HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 - 2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement 6054 & 6056RESOLUTION NO. R-23-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, DULY RATIFYING A THREE YEAR CONTRACT FOR ALL FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME GENERAL EMPLOYEES AND SUPERVISORS (EXCLUDING TEMPORARY AND SEASONAL EMPLOYEES) HOURLY EMPLOYEES BETWEEN THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF POLICE ASSOCIATIONS, AFL-CIO (IUPA) LOCAL 6054 AND LOCAL 6056 AND THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 1, 2022 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2025; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NOTIFY ALL PARTIES OF THE CITY'S RATIFICATION AND CAUSE SAID THREE YEAR CONTRACT TO BE PUT INTO EFFECT; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the International Union of Police Association, AFL-CIO (PUPA) is certified by the Florida Public Employees Relations Commission as the Bargaining Unit for certain employees of the City of Sebastian; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian has negotiated in good faith a Collective Bargaining . Agreement with the IUPA for general employees and supervisors for the period October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2025; and WHEREAS, Thirty-eight (38) of the full-time and part-time employees covered by the said Collective Bargaining Agreement have voted, with thirty (30) of those employees voting to accept same. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreement is hereby ratified. SECTION 2. The City Manager is authorized to notify all parties of this ratification and to cause said Collective Bargaining Agreement to be put into effect. SECTION 3. CONFLICT. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. SECTION 5. PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold or determine that any part of this Resolution is invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of the Resolution shall not be affected and it shall be presumed that the City Council of the City of Sebastian did not intend to enact such invalid or unconstitutional provision. It shall further be assumed that the City Council would have enacted the remainder of this Resolution without said invalid or unconstitutional provision, thereby causing said remainder to remain in full force and effect. SECTION & SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this resolution maybe renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent maybe authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of the City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION. EFFECTIVE DATE. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. The foregoing Resolution was moved for adoption by Council Member Dodd. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Nunn and upon put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones aye Vice Mayor Chris Nunn aye Council Member Kelly Dixon aye Council Member Ed Dodd aye Council Member Bob McPartlan aye The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution, as modified upon reconsideration, duly passed, and adopted this 10 day of June, 2023. ATTEST: jarn City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN Fred Jones, Mayor Approved as to form and legality for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Zai, Interim City Attorney Uocualgn tnvelope IU: 989000UU-SGh4-4h Ut--A4/F-CZUbAJ2bt- U( 1 5/30/23 1 CITY OF SE - fGl HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN and INTERNATIONAL UNION OF POLICE ASSOCIATIONS AFL-CIO LOCAL 6054 & LOCAL 6056 October 1, 2022 — September 30, 2025 Docuftn Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 TMIA OF CONT.T M TI= R Ag =Mwt 3 Preamble 3 1 IUPA Recognition 4 Position CbsOcafinn 4 Equal Bmpioymeot Opporb n*/AA 5 2 Management Rights 5 3 Bing Unit Repmea°n 6 4 Dues Deduction 6 5 Rights of Employees 6 No Strike 8 8 7 Hours of Work and Overtone 8 g Sede ty/Layomecali 11 9 Misoellsaeous Leave 13 10 Sick Leave 17 11 Vacation Leave 20 12 Grievance Procedure 22 13 Holidays 24 14 Promotions, l'awnfers and Adjustmmts 25 15 Group Insurance 27 16 Reheat Contribution 28 17 Perfa Evaluations 29 18 Safety 31 19 Disciplinary Action 34 20 Salary 34 21 Substance Abuse Testing 34 22 Unifornn 1 35 23 EducationReimburse nest 35 24 Classificgtioa and Pay Scale 37 25 Secondary Etuployment 38 26 Sevai tbility 38 27 Colmseling 38 28 Tema of Agreement 39 Appendix A Grievance Form 40 Appendix 13-1 Application for Membership Laca16054 41 Appendix B-2 Application far Membership Local 6056 42 Appendix C Cias M M -1d n a and Pay Scale 43 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4AFCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 AG��NT Se ion 1 'This Collective Bargaining Agreement I"Ag ") is Pftf"od into by the City of Sebest an, Florida or ` ftployW) and tlm Iat -ti , nal Union of Police Associations MA"?, Cgoe , ntioa Number 2M Sad Certification Number 20419 and has as its purpose the promo! of hataaotnons relations between the City and IUPA; the establishment of an equitable and peaceful p medure for the resolution of duos; and includes the an Pen of the parties on the standards of wages, hoots and other conditions of employment oover+ed he endear. Section 2 Upon the effective date of this A$t+eemeat it shall supersede and supplant that certain Agx+eement between the City and P.S.A. September 30, 2022 and any snpptal agreeaments, thereto or finder. Se ACM 3 Tlu+oughout this Apr 23, P 0 , : # masc irm gender pima= shall be head to ituclude fadnim gender where appropriate. PREAMLE Whereas, the intent and pupose of this Agr a � ,o,,,11 is to maintain and fWther harmonious and cooperative labor management relation upon a oonatructive and sound foundation; Whereas, the coruerstoae of tins foundation is the manual acoeptaace and recognition of the rights and oblig:utions of both parties, in order that the joint responsibilities of the public employer and public employee to represent the public be fulfilled and the order and uninterrupted functions of gov°-ntneat be am Whereas, the City is eaagagod in fimmidft P%w-"O-AI public services vital to the health, safetys protection, and comfort of the residents of Sebastian; and Where, both the City and its employees have a high degree of respanst'biliity to the public in so serving the public withoutinterruption of three services; and Whereas, since both parties recognize this mutual responsr'br'liry, they, have entered into this Agra" -,a-# as an inshvment and means to peaalnit theme to fulfill said responsibdity; Now therefore, in consid tion of the premises and promises set forth herein and the benefits and advantages accruing or expected to accrue to the parties hereto and those coverod by this Agr4aa.ffila"* by reason thereof; and said parties hereby agree as follows: DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 'ARTIME 1 IUPA RECOG NON l.l: The City recognizes the RMA as beiag certified by the Intesrnational Union of Police Associations, and as such is the sole and exclusive bargaining agent, for those full-tiw aid Part4ime (Mduding and ' umeond P1oY )howly employees working within the unit, for the purpose of negotiating matters of wages, hours and other tam and P nditioas of eoyment. This list of job classifications may be amended fram time to time due to Poshions maybe removed or 9 ,A aA T1 w maybe changed to better suit the position. This shall be at the won of the City. Position cation — General FMnlovM 911 Emergency Dfspalcher Environmental Planner Acoawatant FeeMes Foreman Accounting Clerk I Acecanting Clerk II Administradn Assbtant Airport Maintenance I (M Amistant CAnlgftq 4'exbon Assistant Golf Profes and MI) AV Teehnian(P1) AV Technical Analyst (PT) Building Inspector I Business Tax'w A -,r-e Spedalist Cashier (PI) Chief Swmng Inspector ClerLeal Asslstnt Clerical Assistant I (PI) Clerical Asslstaat II (P'!') Code Rnforcement Oiler Crime Analyst Crime Scene wee Teclmldan (psi FacMdesr (A4ort Msiatmence Worker II Golf Coarse Cart Attendant (PT) Help Desk TaWAdministradve AwI tent Junior Planner Logistics SpeddIst (PI) Maintenance Worker I Mab enan' we Worker 11 Main#enance Worker III Mechanle MIS Technician Permit Teehnldan Records Spedsllst Records Specialist n Recreation Supervisor Spedd Events C.00rdinator/MW III Stormwater Ud ty Ynspeder Tench Coact Attendant TralBe Techntdan I T raRlc Technician II Pasdtlon Caesdfteatin>4—Snneors 911 Emergency Dispatcher Supervisor Aceredltatlonffieoords S— remetery Supervisor/Se don Crime Scene Evidence Supervisor Lead Mechanfc/Garage Supervisor Parks Maintenance Supervisor Roads Assistant Superi>ntteadeni DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNM/AFTMMATM ACTION The City and "A agme to full and unequivocal cooperation with each other in eliminating all dismrimimdon and to assuz+e all personnel programs. Policies and assignments are free fim discriminatory practices. The parties recognize that it is mutually benef vial to resolve any problem of alleged discrimination as amicably and expedrtiazrsly as possible and agree that each shell make a good faith effort to settle such disp iafortnally within the any forn d complaint is Sled. Nothing in this contact will supersede the following: • The Fair Labor Sbmdu& Act • Title VH of the Civil Rights Ant of 1964, as amended, or by applicable state or local law; • Title I and We V of the Amedcans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended or by applicable state or local law and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, or by applicable state or local law The Age Discrimination of Employment Act of 1%7, as amended or by applicable state or local law; • The Equal Pay Act of 1963, as amended or by applicable state or local law; • Title H of the Genetic b>tfonnation Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, or by applicable state or local law; • Marital status or lawful political affiliation as prohibited under Federal Law and Florida Ste or applicable local law. ARTICLU MANAG NT Mixim l i,. 2.1: The managearent of the City and the dhadon of the workforce are vested exclusively in the City subject to the terms of this aft. Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the right of the City to determine tine standards of service offend the public; to maintain the efficiency of the City's operations; to determine the , arsons and personnel by which the City's operations are to be conducted; to dirrx the worm of its employees; to him promote, demote,14MM er, assign and retain employees is positions; to discipline, suspend or discharge employees for just cause and to MUM employees fioom day because of lack of work; or to take any action, not inconsistent with the �w :,., provisions of this Ag�+eement, necessary to cant' out the mission of the City. All matters not covered by the language of this agreement may be administered for its daration by the City in acoonlanre with such policy or procedure as the City firma time to time MAY determine. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 rA►RTICI.E 3 MR G.A&MG UW— L1.11111TIN BO,®RD 3.1: The City agrees to provide suitable bulletin board space on existing or new bulletin boards in oonv+enieat places for posting of official IUPA notices to its members and to other covered employees. The City also agrees to allow the IUPA the use of the City's e-mail for these notices. No scurrilous, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable material will be posted or wed. The parties agree that the usage of such bulletin boards and emails will be to promote employee - employer relations, as well as keep the members and odw covered employees iafommed of its activities. Copies of all materials, notices, or announ mans shall be submitted to the -HR Director or designee, before they are posted. All notices shall be signed by a duly authorised IUPA representative. 3.2: The City agrees to allow the elected officers as R.epreseatatives for the General Employees and the elected officers as RepreP Mmutives for the Supervisory Employees of the IUPA who are on duty at the time negotiations take place with the City and the WA, time away from their regular duties/shifi assignments to participate in negotiation meetings without loss of wages or benefits as long as it does not create a me werlshifi shortage. This will be done with the knowledge and permission ofthe Employee's Supervisor. 3.3. The City will permit the WA to maintain an official mailbox at various work sites. The mailboxes will be pwvkled by the IUPA. Mail delivered to these mailboxes will be delivered U001plened- • 3.4: The City will allow the IUPA a reasonable oppoft ! R to mod with new employees covered by the agreement at the conclusion of new employee orientation for the purpose of briefing the employee on" Agreement and the Bargaining Unit's programs and benefits. ARTICLE 4 DUES DEDIJM., . Q& 4.1: Upon receipt of a sipu WW lawfully mouted Assignment of WagmMues Deduction form. The Employer agrees to deduct the regular dues of the IUPA from the employee's pay bi-weekly (twenty six (26) times basis for so as the R PA ruins the certified agent liar the to within the unit. Such will be g employees remitted promptly t4 the home office of the IUPA BarBarniog Unit. lire IUPA agrees to notify the Employer, in writing, at least thirty (30) days prior to the eve date of any changes in the regular dues struct=. 4.2: Revocation of dues will be posed through the IUPA, but in the event of direct revocation, the IUPA will be notified as soon as is practicable. All persons currently on dues deduction shall continue without further authorization. 4.3: The IUPA agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Employer, its agents, employees and officials firm and against any claims, demands, damages or causes of action (including, but not limited to, claims, etc., based upon clerical or accounting cum caused by negligence,) of any nature whatsoever, asserted by any person, Elan or entity, based upon or related to payroll deduction of the IUPA dues. The IUPA agrees to defend, at its sole expense, any such claims against the Employer or its agents, employees, and officials. The term "official" as used herein includes elected and appointed officials. 