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10-11-2023 CC Agenda
cm6N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2023 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAY BE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OR ON THE CITY'S WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. MOMENT OF SILENCE 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Vice Mayor Nunn 4. ROLL CALL 5. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modif cations for additions require a unanimous vote of City Council 6. PROCLAMATIONS. AWARDS. BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENTS Presentations of proclamations, certificates and awards, and brief timely announcements by Council and Staff. No public input or actions under this heading. A. Proclamation — Florida City Government Week — October 16-22, 2023 B. Presentation to City Council — The Learning Alliance Moonshot Leadership Award C. Presentation — City of Sebastian Citizen Request Process BriefAnnouncements: October 14 - Craft Club of Sebastian at Riverview Park — IOam — 3pm October 19 — Sebastian Police Department's Community Night Out in Riverview Park — Spm to 7:30pm October 26 — Last Day to Request Vote -by -Mail Ballot October 21- Snow's Halloween Arts & Crafts Boo Bash at Riverview Park — 9am — Spm October 22 - Snow's Halloween Arts & Crafts Boo Bash at Riverview Park — IOam — 4pm 1 of 239 October 27 — City of Sebastian and the Sebastian Police Department Halloween Celebration at Riverview Park Contest Registration Begins at 5: 30pm Trunk or Treat Begins at 5:30pm Costume Contest Begins at 6:15pm Movie Night Out — Hotel Transylvania Begins at 7:15pm 7. PUBLIC INPUT The heading on Regular Meeting agendas "Public Input " provides an opportunityfor individuals to bring NEW INFORMATION OR REQUESTS TO CITY COUNCIL NOT OTHERWISE ON THE PREPARED AGENDA. Individuals are asked to resolve matters with staff prior to meetings. Individuals are asked to provide copies of materials for Council one week prior to the meeting if they intend to refer to specific material. City Council will not debate an issue during Public Input but may by consensus direct a Charter Officer in regard to the item if necessary or place a requested item on a future agenda. 8. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member of City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. If a member of the public wishes to provide input on a consent agenda item, he/she should request a Council Member to remove the item for discussion prior to start of the meeting or by raising his/her hand to be recognized. pgs 6-22 A. Approval of Minutes — September 13, 2023, Regular City Council Meeting pgs 23-25 B. Approve Alcoholic Beverages for the Harding Family Event at the Community Center on November 12, 2023 from 11:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. — Permittee DOB Verified (Transmittal, Application, Receipt) pgs 26-28 C. Approve Alcoholic Beverages for the Rios Family Event at the Community Center on November 18, 2023 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. — Permittee DOB Verified (Transmittal, Application, Receipt) pgs 29-31 D. Approve Alcoholic Beverages for the Dillard Family Event at the Yacht Club on January 27, 2024 from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. — Permittee DOB Verified (Transmittal, Application, Receipt) 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS & APPOINTMENTS City committee reports and Council Member regional committee reports. No public input or action except for City committee member nominations and appointments under this heading. pgs 32-37 A. Construction Board (Transmittal. Application, List, Advertisement) i. Fill One Expired, Regular Member, Concerned Citizen Position 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2 of 239 Ouasi-Judicial Public Hearines: Mayor opens hearing Attorney reads ordinance title City Council Members disclose ex parte communication City Clerk swears in those who intend to provide testimony Applicant makes their presentation Staffpresents theirfindings City Council asks questions of applicant or staff Mayor opens the floor for anyone in favor of the request Mayor opens the floor for anyone opposing the request Applicant provided the opportunity to respond to issues Staffprovided opportunity to summarize request City Council deliberation Mayor calls for a motion pgs 38-131 A. Second Reading and Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing of Ordinance No. 0-23-11 — Request for Approval of a Conceptual PUD Plan — River Oaks Preserve Subdivision (Transmittal, 0-23-11, Staff Report, Justification Statement, Plan, Survey, Exhibits, Drainage Plan, Letter, Environmental Assessment, Traffic Statements, Designs, P&Z Minutes, Council Minutes) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A CONCEPTUAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A PROJECT KNOWN AS RIVER OAKS PRESERVE, CONSISTING OF 146.5 ACRES, MORE OF LESS, WITH A ZONING DESIGNATION OF PUD-R (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL) AND A LAND USE DESIGNATION OF VLDR (RESIDENTIAL VERY LOW DENSITY, 3 DU/AC), LOCATED SOUTH OF LANFAIR AND LIGHTHOUSE AVENUES, AND NORTH OF CR 510 & CITRUS HIDEAWAY SUBDIVISION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12. NEW BUSINESS pgs 132-134 A. Authorization for the City Manager to Utilize Open Edge/Global Payments to Provide Merchant Services at the City's Municipal Golf Course (Transmittal, Quotes) pgs 135-144 B. Authorization to Enter into a Three (3) Year Agreement with Eagle Club Systems to Provide Point of Sale, Tee Times, Inventory Control, Reports and Online Marketing at the City's Municipal Golf Course (Transmittal, Quote, Agreement) pgs 145-1 SS C. Selection of Conlon Landscaping, Inc. for ITB #23-15 for Citywide Swale Improvements in Conjunction with Roadway Rehabilitation (Transmittal, Bid Sheets, Ex. A) pgs 156-170 D. Authorization for the City Manager to Purchase Four (4) Servers and the Relevant Accessories Utilizing a Piggyback on the Florida State Contract #43211500- WSCA-I5-ACS with Computers At Work, Inc. (Transmittal Quote, Agreement, Amendment) 3 of 239 pgs 171-211 E. Approve the Purchase of Playground Equipment for the Creative Playground at Barber Street Sports Complex at a Cost of $331,003.61 from Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. d/b/a GameTime Utilizing a "Piggyback" on the City of Charlotte, North Carolina Contract #2017001134 (Transmittal, Quote, Design, Grant Documents, Contract) pgs 212-239 F. Approval to "Piggyback" on the National IPA Cooperative Agreement #202329-0 Contract Between Tucson, Arizona and Network Services Company d/b/a Network Distribution for Janitorial and Sanitation Products, Supplies and Related Services, Not to Exceed $28,000 a Year (Transmittal, Agreement) 13. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS 14. CITY MANAGER MATTERS 15. CITY CLERK MATTERS 16. CITY COUNCIL MATTERS A. Council Member Dodd B. Council Member McPartlan C. Mayor Jones D. Vice Mayor Nunn E. Council Member Dixon 17. ADJOURN (All meetings shall adjourn by 9:30 pm unless extended for up to one half hour by a majority vote of City Council) NO STENOGRAPHIC RECORD BY A CERTIFIED COURT REPORTER WILL BE MADE OF THE FOREGOING MEETING. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL, BOARD OR AGENCY WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING OR HEARING WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F. S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) OF 1990, ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 388-8226 — ADA@CITYOFSEBASTIAN.ORG AT LEAST 48 HOURS INADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. ZOOM INFORMATION Please click the link to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86892421010 Or One tap mobile : +13052241968„86892421010# US Webinar ID: 868 9242 1010 International numbers available: https:Hus02web.zoom.us/u/kiFRDiWTZ 4 of 239 PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC INPUT IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLUTION NO. R-21-32 Regular Citv Council Meetings Public input is ALLOWED under the heading: Consent Agenda • Public Hearings • Unfinished Business • New Business • Public Input Public Input is NOT ALLOWED under the headines: Proclamations, Awards, Brief Announcements (except for individuals giving or accepting proclamations or awards); • Committee Reports and Appointments (except for committee members giving reports and applicants being interviewed for committee appointments); • City Council Matters Charter Officer Matters Council may, by majority vote, call upon an individual to provide input if desired. Workshops and Special Meetings Public input is limited to the item on the agenda Time Limit Input on agenda items where public input is permitted on agendas is FIVE MINUTES; however, City Council may extend or terminate an individual's time by majority vote of Council members present. Input Directed to Chair Speakers shall address the City Council IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO CITY COUNCIL DELIBERATION of the agenda item and ALL INPUT SHALL BE DIRECTED TO THE CHAIR, unless answering a question of a member of City Council or City staff. Individuals shall not address City Council after commencement of City Council deliberation on an agenda item after public input has concluded, providing, however, the Mayor and members of City Council may recall an individual to provide additional information or to answer questions. Certain Remarks Prohibited Personal, impertinent, and slanderous remarks, political campaigning, and applauding are not permitted and may result in expulsion from the meeting. The Chair shall make determinations on such remarks, subject to the repeal provisions below. ADDealine Decisions of Chair Any member of Council may appeal the decision of the Chair to the entire Council. A majority vote of City Council shall overrule any decision of the Chair. Public InDut Heading on Agenda The heading on Regular Meeting agendas "Public Input" provides an opportunity for individuals to bring NEW INFORMATION OR REQUESTS TO CITY COUNCIL NOT OTHERWISE ON THE PREPARED AGENDA. Individuals are asked to attempt to resolve matters with staff prior to meetings. Individuals are asked to provide copies of material for Council one week prior to the meeting if they intend to refer to specific material. City Council will not debate an issue during Public Input but may by consensus direct a Charter Officer in regard to the item if necessary or place a requested item on a future agenda. 5 of 239 SERASTL4% HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2023 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA I . Mayor Jones called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. A moment of silence was held. 3. Council Member McPartlan led the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ROLL CALL Mayor Fred Jones Vice Mayor Chris Nunn Council Member Kelly Dixon Council Member Ed Dodd Council Member Bob McPartlan Staff Present: Interim City Manager Brian Benton City Attorney Jennifer Cockcroft City Clerk Jeanette Williams Administrative Services Director/CFO Ken Killgore Building Official/Fire Marshal Wayne Eseltine Community Development Manager Dom Bosworth Community Development Planner Michelle Faulkner Human Resources Director Cindy Watson Police Lt. Rob Vafiades 5. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS There was no objection to the Interim City Manager's request to add a resolution authorizing the City Council to participate in a joint meeting with the Indian River County Commission to discuss matters of mutual interest. The Interim City Manager also asked Council to flip the backup to agenda items 12b and 12c to correspond with the agenda title. 6. PROCLAMATIONS, AWARDS, BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENTS 23.147 A. Proclamation — Constitution Week — September 17 — 23, 2023 — Accented by 6 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 2 Rhonda Riaaud. Pelican Island Chanter Daughters of the American Revolution Reeent: Treasure Coast Society Children of the American Revolution: and Newly Eligible Voter Abbaeael Sullivan Mayor Jones read the proclamation and presented it to members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Children of the American Revolution and Ms. Sullivan. 23.148 B. Proclamation — Hunger Action Month — September 2023 — Accented by Jazzmine McKenzie. Executive Assistant, Treasure Coast Food Bank Mayor Jones read the proclamation and presented it to Sherry Siegfried, Tristan Siegfried and Maureen Pringle. 23.149 C. Proclamation — National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month — Accented by Yesica Jure Mayor Jones read and presented the proclamation to Ms. Yure. BriefAnnouncements: Monday, September 18 - Special City Council meeting for First Public Hearing on the Millage, Budget, CIP Program and Financial Policies Tuesday, September 19 — IRC MPO Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan Community Workshops —10: 00am to Noon at the Gifford Youth Achievement Center & 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Intergenerational Rec Center Wednesday, September 20 — IRC MPO Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan Community Workshops —10: 00am to Noon at the Vero Beach Community Center & 2pm to 4pm at the North County Library Vice Mayor Nunn announced the upcoming budget hearing and bicycling master plan workshops. 7. PUBLIC INPUT Ben Hocker, Sebastian Property Owners Association, asked to have a workshop on the the plans to install a pier for the law enforcement vessels. He also asked if the property owners could hold a candidate forum at City Hall. He also expressed concerns that Fedex and Amazon delivery trucks block traffic when they make deliveries and he asked about the recent increase for solid waste disposal. 8. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes — August 23, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting 7 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 3 23.150 B. Approve a Lease Agreement between the City of Sebastian and Indian River County for Usage of Approximately 950 Square Feet of Administrative Space at the "Historical Old Sebastian Elementary School" and Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Appropriate Documents (Transmittal, Agreement) 23.151 C. Letter of Support for Local Veterans in Their Efforts to Obtain Quality Health Care Services from the Veterans Affairs Services Healthcare System in Indian River County (Transmittal, Letter) 23.152 D. Purchase Two (2) Ford Explorer Unmarked Police Replacement Vehicles for the Police Department (Transmittal, Quote, Letter of Cancelation) 23.153 E. 2023 National Rifle Association State Fund Grant Application (Transmittal, Notice, Application) 23.154 F. Approve Shenandoah General Construction, LLC for the Twin Ditches Spillway Stabilization Work (Transmittal, Quote) 23.155 G. Approve Alcoholic Beverages for the Gonzalez Family Event at the Community Center on September 23, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. — Permittee DOB Verified (Transmittal, Application, Receipt) 23.156 H. Approve Alcoholic Beverages for the Wallace Family Event at the Community Center on Saturday, December 16, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. — Permittee DOB Verified (Transmittal, Application, Receipt) Mayor Jones asked to pull item B and Council Member Dixon asked to pull item C. MOTION by Council Member Dodd and SECOND by Council Member McPartlan to approve consent agenda items A, D, E, F, G and H. Roll call: Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Council Member Dixon - aye Council Member Dodd - aye Council Member McPartlan - aye Mayor Jones - aye Motion carried. 5-0 Item B — Indian River Countv's Veterans Service Office Lease Agreement Mayor Jones said he wanted to bring it to the public's attention that he was able to work out City of Sebastian office space for an Indian River County's Veterans' Service Office. MOTION by Mayor Jones and SECOND by Vice Mayor Nunn to approve item B. Roll call: Council Member Dixon - aye Council Member Dodd - aye 8 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 4 Council Member McPartlan - aye Mayor Jones - aye Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Motion carried. 5-0 Item C - Support for Local Veterans Efforts to Obtain Oualitv Health Care Services Council Member Dixon said she too, wanted to bring it to the public's attention that this letter would provide support for veterans' services in Vero Beach and Indian River County. MOTION by Council Member Dixon and SECOND by Mayor Jones to approve Item C. Bethany Fortunato, Secretary to the Indian River County Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America, said her board is very concerned with what is happening at the clinic and they appreciate what Council is going to do. Roll call: Council Member Dodd - aye Council Member McPartlan - aye Mayor Jones - aye Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Council Member Dixon - aye Motion carried. 5-0 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS & APPOINTMENTS Council Member Dodd said there was a good MPO meeting this morning where it was discussed that they are moving forward on expanding CR 512 to Fellsmere. 23.157 A. Construction Board (Transmittal, Application, List, Advertisement) Fill One Vacant, Alternate Concerned Citizen Position MOTION by Mayor Jones and SECOND by Vice Mayor Nunn to appoint David Rust to the Construction Board. Roll call: Council Member McPartlan - aye Mayor Jones - aye Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Council Member Dixon - aye Council Member Dodd - aye Motion carried. 