HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-27-2023 CC AgendaSEBASTI�AN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING & FINAL BUDGET HEARING FOR FY22123 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET HEARING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2023 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL A GENDA ITEMS MA Y BE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OR ON THE CHY'S WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. MOMENT OF SILENCE 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Council Member Dodd 4. ROLL CALL 5. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications for additions require a unanimous vote of City Council 6. PROCLAMATIONS. AWARDS. BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENTS Presentations of proclamations, certificates and awards, and brief timely announcements by Council and Staff. No public input or actions under this heading. A. Announcement — Captain Timothy Wood's Graduation from the National FBI Academy B. Presentation — United Way of Indian River County CEO Meredith Egan, Dr. Katie Nall BriefAnnouncements: October 10 — Voter Registration Deadline October 19 -- Sebastian Police Department's Community Night Out in Riverview Park — 5pm to 7:30pm October 26 — Last Day to Request Vote -by -Mail Ballot October 2 7 — City of Sebastian and the Sebastian Police Department Halloween Celebration at Riverview Park Contest Registration Begins at 5:30pm Trunk or Treat Begins at 5:30pm Costume Contest Begins at 6:15pm Movie Night Out -- Hotel Transylvania Begins at 7:15pm 1 of 562 7. RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND CONVENE AS COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY pgs 8-I1 A. Approval of Minutes — June 28, 2023 CRA Meeting pgs 12-15 B. Consider Resolution No. R-24-01 Adopting the Riverfront Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 (Transmittal, R-24-01, Ex. A) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2023 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2024; MAKING FINDINGS; AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT AND TRANSFERS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. pgs 16-57 C. Consideration of a Motion Making a Recommendation to the City Council on How to Best Pursue the Redevelopment of the Harbor Lights Property (Transmittal, F.S.163.380, Master Plan Excerpt, RFP) pgs 58- 223 D. Request for Proposal (RFP#23-11) for the Sale and Redevelopment of City - Owned Property and Provision of a Mixed -Use Development Located at 100 Veterans Memorial Highway, Sebastian, Florida Situated in the Community Redevelopment Area (Transmittal, RFP#23-11, Response, Appraisal, Master Plan Excerpt) 8. ADJOURN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING AND RECONVENE AS CITY COUNCIL 9. PUBLIC HEARING A. Final Hearing on Millage for Calendar Year 2023 and FY 2023/2024 Budget ii. Attorney advises Council on Procedure for Millage/Budget Hearing and Reads Titles for Resolutions R-23-xx and R-23-xx iii. Budget Overview (Budget Document Available at https://weblink. eityofsebastian.org/W ebLink/DocView.aspx?id=273286) iv. Mayor Opens Hearing for Public Comment on the Millage and Budget V. Mayor Closes Public Hearing vi. City Council Deliberation and Action: pgs 224-225 a) Adopt Resolution No. R-23-24 Millage Rate for Calendar Year 2023 (Transmittal, R-23-24) 2 of 562 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A FINAL MILLAGE OF 3.1955 MILLS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2023; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. pgs 226-233 b) Adopt Resolution No. R-23-25 Budget for Fiscal Year 2023/2024 (Transmittal, R-23, Sched. A) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2023 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2024; MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PAYMENT OF OPERATING EXPENSES, CAPITAL EXPENSE, AND FOR THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYMENTS ON THE INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY IN THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND, SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS, GOLF COURSE FUND, AIRPORT FUND, AND BUILDING FUND AS PROVIDED FOR IN SCHEDULE "A", ATTACHED HERETO; ESTABLISHING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY MANAGER TO IMPLEMENT THE BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. pgs 234-247 c) Adopt Resolution No. R-23-26 Financial Policies for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 (Transmittal, R-23-26, Attachment A) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING FINANCIAL POLICIES GOVERNING VARIOUS AREAS OF BUDGET AND FINANCE AS PROVIDED FOR IN ATTACHMENT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. pgs 248-251 d) Adopt Resolution No. R-23-27 Approving the Six -Year Capital Improvement Program for the Fiscal Years 2024-2029 (R-23-27) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A SIX -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS ENDING 2024-2029; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 3 of 562 Procedures for levislative public hearines: Mayor opens hearing Attorney reads ordinance title Staff presentation Public input Staff summation Mayor closes hearing Council deliberation and action pgs 252-365 B. Second Reading, Public Hearing Ordinance No. 0-23-09 — Petition for Voluntary Land Swap — 0.07 Acre Parcel, 600 Schuman Drive (Transmittal, 0-23-09, Agreement, Deeds, Title Commitment, Request) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE EXCHANGE OF PARCELS PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-93, CITY OF SEBASTIAN CODE OF ORDINANCES, REGARDING THE CONVEYANCE OF A 2r98 . it Z 9 b 1. to SQUARE FOOT PARCEL FROM SCHUMANN ROAD INDIAN RIVER, LLC TO THE CITY IN EXCHANGE FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF A .2,9-28 SQUARE z 77.413 FOOT PARCEL FROM THE CITY TO SCHUMANN ROAD INDIAN RIVER, LLC; DESCRIBING EACH PARCEL; FINDING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE EXCHANGE OF PARCELS TO BE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 10. PUBLIC INPUT The heading on Regular Meeting agendas "Public Input"provides an opportunityfor individuals to bring NEW INFORMATION OR REQUESTS TO CITY COUNCIL NOT OTHERWISE ON THE PREPARED AGENDA. Individuals are asked to resolve matters with staff prior to meetings. Individuals are asked to provide copies of materials for Council one week prior to the meeting if they intend to refer to specific material. City Council will not debate an issue during Public Input but may by consensus direct a Charter Officer in regard to the item if necessary or place a requested item on a future agenda. 11. CONSENT AGENDA .411 items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member of City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. If a member of the public wishes to provide input on a consent agenda item, he/she should request a Council Member to remove the item for discussion prior to start of the meeting or by raising his/her hand to be recognized. pgs 366-368 A. Council Travel to 2023-2024 Legislative Policy Committee Meetings & Conference (Transmittal, Info) pgs 369-392 B. FFY 2022 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program (Transmittal, Notice, Info, Letter) 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS & APPOINTMENTS City committee reports and Council Member regional committee reports. No public input or action except for City committee member nominations and appointments under this heading. 4of56'_ 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 14. NEW BUSINESS pgs 393-400 A. Consider Resolution No. R-23-29 Requesting the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County to Adopt the Areas Set Forth in Exhibit "A" as Areas of Limited Local Anchoring Pursuant to Florida Statute §327.4108 (Transmittal, R-23-29, Ex. A, F.S. §327.4108) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY ADOPT THE AREAS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "A" AS AREAS OF LIMITED LOCAL ANCHORING PURSUANT TO STATE LAW; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. pgs 401-442 B. Consideration of a Motion Providing Direction to the City Manager on How to Best Pursue the Redevelopment of the Harbor Lights Property (Transmittal, F.S. §163.380, Master Plan Excerpt, RFP#23-08) pgs 443-518 C. Consideration of the Evaluation of the Request for Proposal (RFP#23-11) for the Sale and Redevelopment of City -Owned Property and Provision of a Mixed -Use Development Located at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, Florida, (former Public Works Compound) Situated in the Community Redevelopment Area for Possible Award to Stilldragon of North America, LLC) pgs 519-537 D. Approval of Lease with PROFLIGHT MANAGEMENT, LLC for Hangar "D" at the Sebastian Municipal Airport and Authorization for the City Manager to Execute All Appropriate Documents (Transmittal, Agreements) pgs 538-555 E. Award Invitation to Bid (ITB) #23-14 CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Project for 9 Single -Family Home Units to Qualified Bidders in Amount Not to Exceed $119,495.00 (Transmittal, Bid tab, Exhibits A-E, Attachments A & B) pgs 556-560 F. Approve Grant Administration Services from Guardian CRM, Inc. for CDBG Entitlement Funding for Annual Action Plan FY 2022/2023 (Transmittal, CSA #7, Award Letter) pgs 561-562 G. November City Council Meeting Dates (Transmittal, Calendar) 15. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS 16. CITY MANAGER MATTERS 17. CITY CLERK MATTERS 18. CITY COUNCIL MATTERS A. Council Member Dixon B. Council Member Dodd C. Council Member McPartlan D. Mayor Jones E. Vice Mayor Nunn 5 of 562 19. ADJOURN (All meetings shall adjourn by 9:30 pm unless extended for up to one half hour by a majority vote of City Council) NO STENOGRAPHIC RECORD BY A CERTIFIED COURT REPORTER WILL BE MADE OF THE FOREGOING MEETING. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL, BOARD OR AGENCY WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING OR HEARING WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) OF 1990, ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 388-8226 — ADA @CITYOFSEBASTIAN. OR G AT LEAST 48 HOURS 17V ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. ZOOM INFORMATION Please click the link to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84771502249 Or One tap mobile: +13052241968„84771502249# US +13092053325„84771502249# US Webinar ID: 847 7150 2249 International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kehh4CCIUm 6 of 562 PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC INPUT IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLUTION NO. R-21-32 Regular Citv Council Meetings Public input is ALLOWED under the heading: Consent Agenda Public Hearings Unfinished Business • New Business • Public Input Public Input is NOT ALLOWED under the headines: • Proclamations, Awards, Brief Announcements (except for individuals giving or accepting proclamations or awards); • Committee Reports and Appointments (except for committee members giving reports and applicants being interviewed for committee appointments); • City Council Matters • Charter Officer Matters • Council may, by majority vote, call upon an individual to provide input if desired. Workshous and Saecial Meetings Public input is limited to the item on the agenda Time Limit Input on agenda items where public input is permitted on agendas is FIVE MINUTES; however, City Council may extend or terminate an individual's time by majority vote of Council members present. Input Directed to Chair Speakers shall address the City Council IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO CITY COUNCIL DELIBERATION of the agenda item and ALL INPUT SHALL BE DIRECTED TO THE CHAIR, unless answering a question of a member of City Council or City staff. Individuals shall not address City Council after commencement of City Council deliberation on an agenda item after public input has concluded, providing, however, the Mayor and members of City Council may recall an individual to provide additional information or to answer questions. Certain Remarks Prohibited Personal, impertinent, and slanderous remarks, political campaigning, and applauding are not permitted and may result in expulsion from the meeting. The Chair shall make determinations on such remarks, subject to the repeal provisions below. Avvealine Decisions of Chair Any member of Council may appeal the decision of the Chair to the entire Council. A majority vote of City Council shall overrule any decision of the Chair. Public Input Heading on Agenda The heading on Regular Meeting agendas "Public Input" provides an opportunity for individuals to bring NEW INFORMATION OR REQUESTS TO CITY COUNCIL NOT OTHERWISE ON THE PREPARED AGENDA. Individuals are asked to attempt to resolve matters with staff prior to meetings. Individuals are asked to provide copies of material for Council one week prior to the meeting if they intend to refer to specific material. City Council will not debate an issue during Public Input but may by consensus direct a Charter Officer in regard to the item if necessary or place a requested item on a future agenda. 7 of 562 M 11-f SE T.,� i HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENTAGEN CY 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 The attached June 28, 2023 Community Redevelopment Agency minutes were approved at the September 27, 2023 Community Redevelopment Agency meeting. Chairman Fred Jones ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, City Clerk 8 of 562 Regular City Council & CRA Meeting June 28, 2023 Page 2 Grace Reed, Sebastian, thanked Council for making the decision to run for Council which takes time away from their personal lives. During the past few months, she has determined it is a thankless job with little compensation. She said there are some who are quick to ridicule, defame or threaten their next vote but they don't appear willing to run to take on the task of representing the people. She said in November she will make her decision based on what Council has shown her and how they treat the public and interact with their peers. Ron Mather, Sebastian, said now that people are comfortable not wearing masks, he thought if Council Members were not present at the meetings, their vote should not count; it should go back to the way it was. Vice Mayor Nunn advised the voting precedence is based on state law and the City's Charter and ordinances. They could look at it in a future Charter review but it wasn't something they could just change. Mr. Mather said he contacted Waste Management to see who owns the newly distributed carts and was advised that Waste Management does. He asked if there is a hurricane, why would he want to take care of Waste Management's property. He asked who is liable for it blowing around in the street. Mayor Jones advised that was a legal question for Waste Management. 8. Mayor Jones recessed the City Council meeting at 6:09 p.m. and convened the — Community Redevelopment Agency meeting. A. Approval of Minutes — September 30, 2022 CRA Meeting B. Approval of Minutes — April 26, 2023 CRA Meeting MOTION by Mr. Dodd and SECOND by Mr. McPartlan to approve the CRA minutes for the September 30, 2022 and April 26, 2023 meetings. Roll call: Vice Chairman Nunn -aye Ms. Dixon - aye Mr. Dodd - aye Mr. McPartlan - aye Chairman Jones - aye Motion carried. 5-0 C. Approve the Sebastian CRA Sustainable Economic Redevelopment Master Plan, 2023 (Transmittal, Plan) The Administrative Services Director advised the consultants who were employed to develop the master plan were present and ready to make a presentation. 9 of 562 Regular City Council & CRA Meeting June 28, 2023 Page 3 Laura Smith, Urban Analytics Manager, GAI Consultants, Inc. introduced herself and said some benefits of this update were the identification of items that needed to be taken out of the CRA Trust Fund and placed in the City's budget; an inconsistency in the County's contribution that will benefit the City going forward; and a reminder that the CRA will sunset in 10 more years. Natalie Frazier, Senior Analyst, GAI Consultants, Inc. displayed a PowerPoint presentation outlining the process of updating the plan and some of the findings. (See attached) She said GAI recommends evaluating the projects and programs that will remain active within five years of this update to see if extending the agency is necessary; adopting a formal definition of "old fishing village;" developing a formal style guide to provide design criteria to prevent delays in developing and redeveloping the existing structures; modifying each overlay district to adopt the fishing village and style guide; and prioritizing the opportunity sites identified in the plan. Mr. Dodd asked if they should prioritize the five catalysts sites and go forward. The CRA Manager said two sites are currently out for RFP and she is hopeful that Council will be comfortable with what will be proposed to give the City the economic boost they are looking for. There are grant dollars and plans to expand the Working Waterfront area as well as a design to expand the Riverview Park area recommended by 2018 GAI Mr. Dodd asked if separate action was needed to develop Catalyst Site 5 noting developing parks was the number one priority of a recent citizen's survey. The CRA Manager advised there is funding available to move forward with a design for Harrison Street and the overflow parking area. In the next year there is construction money. Ann Gallop, Sebastian, said she had the opportunity to look through the plan and noted it sounds like it is to be a 15-Minute City which is a global agenda affecting rights and freedom which she hopes Sebastian isn't walking into. Llisa Boisvert said she understood that the City didn't pay for the plan and asked who was the benefactor? She said China has some 15-minutes cities and asked if they wanted their privacy invaded. She asked Council to research this before voting on the plan. She said there will be more litigation if this passes. Louise Kautenburg, Sebastian, commended Ms. Boisvert's suggestion that they should all do more research including her as many have missed the material provided where she would have seen the funding doesn't come from the City; the company drafted the plan at the direction of the City; and the aspirations are in balance with what the community asked for in the public meetings. She explained the County takes taxes from all of properties in the CRA and returns those monies back to the CRA as opposed to being thrown into the big bucket so that a majority of the citizens will benefit from the improvements. Vice Chairman Nunn stated the CRA district was founded in 1995 to help redevelop the riverfront area to provide a better community for the citizens. He said the plan did not 10 of 562 Regular City Council & CRA Meeting June 29, 2023 Page 4 include anything about cameras, controlling the citizens or hampering their life --only to make it better for the City on the riverfront. Mr. Dodd said he agreed with the people concerned about being controlled and reminded them that this Council refused to put cameras in school zones although he doesn't want to see people speeding through school zones. There seems to be confusion in what's talked about as a smart city which is a technology smart city with cameras and monitors. He has never seen anything in any city that is stopping people going from one zone to another except maybe in Moscow. He said there is a concept called a walkable city, where you build mixed use commercial and residential in the same area so those that live there can walk and shop where they live. They are not going to see Sebastian turn into a smart city. He didn't think the plan was tied to conspiracy things that the people talked about. He said the plan was paid fbr by state taxes and theoretically anything that government gives is paid for by the taxpayers. He said he doesn't want to see every move monitored with active cameras which is why he doesn't live in New York. He said that he was in favor of the plan. MOTION by Mr. Dodd and SECOND by Ms. Dixon to approve the Sustainable Economic Redevelopment Master Plan. Mr. McPartlan said he has seen all of the great things completed since the last CRA update and they should look out for growth. He noted that they are being monitored now by carrying cell phones or credits cards with the chips. He said he hoped they go to 2063 and in that short period things could change; he was in agreement with the plan. Roll call: Ms. Dixon - aye Mr. Dodd - aye Mr. McPartlan - aye Chairman Jones - aye Vice Chairman Nunn - aye Motion carried. 5-0 9. Chairman Jones adjourned the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting at 6:46 p.m. and reconvened the City Council meeting. 10. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes — June 14, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting 23.107 B. Approve the Ground Lessor Estoppel and Agreement from Sheltair Sebastian, LLC and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Related Documents (Transmittal, Ex. A) 11 of 562 OD OF SFBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RIVERFRONT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM CRA BOARD MEETING: September 27, 2023 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Consider Resolution No. R-24-01 Adopting the Riverfront Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 RECOMMENDATION: CRA Board Approval of Resolution R-24-01 BACKGROUND: In accordance with Florida Statute 189.418(3), a Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) "shall adopt a budget by resolution each fiscal year". The Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024, beginning October 1, 2023 and ending September 30, 2024, is included as Exhibit "A" to the Resolution for the CRA Board's consideration. The recommended operating expenditures, grants and aids and transfers for capital projects budget for the CRA is $500,215. The total Tax Increment Funding ("TIF") revenue is projected to be $471,765. Capital expenditures include matching funds on a 50% FIND Grant for design and preparation of bid documents for Working Waterfront Improvements. Funding is also being set aside for future matching funds toward construction of those improvements. The CRA budget is also incorporated in the Annual Budget for the City of Sebastian as a Special Revenue Fund, which is also scheduled for final approval at this meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution R-24-01, including Exhibit "A". IF AGENDA ITEM REOUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: Total Cost: $500,215 Fund to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Community Redevelopment Agency Fund Administrative Services Department Review - City Attorney Review: r Procurement Division Review, if applicable: VIA City Manager Authorization: Date: f a� j'aaa3 12 of 562 CITY OF SEBASTIAN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RESOLUTION NO.24-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2023 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2024; MAKING FINDINGS; AUTHORIZING AMENDMENTS AND TRANSFERS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Sebastian has submitted a Budget for the City of Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2023 and ending September 30, 2024; and WHEREAS, the CRA Budget includes estimated expenditures necessary to carry out the functions of the CRA for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2023, and ending September 30, 2024; and WHEREAS, the CRA Budget includes the estimated revenues to be received by the CRA during said period from all sources, including Tax Increment Funding (TIF); and WHEREAS, the CRA has examined and carefully considered the proposed Budget in a duly assembled meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BOARD OF CITY OF SEBASTIAN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: SECTION 1. RECITALS. The Recitals contained above in the Whereas clauses are hereby ratified as being true and correct; are determined to be the legislative findings of the City of Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency; and made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2. ADOPTION OF BUDGET. The City of Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency does hereby adopt, confirm and approve the budget attached hereto as Exhibit "A" as the budget for the CRA for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2023 and ending September 30, 2024. SECTION 3. FINDINGS. The governing board of the CRA does hereby find that: (a) The Budget adopted has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; and 13 of 562 (b) The estimated revenues to be received by the CRA during the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2023, and ending September 30, 2024 from all sources, including tax increment funds, equals the total of appropriations for expenditures and for reserves during said period; and (c) The Budget will regulate expenditures of the CRA and no expenditures or contracts for expenditures shall be made except in pursuance of budgeted appropriations; (d) The Budget is adopted in accordance with Section 189.418, Florida Statutes. SECTION 4. CITY MANAGER AUTHORIZATIONS — AMENDMENTS. In order to effect an orderly year-end closeout of all financial books and records for the CRA, the City of Sebastian City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to increase the corresponding line item appropriations in the Budget to the extent of those purchase orders which shall have been issued prior to September 30, 2023, but shall not have been filled prior to that date, and is authorized and directed to pay all such purchase orders upon receipt of the goods or services therein specified from the funds so 'FFLuFliated. The City of Sebastian City Manager is hereby further authorized and directed to increase the budget appropriations to the extent of any unexpended balances from state, federal or other grants as of the end of business on September 30, 2023, and to the extent of any unexpended balances, whether or not encumbered, outstanding in projects or programs as of the end of business on September 30, 2023 and all such balances shall be appropriated to the corresponding accounts in the same funds in which they were outstanding as of September 30, 2023; and the City Manager shall be authorized to expend such avFiLv ,.rations for the purposes approved by the CRA in connection with such state, federal or other grants, and projects. The City Manager shall, prior to December 31, 2023, report all such purchase orders, grants and projects to the CRA. Corresponding changes in the anticipated revenue accounts are thereafter hereby authorized. SECTION 5. CITY MANAGER AUTHORIZATIONS — BUDGET TRANSFERS. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to maintain and amend the budget so as to reflect the anticipated revenue and the aF,,..F..ation of, and expenditure of, all grant funds and bond proceeds committed to, or received by the CRA subsequent to September 30, 2023, and prior to October 1, 2024, in accordance with the directions of the CRA as to the appropriation and expenditure of such grants and bond proceeds as and when received. The City Manager shall have the authority to transfer appropriations from one line item to another line item of the budget, so long as the total appropriations shall not be increased thereby. Transactions affecting total appropriations, other than those authorized herein in other sections shall require the prior approval 14 of 562 of the CRA. Any such transactions are subject to any restrictive statutes or ordinances, including those authorizing the issuance of any outstanding bonds. SECTION 6. CONFLICTS. All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 7. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this resolution may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 8. SEVERABILITY. If any clause, section, or other part or application of this Resolution shall be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such unconstitutional or invalid part or application shall be considered as eliminated and so not affecting the validity of the remaining portions or applications remaining in full force and effect. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall become effective October 1, 9IJPU The foregoing Resolution was moved for adoption by CRA Board member . The motion was seconded by CRA Board member and, upon being put into a vote, the vote was as follows: Fred Jones, Chairman Ed Dodd Bob McPartlan Christopher Nunn Kelly Dixon The CRA Chairman thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted on this 271h day of September, 2023. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, City Clerk Fred Jones, Chairman Approved as to form and legality for the reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Jennifer Cockcroft, City Attorney 15 of 562 Mn SEBASTL HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CRA AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meetim Date: September 27, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Consideration of a motion making a recommendation to the City Council on how to best pursue the redevelopment of the Harbor Lights property. Recommendation: Staff requests action from the CRA Board on a recommendation to the City Council on how to best pursue the redevelopment of the Harbor Lights property. Background: The City of Sebastian requested proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 1215 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Harbor Lights Motel). Request for Proposal (RFP #23-08) was issued in accordance with the disposal of real property provisions set forth in Section 163.380, Florida Statutes. On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 2:00 PM EST, all proposals were due to be submitted. No proposals were received. Staff believes the potential development of the property may be compromised by its small size (0.51+/- acres) and the regulatory conditions found in the Riverfront Overlay District. However, the site does offer many opportunities as outlined within the CRA Master Plan and due to the availability of existing infrastructure within Indian River Drive. Options to be considered include: 1. Keep the property and offer only a ground lease to any interested developers. 2. Keep the property and develop public space that compliments the CRA and adjacent public space. 3. SeIl the property "as is" to highest bidder with no conditions of development. At this time, the CRA Board should make a recommendation to the City Council on further action regarding the redevelopment of this property, in accordance with Florida Statutes Section 163.380 and Section Four of the Sebastian CRA Redevelopment Master Plan. This agenda item will then be considered by the City Council at its regular Council meeting. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: NA Total Cost: $0.00 Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NA Attachments: 1. Florida Statutes Section 163.380. 2. Sebastian CRA Redevelopment Master Plan 2022-2023; Applicable content of Section Four, pages 52 — 59. 3. RFP 23-08, Sale of Old Harbor Lights Motel Property Administrative Services Department Review . -I l City Attorney Review: Jfr Procurement Division R jiiff pplicable: Nr�� City Mana er Authorization: _ Date: 1/aoa3 16 of 562 Select Year: 2023 v F Go The 2023 Florida Statutes Title XI Chapter 163 View Entire COUNTY ORGANIZATION AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL QR&C INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS PROGRAMS 163.380 Disposal of property in community redevelopment area. —The disposal of property in a community redevelopment area which is acquired by eminent domain is subject to the limitations set forth in s. 73,013. (1) Any county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may sell, lease, dispose of, or otherwise transfer real property or any interest therein acquired by it for community redevelopment in a community redevelopment area to any private person, or may retain such property for public use, and may enter into contracts with respect thereto for residential, recreational, commercial, industrial, educational, or other uses, in accordance with the community redevelopment plan, subject to such covenants, conditions, and restrictions, including covenants running with the land, as it deems necessary or desirable to assist in preventing the development or spread of future slums or blighted areas or to otherwise carry out the purposes of this part. However, such sale, lease, other transfer, or retention, and any agreement relating thereto, may be made only after the approval of the community redevelopment plan by the governing body. The purchasers or lessees and their successors and assigns shall be obligated to devote such real property only to the uses specified in the community redevelopment plan and may be obligated to comply with such other requirements as the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may determine to be in the public interest, including the obligation to begin any improvements on such real property required by the community redevelopment plan within a reasonable time. (2) Such real property or interest shalt be sold, leased, otherwise transferred, or retained at a value determined to be in the public interest for uses in accordance with the community redevelopment plan and in accordance with such reasonable disposal procedures as any county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may prescribe. In determining the value of real property as being in the public interest for uses in accordance with the community redevelopment plan, the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency shall take into account and give consideration to the long-term benefits to be achieved by the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency resulting from incurring short-term losses or costs in the disposal of such real property; the uses provided in such plan; the restrictions upon, and the covenants, conditions, and obligations assumed by, the purchaser or lessee or by the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency retaining the property; and the objectives of such plan for the prevention of the recurrence of slum or blighted areas. In the event the value of such real property being disposed of is for less than the fair value, such disposition shall require the approval of the governing body, which approval may only be given following a duly noticed public hearing. The county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may provide in any instrument of conveyance to a private purchaser or lessee that such purchaser or lessee is without power to sell, lease, or otherwise transfer the real property without the prior written consent of the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency until the purchaser or lessee has completed the construction of any or all improvements which he or she has obligated himself or herself to construct thereon. Real property acquired by the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency which, in accordance with the provisions of the community redevelopment plan, is to be transferred shall be transferred as rapidly as feasible in the public interest, consistent with the carrying out of the provisions of the community redevelopment plan. Any contract for such transfer and the community redevelopment plan, or such part or parts of such contract or plan as the county, 17 of 562 municipality, or community redevelopment agency may determine, may be recorded in the land records of the clerk of the circuit court in such manner as to afford actual or constructive notice thereof. (3)(a) Prior to disposition of any real property or interest therein in a community redevelopment area, any county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency shall give public notice of such disposition by publication in a newspaper having a general circulation in the community, at least 30 days prior to the execution of any contract to sell, lease, or otherwise transfer real property and, prior to the delivery of any instrument of conveyance with respect thereto under the provisions of this section, invite proposals from, and make all pertinent information available to, private redevelopers or any persons interested in undertaking to redevelop or rehabilitate a community redevelopment area or any part thereof. Such notice shall identify the area or portion thereof and shall state that proposals must be made by those interested within 30 days after the date of publication of the notice and that such further information as is available may be obtained at such office as is designated in the notice. The county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency shall consider all such redevelopment or rehabilitation proposals and the financial and legal ability of the persons making such proposals to carry them out; and the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may negotiate with any persons for proposals for the purchase, lease, or other transfer of any real property acquired by it in the community redevelopment area. The county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may accept such proposal as it deems to be in the public interest and in furtherance of the purposes of this part. Except in the case of a governing body acting as the agency, as provided in s. 163.357, a notification of intention to accept such proposal must be filed with the governing body not less than 30 days prior to any such acceptance. Thereafter, the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may execute such contract in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) and deliver deeds, leases, and other instruments and take all steps necessary to effectuate such contract. (b) Any county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency that, pursuant to the provisions of this section, has disposed of a real property project with a land area in excess of 20 acres may acquire an expanded area that is immediately adjacent to the original project and less than 35 percent of the land area of the original project, by purchase as provided in this chapter, and negotiate a disposition of such expanded area directly with the person who acquired the original project without complying with the disposition procedures established in paragraph (a), provided the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency adopts a resolution making the following findings: 1. It is in the public interest to expand such real property project to an immediately adjacent area. 2. The expanded area is less than 35 percent of the land area of the original project. 3. The expanded area is entirely within the boundary of the community redevelopment area. (4) Any county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may temporarily operate and maintain real property acquired by it in a community redevelopment area for or in connection with a community redevelopment plan pending the disposition of the property as authorized in this part, without regard to the provisions of subsection (1), for such uses and purposes as may be deemed desirable, even though not in conformity with the community redevelopment plan. (5) If any conflict exists between the provisions of this section and s. 159,61, the provisions of this section govern and supersede those of s. 159,61. (6) Notwithstanding any provision of this section, if a community redevelopment area is established by the governing body for the redevelopment of property located on a closed military base within the governing body's boundaries, the procedures for disposition of real property within that community redevelopment area shall be prescribed by the governing body, and compliance with the other provisions of this section shall not be required prior to the disposal of real property. History.—s. 11, ch. 69-305; s. 9, ch. 77-391; s. 13, ch. 84-356; s. 1, ch. 92-162; s. 906, ch. 95-147; s. 1, ch. 96-254; s. 9, ch. 98-314; S. 12, ch. 2006.11. Copyright ®1995-2023 The Florida Legislature • Privacv Statement • Contact Us 18 of 562 SEBASTIAN CRA MAJOR THEMES Throughout the formation of this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan, as well as during the public input and workshop sessions, five overarching themes were identified. These themes are to be used as a planning framework for the Agency to help enhance the character of the downtown and to embrace opportunities that exist within the CRA. These major themes include. An INFRASTRUCTURE & DRAINAGE RINI A Rvverfront Drainage Study performed in 2014 identified a list of stormwater Improvement areas within the Sebastian CRA; these included drainage improvements to Indian River, "Presidential Street", Coolidge Street, Central Avenue/Davis Street, and the CavCorp parking lot. These stormwater facility improvements were completed in 2017 through the installation of baffle boxes at major outfoll locations. In addition, the Agency continues plans to address other infrastructure needs relative to septic -to -sewer conversion within the redevelopment area. The stormwater facilities and water/sewer utility infrastructure may require upgrades within the CRA, especially when anticipating new demand driven by residential, commercial, and mixed -use development. WATERFRONT, PARKS, & PUBLIC SPACES The CRA closely identifies with its waterfront, occupying over 47% of its total acreage. The Agency has prioritized access and preservation of its waterfront, as it is vital to the area's economic success. The CRA's community continues to support these preservation efforts, subsequently preserving and enhancing the City's history as a fishing village, contribute to the desired design theme, and make use of the waterfront resource to maximize economic development. Open space enhancement projects along the water and restoring waterfront properties for new uses were contemplated within the 2010 Sebastian CRA Master Plan and have been continued within this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan. In 20f8, the consensus of community members and key stakeholders was to focus on river views and access, a waterfront pedestrian experience, and open public spaces. Specifically, the "Working Waterfront" initiative has been a high priority of the City and the Agency to promote economic revitalization along the Indian River coast. Subsequently, these efforts have continued to bring activity and regeneration to the Sebastian shoreline. In addition, enhancing the existing Riverview Park is a prime example of the potential for park revitalization and economic activity in the surrounding vicinity. A Riverview Park Master Plan was completed in 2019 to diversify its current uses and implement best management practices moving forward. The Agency seeks to generate more engagement with its open space by creating connectivity between greenspaces through implementation of a pedestrian pathway system, greenway connectors, and bicycle paths that may provide for future recreation enhancement opportunities. The Agency also seeks to enhance its recreational piers, waterfront boat ramp access, and smaller opportunistic waterfront parks, especially within the Park District. j ROADS, PARKING, & PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIVITY IMPROVEMENTS The CRA community's desire for road and pedestrian connectivity improvements along U.S. Highway 1 and Indian River Drive were significant observations during the public input sessions. The CRA is prioritizing pedestrian connectivity and accessibility in order to link west Sebastian to the waterfront by creating a more pedestrian- and bicycle -friendly streetscape environment and providing visual linkages between the riverfront and U.S, Highway 1. These improvements may include, but not be limited to, boulevard landscaping including street trees and sidewalks, widened sidewalks and curbed dedicated bicycling space along Indian River Drive, flashing pedestrian crosswalks across U.S. Highway 1 towards the riverfront, and safer crosswalk areas along the railroad tracks near the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area. In addition, the Land Development Code was updated under Ordinance No. 0-10-05 in an effort to encourage public parking use in high -demand/ low -supply areas. The "payment in lieu of parking" program permits the use of City parking areas adjacent to commercial property to satisfy zoning requirements. The Agency envisions increasing public parking in the CRA, and establishing on -street parking and streetscapes adjacent to recreation areas. PUBLIC SAFETY Another observation from the community during the public input session was the desire to enhance public safety throughout the CRA, ensuring that everyone can live and work in a safe environment. In doing so, the Agency could develop a comprehensive public safety initiative that addresses public safety needs of the community. 1 52 1 2023 Sebastian CRA Sustainable Redevelopment Master Plan 19 of 562 Currently, the City Police Department consists of a road patrol, canine, and marine unit divisions with the main commitment to maintaining a safe and peaceful environment for all residents and visitors within the City. Additional ways the Agency may increase public safety could include increased lighting and safety measures in community spaces, developing public health and prevention strategies, and prioritizing youth development. PRESERVING THE COMMUNITY CHARACTER • Promoting the community character as "Old Florida Fishing Village" and the CRA as a destination has been a major priority within the CRA since adoption. In doing so, the Agency has prioritized creating a unique brand through signage, wayfinding, and advertising, in addition, the CRA has prioritized enhancing existing recreation land in the CRA through use of appropriate urban design for parks and open spaces, increasing pedestrian connectivity and walkways, and preserving the character of the existing neighborhoods through proper landscaping, lighting, and signage. All of these practices have helped define the Sebastian CRA's community character and a coherent sense of place when visiting the CRA. These five major themes have helped identify the guiding principles, as well as the recommended improvement and redevelopment programs within the CRA, as detailed along the following pages. Photo Courtesy of CoStar GUIDING PRINCIPLES The principles identified below are derived from public engagement, other plans, and background data utilized. The analysis and feedback suggest a variety of objectives that are the essential elements of this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan structural framework. ENCOURAGE • Residential and mixed -use development within the Sebastian Blvd. Triangle Overlay District. • Retail uses adjacent to Riverview Park. • Compatible infil€ development. • Enhancement of the character of the CRA with architecture that addresses the community's "Old Florida Fishing Village" scale and feel. If. CREATE • Gateway features at west end of Sebastian Blvd, Triangle Overlay District and on U.5. Highway 1 Visual linkages between the riverfront and U.S. Highway 1. • Improved bicycle and pedestrian linkages to the riverfront and between recreation lands. • Additional on-street/off -street parking. • Pocket parks and wildlife observation areas. • Opportunities to facilitate development of catalyst sites and other priorities through property acquisition. Ill. PRESERVE • Protect and enhance uses and buildings along and adjacent to one of the area's most important assets: the Indian River Lagoon. Important historic resources in the redevelopment area, particularly those that help to Illustrate the area's fishing heritage, as well as those that meaningfully contribute to the "Old Florida Fishing Village" character. • Waterfront access and continued riverfront activities. IV PROMOTE Promote the redevelopment area as a destination for shopping, dining, events, and recreation. • Incentive, Grant, and Assistance Programs available to property owners and businesses within the CRA. Section 4 Redevelopment Plan I 20 of 562 RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENT & REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS WITHIN THE SEBASTIAN CRA REDEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY BY CONCEPTUAL PLANNING DISTRICT Sebastian U S -I Sebastian Park Blvd. Commercial Riverfront Blvd. Mixed -Use South Encourage Residential + Mixed Use Development X X X X Retail Uses adjacent to Riverview Park X Compatible Infill Development X X X X X "Old Florida Fishing Village" Character X X X X Development of Catalyst Sites X X X X Create Renovations/Upgrades to Riverview Park X Gateway Features X X X On-Street/Off-Street Parking X X X Pocket Parks + Wildlife Observation Areas X X X Property Acquisition X X X X X Improvements to Recreational "Twin" Piers X X Increased Pedestrian Connectivity X X X X Streetscape Improvements + Vegetative X X X X Landscaping Preserve Protect + Enhance Indian River Lagoon Frontage X X Historic Resource Protection X X X X X Waterfront Access + Riverfront Activities X X Preservation Promote Marketing of Redevelopment Area as Destination X X X X X Promote Incentive/Grant/Assistance Programs X X X X X Source. Sobas6on Community Redevofopmenl Agency, 6A7 Consultants Inc. REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS FACADE, SIGN, AND LANDSCAPING MATCHING GRANT PROGRAM - This program provides funds to assist property owners and/or business owners to improve and install new signage and/or landscaping. SEPTIC TO SEWER CONNECTION GRANT (S2S) - This program is designed to provide individual grants to qualified property owners for costs incurred to remove an operational septic tank system that serves and occupied facility or building and connects to the County sanitary sewer system. SSP is available to businesses or residences located with the Redevelopment Area currently utilizing septic systems. PARKING -IN -LIEU PROGRAM - This program provides for establishing parking within the right-of-way at a rate of $3,200 per space. STORMWATER FEE CREDIT PROGRAM - All properties within City, whether or not they discharge stormwater directly into the Sebastian Stormwater Utility ("Utility") system, will pay a proportionate share of the Utility expenses incurred in providing generalized benefits to the system. Property located within the City from which stormwater runoff is discharged, either directly or indirectly, may be eligible for a reduction in the stormwater fee from the Utility. Single -Family Residential lots are not eligible for this credit. The City shall reasonably determine "fee credit" based upon the savings to the Utility resulting from the property's stormwater facilities or unique features. Stormwater fee credits include: incorporation of LID/BMP alternative practices such as vegetated swales and buffers, permeable pavers, bioretention and bioswales. 1 54 1 2023 Sebastian CRA Sustainable Redevelopment Master Plan 21 of 562 CONCEPTUAL PLANNING DISTRICTS' PRIORITIES As a part of the 2D23 Sebastian CRA Master Plan, major priorities have been identified for each of the CRA's conceptual planning districts. These priorities are provided for the short-term (1-5 years) and the long-term (6-10 years), as illustrated below. These projects and associated time frames are consistent with the updated goals and objectives within this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan. Park District SHORT-TERM PRIORITIES Implementation of Riverview Park Master Plan Upgrades and Renovations. Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. Streetscape improvements to Indian River Drive. Creation of riverfront event space. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill development projects. Create "local activity center" surrounding the Riverview Park, to include complementary retail uses, connectivity to the riverfront, and streetscape improvements. Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Sebastian Blvd. Mixed-UseRiverfront s District 'N District SHORT-TERM PRIORITIES Improvement of the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area to provide for mixed -use development, connectivity to adjacent residential communities, and streetscape Improvements. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill development projects. LONG-TERM PRIORITIES New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Modification of lake to create park/ open space feature. U.S.-i Commercial District Installation of gateway treatments at entrances to the CRA along U.S. Highway 1. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill commercial development. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Enhancement of the U.S. Highway 1 streetscape to provide for greater pedestrian and bicycle usability, as well as the installation of mature landscaping and trees. Property acquisition to facilitate infill commercial development. SHORT-TERM PRIORITIES Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. Streetscape improvements to Indian River Drive. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill development projects. LONG-TERM PRIORITIES Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Sebastian Blvd. South District Installation of gateway treatments at entrances to the CRA along Sebastian Boulevard. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Property acquisition to facilitate infill development projects. Section 4 ftedeve[opnsent r1nn 1 55 22 of 562 RFP #23-08 HOME OFPEUCAN1SLMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of Sebastian is requesting proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 1215 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Harbor Lights Motel). This Request for Proposal ("RFP") is issued in accordance with the disposal of real property provisions set forth in Section 163.380, Florida Statutes. The Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency "CRA" invites Proposers to submit their qualifications, approach, conceptual design, financial and other terms for the Proposer to purchase, design, permit, construct, finance, operate and maintain a mixed -use development on a 0.51+1- acre site located at 1215 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, FL. The Citv will NOT vav real estate commissions on this sale. All proposals are due no later than Friday. July 21. 2023 by 2:00 PM, LOCAL TIME, at which time all proposals are due. Late proposals will not be accepted. Proposers have the option to submit vbvsically, in -person, or by mail. Submissions shall only be accepted at Citv Hall. Proposer must submit proposal in a sealed envelope/box/container: One (1) original proposal "MARKED ORIGINAL & SIGNED IN BLUE INK," including the required deposit; EIGHT (8) copies "MARKED COPY & SIGNED IN BLACK INK" of the proposal are required; One (1) USB with an electronic version is required. Onlv the NAME of the Frtus who submitted a response to this Request for Proposal will be read aloud RFP's will not be made available for review at the time of the openinz EVENT RELEASE DATE: QUESTIONS DUE DATE/TIME: DUE DATE/TIME: 1ST EVALUATION MEETING: 2"D EVALUATION MEETING, if applicable: RECOMMENDATION OF AWARD — CITY COUNCIL MEETING: City of Sebastian City Hall 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 DATE TIME WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, _ 2023 FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 END OF BUSINESS FRIDAY, JULY 21, 2023 2:00 PM EST TBD 10:00 AM EST Ist3C TBD 6:00 PM EST RFP documents and any addenda may be obtained from the City's website (www.citvofsebastian.org), DemandStar (www.demandstar.com) or VendorLink (www.vendorlink.com). It will be the sole responsibility of the Proposer to determine if anv addenda have been issued vrior to submitting a proposal. Any and all questions and communication concerning this RFP should be emailed ONLY to the contact person listed below, no later than Friday, June 30, 2023 by end of day. Contact by a Proposer (or anyone representing a Proposer) regarding this RFP with the City Council or a City employee/representative other than the point of contact listed above, is wounds for disqualification. Page 2 of 31 28 of 562 RFP #23-08 WME OF PFUCAN ISMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE STATEMENT OF NO RESPONSE If your firm does not intend on submitting a proposal, please complete and return this form prior to the Solicitation Opening date shown herein. Return by email (dwixon(d7citvofsebastian.ors;) or by mail to: CITY OF SEBASTIAN, CITY HALL ATTN: PROCUREMENT 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 Company Name: Company Address: Phone Number: We are not responding to RFP #23-08. FOR THE PURCHASE OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND PROVISION OF A MIXED -USE DEVELOPMENT AT Ill S INDIAN RIVER DRI VE SEBASTIAN FLORIDA for the following reasons) (mark all that applies): Do not offer the goods) or service(s) required Our schedule would not permit its to perform responsibly Unable to meet specifications/scope of services Unable to meet minimum requirements Insufficient time allowed for preparation of response ProjectlBudget too small Specifications unclear —too vague, rigid, etc. (please explain below) Other (please specify below) REMARKS Signature Print Name 1 Title Date 29 of 562 Page 3 of 31 CMIx HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS REQUESTFOR PROPOSALS.................................................................................................................2 STATEMENT OF NO RESPONSE.........................................................................................................3 TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................4 DEFINTIONS..............................................................................................................................................4 SECTION 1— SOLICITATION INFORMATION..................................................................................5 SECTION 2 — PURCHASE AGREEMENT DETAILS..........................................................................9 SECTION 3 — PROPOSAL FORMAT & REQUIREMENTS.............................................................11 SECTION 4 — EVALUATION PROCESS..............................................................................................12 SECTION 5 — GENERAL CONDITIONS..............................................................................................13 SECTION 6 — REQUIRED FORMS.......................................................................................................20 PROPOSAL CHECKLIST.........................•...........................................................................................20 MAILINGLABEL.................................................................................................................................21 CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET - FORM A................................................................................22 ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - FORM B...............................................................I..............23 PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE - FORM C.......................................................................................24 PROPOSER'S DISCLOSURE - FORM D............................................................................................25 E-VERIFY ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM E..................................................................................27 NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT - FORM F.........................................................................................28 MINORITY, WOMEN and DISABLED -OWNED REPRESENTATION - FORM G ........................29 SOLICIATION INFORMATION FORM..............................................................................................31 Exhibits: "A" - Property Information and Survey (2018) "B" —Environmental Compliance Report (January 2023) "C" - Sample Purchase Agreement DEFINITIONS Request for Proposals ("RFP"): This Solicitation document, including any and all addenda. Proposal: Submission in response to this RFP. Pronoser: Person or firm submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP, "pre -award". Engineer or Desien Build Firm (DBF): Selected Proposer that is meets the scope of services and is awarded a contract to provide the goods or services to the City, "post -award". Cite: Refers to the City of Sebastian. Contract or Agreement: Request for Proposals, all addenda issued thereto, all affidavits, the signed agreement, and all related documents that comprise the totality of the contract or agreement between the City and the Engineer or DBF. Responsible Pronoser: Proposer that has the integrity, reliability and capability in all respects to perform in full the contract requirement as stated in the RFP. Responsive Pronoser: Proposer who's Proposal fully conforms in all material respects to the RFP and its entire requirement, including form and substance. RUE Refers to calendar days, unless otherwise stated. Shall, Must & Will: Interpreted as mandatory language. Page 4 of 31 30 of 562 RFP #23-08 HOME PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SECTION 1— SOLICITATION INFORMATION 1.1 SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Sebastian is requesting proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 1215 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Harbor Lights Motel). Title will be transferred by a saecial warrantv deed. Consideration will be given to development that best promotes a vibrant, active and dynamic keystone site that will further the Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) goals and objectives. The City desire's a project that has the ability to provide adaptable mixed use development on the site. This property is located in the Commercial Waterfront Residential (CWR) zoning district and also lies within the Riverfront Overlay District. The redevelopment shall promote and implement the goals and objectives of the CRA Master Plan to remove blight, increase the tax base, and enhance the quality of life; promote the waterfront and its history, and improve the aesthetics and enjoyment of the CWR district and surrounding area. The City will NOT pay any real estate commissions or provide waivers of site related fees on this sale. 1.2 PROPERTY INFORMATION The property consists of vacant land on approximately 0.51 acres. All structures and infrastructure has been removed from the property as of 2022. The property was originally used as a small motel and has been vacant since 2018. There are currently no water or sewer connections, therefore new water and sewer connections would be required as a part of any new development. Water and sewer are available on Indian River Drive. Indian River County Parcel ID: 31390600000005000010.0 SEC 6 TWP 31 RNG 39 GOVT LOT 5 MORE FULLY DESC AS FROM THE NW COR OF GOVT LOT 5 TH RUN SLY AL THE W BNDRY OF GOVT LOT 5 FOR A DIS OF 382.06 FT TO THE S ROW LINE OF MAIN ST TH RUN N83-25-31E AL SAID S ROW LINE FOR A DIS OF 179 FT TO AN IRON PIPE AT THE SE COR OF US HWY 1 AND MAIN ST TH RUN S17-29-29E AL SAID E ROW FOR A DIS OF 203.40 FT TH RUN N76-24-31 E FOR A DIS OF 114.97 FT TO THE POB TH RUN S21-22-36E FOR A DIS OF 186.51 FT TH RUN N73-08-31E FOR A DIS OF 127.35 FT TO THE W ROW OF OLD US HWY 1 TH RUN N25-29-29W AL THE W ROW OF US HWY 1 FOR A DIS OF 181.25 FT TO A POINT TH RUN S76-24-31 W FOR A DIS OF 114.97 FT TO THE POB The property is in a prime location within the Riverfront Overlay District with a direct view of the Indian River and close proximity to shopping, recreation, entertainment, and restaurants. There are no riparian rights or direct waterfront access associated with the purchase of this property. Site Conditions Special District: Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency Future Land Use: Riverfront Mixed Use Current Zoning: Commercial Waterfront Residential District (CWR) Performance Overlav District: Riverfront Overlay District Permitted Uses: Multiple -Family Dwellings up to 8 units per acre Commercial retail less than or equal to 5,000 sq ft Height: 35 feet Parcel Size: 0.51 acres Access to all typical utilities including but not limited to water, electric, telephone, sewer, and internet. Exhibits include: "A" - Property Information and Survey (2018) "B" - Environmental Compliance Report (January 2023) Page 5 of 31 31 of 562 On. T� HOME Of PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE 1.3 DEPOSIT Proposals must be accompanied by a security deposit of $15,000.00, in the form of a certified or cashier's check, payable to the City of Sebastian. This deposit will be returned to unsuccessful Proposers. The successful Proposer shall be required to deposit with the City another $30,000.00, for a total deposit of $45,000.00 (or more if increased through negotiations) within five (5) business days following City Council approval of the Purchase Agreement. All deposits by the successful Proposer are non-refundable. 1.4 CITY BACKGROUND The City of Sebastian was first incorporated as the Town of Sebastian in 1924, and is located at the northern end of Indian River County, Florida, approximately midway between Melbourne and Vero Beach on the Treasure Coast. It is recognized as the home of Pelican Island, the first designated wildlife refuge in the United States, and a Tree City USA. Sebastian's current population is 25,438; residents include many retirees and families. The total area of Sebastian is approximately I8.19 square miles with about 1.5 miles of waterfront on the Indian River Lagoon. . The most current employment estimates indicate that Health Care and Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Accommodations and Food Services are the dominant industries within the City and Sebastian CRA. Sebastian has over 20 beautiful parks, public and private elementary schools, middle schools, and a high school just outside of its limits. With an unobstructed view of the intra-coastal waterway in the Indian River Lagoon along its dazzling riverfront district, close proximity to Atlantic beaches, a year round average temperature of 73.4 degrees, Sebastian is a welcoming city. Entertainment in Sebastian includes shops and restaurants, many churches, several City festivals each year, monthly arts and crafts shows, concerts in the park, a municipal golf course and airport, and a central location with easy access to I-95 and the Florida Turnpike. Sebastian and the rest of northern Indian River County comprise one of the fastest -growing areas of Florida in the first decade of the 21 st century. Purpose The City of Sebastian is requesting proposals from qualified and experienced real estate developers and builders interested in undertaking the re -development of the former Harbor Lights Motel site located at 1215 Indian River Page 6 of 31 32 of 562 :m n 1312M ►i�c KIN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE Drive. The site is located in the Sebastian CR,4 and maintains a CWR, Commercial Waterfront Residential zoning and also lies within the Riverfront Performance Overlay district. The purpose of this solicitation is to offer the property for sale and re -development while at the same time promoting the goals and objectives for the implementation of the CRA plan to remove conditions of blight, increase the tax base, and enhance the quality of life, promote the waterfront and its history, and improve the aesthetics and enjoyment of the commercial waterfront residential district and surrounding area. The City would desire a project that has the ability to provide adaptable mixed use development on the site. Visit the City of Sebastian webpage for information regarding the goals and objectives of the CRA Master Plan and applicable zoning criteria (www.cityofsebastian.org). Proiect Descrivtion and Available Information The current property is vacant and sits on approximately 0.51 acres. The property was originally used as a small motel and has been vacant since 2018. Water and sewer infrastructure would be required as a part of any new development at the site. The property is in a prime location within the Sebastian CRA with a direct view of the Indian River and close proximity to shopping, recreation, entertainment, and nearby restaurants. There exist no riparian rights or direct waterfront access associated with this purchase and development. If the developer is seeking waivers for development, they must specifically outline each request as a part of their proposal. The site is an important gateway property that lies adjacent to the waterfront. It is the intention of the Sebastian CRA to consider certain development that best captures the architectural appeal of the city as an "Old Florida Fishing Village" as well as develop the property into a vibrant, active, and dynamic keystone site that will further the CRA's goals and objectives. The development of a mixed use property is expected to serve as a catalyst for redevelopment. Proposals should consider incorporating in the project, to the maximum extent feasible, the City's planning objectives and principals including: • Enhance and connect open space • Livable approach to streets and uses • Enhance the CRA Park District The City of Sebastian maintains a parking -in -lieu trust fund established to receive the fee paid by developers unable to provide all of the required parking on -site for a project and shall be used only to develop and maintain public parking within the community redevelopment area. A minimum of 50% of parking is required onsite. The City is not aware of any known soil or groundwater contamination that may adversely affect development. The site has been vacant since 2018 and all structures removed as of 2022. An Environmental Compliance Report and Tank Closure Letter have been included in Exhibit B. The CRA and the CITY are seeking an experienced and well financed developer that is capable of developing the Property. The Proposer must first submit a proposal meeting the requirements of this RFP including submitting detailed elevation drawings or other photos/illustrations and conceptual site development plan. Proposals will then be evaluated and ranked by the CRA Board. The top ranked proposer will then be invited to negotiate the terms and conditions of a written project agreement with the CITY. The selection of the top ranked proposer does not in any way form a contract with the CITY. Rather, it is simply an invitation to commence negotiations with the CITY to draft a mutually agreeable project agreement which shall be subject to consideration and final approval by the CITY COUNCIL. No guarantees or representations whatsoever are given by the CITY that the selected proposer will be able to successfully negotiate a written project agreement with the CITY COUNCIL, and neither is the CITY obligated or required to provide an executable project agreement. If selected and invited to negotiate a project agreement, the negotiation period shall not exceed three (3) months and can be terminated at any time by the CITY COUNCIL. Upon expiration or termination of the negotiations, the CITY COUNCIL may choose to negotiate with any other proposer or terminate the RFP at the CITY COUNCIL'S sole and absolute discretion. A contract is formed with the CITY only at such time the CITY COUNCIL and selected proposer approve and execute the written project agreement. Otherwise, the selected proposer, regardless of the fact that a proposal was submitted and the parties negotiated, has no rights whatsoever to acquire the subject property and/or construct a project on the property. Additionally, the selected proposers must be able to commit to begin construction of the mixed -use development within eighteen (18) months from the date that the site plan is approved by the CITY. 33 of 562 Page 7 of 31 In, HOME Of PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE The project agreement is expected to address the agreed upon terms and conditions of the project including, but not limited to, the proposed conceptual site development plan, building elevations, covenants, conditions, and restrictions, including covenants running with the land, as the CITY deems necessary or desirable to assist in preventing the development or spread of future slums or blighted areas or to otherwise carry out the purposes of this RFP which are to construct a mixed -use development, and such other design, permitting, financial, development schedules, and construction terms and conditions deemed necessary by the CITY. The CITY COUNCIL may accept such proposal and negotiate a written agreement as it deems to be in the public interest and in furtherance of the purposes of the CRA's Redevelopment Plan. The Project Agreement, if successfully negotiated, shall be subject to such covenants, conditions, and restrictions, including covenants running with the land, as the CITY COUNCIL deems necessary or desirable to assist in preventing the development or spread of future slums or blighted areas or to otherwise carry out the purposes of this RFP. Further, the CRA lacks authority to grant variances, waivers, or other land use approvals in the City of Sebastian, which is exclusively within the jurisdiction of the Sebastian CITY COUNCIL. Accordingly, proposers should anticipate that it will be required to negotiate a separate development agreement with the City of Sebastian to approve conceptual development plans and address other matters for which the CITY COUNCI, retains exclusive authority, such as vacation of rights -of -ways. Again, no guarantees or representations whatsoever are given by the City of Sebastian that the selected proposer will be able to successfully negotiate a written development agreement with the Sebastian CITY COUNCIL, and neither is the City of Sebastian obligated or required to provide an executable development agreement. 1.5 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Each firm must satisfy the minimum requirements listed below to be considered. Firms that do not meet the minimum requirements as determined by the City, at its sole discretion, will be deemed non -responsive and not considered for award. All decisions made by the City are final. All Proposers must demonstrate the following: 1. Proposer, or at least one of its General Partners, must be operating as the same business entity for a minimum of five (5) years; and 2. Proven experience of successfully developing properties continuously for a minimum of five (5) years; and 3. Financial ability to provide the proposed redevelopment; and 4. No tax delinquency as an individual or member of a Corporation or Partnership; and 5. No unabated code violations for other properties within the City of Sebastian; and 6. No creation of a non -conforming use. 4. Page 8 of 31 34 of 562 I,,, SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SECTION 2 — PURCHASE AGREEMENT DETAILS Upon the City Council's acceptance of a proposal, the successful Proposer shall enter into a Purchase Agreement for the purchase of the property. A sample Purchase Agreement is included as Exhibit "C': The Agreement will be subject to the following terms: 1) A Special Warranty Deed shall be prepared at the City's expense which states the City is conveying the Property in "as is" condition. A Title Commitment and/or Insurance shall be procured by the successful bidder, and obtained by said bidder within thirty (30) days after the effective contract date. Purchaser shall pay the cost thereof as well as the cost of any update. Purchaser shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of receiving said commitment of title to examine same. Failure of bidder to timely obtain title information shall not extend the time for closing. If title is found to be defective due to conditions or restrictions other than those set forth herein, Purchaser shall, within said period, notify the City Attorney in writing, specifying the defects. If the said defects, other than those set forth herein, and that the title was obtained by or through a tax deed, render the title unmarketable, the City shall have one hundred twenty (120) days from receipt of such notice to cure the defects, and if after said period the City shall not have cured the defects, Purchaser shall have the option of (1) accepting the title as it then is, or (2) demanding a refund of all monies paid hereunder which shall forthwith be returned to Purchaser, and thereupon the Purchaser and the City shall be relieved of all further obligations. 2) An updated survey of the property, if desired, shall be obtained and paid for by the Purchaser. 3) State documentary stamps on the deed shall be paid by the Purchaser. 4) Certified, confirmed and ratified special assessment liens shall be paid by the City at the time of closing. The City represents that there are no pending liens at this time affecting the property which have been made by the City and to the best of its knowledge, there are no other pending liens affecting the property. However, if at the time of closing there shall be new or future pending liens, Purchaser shall assume the same. 5) The Purchaser shall pay the cost of recording the deed. 6) The Purchaser shall pay the cost of his/her, or its own attorneys and any title commitment and/or insurance. 7) The deposits will be in good faith and will be deducted from the amount proposed to purchase property to determine balance due at closing. Ten (10) business days following City Council approval of the negotiated Purchase Agreement, selected Purchasers deposits are non-refundable. S) Closins shall be done by a Closing Agent, raid by the Purchaser, and take place within ninetv (90) days from the date of the Agreement, in the office of the City Attorney or Closing Agent's Office. The time for closing shall be extended as may be deemed necessary by the City. Should closing not occur within the time frame or any extensions granted, the City has the right but not the obligation to terminate any and all agreements and retain the property or rebid the property. 9) The successful Proposer if financing must obtain financing within fifteen (15) days following City Council approval of the negotiated Purchase Agreement, and evidence shall be provided to the City that financing has been obtained. If evidence is not provided within the fifteen (15) day time period, the City has the right to either provide an additional ten (10) working days extension, or terminate the process and move to the next preferred applicant. 10) It is understood and agreed that the terms of the RFP documents, proposal submission with proposed use and Purchase Agreement survives after Closing. The Purchase Agreement shall survive the conveyance of title, particularly with respect to any act or event which may take place after such conveyance and which affects the rights of the parties hereto. 11) The City has not employed any Real Estate Brokers in connection with the sale of the property being offered herein, nor is it in any way liable or responsible for any real estate brokerage or other similar commission claimed as the result of any sale made of the property herein offered. Page 9 of 3l 35 of562 RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN I$tAMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SECTION 3 — PROPOSAL FORMAT & REQUIREMENTS The Proposal shall be limited to no more than twentv (20) gages (NOT including the required forms listed in Section 3.9.) Any responses exceeding twenty (20) pages, NOT including the required forms, will be considered non -responsive and not considered for award. You are expected to use Tabs dividing each section (tabs will not be included/counted in the twenty (20) pages). 3.1 COVER LETTER Proposer shall submit a letter of interest signed by an authorized representative that can contractually obligate and bind the firm. The Proposer or authorized representative is attesting that the information provided is current and factual. The letter shall include: • Date • Proposers Information (history, length of existence & business structure) • Representatives Contact Information (telephone number and email address) • Proposer's federal taxpayer identification number • Confirmation of Proposer meeting ALL minimum requirements listed above in Section 1.5. • Type of ownership, if applicable (small business, small disadvantaged business or women -owned business) • A detailed description of the nature and status of any pending or completed litigation claims made, contract disputes, alleged defaults and liens arising in connection with the performance of any services by your company or by current or former members of your firm, within the last three years. If proposer intends to utilize subcontractors or sub -consultants, provide similar information for the subcontractors/sub-consultants. 3.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Include a clear identification of the materials included in the Proposal by numbering them and providing the proper page number. QUALIFICATIONS (TAB 1) 3.3 PROPOSER QUALIFICATIONS • A detailed summary of the developer's experience in the acquisition and development of CWR or mixed -use development. • A brief description of at least three (3) most comparable projects that has been successfully developed. Provide the name, address, photographs, and references. NOTE: The use of past project photos, renderings and graphics are highly encouraged. 3.4 TEAM QUALIFICATIONS • Team members and credentials • include information for the proposed Master Planner, Architect, or Contractor for the project • Provide up to two comparable projects undertaken, as part of this team or separately by each professional. (Note which projects the professional consultants and contractors provided the services on behalf of the Proposer). • Team credentials include, but are not limited to, specialized qualifications, education and experience. Brief background outlining relevant work performed within the last five (5) years. Provide the Florida registration numbers of professional personnel. Resumes shall not exceed one (1) page per person, if applicable. PROPOSED USE (TAB 2) 3.5 PROPOSED USE OF SITE • Describe the proposed use of the site. Page 10 of 31 36 of 562 RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE • Include conceptual plans, elevations, renderings, etc. Anticipated square footage per use, estimated parking counts, and number of stories in proposed structures, if applicable. • A conceptual site development plan, drawn to scale, evidencing that the plan will satisfy current zoning requirements for a "Commercial/Mixed-Use building type, to the extent that a development agreement is approved, and the planning objectives of the Sebastian CRA Master Plan, and overlay performance criteria. • Colored renderings of the site and front, back and side elevations of building (s) and decorative structures such as hardscape features and entrance signs. • Describe the organization and future plans of the proposed end users of the site; include information on past and future business operations of the user. Provide market -based data supporting demand and feasibility as well as estimated rental rates/sales prices (if applicable). 3.6 PROPOSED COMPLETION TIME • Describe proposed completion time for this redevelopment, outline time frames for site planning, permitting, construction, etc. FINANCIAL REOUIREMENTS (TAB 31 3.7 FINANCIAL ABILITY • Provide sufficient evidence of having, or the ability to secure within fifteen (15) days of award, financial resources to complete the proposed project in a timely fashion and provide long-term financial support to the project after built. • Fundinu Mechanism. Explain the proposed funding mechanism amount (i.e. how the redevelopment will be funded) timeframe and terms. The applicant is responsible for all building and other permits and fees which are associated with the proposed project unless otherwise contractually noted. Prospective bidders may submit bank documents that support their application. • Reauested Waivers. A summary of any relief to be proposed from the Land Development Code or the Riverfront Overlay District for items such as building size, height, coverage, material finishes, parking requirements, or landscaping; or a summary of any relief to be proposed from fees associated with site plan review of the property. • Proposed Purchase Price. A summary statement of the proposed purchase price for the subject property. NOTE: This evidence can be shown by the Proposer's audited or compiled financial statements, or signed letters from banks or equity sources with verifiable funds to complete the project. Such letters must be on bank or equity source letterhead and include details of the financial entity's experience in working with the Proposer on similar - sized or larger projects and their willingness to consider funding the proposed project subject to successful negotiations and due diligence. 3.8 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: Pursuant to section 119.071, Florida Statutes, any financial statements that the City requires to be submitted may be exempt from the Public Records Law. Therefore, any submitted financial statements that the Proposer wishes to remain confidential shall be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope and marked "Confidential Financial Statement Enclosed." By submission of a response to this RFP the proposer agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless should any information marked as confidential knowingly or unknowingly be released as the result of a public records request. REOUIRED FORMS (TAB 4) 3.9 FORMS All Forms required by the RFP shall be fully executed by the Proposer and submitted. Refer to Section b. Page 11 of 31 37 of 562 an as :g=N HOME of PE1iGw ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SECTION 4 — EVALUATION PROCESS During the evaluation process and until an award has been made by City Council, Proposers are prohibited from discussing anvthin2 concernine this RFP with Citv staff, anv member of the Evaluation Committee or Citv Council. 4.1 EVALUATION CRITERIA The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to accept any proposal or portion thereof deemed to be in the best interest of the Citv, and to waive any non -substantial irregularities. 4.2 The Best Value Evaluation System is a subjective process that reviews all proposals to determine which proposal provides the best value to the City. The establishment, application and interpretation of the evaluation criteria below shall be solely within the discretion of the Citv. Weight for each criterion is shown below. Evaluators will be responsible for giving a score (04), see Scale below for point determination. Scale 0 (0%) — Non -Responsive 1 (25%) — Missing/Lacking/Insufficient Evidence Provided 2 (50%) — Partial/Basic Evidence Provided 3 (75%) — Sufficient/Adequate/Appropriate Evidence Provided 4 (100%) — Exceeds/Outstanding/High Level Evidence Provided Company & Team Qualifications (10 POINTS) - Years of experience, past projects and credentials will be considered. Proposed Use & Completion Time (10 POINTS) - The site lies within the CWR zoning district, which allows for a variety of both commercial and residential uses. A specific timeline and schedule must be included, with additional considerations given for economic and taxable values based on the proposed use. Financial Ability (15 POINTS) - Demonstrate the ability to finance, as well as promote the likelihood of future viability with the proposed site. Conforms to Master Plan and District Overlays (30 POINTS) - Specific redevelopment shall meet the goals and objectives found in the CRA Master Plan and the Riverfront Overlay District guidelines. Purchase Price (35 POINTS) The following attachments can be found at httus://weblink. citvofsebastian.orv/W ebLink/Browse.asnx.?id=236137&dbid=0&reno=City: • City of Sebastian's Community Redevelopment Master Plan • City Comprehensive Plan 2040 • CWR Zoning District • Riverfront Overlay District Regulations Page 12 of 31 38 of 562 (M Cy MQg�N RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELCAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE 4.2.1 All proposals submitted on time will first be reviewed by the Procurement Division to determine responsiveness to confirm minimum requirements are met. 4.2.2 The CRA Board shall act as the Evaluation Committee and independently review and evaluate all responsive proposals received based on the criteria above and discuss their evaluation at the initial Evaluation Committee Meeting. With consensus of the Evaluation Committee, either a recommendation for award will be made to City Council or a request for the top ranked sums to give oral presentations may be made. The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to waive immaterial irregularities in proposals if in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether the criterion is satisfactorily met based on the Scale established in this REP. The City reserves the right to seek clarification from any Proposer(s). 4.3 AWARD The purpose of this RFP is to award one (1) Purchaser, to purchase the referenced property mentioned above in Section 1.1., Scope of Services. It is most common, not guaranteed, that the Proposer(s) who scores the highest number of points will be recommended to City Council for award. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals deemed as not responsive. The City reserves the right to cancel this RFP and re -solicit or not re -solicit as determined to be in the City's best interests. SECTION 5 — GENERAL CONDITIONS 5.1 CONE OF SILENCE Potential Proposers shall not communicate in any way with City staff, CRA Board or the City Council other than the primary contact listed herein. This restriction shall be effective from the time of advertisement until an award is made by the City Council. Such communication may result in disqualification. 5.2 ADDENDA Addenda may be issued in response to any inquiry received by the Question/Answer deadline date and time specified herein or to provide revisions, additions, deletions, clarification, etc. Addenda shall become part of and have precedence over anything shown or described otherwise. If not mentioned in the addenda, all other documents, specifications, drawings, terms and conditions remain the same. It is the Proposer's responsibility to ensure receipt of all addenda and acknowledge all addenda issued. Where there appears to be a conflict between Solicitation and any addenda, the last addendum issued shall prevail. 5.3 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Pursuant to Section 119.071, Florida Statutes, if there is any of the information contained in a response that a Proposer feels is "confidential" and exempt from the Public Records Law (i.e. financial statements), the Proposer must in the response specifically identify the material which is deemed to be exempt and cite the legal authority for the exemption, otherwise, the City will treat all materials received as public records. Therefore, any submitted financial statements that the Proposer wishes to remain confidential shall be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope and marked "Confidential Financial Statement Enclosed." By submission of a response to this RFP the proposer agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless should any information marked as confidential knowingly or unknowingly be released as the result of a public records request. 5.4 OUESTIONS AND/OR REOUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION Any questions and/or requests for clarification regarding this Solicitation shall be submitted in writing to the Procurement/Contracts Manager via email at dwixon(ibcitvofsebastian.org. Proposers must clearly understand that the only official answer or position of the City will be the one issued by the Procurement/Contracts Manager via an Addendum. The Solicitation number and title shall be referenced on all correspondence, include locating information for each question in order to ensure that questions asked are responded to correctly. All questions must be received no later than the time and date specified in the RFP. All responses to questions/clarifications will be published in the form Page 13 of 31 39 of 562 an RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE of an Addendum. NO QUESTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED VERBALLY OR AFTER DEADLINE STATED HEREIN. Addendum(s) will be made available on the City's website, DemandStar.com and VendorLink.com and it is the Proposer's sole responsibility to assure receipt of all (if any) Addenda. 5.5 PROPOSALS NOT CONSIDERED Proposals not considered are late submissions, telegraphed, emailed or faxed proposals and proposals which do not conform to the instructions contained in the Request for Proposals. However, Proposals may be withdrawn by fax or email, provided that such notices are received prior to the Solicitation Opening date and time and confirmed by a telephone call. 5.6 LATE PROPOSALS Late Proposals will not be opened. Proposers have the option of picking up or paying for the mailed return of the unopened Proposal. If this option is not exercised within five (5) days of the solicitation due date, the late unopened Proposal will be disposed. 5.7 PROPOSAL GUARANTEE The Proposer warrants that the unit prices, terms, and conditions quoted in the proposal will be firm for acceptance for a period of not less than one -hundred twenty (120) days from the solicitation opening date. Such unit prices, terms and conditions will remain firm for the contract period. 5.8 SEALED PROPOSALS Proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope which shall show (lower left corner) the Proposer's name and address, RFP number and title, along with the solicitation due date and time. The Proposal shall be submitted no later than the solicitation due date and time mentioned on the Request for Proposal. The City may choose whether to open any proposals that are not clearly marked at the City's sole discretion and will not be held responsible for not opening any Proposals that are not clearly marked. Proposals shall be handwritten or typed with (black or blue) ink. Any erasures or corrections must be initialed by the Proposer in blue ink. Handwritten submissions must be legible. Proposals shall be submitted to City Hall. 1225 Main Street Sebastian. FL 32958. Pronosals that are submitted to other locations or delivered to the wrong location may not be considered. It shall be the sole responsibility of the proposer to ensure their proposal is at the proper location and at the time specified in the proposal documents. 5.9 RFP OPENING Proposers are welcome to attend the solicitation opening; however, attendance is not mandatory. Proposals shall be opened and publicly announced on the date, time and location specified on the Request for Proposal, unless otherwise stated in the form of an addendum. Proposals received will be posted within thirty (30) business days to DemandStar.com, Vendorlink.com and the City's website. 5.10 PROPOSAL EXAMINATION In accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, solicitation files will be made available for public inspection at the time the City posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier. Solicitation files may be examined during normal working hours, by appointment only, by contacting the City Clerk's office at 772-589-5330. 5.11 INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY, and its officers and employees, from all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentionally wrongful conduct of the CONTRACTOR and other persons employed or utilized by the CONTRACTOR in the performance of the agreement; regardless of the negligence of the indemnitee or its officers, directors, agents, or employees. However, such indemnification shall not include claims of, or damages resulting from, gross negligence, or willful, wanton or intentional misconduct of the indemnitee or its officers, directors, agents or employees. Upon request of the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall, at no cost or expense to the CITY, indemnify and hold the CITY harmless of any suit asserting a claim for any loss, damage or liability specified above, and CONTRACTOR shall Page 14 of 31 40 of 562 „n0( S r lr HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE pay any cost and reasonable attorneys' fees that may be incurred by the CITY in connection with any such claim or suit or in enforcing the indemnity granted above. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as the CITY waiving its sovereign immunity pursuant to 768.28, et seq., Florida Statutes, or any other sovereign or governmental immunity. This provision shall survive the termination of this bid. 5.12 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time, or changes in the work, and to negotiate contract terms and conditions with the top ranked Proposer IAW F.S. 287,055(5), and the right to disregard all non -conforming, non -responsive, imbalanced, or conditional Proposals. More than one Proposal from an individual, firm or association under same or different names, will not be considered. Any or all Proposals will be rejected if there is reason to believe that collusion exists among the Proposers, and no participants in such collusion will be considered in future Proposals for the same work. 5.13 CORRECTIONS. CANCELLATION. & WITHDRAWAL Proposers may be asked to provide further information after the solicitation opening to determine the responsibility of the vendor. 5.13.1. Waiver of Technicality: Information shall not be considered after the bid opening if it has been specifically requested to be provided with the Proposal as this becomes a matter of responsiveness. The Proposal shall be considered responsive if it substantially conforms to the requirements of the RFP. The City may waive any informality, technicality, or irregularity on any bid. A minor or non -substantive lack of conformity may be considered a technicality or irregularity which may be waived by the City. 5.13.2. Mathematical Errors: Errors in extension of unit prices or in mathematical calculations may be corrected. In cases of errors in mathematical computations, the unit prices shall not be changed. 5.13.3. Cancellation or Postponement: The City may cancel or postpose the solicitation opening or cancel the RFP in its entirety prior to award. 5.13.4. Withdrawal: Prior to any published bid opening date and time, a Proposer may withdraw his or her Proposal in writing. A fax or email is permitted for this purpose, provided it is confirmed by a telephone call. 5.13.5. Amendments: Prior to the published Solicitation Opening date and time, a Proposer may amend the Proposal provided that it is in writing, in a sealed envelope, and identified. 5.14 EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS Request for exceptions to the specifications shall be listed in the proposal and shall reference the section. Any exceptions to the General or Special Conditions may be cause for the proposal to be considered non -responsive. 5.15 SUBCONTRACTORS AND EMPLOYEES The Proposer is required to identify any and all Sub -consultants and/or suppliers and/or material men that will be used in the performance of the proposed Agreement and to clearly identify in their Proposal the percentages of Work to be performed by their Sub -consultants. 5.16 RFP AWARD The contractlagrcement will be awarded to the most responsive and responsible Proposer(s) whose proposal, conforming to the specifications and terms the City considers is most advantageous. The Procurement/Contracts Manager shall issue a Notice of Award to the successful Proposer and post the results on the City's website and DemandStar. 5.17 WAIVER OF IRREGULARITIES The City may waive minor informalities or irregularities in Proposals received where such is merely a matter of form and not substance, and the correction or waiver of which is not prejudicial to other Proposers. Minor Page 15 of 31 41 of 562 Cn L.. ' ;P►.T900 HOME OF PEUCAN PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE irregularities are defined as those that will not have an adverse effect on the City's interest and will not affect the price or terms of the Proposal by giving a Proposer an advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other Proposers. 5.17.1. In no event will any such elections by the City be deemed to be a waiving of the required criteria for the requested services. 5.17.2. The Proposers who are selected for the Project will be required to fully comply with the Project criteria, regardless that the Solicitation may have been based on a variation. 5.17.3. Proposers shall identify separately all innovative aspects as such in the technical Solicitation. Innovation should be limited to Proposers means and methods, approach to Project, use of new products, and new uses for established products. 5.18 COUNCIL MEETING The awarded Proposer must be available to attend City Council meetings, when required. The awarded Proposer must be prepared to answer any questions and/or provide a presentation if requested by City Council and/or authorized by City representative(s). The date and time of the City Council meeting will be publicly noticed. 5.19 SALES TAX Although the City of Sebastian is exempt from Federal and State Sales and Use taxes, Contractors or Vendors doing business with the City are not exempted from paying said taxes to their supplier for goods or services purchased to fulfill the contractual obligations with the City, nor shall any Contractor or Vendor be authorized to use the City's Tax Exemption Number in securing such materials. 5.20 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE OR CONVENIENCE - The agreement resulting from this RFP can be terminated immediately for cause if Contractor is found to have failed to perform services in a manner satisfactory to the City; or for convenience upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the Proposer. In the event of either termination, the Proposer shall be compensated for all services performed to the City's satisfaction. The City shall be sole judge of non-performance. 5.21 DISCRIMINATION The Proposer shall not practice or condone personnel or supplier discrimination of any nature whatsoever, in any manner proscribed by Federal or State of Florida laws and regulations. The City of Sebastian will not knowingly do business with vendors, proposers, or contractors who discriminate on those protected by state and federal law. Through the course of providing services to the City, Proposers/Contractors shall affirmatively comply with all applicable provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 and the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, as well as all other applicable regulations, guidelines and standards. Any person who believes their rights have been violated should report such discrimination to the City. 5.22 PUBLIC RECORDS Section 119.01 Florida Statutes, The Public Records Law, provides that municipal records shall at all times be open for personal inspection by any person. Information and materials received by the City in connection with all Proposers' responses shall be deemed to be public record subject to public inspection and copying at the time the City posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier. IF THE PROPOSER/CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT JEANETTE WILLIAMS, THE CITY CLERK AND CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT 772-388-8215 1 EMAIL iwilliams(u,citvofsebastian.ore CITY OF SEBASTAIN, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958. Page 16 of 31 42 of 562 .m RFP #23-08 HMI Of KUCAN's"' D PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE 5.23 PUBLIC MEETING EXEMPTIONS In accordance with Fla. Stat. §286.0113, any portion of a meeting in which (1) negotiations with a vendor is conducted as part of the "competitive negotiation" process AND/OR (2) a vendor makes an oral presentation or answers questions as part of the "competitive solicitation" process, are exempt from public meeting requirements The City will post notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier. Any portion of a committee meeting at which negotiation strategies are discussed is exempt. A complete record shall be made of any portion of an exempt meeting; no portion may be held off the record. The recording of and any records presented at the exempt meeting are exempt from Fla. Stat. § 119.071 until such time as the City posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier, at which point the complete record becomes public and subject to Section 119.01 Florida Statute, The Public Records Law. 5.24 PROTEST PROCEDURE Any Bidder/Proposer who is aggrieved in connection with a competitive selection process may protest to the Procurement/Contracts Manager. The protest shall be submitted in writing within three (3) calendar days after the Bidder/Proposer knows or should have known of the facts giving rise to the protest. Failure of the Proposer to file a timely formal written Protest within the specified time period shall constitute a waiver by the Proposer of all rights to Protest. The formal written Protest must provide documentation which shall specify in detail the nature of the grievance and the grounds upon which any relief, modification or change is based. If the protest is not resolved by mutual agreement or if the protestor disagrees with the decision of the Procurement/Contracts Manager, the protestor may appeal the decision to the City Manager and/or City Council, within seven (7) calendar days of initial decision. Stav of Procurement — In the event of a timely and properly filed protest, the Procurement/Contracts Manager shall not proceed further with the solicitation or award until all administrative remedies have been exhausted, or until the City Manager or City Council, as appropriate, makes a determination on the record that the award of a contract is necessary to protect substantial interests of the City. SECTIONS BELOW REFERENCED ON FORM F - NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT 5.25 CONFLICT OF INTEREST The resulting agreement is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. All Proposers/Contractors/Consultants must disclose within their bid/proposal to the City of Sebastian the name of any officer, director, or agent who is also an employee of the City of Sebastian (hereinafter the "City"). Furthermore, all Proposers/Contractors/Consultants must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, directly or indirectly, an interest of more than five percent (5%) in the firm of any of its branches. Please submit to the City all information on any potential conflict of interest related to provision of the goods or services requested in this Solicitation. The purpose of this disclosure is to give the City the information needed to identify potential conflicts of interest for evaluation by the team members and other key personnel involved in the award of this contract. The term "conflict of interest" refers to situations in which financial or other personal consideration may adversely affect, or have the appearance of adversely affecting, an employee's professional judgment in exercising any City duty or responsibility in administration, management, instruction, research, or other professional activities. 5.26 NO LOBBYING All Proposers/Contractors/Consultants or and its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest are hereby placed on notice that any communication, whether written or oral, with City of Sebastian elected officials or any other staff or outside individuals working with the City in respect to this request (with exception of the Procurement Division personnel designated to receive requests for interpretation or corrections) is prohibited. These persons shall not be lobbied, either individually or collectively, regarding any request for bid, proposals, qualifications and/or any other solicitations released by the City of Sebastian. To do so Page 17 of 31 43 of562 ona HOME OF PWCAN ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE is grounds for immediate disqualification from the selection process. The selection process is not considered final until such time as the CRA Board and City Council have made a final and conclusive determination. 5.27 NO COLLUSION Proposer/Contractor/Consultant and its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, swears and attests that it is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Solicitation, and of all pertinent circumstances respecting the provision of the goods or services to the City of Sebastian. The Proposal, offer or submittal being made is genuine and is not collusive or a sham. By submitting a response to this RFP, Proposer certifies that all information contained in the submittal is truthful to the best of their knowledge and belief. Proposer further certifies, under oath, that this submittal is made without any colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other firm, person or corporation responding to this solicitation for the same product or service. 5.28 04MIGRATION LAWS The City will not intentionally award City contracts to any Firm who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers, constituting a violation of the employment provisions contained in an 8 U.S.C. Section 1324 a(e) (Section 274A (e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA"). Refer to E-Verify Acknowledgment in solicitation documents. 5.29 DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE In accordance with Florida Statute Section 287.087, Proposer/Contractor/Consultant certifies that the following: (1) A written statement is published notifying that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace named above and specifying actions that will be taken against violations of such prohibition. (2) Employees are informed about the dangers of drug abuse in the work place, the firm's policy of maintaining a drug free working environment, and available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug use violations. (3) Employees are notified that as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual and will notify the employer of any conviction of, plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 1893, or of any controlled substance law of the State of Florida or the United States, for a violation occurring in the work place, no later than five (5) days after such conviction, and requires employees to sign copies of such written (*) statement to acknowledge their receipt. (4) Requires the satisfactory participation in, a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program, if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. (5) Makes a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free work place through the Implementation of the drug free workplace program. (6) Gives each employee engaged in providing commodities or contractual services that are under bid or proposal, a copy of the statement specified above. 5.30 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES A "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or Agreement for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. "Convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contenders. Page 18 of 31 44 of 562 �D Acn Y � / am■ � HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE. "Affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes, means: (I) A predecessor or successor of a person or a corporation convicted of a public entity crime, or (2) An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime, or (3) Those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate, or (4) A person or corporation who knowingly entered into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months. Proposer certifies that neither the entity submitting, nor any of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1,1989. Where the Proposer is unable to certify to all of the statement above, Proposer shall attach an explanation to this submittal. 5.31 DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION Proposer certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its principals: a. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for disbarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; b. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or Local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; c. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification; and d. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default. e. Proposer must submit their Company Profile Page from SAM with their proposal. f. City of Sebastian will not make an award to parties listed on the government -wide exclusions in the System for Award Management (SAM). Where the Proposer is unable to certify to all of the statements above, Proposer shall attach an explanation to this submittal. 