4A: Nothing contained herein shall require the Employer to deduct or to otherwise be involved in the DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 collection of delinquent dues, fines, ire'^ ° ���, or special �*� of the IU1'A. 4.5: An assig<unent of wasmQues deduction may be by the employee upon thirty (30) day's written notice to both the City and the R)PA. A PTIr,I 1? 5 RIGHTS OF ENXPwl ►wv.v 5.1: The City and the IPA agree that employees possess the rights set forth in Section 447301, Florida Statutes, and are entitled to exercise these rights without iatier ence, r MC*_ "'°° t, or coercion from any person, including the RNA in any discussion between the employee and repremtatives of the City in which the employee has ressonab'im grounds to fear that the interview is investigatory and may result in disciplinary ac&m being talon against the employee. 5.2: The employee must sign all dominants (Len Perfamu me Reviews, Disciplinary Action, etc.) that are placed in the employee's p-*sonnel file wheher the employee agrees or disagrees with the doM** * * to signify the employee boom and (A-rill11'spa said domma t. If the mployree does not sign the document they will be subject to disciplirarry action up to and eluding to minatian. 5.3: The City will have the employee sign for a cagy of any adverse action document to be placed in an employee's personnel files prior to the document being placed into the files. Employees shall have the right to file a written response to any letter of reprimand or other document that is placed in the employee's personnel file as a result of supervisory action or eRow•R Da. complaint. Any such written response shall be included in the employee's personnel file together with the letter of reprimand or other document against which it is directed. To the extent pa fitted by law and in order to protect the privacy and promote the safety► of employees, the City agrees not to directly or indirectly fiw9sh the news media or public with any employee's personal . 'on, (M, home address, date of birth, telephone number, photograph, etc.), and/or personnel records as required per Florida Statute 119 as amended wiffiM the employee's 5A The IPA Locals agree not to directly or indira^*ly furnish the news media or the public with personnel records without the --«"qbant of the City and the employee, thus mutually agreeing to the �%Mn$dentiality of personnel records other than required by law. 5.5: The IUPA members are entitled to be represented by the RIPA in grievances anisiag under this Agreement. They may also bring matter of individual concern not covered by this Agrto the attention of City officials. uSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-6296A925FCD7 ,AMCLE 6 NO STRM 6.1: For purposes of this Article, "stripe" is defined as the concerted failure of employees to report for duty; the concerted absence of employees from their positions; the concerted stoppage of work by employees; the concerted submission of resignations by employees; the concerted abstinence in whole or in part by any group of employees from the fill and faithful performance of the duties of employment with a public employer for the purpose of inducing, influencing, condoning or coercing a change in the terms and conditions of employment or the rights, privileges or obligations of public employment, or participating in a deliberate and concerted course of conduct which adversely affects the services of the public employes; the concerted faihne of employees to report for work alter the expiration of a collective 6.2: The IUPA recognizes that strikes by public employees are prohibited by Article I. Section 6, of the Florida Constitution and Section 447.505, Florida Statutes. IUPA agrees not to authorize, instigate, or otherwise support a strike, as defined in Section 6.1 above. 6.3: The IUPA recognizes that it — and all acting in concert with it -- shall be liable for the penalties set forth in Section 447.507, Florida Statutes, in the evert of a strike in violation of this Article. 6A: The IUPA agrees that there shall be no strAes in accordance with Article 1, Section 6 of the Florida Co�iutio I and Section 447.5059 Florida Statues. In the event of a strike, slow up, work stoppage, or interrupt€on due to informational pickets, IUPA shall promptly and publicly disavow such u uthorized conduct and to tape all aflinnative action legally available to prevent or terminate any strike which occurs in contravention of this commitment. 6.5: For the purpose of this Asm meat, informational pickets shall be allowed. Informatioasl pickets shall not stop or discourage City employees from normal business. Informational pickets shall not encourage any type of act that would violate local ordinances, city, state or federal law, e.g., honking of horns, etc. ARTICLE 7 ROUILS OF WORK AND OVERTEM 7.1: )Basic work Week: (a) The basic work weep for nepW fall -time employees shall ordinarily consist of forty (40) hours per week, starting at 12:01 a.m. Sunday and ending at 12:00 midnight Saturday, unless otherwise specified or scheduled by the )apartment Head to meet particular requirements of an individual department. (b) The basic workweek for regular part-time employees shall consist of those hours they are required to work by their Department Head or his designee. (c) Meal periods shall not be considered time worked. (d) Employees will be entitled to a one (1) hour meal break. Meal breaks may not be at a set standard time. They will be based on work flow and are at the discretion of the Department Head or their desism. Meal breaks start fiom the time an employee stops work at the job site to the time they return to performing work. This includes any travel time. Fmzployees will also be entitled to two (2) paid fiftcen (15) minute work breaks one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Breaks shall be taken at the job site or work area and does not permit travel. Breaks may not be at a set standard time. They will be based DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 on work flow and the discretion of the Department Had or their designee. Employees will be paid for an eight (8) hour day. In order to be entitled to the one (1) hour unpaid lunch, the employee must have worked f m and a half (4.5) hours of their shift. Hours of O_ ration 1. Administrative employee's hours of work are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm. Monday through Friday. At the discretion of the employee's supervisor the hours of work may be changed as long as the hours worked total 8 hours. 2. Non -administrative employee's starting and ending of shifts for each division OW be at the sole discretion of the Department Head and not by any individual emSuloyee to "^ominodate the unpaid one (1) hour meal period. (e) The two fifteen (15) minute work breaks will not be Wm immtediateiy before and/or immediately aftear the meal bre X and it must be used or lost. It cannot be used to make up for late arrival or for leaving work early or to intend the lunch break. (f) The City will make a good faith effort to find work for employees when adveme weather conditio! � , (* do not permit outside work. If no wok is available, employees may use 9 ft-ved vacation, personal, or compensatory time, Cif earned} to leave work for the remaindw ofthe day. 7.2: 4 tions DMsdow. (a) Unit employees shall be entitled to one (30) minute and break and two (2) fifteen (15) minute paid breaks per each eight (8) hour shrft, to be taken at the discretion. of their Department Head or designee. However, if the employee works a twelve (12) hour shift, they are entitled to one (1) thirty (30) minute meal break and three (3) fiRinO'n (15) minute paid bseelm. (b) The Communications Division will be allowed to earn comp time instead of overtime when P"*ned as a result of their regular work t- A a z 1a and camp time can be used to of%t the hour shortages during the 40 hour work week. To conclude, comp time will be approved leave and will be ooasidered time worked for overtime computation for the Communications Division only. (c) Any employee who works either regularly scheduled hours or overtime hours that hU between 6 P.M. and 6 A.M. shall be entitled to a shift difi* =dal equal to five percent (5%) of timir regular hourly rate ofbase pay for each hour worked. (d) A 911 Dispatcher who is performing training will be paid an extra $3.00 per hour for all they hours are actually providing in-house instruction and not on leave. (e) A 911 Dispstclrordesignated as required to be on -call will be paid an extra $1.00 per hour for on -call hours, providing they are not otherwise paid caU-back pay. 7.3: Overtime: (a) Overtime will be sudtarized only when it is in the interest of the Bamployer and is the most practicable and economical way of meeting workloads or deadlillres (b) All authorized and approved time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in any one workweek is considered overtime worked and shall be either paid at the rate of one and one-half (1 %) times the hourly wage of the employee, or by comtpensaL time off at the rate of one and one-half (1-W) hours for each how worked over forty (40) hours in any one workweek. (c) The Fair Labor Standards Act QUA) states that unless exempt, employees covered by the 9 DocuSlgn Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 Act must receive overtime pay for hours worked over 40 in a workweek at a rate of time and one4Wf their regular rates of pay. The Act does not require overtime pay for work on Sau days, Sundays, holidays, or regular days of rest, unless overtime is worked on such days. The Act applies on a workweek basis. It need not coincide with the calendar week but may begin on any day and at any h> m of the day. Different workweeks maybe established for different employees or group of employees. (d) Emergency closure hours will be considered time worked for the purpose of computing overtime. (e) I. Han employee has accrued earned overtime, he or she may elect, with the approval of the Department Head, to accrue compensatory time off rather than be paid for the overtime. 2. Unused accrued oomgensatory time will be convected to the employee's �..nreaut hourly rate of pay at the end of each quarter and added to their fist pay check the following month. Any unused acmed compensatory time remaining will be paid out at their current rate of pay at the last pay period of the fiscal year. The Police Department Communication Division will be able to retain 4 hours compensatory time earned during the last pay period of each gnarta as a result of the Lang week to compeosstie for their short week in the first pay period of the nod quarter• 3. Employees wishing to use accrued compensatory time off must follow the same proceduu+es as an employee wishing to take vacation time. The employee must receive prior approval to use compensatory time of& except in emergency situations. The employee's Department Head shall anompt to acxxmimodatae the desim of the employee as to the time off desired, work schedule and conditions ping. {fl No employee wM be placed in a leave without pay status during the basic workweek in order to deprive him or her of the right to earn compensable overtime. The employee may clod to flex time within the some day or seven (7) day wo9rkwo* however it is at the sole discretion of the Department Had or their designee. (g) Department Head or their designee will have the right to schedule, overtime based on the workload. Employees shell be required to work overtime when assigned unless owmd only by the Depsnmrent Had or their &%*a . Any employee who desires to be excused from an overtime assignment shall submit to their Department Had or th* designee a written request to be excused. In the event that the Departraert Head or their designee cannot schedule a suitable overtime work force from the compleameni of employees who have not requested relief from overtime, employees who have approved written relief requests on file may also be required to work ova (h) If an employee leaves the service of the City, he or she will be paid for all accrued comgeosatary time at the employee's .Aw.,.r i�a hourly rate of pay to a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) hours. 7.4: UVWMMOnaW On -Call (a) Call -out -When an employee is oiled back to work after his or her normal workday, he or she shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at the ovwae or compensatory time actual rate. The maxinmrm travel time paid is 30 minutes. (b) When an employee is assigned to attend a meeting or perform work immediately following or 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 Preceding his/her normal workday, the employee shall be em ', ,Ill v l to a MMUMMOf fineen, (15) minutes pay at the overtime or campeasatoary time accrual rate, if applicable, and shift 401fFWW ial if appropriate. Hours in excess of forty (40) hours per week will be paid at the overtime or compensatory time accrual rate of time and one-half (1 %) the employee's regular hourly rate of pay. (c) Designated On -Cali (Excludes Communlostions 911 Department) — When the Department Head or their designee Ites an employee to be on call, the employee must respond within one hour except in e l sating es. The employee will receive S1.00 per hour for being on -call. The maximum travel time paid is 30 motes ,A►PT IC'r s? 8 SENII3ILUVALA►YOF, '/RECALL 8.1: Defiunitinm: (a) City seniority is the total cumulative length of uninterrupted regular ii MMO or regular part-time employment (date of hire) of an employee by the Employer, measured from the most recent date of regular empioyrneat by the Employer, except as provided in Section 8.2 below. (b) rlassification seniority is the length of regular ftiiWm or regular part-time service by an employee in the same job (c) City seniority which is from the date of him shall apply for the purposes of layoff, vacation computation, service awards, or odder matter based upon length of service. 