear plastic cup is made from plant -based resins that are domestically grown and annually renewable. It's eco-friendly, biodegradable and 100% compostable in certain municipal and industrial facilities. The generous imprint area allows ample space to add your branding, making these cups a great choice for beer festivals, cold brew coffee, or any outdoor event. Lids are not included. Click here for compatible lids. Available in these other capacities: 7 oz. Greenware Cold Cup CG7 12 oz, Greenware Cold Cua CG12 20 oz. Greenware Cold Cur) CG20 Lids sold separately Home > 16 oz. Greenware Cold Cup CG16 236 of 325 https:llegrandstand.com/16-oz-greenware-cold-cup-cgl6?yuerylD=792e5b565962fdcd4eb55a5eb96fc680&objectlD=49178&indexName=gsg_4efaull... 112 2/13/23, 2:42 PM Shop For 16 oz. Greenware Cold Cup CG16 1 Grandstand Pricing Quantity 1 Color savings 100+ $1.29 250+ $ 0.77 40% 500+ $0.54 58% 1000+ $0.46 64% 2500+ $ 0.42 67% 5000+ $0.37 71% 10000+ $0.36 72% 25000+ $ 0.33 74% 237 of 325 hftps:/Iegrandstand.com/16-oz-g reenware-cold-cup-cgl 67queryl D=792e5b565962fdcd4eb55a5eb96fc680&object) D=49178&indexName=gsg_defau It... 2/2 rmOF SEBASMAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Wte: February 22, 2023 Agenda item Title: Ordinance 0-21-03 Mobile Food Establishments & Criteria for Temporary Uses Recommendation: Review and discussion of Ordinance 0-21-03 per Council request on February 8, 2023 at regular meeting Baclteround: City Council requested at the regular Council meeting on February 8, 2023 that Ordinance 0-21-03 be brought forward for discussion at the next regular council meeting. Attached please find information pertaining to discussions and supporting documents in regard to the adoption of this ordinance. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: 0 Total Cost: 0 Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NA Attachments: 1. Adoption hearing transmittal and Ordinance 0-21-03, May 12 2021 2. Florida Statute 509.102 Mobile food dispensing vehicles; preemption. 3. FDACS Mobile Food Permit Requirements Administrative Services Department R tew:. . 11 r City Attorney Review: _ Procurement Division Review, "ifappli able: City Manager Authorization: Date: 238 of 325 1111:1 HOME OF PELICAN ISt.AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: May 12, 2021 Agenda Item Title: Ordinance 0-21-03 Proposed Laud Development Code Amendment in regards to Mobile Food Establishments & Criteria for Temporary Uses Recommendation: Conduct second reading and hold public hearing. Move to approve Ordinance O 21-03 Background: The State of Florida adopted legislative Chapter 2020-160 and created F.S. Section 509.102 which pre-empted the regulation of mobile food dispensing vehicles involving licenses, registrations, permits and fees related to the operation of mobile food dispensing vehicles tD the state, and banned local governmental entities from prohibiting mobile food dispensing vehicles from operating within the entity's jurisdiction. The city wishes to comply with the State's directive by recognizing this specialized market segment, classifying the types of permitted mobile food establishments' or dispensing vehicles and establishing appropriate standards that allow for typic.0 food truck activities while mitigating associated undesirable impacts . The Planning and ZoniAg Commission reviewed Ordinance 0-21-03 on March 18, 2021 and unanimously approved the dra13 ordinance with the recommendation of removal of language related to operational distwice requirements as it appeared in direct conflict to F.S. 509.102; specifically, 54-2-3.6(c)(8). This area has been highlighted for your review. Under the Temporary Uses segment found within the ordinance, the Fire Marshal clarified the threshold for tent sizes that require a flame retardant ratio& this has also been highlighted for your review, specifically, 54-2-3.2(2). If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: N/A Total Cost: No cost for this agenda item is anticipated. Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NIA Attachments: 1. Ordinance 0-21-03 2. F.S. 509.102 Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: i1'�tea .cQrteK.,_ Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorizatlon: Date: 4 r 239 of 325 ORDINANCE NO.O-21-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AMENDING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 54-5-22.2, DEFINITION OF TERMS, BY CREATING A DEFINITION FOR MOBILE FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS, AMENDING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTIONS 54-2-3.2, 3.3, AND 3.4 RELATING TO THE PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR REVIEW OF TEMPORARY USES, AND INITIATING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 54-2-3.6 WHICH INSTATES PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR MOBILE FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS,; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND REPEAL OF LAWS IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, effective July 1", 2020, the State of Florida adopted legislative Chapter 2020-160 and created F.S. Section 509.102 which pre-empted the regulation of mobile food dispensing vehicles involving licenses, registrations, permits and fees and the regulation of the operation of mobile food dispensing vehicles to the state, and banned local governmental entities from prohibiting mobile food dispensing vehicles from operating within the entity's jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to comply with the State's directive by recognizing this specialized market segment, classifying the types of pennitted mobile food establishments or dispensing vehicles, and establishing appropriate standards that allow for typical food truck activities while mitigating associated, undesirable impacts; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it is in the public interest to create, modify and update certain sections of the code pertaining to mobile food establishments or dispensing vehicles, and temporary uses; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency held a public hearing on March 18, 2021, and made a recommendation to City Council to adopt Ordinance 0-21-03. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Se-ction 1. That the Land Development Code, City of Sebastian, Florida, is hereby amended as follows: Amendment l: ARTICLE XXII. LANGUAGE AND DEFINITIONS Sec. 54-5-22.2. Definition of terms. Mining. A10NI I -op—d I-slablishment._ A 13uhlie food. service establisiuneni_lmlyiufrig usr of a motlile fggd disucns vehicle that is self-monellecl or otherw4se pipveble from place IQ pl ce, s, uchgs a truck njLq, gr IiMflff self - I 240 of 325 >>roPelled conveyance. and includes self-co_�tained utilities. including but at limited to, gas, water. electli<city, or hauid waste disoussl. Mobile hone. Amendment 2: ARTICLE III. SPECIAL USE, SPECIAL EXCEPTION AND TEMPORARY USE PERMITS See. 54-2-3.6. Procedures and criteria for mobile food estabilshments. W Clr_,ssficativns. Mobile food establishments involvinU_the use o£ a mob' a food disMsing vehicle shall be classified as follows: t 11 Class 1 -- Mobile Kitchens. lit addition to the vending rpfproducts allowed for Class 11 and Class ill. these vehicles may cook, orepare and assemble food items in the unit and serve a full menu. _J 21 Class 11— Canteen trucks._These vehicles vend fnii,ts' vegstables. hot does. precooked foods Pre-aackag,ed._ foods a3id urc-oacicaired drinks. Nn t�aration or assembly of foods or beverages may take Rjace on or in the vehi e. however. the heating of ore -cooked foods is allowed. t3l Class lit -- Ice cream trucks. Thew, vehicles vend only urc-pack-ed frozen dairy or frozen water based foo Products, soft serve or hand -clipped frozen dairy Products or frozen water -basted aroducts and ore-nackagjed.h verages. lb1 SpeeJic_reyuiremenls. Mobile food establishments conductir►y. business in aqaiunclion with a city -sanctioned event or activity, or events held. on cite-aunted public Property shall wilb All standards and rexluirements as established by_ the event coordinator and/or_ the gjj.'s Lgj � Seryicrs Denartment_ in addition to anyagplivable state t 7 enev's regulations. All oilier mobile food establishments. except ase a part Q an ann_ roved Tett orary Luse Pcrmtt on �ri_vately-ownedroDerty aS, re ! rS.2-32_ shall comply the following reuu i rements; L� Class I vehicles maY oPrrste in commercial. industrial. and public service zonin)� districts only. Class II and Class III vehicle* may operate its M zoning district nmv€ded that they are not stationary for Periods rxceedin.g 60 minutes in anv residential zoning district or gqy, construction site. and rnugti not constitute a hazard to vehicular or nedestrian traffic. _ y2 L C ass 1 r_nobile Food establislttuepts shall Have the v, duen consent of the owner(s). of 01e proexrry on which it is located. Such writtez�ission shall be available upon request b_Y reoresentative of anv regglatin a aeencv. LJ Any -son engaged in selling, pigparj ig. or dispensing f_fmm a mobile food disMi ' veli cle_Nhall obtain the apnromiate approvals and lice tlScs fm the State of Florida 13c�artmentf Business and Professional Rettulations, (DBP larida DWartment of Health. 241 of 325 and/or the Florida pe ent of Agriculture and Conn s►uer Services before ooeraling,_ar�d lie able 4&d willine to orovide colslrs Qf all aanr4yais and licenses uaon rcuuest. (4) Mybile food estahlis cnts are not required to obtain anv local licenses. registrations. permits or nav anv operating fees. However. the business entity or owner onerating the mobile food establishmentisl. mat_ger.d to obt4in a.local-Bus �►ess Tax Rec�'o from thejgfisdictional authority' .glicable to where the base of operations is located. Me mobile food establishment shall make the dispenbuig vehicle available €or routine insnections ¢Ythe.City of Sebastian Fire Marshal, Building Inspecior a� Code 1 nfarccment Office It-Wv time requested and At anyftMuencv deemed Appropriate, while at location_-QLin PiwatiorL to ensure compliance witk afl _4plicable fgdOMj slate. and local Fire safetv statutes, rmMulations and codes. and 1=1 regplations of this. =tion. _A§I_ _Mobile food establishments shall comply with all rcu_uirements of the most current cdillon _qf jk Florida Fire Prevention Code (FFPCI and the National Fire Protection Association LNF_ PA). _-Vl sin in3oection. if the Fire Marshal or his desigl},er._de incs an� violations of the FFPC or NFPA exists. the mobile foot) e,lishiaeitt csr� be rcuuired to cease Lions rnmediatelv. L71 _ JJM seJlin or distributing of alholic beverages from a mobile food establishment must be in accordance with Section 10-1_(Sales of liquor near churches and schools restricted) and Sectiox! 10-2 (Prohibited hours of sale) of the Code of C?rdinanc-a. T1� establishment must alto have a yaiid Slate license to sell. alcoholic_ era es --..and be able to orovide a copy upon rNuest, W Prohibitions. _Mobile food establishments oyeratin a mobile food disuensing vehicle are MLiibitod fpQM flie following: —All Serving from a free-standing_gpA _,All Opating in n der ygway. driveway aisle, loading. Zone. no pathjila zone, fire lane, blocking fire hvdrants or any other fire protection devices and cuuinmenL_QL_&jj&n can with pisabilities _c ._ (ADAI accessible parking s2a ces_ and/or_. accessible rams. Class _j establishments are prohibited from oneratine within a public nFilit-of-way. Qj thj ratint in a location that inUMddrs gn--site circulation Qf motor vehicles, the ing ss Pi Less ofa building, or omereenev exits. (41_ oeratin on unim royed rlraaes, at abandoned or vet business locations, and in am) a vproved landscane l2uff—er or stormwater retention area. L5. -l5s 9l �qund_ aii}�iication_that meets_�c criteria af_utincccss _a!ld excessive as �teb�is }i ed iit Chapter_ 57 of the Code oLOrdinances. W Using balloons. banner, stregipers, snive signs. large .flashing lights, Maus, scantily 9kddVAJ Q_r Kcrstuiriad work sta or gtlly s-imiju$evices to attract customers. 171 S-qllirtg or disvensi" food to_customers in a mov_lna vehicle or otherwise ;n1jaizing in drive-un sales. 3 242 of 325 —HaS i _ O1wrarm- eguirements. (1) Mobile food digpe sine vehicles shall be self-contained when uaerating, and VxQvi.de their own required trash and/or recvcling receptacles_ and receptacles for public use. Mobile food establishments shall remove all waste and trash at the end of each day of operation, and prior to vacating their location, and fully wtnpl with F.A.C. Rule 61C4.O161. (2) Under no circumstances shall grease or anv waste materials be released into aiM stormwater system, tree landscapinglandscapLng area. sidewalks. streets. pA[j;jnL lots. or orivate/vublic pronent� . Mobile food establishments shall be resnonsible to nronerly discard anv waste material in accordance with federal, state, county. municival. or any laws_ rules. regulations, ordrrs, or uenuits. 13) No more than two mobile food establisluncnts shall onerate at the same location at any One time, except as may be oennitted as part of an anoroved Temt)orary Use Pennit on privately-ownedproperty as regulated in Section 54-2-3.2.. (4) Mobile food establishments are Permitted on each Vrovcrty a maximum of no more than two 121 days oer calendar weeds. Class 1 mobile food establishments oocratina at a site for a duration longer than four (4) hours shall have an ag eerrlent which confirms that emuluvees have access to a flushable restroom within 150 feet of the establishment's location: durj4g the hours of operation. _-61 Mobile Ibod estabhshinents shall not require the use of, mire than 1D�.of qj tMU parkine spaces. In addition to the location of the mobile fooddipDensary vehicle, a i 0-foot by 10-foot area. covered or uncovered, may be termitted to accommodate seating and tables.- if aorroved by the vrovetty owner. �e1 Penalties and er al remedies. The city shall tsursuc any pan -compliances grid violations of hiss ton or t inisdetneanor and lawftil civil action or procceding as deemed necessary in compliance with Section 140 (General nenalty, continuing violations) and Section 2-192 (Enforcement methods f of the Code of Ordinartccs. Amendment 3; ARTICLE 111. SPECIAL USE, SPECIAL EXCEPTION AND TEMPORARY USE PERMITS Sec. 54-2-3.2. Procedures and criteria for review of temporary uses. A temporary use shall be allowed for transient merchants and special events as defined in section 54-5-22.2, and held on privately -owned property es-e€-m as; a .mot.,« ..,1 m.,mational .ehie1� shall of �e�;-139er, Ili �4ix-pr�i, : � � -, t� beaWupon issuance of a temporary use permit by the city manager or his designee, based upon compliance with all applicable regulations of this chapter and other city regulations. 4 243 of 325 Lai Ilustrative enumeration. The followia, ezamoles are intendod to illustrate the types of temporary uses armed pocial event it�_gnprivately-owned nronsxly tUL xM.re he_issuanec Qf a temtx�ra y use permit: provided. however_ this cttumerati.Qn shall not be deemed or construed to be conclusive. limiting. or restrictive: • Outdoor special events and sales, gjgludins sidewalk and p4-*ily; lot 68.1r� • Grand ovening celebrations - OnIs one per business • Business milestone celebrations • Temporary naridnq lot sales • Consi r ubr pent or vendor sales • Outdoor concc ts, femivalb arid fairs. fundraisers. and events that include animals • Seasonal wcmhaudisc salc-s such as fireworks. Christmas tree lots. and pumpkin catches • Outdoor religious or ceremonial occasions • Transient services nrovided from a mobile vehicle. i.e. medical services or pet vaccinations _ _._ _�.. excludip mnhile srrviccs rrovided by a non-profit orsanizaiior! _ Races, fie ��_lQrtttteitt5 or other competitive events (ab) A temporary use permit will be issued if the Wl,.,•.:., vrovided that all requirements and standards are met: (1) Maximum of six events per calendar year per host site. Permit atmlications tnav apply for one �qmulativc Temnorar) Use Permit covedlag, all similar events being hcl thrauuhout g_ ific tLme period. However t same limits on the number. tvi a and duration of these events still apply- (2) Only temporary pevilia"structwes may be erected and utilized for the operation. All facilities used shall be self-contained and mobile or portable. No mobile homes or trailers that exceed 300 square feet in area may be utilized. Use E)l tents and cajM)iea utol be allowed. Shade gutupit'S lYit)Lcy�t� sides m111p than j? feet I)-, 1? fggk arc An�ved l.ar rr en JLVY ' #3 �tll It a ltellt� r+��t--g Resistant CI tjig or,fillerworVilrx11�� r( tlder tqmtfi��Y s l ftd ugldr�r ill�n �'c ley f ,, �"" r ��I /�j ()l� to s-_gf .a1J terns gpjj cntlppies My5t be r�PYtTr1Y �y t)1C�fire tnatrshai. l �ttJr, till tezf{ atlll ilqrit'ti should be iogjjgl a_nninimurn of four 4 fei! u i+rt. All temporary facilities designed to be occupied by the public must be inspected by the fire mars ha depa t after installation, and prior to occupancy. (3) No utility connection shall be permitted except for temporary electrical power which must be approved by the building department. (4)-U-4'1'he applicant is not thernust be the owner of the event location or VCovide wntLcn authorization from the nroWrty owner., may. Within seven days after a temporary use permit expiration, all items related to the operation or evert shall be removed from the site. The -wit submioed funds te pay for- dispesal of all Felated iw . I � E!I tile 9i;C seyen days efle+ Vim! u--' 3kieh Nn& io Femove F4 - tta� Lc m€unded-t-ke Bubmioad eesh bead e.Eaetin-9 kity , and all Fs.p c:�r� 5 244 of 325 e r., ,.hare 4he eiV s,,,....ed .4._ $200 nn eash befia r, =stfe-eleetlup Of off pfMiee-eH removal, tie -subsequent eaal-� vvr a-�c 14-I (5) Holders of temporary use permits for an activity shall not be required to obtain a business tax receipt for that activity provided that no permanent modifications are made to the site to accommodate re -occurring events. Permanent modifications will require a site plan applicat;.on and business tax receipt. (fi) No temporary use shall operate within a public right-of-way. Events rctLUCstintr road closures vrill reoutre a certified Maintepapee Of Traffic (MOT) Alan and avoroval by City Council. No operation within an easement shall be permitted unless specifically allowed by all parties having interest in such easement. (7) Location of event shall be on an improved Iot within a non-resident.iale ereial or public service district. ' • eft% held ~ ,' :. :mod (8) A maximum of 30% of the required on -site parking stalls of the host site may be utilized by the temporary use. This percentage may be increased based on satisfactory documentation indicating additional parking and/or transportation needs have been provided for the total impact of the proposed event. (9) Mobiic food establishments, as accessory to the temporary use, am pFaht}ited .must have a cunvnt state license from the annrouriate renulatory aaetiev disolaved and be in comniiance with all Fire Safety and Health lleoartment rceulations In addition, alcohol sales accessory to the temporary use are prohibited unless the host site holds a current alcohol Iicense. (10) Temporary toilet facilities may be required by the applicant depending on location and size of the event. Amount will be determined by the building official based on estimation of attendance of the event. (11) Applicant must provide, at his own expense, additional and/or special crowd control and security if determined