5-0 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 5 23.158 A. Fair Housing Training and CDBG Program Review by Dawn Codd. Guardian Resource Management. CDBG Administrative Services Consultant (Transmittal. Notice. Svnonsis. PPT) Ms. Codd introduced herself and explained the City is required to have fair housing training activities to stay in compliance with the grant. She displayed a PowerPoint presentation explaining the Fair Housing Act. (See attached) 23.158 B. Community Develonment Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Accounting Amendment for FY 2021/2022 Action Plan (Transmittal. Plan. Notice. PPT) Ms. Codd explained the 2020/2021 Action Plan was going to roll over $130,668.86 that will enable the City to assist additional homeowners with repairs. (See attached PPT) MOTION by Council Member Dodd and SECOND by Mayor Jones to approve the amended FY 2021/2022 Action Plan. There was no public input. Roll call: Mayor Jones - aye Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Council Member Dixon - aye Council Member Dodd - aye Council Member McPartlan - aye Motion carried. 5-0 23.158 C. Community Develonment Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan for FY 2023/2024 Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution No. R-23-19 (Transmittal, R-23-19. Plan. Notice. Award Letter. PPT) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 2023/2024 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND TRANSMIT ALL DOCUMENTS TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Attorney read the title to Resolution No. R-23-19. Ms.Codd displayed a PowerPoint for the new FY 2023/2024 CDBG Action Plan. (See attached) She explained they anticipate in assisting nine homes. Antonio Jenkins with Guardian Resource Management added that the funding received for the last three years has serviced about 17 homeowners and this year it will assist with nine more. Mr. Jenkins advised that homeowners interested in applying for assistance could be placed on the notification list and those needing help with the application should contact his office. 10 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 6 MOTION by Vice Mayor Nunn and SECOND by Council Member Dixon to approve Resolution No. R-23-19 . Roll call: Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Council Member Dixon - aye Council Member Dodd - aye Council Member McPartlan - aye Mayor Jones - aye Motion carried. 5-0 23.135 D. Second Readinia and Public Hearing of Ordinance No. 0-23-08 — Amending the Code of Ordinances ChaAter 110 Waterways (Transmittal. 0-23-08) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO WATERWAYS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES CHAPTER 110 WATERWAYS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND REPEAL OF LAWS IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Attorney read the title to Ordinance No. 0-23-08. The Interim City Manager said this ordinance was back for a second reading to be in compliance with the grant application to the Florida Inland Navigational District. It will adjust the mooring period for governmental boats and bring the code into compliance with local regulations and state statutes. He said the southern dock area has 26 slips; 20 will be available for the pubic and the last six slips will be available for the Sebastian Police Department, the Indian River County Sheriffs Office, Fire and Rescue, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. He requested approval. Ben Hocker, Sebastian, asked if the Sheriffs Office is renting a building on the end of the pier. The Interim City Manager explained the City has interlocal agreements with the four agencies that have boats in the water at any given time and can respond to any incident. The Sheriff's Department and Police Department did have a boat docked at Mulligan's however we were notified the rent was going to increase. Once the grant is finalized, each agency will be paying towards the boat slips, leaving 20 open for public use during the day. Council Member Dodd said we are trying to do something for the benefit of the public. MOTION by Council Member Dodd and SECOND by Council Member Dixon to approve Ordinance No. 0-23-08. The Interim City Manager said staff was aware that we received hurricane damage last November and we are waiting for FEMA approval to make repairs which may be lumped in together with this project. 11 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 7 Roll call: Council Member Dixon - aye Council Member Dodd - aye Council Member McPartlan - aye Mayor Jones - aye Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Motion carried. 5-0 23.159 E. First Reading and Transmittal Hearinia of Ordinance No. 0-23-10 — Request for Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment — City of Sebastian Water Sunnly Plan (Transmittal, 0-23-10. Plan, P & Z Minutes) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE AND GOVERNANCE & IMPLEMENTATION ELEMENTS TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN'S WATER SUPPLY WORK PLAN (2023-2035) IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATUTORY PROVISIONS IN CHAPTER 163.3117, FLORIDA STATUTES; AUTHORIZING FINDINGS AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING AN ADOPTION SCHEDULE. The City Attorney read the title to Ordinance No. 0-23-10. The Interim City Manager said this was a request for a text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to adopt a water supply plan that every local government has to prepare. He explained that staff did not do this with our recent Comp Plan update because St. John River Water Management District was in the in the middle of doing a comprehensive plan update and they asked us to wait. Madeline Kender, with Kimley-Horn displayed a PowerPoint outlining the Water Supply Work Plan. (See attached) The Interim City Manager said this was the first reading and it does have to go to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunities for review and then and come back to Council for a second reading and final approval. There was no public input. The Interim City Manager thanked Kimley-Horn and the Community Development Department with their help in meeting the requirements and he requested approval. MOTION by Vice Mayor Nunn and SECOND by Council Member McPartlan to pass Ordinance No. 0-23-10 on first reading. Roll call: Council Member Dodd - aye Council Member McPartlan - aye Mayor Jones - aye Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Council Member Dixon - aye Motion carried. 5-0 12 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 8 Mayor Jones called for a recess at 7:25 p.m. and upon return at 7:34 p.m., all members were present. 23.160 F. First Reading and Ouasi-Judicial Public Hearing of Ordinance No. 0-23-11 - Request for Approval of a Conceptual PUD Plan - River Oaks Preserve Subdivision (Transmittal, 0-23-11, Staff Report, Justification Statement, Plan, Survev. Exhibits, Drainage Plan, Letter, Environmental Assessment, Traffic Statements, Desians, P&Z Minutes) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A CONCEPTUAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A PROJECT KNOWN AS RIVER OAKS PRESERVE, CONSISTING OF 146.5 ACRES, MORE OF LESS, WITH A ZONING DESIGNATION OF PUD-R (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL) AND A LAND USE DESIGNATION OF VLDR (RESIDENTIAL VERY LOW DENSITY, 3 DU/AC), LOCATED SOUTH OF LANFAIR AND LIGHTHOUSE AVENUES, AND NORTH OF CR 510 & CITRUS HIDEAWAY SUBDIVISION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Attorney read the title to Ordinance No. 0-23-11. The City Attorney said there should be a form in front of them to fill out if they have had any outside site visits, investigations or any outside expert opinions to include conversations or emails outside of staff. Council Member Dodd said he visited the area twice and has emails. Vice Mayor Nunn said he has visited the neighborhood. All members said they would fill out the form and submit it afterwards. The City Clerk swore in all who would provide testimony. Council Member Dodd noted many of the audience members did not take the oath. The City Attorney advised that those individuals who were planning to give testimony that they would like the board to consider as substantial competent evidence should be sworn in as well. The Clerk swore in the remaining audience members. Jim Vitter, P.E., BGE, Inc. displayed a PowerPoint indicating the location of the property north of CR510 which is proposed to have 352 detached single family units at a density of 2.4 units per acre. (See attached) The public benefit of the property is preserving existing wetlands to be enjoyed by the residents, a potential Shakespeare Road extension, additional open space, cluster housing and native vegetation. The proposed entrances are proposed to be off of CR510 and off the Shakespeare extension. He went over in detail the cluster housing concept and noted the single family traditional homes would be in a gated community. The Community Development Manager said the applicant has requested a PUD zoning. In 2004 the when the project site was annexed in, a conceptual plan was submitted and PUD-R zoning was received but it has since expired; before them tonight is a new PUD conceptual plan to be adopted by ordinance. She said the Planning and Zoning 13 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 9 7: 54 pm Commission recommended approval with the conditions as cited by staff. She asked that the staff report be entered into the record. She said the report included items that should be considered by Council such as comp plan consistency as well as requirements they have to meet. She said with the PUD process, the code allows them to negotiate the minimum lot sizes and count driveways as parking spaces and in exchange for that consideration, they will offer some amenities such as another 25 feet buffer around the St. Johns wetlands, public trails, right-of-ways for FDOT and on the eastern side they are offering a 50 ft. right-of-way extension for a Shakespeare Street extension up to their entryway with another 25 ft. dedication north of that. The next step will be the preliminary plat where the City will receive the full traffic analysis. In the middle of the property there is a canal owned by the Sebastian River Improvement District who will be requiring a few things for the drainage plan. The City has requested that if there are significant changes required by the district, the plan be brought back to Council. She said staff did include the comprehensive plan policies that require connectivity with the streets and other properties to follow good planning principles. Some of the recommended conditions are that if the single family lots abut a conservation area that a fence be installed. She read the five conditions on page 169 of the agenda and said staff recommended approval with the conditions. Mayor Jones said he could not support this if Shakespeare goes all the way south through to CR510. He also said the emergency exit on Lanfair should stay in perpetuity. The Community Development Director advised that Shakespeare was not wide enough for two way traffic. Mayor Jones asked if there would be sidewalks or street lights on Shakespeare going south to CR510. Mr. Vitter said there is a sidewalk and they could discuss street lights. Vice Mayor Nunn said he was not for opening Shakespeare south to Shakespeare north as he didn't see a benefit to the community for it. He said he could see a problem down the road with the cluster home parking because many people use their garages for storage units so the residents will use the extra visitor parking spaces. He would like to end Shakespeare where it is now and not connect it between the two communities. Council Member Dodd said he liked the cluster housing concept. He noted if they want to build workforce housing they have to give up the footprint and have smaller lot sizes. He said he concurred with the conversations about Shakespeare, Lighthouse and Ocean Breeze because they can't handle two-way traffic. He said he would like to obtain the right-of-way but noted that 25 feet is not enough for a two-lane road. He suggested that before the City does any determination to move traffic 14 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 10 from any new subdivision, the City should put together a budget to expand those streets. He said he did understand the need for emergency access and secondary emergency access in case there was a storm. Vice Mayor Nunn asked if they could they put locked metal gates at the south end. Council Member Dodd said he didn't see anything wrong with putting a locked gate at Lighthouse Avenue. The Community Development Manager stated if Shakespeare was closed for 750 feet, it sounded like they would still want the 25 feet dedicated and she suggested putting in a stabilized base so residents could use those trails. She also advised that to the east is 20 acres where 25 feet is coming from another developer, so they have to be careful they don't land lock that property. Council Member Dodd said he likes the subdivision; he would like to add to the motion to accept the 25 foot of right-of-way and to take care of it within 24 months of the construction beginning. Council Member Dixon said she would like to workshop this with the ideas to make sure residents understand 100% of what they have been discussing tonight. Mayor Jones noted that most of the residents present were concerned about not opening up Shakespeare which isn't going to happen now. Council Member McPartlan said he was comfortable with Shakespeare running into Lighthouse to stay the same. He did however, share Vice Mayor Nunn's concern with homeowners not using the garages for parking. He said he was not comfortable voting until he sees everything discussed in his hand. 8:27 pm Public Input Sherrie Matthews, Sebastian, said the subdivision is wonderful but Shakespeare has never been designed to be an artery. She said that where the lake is, at Ocean Breeze and Lanfair, where it is two-laned, if the lake hasn't been started, she asked why the entrance can't be placed there. She noted the foundation of 2040 Comp Plan is to maintain the quality of life that the residents have come to expect and enjoy. She also suggested they just go with the one emergency entrance and make CR510 the entrance. Vicki Drumheller, Joy Haven Drive, said the one-way street brings neighbors to this location for walking and they cherish this piece of paradise. She asked what the cost is to the existing residents and requested the project be sent back to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Dr. Jeff Carrier, Lanfair, said the proposal offered tonight should be an emergency ingress/egress in perpetuity but they will see something different soon with Cross Creek. He asked that the project be transmitted to the Natural Resources Board for comments. Brian Fisher, 1717 Shakespeare, said people come down Shakespeare the wrong way all the time. He asked Council not to change the road at all. 15 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 11 8: 56 pm Jose Barrados, Sea Shore Avenue, said he has heard an emergency entrance is proposed but those that live there don't want it to be connected. Paul Jamieson, Yearling Trail, said Section 8, workforce housing, and cluster apartments will bring blight and crime; this is not a good fit. He said he is trying to stop New Yorking his Florida. Diane Spanoglia, cited a 2000 City Council Resolution that made Shakespeare, Lighthouse, and Ocean Breeze a one way street. She asked that it stay that way. Donna Greco, Cross Creek, said this project should be nixed as it will bring in rental properties and crime. Mindy Servis, Joy Haven, said she opposed this project because of the continual increasing density and impact to neighborhoods which are so special. In response to the public comments, Mr. Vitter said there is a significant buffer on Light House that they plan to preserve and they are offering a lower density than what they could have. They are also providing additional amenities in exchange for the cluster homes that will provide market rate housing. He noted the garages will be two car garages. The Community Development Manager said the previous PUD plan only had a 50 ft. buffer in the northeast corner but this plan has a 125 ft. buffer along Lighthouse; and there are seven to eight additional parking spaces for the cluster homes. She said this was the first reading with five additional recommendations from staff and three from the Planning and Zoning Commission. She asked for a motion to schedule the second reading with how they would like to tweak the recommendations. Council Member Dixon said given the many questions and the economy, she didn't see a need to rush this. She suggested they workshop this item. Council Member McPartlan said he thought they should take their time. He thanked the Community Development Manager and the Planning and Zoning Commission for the hard work they have spent on this. He said we may not like what they say but he asked them to respect the work they do. He said they should look at opportunities when they come in because the largest growing homeless population is single, elderly women and his children have been priced out of the Sebastian home market. Vice Mayor Nunn said they were following the proper legal process; it was too hard to know where the market will be in a few years but right now there are no other rental opportunities. Council Member Dodd said he understood Council Member Dixon's need for more time but he didn't think they could do a workshop on this. There was no way that the impact of having the development on CR510 would outweigh having an impact on the neighborhood along Shakespeare and the other streets. 