8.2: ,A,cmuel of Seniority. (a) Employees shall be placed in a probationary stadl4s for the Srst six (6) months of employment in any job employees acme no e-A*;--P*acation seniority until they become permanent regular employees, wheVupoa their classification seniority span begin fiaom the date of entry into the classifc atio" An employee who has completed his or her initial probationaryy period shall continue to accrue City seniority notwithstanding subsequent probatitonary periods) resulting from promotion or transfer to a PON16 +eat job classification. (b) Employees who are promoted or transferred stallbe placed in a prQbatiomsry status for the fast ninety (90) days. (c) Any employee who is on an unpaid leave of absence of less than twelve months shall not accrue sick or vacation time, but they shall not lose seniority. Seniority accrual shall continue on the first day of the employee's rP Irn to work. 8.3: tAMM of Senioritw. Employees shall lose City and c',QrTR -ation seniority only as a result of. (a) Vohmtary resignation; (b) Retirement; (a) Discharge; (d) Layoff for a period exceeding twelve months; (e) Absence from work without authorization; (f) Failure to return from military leave within the time limit prescribed by law; (g) Approved leave of absence without pay of more than twelve months 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 8.4: WMk Fore Adiustmeot ad Uv-off. (a) When work foroe adjustment b.anecessary due to lack of work, shortage of fonds, #V^oatinuaace of operations, or the subcontracting out of City services, the Employer may lay-off employees. WPA and the affected employee(s) shall be notified in writing not less than sixty 60 days prior to the effective date of such lay-off. (c) If the City fails to provide the employee(s) with a sixty- (60) day written notice of lay- off, the City will pay the employees) the equivalent of twenty (20) days of pay. Such Payment wM be paid is two (2) bi-weekly incmmeats. (d) The duties perforated by any laid off employee may be reassigned to other employees already working who hold positions in appropriate classifications. (d) No regular full-time employee shall be laid -off while a probationary, part-time, or temporary employee remains employed in the same job classification. regular full-tnre employees who rooeive a notice of lay-off shall have the right, in accordance with their seniority, to transfer or downgrade (commonly ]mown as "bumping") or to take the lay-off. Bumping shall only be permitted in the event of lay-off, in accordance with the following procedure: (1) Management shall identify the position(s) that may be bumped within five (5) b.•ii„grpip days of the notice and explain the options to the affected employee(s). Position Alassifications that are available for bumping will only be for the same grade or less than the employee's current position. The employee must possess the minimum qualifications for that position, and have greater City seniority than the present mopant of that position. Affected, , employees shall have five (5) b..o;"o"v days, from the date their options are explained, to notify management whether they desire to bump or take the lay-off. (2) If otherwise eligible, the bumped employee may then proceed himself in accordance with this article. (3) In the event that two or more affected employees have the and same citywide seniority, the employee with the least classification seniority will be laid off first. N both employees have equal seniority, the employee who applied for the position fust will retain the position. This will be determined by the time/date stamp ',Mr. , a a by Administrative Services on the employment app . 'oa when it was final received. (4) An employee bumping to a different job 4*m;4;,,.#:on shall be placed in a probationary period of six (6) months. X in the opinion of the City, the employee cannot satisfactorily perform the duties of the position to which the member has bumped, the employee will be laid off without further bumping rights. (5) An employee bumping to a job which is lower than their present job r-low,9*'on will take a 3% per Grade not to mead nine (90A) percent reduction in pay. In no case wfil the employee be paid more than the maximum rate of the lower classification. (M Probationary employees shall have no bumping rights. An employee who is in a probationary status as of the date of notice of the lay-off, but who has previously achieved permanent status in a lower job clooc;4,"tion, may revert to such lower classification for the purpose of exercising bumping rights. If the employee reverts to the lower 4aQ49oation, their pay is adjusted to the pay they previously held prior to the promotion. (g) Regalm part-time employees may only bump other part-tim employees. (h) Exempt employees cannot bump into the bargaining unit unless they held a bargaining 12 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 unit position within the past 1 year of the effective date of sack layoff. 8.5: R►eaall: (a) Recall of laid -off employees shall be made in 4I °°PITdance with City seniority. Initial contact shall be meted by phone. This shall be followed by a certified letter, return receipt requested, to the employee's last known address, to confirm the phone conversation and/or document that the recall notice has been provided. Laid -off employees who desire to be recalled shall keep the Employer continuously inf rmed of their current mailing address, or lose their recall rights. (b) Within three (3) business days alter receipt of a notice of recall, r employees who desire to return to work must notify the Employer in writing to advise that they intend to return to work, or they will lose their recall rights. Recalled employees must return to work fit for duty within ten (10) calendar days of the reoelpt of a recall notice„ or they will lose their recall rights. (c) Employees who are laid -off will be eligible for recall for 1 year of the effective date of such layoff for any position in the saute or lower pay grade that they are qu M,3-,' to perform. When an employee returns to a position of a lower pay grade, he or she will take a 3% r &melon in pay. In no case will the salary be higher than the maximum rate of the new job or shall any reduction result in more than a nine pit in pay. Previously ceacelod group health ins mmoe may be reinstated upon the employee's return to active duty m ndstent with the plan's requrr°r-Oe. In addition, any bales of accrued vacation or sick leave not previously paid will be reinstated and the annual rate from the date of inet m to active duty will be at the accrual rate egoyed at the date they were laid off. APTIf'" r IR 9 MLSCi+� US LLAVE 9.1: Remavement Leave: (s) Bereavem+ent Leave is to provide paid time off for related to the death of an immediate family member. For pmpores of this provision, an "employee's immediate Slimily" is defin as the employee's spouseldomestic partner, pareat/step pareut/fathea- in-law/nmthes6in-law, child/step, child, broth, sides, gran 1011 F -in-law, grrindchild, or any relative who is domiciled in the employee's household. (b) The Department Heed or their designee will approve Bereavement Leave. (c) Paid Bereavement Leave will be glmated according to the following qTr w (1) 3 Consecutive Days in State of Florida; (2) 5 Consecutive Days out of State commensurate with scheduled shift hours (Not to exceed 40 hours); (3) Part-time employees receive 2 consecutive work Days (based upon their T -hednled work hour* (4) All Paid Ber+eavemmt: Leave mast be taken within 14 —Pwa^tr m e4&*dar days of the death. (d) Bereavement leave shall not be charged to vacation leave, personal leave, sick leave or to compensatory time. Any absence in excess of approved baeavenment leave, will be charged at the employee's discretion to accrued compensatory time, vacation leave, sick leave, personal leave or, if no leave is accrued, to leave without pay. (e) Within thirty- (30)'a*dar days from the date the employee returns to work from such 13 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 absence, the employee will file a copy of the death skate of the deceased. Said death certificate willbe attached to a leave request form and forwarded to the Department of Administrative Services, Human Resources for processing. Fafiiue to produce a death certif irate will resalt in the employee reimbnisiag the City for any paid leave Wm wader this Article. Any employee fond to have falsified his or her inquest for Bereavement Leave -will be disciplined up to and includiasdismissid. It is understood that under certain 4-umstances the employee will be unabl,Q to obtain a death certificate. In this event, in lieu of a death cerOA-0p., the employee shall submit a newspaper accom showing the oath and the relationship of the deceased to the employee and/or other appropriate critetia as deemed appropriate by the Human Resources Director. (1) For aoa-imm i'' 4 famiily, employees have the option to use accrued vacation leave, compensatory time or personal leave, for the attendance of funerals. Employees will supply, their supervisor with written notification for this request in as timely a manner as passible. The supervisor will make every effort to comply with tha provisions of tins section. In the event that the employee does not have any accused vacation, compensatory, orperlmd leave they racy request to use sick leave or leave without pay. 9.2: Court Leave {a) Any employee who is required to appear as a witness resulting from the performance of No duties with the City shall be entitled to the following: (1) RWlar Pay, if called to testify during regularly scheduled hours; (2) A 'minimum of three (3) hours at one and one-half (1%) times the employee's base rate of pay ifcalled to testify outside the employee's regularhours of work; (3) In such cases, the employee will be required to assign the witness fee to the City. Employees attending court on behalf of the City, or any other public jurisdiction during their normal working hours shall receive leave with pay for the hours they travel to and firm to attend court. The City of Sebastian Travel Policy will be used for travel aTenses, excluding jury duty. (b) All employees subpoenaed to attend court on behalf of the City are eligible for leave with pay. Those employees who become p ' Wife or el-Acedants for other than work related reasons are not eligible for leave with pay but may request to use accrued annual leave, compensatory time or personal leave. (c) Employees who attend court on behalf of the City for only a portion of a regularly scheduled work day shall report to their supervisor when P-m-W1"ad or by the court. - (d) An employee required to attend court while on scheduled leave is entitled to a mmixnum of thll+ee (3) hours at one and one-half (1 %) times the employee's base rate of pay for each day and may be allowed to substitute that amount of pay instead of vacation, compensatory time, or personal leave for sceh period, provided that the court appearance meets the requirements of section (a) of this Article. (e) Employees who seek to receive leave with pay under this section shall presets official notice of their st&poena to their at least twenty-four (24) hows in advance of the scheduled time, unless the employee actually receives less than twaaty-four (24) ham advance notice. Employees who are required to be absent for Court Leave shall submit official documentation to their supervisor showing all days or hours of court leave upon return to work. 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 0) Consistcet with existing City policy, the employee shall remit to the City any and all compensation received for court leave on behalf of the City, excluding payment for travel and meals. 9.3 Jury Duty (a) A perma,eat fullrtime employee shall be granted thne og not to exceed eighty (80) ho ucs, at the employee's regular pay for reporting to nquhW juzy duty upon presentation to the employee's supervisor of e: evioOm"a that such jury dirty is required and provided the time required for jury duty is the employee's normal workday or work shin. In order to be eligible, the employee must report at least seveo (7) calendar days prior to the date of jury duty to the on the payroll system with the suamsons of the need to be absent because of a jury duty require* (b) Any aampemsation received by the employee for jury duty shall be reined by the employee however, a pro rate of the jury dirty pay received by the employee will be dWkwW from, the employee's regular pay based upon that portion of the regularly scheduled workday missed by the employee. There shall be no dice for mileage pay or for the four (4) holm reporting period provided in Section (a) of this Article. An employee seeft jury duty leave must substantiate any ea on received for serving on jury duty by submitting a copy of the ohe*s) received or a copy of the receipt(s) for any cash received. (c) If an employee is released from jury duty within four (4) hours from the time required to report for such jury duty, the employee shall be required to report for duty on that date, provided that it is the employee's regular work day or shin. 9.4: Conference Inive: The City may grant conference leave with pay, together with necessary travel vgxm es, for employees to attend conferences, schools, and similar events designed to improve their efficiency, if considered to be in the CWs, best interest. All leave and expenses will be recommended by the Department Head and subject to approval of the City Manager. 9.5: MedicFA brave: City agrees to grant re pw for leave of for medical reasons with or without pay in scx�ardence with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FlVILA) and City Policy. 9.6: Mirmiry Imve (a) The City agrees to grant requert for leave of % a, with or without pay in accordance with Florida State Statute 115.07. (b) iu employee shall be required to submit an order, Battle Assemble (BA) Schedule or 41 mt (pending orders) signed by the appropriate rommander as evidence of any such duty. Such order, BA vehedule or statelt mart accompany the form request for B61hoy Leave at least two (2) weeks prior to the date such leave is 9.7: T mve cif Abmnw (a) The �AaMs*fln to grant a have with or without pay (leave of *&A' j--) is a matter of management disaretian. It shall be incumb � � s upon each Department Head to weigh and to ,', mine each can on its own merits, including time off for IUPA business. 