necessary by the police chief based on the size of the event. (12) [Reserved.] (13) Prior to city manager review, approval must be obtained from the police chief,-aod-tha building director, and fire marshal. Approval or denial shall be based on items (1) through (11) above and consideration shall be reviewed on the total magnitude of impact that may be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community. See. 54-2-3.3. - Time limits. (a) Transient merchants of any seasonal sales merchandise such as Christmas tree and firework sales or other similar use shall be in operation not more than 45 consecutive days per saleleveat on any given site. (b) Transient merchants of any non -seasonal sales merchandise shall be in operation not more than ten consecutive days per sale%t on any given site. (c) Special events shall be in operation not more than seven consecutive days per,-sic=event on any given site. 245 of 325 Sec. 54-2.3.4. - Application. (a) Temporary use permits shall be obtained by furnishing a completed application for such permit to the community development department and fine marshal. The following information as applicable shall be provided: (1) Application to be made by the owner or lessee of the host site. (2) Location of site and the specific location for the requested use. (3) Beginning and ending dates of the event. (4) Hours of operation of the event. (5) Name of individual in charge of the event. (6) After hours emergency phone number for person responsible for event. (7) A drawing showing dimensions of the site or an existing site plan for the host site including location and dimensions of all existing driveways, entrances, exits, and parking spaces. (8) A drawing depicting location and dimensions of all temporary pavilions, displays areas, sanitary facilities, and concessions for the temporary use. (9) Indicate how parking and traffic flow will be directed on to and within the event site. (10) Estimation of maximum peak hour attendance of the event to determine sanitary needs, parking and traffic impact. (11) If existing parking spaces of a permanent use (such as a shopping plaza) are to be utilized by patrons and employees of the temporary use event during normal operating hours, calculations shall be submitted demonstrating that the event will not utilize more than 30% of the required parking stalls of the existing host site. if usage does exceed 30% percent, documentation indicating additional parking and/or transportation arrangements must be provided for the total impact of the proposed event-,_ lone with submittal of a R rki_ft use rcentent signed b% the other tenants allowing for the temnorary use of the sharui nark,ina far the sfwified event If the event is being held during non -operating hours for the host site, the 30% restriction may be lifted upon demonstration that there will still be sufficient parking available for patrons of the temporary event. (12) iReeeryeddAll temnorary use permit applications must be accompanied by a site Dian for the proposed use, 11 * an shall_ be drawn in a legible manner aqd to arf appurate scale. The plan must include the, locatim aJaccrtt stroeis= picywll b ldinp ur structures, wing and other details which mav_ be necessary to evgluate .OLe nrotxiscd _rW t,__� he plan_ 11. cloarl y indicate the location ofuiumcn1, matcrials_pr slFuc= I& bt uscd�t association with the temtxorary use. Failure to submit a site laq e resin �t lime eta}s oF_dgn� of the aP�lication. (l 3) All applications must be made on the form prescribed by the city and submitted no later then 21 days prior to the scheduled event. bees for temporary uses shall be established by resolution of the city council. Applicants may include multiple similar events on one application. Applications submitted less than 21 days before the scheduled event will be assessed a fee as established in the Resolution to be used for expedited processing. Fees may not be waived for any application,, eaospt-6y4he-e4y manfigef upon a finding of good eause. Requests for"ccial causes or circumstances m4y bC presented to the cih manager for consideration. (b) A copy of the application and all supporting documents will be forwarded to the police chief. and 4�abuilding official, and fire marsh41 for review and comments. Ail comments and recommendations will then be attached to the application and forwarded to the city manager or his designee for approval or denial. 7 246 of 325 (c) The application, with all the supporting documents, will be reviewed by the city manager, or his designee, if appmyed by the eity get; tl;ej epplioantshall pow. the , pier to . If denied, applicant will be notified, along with the reasons .for denial. The police department and the fire marshaldepa4aient will be notified on all approved requests for temporary use permits. (d) Any decision of the. city manager, or the city manager's designee, may be appealed to the city council. Any appeal shall be filed within five days of the decision, and shall be presented to the city council at its next available meeting. Section 2. Severability. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction shall determine that any part of this Ordinance is invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance shall not be affected and it shall be presumed that the City Council of the City of Sebastian did not intend to enact such invalid provision. It shall further be assumed that the City Council would have enacted the remainder of this Ordinance without said invalid provision, thereby causing said remainder to remain in full force and effect. Section 3. Repeal of Laws in Conflict. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. Codification. The sections of the ordinance shall be codified within part of the City Land Development Code and may be renumbered or re -lettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "division," or any other appropriate word. Section 5. Scrivener's Errors. Sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or re -codified copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption by the City Council. The foregoing Ordinance was moved for adoption by Councilmember . The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Ed Dodd Vice -Mayor Jim Hill Councilmember Fred Jones Councilmember Bob McPartian Councilmember Christopher Nunn The Mayor thereupon declared this Ordinance duly passed and adopted this 120' day of May, 2021. 8 247 of 325 ATTEST: Jeanm Wmiams, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: Ed Dodd, Mayor Approved as to form and legality for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Manny Anon, Jr., Esq. City Attorney 248 of325 Regular City Council & BOA Meeting May 12, 2021 Page 3 21.068 B. Prior Authorization for Council Travel to Upcoming Florida League of Cities Institute for Elected Municipal Officials (IEMO) (Transmittal, Information) 21.069 C. Approve the Application Process for the 2020 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Countywide State Solicitation in the amount of $10,206.00 and Authorize the Mayor to Sign the 51 % Letter for Submission to the County Commission and Approve the Expenditure Upon Grant Award (Transmittal, Notice, Information, Letter) 21.070 D. Approve the Settlement and Easement Agreement Related to Citv of Sebastian v. Sembler & Sembler. Inc. - Case No. 2019-CA-0000712 (Transmittal, Settlement Agreement, Easement Agreement, Quit Claim Deed) 21.071 E. Approve an Extension to the Agreement with Nash Janitorial Services fo.r Professional Janitorial Services to September 30, 2021 (Transmittal, Proposed Extension, Previous Extension, Amendment #, Original Agreement) 21.072 F. Approve Alcoholic Beverages at the Yacht Club for the Dingus Family Event on June 13, 2021 from 2:00 pm to 6.-00 pm - DOB Verified (Transmittal, Application, Receipt) 21.073 G. Approve Alcoholic Beverages at the Community Center for the Peralta Family Event on June 19, 2021 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm - DOB Verified (Transmittal,. Application, Receipt) 21.078 H. Approve Alcoholic Beverages at the Community Center for the Curry Family Event on May 14, 2021 from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm — DOB Verified (Transmittal, Application, Receipt) MOTION by Council Member McPartlan and SECOND by Council Member Nunn to approve Consent Agenda Items A-H. Roll call: Council Member Jones - aye Council Member McPartlan - aye Council Member Nunn - aye Mayor Dodd - aye Vice Mayor Hilt - absent Motion carried. 4-0 COMMITTEE REPORTS & APPOINTMENTS - None 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS 21.062 A. Second Readina & Public Hearing of Ordinance No. 0-21-03 — Proposed Land Develonment Code Amendment in RecFards to Mobile Food Establishments and Criteria for Temr)orary Uses (Transmittal 0-21-03 F.S.509.102) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. FLORIDA, AMENDING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 54-5-22.2, DEFINITION OF TERMS BY CREATING A DEFINITION FOR MOBILE FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS, AMENDING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTIONS 54-2-3.2, 3.3, AND 3.4 RELATING TO THE PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR REVIEW OF TEMPORARY USES, AND 249 of 325 Regular City Council & BOA Meeting May 12, 2021 Page 4 6.27 pm INITIATING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 54-2-3.6 WHICH INSTATES PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR MOBILE FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND REPEAL OF LAWS IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (PJ ad 4/27/2021) The City Attorney read the title to Ordinance No. 0-21-03 and Mayor Dodd opened the public hearing at 6:23 p.m. The Community Development Manager said this was in regard to a law signed off by the Governor last July stating communities could not prohibit mobile food trucks in municipalities as well as not require registration, permit fees or regulation fees so the language presented is what would be codified into City code. She explained that If there Is a food truck connected with a city sponsored event on public property, they would follow the parks and recreation (Leisure Services' Resolution) guidelines for the event. If there Is a private event such as the Catholic Church's flea market, the food truck guidelines would fall under that special event permit; this ordinance would cover all other food trucks such as the trucks at the breweries on the weekend to provide health and safety guidelines and follow appropriate zoning uses. Derek Gerry, Mash Monkeys Brewing Company expressed his support and appreciation for this ordinance. Carl Stephenson, food truck operator, also supported the ordinance. MOTION by Council Member McPartlan and SECOND by Council Member Jones to approve Ordinance No. 0-21-03. Mayor Dodd closed the public hearing. Roll call: Council Member McPartlan - aye Council Member Nunn - aye Mayor Dodd - aye Vice Mayor Hill - absent Council Member Jones - aye Motion carried. 4-0 21.063 B. Second Reading & Public Hearinq Ordinance No. 0-21-04 — Amending City Code Chanter 46 - Floods (Transmittal, 0-21-04 w/markup, 0-21-04 dean copv) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES CHAPTER 46 FLOODS TO AMEND DIVISION 1 — GENERALLY; TO ADD DIVISION 2 — DEFINITIONS FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE, AND MARKET VALUE; TO DELETE DIVISION 2 — DEFINITION FOR MANUFACTURED HOME PARK; TO PROVIDE FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES IN FLOOD HAZARD AREAS; SPECIFY ELEVATION OF MANUFACTURED HOMES IN FLOOD HAZARD AREAS; PROVIDING FOR APPLICABILITY AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (PJ ad 4/28/2021) The City Attorney read the title to Ordinance No. 0-21-04 and Mayor Dodd opened the public hearing at 6:28 p.m. The Building Official stated this is mandated statewide by the Florida Department of Emergency Management and it incorporates all of the 250 of 325 Plorkla Statute 509.102 Mobile food dispensing vehicles; preemption. (1) As used in this section, the term "mobile food dispensing vehicle" means any vehicle that is a public food service establishment and that Is self-propelled or otherwise movable from place to place and includes self-contained utOities, including, but not limited to, gas, water, electricity, or liquid (2) Regulation of mobile food dispensing vehicles inning licenses, registrations, permits, and fees is preempted to the state. A munktWfty, county, or otter local gwarn neatal entity may not require a separate license, registration, or permit other than the license required under s. 0.211, or require the payment of any license, registration, or Permit fee other than the fee required under s. 50,251, a: a condition for the operation of a mobile food dispersing vehicle within the entity's Jurisdiction. A municipality, county, or other local governmental entity may not prohibit mobtle food dispensing vehicles from operating within the entirety of the entity's jurisdiction. (3) This section may not be construed to affect a municipality, toasty, or other local govemm . ,,.1 entity's authority to regulate the operation of mobile food dispersing vehicles other than the regulations described in subsection (2). (4) This section does not apply to any port authority, aviation authority, airport, or seaport. HU".• s. 75, Ch. A20M60. Added bu MO Re. taws, cMbo,s 75, effecom 7/1/2M 87 of 276 251 of 325 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Food Safety MOBILE FOOD PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Mobile Food Establishments (MFEs) are to comply with requirements that are contained in Chapter 500, Florida Statutes (F.S.), Chapter 5K4, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), and with documents referenced in this guideline including the 2009 FDA Food Code. DEFINITIONS: Certified Food Protection Manager c CPFM i- A person responsible for all aspects of food operations at Food Establishments regulated by FDACS under Chapter 500, F.S. Commissary —A support service location for a Mobile Food Establishment, that meets all applicable requirements of Chapter 500, F.S., and Chapter 5K4, F.A.C. These approved Food Establishments must be permitted or licensed by Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR), or the Florida Department of Health (DOH). Locations such as catering operations, restaurants, or grocerystores can be considered for approval as an MFE Commissary. When not required at the MFE, Commissaries may provide a three compartment sink for washing, rinsing and sanitization of equipment/utensils in addition to hand wash and rest room facilities. Services required of the Commissary will be based on the food sold and the MFE type and capabilities. A private residence may not be used as a Commissary. Mobile Food Establishment (MFE) - Food Establishments that are self-propelled or otherwise moveable from place to place such as a truck, trailer, or similar self-propelled conveyance or non -permanent kiosk or table where pre -packaged food products are sold. Time/Temoerature Control for Safetti Food iTCS �- Food that requires time/temperature control for safety (TCS) to limit pathogenic microorganism growth or toxin formation. Potable water- Water that meets the quality standards of Chapter 62-550, F.A.C., and is satisfactory for drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes. ProeessinvJvreuaring- The action which includes combining food ingredients, heating/cooking food, cutting/slicing of food, washing of fruit for juice processing, and repackaging of bulk foods or similar operations involving exposed foods. Requirements: 1. MFEs are not allowed to process/prepare exposed TCS foods within their mobile food establishment without a food permit issued by FDACS. 252 of 325 2. Full Service Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicles (MFVDs) that process/prepare TCS foods within the mobile unit, like hot dogs and hamburgers should contact Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) at (850) 487-1395. Mobile food units that operate on institutional property that is licensed and regulated as a food service establishment by Department of Health (DOH) like schools, universities, nursing homes, etc. should contact DOH at (850) 2454250. 3. MFEs must have a current agreement with a Commissary and be capable of visiting Commissary each day of operation unless exempt by chapter 5K4, F_A.C. 4. Employees or agents of the MFE handling foods shall not have bare hand contact with ready to eat foods. 5. Food products sold must be from approved sources such as an inspected and permitted Food Establishment. Cottage food items are not approved to be sold from MFEs. For more information regarding Cottage Foods, refer to the Cottage Food Guidance Brochure at www.FDACS.gov. 6. Raw milk may contain harmful disease -causing bacteria and shall not be sold or provided for human consumption. Florida is a Grade A pasteurized milk only state (Chapter 502, F.S.). 7. Any MFE that is in an open-air environment must protect the food from weather and environmental contamination such as rain, dust, insects, birds, and rodents. 8. Must provide only single -service articles for use by the consumers. 9. MFEs cannot operate at multiple locations at the same time wider a single mobile food establishment permit. 10. Food products and supplies must be stored only at permitted commissaries and warehouses and not in private residences. 11. MFEs may provide prepackaged food items that are labeled as required by Section 3- 601.12 of the Food Code incorporated by reference in Rule 5K-4,002(4), F.A.C.: (1) The common name of the food; (2) If made from two or more ingredients, a Iist of ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight, including artificial color or flavor, chemical preservatives, and allergens; (3) Net weight or volume of the contents; and (4) The name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor. Page 2 253 of 325 12. Packaging materials must be manufactured from food grade materials. Single use articles must not be reused. 13. MFEs may be permitted to have or process exposed food items such as ice confections (snowballs, shaved ice, slushies, smoothies, and similar products,) non-TCS beverages with or without ice, non-TCS beverages with or without garnishments, non-TCS bulk beverages, pastry products, popcorn/kettle corn, candies including shelled nuts that are candy or sugar coated, confections like cotton candy, candy apples, peanut brittle, fudge, caramel corn, and similar products; and coffee beverages with or without dairy or synthetic dairy products like cafe con leche, latte, cappuccino, etc., if they have equipment, utensils, and facilities that adequately protect the food. 14. All water used must be Potable Water (drinking water). 