5.32 SCRUTINIZED VENDOR Proposer certifies under penalties of neriurv. as of the date of this solicitation to provide goods and/or services to the City of Sebastian. that it: (1) Does not participate in a boycott of Israel; and (2) Is not on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List; and (3) Is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List; and (4) Is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List; and (5) Has not engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. Submitting a false certification shall be deemed a material breach of contract. The City of Sebastian shall provide notice, in writing, to the Contractor of the City's determination concerning the false certification. The Contractor shall have ninety (90) days following the receipt of the notice to respond in writing and demonstrate that the determination of false certification was made in error. If the Contractor does not demonstrate that the City's determination of false certification was made in error then the City shall have the right to terminate the contract and seek civil remedies pursuant to Florida Statute § 287.135. Page 19 of 31 45 of562 drca �BASTLAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE Section 287.135, Florida Statutes, generally prohibits state agencies and departments, and local government entities from: 1) Contracting with companies for goods or services in any amount if at the time of bidding on, submitting a proposal for, or entering into or renewing a contract if the company is on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List, created pursuant to Section 215.4725, Florida Statutes, or is engaged in a boycott of Israel; and 2) Contracting with companies, for goods or services over $1,000,000.00 that are on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, created pursuant to Section 215.473, Florida Statute, or have been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. SECTION 6 — REQUIRED FORMS PROPOSAL CHECKLIST Please use the following checklist as a reference to confirm all requirements are met in your RFP Proposal. The bid shall be limited to no more than twenty (20) pages (NOT including required forms). Anv responses exceeding twentv (20) Daaes. NOT including the reauired forms. will be considered non -responsive and not considered for award. You are expected to use Tabs dividing each section (tabs will not be included/counted in the twenty (20) pages). Cover Letter (Refer to Section 3.1) Table of Contents (Refer to Section 3.2) TAB I - QUALIFICATIONS Company Qualifications (Refer to Section 3.3) Team Qualifications (Refer to Section 3.4) TAB 2 - PROPOSED USE IProposed Use of Site (Refer to Section 3.5) Proposed Completion Time (Refer to Section 3.6) TAB 3 - FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Financial Ability (Refer to Section 3.7) TAB 4 - REQUIRED FORMS (Refer to Section 6) Contact Information Sheet — FORM A Addenda Acknowledgment — FORM B Proposed Purchase Price - FORM C Proposer's Disclosure — FORM D E-Verify Acknowledgement — FORM E Notifications Affidavit — FORM F Minority, Women and Disabled -Owned Business Concern Representation — FORM G Please be advised that this checklist should not be interpreted as a comprehensive list of all information rewired by this Solicitation from prospective Bidders. It simply serves as a reference or guide for the most significant documents to be included in the bid and should be enhanced as deemed necessary. It is solely the Bidder's responsibility to read and understand all requirements and adhere to all issued Addenda. Page 20 of 31 46 of 562 Re�,Y RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN ISLMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE MAILING LABEL Proposer must submit proposal in a sealed envelope/box/container: One (1) original proposal, including the deposit is required. Eight (8) copies of the proposal are required. One (1) USB with an electronic version is required. Cut along the outer border and affix this label to the sealed envelope/box/container to identify the submission as a Sealed Proposal. SEALED RFP • DO NOT OPEN SOLICITATION I RFP 23-08 #: SOLICITATION Sale of City -Owned Property "1215 Indian River] TITLE: rive" (Former Harbor Lights Motel) DUE Friday, July 21, 2023 @ 2:00 PM EST DATEITIME: SUBMITTED BY: Proposer's Name Proposer's Address Proposer's Address City of Sebastian ATTN: Procurement Division DELIVER TO: 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Page 21 of 31 47 of 562 FORM A RFP #23-08 HOME Proposals due by 2:00 PM EST on PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET Friday, July 21, 2023 411physical, in person submissions must he delivered or mailed to: City of Sebastian ATTN: Procurement Division 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Check Addenda for revised due dates before submitting your Bid. Late Bids will not be accepted. SOLICITATION RELEASE NO.: DATE: RFP 23-08 05/22/2023 SOLICITATION TITLE: CONTACT: Don Wixon Procurement/Contracts Manager (772)388-8231 Sale of City -Owned Property "1215 Indian River Drive" (Former Harbor Lights Motel) Firm's Name and "Doing Business As", if applicable: Address: City: Telephone No: E-Mail Address of Authorized Representative: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS State: IFax No: IFederal Tax Number: Identification 'Lip Code: Firms that do not meet the minimum requirements as determined by the City, at its sole discretion, will be deemed non -responsive and not considered for award (refer to page 6, Section 1.5). By placing a checkmark next to each requirement, Proposer is confirming the requirement is met. € Proposer, or at least one of its General Partners, must be operating as the same business entity for a minimum of five (5) years; and € Proven experience of successfully developing properties continuously for a minimum of five (5) years; and € Financial ability to provide the proposed redevelopment; and €No tax delinquency as an individual or member of a Corporation or Partnership; and BID/PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION I certify that I have carefully examined the RFP document and associated documents, including Addenda, accompanying or made a part of this solicitation. I further certify that all information contained in this proposal is truthful to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am duly authorized to submit this proposal on behalf of the company named above and that the company is ready, willing, and able to perform if awarded. Printed Name Title The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to accept any proposal or portion thereof deemed to be in the best interest of the Citv, and to waive any non -substantial irregularities. Failure to fully complete and submit this Information Sheet may result in reiection of the submittal.. Page 22 of 31 48 of 562 ,, . FORM �M�uz� I s RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Proposer's Name: Proposer shall indicate below all Addenda received. Acknowledgement confirms receipt and understanding of issued Addenda. Proposer understands that failure to acknowledge any addenda issued may cause their proposal to be considered non- responsive. To confirm the number of addenda (if any), Proposer may contact the Procurement Division at (772) 388-8231. IADDENDDUM # DATE RECEIVED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Addenda was received in connection with this solicitation. Signature: Title: Print Name: Date: Failure to fuliv complete. sien and submit this Form may result in reiection of the submittal Page 23 of 31 49 of 562 �BOn OFT1A1� � FORM C RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE FORM herein called the Buyer(s), hereby offer(s) and agree(s) to purchase from the City of Sebastian, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called the City, at the price subject to the terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions, and covenants herein stated, (see attached(s)), and easements, encumbrances and other matters of record, and to all zoning, building or other Laws or Ordinances, the following described property. In order to constitute an acceptable offer to purchase, all information requested below must be provided. The form must be submitted with proposal. Proposer's Name: Proposer's Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Email Address: Insert in the "Proposed Purchase Price" column, the total amount you agree to pay for the property. Entries must be typed or clearly printed in ink. Use of erasable ink is not permitted. Strikeovers, changes, and corrections by the Proposer must be initialed. Questionable entries will be rejected. ADDRESS PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE 1215 Indian River Drive Sebastian, FL 32958 INTENDED USE {PLEASE11 Residential Commercial H Mixed Use CHECK) PROPOSER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Proposer understands that information contained on this Proposed Purchase Price Form is to be relied upon by the City of Sebastian in awarding the specified RFP, and such information is warranted by the Proposer understands that the City has the right to verify the information submitted and to seek any additional information relating to the Bidder's qualifications. The discovery of any misstatement, which in the sole opinion of the City materially affects the Proposer's qualifications to perform, shall cause the rejection of the Proposal, and if after the award, to cancel the sale of agreement. The Proposer acknowledges that the deed will include a clause stating that the property reverts to the City of Sebastian if substantial compliance with the provisions of the proposal is not met according to an agreed upon timeline. Signature: Title: Print Name: Date: Failure to fullv complete. sign and submit this Form may result in resection of the submittal Page 24 of 31 50 of 562 �or 501ASW6N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND FORM D RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE PROPOSER'S DISCLOSURE FORM The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and all answers to questions made hereinafter. Additional sheets may be attached if required. Proposer's Name: Address: Contact Person: Title: Phone No.: Email Address: Federal Identification No.: This Business is: (} An Individual O A Partnership O A Corporation Proposer's License No., i a livable: *Attach certificate of status, competency, and/or state registration (1) Has your firm or any of its officers, received a reprimand of any nature or been suspended by the Department of Professional Regulations or any other regulatory agency or professional association within the last five (5) years? YES ❑ NO (2) Has your firm, or any member of your firm, been declared in default, terminated or removed from a contract or job related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business within the last five (5) years? YES 0 NO (3) Has your firm had against it or filed any request for equitable adjustment, contract claims, bid protest, or litigation in the past five (5) years that is related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business? YES ❑ NO ❑ (4) Describe each affiliation or business relationship with an employee, board member, elected official(s) or an immediate family member of any such person of the City of Sebastian. If none, write NONE. (5) Describe ANY other affiliation or business relationship that may cause a conflict of interest. If none, write NONE. If yes, state the nature of the request for equitable adjustment, contract claim, litigation, or protest, and state a brief description of the case, the outcome or status of the suit and the monetary amounts or extended contract time involved. ■ a ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ a a a a ■ ■ a ■ a a a a ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ a a ■ a ■ a ■ a ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ l ■ ■ f ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ a a a ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ 1 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE Page 25 of 31 51 of 562 RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE I hereby certify that all statements made are true and I agree and understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation or falsification of facts shall be cause for forfeiture of rights for_further consideration of this proposal for the City of Sebastian. Signature Date Failure to fullv complete, sign and submit this Disclosure may result in reiection of the submittal Page 26 of 31 52 of 562 FORM E RFP 423-08 E-VERIFY ACKNOWLEDGMENT Effective January 1, 2021, public and private employers, contractors and subcontractors will be required to register with, and use the Employment Eligibility Veri0cation System (E-Verify) to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees. The E-Verify system can be obtained at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website: httD://www/dhs.gov/E-Verify. "Contractor" means a person or entity that has entered or is attempting to enter into a contract with a public employer to provide labor, supplies, or services to such employer in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (also referred to as Vendor or Consultant). "Subcontractor" means a person or entity that provides labor, supplies, or services to or for a contractor or another subcontractor in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (also referred to as Sub -Vendor or Sub -Consultant). Vendor/Consultant/Contractor acknowledges and agrees to utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System to verify the employment eligibility of: ■ All persons employed by Vendor/Consultant/Contractor during the term of the contract, (including assigned sub- vendors/sub-consultants/sub-contractors), to perform employment duties within Florida and any work in pursuant to the contract with the City. By entering into a contract with the City, the Proposer/Contractor/Consultant becomes obligated to comply with the provisions of Section 2. Section 448.095, Fla. Slat., "Employment Eligibility," as amended from time to time. This includes, but is not limited to, utilization of the E-Verify System to verb the work authorization status of all newly hired employees, and requiring all subcontractors to provide an affidavit attesting that the subcontractor does not employ, contract with, or subcontract with, an unauthorized alien. The contractor shall maintain a copy of such affidavit far the duration of the contract. Failure to comply will lead to termination of resulting contract, or if a subcontractor knowingly violates the statute, the subcontract must be terminated immediately. Any challenge to termination under this provision must be fled in the Circuit Court of Indian River County, Florida no later than 20 calendar days after the date of termination. If the resulting contract is terminated for a violation of the statute by the Contractor, the Contractor may not be awarded a public contract for a period of I year after the date of termination. I hereby acknowledge and agree that use of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System during the term of the contract is a condition of the resulting contract with the City of Sebastian. Company Name: Authorized Name: Title: Signature: Date: Proposer must submit their Companv Profile Page from E-Verifv with their bid. State of County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on [Notary Seal] (Date) Notary Public Signature Failure to fullv complete, sign and submit this Affidavit may result in reiection of the submit Page 27 of 31 53 of 562 FORM F RFP #23-08 (Print Authorized Name) of ruKUHAbL AN1.J Ktr.UtVELOP I2I5 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT (Company Name) (Title) affirm that I read and understand, as well as accept all requirements and regulations listed in sections 4.27 -- 4.35 of the above referenced solicitation document to include the following notifications; • Conflict of Interest • No Lobbying • No Collusion • Immigration Laws • Drug -Free Workplace • Public Entity Crimes • Debarment and Suspension, Proposer must submit their Company Profile Page from SAM with their bid. • Scrutinized Vendor • Performance Evaluation Signature: Date: State of County of The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me on (DATE). j Nolar1 Seat] Notary Public Signature Failure to f1111v complete, sign and submit this Affidavit may result in resection of the submittal Page 28 of 31 54 of 562 Im T FORM G RFP #23-08 WMEOf PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE MINORITY. WOMEN and DISABLED -OWNED BUSINESS CONCERN REPRESENTATION Minority -Owned Business: a minority -owned business concern means a business concern that: (1) is at least 51 percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are considered to be a member of a minority group, or a publicly owned business having at least 51 percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more members of a minority group; and (2) has its management and daily business controlled and operated by one or more such individuals. Individuals who certify that they are members of minority groups (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian -Pacific Americans, Asian -Indian Americans, and other minorities) are to be considered minority -owned enterprises. Women -Owned Business: a business that is at least 51 percent owned by a woman or women who also control and operate it. Disabled Owned Business: a business that is at least 51 percent owned by a person or persons with severe physical or mental disabilities, which substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities and which person or persons control, and operate such business. "Control" in this referenced context means exercising the power to make policy decisions. "Operate" means being actively involved in the day- today management of the business. The City of Sebastian shall rely on written representations of concerns regarding their status as minority/women/disabled-owned businesses. Proposer agrees to submit information regarding the minority ownership of its subcontractors on request. COMPLETE THE SECTION BELOW AND RETURN THIS FORM WITH BID. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RENDER THE OFFEROR'S BID UNACCEPTABLE. A. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is O, is not ( ) a minority -owned business concern. B. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is { ), is not ( ) a women -owned business concern. C. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is { ), is not ( ) a disabled -owned business concern. Please Check Avvronriate Box/Boxes € African American€ Caucasian (CAUC) € Native American (NAAM) (AFC) € Hispanic American€ Asian -Pacific American (ASIAP) € Asian Indian (ASIAI) HISP) American € other, please identify: € Woman Owned (W) € Disabled Owned (D) The Proposer has 1 has not used the following procedures in searching for and obtaining suppliers uxl subcontractors: • Place Minority -Owned Businesses on solicitation lists. • Ensure that Minority -Owned are solicited whenever they are potential sources. • Consider contracting with consortia of Minority -Owned Businesses when an intended contract is too large for any one such firm to handle on its own or, if economically feasible, divide larger requirements into smaller transactions for which such organizations might compete. • Make information on contracting opportunities available and establish delivery schedules that encourage participation by Minority Owned Businesses. • Use the services and assistance of the SBA and Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency, as appropriate. Page 29 of 31 55 of 562 ma SA HDME OF RuCAN ISLAND Company Name Address Phone # RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE City Zip State Email Address FEIN # Signature of Company Official Print Name Date Page 30 of 31 56 of 562 �, SEB'r�v RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SOLICIATION INFORMATION FORM Please submit this form to assist us in learning more about how our solicitation opportunities are most often found. Company's Name: Company Address: Phone No: Please tell us how you found out this Request for Proposals was released/available (mark all that applies): Indian River Press Journal (TCPalm) DemandStar/Onvia City of Sebastian Web Site Other (please specify below) Page 31 of 31 57 of 562 01YCF ASTIAN SB 4T! HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CRA AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: September 27, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Request for Proposal (RFP #23-11) for the Sale and Redevelopment of City - Owned Property and Provision of a Mixed -Use Development located at 100 Veterans Memorial Highway, Sebastian, Florida, situated in the Community Redevelopment area. Recommendation: Staff requests consensus from the CRA Board for the evaluation of the Request for Proposal (RFP #23-11) for the Sale and Redevelopment of City -Owned Property. Background: The City of Sebastian requested proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Public Works Compound). The Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency "CRA" invited Proposers to submit their qualifications, approach, conceptual design, financial and other terms for the Proposer to purchase, design, permit, construct, finance, operate and maintain a mixed -use commercial/industrial development on a 4.42+/- acre site, minus Veterans Memorial Way right of way. This Request for Proposal (RFP #23-11) was issued in accordance with the disposal of real property provisions set forth in Florida Statute §163.380. On Friday, July 14, 2023 at 2:00 PM EST, all Proposals were due to be submitted and one (I) proposal was received. In accordance with Section 4.2.2 of RFP #23-11, the CRA Board shall act as the Evaluation Committee and independently review and evaluate all responsive proposals received based on the evaluation criteria outlined in Section 4 and discuss their evaluation at the initial Evaluation Committee Meeting. With consensus of the Evaluation Committee, either a recommendation for award will be made to City Council or a request for an oral presentation may be made. In the alternative, the CRA can recommend that the project be rebid. Attached please find the information for your consideration as part of the Evaluation Committee's review. In accordance with the RFP, the City is responsible for securing the following should they proceed with the sale and redevelopment of the property: • Survey and Legal Description of Property and Veterans Memorial Way • Specialty Deed of property and RW dedication • Change in Land Use and Rezone of property • Brownfield designation if requested If Agenda Item Reauires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: NA Total Cost: $0.00 Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NA Attachments: 1. RFP #23-11, Sale of Former Public Works Compound 2. RFP Proposal July 14, 2023 — Stilldragon North America, LLC 3. Armfield-Wagner Appraisal & Research Inc., Appraisal Report #46839 4. Sebastian CRA Redevelopment Master Plan 2022-2023; Applicable content of Section Four, pages 52 — 59. 58 of 562 Administrative Services Department Review:1 L" --t'j , 1 J City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: Date: V), I I a � 2 59 of 562 .m v S" RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of Sebastian is requesting proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at I00 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Public Works Compound). This Request for Proposal ("RFP") is issued in accordance with the disposal of real property provisions set forth in Section 163.380, Florida Statutes. The Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency "CRA" invites Proposers to submit their qualifications, approach, conceptual design, financial and other terms for the Proposer to purchase, design, permit, construct, finance, operate and maintain a mixed -use commercial/industrial development on a 4.42+/- acre site, minus Veterans Memorial Way right of way. The City will NOT pay real estate commissions on this sale. All proposals are due no later than Friday. Julv 14, 2023 by 2:00 PM, LOCAL TIME. at which time all proposals are due. Late proposals will not be accepted. Proposers have the option to submit physically, in -person, or by mail. Submissions shall only be accepted at Citv Hall. Proposer must submit proposal in a sealed envelopelbox/container: One (1) original proposal "MARKED ORIGINAL & SIGNED IN BLUE INK," including the required deposit; EIGHT (8) copies "MARKED COPY & SIGNED IN BLACK INK" of the proposal are required; One (1) USB with an electronic version is required. Onlv the NAME of the firms who submitted a response to this Reauest for Proposal will be read aloud. RFP's will not be made available for review at the time of the open ine. EVENT DATE TIME RELEASE DATE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2023 - MANDATORY PRE BID SITE VISIT: 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY WEDNESDAY, JUKE 7, 2023 10:00 AM EST MANDA70RY QUESTIONS DUE DATE/TIME: FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 END OF BUSINESS DUE DATE/TIME: FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 2:00 PM EST PROPOSED ■ 18T EVALUATION MEETING: TBD 10:00 AM EST 21vD EVALUATION MEETING, if applicable: TBD RECOMMENDATION OF AWARD — CITY COUNCIL MEETING: TBD 6:00 PM EST City of Sebastian City Hall 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 RFP documents and any addenda may be obtained from the City's website (www.citvofsebastian.org), DemandStar (www.demandstar.com) or VendorLink (www.vendorlink.com). It will be the sole responsibility of the Proposer to determine if any addenda have been issued prior to submitting a DroDosal. Any and all questions and communication concerning this RFP should be emailed ONLY to the contact person listed below, no Iater than Friday, June 30, 2023 by end of day. Contact by a Proposer (or anyone representing a Proposer) regarding this RFP with the City Council or a City employee/representative other than the point of contact listed above, is grounds for disqualification. Page 2 of 32 61 of 562 �Ol t HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY STATEMENT OF NO RESPONSE If your firm does not intend on submitting a proposal, please complete and return this form prior to the Solicitation Opening date shown herein. Return by email (dwixon(a7citvofsebastian.oriz} or by mail to: CITY OF SEBASTIAN, CITY HALL ATTN:PROCUREMENT 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 Company Name: Company Address: Phone Number: We are not responding to RFP #23-08, FOR THE PURCHASE OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND PROVISION OF A MIXED -USE DEVELOPMENT AT 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SEBASTIAN FLORIDA for the following reason(s) (mark all that applies): Do not offer the good(s) or service(s) required Our schedule would not permit us to perform responsibly Unable to meet specifications/scope of services Unable to meet minimum requirements Insufficient time allowed for preparation of response ProjectlBudget too small Specifications unclear — too vague, rigid, etc. (please explain below) Other (please specify below) REMARKS Signature Print Name 1 Title Date Page 3 of 32 62 of 562 .m IN RFP #23-11 HOME OF RUCAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY TABLE OF CONTENTS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS................................................................................................................. 2 STATEMENT OF NO RESPONSE................................................................................................ 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................4 DEFINTIONS.............................................................................................................................................. 4 SECTION 1— SOLICITATION INFORMATION.................................................................................5 SECTION 2 — PURCHASE AGREEMENT DETAILS..........................................................................9 SECTION 3 — PROPOSAL FORMAT & REQUIREMENTS.............................................................11 SECTION 4 — EVALUATION PROCESS.............................................................................................12 SECTION 5 — GENERAL CONDITIONS.............................................................................................13 SECTION 6 — REQUIRED FORMS.......................................................................................................20 PROPOSALCHECKLIST.....................................................................................................................20 MAILINGLABEL.................................................................................................................................22 CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET - FORM A................................................................................23 ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - FORM B..............................................................................24 PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE - FORM C......................................................................................25 PROPOSER'S DISCLOSURE - FORM D...........................................................................................26 E-VERIFY ACKNOWLEDGMENT - FORM E..................................................................................28 NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT - FORM F.........................................................................................29 MINORITY, WOMEN and DISABLED -OWNED REPRESENTATION - FORM G........................30 SOLICIATION INFORMATION FORM..............................................................................................32 Exhibits: "A" - Property Information "B" - Remedial Action Plan (RAP) 2023 "C" - Florida Brownfield Redevelopment Program "D" - Sample Purchase Agreement DEFINITIONS Request for Proposals ("RFP"): This Solicitation document, including any and all addenda. Proposal: Submission in response to this RFP. Proposer: Person or firm submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP, "pre -award". Engineer or Design Build Firm (DBF): Selected Proposer that is meets the scope of services and is awarded a contract to provide the goods or services to the City, "post -award". City: Refers to the City of Sebastian. Contract or Agreement: Request for Proposals, all addenda issued thereto, all affidavits, the signed agreement, and all related documents that comprise the totality of the contract or agreement between the City and the Engineer or DBF. Responsible Proposer: Proposer that has the integrity, reliability and capability in all respects to perform in full the contract requirement as stated in the RFP. Responsive Proposer: Proposer who's Proposal fully conforms in all material respects to the RFP and its entire requirement, including form and substance. Days: Refers to calendar days, unless otherwise stated. Shall. Must & Will: Interpreted as mandatory language. Page 4 of 32 63 of 562 Im e �+Y�+rr ✓! - = BASTIAN RFP #23-11 HOME OFPEUCMMAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY SECTION 1— SOLICITATION INFORMATION 1.1 SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Sebastian is requesting proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Public Works Compound). Title will be transferred by a special warranty deed. Consideration will be given to development that best promotes a vibrant, active and dynamic keystone site that will further the Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) goals and objectives. The City desire's a project that has the ability to provide adaptable mixed use commercial/industrial development on the site. The property is in a prime location in the "Gateway" triangle entrance to the city center within close proximity to shopping, recreation, entertainment, and restaurants. This property must follow the performance standards outlined within the Riverfront Overlay District, and use restrictions outlined in the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay District. The redevelopment shall promote and implement the goals and objectives of the CRA Master Plan to remove blight, increase the tax base, and enhance the quality of life; promote the waterfront and its history, and improve the aesthetics and enjoyment of the Sebastian Blvd Mixed -Use District. The City will NOT pay any real estate commissions or provide waivers of site related fees on this sale. 1.2 PROPERTY INFORMATION Site Conditions Special District: Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency Future Land Use: Mixed -Use Current Zoning: Public Service (PS) Performance Overlay District: Riverfront Overlay District and Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay District Permitted Uses: CG — Commercial General and IN — Industrial Height: 35 feet Parcel Size: +/- 4.42 acres (minus Veterans Memorial Way right of way) — Exhibit A Infrastructure: All utilities available on site including water, electric, telephone, sewer, and internet. All existing structures and infrastructure remain on the property, which was vacated as of 2022. Access: Access available east/west driveways onto County Road 512 and direct access to Veterans Memorial Way Facilitv Description: The subject site is currently owned by the City of Sebastian and was used as a Public Works office and vehicle/equipment storage facility. The site is situated at the southeast corner of the Veteran's Memorial Way and Sebastian Boulevard intersection and can be accessed from either street. The facility is currently closed but was previously utilized for maintenance and repair of City vehicles. Also, construction materials and vehicular fuel were stored on -site. The facility is improved with a concrete block office building, a larger concrete block garage building, and a metal storage building. Two aboveground fuel storage tanks (ASTs) and associated dispenser pumps were located at the southern portion of the site, just north of the metal storage building. The site is further improved with asphalt -paved parking and drive areas. The facility historically operated two (2) underground storage tanks (leaded gasoline and diesel fuel), which were removed in 1991. The USTs were located north of the office building and are the subject of cleanup activities. A site map illustrating the current site layout is included in Exhibit B, Figure 1. Page 5 of 32 64 of 562 RFP #23-11 HOME OFPEUCANISIAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Property Description The property was originally acquired in 1925 as part of a larger parcel which was divided in 1985. The remainder consists of the Old Compound parcel #31390600000500000024.0 (+I4.13 acres) further described as: 7.5 A IN SWIM, D BK 3, PP 279 LESS E 2885 FT OF S 433 FT THEREOF & LESS N 267.2 5 FT AS MEASURED ALONG RR R/W AS PER ORBK 708 PP 819 In 2017, the parcel was unified with parcel #31390700000300000006.0 (+/-0.29 acres) further described as: FR NE COR OF NWI/4, RUN W ALONG N BDRY 300.4 FT TO POB: S 146.55 FT TO CL OF ST RD 512; SWLY 90 FT; NWLY TO PT WHICH IS 113 FT W OF POB: RUN E ALONG N LINE SEC 7 TO POB, AS OR BK 88 PP 60 LESS RD R/W (OR BK 428 PP 330) Property Specifics i. The property consists of the former City public works compound on approximately 4.42 acres (minus Veterans Memorial Way right of way). A current survey and lot split will be provided by the City as part of this agreement in order to subdivide Veterans Memorial Way right of way from the property purchase. ii. The property maintains a current zoning of Public Service. The City will pay the application fee for rezoning of the property to the intended use on behalf of the successful proposer. iii. The property maintains a Remedial Action Interim Report (RAI) with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) from a past contamination event from a leaking underground storage tank. The City shall continue absorbing the cost of monitoring for the site. The City will support the application to establish a Brownfield Site and participate in the Florida Brownfield Redevelopment Program as part of the remediation plan. Exhibits include: "A" - Property Information "B" - Remedial Action Interim Report (RAI) 2023 "C" - Florida Brownfield Redevelopment Program "D" - Sample Purchase Agreement 1.3 DEPOSIT Proposals must be accompanied by a security deposit of $15,000.00, in the form of a certified or cashier's check, payable to the City of Sebastian. This deposit will be returned to unsuccessful Proposers. The successful Proposer shall be required to deposit with the City another $30,000.00, for a total deposit of $45,000.00 (or more if increased through negotiations) within five (5) business days following City Council approval of the Purchase Agreement. All deposits by the successful Proposer are non-refundable. 1.4 CITY BACKGROUND The City of Sebastian was first incorporated as the Town of Sebastian in 1924, and is located at the northern end of Indian River County, Florida, approximately midway between Melbourne and Vero Beach on the Treasure Coast. It is recognized as the home of Pelican Island, the first designated wildlife refuge in the United States, and a Tree City USA. Sebastian's current population is 25,438; residents include many retirees and families. The total area of Sebastian is approximately 18.19 square miles with about 1.5 miles of waterfront on the Indian River lagoon. . The most current employment estimates indicate that Health Care and Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Accommodations and Food Services are the dominant industries within the City and Sebastian CRA. Page 6 of 32 65 of 562 RFP #23-11 HOME OF PnXMV ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Sebastian has over 20 beautiful parks, public and private elementary schools, middle schools, and a high school just outside of its limits. With an unobstructed view of the intra-coastal waterway in the Indian River Lagoon along its dazzling riverfront district, close proximity to Atlantic beaches, a year round average temperature of 73.4 degrees, Sebastian is a welcoming city. Entertainment in Sebastian includes shops and restaurants, many churches, several City festivals each year, monthly arts and crafts shows, concerts in the park, a municipal golf course and airport, and a central location with easy access to 1-95 and the Florida Turnpike. Sebastian and the rest of northern Indian River County comprise one of the fastest -growing areas of Florida in the first decade of the 21 st century. Purpose The City of Sebastian is requesting proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Public Works Compound) as a mixed -use commercial/industrial development on a 4.42+/- acre site, minus Veterans Memorial Way right of way. The site is located in the Sebastian CRA and lies within the Riverfront Performance Overlay and Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay districts. The purpose of this solicitation is to offer the property for sale and re -development while at the same time promoting the goals and objectives for the implementation of the CRA plan to remove conditions of blight, increase the tax base, and enhance the quality of life. The City would desire a project that has the ability to provide adaptable mixed use development on the site. Visit the City of Sebastian webpage for information regarding the goals and objectives of the CRA Master Plan and applicable zoning criteria (www.cityofsebastian.org). Proiect Description and Available Information The Sebastian Boulevard Triangle is envisioned as a mixed -use district that will extend the town center outward from its traditional riverfront district into the developed business district along Sebastian Boulevard/County Road 512. As a gateway into the City of Sebastian riverfront district, the triangle area development is encouraged to have an attractive, well maintained, orderly and uncluttered appearance which will be characterized by impressive vegetation and landscaping; complementary buildings and signs with enhanced designs and aesthetic appearances; and a safe transportation system that accommodates mass transit, pedestrians, bicycles, and other transportation alternatives, as well as automobiles. The site is an important gateway property and the intention of the Sebastian CRA is to consider certain development that best captures the architectural appeal of the city as an "Old Florida Fishing Village" as well as develop the property into a vibrant, active, and dynamic keystone site that will further the CRA's goals and objectives. The development of a mixed use property is expected to serve as a catalyst for redevelopment. Proposals should consider incorporating in the project, to the maximum extent feasible, the City's planning objectives and principals including: • Enhance and connect open space • Livable approach to streets and uses • Enhance the CRA Sebastian Blvd Mixed -Use District The following attachments can be found at httvs://weblink.eitvofsebastian.orv/WebLink/Browse.a.sux?id=236137&dbid=0&reno=Citv_: • City of Sebastian's Community Redevelopment Master Plan • City Comprehensive Plan 2040 • Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay District • Riverfront Overlay District Regulations Page 7 of 32 66 of 562 :m.r �T� RFP #23-11 HOME OF PECAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY RAI Historically, this site has one documented release. On April 23, 1991, a Discharge Reporting Form (DRF) was submitted to FDEP following soil impacts noted during the 1991 removal of the 300-gallon diesel and 5,000- gallon leaded gasoline tank, which were previously installed October 1, 1984. A closure assessment report dated June 4, 1991, documented the removal of 770 cubic yards of soil based on field OVA data. Following the tank removal, a Contamination Assessment Report (CAR) was completed in May 1992, which included installing seventeen soil borings, slug testing, and installation and sampling of 4 shallow wells and one deep well. A RAP was submitted for the site October 5, 1993, proposing a pump and treat system. In October of 1994 a 10,000 gallon unleaded Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) and a 1,000 gallon diesel AST were installed. The pump and treat system, was installed in 1995 and ran for several months until the system was turned off due to lack of funding. Wells installed prior to 2006 had been destroyed or abandoned over the years thus in May of 2006, six shallow monitoring wells, one deep well, and 7 soil borings were installed as part of a Limited Contamination Assessment Report (LCAR). In 2018 groundwater sampling was completed and Natural Attenuation Monitoring (NAM) was proposed. Recent work includes additional assessment in preparation for a RAP. Contaminant levels appear consistent between June 2022 and January 2023; the recommendations include preparing a Pilot Test. The RAI provides updated groundwater data. One well was installed downgradient of the source to further delineate impacted groundwater. Levels have been generally consistent and require remediation. The full Remedial Action Interim Report (RAI) for the above referenced facility is available by request. Exhibit B includes a summary report and Figure I for reference. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection Brownfields Program offers a lot of incentives through their program such as voluntary cleanup tax credits (which can be used to repay loan), liability protections, and a Targeted Brownfields Assessment program that provides funding and assistance for assessment and cleanup activities. Exhibit C includes information about the Brownfield Redevelopment Program. The City will continue the monitoring and assessment for the site however the City would consider issuing a resolution entering into a BrownfieIds Site Rehabilitation Agreement with the successful Proposer. Proposal Process The CRA and the CITY are seeking an experienced and well financed developer that is capable of developing the Property. The Proposer must first submit a proposal meeting the requirements of this RFP including submitting detailed elevation drawings ar other photos/illustrations and conceptual site development plan. If the developer is seeking waivers for development, they must specifically outline each request as a part of their proposal. Proposals will then be evaluated and ranked by the CRA Board. The top ranked proposer will then be invited to negotiate the terms and conditions of a written project agreement with the CITY. The selection of the top ranked proposer does not in any way form a contract with the CITY. Rather, it is simply an invitation to commence negotiations with the CITY to draft a mutually agreeable project agreement which shall be subject to consideration and final approval by the CITY COUNCIL. No guarantees or representations whatsoever are given by the CITY that the selected proposer will be able to successfully negotiate a written project agreement with the CITY COUNCIL, and neither is the CITY obligated or required to provide an executable project agreement. If selected and invited to negotiate a project agreement, the negotiation period shall not exceed three (3) months and can be terminated at any time by the CITY COUNCIL. Upon expiration or termination of the negotiations, the CITY COUNCIL may choose to negotiate with any other proposer or terminate the RFP at the CITY COUNCIL'S sole and absolute discretion. A contract is formed with the CITY only at such time the CITY COUNCIL and selected proposer approve and execute the written project agreement. Otherwise, the selected proposer, regardless of the fact that a proposal was submitted and the parties negotiated, has no rights whatsoever to acquire the subject property and/or construct a project on the property. Additionally, the selected proposers must be able to commit to begin construction of the mixed -use development within eighteen (18) months from the date that the site plan is approved by the CITY. The project agreement is expected to address the agreed upon terms and conditions of the project including, but not limited to, the proposed conceptual site development plan, building elevations, covenants, conditions, and restrictions, including covenants running with the land, as the CITY deems necessary or desirable to assist in Page 8 of 32 67 of 562 RFP #23-11 HWEOfMCMISMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY preventing the development or spread of future slums or blighted areas or to otherwise carry out the purposes of this RFP which are to construct a mixed -use development, and such other design, permitting, financial, development schedules, and construction terms and conditions deemed necessary by the CITY. The CITY COUNCIL may accept such proposal and negotiate a written agreement as it deems to be in the public interest and in furtherance of the purposes of the CRA's Redevelopment Plan. The Project Agreement, if successfully negotiated, shall be subject to such covenants, conditions, and restrictions, including covenants running with the land, as the CITY COUNCIL deems necessary or desirable to assist in preventing the development or spread of future slums or blighted areas or to otherwise carry out the purposes of this RFP. Further, the CRA lacks authority to grant variances, waivers, or other land use approvals in the City of Sebastian, which is exclusively within the jurisdiction of the Sebastian CITY COUNCIL. Accordingly, proposers should anticipate that it will be required to negotiate a separate development agreement with the City of Sebastian to approve conceptual development plans and address other matters for which the CITY COUNCIL retains exclusive authority, such as vacation of rights -of -ways. Again, no guarantees or representations whatsoever are given by the City of Sebastian that the selected proposer will be able to successfully negotiate a written development agreement with the Sebastian CITY COUNCIL, and neither is the City of Sebastian obligated or required to provide an executable development agreement. 1.5 MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS Each firm must satisfy the minimum requirements listed below to be considered. Firms that do not meet the minimum requirements as determined by the City, at its sole discretion, will be deemed non -responsive and not considered for award. All decisions made by the City are final. All Proposers must demonstrate the following: 1. Proposer, or at least one of its General Partners, must be operating as the same business entity for a minimum of five (5) years; and 2. Proven experience of successfully developing properties continuously for a minimum of five (5) years; and 3. Financial ability to provide the proposed redevelopment; and 4. No tax delinquency as an individual or member of a Corporation or Partnership; and S. No unabated code violations for other properties within the City of Sebastian; and 6. No creation of a non -conforming use. SECTION 2 — PURCHASE AGREEMENT DETAILS Upon the City Council's acceptance of a proposal, the successful Proposer shall enter into a Purchase Agreement for the purchase of the property. A sample Purchase Agreement is included as Exhibit "C': The Agreement will be subject to the following terms: 1) A Special Warranty Deed shall be prepared at the City's expense which states the City is conveying the Property in "as is" condition. A Title Commitment and/or Insurance shall be procured by the successful bidder, and obtained by said bidder within thirty (30) days after the effective contract date. Purchaser shall pay the cost thereof as well as the cost of any update. Purchaser shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of receiving said commitment of title to examine same. Failure of bidder to timely obtain title information shall not extend the time for closing. If title is found to be defective due to conditions or restrictions other than those set forth herein, Purchaser shall, within said period, notifv the Citv Attornev in writing, specifying the defects. If the said defects, other than those set forth herein, and that the title was obtained by or through a tax deed, render the title unmarketable, the City shall have one hundred twenty (120) days from receipt of such notice to cure the defects, and if after said period the City shall not have cured the defects, Purchaser shall have the option of (1) accepting the title as it then is, or (2) demanding a refund of all monies paid hereunder which shalt forthwith be returned to Purchaser, and thereupon the Purchaser and the City shall be relieved of all further obligations. 2) An updated survey of the property, if desired, shall be obtained and paid for by the Purchaser. Page 9 of 32 68 of 562 RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY 3) State documentary stamps on the deed shall be paid by the Purchaser. 4) Certified, confirmed and ratified special assessment liens shall be paid by the City at the time of closing. The City represents that there are no pending liens at this time affecting the property which have been made by the City and to the best of its knowledge, there are no other pending liens affecting the property. However, if at the time of closing there shall be new or future pending liens, Purchaser shall assume the same. 5) The Purchaser shall pay the cost of recording the deed. 6) The Purchaser shall pay the cost of his/her, or its own attorneys and any title commitment and/or insurance. 7) The deposits will be in good faith and will be deducted from the amount proposed to purchase property to determine balance due at closing. Ten (10) business days following City Council approval of the negotiated Purchase Agreement, selected Purchasers deposits are non-refundable. 8) Closing shall be done by a Closing Agent, uaid by the Purchaser, and take place within ninety (90) days from the date of the Agreement, in the office of the City Attorney or Closing Agent's Office. The time for closing shall be extended as may be deemed necessary by the City. Should closing not occur within the time frame or any extensions granted, the City has the right but not the obligation to terminate any and all agreements and retain the property or rebid the property. 9) The successful Proposer if financing must obtain financing within fifteen (15) days following City Council approval of the negotiated Purchase Agreement, and evidence shall be provided to the City that financing has been obtained. If evidence is not provided within the fifteen (15) day time period, the City has the right to either provide an additional ten (10) working days extension, or terminate the process and move to the next preferred applicant. 10) It is understood and agreed that the terms of the RFP documents, proposal submission with proposed use and Purchase Agreement survives after Closing. The Purchase Agreement shall survive the conveyance of title, particularly with respect to any act or event which may take place after such conveyance and which affects the rights of the parties hereto. 11) The City has not employed any Real Estate Brokers in connection with the sale of the property being offered herein, nor is it in any way liable or responsible for any real estate brokerage or other similar commission claimed as the result of any sale made of the property herein offered. SECTION 3 — PROPOSAL FORMAT & REQUIREMENTS The Proposal shall be limited to no more than twenty (20) vaaes (NOT including the required forms listed in Section 3.9.) Any responses exceeding twenty (20) pages, NOT including the required forms, will be considered non -responsive and not considered for award. You are expected to use Tabs dividing each section (tabs will not be included/counted in the twenty (20) pages). 3.1 COVER LETTER Proposer shall submit a letter of interest signed by mr authorized representative that can contractually obligate and bind the firm. The Proposer or authorized representative is attesting that the information provided is current and factual. The letter shall include: • Date • Proposers Information (history, length of existence & business structure) • Representatives Contact Information (telephone number and email address) • Proposer's federal taxpayer identification number • Confirmation of Proposer meeting ALL minimum requirements listed above in Section 1.5. • Type of ownership, if applicable (small business, small disadvantaged business or women -owned business) • A detailed description of the nature and status of any pending or completed litigation claims made, contract disputes, alleged defaults and liens arising in connection with the performance of any services by your Page 10 of 32 69 of 562 RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY company or by current or former members of your firm, within the last three years. If proposer intends to utilize subcontractors or sub -consultants, provide similar information for the subcontractors/sub-consultants. 3.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Include a clear identification of the materials included proper page number. OUALIFICATIONS (TAB 1) in the Proposal by numbering them and providing the 3.3 PROPOSER QUALIFICATIONS • A detailed summary of the developer's experience in the acquisition and development of CWR or mixed -use development. • A brief description of at least three (3) most comparable projects that has been successfully developed. Provide the name, address, photographs, and references. NOTE: The use of past project photos, renderings and graphics are highly encouraged. 3.4 TEAM QUALIFICATIONS • Team members and credentials Include information for the proposed Master Planner, Architect, or Contractor for the project Provide up to two comparable projects undertaken, as part of this team or separately by each professional. (Note which projects the professional consultants and contractors provided the services on behalf of the Proposer). Team credentials include, but are not limited to, specialized qualifications, education and experience. Brief background outlining relevant work performed within the last five (5) years. Provide the Florida registration numbers of professional personnel. Resumes shall not exceed one (1) page per person, if applicable. PROPOSED USE (TAB 2) 3.5 PROPOSED USE OF SITE • Describe the proposed use of the site. • Include conceptual plans, elevations, renderings, etc. Anticipated square footage per use, estimated parking counts, and number of stories in proposed structures, if applicable. • A conceptual site development plan, drawn to scale, evidencing that the plan will satisfy current zoning requirements for a "Commercial/Mixed-Use building type, to the extent that a development agreement is approved, and the planning objectives of the Sebastian CRA Master Plan, and overlay performance criteria. • Colored renderings of the site and front, back and side elevations of building (s) and decorative structures such as hardscape features and entrance signs. • Describe the organization and future plans of the proposed end users of the site; include information on past and future business operations of the user. Provide market -based data supporting demand and feasibility as well as estimated rental rates/sales prices (if applicable). 3.6 PROPOSED COMPLETION TIME • Describe proposed completion time for this redevelopment, outline time frames for site planning, permitting, construction, etc. FINANCIAL REOUIREMENTS (TAB 3) 3.7 FINANCIAL ABILITY • Provide sufficient evidence of having, or the ability to secure within fifteen (15) days of award, financial resources to complete the proposed project in a timely fashion and provide long -teen financial support to the project after built. Page 11 of 32 70 of 562 RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY • Funding Mechanism. Explain the proposed funding mechanism amount (i.e. how the redevelopment will be funded) timeframe and terms. The applicant is responsible for all building and other permits and fees which are associated with the proposed project unless otherwise contractually noted. Prospective bidders may submit bank documents that support their application. • Reauested Waivers. A summary of any relief to be proposed from the Land Development Code or the Riverfront Overlay District for items such as building size, height, coverage, material finishes, parking requirements, or landscaping; or a summary of any relief to be proposed from fees associated with site plan review of the property. • Pronosed Purchase Price. A summary statement of the proposed purchase price for the subject property. NOTE: This evidence can be shown by the Proposer's audited or compiled financial statements, or signed letters from banks or equity sources with verifiable funds to complete the project. Such letters must be on bank or equity source letterhead and include details of the financial entity's experience in working with the Proposer on similar - sized or larger projects and their willingness to consider funding the proposed project subject to successful negotiations and due diligence. 3.8 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: Pursuant to section 119.071, Florida Statutes, any financial statements that the City requires to be submitted may be exempt from the Public Records Law. Therefore, any submitted financial statements that the Proposer wishes to remain confidential shall be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope and marked 'Confidential Financial Statement Enclosed." By submission of a response to this RFP the proposer agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless should any information marked as confidential knowingly or unknowingly be released as the result of a public records request. REQUIRED FORMS (TAB 4) 3.9 FORMS All Forms required by the RFP shall be fully executed by the Proposer and submitted. Refer to Section 6. SECTION 4 — EVALUATION PROCESS Durina the evaluation process and until an award has been made by City Council, Proposers are prohibited from discussing anvthin2 concerning this RFP with Citv staff. anv member of the Evaluation Committee or Citv Council. 4.1 EVALUATION CRITERIA The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to accept any proposal or portion thereof deemed to be in the best interest of the Citv, and to waive any non -substantial irregularities. The Best Value Evaluation System is a subjective process that reviews all proposals to determine which proposal provides the best value to the City. The establishment, application and interpretation of the evaluation criteria below shall be solelv within the discretion of the Citv. Weight for each criterion is shown below. Evaluators will be responsible for giving a score (0-4), see Scale below for point determination. Scale 0 (0%) — Non -Responsive 1 (25%) — Missing/Lacking/Insufficient Evidence Provided 2 (50%) — Partial/Basic Evidence Provided 3 (75%) — SufficientlAdequate/Appropriate Evidence Provided 4 (100%) — Exceeds/Outstanding/High Level Evidence Provided Company & Team Qualifications (10 POINTS) - Years of experience, past projects and credentials will be considered. Page 12 of 32 71 of 562 On E IEBAST SKN RFP #23-11 HOME OFPEUC,va15MD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Proposed Use & Completion Time (10 POINTS) - The site lies within the CWR zoning district, which allows for a variety of both commercial and residential uses. A specific timeline and schedule must be included, with additional considerations given for economic and taxable values based on the proposed use. Financial Ability (15 POINTS) - Demonstrate the ability to finance, as well as promote the likelihood of future viability with the proposed site. Conforms to Master Plan and District Overlays (30 POINTS) - Specific redevelopment shall meet the goals and objectives found in the CRA Master Plan and the Riverfront Overlay District guidelines. Purchase Price (35 POINTS) 4.2 REVIEW 4.2.1 All proposals submitted on time will first be reviewed by the Procurement Division to determine responsiveness to confirm minimum requirements are met. 4.2.2 The CRA Board shall act as the Evaluation Committee and independently review and evaluate all responsive proposals received based on the criteria above and discuss their evaluation at the initial Evaluation Committee Meeting. With consensus of the Evaluation Committee, either a recommendation for award will be made to City Council or a request for the top ranked firms to give oral presentations may be made. The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to waive immaterial irregularities in proposals if in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether the criterion is satisfactorily met based on the Scale established in this RFP. The City reserves the right to seek clarification from any Proposer(s). 4.3 AWARD The purpose of this RFP is to award one (1) Purchaser, to purchase the referenced property mentioned above in Section L L, Scope of Services. It is most common, not guaranteed, that the Proposer(s) who scores the highest number of points will be recommended to City Council for award. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals deemed as not responsive. The City reserves the right to cancel this RFP and re -solicit or not re -solicit as determined to be in the City's best interests. SECTION 5 — GENERAL CONDITIONS 5.1 CONE OF SILENCE Potential Proposers shall not communicate in any way with City staff, CRA Board or the City Council other than the primary contact listed herein. This restriction shall be effective from the time of advertisement until an award is made by the City Council. Such communication may result in disqualification. 5.2 ADDENDA Addenda may be issued in response to any inquiry received by the Question/Answer deadline date and time specified herein or to provide revisions, additions, deletions, clarification, etc. Addenda shall become part of and have precedence over anything shown or described otherwise. If not mentioned in the addenda, all other documents, specifications, drawings, terms and conditions remain the same. It is the Proposer's responsibility to ensure receipt of all addenda and acknowledge all addenda issued. Where there appears to be a conflict between Solicitation and any addenda, the last addendum issued shall prevail. 5.3 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Pursuant to Section 119.071, Florida Statutes, if there is any of the information contained in a response that a Proposer feels is "confidential" and exempt from the Public Records Law (i.e. financial statements), the Proposer must in the response specifically identify the material which is deemed to be exempt and cite the legal authority Page 13 of 32 72 of 562 ,m RFP #23-11 HOME OFPEDCANISMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY for the exemption, otherwise, the City will treat all materials received as public records. Therefore, any submitted financial statements that the Proposer wishes to remain confidential shall be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope and marked "Confidential Financial Statement Enclosed." By submission of a response to this RFP the proposer agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless should any information marked as confidential knowingly or unknowingly be released as the result of a public records request. 5.4 OUESTIONS AND/OR REOUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION Any questions and/or requests for clarification regarding this Solicitation shall be submitted in writing to the Procurement/Contracts Manager via email at dwixon i cityofsebastian.org. Proposers must clearly understand that the only official answer or position of the City will be the one issued by the Procurement/Contracts Manager via an Addendum. The Solicitation number and title shall be referenced on all correspondence, include locating information for each question in order to ensure that questions asked are responded to correctly. All questions must be received no later than the time and date specified in the RFP. All responses to questions/clarify cations will be published in the form of an Addendum. NO QUESTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED VERBALLY OR AFTER DEADLINE STATED HEREIN. Addendum(s) will be made available on the City's website, DemandStar.com and VendorLink.com and it is the Proposer's sole responsibility to assure receipt of all (if any) Addenda. 5.5 PROPOSALS NOT CONSIDERED Proposals not considered are late submissions, telegraphed, emailed or faxed proposals and proposals which do not conform to the instructions contained in the Request for Proposals. However, Proposals may be withdrawn by fax or email, provided that such notices are received prior to the Solicitation Opening date and time and confirmed by a telephone call. 5.6 LATE PROPOSALS Late Proposals will not be opened. Proposers have the option of picking up or paying for the mailed return of the unopened Proposal. If this option is not exercised within five (5) days of the solicitation due date, the late unopened Proposal will be disposed. 5.7 PROPOSAL GUARANTEE The Proposer warrants that the unit prices, terms, and conditions quoted in the proposal will be firm for acceptance for a period of not less than one -hundred twenty (120) days from the solicitation opening date. Such unit prices, terms and conditions will remain firm for the contract period. 5.8 SEALED PROPOSALS Proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope which shall show (lower left corner) the Proposer's name and address, RFP number and title, along with the solicitation due date and time. The Proposal shall be submitted no later than the solicitation due date and time mentioned on the Request for Proposal. The City may choose whether to open any proposals that are not clearly marked at the City's sole discretion and will not be held responsible for not opening any Proposals that are not clearly marked. Proposals shall be handwritten or typed with (black or blue) ink. Any erasures or corrections must be initialed by the Proposer in blue ink. Handwritten submissions must be legible. Proposals shall be submitted to Citv Hail. 1225 Main Street Sebastian. FL 32958. Proposals that are submitted to other locations or delivered to the wrong location may not be considered. It shall be the sole responsibility of the proposer to ensure their proposal is at the proper location and at the time specified in the proposal documents. 5.9 RFP OPENING Proposers are welcome to attend the solicitation opening; however, attendance is not mandatory. Proposals shall be opened and publicly announced on the date, time and location specified on the Request for Proposal, unless otherwise stated in the form of an addendum. Proposals received will be posted within thirty (30) business days to DemandStar.com, Vendorlink.com and the City's website. Page 14 of 32 73 of 562 RFP N23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY 5.10 PROPOSAL EXAMINATION In accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, solicitation files will be made available for public inspection at the time the City posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier. Solicitation files may be examined during normal working hours, by appointment only, by contacting the City Clerk's office at 772-589-5330. 5.11 INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY, and its officers and employees, from all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentionally wrongful conduct of the CONTRACTOR and other persons employed or utilized by the CONTRACTOR in the performance of the agreement; regardless of the negligence of the indemnitee or its officers, directors, agents, or employees. However, such indemnification shall not include claims of, or damages resulting from, gross negligence, or willful, wanton or intentional misconduct of the indemnitee or its officers, directors, agents or employees. Upon request of the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall, at no cost or expense to the CITY, indemnify and hold the CITY harmless of any suit asserting a claim for any loss, damage or liability specified above, and CONTRACTOR shall pay any cost and reasonable attorneys' fees that may be incurred by the CITY in connection with any such claim or suit or in enforcing the indemnity granted above. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as the CITY waiving its sovereign immunity pursuant to 768.28, et seq., Florida Statutes, or any other sovereign or governmental immunity. This provision shall survive the termination of this bid. 5.12 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time, or changes in the work, and to negotiate contract terms and conditions with the top ranked Proposer IAW F.S. 287.055(5), and the right to disregard all non -conforming, non -responsive, imbalanced, or conditional Proposals. More than one Proposal from an individual, firm or association under same or different names, will not be considered. Any or all Proposals will be rejected if there is reason to believe that collusion exists among the Proposers, and no participants in such collusion will be considered in future Proposals for the same work. 5.13 CORRECTIONS. CANCELLATION. & WITHDRAWAL Proposers may be asked to provide further information after the solicitation opening to determine the responsibility of the vendor. 5.13.1. Waiver of Technicality: Information shall not be considered after the bid opening if it has been specifically requested to be provided with the Proposal as this becomes a matter of responsiveness. The Proposal shall be considered responsive if it substantially conforms to the requirements of the RFP. The City may waive any informality, technicality, or irregularity on any bid. A minor or non -substantive lack of conformity may be considered a technicality or irregularity which may be waived by the City. 5.13.2. Mathematical Errors: Errors in extension of unit prices or in mathematical calculations may be corrected. In cases of errors in mathematical computations, the unit prices shall not be changed. 5.13.3. Cancellation or Postponement: The City may cancel or postpose the solicitation opening or cancel the RFP in its entirety prior to award. 5.13.4. Withdrawal: Prior to any published bid opening date and time, a Proposer may withdraw his or her Proposal in writing. A fax or email is permitted for this purpose, provided it is confirmed by a telephone call. 5.13.5. Amendments: Prior to the published Solicitation Opening date and time, a Proposer may amend the Proposal provided that it is in writing, in a sealed envelope, and identified. Page 15 of 32 74 of 562 HOME OF RFP 423-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY 5.14 EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS Request for exceptions to the specifications shall be listed in the proposal and shall reference the section. Any exceptions to the General or Special Conditions may be cause for the proposal to be considered non -responsive. 5.15 SUBCONTRACTORS AND EMPLOYEES The Proposer is required to identify any and all Sub -consultants and/or suppliers and/or material men that will be used in the performance of the proposed Agreement and to clearly identify in their Proposal the percentages of Work to be performed by their Sub -consultants. 5.16 RFP AWARD The contract/agreement will be awarded to the most responsive and responsible Proposer(s) whose proposal, conforming to the specifications and terms the City considers is most advantageous. The Procurement/Contracts Manager shall issue a Notice of Award to the successful Proposer and post the results on the City's website and DemandStar. 5.17 WAIVER OF IRREGULARITIES The City may waive minor informalities or irregularities in Proposals received where such is merely a matter of form and not substance, and the correction or waiver of which is not prejudicial to other Proposers. Minor irregularities are defined as those that will not have an adverse effect on the City's interest and will not affect the price or terms of the Proposal by giving a Proposer an advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other Proposers. 5.17.1. In no event will any such elections by the City be deemed to be a waiving of the required criteria for the requested services. 5.17.2. The Proposers who are selected for the Project will be required to fully comply with the Project criteria, regardless that the Solicitation may have been based on a variation. 5.17.3. Proposers shall identify separately all innovative aspects as such in the technical Solicitation. Innovation should be limited to Proposers means and methods, approach to Project, use of new products, and new uses for established products. 5.18 COUNCIL MEETING The awarded Proposer must be available to attend City Council meetings, when required. The awarded Proposer must be prepared to answer any questions and/or provide a presentation if requested by City Council and/or authorized by City representative(s). The date and time of the City Council meeting will be publicly noticed. 5.19 SALES TAX Although the City of Sebastian is exempt from Federal and State Sales and Use taxes, Contractors or Vendors doing business with the City are not exempted from paying said taxes to their supplier for goods or services purchased to fulfill the contractual obligations with the City, nor shall any Contractor or Vendor be authorized to use the City's Tax Exemption Number in securing such materials. 5.20 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE OR CONVENIENCE - The agreement resulting from this RFP can be terminated immediately for cause if Contractor is found to have failed to perform services in a manner satisfactory to the City; or for convenience upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the Proposer. In the event of either termination, the Proposer shall be compensated for all services performed to the City's satisfaction. The City shall be sole judge of non-performance. 5.21 DISCRIMINATION The Proposer shall not practice or condone personnel or supplier discrimination of any nature whatsoever, in any manner proscribed by Federal or State of Florida laws and regulations. The City of Sebastian will not knowingly do business with vendors, proposers, or contractors who discriminate on those protected by state and federal law. Through the course of providing services to the City, Proposers/Contractors shall affirmatively comply with all applicable provisions of Title VI of the Civil Page 16 of 32 75 of 562 RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 and the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, as well as all other applicable regulations, guidelines and standards. Any person who believes their rights have been violated should report such discrimination to the City. 5.22 PUBLIC RECORDS Section 119.01 Florida Statutes, The Public Records Law, provides that municipal records shall at all times be open for personal inspection by any person. Information and materials received by the City in connection with all Proposers' responses shall be deemed to be public record subject to public inspection and copying at the time the City posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier. IF THE PROPOSERICONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT JEANETTE WILLIAMS, THE CITY CLERK AND CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT 772-388-8215 / EMAIL iwilliamsncitvofsebastian.org CITY OF SEBASTAIN, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958. 5.23 PUBLIC MEETING EXEMPTIONS In accordance with Fla. Stat. §286.0113, any portion of a meeting in which (1) negotiations with a vendor is conducted as part of the "competitive negotiation" process AND/OR (2) a vendor makes an oral presentation or answers questions as part of the "competitive solicitation" process, are exempt from public meeting requirements The City will post notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier. Any portion of a committee meeting at which negotiation strategies are discussed is exempt. A complete record shall be made of any portion of an exempt meeting; no portion may be held off the record. The recording of and any records presented at the exempt meeting are exempt from Fla. Stat. § 119.071 until such time as the City posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier, at which point the complete record becomes public and subject to Section 119.01 Florida Statute, The Public Records Law. 5.24 PROTEST PROCEDURE Any Bidder/Proposer who is aggrieved in connection with a competitive selection process may protest to the Procurement/Contracts Manager. The protest shall be submitted in writing within three (3) calendar days after the Bidder/Proposer knows or should have known of the facts giving rise to the protest. Failure of the Proposer to file a timely formal written Protest within the specified time period shall constitute a waiver by the Proposer of all rights to Protest. The formal written Protest must provide documentation which shall specify in detail the nature of the grievance and the grounds upon which any relief, modification or change is based. If the protest is not resolved by mutual agreement or if the protestor disagrees with the decision of the Procurement/Contracts Manager, the protestor may appeal the decision to the City Manager and/or City Council, within seven (7) calendar days of initial decision. Stay of Procurement -- In the event of a timely and properly filed protest, the Procurement/Contracts Manager shall not proceed further with the solicitation or award until all administrative remedies have been exhausted, or until the City Manager or City Council, as appropriate, makes a determination on the record that the award of a contract is necessary to protect substantial interests of the City. SECTIONS BELOW REFERENCED ON FORM F - NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT 5.25 CONFLICT OF INTEREST The resulting agreement is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. All Proposers/Contractors/Consultants must disclose within their bid/proposal to the City of Sebastian the name of Page 17 of 32 76 of 562 Ot m 4w-, HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY any officer, director, or agent who is also an employee of the City of Sebastian (hereinafter the "City"). Furthermore, all Proposers/Contractors/Consultants must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, directly or indirectly, an interest of more than five percent (5%) in the firm of any of its branches. Please submit to the City all information on any potential conflict of interest related to provision of the goods or services requested in this Solicitation. The purpose of this disclosure is to give the City the information needed to identify potential conflicts of interest for evaluation by the team members and other key personnel involved in the award of this contract. The term "conflict of interest" refers to situations in which financial or other personal consideration may adversely affect, or have the appearance of adversely affecting, an employee's professional judgment in exercising any City duty or responsibility in administration, management, instruction, research, or other professional activities. 5.26 NO LOBBYING All Proposers/Contractors/Consultants or and its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest are hereby placed on notice that any communication, whether written or oral, with City of Sebastian elected officials or any other staff or outside individuals working with the City in respect to this request (with exception of the Procurement Division personnel designated to receive requests for interpretation or corrections) is prohibited. These persons shall not be lobbied, either individually or collectively, regarding any request for bid, proposals, qualifications and/or any other solicitations released by the City of Sebastian. To do so is grounds for immediate disqualification from the selection process. The selection process is not considered final until such time as the CRA Board and City Council have made a final and conclusive determination. 5.27 NO COLLUSION Proposer/Contractor/Consultant and its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, swears and attests that it is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Solicitation, and of all pertinent circumstances respecting the provision of the goods or services to the City of Sebastian. The Proposal, offer or submittal being made is genuine and is not collusive or a sham. By submitting a response to this RFP, Proposer certifies that all information contained in the submittal is truthful to the best of their knowledge and belief. Proposer further certifies, under oath, that this submittal is made without any colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other firm, person or corporation responding to this solicitation for the same product or service. 5.28 IMMIGRATION LAWS The City wiII not intentionally award City contracts to any Firm who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers, constituting a violation of the employment provisions contained in an 8 U.S.C. Section 1324 a(e) (Section 274A (e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA"). Refer to E-Verify Acknowledgment in solicitation documents. 5.29 DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE In accordance with Florida Statute Section 287.087, Proposer/Contractor/Consultant certifies that the following: (1) A written statement is published notifying that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace named above and specifying actions that will be taken against violations of such prohibition. (2) Employees are informed about the dangers of drug abuse in the work place, the firm's policy of maintaining a drug free working environment, and available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug use violations. (3) Employees are notified that as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual and will notify the employer of any conviction of, plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 1893, or of any controlled substance law of the State of Florida or the United States, for a violation occurring in the work place, no later than five (5) days after such conviction, and requires employees to sign copies of such written (*) statement to acknowledge their receipt. Page 18 of 32 77 of 562 an i RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY (4) Requires the satisfactory participation in, a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program, if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. (5) Makes a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free work place through the Implementation of the drug free workplace program. (6) Gives each employee engaged in providing commodities or contractual services that are under bid or proposal, a copy of the statement specified above. 5.30 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES A "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or Agreement for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. "Convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. "Affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(I)(a), Florida Statutes, means: (1) A predecessor or successor of a person or a corporation convicted of a public entity crime, or (2) An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime, or (3) Those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate, or (4) A person or corporation who knowingly entered into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months. Proposer certifies that neither the entity submitting, nor any of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. Where the Proposer is unable to certify to all of the statement above, Proposer shall attach an explanation to this submittal. 5.31 DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION Proposer certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its Drincioals: a. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for disbarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; b. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or Local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; c. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification; and d. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default. e. Proposer must submit their Company Profile Page from SAM with their proposal. f. City of Sebastian will not make an award to parties listed on the government -wide exclusions in the Svstem for Award Management (SAM). Page 19 of 32 78 of 562 .m a RFP #23-11 HOME OFPELKAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Where the Proposer is unable to certify to all of the statements above, Proposer shall attach an explanation to this submittal. 5.32 SCRUTINIZED VENDOR Proposer certifies under penalties of neriurv. as of the date of this solicitation to provide goods and/or services to the Citv of Sebastian. that it: (1) Does not participate in a boycott of Israel; and (2) Is not on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List; and (3) Is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List; and (4) Is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List; and (5) Has not engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. Submitting a false certification shall be deemed a material breach of contract. The City of Sebastian shall provide notice, in writing, to the Contractor of the City's determination concerning the false certification. The Contractor shall have ninety (90) days following the receipt of the notice to respond in writing and demonstrate that the determination of false certification was made in error. If the Contractor does not demonstrate that the City's determination of false certification was made in error then the City shall have the right to terminate the contract and seek civil remedies pursuant to Florida Statute § 287.135. Section 287.135, Florida Statutes, generally prohibits state agencies and departments, and local government entities from: 1) Contracting with companies for goods or services in any amount if at the time of bidding on, submitting a proposal for, or entering into or renewing a contract if the company is on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List, created pursuant to Section 215.4725, Florida Statutes, or is engaged in a boycott of Israel; and 2) Contracting with companies, for goods or services over $1,000,000.00 that are on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, created pursuant to Section 215.473, Florida Statute, or have been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. SECTION 6 — REQUIRED FORMS PROPOSAL CHECKLIST Please use the following checklist as a reference to confirm all requirements are met in your RFP Proposal. The bid shall be limited to no more than twenty (20) pages (NOT including required forms). Any responses exceeding twentv (20) pages. NOT including the required forms, will be considered non -responsive and not considered for award. You are expected to use Tabs dividing each section (tabs will not be included/counted in the twenty (20) pages). Cover Letter (Refer to Section 3.1) Table of Contents (Refer to Section 3.2) TAB I - QUALIFICATIONS Company Qualifications (Refer to Section 3.3) Team Qualifications (Refer to Section 3.4) TAB 2 - PROPOSED USE Proposed Use of Site (Refer to Section 3.5) Proposed Completion Time (Refer to Section 3.6) TAB 3 - FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Financial Ability (Refer to Section 3.7) TAB 4 - REQUIRED FORMS (Refer to Section 6) Contact Information Sheet -- FORM A Page 20 of 32 79 of 562 ,m RFP #23-11 Of PELICM 15MD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Addenda Acknowledgment — FORM B Proposed Purchase Price - FORM C Proposer's Disclosure — FORM D E-Verify Acknowledgement — FORM E Notifications Affidavit — FORM F Minority, Women and Disabled -Owned Business Concern Representation — FORM G Please be advised that this checklist should not be interpreted as a comprehensive list of all information required by this Solicitation from prospective Bidders. It simply serves as a reference or guide for the most significant documents to be included in the bid and should be enhanced as deemed necessary. It is solely the Bidder's responsibility to read and understand all requirements and adhere to all issued Addenda. Page 21 of 32 80 of 562 'n'I SEA! N RFP 423-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY MAILING LABEL Proposer must submit proposal in a sealed envelope/box/container: One (1) original proposal, including the deposit is required. Eight (8) copies of the proposal are required. One (1) USB with an electronic version is required. Cut along the outer border and affix this label to the sealed envelope/box/container to identify the submission as a Sealed Proposal. SEALED RFP • DO NOT OPEN SOLICITATION RFP 23-11 ff: SOLICITATION Sale of City -Owned Property "100 Veteran TITLE: Memorial Way" (Former Public Works � dt DUE Friday, July 21, 2023 @ 2:00 PM EST DATE/TIME: SUBMITTED BY: Proposer's Name Proposer's Address Proposer's Address City of Sebastian ATTN: Procurement Division DELIVER TO: 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Page 22 of 32 81 of 562 HOME OF PELICAN Provosals due by 2:00 PM EST on FORM A RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET Friday, July 21, 2023 .411 physical, in person submissions must be delivered or mailed to: City of Sebastian ATTN: Procurement Division 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Check Addenda for revised due dates before submitting your Bid. Late Bids will not be accepted. SOLICITATION RELEASE NO.: DATE: RFP 23-11 05/14/2023 SOLICITATION TITLE: CONTACT: Don Wixon Procurement/Contracts Manager (772) 388-8231 Sale of City -Owned Property "100 Veterans Memorial Way" (Former Public Works Compound) Firm's Name and "Doing Business As", if applicable: I Federal Tax Identification Number: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone No: Fax No: E-Mail Address of Authorized Representative: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Firms that do not meet the minimum requirements as determined by the City, at its sole discretion, will be deemed non -responsive and not considered for award (refer to page 6, Section 1.5). By placing a checkmark next to each requirement, Proposer is confirming the requirement is met. Proposer, or at least one of its General Partners, must be operating as the same business entity for a minimum of five (5) years; and Proven experience of successfully developing properties continuously for a minimum of five (5) years; and :l Financial ability to provide the proposed redevelopment; and 7 No tax delinquency as an individual or member of a Corporation or Partnership; and BID/PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION I certify that I have carefully examined the RFP document and associated documents, including Addenda, accompanying or made a part of this solicitation. I further certify that all information contained in this proposal is truthful to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am duly authorized to submit this proposal on behalf of the company named above and that the company is ready, willing, and able to perform if awarded. Printed Name Title The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to accept any proposal or portion thereof deemed to be in the best interest of the Citv, and to waive any non -substantial irregularities. Failure to fully complete and submit this Information Sheet may result in reiection of the submittal. Page 23 of 32 82 of 562 FORM B RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Proposer's Name: Proposer shall indicate below all Addenda received. Acknowledgement confirms receipt and understanding of issued Addenda. Proposer understands that failure to acknowledge any addenda issued may cause their proposal to be considered non- responsive. To confirm the number of addenda (if any), Proposer may contact the Procurement Division at (772) 388-8231. ADDENDDUM# DATE RECEIVED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to No Addenda was received in connection with this solicitation. Signature: Title: Print Name: Date: Failure to fullv comulete. sign and submit this Form may result in reiection of the submittal Page 24 of 32 83 of 562 FORM C RFP ##23-11 ISMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE FORM herein called the Buyer(s), hereby offer(s) and agree(s) to purchase from the City of Sebastian, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called the City, at the price subject to the terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions, and covenants herein stated, (see attached(s)), and easements, encumbrances and other matters of record, and to all zoning, building or other Laws or Ordinances, the following described property. In order to constitute an acceptable offer to purchase, all information requested below must be provided. The form must be submitted with proposal. Proposer's Name: Proposer's Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Email Address: Insert in the "Proposed Purchase Price" column, the total amount you agree to pay for the property. Entries must be typed or clearly printed in ink. Use of erasable ink is not permitted. Strikeovers, changes, and corrections by the Proposer must be initialed. Questionable entries will be rejected. ADDRESS PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE 1215 Indian River Drive Sebastian, FL 32958 $ INTENDED USE (PLEASE Residential ' ' Commercial Mixed Use CHECK) F1 F1 PROPOSER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Proposer understands that information contained on this Proposed Purchase Price Form is to be relied upon by the City of Sebastian in awarding the specified RFP, and such information is warranted by the Proposer understands that the City has the right to verify the information submitted and to seek any additional information relating to the Bidder's qualifications. The discovery of any misstatement, which in the sole opinion of the City materially affects the Proposer's qualifications to perform, shall cause the rejection of the Proposal, and if after the award, to cancel the sale of agreement. The Proposer acknowledges that the deed will include a clause stating that the property reverts to the City of Sebastian if substantial compliance with the provisions of the proposal is not met according to an agreed upon timeline. Signature: Title: Print Name: Date: Failure to fullv complete, sign and submit this Form may result in reiection of the submittal Page 25 of 32 84 of 562 FORM D RFP #23-11 HOME OF nUCAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY PROPOSER'S DISCLOSURE FORM The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and all answers to questions made hereinafter. Additional sheets may be attached if required. Proposer's Name: Address: Contact Person: Title: Phone No.: Email Address: Federal Identification No.: This Business is: O An Individual ( ) A Partnership ( ) A Corporation Proposer's License No., if applicable: *Attach certificate of status, competency, and/or state registration (1) Has your firm or any of its officers, received a reprimand of any nature or been suspended by the Department of Professional Regulations or any other regulatory agency or professional association within the last five (5) years? YES ❑ NO ❑ (2) Has your firm, or any member of your firm, been declared in default, terminated or removed from a contract or job related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business within the last five (5) years? YES R NO ❑ (3) Has your firm had against it or filed any request for equitable adjustment, contract claims, bid protest, or litigation in the past five (5) years that is related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business? YES ❑ NO (4) Describe each affiliation or business relationship with an employee, board member, elected official(s) or an immediate family member of any such person of the City of Sebastian. If none, write NONE. (5) Describe ANY other affiliation or business relationship that may cause a conflict of interest. If none, write NONE. If yes, state the nature of the request for equitable adjustment, contract claim, litigation, or protest, and state a brief description of the case, the outcome or status of the suit and the monetary amounts or extended contract time involved. ■rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriz��rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrarr�sssssa��r....rw.rr..rr.rr......���rrrrrrr�arrrrr■ CONTINUED NEXT PAGE Page 26 of 32 85 of 562 RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY I hereby certify that all statements made are true and 1 agree and understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation or falsification of facts shall be cause for forfeiture of rights for further consideration of this proposal for the City of Sebastian. Signature Date Failure to fully conwiete. sign and submit this Disclosure may result in reiection of the submittal Page 27 of 32 86 of 562 FORM - — E RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN FSLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY E-VERIFY ACKNOWLEDGMENT Effective January 1, 2021, public and private employers, contractors and subcontractors will be required to register with, and use the Employment Eligibility Verification System (E-Verify) to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees. The E-Verify system can be obtained at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website: ham://www/dhs.2ov/E-Verify. "Contractor" means a person or entity that has entered or is attempting to enter into a contract with a public employer to provide labor, supplies, or services to such employer in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (also referred to as Vendor or Consultant). "Subcontractor" means a person or entity that provides labor, supplies, or services to or for a contractor or another subcontractor in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (also referred to as Sub -Vendor or Sub -Consultant). Vendor/Consultant/Contractor acknowledges and agrees to utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System to verify the employment eligibility of - All persons employed by Vendor/Consultant/Contractor during the term of the contract, (including assigned sub- vendors/sub-consultants/sub-contractors), to perform employment duties within Florida and any work in pursuant to the contract with the City. By entering into a contract with the City, the Proposer/Contractor/Consultant becomes obligated to comply with the provisions of Section 2. Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., "Employment Eligibility," as amended from time to time. This includes, but is not limited to, utilization of the E-Verify System to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees, and requiring all subcontractors to provide an affidavit attesting that the subcontractor does not employ. contract with, or subcontract with, an unauthorized alien. The contractor shall maintain a copy of such affidavit for the duration of the contract. Failure to comply will lead to termination of resulting contract, or if a subcontractor knowingly violates the statute, the subcontract must be terminated immediately. Any challenge to termination tinder this provision must be filed in the Circuit Court of Indian River County, Florida no later than 20 calendar days after the date of termination. If the resulting contract is terminated for a violation of the statute by the Contractor, the Contractor may not be awarded a public contract for a period of 1 year after the date of termination. I hereby acknowledge and agree that use of the U,S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System during the term of the contract is a condition of the resulting contract with the City of Sebastian. Company Name: Authorized Name: Title: Signature: Date: Proposer must submit their Comt)anv Profile Page from E-Verifv with their bid. State of County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on (Date) Notary Public Signature Failure to fullv complete. sign and submit this Affidavit may result in reiection of the submit Page 28 of 32 87 of 562 ��� FORM —'' F RFP #23-11 HOME OFPiLf ISMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT I, 1 , (Print Authorized Name) (Title) MG (Company Name) affirm that 1 read and understand, as well as accept all requirements and regulations listed in sections 4.27 — 4.35 of the above referenced solicitation document to include the following notifications: • Conflict of Interest • No Lobbying • No Collusion • Immigration Laws • Drug -Free Workplace • Public Entity Crimes • Debarment and Suspension, Prouoser must submit their Comuanv Profile Page from-SAM with their bid. • Scrutinized Vendor • Performance Evaluation Signature: Date: k kkkkkkkkiskkkkk*kit �k 4:ktic*k$Yrkdr is 9:*i; k9F dt 9tkk9rkkkkkkoF �'t irk*kitkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkdt 9tk�Y 9rkkie Frk9F �Y k9:k*kk**k*�:kk�Fkkkkk State of County of The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me on (DATE). Notary Seal] _ Notary Public Signature Failure to fullv comalete. sizn and submit this Affidavit may result in resection of the submittal Page 29 of 32 88 of 562 m . FORM IAN G RFP #23-11 HOME of PELICAN IS MD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY MINORITY. WOMEN and DISABLED -OWNED BUSINESS CONCERN REPRESENTATION Minority -Owned Business: a minority -owned business concern means a business concern that: (1) is at least 51 percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are considered to be a member of a minority group, or a publicly owned business having at least 51 percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more members of a minority group; and (2) has its management and daily business controlled and operated by one or more such individuals. Individuals who certify that they are members of minority groups (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian -Pacific Americans, Asian -Indian Americans, and other minorities) are to be considered minority -owned enterprises. Women -Owned Business: a business that is at least 51 percent owned by a woman or women who also control and operate it. Disabled Owned Business: a business that is at least 51 percent owned by a person or persons with severe physical or mental disabilities, which substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities and which person or persons control, and operate such business. "Control" in this referenced context means exercising the power to make policy decisions. "Operate" means being actively involved in the day- today management of the business. The City of Sebastian shall rely on written representations of concerns regarding their status as minority/women/disabled-owned businesses. Proposer agrees to submit infonnation regarding the minority ownership of its subcontractors on request. COMPLETE THE SECTION BELOW AND RETURN THIS FORM WITH BID. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RENDER THE OFFEROR'S BID UNACCEPTABLE. A. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is O, is not ( ) a minority -owned business concern. B. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is O, is not ( ) a women -owned business concern. C. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is ( is not ( ) a disabled -owned business concern. Please Check ADDrooriate Box/Boxes African AmerlcanL Caucasian (CAUC) JJ Native American (NAAM) (AFRAM) Hispanic Americans Asian -Pacific American (ASIAP) 7 Asian Indian (ASIAI) (HISP) American Other, please identify: Woman Owned (W) Disabled Owned (D) The Proposer has / has not used the following procedures in searching for and obtaining suppliers and subcontractors: • Place Minority -Owned Businesses on solicitation lists. • Ensure that Minority -Owned are solicited whenever they are potential sources. • Consider contracting with consortia of Minority -Owned Businesses when an intended contract is too large for any one such firm to handle on its own or, if economically feasible, divide larger requirements into smaller transactions for which such organizations might compete. • Make information on contracting opportunities available and establish delivery schedules that encourage participation by Minority Owned Businesses. • Use the services and assistance of the SBA and Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency, as appropriate. Page 30 of 32 89 of 562 CM. STUN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Company Name Address Phone # RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY City Zip State Email Address FEIN # Signature of Company Official Print Name Date Page 31 of 32 90 of 562 RFP #23-] 1 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY SOLICIATION INFORMATION FORM Please submit this form to assist us in learning more about how our solicitation opportunities are most often found, Company's Name: Company Address: Phone No: Please tell us how you found out this Request for Proposals was released/available (mark all that applies): Indian River Press Journal (fCPalns) DemandStar/Onvia City of Sebastian Web Site Other (please specify belon j Page 32 of 32 91 of 562 0 Request for Proposal RFP #23-11 ; For the Purchase of City -Owned Property and Provision of a Mixed - Use Development at 100 veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, Florida (Former Public Works Compound) SUBMITTED' BY: STILLDRAGON 7788 Central industrial Drive, Suite 6 West Palm Beach, FL 33404 561-845-8009 ext. 102 smaug@stilldragon.com bilI@stilIdragon.com FE1: 46-0548006 92 of 562 I ` �q - STILLDRAGON 7788 Central Industrial Drive, Suite 6 West Palm Beach, FL 33404 681 ;846-8009 ext 102 smaug@stilldragon.com / blll@stilldragon.com FEI: 46-0648006 July 14, 2023 Don Wixon, Procurement/Contracts Manager City of Sebastian Attn: Procurement Division 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 Re: City of Sebastian Request for Proposal (RFP 23-11) For the Purchase of City -Owned Property and Provision of a Mixed -Use Development at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, Florida (Former Public Works Compound) Dear Mr. Wixon and Members of the Reviewing Committee: In accordance with the above -referenced Request for Proposal for the City of Sebastian, Stilldragon North America LLC is pleased to submit this cover letter and the attached proposal for. Purchase of City -Owned Properly and Provision of a Mixed -Use Development at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, Florida (Former Public Works Compound) StillDragon North America LLC has reviewed in detail the Request for Proposal, Exhibits A, B, C, and D, Addendum 41 and attended the mandatory Pre -Proposal Conference on June 7, 2023, and provides this letter of interest to be considered for contract negotiations for the purchase of City -Owned Property "100 Veterans Memorial Way" (Former Public Works Compound). StillDragon is a full -service distillery solutions provider with a focus on distillery equipment innovation led by industry veteran Larry Taylor. Founded in 2012 StillDragon' is the 6riginal Modular distillation equipment designer and provider. With his ethos of "spirit first evaluation" and focus on consistent product improvement, Larry has driven the growth of StillDragon and its innovative equipment offerings. In an industry spanning centuries, StillDragon has introduced many first to market distillery technologies under Larry's leadership_ Including but not limited to the Modular Distillation Equipment, the CrystalDragonTm Distillation Column, ProCapTM Enhanced Distillation Trays, craft scale Continuous Distillation Systems, and SD SmartStil" Distillery Automation Suite. StillDragon equipment is currently Designed and Assembled in West Palm Beach, FL. We provide customers with Custom Designed and Manufactured Equipment, Consulting, Equipment Installation, Equipment Financing, Automation Implementation, and Training. 93 of 562 StillDragon, now in its twelfih year, has sold over 1000 Stills to over 500 distilleries in the United States. Hundreds of aspiring and successful craft distilleries have and do rely on the knowledge and expertise of StillDragon and its staff to ensure they get the right equipment, at the right time, on time to empower their growth and meet the ever-growing demand for high quality craft spirits. StillDragon also directly supports the fiscal and knowledge growth of the industry. StillDragon is a Florida Limited Liability Company_ Enclosed within this proposal you fmd documentation that proves financial ability to provide the proposed redevelopment of the city -owned property Iocated at 100 Veterans Memorial Way. Neither StilU)ragon nor its managing member Lawrence Taylor has any tax delinquency nor any pending or completed litigation claims made, contract disputes, alleged defaults and liens arising in connection with the performance of any services by the company or by current or former members, within the Iast three years. Additionally, StillDragon has no unabated code violations for any other properties within the City of Sebastian. Based on review of the Performance Overlay District regulations and the current PS zoning, the proposed redevelopment wiII not create a non -conforming use since wholesale trades and services use includes distribution and trades and skilled services includes light manufacturing. In closing, you will find the attached information to be in order and sufficient for consideration of contract negotiations_ We look forward to working with you on the redevelopment of this exciting project. Respectfully, 147 Lawrence Taylor Managing Member 94 of 562 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS QUALIFICATIONS Proposer/Company Qualifications .......................................................................................................... . TeamQualifications.............................................................................................................................................. 9 PROPOSED USE ProposedUse of Site............................................................... .... .............................. .... .................... 13 ProposedCompletion Time................................................................................................................................... 13 FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS FinancialAbility.................................................................................................................................................... 20 ConfidentialInformation...................................................................................................................................... NIA REQUIRED FORMS Contactinformation Sheet — FORM A............................................................................................................... 22 Addenda Acknowledgment — FORM B................................................................................................................ 23 Proposed Purchase Price FORM C..................................................................................................................... 24 Proposer's Disclosure — FORM D.......................................................................................................................25 E-Verify Acknowledgement — FORM E............................................................................................................. 27 Notifications Affidavit — FORM F'...................................................................................................................... 28 Minority, Women and Disabled -Owned Business Concern Representation — FORM G ........................... 29 95 of 562 QUALIFICATIONS PROPOSERICOMPANY QUALIFICATIONS The StillDragon Team Larry Taylor, Founder Shareholder Mr. Taylor is the Founder and owner of StillDragon North America LLC. He founded StillDragon in 2012. He is recognized as a pioneer in the craft distilling equipment space. His remarkable depth of knowledge on all things distillation has directly resulted in the success and growth of StillDragon. With the addition of a distillery, he looks forward to delivering world class spirits. StillDragon has introduced first to the distillery market several technologies, including but not limited to, Modular Distillation Equipment, the CrystalDragonrm Distillation Column, ProCaVm Enhanced Distillation Trays, craft scale Continuous Distillation Systems, and SD SmartStillTm Distillery Automation Suite. Jeff Rasmussen, Director of Sales Mr. Rasmussen is currently the Director of Sales for StillDragon North America, LLC and has been with the company since 2013.'He-is well known and highly respected in the craft"spirits industry: Prioi-to StillDragon hd founded and owned an office equipment technology company. He is best described as a passionate solution architect. Over the past two decades he has worked with countless customers to provide unparalleled service from enterprise level corporate customers to main street storefront sole proprietors. Bill Harger, Director/ Board Member Mr Harger is a Florida based operationally oriented private equity investor and entrepreneur with greater than 30 years experience in the real estate development, telecom, technology, power generation, and aviation sectors. Over his career, he has served as a CEO, Chairman, Director of numerous public, private, and non-profit boards, where -he has -helped many companies -scale --and -professionalize:-Experience -operating in -the-United States; Europe, and the Middle East. 96 of 562 CRAFT DISTII,LERY INDUSTRY FACTS • United States: over 2300 operating Craft Distilleries Estimated over 8000 in 2028 • Florida. over 70 operating Craft Distilleries, Estimated over 250 in 2028 • Treasure Coast: Only 5 operating Craft Distilleries o All 5 are less than 2 years old 0 2 in Stuart FL, Frazier Creek Brewery and Distillery, Muscle Craft Distillery 0 2 in Vero Beach FL, Indian River Distillery and 21' Amendment Distillery 0 1 in Fort Pierce FL, Islamorada Brewery and Distillery • Florida provides over 87,000 Spirits Supported Jobs • Spirits Economic Activity in Florida is estimated over $9,000,000,000 annually StillDragon is proud to have been involved in the creation and implementation of the Florida Distillery Trail. httt)s-,//www.floridacraftwirits.org/ The Kentucky Bourbon Trail has attracted over 2.5 Minion visitors. The Florida Distillery Trail anticipates over 1 million unique visitors. Florida's tourism agency, Visit Florida, estimated a record 37.9 million travelers into the state during the first quarter of 2023. Useful links / Additional information: hitns://www.€loridacraftsnirits.ortr/ itttnsll`moo0hine_ufivmii�.comhT_ - -- _ httr)s://www.visitflbrida.comleat-and-drink/disdlleries/ httus:tldestinationdistiilerv.com/disdlieric-s/ 97 of 562 PROPOSED USE PROPOSED USE OF SITIE StillDragon North America LLC will immediately relocate its current manufacturing and distribution facility in West Palm Beach to the existing 4,000 SF+ building 'A' on the attached conceptual plan. Upon relocation to Sebastian, we will seek to hire 2040 new employees within the first I2 months to fill such positions as administrative, sales, design, manufacturing assembly, and distribution. The existing 2,900 SF+ building `B and C' on the attached conceptual plan will be the Sebastian Distillery and Distillation Education Center. The distillery will also support the Sebastian Distillery craft cocktail tasting room, restaurant, and gift shop located in the existing 1,700 SF+ building `D and E' on the attached done itual plan. Additional outdoor patio seating, extensively tropical landscaped outdoor botanical garden, and comfortable open green space with communal tables will accommodate large groups without feeling crowded. The outdoor space will make for a dog -friendly atmosphere that also allows for family friendly activities. Live entertainment, such as musicians or bands, will perform on select nights. Special events and holidays will be celebrated with unique offerings. We envision this as a gathering place for friends and family to learn the process of our grain/cane-to-glass spirits Distillery. The attached conceptual site plan, architectural elevations, and renderings depict the proposed aesthetic of the site. The anticipated square footage per use: Existing 4,000 sfBuilding A: Manufacturing / distribution Existing 2,900 sf Building B and C: Sebastian Distillery and Distillation Education Center Existing 1,700 SF Building D and E: craft cocktail tasting room, restaurant, and gift shop Future expansion to Building A 1,500 SF Future addition Building F: 3,200 SF Estimated parking counts: 45 Number of stories in proposed structures: 2 PROPOSED COMPLETION TMM StiIlDragon Occupancy and Operation: Immediate Occupancy of Building designated A upon closing. Redevelopment of entire plan within 12 months of closing and permitting. 104 of 562 FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS FINANCIAL ABILITY StillDragon Sebastian Distillery has budgeted $3,200,000 for renovation, buildout, and fixtures, furniture and equipment. FUNDING MECHANISM Proposed funding is a combination of current operating capital, private loans, and commercial bank loans. REQUESTED WAIVERS The site consists of the City's former public works compound (the "Property') and lies rvithib the Riverfront Performance Overlay and Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay districts. StillDragon North America, LLC C'Still•Dragon'� is in the craft spirits business. StillDragon purposes to construct a state-of-the-art spirits distillery business on the Property. StillDragon's vision is to redevelop the Property and build a facility that is aesthetically attractive, clean, and uncluttered, with lush vegetation and landscaping, complimenting an architecturally designed campus with stylish signage. A distillery, tasting room, bar, and distillation educational center are envisioned, along with receiving, storing, design, manufacturing, assembly and shipping of distillery equipment_ In order to facilitate the redevelopment design concept, StillDragon will need the City's cooperation through the granting of various waivers,- such as acknowledging the grandfathering of the existing buildings, repurposing them for the proposed use, compliance with dimensional standards such as setbacks, open space, height, building size, coverage and other land development requirements. Also, material finishes, parking, and review fees. At this time, it is premature to list the waivers that will be necessary. As the architecturally designed appearance of the property advances, the necessary waivers will be reviewed with the City such that StillDragon's concept and the City's concept for the ultimate development of the property will be mutually agreeable. PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE 1,OSO,Ot}0.(l0 One Ivfillion Fifty Thousand Dollars USD - III of562 REQUIRED FORMS REQUn ED FORMS Included within this section are the following completed required forms: Contact lnforruation Sheet -- FORM A Addenda Acknowledgment — FORM B Proposed Purchase Price- FORM C Proposer's Disclosure — FORM D E-Verify Acknowledgement — FORM E Notifications Affidavit — FORM F Minority. Women and Disabled -Owned Business Concern Representation — FORM G 112 of 562 s�Ti4k FORM RFP #23-11 HOME CE PEUC N IflWD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET Proposals due by 2:00 PM Local Time tin Friday, July 14, 2023 411 physica4 in -person submissions must be delivered or mailed to. City of Sebastian ATTN: Procurement Division 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Check Addenda for revised due dates before submitting your Bid- Late Bids will not be accepted. SOLICITATION RELEASE CONTACT: NO.: DATE: Don Wixon RFP 23-11 05/17/2023 Procurement/Contracts Manager (772)388-8231 SOLICITATION TITLE: Sale of City -Owned Property 11100 Veterans Memorial Way' (Former Public Works Compound) Firm's Name and "Doing Business As", if applicable: Stilldragon Forth America LLC Address: 7788 Central Industrical Drive, Suite 6 City: West Palm Beach Telephone No. 561-845-8009 ext. 102 Federal Tax Identificationf Number: 46-0548006 State: FL ! Code: Fix—No: E-Mail Address of Authorized Representative: Smaug@stilldragon.com and bill@stilldragon.com MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Firms that do not meet the minimum requirements as determined by the City, at its sole discretion, will be deemed non -responsive and not considered for award (refer to page 9, Section 1.5). By placing a checkmark next to each requirement, Proposer is confirming the requirement is met. M Proposer, or at least one of its General Partners, must be operating as the same business entity for a minimum of five (5) years; and , proven experience of successfully developing properties continuously for a minimum of five (5) years; and 6rFinancial ability to provide the proposed redevelopment; and VVo tax delinquency as an individual or member of a Corporation or Partnership; and 7 o unabated code violations for other properties within the City of Sebastian; and o creation of a non -conforming use. BID/PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION I certify that I have carefully examined the RFP document and associated documents, including Addenda, accompanying or made a part of this solicitation. I further certify that all information contained in this proposal is truthful to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am duly authorized to submit this proposal on behalf of the company named above and that the company is ready, willing, and able to perform if awarded. Lawrence Taylor Managing Member Printed Name �-- - - — 7 de The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to accept any proposal or portion thereof deemed to be in the best interest of the City, and to waive any non -substantial irregularities. Failure to fulh complete and submit this Information Sheet may result in resection of the submittal. Page 25 of 34 113 of 562 ,moo � FORM - V B _ RFP #23-11 'OME 4FP ""'I ' PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Proposer's Name: Stilldragon forth America LLC Proposer shall indicate below all Addenda received. Acknowledgement confirms receipt and understanding of issued Addenda. Proposer understands that failure to acknowledge any addenda issued may cause their proposal to be considered non- responsive. To confirm the number of addenda (if any), Proposer may contact the Procurement Division at (772) 388-823 1. rADDENDDUM # I DATE RECEIVED 1 6/1312023 2 +3 4- 4 Is I� 7 a 9 10 No Addenda was recei n connection wi lic%tation. Signature: _ Title: Managing Member Print Name: Lawrence Taylor Date: 7/14/2023 Failure to fully comnlete. sign and submit this Form may result in reiection of the submittal Page 26 of 34 114 of 562 FORM G RFP #23-11 H ME °F MXM MAW PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE FORM Stiildragon North America LLC _ herein called the Buyer(s), hereby offer(s) and agree(s) to purchase from the City of Sebastian, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called the City, at the price subject to the temps, conditions, reservations, restrictions, and covenants herein stated, (see attached(s)), and easements, encumbrances and other matters of record, and to all zoning, building or other Laws or Ordinances, the following described property. In order to constitute an acceptable offer to purchase, all information requested below trust be provided. The form must be submitted with proposal. Proposer's Name: Stilldragon North America LLC Proposer's Address: 7788 Central Industrical Drive, Suite 6 City, State, zip: West Palm Beach, FL 33404 Phone Number: 561.845-8009 ext. 102 Email Address: Smaug@stllldragon.com and bill@stllldragon.Mm Insert in the "Proposed Purchase Price" column, the total amount you agree to pay for the property. Entries must be typed or clearly printed in ink. Use of erasable ink is not permitted Stlrikeovers, changes, and corrections by the Proposer must be initialed. Questionable entries will be rejected. ADDRESS - - PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE - - 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, FL 32958 $ 1,050,000.00 INTENDED USE (PLEASE ❑ Residential I V1 Commercial Mixed Use CHECK �=!EJ I PROPOSER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Proposer understands that information contained on this Proposed Purchase Price Form is to be relied upon by the City of Sebastian in awarding the specified RFP, and such information is warranted by the Proposer understands that the City has the right to verify the information submitted and to seek any additional information relating to the Bidder's qualifications. The discovery of any misstatement, which in sole opinion of the City materially affects the Proposer's qualifications to perform, shall cause the rejection of the P al, and if after the award, to cancel the sale of agreement. The Proposer acknowledges that eed will include • e stating that the property reverts to the City of Sebastian if substantial compliance with pr isions of the s is not met according to an agreed upon timeline. Signature: // �4- Title: Managing Member Print Name: Lawrence Taylor Date: 7/14/2023 Failure to fully complete. sir_n and submit this Form mar result in reiection of the submittal Page 27 of 34 115 of 562 FORM a 200 -- b RFP #23-11 H"sEOF"""a`AND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY PROPOSER'S DISCLOSURE FORM The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and all answers to questions made hereinafter. Additional sheets may be attached if required- Proposer's Name: Stilldragon North America LLC Address: 7788 Central Industrical Drive, Suite 6 West Palm Beach, FL 33404 Contact Person: Lawrence Taylor - Title: Managing Member Phone No.: 561-845_-8009 ext. 102 Email Address: Smaug@stllldragon.com and blll@stflldragon.com Federal Identification No.: 46-0548006 This Business is: ( ) An Individual ( ) A Partnership (VA Corporation Proposer's License No., iLapnlicahle: *Atfgc�certificate of states, competency, and/or state registration (1) Has your firm or any of its officers, received a reprimand of any nature or been suspended by the Department of Professional Regulations or ae other regulatory agency or professional association within the last five (5) years? YES R NO 7 (2) Has your firm, or any member of your firm, been declared iu default, terminated or removed from a contract or job related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business within the last five (5) years? YES ❑ NO M (3) Has your firm had against it or filed any request for equitable adjustment, contract claims, bid protest, or litigation in the past five (5) years that is related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business? YES NO 10 (4) Describe each affiliation or business relationship with an employee, board member, elected official(s) or an immediate family member of any such person of the City of Sebastian. If none, write NONE. None (5) Describe ANY other affiliation or business relationship that may cause a conflict of interest. If note, write NONE. None If yes, state the nature of the request for equitable adjustment, contract claim, litigation, or protest, and state a brief description of the case, the outcome or status of the suit and the monetary amounts or extended contract time involved. aarnar■r■rreerer■reeaeeaeeeaeea■■■er■ara■■■ae■rer■eaeeeaa■■■aeea■■■■erraaereeeen■■■■r■■■■■a CONTINUED NEXT PAGE Page 28 of 34 116 of 562 ma RFP #23-1 I H0"aOFPEWM N° PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY 1 hereby certify that all statements made are true and 1 agree and understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation or falsification a{ r Is shall be ca��or forfeiture of rights for further consideration of this proposal for the City of Sebastian. / - % 7/14/2023 Date Failure to fully complete, sign and submit this Disclosure may result in reiection of the submittal Page 29 of 34 117 of 562 F FORM E J RFP #23-11 10A"E or `E"`"" uuuo PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY E-VERIFY ACKNOWLEDGMENT Effective January 1, 2021, public and private employers, contractors and subcontractors will be required to register with, and use the Employment Eligibility Verification System (E-Verify) to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees. The E-Verify system can be obtained at the U.S. Department of Iiomeiand Security website: hitp://www/dhs.,6,oA- erffi,. "Contractor" means a person or entity that has entered or is attempting to enter into a contract with a public employer to provide labor, supplies, or services to such employer in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (also referred to as Vendor or Consultant). "Subcontractor" means a person or entity that provides labor, supplies, or services to or for a contractor or another subcontractor in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (also referred to as Sub -Vendor or Sub -Consultant). Vendor/Consultant/Contractor acknowledges and agrees to utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System to verify the employment eligibility of: ■ All persons employed by Vendor/Consultant/Contractor during the term of the contract, (including assigned sub- vendors/sub-consultants/sub-contractors), to perform employment duties within Florida and any work in pursuarn to the contract with the City. By entering into a contract with the City, the Proposer/Contractor/Consultant becomes obligated to comply with the provisions of .Section .Z. Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., "Employment Eligibility," as amended from time to time. This includes;'but is not lirndied fo,- utilization of the E-Verify System to verfy the work author zaiion status of all *newv7j�wirid employees, and requiring all subcontractors to provide an affidavit attesting that the subcontractor does not employ, contract with, or subcontract with, an unauthorized alien_ The contractor shall maintain a copy of such affidavit for the duration of the contract failure to comply will lead to termination of resulting contract, or if a subcontractor knowingly violates the statute, the subcontract must be terminated immediately. Any challenge to termination under this provision must be filed in the Circuit Court of Indian River County, Florida no later than .20 calendar days after the date of termination. If the resulting contract is terminated for a violation of the statute by the Contractor, the Contractor may not be awarded a public contract far a period of I year after the dale of termination. 1 hereby acknowledge and agree that use of the US. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System during the term of the contract is a condition of the resulting contract witb the City of Sebastian. Company Name: Stilldragon North Ame ' a LLC Authorized Name: r ce Taylor' Signature: Title: Managing Member Date: 7I14/2023 Proposer must submit their Comnariv Profile Paue from E-Verify with their bid. w,r**ir*t***t**tt,t*****fir#*f*,tir****3rt:r:hx**7r fr*ir**ir*Yc it**!*k****,t,r#*+e,r*****,k 4ir rr,kWxxx**,r�r,t.r&*�&�t:t*•k*wxx•,r State of Florida County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on 7/14/2023 --- j(Date)DAfMIR JEFF'BttSAN ��F@riy Irs a of Florida = commfsslon p 3316G6 Otarlie Sle My Comm. Explres Dec d, 2026 y `.. .� i J7� . r•:�-ter �m Failure to fulh, comalete. sign and submit this Aftida4t may result in resection of the submit Page 30 of 34 118 of 562 FORM 2 F RFP #23-11 HOMEOMICANWAN PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT 1, Lawrence Taylor (Print Authorized Name) of Stilldragon North America LLC Managing Member (Title) (Company Name) - affirm that I read and understand, as well as accept all requirements and regulations listed in sections 5,25 W 5.32 of the above referenced solicitation document to include the following notifications: Signature: • Conflict of Interest • No Lobbying • No Collusion • Immigration Laws • Drug -Free Workplace • Rdlic Entity Crimes • Debarment and Suspension, Pr000ser must submit their Companv Profile Page from SAM with their bid. • ScrutiniZed Vendor �J Date: 7/14/2023 **�****,t**��*�***********x*x**+r�r**vrw,k,�*,r**�****-*--r*�*'�**j,r**,rt***�,a***sr*«�*sr*t**********(*,�*«**•*�*,r�rn* State of Florida County 04&M r' The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me on 7/14/2023 (DATE). Yl ; DAUAift N f ak>a JEff'ERSO Notary Public - State of Florid. Commission N HH 337i8i "-O�•'? My Comm. £xpirei Dec 4, 2026 1 i Notam'Public SignaturO V Failure to full►, complete, siin and submit this Affidavit may result in rejection of the submit Page 31 of 34 119 of 562 FORM -- G RF'P 423-11 H0ME°rft"`""'N° PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY MINORITY. WOMEN and DISABLED -OWNED BUSINESS CONCERN REPRESENTATION Minority -Owned Business: a minority -owned business concern means a business concern that: (1) is at least 51 percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are considered to be a member of a minority group, or a publicly owned business having at least 51 percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more members of a minority group; and (2) has its management and daily business controlled and operated by one or more such individuals. Individuals who certify that they are members of minority groups (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian -Pacific Americans, Asian -Indian Americans, and other minorities) are to be considered minority -owned enterprises. Women -Owned Business: a business that is at least 51 percent owned by a woman or women who also control and operate it. Disabled Owned Business: a business that is at least 51 percent owned by a person or persons with severe physical or mental disabilities, which substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities and which person or persons control, and operate such business. "Control" in this referenced context means exercising the power to make policy decisions. "Operate" means being actively involved in the day- today management of the business. The City of Sebastian shall rely on written representations of concerns regarding their status as minority/women/disabled- owned businesses. Proposer agrees to submit information regarding the minority ownership of its subcontractors on request. COMPLETE THE SECTION BELOW AND RETURN THIS FORM WITH BID. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RENDER THE OF;FEROR'S BID UNACCEPTABL A. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is (s not () a minority -owned business concern. B. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is is not() a women -owned business concern, C. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is is not ( ) a disabled -owned business concern. Please Check Appropriate Box/Boxes U African American Caucasian (CAUC) D Native American (NAAM) (AFRAM) ❑ (Hisispanic American-3 Asian -Pacific American (ASIAP) G Asian Indian (ASLAI} American ❑ Other, please identify: Li Woman Owned (W) ❑ Disabled Owned (D) The Proposer has ❑/ has not iJ used the following procedures in searching for and obtaining suppliers aodsubcontractors: • Place Minority -Owned Businesses on solicitation lists. • Ensure that Minority -Owned are solicited whenever they are potential sources. • Consider contracting with consortia of Minority -Owned Businesses when an intended contract is too large for any one such firm to handle on its own or, if economically feasible, divide larger requirements into smaller transactions for which such organizations night compete. • Make information on contracting opportunities available and establish delivery schedules that encourage participation by Minority Owned Businesses. • Use the services and assistance of the SBA and Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency, as appropriate. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 32 of 34 120 of 562 I :d�0 RFP #23-11 "°a'ForPE" PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS NMMORIAL WAY SOLICIATIDN INFORMATION FORM Please submit this form to assist us in learning more about how our solicitation opportunities are most often found. Company's Name: Stilldragon North America LLC Company Address: 7788 Central Industrical Drive, Suite 6, West Palm Beach, FL 33404 Phone No: 561-845-8009 ext. 102 Please tell us how you found out this Request for Proposals was releasedfavailable (mark all that applies): Indian River Press Journal (TCPalm) j DemandStar/Onvia V City of Sebastian Web Site Other (please specify below} Page 34 of34 121 of 562 AN APPRAISAL REPORT OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN FORMER PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY LOCATED AT 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY AND 190 SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 APPRAISAL #46839 122 of 562 ARMFIELD-WAGNER APPRAISAL & RESEARCH, INC. PETER D. ARMFIELD, MAI CERT GEN RZ524 DANIEL A. NELSON, CERT GEN RZ897 August 21, 2023 Lisa Leger Frazier, AICP Community Development Director City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Dear Lisa: 1940 10TH AVENUE, P.O. BOX 791 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 TELEPHONE (772) 562-0532 Appraisal #46839 As requested, we have inspected the 3.63 ± acre parcel comprising the former City of Sebastian Public Works facility at 100 Veterans Memorial Way and the adjacent vacant parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard, in Sebastian, Florida. This is for the purpose of providing you with our opinion of the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the real property appraised, "As Is," as of August 11, 2023. This Appraisal Report complies with the reporting requirements set forth under Standards Rule 2-2(a) of the 2022-2023 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). The property is physically described in the following Appraisal Report, which explains the analysis of data upon which our opinion of value is based. The opinions expressed in this report and the value conclusion reported below are subject to the limiting conditions and extraordinary assumptions on pages 1 - 4. The subject property consists of a partially improved site located along Sebastian Boulevard with main access via Veterans Memorial Way. The main site area contains the former City of Sebastian Maintenance Compound which is presently vacant. The improvements include three warehouse/office type buildings along with paved parking and drive areas, drainage improvements, walkways, perimeter fencing, utility services, etc. This parcel contains approximately 555 +- feet of frontage along the south side of Sebastian Boulevard westbound and 162.55 +- feet along the west side of Veterans Memorial Way. Additionally, a separate tax parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard contains around 100 +- feet of frontage along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard eastbound. Total site size of the subject property is indicated at 157,912 +- square feet, or 3.63 +- acres. The subject overall site has an irregular shape, but with frontage along three roadways. Current zoning is PS, Public Service for the main site area and CG, Commercial General for the small parcel. Reportedly, the subject property has potential for rezoning to either CG, or IN, Industrial, per the information provided. 123 of 562 Lisa Leger Frazier, AICP Appraisal #46839 Community Development Director City of Sebastian August 21, 2023 Page Two The subject site contains the three older buildings, along with substantial site improvements. These buildings range in size from 1,764 to 4,000 square feet and were built in 1979, 1992 and 1999. They total 9,322 square feet overall, plus covered work areas. These buildings are not in use and the current condition is rated fair. These improvements have little to no value to the subject overall site, in our opinion, considering their older age and current condition, smaller building sizes and other factors, including the subject commercial location. Further, the subject site reportedly has soil contamination and is currently under Petroleum Restoration Program procedures. Our opinion of the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the subject property, "As Is," utilized the Sales Comparison Approach. We considered sales of vacant and partially improved commercial and industrial properties in the subject neighborhood and other areas of Indian River County. Based on the data and analysis as presented in this appraisal report, it is our opinion that the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the real property appraised, "As Is," as of August 11, 2023 is: ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) The above Market Value conclusion has conditions and assumptions that are assumed to be correct, as discussed in the appraisal report. It should be noted that if some or all of these conditions or assumptions are not correct, it could affect our opinion of the subject Market Value, as provided herein. We believe the appraisal report to be complete, but any questions you may have are welcomed. Sincerely, Daniel A. Nelson State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ897 Peter D. Armfield, MAI State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ524 124 of 562 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIMITING CONDITIONS AND UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS .................... 1 EXTRAORDINARY ASSUMPTIONS ......................................... 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY .................................................. 5 INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS ............................................ 7 SCOPE OF WORK ...................................................... 8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION .................................................. 11 OWNER OF PROPERTY AND SALES HISTORY ............................. 14 LOCATION MAP ....................................................... 15 PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 8/11/23 ............................... 16 INDIAN RIVER COUNTY AREA DATA ...................................... 26 NEIGHBORHOOD...................................................... 44 ZONING.............................................................. 47 CONCURRENCY...................................................... 49 ASSESSMENT AND TAXES .............................................. 49 UTILITIES............................................................ 50 SITE DESCRIPTION.................................................... 51 PLAT MAP............................................................ 52 AERIAL MAP .......................................................... 53 COPY OF SURVEY ..................................................... 54 FLOODZONE ........................................................ 55 CENSUS TRACT ....................................................... 55 SITE IMPROVEMENTS ................................................. 55 125 of 562 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) SITE PLAN........................................................... 56 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS ............................................. 57 BUILDINGS #1 &#2.................................................... 58 BUILDING#3.......................................................... 59 HIGHEST AND BEST USE ............................................... 61 VALUATION PROCESS ................................................. 64 SALES COMPARISON APPROACH ....................................... 65 LAND SALE #1........................................................ 67 AERIAL MAP - SALE #1................................................. 68 LAND SALE#2........................................................ 69 AERIAL MAP - SALE #2................................................. 70 LAND SALE#3........................................................ 71 AERIAL MAP - SALE #3................................................. 72 LAND SALE#4........................................................ 73 AERIAL MAP - SALE #4................................................. 74 LAND SALE#5........................................................ 75 AERIAL MAP - SALE #5................................................. 76 LISTING#6........................................................... 77 AERIAL MAP - LISTING#6............................................... 78 LAND SALES SUMMARY AND ADJUSTMENT GRID .......................... 79 LAND SALES LOCATION MAP ........................................... 80 MARKETING TIME ..................................................... 82 REASONABLE EXPOSURE TIME ......................................... 82 126 of 562 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISAL ......................................... 83 QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER .................................... 85 APPRAISAL LICENSES ................................................. 88 127 of 562 LIMITING CONDITIONS AND UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS 1. The value given in this appraisal report represents the opinion of the signer as to the Value AS OF THE DATE SPECIFIED. Values of real estate are affected by an enormous variety of forces and conditions will vary with future conditions, sometimes sharply within a short time. Responsible ownership and competent management are assumed. 2. No responsibility is assumed for the legal description or for matters including legal or title considerations. Title to the property is assumed to be good and marketable unless otherwise stated. 3. The property is appraised free and clear of any or all liens or encumbrances unless otherwise stated. 4. The information furnished by others is believed to be reliable. No warranty, however, is given for its accuracy. 5. All engineering is assumed to be correct. The plot plans and illustrative material in this report are included only to assist the reader in visualizing the property. 6. It is assumed that there are no hidden or apparent conditions of the property, subsoil, or structures that render it more or less valuable. No responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for arranging for engineering studies that may be required to discover them. 7. It is assumed that there is full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations and laws unless noncompliance is stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal report. 8. It is assumed that all applicable zoning and use regulations and restrictions have been complied with, unless a nonconformity has been stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal report. 9. It is assumed that all required licenses, certificates of occupancy, consents, or other legislative or administrative authority from any local, state, or national government or private entity or organization have been or can be obtained or renewed for any use on which the value estimate contained in this report is based. 10. It is assumed that the utilization of the land and improvements is within the boundaries of property lines of the property described and that there is no encroachment or trespass unless noted in the report. 11. The distribution, if any, of the total valuation in this report between land and improvements applies only under the stated program of utilization. The separate allocations for land and buildings must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if so used. 12. Possession of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication. It may not be used for any purpose by any person other than the party to whom it is addressed without the written consent of the appraiser, and in any event only with proper written qualification and only in its entirety. 128 of 562 2 LIMITING CONDITIONS AND UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS (continued) 13. The appraiser herein by reason of this appraisal is not required to give further consultation, testimony, or be in attendance in court with reference to the property in question unless arrangements have been previously made. 14. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report especially any conclusions as to value, the identity of the appraiser, or the firm with which the appraiser is connected or any reference to the Appraisal Institute, or the MAI or SRA designations shall be disseminated to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media without prior written consent and approval of the appraiser. 15. Unless otherwise stated in this report, the existence of hazardous material, which may or may not be present on the property, was not observed by the appraiser. The appraiser has no knowledge of the existence of such materials on or in the property. The appraiser, however, is not qualified to detect such substances. The presence of substances such as asbestos, urea -formaldehyde foam insulation, or other potentially hazardous materials may affect the value of the property. The value estimate is predicated on the assumption that there is no such material on or in the property that would cause a loss in value. No responsibility is assumed for any such conditions, or for any expertise or engineering knowledge required to discover them. 16. The Contract for the appraisal of said premises is fulfilled by the signer hereto upon the delivery of this report duly executed. 17. The appraiser has examined the available flood maps that are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and has noted in the appraisal report whether the subject site is located in an identified Special Flood Hazard Area. Because the appraiser is not a surveyor, he makes no guarantees, express or implied, regarding this determination. 18. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became effective January 26, 1992. We have not made a specific compliance survey and analysis of this property to determine whether or not it is in conformity with the various detailed requirements of the ADA. It is possible that a compliance survey of the property, together with a detailed analysis of the requirements of the ADA, could reveal that the property is not in compliance with one or more of the requirements of the act. If so, this fact could have a negative effect upon the value of the property. Since we have no direct evidence relating to this issue, we did not consider possible noncompliance with the requirements of ADA in estimating the value of the property. 19. The appraisal report has extraordinary assumptions, as discussed on the following pages 3 and 4. The use of these extraordinary assumptions may have affected the assignment results of this appraisal report. EXTRAORDINARY ASSUMPTIONS Extraordinary assumptions are assignment -specific assumptions, as of the effective date, about the subject property being appraised regarding uncertain information used in an analysis. Should such assumptions be found to be false, the appraisers' conclusions or opinions could be altered. This information might include physical, legal, or economic characteristics of the subject property, or conditions external to the property, such as market conditions or trends; or the integrity of the data used in an analysis. 129 of 562 EXTRAORDINARY ASSUMPTIONS (continued) 1. Based on evidence from nearby properties and from utilities authorities, the subject property is being appraised as if utilities are available to the property sufficient in capacity to support the Highest and Best Use, at costs that are typical to competing properties. Reportedly, the subject property currently utilizes septic tanks for sewage disposal, but future redevelopment will require county sewer service be extended from the southeast via a new 4 inch sewer force main (approximately 400 linear feet) from Louisiana Avenue and Sebastian Boulevard. The cost of this sewer service may also require a Lift Station and has not been provided, subject to review by the appraisers. 2. It should be noted that the subject property has previously been used by the City of Sebastian as a Public Works office and vehicle/equipment storage facility. The facility is currently closed, but was utilized for maintenance and repair of City vehicles, along with the storage of construction materials. Two aboveground fuel storage tanks and associated dispensers were also utilized. Previously, the facility had been operated with two underground storage tanks (5,000 gallon leaded gasoline and 300 gallon diesel fuel) which were removed in 1991. These UST's had been installed in 1984 and are the subject of the current cleanup activities related to the previous soil contamination. Site clean-up had included the documented removal of 770 cubic yards of soil and a contamination assessment report which was completed in May, 1992. Additional testing included soil borings and monitoring wells being installed. More recently, in December 2022, a shallow groundwater monitoring well was installed. Petroleum Restoration Program procedures have recently been approved with a total cost of around $9,912.53 indicated. It is assumed that all of this information is accurate as provided and retained in our office files. Further, it is assumed that the subject property can continue with the current restoration program and be utilized to its Highest and Best Use. 3. For purposes of this appraisal, we have assumed that the subject overall site contains a total of 157,912 +- square feet, or 3.63 acres. The adjacent Veterans Memorial Way provides access to the subject property and extends between Sebastian Boulevard westbound and Louisiana Avenue. This roadway is indicated to be part of the subject site area, per the Indian River County Property Appraisers records. However, it is not part of the subject property appraised, per the client. Nevertheless, it is assumed that access is and will be available to and from the subject property. 4. Current zoning is PS, Public Service for the main site area and CG, Commercial General for the small parcel. Reportedly, the subject property has potential for rezoning to either CG, Commercial General, or IN, Industrial, per the information provided. It is assumed that the subject property is currently grand -fathered and in compliance with local, state, and federal laws and requirements to allow continued industrial use, along with potential for future commercial and/or industrial development. 130 of 562 4 EXTRAORDINARY ASSUMPTIONS (continued) 5. The subject property has been inspected on August 11, 2023 by Daniel A. Nelson. This inspection included the subject site, site improvements and the three buildings. Based on our analysis, these site improvements and buildings are older and smaller in size and not felt to represent the Highest and Best Use of the subject property, as if vacant, or as improved. The cost of demolition and removal is unknown, but these improvements have potential for some interim value. Their potential value is estimated to be roughly offset by the cost of extending the sewer line, along with the soil contamination. 131 of 562 APPRAISAL SUMMARY Property Type: Addresses: Date of Inspection: Inspected by: Effective Date of Appraisal: Report Preparation Date: Date of Appraisal Report: Property Rights Appraised: Purpose of the Appraisal: Intended Use of the Appraisal: Intended Users of the Appraisal: Appraisal complies with the 2022-2023 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP): Zoning: CLUP: Highest and Best Use: Site as if Vacant: Property as Improved: Land: Site Area: Frontage: Frontage: Frontage: Depth: Closed Public Works Facility 100 Veterans Memorial Way & 190 Sebastian Boulevard Sebastian, Florida 32958 August 11, 2023 Daniel A. Nelson & Peter D. Armfield, MAI August 11, 2023 August 11 - August 21, 2023 August 21, 2023 Fee Simple Estate Provide our opinion of the Market Value of the subject real property, "As Is." Valuation for asset decision making purposes by the client (City of Sebastian) for possible purchase negotiations. City of Sebastian, c/o Lisa Leger Frazier, AICP, Community Development Director of the City of Sebastian, and/or authorized representatives. Yes, Appraisal Report. PS, Public Service & CG, Commercial General Mixed Use Future development with commercial and/or industrial use, as demand warrants. Potential for interim industrial use with future commercial/industrial development, as demand warrants. (See Report). 157,912 + SF - (3.63 Acres) 555.77 feet (Sebastian Blvd. Westbound) 162.55 feet (Veterans Memorial Way) 100.71 feet (Sebastian Blvd. Eastbound) Irregular 132 of 562 APPRAISAL SUMMARY (continued) Building Improvements: Building #1 - Office/Warehouse Building #2 - Service Garage Building #3 - Metal Warehouse Total - Gross Building Area Opinion of Market Value: (Fee Simple Estate - "As Is") 1,764 SF - Built 1979 3,558 SF - Built 1992 4,000 SF - Built 1999 9,322 SF $1,000,000 11 133 of 562 INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS PURPOSE OF THE APPRAISAL AND RIGHTS APPRAISED The purpose of this appraisal is to provide our opinion of the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the subject property, "As Is," as of date of our property inspection on August 11, 2023. The appraisal is provided in an Appraisal Report format, per your request. MARKET VALUE DEFINED Market value is the major focus of most real property appraisal assignments. Both economic and legal definitions of market value have been developed and refined. A current economic definition agreed upon by federal financial institutions in the United States of America is: The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: 1. Buyer and seller are typically motivated. 2. Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider their own best interest. 3. A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market. 4. Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of financial arrangements comparable thereto; and 5. The price represents a normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale. SOURCE: Uniform Standards of Professional Practice of the Appraisal Foundation; and Office of Thrift Supervision Regulation 12 CFR 564.2(f); and the Office of Comptroller of the Currency. DEFINITION OF FEE SIMPLE ESTATE Absolute ownership unencumbered by any other interest or estate, subject only to the limitations imposed by the governmental powers of taxation, eminent domain, police power, and escheat. SOURCE - Taken from The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal Fifth Edition, sponsored by the Appraisal Institute, 2010 page 78. 134 of 562 REAL PROPERTY DEFINED All interests, benefits, and rights inherent in the ownership of physical real estate. Source - Taken from The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal Fifth Edition, sponsored by the Appraisal Institute, 2010 page 161. PERSONAL PROPERTY DEFINED Identifiable tangible objects that are considered by the general public to be "personal," for example, furnishings, artwork, antiques, gems and jewelry, collectibles, machinery and equipment; all tangible property that is not classified as real estate. (USPAP, 2002 edition) - Consists of every kind of property that is not real property; movable without damage to itself or the real estate; subdivided into tangible and intangible. (IAAO) Source - Taken from The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal Fifth Edition, sponsored by the Appraisal Institute, 2010 page 145-146. Intended Use of the Appraisal: Valuation for asset decision making purposes by the client (City of Sebastian) for possible purchase negotiations. Intended Users of the Appraisal: City of Sebastian, c/o Lisa Leger Frazier, AICP, Community Development Director of the City of Sebastian, and/or authorized representatives. SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work is defined as the type and extent of research and analyses in an assignment. Source - Taken from 2020-2021 Uniform Standards of Appraisal Practice (USPAP), prepared by the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) for The Appraisal Foundation, Effective January 1, 2020, Page 5. The three main points of the Scope of Work are as follows: 1) Identify the problem to be solved. 2) Determine and perform the scope of work necessary to develop credible assignment results. 3) Disclose the scope of work in the report. 135 of 562 0 The appraiser must properly identify the problem to be solved to determine the appropriate scope of work. An appraisal report is provided, as requested by the client. This Appraisal Report complies with the reporting requirements set forth under Standards Rule 2-2(a) of the 2022-2023 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). The Appraisal Report is also designed and prepared to be fully compliant with FIRREA and its intended use by the client. The Appraisal Report format provided and contained in this report is specific to the needs of the client and the intended use of the appraisal. The scope of work included making an inspection of the subject property appraised by both Daniel A. Nelson and Peter D. Armfield on August 11, 2023. We inspected the subject site, site improvements and three buildings. The subject buildings have been measured, cross checked with information provided, along with the Indian River County Property Appraisers records. Property photographs have been taken and are provided in the appraisal report. The subject property consists of a partially improved site located along Sebastian Boulevard with main access via Veterans Memorial Way. The main site area contains the former City of Sebastian Maintenance Compound which is presently vacant. The improvements include three warehouse/office type buildings along with paved parking and drive areas, drainage improvements, walkways, perimeter fencing, utility services, etc. This parcel contains approximately 555 +- feet of frontage along the south side of Sebastian Boulevard westbound and 162.55 +- feet along the west side of Veterans Memorial Way. Additionally, a separate tax parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard contains around 100 +- feet of frontage along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard eastbound. Total site size of the subject property is indicated at 157,912 +- square feet, or 3.63 +- acres. We have discussed the subject former use and potential uses with the client. The appraisers have relied on the information provided which is assumed to be accurate as utilized in the appraisal report. Reportedly, the subject property currently utilizes septic tanks for sewage disposal, but future redevelopment will require county sewer service be extended from the southeast via a new 4 inch sewer force main from Louisiana Avenue and Sebastian Boulevard. The cost of this sewer service has not been provided and is subject to review by the appraisers. It should be noted that the subject property had previously been used by the City of Sebastian as a Public Works office and vehicle/equipment storage facility. The facility is currently closed and the buildings are vacant. Previously, the facility had been operated with two underground storage tanks (5,000 gallon leaded gasoline and 300 gallon diesel fuel) which were removed in 1991. These DST's had been installed in 1984 and are the subject of the current cleanup activities related to the previous soil contamination. Just recently, in December 2022, a shallow groundwater monitoring well was installed. Petroleum Restoration Program procedures have recently been approved with a total cost of around $9,912.53 indicated. It is assumed that all of this information is accurate as provided and retained in our office files. Further, it is assumed that the subject property can continue with the current restoration program and be utilized to its Highest and Best Use. 136 of 562 10 This Appraisal Report provides information in describing the subject property, along with the subject neighborhood. It also includes the subject property tax information, zoning, utilities, site description, and Highest and Best Use, etc. The scope of work in this appraisal report also included observing neighborhood supply and demand factors, use patterns, along with maintenance levels. We also considered the supply and demand for similar types of properties throughout the community, along with the Highest and Best Use of the subject property, as if vacant, and partially improved. The subject buildings are older and smaller in size and not felt to represent the Highest and Best Use of the subject property, as if vacant, or as improved. The cost of demolition and removal is unknown, but these improvements have potential for some interim value. Their potential value is estimated to be roughly offset by the cost of extending the sewer line, along with the soil contamination. Thus, based on our analysis, the subject current site and building improvements are not estimated to contribute additional value to the subject site, as if vacant, and available for development to its Highest and Best Use. The valuation analysis of the subject appraisal involves gathering market data to support three different market analyses, when available. The data targeted is from properties with Highest and Best Use similar, or relatively similar to the subject. The three market analyses are commonly referred to as approaches to value and are identified as the Cost Approach, Sales Comparison Approach, and the Income Approach. All three approaches are considered in providing our opinion of the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the subject property, as of August 11, 2023. However, only the Sales Comparison Approach is specifically included, as it is considered to be the most applicable. Neither the Cost Approach or the Income Approach are felt necessary in the scope of work of this appraisal report to provide a credible result. The Sales Comparison Approach analyzes comparable sales and a current listing of commercial and industrial land parcels. A search was made throughout the subject neighborhood, and the City of Sebastian, along with the overall Indian River County area for comparable land sales. These comparable sales are then investigated and analyzed to utilize in the valuation analysis of the subject property. These comparable sales are discussed and provided in the appraisal report. They are analyzed based on the price per square foot of site area, along with the price per acre. The data gathered is limited in area to the real estate market throughout Indian River County. Primary focus is on data available from within the area described as the subject's neighborhood, or from other neighborhoods felt to be competing or servicing similar market segments within the county. Data sources for sales include public recording of real estate sales transferred by warranty deed via data sources used in the appraisers office. Our office data sources include the Clerk of the Court, Property Appraiser, and Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Data is gathered, verified if possible, and then analyzed to interpret trends of the market participants. 137 of 562 LEGAL DESCRIPTION The following Legal Description has been obtained from the client per a survey prepared by Meridian Land Surveyors, dated August 3, 2023 and identified by Project #23-046. It also includes a Sketch of Legal Description. EXHIBIT 1 FR NE COR OF NWI/4, RUN W ALONG N BDRY 300.4 FT TO POB; S 146.55 FT TO CL OF ST RD 512; SKY 90 FT; NWLY TO PT WHICH IS 113 FT W OF POB; RUN E ALONG N LINE SEC 7 TO POB AS R BK 88 PP 60 LESS RD R/W (OR BK 428 PP 330) EXHIBIT 2 7.5 A IN SW 1/4, D BK 3, PP 279 LESS E 2885 FT OF S 433 FT THEREOF & LESS N 267.25 AS MEASURED ALONG RR R/W AS PER OR BK 708 PP 819 ALSO LESS AND EXCEPTING THE FOLLOWING: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, RUN N00'12'40"E, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6, THE SAME BEING THE CENTERLINE OF LOUISIANA AVENUE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 432.49 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE DEPARTING SAID EAST LINE, RUN S89'25'41"W FOR A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOUISIANA AVENUE AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND; FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTINUE S89'25'41"W FOR DISTANCE OF 422.95 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF COUNTY ROAD 512; THENCE RUN N38'14'59"E, ALONG SAID SOUTHEAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 77.54 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE DEPART SAID SOUTHEAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE AND RUN N89'59"IrE FOR A DISTANCE OF 375.13 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOUISIANA AVENUE; THENCE RUN S0012'40"W FOR A DISTANCE OF 56.75 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 6,,A (DFSCR,IPTIf?N 13 1 SURVEYOR) A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 6 AND SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, CITY OF SEBASTIAN, COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 6, RUN S89'25'41"W, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 6, FOR A DISTANCE OF 300.40 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND; FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING, DEPART THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 6 AND RUN S0012'40"W FOR A DISTANCE OF 102.66 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWEST RIGHT OF WAY 138 of 562 SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "A" PROJ.# 23-045 • SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION — NOT A FIELD BOUNDARY SURVEY THIS SURVEY PERFORMED BY: HOUSTON, SCHULKE. BITTLE do STODDARD, INC. LB.#6905 d.b.a. MERIDIAN LAND SURVEYORS 1717 INDIAN RIVER BOULEVARD. SUITE 201 VERO BEACH. FLORIDA 32960 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: BILLY M. MOODY P.S.M.# 5336 RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 512 (EASTBOUND); THENCE RUN S49'02'28"W, ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 100.71 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE DEPART SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE AND RUN N12'18'35"W FOR A DISTANCE OF 171.49 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE RUN S8925'41"W FOR A DISTANCE OF 392.04 FEET TO A POINT ON 111E SOUTHEAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 512 (WESTBOUND); THENCE RUN N3814'59"E, ALONG SAID SOUTHEAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF 555.77 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE DEPART SAID SOUTHEAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE AND RUN N89'25'41"E FOR A DISTANCE OF 162.55 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUN SOO'12'40"W FOR A DISTANCE OF 433.04 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 3.63 ACRES (157912.2 SQ./FT.) MORE OR LESS. MERIDIAN p �ffi 201 61 171�O B . Fl- 3 PHOME:7-7%-1213 FAX:772-794-1096 igv-72:INFO(ajN)t.3-LB6905.COM \ THIS S10=TC1i•. 4 vT� VAl3D WRHOUT THE SIG RV ,7RE0 LRAI SJIL OF THEFLORIDA UOEHSE0,4U PAR BELOW. 'STATE OF a I P.S.M. 05336 -*iLLI t UP .s 12 139 of 562 14 OWNER OF PROPERTY AND SALES HISTORY Current Owner of Property: City of Sebastian (Per Tax Rolls) Based on the public records reviewed by the appraisers, there have been no sales of the subject property that have occurred within the past three years. Per the public records reviewed, it appears that the subject main parcel at 100 Veterans Memorial Way has been under the ownership of the City of Sebastian for many years. It had previously been utilized with the City of Sebastian Public Works facility, which is presently vacant. The smaller parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard was purchased in March, 2017 for $70,000, recorded in OR Book 3007, Page 2281. This parcel had contained an older single family residence that has since been demolished and removed. No current listing or asking price are indicated on the subject property. A location map of the subject property is shown on the next page, followed by property photographs. 141 of 562 910 INDIAN RIVER COUNTY AREA DATA Indian River County is a small east central Florida county located midway between Palm Beach and Cape Kennedy, or slightly less than halfway from Miami to Jacksonville. It is bordered on the north by the Sebastian River and Brevard County; on the south by St. Lucie County (Ft. Pierce/Port St. Lucie); and on the west by Osceola and Okeechobee Counties. The eastern boundary is the Atlantic Ocean. Containing 543 square miles, the county is the tenth smallest of Florida's 67 counties. It was formed in 1926 from a portion of St. Lucie County. Vero Beach, the county seat, is located on the Indian River in the southeast section of the county. Distances from Vero Beach to other Florida cities are as follows: North South Melbourne 35 Miles Ft. Pierce 15 Miles Daytona 126 Miles Stuart 32 Miles Orlando 105 Miles West Palm Beach 70 Miles Jacksonville 215 Miles Miami 138 Miles Population Population of the county had stabilized during the period from 2007 thru 2012, although now increasing again since 2013 into 2021 at around 2.25% per year. It had previously increased during the (2000-2006) at a growth rate of around 3.0% per year. This compares to an annual rate of 2.5% from 1990 to 2000 and 4.2%, in the previous decade (1980-1990). This was preceded by a 5.2% compound growth rate in the previous decade (1970-1980). This represents a continuation of the increasing growth trend experienced over the past 50 years, but the percentage growth decreases with the increased population. The population of the county is increasing again over the last approximate 7 years with the improving economy. Population Growth Population (compounded yearly growth) Indian River Vero Year County Beach Sebastian State of Florida 1950 11,872 3,746 2,771,305 1960 25,309 (7.9%) 8,849 4,951,560 (6%) 1970 35,992 (3.6%) 11,908 6,791,418 (3.2%) 1980 59,896 (5.2%) 16,176 2,831 9,746,961 (3.7%) 1990 90,280 (4.2%) 17,350 10,205 (13.6%) 12,937,920 (2.9%) 1995 100,261 (2.1%) 17,681 13,488 (5.7%) 14,149,317 (1.8%) 2000 112,947 (2.4%) 17,705 16,181 (3.7%) 15,982,378 (2.5%) 2005 130,043 (2.9%) 17,895 20,048 (4.4%) 17,789,684 (2.5%) 2006 135,262 (4.0%) 18,160 21,666 18,089,888 2007 139,757 (3.3%) 18,060 22,426 18,251,243 153 of 562 27 Indian River Vero Year County Beach Sebastian State of Florida 2008 141,667 (1.4%) 17,889 22,924 18,328,340 2009 141,475 (-2.4%) 17,855 22,722 18,537,969 2010 138,028 (0.6%) 15,220 21,929 18,801,310 2011 138,894 (1.3%) N/A N/A 19,057,542 2012 140,657 (1.0%) 15,549 22,382 19,320,749 2013 141,994 (1.9%) 15,749 22,699 19,552,860 2014 144,755 (2.2%) 16,017 23,344 19,893,297 2015 147,919 (2.5%) 16,343 23,985 20,271,272 2016 151,563 (1.9%) 16,751 24,772 20,612,439 2017 154,383 (2.0%) N/A N/A 20,980,000 2018 157,413 (2.0%) N/A N/A 21,646,155 2019 160,512 N/A N/A 21,477,737 2020 159,788 16,354 25,054 21,538,187 Source: *U.S. Census, Florida Statistical Abstract, & Indian River Co. Development Plan Indian River County contains five municipalities of which Vero Beach, the county seat, is the second largest, as the City of Sebastian has surpassed Vero Beach in total population. The slower population growth rate in Vero Beach over the years reflects the built-up nature of the incorporated areas, with the majority of the community growth in the unincorporated county surrounding Vero Beach. Indian River County growth has been steady since the previous recession. The growth has been from the northward moving megalopolis of Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach on Florida's southeast coast. Also, growth continues from more traditional sources, such as in -migration from the northeastern states. This influence is expected to maintain over the next decade. 2010 Census population was 138,028, projected to increase to 171,300 in 2025 and 181,700 in 2030. The 2020 Census indicates slightly lower population than yearly estimates. The 2021 estimated population is 161,964 and estimated to have increased by 2,176 per year to 164,140 in 2022 and 166,316 in 2023. As with most areas in Florida, the vast majority of population increases are due to in -migration, with only a small fraction due to natural increase (births over deaths). Over the last 10 years, Indian River County had a natural decrease. The influx of retirees as permanent and/or winter residents accounts for those moving into the area. This influence is visible in the following Table which shows a breakdown of the population by age groups and the shifts in proportions towards retired age groups. Indian River County - Population by Aqe Distribution Age 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 0-14 30.4% 27.3% 21.9% 16.3% 15.7% 15.2% 14.3% 15-44 33.5% 33.4% 34.5% 34.8% 31.8% 29.5% 28.4% 45-64 22.1 % 21.9% 23.2% 21.6% 23.3% 28.1 % 26.5% 65+ 13.9% 17.4% 20.4% 27.3% 29.2% 27.2% 30.8% Source: *U.S. Census, Florida Statistical Abstract, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida, and Indian River County Development Plan. 154 of 562 Demographics _ Table 2_Indian River Count} PopultyRO Projections 2020-2045 jJ20 2025 2030 2035 1 2040 2045 Total County (BE BR) 159,788 171,300 181, �0(j _ I s�n _ 196,900 203,100 rSSOnIFF Il0.tyei ily of Florid t, Bureau of Economics and Business Research (Medium Proieetions, bused on WSW POPP Projected IRC Population 250,000 200,000 C O 150,000 a d 100,000 50,000 0 2020 2025 2030 2035 Year Sourec: 9urcau aEEconomic and EufftMss Resea,eh, ilori Sntissipl Abgraq, University of Florida. US Cmmc Bureau. Community Development Department 2040 2045 Indian River County 6 N 00 El o; Demographics Indian River County Population by Age Group Share of Share of Share of of 65 and of Y r 0-14 Population 15-24 fggpla4jon -,445I Population 45 4IShare Population IShare PopVj�tf 1990 14,684 16.28% 8.996 9.97%243 24.87% . 19,501 21.62% 4, ° 2LZO°/ _�OGO 17,677 15.6� a 10,784 9��% 254 '152000 7% 2f1060 0,)% k,97229.19 a- 10,005 15.21R) 14t049 10,18°/q fb 92% 38,8I0 28.12°/p �y�Z14 Z7,17% 2020* 22,626 14.35%1{d.773 9.37% 9,9351 18.99% 41,751 26.49% 48,536 36.79 Source•. Bureau of Fconnmic and Business Research. Florida $lalialical Absum Universily of Florida. US Census Bureau. -Viainmre based m 2010 Census projections j 1n�j; Rivta (- u PopµjXjphySex and Rupc 2020 Estimates* 60.000 J Year ac. .k oasaM a 50,000 1990 46 63U S�57 40,000 2 �I?r#4 ��/ 76.013 30,000 72010 71 9� 20.000 013 10.000 Source: U.S. Census & 9EBIt - .I 0 *Estimate Based on 2010 Census projections IRC Population Change 1930 - 2020 180,000 160,000 140,000 p 120.000 ego 100.000 M 80,000 60,000 40.000 20,000 0 Population Cohort Change 2000- 2020 -&-0a14 -*- 15-24 -0-25-44 {+aS84 e5and over 2000 2010 2020• 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2015 2020 Year Community Development Department Indian River County 8 N 10 30 While the percentage represented by the two age groups 0-14 and 15-44 has remained relatively stable, the age group of 45-64 has grown, and the age group 65+ has been stable. This trend is evident in many areas of Florida, where retirees and pre -retirees locate. Along with the substantial population growth in the county over the years, has been an expansion in the number of households, as the size of households declines. This trend was expected to continue during the next decade, as indicated in the following table, but reportedly slowing over the last few years. Household Growth and Household Size Indian River County Year Number of Households Household Size 1960 8,247 3.07 1970 12,325 2.90 1980 23,331 2.49 1990 38,057 2.33 1995 42,371 2.33 2000 49,137 2.25 2010 57,560 2.33 2020 70,825 2.28 Source: Florida Statistical Abstract, Bureau of Economic & Business Research, University of Florida. Economy, Employment, and Income The economy of the area was traditionally based on agriculture, with the production of citrus fruits being the most important contributor. During the 1940's and 1950's, the dependence of the area on agriculture gradually lessened as the tourist industry grew. Over the years, the growing number of retired residents and winter residents has caused a trend in the economy from agriculture to services. Until recently, agriculture was one fourth of the service segment of the local economy. The citrus industry has been the primary agricultural use, with groves, packing houses and gift fruit shippers. The citrus industry has experienced financial difficulty since the early 1990's, with many groves in the eastern 1/3 of the County converted to residential use over the last 10 years. Further, hurricanes, canker, and citrus greening disease over the last 10 to 15 years has substantially reduced the number of citrus groves and packing house facilities. The citrus industry has been struggling to survive due to these factors. In the 1960's, the economy was diversified by the addition of industrial payrolls. Piper Aircraft currently employs approximately 1,000, which is a decrease from a peak of 3,200 in 1979, but an improvement over recent years. Besides Piper, there has been little interest in the area from large industrial employers. Deterrents to industrial development are the small labor supply, the limited supply of affordable housing, and local governmental desirability for limited clean industrial users. 157 of 562 Commerce and Indust->ry Largest Employers In Indian River County Number of Bmplo�ed Conmanv Name NAICS Malor Group Total Full-flme 4art-time Seasonal Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital Health Care and Social Assistance (NAICS 62) 2,112 1.543 97 387 (per diem) School District of Indian River County Educational Services (NAICS 61) 2,039 2,039 0 0 Indian River County (includes public Administration (NAICS 92) 1.455 1.415 89 17 constitutional officers) Publix Supermarkets Food and Beverage Stores (NAICS 445) 1,380 (breakdown not available) Piper Aircraft, Inc. Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (NAICS 336) 980 980 0 0 Wal-Mart General Merchandise Stores (NAICS 452) 806 518 288 0 Sebastian River Medical Center•" Health Care and Social Assistance (NAICS 62) 750 457 138 0 Visiting Nurse Association Health Care and Social Assistance (NAICS 62) 500 273 211 0 John's Island Accommodation (NAICS 721) 495 271 29 289 Indian River Estates Health Care and Social Assistance (NAICS 62) 486 251 I 235 I 0 City of Vero Beach Public Administration (NAICS 92) 374 (breakdown not available) CVS Warchouse/Distribution Transportation and Warehousing (NAICS 4748) 336 336 I 0 I 0 Disney's Vero Beach Resort Accommodation (NAICS 721) 279 (breakdown not available) St. Edwards School Educational Services (NAICS 61) 223 125 15 l50 City of Sebastian Public Administration (NAICS 92) 188 131 31 20 Flight Safety International Educational Services (NAICS 611) 170 170 0 0 B&W Quality Growers Agriculture/Arugula 142 (breakdown not available) Grand Harbor Management'" Construction (NAICS 23) & Real Estate (NAICS 531) 125 73 18 3'- Captain Hirams Restaurant & Resort" Resort/Restaurant 174 100 74 0 Source: IRC Chamber of Commerce (November 2020) "Denotes November 2019 figures ***Due to the pandemic, resulting in major fluctuations in employment numbers with many of these businesses, the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce opted not to do this report this year. Community Development Department Indian River County 9 Commerce and Industry 12,000 Indian River County Average Annual Employment by Major NAICS Group: 2017-2021 10.000 8.000 6,000 L O IL 4.000 = 2.0 o A 91. h.- - ob 1 fi` `. 641" Acp � Cn �� CC'` •\'C� \l. 20 20 <�'o� `cC � �°�\` 3�°fir fie° • o°� �� °ram,`° �cF'�� , c°�` ��� � �c` °�� `� •�`. j�S �`4• ��` c. ■2021 r Source: Indian River County Planning Division; Department of Economic Opportunity, Labor Market Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Program (ES-202). In cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Community Development Department Indian River County 11 33 Major employers in the county include the School District of Indian River County, Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital, Indian River County Government, Publix Supermarkets, Piper Aircraft, Walmart & Sam's, Sebastian River Medical Center, John's Island, and the City of Vero Beach Government. They also include the Visiting Nurses Association, Indian River Estates, Disney's Vero Beach Resort, CVS Warehouse/Distribution, B & W Quality Growers, City of Sebastian, and Flight Safety International. Employment in these and other business typically is between 200 and 2,000. The Los Angeles Dodgers have relocated their spring training facility to Arizona and this property is now being used as Vero Beach Sports Village which has provided some additional visitor traffic. At this time most industry is light, stemming to a large degree from tradesmen working in the construction industry. The nearby competing communities of Melbourne and Ft. Pierce have more to offer industrial developers. The largest business increase in the county has been in the services industry, followed by wholesale and retail trade. These account for the largest types of industry, followed by government. Tourism has also been increasing over the last few years, although stymied by the pandemic last year, but now improving. Elite Airways had been providing nonstop jet service between the Vero Beach Municipal Airport and Newark, New Jersey for the last couple years. They also provided service to Islip, New York and Naples, Florida, as well as Asheville, North Carolina. However, service has been stopped, but now Breeze Airways is operating at the airport. They currently provide service to Wilmington, NC and Westchester, NY and are planning to expand further. Brightline is currently installing railroad improvements to provide passenger service from Miami and West Palm Beach to Orlando. No stops are currently planned between West Palm and Cocoa, but both Fort Pierce and Stuart are being considered for one railroad station in the future. Since 2000, the unemployment rate had fluctuated from around 4% to around 15%, with the highest unemployment in the summer months. The labor force in Indian River County had been keeping pace with population growth, though declining over the last couple years, as shown in the following Table. The unemployment rate had declined over the previous 7 years after several years of higher than typical unemployment. Higher summer unemployment for the county is tied to the seasonality of the large tourist (winter resident) and agricultural segments of the economy. For example, the unemployment rate in August, 2019 was 4.4% compared to 3.1 % in December, 2019. There continues to be good demand for skilled labor with the unemployment level, typically representing the non -skilled sector. However, the unemployment rate in Indian River County had jumped significantly during the beginning of the pandemic, increasing from 5.1 % in March 2020 to 14.1 % in April. This trend follows similar increases in surrounding counties and the State of Florida. However, current unemployment is below 5.0% as unemployment has declined significantly over the last couple years. The labor force and average unemployment rate are provided on the following page. 160 of 562 34 Labor Force and Unemployment - Indian River County Year Total Labor Force Unemployment Rate 1980 23,205 10.6% 1990 41,309 9.5% 1995 41,172 9.8% 2000 45,001 6.4% 2003 49,693 8.0% 2004 55,398 7.6% 2005 57,294 4.6% 2006 59,597 4.2% 2007 60,439 5.8% 2008 62,237 8.1 % 2009 62,528 13.0% 2010 62,329 14.4% 2011 61,700 12.9% 2012 63,435 10.6% 2013 64,114 8.6% 2014 62,794 7.5% 2015 56,570 6.8% 2016 61,623 6.1 % 2017 63,715 5.1 % 2018 63,999 4.3% 2019 66,680 3.8% April 2020 Coronavirus 14.0% Dec 2020 5.2% 2020 63,960 7.2% 2021 65,119 4.7% Source: Florida Department of Labor and Unemployment Security, Bureau of Research and Analysis, Indian River County Development Plan. The county has higher per capita personal income than surrounding counties. Many financially independent retirees reside in Indian River County and per capita personal income is higher than either statewide or national averages. Higher income is generally attributed to the high proportion of affluent retirees. This is supported by the high per capita bank deposits in the county which generally run above many counties with higher income figures. This is also underscored by the lower incomes of wage earners in the county. Effective Buying Income (EBI) is personal income less personal taxes and non -tax payments as applied to wage earners within the county. These figures had historically been below state averages by about 10%+, but have improved to 10% above the state average. This information supports the generally accepted scenario of a double skewed income distribution represented by affluent retirees on the upper end and average to below average wage earners on the other end, the result of large service and agricultural segments. 161 of 562 Commerce and Industry_ Indian River County Unemployment Information 2018 & 2019 Annual Average i 2019 Monthly 2018 2019 I Jan I Feb Mar Apr May ! June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Labor Force I 63.999 66,680 66,466 164,489 66,479 165,463 66283 j 66,35Z 66,491 I t5b,45b 166.643 673[2 671818 67.971 Unemployment Rate 4.3% 3.8% 4.4% i 3.99/e 3.7% 3.4% 3.6% 14.2"i 4.2% 4A% 3.7% 3A% 3.7% 3.1% 2020 Annual Average 2020 onthly Labor Force 63.960 66.239 M.698 I 66,369 60,549 61.054 61.612 63,213 63,672 63,494 64,320 64.924 165,492 Unemployment Rate 7.2% 3.7% 3.6% 5.1% 14% 12.5% 9.2% 10.4% 6.8%a 5.9% 5.5% 5.5% 5.2% I 2021 Annual Average 2021 onthly [ Labor Force 65,119 64,571 64,790 64,910 64,269 64,446 64,763 65,403 65,468 65,455 165,968 65,563 65,815 Unemployment Rate 1 4.7% 6.0% 5.4% 15.2% 5.0% 4.8% 5.5% 1 5.2% 5.01. 4.3% 3.9% 3.5% 3.1% [ Source: State o£Florida, Local Area Unemployment Statistics Nnte: Unemployment data are obtained from the Deportment of Economic Opportunity (formerly Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation). Monthly unemployment data are published by the state approx. l to 2 months alter the particular month. See the following website for current unemployment data: Mtn://www.floridaiobs.orelworkforce-statistics/data-center/statistical-oroerams/local-area-unemolovmeni-statistics 16.0096 14.00% 12.00% 10,00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% Historical Unemployment Pattern b. 101 �� �ti ti ti ti ti ti 41 'Indian River County -State of Florida Community Development Department Indian River County 12 a, N � o t� a, N 36 With given levels of income, affordability of housing and other real estate is sensitive to changes in interest rates. Historically, there has been an affordability dilemma for housing in Indian River County. Higher real estate values supported by retirees have placed homes out of reach for a significant segment of the labor market. Some construction of low income housing projects have helped with this condition, but an inequity of non public support housing remains. Because of the counties reliance on tourism and service sector, the economy remains sensitive to national trends and in particular regional economies of the northeastern and Midwestern United States. Currently, the local economy is good, stabilizing and improving over the last approximate 5 years, even with the pandemic that officially started in March, 2020. The Indian River County area growth has fluctuated overthe years, depending on the local and national economic factors. The Indian River Mall was completed in late 1996. This regional mall contained 4 anchor stores and two adjacent shopping centers. These developments extend along State Road 60 between 58th Avenue and 66th Avenue, just west of Vero Beach. The Mall has struggled with occupancy over recent years and had previously been purchased out of foreclosure. Its continued viability is uncertain, as both Sears and Macy's have closed, leaving only JC Penney and Dillard's. Other significant commercial projects include Walmart stores, at S.R. 60 and 58th Avenue in Vero Beach and Walmart along U.S. #1, in Roseland serving the Sebastian trade area. The Vero Beach Outlets mall was completed in 1995, at the southwest quadrant of 1-95 and S.R. 60, with primary market attention towards interstate traffic. A large amount of additional strip commercial development has subsequently occurred along S.R. 60, including Home Depot, and Lowe's. Anew mixed use commercial development with retail space and a 110 room hotel has recently been completed. CVS built a large distribution center adjacent to 1-95 and S.R. 60. Disney World opened an oceanfront vacation resort development at Wabasso Beach in northeast Indian River County. The Disney Inn, 60 villas, and two restaurants, as well as amenities, were completed in October 1995. The highest amount of commercial/industrial development was registered in 1996, with 1,551,388 square feet added in the county. During 1997 to 2003, commercial/industrial development ranged from around 460,000 to 710,000 square feet, increasing to 1,250,000 square feet in 2004 with the construction of the CVS warehouse. The five years between 2005 and 2009 ranged from around 390,000 to 890,000 square feet per year. However, 2010 and 2011 had much lower construction at only 65,000 to 105,000 square feet per year. The 2012 year improved somewhat to around 290,000 square feet, but slowed again in 2013 with only 90,800 square feet. A total of 170,900 square feet was indicated for 2014, 345,000 for 2015, 320,000 square feet for 2016, 246,000 for 2017, increasing to 562,000 in 2018, but declining to 252,000 in 2019 and 237,000 in 2020. The most recent 2021 and 2022 years have about 336,000 and 440,000 square feet in new permits. Charts are provided on the following pages. 163 of 562 July 2023 Department Activity Building Permit Information for New Construction: Permits Issued Jurisdiction Building Type Penn is Per Calendar Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 ' 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Unincorporated Single -Family Units 262 321 475 576 695 806 985 905 1,005 1.102 698 County Multi -Family Units 8 12 5 120 118 79 104 200 26 48 472 Mobile Home Setups 7 replaced 10 replaced 10 replaced 24 44 replaced 21 replaced 51 replaced 56 replaced 3 replaced 16 replaced 55 replaced 3 new 4 new 5 new replaced 8 new 1 new 25 new 16 new 4 new 34 new 13 new 8 new CommerciaUindustrial Sq. Ft 235,655 32,578 89,965 206,969 184,247 108,404 453,193 158,985 158,851 235,812 307,528 Vero Beach Single -Family Units 15 21 18 22 21 20 21 19 17 88 40 Multi-Fwmly Units 0 0 4 0 17 0 7 18 0 15 7 Mobile Home Setups 4 replaced 1 replaced 6 replaced 6 replaced 7 replaced 3 replaced 0 replaced 0 new 3 new 5 replaced 4 replaced I new 0 new 2 new 2 new 0 new o new 3 new 3 reolacod I t .l 0 new 0 new Commercial/industrial Sq. Ft. 19,172 48,836 69,339 45,374 86530 33.259 66,970 63,260 5599 l 37,940 121,879 Sebastian Single -Family Units 70 181 166 170 151 132 176 164 174 296 210 Multi -Family Units 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 2 6 0 Mobile Home Setups 4 10 I replaced 5 0 replaced 4 replaced 1 replaced 3 replaced I replaced 3 replaced 2 replaced 14 new 15 new 0 new 18 new 4 new 3 nnv 3 new 7 new Commercial/Industrial Sq. Ft 24,977 9,389 11,600 92,917 29,575 104,465 34.216 2,575 18,712 62,698 11,318 Fellsmere Single -Family Units 10 5 4 5 5 4 5 4 5 10 3 Multi -Family Units 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mobile Home Setups 10 2 replaced 1 replaced 0 2 replaced 0 5 replaced 3 replaced 2 replaced 0 replaced 3 replaced 0 new 0 new 0 new 2 new 0 new 0 new 3 new 2 new CommcrciaVlndustrial Sq. Ft 9,245 0 0 0 0 0 0 27.208 98 0 0 Indian River Single -Family Units 7 9 18 34 42 16 41 33 31 53 32 Shores Multi -Family Units 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Commerciallindustrial Sq. Ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Orchid Single -Family Units 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 3 12 Multi -Family Units 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial/Industrial Sq. Ft 0 0 0 0 19,189 0 7,300 0 0 0 0 Community Development Department Indian River County 22 w v July 2023 Total N of PermitslCalendor Year (all Jurisdictions) Total Single Family Units Total Multi -Family Units Total Mobile Home Setups Total Commercial SQET DepaAment Activity 20011-2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 7015 2016 2017 2018 I 2019 2020 2921 2022 Permits Permits Permits Permits Permits Permits Permits Permits Permits Permits Permits Permits Permits 17,479 309 364 537 683 809 914 979 1.229 I 1,126 1,233 1,552 995 3.777 22 R 12 9 1,20 135 79 111 228 28 73 482 370 5 15 27 39 45 76 29 105 85 17 64 86 I 6,116,299 104,505 289,049 90.803 170,904 345,260 319,541 246,128I56t,579 251,948 236,672 336.450 440,725 Total Residential Units and Permits I (all jurisdictions) Total Single Family Units Total Multi -Family Units Total Mobile Home Setups Total Housing Units Total Residential Units (compiled starting from 2000 census indleatin % existing units through to present) 64,449 _ 19.182 7,829 91,460 Historical Residential Building Permit Activity (Unincorporated Indian River County) 3000 2500 C 2000 1500 1000 500 I- Single Family — Multiple Family Community Development Department Indian Lover County 23 W 00 July 2023 Department Activity Commercial Building Permit Activity (Unincorporated Indian River County) T ITOUITITIN 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 C ONE a 4w vGo 6 O a Cf w *N,� +y + � *fir N N Qi *�,► ai N N N N N N N N N N N N ❑ Commercial/ Industrial SQFT CommunityDevelopmcnt Department Indian River County 24 w I'D July 2023 Department Activity Staff Level and Planning & Zoning Commission Approved Residential Projects Calendar Year 2023 Preliminary Plat and PD Plan Projects Number of Lots/Units Seawest of Vero Subdivision 31 Providence Pointe PDTND Phases 1 & 2 322 Total 353 Multi -Family Site Plan Projects Number of Units Vero West Apartments 278 Arbours at Vero Beach Townhomes 84 Total 362 Conceptual Plan Projects Number of Lots/Units Total 0 Total Number of Lots/Units 2007 700 Total Number of Lots/Units 2016 435 Total Number of Lots/Units 2008 1,470 Total Number of Lots/Units 2017 603 Total Number of Lots/Units 2009 368 Total Number of Lots/Units 2018 1,080 Total Number of Lots/Units 2010 52 Total Number of Lots/Units 2019 2,062 Total Number of Lots/Units 2011 49 Total Number of Lots/Units 2020 1,255 Total Number of Lots/Units 2012 240 Total Number of Lots/Units 2021 2,595 Total Number of Lots/Units 2013 93 Total Number of Lots/Units 2022 1,065 Total Number of Lots/Units 2014 1,613 Total Number of Lots/Units 2023 715 Total Number of Lots/Units 2015 494 Community Development Department Indian River County 25 .A 0 41 During these same periods, demand also increased for residential projects. New single family development increased from an average of 600 dwellings per year during the period from 1993 to 1997, to over 1,000 dwellings per year in 2001 thru 2003. In 2004, Indian River County had 3,168 single family units and 562 multi family units permitted. 2005 had 3,426 single family permits and 144 multi family units. 2006 was impacted by high availability of units and slowing absorption rates as new units continued to come online. Nevertheless, 2,813 single family units were permitted and 182 multi -family units. The number of single family permits declined significantly in 2007 to around 1,100, then to around 615 during 2008 and 249 in 2009. There had been some additional new home construction in a few subdivisions during 2010 and 2011, typically at lower pricing, with a total of 300 single family permits indicated. New home construction increased to around 364 permits in 2012, with 2013 even higher at 537 single family permits. A total of 683 single family permits were issued county wide in 2014, with 809 in 2015, 914 single family permits in 2016, 979 in 2017, increasing to 1,229 in 2018, with 1,126 in 2019 and 1,233 in 2020. The most recent 2021 and 2022 years had a total of 1,552 and 995 permits. The City of Sebastian had a total of 174 permits in 2020 and164 single family permits in 2019, 176 single family permits in 2018, 132 in 2017, 151 in 2016, 170 in 2015, 166 in 2014 and 181 in 2013. These last six years are more than double the 70 permits in 2012. 2011 had only 57 new home permits with 2010 at only 32 and 2009 even lower with only 23 single family permits. The home construction and population in the City of Sebastian has been increasing over the last 10 years and is forecast to continue. They had a total of 296 new single family permits in 2021 and 210 in 2022. Demand for commercial and industrial development has been improving over recent years, beginning slightly after the residential market began its recovery. These markets have been stabilizing and improving over the last few years, particularly for national chains, such as Cumberland Farms, Wawa, Auto Part stores, along with Dollar stores. Some local new construction is also occurring, and demand for trade and light industrial space has substantially improved over the last few years. There are several large storage facilities under construction, along with car washes. Physical Characteristics and Transportation The principal attraction of the county is its 25 miles of Atlantic beachfront and an equal stretch along both sides of the Indian River (Intracoastal Waterway). Access from the waterway to the ocean is available at the Sebastian Inlet 15 miles north of Vero Beach at the north county line. The closest ocean access to the south is 15 miles at the Ft. Pierce Inlet. There are three access points between the mainland and the beach area: two serve Vero Beach (Merrill Barber Bridge, S.R. 60, and the 17th Street Bridge and the Wabasso Bridge, is located mid -county on S.R. 510. 168 of 562 42 Principal health care facilities are the Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital, in Vero Beach and the Sebastian River Medical Center (Steward Health Care) in the north county. Both of these hospitals have merged with larger hospital companies over recent years. There are also several nursing homes and ACLF's near the hospital, as well as several life care facilities west of Vero Beach. Schools, churches, and other services are adequate with additional schools expanding throughout the county. The county has been reasonably well governed with the usual five county commissioners as provided for in the state constitution. The commission employs a county administrator. Local political attitudes have directed decisions toward controlled growth resulting in comparably lower development densities. Attractive community amenities include the Center for the Arts, Riverside Theater and other cultural facilities. Numerous public and private golf courses, the Vero Sports Village complex (Historic Dodgertown), beaches, fishing, boating, and racquet sports facilities (public and private) combine to provide good availability of recreational facilities. Like most Florida east coast towns, commercial development in Vero Beach began with a small downtown nucleus and commercial strips along U.S. #1. Since the 1960's, the downtown district lost prominence to shopping centers and commercial strips with orientation towards local traffic as 1-95 became the major interstate highway. In Vero Beach, the thrust of commercial growth is southward along U.S. #1 and westward along State Road 60. The U.S. #1 commercial strip has new national brands including Cumberland Farms, Wawa, O'Reilly Auto Parts, etc. The U.S. #1 commercial strip is almost fully built up, stimulating demand for secondary location users, west along S.R. 60 and south or north along U.S. #1 for primary locations. State Road 60 has new commercial development from regional and national chains, along with an extended stay hotel. There is a mature beachside commercial district on the Barrier Island along Beachland Boulevard and Ocean Drive. This district has good quality retail and office uses, along with motels and restaurants. This commercial area provides only limited shopping support for beach area residents, but has been growing in prominence as a beachside tourist area. Major shopping, including grocery is available on the mainland, with the Miracle Mile area convenient to both mainland and beach residents. The bulk of middle class residential growth had been occurring in the community's central and southwest quadrant, with the bulk of upper priced housing growth on Vero's beach. The mainland area had significant overbuilding during the boom period between 2004 and 2006 and had struggled with oversupply, though beginning to stabilize and improve in around 2012 to the strong levels into 2019/2020. The pandemic created a brief slowdown and uncertainty, but the market recovered quickly. Continued home construction is forecast over the next couple years, as inventory levels remain light, although home prices have increased. New residential development has been occurring, initially on parcels with existing infrastructure, along with some new residential communities. The Indian River County area has seen substantial in - migration over the last couple years from northern states and South Florida. The Indian River County net population growth is currently estimated at around 2,176 per year. 169 of 562 43 In summary, Vero Beach and Indian River County, as well as the City of Sebastian, are recognized as attractive places in which to live and work. Agriculture has declined as a prominent part of the local economy, as the service sector continues to become the major employment sector. Population is expected to continue growth, primarily from in -migration of the retirement segment and service providers. Political attitudes continue to place restrictions on supply and lower densities, which contribute to the residential appeal. Highest demand is expected to continue for those properties affiliated with the barrier island and waterfront, although all properties should participate in overall county demographics and growth trends. In conclusion, the local economy and residential real estate market have been strong over the last several years, followed by the commercial and industrial markets which have improved over the last few years. The Indian River County area is forecast to have a continued improvement over the next couple years, depending to some degree on state and national economic factors. Interest rates have increased substantially in an attempt by the Federal Reserve to reduce inflation. The Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak began in early 2020 and was identified as a pandemic on March 11, 2020 by the World Health Organization. It then steadily increased throughout the world and the United States. This had created significant disruptions in the local, state and national economies and resulted in restaurants, retail stores, hotels, vacation rentals and schools closing, airline and cruise ship business decline, along with other businesses. Businesses and restaurants reopened with restrictions, as the State of Florida and Indian River County commenced recovery plans. Schools had reopened for the 2020 Fall Semester and have continued to operate. The outlook for the future is positive, as real estate in Indian River County appears to be generally unaffected to date. Single family homes and condominiums have very strong demand and prices have increased as available inventory has decreased. Demand for commercial and industrial properties has also been strong. Further, reportedly the county population has been increasing over the last couple years, although the population figures reviewed are lagging. The subject property appraised is located in the City of Sebastian and should participate in these overall area trends and influences, in our opinion. 170 of 562 44 NEIGHBORHOOD A neighborhood may be defined as follows: A group of complementary land uses; a congruous grouping of inhabitants, buildings, or business enterprises. Source - Taken from The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal Fifth Edition, sponsored by the Appraisal Institute, 2010 page 133. The subject property is located in a commercial strip neighborhood extending along Sebastian Boulevard (County Road 512) between the FEC Railroad Tracks and the North Indian River County Library, in the City of Sebastian. The commercial neighborhood is primarily limited to the south side of this arterial which has been widened to four lanes, consisting of two east/west lanes and a grassed median strip. There are some commercial zoning and uses along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard at the western edge, along with commercial and industrial uses in the eastern portion. The subject property is located in the eastern portion of the overall neighborhood in the triangular area separated by the Sebastian Boulevard Twin Pairs alignment. This portion of the neighborhood consists of a mixture of commercial and industrial uses. The south side of Sebastian Boulevard generally consists of small commercial lots within the Sebastian Highlands community. However, there are also two larger commercial developments, named the 512 Commerce Center, along with Chesser's Gap, both located along the south side of Sebastian Boulevard. Sebastian Boulevard is also known as County Road 512 and was previously named Fellsmere Road. It provides access to U.S. #1 to the east and County Road 510 to the west, as well as 1-95 further west. This divided four -lane roadway is the primary arterial for access to the Sebastian Highlands residential communities to the north and south. The eastern portion of this roadway is split into the Twin Pairs alignment providing separated one way roadways, each containing two lanes. The Twin Pairs westbound route was completed about 20 +- years ago. The commercial neighborhood is approximately 50% built-up with primarily smaller single occupant and small strip centers (2 to 8 bays each). Most of these strip centers consist of small rental investment properties along with some office condominiums. Other commercial development includes the 512 Commerce Center, Chesser's Gap Shopping Center and the Sebastian Lakes Winn Dixie, adjacent Walgreens, and two bank buildings. In the eastern portion of the neighborhood, there are industrial and warehouse industrial uses just west of the FEC Railroad and U.S. #1, along with the closed City of Sebastian Public Works facility, American Legion, and VFW. A newer Sherwin Williams and O'Reilly Auto Parts are also located in this area, along with an older strip center and some service garages. The Chesser's Gap Shopping Center was built around 35 years ago and originally contained a Food Lion grocery store, Eckerd Drugs and associated smaller spaces. Many of these tenants have since vacated, including Food Lion (then Kash N Karry) and the shopping center was eventually sold. It then contained a large appliance store, named Appliance Direct, Family Dollar and smaller retail tenants, now including Strike Zone bowling and amusement center. 171 of 562 45 There is a Bank of America branch on the corner and an Elks Lodge on an adjacent interior parcel. A funeral home was built south of the Elks Lodge, and an Exxon service station and convenience store were then completed on the corner parcel, across from the bank branch. The service station had closed and the parcel recently redeveloped with a newer Dollar General and some medical office space. The Sebastian Lakes Winn Dixie store was completed about 25 years ago along the south side of County Road 512, adjacent to the east of the Roseland Road extension. The shopping center also included a Movie Gallery video store, since closed. An out -parcel to the east contains a PNC Bank branch. At the southwest corner of County Road 512 and Roseland Road, are a Walgreens drug store and Seacoast Bank branch. Just west of these improvements is the North Indian River County Library, followed by Sebastian Lakes units and additional residential development. Thus, the Sebastian Highlands commercial neighborhood consists of the smaller commercial properties along the south side of Fellsmere Road, which are located on from 1 to say 6 individual lots and are typically about 40 feet by 160 feet in size. These improvements vary in age from new to 40 years and are generally of fair to average quality construction. The commercial strip along County Road 512 has two strip centers (A.R.T. Plaza and Tall Tree Plaza), just west of Barber Street. An Italian American club facility is located along the south side of CR 512, just east of Barber Street. Some new owner -occupied commercial improvements have also been constructed for an appliance repair business, as well as a dental office. A car wash was also completed about 20 years ago, along with two new medical office buildings and one real estate office. Further, a new Cumberland Farms convenience store and service station were built at the southwest corner of Sebastian Boulevard and Barber Street, but otherwise there has been limited new commercial development over the last several years. The first, second and third phases of the 512 Commerce Center have long been completed adjacent to the northeast of the Chesser's Gap shopping center. The first phase included a front office building and two office/warehouse buildings. Additional front office buildings were then constructed in the second phase, along with additional building and site improvements in phase three, as well as some mini -storage space. Total overall gross building area is about 130,000 to 135,000 square feet. There are also some commercial strip centers and office buildings east of the 512 Commerce Center, including the 661 Sebastian Center, 512 Plaza, Complete Electric, and the Sebastian Professional Center. Other buildings include Shadetree Plaza, Humane Society, Animal Hospital, Maytag (now Granite Environmental), Dr. Guitterez, and Sebastian Gym & Fitness. A mini -storage warehouse development (Acorn Mini -Storage - now Cube Smart) was built in phases over the last 20 to 25 years in the eastern portion of the neighborhood. This mini - warehouse now contains a total of about 100,000 square feet and has a mixture of both climate controlled and non -climate controlled storage units. 172 of 562 46 Property uses within the eastern portion of the neighborhood, south of Sebastian Boulevard, consist of trades warehouse buildings, oriented toward the construction industry, auto repair businesses, boat and marine sales, as well as storage warehouse buildings. The improvements range in age from about 10 to 30 years and are generally of fair to average quality construction. The western portion of the subject neighborhood has experienced commercial development around the corner of County Road 512 (Sebastian Boulevard) and County Road 510. This originally included the Shark Mart service station and convenience store, followed by a Publix anchored shopping center (The Shoppes of Sebastian) and additional retail space. The service station is around 20 years in age, with the shopping center built over the last 15 years. A small commercial park was developed around the recently renovated service station and convenience store at the northwest corner of Sebastian Boulevard and County Road 510. The convenience store has a renovated Sunoco and convenience store, along with a Burger King restaurant to the west. The Sebastian Crossings Commercial development is located along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard, west of Sebastian Crossings Boulevard and south of the newer Sebastian Crossings residential subdivision. This commercial park has four sites containing an Advance Auto Parts store and a Dollar General, along with a rear self -storage facility. Occupancy throughout the neighborhood had been less than optimally desired, but had been improving over recent years. Current inspection of the neighborhood indicated some vacancy, but improved occupancy at most properties. There is typically some vacancy in the Chesser's Gap shopping center, as this property has struggled over the last 20 years, but was full at the time of our inspection. Rental rates in the neighborhood are generally in the $10.00 to $18.00 per square foot range. Rental rates have been stabilizing and improving over the last few years with the economy and recovery from the pandemic. A new commercial/warehouse building for a Sherwin Williams paint store was completed about 10 to 12 years ago and another new commercial building for O'Reilly Automotive was built adjacent to the south, at the northeast corner of Sebastian Boulevard and S. Wimbrow Drive. The other two commercial sites in this commercial park remain vacant and listed for sale. Otherwise, there has been little new construction of in the subject commercial strip over the last approximate 10 to 15 years. Commercial land values along Sebastian Boulevard in the Sebastian Highlands commercial neighborhood have varied widely typically, now estimated around $8.00 to $12.00 per square foot. However, both the Sherwin Williams and O'Reilly Auto Parts commercial sites sold much higher at around $12.00 to $15.00 per square foot, although consisting of corner locations with common drainage retention available. Two vacant sites are presently listed for sale at around $9.00 per square foot, not including the lake retention area. Residential construction has been very strong over the last several years. The outlook for -the future is felt to be continued growth in the Sebastian area, in both residential and commercial uses. The large Sebastian Highlands community contains about 13,000 single family lots and is around 60% developed overall. Home prices have increased over the last few years. 173 of 562 47 Sebastian River Landing consists of an approximate 15 year old single family subdivision located along the south side of Sebastian Boulevard, east of County Road 510 and west of Sebastian Highlands. Sebastian Crossings is another single family subdivision development, located north of Sebastian Boulevard and northwest of County Road 510. Sebastian Crossings consists of a 137 lot development that was completed in 2005. Vero Lake Estates is located to the west of County Road 510, south of Sebastian Boulevard. This neighborhood contains lower priced lots along dirt roadways, but also experienced much new home construction over recent years. The City of Fellsmere is located west of 1-95, but also providing some neighborhood support, due to the lack of commercial uses in Fellsmere. The long term outlook for the subject neighborhood and surrounding Sebastian area is continued growth in both residential and commercial uses. Adequate schools are available, including Sebastian River High School, Sebastian River Middle School, two elementary schools, along with Treasure Coast elementary school. Further, the north county park and aquatic center is located along the north side of County Road 512 (Sebastian Boulevard), just west of subject neighborhood and Sebastian River Middle School. The subject neighborhood and subject property are primarily oriented towards the Sebastian Highlands residential uses, along with Vero Lake Estates, in terms of demand and uses. The subject property is located in the eastern portion of the neighborhood in the triangular area between Sebastian Highlands eastbound and westbound. The subject property should participate in overall neighborhood trends and growth factors, in our opinion. ZONING The subject property is located in the City of Sebastian. Current zoning is PS, Public Service for the main site area and CG, Commercial General for the small parcel. Reportedly, the subject property has potential for rezoning to either CG, or IN, Industrial, per the information provided. This will be considered by the City of Sebastian Growth Management Department and other officials. The CLUP for the City of Sebastian is Mixed Use. Thus, both the subject zoning and CLUP may need to be changed, depending on the proposed use. CG, General Commercial The CG, General Commercial zoning allows a wide variety of commercial uses, including commercial retail, service stations, hotels and motels, restaurants, business and professional offices, plant nurseries, home occupations, etc. Other permitted uses include clubs and lodges, medical services, hotels and motels and all uses permitted in the RM-8 zoning district. There are also conditional uses that may be permitted, subject to approval, which includes nursing homes and commercial amusements. The RM-8 zoning district permits single family and multiple family residential, nursing homes, churches, schools, and townhouse development. 174 of 562 48 Size and dimension criteria within the CG zoning districts is as follows: Minimum Lot Size: 10,000 SF Minimum Width: 75 feet Minimum Depth: 125 feet Minimum Setbacks: Front Yard: None Side Yard: 5 feet minimum Rear Yard: 10 feet Maximum FAR: 60% Maximum Building Height: 35 Feet Maximum Building Coverage: 30% Minimum Open Space: 20% Maximum Impervious Surface: 80% IN, Industrial District The IN, Industrial District zoning allows a wide variety of industrial uses, including commercial retail under 5,000 square feet, service stations, restaurants, business and professional offices, wholesale trades and services, vehicular sales and related services, clubs and lodges, veterinary services and industrial activities. There are also conditional uses that may be permitted, subject to approval, which includes hotels and motels, commercial amusements and commercial retail greater than 5,000 square feet. Size and dimension criteria within the IN zoning district is as follows: Minimum Lot Size: 15,000 SF Minimum Width: 100 feet Minimum Depth: 125 feet Minimum Setbacks: Front Yard: 20 feet Side Yard: None Rear Yard: 10 feet Maximum FAR: 50% Maximum Building Height: 35 Feet Maximum Building Coverage: 50% Minimum Open Space: 20% Maximum Impervious Surface: 80% 175 of 562 st, The subject property consists of a partially improved site located along Sebastian Boulevard with main access via Veterans Memorial Way. The main site area contains the former City of Sebastian Maintenance Compound which is presently vacant. The improvements include three warehouse/office type buildings along with paved parking and drive areas, drainage improvements, walkways, perimeter fencing, utility services, etc. Additionally, a separate tax parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard contains around 100 +- feet of frontage along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard eastbound. Total site size of the subject property is indicated at 157,912 +- square feet, or 3.63 +- acres. As discussed, the subject property is currently vacant as the City of Sebastian has moved to another location. Reportedly, the subject property has potential for rezoning to either CG, or IN, Industrial, per the information provided. Parking Requirements vary with the property use. Site plan and other approvals will be required. It is assumed that the subject property is currently grand -fathered and in compliance with local, state, and federal laws and requirements to allow continued industrial use, along with potential for future commercial and/or industrial development. CONCURRENCY Concurrency is the comparison of any proposed development's impact on public facilities and the capacity of the public facilities that are, or will be, available to serve the proposed development. Compliance with concurrency is required of all proposed new development in Indian River County. This is a requirement for public facilities and services to be available concurrent with the impacts of development. Components considered in the concurrency requirement include traffic and transportation facilities, sewage collection facilities, potable water facilities, drainage, park and recreation facilities, etc. Typically, concurrency is most applicable to roads and traffic capacity. Thus, if a project is proposed, its impact must not exceed the capacity levels of current infrastructure, or the plan must propose the expansion of the infrastructure and the source of funds required to construct these improvements. This is an extensive study, that is beyond the scope of this appraisal. However, there are no known concurrency issues that affect the subject property, based on our observations. Please see above. ASSESSMENT AND TAXES The taxing authority is Indian River County. Taxes are based on Just Values that are estimated by the Indian River County Property Appraiser and on millages as set by the Tax Collector using various taxing districts' approved budgets. Taxes are assessed in arrears based on valuations as of January 1 st of the tax year. Tax bills are sent out in November and become payable January 1 st of the new year. 176 of 562 50 The following is a summary of tax assessment data for the subject property, based on the 2022 Indian River County Tax Roll: Tax Parcel Number Assessed Value 2022 Taxes Site Size Main Site -100 Veterans Memorial Way 06-31-39-00000-5000-00024.0 $892,848 $ 962.51 4.13 Acres 190 Sebastian Boulevard 07-31-39-00000-3000-00006.0 1944,155 51,307 $ 147.49 0.29 Acres Totals $1,110,00 4.42 Acres The tax parcel for the subject main site area also includes the adjacent right-of-way parcel for Veterans Memorial Way, although not included in the subject property appraised. The subject site is estimated at a total of 3.63 +- acres. Florida's Constitution requires all property to be appraised at Just Value. While this concept is not adequately defined in the Constitution nor in Florida Statutes, numerous court decisions have held that it approximates Market Value as defined herein, less normal seller expenses of sale, estimated at fifteen percent (15%). While this represents the target level of the property appraiser, it has been found that assessments produced by mass appraisal techniques vary considerably and are not good indicators of Market Value. UTILITIES Utilities available to the subject property are as follows: Electricity: FP & L Water: Indian River County Sewer: Septic System - Indian River County Telephone: AT & T Trash: Waste Management * Reportedly, the subject property currently utilizes septic tanks for sewage disposal, but future redevelopment will require county sewer service be extended from the southeast via a new 4 inch sewer force main from Louisiana Avenue and Sebastian Boulevard, along with possibly a Lift Station. The cost of this sewer service has not been provided and is subject to review by the appraisers. The subject property has electrical service from FP&L. A well is located on the southern edge of the subject site with Indian River County water service along Sebastian Boulevard. An older back-up generator is located in a wood frame building. Based on evidence from nearby properties and from utilities authorities, the subject property is being appraised, as if utilities are available to the site sufficient in capacity to support the Highest and Best Use, at costs that are typical to competing properties. Please See Extraordinary Assumption Condition #1. 177 of 562 51 SITE DESCRIPTION The subject site is located along the south side of the Sebastian Boulevard westbound roadway at the southwest corner of Veterans Memorial Way (100 Veterans Memorial Way). It consists of two tax parcels that are combined and also include frontage along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard eastbound. Thus, the subject site has frontage along all three roadways. Total site size of the subject property is indicated at 157,912 +- square feet, or 3.63 +- acres. The subject overall site has an irregular shape, but with frontage along three roadways. The main site area contains approximately 555.77 +- feet of frontage along the south side of Sebastian Boulevard westbound and 162.55 +- feet along the west side of Veterans Memorial Way. The separate tax parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard contains around 100.71 +- feet of frontage along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard eastbound. The east property line dimension is a total of 546.20 +- feet (433.04' + 102.66'). The south and west property lines are irregular. The main site area contains the former City of Sebastian Maintenance Compound which is presently vacant. The improvements include three warehouse/office type buildings along with paved parking and drive areas, drainage improvements, walkways, perimeter fencing, utility services, etc. The site is generally level and partially improved with the closed facility. The parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard formerly contained an older single family residence, but since demolished and removed. It consists of a mostly cleared vacant commercial parcel that contains native vegetation. As discussed, the subject property had previously been used by the City of Sebastian as a Public Works office and vehicle/equipment storage facility. Previously, the facility had been operated with two underground storage tanks (5,000 gallon leaded gasoline and 300 gallon diesel fuel) which were removed in 1991. These UST's had been installed in 1984 and are the subject of the current cleanup activities related to the previous soil contamination. Just recently, in December 2022, a shallow groundwater monitoring well was installed. Petroleum Restoration Program procedures have recently been approved with a total cost of around $9,912.53 indicated. The subject site has access via Veterans Memorial Way to the north, as well as Sebastian Boulevard to the northwest. There is a gated entrance along both of these roadways along with connecting interior paved drives. Veterans Memorial Way is two lanes and extends from Sebastian Boulevard westbound to Louisiana Avenue which then connects with Sebastian Boulevard eastbound. Sebastian Boulevard westbound is two lanes same as Sebastian Boulevard westbound, one block to the south. Sebastian Boulevard provides access to U.S. #1 to the east and County Road 510 to the west, as well as 1-95 further west. This divided four - lane roadway is the primary arterial for access to the Sebastian Highlands residential communities to the north and south. The eastern portion of this roadway is split into the Twin Pairs alignment providing separated one way roadways, each containing two lanes. The Twin Pairs westbound route was completed about 20 +- years ago. A plat map and county aerial map are provided, along with a copy of the recent survey. 178 of 562 55 The subject property has a convenient location with good access via Veterans Memorial Way, along with Sebastian Boulevard both eastbound and westbound. Louisiana Avenue provides access between the Sebastian Boulevard Twin Pairs, also supported by Veterans Memorial Way. Continued access is assumed via these roadways. The subject site has an irregular shape and potential for a wide variety of uses. Surrounding uses include the American Legion and VFW. A newer Sherwin Williams and O'Reilly Auto Parts are located in the small 4 lot commercial park adjacent to the southwest via Wimbrow Drive. The two rear commercial sites are currently listed for sale immediately adjacent to the subject property. Northwest of the subject property is an older mobile home park with Ashbury Subdivision further northwest. South of Sebastian Boulevard is Acorn Mini - Storage adjacent to the subject parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard. In summary, the subject site is located along the south side of the Sebastian Boulevard westbound roadway at the southwest corner of Veterans Memorial Way (100 Veterans Memorial Way). It consists of two tax parcels that are combined and also include frontage along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard eastbound. Thus, the subject site has frontage along all three roadways. Total site size of the subject property is indicated at 157,912 +- square feet, or 3.63 +- acres. The subject overall site has an irregular shape, but with frontage along three roadways. FLOOD ZONE According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency National Flood Insurance Program Map for Indian River County, revised January 26, 2023, the subject property appears to be located in Flood Zone X. Flood Zone X is not a special flood hazard area and flood insurance is not required in this flood zone. CENSUS TRACT The subject is designated as being within Census Tract 508.08, based on the 2020 Census Tract Map for Indian River County, Florida. SITE IMPROVEMENTS Principal site improvements include paved parking and drive areas, concrete walkways and work areas, landscaping, drainage improvements, chain link fencing, utilities, lighting, etc. The subject site has access via Veterans Memorial Way to the north, as well as Sebastian Boulevard to the northwest. There is a gated entrance along both of these roadways along with connecting interior paved drives. A copy of the site plan provided is shown on the following page. 182 of 562 57 These two entrances connect with the paved drive and parking areas that extend thru the subject main site area and loop around the building improvements. There are a total of 20 paved parking spaces on the northern portion of the site with an additional 7 parking spaces available adjacent to buildings #1 and #2. Additionally, there are open work and grassed areas available for overflow parking. The subject parking is considered adequate for the previous use. The paved areas are currently in average condition and quite substantial. There are also concrete pads adjacent to the buildings. Landscaping consists of grassed areas, along with some plants and trees. The perimeter of the entire main site area has 6 foot high chain link fencing with 3 strands of barbed wire. There are rolling metal gates at the two entrances. The fencing appears to be in average condition and totals around 2,000 +- linear feet, per the Indian River County Property Appraises records. Drainage improvements include (3) catch basins, drop -inlets, swale and retention areas, etc. There is a large stormwater retention area on the western portion of the site. There is a wooded area on the adjacent small triangular area and the 190 Sebastian Boulevard site is partially cleared and remains in native vegetation. Utility services include a pump and well, county water service, along with septic systems and heavy duty electrical service. Exterior lighting is also provided. There is an older back-up generator that utilizes diesel fuel located in an 11' x 20' wood frame building adjacent to buildings #1 and #2. Overall, these site improvements are extensive and provide adequate support for the subject industrial warehouse buildings, as evidenced by their use over the years. However, they have uncertain utility for redevelopment. Further, future redevelopment will require county sewer service be extended from the southeast via a new 4 inch sewer force main from Louisiana Avenue and Sebastian Boulevard. The cost of this sewer service may also require a Lift Station and has not been provided, subject to review by the appraisers. The site also has soil contamination that will need to be continually monitored. BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Building improvements consist of the three warehouse types buildings that were previously utilized for the City of Sebastian Maintenance Compound. They are described as buildings #1, #2, and #3 moving from north to south. Building #1 consists of a former office/warehouse building that contains two restrooms. Building #2 is a service garage with some first and second floor office space and building #3 is a metal warehouse building. These buildings range in size from 1,764 to 4,000 square feet and were built in 1979, 1992 and 1999. They total 9,322 square feet overall, plus covered work areas. They are summarized below: Buildinq # Buildinq Description Size/SF Year Built - Age Building #1: Office/Warehouse 1,764 SF Built 1979 - 44 years Building #2: Service Garage/Office 3,558 SF Built 1992 - 31 years Building #3: Metal Warehouse Building 4,000 SF Built 1999 - 24 years Total Gross Building Area 9,322 SF 184 of 562 Building #1 has concrete block construction and a metal roof. The building interior has concrete floors and drywall walls and ceilings and includes two main work areas, two office areas, and a utility room. There are two restrooms including one with a shower. This building has climate control and is older, built around 1979. It is currently in fair condition. Building #2 also has concrete block construction, but with a shingle roof over wood trusses. The building was designed for service garage uses and includes a large open service garage area, along with covered canopy areas. There are two story offices in the northwest portion accessed by interior wood stairs. The second floor offices are in poor condition. A storage room with fuel tanks is also provided. This building contains a total of 2,040 square feet of covered canopy and work areas. This building was reportedly built around 1992 and the overall condition is rated fair. Building #3 contains 4,000 square feet and consists of a 40' x 100' metal warehouse building located on the southwest portion of the main site area. The building has metal frame construction with a wall height of 16 feet and metal roofing. The building has (3) roll -up overhead doors, along with passenger doors. The interior has florescent lighting with insulated roof area. The building consists of open warehouse space with no restrooms. It was built in 1999 and appears to be in average condition. These buildings are currently vacant and their overall condition is rated fair. They consist of fair to average quality construction designed for their former use. However, the buildings appear to be structurally sound and physically have some potential for continued use with clean-up and renovations and improvements. They total 9,322 square feet in size which represents a building to land ratio of only 5.9% to the overall site and slightly higher, say around 6.4% for the main site area. They represent an under improvement to the subject site due to the smaller sizes, siting, building ages and overall quality. These improvements do not provide an adequate return to the subject site to support its current land value. Functional obsolescence is a loss in value resulting from defects in design. It can also be caused by changes that, over time, have made some aspect of a structure, such as its materials or design, obsolete by current standards. The defect may be curable or incurable, depending on whether the cost to correct the defect is the same or less than the anticipated increase in value after the correction. Based on our analysis, these buildings are forecast to have little to no value to the subject overall site, in our opinion, considering their older age and current condition, smaller building sizes and other factors, including the subject commercial location. External obsolescence is the diminished value of a structure due to negative influences from outside the property, and is incurable on the part of the property owner. Such negative influences could include the economic decline of a neighborhood or the transition of a neighborhood from one use to another. No external obsolescence is considered to exist from these influences. 187 of 562 61 These factors are all considered in the valuation analysis of the subject property, which consists of the subject land value, but also considering the potential for continued use of the subject site improvements and buildings, offset by the soil contamination and the potential cost for a sewer line extension. HIGHEST AND BEST USE Property Market Value trends can be analyzed through a study of the forces which drive this market activity. These forces are referred to as supply and demand, substitution, balance and external interference. The term "Highest and Best Use" refers to the optimum use of a property, considering the impact of all of these market forces on a specific property. The value of real property is directly related to the use to which it can be put. A parcel may have several different value levels under alternative uses. The property appraised herein is appraised under its Highest and Best Use, as defined below: "The reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or an improved property that is physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and that results in the highest value. The four criteria the highest and best use must meet are legal permissibility, physical possibility, financial feasibility, and maximum productivity." Source: The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal - 5th Edition, sponsored by the Appraisal Institute, 2010, Page 93. In each appraisal of improved property there are two considerations of Highest and Best Use: one for the land considered as though vacant and one for the property as improved. Within each analysis four sets of use constraints are considered: legally permissible, physically possible, economically feasible, and maximally productive. Legally permissible restrictions include private restrictions, zoning, building codes, historic district controls, and environmental regulations. Physically possible uses are determined by the size, shape, area, topography and accessibility of a parcel of land. Included in this analysis are the risk of natural disasters, capacity and availability of public utilities, and the physical components of the improvements. Financial feasibility considers uses that are legally permissible and physically possible, and determines which ones produce a positive return. A maximally productive use is the financially feasible use that produces the highest residual land value. 188 of 562 62 The Highest and Best Use of land assumes that the site is vacant and that the site could be utilized at the Highest and Best Use which is determined in this analysis. The Highest and Best Use of the site, as improved, correlates the current improvements with improvements that would be made at the optimum development of the site: as determined in the Highest and Best Use of vacant land. Site as if Vacant: Physically, the subject site is located along the south side of the Sebastian Boulevard westbound roadway at the southwest corner of Veterans Memorial Way (100 Veterans Memorial Way). It consists of two tax parcels that are combined and also include frontage along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard eastbound. Thus, the subject site has frontage along all three roadways, but also an irregular shape. Total site size is 157,912 +- square feet, or 3.63 +- acres. The main site area contains approximately 555.77 +- feet of frontage along the south side of Sebastian Boulevard westbound and 162.55 +- feet along the west side of Veterans Memorial Way. The separate tax parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard contains around 100.71 +- feet of frontage along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard eastbound. The east property line dimension is a total of 546.20 +- feet (433.04' + 102.66'). The south and west property lines are irregular. The main site area contains the former City of Sebastian Maintenance Compound which is presently vacant. The improvements include three warehouse/office type buildings along with paved parking and drive areas, drainage improvements, walkways, perimeter fencing, utility services, etc. The site is generally level and partially improved with the closed facility. The parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard formerly contained an older single family residence, but since demolished and removed. It consists of a mostly cleared vacant commercial parcel that contains native vegetation. In summary, the subject site has an irregular shape, but frontage along three roadways and is convenient to surrounding areas. It has adequate frontage, depth, and size, along with access for both commercial and industrial uses. Legally, the site is restricted by zoning under the guidelines of the City of Sebastian Growth Management Department. Current zoning is PS, Public Service for the main site area and CG, Commercial General for the small parcel. Reportedly, the subject property has potential for rezoning to either CG, or IN, Industrial, per the information provided. This will be considered by the City of Sebastian Growth Management Department and other officials. The CLUP for the City of Sebastian is Mixed Use. Thus, both the subject zoning and CLUP may need to be changed, depending on the proposed use. It is assumed that the subject zoning will support both commercial and industrial uses, per the information reviewed. 189 of 562 63 Economically, to be financially feasible a use should generally return a positive net income to the investor. The commercial and industrial real estate market, as well as the local economy have been improving over the last several years. The pandemic had created some additional uncertainty, but generally the local economy and real estate market have remained strong and recovered. A maximally productive use is a use that returns the greatest value to the site. In the case of the subject neighborhood, these uses have been primarily by owner occupants, along with some investment properties. The most likely uses of the subject property are for commercial and industrial uses. Market conditions for retail commercial, trade warehouse, contractor warehouse, and storage warehouses have improved over the last few years and particularly over the last 3 years, based on our observations and discussions with market participants. Physically, the most likely use of the subject property, as if vacant, would be to improve with a commercial or industrial use. Legally, these types of improvements are assumed to be allowed in the subject eventual zoning district. Further, economically, the demand for commercial and industrial uses have been good over recent years. However, the subject site is somewhat larger and may necessitate a mixed use or phased development. Highest and Best Use of the subject property, as if vacant, is for future commercial and/or industrial development of the subject site, as demand warrants. Property as Improved: Physically, the subject property contains three warehouse types buildings that were previously utilized for the City of Sebastian Maintenance Compound. These buildings range in size from 1,764 to 4,000 square feet and were built in 1979, 1992 and 1999. They total 9,322 square feet overall, plus covered work areas. They are summarized below: Buildinq # Buildinq Description Size/SF Year Built - Age Building #1: Office/Warehouse 1,764 SF Built 1979 - 44 years Building #2: Service Garage/Office 3,558 SF Built 1992 - 31 years Building #3: Metal Warehouse Building 4,000 SF Built 1999 - 24 years Total Gross Building Area 9,322 SF Additionally, the subject main site area has substantial site improvements, including paved drive and parking areas, landscaping, drainage improvements, chain link fencing, etc. Legally, the subject property is currently vacant as the City of Sebastian has moved their facility to another location. Reportedly, the subject property has potential for rezoning to either CG, or IN, Industrial, per the information provided. Parking Requirements vary with the property use. Site plan and other approvals will be required. It is assumed that the subject property is currently grand -fathered and in compliance with local, state, and federal laws and requirements to allow continued industrial use, along with potential for future commercial and/or industrial development. 190 of 562 64 Economically, the three buildings and the subject property are currently vacant and their overall condition is rated fair. They consist of fair to average quality construction designed for their former use. They total 9,322 square feet in size which represents a building to land ratio of only 5.9% to the overall site and slightly higher, say around 6.4% for the main site area. Nevertheless, the buildings appear to be structurally sound and physically have some potential for continued use with clean-up and renovations and improvements. The subject site is rather large in size and has a convenient commercial location along Sebastian Boulevard with good road frontage. It has potential for commercial and industrial uses. The current buildings represent an under improvement to the subject site due to the smaller sizes, siting, building ages and overall quality. These improvements do not provide an adequate return to the subject site to support its current land value. Based on our analysis, these buildings are forecast to have little to no value to the subject overall site, in our opinion, considering their older age and current condition, smaller building sizes and other factors, including the subject commercial location. Highest and Best Use of the subject property, as improved, is forecast as potential interim use of these improvements until redevelopment of the subject overall site is warranted. VALUATION PROCESS For most parcels of vacant land, only one of the traditional three approaches to value is useful. This, of course, is the Sales Comparison Approach. In this approach, the subject property is compared to parcels which have been involved in recent transactions, and adjustments are made to the unit prices derived from those sales, to recognize differences between the subject and the sales. The Income Approach is not generally used since most parcels of vacant land are not producing income, and the Income Approach consists of capitalizing net income at a market rate, to indicate value. When sales of vacant parcels are not available for comparison, which often is the case in built-up areas, the residual income from a hypothetical highest and best use building may be capitalized to indicate land value. This was not the case here, since recent sales throughout the community are available, and this approach was not used. The Cost Approach, the third of the traditional approaches, is by definition not useable for vacant land. The subject buildings are older and felt to represent the Highest and Best Use of the subject property, as if vacant, or as improved. The cost of demolition and removal is unknown, but these improvements have potential for some interim value. Their potential value is estimated to be roughly offset by the cost of extending the sewer line, along with the soil contamination. Thus, based on our analysis, the subject current site and building improvements are not estimated to contribute additional value to the subject site, as if vacant, and available for development to its Highest and Best Use. Accordingly, we have made use only of the Sales Comparison Approach. 