15 uocubign tnvetope iu: y89uc;uuu-5c;1-4-41-U--A4f1--bZV6AVZbt-Uur (b) An employee may be granted a leave of absence for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months for good and sufficient reasons, which are considered to be in the best interests is of the City. (1) Such leave shall require the prior approval of the Department Head and the City Manager or his designee. Before such leave of absence without pay will be granted, the employee must exhaust all vacation leave, personal leave, compen$atory 84 if qn"%PVIMte, sick leave. (2) Voluntary separation from City services to accept employment outside of the service of the City, shall be considered an insuffciertt reason for approval of a request for Ism of absence without pay. (3) The leave of absence may be withdrawn by the Department Head and City Manager, and the employee recalled to service if the need for the leave no longer adsts. (4) An employee requesting a leave of absence of more than three days must request Family Medal Leave Forms (FMLA) for medical reasons, per FUM and submit a written Doctos's note to their Department Head stating the length of time they will be absent. In addition, the employee must keep the Administrative Services Department advised of his or her current address at all times. If a Doctors now is not submitted, the employee will be considered as on an unauthorised leave of absence and appropriate discipiiflary action shall be taken. Fagure to comply with the notiScau— requirements will result in the employee being dropped from leave of absence status, in which case he/she must return to duty or be dismissed. (5) An employee who obtains either part-time or M-ttime employment elsewhere whfie on an authorized leave of absence is required to notify his Department Head in writing within three (3) days of the acceptance of such employment or they will be terminated from City employment. (6) At least two (2) weeks prior to the expiration of the leave of absence, the employee must contact the Administrative Services Department in order to facilitate the reinstatement process. (7) Failure by an employee to return to work at the expiration of a leave of absence shall result in immediate dismissal feom employment with the City. (c) Under no circumstances shall the City provide any funds towards the CWAM U pension plan while the employee is on an unpaid leave of absence. (d) During the time the employes is on leave without pay, the employee will not accrue sick or vacation leave, unless the employee is on leave in accordance with FMLA. Accrual of classification seniority is suspended until they return to regular duty. City seniority continues to snare, providing the leave without pay does not exceed twelve months. The employee loses both City and classification seniority after twelve months. (e) An employee on an approved have of absence may continue to participate in the group insurance plan, provided that all necessary payments of the total premium are made by the employee. It is the employee's responsibility to keep premium payments 4 .L (1) The insurance premium payment must be made by the 20 h of the preceding month in which the payment is due. If the payment is not made by the 201h of the preceding month in which it is due, coverage will be canceled as of the beginning of the delinquent period. 16 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 (2) N coverage is canceled during an approved leave of it may be reinstated upon the employee's rP 1 ffrn to active duty Aonsistent with the pi n's mquircW"10"_ts 9.8: Fl im'bility: Only regular W-dme and regular part-time employees are eligible for the miscellaneous paid leaves provided by this Article. All snob benefits are personal to the employee and shall not be transferable. 9.9: Pal Leave Eligibility — Each regular AM -time employee shall receive twenty (24) hours of personal leave per fiscal year. (a) Employees starting during the year will get a pro -Hate portion of the personal leave hours. Those starting during the first three months (October— fiber) will receive eight (8) hours, second throe months (Januruy — March) receive Am (4) hours, and those starting in the third three months (Apt — June) receive two (2) hours. (b) Personal leave must be used by the last full pay period of the fiscal year. (c) Personal leave is not paid out upon separation of employment. (d) PpmW leave will not be approved or paid during an employee's last two (2) weeks of employment, except in the case of an cY. An employee requesting paid personal leave will be required to furnish proof of the emergency or a docWs note verifying that the employee was medically unable to report to work. Failure to provide this documentation will result in no pay for the days) in question. "TiCLE 1.0 UCK L"VE 10.1: Eti>sc'brlitu/Accrual of Sick Leave: (a) Only regular full -Crane and regular parti-time employees are eligible to accrue sick leave. Regular fall -time employees will a=ue sick leave at the rate of ninety -sic (96) hours per calendar year or 3.69 hours per pay period. Regular part-time emptoyeea working forty (40) hours or more per pay period will accrue sick leave at the nm1.846 hours for that pay period. Sick leave will accrue bi-weekly over twenty-six (26) pay periods. (b) New employees start to east sick leave Dom their date of hire. Rtl l"ObilitvA 1 Temporary and i O v Anal employees are not eligible for sick leave benefits. 2. Part-time employees working less than a forty (40) hour pay period are not eligible to acmue sick leave benefits. I Sick leave does not accrue while an employee is on any unpaid leave. 10.2: ReVrftt for 9fr* Lave; a) Any employee who is incapacitated and unable to work shall notify his/her imrm, supervisor or designee within one (1) hour prior to hbA= scheduled reporting time and two (2) hours for Dispatck except in an emergency situlati-.r On the initial Day of being atr a-t, the employee must call in to their Supervisor. Upon approval of the immediate Supervisory, texts or email s will be accepted after the initial call. The employee shall state the nature of his/her incapacitation, its expected duration, and the expected period of 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 absence. The employee shall repeat this procedure each day he/she is unable to report for work, unless excused by the Department Head. (b) N an employee is absent from work in excess of three (3) consecutive work days due to an Musk sk the member must submit a doctofs note to the Department Head, or his/her designeei attesting to the employees ability to return to work with or without restrictions. If an employee is to be absent more than 3 days, Human Resources must be contacted to obtain Family Medical Leave Forms. Tlm minimum charge against the accrued sick leave balance will be in of Sf%en (15) minutes Irdhm (15) minutes shall be deducted from an employee's accrued leave balance for each quarter hour, or part thereof that an employee is actually absent from hislher duty station while out of work on sick leave. 10.3: Use of Sick Leave: (a) Sick leave may be used for the following purposes: (1) Employee ill health or; (2) Medical, dental, or optical treatment required during working hours; (3) Quarantine due to exposure to infectious (4) Employee ill health while on annual leave; (5) In connection with workeW Compensation; (6) For death in employee's immediate family (including extending bereavement leave); and (7) of an immediate family member requiring the employee to remain at home. (8) Cannot be used for vacation. {b) whenever it appears that a bargaining unit meanbow abuses sick leave, such as when a member ns stentty uses sick leave immediately upon its being accrued or before and aft vacation, holidays or wP��1% the member shall be required to furnish a docWs note verifying that the member was medically unable to report to work on those days. The City reserves the right to require a doctor's note provided that the employee has been notified of being placed on sick leave abuse status. Failure to provide such notice will result in no pay for the holiday and the day(s) in qr*cbsti ,,, Abuse of sick leave shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. (c) Sick leave may be used for absences due to illno-or or igjury sustained while engaged in outside employment, provided the employee is not being compensated for the same time by the other employer. (d) Employees may not use sick leave during their first sixty (60) days of employment. If an employee resigns or is otherwise terminated during the first six (6) months probationary period, he/she will reimburse the City for all sick leave used by deducting the cash equivalent of hours used from his/her final pay check. (e) Employees hired prior to October 1, 2022, upon separation from employment in good standing {resignation or retirement with a two -week notice or medi,"' separation) will be eligible to be paid for his/her accrued balance of sick leave up to a maximum of 600 hours at the following percentages: 18 uocwsign tnvetflpe iU: Ut$UUt:000-bUt-4-41-U:--A4/f-13Z!JbAUZbl-UU! • If separated before coampleting the fast year— 0% • 1 Year but less than 5 Years completed - 25% • 5 Years but less than 10 Years cotnpleied - 50% • 10 Years but less than 20 Years - 75% • Over 20 Yews - IOOPA (i Employees lured on or after Octobw 1, 2M may acatue up to 480 kours. This is to allow for Family Medical Leave. The 480 hours ate not paid out when die employee separates fiam the City. (g) Sick leave will not be approved or paid during an employee's last two (2) weeks of employment, except in the ease of an en egMcy. An employee rem paid sick leave will be required to fwaish a doctor's note verifying that the employee was medically unable to report to work. Failore to provide this station will resalt in no pay for the day(s) in 19 Uocusign tnvelope IU: 989U(:UUU-5C:1-4-41-Ul--A4/F--b29bA9Zb-UU/ VACATION ,MA►VE 11.1: FABAdft Only regular W- ime and regular part-time employees are eligible to accrue paid vacation leave. Probationary employees will be allowed to use accrued vacation leave at the approval ad discretion of their immediate Department Head or hialher designee. Temporary or seasonal employees are not eligible for the accrual of vacation leave. 11.2: Rate of Accmial: (a) Vacation leave is earned on a pro -rate basis. Full-time employees will accrue vacation leave based on their years of service with the agency. The ac ud rate for regular part- time employees working forty (40) hours or more per pay period will be at one-half the accrual rate of a regular full-time employee with the same number of years of service. To claft the rate at which an employee accrues vacation leave the following tables will be used. EHAft A. Regular &U-time employees and regular part-time employees working forty (40) hours or more per pay period are eligible. B. Temporary and seasonal employees are not eligible for vacation leave benefits. C. Part -tune employees working less than a forty (40) hour pay period are not eligible for vacation leave benefits. D. Vacation leave does not accrue while an employee is on any unpaid leave. Leave accruals will be adjusted on a prorated basis for any home which are unpaid during the pay period. Tab. Full Time Employees Bi-weekly Vacation Leave JMMhqf service, AccrualHgmp Earned 5 Years 1 Year but less than3.08 hours 80 hours (10 Working Days) 5 Years but less than 10 Years 4.62 hours 120 hours (15 Wmidag Days) 10 Years but leas than 15 Years 6.15 hours 160 hours (20 Waiting Days) 15 Years but less than 20 Years 6.92 hours 180 hours (22.5 Working Days) 20 Years and over 7.69 hours 200 hours (25 Wwft Days) TAbLe 12 Part -Time Employees working forty (40) hours or more per pay period Bi-weekly Vacation Leave Immkof 3WWQR cmmal_ Rate Hc=FW=A 1 Year but less than 5 years 1.54 hours 40 Hours 5 Years but less than 10 Years 2.31 hours 60 Hours 10 Years but less than 20Years 3.07 hours 80 Hours 20 Years and over 3.85 hours 100 Hours 11.3: Rgagg Vacatio,yg (a) A request for vacation leave shall be submitted, through the payroll system. (b) A request for vacation leave shall not be granted if the employee has no accrued balamce of vacation leave. 20 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 (c) The minimum charge against the accrued vacation leave balance will be in indents of fifteen (15) minutes. Fifteen (15) minutes shall be deducted atom an employee's accrued leave balance for each quarter hour, or part thereof that an employee is actually absent from his&er duty station. (d) Vacation leave may not be taken in advance of its approval by the Department Head. In an emergency situation accrued vacation leave may be used only with the approval of the employee's Department Head or A (a) Except under unusual circumstances, Department Heads shall approve or disapprove It leave request within five (5) working days afterrec* of said request. (f) Vacation leave shah not be usW in advance of its being earned. 11.4: Use of Vacation Leave: (a) Vacation leave may be used for the following purposes: (1) Vacation; (2) Absences from duty for transaction of personal business, which cannot be conducted outside of working hours; (3) Holidays not - Rooted as official holidays; (4) Medical leave if sick leave balance has bees eac>urusted; and (5) Any odd absences not covered by existing leave provisions, at the discretion of the Employer. (b) Any employee who becomes sick while on vacation leave may substitute accrued sick leave for vacation leave for the period of the illness. The employee shell supply appropriate certification firm a physician as to the nature and duration of the illness. (c) Bmployees will not be allowed to carry over from one fiscal year to the next more than two (2) years' worth of accrued vacation leave. If during the year the employee accrues more than two (2) years' worth of vacation leave, they will have until the iast firll pay period of the find year to bring their time balances down to the two (2) year maximum If the employee does not bring the time balao,^e down to the two (2) year maximum by the last full pay period of each fiscal year, they will forfeit all hours in row -mom of the two (2) year maximum oanyover. After the last full pay period of the fiscal year, vacation leave will go back to the maximum accrued. Proper documentation signed by the employee's Department Head will be forwarded to the Administrative gervioes Department where it will be kept on file indicating the reasons for not granting the requested leave (d) Vacation Leave Cash -in - Employees will not have the option of cashing in vacation but will have the ability to cash out when the employee retires. (e) When an employee is on an approved vacation leave and is called in to work during their normally scheduled working hours, their leave banks will only be r " , ° - a A by the number of hours they were off work. The employee's rate of pay for hours worked will be the overtime rate of I K. If the employee works beyond their normally scheduled hours, then overtime provisions will apply for those hours. 