15. if water is not available from traditional state approved plumbing, portable tanks may be used for hand washing purposes as allowed by Chapter 5-3 of the Food Code incorporated in subsection 5K-4.002(4), F.A.C. 16. Potable water tanks must be constructed of food grade materials and enclosed from the filling inlet to the discharge outlet and sloped to a drain outlet. Hoses used to fill water tanks must be constructed of food grade material, must have a smooth interior surface, and if not permanently attached, must be clearly and durably identified as to its use, and may be used only for that purpose. A cap and keeper chain or other protective equipment approved by the FDACS must be provided for a potable water inlet, outlet, and hose. Water tanks, pumps, and hoses must be flushed and sanitized before being placed in service and after repair, modification, and periods of nonuse. A person must operate a water tank, pump, and hose such that backflow or other contamination of the water supply is prevented. For all requirements, refer to Chapter 5-3 of the Food Code incorporated in subsection 5K-4.002(4), F.A.C. 17. Liquid waste holding tanks must have a holding capacity 15% larger than the potable water supply tank, be sloped to a drain that is at least 25.4 mm (1 inch) in diameter, and be equipped with a shut-off valve. Liquid waste tanks must be emptied into an approved waste servicing facility or by a sewage transport vehicle without creating a public health hazard or nuisance. For all requirements, refer to Chapter 5-4 of the Food Code incorporated in subsection 5K- 4.002(4), F.A.C. 18. Specific re.,,.:.;,_i_ts are based on type of food sold and processed. See below for a table and following detailed discussion. Numbers listed on the far left of the table correspond to the numbered description below that lists specific details regarding type of food sold and the requirements. Page 3 254 of 325 Mobile Food Establishment Rpguuwents Based on Food Tyne andA00aTYPE OF FOOD EXAMPLES CODERE US FOR PRODUCTS SOLD UNIT Prepackaged non- Cookies, crackers, potato chips, Food protection, Solid waste TCS food pretzels, honey buns, honey, container, Maintain cleanable non - etc. food contact surfaces. 2 Prepackaged Sandwiches (such as ham, tuna, TCS food chicken, etc.,) hot dogs, milk, etc. 3 Prepackaged Ice cream sandwiches, individually frozen yogurt bars, ice portioned frozen cream sandwiches, etc. novelties 4 Fresh squeezed juice Fresh squeezed processors fruit/vegetable juice 5 Preparation or bulk Popcorn, snow cones, shaved dispensing of non- ice, lemonade, prepared TCS food beverages, cotton candy, candy apples, fudge, peanut brittle, caramel corn, churros, pretzels, donuts, etc. or bulk nuts, teas, spices, pickles, etc. Certified Food Protection Manager, Food protection, Refrigeration/heating or hot holding, Product thermometer, Solid waste container, Maintain cleanable non-food contact surfaces. Food protection, Freezer, Product thermometer, Solid waste container, Maintain cleanable non-food contact surfaces. Since fresh squeezed juice is a high risk specialty food, see explanation below. Certified Food Protection Manager, Potable water supply, Hand washing sink in unit, Three compartment sink in unit or at commissary provided additional equipment available, Solid waste container, Maintain cleanable food and non-food contact surfaces. 6 Fish products, raw Whole or eviscerated fish, head Certified Food Protection Manager, seafood sales (no on or headless shrimp Product Thermometer, Hand washing in processing) unit, Solid waste container, Maintain cleanable food and non-food contact surfaces, Scale. 1. Prepacked non-TCS food: MFEs which limit food sales to prepackaged non-TCS food must have adequate storage space for the food products so that the food is protected, containers for solid waste and maintain cleanable non-food contact surfaces. 2. Prepackaged TCS food: MFEs which have food sales of prepackaged TCS food must have a Certified Food Protection Manager as required Rule 5K-4.012, F.A.C., storage space for the food products, containers for solid waste, maintain cleanable non-food contact surfaces, refrigeration, heating or hot holding equipment to keep the food at proper temperature, a food product thermometer, and the capability to sanitize a thermometer. 3. Prepackaged individually portioned frozen novelties: MFEs that sell prepackaged frozen desserts must have sufficient freezer space for storage of frozen food products, food protection, maintain cleanable non-food contact surfaces, a freezer thermometer, and containers for solid waste. ** 4. Fresh -squeezed juice processors: MFEs that extract and sell juice by the glass are permitted to squeeze fresh fruit/vegetable juice at a mobile site without any of the following: a HACCP plan Page 4 255 of 325 or E. coli testing of product or a display of a warning placard provided the following conditions are met: a. A Certified Food Manager is present; b. Juice is extracted and provided by the glass (open single -serving container) only; c. Juice is extracted in an enclosed juicing machine. Hand squeezing of juice for human consumption is prohibited; d. MFE has on its premises a working hand wash sink with hot and cold potable water under pressure; e. MFEs may have extra equipment and utensils on site that have already been washed, rinsed, sanitized, and protected from environmental contamination for use as described in the FDA Food Code 4-602.11 as incorporated in subsection 5K-4.002(4), F.A.C. If extra equipment is not available on site or cannot be replaced/used in a sanitary manner, the mobile vendor must have a three compartment sink on site or an agreement with a commissary that allows for the use of a three compartment sink on site and is available during all operational hours of the MFE; f. Juicing machine must be washed, rinsed and sanitized in a three compartment sink with hot and cold potable water before and after use or during any interruption in operation. The juicing machine may not be in use for more than four (4) hours unless it is disassembled, washed, rinsed, and sanitized in a three compartment sink with hot and cold potable water; g. All fruits/vegetables must be washed, rinsed, sanitized, and protected from contamination during the entire process, i.e. stored in sealed containers; and h. Single -use gloves must be worn while handling sanitary fruit/vegetables and while juice is being dispensed into single -serving containers. When all the above conditions cannot be met, the iuice processor must cease operation. MFEs can sell pre -packaged juices without a HACCP plan and E. coli testing of product, if the following criteria are met: a. MFEs can sell pre -packaged fresh squeezed juice if the entity that extracts and packages the juice is a permanent Food Establishment and complies with section 3404.11 of the FDA Food Code for retail (if under the same owner as MFE) or 21 CFR 120 incorporated by reference in subsection 5K4.002(1), F.A.C., for wholesale and is regulated by a government entity. b. If the pre -packaged juice is sold by a mobile food establishment, the pre packaged juice must be held at or below 41 T and be properly labeled with a warning or meet a 5-log reduction. c. A warning label can only be used if the mobile food establishment is the same business entity as the permanent Food Establishment extracting and packaging the juice, i.e. the original firm is considered a retailer. d. Warning label shall read "WARNING: This product has not been pasteurized and, therefore, may contain harmful bacteria that can cause serious illness in children, the elderly, and persons with weakened immune systems." as stated in the Food Code Section 3-404.11(B)2 as incorporated in subsection 5K-4.002(4), F.A.C. e. If the pre -packaged juice is from a different business entity than the MFE, the juice must have a 5- log reduction per 21 CFR 120. MFEs that extract and package juice must comply with all of the regulations in F.A.C. Chapter 2049, which includes (but is not limited to), an adequate HACCP Plan, affixing a warning label to the packaged juice (if 5-log reduction has not been met), E. coli testing of product and sanitation procedures. Page 5 256 of 325 5. Bulk dispensing of non-TCS food: MFEs that have food sales which include preparation of non-TCS foods or dispense bulk, non-TCS food products such as nuts, teas, candies, spices, and pickles must comply with the following: a. Have present a certified food protection manager during operation; b. Have adequate storage space for food products so that the food is protected; c. Have containers for solid waste; d. Have potable water supply; e. Maintain cleanable food and non-food contact surfaces; f. Possess an operable hand washing sink in the unit with hot and cold running water under pressure; and g. Possess waste water tank 15% larger than the potable water tank. No bare hand contact of ready to eat foods in permitted. A three -compartment sink must be accessible either within the unit or at a Commissary. If the three compartment sink is provided by a Commissary, then the WE must have extra equipment and utensils on site that have already been washed, rinsed, sanitized, and protected from environmental contamination for use as described in the FDA Food Code Section 4-602.11 incorporated by reference in subsection 5K4.002(4), FA.C. 6. Raw seafood: MFEs may sell raw fish products like whole or eviscerated fish and head on or headless shrimp. All processing of seafood must be conducted at a permanent food establishment meeting the requirements to process seafood. The MFE must have a certified food protection manager, storage for food products so that the food is protected from contamination, and possess the following: a. A calibrated scale with calibration records; b. Refrigeration media (ice or refrigerated unit); c. Thermometer; d. Containers for solid waste; e. Potable water supply; f A waste water container large enough to hold all waste water generated within the unit; and g. A hand washing capability using gravity fed potable water. Containers/coolers with wet ice used to maintain fish products at the proper temperature must be self -draining with the waste water flowing into a liquid waste holding tank. NOTE: If an MFE oneration sells a combination of food products, the food products sold with the most stringent requirements for food nrotection must be followed. "Food types 1 and 3 listed above may not require a commissary. Determination will be based on food sold and the WE type and capabilities. Page 6 257 of 325 Commissary Agreements MFEs required to have a written agreement with a commissary must complete the Commissary Letter of Agreement, FDACS 14223 (Rev. 11/18). The Commissary Letter of Agreement is to be submitted with the permit application at the initial inspection. Permit approval is contingent upon verification of an approved commissary facility. • After the MFE permit is issued, the Commissary Letter of Agreement is to be completed and signed by the MFE owner and the owner of the commissary on an annual basis. MFEs are to have Commissary Letter of Agreement available for FDACS food inspectors during inspections. • Commissaries must be visited by the MFE at least once within each day of operation by the MFE. An MFE must have more than one approved commissary for each time it operates in a location where it cannot visit its primary commissary once a day during operation. • For mobile vehicles, a service area may be provided at the commissary for cleaning and servicing of the mobile vehicle. The service area must be equipped to furnish potable water and provide facilities for the drainage and disposal of liquid waste in accordance to Chapter 64E-6 or 62-601, F.A.C. The exterior of the mobile food unit is permitted to be washed at any location, provided the wastewater does not cause a sanitary nuisance. 1-800 HELP FLA www. FDA CS.L;ov Rev. 11/18 Page 7 258 of 325 mra SE HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: February 22, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Strategic Plan Process Recommendation: Information only. Background: In 2019 City Council authorized $55,500.00 to begin the City's first Strategic Plan. The plan has several components. The first one was to measure performance standards and methodologies and set goals, objectives and outcomes for each division. Each Department Head was charged with developing critical path measurements and reporting them on monthly bases to track the department's performance. The COVID-19 Virus came and caused significant delays to the process, as permitting, inspections and social interaction became almost impossible to perform. However, the reporting and evaluation of the goals created an opportunity for each department to evaluate and streamline their respective processes. As noted in the attached performance chart, the methodology was successful and performance measures continue to improve. The next phase was the Citizen Engagement Survey, which was completed and provided a great deal of information as to what the residents like, do not like and what improvements they would like to see. The City was rated at 95.5% approval rating. The Survey was intended to develop the citywide strategic plan, through workshops with City Council, staff and the public to create a well-rounded Strategic Plan. The last section that was planned was a Business survey of our local businesses to determine how they think the City is doing in establishing a positive environment for their current business and future business efforts. The next process will be reaching out to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council to facilitate the final Strategic plan documents. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Total Cost: TBD Attachments: 1. Invoice summary 2. Performance measures 3. Citizen engagement survey Administrative Services Departure Review l City Attorney Review; _ Procurement Division Re� w, if a�icable: City Manager uth 'zation: Date: /G Z 259 of 325 Baldrige Group, LLC - Schedule of Payments to Date ORG OBJECT YEAR PERIOD EFF DATE AMOUNT CHECK NO COMMENTS 010099 533100 2023 2 11/02/2022 $ 500.00 106767 Consulting Fees 010099 533100 2022 12 09/27/2022 2,500.00 106565 Professional Consulting Fees 010099 533100 2022 11 08/29/2022 2,500.00 106398 Professional Consulting Fees 010099 533100 2022 11 08/11/2022 2,500.00 106292 Consulting On Site 010099 533100 2022 9 06/27/2022 2,500.00 106033 Professional Consulting Fees 010099 533100 2022 8 05/31/2022 2,500.00 105890 Professional Consulting Fee 010099 533100 2022 8 05/03/2022 2,500.00 105706 4.28.22 Professional Consultin 010099 533100 2022 6 03/28/2022 2,500.00 105506 Consulting On Site Fees 010099 533100 2022 6 03/02/2022 2,500,00 105331 Professional Consulting Fee 010099 533100 2022 5 02/15/2022 2,500.00 105240 Professional Consulting Fee 1. 010099 533100 2022 4 01/10/2022 2,500.00 105033 1.6.22 Consulting Fees 010099 533100 2022 3 12/01/2021 2,500.00 104824 Professional Consulting Fees 010099 533100 2022 2 11/01/2021 2,500.00 104672 Professional Consulting Fee 010099 533100 2021 12 09/28/2021 2,500.00 104286 Professional Consulting Fee 010099 533100 2021 12 09/01/2021 2,500.00 104132 Professional Consulting Fee 010099 533100 2020 6 03/04/2020 2,500.00 24226 Consulting On Site 2.27.20 010099 533100 2020 6 03/04/2020 2,500.00 24227 Consulting On Site 02.28.20 010099 533100 2020 6 03/04/2020 5,000.00 24228 Consulting On Site 01.30.20 & 010099 533100 2020 4 01/03/2020 5,000.00 23816 On Site Consulting 010099 533100 2020 3 12/03/2019 2,500.00 23604 Consulting On Site 010099 533100 2020 1 10/25/2019 2,500.00 23350 Strategic Planning Services 010099 533100 2019 12 09/23/2019 5,000.00 23203 Strategic Planning Services 010099 533100 2019 11 08/30/2019 5,000.00 22946 Strategic Planning Services 010099 533100 2019 10 07/30/2019 2,500.00 22709 Strategic Planning Services AGREEMENT AMOUNTS PAID TO DATE $ 69,000.00 $33,866.00 IS BUDGETED FOR FY 2023. 010099 533100 2021 11 08/05/2021 $ 1,000.00 103998 Consulting Webinar 010099 533100 2021 9 06/29/2021 750.00 103792 Consulting Webinar, Profession 010099 533100 2021 9 06/02/2021 2,500.00 103634 Consulting Webinars 010099 533100 2021 7 04/26/2021 625.00 27598 Webinars 010099 533100 2021 7 04/26/2021 875.00 27599 Webinars 010099 533100 2021 6 03/03/2021 2,125.00 27116 Consulting Webinar 010099 533100 2020 12 09/25/2020 500.00 25931 Conslting Webinar - Frazier/Be 010099 533100 2020 12 09/25/2020 500.00 25932 Consulting Webinar - Benton/Ga 010099 533100 2020 12 09/25/2020 750.00 25933 Consulting Webinar - Killgore, 010099 533100 2020 7 04/29/2020 1,000.00 24718 Consulting Webinar SEPARATE PAYMENTS ON SURVEY & SOFTWARE $ 10,625.00 Prepared by Ken Killgore February 7, 2023 260 of 325 FY 2022 City of Sebastian Strategic Scorecard Goal Objective performance Measure i019 Ql 2020 YE 2021 YE 2022 YE Oct Nod Dec A Jan Feb Mar Apr I May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2024 YTD Targ0tj 95.81 I 95.81 Citizen Survey - Bi-Annual 95.81 r I r. Community Resident & Business Survey- Bi-Annual Business Leisure Services Overall Satisfaction N Excellence Satisfaction %C€tizenSolutions<2BD 92 92 95 95% 92% a 93% o 97% 95% 92% 97% o 99% 9T/ % 0 98% 0 96% 97% 94% 95% 90 % Respond Citizen Concernes < 24 hours 100 97% 92% 93°r6 97% 95% 97% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 1001A 97,17% 95 Goa) Objective Performance Measure 2019 Q1 2020 2021 1 2022 YTD Target Crime Clearance Rate 34 40 40% L ,39 Ave Min Emergency Calls Response 4.6 4.6 4.92 5.05 2,49 5.10 5.79 5.57 5.32 5,34 5.22 4.93 5.34 4.87 5.44 5.21 5.05 7 Police Department Ave Min Non Emergency Calls Response 6.31 5.13 5.61 9.72 16.97 5.99 6.21 5.83 6.02 6.23 5.96 5.45 S.59 5.99 5.78 5,14 9.72 20 Total Calls - 27902 26881 27,531 2214 2546 2549 2720 2497 2567 2543 2632 2577 2430 2256 27,531 NA % Compliance Code Violations 73 73.04 88.65 89.97 89.47% 90.29% 90.14% 72.41% 89.39% 94.6 80.86 99.34 75.64 79.54 84.61 100 89.97 >50 % Playground Inspection On Time 100 100 100 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% lop% 100% 100°% 100% 100% 1.00% 100% 100 Leisure Services % Weekly Park Maint On Schedule 84 86.6 89 92% 97% 91% 98°% 921A 949/. 93% :gk'>. 971/ 93% 91% 92% 90 %Course Maint Completed Monthly 90 90 95 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95°% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 951/. 951/; 95 Golf Course Total Golf Rounds - 52,299 59,178 59,862 4141 4356 5367 5405 6,413 7,458 6,218 4,819 4,076 4,239 4,206 3,162 59862 fi0r000 % City Lights In Service 99 99.9°6 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 10p% 100'i 100% 100% L00% 100% 99.9% 100 Public Facilities %Airport Hanger Occupancy 100 100°h 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100°/ ''; 100°% 100 Operational % Monthly Maint Mowing 82% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 1pp% 100% 1001A 95 Effectiveness % Monthly Maint Mowing Ditches & Swales 100% ;z 100% -T ' NA 95 Public Works % Monthly Maint Canal Systems Completed ;- _' 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% i00% rr,'. 100% 1001% :: 95 % Monthly Maint Ponds Lakes Completed 96% 1001/. 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 200% 100% 96% 95 % PD Vehicles In Service - - 97 96% 96% 95 % 9� J %Permits Entered System Same Day 98 98 96 931/. 76% 90/ 92% 93% 100% 97% 100% 1001/. 1001% 100% 93% 93% 90 J % Small Projected Reviewed 2 BD 99 98 92 97% 99% 951i� 98% 93°% 96% 98% 96% 97% 99"/0 97% 961/. 95% 97% 90 Building Department % Permits Reviewed < 15 BD BB 91% 90% 88% 91% 97% 94% 98% 95% 93% 901/ 91°% 85% 91% 65 % Inspection Completed Same Day 99 99 99 99% 99`,5 9r° 9911� 9996 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 98% 99% 99% 99% 95 % Site Plan Reviewed < 30 Days '' ;' 91% 92% 93% 95% 1 94% 94°% - �,'-. 90 Community % Permits Review < 10 BD 99 1001A 100', ioo-� 100% low1b 100% 3.00% 100°% 100% 100'/ IOWA 100% J00% 90 Development #Ordinances Comp Plan Completed - 8 9 8I I 0/115 o/115 67/115 731115 73/115 80/115 80/115 80/115 1 80/115 81/115 81 115 Goal Objective ea 'Performance ea sure 2019 CI.1 2020 2021 Oct .