16 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 12 He said if we gate off at the northern end, stabilize the right-of-way and keep the gate in perpetuity for emergency access, he believed they were protecting that neighborhood. He said he didn't want to open Shakespeare up past Lighthouse. MOTION by Council Member Dodd and SECOND by Vice Mayor Nunn to approve Ordinance No. 0-23-11 with the following conditions: A. In areas where a residential property line abuts a wetland buffer area or conservation tract/easement, a 3-4 foot high fence will be required, i.e. a conservation or split -rail type fence, to establish the specific boundary and prevent encroachment of accessory residential activities B. Wetland buffer areas, notably in the NW corner, that encroach into proposed residential lots will be required to mitigate, one square -foot for one square -foot, to an applicable, alternative area within the PUD and must be shown on the Preliminary Plat C. Alternative ground covers (vs. gravel) for the trails adjacent to the wetland buffer areas shall be considered D. The 720 feet of 25 foot right-of-way would be stabilized and a gate would be placed at the juncture of Lighthouse and Shakespeare and that gate would remain emergency access only in perpetuity E. If the final drainage plan, after working with SRID, modifies the conceptual design considerably, the conceptual PUD Development Plan will need to be reconsidered by the PZ Commission and City Council F. The developer/HOA shall be required to maintain the public amenities in perpetuity Roll call: Council Member McPartlan - nay Mayor Jones - aye Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Council Member Dixon - nay Council Member Dodd - aye Motion carried. 3-2 9:ISpm MOTION by Council Member Dodd and SECOND by Vice Mayor Nunn to extend the meeting to 10:00 p.m. There was a consensus to extend the meeting until 10:00 p.m. Council Member Dodd started to recall his motion on Ordinance No. 0-23-11 to include the date for the second reading but it was determined that the meeting date did not need to be in the motion. Mayor Jones announced the second reading and public hearing for Ordinance No. 0-23-11 will be October 11 ''. 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 17 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 13 23.098 A. Citv Manager's Employment Agreement (Transmittal, Agreement) MOTION by Council Member Dodd and SECOND by Council Member McPartlan to approve the City Manager's Employment Agreement. In response to Vice Mayor Nunn, the Interim City Manager said he was happy with the agreement. There was no public input. Roll call: Mayor Jones - aye Vice Mayor Nunn - nay Council Member Dixon - aye Council Member Dodd - aye Council Member McPartlan - aye Motion carried. 4-1 Because of the vote, Council Member Dodd proposed that they provide a City vehicle to Mr. Benton for use within 75 miles of City utilizing standard accounting procedures whereby he could use it to go his residence and if he needs to go outside 75 miles for business that would come to Council. Vice Mayor Nunn said he wanted to understand why an employee of five years was trusted less than the City Attorney who they just hired. He said that the City Attorney's contract read exactly as the City Manager's first contract and there was no outrage that the Attorney was going to take advantage of the City; but because the previous City Manager took advantage of his contract this has put a cloud over Mr. Benton's head. Council Member McPartlan noted they approved the contract two weeks ago and they just approved it again. Mayor Jones said he too was baffled since he renegotiated the contract that Mr. Benton agreed to. Vice Mayor Nunn said they have heard many times that the contracts are to be the same and he asked why they wouldn't treat Mr. Benton with kid gloves when they are doing it with the City Attorney. In response to Council Member Dodd, Mr. Benton said he would sign the contract the way it is. Vice Mayor Nunn said he was unhappy in putting Mr. Benton under a microscope as to what uses he has with the vehicle when they aren't doing it with the City Attorney. Council Member Dodd said he questioned the original contract because it provided Mr. Benton an auto plus an allowance which isn't standard. Two and a half months ago, four Council Members chastised the previous City Manager for driving a City vehicle within his contract right to the west coast. As a result this Council agreed to provide the City Manager an allowance. 18 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 14 Council Member Dodd said at the last meeting, he offered to give Mr. Benton implicit use of an automobile but that wasn't acceptable to Vice Mayor Nunn who put a motion into play. He said he supports Mr. Benton 100%. When that contract came forward, we basically forced the last City Manager to resign because of pressure from the use of the car and we decided to give the next City Manager an allowance. In response to Mayor Jones, Mr. Benton said Council Member Dodd was correct; he did not sign the contract and wanted to fix some elements such as using the vehicle during an emergency. He said he was happy with the contract presented tonight and will sign it going forward. Vice Mayor Nunn said the disparity was that the City Attorney has the same contract and he asked why the Attorney's contract wasn't a problem as well. Mr. Benton said he would meet with the Mayor and sign the contract to move on. B. Resolution R-23-21 — Authorizing the Sebastian Citv Council to Participate in Joint Meeting with the Indian River Board of Countv Commissioners A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL TO PARTICIPATE IN A JOINT MEETING WITH THE INDIAN RIVER BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO DISCUSS AND PLAN MATTERS OF MUTUAL INTEREST; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Attorney read the title to Resolution No. R-23-21 and the City Manager advised that this was required in accordance with Florida Statutes and he announced the meeting has been scheduled for September 2 1 " at 10:00 a.m. at the North County Library. There was no public input. MOTION by Council Member McPartlan and SECOND by Council Member Dixon to approve Resolution No. R-23-21. Roll call: Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Council Member Dixon - aye Council Member Dodd - aye Council Member McPartlan - aye Mayor Jones - aye Motion carried. 5-0 12. NEW BUSINESS 23.161 A. Adoption of Resolution No. R-23-20 — Amendine Resolution R-19-20 Building Permit Fee Schedule and Providine for Reduced Permit Fees for Proiects Using a Private Provider (Transmittal. R-23-20. F.S.553.791(2)(b) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 19-20 BUILDING PERMIT FEES SCHEDULE, AS REQUIRED 19 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 15 PURSUANT TO CITY OF SEBASTIAN CODE OF ORDINANCES SECTION 26-81; PROVIDING FOR REDUCED PERMIT FEES PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE SECTION 553.791(2)(b) PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, SCRIVENER'S ERRORS AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Attorney read the title to Resolution No. R-23-20. The City Manager said this was amending an existing resolution with regard to the building fee schedule. There was no public input. MOTION by Council Member Dodd and SECOND by Council Member McPartlan to approve Resolution No. R-23-20. Roll call: Council Member Dixon - aye Council Member Dodd - aye Council Member McPartlan - aye Mayor Jones - aye Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Motion carried. 5-0 23.097 B. Memorandum of Understandiniz (MOU) between the Citv of Sebastian and the International Union of Police Associations (IUPA). AFL-CIO. Locals 6054 and 6056 — Amending Article 20.2 Rates of Pav to be Effective October 1. 2023 (Transmittal. MOU) The City Manager reminded everyone that this item was in regard to the agenda backup on pages 271 and 272 related to the general employees. He said a few months ago Council directed him to look into what staff was being paid and after discussions with each union he requested authorization to sign the MOU. MOTION by Vice Mayor Nunn and SECOND by Council Member Dixon to approve the MOU for the general employees. There was no public input. Roll call: Council Member Dodd - aye Council Member McPartlan - aye Mayor Jones - aye Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Council Member Dixon - aye Motion carried. 5-0 23.097 C. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Citv of Sebastian and the International Union of Police Associations (IUPA). AFL-CIO, Local 6053 — Amendin2 Article 15.2 Rates of Pav to be Effective as of October 1, 2023 (Transmittal, MOU) The City Manager again, reminded everyone that this MOU was related to pages 269 and 270 of the agenda backup; it raises the starting salary to $50,000 a year for police officers and will help take care of the City's existing officers. 20 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 16 MOTION by Council Member Dixon and SECOND by Council Member McPartlan to approve the MOU with the Local 6053. Someone gave a thumbs up from the audience. Roll call: Council Member McPartlan - aye Mayor Jones - aye Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Council Member Dixon - aye Council Member Dodd - aye Motion carried. 5-0 13. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS The City Attorney said she would like to discuss some potential changes and codification of some procedures; as well as receive direction with regard to some recent events with board members. 14. CITY MANAGER MATTERS The City Manager recognized the Chief Financial Officer and Human Resources Director for their work on item 12 b and 12C. He also reminded everyone of the upcoming budget hearing and joint meeting with the Indian River County Commission. He thanked Council for the opportunity to move Sebastian forward with his new contract. 15. CITY CLERK MATTERS - None 16. CITY COUNCIL MATTERS A. Vice Mayor Nunn thanked staff for their hard work. B. Council Member Dixon - None C. Council Member Dodd - None D. Council Member McPartlan - None E. Mayor Jones said recently a number of people have spoken to him on how well they've been treated by staff. He asked that everyone keep up the good work. 17. Being no further business, Mayor Jones adjourned the Regular City Council meeting at 9:45 p.m. 21 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 17 Approved at the Regular City Council meeting. Mayor Fred Jones ATTEST.• Jeanette Williams 22 of 239 CITY Of SESASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meetiny_Date: October 11, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Alcohol Beverage Approval Recommendation: Approve alcoholic beverages for the Harding Family Baby Shower at the Community Center. Background: Dawn Harding is seeking Council approval to serve alcoholic beverages at the Community Center on Sunday, November 12th, 2023 from 11:30am to 4:30pm. Staff has verified applicant's date of birth. They are expecting 30 to 50 attendees. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: Total Cost: Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Attachments: 1. Rental Permit Application 2. Payment Receipt Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: All Date: ! 0h /a 0.13 Lan NIA N/A 23 of 239 onyor SEA HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN FACILITY RENTAL PERMIT APPLICATION 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 Parks Phone: (772) 228-7054 FAX: (772) 388-6249 ` For emergency purposes ONLY, please dial772.473.L454• Date: -`� , Community Center ❑ Yacht Club Name of Permittee (permits may o Iy be issued to an adult) Name of Organization (if applicable) Physical Address City State i e r Reason for Renij)a� Type of Function Mailing Address (if different) -��`]' �c �)I � -'-, Zip Phone j dw�n�ie]x-osc� C� E-Mail Anticipated Number of Attendees (if more than 75 attendees, police services are required by R-10-15) Requested Date rqyJime: From To Please answer the following yes or no: 1) Are you a resident of Sebastian? Ni PS 2) Will there be an admission charge or door charge? Nn 3) Will alcoholic beverages be served? 5 If yes, please provide govt. issued ID proof of age 1)1�`a q)i IC4 Date of Birth Verified by I. (_AX Y' , the undersigned, acknowledge that I am the applicant or authorized agent of the above referenced organization, that I am aware of the provisions of the City of Sebastian Codes and Resolutions in respect to this application and use of City facilities for which I have applied and agree to abide by all rules and regulations set out for use of City facilities. I understand that the $250.00 security deposit will be refunded if the building is left clean and undamaged, however, failure to clean the facilities immediately after the use, or causing any damage to the facility will result in forfeiture, in part or full, of the security deposit. i`C� f rki Signature of Applicant Revised 112021 24 of 239 CITY OF SEBASTIAN LEISURE SERVICES RECEIPT 2722 Name,4 -Lo-,-7 1-3 Cash Date �/ � )-17 o C4E" / .check #� [.� Ij Credit Amount Paid 001001 208001 Sales Tax 001001 220000 Security Deposit 001501 362100 Taxable Rent 001501 362150 Non -Taxable Rent 001501 342100 Police Security Services 001501 366150 Brick Pavers 001501 366000 Memorial Benches 001501 369400 Reimbursement Services PICA W a-�e.. c l� ti rn C� �-y q c_u Oki v e- I (Je,os.t re�hd (,L91/1 //17 A23 Initials 42-- So, 00 2 3f)- f Do Total Paid White - Deat. of Oriain • Yellow - Admin. Svcs. - Pink - Aoolicant 25 of 239 amp SEA" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meetinz Date: October 11, 2023 A,zenda item Title: Alcohol Beverage Approval Recommendation: Approve alcoholic beverages for the Rios Family Baby Shower at the Community Center. Background: Karina Rios is seeking Council approval to serve alcoholic beverages at the Community Center on Saturday, November 1 Sth, 2023 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. Staff has verified applicant's date of birth. They are expecting 75 or less attendees. If AEenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: Total Cost: Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Attachments: 1. Rental Permit Application 2. Payment Receipt Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: v Date: 101.s / a ° A 3 NIA NIA NIA 26 of 239 Lily Of SEIAN HOME OF PELICAN 15LAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN FACILITY RENTAL PERMIT APPLICATION 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL. 32958 Parks Phone: (772) 228-7054 FAX: (772) 388-8249 For emergency purposes ONLY, please diall772.473.0454' Date: ��P� , Community Center ❑ Yacht Club � f� v ti ti'jU 117 � 1�e - tr) I�( ))F 4:1 � v� � )-(gi n Physical Address Mailing Address (if different) \� State Zip Phone Ur E-Mail IJGA�Xj ��1(x A)P C, Reason for Re tal --'hype of Function Anticipated Number of Attendees (if more than 75 attendees, police services are required by R-10-15) N10\1. 1 S , 2 07-2, Requested Date Please answer the following yes or no: 1) Are you a resident of Sebastian? 2) Will there be an admission charge or door charge? 3) Will alcoholic beverages be served? If yes, please provide govt. issued ID proof of age Time: From to N (`) wn Date of Birth Verified by K�(A the undersigned. acknowledge that I am the am)licant or authorized agent of the above referenced organization, that I am aware of the provisions of the City of Sebastian Codes and Resolutions in respect to this application and use of City facilities for which I have applied and agree to abide by all rules and regulations set out for use of City facilities. I understand that the $250.00 security deposit will be refunded if the building is left clean and undamaged, however, failure to clean the facilities immediately after the use, or causing any damage to the facility will result in forfeiture, in part or full, of the security deposit. (� Signature of Applicant Revised 1 /2021 27 of 239 CITY OF SEBASTIAN LEISURE SERVICES RECEIPT 2717 Name E3Pn 6,-V 41n -100 ❑ Cash J Date J h-A I heck # 1 �- fJ ❑ Credit Amount Paid 001001208001 Sales Tax 001001 220000 Security Deposit 001501 362100 Taxable Rent /adt oa 001501 362150 Non -Taxable Rent 001501 342100 Police Security Services - 001501 366150 Brick Pavers 001501 366000 Memorial Benches 001501 369400 Reimbursement Services -%I I oq�p Total Paid 106 , Initials White - Deot. of Oriain • Yellow - Admin. Svcs. • Pink - Aoolicant 28 of239 ant-f SEBAST� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: October 11, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Alcohol Beverage Approval Recommendation: Approve alcoholic beverages for the Dillard Family Wedding Vow Renewals at the Sebastian Yacht Club. Background: Cindy Dillard is seeking Council approval to serve alcoholic beverages at the Sebastian Yacht Club on Saturday, January 27th, 2024 from 3:00am to 11:00pm. Staff has verified applicant's date of birth. They are expecting 55 or less attendees. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: Total Cost: Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Attachments: 1. Rental Permit Application 2. Payment Receipt Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if'applicable: City Manager Authorization: ki- Date: NIA NIA NIA 29 of 239 aff Of SEIAN ;6� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN FACILITY RENTAL PERMIT APPLICATION 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 Parks Phone: (772) 228-7054 FAX: (772) 388-8249 For emergency purposes ONLY please dial 772.473.04541 Date: ❑ Community Center I Yacht Club L LUCK 1_l 111* 0,0 Name of Fkfrmittee (permits may only be issued to an adult) Name of Organization (if applicable) _/OV/ AV�L Physical Address Mailing Address (if different) 5ae; oj,'A.A /0 % aWMJVjfi� AIL Al City State Zip Phone E-Mail "X7A D� 90 Wi- ZO VK . Reason for Rental — Type of Function I _-� -5.5 Anticipated Number of Attendees (if more than 75 attendees, police services are required by R-10-15) <4k-� NL#b 91A IA;M Requested Date — Time: From To Please answer the following yes or no: V..aa 1) Are you a resident of Sebastian? L VJ 2) Will there be an admission charge or door charge? 