21 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 I IS: Separation from (a) Employees hired prior to October 1, 2022, upon ,v&2-,w.Jion from employment in good standing (resignation or retirement with a two -week notice or medical sepaaca6; with five (5) or more completed years of consecutive emplo maent will be eligible to be paid for Mailer accrued balm of vacation leave up to a maximum of 400 hours. (b) Employees hired on or after October 1, 2022, shall be entitled to be paid a percentage of his/her accrued balance of vamition leave up to a maximum of 240 hours. The percentage bag follows: • N,.v4 arated before completing the first year — 0% • 1 Year but less than 5 Years completed - 25% • S Years but less than 10 Years completed - So% • 10 Years but less than 20 Years completed -7S% • Over 20 Years -100% (c) Vacation leave will not be approved or paid during an employee's last two (2) weeks of employment, except in the case of an emergency. An employee requesting paid vacation leave will be required to firm h proof of the emergency or a doctor's note verifying that the employee was medically unable to report to work. Failure to provide this documentation will result in no pay for the day(s) in question. ATxCLIF.M GRIEVANCE PROCROURr 12.1: The procedure set forth in this Article shall be the exclusive method for resolving the IUPA and employee grievances. Gdevanoes are defined as disputes coaoeruiag the interpretation or application by the Employer of the terms of this Agreement. Oral reprimands are not gdevable except those documented and placed in the member's personnel file. 12.2: Most grievances arise fim misunderatandings or disputes, which can be settled promptly and satisf8ctorily on an informal basis at the iammediate supervisor level. The Employer and the RWA agree that every effort will be made by management ad by the grievants) to settle grievances at the lowest WWI possible. EP 7 . ::.t1. Ui.M0..:-1"7. (a) All references to days in this procedure are to work days. The time limits specified in this Article my be extended by mutual aunt in writing of the parties. (b} Tmne is of the essence in this procedure. Although any time limit may be extended by mutual written agreement of the grievant(s) and the City, the failure of the grievant(s) to observe the applicable time limit, shall constitute an abandonment of the grievance, absent a mutually agreed extension. (c) Request to bypass any steps will be in writing and must be approved by the City Manager or his designeL 12A • Stesn 1. Step I is initiated by the employee or the RIPA Representative filing with the Department Head a written grievance on the standard grievance form, attached as 22 Uocusign tnvelope lU: U89UU000-bt;1-4-41-LF--A4/t--bZ9bA92bt-C:U! Append0 A. This most occur within ten (10) Bum days of the of the event(s) which Sm rise to the Scievan+ce or fiiom the date on which the gdevant became aware of the cause of the complaint. If the event(s) occurred during the time when the employee was on paid leave, the ten (10) day period shall camtneace running immediately upon return to duty. The Department Head shall �-nhedule a grievance meeting with the grievant within five (5) business days of the submission of the written grievance. Within five (5) days after the grievance meeting, the Dot Head shall issue a written decision concerning the grievance. If the grievants) is not satisfied with the DepartaQent Head's decision, or if no decision is lv,pued within the time allotted, the grievant(s) may appeal to Step 2. Step 2. Within fM (5) business days following the date of the step 1 pie'" l4i^il or the date on which it was due, whichever is earlier, the Srievant(s) or the RMA Rep, eve may file a written appeal to the HR Director, attaching all applicable grievance documents. A grievance meets shall be led five (5) business days fallowing receipt of the Step 1 Appeal. At such meati0ft- the grlev (8 may present eV, 1 :� and argument in mWort of the grievance. Within five (5) business days of the grievance meeting, the HR Director shall issue a written decision conc:eruinm the grievance. If the grievu9s) is not satisfied with the IHL Director's ria�f �� i, or if no decision is issued within the time allotted, the g kwnt(s) may appeal to Step 3. Step 3. Within five (5) V, - 1,941, days following the date of the Step 2 decision or the date on which it was due, whichever is earlier, the gde,vant(s) or the IUPA Representative may iliG file a written appeal to the City City Manager pertinent ' • '"N7Rq� will review all information and may 'r 411 4 "°t' a hearinshchuling due process for dame elpolg hamings and issue a A—ision within five (5) days of the hearing or five days of receipt of the Step 2 Appeal. If the issue falls within the range of minor disciplinary action, i.e., any di • ' less than sa p+'..,v; ^n without pay, the City ManavA e,4 - ^ � 0 shall be final and binding upon the EW,, ►er and upon the MUvant(s). In all uses afire' than mb, discipline and performance evahatia ^ if the gdevant(s) is not m ,rdl� with the Step 3 decision, the gdevent(s) may invoke the arbitration irk of Step 4. Step 4. The grievants) or the RTA Representative may invoke arbitration by sending written notice to the Employer within ten (10) business days of the date the Step 3 -A was issued or the date, on which it was due, whichever is earlier. Invocation of arbitration by the grievants) will not preclude settlement of the grievance at any titre prior to the of an arbitrator's award. 12.5: The parties will attempt to agree upon a mutually ag<+eeable impartial arbitrator. It however, this cannot be done within seven (7) bm,c-4"a" days following the Employer's receipt of the grievants) request for repre e" "ves of the Employer and the grievant(s) Shaul jointly submit a vvritben request to the Director of the Federal and Conciliation Samoa (FMCS) for a list of seven (7) professional arbitrators. Upon receipt of the list, rep eseatetives of the Employer and grievants) shall meet within ten (10) business days and, bgAnning with the gdeva nt(s), each shall altar"4*-a'y stn'lce, one at a time, until only one (1) natne remains on the list. The person whose name remains on the list shall be the arbitrator, and the parties shall jointly notify the arbitrator of his/her selection. Either party may object to all names on the list, provided that objection is made prior to the commencement of the striking process. If this happens, a second joint request for a list will be made. 23 UocuSign I=nvelope IU: 9890:UUU-5C:1-4-41-(;t--A4/F-k3Z9bA92bK;U! 12.6: All arbitrations arising under this Agreement shall be conducted at City &&ties within the City of Sebastian and in accordance with the, following rules: (a) The arbitrator shall have jurisdiction and the authority to decide a grievance properly brougbt before himiher. (b) The arbitrator shall have no authority to c bmm amend, add to, subtract fi an, or otherwise alter or supplement this Agr+eement or any part thereof or any amendment thereto. (c) The arbitrator may not issue declaratory options and shall confine himselflbmself exclusively to the question, which is ra' W i0 led to lum&w. The arbitrator shall not have the authority to determine any other issues not submitted to him/lrer. (d) Except in the case of termination as disciplinary action, the arbitrator shall not substitute his/her judgment as to the wisdom or the degm of severity of disciplinary action imposed on any employee by the Employer. The arbitrator's inquiry shall be limited to whether the Employer possessed evidence of miscondaci before imposing the discipline ultimately imposed. In the event of the arbitration of a grievance arising out of the discharge of an employee, the arbitrator is empowered to either sustain the discharp or, if helshe does not, he/she is empowered to reinstate the employee with or without back pay, in whole or in part, as the ciraunstances warrant. Any award of back pay shall be reduced by unemployment compensao tin or other motion the employee may have (e) The fees and expenses of the arbitrator will be paid by the losing party. Each party shall bear the cost of its own witnesses and Ow WOW.,fim. Any party requesting a transcript will bear its cost, unless otherwise agreed. (t) Copiesoff the Arbitrator's award, made in accordance with the jurisdictional authority unft d Agr+eevsent, shall be furnished to the parties within thirty (30) days of the hearing, unless the parties mutually agree to addend the time limit, and shall be Emal and binding on both parties. ARTICLE 1 NQUR YS 13.1: The following shall be paid holidays for all regular full-time and regular part-time employees: New Year's Day Martin Luther King Jr. President's Day Memorial Day Indence Day Labor Day Veterants Day Thanksgiving Day Friday after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Day Christmas Day 13.2: Generally, when a holiday fella on Saturday, the preceding Friday will be observed as the holiday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as the holiday. However, on occasions, another day of observance may be more appropriate; in such instane s, the City Manager will establish the date and will notify all employees in advance. For 911 Emergency Dispatchers, Holidays will be observed on the actual Holiday. For Golf Course and Tennis Attendants, Holidays will be observed on the actual Holiday. 24 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 133: No regular full-time or part-time employee shall receive pay for a holiday unless he/she is in an active pay status or actually works his/her normal work schedule on the work day immediately preceding and the work day immediately following the Clay on which the holiday is observed. For purposes of this Article, "active pay status" also includes any approved leave with pay. 13.4: For holiday purposes, a holiday pay for regular WI -time employees is dG&ed as the mnployee's nomal shift (eight (8), ter (10), or twelve (12) hours). Holiday pay for regular part tilot:e employees is four (4) hours. 13.5: If a full time employee is scheduled to work on the day of a holiday they will have the option of requesting overtime pay for the hours worked at the time it is ' or request compensatory time in lieu of pay. The employee must notify their immediate supennrisor in writing of their option no later n the last workday. before the holiday. N the option is not PrI . .- • � �' to the tha supervisor on or before the last wdWay before the holiday, overtime pay c nllpensation will be used. P iim_ ilility: A. Trary and seasonal employees are not eligible for holiday leave time. B. Regular part-time employees worldng less than forty- (40) hours per pay period are not eligible for holiday leave benefits. C. Regular parkime employees not scheduled to work are not eligible for holiday leave benefits. 13.6 Regular full-time employees ant scheduled to work the holiday will receive straight time pay for their normal shift. For amp* if an employee is scheduled Tuesday thru Friday and the holiday fells an a Monday, the employee would receive eight (8), ten (10) or twelve (12) hours of straight pay for the holiday. The holiday pay would not be included as hours worked for the purpose of overtime catculatian. ARTICLE 14 PROMOTIONS, TR A►NAND ADJUSTWOOM 14.1: Any employee who fulfills all applicable requirements for anot;-,w* 4*vv;f;�^ation with a higher rate of pay may be promoted to that go$itian. Vacancies in positions above the lowest rank in any ca.Pr-PW-,-v"fln will be filled, as far as practicable, by the promotion of cun+ent employees. To this end,all pi+onactional opportunities will be posted in-house for five ( days. Such vo^4M^��. may also be advertised to the outside but in-house employees will be interviewed first. A final Ao�:�^* will be made only after any qualified current employee applicants have been interviewed. An employee whose performance ratings were less ineligible for promotion. 14.2: a) When an employee is promoted to a higher Cnade posftion, his/her new rate of pay shall at least be the minimum of the acting Omde applicable to the position. If the employee's clur+ent salary is higher than the uninimum rate for the position to which promotion is made, the employee shall receive a 60A in pay from bb&er current rate ofpay. Subject to the approval of the City Manager', a greater promotional increase may be ro^-mmended by the Department Head. b) When an employee is adjusted to a lower paid position (voluntarily or through diecipHoW action), he or she will take a 30A reduction in pay per grade. In no case will the salary be higher than the maximum rate of the new job or shall any reduction result in more than a nine percent (99A) decrease in salary. 25 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 14.3: The effective date of an employee's demotion or promotion to a new job classification shall be the employee's new classific;atiaa anniversary date for the purposes of classification seniority domination. The employee must soma ninety day (90) probationary period in the new job classification. 