�-- - � Nov Dec Jan _ Feb Mar Apr I May _Jun I Jul Aug Sep 2022 YTD i b Target # WC Cases t Time / me �_ Safe safety # WC Cases �_� 2 2 1 0 1 2 3 0 2 0 Employee % Employee Retention Engagement Retention p Positions Open > 60 Days 4 4 4 6 6 9 11 12 13 13 12 9 9 # Positions Open Positions 6 8 8 8 9 12 11 12 15 24 19 16 12 Goal Oblective Performance Measure 2019Qi 2020 2021 l Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2022 YTD Personnel Budget Spent YTD Expenses Operating Budget Spent YTD Mileage Rate Financially Total Golf Course Revenue $1,526,085 1-$1,494,4331 $1,741,704 184,3371 123,9031 165,55131 182,1601 $213.223 I $242,155 I $178,432 1 $120,675 1$84,2791 $89,7961 $89,915 1 $67,271 1 1,741,704 $V,546,000 Sustainable Revenue Airport Hanger Revenue Sales Tax Revenue %Total Access Property Value Residential Total Property Value 2022 City of Sebastian Community Survey Results How would you rate the overall quality of life within the Citv of Sebastian ONLY? (Do not consider Indian River County Sheriff, fire department, school district, or other county services) Excellent . Good Fair Poor Quality of Life - Overall Good & Excellent: 95.09 Quality of Life By Resident Location Response Response percent total 34.36% 245 60.73% 433 4.77% 34 0.14% 1 Statistics based on 713 respondents: How would you rate the ovefall How would you rate the overall How would you rate the overall How would you rate the overall quality of life within the City of quality of life vnthm the City of quality of lice within the City of quality of life wiMin the Crtyaf Sebastian ONLY? [Do not consider Sebastian ONLY? (Do not consider Sebastian ONLY? (Do not Consider Sebastian ONLri(DC not consider Indian River County Sheriff. fire Indian River County Sfwriff. fire Indian River County Sheriff. fire Indian Rrver County SherM. fire Total deportni school district or other department school district. or department. school district or deportment school district or county sarncos) Ex"11 nt other county services) Good other county a iCeS) rein other county services) Poor S. Using the map below, select the Count: 31 51 3 0 letter where 85t you reside in Row %: 35% 57°!e 3% the city? (Select one) A S. Using the map below, select the Count: 56 110 6 0 letter where 176 you reside in Raw°o: 32% 6394 3% the city? (Select one) e S. Using the map below, select the Count: 59 137 11 1 letter where 210 you reside In Row'0 : 28% 65°, 51". 1% the city? (Select one) C S. Using the map below, select the Count: 59 as 8 0 letter where Row%: 37% 5S90 5° 159 you reside in the city? (Select one) D Select the top 5 factors that contributed to your quality of life rating within the City of Sebastian only. 262 of 325 Response Response percent toud Parks 70.89% 509 Water Access 53.76% 386 City Location 50.28% 361 Public Safety 47.35% 340 Community Events 45.13% 324 Water Activities 39% 280 Cost of Living 32.17% 231 Environment 28.69% 206 Traffic 25.77% 185 Open Spaces 23.54% 169 City Services 17.13% 123 Walkability 16.85% 121 Healthcare Access 14.76% 106 Housing 13.61% 97 Shopping 7.8% 56 Fine Dinning 7.38% 53 Senior Services 5.57% 40 Economy 5.43% 39 Youth Services 2.79% 20 263 of 325 a i• M sa M M t I In M M SII RI 741 M 7M MI $2 1r1 W Ma 4" W 40 IM a MI M M Pat F Wetei Access City Location - Pubic Safely Corm114tity Event: Water Acuvfies Cost of uv" 231 Enwuomienl 2M Ti aific 1e5 t Open Space_ 1s9 City Services 1123 Wai<abi.y 121 Healthcare Access Housulg 97 Shopping Fa1c Ciuling 53 Senior Services 4p Economy 39 'i0011 services 20 I28D 3s1 324 M 5119 Statistics based on 718 respondents; Please list any additional factors that contributed to your quality of life rating. a Responses the friendliness of the people living here 3 Low rise residential to keep 5ebastians 6 Lots of live music venues Riverview Park activities 11 Friendly atmosphere 12 Police are great 1s Parks and public access to ocean nearby 16 Small town 21 Less populated than Palm Beach 22 Convenience to store/restaurants 23 Library Response total 264 of 325 Response total i Re spnnses 24 Appreciate that Sebastian is reserved from major development love the small town reserve more fishing history 30 quiet 31 Overall rural feeling 4400 Stormwater park is nice place to walk 41 Indian river 42 not over crowded 43 I've lived in Miami, New York, LA, Seattle, and San Francisco. Sebastian is the friendliest town I have ever lived in. 45 Love the pickleball courts - and stand set up courts would be nice to have with crowding - especially during the season i 56 not a 'city' of crowds and traffic and tall buildings i 59 city services 62 Police need more schooling on mental illness i 64 beautiful town � 69 low crime rate 72 Low crime rate 74 when possible add bike paths 76 Small town 77 lack of crime safety 84 birth place 86 overall just wonderful 90 low stress 91 proximity to indian river and sebastian inlet 93 friendly people and neighbors 101 quiet and peaceful 102 great weather 107 Lull in traffic after the seasonal traffic ends 113 city does a good job maintaining public spaces Z 1 am life long resident. The population boom the inflation of the hosuing market is making it not as desirablefor us locals. 115 tranquility 118 like living here 120 Housing 122 nature/trees/protected reserves 123 water quality 124 This city has no concerns - we have had septic to sewer in budget for 20 years and nothing. The over development is polluting the water and houses just keep being built with no integrity to roads, water, etc. 129 Library, friendly tennis club 265 of 325 Response total 1. n Responses 132 poor traffic enforcement, especially Babber St 136 NO skyscrapers or tall buildings 137 The people! Very generous community 139 No high rise buildings 146 safe 147 small town atmosphere L Nice neighbors L love the small town atmosphere 162 Did the city reduce the police - not seeing them any mitr 163 public safety 165 Environment 166 Peace and quiet most the time 167 Family friendly 168 It's quiet 169 Quiet 171 We toured th eentire state of Florida 20 years ago before deciding to spend our retirement years in Sebastian. You are allowing the many housing developments to be built with increased crowding and traffic. We are losing our peaceful small town atmosphere. 174 Heavy traffic 175 Becoming crowded and very noisy 176 Our home and its setting 177 Need sidewalks on rosland or bike lane 184 Large lots to live on 185 Roads need repair due to heavy equipment 186 close to supermarket, pharmacy L Schools 191 Allow golf cart use location within florida Small town feel 322 City Landscaping is vital 323 Entertainment 31-6 Quiet neighborhood 329 Tennis courts 332 Good library 333 Good garbage pickup 336 Very safe town 337 Still has a small town feel 342 Good roads 140 266 of 325 Response total u Responses 3433 Land population 3" Quiet community 351 Walkability 354 Becoming too congested 355 lots of green space 357 Safety 358 Quiet simple lifestyles 360 Cost of living 361 natural beauty lagoon 368 Friendly atmosphere 374 Low crime rate 381 More entertainment 384 Riverfront dining and entertainment 385 Because of high insurance rate it more than likely priced 387 poor road maintenance 388 Location of Ashbury 389 Slow pace 390 Economy moved here from miami dade 394 Services for my age group 395 cost of living 399 Drainage 407 clean lagoon 414 access to ocean 41-5 cost of housing 41-6 housing 420 We need more side walksl Everything else is fine) 421 was a sleepy little town. Amount of people is increasing, dislike that] 422 Eating out- Tired of same type bar food 426 fun loving, like minded people of all ages 429 Community 430 Friendly neighberhood 433 community swim pool 438 Good quality neighborhoods 440 Waterfront walkway 441 Smaller city 1 like that Sebastain is still relatively quiet compared to neighboring towns 448 too much traffic for main streets 267 of 325 ROsponse total rs Rescnses 453 Weather 455 low crme 456 low crime rate 505 Not overpopulated are crowded 510 Internet infrastructure 515 Stop building 524 Additional over 55 housing 525 Weather 536 Work 537 Environmentally friendly 714 quiet neighborhoods 715 low crime 717 Healthcare access 718 music 720 low crime rate 722 just a nice place to live 725 traditional values 729 Quietness during evening hours nd early morning. 730 i feel safe 731 stability or community 732 quiet 733 under control police department disinformation by gov.Desantis hate and lies spinend by the whole Republican partyl a Responses the open, wooded lots - which arc 3 Small town character 9 Walking along the canal 12 Government has improved signific 22 Wildlife/preserves 30 Low crime 40 Public areas along Indian River lagoon are great 433 Great seafood 59 health care services 62 docks need to be patrolled for illegal catches 64 quiet and well kept waterfront b9 senior services 72 Peaceful community 76 city hall building department friendly 268 of 325 Response total 2. F R25on SC'S 84 parents live here 90 the big one low crime 91 good schools 43 small community 115 low noise levels 122 wildlife L friendliness 129 aquatic center 93? Lack of septic remediation 137 St elizabeths episcoal church (I attend) 146 quiet 162 Need more parks and fishing lakes for kids 169 Lower crime 174 population explosion 184 low taxes 185 Very crowded lately - traffic and people 189 Airport within 1.5 hour drive 196 fun restaurants 322 Sewers 329 golf course 336 Usually very nice people 342 clean city streets 343 Schools 351 Water Access 355 conservation area 357 low population 358 Away from big cities but close enough to visit them 360 1 like small town- no traffic 361 community spirit 368 Ballfields 374 No high rise buildings 387 poor drainage 389 Police involvement with community 390 veteran organizations 395 healthcare access 414 access to large town- Vero beach and Melbourne 416 Traffic 422 Need- pines like Texas Roadhouse etc. A2 269 of 325 Response total a Responses 433 Splash pad for kids at parks- need morel 438 Respectable appearance 440 Not overcrowded 448 streeths have too many pot holes 453 beautiful sunshine 455 easy shopping 510 Lack of dining options 515 No affordable housing 535 Family 537 Small town vibe 714 great neighbors 717 Tennis Courts 722 No new developments or apartments I 725 quiet neighborhood 726 no hoa 729 Negative effects drivers speeding g p g -signs posted _ no traffic tickets written to enforce speed limits 730 beach a Responses the sunshine, almost every day 12 Great neighbors 22 River accessibility/walking path 30 small city 40 Local librarybut should be expanded � is great p (yes it is a county service but its very important) 43 water access and little traffic 59 low density development, small town feel 62 more police at the water 64 no large commercial growth 69 youth services are great 93 wildlife - beautiful birds 122 calm and peacefulness 129 state park and storm water park 132 Good county and city services, specifically library, parks, county offices (prop appraiser, porth county office for taxes, ❑MV - very responsive and helpful) 146 friendly 162 Go back to mowing the canals - no bull dozers? 174 cost of housing and living 270 of 325 Response total a Responses 184 beautiful weather and the best sunsets 3, 38 196 indian river waterfront 322 Enjoy the fewstivities 336 less traffic 342 not too many old houses with land debris 351 City Location 355 stormwater park 358 easy to get to beaches 374 Keep speeders on residential roads 387 city sewer 389 friendliness 390 city services 395 parks 416 Walkability 433 out door music and concerts 440 Safety - I like the police force patrolling 448 1 do like the speed signs around town 455 local health services 5'10 Road quality 537 Wasn't overcrowded 7300 parks Statistics based on 141 respondents; Please provide additional comments and suggestions on how the City of Sebastian can improve the quality of life? a Aesponses 1 ` Plant trees on city streets that are being deforested by new I construction. ` Enforce rules about trailers. RVs, boats, etc being inappropriately parked on residential property or in front yards... Beautify city spaces - such as the River road, Main St., and along route 1 in the main part of the city - more flowers, trees - include artistic sculptures and historic monuments which relate to our city's history, including the indigenous people who lived here initially. * Continue putting lines underground - I hope that will mean less outages when there are storms and that will be a BIG improvement, thank you] * Encourage citizens to post messages which are inclusive and j not divisive. (I'd be happy if our political views were kept private.... maybe businesses could be asked to refrain from putting signs in their windows, etc. - I know, probably not possible to do) 2 1 am a senior citizen living on Social Security and it would be great to reduce property taxes for people over 70 years of age. Response total 271 of 325 a Responses Response tntai As a 41 year resident I am both shocked and appalled that the city community shut down both parking lot and the yacht club ramp every weekend that they want to hold a festival of some sort. All well crowing about being a fishing village. What a jokel It is appeared that nobody in the city government use the boat ramps or or they would know that the dock in our ramps are totally in and out. Even when presented with a good and cost-effective remedies they continue to put money into fluff and gingerbread instead 7 My biggest concern is the littering that seems out of control. believe we live in a beautiful area and everyone should strive to take care of it. More encouragement for beautification/maintenance and fines for littering/polluting should be levied. 9 Enforce people who drive under speed limit in fast lanes; stock lakes with bass; enforce cleanup of lakes and collier Creek; add a Trader Joe's 13 Would like to remain a small town but that's long gone 14 Need to expand Schumann and barber Saint Road 24 lanes. Traffic is very bad in the morning and evening 15 - Annie land so we can control standards and get tax money to pay for what they use as it builds out - hand across from Main Street boat ramp needs to stay in city possession for residents use - Try a keep some laws here and they are vacant/city owned for critters - make all new developments have a sewer hook up so there are no more septic's back to back or side to side 16 Sebastian needs to stay small, and linear expansion. We need a city mapl Telling people it's on the Internet is useless. How many people are capable of printing out a full-size map? Virtually none none 14 Please maintain building code height restrictions. Any new business must conform to the working fisherman wharf or beach type environment. Please keep the city small! 20 More programs for seniors such as guest speakers on available services. 21 Slow the growth; WebCams located on waterfront parking; start the process to eliminate septic tanks 22 Keeping up with the national park; keep patrolling USl for speeding; keep density down; concerts in the park 24 Proof items such is this - money spent on poor presentation. Map is not identifiable and I had to go online to determine. Cover sheet instructs to be mailed back by May 13, 2022 and the last page states April 15, 2022. Make it look like the city is careless and wasteful. Enforce no animals and park during the events 26 Bike pass will lower traffic, provide low cost transportation, and a method of exercise. Digital speed limit equipment; parades; festivals; outdoor music; patriotic events 30 This is a great little city and do not let it become over crowded 33 Free trash and yard debris pick up 34 Noise ordinance on loud vehicle exhaust would be cool 272 of 325 Response total A Responses 38 Stop the multifamily influx into single family neighborhoods. Crime is increasing and multiple cars in the yard lead to unsightly parking lots and lowering single family property values. Creates an additional burden on water and sewer services. 40 im unhappyhere and am thinking about moving away g g y (mostly due to traffic noise up too much building). Do something about the speeding/hotrodding on Banben St - noise is outrageousl My neigborhood is looking trashy - people park on the grass - 5 of b cans ar each house. People don't care for these yards - kids ride gocarts on the road - people cut down their old oak trees (basically it seems there is a lack of oversight on code enforcemnt) here. Need better code enforcement. Have a tree ordinace that works - preserve our oak trees and cabbage palmsl Add more trees to parks (native trees pleasel) Was sirprised when someone down the street put a chain like fence in their front yard - why is that allowed? Looks totally trashy. City should have codes in place to prevent this - or change current codes. Stop spraying herbicides everywhere - ends up in The Indian River lagoon and damaging our waterways and seagrass. 41 Expand the city lunch 43 Don't allow any more building on the river side of Indiana River Drive 45 More traffic control on Indian River Drive. Perhaps an electronic speed notification to advise drivers of the proper speed and when they are exceeding the limit. There is one property between Martin and Cleveland that frequently looks like a dump site. Perhaps cluster monitoring by appropriate person or office. 47 Widen the streets 48 Too dependent of Vero Beach or Melbourne. 51 Stop U turns on RT Stop RT turn on red onto RT1 and 512 Need more police exposure on RT1 and 512 52 More neighborhood leagues for yound adults[ Everything is for 55 years + A lot of parents want to get involved in activities but there is nothing for non-youth/non-seniors (pickleball, basketball, bowling, poker, paddleboarding, swimming, fishing) 54 Street parking Eliminate politica I 57 Sebastian should be known as a safe and quiet community. We would like to see more enforcement of th enoise ordinance regarding loud cars, trucks, motorcycles, barking dogs, etc. 58 1 have lived here 10t years. l moved here for the small town feel. We are doing well and keep up the good work! I probably will die here and no better than here. More advertising would be good - pass around the word for the great place to livel 59 Quality of life is pretty great in Sebastian. We could have chosen to live almost anywhere in the country but we chose this area beacuse of its low density development, lots of parks, and access to the water. It is a great place to anyone who appreciates nature, water activities, and a small town feel. here are always pressures to grow and expand, but we'd like to see the city retain those small town qualities. 60 More streetlights buy more conservation land! 273 of 325 Response total = Responses 61 Sebastain needs to safeguards its small town USA appeal. The businesses along US - 1 are, for the most part, a disgrace when it comes to their store front appearance. Properties that are left to seed, like the eckards building on USA is a prime example ofan E opportunity to get a good business into our town while also i improving the towns appearance. I believe the city needs to explore more aggressive means to move these ideologies along with the property owners. Legal, etc. Our town could be so beautiful. 62 More drainage and cleaning out of the drainage ditches and protecting our power lines from storms. now we just get pawned off on someone else and then they do the same. Protect us from hurricanes please 64 1 have loved sebastian since I first came here in 1982.1 knew that I would move here and did in 2005 because Sebastian alwasy felt like a quiet sleepy town for removal from the hustle of the larger towns north adn south. I am very concerned about the amount of homes being built now and understand that the town must grow. I just hope that the town remains the small town I fell in love with and before it is too late -keep big businesses out at any cost 65 Support events that connect people regaurdless of political views and other differences. Welcome ALL people! 