3) Will alcoholic beverages be served? If yes, please provide govt. issued ID proof of age Date of Birth Verified by I, , the undersigned, acknowledge that I am the applicant or authorized agent of the above referenced organization, that I am aware of the provisions of the City of Sebastian Codes and Resolutions in respect to this application and use of City facilities for which I have applied and agree to abide by all rules and regulations set out for use of City facilities. I understand that the $250.00 security deposit will be refunded if the building is left clean and undamaged, however, failure to clean the facilities immediately after the use, or causing any damage to the facility will result in forfeiture, in part or full, of the security deposit. J � �/� I G%�' ` �e I o K Si turPJtof Applicant Revised 112021 30 of 239 CITY OF SEBASTIAN LEISURE SERVICES RECEIPT Name !j Cash Da te J Check # � ILI— C1� \A! �� l%p jriQ�ucVS Credit lbZ7 :6 ,O0P_ 11 a o act 001001 208001 Sales Tax 001001 220000 Security Deposit 001501 362100 Taxable Rent 001501 362150 Non -Taxable Rent 001501 342100 Police Security Services 001501 366150 Brick Pavers 001501 366000 Memorial Benches 001501 369400 Reimbursement Services �7 rev -�i�, �� �j2. 1 130 . Desrt r�►�d wl(I r� ram, Initials Amount Paid r�crc� 2.s'b o Q 2 DI), ©IQ Ide_ D1'a-,P4-d 1 Total Paid zi 63OP White - Dept. of Oriain • Yellow - Admin. Svcs. - Pink - Anolicant 31 of239 4tip mra SFRAS HOME OF�PEUCAN ISLAND RE"C7EIYED OF CITY CLE ;P; 7 APPLICATION TO SERVE ON CITY BOARD/COMMITTEE (All City Board and Committee Members Must be Residents of the City of Sebastian) NAME: J F Jl c i4 k 6 /}IVO HOME ADDRESS: 4,33 IjET/ fi VE/UL�F HOME PHONE: `79? HOME FAX: E-MAIL: .vnn BUSINESS: BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS PHONE: BUSINESS FAX: ARE YOU A RESIDENT OF THE CM'OF SEBASTIAN? DO YOU CURRENTLY HOLD ANY PUBLIC OFFICE? ✓I� E-MAIL: HOW LONG? DO YOU PRESENTLY SERVE ON ANY OTHER CITY BOARD OR COMMITTEE? WHICH BOARDS/COMMITTEES? PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS FOR WHICH YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE WITH FIRST CHOICE BEING #1: CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE (serves only 6 months every 7 years - meets next in 2006) CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD (temporary) CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD (permanent board) CONSTRUCTION BOARD (permanent board) HANDICAPPED ,SELF -EVALUATION COMMITTEE (permanent board) / PLANNING AND&dR06 Cb MMION?(permanent,bpard) POLICE RETIREMENT BOARD%OF.,TEtUSTEES (perrnapent statutory board) PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY CQMMfi TEE (fkoporary) TREE & LANDSCAPE ADViSORYiBOfARD4p tmganenfboard) OTHER TEMPORARY COMM IT?-E1r (ff.appii*w'• (WRITE IN COMMITTEE NAME) 33 of 239 APPLICABLE EDUCATION AND/OR EXPERIENCE: (attach separate resume it necessary) C&7-aA'u-r-�I'�ccrh�� C"t cdtnI REASONS FOR WANTING TO SERVE ON BOARD OR COMMITTEE: LIST ANY ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS TO SERVE ON BOARD OR COMMITTEE: U HAVE YOU EVER BEEN CONVICTED OF ANY FELONY IN THIS OR ANY STATE? HAVE YOU EVEN BEEN CONVICTED OF ANY MISDEMEANOR INVOLVING MORAL TURPITUDE IN THIS OR ANY STATE? �yLD WOULD YOU CONSIDER SERVING ON A BOARD OTHER THAN THE ONE(S) SELECTED ABOVE? I hereby certify that I am qualified to hold the position for which this application is made. Further, I hereby authorize the City of Sebastian to investigate the truthfulness of all information which I have provided in this application. I understand that any misrepresentation or omission of information requested in this application is cause for disqualification. I have been provided with, read and understand City of Sebastian Code of Ordinances Sections 2-166 through 2-173 (attached). Information relative to a specific board or committee is available if requested. Appli ant Signature Subscribed an swor to before me this i' Q-'W , go0q, by i fJ� who i personally known to me, or has produced as identification. Notary Public, State of Florida M MM �iy p� State of fbdda n&dcn6ipi"/�6.2007 lwp-formlapplicat.wpd 3 Commi+o^ # Q02391 49 rev. 512002 '" W_+ "- 4 34 of 239 CONSTRUCTION BOARD 3-YEAR TERMS MEETS 2ND TUESDAY EACH MONTH - 6:00 P.M. MEMBER NAME AND POSITION APPOINTMENT CURRENT ADDRESS HISTORY STATUS Nicholas Sch ky Electrical Contractor Reappointed Term to expire 9/30/2025 113 Joy Havenn Drive rive Position 10/12/2022 Sebastian, FL 3295$ scheskowskv cD..vahoo.com Took Bulla's (561) 324-1205 position 10/14/2020 Jean Carbano Regular Reappointed Term to expire 433 Betty Avenue Concerned 10/14/2020 9/30/2023 Sebastian, FL 32958 Citizen Reappointed Jeanne4199()aol.com Position 10/11 /17 581-1397 Reappointed 9/10/14 Reappointed 10/12/11 Reappointed 9/24/08 Reappointed 9/14/05 Took Stuart Houston's position 6/13/01 James Fortier — Chair Plumber Position Reappointed PP Term to ire expire 1301 Dewitt Lane 9/22/2021 9/30/2024 Sebastian, FL 32958 James0seaoaksbt.com Reappointed 473-2043 10/10/2018 Reappointed 9/9/2015 Reappointed 9/26/2012 Took Reyes position 3/23/11 35 of 239 Joseph Harrison Engineer or Apptd 5/25/2022 Term to expire 480 Concha Drive Architect 9/30/2024 Sebastian, FL 32958 Position ioser)hsharrisone..hotmail.com (561)252-9536 VACANT Regular Crockett's position Term to expire Contractor 9/30/2024 Position VACANT HARV Dalessandro's Term to expire Contractor position 9/30/2022 Richard Wilcher Regular Reappointed Term to expire 221 Midvale Terrace Member 9/22/2021 9/30/2024 Sebastian, FL 32958 Contractor iohniaviehosafat(cDgmail.com Appt reg member (240) 695-3163 1/8/2020 Apptd alt member 7/11/18 Took Zullo's position David Rust Alternate Roberts' position Term to expire 337 Sandcrest Circle Concerned 9/30/2025 Sebastian, FL 32958 Citizen David.rust.mt38e,Qmail.com Position (717) 873-7153 VACANT Alternate Wilcher's position Term to expire Contractor 9/30/2022 Position Per Code 26-198 — Building Official, Wayne Eseltine, shall initiate proceedings, make recommendations, report on each matter. 4 regular members are needed to make a quorum. In the event a regular member cannot make the meeting, an alternate steps in. 36 of 239 September 10, 2023 Contact: Jeanette Williams 388-8215 PRESS RELEASE CONSTRUCTION BOAR© The Sebastian City Council is accepting applications for the following volunteer positions on the Construction Board: One Regular Member, Concerned Citizen Position — Term expiring 912026 41�N One Regular Member, Contractor Position — Term expiring 912024 One Regular Member, HARV Contractor Position — Term expiring 912025 One Alternate Member, Contractor Position — Term expiring 9/2025 The Construction Board provides advice to City Council on any matter affecting contractors or the construction industry within the corporate limits of the City. Applicants must have been City residents one year prior to application. Please be advised these positions are subject to financial reporting requirements. If Council fills a regular member position with an alternate member, Council reserves the right to fill the alternate position with remaining applicants. Application forms are available in the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:30 pm or downloaded from www.cityofsebastian.org Applications will be accepted until October 2, 2023 37 of 239 nnO HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: October 11, 2023 Aa,enda Item Title: Second Reading and Public Hearing on Ordinance 0-23-11 - Request for Approval of a Conceptual PUD Plan — River Oaks Preserve Subdivision Recommendation: Hold a Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinance 0-23-11. Adopt updated Ordinance 0-23-11 with revised Conditions of Approval [from 1st reading] Background: The Applicant, 85 Sebastian, LLC, has requested approval of a Conceptual PUD Development Plan for parcels they own along CR 510. The subject properties were annexed into the City of Sebastian in early 2004, with approvals for their future land use and PUD-R zoning following shortly after. The City of Sebastian's Land Development Code requires a Conceptual PUD Development Plan to be submitted and approved when requesting a PUD zoning designation. The original Conceptual PUD Development Plan for River Oaks Preserve was considered and approved in 2004 when the rezoning ordinance was adopted. Between the years of 2005 to 2007, the project received approvals for its Preliminary Plat, subdivision construction drawings, and was issued a land clearing permit. Partial land clearing occurred before the project's financing was no longer available, after which construction was stopped. In the ensuing years, city approvals and permits expired, and the property has since become overgrown and re -vegetated with Brazilian Pepper Trees. Although the original Conceptual PUD Development Plan has expired, the properties retain their PUD-R zoning designation. The current application is not requesting any rezoning or a different zoning designation. However, because the current proposed plan is amending the originally approved River Oaks Preserve conceptual plan, the City's LDC §54-4-20.2(a)(5).c.8. requires the plan to be processed and reviewed as per the original. The current, proposed two -phased plan consists of 146.5 +/- acres, located south of Lanfair and Lighthouse Avenues, and north of CR 510 and Citrus Hideaway Subdivision. The existing land use designation is VLDR (Very Low Density Residential) which allows a maximum of 3 units per acre. The current plan outlines a total of 140 standard single-family lots and 212 single-family cluster units for a proposed density of 2.40 units per acre. Additionally, land is being conveyed to FDOT for their CR510 widening project, along with land dedication to the City for additional Right -of -Way for a Shakespeare Street extension. The project is located within the Urban Service Boundary Area for water and sewer utility service. The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on August 3, 2023 in which a recommendation for approval with conditions to the City Council was made. City Council held a public hearing and first reading of Ordinance 0-23-11 on September 13, 2023, and passed a motion to approve by a vote of 3 to 2 with revised conditions of approval. 38 of 239 If .Auends ltern Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: Total Cost: NIA Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Attachments: 1.Ordinance 0-23-11 - Updated 2. Staff Report -Updated 3. PUD Justification Statement 4. Conceptual PUD Plan 5. Survey 6. Public Trails Exhibit 7. Phasing Exhibit 8. Conceptual Drainage Plan 9. Letter from Seb River Impr District 10. Environmental Assessment 11. Traffic Statement 12. Cluster Housing Conceptual Designs 13. PZ Commission Minutes 8/3/23 14. City Council Minutes 9/13/23 Administrative Services Department Review. City Attorney Review: ault Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: Date: 39 of 239 ORDINANCE NO.O-23-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A CONCEPTUAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A PROJECT KNOWN AS RIVER OAKS PRESERVE, CONSISTING OF 146.5 ACRES, MORE OF LESS, WITH A ZONING DESIGNATION OF PUD-R (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL) AND A LAND USE DESIGNATION OF VLDR (RESIDENTIAL VERY LOW DENSITY, 3 DU/AC), LOCATED SOUTH OF LANFAIR AND LIGHTHOUSE AVENUES, AND NORTH OF CR 510 & CITRUS HIDEAWAY SUBDIVISION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; SCRIVENER'S ERRORS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Ordinance 0-04-14, adopted in 2004, approved the first Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan for River Oaks Preserve in concurrence with receiving its PUD- R (Planned Unit Development Residential) zoning designation; and WHEREAS, In accordance with time limits established in the City's Land Development Code, Article XX, the first Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan for River Oaks Preserve has expired; and WHEREAS, 85 Sebastian, LLC, has filed an application for a new Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan approval for River Oaks Preserve; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, has considered the criteria identified in the Land Development Code together with the recommended findings and recommendations of its Staff and Planning and Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following findings: A. The proposed plan is consistent with the goals, objectives and other elements of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. B. The proposed plan is in conformity with the substantive requirements of the City of Sebastian Code of Ordinances, particularly the Land Development Code. C. The proposed plan is not in conflict with the public interest of the citizens of the City of Sebastian. D. The proposed plan is compatible with adjacent land uses. 40 of 239 E. Adequate public facilities and services exist in the City to serve the proposed plan and the demand for such use will not exceed the capacity for such services and facilities. F. The proposed plan will not result in any adverse impacts on the natural environment. G. The proposed plan will not adversely affect the property values in the area, or the general health, safety and welfare of the City or have an adverse impact on the financial resources of the City. H. The proposed plan will result in an orderly and local development pattern. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. RECITALS/LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS/INTENT. a) The City Commission of the City- of Sebastian hereby adopts and incorporates the recitals above in the Whereas Clauses to this Ordinance, the City Staff Report and City Commission Agenda Memorandum relating this Ordinance. b) The above recitals set forth in the Whereas Clauses of this Ordinance are adopted by the City Commission as legislative findings and the intent of the City Commission. c) The City of Sebastian has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising the Ordinance. Section 2. PROPERTY. The Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan approved by the adoption of this ordinance applies to the following described real property, lying and being within the incorporated area of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida: See attached Exhibit "A " Property Survey Section 3. CONCEPTUAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL. The City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida does hereby approve the Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan for River Oaks Preserve Subdivision as prepared by 41 of 239 2GHO, Inc., bearing the latest revision date of July 20, 2023, and as maintained on file in the City Community Development Department, subject to the following conditions: a) In areas where a residential property line abuts a wetland buffer area or conservation tract/easement, a 3-4 foot high fence will be required, i.e. a conservation or split -rail type fence, to establish the specific boundary and prevent encroachment of accessory residential activities; and b) Wetland buffer areas, notably in the NW corner, that encroach into proposed residential lots will be required to mitigate, one square -foot for one square -foot, to an applicable, alternative area within the PUD and must be shown on the Preliminary Plat; and c) Alternative ground covers (other than gravel) for the trails adjacent to the wetland buffer areas shall be considered; and d) The 25-foot wide right-of-way located north of the proposed Shakespeare Street Extension entryway shall be stabilized and gated at the juncture of Lighthouse Avenue and shall remain, in perpetuity, an emergency access only. Accessibility points shall be designed at the gate area allowing for interconnectivity of pedestrians and bicyclists from the communities; and e) If the final drainage plan, after working with the Sebastian River Improvement District (SRID), modifies the conceptual design considerably, the Conceptual PUD Development Plan will need to be reconsidered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council; and f) The Developer and/or Home Owners Association shall be required to maintain the public amenities in perpetuity. Section 4. CONFLICT. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or recodified copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 6. SEVERABILITY. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction shall determine that any part of this Ordinance is invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of the Ordinance shall not be affected and it shall be presumed that the City Council of the City of 42 of 239 Sebastian did not intend to enact such invalid provisions. It shall further be assumed that the City Council would have enacted the remainder of this Ordinance without said invalid or unconstitutional provision, thereby causing said remainder to remain in full force and effect. Section 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. The foregoing Ordinance was moved for adoption by Councilmember . The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Fred Jones Vice Mayor Christopher Nunn Councilmember Kelly Dixon Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Bob McPartlan The Mayor thereupon declared this Ordinance duly passed and adopted this 11'' day of October, 2023, ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Mayor Fred Jones Approved as to form and legality. Jennifer Cockcroft, Esq. City Attorney 43 of 239 ImCf 5ff4wASTI 4m,15 AN C HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan Application Staff Report 1. Project Name: River Oaks Preserve 2. Requested Action: Approval of a Conceptual PUD Development Plan 3. Project Location a. Address: South of Lanfair & Lighthouse Avenues, North of CR 510 & Citrus Hideaway Subdivision b. Legal: See survey C. Indian River County Parcel Numbers: 31-38-25-00000-7000-00002.0 31-38-25-00000-7000-00003.0 31-38-25-00000-7000-00004.1 31-38-25-00000-5000-00003.0 4. Project Owner: 85 Sebastian, LLC 8985 SE Bridge Road Hobe Sound, Florida 33455 5. Project Agent: 2GHO, Inc. Emily O'Mahoney, FASLA, PLA 1907 Commerce Lane, Suite 101 Jupiter, Florida 33458 (561) 575-9557, X103 E-Mail: emily@2gho.com 6. Project Engineer: BGE, Inc. Jim Vitter, PE 601 21" Street, Suite 401 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772) 217-5954 E-Mail: jvitter@bgeinc.com 7. Project Surveyor: Lidberg Land Surveying, Inc. Kenneth J. Buchanan, PSM 675 W. Indiantown Road, Suite 200 Jupiter, Florida 33458 (561) 746-8454 1 44 of 239 8. Project Description a. Narrative of proposed action: The subject properties, which were previously citrus groves, were annexed into the City of Sebastian in early 2004, with approvals for their future land use and PUD-R zoning following shortly after. The Land Development Code requires a conceptual PUD development plan to be submitted and approved when requesting a PUD zoning designation. The original conceptual PUD development plan for River Oaks Preserve was considered and approved in 2004 when the rezoning ordinance was adopted. b. C. North: East: South: West: Between the years 2005 to 2007, the project received approvals for its Preliminary Plat, subdivision construction drawings, and was issued a landclearing permit. Partial landclearing occurred before the project's financing was no longer available, after which construction was stopped. In the ensuing years, city approvals and permits expired, and the property has since become overgrown and re -vegetated with Brazilian Pepper Trees. The current developer purchased the properties in 2020. Although the original conceptual PUD development plan has expired, the properties retain their PUD-R zoning designation. The current application is not requesting any rezoning or a different zoning designation. However, because the current proposed plan is amending the originally approved River Oaks Preserve conceptual plan, LDC Section 54-4-20.2(a)(5).c.8 requires the plan to be processed and reviewed as per the original. The current, proposed two -phased plan consists of 146.5 +/- acres, located south of Lanfair and Lighthouse Avenues, and north of CR 510 and Citrus Hideaway Subdivision. The existing land use designation is VLDR (Very Low Density Residential) which allows a maximum of 3 units per acre. The current plan outlines a total of 140 standard single-family lots and 212 single-family cluster units for a proposed density of 2.40 units per acre. Additionally, land is being conveyed to FDOT for their CR510 widening project, along with land dedication to the city for additional Right -of -Way for a Shakespeare Street extension. The project is located within the Urban Service Boundary Area for water and sewer utility service. Current Zoning: PUD-R (Planned Unit Development — Residential) Current Land Use: VLDR (Very Low Density Residential, max. 3 units/acre) Adjacent Properties Zoninq Current Land Use RS-10 Residential RS-10 Vacant A-1 (County) Vacant A-1 (County) Vacant & Single Family CON-1 (County) Conservation A-1 (County) Vacant & Single Family CON-1 (County) Conservation 2 Future Land Use LDR (5 du/ac) VLDR (3 du/ac) R (1 du/ac) R (1 du/ac) C-1 (0 du/ac) R (1 du/ac) C-1 (0 du/ac) 45 of 239 d. Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreage: 146.5 +/- acres (2) Current Land Use(s): Vacant (3) Soil: Eau Gallie Fine Sands Riviera Fine Sands (0-2% slopes) Wabasso Fine Sands Riviera Fine Sands, frequently ponded (4) Vegetation: Abandoned Groves, Undesirable Exotics, and Mixed Wetland Hardwoods (5) Flood Hazard: Zone X and AE (6) Water Service: Indian River County Utilities (7) Sanitary Sewer Service: Indian River County Utilities (8) Parks:. On -Site Recreational Amenities (9) Police/Fire: Sebastian Police 5.25.miles County Fire — 2 miles 9. Comprehensive Plan Consistency a. Future Land Use: Very Low Density Residential (VLDR- 3 units per acre) b. Level of Service (1) Traffic: (Initial Traffic Statement enclosed) The estimated preliminary trip generation for the proposed PUD will create an ADT of 3,212 spread over a projected two-phase buildout schedule. Therefore, the proposed development will create an increased demand on the existing roadway network. Traffic impacts to neighboring roadways and intersections will be analyzed during preliminary plat applications and through a full Traffic Impact Analysis to determine mitigation strategies and any possible off -site roadway improvements. The subdivision incorporates two "primary" access points; one of which will be a direct access to CR 510 and one on the proposed Shakespeare Street extension. A stabilized emergency access drive is proposed in Phase 2 onto Lanfair Avenue. (2) Potable Water: The property will be serviced by public water provided by Indian River County Utility Services. Several points of connection are available. The applicant will be required to connect to county utilities and has ascertained that adequate capacity is available at the North and South County Public Water System to handle the additional projected flows. (3) Wastewater: The property will be serviced by public waste water provided by Indian River County Utility Services. The applicant will be required to connect to county utilities and has ascertained that adequate capacity is available at the North and Central 3 46 of 239 Wastewater Treatment Facilities to handle the additional projected flows. Points of connection will be determined and reviewed by IRC Utilities. Once sewer service is established in the PUD, there may be a possible point of connection to bring sewer service into the adjacent Sebastian Highlands area. (4) Stormwater: The level of service standard is regulated by the St. Johns River Water Management District, the same for all developments. The stormwater management system will be internal to the development and managed by the HOA. (5) Recreation: The proposed PUD will be required to contain minimum open space and recreation areas in accordance with minimum standards as established by the comprehensive plan. The preliminary development plan will be required to demonstrate proper compliance with this regulation. Conceptually, the proposed PUD indicates compliance with these minimum standards. (6) Solid Waste: There will be an increased demand on solid waste as the property is currently vacant. 10. Conformance with Code of Ordinances: The proposed conceptual PUD plan is consistent with the Code of Ordinances. 11. Changed Conditions: Existing site consists of a re -vegetated, abandoned citrus grove with a proposed change in use to a single-family residential subdivision. 12. Land Use Compatibility: Subject property is adjacent to vacant land, low density residential and conservation land uses. Low density single-family residential provides for consistency with relation to future growth and development. 13. Adequate Public Facilities: Public utilities (water, wastewater) will be incorporated within the development of the proposed PUD, and on -site stormwater tracts are also incorporated in the proposal. 14. Natural Environment: The proposed PUD will be required to contain minimum open space and recreation areas in accordance with minimum standards as established by the comprehensive plan. The preliminary development plan will be required to demonstrate proper compliance with this regulation including any required mitigation measures and minimum buffer areas around existing wetland and river tributary areas. 15. Economic Effect: The proposed subdivision provides an additional 146.5 +/- acres of land area and 352 residential units, which in turn creates an expanded tax base for the City of Sebastian. Fees collected from the development will fund basic services of the City, including stormwater and recreation services. The proposed development will not adversely affect the property values in the area, or the general health, safety and welfare of the community. 16. Orderly Development: The proposed conceptual plan is consistent with the comprehensive plan and provides for orderly development given the location of the site, which is adjacent to other residential properties. The property has provided assurance of the availability of sufficient public facilities and access. 17. Public Interest: The Comprehensive Plan outlines the necessity to incorporate quality residential developments and housing stock with a mixture of housing types which should be developed as 4 47 of 239 "Healthy Communities." The project, by introducing cluster -type housing units to the area, and providing recreational amenities that will support healthy lifestyles and physical activities, is consistent with the future goals and objectives of the City of Sebastian. Therefore, staff finds that the proposed conceptual plan is not in conflict with public interest. 18. Contents of Conceptual Development Plan: a. Vicinity map: provided - Zoning and Land Use Maps, attached b. Property boundaries: provided — Survey, attached C. Existing conditions: provided — Environmental Assessment, attached d. Development plan: provided: (1) Land use: VLDR (Very Low Density Residential) (2) Circulation: The roadway design plan incorporated within the conceptual development plan depicts two points of ingress/egress along with an emergency only access point. The internal circulation system consists of connecting curvilinear streets .within each Phase. (3) Conceptual drainage plan: Attached - Final design of the proposed wet and dry stormwater tracts will be required to be in compliance with SJRWMD standards and in coordination with the Sebastian River Improvement District. (4) Density: 2.4 units per acre (5) Nonresidential use square footage: none proposed e. Written material: Provided — PUD Justification Statement, attached (1) Planning objectives: The River Oaks Presence PUD Conceptual Development Plan consists of 2 Phases. The designation of a property as a PUD is intended to promote creative design. In a PUD, elements of the design such as lot size, setbacks, etc. may be negotiated to allow clustering of open space and recreational areas. The proposed plan indicates that while offsetting requested dimensional considerations with public benefits, compliance with open space, recreation, and stormwater requirements will be met. (2) Development schedule: provided (3) Environmental impact statement: An initial submitted for review with the conceptual PUD plan provided with the preliminary plat/plan approval, a before landclearing. (4) Public facilities impact statement: environmental assessment was . A full environmental study will be nd a 100% Gopher Tortoise Survey (a) Quantity of wastewater generated; Based on Sebastian's adopted Level of Service for sanitary sewer, which is 250 gallons per day per unit, an estimated 5 48 of 239 19. 88,000 gallons per day will be generated for the development. Capacity is available and has been verified with Indian River County Utilities by the project engineer. (b) Description of proposed recreational facilities; Both phases will be providing recreation tracts, trails, and/or Community Common Areas within their respective area. A portion of the trails will be available for general public use. Cumulatively, all phases will meet the subdivision's total recreational space requirement. (c) Quantity of potable water required; Based on Sebastian's adopted Level of Service for potable water, which is 250 gallons per day per unit, an estimated 88,000 gallons per day will be generated for the development. Capacity is available and has been verified with Indian River County Utilities by the project engineer. (d) Estimated number of school age children expected within the development: The developer must provide a School Capacity Availability Determination Letter (SCADL) from the Indian River County School District with the submittal of the preliminary plat/plan. However, an initial estimate of school -attending children that may live in the development, based on a SDIRC formula, is approximately 144, which current school capacity can accommodate. (e) Estimated property tax and/or sales tax revenue generated by the project by phase; and Not provided (f) Any other positive or negative public facility impact. In addition, the statement shall also include all public facilities impact information that may be submitted as part of the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) review process, as applicable. This project is not a Development of Regional impact as defined by the Florida Statutes. f. Open space and landscaped areas: The proposed PUD will provide 7.09 acres of recreation space and 84.33 (56%) open space to satisfy the minimum standards as established by the comprehensive plan. The conceptual plan indicates areas that will be providing perimeter landscape buffer strips varying in width in addition to required wetland buffers. Staff recommends that in areas where a single-family or cluster unit lot abuts a wetland buffer that a conservation or agriculture -type fence is installed to help prevent residential encroachment. Other Matters: The developer is requesting consideration in regards to the PUD design for the proposed average lot widths, minimum yard setbacks, cluster unit lot dimensions and lot coverage, one-sided bike/sidewalk on Shakespeare Street, and to include the garage in cluster housing for parking. These design allowances would be counterweighed with additional public benefits such as the Shakespeare Street extension ROW dedication, conveyance of property to FDOT, tree and wetland preservation, the trail system, and lower density. • The subdivision property contains easements and drainage ROW's owned by the Sebastian River Improvement District (SRID). The applicant has met and coordinated with SRID in 0 49 of 239 regards to the subdivision's proposed conceptual design. SRID will not formally consent to the proposed design at this time until additional technical stormwater details are provided and easements are re -dedicated and/or abandoned. However, they have submitted a Proposed Release Agreement to staff (attached) indicating the conditions the project will need to address in proceeding forward. If the proposed subdivision plan is amended considerably in order to address SRID's drainage rights, the revised plan may need to be reconsidered by the PZ Commission and City Council. The developer and project engineer have met and coordinated with FDOT in regards to its upcoming CR 510 widening project and is conveying property adjacent to the roadway for anticipated improvements. Based on the initial traffic statement submitted for the PUD, "the level of service is C in the existing condition and will remain level of service C in post development, post widening condition." A full Traffic Impact Analysis will be required with the subsequent Preliminary Plat application that will be reviewed by both FDOT and IRC. The developer is proposing to construct, and then dedicate to the city, 1270 linear feet of 50- foot wide right-of-way for the two-way, south end portion of the proposed Shakespeare Street extension, located along the eastern boundary of the subject property. Another 720 linear feet of 25-foot wide right-of-way for the one-way, north end continuation of Shakespeare Street will be also be constructed and dedicated to the city as part of Phase 1. In the future, additional right-of-way from a recently annexed parcel adjacent to the River Oaks property will be dedicated when future development occurs on that parcel, providing for another section of Shakespeare Street to extend to two-way traffic. Objective 2-1.6, Connectivity, from the City's Comprehensive Plan's Transportation & Mobility Element (attached), list several Policies that require, and support the planning need to extend Shakespeare Street. The existing tree survey indicates protected and specimen trees that the surveyor could assess and locate considering the current accessibility conditions of the property, i.e. thickness of Pepper Tree growth throughout. At this point in development, landclearing is not permitted, with the city consenting to minimal grubbing to allow limited surveying for wetland determination and initial assessment of flora and fauna. The developer has provided for increased buffer areas along the northern boundary in order to preserve the existing hardwood hammock. A follow-up tree survey will be required with the Preliminary Plat submittals for each phase, allowing for a more accurate review of tree preservation in other areas not yet thoroughly surveyed. Existing wetland areas and limits (10.64 acres) were approved by SJRWMD in February 2023. The conceptual plan has been designed to provide the required SJRWMD 25-foot wetland buffer around those areas in addition to the extra 25-foot buffer that the city requires. Nature trails are being incorporated into the 50-foot buffer areas in order to allow the project to meet its recreational requirements and affording the subdivision residents — and in some areas, the general public — enjoyment of the preserved natural environment. To maintain these natural buffers and trail areas, staff recommends that where a residential lot abuts a buffer tract or easement, a conservation or agriculture -type fence (split -rail) is installed to prevent adjacent residential encroachment into the buffer area (with fire pits, play equipment, etc.) The fence would be a visible boundary for the buffer area and/or residential lot. VA 50 of 239 • The Fire Marshall has reviewed the cluster -unit lay -out with regards to fire truck and emergency vehicle access, and has found accessibility to be in compliance with regulatory fire codes. 20. Conclusion: The proposed Conceptual PUD Development Plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code and Code of Ordinances. 