911 will sere a one (1) year probationary period. If at any time during the probionary period, the employee is found to be unqualified for the position or incompetent to perform the duties of the new position, a ttansfettred or promoted employee shall be returned to their former position if available at their former rate of pay. if no vacancy exists, the employee shall be laid off in accordance with the provisions of Article 8. 14.4: An employee may be transferred between departments when a vacancy exists in the same ch-R.Offimalkon and grade. Such, er does not affect mployee's pay grade, pay rate, or versary dates wing conditions. (a) The trwsfer must be approved by the City Manager. (b) The employee must serve a ninety day (90) probationary period in the new assigned department. 911 Ihnergency Dispatchers will serve a one (1) year probation period. (c) If at any time; during the prperiod, the employee is found to be wed for the position or incompetent to perform the duties of the new position, he or she shall be returned to the position from which the transfer took place at their former rate of pay, if there is a vacancy. If no vacancy exists, the bargaining unit member shall be laid off in accordance with the provisions of Article B. (d) When there is a critical need for an employee to work in a higher job classification, the employee will reedw a 6% increase to their regular hourly rate of pay (or the minimum of the acting Grade) for each hour of work performed at the higher clation. A tamporaury assignment means filling -in for a vacancy or for an employee who is on vacation, ill, has insured a job related injury, on MA,, in training or absent fram work for any other legitimate reason. Temporary assignments must be for three (3) consecutive days or more. The employee who is working in the temporary higher job classiftc;ation will receive a 64% increase in pay for all time worked while in that temporary classification. (e) There may be a need for an employee to work in an out -of -class position due to a vacancy, illness, vacation, etc. In an event such as this, management has the right to make a request to those employees who can perform the duties of the position. If no one volunteers, management has the right to mandate an employee to work out -of -class even if the work is overtime. An employee working in such a capacity will receive a 60A increase for hours worked. 1) Maintieaance Worker I - Will operate all equipment eauapt excavator, dozer, and long arm mower. 2) Maintenance Worker H - Will operate an equipment except for excavator and dozer. 3) Maintenance Worker III - Will operate all equipment. 26 Docuftn Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 (fl An employee may be assigned to a supervisor or exempt job for a temporary period. The affected aVloyee workbag a period of (3) three coEnsecative workdays or more shall receive up to a sic percent (6%) increase to their regular hourly rate of pay. The employee will be entitled to receive the salary ins for all homrs worked while in that temporary classification. (g) All Maintenance Workers are requbW to maintain a valid Commercial Drivw License (CDL) Class B and are responsible for paying the cost of the renewal of their own driver's license. A newly hired Maintenance Worker who does not have his CDL License has six (6) months to obtain the license. If the license is not obtained within this 1"' A a no but he/she has documentation to prove he/she was not able to practice will have an additional three months of probation to obtain the license. However, if he/she has had ample time to practice and fails to obtain his/her license, he/she shall lose his/her position. If a Maintenance Worker I hired prior to October 1, 2016 applies for any Maintenance Worker 11 position or above and does not have his CDL Licease, he or she has 6 months to obtain the license. If the license is not obtained, they will be returned to the Maintenance Worker I position and forfeit any increase. After submittal of the document, the City will reimburse the employee the dike between the base drives license cost and the CDL Llamas and any of the eadorts6 which the City. Maintienance Walkers without a CDL Licsrnse shall not be eligible for promotion until they obtain their CDL License. 14.5: To promote self-improvement initiatives, the City agrees to pay employees obtaining accredited certifications in their respective field a one-6m motive of $50.00 per certification. Each Certified course must be difi rent, related to their field, paid by the employee, and false aft haws. Certification of the accredited course mug be admitted to receive the iruamtive pay. The maximum payable per year is one hundred and fifty ($150) dollars. All courses paid for by the City, are not eligible for incentive pay. FEMA Courms are not eligible incentive pay. 14.6: Upon successful completion of a course as defined in section 14.5 above, the employee is eligible for either the one time incentive pay of $50.00 or up to $150.00 maximum reimbursement for the course. ARTICLE 15 GROUP INSURANCE 15.1: During the terra of this Agreement, all employees who participate in the group insurance coverage will pay no less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month towards the premium for group medical insurance coverage. The City agrees to pay the wmahWer of the premium to provide individual group insurance coverage to eligible employees. The employee cost may change based on the annual renewal rates. 15.2: In the event that the premium rate for dent group insurance coverage uureases, the Employer apm to notify the IUPA as soon as is practicable. Tire IUPA agrees that the Employer may, at its discretion, obtain substitute imsull moe coverage by another plan. F Uocusign tnvelope IU: 9t$90L;UUO-9C:1-4-41-(:F-A4tF-bZ9bA925FC:Ut 15.3: Any eligible employee who elects to participate in the group insurance dependent coverage option plan will pay no more than sixty percent (60%) of the cost of the premiuun. The insurance premium may change each fiscal year based on renewal rotes. The employee ,:hall Pay any additional supplemental iasm . -V, - that is optional coverage to the employee. 15.4: N the group medical insurance is declined, the employee will receive $150.00 per month ($75 paid twice a month). 15.5: Employees who retire or leave the City with twenty (20) years or more of continued service we eligible to continue dm* health insunoance only for a maximum of 2 years and The City will pay no less than forty (40%) of the costs of single group medical coverage. This means the retired employee who has 20 years of cor;Utinuous service will pay no more than sbdy p>rreemt (600A) of the imsmmce premium for single coverage. The insurance premium may change each fiscal year based on renewal rates. If the retired employee wishes to continue Dental, Vision and Life Insurance for the 2 years, the retired employee will pay 100% of the cost. The Health Reimbursement Account (ERA) is not part of the retirernant i0 ARTICLE 16 TfRE a CONTRER TON 16.1: Effective April 29, 20010 the Employer agrees to contribute to the CWAMU Negotiated Pension Plan (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the Plan) nine (9%) of an employee's earnings for each employee covered by this Agreemeni, for Purposes of Providing Pensions on rat, death benefits, and other related benefits for covered employees of the Employer and other coag Bmloym. The Plan is jointly administered by Trustees appointed in equal mmabers by IUPA and Employers under an Agreement and Declaration of Trull, and has been found by the internal Revenue Service to be entitled to exemption underthe Internal Revenue Code. 16.2: Contrilmtions shall be paid to the CWAM Negotiated Pension Plan, Assn. Inc., 27 Roland Ave., Suite 200, Mount Laurel, M 08054-1038, no later than the I of the following month, together with reports on forms to be fiir ddwd by the Plan or the employer's I, intout, if in an acceptable format. During the effective period of this Agreement, this benefit will be paid monthly over a twelve (12) month period, which will continue for the life of the Plan. 16.3: We to all monies paid into the Plan shall be held exclusively by the Trustees in trust for use in providing the Benefits under the Plan and paying its expenses. 16A The Employer shall supply to the shop steward the IUPA representative's copy of the Negotiated Pension Plan employer report forms or a copy of the Employer's printout forms upon request. ELieih0ity: A. Only regular full-time employees are eligible for inclusion in the CWA/1TU Negotiated Pension Plan, B. New regular full -tune employees are eligible for entry into this Plan as of the first day of the next firll pay period following sixty- (60) days fiom their date of hire. 28 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 AMMR 17 PEIMR►MANCE W 6 * XT 6'I< ANISI 17.1: Pumose: The purpose of the performance evaluation program is to provide a consistent practice of P*tablishing writtea goats and evaluating the performance of the employee. It is needed to help memae, as reward employee perfmance, to assist departments and the Employer to and than goals. 17.2: Ilefiatio�als: A. .Amml Poxformaum Evdation. The employee's performance is evaluated by the saperrnisor no later than the font day of to month of his/her cl4mv,-A-adon anniversary date each year. The period of evaluation is the period of time since the employee's last perfeimm a evaluation. B. Saeil ,Perfr ence Evalueflon. Special performance evaluations are perfonaed by the supervisor any time during the year for special reasons; i.e. change in pay, promotion, r a-: Am iEMMW4 etc. 17.3: PoWir. (a) Supervisors are to adminan employee's perforn�mce evaluation annually and special perforw.pq •,y evaluations more o!%n, 88 appraptiate. The performance evaluation consists of evaluating previously agreed upon goals and objectives. The performance evaluation is to be used as a maneg, I I R I tool to assist, motivate, and ad-eagdien the employee. (b) Where there is a of opinion consul bg a performance evaluation between the supervisor and the employee, the employee will have the opportunity to express their diffier , ^00 in writing to ft supavisor and the supervisor's evaluator. If the issue has not been resolved at this levA the employee may activate the employee grievance within the dmefilames established is Article 12. (c) Employees rated unsatisfactory are not eligible for increases or promotions or tramsfers. (d) Employees rated unsatisfactory will be put on a 1 to 3 month's Performance hnprovetnent Plan (PEP). A monthly evaluation will be conducted. If the employee doesn't itt�prove . the three months, the employee will, receive a final written warning, suspension, or dismissal. (e) Employees who receive an umsatisf OWY rating for two (2) consecutive annual evaluations or special performance evaluations may be terminated from employment for canes. 17A. Statement of Philosoahm Both the City of and IUPA believe that the pmpose of the performance evaluation systthe following: a) To clarify both management's goals for the position and the employee's goals; b) To monitor the employee's achievements and to review areas of needed improvement; to tasks reootnmendations for iaaproverment and establish time frames to achieve the recommended improvements; c) To facilitate communication between supervisors and employees about the employee's job duties and 419h a framework for open, constructive feedback; 29 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 d) To encourage and develop time line plans for employee development, growth. and 17.5: Eamlovee Evalulatiom: Performance evaluations for each employee shall be submitted once each year using a City of Sebastian performancs3 evaluation farm. Employees shall be evaluated by their appropriate admini�rator/aupervisor0 Eaployees shall be given a minimum of three (3) workdays notice prior to the evaluation meeting. At the time of such performance evaluation, the employee's specific job &- a4i job description, and performance shall be reviewed by both the employee and the supervisor to discuss patterns of performance for the past year and expectations or recommended plans for improvement for the upcoming year. Each employee has the right to add written comments regarding the performance evaluation on the performance evaluation form, at the time of any review, and sabsequently if any changes are made. The employee's signature on the performance evaluation form signifies that the performance evaluation has been reviewed with the employee, but does not signify that the employee agrees with the evaluation. The employee must sign aU dorumeats (Le., Performance Reviews, r4sciplinary Action, etc.) that are placed in the employee's personnel file whether the employee agrees or disagrees with the document to signify the employee has seen and discussed said document. If the employee does not sign the document they will be subject to 'unary action up to and including fi�mination. Each employee shall have the right to see any changes, deletions, or additions to the performance evaluation made by the immediate supervisor, a higher -', had, or for Such changes shall be discussed with to employee. The employee shill be provided with a copy of the completed performance evah mflon once it has been signed by all parties in the chain of command. The perfor,1111, r'', % 3, evaluation shall be placed in the employee's official personnel file. Any perfonmancm evaluations, which are not in the official file, shall not be part of the official record of the employee in considering discipline or future performance evaluations. Employees have the right to review their official personnel file upon and with proper no�'I',Mvv" ^gin. 17.6: Probationary Period: Each new employee shall serve a probationary period of six (f) months, which is an extension of the selection The probationary period is to give the employee an opporivaity to d �batz two his or her ability to perform the duties of the position. The City may extend the Pro ovary period for up to six (6) ma beyond the classification date in order to allow the employee the opportunity to corroct deficiencies in his or her performance. Any abe—�-" without pay and absences covered by Worker's Compensation shall automatically extend the Probationary period in accordance with Article B. 911 EmeaEency Dispatch Tr, ' "m will serve a one (1) you probation period. 