66 Slow down on building homes Reuse empty buildings for business 67 Better cell service better internet W2 Maintain cohort we have and be aware of the radicals coming to one city and trying to change itl 73 Best place to live in Florida! 74 Water quality is very important to my family the city has too many septic systems. Repair bacboc st from moth to hwy 1 75 Greater tax base to lower taxes Attract warehouses, Ig businesses, degional distribution centers (amazon, walmart, target) 76 Keep small town mind 77 Get comments from residents - dont rely only on council members Get more internet providers into the town - AT+T 8 1 More strict code enforcement for residential properties - street parking, tanks in yard, promoting businesses out of homes, etc, 82 Locate boat lane between the 2 piers south of the main park between the two peirs and pop trailer parking south of existing parr - now, its over parking - launching and trailer paking south of parr is needed. This area as under utilized at present. 83 Teh city is doing a pretty good job managing itself. There are many people moving here. Quality life is what many people came here from don't let that be destroyed by overgrowth 84 1 would like to join city council and have some more insight to town development, environmental protections, and help instill in future generations the values of our fore fathers 86 Sebastian is a wonderful small town feell Love it herel 91 our qquality of life can't be beat keep things small and preserve what we have Less is morel When we moved here there were 6,000 people and 6 ale grouches. Stay small, be more exclusive. 274 of 325 Response total e Rearu-5 92 In the most part Sebastian is a great town and I would like to see enforcement of loud cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Specifically the removal of mufflers. 93 1 love Sebastian] I have noticed an increase in traffic congestion and sirens since I moved here two years ago. I hope we can keep it a hidden gen by limiting new houses and roads being built. I also think the Brightline thing will negatively impact our area. Another decision might be about bobcats, foxes, and coyotes in residential areas. They deserve quality of life as well but may be better relocated to a safe area. 94 Stop light timing roseland/5131 Fleming 95 Imrpove quality of lagoon -sewer system 96 Do not wish to receive any more questionnaires 102 We love sebastian, our home is located near grocery stores, gas stations, banks, post office, pool supply, pharmacy, etc, with very little need to fight off traffic wish we were not such a politically divided city- no room for hatred and division 105 Keep Sebastian small, This a great town to reside in. Born in 1955 and have been ever since] 107 We need a small mall closer than the Vero mall 108 more pickleball courts enforce dog ord 11I We are really enjoying life here in Sebastian. We're not missing the snow and icel 113 We lived over 40 years in Ft. Lauderdale and feel that Sebastian does a better job of utilizing tax payers funds than Ft. Lauderdale did_ We also appreciate the preservation of open space, scrub areas and the small town quality of life 114 1 know you want growth but the population is getting out of control thus leading to traffic issues, crimes, excess pollution, and housing SO expensive us locals can't afford to live here. Hosuing prices and living cost going up but employees are not being paid more. We are going to lose our fishing town way of life to big city folks. I'm scared for my sons future. 115 Keep communicating with residents 118 Things good just the way they are 120 The city should not make it so hard for businesses to open. The permitting process is ridiculous and not very business friendly. 122 - city water quality - enforcing people to keep their dogs in leashes at parks and children's playgrounds - too many door to door soliciting at odd hours - trash pickup is late more than not - too many old/run down stores 123 please focus on drainage, sustainability, sfatey, unity amoung citizens 124 The mayor has had office now for 20 years, It is a good old boys club who waits for snowbirds to fly north to vote on important city issues. Too much money in golf coursesll I am personally aware of criminal city activity and the whole council should be replaced 125 More monitoring on speeders on 451 275 of 325 Response total 128 Enforcement of parking on US1 Enforcement of code violations and shorten "compliance" time Neighberhood places of smaller size - 2000- 3000 sq feet - rather than huge "community center: Use former city "garage" property for event parking with shuttle or taxi service 129 We think you're doing a good job. Building dept was pleasure to deal with. We worry that the area will grow too busy for us with the large housing complexes. We would prefer slow controllrf growth. We love our quiet friendly neighborhood. The stormweather canal and park are adjacent to our home. The spraying of herbicides is a big issue. Would the mechanical weed removal instead. 130 - city center - a "real" downtown - enforce developments - we must have a long term plan - publish growth plan and ask for feedback 132 Improve septic to sewer conversion and other negative factors associated with lagoon Traffic on barber is ridiculous especially concerning are large trucks which leave large ruts at concerns and wreck havoc on roads Drainage ditches and brush along ditches abatting city and FPL right of way oveed more frequent and better maintance. 136 Know new rail is being laid and RXR intersections will follow. Great - traffic on SR1 is good flow - traffic on Fleming/Main a joke 30mph and there is going to be a bad accident - wish there was more info on whats available at senior center 138 1 feel like the city is growing faster than its infrastructure can keep up. Traffic esp during winter months can become dangerous, stores packed all of the time. have lived in this area my entire life and we always considered Sebastian the prettiest place to live. It is getting chewed up now. believe we have the best police dept and fire/EMS 140 More sidewalks 142 Please consider replacement of the speed bumps on brush foot drive, with pedestrian crossing signs like numerous ones on Indian river dr. In the 2-3 years since the bumps were installed. I have never seen a pedestrian cross at that location. Compare that with the hundreds of people who cross IR drive, daily i.e. capt hirams as shown on the attached photos. Also, removal of those unnecessary speed bumps would save untold wear and tear on shocks, struts, and brakes. Thank you 144 Improve medicinal facilities and hospital and do things to attract better physicians to the area 146 Please consider why the local residents love here and why we want to stay - small - quiet homey - simple - lifestyle 149 Less noise - although we have a downtown area - the noise from area bans is annoying especially after 11pm. At the same time realize that's the price of living downtown. Faster action on properties like the fine garage. 150 Need our roads re -tarred 276 of 325 Response total e Responses 152 Keep heavy industry out. Enforce signs that say "no trucks- and speed limits within community streets. Fine red light violators 154 Have cars slow down it is very dangerous to cross Barber St 155 With all of the new building going on. Houses and businesses. The seem to be needing more and more repairs 157 Walking path around womens club park on barber st. I understand two lots on the pond and would require a ledge around those corners. I think that would be a good investment so someone may start using that under developed park. Harder park walking trail needs fill dent in the 3 low spots that flood with rainstorms. 158 So many homes have been added to Sebastian that our streets are now so busy that getting anywhere is frustrating not enough police on the streets stopping speeders and people running red lights 159 1) Have the police out patrollingl! 2) Pave US1 from the bridge to the Wabasso 3) Pave the streets in Sebastian that were not paved last year 4) become more business friendly - several Businesses opened and closed quickly adn then building sat empty for a long period of time a) family air conditioning next to Dunkin Donuts b) original country ham and egg which is now "bowls" 5) mandate that EVERY property display their house number, whether business or residence this is LONG overduell 6)Mandate that people maintain their mailbox because too many are just plain eyesoresl Take pride in what you ownl 160 Fine dining 161 Encourage and facilitate the building of an Aldis grocery store to help low income families reduce their cost of feeding themselves. We now have to travel to Palm Bay to be able to afford our food 162 Lot if drunk driving and traffic violations stop the loud noise at local bars. Hire better and more qualified home and project inspectors - lot ig poor construction going on. Look at the comments on local websites - shocking L Sebastian is a wonderful town to live in 164 Less people 165 Golf course is way too crowded Green market would be nice 166 Stop the overpopulation by allowing every piece of unapproved property yo be developed. Lots that are not the proper size, should not be allowed to get a stamp to build a large house on a size lotlll They in most cases do not fit in with the neighborhood, look out of piacelll Work on traffic problems, back-ups on 512 main St, roseland, and US-1 area nightmarel 167 Less building of homes or at least provide more infrastructure to accommodate the influx Too many people will diminish out "small town" quality of life and experience 169 Lower cost to use facilities Listen to residents - too many BARS need quality family locations 277 of 325 Respnns0 total e Re,Pens es 170 Control growthl Population increases are destroying the "small town" flavor 171 As i mentioned previously, we are becomign too large with too many housing developments going up. Moving way to fast for our present size, roas structure, etc. 173 Let us know through email about up and coming meetings and topics. Have more sebastian activities, meetings at parks, town pot lucks, activities that everyone can be apart of 175 Keep growth minimal, we're growing too fast reduce speeders, noise, and pollution Police area and reduce crime Stop signs on carrien sts to slow traffic Trains problems will get much worse as traffic grows in the area. Backups and speeds will increase to gain back lost time at train tracks. Keep working on the grass in lagoon it's over reason for such a population of animals. Slow down- before we become another west palm beach. Thanks for asking 176 1 think the biggest thing to improve the quality of life,for me, is to solicit new shops and businesses and restaurants to come to Sebastian. I'm getting tired of going to Melbourne on VB for these. The police are doing a fine job 177 Side walks and bike lanes 178 Sebastian is a great town. Still has the small town feel. I would 224 hope you would be able to keep it the way it is. 186 catch up with roads 187 Find way to do something about stopping the cars with the loud bass music. Sebastian is supposed to be quiet and peaceful 188 1 love Sebastian 189 1) Employability training to match labor demands 2) life skills like critical thinking, teamworks, conflict management 3) Intervention needs to recognize and responds to the realities young people confront 192 better sidewalks across train tracks 193 control development of housing, to allow it to grow slowly, as to not overload school system with children. Developing to fast the wrong way desroyed many towns with over taxation to grow schools and maintain order, quality of life, etc 195 keep sebastian clean and friendly keep up North policies up North Protect the indian river lagoon and waterways and other ecosystems 197 let people park their boat or camper in their driveway do away with your approved tree list 200 The city has done very well in most cases. The creek behind south wimbrow could use some help some work has been done 201 More quality indoor dining, no more pizza or auto parts stores 315 limit new developments Population growth Quality life in numerous areas within the city "Just look at florida" 316 Drainage Property anner land south of 510 Take care of city workers and police 318 A traffic light on Barber Road needed at Rolling hill Dr 278 of 325 i Response total c Re spono[c 319 Abandoned cars/ unregistered/ uninsured jun k Furniture debris Political signs left out long after election There are properties with 1 or more junked motor vehicles 324 Don't allow large condos and office buildings in the city limits 326 Clean waterways More waterfront fisheries 330 Better job on canals, they need to be cleaned 337 Sewer System 339 want to feel safe 341 More stores and attractions 342 Keep some of the empty lots for wild animals 343 Policing more convenient stores Have more attention placed on buildings 345 Allow us to have more than two chickens Allow us to put fences around properties 348 Need better roads in our area 352 More water front dining and less homes 353 Nice to have a bike/walking trail such as the one in sanibel Island Keep the green spaces and parks/trails to enjoy the outdoors 1 354 Itemized taxation 358 focus on older neighborhoods, sidewalks, roads, landscape, and the overall maintenance More code enforcement for people that don't maintain clean yards 360 Improver roads limit construction Get housing prices under control Stop the golf carts 364 Eliminate Septic Tanks & Install All Underground Sewage 366 Blossom park needs a sidewalk and cleaned up 367 Slowdown on new construction 368 Space preserved for parks I 369 Put in Sewer system 372 More dining opportunities 374 Keep the residents better informed 376 Code enforcement needs to be better. 378 Provide a community/event center 379 Provide a larger boat ramp 381 eradicate river rat issue monitor city paid lawn and landscape contractors Increase maintenance on canals and lakes Control campers and Rv's using overflow parking lot as campground 382 control growth 279 of 325 Response total n Responses 386 vessels should be required to be currently registered 387 Post office is horrible water drainage city sewer youth activities speed control on streets 389 continue asking via surveys continue community events and park events 390 Slow down expansion. Don't want to be New York City or Miami 392 Less building permits for new homes 3393- Too many buildings worried about water supply 394 Adult rec leagues would be nice, such as soccer 396 Improve city streets and restore old buildings 397 Chic fil a and more to go food options 399 Drainage Sidewalks Streetlights 402 improved outdoor exercise areas lighted streets, sidewalks and pathways family activities 405 Clean out swale pipe and maintain swale depth 408 limit building reduce pollution enforce traffic rules 410 Keep Sebastian a "small Town" 411 My address is 6 Atocha Drive- not sure on looking at map as to where to circle 413 We love the hometown feel of Sebastian and hope thart it continues. It feels like it is geting bigger and busier though. We hope that Sebastian doesn't lose its charm by becoming over crowded. We would also love to see some sort of small " downtown" feel with a group of nice shops all together- other than at the Village Square. Thank You for allowing us to voice our opinion. 414 Beautiful Area: Let's not overcrowd it. Lower taxes for Seniors- even if seasonal. No kids in Schools. Keep historical buildings 415 Population is increasing and the city should keep up and widen and pave all roads. This isn't Alabama. 416 Better Public Transportation 417 City Sewer Drainage 421 We need sidewalks along George St. Drainage in my immediate area is poor. When we get excessive amounts of rain, there is 6 + inches of water in our backyards. Perhaps, our lots were not grounded properly. It would be nice if a drain could be installed in our backyards. 422 Eliminate u turns off- rt1 Police rt 1 traffic speeders 280 of 325 - Rr,Pc es Response total 424 Boat parking at homel With rulesll Change the flood zonesl When is the last time Sebastian had a flood that requires you to carry very expensive flood insurance- FEMA and Sebastian need to look at thisll It's been in place since the 1960?7It's not fairll 425 Disturbed by the businesses moving out of their locations and leaving their signage up- sometimes for years! Control over speed limit US1 - there is none now Poor response from city hall for resident requests 430 Just fix the roads, curbs, and drainage 431 My property backs up to a small canal. The city used to keep it cleaned out of overgrowth and weeds and someone would come out every 3-4 months and clear and cut down overgrown weeds and vegetation. No one has been out to do that in at least a year and a half- maybe two. It looks like a jungle back there. Can't even see the water in the canal anymore and all the lovely wildlife (birds, Ig. turtles, etc) have left the area. Very disappointed in how they are not taking care of our lovely sebastian 433 There are a lot of "older" "baby boomers" in this area. Safety and comfort are important to them. Flat, safe, sidewalks and benches for sitting are important. Take a look at Henderson, North Carolina, historic area. It is beautiful and safe for the "older crowd" and attracts younger families. Recycling bins- PLEASEIII Everywhere, including hospitals and businesses. We must get seriousl 435 Because the number of events at Riverview here are too many and they never seem to change. Haven't been to one in years for this reason 436 Sebastian could control 1-95 to assist with income to pay for services. If we need property abutting this expressway, find enough to purchase reasonably or buy a minimum amount from rellsmere or the county to allow access to this cunding system.We like things how they are today. The only thing we can think of would be a me page newsletter every once in a while to keep residents aware of changes. i 437 The local drainage in everyone's front yard seems to be the most discussed topic where help and assistance is needed especially for the over 60-year-old population 438 Strict enforcement of motor vehicle laws speeding, obeying stop/shield signs, walking safety, texting, turn signal usage, all are primary laws but ignored by law -enforcement personnel 441 1 moved here because of the delightful small city charm. Please don't lose it. We need to address the lack of housing and the poverty in the city, there is no excuse for it. Developers need to be made accountable and for every X amount of houses built they need to build that amount that is very affordable for low income families. So less than $200,000. They do not need to be greedy - if they don't agree - go build somewhere else someone else will agree 443 Be more flexible about storage shed on property as long as they meet code. Just because my house is small and I have a garage I'm not allowed to have a shed for my mower and garden tools. 