191 of 562 65 SALES COMPARISON APPROACH The subject property consists of a partially improved site located along Sebastian Boulevard with main access via Veterans Memorial Way. The main site area contains the former City of Sebastian Maintenance Compound which is presently vacant. This parcel contains approximately 555 +- feet of frontage along the south side of Sebastian Boulevard westbound and 162.55 +- feet along the west side of Veterans Memorial Way. Additionally, a separate tax parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard contains around 100 +- feet of frontage along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard eastbound. Total site size of the subject property is indicated at 157,912 +- square feet, or 3.63 +- acres. The subject overall site has an irregular shape, but with frontage along three roadways. Current zoning is PS, Public Service for the main site area and CG, Commercial General for the small parcel. Reportedly, the subject property has potential for rezoning to either CG, or IN, Industrial, per the information provided. The Market Value of the subject property estimated by direct comparison to recent comparable sales of commercial and industrial zoned parcels in the subject market area. A search was made throughout the subject neighborhood and competing areas for comparable land sales. These comparable sales are then investigated and analyzed to utilize in the valuation analysis of the subject property. Adjustments are then considered and adjusted sale prices reconciled to provide an indication of the Market Value of the subject property. Four commercial and one industrial land sale are specifically analyzed, along with a current listing of an adjacent commercial site. Other land sales and some current listings have also been considered. The comparable land sales are compared to the subject on the basis of price paid per square foot and per acre, with the price per square foot considered to best explain market activity for the subject property appraised. Adjustments Adjustments are considered for observed differences between the comparable sales and the subject. The land sales are adjusted forfinancing, conditions of sale, time (market conditions), location, size, and shape/depth. Other factors considered include improvements/site factors. We have also considered zoning, but no adjustments are estimated with the subject property assumed to have either CG, Commercial General, or IN, Industrial zoning. Listing #6 is adjusted minus 10% for listing negotiations. Any conditions of sale, or financing adjustments are first made to the sales price and the adjusted sales price is then analyzed. These adjustments, if estimated, are discussed in the individual land sale descriptions. 192 of 562 M Time (market condition) adjustments are considered, as demand for commercial and industrial land have been improving over recent years, despite the pandemic, and both commercial and industrial land values have increased, based on our observations. The comparable sales all closed in 2021 or 2022, with sale #3 the most recent sale closing in July, 2023. Unfortunately, little information is available to specifically analyze an adjustment for market conditions. Based on our observations, we have estimated a market condition of approximately 3/4% per month, or 9% per year. Further, the date of sale is considered in the final reconciliation. Location adjustments are made to compensate for value differences attributable to location. This adjustment is made based on the appraisers observations of property values in the varying locations, as compared to the subject. Access and exposure of the comparable sales are also considered in relation to the subject. The subject property has a convenient location and is located between the triangular portion of the Sebastian Boulevard Twin Pairs. Sale #1 is rated slightly superior and adjusted downward with sale #2 similar and not adjusted. Sale #3 is located along U.S. #1, south of County Road 512, rated slightly superior and also adjusted downward. Sale #4 is located on the northwest corner of U.S. #1 and Schumann Drive and is rated superior. Sale #5 is located along 41" Street, west of U.S. #1, just north of the City of Vero Beach. This location is inferior and adjusted upward. Listing #6 is located adjacent to the west of the subject with access available from Wimbrow Drive and is rated similar overall. Size adjustments are made to compensate for the inverse relationship in size. Typically, larger sites sell at a lower price per square foot than smaller sites and vice versa. Sales #1, #2, #4 and listing #6 are all smaller in size and adjusted downward. Sale #3 is slightly larger, but rated similar overall. Sale #5 is much larger and adjusted upward. Further, parcels with narrow or irregular shapes, or a large amount of depth in relation to frontage are typically marketed at a lower price per acre. Thus, an adjustment is also considered for shape/depth. The subject site has an irregular shape. Sales #1, #3 and #5 are all rated superior and adjusted downward. Lastly, the subject property contains substantial site improvements along with three buildings. We have considered and estimated an adjustment for improvements/site factors. As discussed, the subject buildings are older and not estimated to represent the Highest and Best Use of the subject property, as if vacant, or as improved. The cost of demolition and removal is unknown, but these improvements have potential for some interim value. Their potential value is estimated to be roughly offset by the cost of extending the sewer line, along with the soil contamination. Thus, based on our analysis, the subject current site and building improvements are not estimated to contribute additional value to the subject site, as if vacant, and available for development to its Highest and Best Use. The comparable land sales are all rated similar. Listing #6 is adjusted downward as this overall commercial site has common area drainage retention available including a large lake retention area. The five comparable land sales and one listing analyzed are discussed on the following pages. 193 of 562 3 LAND SALE #1 Type of Property: Commercial Land Address: 469-497 Sebastian Boulevard Sebastian, Florida 32958 Grantor: Clifford & Debra Schoonmaker Grantee: George & Binnar Jutras OR Book/Page: 3465/1259 Date of Sale: September 15, 2021 Sale Price: $575,000 Adjusted Sale Price: No adjustments made Tax I.D.#: 12-31-38-00004-4920-00049.0, 50.0, 51.0, 53.0, 54.0, 55.0 & 56.0 Brief Legal Description: Lots 49 thru 56, Block492, Sebastian Highlands, Unit #12, Indian River County, Florida. Zoning: C-512 Highest and Best Use: Development with commercial use, as demand warrants. Site Size: Frontage: 335.70 feet Street: Sebastian Boulevard Depth: 160 feet Size: 53,242 SF (1.22 Acres) Unit Price: $10.80 / SF ($470,437/Acre) Financing: Appears to be all cash to seller. Confirmation: Public Records and Property Inspection. Sale #1 consists of the September, 2021 purchase of (8) individual commercial lots located along the south side of County Road 512, just west of Delaware Avenue, at 469 - 497 Sebastian Boulevard. The property is located adjacent to the west of a commercial building. This sale consists of lots #49 thru #56, Block 492, Sebastian Highlands Unit #12. These lots typically have around 40 feet of frontage and 160 feet of depth. The total site area is around 335.7 - feet by 160 feet, or a total of 53,242 square feet. The site consists of the eight individual lots that are combined. The site topography includes wooded areas along with a cleared area in the center portion the overall site. The site has good frontage and adequate depth. These types of assembled commercial sites are rather scarce, based on our observations. 194 of 562 LAND SALE #2 Type of Property: Commercial Land Location: Northeast corner of Ashbury Boulevard and Sebastian Boulevard, Sebastian, Florida 32958 Grantor: Nails Salon and Spa by Thu's, Inc. Grantee: Tatiana Almada and Don Torelli OR Book/Page: 3523/1552 Date of Sale: March 10, 2022 Sale Price: $115,000 Adjusted Sale Price: No adjustments made Tax I.D.#: 06-31-39-00025-0000-00000.1 Brief Legal Description: Tract X, Ashbury, Indian River County, Florida. Zoning: CG Highest and Best Use: Development with commercial use, as demand warrants. Site Size: Frontage: Irregular Street: Sebastian Boulevard Depth: Irregular Size: 35,719 SF (0.82 Acres) Unit Price: $3.221 SF ($140,245/Acre) Financing: Appears to be all cash to seller. Confirmation: Public Records, MLS #240411, and Property Inspection. Sale #2 consists of the March, 2022 purchase of the triangular shaped parcel adjacent to the northeast corner of Sebastian Boulevard and Ashbury Boulevard. This commercial site is indicated to contain a total of 35,719 ± square feet, or 0.82 acres in size. This property is identified as Tract X, of Ashbury Subdivision. The site has approximately 250 + feet of diagonal frontage along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard. The dimension along the east side of Ashbury Boulevard is not indicated. The north property line is indicated to be 402.14 ± feet in length. This commercial site has frontage along both Sebastian Boulevard and Ashbury Boulevard. There appears to be a curb cut for access from Ashbury Boulevard, which provides access to gated Ashbury Subdivision from the west. The site is heavily wooded, assumed to be level and suitable for commercial development. Reportedly this commercial site has utilization of the drainage retention pond adjacent to this property, which is located within Ashbury Subdivision. 196 of 562 71 LAND SALE #3 Type of Property: Commercial Land Address: 11450 U.S. Highway #1 Sebastian, Florida 32958 Grantor: Macy's Prize, LLC Grantee: Wynne Building Corporation OR Book/Page: 3639/2052 Date of Sale: July 19, 2023 Sale Price: $1,483,733 Adjusted Sale Price: No adjustments made Tax I.D.#: 07-31-39-00000-1000-00007.1 Brief Legal Description: Metes & Bounds, Section 7, Township 31 South, Range 39 East, Indian River County, Florida. Zoning: CG Highest and Best Use: Development with commercial use, as demand warrants. Site Size: Frontage: 570 feet Street: U.S. Highway #1 Depth: 395 feet Size: 196,020 SF (4.50 Acres) Unit Price: $7.57 / SF ($329,718/Acre) Financing: Appears to be all cash to seller. Confirmation: MLS #263871, Public Records and Property Inspection. Also listing and selling agent, Troy Westover. Sale #3 consists of the very recent July, 2023 sale of the vacant commercial site located along the east side of U.S. #1 extending to Indian River Drive, south of County Road 510. The site is mostly cleared and appears level. The site has a good functional shape with 570 +- feet of frontage along the two roadways and 395 +- feet of depth. The total site area is indicated at approximately 196,020 square feet, or 4.50 +- acres. This property was listed for sale for $1,850,000 and sold last month. No prior sales within the previous 3 years. The listing agent was not privy to the purchaser's plans for the property, thinking it may have been for purchase and hold. 198 of 562 73 Type of Property: Address: LAND SALE #4 Commercial Land 600 Schumann Drive Sebastian, Florida 32958 Grantor: The Salt Creek Company Grantee: Schumann Road Indian River, LLC OR Book/Page: 3553/601 Date of Sale: June 27, 2022 Sale Price: $825,000 Adjusted Sale Price: No adjustments made Tax I.D.#'s: 31-39-17-00002-4060-00001.0, 4.0 & 7.01 31-39-17-00002-0001-00000.0 Brief Legal Description: Lots 1 through 8 and TractA, Block 406, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 7, Indian River County, Florida. Zoning: CG Highest and Best Use: Development with commercial use, as demand warrants. Site Size: Frontage: Irregular Street: U.S. Highway #1 Depth: Irregular Size: 85,378 SF (1.96 Acres) Unit Price: $9.66 / SF ($420,916/Acre) Financing: Appears to be all cash to seller. Confirmation: Prior appraisal, Public Records and Property Inspection. Also purchaser. Sale #4 consists of the parcel at 600 Schumann Drive, adjacent to the northwest corner of U.S. #1 and Schumann Drive in the City of Sebastian. This commercial parcel was acquired by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC and contains an older medical office that is planned on being demolished and removed. This site area has an irregular shape with around 380 +-feet of frontage along the west side of U.S. #1 and approximately 500 +- feet along the north side of Schumann Drive. Zoning is CG, Commercial General. The western portion of the site fronting along the north side of Schumann Drive is being considered for an exchange with the City of Sebastian for an irregular shaped parcel to the northeast. This property was listed for sale for $875,000 and sold for $825,000. No prior sales within the previous 3 years. The property was planned for the exchange to allow for the development of a 7-11 service station and convenience store. 200 of 562 Type of Property: Address: 75 LAND SALE #5 Industrial Acreage 2600 41" Street Vero Beach, Florida 32967 Grantor: Indian River Business Park, Inc. Grantee: VB Storage Development, LLC OR Book/Page: 3576/1661 Date of Sale: October 11, 2022 Sale Price: $1,300,000 Adjusted Sale Price: No adjustments made 26-32-39-00000-3000-00045.1 Brief Legal Description: Long Legal, Northwest 1/4 of Section 26, Township 32 South, Range 39 East, Indian River County, Florida. Zoning: IL, Light Industrial Land Use: C/I, Commercial/Industrial Highest and Best Use: Development with heavy commercial/industrial use, as demand warrants. Site Size: Frontage: 575 feet Street: 41" Street Depth: 488 feet Size: 314,068 SF (7.21 Acres) Unit Price: $4.14 / SF ($180,305/Acre) Financing: Appears to be all cash to seller. Confirmation: Public Records and Listing Agent Kim Korte. Sale #5 consists of the October, 2022 purchase of the light industrial acreage site located along the north side of 41 s` Street, west of Old Dixie Highway, in Indian River County. The site has a slightly irregular, but functional shape. It has 575 feet of frontage and 488 feet of depth along the west property line. The rear north dimension is around 694 +- feet. The site is vacant and located adjacent to the west of the Premier Millwork warehouse, as well as the Indian River Motorhaus. 202 of 562 77 LISTING #6 Type of Property: Commercial Land Address: 200 & 203 Sebastian Boulevard Location: Sebastian Boulevard and South Wimbrow Drive, Sebastian, Florida 32958 Owner: William Brognano, etal Date of Listing: Current Asking Price: $890,000 Adjusted Sale Price: No adjustments made Tax I. D.#: 07-31-39-00006-0000-00003.0 & 4.0 Brief Legal Description: Lots 3 & 4, Rohm Commercial Replat, Indian River County, Florida. Zoning: CG Highest and Best Use: Development with commercial use, as demand warrants. Site Size: Frontage: Irregular Street: Sebastian Boulevard Depth: Irregular Size: 100,188 SF (2.30 Acres) Unit Price: $8.88 / SF ($386,957/Acre) Financing: None indicated, assumed to be all cash to seller. Confirmation: Listing Agent, Listing brochure and Property Inspection. Listing #6 consists of the current listing of lots #3 and #4 in the commercial park adjacent to the south of the subject property. This commercial park contains 4 lots with the other two lots fronting directly along S. Wimbrow Drive and currently improved with a Sherwin Williams paint store and an O'Reilly Auto Parts. These two lots are rear lots accessed by a road stub between these two properties. The lots have irregular shapes that also include frontage along Sebastian Boulevard, both eastbound and westbound if combined. The lots also have additional site area encumbered with the drainage retention lake area. The total upland usable site area is indicated at 100,188 +- square feet, or 2.30 +- acres. Tile site area for the lake retention areas is approximately 21,780 +- square feet, or 0.50 +- acres. We have analyzed this listing based on the usable upland site area. The site is mostly cleared with the lake retention on the rear portion. 204 of 562 45839LISHEETS DGfZPT o}i GRANTEE DATE OF SALE RECORDED-O.R. BOOKIPAGE SITE DATA: SITE: FRONTAGE DEPTH SIZE - SF SIZE - ACRES FRONTING ROADWAY BRIEF LEGAL ZONING SALE PRICE - ADJUSTED SALE PRICE PER SF SALE PRICE PER ACRE TIME (MARKET CONDITION) AD. CURRENT ADJUSTED PRICE PE CURRENT ADJUSTED PRICE PE ADJUSTMENTS LOCATION/ACCESS SIZE SHAPEIDEPTH IMPROVEMENTSISITE FACTORS LISTING ADJUSTMENT NET ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTED PRICE PER S,F. ADJUSTED PRICE PER ACRE LAND SALES SUMMARY AND ADJUSTMENT GRID SUBJECT SALE Al SALE #2 SALE 03 SALE 04 SALE #5 LISTING #¢ CITY OF SEBASTIAN CUFFORO & DEBRA NAILS SALON & SPA MACY'S PRIZE, LLC THE SALT CREEK INDIAN RIVER WILLIAM BROGNANO SCHOONMAKER BY THUS INC. COMPANY BUSINESS PARK INC. ETAL SUBJECT GEORGE & BINNUR TATIANA ALMELDA & WYNNE BUILDING SCHUMANN ROAD VB STORAGE LISTING ONLY JUTRAS DON TORELLI CORPORATION INDIAN RIVER, LLC DEVELOPMENT, LLC AUGUST, 2023 Sep•21 Mar-22 Ju123 Jun-22 Ott-22 CURRENT 3465/1259 3523/1552 36392052 3553/601 3576/1681 LAMBERT COMMERCL 555 335 IRREGULAR 570 IRREGULAR 575 IRREGULAR IRREGULAR 160 IRREGULAR 395 IRREGULAR 488 IRREGULAR 157,912 53,242 35,719 196,020 85,378 314,068 100.188 3.63 1.22 0.82 4.50 1.96 7.21 2.30 SEBASTIAN BLVD. 469497 SEBASTIAN XXX ASHBURY BLVD 11450 U.S. #1 600 SCHUMANN DR. 2600 41ST STREET 200 & 203 SEBASTIAN METES & BOUNDS LOTS 49. 56. BLK 492 TRACT X METES & BOUNDS NW CORNER OF U.S. 1 METES & BOUNDS BLVD., LOTS 1 & 2 6 & 7-3139 SES. HIGH #12 ASHBURY 7-31-39 & SCHUMANN 2632-39 ROHM COMMERCIAL PS-CG/IN C-512 CG CG CG IL CG $575,000 $115,000 $1,483,733 $82S,000 $1,3D0,000 $880,000 $10.80 $3.22 $7.57 S9.68 $4.14 $8.88 $470,437 $140.245 $329.718 $420,916 S180,305 $388,957 18.00% 12.75% O.DD% 10.5% 7.50% 12,75% $1214 $3.63 $7.57 $10.68 $4.45 $10.02 S555,116 $168,126 S329,718 $485,113 $193,828 $436,293 -1D% 0% -10% -25% 25% 0% -10% -15% D% -10% 10% 3% -15% 0% -10% 0% -10% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% -10% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% -10% 35% -15% -20% -35% 25% -25% $8.28 $3.09 $6.06 $6,94 $5.56 $7.51 $380,825 $134,407 $263,775 $302,323 $242,285 $327,220 CONCLUSION - S1,000,000 OR APPROXIMATELY $6.33/SF EQUATES TO APPROXIMATELY S275,000 PER ACRE Z v 0) D r m c D Z v D v c- c U) m Z v 81 Summary and Conclusion of Value After adjustments, the five comparable land sales and one listing analyzed indicate the following adjusted values per square foot for the subject property: Adjusted Value Sale # Per Square Foot Comments 1. $ 8.28 469 - 497 Sebastian Boulevard 2. $ 3.09 Ashbury - Low Sale? 3. $ 6.06 11450 U.S. #1 4. $ 6.94 600 Schumann Drive 5. $ 5.56 2600 41 s' Street 6. (Listing) $ 7.51 200 & 203 Sebastian Blvd. Sales #1 and #2 are located in the subject immediate neighborhood and indicate adjusted values at the upper and lower end of the range. Sale #3 is the most recent sale and is located along U.S. #1, south of County Road 510. Sale #4 is located at the northwest corner of U.S. #1 and Schumann Drive, in the southeastern portion of the City of Sebastian. These two sales are both given the most consideration. Sale #5 is a larger industrial acreage site located north of Vero Beach. Listing #6 is located adjacent to the south of the subject property. The Market Value of the subject property is estimated below sale #1 and above sale #2. Sale #5 is rated inferior with listing #6 providing a slightly higher adjusted value. The Market Value of the subject property is estimated above sale #5 and below listing #6. Sales #3 and #4 are given the most weight and indicate a range from around $6.06 to $6.94 per square foot. A Market Value conclusion of $1,000,000 is made, which equates to approximately $6.33 per square foot, or around $275,000 per acre. Based on the data and analysis as presented in this appraisal report, it is our opinion that the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the subject property appraised, "As Is," as of August 11, 2023 is. ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) 208 of 562 82 MARKETING TIME Marketing time consists of our opinion of the amount of time it might take to sell the subject property at the concluded Market Value during the period immediately after the effective date of the appraisal. Considering the subject property characteristics, along with the current real estate market conditions, the subject property is forecast to have a marketing time of 6 to 18 months, concluded at 12 months, if priced similar to our Market Value conclusion. REASONABLE EXPOSURE TIME Reasonable exposure time is assumed to precede the effective date of the appraisal. Exposure time, per USPAP, may be defined as follows: The estimated length of time the property interest being appraised would have been offered on the market prior to the hypothetical consummation of a sale at Market Value on the effective date of the appraisal; a retrospective opinion based upon an analysis of past events assuming a competitive and open market. The reasonable exposure time estimate takes into consideration the price, time, and use, of the property appraised. The reasonable exposure time for the subject property is also projected at 12 months, assuming pricing similar to our Market Value conclusion. 209 of 562 83 CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISAL The undersigned do hereby certify to the best of our knowledge and belief: a) The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. b) The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, are my personal, impartial, and unbiased professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions. c) We have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and no personal interest with respect to the parties involved. d) We have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment. e) Our engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. f) Our compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this appraisal. The appraisal assignment was not made, nor was the appraisal rendered on the basis of a requested minimum valuation, specific valuation, or an amount which would result in approval of a loan. g) Our analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. h) This appraisal report has been made in conformity with and is subject to the requirements of the Codes of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct of the Appraisal Institute. i) That Daniel A. Nelson and Peter D. Armfield both made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this appraisal report. j) No one provided significant professional assistance to the person signing this report. k) Peter D. Armfield, #RZ524 and Daniel A. Nelson, #RZ897 are currently State of Florida Certified General Real Estate Appraisers. 210 of 562 84 CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISAL (continued) 1) As of the date of this report, I, Peter D. Armfield, MAI, SRA, have completed the requirements under the continuing education program of the Appraisal Institute. m) The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute and the State of Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board relating to review by its duly authorized representatives. n) We have not provided appraisal or other services on the subject property within the 3-year period immediately preceding acceptance of this appraisal assignment. o) The Market Value of the fee simple estate of the subject property, "As Is," as of August 11, 2023, is as follows: ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) The above Market Value conclusion has conditions and assumptions that are assumed to be correct, as discussed in the appraisal report. It should be noted that if some or all of these conditions or assumptions are not correct, it could affect our opinion of the Market Value, as provided herein. Daniel A. Nelson State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ897 Peter D. Armfield, MAI State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ524 211 of 562 85 QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER DANIEL A. NELSON Bachelor of Business Administration in 1977 from Stetson University with a Degree in Accounting. Appraisal Courses Successfully Completed SREA Course 101 - Principals of Residential, 1978 SREA Course 201 - Principals of Income Property, 1979 American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (AIREA) Course 1 B-A - Capitalization Theory and Techn. Part A, 1985 Course 1 B-B - Capitalization Theory and Techn. Part B, 1985 Standards of Professional Practice, 1986 Case Studies in Real Estate Valuation, 1987 Valuation Analysis and Report Writing, 1987 Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices, Part A&B, 1992 Complete Review Seminar, 1993 2022 Continuing Education, 2022-2023 National USPAP Update Course for Non -Residential Real Property, Florida Appraisal Laws & Regulations, Income Approach, Cost Approach. 2020 Continuing Education, 2020-2021 National USPAP Update Course for Non -Residential Real Property, Florida Appraisal Laws & Regulations, Income Approach, Sales Comparison Approach, Appraisal of Small Apartment Properties. 2018 Continuing Education, 2018-2019 National USPAP Update Course for Non -Residential Real Property, Florida Appraisal Laws & Regulations, Appraisal of Small Apartment Properties, Appraisal of Fast Food Facilities, Appraisal of Limited Service Hotels. 2016 Continuing Education, 2016-2017 National USPAP Update Course, Florida Appraisal Laws & Regulations, Appraisal of Owner -Occupied Commercial Properties, Appraisal of Land Subject to Ground Leases, Appraisal of Self -Storage Facilities. Professional Membership & Affiliations Registered Real Estate Broker -Salesperson, 1980, BK312098 State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, RZ897, 1991 Work Experience Staff Appraiser, Armfield-Wagner Appraisal & Research, Inc., Vero Beach, Florida, 1982 to Present, Staff Appraiser, Security Federal Savings and Loan, Vero Beach, Florida, 1977 to 1982. Tvpes of Appraisals Completed Vacant Land Residential Condominiums Multiple Family Land Multiple Family Improved Commercial Land Light Industrial Land Offices Retail Commercial Restaurants Shopping Centers Subdivisions Self -Storage Facilities Motels/Hotels Light Industrial Warehouses Airplane Hangars Leased Property Mobile Home Parks Citrus Groves Engaged in the valuation of Real Estate in Indian River, Brevard, and St. Lucie Counties since 1977. 212 of 562 86 QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER PETER D. ARMFIELD, MAI Education Graduate University of Florida Master of Business Administration, 1972 Bachelor of Business Administration, 1970 Florida Resident Since 1953 Registered Real Estate Broker, Florida Professional Memberships Member Appraisal Institute (MAI) - Appraisal Institute Senior Residential Appraiser (SRA) - Appraisal Institute Realtor Member - Vero Beach Board of Realtors State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, RZ524 Work Experience 1984 - Instructor of Appraisal Course for the Society of Real Estate Appraisers 1981 - President, Armfield-Wagner Appraisal & Research, Inc., Vero Beach, Florida 1979 - 1980 Staff Appraiser, Armfield, Sherman & Associates Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants Vero Beach, Florida 1979 - 1982 Instructor of Appraisal and Real Estate Courses, Indian River Community College, Ft. Pierce, Florida 1976 - 1978 Employed with John S. Sherman, Jr. as Staff Appraiser, Vero Beach, Florida 1976 - Real Estate Sales, Fayetteville, North Carolina Engaged in the valuation of Real Estate in Indian River and St. Lucie Counties since December 1976. Qualified as an expert witness for real property valuation in the Circuit Courts of St. Lucie County and Indian River County, Florida. 213 of 562 87 QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER Peter D. Armfield Page 2 Real Estate Appraisal Made for the Followinq: City Federal Savings & Loan of Palm Beach Savings of America Florida Federal Savings & Loan United Savings of America Florida First National Bank of Vero Beach SunTrust Lomas & Nettleton Ford Motor Credit Merrill Lynch Relo. Gulf & Western Corp. City of Vero Beach Indian River County Gulf Oil Corporation Exxon Corporation St. Lucie County Tvpes of Appraisals Equitable Relocation American Hospital Mgmt.Corp. Attorneys and Individuals Church of Latter Day Saints Kentucky Life Insurance Co. American Petrofina Corp. Federal National Mortgage Assn. FL Dept. of Natural Resources Bank of America Tropicana Corporation Residences Airplane Hangars Warehouses Commercial Insurable Value Leased Property Offices Vacant Land Citrus Groves Shopping Centers Residential Improved Pasture Service Stations Landlocked Golf Courses Light Industrial Subdivision Social Clubs Condominiums Commercial Motels Mobile Home Parks Industrial Citrus Packing Houses Utility Easements Wetlands Apartments Health & Rec. Clubs (Including Low Income Casualty Loss Estimates Housing Involving Partial Interests Section 8; Tax Credit) Articles "Unusual Appraisal Assignments - Problems and Solutions," by Peter D. Armfield winning article in the 1981 manuscript competition sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers Foundation; published in the Real Estate Appraiser and Analyst - Spring 1982. "Casualty Loss Valuation" by Peter D. Armfield, published in the Appraisal Journal of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, October 1982. "Computers in Appraising - Strategies for Success" by Peter D. Armfield and Stephen Armfield, winning article in the 1983 manuscript competition sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers Foundation. 214 of 562 APPRAISAL LICENSES Ron Mantis, Governor Melanie S. Griffin, Secretary STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION FLORIDA REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL BD LICENSE NUMBER: RZ897 EXPIRATION DATE NOVEMBER 30, 2024 THE CERTIFIED GENERAL APPRAISER HEREIN IS CERTIFIED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 475, FLORIDA STATUTES NELSON, DANIEL A 1940 10TH AVE f#C VERO BEACH FL 32960 ISSUED:09/06nM Always verify licenses online at MvRoridaUcensecom Do not after this document In any form. This Is your license. It Is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document -------------------------------------------------- Ron DeSantis, Governor Melanie S. Griffin, Secretary STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION FLORIDA REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL BD LICENSE NUMBER: RZ524 EXPIRATION DATE: NOVEMBER 30, 2024 THE CERTIFIED GENERAL APPRAISER HEREIN IS CERTIFIED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 475, FLORIDA STATUTES ARMFIELD, PETER D0 194010TH AVE C VERO BEACH FL 32960 a ISSUED:09/19/2022 Always verify licenses online at MyRoridaUcense.com Do not after this document In any form This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document 88 215 of 562 SEBASTIAN CRA MAJOR THEMES Throughout the formation of this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan, as well as during the public input and workshop sessions, five overarching themes were identified. These themes are to be used as a planning framework for the Agency to help enhance the character of the downtown and to embrace opportunities that exist within the CRA. These major themes include: 'h' INFRASTRUCTURE & DRAINAGE 0101 A Riverfront Drainage Study performed rya in 2014 identified a list of stormwater improvement areas within the Sebastian CRA; these included drainage improvements to Indian River, "Presidential Street", Coolidge Street, Central Avenue/Davis Street, and the CavCorp parking lot. These stormwater facility improvements were completed in 2017 through the installation of baffle boxes at major outfall locations. In addition, the Agency continues plans to address other infrastructure needs relative to septic -to -sewer conversion within the redevelopment area. The stormwater facilities and water/sewer utility infrastructure may require upgrades within the CRA, especially when anticipating new demand driven by residential, commercial, and mixed -use development. WATERFRONT, PARKS, & PUBLIC SPACES Y The CRA closely identifies with its r waterfront, occupying over 47% of its total acreage. The Agency has prioritized access and preservation of its waterfront, as it is vital to the area's economic success. The CRA's community continues to support these preservation efforts, subsequently preserving and enhancing the City's history as a fishing village, contribute to the desired design theme, and make use of the waterfront resource to maximize economic development. Open space enhancement projects along the water and restoring waterfront properties for new uses were contemplated within the 2010 Sebastian CRA Master Plan and have been continued within this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan. In 2018, the consensus of community members and key stakeholders was to focus on river views and access, a waterfront pedestrian experience, and open public spaces. Specifically, the "Working Waterfront" initiative has been a high priority of the City and the Agency to promote economic revitalization along the Indian River coast. Subsequently, these efforts have continued to bring activity and regeneration to the Sebastian shoreline. In addition, enhancing the existing Riverview Park is a prime example of the potential for park revitalization and economic activity in the surrounding vicinity. A Riverview Park Master Plan was completed in 2019 to diversify its current uses and implement best management practices moving forward. The Agency seeks to generate more engagement with its open space by creating connectivity between greenspaces through implementation of a pedestrian pathway system, greenway connectors, and bicycle paths that may provide for future recreation enhancement opportunities. The Agency also seeks to enhance its recreational piers, waterfront boat ramp access, and smaller opportunistic waterfront parks, especially within the Park District. ROADS, PARKING, & PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIVITY IMPROVEMENTS The CRA community's desire for road and pedestrian connectivity improvements along U.S. Highway 1 and Indian River Drive were significant observations during the public input sessions. The CRA is prioritizing pedestrian connectivity and accessibility in order to link west Sebastian to the waterfront by creating a more pedestrian- and bicycle -friendly streetscape environment and providing visual linkages between the riverfront and U.S. Highway 1. These improvements may include, but not be limited to, boulevard landscaping including street trees and sidewalks, widened sidewalks and curbed dedicated bicycling space along Indian River Drive, flashing pedestrian crosswalks across U.S, Highway 1 towards the riverfront, and safer crosswalk areas along the railroad tracks near the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area. In addition, the Land Development Code was updated under Ordinance No. 0-10-05 in an effort. to encourage public parking use in high -demand low -supply areas. the "payment in lieu of parking" program permits the use of City parking areas adjacent to commercial property to satisfy zoning requirements. The Agency envisions increasing public parking in the CRA, and establishing on -street parking and streetscapes adjacent to recreation areas. PUBLIC SAFETY y- Another observation from the community during the public input session was the desire to enhance public safety throughout the CRA, ensuring that everyone can live and work in a safe environment. In doing so, the Agency could develop a comprehensive public safety initiative that addresses public safety needs of the community. 1 52 1 2023 Sebastian CRA Sustarnobie Redevelopment Master Plan 216 of 562 Currently, the City Police Department consists of a road patrol, canine, and marine unit divisions with the main commitment to maintaining a safe and peaceful environment for all residents and visitors within the City. Additional ways the Agency may increase public safety could include increased lighting and safety measures in community spaces, developing public health and prevention strategies, and prioritizing youth development. • PRESERVING THE COMMUNITY CHARACTER • Promoting the community character as "Old Florida Fishing Village" and the CRA as a destination has been a major priority within the CRA since adoption. In doing so, the Agency has prioritized creating a unique brand through signage, wayfinding, and advertising. in addition, the CRA has prioritized enhancing existing recreation land in the CRA through use of appropriate urban design for parks and open spaces, increasing pedestrian connectivity and walkways, and preserving the character of the existing neighborhoods through proper landscaping, lighting, and signage. All of these practices have helped define the Sebastian CRA's community character and a coherent sense of place when visiting the CRA. These five major themes have helped identify the guiding principles, as well as the recommended improvement and redevelopment programs within the CRA, as detailed along the following pages. Phow courtesy of costar GLIDING PRINCIPLES The principles identified below are derived from public engagement, other plans, and background data utilized. The analysis and feedback suggest a variety of objectives that are the essential elements of this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan structural framework. ENCOURAGE Residential and mixed -use development within the Sebastian Blvd. Triangle Overlay District. = Retail uses adjacent to Riverview Park. • Compatible infill development. • Enhancement of the character of the CRA with architecture that addresses the community's "Old Florida Fishing Village" scale and feel. II. CREATE • Gateway features at west end of Sebastian Blvd, Triangle Overlay District and on U.S. Highway 1 Visual linkages between the riverfront and U.S. Highway 1. • Improved bicycle and pedestrian linkages to the riverfront and between recreation lands. Additional on-street/off-street parking. • Pocket parks and wildlife observation areas. opportunities to facilitate development of catalyst sites and other priorities through property acquisition. III. PRESERVE • Protect and enhance uses and buildings along and adjacent to one of the area's most important assets: the Indian River Lagoon. • Important historic resources in the redevelopment area, particularly those that help to illustrate the area's fishing heritage, as well as those that meaningfully contribute to the "Old Florida Fishing Village" character. • Waterfront access and continued riverfront activities. IV PROMOTE • Promote the redevelopment area as a destination for shopping, dining, events, and recreation. Incentive, Grant, and Assistance Programs available to property owners and businesses within the CRA. section 4 Redevelopment Plan 1 53 217 of 562 RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENT & REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS WITHIN THE SEBASTIAN CRA REDEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY BY CONCEPTUAL PLANNING DISTRICT Sebastian U.S.-I Sebastian Park Blvd. Commercial Riverf rant Blvd. Mixed -Use South Encourage Residential + Mixed Use Development X X X X Retail Uses adjacent to Riverview Park X Compatible Infill Development X X X X X "Old Florida Fishing Village" Character X X X X Development of Catalyst Sites X X X X Create Renovations/Upgrades to Riverview Park X Gateway Features X X X On-Street/Off-Street Parking X X X Pocket Parks + Wildlife Observation Areas X X X Property Acquisition X X X X X Improvements to Recreational "Twin" Piers X X Increased Pedestrian Connectivity X X X X Streetscape Improvements + Vegetative X X X X Landscaping Preserve Protect + Enhance Indian River Lagoon Frontage X X Historic Resource Protection X X X X X Waterfront Access + Riverfront Activities X X Preservation Promote Marketing of Redevelopment Area as Destination X X X X X Promote Incentive/Grant/Assistance Programs X X X X X Smxca SabasWn cwnmwveyRedevafopmenf Agency, OXCvmdfanrr� Inc. REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS FACADE, SIGN, AND LANDSCAPING MATCHING GRANT PROGRAM - This program provides funds to assist property owners and/or business owners to improve and install new signage and/or landscaping. SEPTIC TO SEWER CONNECTION GRANT (S2S) - This program is designed to provide individual grants to qualified property owners for costs incurred to remove an operational septic tank system that serves and occupied facility or building and connects to the County sanitary sewer system, SSP is available to businesses or residences located with the Redevelopment Area currently utilizing septic systems PARKING -IN -LIEU PROGRAM - This program provides for establishing parking within the right-of-way at a rate of $3,200 per space. STORMWAT ER FEE CREDIT PROGRAM - All properties within City, whether or not they discharge stormwater directly into the Sebastian Stormwater Utility ("Utility") system, will pay a proportionate share of the Utility expenses incurred in providing generalized benefits to the system. Property located within the City from which stormwater runoff is discharged, either directly or indirectly, may be eligible for a reduction in the stormwater fee from the Utility. Single -Family Residential lots are not eligible for this credit. The City shall reasonably determine "fee credit" based upon the savings to the Utility resulting from the property's stormwater facilities ar unique features. stormwater fee credits include: incorporation of LID/BMP alternative practices such as vegetated swales and buffers, permeable pavers, bioretention and biosweles. 1 54 1 2023 Sebastian CRA Sustainable Redevelopment Moster Plan 218 of 562 CONCEPTUAL PLANNING DISTRICTS' PRIORITIES As a part of the 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan, major priorities have been identified for each of the CRA's conceptual planning districts. These priorities are provided for the short-term (1-5 years) and the long-term (6-10 years), as illustrated below. These projects and associated time frames are consistent with the updated goals and objectives within this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan. Sebastian Paris Z� Piverfront District Blvd. Mixed --Use District District I i . . Implementation of Riverview Park Master Plan Upgrades and Renovations. Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. Streetscape improvements to Indian River Drive. Creation of riverfront event space. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill development projects. Create "local activity center" surrounding the Riverview Park, to include complementary retail uses, connectivity to the riverfront, and Streetscape improvements. Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. SHORT-TERM PRIORITIES Improvement of the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area to provide for mixed -use development, connectivity to adjacent residential communities, and streetscape improvements. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill development projects. LONG-TERM PRIORITIES New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Modification of lake to create park/ open space feature. U.S.-Il Commercial District Installation of gateway treatments at entrances to the CRA along U.S. Highway 1. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill commercial development. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Enhancement of the U.S. Highway 1 streetscope to provide for greater pedestrian and bicycle usability, as well as the installation of mature landscaping and trees. Property acquisition to facilitate infill commercial development. SHORT-TERM PRIORITIES Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. Streetscape improvements to Indian River Drive. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill development projects. LONG-TERM PRIORITIES Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Sebastian Blvd. South District Installation of gateway treatments at entrances to the CRA along Sebastian Boulevard. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Property acquisition to facilitate infill development projects. Section Q Redevelopment P Enna 1 55 i 219 of 562 c�ECRY OF .7' " HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 27, 2023 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution R-23-24 Adopting a Final Millage of 3.1955 for Calendar Year 2023. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Resolution R-23-24 Adopting a Final Millage of 3.1955, which is 21.62% above the computed "Rolled -Back Rate". BACKGROUND: In accordance with Florida Statute 200.065 (7)(a)(1.), the City Council is required to tentatively adopt a millage rate for calendar year 2023 and budget year beginning October 1, 2023 and ending September 30, 2024 at the final public hearing in which the budget is presented. In July, the City Council approved a Proposed Millage of 3.1955 for purposes of the Trim Notices. At the meeting of August 23, 2023, the Recommended Budget was presented and then on September 18, 2023 the City Council adopted the Tentative Millage of 3.1955, Staff is recommending adoption of a Final Millage of 3.1955 and will be presenting a brief power point at this meeting for the benefit of the public. The required public hearing and adoption of the final millage and budget is scheduled for the regular City Council meeting on September 27, 2023. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution R-23-24 Recommended Budget and Capital Improvements Program is on the City Website. IF AGENDA ITEM REOUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: Total Cost: NIA Fund to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NIA Administrative Services Departm nt Review:. City Attorney Review: ��tiC/�-i Y Procurement Division Revi , rfapplicable: r City Manag r Authorization: Date: g7! 224 of 562 RESOLUTION NO. R-23-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A FINAL MILLAGE OF 3.1955 MILLS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2023; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. MILLAGE RATE LEVY. There is hereby proposed to levy an Ad Valorem Tax of THREE POINT ONE, NINE, FIVE, FIVE (3.1955) MILLS against all real and tangible personal property for the calendar year (January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023) and the resulting tax revenue is to be appropriated for the General Operating Fund of the City of Sebastian for the fiscal year beginning October, 1, 2023 and ending September 30, 2024. Section 2. ROLLED -BACK RATE. The tax rate established in Section 1 is 21.62% higher than the computed "rolled -back" tax rate of 2.6275 mills. Section 3. CONFLICT. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this resolution may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. The foregoing Resolution was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put into a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice -Mayor Christopher Nunn Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Bob McPartlan Councilmember Kelly Dixon The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 271' day of September 2023. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Fred Jones, Mayor Approved as to form and legality for the reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Jennifer Cockcroft, City Attorney 225 of 562 CITY OF 5E HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 27, 2023 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Consider Resolution No. R-23-25 Adopting a Final Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Resolution No. R-23-25 BACKGROUND: In accordance with Florida Statute 200.065, the City Council approved a Tentative Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 on September 18, 2023 at a public hearing. The FY 2023-24 General Fund Budget assumes a millage of 3.1955, which is 21.62% higher than the rolled -back rate of 2.6275 but 10.00% higher than last year's 2.9050. This had been adopted as the Proposed Millage and was also approved as the Tentative Millage at the first public hearing on September 18, 2023. A complete copy of the Recommended Budget is available on the City's website. Schedule "A" of the Resolution summarizes the Budget. Staff will be presenting a brief power point at this meeting for the benefit of the public. Staff recommends and is seeking approval of the Resolution and the final budget amounts shown on Schedule "A". IF AGENDA ITEM REOUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: Total Cost: NIA Fund to Be Utilized for Appropriation: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution R-23-25 with Schedule "A" Administrative Services Department Review: l City Attorney Review: Procurement Division R Vic , if applicable: N �� City Manager Authorization: Date: j1A 1 ;O A3 226 of 562 RESOLUTION NO. R-23-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2023 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2024; MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PAYMENT OF OPERATING EXPENSES, CAPITAL EXPENSES, AND FOR THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYMENTS ON THE INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY IN THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND, SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS, GOLF COURSE FUND, AIRPORT FUND, AND BUILDING FUND AS PROVIDED FOR IN SCHEDULE "A", ATTACHED HERETO; ESTABLISHING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY MANAGER TO IMPLEMENT THE BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager has submitted a Proposed Budget for the City of Sebastian for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2023, and ending September 30, 2024; and WHEREAS, on September 18, 2023, the City Council conducted Public Hearings on the Proposed Budget and Adopted the Tentative Budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. RECITALS. The above recitals contained above in the Whereas clauses are hereby adopted and true and correct and determined to be the legislative findings of the City Council of the City of Sebastian. Section 2. BUDGET ADOPTION. The City Manager's Proposed Final Budget is hereby adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2023 and ending September 30, 2024. Section 3. APPROPRIATION. The amounts shown on the attached Schedule "A" are hereby appropriated out of the Treasury of the City, including any revenues accruing to the City available for purposes of the City's budgetary accounts. Section 4. AUTHORIZATION. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the service programs and projects provided for in the budget. Such implementation is to be consistent with the provisions of the City Code of Ordinances and policies established by the City Council. Section 5. ADJUSTMENTS. The City Manager is authorized to make budget adjustments within budgetary accounts, as he deems appropriate. He is further authorized to make budget adjustments between budgetary accounts when necessary to implement programs, projects, and expenditures 227 of 562 authorized by the City Council. All other budgetary adjustments will require approval by the City Council. Section 7. CONFLICTS. All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 8. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this Resolution may be renumbered or re - lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall become effective October 1, 2023. The foregoing Resolution was moved for adoption by Councilmember . The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put into a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice -Mayor Christopher Nunn Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember bob McPartlan Councilmember Kelly Dixon The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted on this the 27 h day of September, 2023. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Fred Jones, Mayor Approved as to form and legality for the reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Jennifer Cockcroft, City Attorney 228 of 562 ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION R-23-25 SCHEDULE "A" BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 GENERAL FUND REVENUES: 001501 Taxes and franchise fees S 11,934,118 001501 Licenses and permits 184,400 001501 Intergovernmental 4,076,638 001501 Charges for services 834,439 001501 Fines and forfeits 67,050 001501 Miscellaneous 417,000 001501 Transfers in 80,000 Total Revenues $ 17,593,645 EXPENDITURES: 010001 City Council $ 75,895 010005 City Manager 342,675 010009 City Clerk 358,215 010010 City Attorney 252,880 010020 Finance 735,002 010021 Management Information System 678,425 010035 Human Resources 288,670 010041 Police Administration 972,765 010043 Police Operations 4,497,855 010047 Police Detective Division 1,516,215 010049 Police Dispatch Unit 863,515 010045 Code Enforcement Division 220,385 010052 Roads and Maintenance 1,493,815 010054 Fleet Management 324,175 010056 Facilities Maintenance 805,315 010059 Cemetery 190,375 010057 Leisure Services 1,421,860 010080 Community Development 803,365 010099 Non -departmental 1,696,774 Unappropriated 55,469 Total Expenditures $ 17,593,645 1 229 of 562 ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION R-23-25 SCHEDULE "A" BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND 120010 REVENUES Taxes $ 763,830 Miscellaneous 18,651 Total Revenues $ 782,481 120051 EXPENDITURES Operating $ 5,901 Debt service - Transfers out 533,423 Unappropriated 243,157 Total Expenditures $ 782,481 DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX FUND 130010 REVENUES Taxes $ 5,120,145 Miscellaneous 32,859 Total Revenues $ 5,153,004 130051 EXPENDITURES Transfers out $ 4,491,235 Unappropriated 661,769 Total Expenditures $ 5,153,004 RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND 160010 REVENUES Impact fee $ 179,400 Miscellaneous 18,903 Restricted cash balance carryforward 171,697 Total Revenues $ 370,000 160051 EXPENDITURES Transfers out $ 370,000 Total Expenditures $ 370,000 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND 163010 REVENUES Stormwater utility fee $ 1,926,000 Miscellaneous 40,583 Restricted cash balance carryforward 419,749 Total Revenues $ 2,386,332 163051 EXPENDITURES Operating $ 2,211,332 Capital Outlay 10,000 Transfers out 165,000 Total Expenditures $ 2,386,332 2 230 of 562 ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION R-23-25 SCHEDULE"A" BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - CONTINUED: PARKING IN -LIEU -OF FEE FUND 190010 REVENUES Miscellaneous $ 4,315 Total Revenues $ 4,315 190051 EXPENDITURES Unappropriated 4,315 Total Expenditures $ 4,315 LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE FUND 190010 REVENUES Fines and forfeits $ 150 Miscellaneous 1,150 Total Revenues $ 1,300 190051 EXPENDITURES Unappropriated $ 1,300 Total Expenditures $ 1,300 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 163010 REVENUES Tax Increment - Sebastian $ 223,569 Tax Increment - Indian River County 248,196 Miscellaneous 28,450 Total Revenues $ 500,215 163051 EXPENDITURES Operating $ 311,370 Transfers out 60,000 Unappropriated 128,845 Total Expenditures $ 500,215 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS: REVENUES Transfers from Other Funds $ 5,649,658 Grants 12,188,152 Total Revenues $ 17,837,810 EXPENDITURES Transportation $ 4,008,481 Recreation 280,000 Physical Environment 12,392,000 Public Safety 769,982 General Government 387,347 Total Expenditures $ 17,837,810 3 231 of 562 ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION R-23-25 SCHEDULE "A" BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 ENTERPRISE FUNDS: GOLF COURSE FUND 410010 REVENUES: Charges for services Total Revenues EXPENSES: GOLF COURSE ADMINISTRATION 410110 Personal services Operating expenses Capital Outlay Repayment of Interfund Loans Unappropriated Total Administration GOLF COURSE GREEN DIVISION 410120 Operating expenses Capital Outlay Total Golf Course Green Division GOLF COURSE CARTS DIVISION 410130 Personal services Operating expenses Total Golf Course Carts Division Total Golf Course Expenses $ 1,938,445 $ 1,938,445 $ 341,635 471,809 42,300 117,398 8,934 $ 982,076 $ 708,515 50,000 $ 758,515 $ 167,160 30,694 $ 197,854 $ 1,938,445 4 232 of 562 ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION R-23-25 SCHEDULE "A" BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 ENTERPRISE FUNDS - CONTINUED: AIRPORT FUND 450010 REVENUES Charges for services $ 723,940 Miscellaneous revenues 34,630 Restricted cash balance carryforward 92,813 Total Revenues $ 851,383 450110 EXPENSES: Personal services $ 206,415 Operating expenses 491,468 Debt service 38,500 Capital Outlay 115,000 Total Expenses $ 851,383 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 480010 REVENUES Charges for services $ 1,072,150 Miscellaneous revenues 77,398 Restricted cash balance carryforward 227,111 Total Revenues $ 1,376,659 480110 EXPENSES: Personal services $ 1,104,265 Operating expenses 242,394 Capital 30,000 Total Expenses $ 1,376,659 TOTAL BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND $ 17,593,645 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 9,197,647 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 17,837,810 ENTERPRISE FUNDS 4,166,487 TOTAL BUDGET FOR ALL FUNDS $ 48,795,589 5 233 of 562 C11YOF !R;0� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 27, 2023 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution R-23-26 Adopting Financial Policies for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Resolution R-23-26 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to City of Sebastian Resolution 06-20, the City's financial policies shall be readopted annually. These Policies incorporate relevant statutory requirements and authoritative guidance provided for sound and responsible governmental financial management. They are incorporated into the City's Annual Budget documents and provide a ready reference as to how significant financial matters are addressed. It is important to have these Policies documented, as they provide evidence to interested parties that we have standards for maintaining excellent financial management of our affairs. A number of adjustments were made to clarify some statements and to update some of the dollar amounts specified. Otherwise, there are no significant modifications of the policies we have adopted and adhered to over the past several years. The Policies as stated are deemed adequate to provide the necessary guidance. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution R-23-26, including Attachment "A". IF AGENDA ITEM REOUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: Total Cost: NIA Fund to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NIA Administrative Services Depa ment Review: �lJ City Attorney Review Procurement Division Review, if applicable:�� City Manager Authorization: Date: !lz I /,Zaa3 0 234 of 562 CITY OF SEBASTIAN RESOLUTION NO. R-23-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING FINANCIAL POLICIES GOVERNING VARIOUS AREAS OF BUDGET AND FINANCE AS PROVIDED FOR IN ATTACHMENT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Government Finance Officers Association ("GFOA") of the United States and Canada recommends best practices in various areas for finance and budgeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian deems it to be necessary to adopt and readopt such financial policies on an annual basis. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. RECITALS. The Recitals contained above in the Whereas clauses are hereby adopted as true and correct and determined to be the legislative findings of the City Council of the City of Sebastian. SECTION 2. AMENDING FINANCIAL POLICIES. The City Council of the City of Sebastian hereby adopts the Financial Policies attached hereto as Attachment "A" governing the Operating Budget, Revenue, Performance Measurement, Investment, Capital Improvement Plan, Debt Management, Fund Balance and Use of Surplus Funds. SECTION 3. CONFLICT. All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this Resolution may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall take effect upon adoption. The foregoing Resolution was moved for adoption by Council Member Motion was seconded by Council Member and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice -Mayor Christopher Nunn Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Bob McPartlan Councilmember Kelly Dixon The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 27' day of September, 2023. 235 of 562 ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: Fred Jones, Mayor Approved as to Form and Legality for Reliance by the City of Sebastian Only: By: Jennifer Cockcroft, City Attorney 236 of 562 City of Sebastian, Florida Financial Policies City of Sebastian's financial policies set forth the basic framework for overall fiscal planning and management and set forth guidelines for both current activities and long-range planning. These policies are reviewed annually to assure the highest standards of fiscal management and were formally adopted by the City Council at a public meeting on September 27, 2023. The City Manager and the Management Team has the primary role of reviewing financial actions and providing guidance on financial issues to the City Council. I. Overall Goals The overall financial goals underlying these policies are: 1. Fiscal Conservatism: To ensure the city is in a solid financial condition at all times. This can be defined as: A. Cash Solvency — the ability to pay bills B. Budgetary Solvency —the ability to balance the budget C. Long Term Solvency — the ability to pay future costs D. Service Level Solvency — the ability to provide needed and desired services 2. Flexibility: To ensure that the city is in a position to respond to changes in the economy or new service challenges without an undue amount of financial stress. 3. Compliance with All Statutory Requirements: As set forth by the State of Florida and the City ordinances. 4. Adherence to the highest Accounting and Management Practices: As set by the Government Finance Officers' Association standards for financial reporting and budgeting, the Government Accounting Standards Board and other professional standards. II.Operating Budget Policies The City Finance Department, with support and general direction from the City Manager, coordinates the budget process. The formal budgeting process begins in February and ends in September and provides the primary mechanism by which key decisions are made regarding the levels and types of services to be provided, given the anticipated level of available resources. Revenues and expenditures are projected on the basis of information provided by City departments, outside agencies, current rate structures, historical data and statistical trends. A. Budget Process The development of the budget is guided by the following budget policies: 1. A budget calendar will be designed each year to provide a framework within which the interactions necessary to formulate a sound budget could occur and ensure that the City complies with State legal mandates. 2. The budget must be balanced for all funds. Total revenues and other available funds must equal total estimated expenditures for each fund (Section 166.241 Florida Statutes requires all budgets to be balanced). 3. All operating funds are subject to the annual budget process and reflected in the budget document. 4. The enterprise operations of the City are intended to be self-supporting, i.e., current revenues are hoped to cover current expenditures, including debt service. 5. An administrative service fee will be paid to the General Fund by the Stormwater Fund and each Enterprise Fund. This assessment is calculated based upon a percentage (ratio of both the number of full-time equivalent employees of the enterprise fund to the total number of full-time equivalent employees of the City and ratio of the operating budget of the enterprise funds to the total operating budget of the City) of total budgeted General Fund administration expenditures (includes City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, Administrative Services, Management information Systems, Community Development and Facilities 237 of 562 City of Sebastian, Florida Financial Policies Maintenance). A Management Charge -Back is also assessed by the General Fund against the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Fund of the City. This Charge -Back is based on 50% of the pay and benefits of the Community Development Director/CRA Manager and corresponds with the amount of time devoted to administrative support for the CRA. The Stormwater Fund is assessed for 45% of the pay and benefits of the City Engineer, 25% for the Administrative Assistant and 50% of the GIS Technician. 6. Pursuant to Ordinance 05-16, stormwater utility fees can be used to fund stormwater operations, as well as capital improvements. Stonnwater operations were previously accounted for in General Fund and partially reimbursed with transfers from the Stormwater Fund. Since FY 2019, stormwater operating expenditures are directly accounted for within the Stormwater Fund to better disclose how the fees are being used. 7. In no event will the City of Sebastian levy ad valorem taxes against real property and tangible personal property in excess of 10 mills, except for voted levies (Section 200.081 of Florida Statutes places this millage limitation on all Florida municipalities.) 8. The City will budget 96 percent of anticipated gross ad valorem proceeds to provide an allowance for discounts for early payment of taxes (Section 200.065 of Florida Statutes states that each taxing authority shall utilize not less than 95 percent of the taxable value.) 9. Employees covered by the Public Employee Labor Agreement for non-exempt workers will have 9% of their wages contributed to a pension plan offered by the Communication Workers of America. For Police Officers, the locally administered defined benefit pension plan for police officers will be funded in accordance with the required annual contribution calculated by an independent actuary but no less than 14.6% of the covered payroll. All other employees will have 9% of their wages contributed to a deferred compensation retirement program sponsored by the International City Management Association. 10. The City will coordinate development of the capital improvement budget with the development of the annual operating budget. Each item included in the capital improvement budget is reviewed for its impact on the operating budget. "The review quantifies four main factors, which are maintenance costs, improved efficiency, reduction in liability exposure and savings from taking replaced items out of service. Other considerations include the expectation of generating additional revenue, changes in personnel requirements and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan. B. Basis of Budgeting 'The basis of budgeting for governmental funds (General, Special Revenue, Debt Service Funds, and Capital Project funds) shall be prepared on a modified accrual basis of accounting. This means unpaid financial obligations, such as outstanding purchase orders, are immediately reflected as encumbrances when the cost is estimated, although the items may not have been received. However, in most cases revenue is recognized only after it is measurable and actually available. The budgets for the proprietary funds — Golf Course, Airport and Building Department — are prepared using the accrual basis of accounting. Proprietary funds also recognize expenses as encumbered when a commitment is made (e.g., through a purchase order). Revenues, on the other hand, arc recognized when obligated to the City. Purchase orders for goods and services received prior to the end of the current fiscal year will be eligible for payment immediately following the close of the fiscal year. Encumbrances for all other purchases, excluding the capital projects funds purchases, will automatically lapse at the close of the fiscal year. The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) presents the status of the City's finances on the basis of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Since FY 2001, the CA.FR has been prepared in compliance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 34 requirements. The CAFR shows fund expenditures and revenues on both a GAAP basis and budget basis for comparison purposes. In most cases, this conforms to the way the City prepares its budget with. the following exceptions: 1. Any principal payments on long-term debt within the enterprise funds are applied to the outstanding liability on a GAAP basis as opposed to being expended when paid on a budget basis. 2. Capital outlay within the proprietary funds are recorded as assets on a GAAP basis and expended on a budget basis. 238 of 562 City of Sebastian, Florida Financial Policies 3. Depreciation expense is not budgeted. 4. Inventory is expensed at the time it is used. 5. Compensated absences liabilities that are expected to be liquidated with expendable available financial resources are accrued as earned by employees on a GAAP basis as opposed to being expended when paid on a budget basis. C. Guidelines The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) presents the status of the City's finances on a basis consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Therefore, a statement of net assets and a statement of activities are presented for total governmental funds and total proprietary funds on an accrual basis of accounting. Additional statements then identify major governmental funds and individual proprietary funds, with the modified accrual basis of accounting used for governmental funds and accrual basis of accounting used for the proprietary and trust funds. In order to provide a meaningful comparison of actual results to the final budget, the ACFR presents the City's operations on a GAAP basis with a reconciliation to presentations of fund revenue and expenditures on a budget basis for the General, Special Revenue, and Debt Service funds. Current revenues shall be sufficient to support current expenditures. The Finance Department will monitor each fund and make timely budgetary recommendations and adjustments to be sure no expenditures are in excess of appropriations at fiscal year end, which is not permitted under Florida State Statutes. The budget process and format shall be performance based and focus on goals, objectives, programs, and performance indicators. The budget will provide adequate funding for maintenance and replacement of capital plant and equipment. D. Budget Amendment 1. Only City Council may approve changes to total fund appropriations and use of contingency appropriations. 2. Shifts in appropriations within fund totals may be done administratively on the authority of the City Manager. In most cases the City Manager will request City Council's approval, since any significant item prompting the change will usually go to the City Council (e.g., award of contract, additions to staff, contract change order). Procedures for transfers between appropriations and delegation of budget responsibility will be set by the City Manager. 3. A Budgetary Control System will be maintained to ensure compliance with the budget. Monthly operating statements are provided to all Department Heads and Quarterly budget status reports will be provided to the Citizen's Budget Review Board and the City Council comparing actual versus budgeted revenue and expense activity for all budgeted funds. E. Planning The City will annually prepare and distribute to departments and the City Council a Five -Year Forecast for the period beyond the next fiscal year. The forecast will include estimated revenues, operating costs and future capital improvements included in the capital improvement plan, as well as projected fund balances. 239 of 562 City of Sebastian, Florida Financial Policies III. Revenue Policies A. Revenue Projections The City shall estimate its annual revenues by objective and analytical processes. The City shall maintain a diversified and stable revenue system to the extent provided by law to insulate it from short-term fluctuations in any one revenue source. B. User Fees The City shall recalculate on an annual basis the full cost of selected activities currently supported by user fees and charges to identify the impact of inflation and other cost increases. To the extent possible, the City shall set fees and user charges for the Golf Course, Airport and Building Enterprise Funds with the intent to have them fully support the total direct and indirect costs of their respective operations, including any debt service and depreciation. IV. Performance Measurement Policies A. Establishing Performance Requirements Annually, each department shall develop departmental performance measures that correspond with the department programs and file them with the City Manager's Office. Goals should be related to core services of the department and should reflect stakeholder needs. The measures should be of a mix of different types, including effectiveness, efficiency, demand and workload. Measures should have sufficiently aggressive "stretch" goals to ensure continuous improvement. Workload — Measures the quantity of activity for a department (e.g., number of calls responded to). Demand — Measures the amount of service opportunities (e.g.. total number of calls). Efficiency — Measures the relationship between output and service cost (e.g., average cost of the response to a service call). Effectiveness — Measures the impact of an activity (e.g., percent of people who feel safe). Department Directors shall establish performance measures for each program within their department. These must be linked to the department wide goals and objectives being supported. Systematic and cost effective methodologies must also be developed to monitor and project the established performance measures. Supervisors shall insure that fair, objective and aggressive performance measures are identified for each employee or work group that directly supports program goals and objectives and that an evaluation of the success in accomplishing departmental measures are part of the employee's annual performance review. B. Reporting Performance Quarterly summaries of progress on goals and objectives and departmental performance measures will be provided to the Finance Director for publishing in the City Council's Quarterly Budget to Actual Report. 240 of 562 City of Sebastian, Florida Financial Policies V. Investment Policies A. Investment Management The City Finance Department shall perform a cash flow analysis of all funds on a regular basis. Disbursement, collection, and deposit of all funds will be scheduled to insure optimum cash availability. When permitted by law, the City shall pool cash from each respective fund for investment purposes. The Finance Director, as the City's Chief Financial Officer, shall select and manage all City investments. Investments shall always be made with the priority focused on achieving safety, liquidity and optimal return of the investments, in that order. Further detail on allowed investments is contained in a separately published investment policy. B. Investment Analysis The Finance Director shall review the investment policy established for investing surplus funds to account for changes in legislation and market conditions on a regular basis. The Finance Director shall prepare quarterly investment portfolio reports containing information on the securities being held and the returns of each investment category. The Finance Director shall meet and discuss any changes in investment strategies or differences in investment holdings as needed, with an Investment Committee consisting of the Finance Director, the City Manager and a third person selected by the City Manager. VI. Capital Improvement Program Policies A. Capital Improvement Plan The City shall adopt an annual Capital Budget based on the Capital Improvement Plan and make all capital improvements in accordance with it. Future capital improvement expenditures necessitated by changes in population, real estate development, or in economic base will be calculated and included in the capital improvement plan projections. The City will determine and use the most prudent financial methods for acquisition of capital improvement projects based upon market conditions at the time of acquisition. Capital Replacement Programs — The City shall forecast capital replacement and maintenance needs for at least five-year periods beyond the budget year and update this projection each year. From this, a maintenance and replacement schedule shall be developed and implemented. Funding for capital replacement may be obtained through excess year-end surpluses as identified in the Use of Surplus Policies. Maintenance programs shall be paid for on a pay-as-you-go basis. The City will determine and use the most prudent financial methods for acquisition of capital equipment, based upon market conditions at the time of acquisition. B. Definition Capital improvements include streets, buildings, building improvements, park expansions/improvements, new parks, airport runways, infrastructure improvements, and acquisitions of equipment. Projects in the Capital Improvement Program generally cost more than $750 and last at least five years (with the exception of computer software if $5,000 or greater). For accounting purposes, these lesser cost capital items are often included, in order to easily reconcile the initial year with the capital accounts budgeted in that year's Operating Budget. Significant allocations to some programs that do not meet the definition of capital items may also be reflected in the Program in order to present the complete financial plan, although they may ultimately be accounted for as operating expenditures. C. Alignments The City shall coordinate the development of the Capital Improvement Program plan with the development of the Operating Budget, as well as ensuring compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvement Element. Future operating expenditures and revenues associated with new capital improvements will be projected and included in the Capital Improvement Program Forecasts. 241 of 562 City of Sebastian, Florida Financial Policies D. Project Approvals Capital projects submitted for approval must be justified in terms of how the project supports the achievement of the City's strategic priorities. The originating department of the capital improvement project will identify the estimated costs and impacts on revenue and operating costs for each capital project proposal. Projects are prioritized and approved based on the relevancy of the project to the City's strategic plan and the impact on the end stakeholder(s). E. Maintenance The City shalt maintain all capital assets at a level adequate to protect the City's capital investment and minimize future maintenance and replacement costs. F. Physical Inventory An annual physical inventory will be conducted to ensure that all capital assets listed in the City's financial system are accounted for, and that sufficient internal control over capital items is exercised. Further detail on capital purchases and dispositions is detailed in a separately published policy. VII. Debt Management Policies A. Market Review The City's Finance Director, in conjunction with the Financial Consultant, shall review its outstanding debt annually for the purpose of determining if the financial marketplace will afford the City the opportunity to refund an issue and incur less debt service costs. In order to consider the possible refunding of an issue, a present value savings of at least three percent (31/o) over the life of the respective issue should be attained. B. Debt Financing for Capital Assets 1. Short-term borrowing or lease/purchase contracts should only be considered for financing major operating capital equipment when the Finance Director determines that this is in the City's best financial interest. Lease/purchase decisions should have the concurrence of the appropriate department/division head and should consider the net cost after factoring in anticipated maintenance expenditures. 2. Whenever the City finances capital projects or purchases by issuing long-term debt, it shall amortize the debt over a term not to exceed the average useful life of the project(s) financed. Financing utilizing bank notes will be preferred to avoid the higher issuance cost typically incurred with bonded debt. Except in the most unusual instances, the City will seek competitive bids to assure it selects the financial institution with the most advantageous terms. If General Obligation Bonds are issued, the City's goal will be to limit the maturity to fifteen (15) years. When possible, the City shall use a special assessment or self-supporting financing instead of general obligation bonds, so those benefiting from the improvements will bear all or part of the cost of the project financed. C. Debt Service Levels Annual General Fund debt service expense, if any, will be limited to eight percent (8%) of the General Fund expenditures budget_ The City will limit its total outstanding General Obligation debt, if any, to five percent (5%) of the assessed valuation of taxable property. The City will limit the amount of Variable Rate debt to fifteen percent (15%) of the total debt outstanding. 242 of 562 City of Sebastian, Florida Financial Policies D. Bond Ratings and Full Disclosure The City recognizes the importance of favorable bond ratings by the various rating agencies. Bond ratings will be obtained when bonds are issued and will be regularly updated for the term of the bond issue. The Finance Director, along with the Financial Consultant, shall periodically review possible actions to maintain or improve its bond ratings and shall maintain good communications with bond rating agencies and its bond insurers about its financial condition. The Finance Director shall coordinate all communications to ensure a professional and factual response to any inquiries. The City shall follow a policy of "full disclosure" in its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and bond prospectuses. The Finance Director shall assure that all legally required filings are made in regard to outstanding financings. E. Decision Making and Analysis The City's strategic planning and budgeting decisions are based on a number of processes currently in place. The specific tools used are: Citizen Advisory Boards — (e.g., Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee) are teams made up of Residents and City staff to address specific concerns and provide direction and feedback; Master Planning — Specific functions and processes are included in written plans, such as the Comprehensive Plan, Stormwater Master Plan, Community Redevelopment Agency Master Plan and the Airport Master Plan; Fiscal Impact Model — Allocation methodology that quantifies average and marginal revenues and the costs of new development by land use type; Revenue Forecasting Model — Statistical time series analysis and tracking model of major revenues; I ! Performance Measurement System — Quarterly performance evaluations and reports; Capital Budgeting Tools — Present Value Payback, Net Present Value Analysis, Own/Lease Analysis, and Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis; Five -Year Financial Plan — Multi -year forecasting of revenues and expenditures beyond the next budget year for all major City funds; Ten -Year Fleet Replacement Program — Equipment maintenance and replacement schedule covering the useful life of all vehicle classes; Ten -Year Equipment and Maintenance Program - maintenance and replacement schedule covering the useful life of all major equipment, other than vehicles; Financial "Trend Monitoring System — Systematic analysis of major financial indicators. 243 of 562 City of Sebastian, Florida Financial Policies VIII. Fund Balance Policies On an annual basis, after the year-end audit has been completed, but no later than April 1, the Finance Director shall update schedules of all fund surpluses and deficits, with projections of reserve requirements and any plan for the use of any excess surplus for the current year in accordance with the Financial Balance Policies and Use of Surplus Policies. This will be reviewed to ensure compliance with stated and adopted policies, but also to analyze the total reserve and surplus picture to ensure that the policies as adopted do not inadvertently create adverse effects. The Finance Director shall provide recommendations to the City Manager for any changes to the Fund Balance Policies and Use of Surplus Policies based on needs identified in this analysis. A. General Fund uncommitted and unassigned fund balances will be maintained at a target amount of five million dollars ($5,000,000) as a reserve for declared natural disasters. This approximates an amount calculated to sustain City operations in the aftermath of unforeseen or emergency events, such as hurricanes declared to be natural disasters. Key assumptions of this calculation are: a. That damage to City -owned and private property will amount to a loss of no greater than 35% in overall property values; b. That the damage occurs after the maximum proposed millage is established for the next fiscal year, resulting in up to a year's delay before there is the option of increasing property tax revenues; c. Property taxes, franchise fees, utility service taxes and other revenues will decline; d. There would be significant public safety and public works employee overtime; large outlays for debris removal; plus expenditures for repairing and replacing City facilities; e. Reimbursements from insurance claims will occur within six months and FEMA claims will occur within a three year period from the month the natural disaster occurs; B. In addition, the City shall assign a portion of General Fund to the Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve to a balance no greater than $275,000. This Reserve is assigned for the purpose of allowing the City Manager to immediately proceed with repairing or replacing essential equipment or facilities in instances where those items have not been budgeted. Such expenditures shall be governed by the purchasing thresholds set by City Code Section 2-10. The necessary budget adjustments for these items shall be reported to and approved by the City Council along with the next Quarterly Financial Report. C. Consideration shall also be given to establishing extra cushions for unanticipated events or extraordinary expenditures, such as: a. Uncontrollable shortfalls in intergovernmental revenue occurring due to poor economic conditions at the State and National levels or the willful political action of those attempting to undermine home rule and the effectiveness of City government. (General Fund receives about $4.6 million each year from Communication Service Taxes, State Revenue Sharing, Motor Fuel Taxes and the Half -cent Sales 'Faxes which is about 28% of its total revenues) Allowing for a 10% shortfall would calculate as $490,000. b. Significant payouts of unused employee leave accruals at the time they terminate. These payouts have averaged about $l 0l ,000 or 6.5% of an assumed 100% payout over the past five years and are typically manageable by covering them from the relevant department's other budgeted accounts. However, the departure of 100% of the employees would create a total payout of about $1.26 million in wages plus another $296,000 for applicable benefits. In response to some emergency situations, the City could be faced with excessive voluntary departures or perhaps mandatory layoffs due to the financial situation. Allowing for it 25% termination rate, The City would be faced with an unexpected payout for a total of about $389,000. 244 of 562 City of Sebastian, Florida Financial Policies c. Unanticipated expenditures on capital outlays or capital replacements of such a magnitude that are beyond the possibility of immediately funding within any legal or normally reasonable means. (1) Although financing from financial institutions may be feasible in certain isolated cases, this possibility may not be available should those creditors have to also consider other events the City could be dealing with at the time. (2) Additional cushions could be established in certain Special Revenue Funds as a capital reserve. d. The unfunded Police Pension Fund Actuarial Accrued Liability is also something that could possibly be a concern. Annual contributions to the pension plan are calculated to cover the vested benefits being accumulated by the Police Officers but the deficit occurs when plan changes are made or when assumptions are changed or when assumptions do not materialize. An immediate payout is not required, since repayment of the deficit is allowed to be amortized and calculated into future annual payment requirements. Consideration could be given to paying more than the annual requirement or establishing another cash reserves in case political forces create a future mandate to immediately pay off the deficit. e. Localized emergencies that may not be eligible for insurance or FEMA reimbursement, such as flooding, tornados, sink holes, earth quakes, civil disorders, terrorism, explosions, fires, etc. Emergencies of this nature would most likely impact operational accounts such as overtime pay expenditures and utility tax and franchise fee revenues. To the extent possible without increasing tax rates, a cushion of some amount would be warranted. f. It should be understood that the amount of Fund Balance includes assets that may not be easily converted to cash. Fund Balance includes such assets such as Inventory, Prepaid Expenditures, Accounts Receivable and amounts due from other funds. D. Target amounts should be established and reviewed annually during the budgeting process for each of the above. Generally, the targets would be calculated as a reasonable percentage of the total based on a rational analysis of the perceived likelihood of the event actually occurring and amounts that would be sufficient to reduce the negative impact of the event to acceptable levels. At the discretion of the City Council, the creation or replenishment of established target amounts will occur as soon as reasonably possible without tax rate increases or further damaging ongoing levels of service to the public. An effort will be made to replenish the reserve for declared natural disasters for at least 25% of the shortfall within the following year. E. In some instances, the City's Golf Course, Airport and Building Enterprise Funds may be impacted by the foregoing emergency conditions. Certainly, the Golf Course and Airport may not have the resources that might be necessary to effectively restore their operations. While considering the level of targeted cash reserve balances in the General Fund and Special Revenue Funds, it must be recognized that these operations may also need financial assistance to recover. F. The following Policies for funding amount targets will be in effect to the extent they are possible: a. Declared National Disasters - $5,000,000 Target Balance. b. Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve — Replenished Up to $275,000 from Operating Surpluses. c. Shortfalls in Intergovernmental Revenues—$460,000 Based on 10% of Annual State Revenues. d. Employee Leave Accrual Payouts — $389,000 Based on 25% Payout of Accumulated Liability. e. Capital Outlay Reserve — Set Aside 5% in Certain Special Revenue Funds: i. Local Option Gas Tax—$36,191 based on 5% of budget of gas taxes. ii. Discretionary Sales Tax—$256,007 based on 5% of budget for sales taxes. iii. Community Redevelopment Agency—$23,588 based on 5% of budget for tax increment receipts. iv. Stormwater Utility—$96,300 based on 5% of budget for stormwater fee receipts. f. Unfunded Police Pension Liability — Address this by increasing annual contribution when possible. g. Localized Emergencies — The severity of such events is difficult to envision, thus it is assumed that other balances would have to be utilized. 245 of 562 City of Sebastian, Florida Financial Policies G. The total funding target for General Fund to cover items a, b, c and d. would be $6,124,000, which exceeds current balances. If these funds are used, they should be restored to the funding target as soon as possible by using accumulated Operating Surpluses that result from revenues exceeding expenditures. M Use of Surplus Policies It is the intent of the City to use all uncommitted or unassigned surpluses to accomplish three primary goals: meeting fund balance policies, avoidance of future debt, and reduction of outstanding debts or liabilities. The City will always avoid using fund balances or year-end surpluses to cover ongoing operating expenses. A. Any surpluses realized in the General Fund may, at the discretion of the City Council, be used to restore fund balance targets or other purposes in the following order of priority: 1. $5,000,000 target reserve for declared national disasters. 2. $275,000 maximum balance on hand at the beginning of each fiscal year for the Capital Renewal and Replacement Reserve. 3. $460,000 target reserve for shortfalls in intergovernmental revenues. 4. $389,000 target reserve for payouts of terminating employee leave accruals. 5. Pay the full budgeted amount based on the Actuary's projection for the required annual contribution to the Police Pension Trust Fund, even in those years when actual investment returns are better than had been projected. B. After fully satisfying the fund balance targets or additional payments, surpluses may be used for the following purposes, listed in order of priority: 1. Additional Cash Payments for Capital Improvement Program Projects. Using cash to purchase capital items that may otherwise be purchased with the proceeds from debt will reduce the future debt burden of the City. This strategy may be beneficial but a financial analysis should be performed to determine the greatest net present value savings. 2. Cemetery Permanent Trust Fund. After all other needs have been satisfied, excess surpluses may be transferred to the Cemetery Permanent Trust Fund established to care for the Cemetery. The amounts transferred shall be deemed corpus to the Cemetery Trust fund for funding Cemetery care and maintenance. 3. Riverfront Redevelopment Agency. Alter all other needs have been satisfied; excess surpluses may be transferred to the Riverfront Redevelopment Agency that has been established to provide infrastructure and public facility needs in that area that will result in increased property values. C. Special Revenue Fund Surpluses Local Option Gas Tax Revenue Fund — A target reserve will be maintained in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the annual budgeted gas tax receipts to alleviate the impact of a decline in amounts of collected revenue and to provide sufficient funds for unanticipated transportation expenditures. Surpluses projected five years beyond the budget year may exceed the target or be allocated toward additional eligible projects or programs. Discretionary Sales Surtax Revenue Fund — A target reserve will be maintained in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the annual budgeted sales tax receipts to alleviate the impact of decline in amounts of collected revenue and to provide sufficient funds for unanticipated replacements of eligible capital improvements or equipment. Surpluses projected five years beyond the budget year may exceed the target or also be programmed toward additional eligible capital infrastructure or forgiveness of some of the advances made for the construction of Airport Hangars A and B. Community Redevelopment Agency — A target reserve will be maintained in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the annual budgeted tax increment receipts to alleviate the impact of a decline in amounts of collected revenue and to provide sufficient funds for unanticipated projects or programs. Surpluses projected five years beyond the budget year may exceed the target or also be programmed toward additional eligible projects or programs that may be identified in the future. 246 of 562 City of Sebastian, Florida Financial Policies Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund — Surpluses will be used to fund projects that add vehicle parking facilities or may be held in reserve for projects that may be identified in the future. Recreation impact Fee Fund — Surpluses will be used toward additional projects to provide additions or improvements to Parks and Recreation facilities or may be held in reserve for projects that may be identified in the future. (Note that impact fee payments must be refunded if not appropriated within seven years). Stormwater Utility Revenue Fund — A target reserve will be maintained in an amount of five percent (5%) of the annual budgeted Stormwater fee receipts for the purpose of alleviating the impact of an unanticipated decline in amounts of collected revenue and to provide sufficient funds for unanticipated capital improvements. Surpluses projected five years beyond the budget year may exceed the target or be programmed toward additional programs or be used for eligible capital projects. X. Reporting and Analysis To ensure compliance with the adopted financial policies, the Finance Department shall prepare analyses in conjunction with the annual budget process to assist departments/divisions with budget projections. The analyses include the following: I:; Five -Year Forecast of Revenues and Expenditures — Planning tool used by the Finance Department to forecast and project various funds (General, Local Option Gas Tax, Discretionary Sales Tax, Recreation Impact Fees, Riverfront CRA, Stormwater Utility, Golf Course, Building, and Airport). 1 1 Financial Trend Monitoring System — Set of financial trends and ratios used as leading indicators and as a measurement of relative performance. I I Revenue Manual — Guide to the major revenue sources that indicates the source, calculation, legal requirements, historical trends and accounting guidelines. Updated annually and included in the annual budget document. 1 1 Fund Balance and Reserve Analysis — The City's Finance Director will review the fund balance and reserve levels and produce a report annually on reserve levels as compared to policy goals. 247 of 562 MOF SEBASTI HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 27, 2023 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution No. R-23-27 Approving the Six -Year Capital Improvement Program for the Fiscal Years 2024-2029 RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Resolution No. R-23-27 BACKGROUND: While preparing the Operating Budget for FY 2023-2024, Staff also prepared a Six -Year Capital Improvement Program for FY 2024-2029. The Capital Improvement Program is incorporated as a section of the Annual Budget document. It includes long- term projections for General Fund, Special Revenue and Enterprise Funds in order to forecast the financial feasibility of funding the planned capital expenditures, plus continuing to provide adequate fund balances and reserves. Staff is recommending and seeking approval of Resolution No. R-23-27 in order to approve the Six -Year Capital Improvement Program for FY 2024-2029 IF AGENDA ITEM REOUIRES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS: Total Cost: NIA Amount Budgeted in Current FY: NIA Amount of Appropriation Required: None Fund to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NIA ATTACHMENTS: Resolution R-23-27 with Summary of Capital Improvements Attachment. Administrative Services Department Review: ` City Attorney Review: f Procurement Division Re11',iffpplicable: /Y/ City Manager Authorization: / r Date: V-Zl/k"] 248 of 562 RESOLUTION NO. R-23-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A SIX -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS ENDING 2024-2029; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida finds that it is in the best interest of its citizens and taxpayers to provide for financial planning; and WHEREAS, a detailed capital budget is necessary for the proper annual operation of the City and its desired capital program; and WHEREAS, the Six -Year Capital Improvement Program has been reviewed by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. RECITALS. The above "WHEREAS" clauses hereby adopted and incorporated herein as true and correct legislative findings of the City Council of the City of Sebastian. Section 2. ADOPTION OF CIP. A Summary of the Capital Purchases and Improvements for Fiscal Years 2024-2029 for the City of Sebastian which is attached hereto is hereby adopted. Section 3. CONFLICTS. All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this Resolution may be renumbered or re - lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 5. SEVERABILITY. If any clause, section, or other part or application of this Resolution shall be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such unconstitutional or invalid part or application shall be considered as eliminated and so not affecting the validity of the remaining portions or applications remaining in full force and effect. Section 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. 249 of 562 The foregoing Resolution was moved for adoption by Councilmember . The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put into a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice -Mayor Christopher Nunn Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Bob McPartlan Councilmember Kelly Dixon The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 27`" day of September, 2023. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: ATTEST: Fred Jones, Mayor Jeanette Williams, City Clerk Approved as to form and legality for the reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Jennifer Cockcroft, City Attorney 250 of 562 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA FISCAL YEAR 2024-2029 SUMMARY OF CAPITAL PURCHASES AND IMPROVEMENTS List of Protects FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026.27 FY 2027-28 FY 2028-29 Totals General Government Vx Rail Lease Payments 43,195 45,355 45.355 45,355 45,355 45,356 269.969 City Wide Computers 45.000 35,000 45.000 35,000 45,000 35,000 240,000 COSty Equipment 15,000 15,000 16,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 90,000 Network Infrastructure 30,000 30.000 30.000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180.000 Core and Remote Switches 60,000 - - - - 60,000 Security Cameras 30,000 30.000 Sidewalk Assurance System 50,000 50,000 Cyber Security Features 30.000 30,000 Public Works Compound Firewall 75,000 75,000 Police Department Police Vehicles 620,431 485,383 373,152 391,809 411,400 431,970 2.714,145 Vehicle/Body Cameras 88,776 88,776 93,776 93,776 93,776 93,776 552,656 CAD/RMS System Update 60,775 60,775 60,775 60,775 60.775 60,775 364.650 Road Patrol Equipment 29,260 34,800 8,500 8,500 8.500 8,500 98,060 Indoor Firearms Range 6,000,000 - - - 5,000.000 Investigations Equipment 11,500 - - - 11,500 Community Development Working Waterfront Expansion 120,000 500.000 500,000 500.000 1,620,000 Central Avenue Catalyst Site - 500,000 - 500,000 CDBG Grant Program 128.152 130,000 130,000 130,000 130.000 130.000 778.152 Riverview Paris Master Plan - 500,000 500.000 - - 1,000,000 Riverview Park Event Center - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 Community Development Offices 88,500 88.500 Roads Department Pavement Grinder 22,000 22,000 Vinyl Printer 16,100 16,100 Enclosed Trailer 8.000 - - 8.000 Street Repaving 533.423 1.099,840 772.192 569.552 392,611 417,500 3,785,118 Street Reconstruction 1,780.163 1,209,768 801,028 1,017,818 1,614,132 1.670.000 8,092,909 Sidewalk Replacement 75,000 75,000 75,000 75.000 75,000 75,000 450,000 Traffic Analyzers (2) 3,500 - - - 3,500 Air Compressor Jack Hammer 28,400 28,400 Sign Shop Truck 75.000 - 75.000 Facilities Maintenance Division Facilities Maintenance Vehicles 63.000 - ,00 450 - 108.000 Air Conditioner Replacement 25.000 30,000 30,000 35,000 35,000 40,000 195,000 Roof Replacements 17,000 - - - - 17,000 Art Center Roofing - 30.000 - 30,000 Cemetery Division Cemetery Equipment 14,000 13.000 16,000 43,000 Cemetery Vehicle - 40,000 - 40,000 Cemetery Irrigation Pump 10,000 40,000 50,000 Columbarium Niches - 95,000 95,000 Cemetery Grounds Maintenance 165,000 165,000 Leisure Services Department Maintenance Equipment 23,000 12,0W 28,000 22.000 30,000 115,000 Parks Derision Vehicles - 40,C00 40,000 Parks Maintenance Shed 15,000 - 15,000 Splash Pad Replacement - 1,000,000 1,000,000 Friendship Park Baseball Field 25,000 25.000 Playground improvements 350.000 60,000 120,000 120,000 80.000 730,000 Park Improvements 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Stormwater Department Rubber Tire Excavator 375,000 375,000 Walk Behind Concrete Saw 10,000 10,000 Brush Truck 122,000 122,000 Backhoe 170,000 170,000 Slip Lining/Pipe Replacement 165,000 182,000 200,000 220.000 242,000 266,000 1,275.000 Stormwater Facility Pump 60,000 - - 80,000 Schumann Drive - 750,000 750,000 Canal Restoration 11,500,000 - 11.500.000 Stonecrop Upstream Drainage 1,220.000 310.000 345,000 1,875,000 Tulip Drive Road Crossing 250.000 250,000 Bayfront Road Crossing - 250.000 - 250,000 Ocean Cove Drainage 350,000 350,000 Golf Course Fund Golf Clubhouse Doors 35,000 35,000 Golf Shop Carpet 3,800 - - 3,800 Goff Bunker Renovations 50,000 50,000 50.000 50,000 60,000 50,000 300,000 Golf Maintenance Equipment 3.500 - - - 10.000 - 13,500 Airport Fund Airport Maintenance Equipment 35.000 9,000 44,000 Airport Backhoe Loader - 65,000 65,000 Airport Tractor/Mower Deck 80,000 30,000 - 110.000 Aircraft Wash Rack - 125,000 125,000 Airport Equipment Shatter 50,000 50,000 Construct Shade Hangar 1,300.000 1,300,000 Construct Square Hangars 35.895 - 35.895 Design Taxiway Golf - 215,5C0 21.5,500 Construct Taxiway Golf 987,600 987,600 1,975.200 Design Taxiway Bravo Rehab - - 230,000 230.000 Reconstruct Alpha Apron 1,250,000 - 1,250,000 Terminal Apron Expansion 1.200.000 - 1,200,000 Design NW Airport Access 250,000 - 250.000 Construct NW Airport Access - 3,00,000 - 3,000,000 Building Fund Building Department Truck 30,000 - - 30,000 Totals $18,719,370 $ 9,260,797 $11,872,378 $ 6.778,585 $ 6,561,549 $ 3.648,876 $ 67,241,654 251 of 562 CM LV SESAST HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: September 27, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Ordinance 0-23-09 — Petition for Voluntary Land Swap — 0.07 ACRE PARCELS, 600 Schumann Dr. Recommendation, Hold a Public Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinance 0-23-09. Move to Adopt. Background: This is a request for an exchange of land between the property owner, Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, and the City of Sebastian. The applicant, Lawrence T. Maxwell, has proposed to swap portions of similar size lands (approximately 0.7 acres each) adjacent to each other in order to develop a more compact site plan and provide public improvements to the City property known as "Historical Park". Current land use and zoning for the City property is Institutional and Public Service (PS). Current land use and zoning for the Schumann Road property is General Commercial and Commercial General. Both properties will begin the process of acquiring land use and zoning designations applicable to their current land use and zoning following land swap approval. Certain benefits were proposed as part of the land swap including a sidewalk along Schumann Road, improved access to the Historical Park, and an extensive landscape buffer between the properties and along Schumann Road. The Land Swap Request attachment to this agenda transmittal provides a statement and technical information for the property provided by the applicant, including the proposed public improvements (contained in Attachment 8 therein.) In accordance with the City charter, the City Council has the authority to acquire or sell land. Per City of Sebastian Code of Ordinances Sec. 2-93(c) —Exchange of real property. When the city council finds it is in the public interest to exchange real property owned by the cityfor other real property needed to full a city purpose, the city council shall adopt an ordinance authorizing the exchange on such terms and conditions as the cityfinds is in the public interest. The proposal is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The exchange of real property provides a more compact and desirable development in exchange for public benefits. The proposal does not appear to present an adverse impact on the public health, safety, welfare, or aesthetics of the City or region. The items previously listed as conditions to be submitted prior to adoption have been received and are attached, or incorporated into their applicable documents, for your review. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: NIA Attachments: 1. Ordinance 0-23-09 2. Parcel Exchange Agreement 3. Special Warranty Deeds (2) 4. Title Commitments (2) 5. Land Swap Request — Statement and Technical Property Information from Applicant Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: 1`/L•L�/ Procurement Division Review, if applicable: Nl;� i City Manager Authorization: Date: ! a i Law 252 of 562 ORDINANCE NO.O-23-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE EXCHANGE OF PARCELS PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-93, CITY OF SEBASTIAN CODE OF ORDINANCES, REGARDING THE CONVEYANCE OF A 298Y.� 3,985:It) SQUARE FOOT PARCEL FROM SCHUMANN ROAD INDIAN RIVER, LLC TO THE CITY IN EXCHANGE FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF A 2,477 28 SQUARE FOOT PARCEL FROM 2977,43THE CITY TO SCHUMANN ROAD INDIAN RIVER, LLC; DESCRIBING EACH PARCEL; FINDING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE EXCHANGE OF PARCELS TO BE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("Schumann'), owns certain property at the intersection of Schumann Drive and U.S. Highway 1, within the existing corporate limits and boundaries of the City of Sebastian with the following Indian River County Property Appraiser Parcel Identification Numbers 31391700002406000004.0, 31391700002000100000.0, 31391700002406000007.0 and 31391700002406000001.0 (collectively, the "Schumann Parcel"); and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian ("City") owns certain property northeast of the intersection of Schumann Drive and U.S. Highway I and adjacent to the Schumann Parcel, within the existing corporate limits and boundaries of the City of Sebastian with the following Indian River County Parcel Identification Number 31391700002000100000.0 (the "City Parcel"), that the City currently utilizes as Historical Park; and WHEREAS, Schumann desires to develop the Schumann Parcel for various commercial retail uses that serve the communities in the vicinity of the Schumann Parcel (the "Intended Use"); and WHEREAS, Schumann and the City have determined that it will be mutually beneficial to enter into an exchange of parcels, to wit: a 2,984.6 square foot portion of the Schumann (the "Schumann Exchange Parcel"), will be conveyed by Schumann to the City, in exchange for a 2,977.43 square foot portion of the City Parcel (the "City Exchange Parcel"), to provide a public benefit to the City and fulfill a City purpose by allowing improved access for and configuration of the City Parcel for use in conjunction with the Historical Park and to allow Schumann to more efficiently develop the Intended Use to provide commercial retail services to the residents of the City; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the Parcel Exchange and provision for public improvements is in the public interest, serves a public purpose and fulfills a City purpose; and 253 of 562 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian has the power and authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Section 2-93, City of Sebastian Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the City has complied with all requirements and procedures of the laws of the City of Sebastian and the State of Florida in adopting this Ordinance. Now therefore, the City Council of The City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida adopts the following: Section 1. Legislative Findings and Intent. The City Council of the City of Sebastian hereby adopts and incorporates the above recital clauses into this Ordinance as true and correct. Section 2. Exchange of Parcels (a) The City hereby approves the property exchange agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Agreement") regarding the Parcel Exchange. (b) The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby granted and shall have the authority to execute any and all documents that are the subject of the Agreement and this Ordinance to implement the Parcel Exchange. (c) The City specifically determines that the City Exchange Parcel is not needed for a public purpose or use, the Schumann Exchange Parcel provides a greater benefit to the City and that the Parcel Exchange will serve a public purpose as described herein. (d) The City authorizes the conveyance of the City Exchange Parcel to Schumann by means of a special warranty deed, executed by the Mayor of the City and attested to by the City Clerk, that specifically releases and abandons any and all reversions, reservations and rights of entry including, without limitation, mineral rights vested in the City pursuant to the provisions of Section 270.11, Florida Statutes. (e) The City authorizes the acceptance by the Mayor of the conveyance by Schumann of the Schumann Exchange Parcel to the City by means of a special warranty deed executed by an authorized representative of Schumann. (f) The costs associated with the Parcel Exchange and associated improvements, preparation of the legal descriptions for the City Exchange Parcel and Schumann Exchange Parcel, and the recording of the special warranty deeds shall be borne by the Schumann. Section 3. Filing. A copy of this ordinance shall be filed as required by the laws of the City of Sebastian and the State of Florida. Section 4. Notice. Notice of the consideration and adoption of this Ordinance has been provided as required by the laws of the City of Sebastian and the State of Florida. Section 5. Scrivener's Errors. Sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager' s designee, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or re - codified copy of same with the City Clerk. 254 of 562 Section 6. Conflict. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7. Severability. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold or determine that any part of this Ordinance is invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional, the remainder of the Ordinance shall be invalidated and it shall be presumed that the City Council of the City of Sebastian did not intend to enact this Ordinance without such invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption by the City Council. The foregoing Ordinance was moved for adoption by Councilmember . The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice Mayor Christopher Nunn Councilmember Kelly Dixon Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Bob McPartlan The Mayor thereupon declared this Ordinance duly passed and adopted this 27'" day of September, 2023. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk Approved as to form and legality: Jennifer Cockcroft, Esq. City Attorney 3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Fred Jones, Mayor 255 of 562 PARCEL EXCHANGE AGREEMENT This Parcel Exchange Agreement (the "Agreement') is made and entered into as of the _ day of , 2023 (the "Effective Date") by and between Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the "Schumann'), whose address is 500 South Florida Avenue, Suite 700, Lakeland, Florida 33801, and the City of Sebastian, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, whose address is 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, Florida 32958 (the "City"), with both parties being grantors and grantees hereunder as to certain properties as described below. Schumann and City may be collectively referred to as the "Parties," or individually as a "Party." RECITALS: WHEREAS, Schumann owns certain property at the intersection of Schumann Drive and U.S. Highway 1, within the existing corporate limits and boundaries of the City of Sebastian with the following Indian River County Property Appraiser Parcel Identification Numbers 31391700002406000004.0, 31391700002000100000.0, 31391700002406000007.0 and 31391700002406000001.0 (collectively, the "Schumann Parcel'); and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian ("City") owns certain property northeast of the intersection of Schumann Drive and U.S. Highway 1 and adjacent to the Schumann Parcel, within the existing corporate limits and boundaries of the City of Sebastian with the following Indian River County Parcel Identification Number 31391700002000100000.0 (the "City Parcel'), that the City currently utilizes as Historical Park; and WHEREAS, Schumann desires to develop the Schumann Parcel for various commercial retail uses that serve the communities in the vicinity of the Schumann Parcel (the "Intended Use"); and WHEREAS, Schumann and the City have determined that it will be mutually beneficial to enter into an exchange of parcels, to wit: a 2,984.6 square foot portion of the Schumann Parcel as more particularly described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Schumann Exchange Parcel'), to be conveyed by Schumann to the City, for a 2,977.43 square foot portion of the City Parcel as more particularly described in Exhibit `B," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "City Exchange Parcel'), to provide a public benefit to the City and fulfill a City purpose by allowing improved access for and configuration of the City Parcel for use in conjunction with the Historical Park and to allow Schumann to more efficiently develop the Intended Use to provide commercial retail services to the residents of the City; and WHEREAS, the exchange of parcels and completion of the Additional Public Improvements at no expense to the City is in the public interest, serves a public purpose and fulfills a City purpose. 1 IPa;;e City of Sebastian Schumann Rd Parcel Exchange 2023 256 of 562 WITNESSETH.- NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS. The Recitals and exhibits referenced as set forth above have been relied upon by the Parties, are incorporated herein by this reference thereto and are hereby made a part of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. THE EXCHANGE/SALE TERMS. Schumann, at its sole cost and express, agrees to convey the City Exchange Parcel to the City and make certain public improvements. City agrees to convey the Schumann Exchange Parcel to Schumann. There shall be no further consideration aside from the mutual exchange of the Parcels, the additional benefit to the Schumann Property and the City Park Property, respectively, and the additional public benefit from the Additional Public Improvements. Said Additional Public Improvements are to be paid for in full at the sole cost and expense of Schumann and include the following: attached and described in Exhibit C. SECTION 3. INSPECTION PERIOD. Each of the Parties may perform such reasonable tests and investigations of the Parcel that such Party is to receive, which is or are desired to determine if it is suitable to for the purposes intended. Schumann agrees to pay or reimburse the City for such reasonable tests and investigations such that the City incurs no expense for the testing or investigations. Each of the Parties shall have sixty (60) business days from the Effective Date ("Inspection Period") to undertake such physical inspections and other investigations of and concerning the Parcel that it will receive, including surveys, soil borings, engineering and environmental studies and other tests, studies and examinations, as each Party considers useful and for its consultants to review and evaluate the Parcel to determine if it is suitable in that Party's sole and absolute discretion. Each of the Parties will allow the other Party and its representatives and agents reasonable access onto the respective Exchange Parcel to conduct such tests and studies each Party may determine to be necessary. Either Party may terminate this Agreement during the Inspection Period. Upon termination, all rights and obligations shall be null and void and neither Party shall be liable to the other Party. SECTION 4. EVIDENCE OF TITLE/TITLE INSURANCE. A. Schumann, at its sole cost and expense, shall provide title insurance for the transaction in in the amount of $24,000.00 for the Schumann Exchange Parcel and $18,000 for the City Exchange Parcel, said title insurance insuring the title of the Properties, subject only to the Permitted Exceptions (as hereinafter defined) and "Standard Exceptions" contained on the inside jacket cover of the standard ALTA Form of commitment, provided that said commitment shall provide that said Standard Exceptions 21Pa City of Sebastian Schumann Rd Parcel Exchange 2023 257 of 562 will be deleted by the title insurance company upon the provision by the grantor of each Parcel to Schumann's counsel (the "Title Agent") a Lien, Possession and Encumbrance Affidavit in the customary form (and the Parties agreeing to furnish such affidavits at and as a part of the Closing) and a current survey of each Parcel. B. Within five (5) business days after receipt of a title insurance commitment, each grantee Party shall provide the respective grantor Party with any written objections as the respective grantee Party may have to matters set forth in the Title Commitment and the surveys which materially affect the respective Parcel. In the event any such objections are made by the respective grantee Party; the respective grantor Party shall have a period of ten (10) days from the receipt of the same in order to cure such objections. Failure to cure the objections to the respective grantee's satisfaction shall give the respective grantee the right to: (1) Waive the title objections and close the conveyance of the Parcels; or (2) Terminate this Agreement in which event all rights and obligations between the Parties shall be null and void. SECTION 5. CONVEYANCE OF LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. A. The City shall convey the Schumann Exchange Parcel to Schumann by special warranty deed free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and matters, except the following: (1) Prorated taxes due and owing for the year of closing and subsequent year, [to the extent allowed for by law, the Parties recognizing that the City is a tax exempt governmental entity.] (2) Zoning, restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposed by governmental authority or as shown on the face of a plat. (3) Matters described in the title commitment that impact the respective Parcel, subject to the grantee rights to object to title as set forth above. (4) The matters stated in this Section are defined as "Permitted Exceptions." B. The Schumann shall convey the City Exchange Parcel to the City by special warranty deed free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and matters, except the following: (1) Prorated taxes due and owing for the year of closing and subsequent years. (2) Zoning, restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposed by governmental authority or as shown on the face of a plat. (3) Matters described in the title commitment that impact the respective Parcel, subject to the grantee rights to object to title as set forth above. (4) The matters stated in this Section are Permitted Exceptions. SECTION 6. SURVEY AND TOPO. Schumann shall obtain a survey and surveyor prepared legal description for each Parcel. The legal description shall be used in the respective deed for the Parcel Exchange. City of Sebastian Schumann Rd Parcel Exchange 2023 3 1 P a g c 258 of 562 SECTION 7. LIMITED WARRANTIES. Each Party does hereby represent and warrant to the respective grantee Party that: A. The respective grantor Party has good and merchantable fee simple title to the respective Parcel conveyed free and clear of all liens and leasehold interests (except the Permitted Exceptions and those liens which respective grantor can and shall remove at Closing) and that respective grantor can convey the same without the joinder of any other persons or entities. B. The respective grantor has no notice or information of any litigation or administrative proceeding threatened or pending against the respective Parcel to be conveyed or the respective grantor's interest in it. C. During the term of this Agreement, the respective grantor Party shall not, without the respective grantee Party's consent, execute any easements or restrictions or otherwise take or permit any action that would constitute a title exception, or any other matter. D. Should any representation by the grantor Party herein prove false as set forth in this section, the respective grantee Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement in which event all rights and obligations hereunder shall terminate. All representations contained in this section shall survive the Closing. SECTION 8. ATTORNEY'S FEES. Each Party agrees to pay its own attorneys' fees incurred in connection with this transaction. SECTION 9.OBLIGATION TO CLOSE. The respective grantee Party's obligation to close the sale contemplated hereby is expressly conditioned upon: A. All of the respective grantor Party's covenants and obligations being fully performed or performance waived by the respective grantee Party; and B. All representations and warranties made by the respective grantor Party in this Agreement being true and correct as of the Closing; and C. Neither of the Parties has terminated this Agreement prior to the end of the Inspection Period or otherwise as allowed in this Agreement; and D. Receipt and approval by each of the Parties of surveys containing the legal description of each Parcel; and E. Receipt of a marked -down title insurance commitment whereby the title insurer agrees to insure fee simple title to the Property being purchased subject only to the Permitted Exceptions. F. If the Parcel Exchange contemplated hereby is not consummated due to a default or inability to perform on the part of the respective grantor Party, then neither Party shall have any further liability to the other; provided, however, that, in the event of a respective grantor Party's wrongful refusal or wrongful failure to perform, the respective grantee Party shall also be entitled to specific performance and all other remedies available at law or in equity. SECTION 10. CLOSING. At Closing the Parties shall deliver the following documents and funds: A. Each grantor Party shall deliver a fully executed, witnessed and notarized special 411'a,<< City of Sebastian Schumann Rd Parcel Exchange 2023 259 of 562 warranty deed to the respective grantee Party. Schumann shall pay all transfer taxes and any other costs of recording the deed. B. Possession of, and title to, each Parcel to be conveyed shall be delivered to the respective grantee Party by the respective grantor Party subject only to the Permitted Exceptions as set forth herein. C. The respective grantor Party shall furnish such typical affidavits as shall be reasonably required by the Title Company to remove from the Title Policy the standard printed exceptions and such other typical documents reasonably required by the respective grantee or the Title Company. D. Schumann shall be responsible for applicable prorated real property taxes as of the Closing date. E. Schumann shall deliver to the Closing Agent sufficient funds with which to pay the closing costs and to record the necessary deeds at Closing. F. Schumann shall pay for all other expense reimbursements, such that the City incurs no expense in the execution of this Parcel Exchange Agreement. G. If all requirements for Closing are met and neither Party is in default hereunder, the Parties shall exchange the deeds as set forth herein at Closing. SECTION 11. NOTICES. A. All notices required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing, addressed to the applicable notice address set forth above and deemed delivered: (1) When received in person if hand -delivered, (2) On the next day after being deposited with a recognized national overnight courier, (3) On the third day after being deposited in the U.S. Mail, certified letter, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or (4) On the date of transmission of an email provided that email notice is transmitted before 4:30 p.m. ET on a business day that is not a federal holiday or, if by email transmitted after 4:30 p.m. ET on a business day, a day that is not a business day or on a federal holiday, on the next business day that is not a Federal holiday to the following: As to the City: City of Sebastian Attn: City Manager 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 With a copy to: City of Sebastian Attn: City Attorney 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 As to Schumann: Lawrence T. Maxwell 500 South Florida Avenue, Suite 700 Lakeland, Florida 33801 With a copy to: Timothy F. Campbell, Esquire City of Sebastian Schumann Rd Parcel Exchange 2023 511'.�; � 260 of 562 Clark, Campbell, Lancaster, Workman & Airth, P.A. 500 South Florida Avenue, Suite 800 Lakeland, Florida 33801 Email: tcampbell(&clarkcamr)bell-law.com or such other address as delivered in writing to the other party in accordance with this notice provision. SECTION 12. BROKERS. A. The parties represent and warrant to one another that they have not dealt with any realtor, broker, or finder concerning the Parcels to be conveyed. B. Each representation, warranty and agreement contained in this Section shall survive Closing and delivery of the instruments transferring title to the Parcel to be conveyed. SECTION 13. DATE AND PLACE OF CLOSING; CLOSING AGENT. This Agreement shall be closed, at Schumann's election (a) by exchange of documents and funds by wire transfer and overnight mail, or (b) at the City Hall of the City of Sebastian, within ninety (90) days after Effective Date (the "Closing Date") unless extended by the Parties. The law firm of Clark, Campbell, Lancaster, Workman & Airth, P.A. shall function as Closing Agent and issuer of the title insurance policies provided for herein. SECTION 14. EXPENSES. Schumann shall pay the cost of recording the deeds required for the Parcel Exchange. The respective grantor Party shall pay for the cost and recording of any corrective title instruments related to the grantor Party's Parcel. SECTION 15. PRORATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS. Schumann shall be responsible for the prorated expenses, including, without limitation, real property taxes and personal property taxes, as of the day before the Closing Date. Each grantor Party shall be responsible for other customary prorated expenses for grantor Party's Parcel except as provided for above herein. SECTION 16. RISK OF LOSS. In the event of any damage to the Parcel to be conveyed by fire or other casualty, this Agreement may be terminated by the respective grantee Party. SECTION 17. RADON; FLOOD PRONE AREAS; ASBESTOS; SOILS. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present a health risk to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed Federal and State guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from the Indian River County health department. Likewise, the Parcels may be subject to flooding, and it is the obligation of the respective City of Sebastian Schumann Rd Parcel Exchange 2023 61l'.iLL 261 of 562 grantee Party to ensure that they are satisfied with the condition of the respective Parcel to be conveyed to it in all respects. Also, the Parties recognize that the Parcels may contain flood prone areas or asbestos and require mitigation or remediation. Also, soil conditions may affect the usability of a Parcel. Thus, it is incumbent upon the grantee Party to evaluate any and all such matters to determine if the Parcel to be conveyed to it is acceptable to that Party in its sole and absolute discretion within the Inspection Period. SECTION 18. PUBLIC RECORDS/RECORDATION. This Agreement shall not be recorded in public records of Indian River County but will become a part of the City's official records. The Parties acknowledge that they are subject to the Florida Public Records Law and cannot prevent disclosure of this Agreement except as set forth in Section 166.045 and Section 119.0713, Florida Statutes, and Article I, Section 24 of the Constitution of the State of Florida. SECTION 19. HEIRS AND ASSIGNS. The provisions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Parties. The respective grantee Party may assign its rights hereunder. Any such assignment shall be by written instrument executed by the respective grantee Party and such assignee. Any such assignee shall assume and agree to perform all of the obligations of the respective grantee Party within such assignment. SECTION 20. GOVERNING/CONTROLLING LAW. This Contract shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. SECTION 21. VENUE/WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL. Venue for any dispute shall be in the appropriate Court in the 19th Judicial Circuit Court in and for Indian River County, Florida. Parties agree to waive any right to trial by jury in the event of litigation arising hereunder. SECTION 22. LITIGATION COSTS. In connection with any litigation including, but not limited to, appellate proceedings, arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all legal charges, expenses, costs and reasonable attorney's fees. SECTION 23. SECTION HEADINGS/CAPTIONS. The section headings herein contained are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to be a part of this Agreement; they shall be ignored in construing this Agreement. SECTION 24. CONSTRUCTION OR INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT. The fact that one of the parties may be deemed to have drafted or structured any provision hereof shall not effect the interpretation of this Agreement and this Agreement is the result of bona fide arms length negotiations by and between the Parties and, accordingly, the fact that one or another Party drafted this Agreement, or any part of it, shall not be considered in construing the particular provision either in 711' City of Sebastian Schumann Rd Parcel Exchange 2023 262 of 562 favor of or against such Party. Both Parties have contributed substantially and materially to the drafting of this Agreement. SECTION 25. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed by the Parties in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all such counterparts shall be deemed one and the same Agreement. Each such executed counterpart shall have the full force and effect of an original executed instrument. In the event this Agreement is executed in counterparts, the Effective Date of this Agreement shall be determined with reference to the date of the last execution of any of the counterparts. SECTION 26. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence in the performance of the Agreement. The Parties agree that they shall diligently and expeditiously pursue their respective obligations set forth in this Agreement. SECTION 27. ENTIRE CONTRACT; INTEGRATION OF TERMS; MODIFICATION. This Agreement (and all exhibits thereto, if any) constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings of the Parties. No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid and binding upon the parties unless in writing and executed by the parties to be bound thereby. Each person executing this Agreement on behalf of a Party warrants and represents that such person has such Party's full authorization to do so. [REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK; SIGNATURE PAGES TO FOLLOW] City of Sebastian Schumann Rd Parcel Exchange 2023 81P;iilc 263 of 562 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement on the day and year indicated below and the signatories below hereby represent that they have full authority to execute this Agreement and to bind each Party set forth below. Attest: By: Signature Witness # 1 Printed Name: By: Signature Witness # 1 Printed Name: Attest: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk Approved as to Form and Legality. Jennifer Cockcroft, Esq. City Attorney City of Sebastian Schumann Rd Parcel Exchange 2023 SCHUMANN ROAD INDIAN RIVER, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: Lawrence T. Maxwell, as Manager Date: CITY OF SEBASTIAN BY: Fred Jones, Mayor Date: 91Page 264 of 562 Exhibit "A" Citv Exchange Parcel A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 8, BLOCK 406, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 7, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 6, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 8 OF SAID PLAT; SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SCHUMANN DRIVE; THENCE DEPART SAID NORTH RIGH-OF-WAY LINE AND RUN N25°28'10"E, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 8, FOR A DISTANCE OF 105.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 8; THENCE RUN S69°42'41 "E, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 8, FOR A DISTANCE OF 28.11 FEET; THENCE DEPART SAID NORTH LINE AND RUN S25°28'10"W, FOR A DISTANCE OF 108.56 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID SCHUMANN DRIVE; SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 384.73 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF N62°26'44"W, AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 28.01 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTHWESTERLY, ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 28.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 2984.6 SQUARE/FEET OR 0.7 ACRES, MORE OR LESS C%H[Brt A' SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION P✓011 n-Cl'r s PAR n . _ � � o• n� �j� d�A t t•JS ..n.M� trautJ' �-MJJ � � ? J._ t. . - w(cis•lfceav O!-NTSfM rJl � dN .p_.7C w�uwK� 5' ri JI[ 4Li O LSAOC f01 114 S1RK1 6 MJJifIYi. 40W M 1SiJ lJK O t0* � MRR=AN i •aw'.,�i ua'.oew.n it w: �: lllJ ptL'JU�%I.IfenJJ�w 'm xl. 6M VYO1W10LR 1lYaIMa" aA ��w.wo .•Ta Nor iw �. JNrS T.lMliU.lAi JpML9E QN[.1N0f{I[1LLYM0?l 1 2 NOM.(.or MI w+• .V .-l[., vMl, 04 / City of Sebastian Schumann Rd Parcel Exchange 2023 10c 265 of 562 Exhibit "B" Schumann Exchange Parcel A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF TRACT B, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS, UNIT NO.7, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 6, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT B, RUN S26°36'30"E, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT B, FOR A DISTANCE OF 33.83 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND: FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTINUE ALONG SAID EAST LINE, S26°36'30"E, FOR A DISTANCE OF 149.34 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 8, BLOCK 406, OF SAID PLAT; THENCE RUN N6904241 "W, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 8, FOR A DISTANCE OF 77.66 FEET; THENCE DEPART SAID NORTH LINE AND RUN N25°28'10"E, FOR A DISTANCE OF 15.97 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 105.00 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF N00°34'05"W, AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 92.18 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTHERLY, ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 52004'28", FOR A DISTANCE OF 95.43 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 0.07 ACRES OR 2977.43 SQUARE/FEET MORE OR LESS. SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION Musa "A' aaa„ ii-c�: ii ••�_ 4+;ram,. r,1 l� bpi ti I '• `� p IG 4� �- a'• t: 19 �e c i S e tj II E Y. s e McfnowN 6w K 01 City of Sebastian Schumann Rd Parcel Exchange 2023 11�Pa�e 266 of 562 Exhibit "C" PUBLIC BENEFIT PLAN • THE PARCEL EXCHANGE IMPROVES THE CITY'S ACCESSIBLITY TO ITS PARK; • ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPING ON THE CITY'S SIDE OF THE SHARED PARCEL BOUNDARY; + A LANDSCAPED MEDIAN THAT ACCOMPANIES THE EASTBOUND LEFT TURN LANE INTO THE SCHUMANN ROAD INDIAN RIVER PARCEL; • LANDSCAPE IMPROEMENT FOR EXISTING MONUMENT ON NORTH SIDE OF SCHUMANN DRIVE; AND • CONSTRUCTION OF APPROXIMATELY 580-1- LINEAL FEET OF PUBLIC SIDEWALK FROM THE SCHUMANN ROAD INDIAN RIVER PARCEL TO THE RAILROAD TRACKS. iUFtEa \\ ,0. M[WDE iMIY PAM Se£ a if1L MAP ` FASTING LAM%U6E11T PR&ACE pEGUF<<•6'. LRIiDSGWE i •FS7e.iETIG 1m R C^ 1 IETfiE PRO-CWOSUP-IF i Py"i"AE •�+ :ROW SITE TO RA ' PROPERTY OF SCHWA" • POSbyLE rututf p LLtGSCAPL IAED141 iAP£P/�41( ACCESS MIT llpv4 L f 't l`RoaviEo -RUP __. __ CCO5E1e.G 'PROPOSED City 12 1 P 267 of 562 This Instrument Prepared By: Timothy F. Campbell, Esquire Clark, Campbell, Lancaster, Workman & Airth, P.A. 500 South Florida Avenue, Suite 800 Lakeland, Florida 33801 tcam bellLnCMarkeampbell-law.com SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED is made this day of September, 2023, between SCHUMANN ROAD INDIAN RIVER, LLC, a Florida limited Iiability company, whose address is 500 South Florida Avenue, Suite 700, Lakeland, Florida 33801 (the "Grantor") and the CITY OF SEBASTIAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, whose address is 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, Florida 32958 (the "Grantee"). WITNESSETH: That said Grantor, for and inconsideration of the sum of Ten and No1100 Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, conveys, and conforms unto the Grantee, all that certain land situate in Indian River County, Florida: Land described on attached Exhibit "A" incorporated herein (the "Property") A portion of parcel ID Numbers: 31391700002406000004.0, 31391700002000100000.0, 31391700002406000007.0 and 3139I700002406000001.0 This conveyance is subject to: 1. Conditions, restrictions, limitations and easements of record, if any, but this provision shall not operate to re -impose the same. 2. Zoning and other governmental regulations. 3. Taxes and assessments for 2023 and subsequent years. Grantor hereby covenants with Grantee that Grantor is lawfully seized of the Property in fee simple; that Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the Property; that Grantor hereby fully warrants the title to the Property and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or under Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set Grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. SIGNATURE APPEARS ON SUBSEQUENT PAGE Special Warranty Deed Page 1 268 of 562 Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: Witness Print Name: Witness Print Name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SCHUMANN ROAD INDIAN RIVER, LLC, a Florida limited liability company Lawrence T. Maxwell, as Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of (X) physical presence or ( ) online notarization, this day of September, 2023, by Lawrence T. Maxwell, as Manager of Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of the company, ( ) who is personally known to me or ( ) has produced as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: Special Warranty Deed Page 2 269 of 562 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 8, BLOCK 406, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 7, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 6, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 8 OF SAID PLAT; SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SCHUMANN DRIVE; THENCE DEPART SAID NORTH RIGH-OF-WAY LINE AND RUN N25028'10"E, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 8, FOR A DISTANCE OF 105.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 8; THENCE RUN S69042'41 "E, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 8, FOR A DISTANCE OF 28.11 FEET; THENCE DEPART SAID NORTH LINE AND RUN S25°28'10"W, FOR A DISTANCE OF 108.56 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID SCHUMANN DRIVE; SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 384.73 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF N62026'44"W, AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 28.01 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTHWESTERLY, ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 28.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 2984.6 SQUARE/FEET OR 0.7 ACRES, MORE OR LESS Special Warranty Deed Page 3 270 of 562 This instrument Prepared By: Timothy F. Campbell, Esquire Clark, Campbell, Lancaster, Workman & Airth, P.A. 500 South Florida Avenue, Suite 800 Lakeland, Florida 33801 tampbell[ clarkcampbell-law.com SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED is made this day of September, 2023, between the CITY OF SEBASTIAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, whose address is 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, Florida 32958 (the "Grantor") and SCHUMANN ROAD INDIAN RIVER, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, whose address is 500 South Florida Avenue, Suite 700, Lakeland, Florida 33801 (the "Grantee"). WITNESSETH: That said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/l00 Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, conveys, and conforms unto the Grantee, all that certain land situate in Indian River County, Florida: Land described on attached Exhibit "A" incorporated herein (the "Property") A portion of Parcel ID Number: 31391700002000200000.0 This conveyance is subject to: 1. Conditions, restrictions, limitations and easements of record, if any, but this provision shall not operate to re -impose the same. 2, Zoning and other governmental regulations. 3. Taxes and assessments for 2023 and subsequent years. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD and acknowledged by the GRANTOR and by the GRANTEE, by acceptance of this deed, that, in accordance with Section 270.11(3), Florida Statutes, the GRANTEE has petitioned the GRANTOR for the release of the undivided three -fourths interest in, and title in and to the undivided three -fourths interest in, all the phosphate, minerals, and metals that are or maybe in, on or under the said land and the undivided one-half interest in all the petroleum that is or may be in, on or under the said land all as set forth in Section 270.11(1), Florida Statutes, and that the GRANTOR by this deed includes the conveyance of the GRANTOR'S interest in all phosphate, minerals, and metals that are or maybe in, on or under the said land and interest in all petroleum that is or maybe in or on or under the said land. Special Warranty Deed Page 1 272 of 562 Grantor hereby covenants with Grantee that Grantor is lawfully seized of the Property in fee simple; that Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the Property; that Grantor hereby fully warrants the title to the Property and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or under Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set Grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. SIGNATURE APPEARS ON SUBSEQUENT PAGE Special Warranty Deed Page! 2 273 of 562 Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: ATTEST: CITY OF SEBASTIAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida In Print Name: Print Name: City Clerk Title: Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency. Print Name: City Attorney STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of (X) physical presence or ( ) online notarization, this day of September, 2023, by , as of the City of Sebastian, on behalf of the City, { ) who is personally known to me or ( ) has produced as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: Special Warranty Deed Page 3 274 of 562 EXHIBIT G6A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF TRACT B, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS, UNIT NO.7, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 6, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT B, RUN S26036130"E, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT B, FOR A DISTANCE OF 33.83 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND: FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTINUE ALONG SAID EAST LINE, S26°36'30"E, FOR A DISTANCE OF 149.34 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 8, BLOCK 406, OF SAID PLAT; THENCE RUN N69°42'41 "W, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 8, FOR A DISTANCE OF 77.66 FEET; THENCE DEPART SAID NORTH LINE AND RUN N25"28'10"E, FOR A DISTANCE OF 15.97 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 105.00 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF N00°34'05"W, AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 92.18 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTHERLY, ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 52004'28", FOR A DISTANCE OF 95.43 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 0.07 ACRES OR 2977.43 SQUARE/FEET MORE OR LESS. Special Warranty Deed Page 4 275 of 562 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT Schedule A Transaction Identification Data for reference only: Commitment Number: Revision Number: Issuing Office File Number: Issuing Office: 1428784 None 22-0901Z (A) 7772 Property Address: Loan ID Number: ALTA Universal ID: Issuing Agent: 610 Schumann Drive, None 1037677 Clark, Campbell, Lancaster, Sebastian, FL 32958 Workman & Airth, P.A. 1. Commitment Date: July 27, 2023 cQ 11:00 PM 2. Policy to be issued: Proposed Policy Amount: OWNER'S: ALTA Owner's Policy (6/17/06) (With Florida Modifications) $24,000.00 Proposed Insured: City of Sebastian, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida MORTGAGEE: ALTA Loan Policy (6/17/06) (With Florida Modifications) $ Proposed Insured: 3. The estate or interest in the Land described or referred to in this Commitment is FEE SIMPLE. (Identify estate covered, i.e., fee, leasehold, etc.) 4. Title to the estate or interest in the Land is at the Commitment Date vested in: Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, a Florida limited liability company 5. The Land is described as follows: A parcel of land being a portion of Lot 8, Block 406, Sebastian Highlands Unit 7, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 6, of the Public Records of Indian River County, Florida, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Begin at the Southwest corner of Lot 8 of said Plat; said point being on the North Right of Way line of Schumann Drive; Thence depart said North Right of Way line and run N 25°28'10" E, along the East line of said Lot 8, i:or a distance of 105.00 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 8; Thence run S 69°42'41" E, along the North line of said OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TYILE INSURANCE COMPANY 400 Seer/hd Av.;sue South, icapo {, 14anesom 3 12) 371-1111 r IZE IGNATORY by F. Campbell Esquire This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA Commitment jor Titre Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I— Requirements; and Schedule B, Part ll— Exceptions. Page 1 of 4 FORM CF6R SCH. A (8/1/16XWith Florida Modificatioas) 277 of 562 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT Schedule A (Continued) Issuing Office File Number: 22-0901Z (A) Lot 8, for a distance of 28.11 feet; Thence depart said North line and run S 25�28'10" W, for a distance of 108.56 feet to a point on the North Right of Way line of said Schumann Drive; said point also being a point on a curve concave to the Southwest and having a radius of 384.73 feet, a chord bearing of N62°26'44" W, and a chord length of 28.01 feet; Thence run Northwesterly along the arc of said curve and North Right of Way line, for a distance of 28.02 feet to the Point of Beginning. This page is only apart of a 2016 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I— Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II — Exceptions. Page 2 of 4 FORM CF6R SCR A (Continued) (8/1 /16xwith Florida Modifications) 278 of 562 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company AMERICANLAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT Schedule B-I Issuing Office File Number: 22-0901Z (A) Requirements All of the following requirements must be met: 1. The Proposed Insured must notify the Company in writing of the name of any party not referred to in this Commitment who will obtain an interest in the Land or who will make a loan on the Land. The Company may then make additional Requirements or Exceptions. 2. Pay the agreed amount for the estate or interest to be insured. 3. Pay the premiums, fees, and charges for the Policy to the Company. 4. Documents satisfactory to the Company that convey the Title or create the Mortgage to be insured, or both, must be properly authorized, executed, delivered, and recorded in the Public Records. A. Warranty Deed from Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, to the proposed insured purchaser(s). 5. An update of the title search must be completed just prior to the closing and the commitment must be endorsed to require clearance of, or take exception for, any additional title defects or adverse matters found. 6. The Property Appraiser reflects that the property is vacant/unimproved. Fund Member must independently verify that the person represented to be the seller is the true owner of the property to be insured. 7. No open mortgage(s) were found of record. Agent should confirm with the owner that the property is free and clear. 8. Satisfactory evidence must be fiunished establishing that Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, a Florida limited liability company is duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of formation from the date of acquisition through the date of transfer. 9. Confirm the authority of the individual designated to bind the LLC by the laws of its jurisdiction of formation, and where the authority is not confirmed by public records, record appropriate evidence of authority. 10. Resolution by the City of Sebastian accepting the conveyance to be insured herein. This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA Commitment for 71tle Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions;Schedule A; Schedule A Part I— Requirements; and Schedule B, Part 11— 6sceptions. Page 3 of 4 FORM CF6R SCH. B-1 (811/16)(With Florida Modifications) 279 of 562 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT Schedule B-H Issuing Office File Number: 22-0901 Z (A) Exceptions THIS COMMITMENT DOES NOT REPUBLISH ANY COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION CONTAINED IN ANY DOCUMENT REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT TO THE EXTENT THAT THE SPECIFIC COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION VIOLATES STATE OR FEDERAL LAW BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. The Policy will not insure against loss or damage resulting from the terms and provisions of any lease or easement identified in Schedule A, and will include the following Exceptions unless cleared to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the Public Records or attaching subsequent to the Commitment Date hereof but prior to the date the Proposed Insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or Mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 2. a. General or special taxes and assessments required to be paid in the year 2023 and subsequent years. b. Rights or claims of parties in possession not recorded in the Public Records. C. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation or adverse circumstance that would be disclosed by an inspection or an accurate and complete land survey of the Land and inspection of the Land. d. Easements or claims of easements not recorded in the Public Records. e. Any lien, or right to alien, for services, labor or material furnished, imposed by law and not recorded in the Public Records. 3. Any Owner's Policy issued pursuant hereto will contain under Schedule B the following exception: Any adverse ownership claim by the State of Florida by right of sovereignty to any portion of the Land insured hereunder, including submerged, filled and artificially exposed lands, and lands accreted to such lands. 4. Any lien provided by County Ordinance or by Chapter 159, F.S., in favor of any city, town, village or port authority, for unpaid service charges for services by any water systems, sewer systems or gas systems serving the land described herein; and any lien for waste fees in favor of any county or municipality. 5. Rights of the lessees under unrecorded leases. 6. All matters contained on the Plat of Sebastian Highlands Unit 7, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 6, as affected by Assignment of Plat and other Easements recorded in O. R. Book 1000, Page 984, O.R. Book 1000, page 989, O.R. Book 1074, Page 136, O.R. Book 1074, Page 140, of the Public Records of Indian River County, Florida. 7. Covenants, conditions, and restrictions recorded in O.R. Book 99, Page 346, Public Records of Indian River County, Florida. 8. Riparian and littoral rights are not insured. This page is only apart of a 2016 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Comtntiment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Par(I— Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II— Exceptions. Page 4 of 4 FORM CF6R SCH. B-11(8/l/16)(With Florida Modifications) 280 of 562 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY NOTICE EUPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: THIS COMMITMENT IS AN OFFER TO ISSUE ONE OR MORE TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES. ALL CLAIMS OR REMEDIES SOUGHT AGAINST THE COMPANY INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT OR THE POLICY MUST BE BASED SOLELY IN CONTRACT. THIS COMMITMENT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TITLE, LEGAL OPINION, OPINION OF TITLE, OR OTHER REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE. THE PROCEDURES USED BY THE COMPANY TO DETERMINE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE, INCLUDING ANY SEARCH AND EXAMINATION, ARE PROPRIETARY TO THE COMPANY, WERE PERFORMED SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMPANY, AND CREATE NO EXTRACONTRACI'UAL LIABILITY TO ANY PERSON, INCLUDING A PROPOSED INSURED. THE COMPANY'S OBLIGATION UNDER THIS COMMITMENT IS TO ISSUE A POLICY TO A PROPOSED INSURED IDENTIFIED IN SCHEDULE A IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THIS COMMITMENT. THE COMPANY HAS NO LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT TO ANY OTHER PERSON. COMMITMENT TO ISSUE POLICY Subject to the Notice; Schedule B, Part I -Requirements; Schedule B, Part Il-Exceptions; and the Commitment Conditions, Old Republic National Title Insurance Company, a Florida Corporation (the "Company"), commits to issue the Policy according to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. This Commitment is effective as of the Commitment Date shown in Schedule A for each Policy described in Schedule A, only when the Company has entered in Schedule A both the specified dollar amount as the Proposed Policy Amount and the name of the Proposed Insured. If all of the Schedule B, Part I -Requirements have not been met within 6 months after the Commitment Date, this Commitment terminates and the Company's liability and obligation end. This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements,and Schedule B, Pan H-Exceptions. Issued through the Office of OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A 5txk Cianway Clark, Campbell, Lancaster, Workman & Airth, P.A. - i400l371-111venue souA Minneapolis, Minnesota 554ur 7772 500 South Florida Avenue Suite 800 �c I_sicel• d, FL 1 * * 8y Presidenr T T Seuetaiy Author ed Sr ory * it it F. Campbell Esquire FORM CF6R (811116) (With Florida Modifications) File Dumber: 22-09017 (A) Page 1 of 3 DoubleTirne� 9.2 281 of 562 Commitment Conditions DEFINITIONS (a) "Knowledge" or "Known": Actual or imputed knowledge, but not constructive notice imparted by the Public Records. (b) "Land": The land described in Schedule A and affixed improvements that by law constitute real property. The term "Land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described in Schedule A, nor any right, title, interest, estate, or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways, or waterways, but this does not modify or limit the extent that a right of access to and from the Land is to be insured by the Policy. (c) "Mortgage": A mortgage, deed of trust, or other security instrument, including one evidenced by electronic means authorized by law. (d) "Policy": Each contract of title insurance, in a form adopted by the American Land Title Association, issued or to be issued by the Company pursuant to this Commitment. (e) "Proposed Insured": Each person identified in Schedule A as the Proposed Insured of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitment. (f) "Proposed Policy Amount": Each dollar amount specified in Schedule A as the Proposed Policy Amount of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitment. (g) "Public Records": Records established under state statutes at the Commitment Date for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers for value and without Knowledge. (h) "Title": The estate or interest described in Schedule A. 2. If all of the Schedule B, Part I -Requirements have not been met within the time period specified in the Commitment to Issue Policy, this Commitment terminates and the Company's liability and obligation end. 3. The Company's liability and obligation is limited by and this Commitment is not valid without: (a) the Notice; (b) the Commitment to Issue Policy, (c) the Commitment Conditions; (d) Schedule A; (e) Schedule B, Part I -Requirements; (f) Schedule B, Part II -Exceptions; and (g) a counter -signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. 4. COMPANY'S RIGHT TO AMEND The Company may amend this Commitment at any time. If the Company amends this Commitment to add a defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim, or other matter recorded in the Public Records prior to the Commitment Date, any liability of the Company is limited by Commitment Condition 5. The Company shall not be liable for any other amendment to this Commitment. 5. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY (a) The Company's liability under Commitment Condition 4 is limited to the Proposed Insured's actual expense incurred in the interval between the Companys delivery to the Proposed Insured of the Commitment and the delivery of the amended Commitment, resulting from the Proposed Insured's good faith reliance to: (i) comply with the Schedule B, Part I -Requirements; (ii) eliminate, with the Company's written consent, any Schedule B, Part II -Exceptions; or (iii) acquire the Title or create the Mortgage covered by this Commitment, This page is only apart of a 2016 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions, Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I— Requirements; and Schedule B, Part 11— Exceptions. FORM CF611 (811116) (With Florida Modifications) Page 2 of 3 DoubleTime09.2 282 of 562 (b) The Company shall not be liable under Commitment Condition 5(a) if the Proposed Insured requested the amendment or had knowledge of the matter and did not notify the Company about it in writing. (c) The Company will only have liability under Commitment Condition 4 if the Proposed Insured would not have incurred the expense had the Commitment included the added matter when the Commitment was first delivered to the Proposed Insured. (d) The Company's liability shall not exceed the lesser of the Proposed Insured's actual expense incurred in good faith and described in Commitment Conditions 5(a)(i) through 5(a)(iii) or the Proposed Policy Amount. (e) The Company shall not be liable for the content of the Transaction Identification Data, if any. (f) in no event shall the Company be obligated to issue the Policy referred to in this Commitment unless all of the Schedule B, Part I -Requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the Company. (g) In any event, the Company's liability is limited by the terms and provisions of the Policy. 6. LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT (a) Only a Proposed Insured identified in Schedule A, and no other person, may make a claim under this Commitment. (b) Any claim must be based in contract and must be restricted solely to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. (c) Until the Policy is issued, this Commitment, as last revised, is the exclusive and entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Commitment and supersedes all prior commitment negotiations, representations, and proposals of any kind, whether written or oral, express or implied, relating to the subject matter of this Commitment- (d) The deletion or modification of any Schedule B, Part II -Exception does not constitute an agreement or obligation to provide coverage beyond the terms and provisions of this Commitment or the Policy. (e) Any amendment or endorsement to this Commitment must be in writing and authenticated by a person authorized by the Company. (f) When the Policy is issued, all liability and obligation under this Commitment will end and the Companys only liability will be under the Policy. IF THIS COMMITMENT HAS BEEN ISSUED BY AN ISSUING AGENT The issuing agent is the Company s agent only for the limited purpose of issuing title insurance commitments and policies The issuing agent is not the Company's agent for the purpose of providing closing or settlement services. 8. PRO -FORMA POLICY The Company may provide, at the request of a Proposed Insured, a pro -forme policy illustrating the coverage that the Company may provide. A pro -forma policy neither reflects the status of Title at the time that the pro -forma policy is delivered to a Proposed Insured, nor is it a commitment to insure. This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy, the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I— Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II — Exceptions. FORM CF6R (8M116) (With Florida Modifications) Page 3 of 3 DoubleTimo® 9.2 283 of 562 LAND SWAP REQUEST 284 of 562 V mm CLARK, CAMPBELL, LANCASTER, WORKMAN & AIRTH, P.A. ou ATTORNEYS AT LAW TIMOTHY F. CAMPBELL Board Certified Real Estate Attomey Board Certified City, County & Local Govemmcot Attorney Land Use and Toning I Cotntnercial Real Estate I Corporate Law teampbell(ti,clarkcanipbell-law.com May 26, 2023 Lisa Frazier, Director City of Sebastian Community Development 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Re: Land Swap and Entitlement Applications Schumann Road Indian River, LLC Property: 600 Schumann Drive Dear Ms. Frazier; H. ADAMS AIRTH, JR.. LLM KEVIN R. ALBAUM' TIMOTHY F. CAMPBELL" SABRINA t CHIANESE RONALD L CLARK KYLE H.JENSEN J014N J. LANCASTER, LL.M.' F-LLIOTT V- MITCHELL PETER J. MUNSON Mff— AF( F WnRKA14W BOARD CERTIFICATIONS: 1. REAL ESTATE 7. TAX LAW 7. CITY. COUNTY 3 LOCAL G,vERNMEN7 4. RLDER LAW As a follow up to our conversations and previous conversations between you, Todd Maxwell (owner representative) and Joe SchuIke (our project engineer), the correspondence serves to outline the proposal by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC ("Schumann") for an exchange of parcels of approximately .07 acres (the "Parcel Exchange") by and between Schumann and the City of Sebastian (the "City") and for a land use and zoning application for the parcel to be conveyed by the City to Schumann as part of the Parcel Exchange (the "Schumann Exchange Parcel," and referred to as "Parcel B" in the appraisal report and other documents) to achieve appropriate land use and zoning designations for the Schumann Exchange Parcel and to allow Schumann's proposed use of the Schumann Exchange Parcel, together with the parcels adjacent to the Schumann Exchange Parcel owned by Schumann (the "Subject Property"), for an approximately 5,000 square foot convenience center with gas pumps and an approximately 7,500 square foot commercial retail center (together, the "Proposed Uses," and each a "Proposed Use"). The following are provided as the required submittals for the proposed Parcel Exchange: 1. A draft Agreement between the City and Schumann to allow for the Parcel Exchange. 2. A proposed ordinance for the City Council to adopt that authorizes the Parcel Exchange, in accordance with Section 2-93, City of Sebastian Code of Ordinances, and finds the terms and conditions of the Parcel Exchange to be in the public interest. 3. The filing fees for a pre -application ($100.00), small scale comprehensive plan amendment application ($1,500.00) and rezoning application ($1,250.00), in the total jfso Snuih Flnridn Avenue- Suite 900 • Lakelaod. Florida 33501 - Telr(ihoue: (863) 647-5337 • Facsiinile: (863) 647-5012 �� �v��.ciz�rk:camisElel!-late .cote' 285 of 562 Name: Lisa Frazier, Director Subject. Land Swap and Entitlement Applications Date: May 26, 2023 Page: Page 2 of 3 amount of $2,850.00 is being transmitted to you simultaneously with this correspondence. We understand that Schumann will be billed for the advertising costs for the ordinance authorizing the Parcel Exchange and that the expectation is that those costs will be approximately $800.00. 4. Attachment 1 to this correspondence is a plan for the proposed Parcel Exchange that depicts the .07 acre parcel proposed to be transferred by Schumann to the City ("City Exchange Parcel," and referred to as "Parcel A" in the appraisal report and other documents) in exchange for the .07 acre Schumann Exchange Parcel proposed to be transferred by the City to Schumann. 5. Attachment 2 to this correspondence is an appraisal report that reflects a market value for the City Exchange Parcel and the Schumann Exchange Parcel to demonstrate that the two parcels are of relatively equal value. 6. Attachment 3 to this correspondence is a survey for the City Exchange Parcel, Schumann Exchange Parcel and Subject Property. 7. Attachment 4 to this correspondence is the Warranty Deed by which the Schumann took title to the City Exchange Parcel to demonstrate unity of title. 8. Attachment 5 to this correspondence is an analysis of the benefit to the City of Sebastian resulting from the proposed Parcel Exchange. Please see Attachment 9 below regarding a site plan depicting the improvements that Schumann commits to construct as part of its development of the Proposed Uses on the Subject Property. 9. Attachment 6 is the owner authorization for the Schumann Parcel signed on behalf of the property owner to allow the proposed parcel exchange, and land use and zoning applications for the Schumann Exchange Parcel. 10. Attachment 7 is the Development Review Application for a small scale land use amendment and a request for rezoning application for the Schumann Exchange Parcel a. Land Use - from institutional to General Commercial. b. Zoning - Public Service to Commercial General: *Commercial General is consistent with the Subject Property. 11. Attachment 8 to this correspondence is an exhibit that depicts the additional improvements that Schumann will construct as part of its development of the Subject Property for the benefit of the City of Sebastian and the public. 12. Attachment 9 is the proposed Agreement referenced above. 13. Attachment 10 is the proposed Ordinance referenced above. 500 South Floridn Avenue. Suite 800 • Lakeland. Florida 33801 • Telephone: (863) 6-17-5337 • Facsimile: (863) 647-5012 �. a .. ciar'kcampbdI -Iw .coin 286 of 562 Name: Lisa Frazier, Director Subject: Land Swap and Entitlement Applications Date: May 26, 2023 Page: Page 3 of 3 Please review the documents that have been submitted and advise if you have any questions or continents regarding the documents and information that we have submitted and if you require any additional documents or information. Please also advise, when appropriate, the cost for the publication of public notice for the ordinance to be adopted by the City Council. Finally, please let us know the schedule (meeting and hearing dates and times) that we will follow to process the Parcel Exchange, the land use application and the zoning application. Thanks very much for your assistance in this matter. We look forward to working with you on the several applications. 'cerely, Timothy . Campbel Attachments Copy: Client (transmitted by email) Kelly Hyvonen (transmitted by email) Joseph W. Schulke, P.E. (transmitted by email) 287 of 562 ATTACHMENT 2 A RESTRICTED REPORT OF THE TWO LAND PARCELS PLANNED FOR EXCHANGE LOCATED AT 600 AND 630 SCHUMANN DRIVE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA APPRAISAL #46546 289 of 562 ARMFIELD-WAGNER APPRAISAL & RESEARCH, INC. PETER D. ARMFIELD, MAI CERT GEN RZ524 DANIEL A. NELSON, CERT GEN RZ897 September 15, 2022 Mr. Todd Maxwell 500 South Florida Ave., #700 Lakeland, FL 33801 Dear Mr. Maxwell: 194010TH AVENUE, P.O. BOX 791 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 TELEPHONE (772) 562-0532 Appraisal #46546 As requested, we have made a drive -by inspection of the commercial property located at 600 Schumann Drive in Sebastian, Florida. This is for the purpose of providing you with our opinion of the Market Value of the two vacant parcels being considered for an exchange between Schumann Road Indian River, LLC and the City of Sebastian. The effective date of this restricted report is July 26, 2022. The appraisal is provided to you in a Restricted Report format. The appraisal complies with the reporting requirements set forth under Standards Rule 2-2(b) of the 2022-2023 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) for a Restricted Appraisal Report. The subject property is physically described in the following restricted appraisal report, although most of the subject valuation analysis is retained in our office files. The Restricted Use Report provides only limited information in describing and analyzing the Market Value of the subject property. Thus, the restricted report cannot be understood properly, without the supporting data and analyses made to arrive at our opinion of the Market Value, with this information retained in our office files. The opinions expressed in this report and the value conclusion reported below are subject to the limiting conditions and extraordinary assumptions on pages 1 - 3. Further, this restricted report has a restriction that limits the use of this report to the client and the named intended users. The subject property is located at the northwest corner of U.S. #1 and Schumann Drive in the City of Sebastian. This commercial parcel was recently acquired by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC and contains an older medical office that is planned on being demolished and removed. A new 7-11 service station, convenience store, and adjacent 8,000 square foot commercial building are being considered. This site area has an irregular shape with around 380 +- feet of frontage along the west side of U.S. #1 and approximately 500 +- feet along the north side of Schumann Drive. Zoning is CG, Commercial General. The western portion of the site fronting along the north side of Schumann Drive is being considered for an exchange with the City of Sebastian for an irregular shaped parcel to the northeast. 290 of 562 Mr. Todd Maxwell September 15, 2022 Page Two Appraisal #46546 For purposes of this restricted report and our valuation analysis we have described these parcels as Parcels A and B. Parcel A is described as the Schumann Road Indian River, LLC parcel planned for the exchange. This parcel is located along the north side of Schuman Drive comprising the western portion of their recently acquired site. It has a slightly irregular shape with overall dimensions of around 28 +- feet by 105 +- feet of depth. Total site area is indicated at approximately 2,985 +- square feet. Parcel B is described as the City of Sebastian triangular parcel planned for the exchange. This parcel is located adjacent to the northeast of Parcel A and consists of a portion of the Schumann Drive park area located along the north side of Schumann Drive. This parcel is located adjacent to the rear of the commercial site planned for the 7-11 development by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC parcel. Zoning of this parcel is currently PS, Public Service, but planned for re -zoning to CG, Commercial General, which is assumed for purposes of our valuation analysis. Total site area is indicated at approximately 2,977 +- square feet. Our opinion of the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the subject parcels utilized the Sales Comparison Approach. We considered comparable sales of commercial parcels in the subject neighborhood and competing areas, along with current listings. Based on the data and analysis made, which is retained in our office files, it is our opinion that the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the subject site, as of July 26, 2022 is: Parcel A - 600 Schumann Drive $24,000 Schumann Road Indian River, LLC Parcel B - 630 Schumann Drive $18,000 City of Sebastian Park Land The above Market Value conclusions have conditions and assumptions that are assumed to be correct, as discussed in the appraisal report. It should be noted that if some or all of these conditions or assumptions are not correct, it could affect our opinion of the Market Value, as provided herein. We trust this satisfies your appraisal requirements, but if you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact either of us. Sincerely, Daniel A. Nelson State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ897 Peter D. Armfield, MAI State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ524 291 of 562 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIMITING CONDITIONS AND UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS .................... 1 EXTRAORDINARY ASSUMPTIONS ......................................... 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY .................................................. 4 INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS ............................................ 5 SCOPE OF WORK ...................................................... 6 OWNER OF PROPERTY AND SALES HISTORY .............................. 8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION................................................... 9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION .................................................. 10 LOCATION MAP ....................................................... 11 PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 7/26/22 ............................... 12 INDIAN RIVER COUNTY AREA DATA ...................................... 17 NEIGHBORHOOD...................................................... 17 ZONING.............................................................. 21 CONCURRENCY...................................................... 22 TAX INFORMATION.................................................... 22 UTILITIES............................................•............... 23 SITE DESCRIPTION.................................................... 24 COPY OF PLAT MAP ................................................... 25 AERIALMAP .......................................................... 26 COPY OF SITE PLAN ................................................... 28 CONCEPTUAL PLAN ................................................... 29 PARCEL A SURVEY SKETCH ............................................ 30 292 of 562 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) PARCEL B SURVEY SKETCH ............................................ 31 FLOODZONE ........................................................ 32 CENSUS TRACT ....................................................... 32 IMPROVEMENTS...................................................... 32 HIGHEST AND BEST USE ............................................... 33 VALUATION PROCESS ................................................. 35 SALES COMPARISON APPROACH ....................................... 35 MARKET VALUE CONCLUSION .......................................... 37 MARKETING TIME ..................................................... 37 REASONABLE EXPOSURE TIME ......................................... 37 CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISAL ......................................... 38 ADDENDUM - PROPERTY INFORMATION .................................. 40 QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER .................................... 43 APPRAISAL LICENSES ................................................. 46 293 of 562 LIMITING CONDITIONS AND UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS 1. The value given in this appraisal report represents the opinion of the signer as to the Value AS OF THE DATE SPECIFIED. Values of real estate are affected by an enormous variety of forces and conditions will vary with future conditions, sometimes sharply within a short time. Responsible ownership and competent management are assumed. 2. No responsibility is assumed for the legal description or for matters including legal or title considerations. Title to the property is assumed to be good and marketable unless otherwise stated. 3. The property is appraised free and clear of any or all liens or encumbrances unless otherwise stated. 4. The information furnished by others is believed to be reliable. No warranty, however, is given for its accuracy. 5. All engineering is assumed to be correct. The plot plans and illustrative material in this report are included only to assist the reader in visualizing the property. 6. It is assumed that there are no hidden or apparent conditions of the property, subsoil, or structures that render it more or less valuable. No responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for arranging for engineering studies that may be required to discover them. 7. It is assumed that there is full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations and laws unless noncompliance is stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal report. 8. It is assumed that all applicable zoning and use regulations and restrictions have been complied with, unless a nonconformity has been stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal report. 9. It is assumed that all required licenses, certificates of occupancy, consents, or other legislative or administrative authority from any local, state, or national government or private entity or organization have been or can be obtained or renewed for any use on which the value estimate contained in this report is based. 10. It is assumed that the utilization of the land and improvements is within the boundaries of property lines of the property described and that there is no encroachment or trespass unless noted in the report. 11. The distribution, if any, of the total valuation in this report between land and improvements applies only under the stated program of utilization. The separate allocations for land and buildings must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if so used. 12. Possession of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication. It may not be used for any purpose by any person other than the party to whom it is addressed without the written consent of the appraiser, and in any event only with proper written qualification and only in its entirety. 294 of 562 2 LIMITING CONDITIONS AND UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS (continued) 13. The appraiser herein by reason of this appraisal is not required to give further consultation, testimony, or be in attendance in court with reference to the property in question unless arrangements have been previously made. 14. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report especially any conclusions as to value, the identity of the appraiser, or the firm with which the appraiser is connected or any reference to the Appraisal Institute, or the MAI or SRA designations shall be disseminated to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media without prior written consent and approval of the appraiser. 15. Unless otherwise stated in this report, the existence of hazardous material, which may or may not be present on the property, was not observed by the appraiser. The appraiser has no knowledge of the existence of such materials on or in the property. The appraiser, however, is not qualified to detect such substances. The presence of substances such as asbestos, urea -formaldehyde foam insulation, or other potentially hazardous materials may affect the value of the property. The value estimate is predicated on the assumption that there is no such material on or in the property that would cause a loss in value. No responsibility is assumed for any such conditions, or for any expertise or engineering knowledge required to discover them. 16. The Contract for the appraisal of said premises is fulfilled by the signer hereto upon the delivery of this report duly executed. 17. The appraiser has examined the available flood maps that are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and has noted in the appraisal report whether the subject site is located in an identified Special Flood Hazard Area. Because the appraiser is not a surveyor, he makes no guarantees, express or implied, regarding this determination. 18. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became effective January 26, 1992. We have not made a specific compliance survey and analysis of this property to determine whether or not it is in conformity with the various detailed requirements of the ADA. It is possible that a compliance survey of the property, together with a detailed analysis of the requirements of the ADA, could reveal that the property is not in compliance with one or more of the requirements of the act. If so, this fact could have a negative effect upon the value of the property. Since we have no direct evidence relating to this issue, we did not consider possible noncompliance with the requirements of ADA in estimating the value of the property. 19. This appraisal report has extraordinary assumptions, as discussed on the following page 3. The use of these extraordinary assumptions may have affected the assignment results of this appraisal report. EXTRAORDINARY ASSUMPTIONS Extraordinary assumptions are assignment -specific assumptions, as of the effective date, about the subject property being appraised regarding uncertain information used in an analysis. Should such assumptions be found to be false, the appraisers' conclusions or opinions could be altered. This information might include physical, legal, or economic characteristics of the subject property, or conditions external to the property, such as market conditions or trends; or the integrity of the data used in an analysis. 295 of 562 3 EXTRAORDINARY ASSUMPTIONS (continued) 1. Based on evidence from nearby properties and from utilities authorities, the subject property is being appraised as if utilities are available to the property sufficient in capacity for continued present use, along with development of the subject property to its Highest and Best Use, at costs that are typical to competing properties. 2. It is assumed that the subject property does not have any adverse site factors, such as fuel, oil, or other soil or environmental conditions, that are hazardous to the subject property. 3. The appraisal of the subject property is subject to confirmation by current survey of the Legal Description used, all site dimensions, as well as the total site area indicated at approximately 1.96 +- acres, per the site plan provided. The subject Parcel A site is indicated to contain 2,985 square feet and Parcel B is reportedly 2,977 square feet in size. No dimensions are available for these site areas. Any substantial size difference from our estimates could affect the Market Value of the subject land (Parcels A & B), as provided herein. 4. The purpose of this appraisal report is to provide our opinion of the Market Value of the two vacant parcels being considered for an exchange between Schumann Road Indian River, LLC and the City of Sebastian. The effective date of this restricted report is July 26, 2022. Only a drive -by inspection has been made. We have considered the Market Value of these two vacant land parcels as part of the site plan proposed for the 7-11 commercial development, as provided by the client. It is assumed the City of Sebastian parcel B has been re -zoned from PS, Public Service to CG, Commercial General for purposes of our valuation analysis. 5. Per our agreement, the appraisal is provided in a Restricted Report format. This restricted appraisal complies with the reporting requirements set forth under Standards Rule 2-2(b) of the 2022-2023 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) for a Restricted Appraisal Report. The subject property is physically described in the following restricted appraisal report, although most of the subject valuation analysis is retained in our office files. The Restricted Use Report provides only limited information in describing and analyzing the Market Value of the subject real property. Thus, the restricted report cannot be understood properly, without the supporting data and analyses made to arrive at our opinion of the Market Value, with this information retained in our office files. Further, this restricted report has a restriction that limits the use of this report to the client and the named intended users. 296 of 562 4 APPRAISAL SUMMARY Property Type: Commercial Land Swap Property Address: 600 & 630 Schumann Drive Sebastian, Florida 32958 Effective Date of Appraisal: July 26, 2022 Date of Inspection: (Drive -by) July 26, 2022 Inspected by: Daniel A. Nelson & Peter D. Armtield Date of Report Preparation: July 26 - September 15, 2022 Date of Restricted Report: September 15, 2022 Property Rights Appraised: Fee Simple Estate - Land Value only Purpose of the Appraisal: Provide our opinion of the Market Value of the subject site areas for proposed exchange. Intended Use of Appraisal: The intended use of this appraisal is for land valuation analysis of the subject property for a potential land exchange between the property owner and the City of Sebastian. Intended Users of the Appraisal: The intended users of this restricted report are Todd Maxwell of Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, and the City of Sebastian. Appraisal complies with the 2022 - 2023 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP): Yes, Restricted Report. Highest and Best Use: Commercial development, as demand warrants (See Report). Zoning: (Parcel A) CG, Commercial General Zoning: (Parcel B) PS, Public Service, assumed CG (Parcel A) - 600 Schumann Drive Area: 2,985 square feet Opinion of Parcel A Land Value: $24,000 (Parcel B) - 630 Schumann Drive Site Area: 2,977 square feet Opinion of Parcel B Land Value: $18,000 297 of 562 INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS PURPOSE OF THE APPRAISAL AND RIGHTS APPRAISED The purpose of this restricted report is to provide our opinion of the Market Value of the two vacant parcels being considered for an exchange between Schumann Road Indian River, LLC and the City of Sebastian. The effective date of this restricted report is July 26, 2022. The appraisal is provided in a Restricted Report format. MARKET VALUE DEFINED Market value is the major focus of most real property appraisal assignments. Both economic and legal definitions of market value have been developed and refined. A current economic definition agreed upon by federal financial institutions in the United States of America is: The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: 1. Buyer and seller are typically motivated. 2. Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider their own best interest. 3. A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market. 4. Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of financial arrangements comparable thereto; and 5. The price represents a normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale. SOURCE: Uniform Standards of Professional Practice of the Appraisal Foundation; and Office of Thrift Supervision Regulation 12 CFR 564.2(f); and the Office of Comptroller of the Currency. DEFINITION OF FEE SIMPLE ESTATE Absolute ownership unencumbered by any other interest or estate, subject only to the limitations imposed by the governmental powers of taxation, eminent domain, police power, and escheat. SOURCE - Taken from The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal Fifth Edition, sponsored by the Appraisal Institute, 2010 page 78. 298 of 562 R REAL PROPERTY DEFINED All interests, benefits, and rights inherent in the ownership of physical real estate. Source - Taken from The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal Fifth Edition, sponsored by the Appraisal Institute, 2010 page 161. Intended Use of Appraisal: The intended use of this appraisal is for land valuation analysis of the subject property for a potential land exchange between the property owner and the City of Sebastian. Intended Users of the Appraisal: The intended users of this restricted report are Todd Maxwell of Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, and the City of Sebastian. SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work is defined as the type and extent of research and analyses in an assignment. Source - Taken from 2020-2021 Uniform Standards of Appraisal Practice (USPAP), prepared by the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) for The Appraisal Foundation, Effective January 1, 2020, Page 5. The three main points of the Scope of Work are as follows: 1) Identify the problem to be solved. 2) Determine and perform the scope of work necessary to develop credible assignment results. 3) Disclose the scope of work in the report. The appraiser must properly identify the problem to be solved to determine the appropriate scope of work. A restricted appraisal report is provided, as discussed with the client. The appraisal is provided to you in a Restricted Report format. The appraisal complies with the reporting requirements set forth under Standards Rule 2-2(b) of the 2022-2023 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)for a Restricted Appraisal Report. The subject property is physically described in the following restricted appraisal report, although the subject valuation analysis is retained in our office files. The Restricted Use Report provides only limited information in describing and analyzing the Market Value of the subject land parcels. 299 of 562 Thus, the restricted report cannot be understood properly, without the supporting data and analyses made to arrive at our opinion of the Market Value, with this information retained in our office files. The opinions expressed in this report and the value conclusion reported below are subject to the limiting conditions and extraordinary assumptions on pages 1 - 3. Further, this restricted report has a restriction that limits the use of this report to the client and the named intended users. The depth of discussion contained in this report is specific to the needs of the client and the intended use of the appraisal by the client. The scope of work in this restricted report includes making an inspection of the subject property appraised. The subject property inspection has been made on July 26, 2022, by both Daniel A. Nelson and Peter D. Armfield. It consisted of a drive -by site inspection from the adjacent fronting roadways (U.S. #1 and Schumann Drive) primarily of the two site areas proposed for the land exchange. We also reviewed site information provided on the subject property by the client and the Indian River County aerial map. The subject site areas are both vacant and mostly cleared. Parcel Aconsists of the Schumann Road Indian River, LLC parcel planned for the exchange. This parcel is located along the north side of Schuman Drive comprising the western portion of their recently acquired site. This site consists of open grassed areas with frontage along Schumann Drive. Total site area is indicated at approximately 2,985 +- square feet. Parcel B is described as the City of Sebastian triangular parcel planned for the exchange. This parcel is located adjacent to the north of Parcel A and consists of a portion of the Schumann Drive park area located along the north side of Schumann Drive. This parcel is located adjacent to the rear of the commercial site planned for the 7-11 development by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC parcel. It also appears to consist of open grassed areas along with possibly some wooded areas on the northeast portion. Zoning of this parcel is currently PS, Public Service, but planned for re -zoning to CG, Commercial General, which is assumed for purposes of our valuation analysis. Total site area is indicated at approximately 2,977 +- square feet. The purpose of this restricted report is to provide our opinion of the land value of the subject parcels to consider and facilitate an exchange of Parcels A and B with the current property owner and the City of Sebastian. We have considered these parcels relative to the overall site proposed site plan for the 7-11 service station, convenience store and 8,000 square foot retail building. Both parcels are similar in size with Parcel A rated slightly superior due to its direct frontage along Schumann Drive. Parcel B consists of a rear triangular parcel that provides for additional site area for the proposed development along with an improvement to the shape of the overall parcel. We have first estimated the land value of the subject overall site recently acquired by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC. This site area has an irregular shape with around 380 +- feet of frontage along the west side of U.S. #1 and approximately 500 +- feet along the north side of Schumann Drive. Zoning is CG, Commercial General. The land value is then allocated to Parcels A and B, based on our estimates considering their site factors. 300 of 562 Our opinion of the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the subject overall commercial site utilized the Sales Comparison Approach. We considered comparable sales of commercial parcels in the subject neighborhood and competing areas, along with current listings. These comparable sales are analyzed based on the price paid per square foot. The data gathered is limited in area to the real estate market in Indian River County. Primary focus is on data available, from within the area described as the subject's neighborhood, or from other neighborhoods felt to be competing or servicing similar market segments within the county. Data sources for sales include public recording of real estate sales transferred by warranty deed via data sources used in the appraisers office. Our office data sources include the Clerk of the Court, Property Appraiser, and Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Data is gathered, verified if possible, and then analyzed to interpret trends of the market participants. OWNER OF PROPERTY AND SALES HISTORY 600 Schumann Drive Owner of Property: Schumann Road Indian River, LLC Based on the public records reviewed by the appraisers, there has been a sale of the subject overall property within the past 3 years. This sale consists of the recent purchase by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC from The Salt Creek Company, LLC for $825,000. The closing date was June 27, 2022. This sale was recorded in OR Book 3553, Page 601 and appeared to be all cash to the seller. This property was listed for sale for $875,000 and sold after an approximate 1 year marketing period. The property contains some vacant former medical office building and site improvements. However, these are not estimated to contribute any additional value. The property is currently planned for redevelopment with a new 7-11 service station, convenience store, and 8,000 square foot retail commercial building. This site area is estimated at approximately 85,378 +- square feet in size, or 1.96 +- acres. Parcel A - consists of the southwestern portion of this property consisting of the western portion of lot #8 fronting along Schumann Drive. Parcel A has a slightly irregular shape with overall dimensions of around 28 +- feet by 105 +- feet of depth. Total site area is indicated at approximately 2,985 +- square feet. 630 Schumann Drive Owner of Property: City of Sebastian Based on the public records reviewed by the appraisers, there has not been a sale of this portion of the subject property that has occurred within the past three years. Further, no current asking price or offers to purchase are indicated on the subject property. 301 of 562 9 The City of Sebastian parcel consists of the park area located north of Schumann Drive totaling around 2.14 +- acres in size. The overall site has an irregular shape and includes 1.39 +- acres of park land and 0.75 +- acres of lake area. The park consists of open grassed areas with some wooded areas adjacent to the FEC Railroad Tracks to the west. Parcel B is described as the City of Sebastian triangular parcel planned for the exchange that is located on the eastern portion of the park parcel. This parcel is located adjacent to the north of Parcel A and consists of a portion of the Schumann Drive park area located along the north side of Schumann Drive. This parcel is located adjacent to the rear of the commercial site planned for the 7-11 development by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC parcel. Zoning of this parcel is currently PS, Public Service, but planned for re -zoning to CG, Commercial General, which is assumed for purposes of our valuation analysis. Total site area is indicated at approximately 2,977 +- square feet. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 600 Schumann Drive - The following Legal Description has been obtained from the recent recording in OR Book 3553, Page 601. Lots 1 through 8 and Tract A, Block 406, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 7, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 6, of the Publix Records of Indian River County, Florida. Parcel A A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 8, BLOCK 406, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 7, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 6, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 8 OF SAID PLAT; SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF SCHUMANN DRIVE; THENCE DEPART SAID NORTH RIGH—OF—WAY LINE AND RUN N25'28'1onE, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 8, FOR A DISTANCE OF 105.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 8; THENCE RUN S69'42'41"E, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 8, FOR A DISTANCE OF 28.11 FEET; THENCE DEPART SAID NORTH LINE AND RUN S25'28'10"W, FOR A DISTANCE OF 108.56 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF SAID SCHUMANN DRIVE; SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 384.73 FEET, A CHORD BERING OF N62'26'44-W, AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 28.01 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTHWESTERLY, ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND NORTH RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 28.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 2984.6 SQUARE/FEET OR 0.7 ACRES, MORE OR LESS 302 of 562 10 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 630 Schumann Drive - The following Legal Description has been obtained from the Indian River County Property Appraisers records. It is subject to confirmation by current survey. Tract B, Block 406, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 7, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 6, of the Publix Records of Indian River County, Florida. Parcel B A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF TRACT 8, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS, UNIT NO.7, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 6, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT B, RUN S26'36'30"E, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT B, FOR A DISTANCE OF 33.83 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND: FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTINUE ALONG SAID EAST LINE, S26'36'30"E, FOR A DISTANCE OF 149.34 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 8, BLOCK 406, OF SAID PLAT; THENCE RUN N69'42'41"W, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 8, FOR A DISTANCE OF 77.66 FEET; THENCE DEPART SAID NORTH LINE AND RUN N25'28'10"E, FOR A DISTANCE OF 15.97 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 105.00 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF N00'34'05"W, AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 92.18 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTHERLY, ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 52'04'28", FOR A DISTANCE OF 95.43 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 0.07 ACRES OR 2977.43 SQUARE/FEET MORE OR LESS. A location map of the subject property is shown on the next page, followed by property photographs. 303 of 562 17 INDIAN RIVER COUNTY AREA DATA Indian River County is a small east central Florida county located midway between Palm Beach and Cape Kennedy, or slightly less than halfway from Miami to Jacksonville. It is bordered on the north by the Sebastian River and Brevard County; on the south by St. Lucie County (Ft. Pierce/Port St. Lucie); and on the west by Osceola and Okeechobee Counties. The eastern boundary is the Atlantic Ocean. The subject property is located adjacent to the northwest corner of U.S. #1 and Schumann Drive, in the southeastern portion of the City of Sebastian. Additional information on the City of Sebastian and Indian River County are retained in our office files, not considered necessary in the scope of work of this restricted report. NEIGHBORHOOD A neighborhood may be defined as follows: A group of complementary land uses; a congruous grouping of inhabitants, buildings, or business enterprises. Source - Taken from The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal Fourth Edition, sponsored by the Appraisal Institute, 2010 page 133. The subject is located within a commercial/light industrial strip neighborhood along the U.S. #1 Commercial Corridor that extends from just north of the City of Vero Beach, northward to the City of Sebastian. The subject is located in the northern portion of the neighborhood, within the southeast portion of the City of Sebastian, adjacent to the northwest corner of U.S. #1 and Schumann Drive. The subject is located adjacent to the large Sebastian Highlands neighborhood to the west. The neighborhood's south boundary is the City of Vero Beach. The western boundary is the Florida East Coast Railroad, which parallels U.S. Highway #1 from Sebastian to Vero Beach. The eastern boundary of the neighborhood is delineated by those properties fronting along the east side of U.S. Highway #1. The City of Sebastian provides the northern boundary of the overall neighborhood. Primary access to and through the neighborhood is via U.S. Highway #1, a four lane state highway with a grassed median strip. U.S. #1 provides the major mainland connection between Vero Beach and Sebastian and portions have been widened to six lanes. The traffic on this arterial route is generally moderate in the subject neighborhood, being less intense than in downtown Sebastian, or Vero Beach. At the south end of the neighborhood, U.S. Highway #1 passes through Gifford and directly accesses the City of Vero Beach. Old Dixie Highway parallels U.S. #1 in the southern portion of the neighborhood, extending from around 38th Street to one block north of County Road 510. This two lane roadway is located west of U.S. #1, adjacent to the east of the FEC Railroad Tracks. Indian River Boulevard is a four lane divided arterial road, which parallels U.S. #1 to the east. The road has been extended northward to 53rd Street, from its prior ending point at 37th Street. 310 of 562 County Road 510, also known as Wabasso Road is located in the center portion of the neighborhood providing east/west access across the Wabasso Bridge and to County Road 512 and eventually 1-95 to the west. There are numerous east/west connections to U.S. #1 throughout the neighborhood, but only one bridge across the Indian River to the barrier island "North Beach" area. However, U.S. #1 provides convenient north/south access to and through the subject neighborhood. Vero Beach and Sebastian are considered the primary support base for the subject neighborhood, with existing neighborhood development acting as satellite development. Portions of the neighborhood are also supported by the north beach area of Indian River County which has limited commercial development. Further, the subject property is located adjacent to the large Sebastian Highlands residential neighborhood to the west of the FEC Railroad Tracks. The subject neighborhood is developed primarilywith secondary commercial and light industrial uses, which utilize the convenient access between these two larger communities to service both areas. The neighborhood has historically been characterized by its slow growth and is considered to be a secondary location for commercial development. Although the neighborhood has been experiencing some new growth and development, the area still lacks sufficient support in the form of residential development for significant neighborhood commercial services. Based on our observations, the neighborhood will most likely depend on support from Sebastian and Vero Beach, as well as the North Beach area over near term years. The Indian River Square Publix anchored shopping center and Walgreens drug store were completed about 21 years ago adjacent to U.S. #1 and Barber Street, along with a SunTrust (Truist) bank branch. New commercial uses are also centered around the U.S. #1 and County Road 510 intersection with more planned. A CVS drug store was built about 15 years ago at the southwest corner of U.S. #1 and County Road 510. There was a large Citgo service station and convenience store at the northwest corner, recently redeveloped with a 7-11 super pumper station and convenience store. A Chevron service station is located two blocks to the north, followed by a recently closed Burger King Restaurant that is available for lease. 53rd Street has recently been extended from U.S. #1 westward to Kings Highway. In anticipation of this new roadway, a new CVS and Walgreens were built on corner parcels. A new assisted living facility is located in the commercial park north of CVS. A Publix anchored shopping center opened about 10 years ago at the southeast corner of U.S. #1 and 53`d Street, with a McDonald's on a corner out -parcel. Recently, a new Dunkin Donuts and Burger King have been built south of Walgreens. A strip center, named Pineapple's was completed about 15 years ago at the northeast corner of U.S. #1 and 45'h Street, in the southern portion of the neighborhood. Additionally, a large commercial warehouse development was built along the south side of 451h Street, just east of U.S. #1. This property had struggled for occupancy since it was completed, although now almost fully occupied. A Springhill Suites hotel is located along the east side of Indian River Boulevard, south of 53`d Street. 311 of 562 9 Another recent commercial development consists of the Cumberland Farms at the southeast corner of U.S. #1 and 451h Street. A Wawa service station and convenience store are now planned at the southwest corner with a new car wash considering the adjacent parcel. Further, there have been renovations and additions to other commercial properties, including the Habitat for Humanity located along the east side of U.S. #1, just north of 451h Street. A new auto storage facility is presently under construction on a heavy commercial site located along the west side of U.S. #1, between 415` Street and 451h Street. This project is named Indian River Motorhaus and is designed with a total of 16 individual units, each around 22' x 36' in size. This project reportedly has strong demand similar to another project (Vero Autohaus) developed by the same parties. An older commercial building has been renovated and enlarged into good quality medical office space at U.S. #1 and 871h Street. Otherwise, there is little medical office use in the subject neighborhood, with most medical office facilities located in the area surrounding the Indian River Medical Center, Sebastian Medical Center, or along peripheral roadways in the City of Vero Beach and the City of Sebastian. The neighborhood also includes the large Whispering Palms mobile home park. Many of the secondary and heavy commercial uses are older in age and used to provide interim rental income until redevelopment is warranted. This is also true of the smaller mobile home parks, along with some of the residential rentals. There are a few older tourist court motels, such as the Pennwood and Pelican Island Cottages, which was recently purchased for low income housing support by The Source. Other residential uses, such as the Cottages have been demolished and removed for future commercial redevelopment. There had been a large amount of residential development under construction and planned in the subject neighborhood. These developments include the large Antilles subdivision at U.S. #1 and 65`h Street that completed its first phase and a significant number of new homes. However, from around 2007 thru 2013, the residential home sales had slowed considerably and the project has been in financial difficulty, even attempting an auction for the unsold homes and lots. This is a typical scenario throughout the Indian River County mainland area, but stabilizing and improving over the last several years. In fact, a new builder (D.R. Horton) is now actively constructing homes again within this community. Other residential projects include a large mixed use development, named Bristol Bay, that was planned to the east of U.S. #1, south of County Road 510. This community was being developed by WCI, a large developer of upscale residential and commercial projects. However, WCI placed this project on hold about 10 years ago awaiting improvement in the residential marketplace. More recently, the property has been considering rezoning for commercial zoning and residential development in the future. A commercial land parcel planned for a retail shopping center was purchased along the south side of County Road 510. 312 of 562 20 Smaller subdivision developments are also located to the east of U.S. #1 in various stages of approvals and subdivision work. Other single family residential areas in the central county area between U.S. #1 and Kings Highway have also had improved demand, as the residential real estate market has improved over the last several years. The subject neighborhood includes some older mobile home parks including some interim use older parks, as well as a few larger parks. These mobile home parks generally have good demand and include both RV and mobile home sites. There are three mini -storage facilities in the subject neighborhood, including the U.S. #1 Self Storage facility, between County Road 510 and the City of Sebastian. Harbor Storage and Stow -A -Way Storage are newer facilities located along the west side of U.S. #1, just north of 53rd Street. Additionally, Fischer Mini -Storage is located along U.S. #1 in the southern portion of the City of Sebastian, with Sebastian Self Storage located west of U.S. #1, north of Barber Street. Fischer Industrial Park and Fisher Trade Center consist of industrial warehouse and trade warehouse properties adjacent to the FEC Railroad Tracks. The subject neighborhood contains some former and some current citrus packing house facilities. However, most citrus packing house facilities have closed over the last 5 + years, as the citrus industry has struggled with greening and other diseases reducing the amount of citrus fruit available. The Riverfront Groves citrus packing house facility remains open, but both Quality and Greene River packing houses have closed over recent years. Other citrus packing houses had previously closed. The former Quality Fruit citrus packing house was purchased and is being renovated into a community support facility named Crossover Mission. There are numerous secondary commercial and light industrial uses in the subject U.S. #1 neighborhood, along with many vacant parcels that are listed for sale. Secondary commercial uses include contractor trades and services, such as flooring, plumbing, electrical and painting contractors. There are also some service garage uses and older convenience stores. There are commercial/warehouse buildings in the southern portion of the neighborhood, just north of U.S. #1. A Charter School and dog grooming facility are also located in the neighborhood along with a variety of other commercial uses. Spacebox Storage is reportedly planning a large 3 story air conditioned storage facility along the west side of U.S. #1, just north of 57`h Street. This facility will include both indoor and outdoor storage including RV's and boats. It is planned on a 5.2 +- acre parcel which is currently under contract waiting on site plan approval and a building permit. Demand for commercial land in the subject neighborhood has varied over the years, depending on the real estate market. Over recent years, there have been few sales of vacant commercial parcels, most likely due to the soft demand for new commercial development. However, market conditions and demand for commercial development, as well as commercial land have stabilized and improved over the last several years, despite the uncertainty with the pandemic. There have been some recent commercial and industrial land sales over the last year or two, but typically closer to services or arterial intersections. Further, the local economy and real estate market have essentially recovered and the county has been experiencing in -migration and growth. 313 of 562 21 In summary, the subject neighborhood consists of a commercial strip neighborhood located along the U.S. #1 Commercial Corridor that extends from just north of the City of Vero Beach northward to the downtown area of the City of Sebastian. The subject neighborhood has good access to county growth areas, via U.S. Highway #1, as well as Old Dixie Highway. Properties fronting along U.S. #1 generally have good exposure to intra-county traffic. Past development trends have been slow, except for a few scattered parcels adjacent to the east/west connectors. The subject property is located along the west side of U.S. #1, adjacent to the northwest corner of Schumann Drive, in the southeast portion of the City of Sebastian. This is a convenient commercial location within the neighborhood. The subject property should participate in overall neighborhood trends and growth factors. ZONING Zoning of the subject property is CG, Commercial General for the main site area and PS, Public Service for the park area. However, Parcel B is assumed to be re -zoned to CG, under the guidelines of the City of Sebastian. The CLUP for the City of Sebastian supports the current zoning with a CG, Commercial General land use designation. The CG, General Commercial zoning allows a wide variety of commercial uses, including commercial retail, service stations, hotels and motels, restaurants, business and professional offices, plant nurseries, home occupations, etc. Other permitted uses include clubs and lodges, medical services, hotels and motels and all uses permitted in the RM-8 zoning district. There are also conditional uses that may be permitted, subject to approval, which includes nursing homes and commercial amusements. The RM-8 zoning district permits single family and multiple family residential, nursing homes, churches, schools, and townhouse development. Size and dimension criteria within the CG zoning districts is as follows: Minimum Lot Size: 10,000 SF Minimum Width: 75 feet Minimum Depth: 125 feet Minimum Setbacks: Front Yard: None Side Yard: 5 feet Rear Yard: 10 feet Maximum FAR: 60% Maximum Building Height: 35 Feet Maximum Building Coverage: 30% Minimum Open Space: 20% Maximum Impervious Surface: 80% 314 of 562 22 Parking Requirements vary with the property use. The subject property consists of a vacant former medical office on the main eastern portion of the site. This site area is being considered for commercial redevelopment with a 7-11 service station, convenience store and 8,000 square feet of retail commercial space. Site plan and other approvals will be required. CONCURRENCY Concurrency is a provision adopted in the Florida's Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Development Regulation Act in 1985. Concurrence is a requirement for public facilities and services to be available (concurrent) with the impacts of development. These facilities and services include traffic and transportation facilities, sewage collection facilities, potable water facilities, drainage, park and recreation facilities, etc. Typically, concurrence is most applicable in roads and traffic capacity, but any of the other items can also impact development. If a project is proposed, its impact must not exceed the capacity levels of current infrastructure, or the plan must propose the expansion of the infrastructure and the source of funds required to construct these improvements. A valid certificate of concurrence must be obtained prior to approval of development order. This is an extensive study and we have not reviewed concurrence issues, as relates to development of the subject property, as this was beyond the scope of work of this appraisal assignment. TAX INFORMATION The taxing authority is Indian River County. Taxes are based on Just Values that are estimated by the Indian River County Property Appraiser and on millages as set by the Tax Collector using various taxing districts' approved budgets. Taxes are assessed in arrears based on valuations as of January 1 st of the tax year. Tax bills are sent out in November and become payable January 1st of the new year. Below is a summary of tax assessment data for the subject property main parcel, based on the 2021 Indian River County Tax Roll: Tax Parcel Number Assessed Value 2021 Taxes Lot Number xxx U.S. Highway #1 31-39-17-00002-4060-00001.0 $ 71,324 $ 1,174.43 Lots 1, 2, &3 600 Schumann Drive 31-39-17-00002-4060-00004.0 $ 189,947 $ 3,377.33 Lots 4, 5 & 6 610 Schumann Drive 31-39-17-00002-4060-00007.0 $ 43,432 $ 715.16 Lots 7 & 8 200 Schumann Drive 31-39-17-00002-0001-00000.0 55,654 $ 916.41 Tract A Totals 1360,357 $ 6,183.33 315 of 562 23 These four tax parcels comprise the subject main parcel at the northwest corner of U.S. #1 and Schumann Drive. The tax information for the City of Sebastian park parcel (Tract B) is summarized below: Tax Parcel Number Assessed Value 2021 Taxes Lot Number 630 Schumann Drive 31-39-17-00002-0002-00000.0 $ 38,727 $ - 0 - Tract B This tax parcel consists of the majority of the park parcel owned by the City of Sebastian, which does not incur any real estate taxes. An adjacent lot #9 at 650 Schumann Drive could also be considered as part of the park parcel, but not pertinent to our valuation analysis. These parcels are currently zoned PS, Public Service. The subject assessed values are considered somewhat low, but reasonable, in our opinion. Florida's Constitution requires all property to be appraised at Just Value. While this concept is not adequately defined in the Constitution nor in Florida Statutes, numerous court decisions have held that it approximates Market Value as defined herein, less normal seller expenses of sale, estimated at fifteen percent (15%). While this represents the target level of the property appraiser, it has been found that assessments produced by mass appraisal techniques vary considerably and are not good indicators of Market Value. The subject property is currently provided with the following utilities: Electricity: Florida Power & Light Water: Indian River County Sewer: Indian River County Telephone: AT & T Trash: Private Carrier - Waste Management Both Indian River County water and sewer service are reportedly available to the subject property. Costs of line extensions, hookups and metering, as well as impact fees are typically the responsibility of the property owner. Based on evidence from nearby properties and from utilities authorities, the subject property is being appraised as if utilities are available to the site sufficient in capacity to support the current use, as well as the Highest and Best Use, at costs that are typical to competing properties. Please See Extraordinary Assumption #1. 316 of 562 24 SITE DESCRIPTION The subject main site area is located at 600 Schumann Drive, adjacent to the northwest corner of U.S. #1 and Schumann Drive in the City of Sebastian. This commercial parcel was recently acquired by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC and contains an older medical office that is planned on being demolished and removed. A new 7-11 service station, convenience store, and adjacent 8,000 square foot commercial building are being considered. This site area has an irregular shape with around 380 +- feet of frontage along the west side of U.S. #1 and approximately 500 +- feet along the north side of Schumann Drive. Zoning is CG, Commercial General. The western portion of the site fronting along the north side of Schumann Drive is being considered for an exchange with the City of Sebastian for an irregular shaped parcel to the northeast. The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the land value of two parcels for a potential exchange with the City of Sebastian for the 7-11 commercial development under consideration. For purposes of this restricted report and our valuation analysis we have described these parcels as Parcels A and B. Parcel A is described as the Schumann Road Indian River, LLC parcel planned for the exchange. This parcel is located along the north side of Schuman Drive comprising the western portion of their recently acquired site. It has a slightly irregular shape with overall dimensions of around 28 +- feet by 105 +- feet of depth. Total site area is indicated at approximately 2,985 +- square feet. This site area consists of open grassed areas. There is a 30 foot wide easement located adjacent to the western edge of this site, followed by a lake area associated with the public park. Parcel B is located adjacent to the northeast with additional open park area to the north and northwest. The main site area for the proposed 7-11 commercial project is to the east. Parcel A has frontage and potential access from Schumann Drive to the south. It is planned to be exchanged with the City of Sebastian providing additional park area along with potential access east of the lake area. Parcel B is described as the City of Sebastian triangular parcel planned for the exchange. This parcel is located adjacent to the northeast of Parcel A and consists of a portion of the Schumann Drive park area located along the north side of Schumann Drive. This parcel is located adjacent to the rear of the commercial site planned for the 7-11 development by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC parcel. Total site area is indicated at approximately 2,977 +- square feet. Zoning of this parcel is currently PS, Public Service, but planned for re -zoning to CG, Commercial General, which is assumed for purposes of our valuation analysis. This parcel does not have any direct road frontage or independent access, but improves the shape and potential utility for parcel A for the proposed development. A plat map and aerial map of the subject parcels is provided on the following page. The main site area is outlined in yellow with Parcel A in red and Parcel B in green. 3l7 of 562 27 The subject site has frontage along U.S. #1 to the east, as well as Schumann Drive to the south. Access is presently limited to Schumann Drive to the south, but the proposed site plan indicates ingress only from U.S. #1 to the east. The main access will be along Schumann Drive to the south. The site has an irregular shape which will be improved somewhat with the proposed exchange of parcels A and B. This will provide for more site area and better alignment along the west (rear) property line. U.S. Highway #1 is a four lane paved, state owned arterial roadway that typically has either a concrete or grassed center median strip. This arterial highway provides both inter community and intra county traffic. There is no median cut available immediately adjacent to the subject main site area, but they are available at the Schumann Drive intersection and traffic light to the south, along with further north. The subject property has good commercial exposure along U.S. #1, at the northwest corner of Schumann Drive. Schumann Drive is a two lane roadway that provides access from U.S. #1 across the FEC Railroad Tracks to Sebastian Highlands. There is a narrow grassed median in the center portion of Schumann Drive with a median cut planned adjacent to the south entrance to the main site area. The intersection of U.S. #1 and Schumann Drive has a traffic light and turning lanes. Access to the subject property is good and convenient to surrounding areas. East of the subject is a new adult care facility at the entrance to Reflections on the River condominium project further east. South of the subject is an older, small commercial building on the southwest corner of U.S. #1 and Schumann Drive. North of the subject main parcel are residential and commercial improvements for Fischer & Sons. West of the subject is the park area followed by the FEC Railroad Tracks. North of the subject is vacant commercial land. The proposed exchange of Parcel A for Parcel B consists of two similar sized site areas. Parcel A has direct frontage along the north side of Schumann Drive and a rectangular shape totaling around 2,985 square feet. Parcel B is a rear parcel to the northeast of Parcel A that has a triangular shape and is 2,977 square feet in size. Parcel A will provide improved access to the east of the lake area for the park. Parcel B will provide for improved shape and utility to the main site area for the proposed commercial development, but will need to be re -zoned. Reportedly, the current owner of the proposed 7-11 site will provide for additional landscaping to the park area along with a public concrete sidewalk extending to the west of the FEC Railroad Tracks. A retaining wall is also planned along with improved access to the park area, as part of the proposed exchange. The median strip along Schumann Drive will also have new landscaping installed, per the information provided. Copies of the site plan sketch for the proposed 7-11 and a conceptual plan of the proposed improvements are provided on the following pages. Parcel A is again shaded in red and Parcel B in green. This is followed by sketches provided by the surveyor for each parcel. 320 of 562 32 FLOOD ZONE According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency National Flood Insurance Program for Indian River County, revised December 4, 2012, the subject property appears to be located in Flood Zone X. Flood Zone X is an area outside the 500-year flood plain and is not a designated Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) flood hazard area. Flood insurance is not required. CENSUS TRACT The subject is designated as being within Census Tract 508.06, based on the 2020 Census Tract Map for Indian River County, Florida. IMPROVEMENTS Site improvements include paved parking and drive areas, some landscaping, drainage improvements, pump and well, concrete walkways, etc. The building is located on the southeastern portion of the site with the paved parking and drive areas to the south of the building. Access to the subject property is available along Schumann Drive, via paved roadways. There is both an ingress drive, as well as a wider drive, providing both ingress and egress to the subject building improvements. No access is available directly to U.S. #1. Building improvements consists of a vacant office building that was originally built around 1988. The building is single story and was converted from a former model home residence and sales office center. Gross building area is estimated at around 2,100 +- square feet. Basic construction is wood frame with a shingle roof. Surplus land is estimated as only the southern portion of the site is partially improved. No on -site inspection has been made and these improvements are not estimated to contribute any value. As discussed, the subject property is currently being planned for redevelopment with a new 7- 11 service station, convenience store and an 8,000 square foot retail commercial building. 325 of 562 33 HIGHEST AND BEST USE Property Market Value trends can be analyzed through a study of the forces which drive this market activity. These forces are referred to as supply and demand, substitution, balance and external interference. The term "Highest and Best Use" refers to the optimum use of a property, considering the impact of all of these market forces on a specific property. The value of real property is directly related to the use to which it can be put. A parcel may have several different value levels under alternative uses. The property appraised herein is appraised under its Highest and Best Use, as defined below: "The reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or an improved property that is physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and that results in the highest value. The four criteria the highest and best use must meet are legal permissibility, physical possibility, financial feasibility, and maximum productivity." Source: The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal - 5th Edition, sponsored by the Appraisal Institute, 2010, Page 93. In each appraisal of improved property there are two considerations of Highest and Best Use: one for the land considered as though vacant and one for the property as improved. Within each analysis four sets of use constraints are considered: legally permissible, physically possible, economically feasible, and maximally productive. Legally permissible restrictions include private restrictions, zoning, building codes, historic district controls, and environmental regulations. Physically possible uses are determined by the size, shape, area, topography and accessibility of a parcel of land. Included in this analysis are the risk of natural disasters, capacity and availability of public utilities, and the physical components of the improvements. Financial feasibility considers uses that are legally permissible and physically possible, and determines which ones produce a positive return. A maximally productive use is the financially feasible use that produces the highest residual land value. The Highest and Best Use of land assumes that the site is vacant and that the site could be utilized at the Highest and Best Use which is determined in this analysis. The Highest and Best Use of the site, as improved, correlates the current improvements with improvements that would be made at the optimum development of the site: as determined in the Highest and Best Use of vacant land. 326 of 562 34 Site as if Vacant: Physically, the subject main site area is located at 600 Schumann Drive, adjacent to the northwest corner of U.S. #1 and Schumann Drive in the City of Sebastian. This site area has an irregular shape with around 380 +- feet of frontage along the west side of U.S. #1 and approximately 500 +- feet along the north side of Schumann Drive. Zoning is CG, Commercial General. The western portion of the site fronting along the north side of Schumann Drive is being considered for an exchange with the City of Sebastian for an irregular shaped parcel to the northeast. The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the land value of two parcels for a potential exchange with the City of Sebastian for the 7-11 commercial development under consideration. For purposes of this restricted report and our valuation analysis we have described these parcels as Parcels A and B. Parcel A is described as the Schumann Road Indian River, LLC parcel planned for the exchange. This parcel is located along the north side of Schuman Drive comprising the western portion of their recently acquired site. It has a slightly irregular shape with overall dimensions of around 28 +- feet by 105 +- feet of depth. Total site area is indicated at approximately 2,985 +- square feet. This site area consists of open grassed areas. Parcel B is described as the City of Sebastian triangular parcel planned for the exchange. This parcel is located adjacent to the northeast of Parcel A and consists of a portion of the Schumann Drive park area located along the north side of Schumann Drive. This parcel is located adjacent to the rear of the commercial site planned for the 7-11 development by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC parcel. Total site area is indicated at approximately 2,977 +- square feet. Legally, Parcel A is primarily restricted by zoning and the CLUP. This portion of the subject property is zoned CG, Commercial General by the City of Sebastian. Parcel B is presently zoned PS, Public Service, but planned to be re -zoned to CG, Commercial General, as part of the parcel exchange. The CG zoning district allows a variety of commercial uses, such as professional and business offices, general retail sales and services, restaurants, dental and medical offices, etc. Economically, to be financially feasible an improvement must return a positive net income to the investor. A maximally productive use is a use that returns the greatest value to the site. Recent years have witnessed a general improving trend in the economy and local real estate market. Market conditions for commercial, professional and medical office have improved over the last several years, even with the pandemic over the last approximate 28 months. The subject site has an irregular shape, but still possesses adequate frontage, depth and size, along with zoning in place or planned to support retail commercial uses. It has most potential for a retail commercial development including a strip center. The planned development with a 7-11 service station, convenience store and retail building is considered to be a good example of the Highest and Best Use of the subject site, as if vacant. 327 of 562 35 Considering these factors, the Highest and Best Use of the subject property, considered as though vacant, would be to develop the site with a good quality retail commercial development built to maximum density allowed and providing for good parking support. As Improved The subject main commercial parcel was recently acquired by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC and contains an older vacant medical office that is planned on being demolished and removed. A new 7-11 service station, convenience store, and adjacent 8,000 square foot commercial building are being considered. The subject current improvements are not estimated to contribute any value, in our opinion. Highest and Best Use, as improved, is considered to be as proposed with a new commercial development. VALUATION PROCESS For most parcels of vacant land, only one of the traditional three approaches to value is useful. This, of course, is the Sales Comparison Approach. In this approach, the subject property is compared to parcels which have been involved in recent transactions, and adjustments are made to the unit prices derived from those sales, to recognize differences between the subject and the sales. The Income Approach is not generally used since most parcels of vacant land are not producing income, and the Income Approach consists of capitalizing net income at a market rate, to indicate value. When sales of vacant parcels are not available for comparison, which often is the case in built-up areas, the residual income from a hypothetical highest and best use building may be capitalized to indicate land value. This was not the case here, since recent sales throughout the neighborhood are available, and this approach was not used. The Cost Approach, the third of the traditional approaches, is by definition not usable for vacant land. Accordingly, we have made use of only the Sales Comparison Approach. SALES COMPARISON APPROACH The purpose of this restricted report is to provide our opinion of the land values of the subject parcels A and B to possibly facilitate an exchange with the current property owner and the City of Sebastian. We have considered these two parcels relative to the overall site proposed site plan for the 7-11 service station, convenience store and 8,000 square foot retail building. Both parcels are similar in size with Parcel A rated slightly superior in location/access due to its direct frontage along Schumann Drive. Parcel B consists of a rear triangular parcel that provides for additional site area for the proposed development along with an improvement to the shape of the overall parcel. 328 of 562 36 We have first estimated the land value of the subject overall site recently acquired by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC. This site area has an irregular shape with around 380 +- feet of frontage along the west side of U.S. #1 and approximately 500 +- feet along the north side of Schumann Drive. Zoning is CG, Commercial General. The land value is then allocated to Parcels A and B, based on our estimates considering their site factors. Parcel A consists of the Schumann Road Indian River, LLC parcel planned for the exchange. This parcel is located along the north side of Schuman Drive comprising the western portion of their recently acquired site. This site consists of open grassed areas with frontage along Schumann Drive. Total site area is indicated at approximately 2,985 +- square feet. Parcel B is described as the City of Sebastian triangular parcel planned for the exchange. This parcel is located adjacent to the north of Parcel A and consists of a portion of the Schumann Drive park area located along the north side of Schumann Drive. This parcel is located adjacent to the rear of the commercial site planned for the 7-11 development by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC parcel. It also appears to consist of open grassed areas along with possibly some wooded areas on the northeast portion. Zoning of this parcel is currently PS, Public Service, but planned for re -zoning to CG, Commercial General, which is assumed for purposes of our valuation analysis. Total site area is indicated at approximately 2,977 +- square feet. Our opinion of the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the subject overall commercial site utilized the Sales Comparison Approach. We considered comparable sales of commercial parcels in the subject neighborhood and competing areas, along with current listings. Six comparable land sales are specifically analyzed in comparison to the subject, all consisting of commercial parcels. These comparable sales are compared to the subject on the basis of price paid square foot. Parcel A is estimated at a slightly higher land value than parcel B which consists of a rear parcel. Parcel A is valued at approximately $8.00 per square foot with parcel B at around $6.00 per square foot. The calculations are shown below: Parcel A 2,985 SF x $8.00/SF = $23,880 $24,000 Rounded Parcel B 2,977 SF x $6.00/SF = $17,862 $18,000 Rounded 329 of 562 37 MARKET VALUE CONCLUSION Based on the analyses made and retained in our office files, it is our opinion that the Market Value of the fee simple estate to the property appraised herein is concluded at $24,000 for Parcel A and $18,000 for Parcel B. Parcel A - 600 Schumann Drive $24,000 Schumann Road Indian River, LLC Parcel B - 630 Schumann Drive $18,000 City of Sebastian Park Land The above Market Value conclusions have conditions and assumptions that are assumed to be correct, as discussed in the appraisal report. It should be noted that if some or all of these conditions or assumptions are not correct, it could affect our opinion of the Market Value, as provided herein. MARKETING TIME Marketing time consists of our opinion of the amount of time it might take to sell the subject property at the concluded Market Value during the period immediately after the effective date of the appraisal. Marketing conditions have been good over the last few years, even with the pandemic. The demand for the subject property (overall parcel) is considered to be adequate and a reasonable marketing time is projected. The subject property is forecast to have a marketing time of 6 months to 24 months, concluded at 12 months. REASONABLE EXPOSURE TIME Reasonable exposure time is assumed to precede the effective date of the appraisal. Exposure time, per USPAP, may be defined as follows: The estimated length of time the property interest being appraised would have been offered on the market prior to the hypothetical consummation of a sale at Market Value on the effective date of the appraisal; a retrospective opinion based upon an analysis of past events assuming a competitive and open market. The reasonable exposure time estimate takes into consideration the price, time, and use, of the property appraised. The reasonable exposure time for the subject property is estimated at 6 to 24 months, also concluded at 12 months. 