30 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 ARTICU 18 SAFETY 18.1: The City and IUPA agree to continue meeting with the established Joint Safety Committee to ensure continuing, on-the-job safety in the p�r� of public services. The Committee shall be chaired by the Human Resowy es Director, or dam, and up to throe (3) members will be selected by the Human Resources Director and up to three (3) membeae selected by IUPA. 18.2: The Safety rommittaQ shall meet regularly, as it may r8 stermine, to Ponsider methods of maintaining and improving job rehod safety. The Committee shall in I*^ommendations by a majority vote for safety mainteoawe and improv t, which shall be given due coosi - i I i i ion by the Employer. Written, response must be made by the Human Resourm Director to the committee within twenty P"llandar (20) days of receipt of any written requests made by the Safety Committee. Such requests will be approved by the majority vote of the Safely Committee prior to being submitted to the Human Resources Director. 18.3: The Employer and IUPA recognize the mutual respo®sibilities of manag m-m- + and employees to promote a safe work place and agree oiaaperat+e in mairrtauting City equipment end feaili I° in safe conditions. 18.4: The Employer agrees to make copies of the City Safety Manual evadable to all employees to review. 18.5: Any employee who as a result of an act or by way of their own negligence and/or in violation of safety Ptmxdards and policy of the City em-,pav damage to, or destruction 4 property of the City without substantial jueon or w=w shall be subject to progressive discipline action, up to and including **m- inati .. y, the employee maybe liable for up to the full cost of replaemnent or repair of the damaged or destroyed property. The provision of Article 19, Section 19.1 will apply. 18.6: Safety Glasses: s. With the prior approval of the employee's Department Head, the City shall pay for one (1) pair safety glasses. Where prescription safety glasses are needed, the employee, in conjunction with the CWs Vision Care Plan, shall receive an eye examination not more than once every twelve (12) months The employee shall pay the deductz'ble to the doctor for the eye The City shall pay for the em of the first pane of safety ficames and safety lenses for those employees required to wear tian safety g'_It lwglav not to exceed Two hundred MM) dollars. b. The City will also pay for the rep] -ie of safety lenses due to on the job breakage or prescrlption changes, as needed. An incident report must accompany this request, which details how the breakage =UrM . The report must be signed by the employee's immediate supervisor before being submitted. 31 UocuSign tnvelope IU: 9139UC:UUU-b(;F4-4F(;F-A4tF--b29bA915FLUt 18.7: , '.CgMgmsatto ;; Any regular full-time employee who sustains a temporary disability as a result of and arising out Of employment by the City as provided by the Worker's Compensation Law of the State of Florida, shall, in addition to the benefits payable under the Workers Compensation Law be entitled to the following: A. During the first eighty (80) working days of such disability, the employee shall receive net supplemental injury pay based upon his/her normal base pay reduced by the Worker's Compensation indeaannity, payment. The supplemental pay will be based on the following: a. WC Physician states Employee unable to work or City cannot provide limited duty work -- City will pay full 1/3 of supplemental pay- b. WC Physician states Employee can perform Limited duty but Employee's second opinion states Employee cannot work, Employee pays 1/3 of Supplement. c. City provides limited duty work but Employee declines, City does not pay the 15 supplemental pay. Employee will pay the 1/3 supplemental pay. In the event the employee is absent for the first seven (7) days of a work injury, the employee will reimburse the City for the fast seven days after they receive the WC payment. B. The employee may utilize any accrued sick or other paid leave in order to receive supplemental pay based upon bislher normal base pay reduced by Worker's Compensation indemnity payment until such sick or other paid leave is exhausted. Upon exhaustion of all paid leave, the City may, at its discretion, grant an unpaid leave of absence to the employee for a period not to exceed one year. C. Nthe employee can no longer work and continues to be on Worker's Compensation after the 90e day, the employee will apply for Long Term Disability; ver howe, the employee will not be medically terminated until the physician states there is a permanent impairment remaining after the employee (claimant) has reached Maximum Medical Improvement rating or one year as stated in section 18.7B. (MMI stands for Maximum Medical Improvement. It is defined as the point at which an injured worker's medical condition has stabilized and further functional improvement is unli!Wy to allow the employee to meet the essential ,job functions, despite continued medical treatment or physical rehabilitation.) D. If any employee, due to an on-the-job injury, is tranporarily or partially disabled from p�forrning the duties of his/her classification, but is determined to be able to perform light duty by a physician designated by the City, the employee may be required to perform such duty or lose the supplemental injury pay. Assignment to light duty shall be considered a temporary assignment, without reduction in pay. Such a reassignment shall be to other duties commensurate with medical and mental fitness, subject to availability of suitable work, and the employee's qualificetions for the position. However, an employee shall not be permitted to continue in a light duty position after reaching his/her meximum medical improvement or for a period that exceeds one year. E. Any employee who suffers an employment connected injury may be required by the City to be examined every twenty (20) working days by a medical doctor, specified and provided by the City, who shall determine the employee's condition and fitness for full or partial return to duty. F. No employee will be entitled to the supplemental injury pay described herein if thergjury 32 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 snil'ered has been de! -- hied to have been, the result of intentional self -infliction or where the disabft or illness coal as a result of the employee's failure to cooperate with medical advice or oonective therapy. G. whale receiving employment connected disability benefits, an employee shall be entitled to all banefits, which hd ohe would normalUy, receive pw uant to his/her ealploymerat with the City except additional accruals of sick and vacation leave. H. Any covered employee receiving pray, .ds from a disability insurance policy and worker's Compensation S- --ity payments "not be allowed to use paid leave, such that they receive a total amount ofmore than Wher normal talcs home pay. 18.8: ,Mark BooWS oh -. (a) The City will provide those employees required to wear safety booWshoes as a part of their job Rme ion Two Hundred dollars ($200) per fiscal year, payable to the employee the final full pay period in October of each year. Any employee receiving this benefit will be required to wear the safety boaWshces at all times while performing their City job Auctions. Nan employee begins employment after the first fall pay in October, the boot allowance will be pwrated by $16.67 per month. Safety boots/shoes must meet the requirements as established by the deparbnent0 (b) The City will also pay, prorat A for the replacement of safety bcots/shoes due to on the job damage caused as a result of an accident (up to two hundred dollars ($?AO). An incident report must as-mpany this request, which details how the damage aoci n i 'The report must be signed by the employee's immediate sapervisor before being submitted. If the damage was a result of the employee's negligMce, the employee will pay the fall cost of the reply and may be sabjec t to disciplinary actions as stated in section 18.5 of this Article. (c) If the employee provides medical documentation signed by an attending physician stating that they coat weer the safety boots/shoes due to a medical condition they will not be required to wear the safety boots/shoes. The employee will also be exempt from the benefit provision as stated in section 18.8 (a) of this Article and will not receive the $200 annual disbursemeart for aft boots/dwes. 18.9: N the employee does not complete the six (6) month probationary period for any reason, the amount reimbursed for the work boots/shoes shall be deducted from the employee's last pay check which will reflect the actual expense incurred by the city for the purchase of the work boots/oboes. 33 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 ARTICLE 19 DISC.11PLINARX ACTION 19.1 In the event an employee is discharged, suspended without pay, or demoted for discipHnW reasons, the City agrees that he shall be provided with written notifcat{oa of the action. This notification shall be hand delivered to the employee or sent by certified mail, return receipt roquest0d, to the address in the Hunan Resources Departzneat records. 19.2 Except in extraordinary cir MWances, before the employee is e4;vcharged or suspended without Pay for hnary reasons, the notif cation described in Section 19.1 will be provided to the employee in advance of the action so as to give the aimed employee an oppOramity to present his position. 19.3 No employee shall be disciplined except for just cause. 19.4 No discipline, except termination, shall become effective until such time that the employee has exhausted the appeal process or until such time for an appeal has expired, as described in Article 12.4. ARTICLE 20 SALARY 20.1 For the first year of this Agre-rnar' bargaining unit members shall receive wage increases as follows: (a) From September 19, 2022 to fiber 31, 2022 bargaining unit members" receive the new position Smde minimum wage based on the Compensation Study; (b) Effective October 1, 2022 bargaining unit members shall receive a wage increase based upon the Compensation Study and provide compensation for employees at or over the midpoint of their grade, receive a three percent (3%) hourly increase; of the employee's hourly wage. 20.2 For the second year of ft Agreement (October 1, 2023 through S;_1;l her 30, 2024� bargaining unit members shallreceive a wage ='* ^^tea of five percent (S°Yo) of the employee's hourly wage. 20.3 For the 9M year of this Agreement (October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2M)i bargaining Wait members shall receive a wage increase of five pereed (S%) of the employee's hourly wage. ARTICLE 21 SUBSTANCE ABUSE TESTING 21.1 The City and the RMA agree to abide by a Drug Free Workplace as provided for in conjunction with the Federal Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988, Regulation 28CFR, Part 93; the State Drug - Free Workplace Act, Florida Sum 112.455 and 440.102; and the U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliaucati Regulation 49 CFR Part 382. 21.2 An employee subject to drug testing for reasonable suspicion shall be placed on administrative leave with pay pelsding the laboratory results of the test. 21.3 Employees agree to follow the City of Sebastian's Drug and Alcohol Testing policy. 34 UocuSign Envelope IU: 989UGUUU-5(;F4-4F(;F-A4/F-1329UA915F (;Ut ' N � 22.1: The City shall provide and maintain uniforms to all employees who are required to wear them. 22.2: All issued uniforms and equipment must be returned to the City. Failure to return issued uniforms and equipment will result in the employee paying for the actual cost incurred by the city for the purchase of said uniforms. 22.3: Any employee assigned a uniform will be required to wear the uniform at all times while per%rming his or her job functions. The City uniform shall not be wom at any other time or for any other reason. 22A Employees in the position of Code Enforcement Officer(s) and Evidence Techoician(s) will be reimbursed up to $45.00 per month for regular M time employees and up to $22.50 for part time employees (receipts requireddoauoaeuting City issued cleaned. 22.5 The Employer may also provide standardized polo shirts or other' selected articles of clothing to certain employees, as a means to easily recognize they work for the City or for other purposes the Employer deems beneficial. As such articles are the ility of the employee to maintain and are not required to be reftma d to the City. Since they can also be worn off die job, they are a taxable benefit in ac;cordaace with IRS Rules. ARTI= 23 RDUCATIQN . . Reiuiburs- went of education expenses by the City of Sebastian for approved educational or training programs will be in conformance with the following: 23.1: Eligt'bility for Participation in Tuition Payment Plan — All regular hill-ime employees are eligible for paifiicipation in the aws Tuition Payment Plan up to the limit of the funds available for education. This program is available only to employees who have successfirity completed one-year of employment orprcbationary period. 23.2: Tuition Payment Plan --The City of Sebastian will, upon approval of the City Manager and the Human Resources Director, pay a percentage of the tuition based on the course grade achieved by regular full4ime employees for any eligible training or educational prograrrJcoui'se. An eligible training or educational program/course is one that, in the judgment of the Human Resources Director and the City Manager is directly related to the employee's current position or to a related higher position, and which will improve performance in a current position or which constitutes preparation for promotion to related higher responsli 'es. Post graduate (ex. Master's, Doctorate, etc.) programs are not included within the tuition payment plan. 35 UocuSign tnvelope IU: 989UC:UUU-5C:F4-4F(;F-A4tF-k3196A92bF(:U/ The Tuition Rsimburnent Plan is as follows: Grade A 8 C P-Passing or S-Sati factory (No grade issued) % Paid 100% 900A 75% 100% 23.3: Application Procedure — An employee desuing to partiapate in the City's Tuition Payment Plan shall submit an application fifteen (15) working days in advance to their Departarent Head requesting approval for Plan participation. if the Department Head recommends the education proz=4 it will be forwarded to the Human R+esouroes Director and City Manager for final approval. 