21. Recommendation: Staff recommends that City Council approve Ordinance 0-23-11 approving the Conceptual PUD Plan for River Oaks Preserve Subdivision with the following conditions, as updated from their discussion at the September 13th, 2023, 1st reading of the ordinance: a) In areas where a residential property line abuts a wetland buffer area or conservation tract/easement, a 3-4 foot high fence will be required, i.e. a conservation or split -rail type fence, to establish the specific boundary and prevent encroachment of accessory residential activities; and b) Wetland buffer areas, notably in the NW corner, that encroach into proposed residential lots will be required to mitigate, one square -foot for one square -foot, to an applicable, alternative area within the PUD and must be shown on the Preliminary Plat; and c) Alternative ground covers (other than gravel) for the trails adjacent to the wetland buffer areas shall be considered; and d) The 25-foot wide right-of-way located north of the proposed Shakespeare Street Extension entryway shall be stabilized and gated at the juncture of Lighthouse Avenue and shall remain, in perpetuity, an emergency access only. Accessibility points shall be designed at the gate area allowing for interconnectivity of pedestrians and bicyclists from the communities; and e) If the final drainage plan, after working with the Sebastian River Improvement District (SRID), modifies the conceptual design considerably, the Conceptual PUD Development Plan will need to be reconsidered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council; and f) The Developer and/or Home Owners Association shall be required to maintain the public amenities in perpetuity. PREPARED BY E1*3 lob .L{'�� —I- DATE 51 of 239 Landscape Architects . Planners Environmental Consultants RIVER OAKS PRESERVE PUD JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT ! A�JOtJliS�� George S. Gentile f AS( A X. iroy Holloway ASLA Emily M. 0`Mahoney =ASLA, RLA, LEEPAP, ROLE ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL: NOVEMBER 9, 2022 11r RESUBMITTAL: APRIL 28, 2023 2"1 RESUBMITTAL: July 20, 2023 Introduction: On behalf of the Applicant, 85 Sebastian LLC, 2GHO, Inc., acting as agent, respectfully requesl approval of the following requests: 1. PUD Conceptual Development Plan for 146.52 acres of land for a residential Planned Unit Development of 352 detached single-family units for sale or rental at 2.40 du/ac. River Oaks Preserve PUD will be a single-family residential development within the City of Sebastian on 146.52 acres of land. The current Land Use Designation is Very Low Residential and a Zoning of PUD-R. The site is a combination of natural wetlands stemming from or part of the South Prong of the Saint Sebastian River and a vacated citrus farming endeavor with man-made canal remnants. The development concept is to celebrate the natural features and carry the form throughout the project with publicly accessible trails through natural and created wetlands, storm water ponds and open spaces. The proposed development is poised to set a precedent for future residential development in Sebastian that prioritizes environmentally sustainable design and community engagement. There are two separate residential building typologies proposed: 1. The northern part of the project will have 55' and 70' wide single-family lots, similar to what was approved in 2006. These lots will be within (2) internal gated entries. 2. The southern portion of the project contains two different detached single-family cluster YA housing types around a courtyard which we are calling Court A and Court B. Court A has N 9 single-family units surrounding a courtyard while Court B has 7 units, both accessible N for fire rescue. All units are efficiently sized with an average of approximately 1,300 o square feet of livable space (not including the two -car garages) to appeal to a broad range W cvl� of residents and lifestyles, which is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. As part of the PUD and consistent with the goals of a PUD, the Court designs are Q requesting relief to several dimensional criteria as part of the PUD. This includes relief on r single-family lot area and setbacks to create a unique living environment which increases the open space for the project. The cluster housing units are each on their own separate tax parcels. The intent of the Applicant is to develop this cluster type housing as rental homes, a much -needed housing product type in Sebastian and the overall region, 1501 COMMERCE LANE, SUITE FLORIDA 3345$ 5bt-515-9551 26WO.GOM 55 of 239 River Oaks Preserve PUD November 9, 2022, revised April 28, 2023, revised July 20, 2023 Page 2 of 11 however as each unit will be on a separate tax parcel so the Applicant could sell the homes if desired. The Court design of cluster housing offers a unique life style of socializing in the courtyard for those in the cluster. Driveways are very short to discourage parking in front of the individual garage and promote parking inside the garage. With a signature planting/tree in the center of each courtyard, individual character will be developed and a sense of uniqueness. This cluster style development also allows the perimeter access roads to contain a beautiful green vegetation buffer rather than a row of single-family homes and their garages. Moreover, the cluster housing allows for greater shared amenities, open space and improved sense of community. The cluster housing meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan in several aspects and is allowed through the PUD process. First, it provides efficiently sized housing with unit types that are sufficient for most needs of the targeted population. People who are seeking non- apartment living but who do not want to care for private landscaping or other homeownership costs will find this product type particularly desirable. There is minimal land around the house structures which still allows for patios and a sense of privacy while being managed by the property association. Planning housing in this manner creates units that have little to no grass to minimize irrigation demand but rather low growing material to create a natural oasis surrounding a paved court with center planting area. The land, which under typical designs as part of a single-family lot, is given over for shared use and added to the overall open space of the community as a whole. The cluster housing, as proposed: 1. Brings amenities of a common clubhouse, community pool, playground, mail building pickleball courts and dog park for residents; 2. Allows a trail system to meander throughout the project through natural and man-made ecosystems. Access to the trails is never far from any one house or court. The trail system gets residents outside and moving for better health; 3. Minimizes high maintenance landscaping in lieu of natural, minimally maintained, landscapes creating sustainability by lessoning maintenance costs and reducing the carbon footprint; 4. Creates space for socialization in each Court making it conducive for the residents to get outside and gather; 5. Part of sustainable green building is not to build more than you need. These units are sized for the needs of a couple or young family; 6. While units are moderate, they each include a two -car garage to keep vehicles out of the strong Florida sun, heat and pedestrian gathering area. 7. Landscape trees will create canopy and reduce the heat island effect for the Courts. As a celebration of the land, there are walking trails with signage throughout both phases of this development for all to use and enjoy. Phase Information: The start date of construction will be 14-16 months based on approval process with construction of development within 24 months. History of project: The property was previously approved in 2006 for a total of 365 dwelling units. There were 265 units at 55' wide lots and 100 units at 70' wide lots with a density of 2.47 du/ac. 0:1River Oaks Preserve - Modica\Applications\Site Plan Application\Application Materials\J USTI FI CATION - FINAL 07.20.23r.docx 56 of 239 River Oaks Preserve PUD November 9, 2022, revised April 28, 2023, revised July 20, 2023 Page 3 of 11 Since that previous approval, FDOT has identified SR510 as a road which needs to be widened and expanded since it is a major evacuation route out to the 1-95 corridor. Design plan are currently in the works at 60% completion. It will be executed in stages and not yet funded. It is anticipated that the River Oaks Preserve will be completed prior to the improvements adjacent to this property. Additionally, the City of Sebastian has identified a need for connectivity of the city, mainly the extension of Shakespeare south to SR510 on the east side of the subject property. A property to the east of our subject project will dedicate 25 feet to this roadway (approximately 720 feet). The remaining 1270 linear feet will need to have all of the right-of-way on the subject property as the rest of the adjacent property to the east is in the County and the City has no control. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning designations: Land Use Zoning North: Low Density Residential (LDR) RS-10 South: AG-1 (IRC) A-1(IRC) East: Low Density Residential (LDR) RS-10 West: AG-1 (IRC) A-1 (IRC) Site Characteristics: 1. Total Acreage: 146.52 acres a. SRID additional +3.05 acres b. FDOT R/W dedication -3.53 acres c. Shakespeare dedication -2.21 acres Net Acreage 143.83 acres 2. Current Land Use: Very Low Residential Density 3. Soil: Eau Gallie fine sand, Riviera fine sand, 0-2% slopes, Wabasso fine sand and Riviera fine sand, frequently ponded 4. Vegetation: Old Citrus Trees, Brazilian Pepper 5. Flood Hazard: Zone A. AE and X 6. Water Service: Indian River County Utilities 7. Sanitary Sewer Service: Indian River County Utilities 8. Police/Fire: Sebastian Police — 7 miles Indian River County Fire — 5 miles *Note that the Applicant and design team met with IRC Fire Rescue to discuss the proposed site plan in May 2022. Environmental Impact Statement Atlantic Environmental determined that the property supports approximately 128.69 acres of uplands, +/- 7.19 acres of surface waters, and +/- 10.64 acres of wetlands. These natural resources must be addressed in the development process, through permitting, avoidance, mitigation, or some combination thereof. See attached Environmental Assessment report for complete analysis. Existing Tree Statement The tree canopy of the parcel can be categorized into three different ecosystems: 1. Brazilian Pepper trees over taking the areas previously containing citrus trees for approximately 80% of the parcel. The Pepper is thick and makes it difficult to get through without clearing. There are occasional young Laurel Oaks that have volunteered over the 0:1River Oaks Preserve - ModicalApplications\Site Plan Application\Application Materials\J USTI FICATI ON - FINAL 07.20.23r.docx 57 of 239 River Oaks Preserve PUD November 9, 2022, revised April 28, 2023, revised July 20, 2023 Page 4 of 11 last 10 years. The Applicant plans on keeping or relocating as many quality specimen trees as possible in hopes of exceeding the City's requirements for tree mitigation. a. ACTION: Attain permits to remove all Brazilian Pepper and any other exotics, 2. Quality upland: This area consists of Live Oak (primary) with some Slash Pine and Sabal Palms. The area is 125' of the northeast part of the property, a place where it was preserved with the prior approval and will be preserved with this submittal. There are approximately two acres of upland material (65 feet x 1326 feet=1.98 acres) within an additional buffer of 60' for a total of 3.8 acres. a. ACTION: No impact to this area other than removing any exotic material. 3. Wetlands: The wetlands contain some invasives, especially along the edges but all native desirable material will be preserved in place. Restored wetlands will be planted as needed to provide a quality wetland for the whole area. a. ACTION: Attain permits to remove exotic material from wetland and wetland buffer. Restore as required. Public Facility Impact Statement: The proposed development is designed to minimally impact the surrounding public facilities. A private community amenity including a pool with clubhouse and courts are proposed. Schools for the development will be within Indian River County; Water and sewer services will be provided by Indian River County Utility Department; Indian River County School — student Generation Rates. The development is proposed 352 single-family units with a student generation rate of 145.60 students; - Elementary— 0.189 x 352 = 66.53 - Middle — 0.097 x 352 = 34.14 - High School— 0.123 x 352 = 43.29 - TOTAL 143.96 PUD Conceptual Development Plan. Section 54-3-9.8(b): (b) Other Facilities: 1) Solid Waste — N/A 2) Potable Water required: total project ERUs* 250 gallons per day per (per 109-3 = 352 units * 250 gallons = 88,000 gallons per day. Project site is within the Urban Service Boundary area. 3) Sanitary sewer required: total project ERUs* 200 gallons per day per (per 109-3) = 352 units * 200 gallons = 70,400 gallons per day. Project site is within the Urban Service Boundary area. 4) Drainage - The proposed grading plan and stormwater management system are expected to have minimal environmental impact. The proposed project is intentionally using the existing slough and wetlands for drainage needs to retain the natural movement of the land. An existing SRID canal easement through the eastern portion of the land will be modified to allow for a more natural looking drainage feature while preserving the conveyance of off -site contributing areas east of the site to the south prong of the Sebastian River. The Applicant and design team have met twice with SRID in the last 5 months to review SRID drainage requirements for the site. SRID has provided the relevant hydrologic data and BGE Inc., the project civil engineer, will continue to work with SRID to accommodate SRID's drainage requirements for the site. A combination of 0:1River Oaks Preserve - Modica\Applications\Site Plan Application\Application Materials\J USTI FICATION - FINAL 07.20.23r.docx 58 of 239 River Oaks Preserve PUD November 9, 2022, revised April 28, 2023, revised July 20, 2023 Page 5 of 11 interconnected wet detention ponds, with dry ponds to achieve nutrient removal, will be added to compensate for additional storm runoff. 5) Recreation area - In celebration of the land, over 3.3 miles of natural walking trails will be available for the general public to use, meandering through the preserved wetlands and along the South Prong of the river. These trails allow access to these unique areas, not currently accessible through private property. Recreation: Both phases of the development project will have private amenity areas that include pools, a community building, pickle ball courts and a dog park. Some of the 6' wide trails will be private and included in the recreation number. The public recreation amenity includes a public trail system through the project and specifically along the fork of the Sebastian River. There is no public parking for access to these trails within this project. The recreational areas exceed the recreational requirement. Recreation Table Proposed Units Population 2.24/Unit Recreation Area .01 AC/Unit Private Recreation Area Amenity Areas and Dog Park Private Recreation Trails .89 miles of 6' (.64 ac.) Public Recreation Area 50% Min of Area Public Recreation Trails 2.41 miles of 6' Required Provided 352 Units 352 Units 788 788 3.52 Acres 7.09 Acres 5.33 Acres 1.76 Acres 1.76 Acres Traffic Impact Statement (see attached Traffic Statement): 7/20/2023 Trip Generation The trip generation was calculate using ITE Trip Generation 11th Edition. The project will generate 3,212 daily trips, 257 AM peak hour trips and 335 PM peak hour trips. Attachment 2 summarizes the project trip generation. The analysis of the project trips on the surrounding network and the evaluation of the project access, will be provided in a detailed traffic impact analysis. Note that the Applicant and design team met with Rich Szpyrka, PE, IRC Public Works Director and his colleagues to review traffic methodology and access on September 16, 2022. The Applicant and design team also met with FDOT on August 1, 2022 to review the SR 510 expansion. The proposed site plan includes the most recent FDOT widening plans based on the design files provided by FDOT in August 2022. Residential Units: 0:1River Oaks Preserve - Modica\Applications\Site Plan Application\Application Materials\J USTI FICATI ON - FINAL 07.20.23r.docx 59 of 239 River Oaks Preserve PUD November 9, 2022, revised April 28, 2023, revised July 20, 2023 Page 6 of 11 There will be a mix of larger lots on the north side of the project site to meet the intent of 54-2- 5.11(f)(5). — Per 54.