330 of 562 38 CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISAL The undersigned do hereby certify to the best of our knowledge and belief: a) The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. b) The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, are my personal, impartial, and unbiased professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions. c) We have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and no personal interest with respect to the parties involved. d) We have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment. e) Our engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. f) Our compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this appraisal. The appraisal assignment was not made, nor was the appraisal rendered on the basis of a requested minimum valuation, specific valuation, or an amount which would result in approval of a loan. g) Our analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. h) This appraisal report has been made in conformity with and is subject to the requirements of the Codes of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct of the Appraisal Institute. i) That Daniel A. Nelson and Peter D. Armfield both made a personal inspection of the properties that are the subject of this restricted appraisal report. j) No one provided significant professional assistance to the person signing this report. k) Peter D. Armfield, #RZ524 and Daniel A. Nelson, #RZ897 are currently State of Florida Certified General Real Estate Appraisers. 331 of 562 39 CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISAL (continued) 1) As of the date of this report, I, Peter D. Armfield, MAI, SRA, have completed the requirements under the continuing education program of the Appraisal Institute. m) The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute and the State of Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board relating to review by its duly authorized representatives. n) We have not provided appraisal or other services on the subject property within the 3-year period immediately preceding acceptance of this appraisal assignment. o) The Market Values of the fee simple estate of the subject properties as of July 26, 2022, are as follows: Parcel A - 600 Schumann Drive $24,000 Schumann Road Indian River, LLC Parcel IS - 630 Schumann Drive $18,000 City of Sebastian Paris Land The above Market Value conclusions have conditions and assumptions that are assumed to be correct, as discussed in the appraisal report. It should be noted that if some or all of these conditions or assumptions are not correct, it could affect our opinion of the Market Value, as provided herein. - 7 � �-/� - " �/; 6" Daniel A. Nelson State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ897 , Peter D. Armfield, MAI State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ524 332 of 562 43 QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER DANIEL A. NELSON Bachelor of Business Administration in 1977 from Stetson University with a Degree in Accounting. Appraisal Courses Successfully Completed SREA Course 101 - Principals of Residential, 1978 SREA Course 201 - Principals of Income Property, 1979 American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (AIREA) Course 1 B-A - Capitalization Theory and Techn. Part A, 1985 Course 1 B-B - Capitalization Theory and Techn. Part B, 1985 Standards of Professional Practice, 1986 Case Studies in Real Estate Valuation, 1987 Valuation Analysis and Report Writing, 1987 Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices, Part A&B, 1992 Complete Review Seminar, 1993 2022 Continuing Education, 2022-2023 National USPAP Update Course for Non -Residential Real Property, Florida Appraisal Laws & Regulations, Income Approach, Cost Approach. 2020 Continuing Education, 2020-2021 National USPAP Update Course for Non -Residential Real Property, Florida Appraisal Laws & Regulations, Income Approach, Sales Comparison Approach, Appraisal of Small Apartment Properties. 2018 Continuing Education, 2018-2019 National USPAP Update Course for Non -Residential Real Property, Florida Appraisal Laws & Regulations, Appraisal of Small Apartment Properties, Appraisal of Fast Food Facilities, Appraisal of Limited Service Hotels. 2016 Continuing Education, 2016-2017 National USPAP Update Course, Florida Appraisal Laws & Regulations, Appraisal of Owner -Occupied Commercial Properties, Appraisal of Land Subject to Ground Leases, Appraisal of Self -Storage Facilities. Professional Membership & Affiliations Registered Real Estate Broker -Salesperson, 1980, BK312098 State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, RZ897, 1991 Work Experience Staff Appraiser, Armfield-Wagner Appraisal & Research, Inc., Vero Beach, Florida, 1982 to Present, Staff Appraiser, Security Federal Savings and Loan, Vero Beach, Florida, 1977 to 1982. Types of Appraisals Completed Vacant Land Residential Condominiums Multiple Family Land Multiple Family Improved Commercial Land Light Industrial Land Offices Retail Commercial Restaurants Shopping Centers Subdivisions Self -Storage Facilities Motels/Hotels Light Industrial Warehouses Airplane Hangars Leased Property Mobile Home Parks Citrus Groves Engaged in the valuation of Real Estate in Indian River, Brevard, and St. Lucie Counties since 1977. 336 of 562 44 QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER PETER D. ARMFIELD, MAI Education Graduate University of Florida Master of Business Administration, 1972 Bachelor of Business Administration, 1970 Florida Resident Since 1953 Registered Real Estate Broker, Florida Professional Memberships Member Appraisal Institute (MAI) - Appraisal Institute Senior Residential Appraiser (SRA) - Appraisal Institute Realtor Member - Vero Beach Board of Realtors State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, RZ524 Work Experience 1984 - Instructor of Appraisal Course for the Society of Real Estate Appraisers 1981 - President, Armfield-Wagner Appraisal & Research, Inc., Vero Beach, Florida 1979 - 1980 Staff Appraiser, Armfield, Sherman & Associates Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants Vero Beach, Florida 1979 - 1982 Instructor of Appraisal and Real Estate Courses, Indian River Community College, Ft. Pierce, Florida 1976 - 1978 Employed with John S. Sherman, Jr. as Staff Appraiser, Vero Beach, Florida 1976 - Real Estate Sales, Fayetteville, North Carolina Engaged in the valuation of Real Estate in Indian River and St. Lucie Counties since December, 1976. Qualified as an expert witness for real property valuation in the Circuit Courts of St. Lucie County and Indian River County, Florida. 337 of 562 45 QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER Peter D. Armfield Page 2 Real Estate Appraisal Made for the Following: City Federal Savings & Loan of Palm Beach Savings of America Florida Federal Savings & Loan United Savings of America Florida First National Bank of Vero Beach SunTrust Lomas & Nettleton Ford Motor Credit Merrill Lynch Relo. Gulf & Western Corp. City of Vero Beach Indian River County Gulf Oil Corporation Exxon Corporation St. Lucie County Tvpes of Appraisals Equitable Relocation American Hospital Mgmt.Corp. Attorneys and Individuals Church of Latter Day Saints Kentucky Life Insurance Co. American Petrofina Corp. Federal National Mortgage Assn. FL Dept. of Natural Resources Bank of America Tropicana Corporation Residences Airplane Hangars Warehouses Commercial Insurable Value Leased Property Offices Vacant Land Citrus Groves Shopping Centers Residential Improved Pasture Service Stations Landlocked Golf Courses Light Industrial Subdivision Social Clubs Condominiums Commercial Motels Mobile Home Parks Industrial Citrus Packing Houses Utility Easements Wetlands Apartments Health & Rec. Clubs (Including Low Income Casualty Loss Estimates Housing Involving Partial Interests Section 8; Tax Credit) Articles "Unusual Appraisal Assignments - Problems and Solutions," by Peter D. Armfield winning article in the 1981 manuscript competition sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers Foundation; published in the Real Estate Appraiser and Analyst - Spring, 1982. "Casualty Loss Valuation" by Peter D. Armfield, published in the Appraisal Journal of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, October, 1982. "Computers in Appraising - Strategies for Success" by Peter D. Armfield and Stephen Armfield, winning article in the 1983 manuscript competition sponsored by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers Foundation. 338 of 562 APPRAISAL LICENSES Ron DeSantis, Governor Halsey Beshears, Secretary STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION FLORIDA REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL BD LICENSE NUMBER: RZ897 EXPIRATION DATE: NOVEMBER 30, 2022' THE CERTIFIED GENERAL APPRAISER HEREIN IS CERTIFIED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 475, FLORIDA STATUTES NELSON, DANIEL A� 1940 10TH AVE #C VERO BEACH FL 32960 a, ISSUED-. 08/28/2020 Always verify licenses online at MyFloridaUcense.com Do not alter this document in any form. This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document Ron DeSantis, Govemor Halsey Beshears, Secretary STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION FLORIDA REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL BD LICENSE NUMBER: RZ524 EXPIRATION DATE: NOVEMBER 30, 2022 THE CERTIFIED GENERAL APPRAISER HEREIN IS CERTIFIED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 475, FLORIDA STATUTES ARMFIELD, PETER D 1940 10TH AVE C VERO BEACH FL 32960 ISSUED: 09/15/2020 Always verity licenses online at MyFlorldaUcense.com Do not alter this document In any form. This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document. 46 339 of 562 ATTACHMENT 4 NOTE TO CLEnturAX EXAMINER: Actuni romideraliun 3120220041786 psill is SB25,l1oD.t10. RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF II J JEFFREY R SMITH, CLERK OF COURT INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FL This Document Prepared By and Return to: BK: 3553 PG: 601 Page i Of 1 7/1/2022 9:04 AM Darlene K. Pegg, CLC President D DOCTAX PD $5, 775 00 Elite Title of the Treasure Coast, Inc. 3055 Cardinal Drive, Suite 105 Vero Beach, FL 32963 Courthouse Box 82 3 l-39-17-000 02-4060-00004/0,31-39-17-0000 Pamel to Numhrr: 2-0001-00000/0,3I-39-17-000024060-00007/ 0,31-39-17-00002-4060-00001/0 Warranty Deed This Indenture, Made this r) T — day of Julle 2022 A.D., 1301Veen The Salt Creek Company, LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company of the County of Indian River , State of Florida , grantor, and Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, a Florida limited liability company whose address is: 500 South Florida Ave., €1700, Lakeland, FL 33801 oflheCounty of Polk , State of Florida , grantee. Witnessetll that the GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS (5I0) and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said GRANTEE and GRANTEE'S heirs, successors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Indian River Slate of Florida to wit: Lots 1 through 8 and Tract A, Block 406, Sebastian Highlands Unit 7, according to (lie map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page(s) 6, of the Public Records of Indian River County, Florida. Said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes for the year in which this deed is given; and restrictions, reservations, limitations, covenants, conditions ant] ensetuenis of record, if any; insofar as same are valid and enforceable (however, this clause shall not be construed to reimpose same.) and the grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against lawful clairns of all persons whomsoever. In Witness Whereof, the grantor has hereunto set her ]land and seal the day and year first above written. Signets, senled a d delivered in our presence: The Snit Creek Company, LLC, a South t� Carol a lmited liability coutpnny} ea P intr4YName: DAHLENE K. FLUU ,lollailinfl P. McCracken, Manager � ; t`O. ess: Post Office Box 643896, Vera Beach, rL 321164 PFintedName; Elcl!:i `1. AliPon Winless State of Florida County of Indian River The foregoing instnunenl was acknowledged before me by means of Q physical Presence or ❑ online notarization, I itsj 3day of ,tune 2022 , by Johanna P. McCracken Manager of The Salt Creels Company, LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company who is personally known to me or who has produced her Valid Identification aid i,-- calittn Printed Nfinie: r7 T 11F-, tViJ�l{ He seta Notary Public lJi cli3_i : }iN CcJ.37 My Commission Expire 1» "r)25 r cL VT. 19914 L=,�lmnafd I,ettia4n Swami6w ID7t I1611767a1354%FmmnW- Ol 562 ATTACHMENT 5 Schumann Road Indian River, LLC 500 South Florida Ave, Suite 700 Lakeland, FI 33801 16 June 2022 Ms. Lisa Frazier, Director of Community Development City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FI 32958 Re: Presentation - City of Sebastian by Schumann Road Indian River, LLC Corner of US1 and 600 Schumann Drive Dear Ms. Frazier, Please see below our presentation for your review for the proposed land swap and future improvements to the subject properties following our 5/4/2022 meeting: Economic: -Sales Tax to City Of Sebastian: - C-Store: $22,000 (approx.) - Retail / Commercial: $30,000 (approx.) -Gas Tax Collected by Indian River County - C-Store: $90,000 (approx. $.06 x 1,500,000 annual gallons). Gas tax is collected by Indian River County and then disbursed based on the population of the incorporated areas of the county -Property Tax Revenue: - C-Store: $7,800 (approx. Sebastian Only) - Retail / Commercial: $5500 (approx. Sebastian Only) -Impact Fees: - C-Store: $65,900 (Indian River County) - Retail / Commercial: $50,200 (Indian River County) -Jobs: - C-Store: 4-6: Full Time Employees. Avg. Hourly Rate: $15.00/ hr - Retail / Commercial: 2.5 FT Employees per bay: Avg. Rate: $15.00/hr 342 of 562 City and Community Benefits: - Improve and construct sidewalk along Right of Way adjacent to Sebastian park, and across the FEC railroad to make for a better walking experience for residents to the west of the commercial property and park. The sidewalk improvements will also include a small Xeriscape hedge in the Right of Way to enhance curb appeal. Sidewalk improvements shall also be constructed across US 1 along developer property. - Road Improvements to US 1 & Schumann Drive. By moving the C-Store back by 100 feet, the developer will be able to make the site safer and more assessable by improving ingress and egress for large vehicles including trucks towing trailers for boaters. As part of the revisions to the site plan, the developer is amenable to to adding both west bound turn lanes as well as an east bound left turn lane on Schumann Drive. Park Improvements & Benefits under the Land Swap_ - The proposed land swap will create better access to the City park. In its current state, access is marginal and limited to mostly pedestrian traffic. The proposed land swap will provide 30 feet of frontage on Schumann Drive. This improvement will allow much better access to the park for owners of cars and city maintenance vehicles, however, more importantly, it will allow for safe access for pedestrians. - The land swap will also provide a buffer to the park in that the swap will move improvements approximately 30 feet from the lake. This buffer will offer a clear separation from the commercial portion of the entire parcel. To note, the current property line sits at the top of the bank. The land swap, traded 1:1 in land area, will offer a considerable higher value than previous with the addition of the improved 30 foot frontage. - Any park improvements will also benefit from an improved land configuration. The new boundary will give the City better flexibility regarding potential future improvements. - Finally, the developer is open to the prospect of cost sharing park improvements such as a new park signage with lighting and landscape. The developer is also amenable to adding landscape around the existing historical monument 343 of 562 Thank -you kindly for taking the time to review our presentation and we welcome your feedback. Mr Shulke is out of the office beginning this weekend but will be back on July 11th at which time we can schedule a meeting for that week in accordance with the various parties' availability. Sincerely yours, ?1W44111t4 Todd Maxwell Schumann Road Indian River, LLC Cc: Joseph W. Schulke, P.E., LEED AP Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard LLC Attachements 344 of 562 Attachment 6 OWNER AUTHORIZATION This Owner Authorization shall serve as a designation of Timothy F. Campbell, of Clark, Campbell, Lancaster, Workman & Airth, P.A., whose address is 500 South Florida Avenue, Suite 800, Lakeland, Florida 33801 or Joseph W. Schulke, P.E., whose address is 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 201, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (either, the "Authorized Agent"), to individually act as agent for Schumann Road Indian River. LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the "Owner"), whose address is 500 South Florida Avenue, Suite 700, Lakeland, Florida 33801, with regard to any and all matters pertaining to the land use, zoning, development approvals, and all federal, state or local permitting, including, without limitation, applications for a zoning or comprehensive plan amendment, any site plan approvals, special exceptions, permits, or environmental, Southwest Florida Water Management District, Army Corps of Engineers, Florida Department of Transportation or other regulatory permit or application with Polk County, or any other local, state, federal or other applicable governmental or quasi -governmental entity, and other applications for approvals deemed reasonably necessary for the development of, the portion of the real property located in the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida identified by Indian River County Property Appraiser Parcel Identification Numbers 31391700002406000004.0, 31391700002000100000.0, 31391700002406000007.0 and 31391700002406000001.0 that are owned by the Owner. This authorization shall remain in effect unless or until revoked in writing. This Owner Authorization shall be effective as of the date written below. OWNER; Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: . rye, 2'ftwu"& Lawrence T. Maxwell, its Manager Date: March 9th , 2023 Texas STATE OF n,10FditMFS COUNTY OF ptMKParker The flAgoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of Nx physical presence or R1 online notarization, this 9th day of March, 2023, by Lawrence T. Maxwell, Manager of Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, ❑ who is personally known to me or 9 who produced DRIVER LICENSE as identification. (NOTY� � 'ai Palurga Shepard U'"' , e,; ID NUMBER 'Notary Public — State of Flt6ts exas Print Name' Palursa Shepard �9/ATE OF t�'+� COMMISSION EXPIRES hplifrfrl It ki �A Decernbv 7.2026 My Commission Expires: 12/07/2026 Notarized online using audio -video communication Owner Authorization 345 of 562 ATTACHMENT 7 C"Cf SESWIA HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 569-5518 ■ www.cityofsebastfan.org DEVELOPMEWREN'IEW ❑ Comp Plan Land Use Amendment ❑ Comp Plan Text Amendment (Large Scale) ❑ Land Development Code Text Amendment ■ Camp Plan Land Use Amendment ■ Rezoning (Small Scale) ❑ Annexation Project Name: Schumann Road Commercial Parcel ID: Portion of 31391700002000200000.0 Existing Address of Site: 600 Schumann Drive Proposed Address of Site: Proposed Use: Institutional Total Site Area: .07 acres AcresW Land Use: Institutional Zoning: PS lContact Name: Timothy F. Campbell, Esquire, Clark, Campbell, Lancaster, Workman & Airth, P.A. [Address: 500 South Florida Avenue, Suite 900, Lakeland, Florida 33801 Telephone: 963-647-5337 Email: tampbell@clarkcampbell-law.com Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Owner: City of Sebastian ` Address: 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, Florida 32958 Telephone: 772-388-8228 Email: LFrazicr@Cityof'Sebastian.org Date Received: Fee Paid: _ Received by: MURVU 346 of 562 Surveyor: Address: Telephone: Engineer Joseph W. Schulke, P.E. Email: Address: 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 201, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 [Telephone: 772-770-9622 Pre — Application Meeting Date: Email: jschulke@sbsengineers.com DESCMUMON OF PROPOSED PROJECT: [-Me request for a land use change for the subject parcel is related to a proposed land swap with the City of Sebastian. The change will allow the parcel to be conveyed from the City to be consistent with, and become a part of, the existing adjacent propertyowned by lSchumann Road Indian River. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and ]mow the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing t ' • pe of work will be complied i , whether specified herein or not. The granting of approval does not presume o gi+ authorii% to ululate or canes t rovisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the perfo i a ons uctin . Timothti F. Campbell _ Jul• 12.2023 Print name Signature _ Date Notary: STATE OF: _.lgrida COUNTY: Polk Y hereby certify that on July 12, 2023, personally appeared before me, Timothy F. Campbell who is _�L personally known to me or has produced identification. Type of identification produced [SEAL] Notary ubiic My Commission Expires: `?f - MICHELLE S. ELIASEN C,o„r=nr fs'J # HN 342744 � �BS Febfi 4, 2027 FORM B 347 of 562 CROF SEBASIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET it SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 a wwwxityotsebastion org I)EVF.IA111NI ' T REVIEW'' APPLICATION E Camp Plan Land Use Amendment (Large Scale) I Comp Plan Land Use Amendment (Small Scale) D Comp Plan Text Amendment F1 Land Development Code Text Amendment ■ Rezoning ❑ Annexation Project Name: Schumann Road Commercial Total Site Area: .07 acres Parcel ID: Portion of 31391700002406000007.0 Existing Address of Site: 600 Schumann Drive Proposed Address of Site: Acres\SF Proposed Use: Commercial Land Use: General Commercial Zoning: Commercial General Contact Name: Timothy F. Campbell, Esquire, Clark, Campbell, Lancaster, Workman & Airth, P.A. J CAddress: 500 South Florida Avenue, Suite 800, Lakeland, Florida 33801 Telephone: 863-647-5337 Email: tampbell@clarkcampbell-law.com Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Owner: Schumann Road Indian River, LLC Address: 500 South Florida Avenue, Suite 700, Lakeland, Florida 33801 FTelephone: 863-272-4615 Email: lawrencemaxwell@hotmO.com Date Received: Fee Paid: Received by• 1 i5 348 of 562 Surveyor: Address: [Telephone; ' Engineer; Joseph W. Schulke, P.E. Email: Address: 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 201, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 i Telephone: 772-770-9622 Pre —Application Meeting Date: Email: jschulke@sbsengineers.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT: [The request for a land use change for the subject parcel is related to a proposed land swap with the City of Sebastian. The change will Lallow the parcel to be conveyed to the City to be consistent with the existing adjacent property owned by the City of which a portion of this parcel would become a park (a part of an existing City park). SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing thi�t��pe of work will be complied w' I whether specified herein or not. The granting of approval does not presume telgive authority to vio to �r can e1 r r provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the perfor i*aaW of nstr�ictior Timothy F. Campbell Print name Signature Notarv: STATE OF: Florida COUNTY: Polk July 12, 2023 Date I hereby certify that on July 12, 2023, personally appeared before me, Timothy F- Campbell who is X personally known to me or has _ produced identification. Type of identification produced: [SEAL] J/0J, 1 Not yry PAC, L ttllCHEI l.E HH744 My Commissions Expires: _ - �,F" Gres February 4, 2t)27 FORM i3 349 of 562 SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPORT 600 SCHUMANN DRIVE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA March 20, 2022 Prepared by: ECOLOGICAL CONSULTING OF FLORIDA 850 NW FEDERAL HIGHWAY, SUITE 109 STUART, FL 34994 2220.00 353 of 562 1.0 INTRODUCTION This assessment is in support of the due diligence for the subject ±1.92-acre site. 2.0 SITE LOCATION The project is located within Section 17, Township 31 South, Range 39 East within the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida (Figure 1). Specifically, the project is located on the east side of Highway A1A approximately 1.55 miles south of the intersection of US 1 and Sebastian Boulevard. Specifically, the property is located at 600 Schumann Drive, in the northwest quadrant of US 1 and Schumann Drive. The parcel has and an existing commercial building and associated parking, with open space on site. Bordering land uses include US 1, commercial and residential properties and an open space park. 3.0 METHODOLOGY The assessment methodology consisted of the review of topographic information, soils maps, and recent aerial photographs. A field reconnaissance of the subject parcel was then conducted which included pedestrian transects through the parcel to map and identify specific habitat and land uses and vegetative cover types. A perimeter transect was conducted to confirm features that extend off site. Field notes were taken and an aerial photograph was marked with land use and cover types and any environmental findings. 4.0 TOPOGRAPHY/HYDROLOGY According to the U.S.G.S. topographic quadrangle (Sebastian, FL), the site has an average elevation of 10 feet NGVD (Figure 1). The site is vacant with no evidence of structures, depressions, ditching or wetlands. US 1 abuts the east side of the property, with Shumann Drive to the south and an open water to the west. Surrounding properties are undeveloped except for a structure on the property to the north. Field reconnaissance indicates that a commercial office and parking are located on site. A ditch is located on site and connects to a small ditch going west off site. There are no wetlands on site. 354 of 562 5.0 SOILS According to the Web Soil Survey of Indian River County, FL (NRCS — Web Soil Survey), the following soils are found on site (Figure 2). Immokalee fine sand (4) The soil is common in the County and generally found in flatwood communities. The soil is not considered hydric. On site reconnaissance indicates that soils are intact with only surface disturbance from past development. 6.0 SITE CONDITIONS An assessment of the extent, distribution, and composition of vegetative communities for the site was conducted by Chris Sopotnick of Ecological Consulting of Florida (ECF), on March 14, 2022. Pedestrian transects were conducted throughout the site with vegetative communities mapped on a recent aerial photograph. A description of each community type is provided in the Habitat/Land Use section of this report 7.0 HABITAT/LAND USE Onsite habitats and adjacent land uses have been characterized using the Florida Land Use Cover Classifications System (FWC, 2009) (FLCCS), and are described below and depicted on the Land Use and Cover Map (Figure 3). o 4220 — Ditch: The ditch is a broad area 20 feet wide by 2 feet deep along the west boundary of the site. This ditch is sparsely vegetated but includes Brazilian pepper (Shinus terebinthifolius), along the edge along with a few Carolina willow (Salix caroliniana) and pockets of wedelia (Sphagnetiola trilobata). o 7300 — Brazilian Pepper. This area is dominated by Brazilian pepper and includes a few cabbage palms (Sabal palmetto). o 17211 — Open Land. This area has been previously cleared of native vegetation and grassed with bahia grass (Paspalum notatum). The area is regularly mowed. 356 of 562 o 17223 — Commercial and Services. This land cover is built out with a commercial office building and associated parking. Laurel oaks (Quercus laurifolia), and other ornamentals are found in the cover type. TABLE 1 — LAND USE AND COVER SUMMARY FLCCS CODE COMMUNITY NAME ACRES PERCENT 4220 Ditch 0.11 5.7 7300 Brazilian Pepper 0.55 28.7 17211 Open Land 0.88 45.8 17223 Commercial and Services 0.38 19.8 Total Area 1.921 100.0 8.0 CRITICAL HABITAT/ LISTED SPECIES OBSERVATION A cursory habitat assessment made during this event determined if the habitat was suitable for listed species that generally utilize the area. The site is fairly open with a cluster of Brazilian pepper present. The site falls within the US Fish and Wildlife Consultation are for the Florida Scrub Jay. This bird is found in this area of Sebastian nesting in scrub habitat and utilizing open areas for foraging. A scrub jay survey was conducted from March 14 — March 18, 2022. No scrub jays were observed during the monitoring (See Appendix 1). Non -listed wildlife or signs of species observed include cottontail rabbit and raccoon (tracks/scat). All species of wildlife observed are typical representatives of the habitats on site. None are unusual for the Indian River County area. A database search of Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) records for documented bald eagle nests was conducted and none were noted for the property or within 0.5 mile of the site. I. 359 of 562 The Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) provides a matrix by County of rare and endangered species in Florida. Based on the known distribution and preferred habitats of certain species, the following listed wildlife has the potential to occur on site, TABLE 2 — FNAI LISTED SPECIES COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME EVIDENCE/SIGHTING STATUS FWC USFWS Eastern Indigo snake Drvmarchon corias couperi Not observed T T Gopher tortoise Gobherus poWhemus Not observed T Gopher froq Rana capito Not observed SSC Florida pine snake Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus ++ INot observed SSC Florida Panther Puma concolor corvi INot observed E E Burrowinq owl SpeOtvtO cunicularia Not observed SSC Woodstork Mvcteria Americana Not observed E I E American Alliqator Alligator mississiDniensis Not observed I T T Crested caracara Caracara cherfwav Not observed T T Florida scrub-lav Aphelocoma coeruluscens Not observed T I T Piping Plover Charadrius melodus Not observed I T T Red -cockaded woodpecker Picoides villosus Not observed I E I E Southeastern American kestrel Falco sparverius Paulus Not observed T Florida sandhill crane Grus Canadensis pratensis (Not observed I SSC Osprey Pandion haliaetus (Not observed I SSC Snail kite ( Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeous (Not observed E ( E Least tem ' Stema antillarum (Not observed T Sherman's fox squirrell Sciurus niger shermani INot observed I SSC Manatee ( Trichechus manatus (Not observed ( E E Abbreviations: SSC = Species of Special Concern, T = Threatened USFWS = United States Fish and Wildlife Service, FWC = Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 7 360 of 562 9.0 WETLANDS AND SURFACE WATERS The soils map, topographic map and National Wetland Inventory (NWI) were reviewed to identify potential wetland areas. Subsequent field reconnaissance was performed to confirm limits of wetlands within the project site. The soils map identified non-hydric soils on the site. The topographic map was reviewed and identified an elevation of 10 NGVD. No wetlands, ditches or depressions were noted on the topographic map. The NWI map did not identify any wetlands or surface waters on the site (Appendix 2). On site reconnaissance identified was performed and no wetlands were identified. A surface water, the ditch is present. The ditch will fall under the permitting jurisdiction of the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), and potentially the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). This feature is classified as an other surface water by SJRWMD and does not require mitigation, only to be addressed in the permit. At the federal level, the FDEP may consider this ditch jurisdictional and therefore require permitting if impacted. Based on review of the site it is likely that this site may be able to qualify for a No Permit required determination from FDEP and therefore be exempt from jurisdiction. During the planning and permitting, both SJRWMD and FDEP will need to be contacted to confirm permitting responsibilities. 10.0 CONCLUSSION The subject property includes a commercial building, exotic vegetation and a ditch on site. The parcel abuts a local park to the west. At the state and federal level, it is anticipated that the ditch will be classified as a surface water and likely only be considered jurisdictional by SJRWMD, and should qualify for a No Permit Required by the FDEP. A scrub jay survey was conducted in accordance with USFWS methodology within the survey month of March. No scrub jays were observed during any event. 8 361 of 562 APPENDIX 9 - SCRUB JAY SURVEY �lj 362 of 562 Scrub Jay Survey 600 Schumann Drive March 14 —18, 2022 Survey Performed by Chris Sopotnick Date/Times Station# Results Weather Conditions, 3/14/22 08:00/08:20 1 no birds 5-8 MPH NE /clear sky 70 ° 2 no birds 3/15/22 09:20/09:40 1 mockingbird 10-15 MPH NE/ overcast 700 2 no birds 3/16/22 09:30/09:50 1 no birds 5-8 MPH SW/ overcast 740 2 no birds 3/17/22 09:00/09:20 1 bluejay 0- 5 NW MPH W/ clear 721 2 no birds 3/18/22 08:00/08:20 1 no birds 0-5 NE MPH E/ clear 700 2 no birds 363 of 562 APPENDIX 2 — National Wetland Inventory Map IR 364 of 562 MOO HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: September 27, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Council Travel to 2023-2024 Legislative Policy Committee Meetings & Conference Recommendation: Authorize the travel reimbursement for any member of City Council to attend the scheduled Legislative Policy Committee Meetings and Conference in Orlando, FL Background: In accordance with Code Sec. 2-35, prior authorization is needed for travel more than 75 miles. The Florida League of Cities 2023-2024 Legislative Policy Committee Meetings are scheduled for: September 8, 2023, at the Rosen Centre Orlando, 9840 International Drive, Orlando, FL, 32819; October 6, 2023, at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center, 6000 West Osceola Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34746 with the fmal meeting on November 30, 2023, during the legislative conference (November 29 to December 1) at the Hilton Orlando, 6001 Destination Parkway, Orlando, FL, 32819 If Agenda Item Reouires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: $4500 Total Cost: Approx. Per Diem $497.98 Per Member; Approx. Hotel $340.00 Per Member Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: General Fund Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: City Manager Authorization: C , Date: qhl.ljoaj 0 366 of 562 COMMITTEES Florida League of Cities Each year, municipal officials from across the state volunteer to serve on the League's five Legislative policy committees. The Florida League of Cities' Legislative Policy Committees set the legislative agenda for the League and Florida's 411 municipalities. The FLC Legislative Policy Committees set the legislative platform for the League and Florida's 411 municipalities. The Committees include: • Finance, Taxation and Personnel • Land Use and Economic Development • Municipal Administration • Transportation and Intergovernmental Relations 367 of 562 Appointments are typically a one-year commitment and involve developing the League's Legislative Action Agenda detailing priority issues that are most likely to affect daily municipal governance and local decision making during the upcoming legislative session. Policy committee members also help League staff understand the real -world implications of proposed legislation and are asked to serve as advocates throughout the legislative process. The 2022-2023 chairs, staff contacts and rosters for each policy committee can be found below. Our gratitude to the officials who are serving as chair and vice -chair of these committees. Their leadership is essential as we prepare for another Legislative session. In addition to the policy committees, League members also serve on the following standing committees: the Legislative Committee, the Advocacy Committee and the Resolutions Committee. Learn More 2023-2024 Meeting Schedule • September 8, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Rosen Centre Orlando, 9840 International Drive, Orlando, FL, 32819 • October 6, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center, 6000 West Osceola Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34746 • November 30, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. during FLC Legislative Conference at the Hilton Orlando, 6001 Destination Parkway, Orlando, FL, 32819 368 of 562 . X SESAST" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: September 27, 2023 Agenda Item Title: FFY 2022 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Recommendation: Move to approve the application process for the 2022 FFY 2022 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Countywide State Solicitation in the amount of $ 12,799.00, approve the Mayor to sign the 51 % letter to provide to the County Commission for submission and approve the purchase after grant approval. Background: On July 07, 2023 we received notice of grant funds available to Indian River County as part of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) United States Dept. of Justice (USDOJ) for FY 2022 JAG funds. FDLE has allocated $63,999 to Indian River County, in accordance with the Florida JAG direct distribution provision of Chapter I 1 D-9, Florida Administrative Code. Applications must be submitted prior to the Oct. 02, 2023 deadline. The grant funds can only be utilized for specific programs to include law enforcement. The police department plans to purchase equipment with the funds and will complete the grant by the Oct. 02, 2023 deadline. If Agenda Item Requires Exaenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: $0 Total Cost: $12,799.00 Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Program Grant Attachments: 1. Grant Notice 2. Grant Information 3. 51 % Letter Administrative Services Departm nt RevieW 1 CL _'J .1 / City Attorney Review: L&U' Procurement Division Review, if applicable: �k City Manager Authorization: (� Date: 9lfli i ,��o�J 369 of 562 Brian Benton From: Criminal Justice<CriminalJustice@fdle.state.fl.us> Sent: Friday, July 07, 2023 3:40 PM To: Criminal Justice Subject: Now Available: FY2022 JAGC Solicitation Importance: High CAUTION: This email originated from OUTSIDE our email system. PLEASE exercise caution when opening ANY attachments or clicking on links. ESPECIALLY from unknown senders. Good Afternoon Byrne JAG Partners: We are pleased to announce the JAG -Countywide (JAGC) local solicitation is now available. The solicitation describes the application process and includes an appendix with the allocations for each county. To view the solicitation, instructions, and additional program guidance for this funding opportunity, please see the Funding page on our website. Each Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) must complete the Certificate of Participation to designate a County Coordinator. A county coordinator is appointed to: • coordinate the 51% process; • ensure all 51% letters are submitted to OCJG prior to application; • distribute the AmpliFund application opportunity portal link and instructions to applicants approved by the 51% process; ensure each applicant meets program eligibility requirements; and oversee application submissions within the jurisdiction to ensure deadlines and program requirements are met. The Certificate of Participation must be completed and submitted to criminaliustice@fdie.state.fl.us_ by Monday. Julv 31, 2023. Once the certification is received, FDLE will forward additional information to the County Coordinator. FDLE cannot approve any JAGC subgrant applications until the county's 51% process has been completed and OCJG has received all properly signed letters. 51% Letters must be submitted to criminal iusticePfdle.state.fLus by Monclav, October 2, 2023. In previous solicitations multiple 51% Letters were rejected. As a result, a training guide was created to provide clarification on the 51% Letter requirements. To ensure 51% Letters meet all requirements, County Coordinators are advised to review the 51% Letter Guide. JAGC subrecipients and implementing agencies are encouraged to contact their County Coordinators with any questions regarding this process. Thank you and we look forward to working with you on this program. 370 of 562 OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE GRANTS Florida Department of Law Enforcement I Business Support Program (850)617-1250 Post Office Box 1489, Tallahassee, FL 32302-1489 criminaliusticeC@fdle.state.fl.us www.fdle.state.fl.us I Office of Criminal Justice Grants t v C Attention: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from state officials regarding state business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications may therefore be subject to public disclosure. Consider the environment before printing this e-mail. This email has been scanned for Spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report this email as Spam. 2 371 of 562 9 Florida Department of Law Enforcement 10.6 Office of Criminal Justice Grants �vr Post Office Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1489 (850) W-1250 criminaliustice ,fdle.state.fl.us Federal Fiscal Year 2022 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program JAG -Countywide (JAGC) Solicitation SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 11:59 PM EST on Monday, October 2, 2023 The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), Office of Criminal Justice Grants (OCJG) is seeking applications for the state's Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Countywide (JAGC) Program. This program focuses on helping state and local agencies improve the criminal justice system. Eligibility Eligible applicants are limited to units of local government. A unit of local government is defined as a city, county, town, township, borough, parish, village, or other general-purpose political subdivision of the state, including Native American Tribes who perform law enforcement functions as determined by the Secretary of the Interior. The allocations by county for Florida's FY 2022 JAGC program can be found in Appendix C. Contact Information The Office of Criminal Justice Grants (OCJG) main line is (850) 617-1250. For questions regarding this solicitation, ask to speak with the carant manager for vour jurisdiction. JAG Funding Assistance — Florida FY22 Program Information Page 1 of 2 (0612023) 372 of 562 Table of Contents ProgramDescription.................................................................................................................. 3 Length of Award and Distribution of Funds................................................................................. 3 Local Planning and Approval Process........................................................................................ 3 Program Strategy and Purposes................................................................................................ 3 Federal Priority Areas for Funding.............................................................................................. 4 State-wide Funding Priorities..................................................................................................... 7 EligibilityRequirements.............................................................................................................. 8 Match........................................................................................................................................11 AdministrativeCosts.................................................................................................................11 Prohibited Uses & Expenditures................................................................................................11 Other Restrictions Requiring Compliance, Certification, or Prior Approval.................................11 State and Federal Transparency...............................................................................................15 Application Instructions and Deadline.......................................................................................16 ApplicationRequirements.........................................................................................................16 StandardConditions.................................................................................................................17 AppendixA...............................................................................................................................18 AppendixB...............................................................................................................................19 AppendixC...............................................................................................................................20 JAG Funding Assistance — Florida Page 2 of 3 FY22 Program Information (06/2023) 373 of 562 Program Description The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) received an award from the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ) for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). FDLE will distribute $6,977,031 in JAG -Countywide (JAGC) local share funds in accordance with the JAGC distribution provisions of Chapter 11D-9, Florida Administrative Code. This Notice of Funding Opportunity seeks subrecipient applications for activities as they relate to criminal justice. Please note this program solicitation contains information provided by the USDOJ regarding specific areas of national focus and the priorities to help maximize the effectiveness of Byrne/JAG funding. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consider these federal priorities when developing their applications. Length of Award and Distribution of Funds JAG -Countywide awards will be approved for a six (6) to eighteen (18) month project period between October 1, 2022 and September 30, 2024. Grant funds are distributed on a cost reimbursement basis, with the ability to advance, for satisfactory performance of eligible activities. Payment requests can be submitted on a monthly or quarterly basis and should include total expenditures for the reporting period. Reimbursements will be processed in conjunction with the receipt and review of programmatic performance reports to determine successful completion of minimum performance deliverables as specified in the agreement. Local Planning and Approval Process For JAG -Countywide each county is allocated a portion of the state's federal award for use by local units of governments within the jurisdiction. FDLE determines each county's allocation through a funding algorithm based on population and crime statistics. The county is then required to complete a local planning process to determine how the allocation will be distributed. Chapter 11D-9, Florida Administrative Code, requires the unit of government in each county to reach consensus concerning the expenditure of JAG funds allocated to the jurisdiction. Consensus includes agreeing upon the projects to be implemented and the agency or agencies responsible for implementation through the 51% orocess. Each county must document the consensus by submitting letters from at least 51% of the units of government in the county, representing a minimum of 51% of the county's population. Coordination is vital to meeting this program requirement, and FDLE requests that the county board of commissioners serve as the coordinating unit for all local governments within the county. The Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners is requested to return a Certificate of Participation indicating the county's willingness to serve, and designating a primary point of contact (e.g. County Coordinator) for coordination efforts. In the event the county declines to serve in this capacity, FDLE will request the goveming body of each municipality within the county, in descending order of population, serve as the coordinating unit of government. Program Strategy and Purposes JAG funds may be used for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, and information systems for criminal justice in any one or more of the following purpose areas: 1. Law enforcement programs; 2. Prosecution and court programs; 3. Prevention and education programs; 4. Corrections and community corrections programs; 5. Drug treatment and enforcement programs; JAG Funding Assistance — Florida FY22 Program Information Page 3 of 4 (06/2023) 374 of 562 Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs; Crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation); and Mental health programs and related law enforcement and corrections programs, including behavioral programs and crisis intervention teams. 9. Implementation of state crisis intervention court proceedings and related programs or initiatives, including but not limited to: mental health courts; drug courts; veteran courts; and extreme risk protection order programs. Additionally, JAG funds awarded under this solicitation may be used for purposes identified in BJA's allowable programs reference guide. Federal Priority Areas for Funding BJA issues funding priorities in conjunction with JAG program guidance to ensure recipients and subrecipients are aware of areas of national focus and priority, and maximize the effective use of JAG funds. As a result, Florida passes -through these priority areas to subgrantees in the JAG -Countywide solicitation. The federal JAG funding priorities for FY22 awards and subawards are as follows: Combatting Hate Crime: Hate crimes (sometimes called bias -motivated crimes) are criminal offenses motivated by some form of bias toward victims on the basis of their perceived or actual race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability. As noted in the June 21. 2021 BJA Acting Director Mahonev Letter to SAA Directors and the January 26, 2022 DOJ Associate Attornev General Gupta Letter to SAA Directors, JAG funds may be used to prevent and respond to hate crimes and bias - motivated attacks. BJA encourages JAG recipients to utilize funding to prioritize efforts to identify, investigate, report, and prevent hate crimes and hate incidents; increase public awareness and expand/enhance the reporting of hate crimes; enhance the capacity of law enforcement and prosecutors to prevent and address hate crimes through education, training, and tools to investigate and prosecute hate crime cases; increase collaboration between federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) law enforcement and prosecution agencies in their investigation and prosecution of hate crimes; assist SLTT law enforcement with training in identifying and classifying hate crimes and update these crimes in their entries in the National Incident -Based Reporting System (NIBRS); create state -run hate crime reporting hotlines that direct individuals to law enforcement, if appropriate; and fund victim support services. More information on BJA's !rate crimes portfolio, including the Emmett Till Cold Case Investigations and Matthew Shepard and James Bvrd. Jr. Hate Crimes programs, can be found at bate Crime I Bureau of Justice Assistance (olp.gov). Promotina Public Trust between Communities and Criminal Justice Agencies: For many communities, recent high -profile incidences of excessive uses of force have contributed to strained relationships and a lack of confidence in law enforcement, courts, and prosecutors. Justice system practitioners' ability to address crime and collaborate with the public depends on having trust and legitimacy with the communities they serve. Criminal justice agencies must work together to renew and strengthen relationships with community members and leaders in order to elevate public confidence and trust in law enforcement, the courts, prosecutors, defense counsel, and corrections; reduce crime; and ensure that the rights of all are protected. In his January 21, 2022, remarks to the U.S. Conference of Mavors, Attorney General Garland stated, "...promoting public trust between communities and law enforcement is essential to making both communities and policing safer. The department will continue to fulfill its duty to ensure the constitutional policing practices that promote the accountability necessary to build that public trust." As such, BJA encourages SLTT jurisdictions to utilize JAG funding in support of projects that aim to partner police and community organizations and advance constitutional policing practices that create the transparency and accountability necessary to build public trust. The practices include, but are not limited to: eliminating racial profiling and implicit bias, eliminating excessive force and chokeholds, eliminating "no- knock" warrants in drug cases, eliminating contractual arrangements that prevent investigations of law enforcement misconduct, and prohibiting sexual contact between police and persons in their custody. BJA also encourages SLTT jurisdictions to utilize JAG funding in support of projects that aim to increase trust JAG Funding Assistance — Florida Page 4 of 5 FY22 Program Information (0612023) 375 of 562 and confidence in prosecutorial, defense, and court practices such as neighborhood -focused community courts programs and building capacity and tools to protect constitutional rights under the Sixth Amendment. Reducing Violent Crime: Although the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Crime in the United States publications for 2020 and 2021 are not yet available, there are other indicators to suggest that certain types of violent crime increased in many areas. According to an analysis of 27 cities conducted by the Council on Criminal Justice, incidents of homicide increased 5 percent over 2020, which had already seen a 44 percent increase in homicides over 2019. Also, preliminary data compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) indicates that as of December 31, 2021, 458 federal, state, tribal, and local law enforcement officers died in the line of duty in 2021. This is an increase of 55 percent from the 295 officers killed during the same period in 2020 and is the highest total line -of -duty officer deaths since 1930 when there were 312 fatalities. In addition, the past year has seen an unprecedented increase in threats of violence against Americans who administer the election process in our country. In June of 2021, the Biden-Harris Administration announced a Comprehensive Strate4v to Prevent and Respond to Gun Crime and Ensure Public Safetv to stem the flow of firearms used to commit violence including by holding rogue firearms dealers accountable for violating federal laws; supporting local law enforcement with federal tools and resources to help address summer violent crime; investing in evidence - based community violence interventions; expanding summer programming, employment opportunities, and other services and supports for teenagers and young adults; and helping formerly incarcerated individuals successfully reenter their communities. Recognizing that violent crime and the drivers of that crime vary from community to community, BJA encourages JAG grantees to invest funds to tailor programs and responses to state and local crime issues through the use of data and analytics; coordinate with United States Attorneys and Project Safe Neighborhoods grantees in order to leverage funding for violence reduction projects, and coordinate their law enforcement activities with those of federal law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the United States Marshals Service, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); and form partnerships with federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutors to identify persons who use guns in the commission of a crime and who purchase or sell guns illegally. This includes ensuring that persons prohibited from purchasing firearms (see e.g.,18 U.S.C. § 922(g)) are deterred from doing so by enhancing complete, accurate, and timely access to the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and the submission of all necessary records to the FBI databases in a timely fashion, thereby helping to prevent illegal transfers of firearms to those who are prohibited from owning firearms under current law. In addition, in June 2021, DOJ issued guidance regarding threats against election workers and launched a task force to address the rise in such threats. BJA also sent a letter to SAA Directors clarifying that JAG funds can be used to deter, detect, and protect against threats of violence against election workers, administrators, officials, and others associated with the electoral process. BJA encourages JAG recipients to utilize funds to prevent and respond to violent threats of this kind. Community Violence Interventions: In April 2021, the Biden-Harris Administration announced historic investments in community violence intervention (CVI) efforts to combat the gun violence epidemic. CVI is an approach that uses evidence -informed strategies to reduce violence through tailored, community centered initiatives. These multidisciplinary strategies engage individuals and groups to prevent and disrupt cycles of violence and retaliation and establish relationships between individuals and community assets to deliver services that save lives, address trauma, provide opportunity, and improve the physical, social, and economic conditions that drive violence. CVI strategies typically focus on high risk individuals and gang and gun violence, as well as the historical and structural challenges that often contribute to community violence. CVI strategies should involve holistic, coordinated interventions attending to the multiple needs of individuals at high risk of gang and gun violence. For example, hospital -based violence intervention programs use credible messengers to connect with victims of gun violence while they are still in the hospital, and then wraparound services are typically deployed such as behavioral health supports, employment access, housing advocacy, and family supports. For more examples of CVI strategies, visit httos:Hbia.oio.gov/Drogram/community-violence-intervention/overview. BJA encourages JAG recipients to invest JAG funds to tailor programs and responses to CVI in an effort to build strong, sustained partnerships JAG Funding Assistance — Florida Page 5 of 6 FY22 Program Information (06/2023) 376 of 562 with community residents and organizations to support CVI work in communities most impacted by violent crime. CV1 strategies will be highlighted on BJA's National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) website, and jurisdictions looking to implement those strategies can request training and technical assistance (TTA) on the NTTAC website. Addressing COVID-19 Criminal Justice Challenqes and Sustaininq Innovations: As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, SLIT criminal justice agencies implemented various community mitigation policies to prevent and reduce the spread of COVID-19. Courts at every level were forced to cancel or significantly scale back proceedings, which commonly included suspending in -person hearings, granting extensions of court deadlines and waivers of speedy trials, restricting access to court buildings, and postponing jury trials. This created a backlog of cases, which impacted criminal court operations and court staff, victims, and witnesses, as well as defendants. To address backlogs and other consequences of the necessary mitigation policies, SLTT agencies created innovative ways to administer justice. While many of these innovations had an up -front cost, they hold significant potential to be cost saving and efficient over time. For example, correctional facilities have enabled virtual programming, education, medical appointments, and family visits, as well as efforts to reduce incarcerated populations. Police departments have hosted virtual community engagement events and opportunities, and courts and community corrections have increased the use of virtual staffing, status hearings, client visits, and access to treatment and support services. In addition, resources have supported the purchase of technology like headsets and Wi-Fi hotspots to ensure confidentiality of defense counsel with clients, as well as partnerships with community partners to host outdoor events like drug court graduations. It is important for SLTT agencies to sustain innovations that improved both the efficiency and effectiveness of justice system operations, and BJA encourages JAG recipients to utilize funds for continued innovation sustainment activities and to continue to address the backlog of cases. This could include the purchase of technology to enhance the use of virtual tools to conduct outreach to witnesses and defendants, as well as for hearings and status conferences, staffing, and enhancing access to services; resources to assist the jurisdiction to develop or enhance its case management system to assess and work to eliminate the backlog of cases; building tools to support diversion and alternatives to incarceration as part of the review of backlogged cases; and technology and equipment to retrofit court houses and staff to mitigate risks to staff and those coming to court. In addition to or in conjunction with support for technology, BJA encourages SLTT agencies to address backlogs by instituting triage and other case -processing improvements, including diversion practices, by prosecutors and courts pretrial, as well as the implementation of legal and nonlegal navigators to guide and support defendants through the legal process. Crime Analvsis and Investigation: With the recent increases in violent crime, crime analysis and investigations have become increasingly vital. Law enforcement agencies that have robust analysis capabilities are better able to focus their limited resources in ways that directly improve public safety while protecting the rights of civilians. According to the International Association of Crime Analvsts (IACAJ, "Crime analysis is both a profession and a set of techniques.' The professionals who perform crime analysis, and the techniques they use, are dedicated to helping law enforcement agencies become more effective through the use of relevant metrics, information, and analytical practices. This past year ransomware has emerged as an international challenge affecting public sectors, private sectors, and even individuals. According to Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Alert (AA22-040A), "ransomware tactics and techniques continued to evolve in 2021, which demonstrates ransomware threat actors' growing technological sophistication and an increased ransomware threat to organizations globally." To combat this growing threat, DOJ, DHS, and other federal partners have launched a centralized repository of resources for organizations and individuals at StopRansomware.pov. This is a collaborative effort across the federal government and is the first joint website created to help private and public organizations mitigate their ransomware risk. BJA encourages JAG recipients to utilize funds to support crime analysis efforts, including the hiring of cybercrime analysts and investigators, as well as cybercrime training for state or local law enforcement and emergency dispatch personnel. Recipients utilizing grant funds to support technological devices, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, and other data -driven solutions ("Technological enhancements") directly should ensure those projects address the tenants of digital trust to include: how the technology will be carefully implemented through training of personnel and the setting and enforcement of policies governing its use to ensure that it contributes to positive outcomes for public safety, the community and/or the criminal JAG Funding Assistance — Florida Page 6 of 7 FY22 Program Information (06/2023) 377 of 562 justice system; and how the recipient will safeguard privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties throughout the duration of the project period. Additional Uses of JAG Funds JAG funds awarded under this FY 2022 solicitation may be used to: • Enforce state and local laws that establish offenses similar to offenses established in 21 U.S.C. § 801 et seq. and/or improve the functioning of the criminal justice system, with emphasis on violent crime and serious offenses, by providing additional personnel, equipment, training, technical assistance, and information systems for the more widespread apprehension, prosecution, adjudication, detention, and rehabilitation of persons who violate these laws, and assist the victims of such crimes (other than compensation). • Support projects related to preventing, detecting, seizing, and/or stopping the presence and use of contraband cellphones within correctional facilities. This includes the purchasing of managed access systems and other mitigation technologies (as permitted by applicable law). • Purchase fentanyl and methamphetamine detection equipment, equipment including handheld instruments and training for law enforcement safety, as well as opioid reversal agents. • Purchase drug -detection canines to combat the rise of drug trafficking, including that of methamphetamines. • Support efforts to seal and expunge criminal history information in accordance with state laws and policies. • Support efforts to attract and retain an all-inclusive, diverse, expert, and accountable law enforcement workforce. • Support virtual reality de-escalation training. • Purchase humane remote restraint devices that enable law enforcement to restrain an uncooperative subject without requiring the infliction of pain. • Purchase gunfire detection technology. Additionally, JAG funds awarded under this FY 2022 solicitation may be used for any purpose indicated here: Purposes for Which Funds Awarded the Edward Bvrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants (JAG) Program Mav Be Used (oip.gov). State-wide Funding Priorities In order to comply with the statewide strategic planning requirements outlined in Section 502 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, FDLE conducted a survey in 2019 to gauge statewide priorities within each program area for funding. Subrecipients are strongly encouraged to fund projects addressing at least one of the priorities outlined below. If the subrecipient wishes to fund a project that does not address one of the identified funding priorities, a written justification will need to be submitted to OCJG along with the application. Law Enforcement • Equipment • Training • Traffic Enforcement • Community Policing & Engagement Prevention and Education + Anti -drug Programs • School Violence Prevention • Domestic Violence Prevention • Pharmaceutical & Substance Abuse JAG Funding Assistance — Florida FY22 Program Information Prosecution & Courts • Pre-trial Diversion • Recidivism • Training • Property & White -Collar Crime Corrections and Community Corrections • Behavioral Health Services • Workforce • Recidivism • Diversion Page 7 of 8 (0612023) 378 of 562 Drua Treatment and Enforcement • Surveillance Equipment • Drug Enforcement — Single Jurisdiction • Multi -Jurisdictional Task Forces & Pharmaceutical Partnerships • First responders, Crisis Response, Stabilization, Antagonists/Detox Crime Victim & Witness + Behavioral Health Services • Advocacy Services • Counseling & Clinical Services • Children Exposed to Violence, Abuse, & Neglect Plannina. Evaluation & Technologv • Technology Upgrades + Crime Statistics Reporting • Investigative & Surveillance Technology • Grant Management Mental Health • Crisis Intervention Team Training & Support • Evaluation/Assessments • Suicide Risk Assessment, Response & Protocols • Outpatient/Community Based Behavioral Health Programs FDLE's ByrnelJAG strategic plan is available for review at: htti3://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Grants/Documents/JAGC/SFY2020/2019 JAG -Strategic -Plan FINAL.asox Eligibility Requirements Applicants for JAG subawards must comply with all terms and conditions of the federal award and subaward, including those incorporated by reference. This section identifies specific program requirements that must be met as a condition of eligibility to receive federal funds under this program. Each applicant must be able to document compliance with the following requirements: 8 U.S.0 M 373 Communication Between Governments and the Immigration and Naturalization Service 8 U.S.0 M 644 Communication Between State and Local Government Agencies and Immigration and Naturalization Service 2 C.F.R. � 200.318-327 Federal Procurement Standards 2 C.F.R Part 200.300-309 Standards for Financial and Program Management 2 C.F.R. Part 25 Universal Identifier and System forAward Management (SAM) Requirements 28 C.F.R. Part 42 Nondiscrimination; Equal Employment Opportunity; Policies and Procedures SAM Reqistration To apply for JAG funds, an organization and its users must be registered in AmpliFund and the organization must be registered with the U.S. Federal Government's System for Award Management (SAM) (2 C.F.R. Part 25). To create or update your organization's annual SAM registration, go to SAM.gov. The process can take up to 10 business days. Compliance with Applicable Federal Laws At the time of application, potential subrecipients are required to certify compliance with all applicable federal laws. All applicants should understand that if the DOJ Office of Justice Programs receives information indicating an applicant may be in violation of any applicable federal law, the applicant may be referred to the DOJ Office of Inspector General (OIG) for investigation. If the applicant is found to be in violation of an applicable federal law by the OIG, the applicant may be subject to criminal and civil penalties, in addition to relevant OJP programmatic penalties, including suspension or termination of funds, inclusion on the high -risk list, repayment of expended funds, and/or suspension and debarment. Civil Riahts Reaulrements Federal laws prohibit subrecipients of financial assistance from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or age in funded programs or activities. All subrecipients, JAG Funding Assistance — Florida Page 8 of 9 FY22 Program. Information (0612023) 379 of 562 implementing agencies, and contractors must comply with any applicable statutorily -imposed nondiscrimination requirements, which are summarized below: • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (Title VI) of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d, and the DOJ implementing regulation, 28 C.F.R. pt. 42, subpts. C & D (prohibiting discrimination in federally assisted programs based on race, color, and national origin in the delivery of services or benefits). Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (Safe Streets Act) of 1968, as amended, 34 U.S.C. §§ 10228(c) & 10221(a), and the DOJ implementing regulations, 28 C.F.R. pt. 42, subpts. D (prohibiting discrimination in programs funded under the statute, both in employment and in the delivery of services or benefits, based on race, color, national origin, sex, and religion) & E (requiring certain DOJ-funded programs subject to the administrative provisions of the statute to prepare, maintain, and submit an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP)). Applicants are advised to use the Office for Civil Rights EEO Reporting Tool at (htti)s://oiD.Qov/aboutiocr/eeop.htm). • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 794, and the DOJ implementing regulation, 28 C.F.R. pt. 42, subpt. G (prohibiting discrimination in federally assisted programs based on disability both in employment and in the delivery of services or benefits). • Title IX of the Education Amendments (Title IX) of 1972, as amended, 20 U.S.C. § 1681, and the DOJ implementing regulations, 28 C.F.R. pt. 42, subpt. D & pt. 54 (prohibiting discrimination in federally assisted education programs based on sex both in employment and in the delivery of services or benefits). • Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 12132, and the implementing regulation at 28 C.F.R. § 35.171(a)(1)(i), (3)(i) (prohibiting discrimination based on disability both in employment and in the delivery of services or benefits). • Age Discrimination Act (Age Act) of 1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 6102, and the DOJ implementing regulation, 28 C.F.R. pt. 42, subpt. I (prohibiting discrimination in federally assisted programs based on age in the delivery of services or benefits). • Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) of 1974, as amended, 34U.S.C. § 11182(b), and the DOJ implementing regulations, 28 C.F.R. §§ 31.202, .403 & pt.42, subpart. D (prohibiting discrimination in programs funded under the statute, both in employment and in the delivery of services or benefits, based on race, color, national origin, sex, and religion) • Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) of 1984, as amended, 34 U.S.C. § 20110(e) and the regulation implementing the Victim of Crime Act Victim Assistance Program, 28 C.F.R.§ 94.114 (prohibiting discrimination in programs funded under the statute, both in employment and in the delivery of services or benefits, based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, and disability). • Executive Order 13559, amending Executive Order 13279, and the DOJ implementing regulation. Partnerships with Faith -Based and Other Neighborhood Organizations, 28 C.F.R. pt. 38 (prohibiting discrimination in federally assisted social service programs based on religion in the delivery of services or benefits). • Equal Employment Opportunity Certification (EEOC): Applicants must submit an EEG Certification annually within 120 days of the subaward. Failure to submit the required EEO Certification will result in the withholding of grant funds. Applicants are advised to use the Office for Civil Rights EEO Reporting Tool at fhttps://Oio.gov/about/ocr/eeop.htm). • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): In accordance with Department of Justice Guidance pertaining to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. Part 2000d, applicants in receipt of federal financial assistance must take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to their JAG Funding Assistance — Florida FY22 Program Information Page 9 of 10 (0612023) 380 of 562 programs and activities for persons with LEP. FDLE strongly advises applicants to have a written LEP Language Access Plan. For more information visit htti)s://www.leiD.ciov/. • Partnerships with Faith -Based and Other Neighborhood Organizations: Applicants, must comply with all applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 38, "Partnerships with Faith -Based and Other Neighborhood Organizations", specifically including the provision for written notice to current or prospective program beneficiaries. Filing a Complaint - If the applicant or any of its employees, contractors, vendors, or program beneficiaries has a discrimination complaint, they may file a complaint with the FDLE, its subrecipient, or with the Office for Civil Rights. Discrimination complaints against the FDLE OCJG or one of its subrecipients may be filed using the OCJG complaint form or by letter and be submitted to FDLE by mail at: FDLE Office of General Counsel, Attention Civil Rights Complaint Coordinator, PO Box 1489, Tallahassee, FL 32302. Alternatively, the complaint may be delivered by facsimile to (850) 410-7699, or via email to the Office of General Counsel via the General Counsel for FDLE or the General Counsel's designee. Complaints filed by letter should include the following information: 1. Name, address, telephone number, and email address of the complainant. 2. The victim or other witness of the alleged discrimination, if it is someone other than the complainant, if known. 3. The basis for the complaint, e.g., the complaint alleges (1) discrimination in services or employment based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, or disability, or discrimination in services based on age, or (2) retaliation for engaging in protected activity. Please include as much detail as possible. 4. The date of the alleged discriminatory or retaliatory conduct. 5. The name and title of the person(s) who is alleged to have engaged in the discriminatory or retaliatory conduct. 6. The complaint must be in writing, dated, and signed by the complainant. As an alternative, or in addition to filing a complaint with the FDLE or a subrecipient, an individual may file a complaint with an appropriate external federal agency. If a complaint involves employment discrimination, the complainant may file a complaint with: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 31 M Street, NE Washington, DC 20507 Phone: 202-663-4900 TTY: 202-663-4494 httD,llwww.eeoc.aov/eMDlovees/charae.cfm If a service discrimination complaint involves a program receiving federal financial assistance from the USDOJ, the complainant may file a complaint with: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs Office for Civil Rights 810ThStNW Washington, DC 20531 Phone: 202-207-0690 TTY: 202-307-2027 htto:/Ioio.Qov/abouUocr/comr)laint.htm Additional details and information regarding the FDLE's complaint procedures can be found on OCJG's Civil Rights Traininq for Grantees webpage. Intergovernmental Review: The FY22 JAG program is subject to Executive Order 12372. As a result, JAG Funding Assistance — Florida Page 10 of 11 FY22 Program Information (0612023) 381 of 562 FDLE may provide information regarding subrecipient applications to the state single point of contact to satisfy this requirement. Match Match is not required for the JAG program. However, if a subrecipient identifies match on an application that is approved for award, the match portion will be required. Administrative Costs Administrative costs/fees are not eligible on JAG subawards. Prohibited Uses & Expenditures JAG funds may not be used (whether directly or indirectly) for any purpose prohibited by federal statute or regulation, including those prohibited by the JAG Program statute (34 U.S.C. § 10152). • SuDDIantina: JAG funds may not be used to supplant state or local funds. See BJA's JAG FAQs for examples of supplanting. • Security Enhancements for Non -governmental Entities: JAG funds may not be used for security enhancement or equipment for non -governmental entities not engaged in criminal justice or public safety. • Additional Restrictions: JAG funds may not be used to pay for any of the following items unless approved by the BJA Director: (A) vehicles (excluding police cruisers), vessels (excluding police boats), or aircraft (excluding police helicopters); (B) luxury items; (C) real estate; (D) construction projects (other than penal or correctional institutions); or (E) any similar matters. The use of BJA grant funds for unmanned aircraft systems (IJAS), including unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAV), and all accompanying accessories to support UAS or UAV, is unallowable. See BJA's JAG FAQs and JAG Prohibited and Controlled Expenditure Guidance for more information. Note: FDLE will not approve the purchase of trinkets such as hats, mugs, portfolios, t-shirts, coins, gift bags, etc., with grant funds. Additional cost elements FDLE will not approve include, but are not limited to: gift card slcertificates, bus/transportation passes, entertainment costs, etc. Grant funds may NOT be used to pay for extended warranties, service agreements, contracts, etc., covering any periods that extend beyond the project end date. Funds may be prorated for services within the project period. Project Adjustments: Retroactive (after -the -fact) approval of project adjustments or items not currently in the approved subaward will only be considered under extenuating circumstances. Subrecipients who incur costs prior to approval of requested adjustments do so at the risk of the items being ineligible for reimbursement under the award, Other Restrictions Requiring Compliance, Certification, or Prior Approval Methamphetamine Mitigation Plans Any program that funds any portion of methamphetamine laboratory operations or clean-up must complete a Meth Mitigation Plan that includes the nine protective measures or components required by BJA. If an agency's application requests funding related to meth lab mitigation, review the BJA website related to JAG Funding Assistance — Florida Page 11 of 12 FY22 Program Information (0612023) 382 of 562 NEPA compliance (including information regarding meth labs) and contact FDLE's Office of Criminal Justice Grants for further assistance. Publications and Other Media All media created, published, and/or altered using federal grant funds must be reviewed and approved by FDLE and/or BJA prior to release or distribution. This includes any curricula, training materials, brochures, or other written materials that will be published, including web -based materials and web site content, as well as all audio or video materials, including Public Service Announcements. Grantees must submit a draft of each proposed item to OCJG no later than thirty (30) days prior to the targeted dissemination date. For items containing videos, a transcript may be provided with screenshots or a description of the visual portion. All materials publicizing or resulting from award activities shall contain the following statements: "This project was supported by Award No. 15PBJA-22-GG-00656-MUMU awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice programs. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice or grant -making component. " This requirement does not apply to the purchase or reproduction of existing materials or items created by other agencies or vendors, for example, crime prevention brochures, unless the subrecipient alters the item in any way. Neither does this requirement apply to items serving only to advertise an event or the availability of services. Please contact FDLE's grant's office with questions or to clarify the applicability of pre -approval requirements. NEPA Any improvement, building or construction project will require pre -approval to ensure compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This may include relatively minor activities such as installing fence posts, security or surveillance cameras, or anchoring any item to the ground. If the grant will fund any activities that may fall under this requirement, review the subaward standard condition related to NEPA and the section of the BJA web site related to NEPA compliance and contact FDLE's grant's office for assistance. Sole Source If a subrecipient requests to procure goods or services by sole source to a single vendor, a sole source justification must be submitted to FDLE for approval prior to the obligation of grant funds. For a sole source procurement over the federal Standard Acquisition Threshold (SAT) of $250,000, written pre -approval must be obtained from both FDLE and DOJ. Subrecipients should submit the completed Sole Source Justification form with the application, or as soon as the procurement method is known. Sole source approval applies to the amount of the total procurement, regardless of the amount of federal investment in the purchase. Before submitting a request for a sole source procurement, applicants should carefully review the conditions governing this type of procurement (see 2 C.F.R. � 200.320(f)). ConferencelMeetinalTrainina Costs OJP policy and guidance encourages minimization of conference, meeting, and training costs; sets cost limits, which include a general prohibition of all food and beverage costs; and requires prior written approval of most conference, meeting, and training expenditures. Subawards requesting to use grant funds for meetings, trainings, or conferences may be required to complete and submit an OR event submission form upon request from FDLE and/or OJP. Duplication of Networks To avoid duplicating existing networks or IT systems in any initiatives funded by BJA for law enforcement information sharing systems which involve interstate connectivity between jurisdictions, such systems shall employ, to the extent possible, existing networks as the communication backbone to achieve interstate connectivity, unless the recipient can demonstrate to the satisfaction of BJA that this requirement would not be cost effective or would impair the functionality of an existing or proposed IT system. JAG Funding Assistance — Florida Page 12 of 1"I FY22 Program Information (0612023) 383 of 562 Entry of Records into State Repositories As appropriate and to the extent consistent with law, a condition will be imposed that would require the following: Any program or activity that receives federal financial assistance under JAG that is likely to generate court dispositions or other records relevant to NICS determinations, including any dispositions or records that involve any alien who is illegally in the United States (18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(5)(A), must have a system in place to ensure that all such N ICS-relevant dispositions or records are made available in a timely fashion. Bodv Armor Body armor purchased with JAG funds may be purchased at any threat level, make, or model from any distributor or manufacturer, as long as the following requirements are met: The body armor must have been tested and found to comply with the latest applicable National Institute of Justice ballistic or stab standards. The body armor purchased must be made in the United States. The body armor purchased with JAG funds must be "uniquely fitted vests," which means protective (ballistic or stab -resistant) armor vests that conform to the individual wearer to provide the best possible fit and coverage through a combination of: (1) correctly sized panels and carrier determined through appropriate measurement and (2) properly adjusted straps, harnesses, fasteners, flaps, or other adjustable features. Note that the requirement that body armor be "uniquely fitted" does not necessarily require body armor that is individually manufactured based on the measurements of an individual wearer. A JAG subrecipient proposing to use FY22 funds to purchase body armor must provide FDLE with a Body Armor Mandatory Wear Policv Certification indicating each law enforcement agency receiving body armor has a written "mandatory wear" policy in effect. For more information, review the FAQs related to the mandatory wear policV and certifications. Bodv Worn Camera (BWC1 Purchases JAG funds may be used to purchase equipment or to implement and/or enhance BWC programs. Subrecipients using JAG funds for BWC programs must certify the law enforcement agency receiving funds has policies and procedures in place relating to equipment use, data storage, privacy, victims, access, disclosure and training. Any subrecipient intending to use grant funds for BWC-related expenses must provide FDLE with a BWC Certification. A subrecipient without policies and procedures in place at the time of application will have funds withheld until a certification is submitted. Information regarding BWC policies, resources and best practices can be found at: https://www.bia.gov/bwc. DNA Testing of Evidentiary Materials and Upload of DNA Profiles to a Database If JAG funds will be used for DNA testing of evidentiary materials, any resulting eligible profiles must be uploaded to the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) by a government DNA lab with access to CODIS. No profiles generated with JAG funding may be entered into any other non -governmental DNA database without prior written approval from FDLE's grants office and BJA. In addition, funds may not be used to purchase DNA equipment and supplies when the resulting DNA profiles from such technology are not acceptable for entry into CODIS. Interoperable Communications Subrecipients utilizing FY22 JAG funds to support emergency communications activities should review the most recent SAFECOM Guidance. This includes the purchase of interoperable communications equipment and technology such as voice-over-internet-protocol bridging or gateway devices, or equipment to support the build out of wireless broadband networks in the 700 MHz public safety band under the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) waiver order. Additionally, to promote information sharing and enable interoperability among disparate systems across the justice and public safety community, Subrecipients are required to comply with DOJs Global Justice Information Sharina Initiative guidelines and recommendations. All subrecipients shall document planned JAG Funding Assistance — Florida Page 13 of 14 FY22 Program Information (0612023) 384 of 562 approaches to information sharing and describe their compliance, or provide detailed justification for why an alternative approach is recommended. Finally, JAG applicants proposing projects for interoperable communications should consider the use of First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) Program. FirstNet's statutory mission is to take all actions necessary to ensure the establishment of a nationwide public safety broadband network (NPSBN). For more information, visit www.firstnet.gov. Emplovment Eliciibitity Verification Subrecipients must ensure that as part of the hiring process for any position that is or will be funded (in whole or in part) with award funds, the employment eligibility of the individual being hired is properly verified in accordance with the provisions of 8 U.S.C. 1324a(a)(1) and (2). The subrecipient may choose to participate in, and use E-Verify (www.e-verifv.aov.), provided an appropriate person authorized to act on behalf of the subrecipient entity uses E-Verify to confirm employment eligibility for each position funded through this award. Subrecipient Civil Rights Training In compliance with Office of Justice Programs (OJP) requirements, FDLE requires the subrecipients of its grants to complete a two-part Civil Rights Training and maintain copies of the training certificates within their grant file(s) for monitoring. Module 1 of the training provides a basic overview of the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and discusses the civil rights compliance requirements for recipients (at any tier) of OJP Grant Funding, Module 2 discusses "special" civil rights related compliance requirements in addition to the ones described in Module 1. To complete these trainings, visit the OCJG Civil Rights Training for Grantees webpage. Determination of Suitability to Interact with Participatinq Minors Subrecipients, at any tier, who plan to use federal funds to partially or fully carry out activities under this award to benefit a set of individuals under 18 years of age must make determinations of suitability before certain individuals may interact with participating minors. Further information regarding this requirement is located on the OJP website htti)s://www.oio.(iov/fundina/explore/interact-minors. 1. Any applicant using grant funds to benefit a set of individuals under 18 years of age must complete and submit the "Sultability to Work and/or Interact with Minors Certification." 2. Subrecipients must maintain and submit the "Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors Tracking Sheet." Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment In compliance with 2 C.F.R. 200.214, subrecipients are prohibited from entering into a contract or using federal funds to procure items from certain parties who are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in federal assistance programs or activities. In addition, a prohibition on certain telecommunication and video surveillance services or equipment went into effect on August 13, 2020. In accordance with these requirements set out in 2 C.F.R. 200,216, subrecipients are prohibited from obligating funds to: A. Procure or obtain; B. Extend or renew a contract or procure or obtain; C. Enter into a contract to procure or obtain equipment, services, or systems that use telecommunications equipment or services as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology as part of any system, produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation (or a subsidiary or affiliate of such entities). Applicants who intend to use grant funds to procure telecommunications, video surveillance services, or equipment must: 1. Complete and submit the "Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment JAG Funding Assistance — Florida FY22 Program Information Page 14 of 16 (06l2023) 385 of 562 Certification." 2. Provide documentation the manufacturer and vendor has not been suspended or debarred from receiving federal funds in SAM.gov prior to the drawdown of funds. Task Force Traininq Requirement The subrecipient agrees that within 120 days of award, each current member of a law enforcement task force funded with these funds who is a task force commander, agency executive, task force officer, or other task force member of equivalent rank, will complete required online (internet-based) task force training which include; Executive Leadership, Task Force Commander Leadership and Management, Safeguarding Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties in Task Force Operations, Methamphetamine Investigative Management, available through BJA's web site and the Center for Task Force Integrity and Leadership (www.ctfli.orq), and Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policies (28 CFR Part 23) that can be accessed three ways: 1. Regional Information Sharinq Svstems (RISS) members may access the training through the secure RISS portal. Instructions may be found here: httos://28cfr.ncirc.aov/documents/Accessinq 28CFRPart23 traininq RISS.pdf. 2. Members with a secure account through the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (LEEP) may log in to LEEP to access the training. Instructions may be found here: htti)s://28cfr.ncirG.gov/documents/Accessinq 28CFRPart23 training LEEP.pdf. 3. if your agency was previously provided with a preauthorization code, you may register for the training using that code by selecting the "LOG IN or SIGN UP" menu button located on the top left side of the home page. Enter your email address and password, then select "Preauthorization Registration." All current and new task force members are required to complete this training once during the life of the award, or once every four years if multiple awards include this requirement. This training addresses task force effectiveness as well as other key issues including privacy and civil liberties/rights, task force performance measurement, personnel selection, and task force oversight and accountability. When FDLE awards funds to support a task force, the subrecipient must compile and maintain a task force personnel roster along with course completion certificates. Additional information is available regarding this required training and access methods via BJA's web site and the Center for Task Force Integrity and Leadership (www.ctfli.oM). State and Federal Transparency Subaward agreements and information supplied to FDLE for grant management and payment purposes will be used to report to the following mandatory state and federal transparency systems. Florida Accountabilitv and Contract Tracking Svstem (FACTS) This grant agreement, all corresponding information and a copy of the grant document, is provided to FACTS to meet requirements under Chapter 2013-54 and 2013-154 Laws of Florida. Exemption from FACTS Please be aware, in the event that your agency's submission contains confidential and/or exempt information prohibited from public dissemination under Florida's Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, the subrecipient agency bears the responsibility for applying proper redactions. Otherwise, any and all records submitted may be released without redactions. Federal Fundinq Accountabilitv and Transparency Act (FFATA) The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) was signed on September 26, 2006, JAG Funding Assistance — Florida Page 15 of 16 FY22 Program Information (06120231 386 of 562 with the intent to empower every American with the ability to hold the government accountable for each spending decision. The end result is to reduce wasteful spending in the government. The FFATA legislation requires information on federal awards (federal financial assistance and expenditures) be made available to the public via a single, searchable website, which is www.USASpendinq.gov. FDLE is required to report subaward data to FFATA as well. Application Instructions and Deadline Failure to follow application instructions may result in the incursion of a special condition at the time of award. In order to apply, an application must be submitted through FDLE's new electronic grant system (AmpliFund) by 11:59 PM EST on Monday, October 2, 2023. No extensions of this deadline will be permitted. Please see Appendix A: Application Timeline for other important dates. Application Requirements Applications submitted under this solicitation must adhere to federal, state and program specific requirements. For FY22, subrecipients will be required to complete the following documents at the time of application; failure to do so may result in the withholding of funds until items are received. Subaward Management Capabilities and Compliance Questionnaire All applicants are required to complete the Subaward Management Questionnaireand submit to OCJG with their application. FDLE will use this form to validate a subrecipient's eligibility to apply, receive, and maintain a federal JAG subaward. Additionally, this validation will allow FDLE to expedite the monitoring process and ensure all subrecipients comply with program requirements. Lobbvinq, Debarment and Drug Free Workplace Certification Subrecipients are not permitted to use federal funds, directly or indirectly, in support of any lobbying activity. A subrecipient receiving or requesting an award exceeding $100,000 must certify compliance with this requirement. Additionally, a person/agency that is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible or is voluntarily excluded is prohibited from receiving federal funds under this grant program. All subrecipients must certify the subgrantee organization, and any vendor or lower tiered subrecipient, is eligible to receive these funds. In compliance with the Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988, state agencies applying for federal grant funding under this program must certify compliance with establishing and maintaining a drug -free work environment. Failure to submit the "Lobbvinq. Debarment and Drug Free Workplace Certification" to FDLE with the application may result in a withholding of funds condition on the subaward until the requirement is satisfied. Contractual Services Subrecipient vs. Contractor Determination Subrecipients utilizing funds in the Contractual Services budget category must adhere to the subcontracting requirements below. All subrecipients should review the "OJP Subaward vs. Procurement Toolkit" for information regarding the two types of subcontracting. 1. Any applicant using grant funds in the Contractual Services budget category must complete and submit a "Subrecipient vs. Contractor Determination Checklist" for each contracted services item to FDLE with the application. 2. The application must contain detailed information regarding the type of subcontracting JAG Funding Assistance — Florida FY22 Program Information Page 16 of 17 (0612023) 387 of 562 (subrecipient or contractor) and the method of procurement for the subcontract. 3. An applicant proposing to enter into a subrecipient contracting relationship must request approval to subaward in the grant application and be able to adhere to and document compliance with requirements and provisions for pass -through entities in 2 C.F.R. U00.331. 4. Applicants entering into a contractor relationship must adhere to the local unit of government's written procurement policies and procedures to the extent they are consistent with or more stringent than the procurement standards outlined in 2 C.F,R. � 200.318-327, Law Enforcement Aaencv Trainina Information Any law enforcement agency receiving funds under a JAG subaward must submit performance accountability metrics data for the 2022 calendar year related to training on: use of force, racial and ethnic bias, de-escalation of conflict, and constructive engagement with the public. These metrics will be collected via questionnaire from FDLE's grants office and reported to BJA's Performance Management Tool (PMT). Death in Custodv Revortinq to FY19, OCJG began collecting data regarding in -custody deaths, in accordance with the Death in Custody Reporting Act (DCRA), which requires states and federal law enforcement agencies to report certain information to the Attorney General regarding the death of any person during interactions with law enforcement officers or while in custody. For the purposes of this requirement, a reportable death is any death — including deaths attributed to suicide, accident, or natural causes — that occurred during interactions with law enforcement personnel or while the decedent was in custody, under supervision or under the jurisdiction of a state or local law enforcement or correctional agency, such as a jail or prison. As a requirement of the state's Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) award, Each quarter, subrecipients must submit the Death in Custodv Questionnaire identifying all reportable deaths occurring in their jurisdictions during the reporting period. Information to be provided will include: • The decedent's first, middle, and last name, gender, race, ethnicity, and year of birth • The date, time, and location of the death • Type of facility in which the death occurred • Date of facility admission/arrest • The law enforcement or correctional agency involved • Manner of death • Brief description of circumstances of death We recognize that all of the requested information may not be available at the time of reporting. Please provide as much information as possible for each reported death. Standard Conditions The standard conditions provide detailed compliance requirements for subrecipients upon signed acceptance of the subaward. It is imperative all persons involved with this subaward read the standard conditions. Failure to comply with the provisions outlined in the standard conditions may result in project costs being disallowed. JAG Funding Assistance — Florida Page 17 of 18 FY22 Program information (0612023) 388 of 562 Appendix A Application Timeline June 16, 2022 Florida received notice of final state JAG appropriation from U.S. Department of Justice. July 7, 2022 FDLE Office of Criminal Justice Grants (OCJG) submitted the final State of Florida application for FY22 Byrne JAG funding. October 10, 2022 Florida accepted the state's FY22 federal JAG award. OCJG released JAGC subgrant solicitation on the department's website; July 7, 2023 Notification emails sent to chief officials. Notify counties of Certificate of Participation requirements. July 31, 2023 Deadline for BOCCs to respond to OCJG with Certification of Participation and designation of County Coordinator. Upon receipt of BOCC COP and County Coordinator designation; OCJG Ongoing provides County Coordinator with application information and the AmpliFund application opportunity link to distribute to all application managers in their respective counties. Deadline for County Coordinators to submit required 51% letters and to October 2, 2023 submit applications in FDLE's electronic grants management system (AmpliFund). JAG Funding Assistance — Florida FY22 Program Information Page 18 of 19 (06/2023) 389 of 562 Appendix B Application Checklist What Each Countv Should Do - Pre -A ifflcation ❑ Submit a signed Certificate of Participation designating a County Coordinator ❑ Assure all 51 % letters for the county have been completed and submitted to OCJG What Each Applicant Should Do — Pre-Aaalication ❑ Acquire or renew a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) Number ❑ Acquire or renew registration with SAM.gov ❑ Obtain an EEO Certification via EEO Reporting Tool ❑ Read the FDLE subaward Special Conditions and DOJ Grants Financial Guide Additional Requirements ❑ Complete a Sole Source Justification form for sole source purchases of $250,000 or more (if applicable) ❑ Complete the Subaward Management Questionnaire (all applicants) ❑ Complete a Lobbying, Debarment and Drug Free Workplace Certification (for state agencies and local units of government, if applicable) ❑ Complete a Subrecipient vs. Contractor Determination Checklist for each cost element requested in the Contracted Services budget category ❑ Complete a Third -Party Contract Compliance Checklist (if applicable) ❑ Complete a Third -Party Subaward Compliance Checklist (if applicable) ❑ Complete a Body Armor Mandatory Wear Policy Certification (if applicable) ❑ Complete a Confidential Funds Certification (if applicable) ❑ Complete Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors Certifications (if applicable) ❑ Complete Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors Tracking Sheet (if applicable) ❑ Complete Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment Certification (if applicable) JAG Funding Assistance — Florida FY22 Program Information Page 19 of 20 (06/2023) 390 of 562 Appendix C FY22 JAGC County Allocation County Allocation County Allocation Alachua $97,910 Lake $99,503 Baker $29,486 Lee $189,118 Bay $91,407 Leon $111,111 Bradford $44,764 Levy - $39,565 Brevard $152,869 Liberty $44,872 Broward $400.603 Madison $55,726 Calhoun $37,419 Manatee $121,566 Charlotte $67,886 Marion $106,203 Citrus $58,761 Martin $70,370 Clay $58,888 Monroe $68,926 Collier $139,516 Nassau $51,942 Columbia $120,538 Okaloosa $76,510 Dade $600,351 Okeechobee $90,548 Desoto $47,090 Orange $318,719 Dixie $48,612 Osceola $103,550 Duval $254,917 Palm Beach $322,342 Escambia $122,338 Pasco $151,052 Flagler $48,988 Pinellas $250,805 Franklin $39,348 Polk $184,837 Gadsden $43,412 Putnam $82,996 Gilchrist $29,343 Santa Rosa $105,290 Glades $62,472 Sarasota $117,444 Gulf $51,415 Seminole $132,199 Hamilton $66,598 St. Johns $71,914 Hardee $45,758 St. Lucie $94,572 Hendry $68,590 Sumter $53,994 Hernando $59,342 _Suwannee _$4_3,912 Highlands $61,178 Taylor $46,083 Hillsborough $319,892 Union $29,845 Holmes $34,975 Volusia $147,710 Indian River $63,999 Wakulla $30,372 Jackson $35,369 Walton $40,633 Jefferson $41,052 Washington $38,658 Lafayette $39,058 Total $6,977,031 JAG Funding Assistance - Florida Page 20 of 20 FY22 Program Information (0612023) 391 of 562 MY Or EBASPAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32959 • (727) 224-5246 Mr. Cody Menacof Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement P.O. Box 1489 Tallahassee, FL 32302-1489 Dear Mr. Menacof, In compliance with State of Florida Rule 11 D-9, F.A.C., the Indian River County Board of Commissioners (City or County) approves the distribution of $63,999 of Federal Fiscal Year 2022 Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Program funds for the following projects in Indian River County. Subqrantee 1 Implementinq Aqencv Proiect Purpose IRC Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement Supplies & Equipment Fellsmere Police Department Indian River Shores Public Safety Vero Beach Police Department Sebastian Police Department Sincerely, Fred Jones, Mayor City of Sebastian Law Enforcement Supplies & Equipment Law Enforcement Supplies & Equipment Law Enforcement Supplies & Equipment Law Enforcement Supplies & Equipment Total Amount $12,803.00 $12,799.00 $12,799.00 $12,799.00 $12,799.00 $63,999.00 392 of 562 C'nCIt SEBASTKN W HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meetine Date: September 27, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Consider Resolution No. R-23-29 requesting the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County to adopt the areas set forth in Exhibit "A" as areas of Limited Local Anchoring pursuant to Florida Statute §327.4108. Recommendation: Approval of Resolution No. R-23-29 BackEround: In accordance with Florida Statute §327.4108, Indian River County may establish an anchoring limitation area adjacent to urban areas that have residential docking facilities and significant recreational boating traffic. In working with Indian River County, per the Statute, the BOCC has requested that City Council adopt a Resolution to set forth areas within the City's jurisdiction for the County to designate and establish these Anchoring Limitation Areas. These areas must be less than 100 acres in size and comply with the additional requirements within the Statute. If Agenda Item Reauires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: NIA Total Cost: NIA Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NIA Attachments: 1. Resolution No. R-23-29 2. Exhibit A City of Sebastian Proposed Anchoring Limitation Areas 3. Florida Statute §327.4108 Administrative Services Dcpa mint Review: City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, rfapplicable: City Manager Authorization: Date: 1 j a 0d,J 393 of 562 RESOLUTION NUMBER R-23-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY ADOPT THE AREAS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "A" AS AREAS OF LIMITED LOCAL ANCHORING PURSUANT TO STATE LAW; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Florida Statute §327.4108 (2023) provides a framework for limited local anchoring regulation by a county; and, WHEREAS, pursuant F.S. §327.4108, the county government has the authority to enact "length of stay" limitations on transient boaters anchoring in waters within the political jurisdiction of counties and municipalities; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to have such limited anchoring areas within the city limits as provided by state law; and WHEREAS, the City finds such "length of stay" limitations are in the public interest and promotes the public health, safety, and welfare of its citizens and visitors; and WHEREAS, the City hereby requests that the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County designate and establish the Anchoring Limitation Areas set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" in accordance with state law; and WHEREAS, the areas designated in Exhibit "A" comply with the requirements of Florida Statute §327.4108 (2023). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Adoration of "Whereas" Clauses. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are found to be true and correct, and are hereby adopted and incorporated herein as forming the legislative findings, purpose, and intent of this Resolution along with any Staff reports. Section 2. Designatition of and Establishment of Anchoring Limitation Areas. Attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A", is a diagram of the areas within the boundaries of the City to be established as areas of limited anchoring in accordance with Florida Statute §327.4108 (2023.) 394 of 562 Section 3. Adoption of Exhibit "A." The City requests that the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County formally adopt the areas designated in Exhibit "A" as the areas of limited anchoring in the City of Sebastian in accordance with state law. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. The foregoing Resolution was moved for adoption by Council Member . The motion was seconded by Council Member and, upon put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice Mayor Chris Nunn Council Member Kelly Dixon Council Member Ed Dodd Council Member Bob McPartlan The Mayor thereupon declared this resolution duly passed and adopted this 27th day of September, 2023. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams City Clerk Approved as to form & legality Jennifer Cockcroft City Attorney OA CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Fred Jones, Mayor 395 of 562 9121/23, 9:01 AM Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine The 2023 Florida Statutes Select Year: 2023 v Go Title XXIV Chanter 327 View Entire Chapter VESSELS VESSEL SAFETY 327.4108 Anchoring of vessels in anchoring limitation areas.— (1) The following densely populated urban areas, which have narrow state waterways, residential docking facilities, and significant recreational boating traffic, are designated as and shall be considered to be grandfathered-in anchoring limitation areas, within which a person may not anchor a vessel at any time during the period between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise, except as provided in subsections (4) and (5): (a) The section of Middle River lying between Northeast 21st Court and the Intracoastal Waterway in Broward County. (b) Sunset Lake in Miami -Dade County. (c) The sections of Biscayne Bay in Miami -Dade County lying between: 1. Rivo Alto island and Di Lido Island. 2. San Marino Island and San Marco Island. 3. San Marco Island and Biscayne Island. (2)(a) Notwithstanding s. 327.60(2)(f), a county, except for Monroe County, may establish, in accordance with this subsection, an anchoring limitation area adjacent to urban areas that have residential docking facilities and significant recreational boating traffic. The aggregate total of anchoring limitation areas in a county may not exceed 10 percent of the county's delineated navigable -in -fact waterways. As used in this subsection, the term "navigable -in -fact waterways" means waterways that are navigable in their natural or unimproved condition over which useful commerce or public recreation of a substantial and permanent character is or may be conducted in the customary mode of trade and travel on water. The term does not include lakes or streams that are theoretically navigable; have a potential for navigability; or are temporary, precarious, and unprofitable, but the term does include lakes or streams that have practical usefulness to the public as highways for transportation. Each anchoring limitation area must meet all of the following requirements: 1. Be less than 100 acres in size. For purposes of this subsection, the calculated size of the anchoring limitation area does not include any portion of the marked channel of the Florida Intracoastal Waterway contiguous to the anchoring limitation area; 2. Not include any mooring field or marina; and 3. Be clearly marked with all of the following: a. Signs that provide reasonable notice to boaters identifying the duration of time beyond which anchoring is limited and identifying the county ordinance by which the anchoring limitation area was created. b. Buoys. The county that has created an anchoring limitation area shall install and maintain buoys marking the boundary of the anchoring limitation area. The signs and buoys must be permitted and installed in accordance with ss. 327.40 and 327.41 and commission rule. (b) Except as provided in subsections (4) and (5), a person may not anchor a vessel for more than 45 consecutive days in any 6-month period in an anchoring limitation area established pursuant to this subsection. (c) A county proposing establishment of an anchoring limitation area in accordance with this subsection shall provide notice to the commission at least 30 days before introducing an ordinance to establish the anchoring397 of 562 www.leg.state.fl.us/statutesAndex.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0300-039910327/Sections/0327.4108.htmi 114 9121/23, 9:01 AM Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine limitation area. The commission shall publish notice of the proposed ordinance on its website and distribute such notice through the commission's Boating and Waterways Section e-mail distribution list for ordinances. (3)(a) Monroe County is designated as an anchoring limitation area within which no less than once every 190 days each vessel anchored within Monroe County on waters of this state within 10 linear nautical miles of a public mooring field or a designated anchoring area must pull anchor and be moved from its location using the vessel's propulsion system and be reanchored in a new location. The new location must be: 1. No less than one-half linear nautical mile from the vessel's starting location. A vessel may not be reanchored within one-half linear nautical mile from the vessel's starting location for at least 90 days; or 2. In a different designated anchoring area. A vessel may not be reanchored in its originating designated anchoring area for at least 90 days after anchoring within a new designated anchoring area. (b) The commission, in consultation with Monroe County and the Florida Keys national Marine Sanctuary, shall establish by rule designated anchoring areas throughout the county. The designated anchoring areas must: Specify a maximum vessel draft for each area; 2. Be created only in locations where the water depth is sufficient to allow vessels whose drafts are less than the area's specified maximum vessel draft to navigate into and out of the areas without grounding or stranding; 3. Not be located over coral reefs or other sensitive fish or wildlife habitat, to the maximum extent practicable, as determined by the commission; 4. Not be located in an area subject to ongoing hazardous water currents or tides or containing navigational hazards; and 5. Not be located within navigational channels, setbacks established by the United States Army Corps of Engineers associated with federal channels, areas where anchoring is prohibited pursuant to s. 327.4109, or any other lawfully established areas that prohibit anchoring. (c) Paragraph (a) does not apply to vessels moored to approved and permitted moorings. (d) A vessel upon the waters of this state and within Monroe County for which the owner or occupant has established the vessel as a domicile in accordance with s. 222.17 is exempt from paragraph (a) until at least 100 new moorings are available for public use within 1 mile of the Key West Bight City Dock. Until such time, the commission shall designate the area within 1 mile of the Key West Bight City Dock as a priority for the investigation and removal of derelict vessels. (e) All of the following vessels within Monroe County on waters of this state which are equipped with a marine sanitation device other than a marine composting toilet that processes and manages human waste using technologies that comply with United States Coast Guard requirements must maintain a record of the date of each pumpout of the marine sanitation device and the location of the pumpout station or waste reception facility for 1 year after the date of the pumpout, and the record must indicate that the vessel was pumped out within the last 30 days: 1. A vessel that: a. Has enclosed living spaces or rooms; and b. Is used by a person as a dwelling or living space overnight at any time, notwithstanding whether or not the vessel is also used for navigation. 2. A vessel moored in a public mooring field. (f) This subsection may not be construed to prohibit anchoring for less than 90 days in areas within Monroe County. (4) Notwithstanding subsections (1), (2), and (3), a person may anchor a vessel in an anchoring limitation area during a time that would otherwise be unlawful: (a) If the vessel suffers a mechanical failure that poses an unreasonable risk of harm to the vessel or the persons onboard unless the vessel anchors. The vessel may anchor for 3 business days or until the vessel is repaired, whichever occurs first. (b) If imminent or existing weather conditions in the vicinity of the vessel pose an unreasonable risk of harm to the vessel or the persons onboard unless the vessel anchors. The vessel may anchor until weather conditions no 398 of 562 www.leg.state.fl.us/statuteslindex.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=03o0-039910327/Sections/0327.4108.htm1 2/4 9121/23, 9:01 AM Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes: Online Sunshine longer pose such risk. During a hurricane or tropical storm, weather conditions are deemed to no longer pose an unreasonable risk of harm when the hurricane or tropical storm warning affecting the area has expired. (c) During events described in s. 327.48 or other special events, including, but not limited to, public music performances, local government waterfront activities, or fireworks displays. A vessel may anchor for the lesser of the duration of the special event or 3 days. (5) This section does not apply to: (a) Vessels owned or operated by a governmental entity for law enforcement, firefighting, military, or rescue purposes. (b) Construction or dredging vessels on an active job site. (c) Vessels actively engaged in commercial fishing. (d) Vessels engaged in recreational fishing if the persons onboard are actively tending hook and line fishing gear or nets. (6)(a) As used in this subsection, the term "law enforcement officer or agency" means an officer or agency authorized to enforce this section pursuant to s. 327.70. (b)1. For a vessel in an anchoring limitation area established pursuant to subsection (2), upon an inquiry by a law enforcement officer or agency, a vessel owner or operator must be given an opportunity to provide proof that the vessel has not exceeded the limitations described in subsection (2). Such proof may include any of the following: a. Documentation showing that the vessel was in another location at least 1 mile away within a period of less than 45 days before the inquiry. b. Electronic evidence, including, but not limited to, navigational devices or tracking devices that show the vessel was in another location at least 1 mile away within a period of less than 45 days before the inquiry. 