444 Stricter enforcement of zoning codes such as debris in front of homes, overgrown yards, parking in swales, etc. 445 Code enforcement needs to make people clean up their places, not just cut grass, old unused vehicles, boats, mobile homes, junk There are four lots on one street names of Valencia city should be a shave to say they have code enforcement Abandoned their homes for years and use their lots for junk 281 of 325 Response total R Responses 446 More light, stop signs, speeding tickets. The traffic accidents are out of hand 447 1 believe this city has done everything with regards to growth and expansion very well... Keeping things small and quiet. Sebastian continues to be an oasis amongst all the bustling cities up and down the coast of Florida. Keep things quiet, low traffic, and this city will always be a gem. I have vacationed here my whole life. I have a lot of family that has lived here for some time now. I couldn't wait to financially afford to purchase a home here. My family's goal is to make this a permanent residence over the next 5-8 years. - improve and sustain environment safety and health - sewer systems to improve river quality 452 Would like to re-emphasize the lack of consideration on the park of dog walkers. They should be subject to a ticket for wearing dark clothing at night. Very stressful between the dogs.dark clothing. and cars parked on the street overnight for local drivers. 45.3 could use more food options less dollar general and auto shops more community events 455 Due to your new bicycle lanes at the intersection of 512and US 1 both east and west bound are very dangerous! I've almost been hit twice since they were put in place in the middle of the road. These are not a good ideall feel very uncomfortable when trying to merege in traffic that doesn't slow down. This needs to be changed back to the road side on the shoulder of the road before someone gets killedll 456 Not as much destruction of natural environment 457 More beach ocean dining 450 - I noticed when the "Welcome to the city fo Sebastian" signs changed and it now has smaller words. It seems like a waste of money when there was no apparent need to change it. - My 2 grandchildren live here and we love the splashpad and Riverview park. We hope there will be swingsadded to the park as well as another water activity. - The Sebastian airport should be a nice place to fly to and from - We enjoy walking by the water treatment plant and new trails in the shrub off Shruman, so mroe trails are always welcomel 499 More Pickleball courts - as the sport grows in the population of Sebastian grows, especially with the snowbirds Soo Enforce speed limit US 135 Try Dr. 35. 1 will do 38 and they run up my butt do you like Dale Airhart and cut in front of the snowbirds are not doing it the off-season makes no difference same on Main Street. Transients in Riverview Park come park days and sometimes weeks throw trash on boat parking area fake preacher with bus that looks like they came bus stayed for over three weeks Park in south of veterans Park same chase them out motorcycle with loud muffler 554 This city is growing too quickly, our own workforce is being driven out by extreme real estate and rental prices. If our growth continues our current roadways in public access points become unusable in a safe manner. 595 Invest and protect the working waterfront, invest in youth activities, no more auto parts stores, promote small businesses, protect environment, keep Sebastian from growing into South Florida 506 Good city, good government, and good people 282 of 325 Response total 509 Most people moved here to get away from the big city. The city is filled with a click the council has created - which has been labeled as the "good old boys "this is very dismissive. Many people do not want to get involved because of this 510 Internet - Moore high speed - we should have fiber Internet for a city of our size fixed roads improve traffic safety Dash Barbara Street, Roseland Rd., Shuman allow additional food such as Chick-fil-A, Olive Garden, Texas roadhouse, Zaxby's no more dollar stores, McDonald's. Burger King, auto stores, storage units - too many already 511 Enforce the speed limit or change it: maintain the swales so they drain; repay the neighborhood road: can anything be done about having Airbnb's in your neighborhood - feels like living at a motel 513 Some more nice restaurants would be wonderful) 514 1 better enforcement on unleashed peta and continues dog barking per code 2 prohibited boats, trailers, junk cars, etc. parked illegally in front of homes, not on side of house per code 3 service animals and stores and restaurants 515 No buns in the city Send them to New York or LA!I 521 Alli to small portion of beach to be dog/pet friendly 524 Again: please attend to canals very unsightlyl Looks like a swampl 525 More reliable large waste and vegetation pickup 526 We spent two years by Bernard "home" and we love Sebastian - keep it small- update the building moratoriums - protect our nature and waterways 527 Would like to see code enforcement utilized more: boat and RV parking, drainage ditches clean by homeowners better enforced Excuses of vehicles parked on properties People living in RVs with no sewage hookups 528 More diversity of shopping- personal items/ clothing of dining/ groceries 530 The city crew that does stormwater drainage is doing an outstanding job. We used to have standing water in the summer, but they cleaned our ditch and it doesn't now. The sidewalks are nicer to, garden club Park looks better and keep up the good work 531 Focus on a neat and clean city, show speed on keep buildings in line with city. There are too many messy vacant buildings, too many dollar stores, no more dispensaries. I would like to see small trolley going from Park River Village etc, more groceries competitors - slow growth no big buildings. Alternative housing code - small cottage Tobe etc. Don't allow homes to block Riverview. 532 Upgrade public wastewater collection and treatment to protect public health and the health of the Indian River Lagoon 533 No more auto parts or dollar tree or Dollar General type stores Sebastian does not need a homeless shelter type living community/housing 534 Stop the development - keep our city small. It's not Miami 283 of 325 Response total i Respunses 535 Our playgrounds are poor. We need a community center for arts, music and gymnastics. Youth programs and social activities as well. We need family entertainment and activities. Shopping is horrible. Our county pools are not available for families at night when parents are off work. 537 1 chose Sebastian for several reasonsl When looking to relocate am a native from Broward county. 1) laid -Hack relaxed lifestyle 2) small town feel 3) no major department stores, malls, restaurants etc. 4) eco-friendly 5) some of the friendliest law -enforcement I have ever met 6) City was about to residence not tourism Let's not become anything like South Florida 714 1 have lived in Sebastian 28 years and can only say I have really enjoyed everything the city has provided 717 1 live in Sebastian Crossings which is currently unincorporated. We would love to see Sebastian annex this area. 719 More variety of restaurants in our town that are less expensive, but not fast food. More youth activities that will keep our children out of trouble. Biggest complaints of high school students. 723 There are many fresh water lakes that are fenced off that residents can fish in for bass "catch and release". 725 We are now full time residents but have owned property for 11 years and used it 5, hence my response of 1-5 years. The city can police property care, most are well maintained. As a supporter of law and order, the police need to be able to do their job. Schools need to treat children as children. 726 The city of Sebastian needs to focus more on public safety, such as increasing the total number of police officers for overall presence within in city, , level of a more attractive hiring and retention package for police officers, and create an internal training uni that focuses on training the entire agency. The city of Sebastian experienced a lot of turnover nd this is not going to get any better until the city develops a stronger income to be loyal to the city and that of the police department. Our small town has increased in size exponentially and will continue to do so in the coming years and the city needs to recognize this and needs to make changes sooner rather than later. 727 Keep the park events "fantastic". Keep a closer eye on damage done by riverview park. Figure out a way to control the amount of homeless residents. Do not offer affordable housing. Find a law or ordinance that makes them move on or start contributing to our society in a productive way. 729 Limit use of pesticides in ground water. 730 _ natural gas should be added - septic systems - more wind farms - we need good quality restaurants preferably a steakhouse - no more fastfood burger king or McD 732 Mainly entertainment and social spots such as dining spots and coffee shops 733 1) Fix the roads 2) Fix the flooding, low arch 3) Keep on top of keeping Sebastian river clean 4) and keep the beaches and intercoastal clean and keep mother nature happy Statistics based on 222 of 32 Select the ton 5 businesses / establishments you would like to see expanded within the City of Sebastian to improve the quality of life. Indoor Dinning Entertainment Water Activities Hardware Sales Clothing / Department Stores Movie Theater Grocery Stores Coffee Shops Medical Services Eco Tourism Airport Services Take Out Food Banking Gas Stations Vehicle Repair Golf Dental Services Marine Repair Pharmacy Response Response percent total 71.22% 485 62.85% 42B 47.72% 325 38.47% 262 34.95% 238 32.45% 221 26.73% 182 21.88% 149 17.62% 120 15.71% 107 15.13% 103 13.22% 90 9.99% 68 8.08% 55 6.02% 41 4.55% 31 4.41% 30 2.35% 16 2.2% 15 285 of 325 0 :0 C r0 10 100 I;0 IW 140 100 700 2I0 '40 ]W M 200 020 IW 000 100 40 4:0 " 440 00 M {:0 bid" cinrdrv3 Erdeitainrnenr Nfatel PL11Ysle° Hardware Saks =E-' r� Clothov 1 Department Stores no G1avk Tllraler � 22t Grocery stores yrji I 182 Coffee Shops + 149 Medcal Services I 120 EceTourkm �`.to7 A port Services 123 Take Out Food 60 Eankin - p Gas Stations 64 VeNria P.epoh 41 Gar r Derltol services 30 Marine Atpoh 16 Pharmacy 16 Mi _8 5 426 Statistics based on 661 respondents; Please list any additional businesses you would like to see within the city. Response total a Responses 1 dance studio offering classes for seniors 9 Chick-fil-A 11 Asian/Indian food market 12 1 see no expanded needs Z Train station 16- Craft/art supply 23 Art supply and gallery 24 Arts and craft supply 28 Outdoor dining 30 Hospitals 31 1 prefer to keep it rural and low-key 33 Country western restaurants and bars 286 of 325 Raspanse tDtaF e Responses 34 Olive garden 35 Restaurants 40 bookstore 43 Maybe a proper pool hall 44 monthly farmers market with vendors like ft. pierce has or Kashi used to do. 45 can't think of anything 47 Restarants that play open later and are more affordable 50 fine dining 51 Chick Fil A 52 sports bar 53 Target 56 decent, not expensive restaurants 61 Steak house chain in the Eckerds Bldg on US-1 62 illegal work being done 63 we have enough 64 1 don't believe we need any additional business. Next city is only 10 miles away Lowes 68 Outdoor dining 69 teh city is finel 74 bicycle sales and repair services 75 Major auto dealership 76 Perfect as it is 77 deli 78 laundromat 84 aldi 90 a better hospital 91 none - we have all we need 92 outback steakhouse 93 bakery 95 bicycle shops/repair 98 lowes 10 club stores like costco/sams club/ bjs Z stop growth of chain store or rest 114 less the bteer, we are in the center of everything and can drive to vero or melbourne. The more you allow to be built the more congested we will become. It's not th ehome town I grew up in. 115 Transportation (specifically for medical appointments and does not have to be free) 287 of 325 Response total 1. F Responses 118 leave as is 119 Chick fil a 122 health food store 123 traderjoes 124 Fitness studios, roller rink. arcades, youth activity center 129 hardware 130 More emphasis on fishing history of sebastian and more fresh seafood from local fishermen 134 bagel store 136 something for mens clothing 140 More top restaurants equal to vero beach 142 Aldis 144 chick fil a 146 youth activities 150 White Castle 158 Stores that have good vegetables, fruit, and beef our stores are not very good at that 159 We don't need any more of the above or we would lose the small town atmosphere but it is shameful that we live in a town with a hospital that no one wants to go to because it has such a bad reputation for patient care and "negative" outcome. I drove my sick husband to cleveland clinic when he has serious COVID and spent 7 days in ICU. A friend of ours same condition went to Sebastian hospital and later died dur to his treatment there. And my husband also would have died - NO question in my mindl Most people I speak to would be afraid to call 911 in an emergency because we all know you will be taken to Sebastian Hospital because it is the closest. We don't have a choice and that is wrongll 161 Aldi Store 162 Do away with sky diving - noise 163 Restaurants 165 Another public golf course 167 Affordable water activites (kayak, paddleboard rental) 169 Bakery 171 We have a beautiful hospital with excellent diagnostic/outpatient services. Instay is another matter. I spent 5 days there. My daughter in law at Cleveland Clinic had to come back here every day to change sheets on my bed as I laid in my own feces.Nurses said they were too overworked and understaffed to do it. Coming from a medical background there is NO excusell 174 Water front dining 175 Costco 178 Car wash with detailing 182 Less is more 184 Since the mail in vero is so empty we would love to have a mall 159 288 of 325 Response total F ReSPonse_ 197 lowes 198 dennys or perkins 315 WAWA 316 Good late night coffee shop/dinner 317 Street lights by my neighborhood Aldi 32-2 Aice Flardwre 331 Greek reasturant 332 Aldi's 341 Starbucks 344 Train service 345 Bakery 348 Aldis 353 allow food trucks 354 Chick- Fil-A Move youth development 358 Places for younger crowd to hangout 360 Aldi 361 trader joe's or whole foods, more variety 365 Steakhoue 368 1 like local businesses with local owners 369 Bank 370 not interested in businesses or establishments expanding 37-1 Nice open golfcart community on golf course for all ages 372 Better fine dining 37-4 Sams Club 377 Bakery 379 Ihop 381 Wawa 385 Applebees 384 Chick-Fil-A 389 gas stations 392 Costco Wholesale 393 Clothing/Dept Stores 395 airport 402 bbq 404 car rental 405 Airport Services 289 of 325 Response total s Responses 2 Discount Grocery 408 Bakery 415 Kohls 420 We have enough. This is a small town 421 we need a take out burger place like Casey's in Vero 423 Target Super Store 425 An active booming green market 427 traderjoes 428 wawa 430 Pollo Tropical 432 long john silvers 433 target 434 Exercise other than gym equipment; spin, bungee, dance 435 Steakhouse (outback) 440 We need another Walmart possibly off 1-95 exit 512 445 Aldi's 448 The old Eckard drug store sits idle for many years, use it for we old seniors like a movie theater or a grocery store or something else but use it. 451 no more expansion 453 more food options besides pizza 456 Aldo 457 Wish there was a real "downtown" feel somewhere 458 lowes 499 Pickle ball courts 504 1 would prefer slow growth 510 Alternative grocery services 515 No more corporate food 517 Kohls 520 healthy food 524 Miniature golf 526 None- please stay a small town with no changes and nothing bigl 530 Buffet 535 Family establishments 537 Nothing - crowded enough 715 aldi or discount grocery 716 Wawa 717 More restaurants on the water 718 music venue 290 of 325 Response tow r Responses 719 Starbucks 723 CVS 726 target/starbucks 727 ChickFAA 730 Septic tanks should be outlawed 731 bakery LU Stabucks (coffee shops) 733 Coscto store 735 Drive In Movie O Responses 1 organic dining (healthy food) 31 Polish/Russian international deli 24 Would love to see the old Harbor Motel turned into a local art/straw market with permanent vendor and local interest 30 Counseling 34 lowes 35 target low variety of choices - walmart/publix etc - UGHI need better options for shopping (aldi? fresh mkt, etc.) 50 costco 51 Lowes '!52 brunch spot with mimosas clothing 61 Our own cinema/theater (10+ screens) 62 no license M sebastian should remain a small town and maintain that feel 67 Beals 75 Building with 50-100 employees L7 bakery 84 target 91 less is more 92 applebees 98 cvs 101 marshalls/homegoods/TJ Maxx 108 No clothing stores 119 aldi 123 walking trails 129 lumber/building materials 134 bakeries -independent 291 of 325 Response total 2. C Responses 136 furniture safes 142 Ace hardware (centrally located) 144 quality hospital 146 adult sports 162 Move the scum Walmart to better location 165 Would earn the city a lot of money 167 family fishing tournaments off piers 169 Specialty food 175 Chick fil a 178 Fine dining 184 A park for people not dogs 197 academy sports 315 Outback 317 Speed bumps by my neighborhood 322 Aquarium 332 Chain reaturants 341 Target 345 public game/arcade 353 vegan food establishments 355 ergs clubs 358 place for Igbt to go have local drag shows 360 WAWA 361 Kohls or Target anything 365 Longhorn 370 Do not want to see Sebastian become Vero Beach or Melbourne 374 Lowes 377 bus service to airports 379 Dennys 381 Afdi's 385 Outback 392 Target Store 395 grocery 402 hospitals 405 Indoor Dining 420 If you want a big city- move to Orlando! 421 Starbucks would be greatl 423 Zaxby's fast food chain 427 wawa 83 292 of 325 Resp*ns9 tote$ a Responses 433 rehabilitation centers 435 wawa 440 Would like more restaurants 445 Chain restaurants 453 no more fast food Sio Additional lodging 520 Competition for publix 530 Bakery 535 Youth activities- YMCA 716 Chickfila 718 ace harware 719 activities for middle schooler and high schoolers to do 726 chickfila 727 Sonic 730 steakhouse or 5 star restaurant 732 makeup store (ex. ulta or sephora) 733 outdoor dining 735 Teen Homless Shelter u Responses 11 24 hour diner and Starbucks 34 fresh market or whole foods 35 kids places 40 Would like to see more more "mom and pop" stores - not downtown area that is pleasant to spend time in - like downtown stuart - small shops, coffee shops, restaurants. etc. 51 Ace hardware 52 tj Maxx/march/ross 61 No more auto parts stores or BARS, please] 62 no permitting 67 Aldis 84 starbucks 92 aIbies foods 98 target Z target 108 less dogs in parks, grocery stores 123 charging stations 129 vegetable garden supplies 134 independent restaurants 146 senior activities 293 of 325 Response total 3. u Responses 162 Add a big Walmart with nice items like other Florida cities 167 Chase bank, we have plenty of banks but none that we use and bakery 169 Aldi 175 Trader Joe's, bicycle repair 184 gook store (barnes and noble) 197 bait stops 315 Starbucks 332 no more automotive supply stores 341 European war center 355 more greenspace 360 YMCA 361 more dining options and breweries 365 Outback 374 Chick-Fil-A 385 Olive Garden 392 Lowes 395 medical dental and pharmacy 423 Chic- fil-a out parcel 433 music store 445 ❑iscount grocery store 510 Additional pet service options 535 Our county pool open at night for families and swimming 718 west marine 726 steakhouse large chain restaurant 727 Checkers or Arby's 732 driving school 733 Any group to keep our city clean and beach clean 735 Wonmens Only Gym 46 Statistics based on 160 respondents; 294 of 325 Select the top 5 investments the city should focus on over the next 3 to S years to improve the overall quality of life in the City of Sebastian. Response Response percent total Drainage Improvement 69.35% 482 Roads 59.57% 414 Parks 56.98% 396 Police 46.48% 323 Traffic Safety 40.14% 279 Sidewalks 29.5% 205 Community Events 28.63% 199 Streetlights 26.48% 184 Broadband 20.86% 145 Events 18.42% 128 Boat Trailer Parking 16.84% 117 Boat Parking 12.23% 85 Transportation 10.5% 73 2e Y u n W U9 W 111 w M 2H :r :69 It M M W 261 3" 40 4'1 uP nr u4 1N 109 Dr~ irnproYeltlerR 482 P»eds 414 Prkc xe Peke 323 Tidric Safety 279 Sidewalks I 285 Colnnuty CveAe I 199 StrEE11)¢lt8 1114 B16ad6altd 146 Ere111c � tee Boat TrakiParking - 117 Boat Prekho e5 Tr en:porteian a t 73 Statistics based on 695 respondents: Please list any additional projects you would like to see the city invest in. Response total a Responses 295 of 325 Response total 1 solar panels for city buildings, solar street lights 9 Sewers 11 Bring fiber optic to Sebastian please 12 Drainage times five 15 Fix the septic seepage into lagoon 20 Senior center 22 Sebastian golf course 24 The Christmas parade and park at Christmas could be much improved 26 Bike paths 27 Harbor lights Portsling Park on the river with beach for children 28 No noisy leaf blowers 31 Rail road stop 34 pay police and teachers well and watch our town thrive 35 fix the drainagell 40 green space - need more, need more trees 41 lighted street name sign 45 Intersection at the Indian River Dr 56 all of the above 59 cable bills 61 Work with property owners on US-1 to attract new businesses into old properties to revitalize US-1 store front appearances i.e. Get a steakhouse in the old eckards on US - 1 and also incovrage the shopping centers to renovate their storefronts. 