23.4: Course Completion — If the employee achieves a grade of "C" or better in a course which is graded -- or if the employee receives a "pass" in a course which is graded on a pass/fail basis — he/she will submit an official copy of his/her grades, along with proof of his/her payment for tuition, required books, or lab fees to the Hunan R- otrces Director. Reimbursement for tuition shall be made in aocor, -1ance with City policy for rdmb eats. The employee's personnel record will be docmmentie I with his/her education anKlsievement. Textbooks shall become City property at the completion of the course and turned over to the Human Resources Director or his/her designee. 23.5: Transportation — Transportation under the Tuition Payment Plan shall be at the employee's expense- 23A. The reimbwsenuenI shall be available for a maximum total of twenty -for (24) semester hours or ti t -two (32) quarter hours in any one (1) fiscal year period for eligible employees pending budget at 'on and availability of funds. The maximum tuition rate to be reimbursed for participating in the City's Tuition Payment Plan for coIlep4evel courses is that established anally by the Florida State Legislature for state supported schools. Should an employee select to attend a non -State school, he/she is for the difNtem in tuition. Any employee receiving a scholarship or grant for education will not be eligible for education reimLt...oement. 23.7: Service Requirement —Employees who are reimbursed for such courses (9l l Dispatch Courses, College; Technical school, License of any kind, eta.), agree to remain employed by the City of Sebastian for at least three (3) years after completion of the cow*s). Should an employee leave the City service within three years after completir - of the cou*s), be/she must return any payments to the City or it will be deducted from his/her final paycheck. 23.8: City Mandated Education Courses — If the City requires an employee to attend an educational course, seminar or conference, the City shall pay tuition, transportation, and meals and lodging in accordance with the City's Travel Policy. 36 Uocusign tnvelope IU: 9BUU(:UUU-9c;1-4-41-Lh-A4l1--13196A92bl-UU! ARTICLI 24 CLASSuWATION AND COMPRNSATION .PLAN LONGS TX AWARD 24.1 A O4��­A",-U and Compensation Plan shall be used to administer the established pay mW of employees, attached as Appendix B. This shall be updated alai corrected as needed by the Ehmxm R�eaources Director to reflect the approved pay and scale within pay elor4fl dow for all positions. Employees shall be paid in accordance with the Classification and Compensation Plan. The City Manager is responsible for the proper and continuous mainteaatece of the and compesnsation plan so that it will reflect on a m twat basis the duties being performed by each City employee. 7lte Human Resources Director shall recommend to the City Manager and the MO/Administrative Services Director any necessary amendments to the plan in the form of new P-loorma and the abolishment of classes no longer required in the plan. Any Amps made to the plan will require a study of the new or outgoing position. The r odfication and Compensation Plan will be reviewed annually and based on local, regional or in same cases Dad ^ nal information, appropriate changes in the silocations to the Classification and Compensation Plan will be made. Human Resounxs Director will notify the IUPA of any change tc a job an(s). 24.2 If an employee changes job classifications, his or her job eoiassification anniversary date wM change, effective the date of the promotion or demotion. 24.3: T mgevkv Pav: A. Full lime Employees hired prior to October 1, 2022 will be awarded Longevity pay according to the following schedule: (1) Employees, after having completed five (5) years of continuous service with the City, wM receive an increase in their base pay of three percent (3%). The three percent (3%) increase will be added to their base pay the fld fill payroll period following their five year date. (2) Employees, after having completed ten (10) years of contiauous service with the City, will receive an increase in their base pay of five (5%) percent. 7U five perm increase wM be added to their base pay eftfive the date of their ten- year anniversary date. (3) Employees, after having completed W (15) years of continuous service with the City, will receive an increaw in their base pay of five (5016) patent. The fm Percent War will be added to their base pay effective the date of their fiReen- yearanniversarydate. (4). Employees, after having completed twenty (20) years of continuous service with the City, will receive an increase in their base pay of five (5%) perch.. The five percent iamase will be added to thmrbase pay effective the date ofth* twenty- year anni - --my, date. (5). Employees, after having completed twenty-five (25) years of continuous service with the City, will rmeive an increase in their base pay of seven and one-half (7.5%) percent. The seven and one-half percent increase will be added to their base pay effective the date oftheir twenty -fie -year anniversary date. B. Fill time employees hired on or after October 1, 2022 will be awarded Irongevity pay according to the following schedule: (1) Employees, after having cfive (5) years of c-ntinuous service with the 37 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 City, will receive an increase in their base pay of three percent (3%). The three perwW (3%) increase will be added to their base pay the first full payroll period following their five year anniversary date. (2) Employees, after having completed ten (10) yam of continuous services with the City, will receive an inorsse in their base pay of five percent (5%). The five percent (5%) increase will be added to their base pay the first fhfl payroll period following their ten year anniversary date. C. Said at#, Iment(s) will be bared on the employee's original date of hire regardless of the brea ding wage percentage the bargaining unit member is in at the time he or she attains the required number of years. D. Employees in a part-ime or temporary status at the time of their relevant anniversary date will not be eliSM for longevity increases. E. Employees in a probationary or suspension status for more than 6 months due to a demotion or tr4*vfw foot 'unary reasons shall not begin mailving longevity pay increases until they are no 1onW on probation or suspension. Any pay increase will not be retroactive. ARTICLE 25 SECCINDARY EIff— LOYMENT 25.1 Outside Employment shall be controlled by the City's Standard Operating Procedures — Secondary Employment. All Police Department Employees will also follow the Police Departatent Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS). No City Uniform shall be worn or any City equipment used. All Outside Employment must be approved annually. Forms must be submitted by January 156. ,ARTICLE 26 SEVERARXLITX 26.1 If any Article of this Agent (or any Section thereof) should be found invalid, unlawful, or not enforcable by Judi,-W authority or by reason of any existing or subsequently enacted 'on, all other Articles and Sections of this Agreement shall remain in full Some and effect for the duration of this Agmam0. 0',. 26.2 In the event of the invalidation of any Article or Section of this Aft, the City and "A agree to meet within thirty' (30) worift days to disarms rep l t of such Article or Section. ARTICLE 27 COUNSELING 27.1 The City will make available to the employees the Services of a psychologist or qualifia a counselor approved by the City for the purpose of helping the employee deal with an "aftermath" of an incident that may be emotionally diSbarbing. This service will be paid for by the City. 38 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9690CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 ARTICLE 28 TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall become effective upon the date of ratification by the parties and shall remain in full force and effect until 12:00 midnight on September 30, 2025. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement on this 14thday of June 2023. CITY OF SEBASTIAN. FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL IUPA OF POLICE ASSOCIATIONS, AFUCIO LO ,{ 4kdbY:& LOCAL 6054 B4 h{d.GW J. U60 Nic 9IN"IB2465.. Chief Negotiator By. Jose.4eVergaaud IUPAyRee resentative By: ,)/ M (11 Y7YA Kimbbrly Maison "A Representative By: / — Brian A. Benson Interim City Manger Kenneth W. Killgore CFO///Admi�n�isttrrative Services' D' or By:/ i/k7G'U0.� Cynt R. Watson, MPAIR, PHR Hum Resources Director APPROVED A�ST,�O,yFORM ,and CONTENT: Attest+. /YLC (�t e C� By: Jeanett illiams Andrew Mai, Interim City Attorney City Cl 39 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CD00-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B29BA925FCD7 pm".WA G UWANCR IM M ('Type or Print Clearly in Ink) NAME OF GRIEVANT: DATE GRIEVANCE OCCURRED: A. Give Article(s) and Sections(s) of Conftd which Grievant claims were violated: B. State concisely facts relied on by Criemt: C. State relief requested by Grievant: Signature of Grievant Signature of the IUPA Shop Steward for Criamt Date Submitted 40 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 Appendix B-1 AUTHORIZATION TO DEDUCT DUES INTERNATIONAL UNION OF POLICE ASSOCIATIONS TO/EMPLOYER: I City of Sebastian Employees Association Local 6054 I hereby assign to the International Union of Police Associations, from any wages earned or to be earned by me as your employee, my periodic dues in such amounts as are now or hereafter established by the International Union of Police Associations. I authorize and direct you to deduct and withhold such amounts from my salary and to remit the same to said International Union of Police Associations. I hereby waive all rights and claims to said monies deducted and transmitted in accordance with this authorization, and release my employer and all its officers from any liability therefore. This assignment, authorization and direction shall be revocable any time upon thirty (30) days prior written notification to my employer and the International Union of Police Associations. Name of Employee (Print): Signature of Employee: Employee Number: Date Signed: _ (96054) MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Local Name: City of Sebastian Employees Association Local 6054 I, the undersigned, do hereby apply for membership in the International Union of Police Associations. Name of Employee (Print): Signature of Employee: Position: Date Signed: Address: City, State, Zip: Contact Phone Number: Personal Email: (06054) 41 DDMA•F1NAL 04.01.2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF44FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 Appendix B-2 AUTHORIZATION TO DEDUCT DUES INTERNATIONAL UNION OF POLICE ASSOCIATIONS TO/EMPLOYER: I City of Sebastian Employees Association Local 6056 I hereby assign to the International Union of Police Associations, from any wages earned or to be earned by me as your employee, my periodic dues In such amounts as are now or hereafter established by the International Union of Police Associations. I authorize and direct you to deduct and withhold such amounts from my salary and to remit the same to said International Union of Police Associations. I hereby waive all rights and claims to said monies deducted and transmitted in accordance with this authorization, and release my employer and all its officers from any liability therefore. This assignment, authorization and direction shall be revocable any time upon thirty (30) days prior written notification to my employer and the International Union of Police Associations. Name of Employee (Print): Signature of Employee: Employee Number: Date Signed: (#6058 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Local Name: City of Sebastian Employees Association Local 6056 I, the undersigned, do hereby apply for membership in the International Union of Police Associations. Name of Employee (Print): Signature of Employee: Position: Date Signed: Address: City, State, Zip: Contact Phone Number: Personal Email: (16056) 42 DDAIA-FINAL 04.01.2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 Positions and Grades Date: 1D/1/2022 Appendbc C 100 100 5 24560.00 5 34,320.00 S 43.68D.00 5 32AD S 1650 $ 21M Golf CartAttendant tennis Court Attendant SDl 101 $ 26IMM $ 36,036A0 $ 45,864D0 $ 12.60 $ 1733 5 M;3 Crossing Guard 102 la $ 27SSBA0 $ 37,837.80 $ 48,157.20 $ 1323 5 IE.19 $ 23N.6 9 rr}udtlan Cashier 103 103 5 28,89432 $ 39,729.69 $ 50,565.06 S 13.89 $ 1910 $ 24_ 1 rWJ Aukiant I gauze $peda0st 104 104 $ 31AW.00 $ 42,900A0 S 54.69750 $ 1SA0 $ 2ob3 $ 26.?D Buslneu Tex Ilcense Soedallst Cladml Aulstant II Maintenance, Worker - Airport Operations I �Maimananco Wodmr I PartNt TerhNclan IN 106 5 33A48.79 $ 45.992.08 S 5853538 5 16M $ 22.11 5 28.14 �4COVt1 - CL-A Asshiant 4V nkel AnNvsj ascents � o((rtt( � 107 107 S 35.121.7 $ 4B,291S9 $ 61,462.15 $ 16.8.9 $ 2322 $ 2955 J dark 0 tst �ni aft Pro o atcetnent off% Im 108 $ 36,87-7.29 $ 50,70517 S 6453525 5 17.73 5 2438 $ 31.03 F)PirtantCerSexton cot M nk Fe os remon H ciTeduddMa�l� rKa rlAtslsLtm Me nterance Records SQQpdalfst 11 Tmffic7edWcian I 109 109 $ 38,721.15 $ 53,241.5E $ 67,762-02 $ 1BZZ $ 25.60 $ 32SB 911 DIS"or Adm=/Zordnx Technician Planner le onco Technician MI5 Technician Traffic Technician 11 _ 310 11D 5 40,65721 5 55,9W.65 5 71,IS0.12 S 1955 S 26.8E S 3421 C=r11 S2,,.t Electrical Imparter Ma mm= Werkcr-birDort Ooeratlom III Maintenance Worker III Special Everts Coord/MW III III ill S 4Z,690A7 S 58,698.85 $ 74.707.62 S 2052 S Is 77 S 3592 Accountant 43 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9890CDD0-5CF4-4FCF-A47F-B296A925FCD7 �I�B� i fY> fll PFrpm Itm isd IOB�REIlI�Qf ' �r �O A tamd u2 $ amw s�s MUM 6 MIM 8 3M 6 Wn 20 ua 1 $47 s sa.7xsas sass s mm s =a es also �r�seSo�ae 1�a U4 $ s W s aa� s a�.>8 s � s an a $ S Ou03 S 733RB■AZ $ saaw, s um # no s ass no no $ 54oU s 7=1M s .se s sew $ Boa s! s area �4