2. If a vessel owner or operator fails or refuses to provide proof that the vessel has not exceeded the Limitations described in subsection (2), the law enforcement officer or agency may issue a citation for a violation of this section. (c) A law enforcement officer or agency may remove a vessel from an anchoring limitation area and impound the vessel for up to 48 hours, or cause such removal and impoundment, if the vessel operator, after being issued a citation for a violation of this section: 1. Anchors the vessel in violation of this section within 12 hours after being issued the citation; or 2. Refuses to leave the anchoring limitation area after being directed to do so by a law enforcement officer or agency. (d) A vessel that is the subject of more than three violations within 12 months which result in dispositions other than acquittal or dismissal shall be declared to be a public nuisance and subject to s. 705.103 or, for a derelict vessel, subject to s. 823.11. (e) A law enforcement officer or agency acting under this subsection to remove or impound a vessel, or to cause such removal or impoundment, shall be held harmless for any damage to the vessel resulting from such removal or impoundment unless the damage results from gross negligence or willful misconduct. (f) A contractor performing removal or impoundment services at the direction of a law enforcement officer or agency pursuant to this subsection must.- 1 - Be licensed in accordance with United States Coast Guard regulations, as applicable. 2. Obtain and carry a current policy issued by a licensed insurance carrier in this state to insure against any accident, loss, injury, property damage, or other casualty caused by or resulting from the contractor's actions. 3. Be properly equipped to perform such services. (g) In addition to the civil penalty imposed under s. 327.73(1)(z), the operator of a vessel that is removed and impounded pursuant to paragraph (c) must pay all removal and storage fees before the vessel is released. A vessel removed pursuant to paragraph (c) may not be impounded for longer than 48 hours. (7) A violation of this section is punishable as provided in s. 327.73(1)(z). History.—s. 1, ch. 2016-96; s. 5, ch, 2017-163; s. 13, ch. 2021-184; s. 1, ch. 2021.192; s. 2, ch. 2022-78; s. 69, ch. 2023-8. 399 of 562 www.leg.state.ft.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0300-0399/0327/Sections/0327.4108.html 3/4 9/21/23, 9:01 AM Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes: Online Sunshine Copyright ® 1995-2023 The Florida Legislature • Privacv Statement • Contact Us 400 of 562 www.leg.state.fl.us/statutesriindex.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0300-0399/0327/Secuons/0327.4108.htmi 4/4 ana SE� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: September 27, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Consideration of a motion providing direction to the City Manager on how to best pursue the redevelopment of the Harbor Lights property. Recommendation: Staff requests adoption of a motion directing the City Manager on how to best pursue the redevelopment of the Harbor Lights property. Backeround: The City of Sebastian requested proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 1215 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Harbor Lights Motel). Request for Proposal (RFP #23-08) was issued in accordance with the disposal of real property provisions set forth in Section 163.380, Florida Statutes. On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 2:00 PM EST, all proposals were due to be submitted. No proposals were received. Staff believes the potential development of the property may be compromised by its small size (0.51+1- acres) and the regulatory conditions found in the Riverfront Overlay District. However, the site does offer many opportunities as outlined within the CRA Master Plan and available infrastructure within Indian River Drive. Options to be considered include: 1. Keep the parcel and provide ground lease to interested developer. 2. Keep the parcel and develop public space that compliments the CRA and adjacent public space. 3. SeIl property "as is" to highest bidder with no conditions of development. The CRA Board agenda for this evening includes consideration of a motion making a recommendation to the City Council. If Azenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: NA Total Cost: $0.00 Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NA Attachments: 1. Florida Statutes Section 163.380. 2. Sebastian CRA Redevelopment Master Plan 2022-2023; Applicable content of Section Four, pages 52 — 59. 3. RFP 23-08, Sale of Old Harbor Lights Motel Property Administrative Services Department Review:' City Attorney Review: Procurement Division 4 )iew, if applicable: NI I City Manager Authorization: _ Date: 4I 11 a 3 401 of 562 Select Year: 2023 v F Go The 2023 Florida Statutes Title XI Chapter View Entire COUNTY ORGANIZATION AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL 91W= INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS PROGRAMS 163.380 Disposal of property in community redevelopment area. —The disposal of property in a community redevelopment area which is acquired by eminent domain is subject to the limitations set forth in s. 73,013. (1) Any county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may sell, lease, dispose of, or otherwise transfer real property or any interest therein acquired by it for community redevelopment in a community redevelopment area to any private person, or may retain such property for public use, and may enter into contracts with respect thereto for residential, recreational, commercial, industrial, educational, or other uses, in accordance with the community redevelopment plan, subject to such covenants, conditions, and restrictions, including covenants running with the land, as it deems necessary or desirable to assist in preventing the development or spread of future slums or blighted areas or to otherwise carry out the purposes of this part. However, such sale, lease, other transfer, or retention, and any agreement relating thereto, may be made only after the approval of the community redevelopment plan by the governing body. The purchasers or lessees and their successors and assigns shall be obligated to devote such real property only to the uses specified in the community redevelopment plan and may be obligated to comply with such other requirements as the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may determine to be in the public interest, including the obligation to begin any improvements on such real property required by the community redevelopment plan within a reasonable time. (2) Such real property or interest shall be sold, leased, otherwise transferred, or retained at a value determined to be in the public interest for uses in accordance with the community redevelopment plan and in accordance with such reasonable disposal procedures as any county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may prescribe. In determining the value of real property as being in the public interest for uses in accordance with the community redevelopment plan, the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency shall take into account and give consideration to the long-term benefits to be achieved by the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency resulting from incurring short-term losses or costs in the disposal of such real property; the uses provided in such plan; the restrictions upon, and the covenants, conditions, and obligations assumed by, the purchaser or lessee or by the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency retaining the property; and the objectives of such plan for the prevention of the recurrence of slum or blighted areas. In the event the value of such real property being disposed of is for less than the fair value, such disposition shall require the approval of the governing body, which approval may only be given following a duly noticed public hearing. The county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may provide in any instrument of conveyance to a private purchaser or lessee that such purchaser or lessee is without power to sell, lease, or otherwise transfer the real property without the prior written consent of the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency until the purchaser or lessee has completed the construction of any or all improvements which he or she has obligated himself or herself to construct thereon. Real property acquired by the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency which, in accordance with the provisions of the community redevelopment plan, is to be transferred shall be transferred as rapidly as feasible in the public interest, consistent with the carrying out of the provisions of the community redevelopment plan. Any contract for such transfer and the community redevelopment plan, or such part or parts of such contract or plan as the county, 402 of 562 municipality, or community redevelopment agency may determine, may be recorded in the land records of the clerk of the circuit court in such manner as to afford actual or constructive notice thereof. (3)(a) Prior to disposition of any real property or interest therein in a community redevelopment area, any county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency shall give public notice of such disposition by publication in a newspaper having a general circulation in the community, at least 30 days prior to the execution of any contract to sell, lease, or otherwise transfer real property and, prior to the delivery of any instrument of conveyance with respect thereto under the provisions of this section, invite proposals from, and make all pertinent information available to, private redevelopers or any persons interested in undertaking to redevelop or rehabilitate a community redevelopment area or any part thereof. Such notice shall identify the area or portion thereof and shall state that proposals must be made by those interested within 30 days after the date of publication of the notice and that such further information as is available may be obtained at such office as is designated in the notice. The county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency shall consider all such redevelopment or rehabilitation proposals and the financial and legal ability of the persons making such proposals to carry them out; and the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may negotiate with any persons for proposals for the purchase, lease, or other transfer of any real property acquired by it in the community redevelopment area. The county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may accept such proposal as it deems to be in the public interest and in furtherance of the purposes of this part. Except in the case of a governing body acting as the agency, as provided in s. 163,357, a notification of intention to accept such proposal must be filed with the governing body not less than 30 days prior to any such acceptance. Thereafter, the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may execute such contract in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) and deliver deeds, leases, and other instruments and take all steps necessary to effectuate such contract. (b) Any county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency that, pursuant to the provisions of this section, has disposed of a real property project with a land area in excess of 20 acres may acquire an expanded area that is immediately adjacent to the original project and less than 35 percent of the land area of the original project, by purchase as provided in this chapter, and negotiate a disposition of such expanded area directly with the person who acquired the original project without complying with the disposition procedures established in paragraph (a), provided the county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency adopts a resolution making the following findings: 1. It is in the public interest to expand such real property project to an immediately adjacent area. 2. The expanded area is less than 35 percent of the land area of the original project. 3. The expanded area is entirely within the boundary of the community redevelopment area. (4) Any county, municipality, or community redevelopment agency may temporarily operate and maintain real property acquired by it in a community redevelopment area for or in connection with a community redevelopment plan pending the disposition of the property as authorized in this part, without regard to the provisions of subsection (1), for such uses and purposes as may be deemed desirable, even though not in conformity with the community redevelopment plan. (5) If any conflict exists between the provisions of this section and s. 159.61, the provisions of this section govern and supersede those of s. 159,61. (6) Notwithstanding any provision of this section, if a community redevelopment area is established by the governing body for the redevelopment of property located on a closed military base within the governing body's boundaries, the procedures for disposition of real property within that community redevelopment area shall be prescribed by the governing body, and compliance with the other provisions of this section shall not be required prior to the disposal of real property. History.—s. 11, ch. 69-305; s. 9, ch. 77-391; s. 13, ch. 84-356; s. 1, ch. 92-162; s. 906, ch. 95-147; s. 1, ch. 96-254; s. 9, ch. 98-314; S. 12, ch. 2006.11. Copyright 0 1995-2023 The Florida Legislature • Privacv Statement • Contact Us 403 of 562 SEBASTIAN CRA MAJOR THEMES Throughout the formation of this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan, as well as during the public input and workshop sessions, five overarching themes were identified. These themes are to be used as a planning framework for the Agency to help enhance the character of the downtown and to embrace opportunities that exist within the CRA. These major themes include: 'k INFRASTRUCTURE & DRAINAGE fill A Riverfront Drainage Study performed in 2014 identified a list of stormwater improvement areas within the Sebastian CRA; these included drainage improvements to Indian River, "Presidential Street', Coolidge Street, Central Avenue/Davis Street, and the CavCorp parking lot. These stormwater facility improvements were completed in 2017 through the installation of baffle boxes at major outfail locations, In addition, the Agency continues plans to address other infrastructure needs relative to septic -to -sewer conversion within the redevelopment area. The stormwater facilities and waterlsewer utility infrastructure may require upgrades within the CRA, especially when anticipating new demand driven by residential, commercial, and mixed -use development. WATERFRONT, PARKS, & PUBLIC SPACES Y The CRA closely Identifies with its waterfront, occupying over 47% of its total acreage. The Agency has prioritized access and preservation of its waterfront, as it is vital to the area's economic success. The CRA's community continues to support these preservation efforts, subsequently preserving and enhancing the City's history as a fishing village, contribute to the desired design theme, and make use of the waterfront resource to maximize economic development. Open space enhancement projects along the water and restoring waterfront properties for new uses were contemplated within the 2010 Sebastian CRA Master Plan and have been continued within this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan. In 2018, the consensus of community members and key stakeholders was to focus on river views and access, a waterfront pedestrian experience, and open public spaces. Specifically, the "Working Waterfront" initiative has been a high priority of the City and the Agency to promote economic revitalization along the Indian River coast. Subsequently, these efforts have continued to bring activity and regeneration to the Sebastian shoreline. In addition, enhancing the existing Riverview Park is a prime example of the potential for park revitalization and economic activity in the surrounding vicinity. A Riverview Park Master Plan was completed in 2019 to diversify its current uses and implement best management practices moving forward. The Agency seeks to generate more engagement with its open space by creating connectivity between greenspaces through implementation of a pedestrian pathway system, greenway connectors, and bicycle paths that may provide for future recreation enhancement opportunities. The Agency also seeks to enhance its recreational piers, waterfront boat ramp access, and smaller opportunistic waterfront parks, especially within the Park District. ItROADS, PARKING, & PEDESTRIAN . CONNECTIVITY IMPROVEMENTS The CRA community's desire for road and pedestrian connectivity improvements along U.S. Highway 1 and Indian River Drive were significant observations during the public input sessions. The CRA is prioritizing pedestrian connectivity and accessibility in order to link west Sebastian to the waterfront by creating a more pedestrian- and bicycle -friendly streetscape environment and providing visual linkages between the riverfront and U.S. Highway 1. These improvements may include, but not be limited to, boulevard landscaping including street trees and sidewalks, widened sidewalks and curbed dedicated bicycling space along Indian River Drive, flashing pedestrian crosswalks across U.S. Highway 1 towards the riverfront, and safer crosswalk areas along the railroad tracks near the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area. In addition, the Land Development Code was updated under Ordinance No. 0-10-05 in an effort to encourage public parking use in high -demand/ low -supply areas. the "payment in lieu of parking" program permits the use of City parking areas adjacent to commercial property to satisfy zoning requirements. The Agency envisions increasing public parking in the CRA, and establishing on -street parking and streetscapes adjacent to recreation areas. PUBLIC SAFETY Another observation from the community during the public input session was the desire to enhance public safety throughout the CRA, ensuring that everyone can live and work in a safe environment. In doing so, the Agency could develop a comprehensive public safety initiative that addresses public safety needs of the community. I 52 1 2023 Sebastian CRA Sustainable Redevelopment Master Plan 404 of 562 Currently, the City Police Department consists of a road patrol, canine, and marine unit divisions with the main commitment to maintaining a safe and peaceful environment for all residents and visitors within the City. Additional ways the Agency may increase public safety could include increased lighting and safety measures in community spaces, developing public health and prevention strategies, and prioritizing youth development. PRESERVING THE COMMUNITY CHARACTER + Promoting the community character as "Old Florida Fishing Village" and the CRA as a destination has been a major priority Within the CRA since adoption. In doing so, the Agency has prioritized creating a unique brand through signage, wayfinding, and advertising. In addition, the CRA has prioritized enhancing existing recreation land in the CRA through use of appropriate urban design for parks and open spaces, increasing pedestrian donnectivity and walkways, and preserving the character of the existing neighborhoods through proper landscaping, lighting, and signage. All of these practices have helped define the Sebastian CRA's community character and a coherent sense of place when visiting the CRA. These five major themes have helped identify the guiding principles, as well as the recommended improvement and redevelopment programs within the CRA as detailed along the following pages. r , Photo Courtesy of CoSrar GUIDING PRINCIPLES The principles identified below are derived from public engagement, other plans, and background data utilized. The analysis and feedback suggest a variety of objectives that are the essential elements of this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan structural framework. ENCOURAGE • Residential and mixed -use development within the Sebastian Blvd. Triangle overlay District. • Retail uses adjacent to Riverview Park. Compatible infill development. • Enhancement of the character of the CRA with architecture that addresses the community's "Old Florida Fishing Village" scale and feel. li. CREATE • Gateway features at west end of Sebastian Blvd. Triangle Overlay District and on U.S'. Highway 1 • Visual linkages between the riverfront and U.S. Highway 1. • Improved bicycle and pedestrian linkages to the riverfront and between recreation lands. • Additional on-street/of f -street parking. • Pocket parks and wildlife observation areas. • Opportunities to facilitate development of catalyst sites and other priorities through property acquisition. III. PRESERVE • Protect and enhance uses and buildings along and adjacent to one of the area's most important assets: the Indian River Lagoon. • Important historic resources in the redevelopment area, particularly those that help to Illustrate the area's fishing heritage, as well as those that meaningfully contribute to the "Old Florida Fishing Village" character. • Waterfront access and continued riverfront activities. IV PROMOTE • Promote the redevelopment area as a destination for shopping, dining, events, and recreation. • Incentive, Grant, and Assistance Programs available to property owners and businesses within the CRA. Section A Redeveloptnent Plan I ` , 1 405 of 562 RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENT & REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS WITHIN THE SEBASTIAN CRA REDEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY BY CONCEPTUAL PLANNING DISTRICT Sebastian US-1 Sebastian Park Blvd. Commercial Riverfront Blvd. Mixed -Use South Encourage Residential + Mixed Use Development X X X X Retail Uses adjacent to Riverview Park X Compatible Infill Development X X X X X "Old Florida Fishing Village" Character X X X X Development of Catalyst Sites X X X X Create Renovations/Upgrades to Riverview Park X Gateway Features X X X On-Street/Off-Street Parking X X X Pocket Parks + Wildlife Observation Areas X X X Property Acquisition X X X X X Improvements to Recreational "Twin" Piers X X Increased Pedestrian Connectivity X X X X Streetscape Improvements + vegetative X X X X Landscaping Preserve Protect + Enhance Indian River Lagoon Frontage X X Historic Resource Protection X X X X X Waterfront Access + Riverfront Activities X X Preservation Promote Marketing of Redevelopment Area as Destination X X X X X Promote Incentive/Grant/Assistance Programs X X X X X Sourco Sobastion Cofrvmrary Redevelopment Agency,' OAI Consultants, Inc REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS FACADE, SIGN, AND LANDSCAPING MATCHING GRANT PROGRAM - This program provides funds to assist property owners and/or business owners to improve and install new signage and/or landscaping. SEPTIC TO SEWER CONNECTION GRANT (S2S) - This program is designed to provide individual grants to qualified property owners for costs incurred to remove an operational septic tank system that serves and occupied facility or building and connects to the County sanitary sewer system. SSP is available to businesses or residences located with the Redevelopment Area currently utilizing septic systems. PARKING -IN -LIEU PROGRAM - This program provides for establishing parking within the right-of-way at a rate of $3,200 per space. STORMWATER FEE CREDIT PROGRAM - All properties within City, whether or not they discharge stormwater directly into the Sebastian Stormwater Utility ("Utility") system, will pay a proportionate share of the Utility expenses incurred in providing generalized benefits to the system. Property located within the City from which stormwater runoff is discharged, either directly or indirectly, may be eligible for a reduction in the stormwater fee from the Utility. Single -Family Residential lots are not eligible for this credit. The City shall reasonably determine "fee credit" based upon the savings to the Utility resulting from the property's stormwater facilities or unique features. Stormwater fee credits include: incorporation of LID/BMP alternative practices such as vegetated swales and buffers, permeable pavers, bioretention and bioswales. 1 54 1 2023 Sebastian CRA Sustainable Redevelopment Moster Plan 406 of 562 CONCEPTUAL PLANNING DISTRICTS' PRIORITIES As a part of the 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan, major priorities have been identified for each of the CRA's conceptual planning districts. These priorities are provided for the short --term (1-5 years) and the long-term (6-10 years), as illustrated below, These projects and associated time frames are consistent with the updated goals and objectives within this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan. C�D Park tEl SHORT-TERM PRIORITIES Implementation of Riverview Park Master Plan Upgrades and Renovations. Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. Streetscape improvements to Indian River Drive. Creation of riverfront event space. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill development projects. Create "local activity center" surrounding the Riverview Park, to include complementary retail uses, connectivity to the riverfront, and streetscape improvements_ Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Sebastian IRiverfront Blvd. Mixed -Use District District SHORT-TERM PRIORITIES Improvement of the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area to provide for mixed -use development, connectivity to adjacent residential communities, and streetscape improvements. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and Infill development projects. LONG-TERM PRIORITIES New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Modification of lake to create park/ open space feature. U.S.-1 Commercial District Installation of gateway treatments at entrances to the CRA along U.S. Highway 1. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill commercial development. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Enhancement of the U.S. Highway I streetscape to provide for greater pedestrian and bicycle usability, as well as the installation of mature landscaping and trees. Property acquisition to facilitate infill commercial development. SHORT-TERM PRIORITIES Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. Streetscape improvements to Indian River Drive. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill development projects. LONG-TERM PRIORITIES Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA, New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Sebastian Blvd. South District Installation of gateway treatments at entrances to the CRA along Sebastian Boulevard. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Property acquisition to facilitate infill development projects. Section 4 Redevelopment Plan I 55 1 407 of 562 RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of Sebastian is requesting proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 1215 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Harbor Lights Motel). This Request for Proposal ("RFP") is issued in accordance with the disposal of real property provisions set forth in Section 163.380, Florida Statutes. The Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency "CRA" invites Proposers to submit their qualifications, approach, conceptual design, financial and other terms for the Proposer to purchase, design, permit, construct, finance, operate and maintain a mixed -use development on a 0.51+/- acre site located at 1215 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, FL. The Citv will NOT nav real estate commissions on this sale. All proposals are due no later than Friday. July 21. 2023 by 2:00 PM. LOCAL TIME., at which time all proposals are due. Late proposals will not be accepted. Proposers have the option to submit vhvsically. in -person, or by mail. Submissions shall only be accented at Citv Hall. Proposer must submit proposal in a sealed envelope/box/container: One (1) original proposal "MARKED ORIGINAL & SIGNED IN BLUE INK," including the required deposit; EIGHT (8) copies "MARKED COPY & SIGNED IN BLACK INK" of the proposal are required; One (1) USB with an electronic version is required. Only the NAME of the firms who submitted a response to this Request for Proposal ivill be read aloud RFP's will not be made available for review at the time of the opening EVENT RELEASE DATE: QUESTIONS DUE DATE/TIME: DUE DATE/TI114E: 18r EVALUATION MEETING: 2ND EVALUATION MEETING, if applicable: RECOMMENDATION OF AWARD — CITY COUNCIL MEETING: City of Sebastian City Hall 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 DATE TIME WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, _ 2023 FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 END OF BUSINESS FRIDAY, JULY 21, 2023 2:00 PM EST TBD I0:00 AM EST TBD 6:00 PM EST RFP documents and any addenda may be obtained from the City's website (www.citvofsebastian.org), DemandStar (www.demandstar.com) or VendorLink (www.vendorlink.com). It will be the sole responsibility of the Proposer to determine if anv addenda have been issued prior to submittine a vrovosal. Any and all questions and communication concerning this RFP should be emailed ONLY to the contact person listed below, no later than Friday, June 30, 2023 by end of day. Contact by a Proposer (or anyone representing a Proposer) regarding this RFP with the City Council or a City employee/representative other than the point of contact listed above, is grounds for disqualification. Page 2 of 31 413 of 562 cm Lf 5E , RFP #23-08 HOME OFnUCANISIAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE STATEMENT OF NO RESPONSE If your firm does not intend on submitting a proposal, please complete and return this form prior to the Solicitation Opening date shown herein. Return by email (dwixon(acitvofsebastian.oriz) or by mail to: CITY OF SEBASTIAN, CITY HALL ATTN: PROCUREMENT 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 Company Name: Company Address: Phone Number: We are not responding to RFP #23-08. FOR THE PURCHASE OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND PROVISION OF A MIXED -USE DEVELOPMENT AT 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SEBASTIAN FLORIDA for the following reasons) (mark all that applies): Do not offer the good(s) or service(s) required Our schedule would not permit us to perform responsibly Unable to meet specifications/scope of services Unable to meet minimum requirements Insufficient time allowed for preparation of response Project/Budget too small Specifications unclear — too vague, rigid, etc. (please explain below) Other (please specify below) REMARKS Signature Print Name / Title Date Page 3 of 31 414 of 562 an a HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS.................................................................................................................2 ............. ............ STATEMENT OF NO RESPONSE.................................................................... ....... .....3 TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................4 DEFINTIONS..............................................................................................................................................4 SECTION 1— SOLICITATION INFORMATION..................................................................................5 SECTION 2 — PURCHASE AGREEMENT DETAILS..........................................................................9 SECTION 3 — PROPOSAL FORMAT & REQUIREMENTS.............................................................11 SECTION 4 — EVALUATION PROCESS..............................................................................................12 SECTION 5 — GENERAL CONDITIONS..............................................................................................13 SECTION 6 — REQUIRED FORMS.......................................................................................................20 PROPOSALCHECKLIST ....................... ..............................................................................................20 MAILINGLABEL..................................................................................... ..21 CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET - FORM A................................................................................22 ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - FORM B..............................................................................23 PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE - FORM C.......................................................................................24 PROPOSER'S DISCLOSURE - FORM D............................................................................................25 E-VERIFY ACKNOWLEDGMENT - FORM E..................................................................................27 NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT - FORM F.......................................•.................................................28 MINORITY, WOMEN and DISABLED -OWNED REPRESENTATION - FORM G ........................29 SOLICIATION INFORMATION FORM ................................................... ............. .................31 Exhibits: "A" - Property Information and Survey (2018) "B" —Environmental Compliance Report (January 2023) "C" - Sample Purchase Agreement DEFINITIONS Request for Proposals ("RFP"): This Solicitation document, including any and all addenda. Proposal: Submission in response to this RFP. Proposer: Person or firm submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP, "pre -award". Engineer or Desien Build Firm (DBF): Selected Proposer that is meets the scope of sen ices and is awarded a contract to provide the goods or services to the City, "post -award". City: Refers to the City of Sebastian. Contract or Agreement: Request for Proposals, all addenda issued thereto, all affidavits, the signed agreement, and all related documents that comprise the totality of the contract or agreement between the City and the Engineer or DBF. Responsible Proposer: Proposer that has the integrity, reliability and capability in all respects to perform in full the contract requirement as stated in the RFP. Responsive Proposer: Proposer who's Proposal fully conforms in all material respects to the RFP and its entire requirement, including form and substance. Days: Refers to calendar days, unless otherwise stated. Shall. Must & Will: Interpreted as mandatory language. Page 4 of 31 415 of 562 CMOF RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SECTION 1-- SOLICITATION INFORMATION 1.1 SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Sebastian is requesting proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 1215 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Harbor Lights Motel). Title will be transferred by a special warranty deed. Consideration will be given to development that best promotes a vibrant, active and dynamic keystone site that will further the Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) goals and objectives. The City desire's a project that has the ability to provide adaptable mixed use development on the site. This property is located in the Commercial Waterfront Residential (CWR) zoning district and also lies within the Riverfront Overlay District. The redevelopment shall promote and implement the goals and objectives of the CRA Master Plan to remove blight, increase the tax base, and enhance the quality of life; promote the waterfront and its history, and improve the aesthetics and enjoyment of the CWR district and surrounding area. The City will NOT pay any real estate commissions or provide waivers of site related fees on this sale. 1.2 PROPERTY INFORMATION The property consists of vacant land on approximately 0.51 acres. All structures and infrastructure has been removed from the property as of 2022. The property was originally used as a small motel and has been vacant since 2018. There are currently no water or sewer connections, therefore new water and sewer connections would be required as a part of any new development. Water and sewer are available on Indian River Drive. Indian River County Parcel ID: 31390600000005000010.0 SEC 6 TWP 31 RNG 39 GOVT LOT 5 MORE FULLY DESC AS FROM THE NW COR OF GOVT LOT 5 TH RUN SLY AL THE W BNDRY OF GOVT LOT 5 FOR A DIS OF 382.06 FT TO THE S ROW LINE OF MAIN ST TH RUN N83-25-31 E AL SAID S ROW LINE FOR A DIS OF 179 FT TO AN IRON PIPE AT THE SE COR OF US HWY 1 AND MAIN ST TH RUN S17-29-29E AL SAID E ROW FOR A DIS OF 203.40 FT TH RUN N76-24-31E FOR A DIS OF 114.97 FT TO THE POB TH RUN S21-22-36E FOR A DIS OF 186.51 FT TH RUN N73-08-31E FOR A DIS OF 127.35 FT TO THE W ROW OF OLD US HWY 1 TH RUN N25-29-29W AL THE W ROW OF US HWY 1 FOR A DIS OF 181.25 FT TO A POINT TH RUN S76-24-31 W FOR A DIS OF 114.97 FT TO THE POB The property is in a prime location within the Riverfront Overlay District with a direct view of the Indian River and close proximity to shopping, recreation, entertainment, and restaurants. There are no riparian rights or direct waterfront access associated with the purchase of this property. Site Conditions Special District: Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency Future Land Use: Riverfront Mixed Use Current Zoninin Commercial Waterfront Residential District (CWR) Performance Overlay District: Riverfront Overlay District Permitted Uses: Multiple -Family Dwellings up to 8 units per acre Commercial retail less than or equal to 5,000 sq ft Height: 35 feet Parcel Size: 0.51 acres Access to all typical utilities including but not limited to water, electric, telephone, sewer, and internet. Exhibits include: "A" - Property Information and Survey (2018) "B" - Environmental Compliance Report (January 2023) Page 5 of 31 416 of 562 Qn5 C% SEBASTLAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE 1.3 DEPOSIT Proposals must be accompanied by a security deposit of $15,000.00, in the form of a certified or cashier's check, payable to the City of Sebastian. This deposit will be returned to unsuccessful Proposers. The successful Proposer shall be required to deposit with the City another $30,000.00, for a total deposit of $45,000.00 (or more if increased through negotiations) within. five (5) business days following City Council approval of the Purchase Agreement. All deuosits by the successful Pronoser are non-refundable. 1.4 CITY BACKGROUND The City of Sebastian was first incorporated as the Town of Sebastian in 1924, and is located at the northern end of Indian River County, Florida, approximately midway between Melbourne and Vero Beach on the Treasure Coast. It is recognized as the home of Pelican Island, the first designated wildlife refuge in the United States, and a Tree City USA. Sebastian's current population is 25,438; residents include many retirees and families. The total area of Sebastian is approximately 18.19 square miles with about 1.5 miles of waterfront on the Indian River Lagoon. . The most current employment estimates indicate that Health Care and Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Accommodations and Food Services are the dominant industries within the City and Sebastian CRA. Sebastian has over 20 beautiful parks, public and private elementary schools, middle schools, and a high school just outside of its limits. With an unobstructed view of the intra-coastal waterway in the Indian River Lagoon along its dazzling riverfront district, close proximity to Atlantic beaches, a year round average temperature of 73.4 degrees, Sebastian is a welcoming city. Entertainment in Sebastian includes shops and restaurants, many churches, several City festivals each year, monthly arts and crafts shows, concerts in the park, a municipal golf course and airport, and a central location with easy access to I-95 and the Florida Turnpike. Sebastian and the rest of northern Indian River County comprise one of the fastest -growing areas of Florida in the first decade of the 21 st century. Puruose The City of Sebastian is requesting proposals from qualified and experienced real estate developers and builders interested in undertaking the re -development of the former Harbor Lights Motel site located at 1215 Indian River Page 6 of 31 417 of 562 an a SEBASTIAN }TOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE Drive. The site is located in the Sebastian CR.4 and maintains a CWR, Commercial Waterfront Residential zoning and also lies within the Riverfront Performance Overlay district. The purpose of this solicitation is to offer the property for sale and re -development while at the same time promoting the goals and objectives for the implementation of the CRA plan to remove conditions of blight, increase the tax base, and enhance the quality of life, promote the waterfront and its history, and improve the aesthetics and enjoyment of the commercial waterfront residential district and surrounding area. The City would desire a project that has the ability to provide adaptable mixed use develooment on the site. Visit the City of Sebastian webpage for information regarding the goals and objectives of the CRA Master Plan and applicable zoning criteria (www.eityofsebastian.org). Proiect Description and Available Information The current property is vacant and sits on approximately 0.51 acres. The property was originally used as a small motel and has been vacant since 2018. Water and sewer infrastructure would be required as a part of any new development at the site. The property is in a prime location within the Sebastian CRA with a direct view of the Indian River and close proximity to shopping, recreation, entertainment, and nearby restaurants. There exist no riparian rights or direct waterfront access associated with this purchase and development. If the developer is seeking waivers for development, they must specifically outline each request as a part of their proposal. The site is an important gateway property that lies adjacent to the waterfront. It is the intention of the Sebastian CRA to consider certain development that best captures the architectural appeal of the city as an "Old Florida Fishing Village" as well as develop the property into a vibrant, active, and dynamic keystone site that will further the CRA's goals and objectives. The development of a mixed use property is expected to serve as a catalyst for redevelopment. Proposals should consider incorporating in the project, to the maximum extent feasible, the City's planning objectives and principals including: • Enhance and connect open space • Livable approach to streets and uses • Enhance the CRA Park District The City of Sebastian maintains a parking -in -lieu trust fund established to receive the fee paid by developers unable to provide all of the required parking on -site for a project and shall be used only to develop and maintain public parking within the community redevelopment area. A minimum of 50% of parking is required onsite. The City is not aware of any known soil or groundwater contamination that may adversely affect development. The site has been vacant since 2018 and all structures removed as of 2022. An Environmental Compliance Report and Tank Closure Letter have been included in Exhibit B. The CRA and the CITY are seeking an experienced and well financed developer that is capable of developing the Property. The Proposer must first submit a proposal meeting the requirements of this RFP including submitting detailed elevation drawings or other photos/illustrations and conceptual site development plan. Proposals will then be evaluated and ranked by the CRA Board. The top ranked proposer will then be invited to negotiate the terms and conditions of a written project agreement with the CITY. The selection of the top ranked proposer does not in any way form a contract with the CITY. Rather, it is simply an invitation to commence negotiations with the CITY to draft a mutually agreeable project agreement which shall be subject to consideration and final approval by the CITY COUNCIL. No guarantees or representations whatsoever are given by the CITY that the selected proposer will be able to successfully negotiate a written project agreement with the CITY COUNCIL, and neither is the CITY obligated or required to provide an executable project agreement. If selected and invited to negotiate a project agreement, the negotiation period shall not exceed three (3) months and can be terminated at any time by the CITY COUNCIL. Upon expiration or termination of the negotiations, the CITY COUNCIL may choose to negotiate with any other proposer or terminate the RFP at the CITY COUNCIL'S sole and absolute discretion. A contract is formed with the CITY only at such time the CITY COUNCIL and selected proposer approve and execute the written project agreement. Otherwise, the selected proposer, regardless of the fact that a proposal was submitted and the parties negotiated, has no rights whatsoever to acquire the subject property and/or construct a project on the property. Additionally, the selected proposers must be able to commit to begin construction of the mixed -use development within eighteen (18) months from the date that the site plan is approved by the CITY. Page 7 of 31 418 of 562 onof 2W=W_�N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE The project agreement is expected to address the agreed upon terms and conditions of the project including, but not limited to, the proposed conceptual site development plan, building elevations, covenants, conditions, and restrictions, including covenants running with the land, as the CITY deems necessary or desirable to assist in preventing the development or spread of future slums or blighted areas or to otherwise carry out the purposes of this RFP which are to construct a mixed -use development, and such other design, permitting, financial, development schedules, and construction terms and conditions deemed necessary by the CITY. The CITY COUNCIL may accept such proposal and negotiate a written agreement as it deems to be in the public interest and in furtherance of the purposes of the CRA's Redevelopment Plan. The Project Agreement, if successfully negotiated, shall be subject to such covenants, conditions, and restrictions, including covenants running with the land, as the CITY COUNCIL deems necessary or desirable to assist in preventing the development or spread of future slums or blighted areas or to otherwise carry out the purposes of this RFP. Further, the CRA lacks authority to grant variances, waivers, or other land use approvals in the City of Sebastian, which is exclusively within the jurisdiction of the Sebastian CITY COUNCIL. Accordingly, proposers should anticipate that it will be required to negotiate a separate development agreement with the City of Sebastian to approve conceptual development plans and address other matters for which the CITY COUNCIL retains exclusive authority, such as vacation of rights -of -ways. Again, no guarantees or representations whatsoever are given by the City of Sebastian that the selected proposer will be able to successfully negotiate a written development agreement with the Sebastian CITY COUNCIL, and neither is the City of Sebastian obligated or required to provide an executable development agreement. 1.5 MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS Each firm must satisfy the minimum requirements listed below to be considered. Firms that do not meet the minimum requirements as determined by the City, at its sole discretion, will be deemed non -responsive and not considered for award. All decisions made by the City are final. All Proposers must demonstrate the following: I. Proposer, or at least one of its General Partners, must be operating as the same business entity for a minimum of five (5) years; and 2. Proven experience of successfully developing properties continuously for a minimum of five (5) years; and 3. Financial ability to provide the proposed redevelopment; and 4. No tax delinquency as an individual or member of a Corporation or Partnership; and 5. No unabated code violations for other properties within the City of Sebastian; and 6. No creation of a non -conforming use. �r Page 8 of 31 419 of 562 RFP #23-08 HOME Of KUCAN ISL N° PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SECTION 2 — PURCHASE AGREEMENT DETAILS Upon the City Council's acceptance of a proposal, the successful Proposer shall enter into a Purchase Agreement for the purchase of the property. A sample Purchase Agreement is included as Exhibit "C". The Agreement will be subject to the following terms: 1) A Special Warranty Deed shall be prepared at the City's expense which states the City is conveying the Property in "as is" condition. A Title Commitment and/or Insurance shall be procured by the successful bidder, and obtained by said bidder within thirty (30) days after the effective contract date. Purchaser shall pay the cost thereof as well as the cost of any update. Purchaser shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of receiving said commitment of title to examine same. Failure of bidder to timely obtain title information shall not extend the time for closing. If title is found to be defective due to conditions or restrictions other than those set forth herein, Purchaser shall, within said period, notify the City Attorney in writing, specifying the defects. If the said defects, other than those set forth herein, and that the title was obtained by or through a tax deed, render the title unmarketable, the City shall have one hundred twenty (120) days from receipt of such notice to cure the defects, and if after said period the City shall not have cured the defects, Purchaser shall have the option of (1) accepting the title as it then is, or (2) demanding a refund of all monies paid hereunder which shall forthwith be returned to Purchaser, and thereupon the Purchaser and the City shall be relieved of all further obligations. 2) An updated survey of the property, if desired, shall be obtained and paid for by the Purchaser. 3) State documentary stamps on the deed shall be paid by the Purchaser. 4) Certified, confirmed and ratified special assessment liens shall be paid by the City at the time of closing. The City represents that there are no pending liens at this time affecting the property which have been made by the City and to the best of its knowledge, there are no other pending liens affecting the property. However, if at the time of closing there shall be new or future pending liens, Purchaser shall assume the same. 5) The Purchaser shall pay the cost of recording the deed. 6) The Purchaser shall pay the cost of his/her, or its own attorneys and any title commitment and/or insurance. 7) The deposits will be in good faith and will be deducted from the amount proposed to purchase property to determine balance due at closing. Ten (10) business days following City Council approval of the negotiated Purchase Agreement, selected Purchasers deposits are non-refundable. 8) Closing shall be done by a Closins Aaent, paid by the Purchaser, and take place within ninety (90) days from the date of the Agreement, in the office of the City Attorney or Closing Agent's Office. The time for closing shall be extended as may be deemed necessary by the City. Should closing not occur within the time frame or any extensions granted, the City has the right but not the obligation to terminate any and all agreements and retain the property or rebid the property. 9) The successful Proposer if financing must obtain financing within fifteen (15) days following City Council approval of the negotiated Purchase Agreement, and evidence shall be provided to the City that financing has been obtained. If evidence is not provided within the fifteen (15) day time period, the City has the right to either provide an additional ten (10) working days extension, or terminate the process and move to the next preferred applicant. 10) It is understood and agreed that the terms of the RFP documents, proposal submission with proposed use and Purchase Agreement survives after Closing. The Purchase Agreement shall survive the conveyance of title, particularly with respect to any act or event which may take place after such conveyance and which affects the rights of the parties hereto. 11) The City has not employed any Real Estate Brokers in connection with the sale of the property being offered herein, nor is it in any way liable or responsible for any real estate brokerage or other similar commission claimed as the result of any sale made of the property herein offered. Page 9 of 31 420 of 562 RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SECTION 3 — PROPOSAL FORMAT & REQUIREMENTS The Proposal shall be limited to no more than twentv (20) pages (NOT including the required forms listed in Section 3.9.) Any responses exceeding twenty (20) pages, NOT including the required forms, will be considered non -responsive and not considered for award. You are expected to use Tabs dividing each section (tabs will not be included/counted in the twenty (20) pages). 3.1 COVER LETTER Proposer shall submit a letter of interest signed by an authorized representative that can contractually obligate and bind the firm. The Proposer or authorized representative is attesting that the information provided is current and factual. The letter shall include: • Date • Proposers Information (history, length of existence & business structure) • Representatives Contact Information (telephone number and email address) • Proposer's federal taxpayer identification number • Confirmation of Proposer meeting ALL minimum requirements listed above in Section 1.5. • Type of ownership, if applicable (small business, small disadvantaged business or women -owned business) • A detailed description of the nature and status of any pending or completed litigation claims made, contract disputes, alleged defaults and liens arising in connection with the performance of any services by your company or by current or former members of your firm, within the last three years. If proposer intends to utilize subcontractors or sub -consultants, provide similar information for the subcontractors/sub-consultants. 3.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Include a clear identification of the materials included in the Proposal by numbering them and providing the proper page number. OUALIFICATIONS {TAB 1) 3.3 PROPOSER QUALIFICATIONS A detailed summary of the developer's experience in the acquisition and development of CWR or mixed -use development. A brief description of at least three (3) most comparable projects that has been successfully developed. Provide the name, address, photographs, and references. NOTE: The use of past project photos, renderings and graphics are highly encouraged. 3.4 TEAM QUALIFICATIONS • Team members and credentials • Include information for the proposed Master Planner, Architect, or Contractor for the project • Provide up to two comparable projects undertaken, as part of this team or separately by each professional. (Note which projects the professional consultants and contractors provided the services on behalf of the Proposer). • Team credentials include, but are not limited to, specialized qualifications, education and experience. Brief background outlining relevant work performed within the last five (5) years. Provide the Florida registration numbers of professional personnel. Resumes shall not exceed one (1) page per person, if applicable. PROPOSED USE (TAB 2) 3.5 PROPOSED USE OF SITE • Describe the proposed use of the site. Page 10 of 31 421 of 562 OnOF ZE06-N RFP #23-08 HOME OFPWCMISLRND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE • Include conceptual plans, elevations, renderings, etc. Anticipated square footage per use, estimated parking counts, and number of stories in proposed structures, if applicable. • A conceptual site development plan, drawn to scale, evidencing that the plan will satisfy current zoning requirements for a "Commercial/Mixed-Use building type, to the extent that a development agreement is approved, and the planning objectives of the Sebastian CRA Master Plan, and overlay performance criteria. • Colored renderings of the site and front, back and side elevations of building (s) and decorative structures such as hardscape features and entrance signs. • Describe the organization and future plans of the proposed end users of the site; include information on past and future business operations of the user. Provide market -based data supporting demand and feasibility as well as estimated rental rates/sales prices (if applicable). 3.6 PROPOSED COMPLETION TIME • Describe proposed completion time for this redevelopment, outline time frames for site planning, permitting, construction, etc. FINANCIAL REOUIREMENTS (TAB 3) 3.7 FINANCIAL ABILITY • Provide sufficient evidence of having, or the ability to secure within fifteen (15) days of award, financial resources to complete the proposed project in a timely fashion and provide long-term financial support to the project after built. • Funding Mechanism. Explain the proposed funding mechanism amount (i.e. how the redevelopment will be funded) timeframe and terms. The applicant is responsible for all building and other permits and fees which are associated with the proposed project unless otherwise contractually noted. Prospective bidders may submit bank documents that support their application. • Reauested Waivers. A summary of any relief to be proposed from the Land Development Code or the Riverfront Overlay District for items such as building size, height, coverage, material finishes, parking requirements, or landscaping; or a summary of any relief to be proposed from fees associated with site plan review of the property. • Pr000sed Purchase Price. A summary statement of the proposed purchase price for the subject property. NOTE: This evidence can be shown by the Proposer's audited or compiled financial statements, or signed letters from banks or equity sources with verifiable funds to complete the project. Such letters must be on bank or equity source letterhead and include details of the financial entity's experience in working with the Proposer on similar - sized or larger projects and their willingness to consider funding the proposed project subject to successful negotiations and due diligence. 3.8 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: Pursuant to section 119.071, Florida Statutes, any financial statements that the City requires to be submitted may be exempt from the Public Records Law. Therefore, any submitted financial statements that the Proposer wishes to remain confidential shall be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope and marked "Confidential Financial Statement Enclosed." By submission of a response to this RFP the proposer agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless should any information marked as confidential knowingly or unknowingly be released as the result of a public records request. REOUIRED FORMS (TAB 4) 3.9 FORMS All Forms required by the RFP shall be fully executed by the Proposer and submitted. Refer to Section 6. Page 11 of 31 422 of 562 7n r SEAT" RFP 423-08 HOME Of PEUCM ESMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SECTION 4 — EVALUATION PROCESS Durine the evaluation process and until an award has been made by City Council, Proposers are prohibited from discussing anvthine concerning this RFP with Citv staff, anv member of the Evaluation Committee or Citv Council. 4.1 EVALUATION CRITERIA The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to accept any proposal or portion thereof deemed to be in the best interest of the Citv, and to waive any non -substantial irregularities. :1 WA The Best Value Evaluation System is a subjective process that reviews all proposals to determine which proposal provides the best value to the City. The establishment, application and interpretation of the evaluation criteria below shall be solelv within the discretion of the City. Weight for each criterion is shown below. Evaluators will be responsible for giving a score (0-4), see Scale below for point determination. Scale 0 (0%) — Non -Responsive 1 (25%) — Missing/Lacking/Insufficient Evidence Provided 2 (50%) — Partial/Basic Evidence Provided 3 (75%) — Sufficient/Adequate/Appropriate Evidence Provided 4 (100%) — Exceeds/Outstanding/High Level Evidence Provided Company & Team Qualifications (10 POINTS) - Years of experience, past projects and credentials will be considered. Proposed Use & Completion Time (10 POINTS) - The site lies within the CWR zoning district, which allows for a variety of both commercial and residential uses. A specific timeline and schedule must be included, with additional considerations given for economic and taxable values based on the proposed use. Financial Ability (15 POINTS) - Demonstrate the ability to finance, as well as promote the likelihood of future viability with the proposed site. Conforms to Master Plan and District Overlays (30 POINTS) - Specific redevelopment shall meet the goals and objectives found in the CRA Master Plan and the Riverfront Overlay District guidelines. Purchase Price (35 POINTS) The following attachments can be found at httns://weblink. citvofsebastian.ore/WebLink/Browse.asnx?id=236137&dbid=0&repo=City: + City of Sebastian's Community Redevelopment Master Plan • City Comprehensive Plan 2040 • CWR Zoning District + Riverfront Overlay District Regulations Page 12 of 31 423 of 562 iaM IMMI j PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE 4.2.1 All proposals submitted on time will first be reviewed by the Procurement Division to determine responsiveness to confirm minimum requirements are met. 4.2.2 The CRA Board shall act as the Evaluation Committee and independently review and evaluate all responsive proposals received based on the criteria above and discuss their evaluation at the initial Evaluation Committee Meeting. With consensus of the Evaluation Committee, either a recommendation for award will be made to City Council or a request for the top ranked firms to give oral presentations may be made. The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to waive immaterial irregularities in proposals if in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether the criterion is satisfactorily met based on the Scale established in this RFP. The City reserves the right to seek clarification from any Proposer(s). 4.3 AWARD The purpose of this RFP is to award one (1) Purchaser, to purchase the referenced property mentioned above in Section l . l ., Scope of Services. It is most common, not guaranteed, that the Proposer(s) who scores the highest number of points will be recommended to City Council for award. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals deemed as not responsive. The City reserves the right to cancel this RFP and re -solicit or not re -solicit as determined to be in the City's best interests. SECTION 5 — GENERAL CONDITIONS 5.1 CONE OF SILENCE Potential Proposers shall not communicate in any way with City staff, CRA Board or the City Council other than the primary contact listed herein. This restriction shall be effective from the time of advertisement until an award is made by the City Council. Such communication may result in disqualification. 5.2 ADDENDA Addenda may be issued in response to any inquiry received by the Question/Answer deadline date and time specified herein or to provide revisions, additions, deletions, clarification, etc. Addenda shall become part of and have precedence over anything shown or described otherwise. If not mentioned in the addenda, all other documents, specifications, drawings, terms and conditions remain the same. It is the Proposer's responsibility to ensure receipt of all addenda and acknowledge all addenda issued. Where there appears to be a conflict between Solicitation and any addenda, the last addendum issued shall prevail. 5.3 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Pursuant to Section 119.071, Florida Statutes, if there is any of the information contained in a response that a Proposer feels is "confidential" and exempt from the Public Records Law (i.e. financial statements), the Proposer must in the response specifically identify the material which is deemed to be exempt and cite the legal authority for the exemption, otherwise, the City will treat all materials received as public records. Therefore, any submitted financial statements that the Proposer wishes to remain confidential shall be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope and marked "Confidential Financial Statement Enclosed." By submission of a response to this RFP the proposer agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless should any information marked as confidential knowingly or unknowingly be released as the result of a public records request. 5.4 OUESTIONS AND/OR REOUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION Any questions and/or requests for clarification regarding this Solicitation shall be submitted in writing to the Procurement/Contracts Manager via email at dwixonna,citvofsebastian.orjz. Proposers must clearly understand that the only official answer or position of the City will be the one issued by the Procurement/Contracts Manager via an Addendum. The Solicitation number and title shall be referenced on all correspondence, include locating information for each question in order to ensure that questions asked are responded to correctly. All questions must be received no later than the time and date specified in the RFP. All responses to questions/clarifications will be published in the form Page 13 of 31 424 of 562 RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE of an Addendum. NO QUESTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED VERBALLY OR AFTER DEADLINE STATED HEREIN. Addendum(s) will be made available on the City's website, DemandStancom and VendorLink.com and it is the Proposer's sole responsibility to assure receipt of all (if any) Addenda. 5.5 PROPOSALS NOT CONSIDERED Proposals not considered are late submissions, telegraphed, emailed or faxed proposals and proposals which do not conform to the instructions contained in the Request for Proposals. However, Proposals may be withdrawn by fax or email, provided that such notices are received prior to the Solicitation Opening date and time and confirmed by a telephone call. 5.6 LATE PROPOSALS Late Proposals will not be opened. Proposers have the option of picking up or paying for the mailed return of the unopened Proposal. If this option is not exercised within five (5) days of the solicitation due date, the late unopened Proposal will be disposed. 5.7 PROPOSAL GUARANTEE The Proposer warrants that the unit prices, terms, and conditions quoted in the proposal will be firm for acceptance for a period of not less than one -hundred twenty (120) days from the solicitation opening date. Such unit prices, terms and conditions will remain firm for the contract period. 5.8 SEALED PROPOSALS Proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope which shall show (lower left corner) the Proposer's name and address, RFP number and title, along with the solicitation due date and time. The Proposal shall be submitted no later than the solicitation due date and time mentioned on the Request for Proposal. The City may choose whether to open any proposals that are not clearly marked at the City's sole discretion and will not be held responsible for not opening any Proposals that are not clearly marked. Proposals shall be handwritten or typed with (black or blue) ink. Any erasures or corrections must be initialed by the Proposer in blue ink. Handwritten submissions must be leeible. Proposals shall be submitted to City Hall. 1225 Main Street Sebastian. FL 32958. Proposals that are submitted to other locations or delivered to the wrong location may not be considered. It shall be the sole responsibilitv of the proposer to ensure their proposal is at the proper location and at the time specified in; the proposal documents. 5.9 RFP OPENING Proposers are welcome to attend the solicitation opening; however, attendance is not mandatory. Proposals shall be opened and publicly announced on the date, time and location specified on the Request for Proposal, unless otherwise stated in the form of an addendum. Proposals received will be posted within thirty (30) business days to DemandStar.com, Vendorlink.com and the City's website. 5.10 PROPOSAL EXAMINATION In accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, solicitation files will be made available for public inspection at the time the City posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier. Solicitation files may be examined during normal working hours, by appointment only, by contacting the City Clerk's office at 772-589-5330. 5.11 INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY, and its officers and employees, from all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentionally wrongful conduct of the CONTRACTOR and other persons employed or utilized by the CONTRACTOR in the performance of the agreement; regardless of the negligence of the indemnitee or its officers, directors, agents, or employees. However, such indemnification shall not include claims of, or damages resulting from, gross negligence, or willful, wanton or intentional misconduct of the indemnitee or its officers, directors, agents or employees. Upon request of the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall, at no cost or expense to the CITY, indemnify and hold the CITY harmless of any suit asserting a claim for any loss, damage or liability specified above, and CONTRACTOR shall Page 14 of 31 425 of 562 7n1 1 RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE pay any cost and reasonable attorneys' fees that may be incurred by the CITY in connection with any such claim or suit or in enforcing the indemnity granted above. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as the CITY waiving its sovereign immunity pursuant to 768.28, et seq., Florida Statutes, or any other sovereign or governmental immunity. This provision shall survive the termination of this bid. 5.12 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time, or changes in the work, and to negotiate contract terms and conditions with the top ranked Proposer IAW F.S. 287.055(5), and the right to disregard all non -conforming, non -responsive, imbalanced, or conditional Proposals. More than one Proposal from an individual, firm or association under same or different names, will not be considered. Any or all Proposals will be rejected if there is reason to believe that collusion exists among the Proposers, and no participants in such collusion will be considered in future Proposals for the same work. 5.13 CORRECTIONS. CANCELLATION. & WITHDRAWAL Proposers may be asked to provide further information after the solicitation opening to determine the responsibility of the vendor. 5.13.1. Waiver of Technicality: Infonnation shall not be considered after the bid opening if it has been specifically requested to be provided with the Proposal as this becomes a matter of responsiveness. The Proposal shall be considered responsive if it substantially conforms to the requirements of the RFP. The City may waive any informality, technicality, or irregularity on any bid. A minor or non -substantive lack of conformity may be considered a technicality or irregularity which may be waived by the City. 5.13.2. Mathematical Errors: Errors in extension of unit prices or in mathematical calculations may be corrected. In cases of errors in mathematical computations, the unit prices shall not be changed. 5.13.3. Cancellation or Postponement: The City may cancel or postpose the solicitation opening or cancel the RFP in its entirety prior to award. 5.13.4. Withdrawal: Prior to any published bid opening date and time, a Proposer may withdraw his or her Proposal in writing. A fax or email is permitted for this purpose, provided it is confirmed by a telephone call. 5.13.5. Amendments: Prior to the published Solicitation Opening date and time, a Proposer may amend the Proposal provided that it is in writing, in a sealed envelope, and identified. 5.14 EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS Request for exceptions to the specifications shall be listed in the proposal and shall reference the section. Any exceptions to the General or Special Conditions may be cause for the proposal to be considered non -responsive. 5.15 SUBCONTRACTORS AND EMPLOYEES The Proposer is required to identify any and all Sub -consultants and/or suppliers and/or material men that will be used in the performance of the proposed Agreement and to clearly identify in their Proposal the percentages of Work to be performed by their Sub -consultants. 5.16 RFP AWARD The contract/agreement will be awarded to the most responsive and responsible Proposer(s) whose proposal, conforming to the specifications and terms the City considers is most advantageous. The Procurement/Contracts Manager shall issue a Notice of Award to the successful Proposer and post the results on the City's website and DemandStar. 5.17 WAIVER OF IRREGULARITIES The City may waive minor informalities or irregularities in Proposals received where such is merely a matter of form and not substance, and the correction or waiver of which is not prejudicial to other Proposers. Minor Page 15 of 31 426 of 562 'M ( RFP 423-08 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE irregularities are defined as those that will not have an adverse effect on the City's interest and will not affect the price or terms of the Proposal by giving a Proposer an advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other Proposers. 5.17.1. In no event will any such elections by the City be deemed to be a waiving of the required criteria for the requested services. 5,17.2, The Proposers who are selected for the Project will be required to fully comply with the Project criteria, regardless that the Solicitation may have been based on a variation. 5.17.3. Proposers shall identify separately all innovative aspects as such in the technical Solicitation. Innovation should be limited to Proposers means and methods, approach to Project, use of new products, and new uses for established products. 5.18 COUNCIL MEETING The awarded Proposer must be available to attend City Council meetings, when required. The awarded Proposer must be prepared to answer any questions and/or provide a presentation if requested by City Council and/or authorized by City representative(s). The date and time of the City Council meeting will be publicly noticed. 5.19 SALES TAX Although the City of Sebastian is exempt from Federal and State Sales and Use taxes, Contractors or Vendors doing business with the City are not exempted from paying said taxes to their supplier for goods or services purchased to fulfill the contractual obligations with the City, nor shall any Contractor or Vendor be authorized to use the City's Tax Exemption Number in securing such materials. 5.20 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE OR CONVENIENCE - The agreement resulting from this RFP can be terminated immediately for cause if Contractor is found to have failed to perform services in a manner satisfactory to the City; or for convenience upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the Proposer. In the event of either termination, the Proposer shall be compensated for all services performed to the City's satisfaction. The City shall be sole judge of non-performance. 5.21 DISCRIMINATION The Proposer shall not practice or condone personnel or supplier discrimination of any nature whatsoever, in any manner proscribed by Federal or State of Florida laws and regulations. The City of Sebastian will not knowingly do business with vendors, proposers, or contractors who discriminate on those protected by state and federal law. Through the course of providing services to the City, Proposers/Contractors shall affirmatively comply with all applicable provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 and the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, as well as all other applicable regulations, guidelines and standards. Any person who believes their rights have been violated should report such discrimination to the City. 5.22 PUBLIC RECORDS Section 119.01 Florida Statutes, The Public Records Law, provides that municipal records shall at all times be open for personal inspection by any person. Information and materials received by the City in connection with all Proposers' responses shall be deemed to be public record subject to public inspection and copying at the time the City posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier. IF THE PROPOSER/CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT JEANETTE WILLIAMS, THE CITY CLERK AND CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT 772-388-8215 1 EMAIL iwilliams(a)citvofsebastian.org CITY OF SEBASTAIN, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958. Page 16 of 31 427 of 562 RFP #23-08 HOME Of PEUCM ISMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE 5.23 PUBLIC MEETING EXEMPTIONS In accordance with Fla. Stat. §286.0113, any portion of a meeting in which (1) negotiations with a vendor is conducted as part of the "competitive negotiation" process AND/OR (2) a vendor makes an oral presentation or answers questions as part of the "competitive solicitation" process, are exempt from public meeting requirements The City will post notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier. Any portion of a committee meeting at which negotiation strategies are discussed is exempt. A complete record shall be made of any portion of an exempt meeting; no portion may be held off the record. The recording of and any records presented at the exempt meeting are exempt from Fla. Stat. § 119.071 until such time as the City posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier, at which point the complete record becomes public and subject to Section 119.01 Florida Statute, The Public Records Law. 5.24 PROTEST PROCEDURE Any Bidder/Proposer who is aggrieved in connection with a competitive selection process may protest to the Procurement/Contracts Manager. The protest shall be submitted in writing within three (3) calendar days after the Bidder/Proposer knows or should have known of the facts giving rise to the protest. Failure of the Proposer to file a timely formal written Protest within the specified time period shall constitute a waiver by the Proposer of all rights to Protest. The formal written Protest must provide documentation which shall specify in detail the nature of the grievance and the grounds upon which any relief, modification or change is based. If the protest is not resolved by mutual agreement or if the protestor disagrees with the decision of the Procurement/Contracts Manager, the protestor may appeal the decision to the City Manager and/or City Council, within seven (7) calendar days of initial decision. Stav of Procurement — In the event of a timely and properly filed protest, the Procurement/Contracts Manager shall not proceed further with the solicitation or award until all administrative remedies have been exhausted, or until the City Manager or City Council, as appropriate, makes a determination on the record that the award of a contract is necessary to protect substantial interests of the City. SECTIONS BELOW REFERENCED ON FORM F-NOTIFICATIONSAFFIDAVIT 5.25 CONFLICT OF INTEREST The resulting agreement is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. All Proposers/Contractors/Consultants must disclose within their bid/proposal to the City of Sebastian the name of any officer, director, or agent who is also an employee of the City of Sebastian (hereinafter the "City"). Furthermore, all Proposers/Contractors/Consultants must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, directly or indirectly, an interest of more than five percent (5%) in the firm of any of its branches. Please submit to the City all information on any potential conflict of interest related to provision of the goods or services requested in this Solicitation. The purpose of this disclosure is to give the City the information needed to identify potential conflicts of interest for evaluation by the team members and other key personnel involved in the award of this contract. The term "conflict of interest" refers to situations in which financial or other personal consideration may adversely affect, or have the appearance of adversely affecting, an employee's professional judgment in exercising any City duty or responsibility in administration, management, instruction, research, or other professional activities. 5.26 NO LOBBYING All Proposers/Contractors/Consultants or and its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest are hereby placed on notice that any communication, whether written or oral, with City of Sebastian elected officials or any other staff or outside individuals working with the City in respect to this request (with exception of the Procurement Division personnel designated to receive requests for interpretation or corrections) is prohibited. These persons shall not be lobbied, either individually or collectively, regarding any request for bid, proposals, qualifications and/or any other solicitations released by the City of Sebastian. To do so 428 of 562 Page 17 of 31 �E ��A�715 �T -/ _ RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE is grounds for immediate disqualification from the selection process. The selection process is not considered final until such time as the CRA Board and City Council have made a final and conclusive determination. 5.27 NO COLLUSION Proposer/Contractor/Consultant and its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, swears and attests that it is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Solicitation, and of all pertinent circumstances respecting the provision of the goods or services to the City of Sebastian. The Proposal, offer or submittal being made is genuine and is not collusive or a sham. By submitting a response to this RFP, Proposer certifies that all information contained in the submittal is truthful to the best of their knowledge and belief. Proposer further certifies, under oath, that this submittal is made without any colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other firm, person or corporation responding to this solicitation for the same product or service. 5.28 IMMIGRATION LAWS The City will not intentionally award City contracts to any Firm who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers, constituting a violation of the employment provisions contained in an 8 U.S.C. Section 1324 a(e) (Section 274A (e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA"). Refer to E-Verify Acknowledgment in solicitation documents. 5.29 DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE In accordance with Florida Statute Section 287.087, Proposer/Contractor/Consultant certifies that the following: (1) A written statement is published notifying that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace named above and specifying actions that will be taken against violations of such prohibition. (2) Employees are informed about the dangers of drug abuse in the work place, the firm's policy of maintaining a drug free working environment, and available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug use violations. (3) Employees are notified that as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual and will notify the employer of any conviction of, plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 1893, or of any controlled substance law of the State of Florida or the United States, for a violation occurring in the work place, no later than five (5) days after such conviction, and requires employees to sign copies of such written (*) statement to acknowledge their receipt. (4) Requires the satisfactory participation in, a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program, if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. (5) Makes a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free work place through the Implementation of the drug free workplace program. (6) Gives each employee engaged in providing commodities or contractual services that are under bid or proposal, a copy of the statement specified above. 5.30 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES A "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or Agreement for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. "Convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. Page 18 of 31 429 of 562 RFP #23-08 HOME OF Fax" PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE "Affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes, means: ( 1 ) A predecessor or successor of a person or a corporation convicted of a public entity crime, or (2) An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime, or (3) Those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate, or (4) A person or corporation who knowingly entered into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months. Proposer certifies that neither the entity submitting, nor any of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. Where the Proposer is unable to certify to all of the statement above, Proposer shall attach an explanation to this submittal. 5.31 DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION Proposer certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its principals: a. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for disbarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; b. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or Local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; c. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification; and d. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default. e. Proposer must submit their Company Profile Page from SAM with their proposal. f. City of Sebastian will not make an award to parties listed on the government -wide exclusions in the Svstem for Award Management (SAM). Where the Proposer is unable to certify to all of the statements above, Proposer shall attach an explanation to this submittal. 5.32 SCRUTINIZED VENDOR Proposer certifies under penalties of neriurv. as of the date of this solicitation to provide goods and/or services to the Citv of Sebastian. that it: (1) Does not participate in a boycott of Israel; and (2) Is not on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List; and (3) Is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List; and (4) Is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List; and (5) Has not engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. Submitting a false certification shall be deemed a material breach of contract. The City of Sebastian shall provide notice, in writing, to the Contractor of the City's determination concerning the false certification. The Contractor shall have ninety (90) days following the receipt of the notice to respond in writing and demonstrate that the determination of false certification was made in error. If the Contractor does not demonstrate that the City's determination of false certification was made in error then the City shall have the right to terminate the contract and seek civil remedies pursuant to Florida Statute § 287.135. 430 of 562 Page 19 of 31 RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE Section 287.135, Florida Statutes, generally prohibits state agencies and departments, and local government entities from: 1) Contracting with companies for goods or services in any amount if at the time of bidding on, submitting a proposal for, or entering into or renewing a contract if the company is on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List, created pursuant to Section 215.4725, Florida Statutes, or is engaged in a boycott of Israel; and 2) Contracting with companies, for goods or services over $1,000,000.00 that are on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, created pursuant to Section 215.473, Florida Statute, or have been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. SECTION 6 — REQUIRED FORMS PROPOSAL CHECKLIST Please use the following checklist as a reference to confirm all requirements are met in your RFP Proposal. The bid shall be limited to no more than twenty (20) pages (NOT including required forms). Any responses exceeding twenty (20) Daees. NOT includine the required forms. will be considered non -responsive and not considered for award. You are expected to use Tabs dividing each section (tabs will not be included/counted in the twenty (20) pages). C Cover Letter (Refer to Section 3.1) Table of Contents (Refer to Section 3.2) TAB 1 - QUALIFICATIONS ICompany Qualifications (Refer to Section 3.3) Team Qualifications (Refer to Section 3.4) TAB 2 - PROPOSED USE Proposed Use of Site (Refer to Section 3.5) Proposed Completion Time (Refer to Section 3.6) TAB 3 - FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Financial Ability (Refer to Section 3.7) TAB 4 - REQUIRED FORMS (Refer to Section 6) Contact Information Sheet — FORM A Addenda Acknowledgment — FORM B Proposed Purchase Price - FORM C Proposer's Disclosure — FORM D I E-Verify Acknowledgement — FORM E f Notifications Affidavit — FORM F Minority, Women and Disabled -Owned Business Concern Representation — FORM G Please be advised that this checklist should not be interpreted as a comprehensive list of all information required by this Solicitation from prospective Bidders. It simply serves as a reference or guide for the most significant documents to be included in the bid and should be enhanced as deemed necessary. It is solely the Bidder's responsibility to read and understand all requirements and adhere to all issued Addenda. Page 20 of 31 431 of 562 cC� �an�x -"' — TLA RFP #23-08 HOME OF KUCAN ISMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE MAILING LABEL Proposer must submit proposal in a sealed envelope/box/container: One (1) original proposal, including the deposit is required. Eight (8) copies of the proposal are required. One (1) USB with an electronic version is required. Cut along the outer border and affix this label to the sealed envelope/box/container to identify the submission as a Sealed Proposal. SEALED RFP • DO NOT OPEN SOLICITATION RFP 23-08 #: SOLICITATION Sale of City -Owned Property "1215 Indian Rives{ TITLE: Drive" (Former Harbor Lights Motel) ot DUE Friday, July 21, 2023 @ 2:00 PM EST DATE/TIME: SUBMITTED BY: Proposer's Name Proposer's Address Proposer's Address City of Sebastian ATTN: Procurement Division DELIVER TO: 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Page 21 of 31 432 of 562 anY FORM A RFP #23-08 HOME OF PEEICAN ISLAND Proposals due by 2:00 PM EST on PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET Friday, July 21, 2023 All pkvsical, in person submissions must be delivered or mailed to: City of Sebastian ATTN: Procurement Division 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Check Addenda for revised due dates before submitting your Bid. Late Bids will not be accepted. SOLICITATION RELEASE NO.: DATE: RFP 23-08 05/22/2023 SOLICITATION TITLE; CONTACT: Don Wixon Procurement/Contracts Manager (772) 388-8231 Sale of City -Owned Property "1215 Indian River Drive` (Former Harbor Lights Motel) Firm's Name and "Doing Business As", if applicable: Address: City: Telephone No: E-Mail Address of Authorized Representative: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS State: IFax No: Federal Tax Number: Identification Zip Code: Firms that do not meet the minimum requirements as determined by the City, at its sole discretion, will be deemed non -responsive and not considered for award (refer to page 6, Section 1.5). By placing a checkmark next to each requirement, Proposer is confirming the requirement is met. € Proposer, or at least one of its General Partners, must be operating as the same business entity for a minimum of five (5) years; and €Proven experience of successfully developing properties continuously for a minimum of five (5) years; and €Financial ability to provide the proposed redevelopment; and €No tax delinquency as an individual or member of a Corporation or Partnership; and BID/PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION I certify that I have carefully examined the RFP document and associated documents, including Addenda, accompanying or made a part of this solicitation. I further certify that all information contained in this proposal is truthful to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am duly authorized to submit this proposal on behalf of the company named above and that the company is ready, willing, and able to perform if awarded. Printed Nance Title The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to accept any proposal or portion thereof deemed to be in the best interest of the Citv, and to waive any non -substantial irregularities. Failure to fully complete and submit this Information Sheet may result in resection of the submittal. Page 22 of 31 433 of 562 �BAST11� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Proposer's Name: FORM B RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Proposer shall indicate below all Addenda received. Acknowledgement confirms receipt and understanding of issued Addenda. Proposer understands that failure to acknowledge any addenda issued may cause their proposal to be considered non- responsive. To confirm the number of addenda (if any), Proposer may contact the Procurement Division at (772) 388-8231. ADDENDDUM # DATE RECEIVED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to No Addenda was received in connection with this solicitation. Signature: Title: Print Name: Date: Failure to fullv complete, sisn and submit this Form may result in reiection of the submittal Page 23 of 31 434 of 562 17S f SEBASTLAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND FORM C RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE FORM herein called the Buyer(s), hereby offer(s) and agree(s) to purchase from the City of Sebastian, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called the City, at the price subject to the terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions, and covenants herein stated, (see attached(s)), and easements, encumbrances and other matters of record, and to all zoning, building or other Laws or Ordinances, the following described property. In order to constitute an acceptable offer to purchase, all information requested below must be provided. The form must be submitted with proposal. Proposer's Name: Proposer's Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Email Address: Insert in the "Proposed Purchase Price" column, the total amount you agree to pay for the property. Entries must be typed or clearly printed in ink. Use of erasable ink is not permitted. Strikeovers, changes, and corrections by the Proposer must be initialed. Questionable entries will be rejected. ADDRESS PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE 1215 Indian River Drive Sebastian, FL 32958 $ INTENDED USE (PLEASE I I ResidentialF1 Commercial 1 1 Mixed Use CHECK) I I PROPOSER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Proposer understands that information contained on this Proposed Purchase Price Form is to be relied upon by the City of Sebastian in awarding the specified RFP, and such information is warranted by the Proposer understands that the City has the right to verify the information submitted and to seek any additional information relating to the Bidder's qualifications. The discovery of any misstatement, which in the sole opinion of the City materially affects the Proposer's qualifications to perform, shall cause the rejection of the Proposal, and if after the award, to cancel the sale of agreement. The Proposer acknowledges that the deed will include a clause stating that the property reverts to the City of Sebastian if substantial compliance with the provisions of the proposal is not met according to an agreed upon timeline. Signature: Title: Print Name: Date: Failure to fullv complete, sien and submit this Form may result in resection of the submittal Page 24 of 31 435 of 562 CID or 5 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND FORM D RFP #23-08 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE PROPOSER'S DISCLOSURE FORM The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and all answers to questions made hereinafter. Additional sheets may be attached if required. Proposer's Name: Address: Contact Person: Title: Phone No.: Email Address: Federal Identification No.: This Business is: O An Individual (} A Partnership ( ) A Corporation Proposer's License No., if applicable: *Attach certificate of status, competency, and/or state registration (1) Has your firm or any of its officers, received a reprimand of any nature or been suspended by the Department of Professional Regulations or any other regulatory agency or professional association within the last five (5) years? YES NO ❑ (2) Has your firm, or any member of your firm, been declared in default, terminated or removed from a contract or ,job related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business within the last five (5) years? YES ❑ NO ❑ (3) Has your firm had against it or filed any request for equitable adjustment, contract claims, bid protest, or litigation in the past five (5) years that is related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business? YES ❑ NO ❑ (4) Describe each affiliation or business relationship with an employee, board member, elected official(s) or an immediate family member of any such person of the City of Sebastian. If none, write NONE. (5) Describe ANY other affiliation or business relationship that may cause a conflict of interest. If none, write NONE. If yes, state the nature of the request for equitable adjustment, contract claim, litigation, or protest, and state a brief description of the case, the outcome or status of the suit anti the monetary amounts or extended contract time involved. CONTINUED NEXT PAGE Page 25 of 31 436 of 562 RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE I hereby certify that all statements made are true and 1 agree and understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation or falsification of facts shall be cause for forfeiture of rights for fitrther consideration of this proposal for the City of Sebastian. Signature Date Failure to fullv complete, sign and submit this Disclosure may result in reiection of the submittal 437 of 562 Page 26 of 31 M FORM E RFP #23-08 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE E-VERIFY ACKNOWLEDGMENT Effective January 1, 2021, public and private employers, contractors and subcontractors will be required to register with, and use the Employment Eligibility Verification System (E-Verify) to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees. The E-Verify system can be obtained at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website- httD://www/dhs.jzov/E-Verifv. "Contractor" means a person or entity that has entered or is attempting to enter into a contract with a public employer to provide labor, supplies, or services to such employer in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (also referred to as Vendor or Consultant). "Subcontractor" means a person or entity that provides labor, supplies, or services to or for a contractor or another subcontractor in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (also referred to as Sub -Vendor or Sub -Consultant). Vendor/Consultant/Contractor acknowledges and agrees to utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System to verify the employment eligibility of: ■ All persons employed by Vendor/Consultant/Contractor during the term of the contract, (including assigned sub- vendors/sub-consultants/sub-contractors), to perform employment duties within Florida and any work in pursuant to the contract with the City. By entering into a contract with the City, the Proposes/Coirtractor/Corrsultant becomes obligated to comply with the provisions of Section 2. Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., "Employment Eligibility," as amended from time to time. This includes, but is not limited to, utilization of the E-Verb System to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees, and requiring all subcontractors to provide an affidavit attesting that the subcontractor does not employ, contract with, or subcontract with, an unauthorized alien. The contractor shall maintain a copy of such affidavit for the duration of the contract. Failure to comply will lead to termination of resulting contract, or if a subcontractor knowingly violates the statute, the subcontract must be terminated immediately. Any challenge to termination under this provision must be fled in the Circuit Court of Indian River County, Florida no later than 20 calendar days after the date of termination. If the resulting contract is terminated for a violation of the statute by the Contractor, the Contractor may not be awarded a public contract.for a period of 1 year after the date of termination. I hereby acknowledge and agree that use of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System during the term of the contract is a condition of the resulting contract with the City of Sebastian. Company Name: Authorized Name: Title: Signature: Date: Proposer must submit their Companv Profile Pate from E-Verifv with their bid. State of County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on (Date) [Notary Scal] Notary Public Signature Failure to fully complete, sign and submit this Affidavit may result in reiection of the submit Page 27 of 31 438 of 562 FORM F RFP #23-08 FIOMEOFMUCANISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT 1, , , (Print Authorized Name) (Title) (Company Name) affirm that I read and understand, as well as accept all requirements and regulations listed in sections 4.27 — 4.35 of the above referenced solicitation document to include the following notifications: • Conflict of Interest • No Lobbying • No Collusion • Immigration Laws • Drug -Free Workplace • Public Entity Crimes • Debarment and Suspension, Proposer must submit their Comvanv Profile Page from SAM with their bid. • Scrutinized Vendor • Performance Evaluation Signature: Date: State of County of The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me on (DATE). [Notary Seal] Notary Public Signature Failure to fully complete, sign and submit this Affidavit may result in resection of the submittal Page 28 of 31 439 of 562 an C1 T_L4_JN FORM G RFP #23-08 WME OF PEUCAN ISLMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE MINORITY, WOMEN and DISABLED -OWNED BUSINESS CONCERN REPRESENTATION Minority -Owned Business: a minority -owned business concern means a business concern that: (1) is at least 51 percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are considered to be a member of a minority group, or a publicly owned business having at least 51 percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more members of a minority group; and (2) has its management and daily business controlled and operated by one or more such individuals. Individuals who certify that they are members of minority groups (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian -Pacific Americans, Asian -Indian Americans, and other minorities) are to be considered minority -owned enterprises. Women -Owned Business: a business that is at least 51 percent owned by a woman or women who also control and operate it. Disabled Owned Business: a business that is at least 51 percent owned by a person or persons with severe physical or mental disabilities, which substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities and which person or persons control, and operate such business. "Control" in this referenced context means exercising the power to make policy decisions. "Operate" means being actively involved in the day- today management of the business. The City of Sebastian shall rely on written representations of concerns regarding their status as minority/women/disabled-owned businesses. Proposer agrees to submit information regarding the minority ownership of its subcontractors on request. COMPLETE THE SECTION BELOW AND RETURN THIS FORM WITH BID. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RENDER THE OFFEROR'S BID UNACCEPTABLE. A. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is ( ), is not O a minority -owned business concern. B. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is(), is not() a women -owned business concern. C. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is ( ), is not ( ) a disabled -owned business concern. Please Check ADnroariate Box/Boxes € African American€ Caucasian (CAUC) € Native American (NAAM) (AFRAM) € Hispanic American€ Asian -Pacific American (ASIAP) € Asian Indian (ASIAI) (HISP) American € Other, please identify: € Woman Owned (W) € Disabled Owned (D) The Proposer has 1 has not used the following procedures in searching for and obtaining suppliers and subcontractors: • Place Minority -Owned Businesses on solicitation lists. • Ensure that Minority -Owned are solicited whenever they are potential sources. • Consider contracting with consortia of Minority -Owned Businesses when an intended contract is too large for any one such firm to handle on its own or, if economically feasible, divide larger requirements into smaller transactions for which such organizations might compete. • Make information on contracting opportunities available and establish delivery schedules that encourage participation by Minority Owned Businesses. • Use the services and assistance of the SBA and Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency, as appropriate. Page 29 of 31 440 of 562 Tn a SEBASTM RFP #23-08 WMEOF nUCAN ISLMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE Company Name Address City Zip State Phone # Email Address FEIN # Signature of Company Official Print Name Date Page 30 of 31 441 of 562 RFP #23-08 HOME of KUCM ISIMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SOLICIATION INFORMATION FORM Please submit this form to assist us in learning more about how our solicitation opportunities are most often found. Company's Name: Company Address: Phone No: Please tell us how you found out this Request for Proposals was released/available (mark all that applies): Indian River Press Journal (TCPalnt) DemandStar/Onvia City of Sebastian Web Site Other (please specify below) Page 31 of 31 442 of 562 Mix SEBASTLAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: September 27, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Consideration of the Evaluation of the Request for Proposal (RFP #23-11) for the Sale and Redevelopment of City -Owned Property and Provision of a Mixed -Use Development located at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, Florida, (former Public Works Compound) situated in the Community Redevelopment area for possible aware to Stilldragon of North America, LLC. Recommendation: City Council action from the recommendation of the CRA Board for the evaluation of the Request for Proposal (RFP #23-11) for the Sale and Redevelopment of City -Owned Property. Background: The City of Sebastian requested proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Public Works Compound). The Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency "CRA" invited Proposers to submit their qualifications, approach, conceptual design, financial and other terms for the Proposer to purchase, design, permit, construct, finance, operate and maintain a mixed -use commercial/industrial development on a 4.42+/- acre site, minus Veterans Memorial Way right of way. This Request for Proposal (RFP #23-11) was issued in accordance with the disposal of real property provisions set forth in Section 163.380, Florida Statutes. On Friday. Julv 14. 2023 at 2:00 PM EST. all proposals were due to be submitted. One (1) vrovosal was received. In accordance with Section 4.2.2 of RFP #23-11, the CRA Board shall act as the Evaluation Committee and independently review and evaluate all responsive proposals received based on the evaluation criteria outlined in Section 4 and discuss their evaluation at the initial Evaluation Committee Meeting. With consensus of the Evaluation Committee, either a recommendation for award will be made to City Council or a request for the top -ranked firms to give oral presentations may be made. In the alternative, the City Council can direct Staff to rebid the project. In accordance with the RFP, the City is responsible for securing the following should they proceed with the sale and redevelopment of the property: • Survey and Legal Description of Property and Veterans Memorial Way • Specialty Deed of property and RW dedication • Change in Land Use and Rezone of property • Brownfield designation if requested 443 of 562 If Agenda Item Renuires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: NA Total Cost: $0.00 Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: NA Attachments: 1. RFP #23-11, Sale of Former Public Works Compound 2. RFP Proposal July 14, 2023 — Stilldragon North America, LLC 3. Armfield-Wagner Appraisal & Research Inc., Appraisal Report #46839 Summation 4. Sebastian CRA Redevelopment Master Plan 2022-2023; Applicable content of Section Four, Pages 52 — 59. Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: Procurement Division eview, if applicable: _,Al� City Manager Authorization: Date: 444 of 562 CITY CIF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP #23-11 FOR THE PURCHASE OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND PROVISION OF A MIXED USE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AT 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, SITUATED IN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA r •' � 1 0 100 150 200.a FeetUL Contact Person Don Wixon, Procurement/Contracts Manager Email: dwixon a cit ofsebastian.ora City of Sebastian, City Hall ATTN: Procurement Division 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Publish: Publication in the Indian River Press Journal Date: 445 of 562 RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND - PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of Sebastian is requesting proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Public Works Compound). This Request for Proposal ("RFP") is issued in accordance with the disposal of real property provisions set forth in Section 163.380, Florida Statutes. The Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency "CRA" invites Proposers to submit their qualifications, approach, conceptual design, financial and other terms for the Proposer to purchase, design, permit, construct, finance, operate and maintain a mixed -use commercial/industrial development on a 4.42+/- acre site, minus Veterans Memorial Way right of way. The Citv will NOT pav real estate commissions on this sale. All proposals are due no later than Friday. July 14. 2023 by 2:00 PM. LOCAL TIME. at which time all proposals are due. Late proposals will not be accepted. Proposers have the option to submit Dhvsicallv. in -person, or bi mail. Submissions shall only be accented at Citv Hall. Proposer must submit proposal in a sealed envelope/box/container: One (1) original proposal "MARKED ORIGINAL & SIGNED IN BLUE INK," including the required deposit; EIGHT (8) copies "MARKED COPY & SIGNED IN BLACK INK" of the proposal are required; One (1) USB with an electronic version is required. Onlv the NAME of the firms who submitted a response to this Reauest for Proposal will be read aloud RFP's will not be made available for review at the time of the oneninv. EVENT RELEASE DATE: MANDATORY PRE BID SITE VISIT: 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY MANDATORY QUESTIONS DUE DATE/TIME: DUE DATE/TIME: DATE TIME WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2023 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 2023 10:00 AM EST FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 END OF BUSINESS FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 2:00 PM EST PROPOSEDSCHEDULE 1ST EVALUATION MEETING: TBD 10:00 AM EST 2ND EVALUATION MEETING, if applicable: TBD RECOMMENDATION OF AWARD — CITY COUNCIL MEETING: TBD 6:00 PM EST City of Sebastian City Hall 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 RFP documents and any addenda may be obtained from the City's website (www.cit ofsebastian.or0, DemandStar (www.demandstar.com or VendorLink (www.vendorlink.com). It will be the sole responsibility of the Proposer to determine if anv addenda have been issued nrior to submittine a nronosal. Any and all questions and communication concerning this RFP should be emailed ONLY to the contact person listed below, no later than Friday, June 30, 2023 by end of day. Contact by a Proposer (or anyone representing a Proposer) regarding this RFP with the City Council or a City employee/representative other than the point of contact listed above, is grounds for disaualification. Page 2 of 32 446 of 562 �oF SEF�TN UP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISUND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY STATEMENT OF NO RESPONSE If your firm does not intend on submitting a proposal, please complete and return this form prior to the Solicitation Opening date shown herein. Return by email (dwixon6kityofsebastian.org) or by mail to: CITY OF SEBASTIAN, CITY HALL ATTN:PROCUREMENT 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 Company Name: Company Address: Phone Number: We are not responding to RFP #23-08. FOR THE PURCHASE OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND PROVISION OF A MIXED -USE DEVELOPMENT AT 1215 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SEBASTIAN FLORIDA for the following reasons) (mark all that applies): Do not offer the good(s) or service(s) required Our schedule would not permit us to perform responsibly Unable to meet specifications/scope of services Unable to meet minimum requirements Insufficient time allowed for preparation of response Project/Budget too small Specifications unclear — too vague, rigid, etc. (please explain below) Other (please specify below) REMARKS Signature Print Name / Title Date Page 3 of 32 447 of 562 aura KN NOWOF"wMaNe RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY TABLE OF CONTENTS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS.................................................................................................................2 STATEMENTOF NO RESPONSE.........................................................................................................3 TABLEOF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................4 DEFINTIONS..............................................................................................................................................4 SECTION 1— SOLICITATION INFORMATION.................................................................................5 SECTION 2 — PURCHASE AGREEMENT DETAILS..........................................................................9 SECTION 3 — PROPOSAL FORMAT & REQUIREMENTS.............................................................11 SECTION 4 — EVALUATION PROCESS.............................................................................................12 SECTION 5 — GENERAL CONDITIONS.............................................................................................13 SECTION 6 — REQUIRED FORMS.......................................................................................................20 PROPOSALCHECKLIST.....................................................................................................................20 MAILINGLABEL................................................................................................................................. 22 CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET - FORM A................................................................................23 ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - FORM B..............................................................................24 PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE - FORM C......................................................................................25 PROPOSER'S DISCLOSURE - FORM D...........................................................................................26 E-VERIFY ACKNOWLEDGMENT - FORM E.................................................................................. 28 NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT - FORM F.........................................................................................29 MINORITY, WOMEN and DISABLED -OWNED REPRESENTATION - FORM G........................ 30 SOLICIATION INFORMATION FORM..............................................................................................32 Exhibits: "A" - Property Information "B" - Remedial Action Plan (RAP) 2023 "C" - Florida Brownfield Redevelopment Program "D" - Sample Purchase Agreement DEFINITIONS Request for Proposals ("RFP"): This Solicitation document, including any and all addenda. Pronosal: Submission in response to this RFP. Proposer: Person or firm submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP, "pre -award". Engineer or Design Build Firm (DBF): Selected Proposer that is meets the scope of services and is awarded a contract to provide the goods or services to the City, "post -award". City: Refers to the City of Sebastian. Contract or Agreement: Request for Proposals, all addenda issued thereto, all affidavits, the signed agreement, and all related documents that comprise the totality of the contract or agreement between the City and the Engineer or DBF. Responsible Proposer: Proposer that has the integrity, reliability and capability in all respects to perform in full the contract requirement as stated in the RFP. Responsive Proposer: Proposer who's Proposal fully conforms in all material respects to the RFP and its entire requirement, including form and substance. Days: Refers to calendar days, unless otherwise stated. Shall. Must & Will: Interpreted as mandatory language. Page 4 of 32 448 of 562 MOF �STIJw RFP #23-11 HOME OFMKOOLMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY SECTION 1— SOLICITATION INFORMATION 1.1 SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Sebastian is requesting proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Public Works Compound). Title will be transferred by a special warranty deed. Consideration will be given to development that best promotes a vibrant, active and dynamic keystone site that will further the Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) goals and objectives. The City desire's a project that has the ability to provide adaptable mixed use commercial/industrial development on the site. The property is in a prime location in the "Gateway" triangle entrance to the city center within close proximity to shopping, recreation, entertainment, and restaurants. This property must follow the performance standards outlined within the Riverfront Overlay District, and use restrictions outlined in the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay District. The redevelopment shall promote and implement the goals and objectives of the CRA Master Plan to remove blight, increase the tax base, and enhance the quality of life; promote the waterfront and its history, and improve the aesthetics and enjoyment of the Sebastian Blvd Mixed -Use District. The City will NOT pay any real estate commissions or provide waivers of site related fees on this sale. 1.2 PROPERTY INFORMATION Site Conditions Special District: Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency Future Land Use: Mixed -Use Current Zoning: Public Service (PS) Performance Overlav District: Riverfront Overlay District and Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay District Permitted Uses: CG — Commercial General and IN — Industrial Height: 35 feet Parcel Size: +/- 4.42 acres (minus Veterans Memorial Way right of way) — Exhibit A Infrastructure: All utilities available on site including water, electric, telephone, sewer, and internet. All existing structures and infrastructure remain on the property, which was vacated as of 2022. Access: Access available east/west driveways onto County Road 512 and direct access to Veterans Memorial Way Facilitv Description: The subject site is currently owned by the City of Sebastian and was used as a Public Works office and vehicle/equipment storage facility. The site is situated at the southeast corner of the Veteran's Memorial Way and Sebastian Boulevard intersection and can be accessed from either street. The facility is currently closed but was previously utilized for maintenance and repair of City vehicles. Also, construction materials and vehicular fuel were stored on -site. The facility is improved with a concrete block office building, a larger concrete block garage building, and a metal storage building. Two aboveground fuel storage tanks (ASTs) and associated dispenser pumps were located at the southern portion of the site, just north of the metal storage building. The site is further improved with asphalt -paved parking and drive areas. The facility historically operated two (2) underground storage tanks (leaded gasoline and diesel fuel), which were removed in 1991. The USTs were located north of the office building and are the subject of cleanup activities. A site map illustrating the current site layout is included in Exhibit B, Figure 1. Page 5 of 32 449 of 562 Ma cMASTWN =-I RFP #23-11 HOME of PeucnN IslAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Property Description The property was originally acquired in 1925 as part of a larger parcel which was divided in 1985. The remainder consists of the Old Compound parcel #31390600000500000024.0 (+/-4.13 acres) further described as: 7.5 A IN SW1/4, D BK 3, PP 279 LESS E 2885 FT OF S 433 FT THEREOF & LESS N 267.2 5 FT AS MEASURED ALONG RR R/W AS PER ORBK 708 PP 819 In 2017, the parcel was unified with parcel #31390700000300000006.0 (+/-0.29 acres) further described as: FR NE COR OF NW1/4, RUN W ALONG N BDRY 300.4 FT TO POB: S 146.55 FT TO CL OF ST RD 512; SWLY 90 FT; NWLY TO PT WHICH IS 113 FT W OF POB: RUN E ALONG N LINE SEC 7 TO POB, AS OR BK 88 PP 60 LESS RD R/W (OR BK 428 PP 330) Property SDecifics i. The property consists of the former City public works compound on approximately 4.42 acres (minus Veterans Memorial Way right of way). A current survey and lot split will be provided by the City as part of this agreement in order to subdivide Veterans Memorial Way right of way from the property purchase. ii. The property maintains a current zoning of Public Service. The City will pay the application fee for rezoning of the property to the intended use on behalf of the successful proposer. iii. The property maintains a Remedial Action Interim Report (RAI) with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) from a past contamination event from a leaking underground storage tank. The City shall continue absorbing the cost of monitoring for the site. The City will support the application to establish a Brownfield Site and participate in the Florida Brownfield Redevelopment Program as part of the remediation plan. Exhibits include: "A" - Property Information "B" - Remedial Action Interim Report (RAI) 2023 "C" - Florida Brownfield Redevelopment Program "D" - Sample Purchase Agreement 1.3 DEPOSIT Proposals must be accompanied by a security deposit of $15,000.00, in the form of a certified or cashier's check, payable to the City of Sebastian. This deposit will be returned to unsuccessful Proposers. The successful Proposer shall be required to deposit with the City another $30,000.00, for a total deposit of $45,000.00 (or more if increased through negotiations) within five 151 business days following City Council approval of the Purchase Agreement. All deposits by the successful Proposer are non-refundable. 