62 the more boat parking brings in out of town people who rape and pillage out ecosystems and dont make this palm beach 64 purchase the land next to Crabby Bills to preserve whats left of the waterfront 66 Stop paying companies for evaluations you already know 67 Swals 69 ❑rainage management (canals and ditches) 73 City is doing an excellent job in all 74 replace septic systems with sewer 76 Power line road limit enforcing 77 sewers vs septic 84 solar panels/solar system 92 Museum 93 concerts 95 Sewer system 105 more improvement to Louisiana Ave 108 more event parking 118 leave as is 296 of 325 Response total 1. u Responses 121 firefighter 122 landscaping 123 safte y -overall 124 The train is causing accidents 128 Affordable housing for working people 129 cala weed removal equipment without spray if possible 130 bike lanes 31 Make roseland rd four lanes septic to sewer 143 City sewer 144 Finish drainage ditches that they started digging out on homeowners property and just left a mess and never came back 146 community safety 147 sewer system L When we came here 15 years ago we were amazed at the roads and have now been let go especially at 512 E and W 154 Taking care of the canal and lagoon 157 Bike trails - not along roadways L Where are the police in this town? They are invisible unless there is a traffic accident. If they were seen patrolling, maybe people would stop speeding and drive more carefully. It is getting worse all the timell L Stop paying city employees "bonuses" from coran and monies 16-5 Sidewalks Z Electric car charging Presidential drainage L Waited 7 min on 512 waiting for long train to pass. Has safety bars were lowering, watched car go around them 174 Traffic control/speeding 175 Widen streets - carrier roads 178 clean out lagoons 182 Underground utilities 184 Theater 186 water recreation access 187 Put dog waste stations throughout Stormwater Park 194 community theater 196 train crossing areas for better safety 200 safety for bike riders 22 Mountain bike trails 316- Boat Ramps 322 swimming pool 137 297 of 325 Response total - Responses 323 Expansion in pickle ball facility 326 Sewers 333 Beauty shop for hair care 339 Bicycle lanes 341 Dog Parks 343 Make all two lanes divided 345 small local buisness RV Storage 353 Bike/walking trail expanded 354 Bicycle Pathways 355 more use of community center to events 359 ,affordable housing 360 Safe place for bikes along the river 362 Underground Electric 365 Station -one police officer at yacht club boat ramp for ramp safety 368 Would be nice to have an updated/modern community/event center 339 Septic tanks 374 parks 375 City Water 378 update/modift pickleball courts 381 Better use of the twin piers 383 most streets should be labeled limited access and enforced 384 sewer 389 Clean up areas 392 Curb and Gutters 402 security on streets at night 408 bicycle trail expansion 414 widen roadways 415 Pave the Roads 420 sidewalks 421 Move Pelican Island Elementary and the Day Care across the street 423 Electrical pOWER GRID AND INFRASTRUCTURE- MAKE IT ALL UNDERGROUND 424 Get rid of septic/go to a sewerll 426 removal of weeds in canals 427 Marina 298 of 325 Response total a Responses 433 more benches, for sitting along Indian River Drive. There are a few (if none) for older walkers. all are located at parking lot area next to park ; very disturbing for older people who like to walk the river walk) 441 River conservation 444 Routine pickup of trash discarded roadsides 445 Use park near mulligans restaurant more 449 clean up natural area around railroad 451 sewage systems to improve river health 452 Additional Street lightsl Dog walkers are everywhere and hve no regard to drivers after dark. They often wear dark clothing and when a driver puts on highbeams some will flip the bird or shine a highly powered flashlight in your eye. 455 trafic safety in the housing developments 456 Control weeds and other growth in canals 458 community gardens in different parts of the town 505 Infrastructure for the increased growth 510 Side road street lights 516 510 and 66th E 518 Sidewalk repairll 524 Clear the canals of invasive lily pas and what used to be a beautiful canal between Schumann and Joy Haven looks like a swampll I'm sure this would bring down property values 526 Cell phone service - lots of dead spots 528 Quiet zonss for railroad crossing 532 Police actions to curb fast and loud traffic by motorcycles, pickup trucks. muscle cars. and illegal pass through commercial vehicles with their disrespectful drivers in the vacunity of Fleming and south Easy streets and I'm sure elsewhere in the city 533 Continue converting from septic tank to sewage system 535 Better restaurants 537 Senior health - Gym's discontinued 716 boat ramps 719 Our youths 722 repair of existing roads specifically pot holes 723 sewer systems/river quality 725 Indian river lagoon health 726 police should be number 1- especially with the future growth of the city 730 no septic tanks within city limit 733 Sebastian River 734 more street lights 735 Mental Health Services 299 of 325 Response total a Responses bicycle paths 15 Hook up/hybrid 24 Party venue 34 we need to start building the roads we need in 10 years NOW 40 improve tree canopy - too many trees being out down 41 low income housing/rentals 45 Main street needs to be reconfigured somehow 59 fishermans wharf building 66 take care of all responders and volunteers 67 Cell towers 77 bringing new business into town 84 reclaim water program to repurpose rainwater 92 Train station with free parking 93 speeding on roseland Rd q5 More power lines underground 122 alligator removal/community garden and plants 123 sustainability - charging stations 124 better infrastructure 128 small - tiny - home projects 130 traffic circles 146 limit building and expansion 157 More walking traits 165 police 174 no more building 175 Eco protection 182 Sewer 184 code enforcement to come down on run down homes 200 walkers 201 Bike lanes 322 complex for sailboat 323 train to/ from airports 326 Summer intern programs 339 Increase police salary 354 Shore Fishing Areas 355 better beach access off main street 359 Senior housing - they are becoming homeless 374 police/fire department 375 City Sewer 60 300 of 325 Response total b Responses 381 Septic to sewer converstion 384 expand city limits 389 do something to old hotel next to co 414 more parking with viewing of water- like by mulligans 415 Widen roads- 510-66th 420 sidewalks 423 Major instruction right turn only lands needed 424 charge non -Sebastian residents for using our boat ramps 453 Recycling everywhere 451 environmental issues to improve river quality 455 cleaning of the canals 468 a park dedicated to children with picnic tables 510 Get rid of dirt roads 516 510 and 512 526 Route one - continue beautification; small business development; food insecurity - no city reclamation area for restaurants, grocery stores 535 Movie theater 712 all traffic lights on the poles not the lines 722 more sidewalks for walkers 725 maintain traditional landmarks 733 intercoastal 734 more sidewalks 735 Homeless Services 301 of 325 Response total 3. a Responses clean up the lagoon so our manatees will survive - outlaw Round- up and other toxic pesticides 24 Preserve history 40 Better control of bad behavior on roads - where are the police? - speeding, hot nodding, etc. in my neighborhood +traffic is out of control 92 Tourism 122 hiking trails 128 more diverse housing options 146 keep our community small 162 "Eiden for votes" M paying 175 Save our water ways 184 a large toy store 354 Parks 37-4 Transportation 381 sitter cleanup and control (especially in Inc 389 focus on intersections where accidents ocl 420 sidewalks 423 Cellular 4 or 5 G Tower 424 stop all focus on retired people! 45B art museum (for events as well) 535 Rollerskating and youth center 734 playground maintnance 20 Statistics based on 137 respondents; Please list below the toa 5 vouth activities you would like to see expanded to improve the quality of life within the City of 5ebastain. Response total a Responses 1 a large vegetable garden (and a garden club to sustain it) 3 1 think we are fine as it is 5 Not a big concern 8 Summer camps 11 Sports leagues 12 Ask the kids 16 Water play/education/use 17 Baseball 23 Junior Olympics 26 All sports 302 of 325 Flesponse total 2t3 Roller rink 30 Safe parks 35 trapoline park 40 kids sailing program would be great! 43 tennis 45 No children so unable to make reccomendations 51 soccer 52 toddlers sports on weeknights 55 Miniature golf 52 ecology based summer camps 60 After school activities 61 A cinema/theater 62 movie theater 64 children group events at riverside park 65 more for young families 69 In my opinion the children in Sebastian are very fortunate to have the great facilities they already have 74 bring playgrounds up do date 75 Summer programs 85 School safety 88 indoor rec center 211 outdoor events in summer 92 boyscouts 94 golf leauge 95 Skating park 101 swimming programs 114 We need more support for our children that are homeless and hungry. I do a lot of work in our schools though my organizations and its appaling the amaount of children that are in need. 115 More clubs 121 sports L dept. of rec sports/teauge 124 YMCA Youth monitoring program 130 — Parks need better drainage solutions 135 Youth dances 137 A heated pool for year round water aerobics excellent excercises for seniors 146 youth sports 147 girls softball 303 of 325 Response total 1. n Responses 162 Anything to get youth off their phones and games outdoor environmental center with outdoor activities 165 Volleyball 169 Too many local areas not supervised or high priced boys and girls club 175 Fishing 183 Baseball 188 Sebastian little league run better 189 After school services 191 Baseball 192 Sailing 195 safe to hang out places 200 Movie theater 322 Swimming pool 324 Hockey 326 Junior environmental classes 338 parks 345 Board game days 346 Soccer 350 Gym for kids 352 More open spaces 353 Bigger skte park 354 Bicycle paths 355 Indoor Run Day play options vero has bounce house steward has kids museum 358 gatherings to teach music or art 360 Band participation 361 Youth football 362 Soccer 368 make ballfields a place for tournaments 370 1 am not qualified to answer the question 374 Arts Increased volunteer with teens 381 Boating 383 church 384 N/A 386 Little league for youth baseball 387 Something for them to do 392 Golf 114 304 of 325 Response total u Responses 398 bocce 402 softnball 403 Indoor Gymnasium for youth ' 408 Enviromental education engagement 420 I'm 85 years old Don't need youth Activities! 421 No more kids) 423 Liberal Arts programs or Community theatre 428 Maybe minigolf 431 movie theater 433 swim lessons and water safety 438 Youth center 444 Gathering places for teenagers (indoor and outdoors) 446 Environmental learning center activities 447 ice rink 453 bigger splashpad 458 community youth center 505 Movie theater 506 After school activities 508 Inexpensive things for special need young adults 510 Expansion in Barbara Street Park 520 Sports 535 Community pool hours extended 715 sports 719 Skating rink 723 Open some of the lakes for catch and release bass fishing for youth and adults 725 scouting 726 running clubs 730 organized sports are fantastic here 732 Arcades 733 all waterway 734 sports 735 Pride Parade / LGBTQ & Activities a Responses a bicycle club 11 parent guided community service opportunities 17 Soccer 23 Bike race 305 of 325 Response total 101 a Responses 26 Youth contact with seniors 28 Drive-in movie 30 Sidewalks 35 arts and crafts 40 Art programs for kids - S1 softball 52 kids pickleball/tennis 55 go-karts 57 swimming lessons 61 A public frisbee golf course 62 after hours places where kids are safe b4 nature trail walks 65 more intergenerational opportunities 75 Evening programs 92 girlscouts 94 state parks 95 Movie Theater 101 sports (soccer, basketball) 123 better schools 124 movies 128 sports leagues 130 gymnastics 146 youth entertainment 175 Baseball 183 Football 188 Swim programs at the pool 189 Early voting locations open after 5PM 192 soccer 195 in door park or trampoline park 200 safe fishing areas 322 YMCA 338 Healthcare 345 volleyball classes 346 Football 350 plant 3 bounce facility 353 community center for arts/crafts 354 church 355 more kids nighs at the park, with police presence 73 306 of 325 Rasponse total e Responses i 360 YMCA I 361 swimming and lessons 362 gymnastics 368 kids need outlets I i 374 Youth sports 378 Frisbee park 381 Fishing 383 related programs 386 basketball for youth 392 Basketball 402 basketball 408 baseball 421 Schools create too much traffic! 423 Rae Sports leagues for "preschool" age youth 431 more clubs for fields 433 dance lessons 446 Auto shop learning machines 453 more community center activities for toddlers 458 a theater 505 Scout/Sea school 510 After school care 520 Childcare after hours/weekends 535 Community center 715 water activites 719 indoor trampoline park 725 encourage any traditional values � 726 summer camps 732 bookstores 733 road repair and flooding 734 camps 735 Carnival / Circus ■ Responses supervised swimming activities/games at the NC pool 11 Science/engineering exploratory programs j 17 Golf 23 Art shows 30 Improve school system 35 water park 307 of 325 Response total R Responses 5-7 water activities I 51 Better street lighting on major rds like powerline rd 62 less marijuana shops 64 riverside learning about town history 65 more community evernts for young people 75 plays 92 HH Club 9-5 Miniature golf 123 cultural art experinces L movies 130 Tball and softball 146 youth services 175 Football 183 Soccer 188 Basketball indoor court 200 bike park 322 Summertime activity center 338 Open spaces 3 345 Ballet classes 50 346 Sea scouts 353 ownings/covers on exposed playgrounds 355 Halloween and Christmas 360 Swimming 361 golf 362 TBall 374 music activities 386 fishing club 392 Water 408 soccer YMCA type type program and facility 431 safe playgrounds 433 ark activities 446 Teen Center, dances, arts and crafts 453 more events for kids at park 458 outdoor events or sports clubs 510 Additional youth club 520 Summercamp 535 Arts and music programs 308 of 325 Response total a Responses 7L5 work internships 719 concerts in the park 73e more organized youth spots 732 Tech shop (ex best buy) 734 libraries 735 Teen Community Center 309 of 325 Response total R Nesponses dance classes (ballroom, hip -hop, tap, ballet) for kids - also TaeTwonDo or karate 17 Tennis 23 Music concerts 30 Pay teachers more 52 gymnastics 57 community gardens 61 youth challenge triathalon ages 9-17 62 cracking down on beer stores that sell pipes 65 more educational events for young people 123 more collaboration between between organizations 128 hobby/music clubs 146 after school activites 175 Music 183 Basketball 188 Pickle ball camp for kids 200 skating rink 345 Yoga classes 4. 346 Summer care 355 IRC to expand rec options here 360 Boating 361 bowling 362 Football 374 Environment activities 392 Boating 408 watersports 423 Botanical Garden 431 rollerskating or bowling 433 theater for children 446 Racquetball and tennis courts 510 Big Brother/big sisters 535 Adult education classes and youth 715 afterschool activities or classes 719 arcade 732 basketball courts 734 playgrounds 310 of 325 Response total C Responses 1 continued & expanded programs at our library 52 kids club/meetup with local kids and toddlers 57 hands on food growing i 61 Sebastian annual 5k run for seniors 65 more art. music. camps, nature activities 175 Arts, water slide park. youth golf 183 Lacrosse 188 Youth golf program at Sebastian muni 345 Treasure hunting 355 more sidewalks, streetlights, playgrounds 5• 361 — cycling 21 362 Swimming 374 community volunteers 408 swimming 423 Large Scale Indoor playground 431 parks and sport complexes 446 More outdoor sports 535 Boating and water activities 715 volunteer oppurtunities 719 cookoff 734 schools Statistics based on 114 respondents; Select the top methods you receive information about the City of Sebastian news and upcoming events. Response Response percent total City Website 62.73% 419 - Response$ Facebook 1 Nextdoor app - online news 43.56% 291 Blogs Word of mouth 42.22% 282 Newspaper L Mail 27.99% 187 Other 12 Neighbors 14.679'0 98 Electronic Message 20 Sebastian Board 22 Sebastian daily news 5.99% 40 — 24 Sebastian daily 28 Sebastian daily 29 Sebastian daily google local news 311 of 325 Response Response percent total s Responses 38 Neighberhood websites 39 nextdoor.com 43 Mail 44 youtube news channel 47 Sebastain Daily 52 sebastian daily 56 Sebastian Daily 59 andy hodges 60 hometown news and sebastian daily online 61 Citizens talking with eachather 70 Sebastian Daily 72 neighbors 77 internet 83 word of mouth 95 google news 98 sebastian daily online 107 Radio 108 word of mouth 113 Sebastian Flash Community Calendar 118 word of mouth 123 word of mouth 131 press journal 134 Andy Hodge Blog, neighborhood app 136 neighbors Z signs L Sebastian email daily 152 Word of mouth, signs 157 Sebastian daily i Word of mouth 162 Stop junk mail on saturdsyd 164 Sebastian daily 170 On line local news website 175 Friends, Sebastian news 176 internet 178 sebastian daily and next door neighbor 185 Tv local channels 186 signs upcoming events 196 sebastian daily website 312 of 325 Response Response percent total COS TV a R-pon_is 197 sebastian daily 315 Local News Letter 316 Sebastian Daily 322 TV Local news ' 326 Sebastian daily 329 Friends 339 Sebastian Daily 352 Sebastian News 354 emails 355 Sebastian Daily 360 Sebastian Daily 362 Friends 364 Sebastian Daily 374 Lemon lines 376 Sebastian Daily 384 Sebastian Daily 387 mailers 389 Small local flyers and papers 394 Sebastian Daily 398 telephone 404 Sebastian Dailey 410 neighbors 421 Sebastian Daily 426 Sebastian daily 427 Banners at the park 433 word of mouth 445 Friends 446 Sebastian daily 447 My community app NABR 451 sebastian daily 456 Email 457 neighbors 499 Sebastian daily email 516 Sebastian daily 519 Sebastian daily 521 Sebastian daily 523 Internet 525 Mail 4.49% 30 313 of 325 Response Response percent total u Responses 527 Sebastian daily 528 Sebastian daily 533 Hometown news 715 word of mouth, local flyers, signs 716 online Sebastian News 719 email newsletters 72-1 family 723 Sebastian daily 727 none really other than the internet 731 outdoor signs 733 Filbert Facebook 735 Signage on Bldgs in community. 0 50 100 150 2W 250 300 350 40o 450 c ky Wd3de 415 Facepoob ni slogs M riewspgm - 167 Electronic Message Board 40 CDs TV 30 Statistics based on 668 respondents; Please describe how the city can do better to meet or exceed your expectations when communicating with you? Response total ■ Responses not sure - but I would like more communication to know what's going an in Sebastian.... I get most my news from my friends in real estate. appreciate this survey and I hope you'll communicate the results. 4 Doing a greatiobl 9 You are doing greatl 11 Engage residence with surveys. Promote/advertise Townhall meetings with flyers/banners at large points of interest. 12 Provide a very brief list of news and or priorities every week to the press journal, or provide a link daily to your website in the press journal. 15 Use online newsletters keep us up-to-date 17 Continue to serve the public and educate younger adults the importance of community and pride 314 of 325 Response total a Responses 29 Local weekly newspaper or on Internet like Sebastian daily 30 Keep safe police support the blue 34 If we rent the road signs perhaps a permanent one on the major entrances we would save money in the long run 38 Improve the communication skills and stop bickering 40 1 don't get much in the way of communication for the city at all. The website is hard to use - hard to find anything there. 41 Code enforcement, cars in back of house or on the side (looks like a junk yard); limit number of RVs parked in neighborhood 45 none use public radio 61 This survey is a grear start. Keep them comingl 62 Used to be where the police were your friends and stopped by to say hello, but now you don't know any of them because they are here and gone and treat you badly 64 town briefing mailed to homes 66 Stop councei from postponing important issues. Listen to your residents 15 E-mail 77 actions speak louder than words - do something $3 Hold some outdoor music events where people can dance 84 send by main updates 91 doing a great job 94 TV commercials q9 Local TV stations for news/weather related events. 102 online newspapers and websites are adequate 105 Smile when out among residents. more open meetings with etticros discuss forums. 106 Well here we go, I went to both the city and county about wrong way drivers on CR 512 East and no reply from either. In over 15 years, no help whatsoever, it is a dangerous situation 108 emaiis 111 It would have been nice if, at closing, there had been a community welcome package making people aware of where to get information about the city and surrounding area 114 I'd like to see an email list that we can sign up to recieve updates to meetings and goings ons. 122 email 124 As far as I know this is the ONLY way citizens have information. I think it should be more widely published (local TV. radio) 125 Always have has excellent assistance any time I have requests for town services 128 City website is not as "user friendly" as it should be 129 would like to know when you spray the canal 315 of 325 Response total 1e Resp- 130 be more transparent - city council 136 newsletter every 3 months/6 months 137 This area is perfect. I have lived here 35 years and I appreciate it more every year. 141 Free internet(Broadband) 144 email 147 affordable, relevant newspaper 149 Hometown newspaper more accessible 152 City council should listen to what the people want. Not what council members want 157 Weekly a -mails letters 158 News letter monthly 162 Let residents have a day prior to killing wildlife with bulldozers in city canals - you use "mow" the canals. We have "no" turtles at our location now. 165 Doing great now 166 Put out a free news letter 4 times a year 167 We dont get newspaper so we don't get info timely; send newsletter by email? the local paper isn't always delivered although it is real 169 Newsletter monthly to residents 171 Put out community emails 173 Email monthly newsletter 174 More traffic control and police radar intersection main st and indian river Rd is dangerous 175 Our city council has improved 300% after removed these self indigents that didn't have community in mind. Our new council is well received and accountable 176 More informational articles with complete information 183 put upcoming events in hometown news 184 Up to date, true reports on following the member of those who have contradicted the views 185 Direct mail 199 Improve economic opportunities for young people/families 191 Doing a great joBl 192 city paper 196 please start email messaging system 200 by mail 3'16 The info is out therel Newspaper (TCPACM) RAGI 318 Canceled newspaper dots 321 major lack of news and communication 329 City is great 330 If it isn't broke leave it alone 117 316 of 325 Response total a Responses 331 Make a sebastian app 333 We need activities for senior citizens 337 Text and email message alerts 349 Local news weather in Sebastian Local TV Station 352 Better knowledge of where city info is 333 Please use other social media-Instagram Maybe subscription service (email) would be good or push notifications 354 more detailed tax budgeting 357 post weekly updates on facebook 359 Make more places for people to live to rent 360 The new message boards are nice 361 Social Media/Marketing 370 Very concerned about traffic safety, speeding, uturns. more police are needed. Homelessness is a problem and concerning in the way of vandalism 376 email 378 sign up for weekly newsletters 394 1 didn't know the city had a website 404 Email Blast 405 Slow growth to the area down 415 We don't receive any info but would like too 419 resident e.-mail's 420 Hometown news needs to expand 424 Make events to possible email or send out a flyer for really Important decisional 427 Maybe an email newsletter? 428 Mail 430 satisfied 433 Newsletter by mail 441 Utilize the park on RT1 for meetings and events at town hall 446 By mail 457 email 458 Have an event calender in Riverview park or on the sidewalk by the river. 509 Mail newsletter 510 Utilize email system and update/overhaul city website 523 Local newspaper 524 1 think the city well in this aspect 526 The city political and fighting is embarrassing in Napoleon - concentrate on finding some grownups to help really help Sebastian be all I can meet 317 of 325 Response total u Responses 532 Keep website up to date 535 Mail flyers 537 A monthly calendar send the address 716 1 think Sebastian does pretty well at communicating. Thanksl 739 letter 720 City department heads available, instead of waiting for days for a return call or having to make multiple calls for a response. 722 Maybe pamphlets or flyers 735 Doing well Sebastian Daily serves a good purpose, I think. Seems to be impartial. 726 email monthly to citizens local news channel 727 City News Letter mailed to residents or emailed. Do away with Andy Hodges and find a new impartial spokesperson not one that can be easily influenced. IE Pelican Cottages. 732 E-mail, more social media 733 When there is any new's like shooting at the hospital or pizza store. Make sure that officers use shooting someone as the last, last, last resort only. 735 Greater number of activities that celebrate differences, diversity, and community engagement in environmental preservation / restoration activities. Statistics based on 117 respondents; 318 of 325 1. How long have you lived in Sebastian? (Select one) Response Resp*n a percent total less 1 Year 3.31% 24 One to Five Years 17.79% 129 Six to Ten Years 28.55% 21 Over Ten Years 50.35% 3M Statistics based on 725 respondents; 2. What is your age? (Select one) Response Response percent tout 18 to 30 1 0.41% 3 31 to 45 10.76% 77 46 to 60 30.35% 22.Q 61 to 75 f ..;� ,, �:� , 45.52% 3,'eQ Over 76 12.97% 94 Statistics based on 725 respondents: S. Are you a full-time or a seasonal resident? (Select one) Response Response percent total Full -Time 92.67% M Seasonal 7.33% Statistics based on 723 respondents: 4. Do you own or rent your residence? (Select one) Response Response percent tote[ Own 96.41% M Rent 3.59% 26 Statistics based on 725 respondents; 5. Do you have children under 18 living at home with you? (Select one) Response Response percent total Yes 15.46% m No 84.54% NO Statistics based on 718 respondents; 319 of 325 CROF SMASTL ., HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: 22 February 2023 Agenda Item Title: Charter Officer Evaluation Procedure Recommendation: City Council to review and adopt Resolution No. R-23-03 City Council Charter Officer Evaluation Procedure Background: On February 08, 2023, City Council directed the City Attorney to revise certain language to Resolution R-21-04 pertaining to the Charter Officer Evaluation Procedure and submit to council for further consideration and adoption. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: 0 Attachments: 1. Resolution R-21-04 Administrative Service City Attorney Review: Procurement Division s Depart n eview7-'11 ��Revie , if app cable: City Manager Authorization: Date: f 321 of 325 RESOLUTION NO. R-'�4 R-23-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR CHARTER OFFICERS FOR GOAL SETTINGS, EVALUATIONS, WAGE ADJUSTMENTS OR OTHER INCREASES IN COMPENSATION, AND RE -NEGOTIATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS; REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. R-'',t- o5R-21-04, IN ITS ENTIRETY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, City Council deems it appropriate to establish procedures for charter officers for goal settings, evaluations, wage adjustments or other increases in compensation, and re -negotiations of employment agreements. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. CHARTER OFFICER GOAL SETTING. City Council shall annually set and review goals and objectives for the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk at a public City Council meeting in June. Prior to the June meetina. Council Members will provide their evalUatiGR GAteFia oats and obiectives for the Charter Officers to the Human Resources Director (HRD) who will draft up these aoals and obiectives in a common document for Citv Council consideration in June. SECTION 2. CHARTER OFFICER EVALUATION PROCEDURE. The HRD shall prepare and recommend blaRkforms to the City Council before June 1st of each year for the evaluation of the Charter Officers. Said forms will reflect each Charter Officer's duties and responsibilities. No later than July Vt of each year, City Council members shall complete an annual evaluation for the City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk by using the forms provided by HRD or by using whatever other method each individual City Council member deems appropriate. Each City Council member may conduct a private oral interview with one or all of the Charter Officers on an individual basis, if that City Council member deems it necessary. SECTION 3. WAGE ADJUSTMENT OR INCREASES IN COMPENSATION. a. The City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk shall receive the current wage adjustment percentage or other increases in compensation terms agreed upon by the Collective Bargaining Units or as provided in the Charter Officers' contracts. vAir0h iAeludes the C"cvtl Flarda—Phis Employees AsSOGiatien (the "GFPEA") and ecetel Fl "—should the wage adjustment or other increases be different for the two Collective Bargaining Units, the City Council shall vote on the one to be applied to each Charter Officer. b. At a Meeting in July of each year, the individual City Council members shall publicly comment on the method they used to evaluate each Charter Officer and summarize the results of their evaluation. Following those comments, the City Council may vote to grant such merit increases to the City Manager or City Attorney or City Clerk that the City Council deems appropriate, in addition to the current wage adjustment percentage or other increases in compensation terms addressed in the above paragraph of this Section. SECTION 4. RE -NEGOTIATION OF EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS. 322 of 325 The Charter Officers' Employment Agreements are subject to re -negotiation every three (3) years, if the Charter Officer request that it be re -negotiated one (1) month before the three (3) years expires. Otherwise, the Employment Agreement will continue in force for three (3) additional years, for purposes of re -negotiations. The re -negotiations, if any, shall be handled by the City Mayor, in consultation and support by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and HRD. (HRD ). SECTION 5. REPEAL. This Resolution repeals Resolution R-10-05 R-21-04 in its entirety. SECTION 6. CONFLICTS. All other resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 7. PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold or determine that any part of this Resolution is invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of the Resolution shall not be affected and it shall be presumed that the City Council of the City of Sebastian did not intend to enact such invalid or unconstitutional provision. It shall further be assumed that the City Council would have enacted the remainder of this Resolution without said invalid or unconstitutional provision, thereby causing said remainder to remain in full force and effect. SECTION 8. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this resolution may be renumbered or re - lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of the City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. The foregoing Resolution was moved for adoption by . The motion was seconded by and, upon being put into a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor €d Dodd Fred Jones Vice Mayor d+a H'11 Chris Nunn Council Member GhFiStGpheF Nunn -Kelly Dixon Council Member Fred -denes-Ed Dodd Council Member Bob McPartlan The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution, as modified upon reconsideration, duly passed, and adopted this day of ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC 2 , 24242023. CITY OF SEBASTIAN Fred Jones €d Dedd, Mayor Approved as to form and legality for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Manny Anon, Jr., Esq. 323 of 325 RESOLUTION NO. R-23-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR CHARTER OFFICERS FOR GOAL SETTINGS, EVALUATIONS, WAGE ADJUSTMENTS OR OTHER INCREASES IN COMPENSATION, AND RE -NEGOTIATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS; REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. R-21-04, IN ITS ENTIRETY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, City Council deems it appropriate to establish procedures for charter officers for goal setting, evaluations, wage adjustments or other increases in compensation, and re -negotiations of employment agreements. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. CHARTER OFFICER GOAL SETTING. City Council shall annually set and review goals and objectives for the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk at a public City Council meeting in June. Prior to the June meeting, Council Members will provide their goals objectives for the Charter Officers to the Human Resources Director (HRD) who will draft up these goals and objectives in a common document for City Council consideration in June. SECTION 2. CHARTER OFFICER EVALUATION PROCEDURE. The HRD shall prepare and recommend forms to the City Council before June 15' of each year for the evaluation of the Charter Officers. Said forms will reflect each Charter Officer's duties and responsibilities. No later than July 151 of each year, City Council members shall complete an annual evaluation for the City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk by using the forms provided by HRD or by using whatever other method each individual City Council member deems appropriate. Each City Council member may conduct a private oral interview with one or all of the Charter Officers on an individual basis, if that City Council member deems it necessary. SECTION 3. WAGE ADJUSTMENT OR INCREASES IN COMPENSATION. a. The City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk shall receive the current wage adjustment percentage or other increases in compensation terms agreed upon by the Collective Bargaining Units or as provided in the Charter Officers' contracts. Should the wage adjustment or other increases be different for the two Collective Bargaining Units, the City Council shall vote on the one to be applied to each Charter Officer. b. At a Meeting in July of each year, the individual City Council members shall publicly comment on the method they used to evaluate each Charter Officer and summarize the results of their evaluation. Following those comments, the City Council may vote to grant such merit increases to the City Manager or City Attorney or City Clerk that the City Council deems appropriate, in addition to the current wage adjustment percentage or other increases in compensation terms addressed in the above paragraph of this Section. SECTION 4. RE -NEGOTIATION OF EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS. The Charter Officers' Employment Agreements are subject to re -negotiation every three (3) years, if the Charter Officer request that it be re -negotiated one (1) month before the three (3) years expires. Otherwise, the Employment Agreement will continue in force for three (3) additional years, 324 of 325 for purposes of re -negotiations. The re -negotiations, if any, shall be handled by the City Mayor, in consultation and support by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and HRD. SECTION 5. REPEAL. This Resolution repeals Resolution R-21-04 in its entirety. SECTION 6. CONFLICTS. All other resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 7. PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold or determine that any part of this Resolution is invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of the Resolution shall not be affected and it shall be presumed that the City Council of the City of Sebastian did not intend to enact such invalid or unconstitutional provision. It shall further be assumed that the City Council would have enacted the remainder of this Resolution without said invalid or unconstitutional provision, thereby causing said remainder to remain in full force and effect. SECTION 8. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this resolution may be renumbered or re - lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of the City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. The foregoing Resolution was moved for adoption by . The motion was seconded by and, upon being put into a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice Mayor Chris Nunn Council Member Kelly Dixon Council Member Ed Dodd Council Member Bob McPartlan The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution, as modified upon reconsideration, duly passed, and adopted this ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk day of , 2023. CITY OF SEBASTIAN Fred Jones, Mayor Approved as to form and legality for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Manny Anon, Jr., Esq. City Attorney 325 of 325