1.4 CITY BACKGROUND The City of Sebastian was first incorporated as the Town of Sebastian in 1924, and is located at the northern end of Indian River County, Florida, approximately midway between Melbourne and Vero Beach on the Treasure Coast. It is recognized as the home of Pelican Island, the first designated wildlife refuge in the United States, and a Tree City USA. Sebastian's current population is 25,438; residents include many retirees and families. The total area of Sebastian is approximately 18.19 square miles with about 1.5 miles of waterfront on the Indian River Lagoon. . The most current employment estimates indicate that Health Care and Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Accommodations and Food Services are the dominant industries within the City and Sebastian CRA. Page 6 of 32 450 of 562 m. RFP #23-11 WMEOFPFuc"M15" PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Sebastian has over 20 beautiful parks, public and private elementary schools, middle schools, and a high school just outside of its limits. With an unobstructed view of the intra-coastal waterway in the Indian River Lagoon along its dazzling riverfront district, close proximity to Atlantic beaches, a year round average temperature of 73.4 degrees, Sebastian is a welcoming city. Entertainment in Sebastian includes shops and restaurants, many churches, several City festivals each year, monthly arts and crafts shows, concerts in the park, a municipal golf course and airport, and a central location with easy access to I-95 and the Florida Turnpike. Sebastian and the rest of northern Indian River County comprise one of the fastest -growing areas of Florida in the first decade of the 21 st century. Purpose The City of Sebastian is requesting proposals from qualified real estate developers/investors/operators for the purchase and redevelopment of city -owned property located at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, FL 32958 (former Public Works Compound) as a mixed -use commercial/industrial development on a 4.42+/- acre site, minus Veterans Memorial Way right of way. The site is located in the Sebastian CRA and lies within the Riverfront Performance Overlay and Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay districts. The purpose of this solicitation is to offer the property for sale and re -development while at the same time promoting the goals and objectives for the implementation of the CRA plan to remove conditions of blight, increase the tax base, and enhance the quality of life. The City would desire a project that has the ability to provide adaptable mixed use development on the site. Visit the City of Sebastian webpage for information regarding the goals and objectives of the CRA Master Plan and applicable zoning criteria (www.cityofsebastian.org). Proi ect Descrintion and Available Information The Sebastian Boulevard Triangle is envisioned as a mixed -use district that will extend the town center outward from its traditional riverfront district into the developed business district along Sebastian Boulevard/County Road 512. As a gateway into the City of Sebastian riverfront district, the triangle area development is encouraged to have an attractive, well maintained, orderly and uncluttered appearance which will be characterized by impressive vegetation and landscaping; complementary buildings and signs with enhanced designs and aesthetic appearances; and a safe transportation system that accommodates mass transit, pedestrians, bicycles, and other transportation alternatives, as well as automobiles. The site is an important gateway property and the intention of the Sebastian CRA is to consider certain development that best captures the architectural appeal of the city as an "Old Florida Fishing Village" as well as develop the property into a vibrant, active, and dynamic keystone site that will further the CRA's goals and objectives. The development of a mixed use property is expected to serve as a catalyst for redevelopment. Proposals should consider incorporating in the project, to the maximum extent feasible, the City's planning objectives and principals including: • Enhance and connect open space • Livable approach to streets and uses • Enhance the CRA Sebastian Blvd Mixed -Use District The following attachments can be found at httvs://weblink.eitvofsebastian.ors-,i WebLink/Browse.asox?id=236137&dbid=0&repo=City: • City of Sebastian's Community Redevelopment Master Plan • City Comprehensive Plan 2040 • Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay District • Riverfront Overlay District Regulations Page 7 of 32 451 of 562 SEBASTIAN RFP #23-11 HOME Of PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY RAI Historically, this site has one documented release. On April 23, 1991, a Discharge Reporting Form (DRF) was submitted to FDEP following soil impacts noted during the 1991 removal of the 300-gallon diesel and 5,000- gallon leaded gasoline tank, which were previously installed October 1, 1984. A closure assessment report dated June 4, 1991, documented the removal of 770 cubic yards of soil based on field OVA data. Following the tank removal, a Contamination Assessment Report (CAR) was completed in May 1992, which included installing seventeen soil borings, slug testing, and installation and sampling of 4 shallow wells and one deep well. A RAP was submitted for the site October 5, 1993, proposing a pump and treat system. In October of 1994 a 10,000 gallon unleaded Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) and a 1,000 gallon diesel AST were installed. The pump and treat system, was installed in 1995 and ran for several months until the system was turned off due to lack of funding. Wells installed prior to 2006 had been destroyed or abandoned over the years thus in May of 2006, six shallow monitoring wells, one deep well, and 7 soil borings were installed as part of a Limited Contamination Assessment Report (LCAR). hi 2018 groundwater sampling was completed and Natural Attenuation Monitoring (NAM) was proposed. Recent work includes additional assessment in preparation for a RAP. Contaminant levels appear consistent between June 2022 and January 2023; the recommendations include preparing a Pilot Test. The RAI provides updated groundwater data. One well was installed downgradient of the source to further delineate impacted groundwater. Levels have been generally consistent and require remediation. The full Remedial Action Interim Report (RAI) for the above referenced facility is available by request. Exhibit B includes a summary report and Figure 1 for reference. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection Brownfields Program offers a lot of incentives through their program such as voluntary cleanup tax credits (which can be used to repay loan), liability protections, and a Targeted Brownfields Assessment program that provides funding and assistance for assessment and cleanup activities. Exhibit C includes information about the Brownfield Redevelopment Program. The City will continue the monitoring and assessment for the site however the City would consider issuing a resolution entering into a Brownfields Site Rehabilitation Agreement with the successful Proposer. Proposal Process The CRA and the CITY are seeking an experienced and well financed developer that is capable of developing the Property. The Proposer must first submit a proposal meeting the requirements of this RFP including submitting detailed elevation drawings or other photos/illustrations and conceptual site development plan. If the developer is seeking waivers for development, they must specifically outline each request as a part of their proposal. Proposals will then be evaluated and ranked by the CRA Board. The top ranked proposer will then be invited to negotiate the terms and conditions of a written project agreement with the CITY. The selection of the top ranked proposer does not in any way form a contract with the CITY. Rather, it is simply an invitation to commence negotiations with the CITY to draft a mutually agreeable project agreement which shall be subject to consideration and final approval by the CITY COUNCIL. No guarantees or representations whatsoever are given by the CITY that the selected proposer will be able to successfully negotiate a written project agreement with the CITY COUNCIL, and neither is the CITY obligated or required to provide an executable project agreement. If selected and invited to negotiate a project agreement, the negotiation period shall not exceed three (3) months and can be terminated at any time by the CITY COUNCIL. Upon expiration or termination of the negotiations, the CITY COUNCIL may choose to negotiate with any other proposer or terminate the RFP at the CITY COUNCIL'S sole and absolute discretion. A contract is formed with the CITY only at such time the CITY COUNCIL and selected proposer approve and execute the written project agreement. Otherwise, the selected proposer, regardless of the fact that a proposal was submitted and the parties negotiated, has no rights whatsoever to acquire the subject property and/or construct a project on the property. Additionally, the selected proposers must be able to commit to begin construction of the mixed -use development within eighteen (18) months from the date that the site plan is approved by the CITY. The project agreement is expected to address the agreed upon terms and conditions of the project including, but not limited to, the proposed conceptual site development plan, building elevations, covenants, conditions, and restrictions, including covenants running with the land, as the CITY deems necessary or desirable to assist in Page 8 of 32 452 of 562 CffYCF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY preventing the development or spread of future slums or blighted areas or to otherwise carry out the purposes of this RFP which are to construct a mixed -use development, and such other design, permitting, financial, development schedules, and construction terms and conditions deemed necessary by the CITY. The CITY COUNCIL may accept such proposal and negotiate a written agreement as it deems to be in the public interest and in furtherance of the purposes of the CRA's Redevelopment Plan. The Project Agreement, if successfully negotiated, shall be subject to such covenants, conditions, and restrictions, including covenants running with the land, as the CITY COUNCIL deems necessary or desirable to assist in preventing the development or spread of future slums or blighted areas or to otherwise carry out the purposes of this RFP. Further, the CRA lacks authority to grant variances, waivers, or other land use approvals in the City of Sebastian, which is exclusively within the jurisdiction of the Sebastian CITY COUNCIL. Accordingly, proposers should anticipate that it will be required to negotiate a separate development agreement with the City of Sebastian to approve conceptual development plans and address other matters for which the CITY COUNCIL retains exclusive authority, such as vacation of rights -of -ways. Again, no guarantees or representations whatsoever are given by the City of Sebastian that the selected proposer will be able to successfully negotiate a written development agreement with the Sebastian CITY COUNCIL, and neither is the City of Sebastian obligated or required to provide an executable development agreement. 1.5 MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS Each firm must satisfy the minimum requirements listed below to be considered. Firms that do not meet the minimum requirements as determined by the City, at its sole discretion, will be deemed non -responsive and not considered for award. All decisions made by the City are final. All Proposers must demonstrate the following: 1. Proposer, or at least one of its General Partners, must be operating as the same business entity for a minimum of five (5) years; and 2. Proven experience of successfully developing properties continuously for a minimum of five (5) years; and 3. Financial ability to provide the proposed redevelopment; and 4. No tax delinquency as an individual or member of a Corporation or Partnership; and 5. No unabated code violations for other properties within the City of Sebastian; and 6. No creation of a non -conforming use. SECTION 2 — PURCHASE AGREEMENT DETAILS Upon the City Council's acceptance of a proposal, the successful Proposer shall enter into a Purchase Agreement for the purchase of the property. A sample Purchase Agreement is included as Exhibit "C". The Agreement will be subject to the following terms: 1) A Special Warranty Deed shall be prepared at the City's expense which states the City is conveying the Property in "as is" condition. A Title Commitment and/or Insurance shall be procured by the successful bidder, and obtained by said bidder within thirty (30) days after the effective contract date. Purchaser shall pay the cost thereof as well as the cost of any update. Purchaser shall have fifteen ( 15) days from the date of receiving said commitment of title to examine same. Failure of bidder to timely obtain title information shall not extend the time for closing. If title is found to be defective due to conditions or restrictions other than those set forth herein, Purchaser shall, within said period, notifv the Citv Attornev in writing, specifying the defects. If the said defects, other than those set forth herein, and that the title was obtained by or through a tax deed, render the title unmarketable, the City shall have one hundred twenty (120) days from receipt of such notice to cure the defects, and if after said period the City shall not have cured the defects, Purchaser shall have the option of (1) accepting the title as it then is, or (2) demanding a refund of all monies paid hereunder which shall forthwith be returned to Purchaser, and thereupon the Purchaser and the City shall be relieved of all further obligations. 2) An updated survey of the property, if desired, shall be obtained and paid for by the Purchaser. Page 9 of 32 453 of 562 OWOF RFP #23-11 HOME OF K11CM FAMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY 3) State documentary stamps on the deed shall be paid by the Purchaser. 4) Certified, confirmed and ratified special assessment liens shall be paid by the City at the time of closing. The City represents that there are no pending liens at this time affecting the property which have been made by the City and to the best of its knowledge, there are no other pending liens affecting the property. However, if at the time of closing there shall be new or future pending liens, Purchaser shall assume the same. 5) The Purchaser shall pay the cost of recording the deed. 6) The Purchaser shall pay the cost of his/her, or its own attorneys and any title commitment and/or insurance. 7) The deposits will be in good faith and will be deducted from the amount proposed to purchase property to determine balance due at closing. Ten (10) business days following City Council approval of the negotiated Purchase Agreement, selected Purchasers deposits are non-refundable. 8) Closine shall be done by a Closinu Aaent, paid by the Purchaser. and take place within ninety (90) days from the date of the Agreement, in the office of the City Attorney or Closing Agent's Office. The time for closing shall be extended as may be deemed necessary by the City. Should closing not occur within the time frame or any extensions granted, the City has the right but not the obligation to terminate any and all agreements and retain the property or rebid the property. 9) The successful Proposer if financing must obtain financing within fifteen (15) days following City Council approval of the negotiated Purchase Agreement, and evidence shall be provided to the City that financing has been obtained. If evidence is not provided within the fifteen (15) day time period, the City has the right to either provide an additional ten (10) working days extension, or terminate the process and move to the next preferred applicant. 10) It is understood and agreed that the terms of the RFP documents, proposal submission with proposed use and Purchase Agreement survives after Closing. The Purchase Agreement shall survive the conveyance of title, particularly with respect to any act or event which may take place after such conveyance and which affects the rights of the parties hereto. 11) The City has not employed any Real Estate Brokers in connection with the sale of the property being offered herein, nor is it in any way liable or responsible for any real estate brokerage or other similar commission claimed as the result of any sale made of the property herein offered. SECTION 3 — PROPOSAL FORMAT & REQUIREMENTS The Proposal shall be limited to no more than twenty_ (20) naaes (NOT including the required forms listed in Section 3.9.) Any responses exceeding twenty (20) pages, NOT including the required forms, will be considered non -responsive and not considered for award. You are expected to use Tabs dividing each section (tabs will not be included/counted in the twenty (20) pages). 3.1 COVER LETTER Proposer shall submit a letter of interest signed by an authorized representative that can contractually obligate and bind the firm. The Proposer or authorized representative is attesting that the information provided is current and factual. The letter shall include: • Date • Proposers Information (history, length of existence & business structure) • Representatives Contact Information (telephone number and email address) • Proposer's federal taxpayer identification number • Confirmation of Proposer meeting ALL minimum requirements listed above in Section 1.5, • Type of ownership, if applicable (small business, small disadvantaged business or women -owned business) • A detailed description of the nature and status of any pending or completed litigation claims made, contract disputes, alleged defaults and liens arising in connection with the performance of any services by your Page 10 of 32 454 of 562 On .1 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY company or by current or former members of your firm, within the last three years. If proposer intends to utilize subcontractors or sub -consultants, provide similar information for the subcontractors/sub-consultants. 3.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Include a clear identification of the materials included in the Proposal by numbering them and providing the proper page number. QUALIFICATIONS (TAB 1) 3.3 PROPOSER QUALIFICATIONS • A detailed summary of the developer's experience in the acquisition and development of CWR or mixed -use development. • A brief description of at least three (3) most comparable projects that has been successfully developed. Provide the name, address, photographs, and references. NOTE: The use of past project photos, renderings and graphics are highly encouraged. 3.4 TEAM QUALIFICATIONS • Team members and credentials • Include information for the proposed Master Planner, Architect, or Contractor for the project • Provide up to two comparable projects undertaken, as part of this team or separately by each professional. (Note which projects the professional consultants and contractors provided the services on behalf of the Proposer). • Team credentials include, but are not limited to, specialized qualifications, education and experience. Brief background outlining relevant work performed within the last five (5) years. Provide the Florida registration numbers of professional personnel. Resumes shall not exceed one (1) page per person, if applicable. PROPOSED USE (TAB 2) 3.5 PROPOSED USE OF SITE • Describe the proposed use of the site. • Include conceptual plans, elevations, renderings, etc. Anticipated square footage per use, estimated parking counts, and number of stories in proposed structures, if applicable. • A conceptual site development plan, drawn to scale, evidencing that the plan will satisfy current zoning requirements for a "Commercial/Mixed-Use building type, to the extent that a development agreement is approved, and the planning objectives of the Sebastian CRA Master Plan, and overlay performance criteria. • Colored renderings of the site and front, back and side elevations of building (s) and decorative structures such as hardscape features and entrance signs. • Describe the organization and future plans of the proposed end users of the site; include information on past and future business operations of the user. Provide market -based data supporting demand and feasibility as well as estimated rental rates/sales prices (if applicable). 3.6 PROPOSED COMPLETION TIME • Describe proposed completion time for this redevelopment, outline time frames for site planning, permitting, construction, etc. FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS (TAB 3) 3.7 FINANCIAL ABILITY • Provide sufficient evidence of having, or the ability to secure within fifteen (15) days of award, financial resources to complete the proposed project in a timely fashion and provide long-term financial support to the project after built. Page 11 of 32 455 of 562 M1. HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Fundine Mechanism. Explain the proposed funding mechanism amount (i.e. how the redevelopment will be funded) timeframe and terms. The applicant is responsible for all building and other permits and fees which are associated with the proposed project unless otherwise contractually noted. Prospective bidders may submit bank documents that support their application. Reuuested Waivers. A summary of any relief to be proposed from the Land Development Code or the Riverfront Overlay District for items such as building size, height, coverage, materialfinishes, parking requirements, or landscaping; or a summary of any relief to be proposed from fees associated with site plan review of the property. Proposed Purchase Price. A summary statement of the proposed purchase price for the subject property. NOTE: This evidence can be shown by the Proposer's audited or compiled financial statements, or signed letters from banks or equity sources with verifiable funds to complete the project. Such letters must be on bank or equity source letterhead and include details of the financial entity's experience in working with the Proposer on similar - sized or larger projects and their willingness to consider funding the proposed project subject to successful negotiations and due diligence. 3.8 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: Pursuant to section 119.071, Florida Statutes, any financial statements that the City requires to be submitted may be exempt from the Public Records Law. Therefore, any submitted financial statements that the Proposer wishes to remain confidential shall be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope and marked "Confidential Financial Statement Enclosed." By submission of a response to this RFP the proposer agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless should any information marked as confidential knowingly or unknowingly be released as the result of a public records request. REOUIRED FORMS (TAB 41 3.9 FORMS All Forms required by the RFP shall be fully executed by the Proposer and submitted. Refer to Section 6. SECTION 4 — EVALUATION PROCESS During the evaluation process and until an award has been made by Citv Council. Proposers are prohibited from discussing anvthing concerning this RFP with Ciht staff, any member of the Evaluation Committee or City Council. 4.1 EVALUATION CRITERIA The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to accept any proposal or portion thereof deemed to be in the best interest of the Citv, and to waive any non -substantial irregularities. The Best Value Evaluation System is a subjective process that reviews all proposals to determine which proposal provides the best value to the City. The establishment, application and interpretation of the evaluation criteria below shall be solely within the discretion of the Citv. Weight for each criterion is shown below. Evaluators will be responsible for giving a score (0-4), see Scale below for point determination. Scale 0 (0%) — Non -Responsive 1 (25%) — Missing/Lacking/Insufficient Evidence Provided 2 (50%) — Partial/Basic Evidence Provided 3 (75%) — Sufficient/Adequate/Appropriate Evidence Provided 4 (100%) — Exceeds/Outstanding/High Level Evidence Provided Company & Team Qualifications (10 POINTS) - Years of experience, past projects and credentials will be considered. Page 12 of 32 456 of 562 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Proposed Use & Completion Time (10 POINTS) - The site lies within the CWR zoning district, which allows for a variety of both commercial and residential uses. A specific timeline and schedule must be included, with additional considerations given for economic and taxable values based on the proposed use. Financial Ability (.ij POINTS) - Demonstrate the ability to finance, as well as promote the likelihood of future viability with the proposed site. Conforms to Master Plan and District Overlays (30 POINTS) - Specific redevelopment shall meet the goals and objectives found in the CRA Master Plan and the Riverfront Overlay District guidelines. Purchase Price (35 POINTS) 4.2 REVIEW 4.2.1 All proposals submitted on time will first be reviewed by the Procurement Division to determine responsiveness to confirm minimum requirements are met. 4.2.2 The CRA Board shall act as the Evaluation Committee and independently review and evaluate all responsive proposals received based on the criteria above and discuss their evaluation at the initial Evaluation Committee Meeting. With consensus of the Evaluation Committee, either a recommendation for award will be made to City Council or a request for the top ranked firms to give oral presentations may be made. The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to waive immaterial irregularities in proposals if in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether the criterion is satisfactorily met based on the Scale established in this RFP. The City reserves the right to seek clarification from any Proposer(s). 4.3 AWARD The purpose of this RFP is to award one (1) Purchaser, to purchase the referenced property mentioned above in Section I. L, Scope of Services. It is most common, not guaranteed, that the Proposer(s) who scores the highest number of points will be recommended to City Council for award. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals deemed as not responsive. The City reserves the right to cancel this RFP and re -solicit or not re -solicit as determined to be in the City's best interests. SECTION 5 — GENERAL CONDITIONS 5.1 CONE OF SILENCE Potential Proposers shall not communicate in any way with City staff, CRA Board or the City Council other than the primary contact listed herein. This restriction shall be effective from the time of advertisement until an award is made by the City Council. Such communication may result in disqualification. 5.2 ADDENDA Addenda may be issued in response to any inquiry received by the Question/Answer deadline date and time specified herein or to provide revisions, additions, deletions, clarification, etc. Addenda shall become part of and have precedence over anything shown or described otherwise. If not mentioned in the addenda, all other documents, specifications, drawings, terms and conditions remain the same. It is the Proposer's responsibility to ensure receipt of all addenda and acknowledge all addenda issued. Where there appears to be a conflict between Solicitation and any addenda, the last addendum issued shall prevail. 5.3 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Pursuant to Section 119.071, Florida Statutes, if there is any of the information contained in a response that a Proposer feels is "confidential" and exempt from the Public Records Law (i.e. financial statements), the Proposer must in the response specifically identify the material which is deemed to be exempt and cite the legal authority Page 13 of 32 457 of 562 Ma RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISU ND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY for the exemption, otherwise, the City will treat all materials received as public records. Therefore, any submitted financial statements that the Proposer wishes to remain confidential shall be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope and marked "Confidential Financial Statement Enclosed." By submission of a response to this RFP the proposer agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless should any information marked as confidential knowingly or unknowingly be released as the result of a public records request. 5.4 CUESTIONS AND/OR REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION Any questions and/or requests for clarification regarding this Solicitation shall be submitted in writing to the Procurement/Contracts Manager via email at dwixon(aicityofsebastian.org. Proposers must clearly understand that the only official answer or position of the City will be the one issued by the Procurement/Contracts Manager via an Addendum. The Solicitation number and title shall be referenced on all correspondence, include locating information for each question in order to ensure that questions asked are responded to correctly. All questions must be received no later than the time and date specified in the RFP. All responses to questions/clarifications will be published in the form of an Addendum. NO QUESTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED VERBALLY OR AFTER DEADLINE STATED HEREIN. Addendum(s) will be made available on the City's website, DemandStar.com and VendorLink.com and it is the Proposer's sole responsibility to assure receipt of all (if any) Addenda. 5.5 PROPOSALS NOT CONSIDERED Proposals not considered are late submissions, telegraphed, emailed or faxed proposals and proposals which do not conform to the instructions contained in the Request for Proposals. However, Proposals may be withdrawn by fax or email, provided that such notices are received prior to the Solicitation Opening date and time and confirmed by a telephone call. 5.6 LATE PROPOSALS Late Proposals will not be opened. Proposers have the option of picking up or paying for the mailed return of the unopened Proposal. If this option is not exercised within five (5) days of the solicitation due date, the late unopened Proposal will be disposed. 5.7 PROPOSAL GUARANTEE The Proposer warrants that the unit prices, terms, and conditions quoted in the proposal will be firm for acceptance for a period of not less than one -hundred twentv (120) days from the solicitation opening date. Such unit prices, terms and conditions will remain firm for the contract period. 5.8 SEALED PROPOSALS Proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope which shall show (lower left corner) the Proposer's name and address, RFP number and title, along with the solicitation due date and time. The Proposal shall be submitted no later than the solicitation due date and time mentioned on the Request for Proposal. The City may choose whether to open any proposals that are not clearly marked at the City's sole discretion and will not be held responsible for not opening any Proposals that are not clearly marked. Proposals shall be handwritten or typed with (black or blue) ink. Any erasures or corrections must be initialed by the Proposer in blue ink. Handwritten submissions must be le+zible. Proposals shall be submitted to Cit►' Hall. 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958. Proposals that are submitted to other locations or delivered to the wrone location mar• not be considered. It shall be the sole responsibility of the proposer to ensure their proposal is at the proper location and at the time specified in the laroposal documents. 5.9 RFP OPENING Proposers are welcome to attend the solicitation opening; however, attendance is not mandatory. Proposals shall be opened and publicly announced on the date, time and location specified on the Request for Proposal, unless otherwise stated in the form of an addendum. Proposals received will be posted within thirtv (30) business days to DemandStar.com, Vendorlink.com and the City's website. Page 14 of 32 458 of 562 MOF UP #23-11 HOME Of PEUCAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY 5.10 PROPOSAL EXAMINATION In accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, solicitation files will be made available for public inspection at the time the City posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier. Solicitation files may be examined during normal working hours, by appointment only, by contacting the City Clerk's office at 772-589-5330. 5.11 INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY, and its officers and employees, from all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentionally wrongful conduct of the CONTRACTOR and other persons employed or utilized by the CONTRACTOR in the performance of the agreement; regardless of the negligence of the indemnitee or its officers, directors, agents, or employees. However, such indemnification shall not include claims of, or damages resulting from, gross negligence, or willful, wanton or intentional misconduct of the indemnitee or its officers, directors, agents or employees. Upon request of the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall, at no cost or expense to the CITY, indemnify and hold the CITY harmless of any suit asserting a claim for any loss, damage or liability specified above, and CONTRACTOR shall pay any cost and reasonable attorneys' fees that may be incurred by the CITY in connection with any such claim or suit or in enforcing the indemnity granted above. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as the CITY waiving its sovereign immunity pursuant to 768.28, et seq., Florida Statutes, or any other sovereign or governmental immunity. This provision shall survive the termination of this bid. 5.12 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time, or changes in the work, and to negotiate contract terms and conditions with the top ranked Proposer IAW F.S. 287.055(5), and the right to disregard all non -conforming, non -responsive, imbalanced, or conditional Proposals. More than one Proposal from an individual, firm or association under same or different names, will not be considered. Any or all Proposals will be rejected if there is reason to believe that collusion exists among the Proposers, and no participants in such collusion will be considered in future Proposals for the same work. 5.13 CORRECTIONS. CANCELLATION, & WITHDRAWAL Proposers may be asked to provide further information after the solicitation opening to determine the responsibility of the vendor. 5.13.1. Waiver of Technicality: Information shall not be considered after the bid opening if it has been specifically requested to be provided with the Proposal as this becomes a matter of responsiveness. The Proposal shall be considered responsive if it substantially conforms to the requirements of the RFP. The City may waive any informality, technicality, or irregularity on any bid. A minor or non -substantive lack of conformity may be considered a technicality or irregularity which may be waived by the City. 5.13.2. Mathematical Errors: Errors in extension of unit prices or in mathematical calculations may be corrected. In cases of errors in mathematical computations, the unit prices shall not be changed. 5.13.3. Cancellation or Postponement: The City may cancel or postpose the solicitation opening or cancel the RFP in its entirety prior to award. 5.13.4. Withdrawal: Prior to any published bid opening date and time, a Proposer may withdraw his or her Proposal in writing. A fax or email is permitted for this purpose, provided it is confirmed by a telephone call. 5.13.5. Amendments: Prior to the published Solicitation Opening date and time, a Proposer may amend the Proposal provided that it is in writing, in a sealed envelope, and identified. Page 15 of 32 459 of 562 M.* io RFP #23-11 HOME OF PEUCAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY 5.14 EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS Request for exceptions to the specifications shall be listed in the proposal and shall reference the section. Any exceptions to the General or Special Conditions may be cause for the proposal to be considered non -responsive. 5.15 SUBCONTRACTORS AND EMPLOYEES The Proposer is required to identify any and all Sub -consultants and/or suppliers and/or material men that will be used in the performance of the proposed Agreement and to clearly identify in their Proposal the percentages of Work to be performed by their Sub -consultants. 5.16 RFP AWARD The contract/agreement will be awarded to the most responsive and responsible Proposer(s) whose proposal, conforming to the specifications and terms the City considers is most advantageous. The Procurement/Contracts Manager shall issue a Notice of Award to the successful Proposer and post the results on the City's website and DemandStar. 5.17 WAIVER OF IRREGULARITIES The City may waive minor informalities or irregularities in Proposals received where such is merely a matter of form and not substance, and the correction or waiver of which is not prejudicial to other Proposers. Minor irregularities are defined as those that will not have an adverse effect on the City's interest and will not affect the price or terms of the Proposal by giving a Proposer an advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other Proposers. 5.17.1. In no event will any such elections by the City be deemed to be a waiving of the required criteria for the requested services. 5.17.2. The Proposers who are selected for the Project will be required to fully comply with the Project criteria, regardless that the Solicitation may have been based on a variation. 5.17.3. Proposers shall identify separately all innovative aspects as such in the technical Solicitation. Innovation should be limited to Proposers means and methods, approach to Project, use of new products, and new uses for established products. 5.18 COUNCIL MEETING The awarded Proposer must be available to attend City Council meetings, when required. The awarded Proposer must be prepared to answer any questions and/or provide a presentation if requested by City Council and/or authorized by City representative(s). The date and time of the City Council meeting will be publicly noticed. 5.19 SALES TAX Although the City of Sebastian is exempt from Federal and State Sales and Use taxes, Contractors or Vendors doing business with the City are not exempted from paying said taxes to their supplier for goods or services purchased to fulfill the contractual obligations with the City, nor shall any Contractor or Vendor be authorized to use the City's Tax Exemption Number in securing such materials. 5.20 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE OR CONVENIENCE - The agreement resulting from this RFP can be terminated immediately for cause if Contractor is found to have failed to perform services in a manner satisfactory to the City; or for convenience upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the Proposer. In the event of either termination, the Proposer shall be compensated for all services performed to the City's satisfaction. The City shall be sole judge of non-performance. 5.21 DISCRIMINATION The Proposer shall not practice or condone personnel or supplier discrimination of any nature whatsoever, in any manner proscribed by Federal or State of Florida laws and regulations. The City of Sebastian will not knowingly do business with vendors, proposers, or contractors who discriminate on those protected by state and federal law. Through the course of providing services to the City, Proposers/Contractors shall affirmatively comply with all applicable provisions of Title VI of the Civil Page 16 of 32 460 of 562 CM T RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 and the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, as well as all other applicable regulations, guidelines and standards. Any person who believes their rights have been violated should report such discrimination to the City. 5.22 PUBLIC RECORDS Section 119.01 Florida Statutes, The Public Records Law, provides that municipal records shall at all times be open for personal inspection by any person. Information and materials received by the City in connection with all Proposers' responses shall be deemed to be public record subject to public inspection and copying at the time the City posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier. IF THE PROPOSER/CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT JEANETTE WILLIAMS, THE CITY CLERK AND CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT 772-388-8215 / EMAIL iwilliams(u eitvofsebastian.orp. CITY OF SEBASTAIN, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958. 5.23 PUBLIC MEETING EXEMPTIONS In accordance with Fla. Stat. §286.0113, any portion of a meeting in which (1) negotiations with a vendor is conducted as part of the "competitive negotiation" process AND/OR (2) a vendor makes an oral presentation or answers questions as part of the "competitive solicitation" process, are exempt from public meeting requirements The City will post notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier. Any portion of a committee meeting at which negotiation strategies are discussed is exempt. A complete record shall be made of any portion of an exempt meeting; no portion may be held off the record. The recording of and any records presented at the exempt meeting are exempt from Fla. Stat. § 119.071 until such time as the City posts notice of its decision or intended decision concerning contract awards, or thirty (30) days after the solicitation opening, whichever is earlier, at which point the complete record becomes public and subject to Section 119.01 Florida Statute, The Public Records Law. 5.24 PROTEST PROCEDURE Any Bidder/Proposer who is aggrieved in connection with a competitive selection process may protest to the Procurement/Contracts Manager. The protest shall be submitted in writing within three (31 calendar days after the Bidder/Proposer knows or should have known of the facts giving rise to the protest. Failure of the Proposer to file a timely formal written Protest within the specified time period shall constitute a waiver by the Proposer of all rights to Protest. The formal written Protest must provide documentation which shall specify in detail the nature of the grievance and the grounds upon which any relief, modification or change is based. If the protest is not resolved by mutual agreement or if the protestor disagrees with the decision of the Procurement/Contracts Manager, the protestor may appeal the decision to the City Manager and/or City Council, within seven (7) calendar days of initial decision. Stav of Procurement — In the event of a timely and properly filed protest, the Procurement/Contracts Manager shall not proceed further with the solicitation or award until all administrative remedies have been exhausted, or until the City Manager or City Council, as appropriate, makes a determination on the record that the award of a contract is necessary to protect substantial interests of the City. SECTIONS BELOW REFERENCED ON FORM F - NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT 5.25 CONFLICT OF INTEREST The resulting agreement is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. All Proposers/Contractors/Consultants must disclose within their bid/proposal to the City of Sebastian the name of Page 17 of 32 461 of 562 RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN MAW PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY any officer, director, or agent who is also an employee of the City of Sebastian (hereinafter the "City"). Furthermore, all Proposers/Contractors/Consultants must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, directly or indirectly, an interest of more than five percent (5%) in the firm of any of its branches. Please submit to the City all information on any potential conflict of interest related to provision of the goods or services requested in this Solicitation. The purpose of this disclosure is to give the City the information needed to identify potential conflicts of interest for evaluation by the team members and other key personnel involved in the award of this contract. The term "conflict of interest" refers to situations in which financial or other personal consideration may adversely affect, or have the appearance of adversely affecting, an employee's professional judgment in exercising any City duty or responsibility in administration, management, instruction, research, or other professional activities. 5.26 NO LOBBYING All Proposers/Contractors/Consultants or and its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest are hereby placed on notice that any communication, whether written or oral, with City of Sebastian elected officials or any other staff or outside individuals working with the City in respect to this request (with exception of the Procurement Division personnel designated to receive requests for interpretation or corrections) is prohibited. These persons shall not be lobbied, either individually or collectively, regarding any request for bid, proposals, qualifications and/or any other solicitations released by the City of Sebastian. To do so is grounds for immediate disqualification from the selection process. The selection process is not considered final until such time as the CRA Board and City Council have made a final and conclusive determination. 5.27 NO COLLUSION Proposer/Contractor/Consultant and its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, swears and attests that it is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Solicitation, and of all pertinent circumstances respecting the provision of the goods or services to the City of Sebastian. The Proposal, offer or submittal being made is genuine and is not collusive or a sham. By submitting a response to this RFP, Proposer certifies that all information contained in the submittal is truthful to the best of their knowledge and belief. Proposer further certifies, under oath, that this submittal is made without any colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other firm, person or corporation responding to this solicitation for the same product or service. 5.28 IMMIGRATION LAWS The City will not intentionally award City contracts to any Firm who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers, constituting a violation of the employment provisions contained in an 8 U.S.C. Section 1324 a(e) (Section 274A (e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA"). Refer to E-Verify Acknowledgment in solicitation documents. 5.29 DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE In accordance with Florida Statute Section 287.087, Proposer/Contractor/Consultant certifies that the following: (1) A written statement is published notifying that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace named above and specifying actions that will be taken against violations of such prohibition. (2) Employees are informed about the dangers of drug abuse in the work place, the firm's policy of maintaining a drug free working environment, and available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug use violations. (3) Employees are notified that as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual and will notify the employer of any conviction of, plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 1893, or of any controlled substance law of the State of Florida or the United States, for a violation occurring in the work place, no later than five (5) days after such conviction, and requires employees to sign copies of such written (*) statement to acknowledge their receipt. Page 18 of 32 462 of 562 ,IhA 211�0 RFP #23-11 HOME OF FEWAN WMM PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY (4) Requires the satisfactory participation in, a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program, if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. (5) Makes a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free work place through the Implementation of the drug free workplace program. (6) Gives each employee engaged in providing commodities or contractual services that are under bid or proposal, a copy of the statement specified above. 5.30 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES A "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or Agreement for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. "Convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. "Affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes, means: (1) A predecessor or successor of a person or a corporation convicted of a public entity crime, or (2) An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime, or (3) Those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate, or (4) A person or corporation who knowingly entered into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months. Proposer certifies that neither the entity submitting, nor any of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. Where the Proposer is unable to certify to all of the statement above, Proposer shall attach an explanation to this submittal. 5.31 DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION Proposer certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its nrincinals: a. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for disbarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; b. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or Local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; c. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification; and d. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default. e. Proposer must submit their Company Profile Page from SAM with their proposal. f. City of Sebastian will not make an award to parties listed on the government -wide exclusions in the Svstem for Award Mana,.�ement (SAM). Page 19 of 32 463 of 562 Orrll SM-00,� RFP #23-11 HOME OF PEUCM ISLMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Where the Proposer is unable to certify to all of the statements above, Proposer shall attach an explanation to this submittal. 5.32 SCRUTINIZED VENDOR Proposer certifies under nenalties of miiur_v. as of the date of this solicitation to provide eoods and/or services to the Citv of Sebastian, that it: (1) Does not participate in a boycott of Israel; and (2) Is not on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List; and (3) Is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List; and (4) Is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List; and (5) Has not engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. Submitting a false certification shall be deemed a material breach of contract. The City of Sebastian shall provide notice, in writing, to the Contractor of the City's determination concerning the false certification. The Contractor shall have ninety (90) days following the receipt of the notice to respond in writing and demonstrate that the determination of false certification was made in error. If the Contractor does not demonstrate that the City's determination of false certification was made in error then the City shall have the right to terminate the contract and seek civil remedies pursuant to Florida Statute § 287.135. Section 287.135, Florida Statutes, generally prohibits state agencies and departments, and local government entities from: 1) Contracting with companies for goods or services in any amount if at the time of bidding on, submitting a proposal for, or entering into or renewing a contract if the company is on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List, created pursuant to Section 215.4725, Florida Statutes, or is engaged in a boycott of Israel; and 2) Contracting with companies, for goods or services over $1,000,000.00 that are on either the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, created pursuant to Section 215.473, Florida Statute, or have been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. SECTION 6 — REQUIRED FORMS PROPOSAL CHECKLIST Please use the following checklist as a reference to confirm all requirements are met in your RFP Proposal. The bid shall be limited to no more than twenty (20) pages (NOT including required forms). Anv resvonses exceeding twenty (20) pages, NOT including the required forms, will be considered non -responsive and not considered for award. You are expected to use Tabs dividing each section (tabs will not be included/counted in the twenty (20) pages). Cover Letter (Refer to Section 3.1) Table of Contents (Refer to Section 3.2) TAB 1 - QUALIFICATIONS Company Qualifications (Refer to Section 3.3) iTeam Qualifications (Refer to Section 3.4) TAB 2 - PROPOSED USE Proposed Use of Site (Refer to Section 3.5) Proposed Completion Time (Refer to Section 3.6) TAB 3 - FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Financial Ability (Refer to Section 3.7) TAB 4 - REQUIRED FORMS (Refer to Section 6) 1 Contact Information Sheet — FORM A Page 20 of 32 464 of 562 cnra SEBASTIA RFP #23-11 HOME OF PEUCMi ISWO - PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Addenda Acknowledgment — FORM B Proposed Purchase Price - FORM C Proposer's Disclosure — FORM D E-Verify Acknowledgement — FORM E Notifications Affidavit — FORM F Minority, Women and Disabled -Owned Business Concern Representation — FORM G Please be advised that this checklist should not be interpreted as a comprehensive list of all information required by this Solicitation from prospective Bidders. It simply serves as a reference or guide for the most significant documents to be included in the bid and should be enhanced as deemed necessary. It is solely the Bidder's responsibility to read and understand all requirements and adhere to all issued Addenda. Page 21 of 32 465 of 562 Mal SEBAST HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY MAILING LABEL Proposer must submit proposal in a sealed envelope/box/container: One (1) original proposal, including the deposit is required. Eight (8) copies of the proposal are required. One (1) USB with an electronic version is required. Cut along the outer border and affix this label to the sealed envelope/box/container to identify the submission as a Sealed Proposal. SEALED RFP • DO NOT OPEN SOLICITATION RFP 23-11 #: SOLICITATION Sale of City -Owned Property "100 Veterans TITLE: Memorial Way" (Former Public Works DUE Friday, July 21, 2023 C 2:00 PM EST DATE/TIME: SUBMITTED BY: Proposer's Name Proposer's Address Proposer's Address City of Sebastian TTN: Procurement Division DELIVER TO: 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Page 22 of 32 466 of 562 .m,r Pdr HOME OF KuCAN ISLAND Prouosals due by 2:00 PM EST on FORM A RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET Friday, July 21, 2023 .411 physical, in person submissions must be delivered or mailed to: City of Sebastian ATTN: Procurement Division 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 SOLICITATION RELEASE NO.: DATE: RFP 23-11 05/14/2023 SOLICITATION TITLE: CONTACT: Don Wixon Procurement/Contracts Manager (772)388-8231 Check Addenda for revised due dates before Sale of City -Owned Property "100 Veterans Memorial Way" submitting your Bid. Late Bids will not be (Former Public Works Compound) accepted. Firm's Name and "Doing Business As", if applicable: Federal Tax Identification Number: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone No: + Fax No: E-Mail Address of Authorized Representative: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Firms that do not meet the minimum requirements as determined by the City, at its sole discretion, will be deemed non -responsive and not considered for award (refer to page 6, Section 1.5). By placing a checkmark next to each requirement, Proposer is confirming the requirement is met. ❑ Proposer, or at least one of its General Partners, must be operating as the same business entity for a minimum of five (5) years; and ❑ Proven experience of successfully developing properties continuously for a minimum of five (5) years; and Financial ability to provide the proposed redevelopment; and ❑ No tax delinquency as an individual or member of a Corporation or Partnership; and BID/PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION I certify that I have carefully examined the RFP document and associated documents, including Addenda, accompanying or made a part of this solicitation. I further certify that all information contained in this proposal is truthful to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am duly authorized to submit this proposal on behalf of the company named above and that the company is ready, willing, and able to perform if awarded. Printed Name Title The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to accept any proposal or portion thereof deemed to be in the best interest of the City, and to waive any non -substantial irregularities. Failure to fully comvlete and submit this Information Sheet may result in reiection of the submittal. Page 23 of 32 467 of 562 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND FORM 1 B 1 RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Proposer's Name: Proposer shall indicate below all Addenda received. Acknowledgement confirms receipt and understanding of issued Addenda. Proposer understands that failure to acknowledge any addenda issued may cause their proposal to be considered non- responsive. To confirm the number of addenda (if any), Proposer may contact the Procurement Division at (772) 388-8231. ADDENDDUM # DATE RECEIVED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Addenda was received in connection with this solicitation. Signature: Title: Print Name: Date: Failure to fulls complete, siun and submit this Form may result in reiection of the submittal Page 24 of 32 468 of 562 CRYIf� FORM C RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE FORM herein called the Buyer(s), hereby offer(s) and agree(s) to purchase from the City of Sebastian, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called the City, at the price subject to the terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions, and covenants herein stated, (see attached(s)), and easements, encumbrances and other matters of record, and to all zoning, building or other Laws or Ordinances, the following described property. In order to constitute an acceptable offer to purchase, all information requested below must be provided. The form must be submitted with proposal. Proposer's Name: Proposer's Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Email Address: Insert in the "Proposed Purchase Price" column, the total amount you agree to pay for the property. Entries must be typed or clearly printed in ink. Use of erasable ink is not permitted. Strikeovers, changes, and corrections by the Proposer must be initialed. Questionable entries will be rejected. ADDRESS PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE 1215 Indian River Drive Sebastian, FL 32958 INTENDED USE (PLEASE CHECK) —1 Residential 1 1 Commercial r-1 Mixed Use PROPOSER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Proposer understands that information contained on this Proposed Purchase Price Form is to be relied upon by the City of Sebastian in awarding the specified RFP, and such information is warranted by the Proposer understands that the City has the right to verify the information submitted and to seek any additional information relating to the Bidder's qualifications. The discovery of any misstatement, which in the sole opinion of the City materially affects the Proposer's qualifications to perform, shall cause the rejection of the Proposal, and if after the award, to cancel the sale of agreement. The Proposer acknowledges that the deed will include a clause stating that the property reverts to the City of Sebastian if substantial compliance with the provisions of the proposal is not met according to an agreed upon timeline. Signature: Title: Print Name: Date: Failure to fullv comnlete. si¢n and submit this Form mav result in rejection of the submittal Page 25 of 32 469 of 562 M, HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND FORM D RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY PROPOSER'S DISCLOSURE FORM The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and all answers to questions made hereinafter. Additional sheets may be attached if required. Proposer's Name: Address: Contact Person: Title: Phone No.: Email Address: Federal Identification No.: This Business is: O An Individual ( ) A Partnership ( ) A Corporation Proposer's License No., if applicable: *Attach certificate of status, competency, and/or state registration (1) Has your firm or any of its officers, received a reprimand of any nature or been suspended by the Department of Professional Regulations or any other regulatory agency or professional association within the last five (5) years? YES ❑ NO (2) Has your firm, or any member of your firm, been declared in default, terminated or removed from a contract or job related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business within the last five (5) years? YES ❑ NO ❑ (3) Has your firm had against it or filed any request for equitable adjustment, contract claims, bid protest, or litigation in the past five (5) years that is related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business? YES ❑ NO ❑ (4) Describe each affiliation or business relationship with an employee, board member, elected official(s) or an immediate family member of any such person of the City of Sebastian. If none, write NONE. (5) Describe ANY other affiliation or business relationship that may cause a conflict of interest. If none, write NONE. If yes, state the nature of the request for equitable adjustment, contract claim, litigation, or protest, and state a brief description of the case, the outcome or status of the suit and the monetary amounts or extended contract time involved. ........................................................................................... CONTINUED NEXT PAGE Page 26 of 32 470 of 562 MIN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY I hereby certify that all statements made are true and I agree and understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation or falsification of facts shall be cause for forfeiture of rights for further consideration of this proposal for the City of Sebastian. Signature Date Failure to fulh comulete. sign and submit this Disclosure may result in reiection of the submittal Page 27 of 32 471 of 562 nz a -` EBASTIA HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND FORM E RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY E-VERIFY ACKNOWLEDGMENT Effective January 1, 2021, public and private employers, contractors and subcontractors will be required to register with, and use the Employment Eligibility Verification System (E-Verify) to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees. The E-Verify system can be obtained at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website: hlly://www/dhs.gov/E-Verify.. "Contractor" means a person or entity that has entered or is attempting to enter into a contract with a public employer to provide labor, supplies, or services to such employer in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (also referred to as Vendor or Consultant). "Subcontractor" means a person or entity that provides labor, supplies, or services to or for a contractor or another subcontractor in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (also referred to as Sub -Vendor or Sub -Consultant). Vendor/Consultant/Contractor acknowledges and agrees to utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System to verify the employment eligibility of: ■ All persons employed by Vendor/Consultant/Contractor during the term of the contract, (including assigned sub- vendors/sub-consultants/sub-contractors), to perform employment duties within Florida and any work in pursuant to the contract with the City. By entering into a contract with the City, the Proposer/Contractor/Consultant becomes obligated to comply with the provisions of Section 2. Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., "Employment Eligibility, " as amended from time to time. This includes, but is not limited to, utilization of the E-Verb System to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees, and requiring all subcontractors to provide an affidavit attesting that the subcontractor does not employ, contract with, or subcontract with, an unauthorized alien. The contractor shall maintain a copy of such affidavit for the duration of the contract. Failure to comply will lead to termination of resulting contract, or if a subcontractor knowingly violates the statute, the subcontract must be terminated immediately. Any challenge to termination under this provision must be filed in the Circuit Court of Indian River County, Florida no later than 20 calendar days after the date of termination. If the resulting contract is terminated for a violation of the statute by the Contractor, the Contractor may not be awarded a public contract for a period of 1 year after the date of termination. I hereby acknowledge and agree that use of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System during the term of the contract is a condition of the resulting contract with the City of Sebastian. Company Name: Authorized Name: Title: Signature: Date: Proposer must submit their Company Profile Parse from E-Verify with their bid. State of County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on (Date) Notary Public Signature Failure to full% complete. siMn and submit this Affidavit may result in reiection of the submit Page 28 of 32 472 of 562 Map FORM - F _ RFP #23-11 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT rfTl (Print Authorized Name) (Title) (Company Name) affirm that I read and understand, as well as accept all requirements and regulations listed in sections 4.27 — 4.35 of the above referenced solicitation document to include the following notifications: • Conflict of Interest • No Lobbying • No Collusion • Immigration Laws • Drug -Free Workplace • Public Entity Crimes • Debarment and Suspension, Proposer must submit their ComnanN Profile Page from SAM with their bid. • Scrutinized Vendor • Performance Evaluation Signature: Date: State of County of The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me on _ (DATE). Notary Public Signature Failure to fullv complete. sign and submit this Affidavit may result in resection of the submittal Page 29 of 32 473 of 562 FORM G RFP #23-11 HOME Of PELICAN ISLAND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY MINORITY, WOMEN and DISABLED -OWNED BUSINESS CONCERN REPRESENTATION Minority -Owned Business: a minority -owned business concern means a business concern that: (1) is at least 51 percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are considered to be a member of a minority group, or a publicly owned business having at least 51 percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more members of a minority group, and (2) has its management and daily business controlled and operated by one or more such individuals. Individuals who certify that they are members of minority groups (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian -Pacific Americans, Asian -Indian Americans, and other minorities) are to be considered minority -owned enterprises. Women -Owned Business: a business that is at least 51 percent owned by a woman or women who also control and operate it. Disabled Owned Business: a business that is at least 51 percent owned by a person or persons with severe physical or mental disabilities, which substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities and which person or persons control, and operate such business. "Control" in this referenced context means exercising the power to make policy decisions. "Operate" means being actively involved in the day- today management of the business. The City of Sebastian shall rely on written representations of concerns regarding their status as minority/women/disabled-owned businesses. Proposer agrees to submit information regarding the minority ownership of its subcontractors on request. COMPLETE THE SECTION BELOW AND RETURN THIS FORM WITH BID. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RENDER THE OFFEROR'S BID UNACCEPTABLE. A. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is ( is not ( ) a minority -owned business concern. B. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is (), is not ( ) a women -owned business concern. C. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is (), is not ( ) a disabled -owned business concern. Please Check Anmonriate Box/Boxes ❑ African American❑ Caucasian (CAUL) ❑ Native American (NAAM) (AFRAM) ❑ Hispanic American[] Asian -Pacific American (ASIAP) ❑ Asian Indian (ASIAI) (HISP) American ❑ Other, please identify: Woman Owned (W) Disabled Owned (D) The Proposer has i 1/ has not used the following procedures in searching for and obtaining suppliers and subcontractors: • Place Minority -Owned Businesses on solicitation lists. • Ensure that Minority -Owned are solicited whenever they are potential sources. • Consider contracting with consortia of Minority -Owned Businesses when an intended contract is too large for any one such firm to handle on its own or, if economically feasible, divide larger requirements into smaller transactions for which such organizations might compete. • Make information on contracting opportunities available and establish delivery schedules that encourage participation by Minority Owned Businesses. • Use the services and assistance of the SBA and Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency, as appropriate. Page 30 of 32 474 of 562 �AS7 RFP #23-11 HOME OF PLUCAN ISMD PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY Company Name Address Phone # Signature of Company Official City State Email Address Print Name Zip FEIN # Date Page 31 of 32 475 of 562 M 11 �- HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY SOLICIATION INFORMATION FORM Please submit this form to assist us in learning more about how our solicitation opportunities are most often found. Company's Name: Company Address: Phone No: Please tell us how you found out this Request for Proposals was released/available (mark all that applies): Indian River Press Journal (TCPalm) DemandStar/Onvia City of Sebastian Web Site Other (please specify below) Page 32 of 32 476 of 562 E Request for F roposa, RFP #23-11 For the Purchase of City -Owned Ptoperty and Provision of a Milted - Use Developme'n't at 100 Veterans -Memorial Way,, Sebastian, Florida (Fgtmqr Public Wairks Compound) SUBMITTED; BY: 7788 Cdrdmi Incidiiflid -or-jVe, 9 UNG 6 West Palm Beach, FL 33404 681 -8454.669 aid. 102 smaug&HIldragon.,com bill@sfilldmgon.com FEI:-46-0549006 477 of 562 STILLDRAGON 7788 Central Industrial Drive, Suite 6 West Palm Beach, FL 33404 561-4454009 ext.102 smaug@stllldragon.com I blll@stilldragon.com FEI: 46-0648006 July 14,2023 Don Wixon, Procurement/Contracts Manager City of Sebastian Attn: Procurement Division 1225 Main Street Sebastian; FL 3295.8 Re: City of Sebastian Request for Proposal (RFP 23-11) For the Purchase of City -Owned Property and Provision of a Mixed -Use Development at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, Florida (Former Public Works Compound) Dear Mr. Wixon and Members of the Reviewing Committee: In accordance with the above -referenced Request for Proposal for the City of Sebastian, Stilldragon North America LLC is pleased to submit this cover letter and the attached proposal for. Purchase of City -Owned Property and Provision of a Mixed -Use Development at 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, Florida (Former Public Works Compound) StillDragon North America LLC has reviewed in detail the Request for Proposal, Exhibits A, B, C, and. D, Addendum #1 and attended the mandatory Pre -Proposal Conference on June 7, 2023, and provides this letter of interest to be considered for contract negotiations for the purchase of City -Owned Property "100 Veterans Memorial Way" (Former Public Works Compound). StillDragon is a full -service distillery solutions provider with a focus on distillery equipment innovation led by industry -veteran Larry Taylor. Founded in 2012 StillDragon is the original Modular distillation equipment designer and provider. With his ethos of "spirit first Evaluation" and focus on consistent product improvement, Larry has driven the growth of StillDragon and its innovative equipment offerings. In an industry spanning centuries, StillDragon has introduced many first to market distillery technologies under Larry's leadership. Including but not limited to the Modular Distillation Equipment, the CrystalDragonTM Distillation Column, ProCapTM Enhanced Distillation Trays, craft scale Continuous Distillation Systems, and SD SmartStillTM Distillery Automation Suite. StillDragon equipment is currently Designed and Assembled in West Palm Beach, FL. We provide customers with Custom Designed and Manufactured Equipment, Consulting, Equipment Installation, Equipment Financing, Automation Implementation, and Training. 478 of 562 StillDragon, now in its twelfth year, has sold over 1000 Stills to over 500 distilleries in the United States. Hundreds of aspiring and successful craft distilleries have and do rely on the knowledge and expertise of StillDragon and its staff to ensure they get the right equipment, at the right time, on time to empower their growth and meet the ever-growing demand for high quality craft spirits. StillDragon also directly supports the fiscal and knowledge growth of the industry. StillDragon is a Florida Limited Liability Company. Enclosed within this proposal you find documentation that proves financial ability to provide the proposed redevelopment of the city -owned properly located at 100 Veterans Memorial Way. Neither StillDragon nor its managing member Lawrence Taylor has any tax delinquency nor any pending or completed litigation claims made, contract disputes, alleged defaults and liens arising in connection with the performance of any services by the company or by current or former members, within the last three years. Additionally, StiffDragon has no unabated code violations for any other properties within the City of Sebastian. Based on review of the Performance Overlay District regulations and the current PS zoning, the proposed redevelopment will not create a non -conforming use since wholesale trades and services use includes distribution and trades and skilled services includes light manufacturing. In closing, you will find the attached information to be in order and sufficient for consideration of contract negotiations. We look forward to workhig with you on the redevelopment of this exciting project. Respectfully, Lawre ce Taylor Managing Member 479 of 562 t TABLE OF CONTENTS QUALIFICATIONS Proposer/Company Qualifications......................................................................................................................... 5 TeamQualifications............................................................................................................................................... 9 PROPOSED USE ProposedUse of Site ................................ ........ ............. .. .. .....................•-.... .... .................... 13 ProposedCompletion Time................................................................................................................................... 13 FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS FinancialAbility......................................................................... ........ 20 ConfidentialInformation........................................................................................................................................ N/A REQUIRED FORMS - _ - Contact Information Sheet — FORM A................................................................................................................. 22 Addenda Aclmowledgment — FORM B................................................................................................................ 23 Proposed Purchase Price - FORM C..................................................................................................................... 24 Proposer's Disclosure — FORM D.......................................................................................................................25 E-Verify Acknowledgement — FORM E..............................................................................................................27 Notifications Affidavit — FORM F...................................................................................................................... 28 Minority, Women and Disabled -Owned Business Concern Representation — FORM G ........................... 29 480 of 562 PFONi UVATION REAR MrVATION R 9 +I I A �I �!I II IIII�!I�II III IIII II I'IIJ II'I'I llllCIO FROND" U VA110N i MM MWAnON '414"-r- ", FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS FINANCIAL ABILITY StillDragon Sebastian Distillery has budgeted $3,200,000 for renovation, buildout, and fixtures, furniture and equipment. FUNDING MECHANISM Proposed Amding is a combination of current operating capital, private loans, and commercial bank loans. REQUESTED WAIVERS The site consists of the City's former public works compound (the "Property'l and lies within the Riverfront Performance Overlay and Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay districts. StiffDragon North America, LLC (" StillDragon') is in the craft spirits business. StillDragon purposes to construct a state-of-the-art spirits distillery business on the Property. StillDragon's vision is to redevelop the Property and build a facility that is aesthetically attractive, clean, and uncluttered, with lush vegetation and landscaping, complimenting an architecturally designed campus with stylish signage. A distillery, tasting room, bar, and distillation educational center are envisioned, along with receiving, storing, design, manufacturing, assembly and shipping of distillery equipment. In order to facilitate the redevelopment design concept, StillDragon will need the City's cooperation through the granting -of--various waivers= such as- acknowledging -the- grandfathering- of the existing- buildings, repurposing them for the proposed use, compliance with dimensional standards such as setbacks, open space, height, building size, coverage and other land development requirements. Also, material finishes, parking, and review fees. At this time, it is premature to list the waivers that will be necessary. As the architecturally designed appearance of the property advances, the necessary waivers will be reviewed with the City such that StillDragon's concept and the City's concept for the ultimate development of the property will be mutually agreeable. PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE $1,050,01?O.0-0- -Qne Million Fifty Thousand Dollars WD 497 of 562 REQUIRED FORMS REQUIRED FORMS Included within this section are the following completed required forms: Contact Information Sheet — FORM A Addenda Acknowled z < <+ent — FORM B Pro,,osed Purchase Price- FORM C Pros i oser's Disclosure — FORM D E-Verify Acknowle&ement—FORM E Notifications Affidavit — FORM F h inorit , Women and Disabled -Owned Business Concern Re; :resentation — FORM G 498 of 562 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1'ro osals due b • 2:00 PM Local Time on FORM A RFP #23-11 PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET Friday, July 14, 2023 411 physical, in person submissions must be delivered or mailed to: City of Sebastian ATTN: Procurement Division 1225 Matn Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Check Addenda for revised due dates before submitting your Bid Late Bids will not be accepted. SOLICITATION NO.: RFP 23-11 RELEASE CONTACT: DATE: Don Wixon 05/17/2023 Procurement/Contracts Manager 772`1388-8231 SOLICTI'ATfON TITLE: Sale of City -Owned Property `1100 Veterans Memorial Way' (Former Public Works Compound) Firm's Name and "Doing Business As", if applicable: Federal Tax Identification Stilldragon North America LLC I Number: 46-0548006 Address: 7788 Central Industrical Drive, Suite 6 City: West Palm Beach State: FL Zi,4e: Telephone No: 561_845-8009 ext. 102 Fax�To: E-Mail Address of Authorized Representative: Smaug@sblldragon.com and bill@stilldragon.com ME41AIUM REQUIREMENTS Firms that do not meet the minimum requirements as determined by the City, at its sole discretion, will be deemed non -responsive and not considered for award (refer to page 9, Section 1.5). By placing a checkmark next to each requirement, Proposer is confirming the requirement is met. VProposer, or at least one of its General Partners, must be operating as the sauce business entity for a minimum of five (5) years; and Proven experience of successfully developing properties continuously for a minimum of five (5) years; and 54inancial ability to provide the proposed redevelopment; and HI o tax delinquency as an individual or member of a Corporation or Partnership; and ; o unabated code violations for other properties within the City of Sebastian; and No creation of a non -conforming use. BID/PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION I certify that I have carefully examined the RFP document and associated documents, including Addenda, accompanying or made a part of this solicitation. I further certify that all information contained in this proposal is truthful to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am duly authorized to submit this proposal on behalf of the company named above and that the company is ready, willing, and able to perform if awarded. Lawrence Taylor Printed Name - — Managing Member 7We The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to accept any proposal or portion thereof deemed to be in the best interest of the CiW, and to waive any non -substantial irregularities. Failure to full, complete and submit this Information Sheet may{ result in rei ection of the submittal. Page 25 of 34 499 of 562 m 11 FORM L _ >3 .� RFP #23-11 i'0Aa OF °arm I PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Proposer's Name: Stilldragon North America LLC Proposer shall indicate below all Addenda received. Acknowledgement confirms receipt and understanding of issued Addenda. Proposer understands that failure to acknowledge any addenda issued may cause their proposal to be considered non- responsive. To confirm the number of addenda (if any), Proposer may contact the Procurement Division at (772) 388-8231. ADDENDDUM # f DATE RECEIVED 1 6/13/2023 2 3 _4 5 .6 7 I 1 s 9 10 .i No Addenda was recei n connection ]!citation. Signature: _14Z Title: Managing Member Print Name: Lawrence Taylor Date: 7/1412023 Failure to full-, comi)lete. si-gin and submit this Form ma,, result in reiection of the submittal Page 26 of 34 500 of 562 �u ! FORM _C I RFP #23-11 f ME°FMMMIMAM PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE FORM Stilldragon North America LLC herein called the Buyer(s), hereby offer(s) and agree(s) to purchase from the City of Sebastian, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called the City, at the price subject to the terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions, and covenants herein stated, (see attached(s)), and easements, encumbrances and other matters of record, and to all zoning, building or other Laws or Ordinances, the following described property. In order to constitute an acceptable offer to purchase, all information requested below must be provided. The form must be submitted with proposal. Proposer's Name: Stilldragon North America LLC Proposer's Address: 7788 Central Industrical Drive, Suite 6 _ City, State, Zip: West Palm Beach, FL 33404 Phone Number: 561-845-8009 ext. 102 Email Address: Smaug@stllldragon.com and bill@stilldragon.rom Insert in the "Proposed Purchase Price" column, the total amount you agree to pay for the property. Entries must be typed or clearly printed in ink. Use of erasable ink is not permitted. Strikeovers, changes, and corrections by the Proposer must be initialed. Questionable entries will be rejected. l ADDRESS — _ J PROPOSED PURCHASE PRICE 100 Veterans Memorial Way, Sebastian, FL 32958 $1,050,000.00 CHECK) USE (PLEASE Residential RV CommercialH Mixed Use ) PROPOSER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Proposer understands that information contained on this Proposed Purchase Price Form is to be relied upon by the City of Sebastian in awarding the specified RFP, and such -information is warranted by the Proposer understands that the City has the right to verify the information submitted and to seek any additional information relating to the Bidder's qualifications. The discovery of any misstatement, which in 01 sole opinion of the City materially affects the Proposer's qualifications to perform, shall cause the rejection of the P al, and if after the award, to cancel the sale of agreement. The Proposer acknowledges that eed will include - e stating that the property reverts to the City of Sebastian if substantial compliance with isions of the rs not met according to an agreed upon timeline. Signature: Title: Managing Member Print Name: Lawrence Taylor Date: 7/14/2023 Failure to fulth comolete. sign and submit this Form may result in resection of the submittal Page 27 of 34 501 of 562 FORM D RFP #23-11 HOME OfPEUCANiSikND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY PROPOSER'S DISCLOSURE FORM The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and all answers to questions made hereinafter. Additional sheets may be attached if required. Proposer's Name: Stilldragon North America LLC Address: 7788 Central Industrical Drive, Suite 6 West Palm Beach,- FL 33404 Contact Person: Lawrence Taylor Title: Managing Member Phone No.: 561-845-8009 ext. 102 Email Address: Smaug@stilldragon.com and blll@stiildragon.com Federal Identification No.: 46-0548006 f This Business is: ( ) An Individual () A Partnership f�+J A Corporation Proposer's License No., if annlicable: *Attach certificate of status, competency, and/or state registration (1) Has your firm or any of its officers, received a reprimand of any nature or been suspended by the Department of Professional Regulations or an other regulatory agency or professional association within the last five (5) years? YES ❑ NO (2) Has your firm, or any member of your firm, been declared In default, terminated or removed from a contract or job related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business within the last five (5) years? YES NO g (3) Has your firm had against it or tiled any request for equitable adjustment, contract claims, bid protest, or litigation in the past five (5) years that is related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business? YES R NO M (4) Describe each affiliation or business relationship with an employee, board member, elected official(s) or an immediate family member of any such person of the City of Sebastian. If none, write NONE. None (5) Describe ANY other affiliation or business relationship that may cause a conflict of interest. If none, write NONE. None If yes, state the nature of the request for equitable adjustment, contract claim, litigation, or protest, and state a brief description of the case, the outcome or status of the suit and the monetary amounts or extended contract time involved.. ■rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr a rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrerrrrrrrrr a rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr■ CONTINUED NEXT PAGE Page 28 of 34 502 of 562 T• RFP #23-11 Now of MMOKMM wM PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY I hereby certify that all statements made are true and I agree and understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation or falsicatton 9.,ts shall be ca or forfeiture of rights for further consideration of this proposal for the City of Sebastian. / 7/14/2023 ignature hate Failure to fullv comulete. sien and submit this Disclosure may result in rei ection of the submittal Page 29 of 34 503 of 562 .v u FORM - - E RFP #23-11 1 Y& a MrAM SLAW PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY E-VERIFY ACKNOWLEDGMENT Effective January 1, 2021, public and private employers, contractors and subcontractors will be required to register with, and use the Employment Eligibility Verification System (E-Verify) to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees. The E-Verify system can be obtained at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website: http_//www/dhs.g_ov/E-Veriti - "Controetor" means a person or entity that has entered or is attempting to enter into a contract with a public employer to provide labor, supplies, or services to such employer in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (also referred to as Vendor or Consultant). "Subcontractor" means a person or entity that provides labor, supplies, or services to or for a contractor or another subcontractor in exchange for salary, wages, or other remuneration (also referred to as Sub -Vendor or Sub -Consultant). Vendor/Consultant/Contractor acknowledges and agrees to utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System to verify the employment eligibility of: ■ All persons employed by Vendor/Consultant/Contractor during the term of the contract, (including assigned sub- vendors/sub-consultants/sub-contractors), to perform employment duties within Florida and any work in pursuant to the contract with the City. By entering into a contract with the City, the Proposer/Contractor/Consultant becomes obligated to comply with the provisions of Section 2. Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., "Employment Eligibility," as amended from time to time. This includei, brit is hot lhidied to, utilization o the E=Vert - ` - - f fy System to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees, and requiring all subcontractors to provide an affidavit attesting that the subcontractor does not employ, contract with, or subcontract with, an unauthorized alien. The contractor shall maintain a copy of such affidavit for the duration of the contract. Failure to comply will lead to termination of resulting contract or if a subcontractor knowingly violates the statute, the subcontract must be terminated immediately. Any challenge to termination under this provision must be filed in the Circuit Court of Indian River County, Florida no later than 20 calendar days after the date of termination. If the resulting contract is terminated for a violation of the statute by the Contractor, the Contractor may not be awarded a public contract for a period of I year after the date of termination. I hereby acknowledge and agree that use of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify System during the term of the contract is a condition of the resulting contract with the City of Sebastian. Company Name: Stilldragon North Arne ' a LLC Authorized Name: r ce Taylor Tie: Managing Member Signature: Date: 7114/2023 Proposer must submit their Como anv Profile Pa::e from E-Vei .'f v with their bid. State of Florida County of M aw� This instrument was acknowledged before me on 7/14/2023 ' (Date) DAIMIRJEFFMON S •MA t�pl(? fjt r of Florida Comm{sAonq 337b5b �..qr., * i otary, lie Si u e My Comm. Expires Dec 4, 2026 'i ti �• Failure to full► complete, sikn and submit this Affiidai:: may result in resection of the submit Page 30 of 34 504 of 562 FORM 1 F RFP #23-11 H M1EMOXMI 1AND PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY NOTIFICATIONS AFFIDAVIT L Lawrence Taylor (Print Authorized Name) of Stilldragon North America LLC Managing Member (Title) (Company Name) 0 affirm that f read and understand, as well as accept all requirements and regulations listed in sections 5.25 — 5.32 of the above referenced solicitation document to include the following notifications: • Conflict of Interest • No Lobbying • No Collusion • Immigration Laws • Drug -Free Workplace • Public, Entity Criinz,% _ • Debarment and Suspension, Pr000ser must submit their Comijaw Profile Psue from SAM with their bid. a Scrntini - Vendor Signature: _ Date: 7/14/2023 State of Florida�� County o4w F CA The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me on 7/14/2023 (DATE). -=.L'ti' sirr� DAN R JEFFERSON { � N-tary Publir . State of Florida ommission k HH 337686 My Comm. Expires Dec 4, 2026 1 - y fNotaiv Public Sig# fur �V Failure to fullv comalete, si!: n and submit this Affidavit maN result in refection of the submit Page 31 of 34 505 of 562 FORM 4 26--ft- G RFP #23-11 h ME OF KLWM WJW PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY MINORITY. WOMEN and DISABLED -OWNED BUSINESS CONCERN REPRESENTATION Minority -Owned Business: a minority -owned business concern means a business concehi that: (1) is at least 51 percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are considered to be a member of a minority group, or a publicly owned business having at least 51 percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more members of a minority group; and (2) has its management and daily business controlled and operated by one or more such individuals. Individuals who certify that they are members of minority groups (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian -Pacific Americans, Asian -Indian Americans, and other, minorities) are to be considered minority -owned enterprises. Women -Owned Business: a business that is at least 51 percent owned by a woman or women who also control and operate it. Disabled Owned Business: a business that is at least 51 percent owned by a person or persons with severe physical or mental disabilities, which substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities and which person or persons control, and operate such business. "Control" m this referenced context means exercising the power to make policy decisions. "Operate" means being actively involved in the day- today management of the business. The City of Sebastian shall rely on written representations of concerns regarding their status as minority/women/disabled- owned businesses. Proposer agrees to submit information regarding the minority ownership of its subcontractors on request. COMPLETE THE SECTION BELOW AND RETURN THIS FORM WITH BID. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RENDER THE OFFEROR'S BID UNACCEPTA A. Representation. The Proposer represents that it isB is not () a minority -owned business concern. B. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is M�is not() a women -owned business concern. C. Representation. The Proposer represents that it is Wis not O a disabled -owned business concern. Please Check App o rute Box/Boxes ❑ African American' Caucasian (CAUC) ❑ Native American (NAAM) (AFRAM) ❑ Hispanic American❑ Asian -Pacific .American (ASIAP) 0 Asian Indian (ASIAI) ) American ❑ thSper, please identify: ❑ Woman Owned (Vir) ❑ Disabled Owned (D) The Proposer has ❑/ has not ❑ used the following procedures hi searching for and obtaining suppliers afldsubcontractors: e Place Minority -Owned Businesses on solicitation lists. m Ensure that Minority -Owned are solicited whenever they are potential sources. ® Consider contracting with consortia of Minority -Owned Businesses when an intended contract is too large for any one such firm to handle on its own or, if economically feasible, divide larger requirements into smaller transactions for which such organizations might compete. e Make information on contracting opportunities available and establish delivery schedules that encourage participation by Minority Owned Businesses. s Use the services and assistance of the SBA and Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency, as appropriate. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 32 of 34 506 of 562 I ann - - RTP 423-11 OWE OF PUXM 1R D PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY SOLICIA.TION INFORMATION FORM Please submit this form to assist us in learning more about how our solicitation opportunities are most often found. Company's blame: Stilldragon North America LLC Company Address: 7788 Central Industrical Drive, Suite 6, West Palm Beach, FL 33404 Phone No: 561-845-8009 ext. 102 Please tell us how you found out this Request for Proposals was released/available (mark all that applies): Indian River Press Journal (TCPaIm) DemandS'tar/Onvia City of Sebasiian Web Site Other (please specify below) Page 34 of 34 507 of 562 AN APPRAISAL REPORT OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN FORMER PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY LOCATED AT 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL WAY AND 190 SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 APPRAISAL #46839 508 of 562 ARMFIELD-WAGNER APPRAISAL & RESEARCH, INC. PETER D. ARMFIELD, MAI CERT GEN RZ524 DANIEL A. NELSON, CERT GEN RZ897 August 21, 2023 Lisa Leger Frazier, AICP Community Development Director City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Dear Lisa: 1940 10TH AVENUE, P.O. BOX 791 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 TELEPHONE (772) 562-0532 Appraisal #46839 As requested, we have inspected the 3.63 ± acre parcel comprising the former City of Sebastian Public Works facility at 100 Veterans Memorial Way and the adjacent vacant parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard, in Sebastian, Florida. This is for the purpose of providing you with our opinion of the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the real property appraised, "As Is," as of August 11, 2023. This Appraisal Report complies with the reporting requirements set forth under Standards Rule 2-2(a) of the 2022-2023 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (US PAP). The property is physically described in the following Appraisal Report, which explains the analysis of data upon which our opinion of value is based. The opinions expressed in this report and the value conclusion reported below are subject to the limiting conditions and extraordinary assumptions on pages 1 - 4. The subject property consists of a partially improved site located along Sebastian Boulevard with main access via Veterans Memorial Way. The main site area contains the former City of Sebastian Maintenance Compound which is presently vacant. The improvements include three warehouse/office type buildings along with paved parking and drive areas, drainage improvements, walkways, perimeter fencing, utility services, etc. This parcel contains approximately 555 +- feet of frontage along the south side of Sebastian Boulevard westbound and 162.55 +- feet along the west side of Veterans Memorial Way. Additionally, a separate tax parcel at 190 Sebastian Boulevard contains around 100 +- feet of frontage along the north side of Sebastian Boulevard eastbound. Total site size of the subject property is indicated at 157,912 +- square feet, or 3.63 +- acres. The subject overall site has an irregular shape, but with frontage along three roadways. Current zoning is PS, Public Service for the main site area and CG, Commercial General for the small parcel. Reportedly, the subject property has potential for rezoning to either CG, or IN, Industrial, per the information provided. 509 of 562 Lisa Leger Frazier, AICP Appraisal #46839 Community Development Director City of Sebastian August 21, 2023 Page Two The subject site contains the three older buildings, along with substantial site improvements. These buildings range in size from 1,764 to 4,000 square feet and were built in 1979, 1992 and 1999. They total 9,322 square feet overall, plus covered work areas. These buildings are not in use and the current condition is rated fair. These improvements have little to no value to the subject overall site, in our opinion, considering their older age and current condition, smaller building sizes and other factors, including the subject commercial location. Further, the subject site reportedly has soil contamination and is currently under Petroleum Restoration Program procedures. Our opinion of the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the subject property, "As Is," utilized the Sales Comparison Approach. We considered sales of vacant and partially improved commercial and industrial properties in the subject neighborhood and other areas of Indian River County. Based on the data and analysis as presented in this appraisal report, it is our opinion that the Market Value of the fee simple estate of the real property appraised, "As Is," as of August 11, 2023 is: ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) The above Market Value conclusion has conditions and assumptions that are assumed to be correct, as discussed in the appraisal report. It should be noted that if some or all of these conditions or assumptions are not correct, it could affect our opinion of the subject Market Value, as provided herein. We believe the appraisal report to be complete, but any questions you may have are welcomed. Sincerely, Zlu'rh Allt� Daniel A. Nelson State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ897 Peter D. Armfield, MAI State -Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ524 510 of 562 SEBASTIAN CRA MAJOR THEMES Throughout the formation of this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan, as well as during the public input and workshop sessions, five overarching themes were identified. These themes are to be used as a planning framework for the Agency to help enhance the character of the downtown and to embrace opportunities that exist within the CRA. These major themes include: '~ INFRASTRUCTURE & DRAINAGE fill A Riverfront Drainage Study performed in 2014 identified a list of stormwater Improvement areas within the Sebastian CRA; these included drainage improvements to Indian River, "Presidential Street", Coolidge Street, Central Avenue/Davis Street, and the CavCorp parking lot. These stormwater facility improvements were completed in 2017 through the installation of baffle boxes at major outfall locations. In addition, the Agency continues plans to address other infrastructure needs relative to septic -to -sewer conversion within the redevelopment area. The stormwater facilities and water/sewer utility infrastructure may require upgrades within the CRA, especially when anticipating new demand driven by residential, commercial, and mixed -use development. 46 WATERFRONT, PARKS, & PUBLIC SPACES The CRA closely identifies with its y,x;; waterfront, occupying over 47%.of its total acreage. The Agency has prioritized access and preservation of its waterfront, as it is vital to the area's economic success. The CRA's community continues to support these preservation efforts, subsequently preserving and enhancing the City's history as a fishing village, contribute to the desired design theme, and make use of the waterfront resource to maximize economic development. Open space enhancement projects along the water and restoring waterfront properties for new uses were contemplated within the 2010 Sebastian CRA Master Plan and have been continued within this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan. In 2018, the consensus of community members and key stakeholders was to focus on river views and access, a waterfront pedestrian experience, and open public spaces. Specifically, the "Working Waterfront" initiative has been a high priority of the City and the Agency to promote economic revitalization along the Indian River coast. Subsequently, these efforts have continued to bring activity and regeneration to the Sebastian shoreline. In addition, enhancing the existing Riverview Park is a prime example of the potential for park revitalization and economic activity in the surrounding vicinity. A Riverview Park Master Plan was completed in 2019 to diversify its current uses and implement best management practices moving forward. The Agency seeks to generate more engagement with its open space by creating connectivity between greenspaces through implementation of a pedestrian pathway system, greenway connectors, and bicycle paths that may provide for future recreation enhancement opportunities. The Agency also seeks to enhance its recreational piers, waterfront boat ramp access, and smaller opportunistic waterfront parks, especially Within the Park District. ROADS, PARKING, & PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIVITY IMPROVEMENTS The CRA community's desire for road and pedestrian connectivity improvements along U.S. Highway 1 and Indian River Drive were significant observations during the public input sessions. The CRA is prioritizing pedestrian connectivity and accessibility in order to link west Sebastian to the waterfront by creating a more pedestrian- and bicycle -friendly streetscape environment and providing visual linkages between the riverfront and U.S. Highway 1. These improvements may include, but not be limited to, boulevard landscaping including street trees and sidewalks, widened sidewalks and curbed dedicated bicycling space along Indian River Drive, flashing pedestrian crosswalks across U.S. Highway 1 towards the riverfront, and safer crosswalk areas along the railroad tracks near the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area. In addition, the Land Development Code was updated under Ordinance No. 0-10-05 in an effort to encourage public parking use in high -demand/ low -supply areas. The "payment in lieu of parking' program permits the use of City parking areas adjacent to commercial property to satisfy zoning requirements. The Agency envisions increasing public parking in the CRA, and establishing on -street parking and streetscapes adjacent to recreation areas. PUBLIC SAFETY Another observation from the community during the public input session was the desire to enhance public safety throughout the CRA, ensuring that everyone can live and work in a safe environment. In doing so, the Agency could develop a comprehensive public safety initiative that addresses public safety needs of the community. 1 52 1 2023 Sebastian CRA Sustainable Redevelopment Master Plan 511 of 562 Currently, the City Police Department consists of a road patrol, canine, and marine unit divisions with the main commitment to maintaining a safe and peaceful environment for all residents and visitors within the City. Additional ways the Agency may increase public safety could include increased lighting and safety measures in community spaces, developing public health and prevention strategies, and prioritizing youth development. PRESEZVIKG THE COMMUNITY CHARACTF" RONNIE Promoting the community character as "Old Florida Fishing Village" and the CRA as a destination has been a major priority within the CRA since adoption. In doing so, the Agency has prioritized creating a unique brand through signage, wayfinding, and advertising. In addition, the CRA has prioritized enhancing existing recreation land in the CRA through use of appropriate urban design for parks and open spaces, increasing pedestrian connectivity and walkways, and presenting the character of the existing neighborhoods through proper landscaping, lighting, and signage. All of these practices have helped define the Sebastian CRA's community character and a coherent sense of place when visiting the CRA. These live major themes have helped identify the guiding principles, as well as the recommended improvement and redevelopment programs within the CRA, as detailed along the following pages. Photo Courtesy of CoStor GUIDING PRINCIPLES The principles identified below are derived from public engagement, other plans, and background data utilized. The analysis and feedback suggest a variety of objectives that are the essential elements of this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan structural framework. ENCOURAGI. ■ Residential and mixed -use development within the Sebastian Blvd. Triangle Overlay District. Retail uses adjacent to Riverview Park. Compatible infill development, • Enhancement of the character of the CRA with architecture that addresses the community's "Old Florida Fishing Village" scale and feel. ATr Gateway features at west end of Sebastian Blvd. Triangle Overlay District and on U.S. Highway 1 • Visual linkages between the riverfront and U.S. Highway 1. Improved bicycle and pedestrian linkages to the riverfront and between recreation lands. Additional on-street/off -street parking. Pocket parks and wildlife observation areas. Opportunities to facilitate development of catalyst sites and other priorities through property acquisition. ul oPFrFf�':rl Protect and enhance uses and buildings along and adjacent to one of the area's most important assets: the Indian River Lagoon. • Important historic resources in the redevelopment area, particularly those that help to illustrate the area's fishing heritage, as well as those that meaningfully contribute to the "Old Florida Fishing Village" character. Waterfront access and continued riverfront activities. IV PROMOTi • Promote the redevelopment area as a destination for shopping, dining, events, and recreation. Incentive, Grant, and Assistance Programs available to property owners and businesses within the CRA. Section 4 Rey. _ .-elopment Plan 1 1 512 of 562 RECOMMENDED I PR VE ENT & REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS WITHIN THE SEBASTIAN CRA REDEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY BY CONCEPTUAL. PLANNING DISTRICT Sebastian U S -I Sebastian Park Blvd. Commercial Riverfront Blvd. Mixed -Use South Encourage Residential + Mixed Use Development X X X X Retail Uses adjacent to Riverview Park X Compatible Infill Development X X X X X "Old Florida Fishing Village" Character X X X X Development of Catalyst Sites X X X X Create Renovations/Upgrades to Riverview Park X Gateway Features X X X On-Street/Off-Street Parking X X X Pocket Parks + Wildlife Observation Areas X X X Property Acquisition X X X X X Improvements to Recreational "Twin" Piers X X Increased Pedestrian Connectivity X X X X Streetscape Improvements + Vegetative X X X X Landscaping Preserve Protect + Enhance Indian River Lagoon Frontage X X Historic Resource Protection X X X X X Waterfront Access + Riverfront Activities X X Preservation Promote Marketing of Redevelopment Area as Destination X X X X X Promote Incentive/Grant/Assistance Programs X X X X X Source: Sebastian Community Redevelopment Agency, GAI Consultants, Inc. REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS FACADE, SIGN, AND LANDSCAPING MATCHING GRANT PROGRAM - This program provides funds to assist property owners and/or business owners to improve and install new signage and/or landscaping. SEPTIC TO SEWER CONNECTION GRANT (S2S) - This program is designed to provide individual grants to qualified property owners for costs incurred to remove an operational septic tank system that serves and occupied facility or building and connects to the County sanitary sewer system. SSP is available to businesses or residences located with the Redevelopment Area currently utilizing septic systems. PARKINGAN-LIEU PROGRAM - This program provides for establishing parking within the right-of-way at a rate of $3,200 per space. STORMWATER FEE CREDIT PROGRAM - All properties within City, whether or not they discharge stormwater directly into the Sebastian Stormwater Utility ("Utility") system, will pay a proportionate share of the Utility expenses incurred in providing generalized benefits to the system. Property located within the City from which stormwater runoff is discharged, either directly or indirectly, may be eligible for a reduction in the stormwater fee from the Utility. Single -Family Residential lots are not eligible for this credit. The City shall reasonably determine "fee credit" based upon the savings to the Utility resulting from the property's stormwater facilities or unique features. Stormwater fee credits include: incorporation of LID/BMP alternative practices such as vegetated swales and buffers, permeable pavers, bioretention and bioswales. 1 54 1 2023 Sebastian CRA Sustainable Redevelopment Master Plan 513 of 562 CONCEPTUAL PLANNING DISTRICTS' PRIORITIES As a part of the 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan, major priorities have been identified for each of the CRA's conceptual planning districts. These priorities are provided for the short-term (1-5 years) and the long-term (6-10 years), as illustrated below. These projects and associated time frames are consistent with the updated goals and objectives within this 2023 Sebastian CRA Master Plan. Park District Implementation of Riverview Park Master Plan Upgrades and Renovations. Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. Streetscape improvements to Indian River Drive. Creation of riverfront event space. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill development projects. Create "local activity center" surrounding the Riverview Park, to include complementary retail uses, connectivity to the riverfront, and streetscape improvements. Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Sebastian ,. Blvd. Mixed -Use Riverfront District - District SHORT-TERM PRIORITIES Improvement of the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Area to provide for mixed -use development, connectivity to adjacent residential communities, and streetscape improvements. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill development projects. LONG-TERM PRIORITIES New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Modification of lake to create park/ open space feature. U.S.-1 Commercial District Installation of gateway treatments at entrances to the CRA along U.S. Highway 1. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infili commercial development. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Enhancement of the U.S. Highway 1 streetscape to provide for greater pedestrian and bicycle usability, as well as the installation of mature landscaping and trees. Property acquisition to facilitate infill commercial development. SHORT-TERM PRIORITIES Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. Streetscape improvements to Indian River Drive. Property acquisition to facilitate Catalyst Site development and infill development projects. LONG-TERM PRIORITIES Restoration, as appropriate, of important waterfront properties to enhance their economic viability and maintain and improve the character of the CRA. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Sebastian Blvd. South District Installation of gateway treatments at entrances to the CRA along Sebastian Boulevard. New sidewalk construction as necessary to provide a continuous sidewalk network. Property acquisition to facilitate infill development projects. Section Q Redevelopment Plan 1 55 1 514 of 562 0MI SE HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: September 27, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Approval of Lease with PROFLIGHT MANAGEMENT, LLC for Hangar `D' at the Sebastian Municipal Airport and authorization for the City Manager to execute all appropriate documents. Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approve a twenty (20) year new tenant lease with PROFLIGHT MANAGEMENT, LLC for Hangar "D" at the Sebastian Municipal Airport and authorize the City Manager to execute all appropriate documents. Background: Hangar "D" was officially completed and accepted on May 12, 2023 by the City of Sebastian. The City's primary goal has been to lease the entire building, hangar bays and office spaces to a single tenant. Toward that end, Staff is recommending entering into a lease with PROFLIGHT MANAGEMENT, LLC . PROFLIGHT is owned by Stephen Fisher, a current tenant at Sebastian Municipal Airport, operating as the Fixed Base Operator for fuel sales, maintenance, and transient traffic customers, along with their flight training school. They have committed to leasing the entire Hangar "D" facility to secure their future growth and operational needs as well as entering into a Shared Construction Cost Agreement in order to share the costs of funding additional construction on the Leasehold Premises. The Shared Construction Cost Agreement covers the necessary costs for the office space build -out of Hangar "D", which is funded by Florida Department of Transportation Grant 449620-1. The offices must be completed to make the building eligible for a Certificate of Occupancy. In this 80/20 grant for $400,000, the 20% portion will be borne solely by the tenant by making an upfront payment for 8 months of rent at the time the lease documents are executed. Staff is requesting authorization for approval of a twenty (20) year new tenant lease by PROFLIGHT MANAGEMENT, LLC for Hangar "D" at the Sebastian Municipal Airport and associated Shared Construction Cost Agreement as well as authorization for the City Manager to execute all appropriate documents. If Agenda Item Reauires Exaenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: No expenditure of City funds required. Total Cost: $400,000 Funds to be Utilized: $320,000 DOT Grant $ 80,000 PROFLIGHT MANAGEMENT, LLC Attachments: 1. Hangar D Lease Agreement 2. Shared Construction Cost Agreement Administrative Services Department Review: i City Attorney Review: Procurement Division �Ciew„ if applicable: /V /A 5 a _ 562 City Manager Authorization: Date: 520 of 562 AERONAUTICAL HANGAR LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, LANDLORD AND PROFLIGHT MANAGEMENT, LLC, TENANT 521 of 562 THIS LEASE made and entered into this September 27, 2023, by and between the CITY OF SEBASTIAN, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to as the "Landlord"), and PROFLIGHT MANAGEMENT, LLC, (hereinafter referred to as the "Tenant"). The Landlord and the Tenant are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the "parties/party." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Landlord is the owner of certain property located in the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida; and WHEREAS, certain property is being used for the operation of the Sebastian Municipal Airport (hereinafter referred to as the "Airport"); and WHEREAS, the Landlord has agreed to lease such property to the Tenant subject to certain terms and conditions consistent with or in support of the current aviation use of such property or as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), might allow; and WHEREAS, the Tenant desires to lease the said property from the Landlord, and to that end, in consideration of the premises, Tenant agrees to the covenants, terms and conditions to be performed as set forth hereinafter; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter provided, and receipt and sufficiency for consideration of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties have agreed as follows: 1. RECITALS. The stated recitals are hereby incorporated by reference in this Lease Agreement. 2. LEASED PREMISES. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth hereinafter, and in accordance with the Principal Guiding Documents for Sebastian Municipal Airport, fully incorporated herein by reference, the Landlord hereby leases to the Tenant and the Tenant hereby rents from the Landlord that portion of the real property, by Tenant, which is described more particularly on Schedule "A" affixed hereto and fully incorporated herein by reference (hereafter referred to as the "Leased Premises"). In the event that any portion of the Leased Premises is needed for actual improvements to the Airport, or any portion thereof rendered unusable to Tenant, tenant shall be released from this lease and the rental payments adjusted accordingly. 3. TERM OF LEASE. The term of this Lease shall be for a period of twenty (20) years commencing October 1, 2023, and will end on the twentieth (20th) anniversary of such date. The Tenant shall have the option to extend the lease for a period of five (5) years, subject to re -appraisal of the rent amount by the City of Sebastian and with agree