-2-5.11(f)(5)0 - the average residential lot size for an attached or detached single- family unit shall not be reduced by less than 75% of the required minimum lot size in the adjacent single-family residential zoning district. There is no minimum lot size for multiple - family residential structures, excepting attached single-family units, townhouses, patio homes, and similar clustering of residential units which shall follow the guidelines as established above"). Requested Dimensional Considerations: This section is provided to highlight where the proposed PUD plan varies from straight zoning requirements while meeting the intent of the comprehensive plan and PUD-R zoning. Standard Single-family Lots The proposed lot sizes for the single-family northern lots are in keeping with the previously approved plan and consistent with the market driven new home development in South and Central Florida. Since this is a PUD project, the development is looked at as a whole with space given to preservation/conservation and quality open space which can be shared by all. River Oaks creates a unique setting by celebrating the character of the land and water. The request is for relief to dimensional requirements to lot size dimensions and lot coverage percentages for the standard single- family product. Please note that there is an increase in the overall open space. Standard Single-family Lots: 1. Reduction in lot dimensional criteria 2. Reduction in setbacks (side interior) Cluster Single-family Courts Creating a unique lifestyle which minimizes private outdoor space while enhancing community outdoor space, the single-family cluster housing as proposed in the Courts brings compact neighborhoods together around a central courtyard. According to the APA (American Planning Association) cluster housing promotes physical activity by increasing walking and provides for a greater sense of community. Per the City's Livability Workshop (February 20, 2020), housing diversity and compactness are livability features that benefit everyone. By having smaller for -rent or for -sale homes averaging approximately 1,300 SF (not including the garages) surrounding each Court, the development provides a much -needed alternative to the typical for -sale homes located in the northern section of the site (55' wide and 70' wide lots) and neighboring developments. Each Court will have a signature tree planting in the center of the courtyard which will allow a shady place to gather, the center of each small neighborhood. Full driveways are not provided for parking cars so that parked cars will not be part of the court landscape. Each 0:1River Oaks Preserve - Mod ica\Applications\Site Plan Application\Application Materials\J USTI FICATION - FINAL 07.20.23r.docx 60 of 239 River Oaks Preserve PUD November 9, 2022, revised April 28, 2023, revised July 20, 2023 Page 7 of 11 residence will have a full 2-car garage for their vehicles. To achieve this type of lifestyle, the Applicant is requesting several waivers from code as part of the PUD. As part of the Conceptual Plan for the Planned Unit Development -Residential (PUD-R), the following are dimensional requirements as set by the PUD-R which includes minimum lot size, width, depth being requested. For reference, the size and dimension criteria for the PUD-R are as follows. Please note that there is an increase in the minimum open space area. Cluster Court Lots: 1. Reduction in lot dimensional criteria 2. Reduction in setbacks (front, side interior and rear) 3. Increase in lot coverage and impervious area 4. Removal of 2 parking spaces outside the garage requirement Open Space Table Total Site Area SRID Addition FDOT RW Dedication Shakespear Dedication Net Site Area Lake Area Required Open Space Proposed Open Space Amenity Areas Cluster Court Cluster Court B Single Family Lots Lake Area Existing Wetlands Wetlands to be Removed 4/26/2023 146.52 Acres + 3.05 Acres See Note 1 - 3.53 Acres - 2.21 Acres 143.83 Acres 15.57 Acres 11% of Net Site Area 50% Min. of Net Site Area 71.92 Acres 84.33 Acres 59% of Net Site Area 4.69 Acres 33% Min. of Each Court 6.38 Acres 34% Min. of Each Court 3.68 Acres 30% Min. of Each Lot 8.18 Acres 27.27 Tota I Acres of SF Lots x 30% Preserved Uplands Remaining Common, Buffers & Green Areas Total Open Space 7.79 Acres 50% of Lake Area 10.64 Acres -0.24 Acres 1.98 Acres 41.23 Acres 84.33 Acres 0:1River Oaks Preserve - Modica\Applications\Site Plan Application\Application Materials\J USTI FICATION - FINAL 07.20.23r.docx 61 of 239 River Oaks Preserve PUD November 9, 2022, revised April 28, 2023, revised July 20, 2023 Page 8 of 11 Development Parameters RS-10 PUD-R Single Family Cluster Units Minimum Lot Size 9,500 s.f. 75% = 7,125 s.f. 7,150 s.f. 3,240 s.f. Minimum Lot Width 80 ft 75% = 60 ft Ave. 59.07 ft Average *51 Lots Facing Ex. Subdivision 60.88 ft Average Minimum Lot Depth 100 ft 75% = 75 ft 130 ft 60 ft Minimum Living Area 1,200 s.f 75% = 900 s.f. 900 s.f. 900 s.f. Minimum Yard Setbacks Front: 25 ft 25 ft 10 ft Side: loft 7.5ft 7.5ft Rear: 20 ft 25 ft 15 ft Pools/Pool Enclosures Front: 20 ft n/a Side: 5 ft n/a Rear: loft n/a Patios Front: 5 ft 5 ft Side: 5 ft 5 ft Rear: 10 ft 3 ft Decks Front: 5 ft 5 ft Side: 5 ft 5 ft Rear: loft 5ft Maximum Building Height 25 ft 25 ft 25 ft Maximum Lot Coverage Buildings: 30 G 45% 449/o Impervious Area: 55% 65% 60% Minimum Separation Distances Between Residences: 20 ft 15 ft 15 ft Minimum Open Space 7/18/2023 Lot:50. 30% 33% Project Wide: 50% 60% Provided Minimum R.O.W. Width 50ft 50ft 50 ft per Cluster Sidewalks: 5' Sidewalk Internal Roads (1 side), 8' Sidewalk/Bike Trail Along Shakespeare Rd. Landscape Buffer: Minimum 25' Landscape Buffer along all PUD Boundaries with Increased Buffers along North Property Line and Defined Wetland Areas Parking: Minimum Off -Street Parking: 2 Spaces Per Dwelling Unit Standard Single -Family (Excluding Garages) Single -Family Cluster Units (Including Garages) Requested Dimensional Considerations to: Average Lot Width Minimum Yard Setbacks Cluster Unit Lot Dimensions and Lot Coverage One -side Bike/Sidewalk on Shakespeare Road Include Garage in Cluster Housing for Parking Public Benefit: Shakespeare Expansion, SR 510 Widening, Trails, Lower Density 0:1River Oaks Preserve - Mod ica\Applications\Site Plan Application\Application Materials\J USTI FICATION - FINAL 07.20.23r_docx 62 of 239 River Oaks Preserve PUD November 9, 2022, revised April 28, 2023, revised July 20, 2023 Page 9 of 11 *Please note the RS-10 Zoning District referenced above is only for comparison to the PUD-R Zoning District, Requested Dimensional Considerations: Overall PUD There is one request on the overall PUD to not require sidewalks on both sides of the extension of Shakespeare for that portion of which the Applicant will be building the road within their dedicated 50' right-of-way. Since the Applicant is donating this land and building a road for the City, and as the adjacent neighboring land is in agriculture, the Applicant is requesting that the 8' bike lake be built only on the west side. The Shakespeare expansion will occur in two phases divided at a point just north of the east entry into the project as follows: PHASING FOR STREET CONSTRUCTION Phase 1: 1. Dedicate 720 linear feet of right-of-way 25 feet wide or more (for the transition) for the north end of Shakespeare extension. 2. Build a one-way road with no curbing or sidewalks as a temporary road in the 25-foot right- of-way north of the project entry. 3. Dedicate 1270 linear feet of right-of-way 50 feet wide for the south end of Shakespeare extension. 4. Build the road and curbing associated with this portion from SR 510 north to the eastern entry of the project. 5. Build the sidewalk for the whole length on the west side of the roadway only. Phase 2 1. In the future and not a part of this application, the City will finalize the alignment of the north 720 feet and build it. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS — CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT REQUIRED PROPOSED PUD-R Minimum ROW Width 50' 50' Sidewalk One or both sides One side Min. 5' wide Bike lanes Both sides FDOT (SR 510/Shakespeare) Min. 8' wide One side Shakespeare PHASING FOR STRUCTURES The project will be built in two product phases. The Cluster Units will be considered Phase 1 while the Single Family Lots will be Phase 2. The drainage and utilities phasing, which may or may not correspond to the above, will be determined at a future date. Public Benefit: SHAKESPEARE EXPANSION: As public benefit, the Applicant will be donating the land and building phase 1 of the Shakespeare Road Expansion down to SR 510. The right-of-way will be 50-feet' wide for 1270 linear feet from this property and 720 linear feet of which 25 feet or more 0:1River Oaks Preserve - Modica\Applications\Site Plan Application\Application Materials\J USTI FICATION - FINAL 07.20.23r.docx 63 of 239 River Oaks Preserve PUD November 9, 2022, revised April 28, 2023, revised July 20, 2023 Page 10 of 11 will be from this property at the north end. Twenty-five feet of the width at the northern end will be provided by the neighboring development under construction. This is a total of 2.21-acre loss to the development of the property which is going towards public benefit. The dedication of the right-of-way and building of the road allows the City of Sebastian a connection to SR510 as another interconnectivity route and generally alleviating traffic pinch points within the limits of the city. SR 510 WIDENING: Additionally, FDOT planning and design for the widening of SR510 is a public benefit that is only made possible through utilizing this site, reducing the actual buildable land by 3.53 acres. The roadway will be raised quite a bit with the impact of widening the relocated drainage ditch along the southern boundary to account for the grade change. This too reduces the buildable area of the site and significantly increases cost to the Applicant. As of the filing of the Conceptual Plan, the latest FDOT plans have been incorporated and are shown on the site plan. FDOT was unaware of the City's desire to extend Shakespeare and therefore will be looking to modify that connection in consideration of this and proposed activity on the south side of the road. They will also re-evaluate left turn/u-turn locations now in light of this project. TRAILS: Trails will be available for walking throughout the community promoting connectivity through Sebastian and Indian River County. The trails will be laid out in the additional 25' buffer of the 50' wetland buffer required by the city in those areas surrounding the wetlands. There will be minimum to no impact to the DEP 25' wetland buffer. Other parts of the trail system surround the proposed drainage areas and along the west and north expanded buffer. Trail surface will be compacted limestone base or other minimally impacting process that is consistent with the City's proposed Sustainable Park Design Policy (6-1.1.14 — Comprehensive Plan 2040). Moreover, the Applicant intends to directly connect the trail system to public sidewalks located on SR 510 and the Shakespeare extension. OPEN SPACE LOT MINIMUM: The open space has been decreased on each lot to 30% for the standard lots and 33% for the Court lots noting that unscreened pool and patio areas are included. This is balanced out by the overall open space requirements. OPEN SPACE OVERALL: The total site more than exceeds the City's requirement for open space by more than 14 acres. Out of 143.83 net acres, about 84.33 acres (57%) will be open space which leads to celebrating the uniqueness of this piece of land with accessibility for the general public and the residents. DENSITY: The project is not maximizing the density of the site which is a benefit for the City of Sebastian. As part of the comprehensive plan, 3 units per acre are allowed which equals 441 units on this property. The request is for a density of 2.40 units. INCREASED CONNECTIVITY: The Applicant has designed the southern portion of the site (the Courts) to be non -gated. This provides a unique opportunity for increased vehicular and pedestrian connectivity through the site from Shakespeare extension to SR 510. Furthermore, there is evidence that non -gated communities increase civic engagement and responsibility of its residents. LANDSCAPE BUFFERS: The Applicant is proposing landscape buffers beyond the required width. The following describe the buffers: 0:1River Oaks Preserve - Mod icalApplications\Site Plan Application\Application Materials\J USTI FICATION - FINAL 07.20.23r.docx 64 of 239 River Oaks Preserve PUD November 9, 2022, revised April 28, 2023, revised July 20, 2023 Page 11 of 11 • Northwest and part of the West: The buffer has been increased from 25' to 50' with a trail system. These lots are the standard single-family lots. • Northeast: There is a preservation of 125 feet of an oak and sabal palm hammock. • East: This is the area where road extension will occur. There is the standard 25' buffer with a (required) sidewalk meandering within both the right-of-way and the buffer. • South: The south side has the required 25' buffer which sits beyond the drainage easement which functions as additional buffer from the roadway. • West: The majority of the west side is comprised of wetlands with the required 50' buffer. The 25' landscape buffer falls within this system and therefore not required. 0:1River Oaks Preserve - Modica\Applications\Site Plan Application\Application Materials\J USTI FICATION - FINAL 07.20.23r.docx 65 of 239 eI SEBASTIAN RIVER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT C/O SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES, INC. 2501A BURNS ROAD PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 May 17, 2023 Dorri Bosworth, Manager/Planner Community Development Department City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 BY' - _.- . �. RE: River Oaks Preserve PUD — SRID Proposed Release Agreement Dear Ms. Bosworth: For the conceptual design proposed by developer of River Oaks Preserve PUD (River Oaks), Sebastian River Improvement District (SRID) agrees to review proposed changes to the location of the original 80-foot right-of-way once such proposed location changes are submitted to SRID. In its review of the proposed change, at a minimum SRID requires acceptable hydraulic calculations demonstrating that the project will not discharge greater than 2" of runoff volume per day during any 24 hour period (from time 0 through hour 72) for the 25 yr. — 24 hr. (9.2 "event), will meet the maintenance of flood plain storage criteria, will not cause any negative drainage service to upstream landowners, and other stormwater coordination items. The ongoing maintenance of any relocated drainage conveyance and accessibility to that conveyance is of critical concern of SRID. To that end, SRID also requires unimpeded access to the right-of-way by use of typical equipment currently used by SRID on other District canals and sub -laterals. Currently, the debris removed from the canals is placed on the canal bank to decay and remain. As part of a review of this project or other similar projects, SRID requires canal banks of any newly located right-of-way allow enough unrestricted area for continuation of that debris removal and maintenance method. If a conservation easement or other type of restrictive covenant exists (or may be required) where a drainage conveyance is proposed to be located, SRID may not be able to approve such proposal until the easement or covenant is appropriately addressed. In the event that River Oaks becomes interested in purchasing a SRID easement and/or right-of- way, in fee simple, please be advised that SRID has a policy to obtain appraisals acceptable to the Board of Supervisors for determination of the sale price. For your information, the Declaration of Restrictive Covenant recorded July 14, 1999, in Official Records Book 1284, Page 574, of the Public Records of Indian River County, Florida (the "Declaration"), provided in Paragraph 3.a): In the event the slough or natural creek which meanders east to west through the property is filled or for any reason rendered unusable for drainage purposes, RYALL and TRUSTEES [the prior owners in title at the time] and their successors in title shall be responsible at their cost for the construction of a new canal in the 74 of 239 80' right-of-way located along the easterly and southerly boundary of the real property described in Schedules "A", `B-1" and "B-2". SRID understands that in the future the River Oaks may also submit a request to SRID for the following: Termination of the Declaration and the easements established by or related to the Declaration; 2. The termination of the following easements affecting the River Oaks Preserve PUD: a. Grant of Easement recorded July 14, 1999, in Official Records Book 1284, Page 557; and b. Grant of Easement recorded July 14, 1999, in Official Records Book 1284, Page 559, and C. Grant of Easement recorded July 14, 1999, in Official Records Book 1284, Page 563, the terms of which establish the same two (2) easements; and 3. The termination and relinquishment of the rights in favor of SRID in that sub -lateral right of way established by Deed Book 32, Page 177 (the "Sublateral"), because this Sublateral: (a) appears to be unconnected to any functioning drainage system; (b) may have been abandoned; (c) was established in connection with an intended and now obsolete agricultural use; and (d) is no longer functional for the proposed residential use. SRID will review any such requests upon formal submission. In addition to potential existence of conservation easements, restrictive covenants, hydraulic and other stormwater calculations, SRID would require Drainage Easements dedicated and acceptable to SRID for drainage and maintenance as part of the review and approval process. If you require further clarification of any of the items mentioned above, please contact me. Thank you. Sincerely, B. Frank Sakuma, Jr., CDM, DiZtrict Manager Sebastian River Improvement District 75 of 239 ATI NTI� ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING & MITIGATION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT On the River Oaks Project Site Parcel No's 31382500000700000002.0, 31382500000700000003.0, 31382500000700000004.1,& 31382500000500000003.0 ±146.52 Acres Sebastian, Florida 22182EA4.27.23.Rpt Conducted for: Mr. Ben Brown 85 Sebastian, LLC 8985 SE Bridge Road Hobe Sound, Florida 33455 Conducted by: Atlantic Environmental of Florida, LLC 657 Montreal Avenue Melbourne, Florida 32935 April 27, 2023 657 Montreal Avenue Melbourne, Fl. 32935 ph 321.676.1505 • fax 321.676.1730 www.environmentalpennitting.com 76 of 239 1� ATLANTIC ENV I R ON M MN T A 1.. ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING & MITIGATION April 27, 2023 Mr. Ben Brown 85 Sebastian, LLC 8985 SE Bridge Road Hobe Sound, Florida 33455 Re: Environmental Assessment River Oaks Project Site Sebastian, Florida Atlantic Environmental File No. 22182 Dear Mr. Brown: 657 Montreal Avenue Melbourne, FL 32935 321.676.1505 321.676.1730 Atlantic Environmental of Florida, LLC (Atlantic Environmental) has completed an environmental assessment and feasibility study of the above -referenced property, an approximately 146.52-acre group of parcels located on the north side of County Road 510 in Sebastian, Florida (Figures 1 and 2). The field assessment of this parcel, hereinafter referred to as "the Property", occurred on March 16 and 17, 2022, with a follow-up visit with St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) to review the wetland limits on February 15, 2023. This study is intended to assess any reasonably ascertainable environmental issues that might influence the developability of the subject property. Following are the results of our study. Topography and Soils Figure 3 shows the USGS Topographical Map for the Property and surrounding areas. According to this map, the Property houses a lower -elevated area associated with a tributary of the Sebastian River on its western edge that makes its way from the northwest edge of the Property towards the southeast central portion of the Property. This lower area ranges in elevation from 5 feet NGVD on its northwestern side to 15 NGVD in its southeastern portion. The rest of Property appears to range between 15 and 20 feet NGVD. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) map for Indian River County (Figure 4) depicts four soil types underlying the Property. Following is a description for these mapped soil types as they occur in a natural environment. Eau Gallie fine sand (3) The Eau Gallie, non-hydric component makes up 80 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. This component is on flatwoods on marine terraces on coastal plains. The parent material consists of sandy and loamy marine deposits. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 12 inches during June, July, August, September, October. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Riviera fine sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes (10) The Riviera component makes up 80 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. This component is on flatwoods on marine terraces on coastal plains. The parent material consists of sandy and loamy marine deposits. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of 22182EA4.27.23.Rpt www•environmentalpermitting.com 77 of 239 water saturation is at 6 inches during June, July, August, September, October. This soil meets hydric criteria. Wabasso fine sand (13� The Wabasso, non-hydric component makes up 70 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. This component is on flatwoods on marine terraces on coastal plains. The parent material consists of sandy and loamy marine deposits. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 12 inches during June, July, August, September, October. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. The Wabasso, hydric component makes up 20 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. This component is on flats on marine terraces on coastal plains. The parent material consists of sandy and loamy marine deposits. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 6 inches during July, August. This soil meets hydric criteria. Riviera fine sand. frequently nonded. 0 to 1 oercent slopes (51) The Riviera component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on depressions on marine terraces on coastal plains. The parent material consists of sandy and loamy marine deposits. This soil is not flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 0 inches during July, August, September, and October. This soil meets hydric criteria. Past development and human activity within and surrounding the Property appears to have altered some of the characteristics possessed by the underlying soils. However, in general, the soils underlying the Property appear fairly consistent with the above descriptions. Veaetation and Community TvoeS Different combinations of natural and human -influenced factors, such as surface elevation, hydrology, vegetative species and structure, soil characteristics, and degree and type of historical disturbance, will give rise to a variety of distinct ecological systems and functions, known as communities and land uses. The Florida Land Use, Cover, and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS) organizes most of the major categories of communities and land uses into particular descriptions, each corresponding to a different code number. Using our field observations and the FLUCFCS system as a guideline, Atlantic Environmental has identified four on -site communities as they currently exist on the Property. Figure 5 depicts the location and associated code number of the on -site FLUCFCS categories; specifically, Abandoned Groves (FLUCFCS Code number 224), Streams and Waterway (510), Reservoirs less than 10 acres (534), and Mixed Wetland Hardwoods (617). Following is a description of these classifications, as they exist on the Property, along with an assessment of the jurisdictional wetland status based on the rules and regulations of the SJRWMD and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). In December 2020, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) took over a significant portion of the Section 404 federal permitting from USACE. The jurisdictional status of FDEP will also be referenced below. 22182EA4.27.23.Rpt 78 of 239 Abandoned Groves (224) A majority (approximately 126.89 acres) of the Property is comprised of abandoned citrus groves. Here, the beds and furrows of the past citrus operation are still evident and the vegetation within the beds is dominated by Brazilian pepper, laurel oak, cabbage palm, wax myrtle, Australian pine, caesarweed, guineagrass, cogongrass, and poison ivy. This community is an upland and will require no wetland permitting or mitigation. With this having been said, SJRWMD and FDEP may claim some of the relic furrows as surface waters. If so, impacts to these surface waters will require permits but no mitigation for impact. Mixed Hardwoods (438). An area dominated by mixed hardwoods is located within the northeast corner of the site. This +1.80-acre area is dominated by live oak and laurel oak with lesser amounts of cabbage palm, Brazilian pepper, wax myrtle, and guineagrass. This community is an upland and will require no wetland permitting or mitigation. Streams and Waterways (510) There are several larger ditch systems that extend through the Property which are overgrown, ultimately flow off -site, and total approximately 6.19 acres. Some of these ditches appear to have been historic tributaries of the South Prong of the Sebastian River which were reconfigured when the Property was converted to citrus groves. Vegetation within these ditches is dominated by giant leather fern, primrose willow, and Carolina willow. SJRWMD and FDEP will assert jurisdiction over these surface waters and, therefore, will require a permit for proposed impacts. However, no mitigation should be required within the banks of these surface waters. Reservoirs less than 10 acres (534) A man-made pond is located within the northwestern extent of the Property. This pond encompasses approximately 1.00 acre. Cattails are present within the center of the pond and vegetation along the banks dominated by Carolina willow, Brazilian pepper, wax myrtle, primrose willow, red maple, duck potato, and giant leather fern. SJRWMD will claim this pond as a surface water requiring permits for impact. Mitigation may be required if surface water impacts are greater than 1 acre and SJRWMD determines that this surface water provides sufficient wildlife habitat value. Mixed Wetland Hardwoods (617) Forested wetlands are present within the western and central portions of the Property. These wetlands are part of the historic tributary and/or floodplain of the South Prong of the Sebastian River. The on -site wetland totals approximately 10.64 acres. Vegetation is dominated by Brazilian pepper, cabbage palm, red maple, American elm, laurel oak, Carolina willow, shield fern, giant leather fern, Virginia chain fern, swamp fern, shiny coffee, and poison ivy. SJRWMD and FDEP will assert jurisdiction over these wetlands and require the acquisition of permits and the provision of mitigation for any proposed impacts. The wetlands north of the existing pond (listed above under category 534) in the northwest corner of the Property appear to be larger than they may have been historically. Atlantic Environmental located a free flowing well within this area that appears to have been flowing for years and increasing the ground and surface waters volumes in this area. Exacerbating the problem, the old citrus beds and furrows were levelled within this area in or around 2005 which appears to have lowered the elevations, or at least allowed the waters flowing from this well to no longer be 22182EA4.27.23.Rpt 79 of 239 channelized and therefore spread over the ground's surface. The ground disturbance and added water from the well have allowed for wetland vegetation to become more dominant in this area and therefore contributes to the ability of the regulatory agencies to claim these areas as jurisdictional wetlands. As you are aware, the well was capped in 2022 and it is possible this wetland area could contract in the future if the water continues to recede. Habitat Potential for Protected Wildlife SDeciel A preliminary survey for listed species and suitable listed species habitats was completed on the Property. This survey resulted in the determination that the Property provides suitable foraging habitat to support the below listed species found in east central Florida and the Treasure Coast. Wadina Birds Wading birds, including little blue herons, tricolored herons, sandhill cranes, and wood storks, depend on freshwater marshes and shorelines for foraging and typically roost in forested wetland systems. It is possible that any or all of these birds use the on -site surface waters and wetlands from time to time on an opportunistic foraging basis. However, the preliminary survey did not indicate that any of the above listed protected wading bird species are using the Property in a way that is significantly dependent upon on -site habitat. No nests of any of the listed species were observed on the Property, and no signs of these species were noted. SJRWMD may consider portions of the on -site pond as suitable foraging habitat for wood stork. If so and if impacts to suitable wood stork foraging habitat are greater than 0.50 acres, then mitigation could be required. Mitigation could include the creation of suitable foraging habitat around created stormwater ponds that equal at least the same acreage of impact. Gopher Tortoise Gopher tortoises are state listed as a threatened species. These species require three environmental conditions: well drained loose soil in which to burrow, adequate low -growing herbs for food, and open sunlit sites for nesting. While on -site with SJRWMD, Atlantic Environmental observed a secondary sign (i.e., scat) of tortoise inhabitance in the southwestern portion of the Property. As such, Atlantic Environmental recommends having a formal 100% gopher tortoise survey completed prior to clearing/development. Prior to impacts, the acquisition of a permit will be required from the FWC should this species be inhabiting the Property. The cost of relocating can be discussed after a survey is completed and the number of potential tortoises is found. Due to the poor -quality habitat, Atlantic Environmental can safely state that the tortoise population here will be low, if present at all. Wetlands The wetland limits on the Property were approved by SJRWMD on February 15, 2023. Wetlands, including those located on the Property, are protected by state, federal, and/or local government rules against impacts from development. Should development be proposed which would affect these natural resources, permits authorizing these impacts would be needed, and mitigation for alterations to these wetlands can be required. Following is a general discussion of mitigation alternatives that may be applicable to the wetlands proposed to be impacted by development of the Property. Prior to impacting a wetland on a particular piece of property it is required that all efforts have been made to eliminate wetland impacts. If elimination of wetland impacts is not practicable, it is then 22182EA4.27.23.Rpt 80 of 239 required that site development alternatives are considered that reduce wetland impacts. This elimination and reduction exercise will be required should impacts to wetlands be proposed on the Property. Once it has been determined that all reasonable efforts have been made to reduce wetland impacts, the wetland regulatory agencies will consider compensation for wetland impacts through compensatory mitigation. Although mitigation can take on many forms, mitigation usually consists of restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation of wetlands, other surface waters, or uplands. However, the federal government (i.e., USACE/FDEP via the State 404 Program) will not accept straight preservation (of wetlands or uplands) as a valid form of mitigation; some form of wetland improvement (enhancement, restoration, or creation) must be provided. Furthermore, FDEP will not typically accept invasive species eradication as the sole form of compensatory mitigation. The amount of compensatory mitigation required is determined by the amount of biological lift needed to offset the proposed impacts. The quantity of biological lift required is dependent on the acreage of proposed wetland impact, the location and landscape support of the proposed impact site, the habitat value of the proposed impact site, the functionality of the proposed impact site, as well as the vegetative and hydrologic quality of wetlands proposed for impact. To determine the amount of biological lift provided by a mitigation site, an applicant must take into account all of the above criteria, as the mitigation site exists prior to mitigation action, and determine how the proposed mitigation action will biologically improve the mitigation site. If the biological lift provided by completing the mitigation action outweighs the biological loss incurred by the proposed impact, the regulatory agencies are expected to permit the proposed project. As for this particular site, SJRWMD and FDEP will require that efforts be made to reduce wetland impacts to the greatest extent possible. Once such efforts have been made and proven to the regulatory agencies, an applicant can then propose impacts to wetlands in conjunction with providing compensatory mitigation for such impacts. With this having been said, if an applicant were to employ one of the SJRWMD out -provisions in which mitigation were offered that has a greater long-term ecological value than that of the wetlands proposed for impact and mitigation that implements all or part of a plan that provides regional ecological value, one could bypass SJRWMD's elimination and reduction criteria. One method to employ this out -provision is to provide mitigation from a permitted mitigation bank. Atlantic Environmental estimates mitigation costs to range from approximately $125,000.00 to $150,000.00 for each acre of wetland impact. Permit History A SJRWMD permit (4-061-93332-1) was issued for a single-family subdivision on this Property in 2004 and subsequently expired in 2010, with only land clearing work being initiated while the permit was valid. This permit authorized 0.44 acres of wetland impact as well as impacts to some of the on -site surface waters. On -site mitigation was proposed which involved wetland creation, enhancement, and preservation. At the time of permitting, there were no available mitigation banks servicing this area. Another SJRWMD permit (4-061-93332-3) was issued in 2008 for a single-family subdivision which expired in 2013 with no work being initiated. The same 0.44 acres of wetland impacts were proposed. However, the on -site mitigation changed slightly since it was discovered that a portion of the on -site ditches were within a drainage easement dedicated to the Sebastian Water Control District. The District required the ditches to be actively maintained since a larger off- 22182EA4.27.23.Rpt 81 of 239 site drainage basin flowed through the these ditches. Atlantic Environmental recommends working with a civil engineer to determine what impacts can occur to the on -site surface waters. Condusions Atlantic Environmental determined that the Properly supports approximately 128.69 acres of uplands, ±7.19 acres of surface waters, and ±10.64 acres of wetlands. These natural resources must be addressed in the development process, through permitting, avoidance, mitigation, or some combination thereof. One could expect to spend $125,000.00 to $150,000.00 for each acre of wetland impact. With this having been, the City of Sebastian has more stringent rules that dictate allowable impacts to tributaries of the Sebastian River. As such, we recommend working with Sebastian staff to ensure proposed wetland impacts and upland buffers are permittable. As the next step in the development process as it relates to environmental issues should you choose to pursue the development of this Property, Atlantic Environmental can assist in the wetland permitting process and coordinate with the respective regulatory agencies to secure approved permits and mitigation. Lastly, a 100 percent gopher tortoise survey should be completed to determine the number of tortoises that may need to be relocated on the Property prior to site development. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, 901a 4' David G. Purkerson, MS, PWS Vice President/Biologist 22182EA4.27.23.Rpt Jon H. Shepherd, MS, PWS President/Ecologist 82 of 239 C�ROURKE ENGINEERING & PLANNING October 19, 2022 Revised February 22, 2023 Revised April 19, 2023 Mr. Ben Brown 85 Sebastian, LLC 8985 SE Bridge Road Hobe Sound, FL 33455 Re: River Oaks Preserve, Sebastian, FL Dear Mr. Brown: O'Rourke Engineering & Planning (O'REP) has prepared the traffic engineering statement for the River Oaks development. River oaks is proposed for 352 single family detached dwelling units to be located on CR 510 in Sebastian, Florida (Indian River County). Attachment 1 illustrates the project location. Trip Generation / Project Assignment The trip generation was calculated using ITE Trip Generation 1111 Edition. The project will generate 3,212 daily trips, 257 AM peak hour trips and 335 PM peak hour trips. Attachment 2 summarizes the project trip generation. The project distribution and assignment were developed based on the ultimate location of origins and destinations. Attachment 3 illustrates the project assignment. Link Analysis — CR 510 The impacts of the project on CR 510 were summarized for the AM and PM peak hours for the existing condition and for the post widening condition. Attachment 4 summarizes the results and includes the data that went into the summary. The FDOT 2020 LOS tables were used to establish level of service. As noted, the level of service is C in the existing condition and will remain level of service C in post development, post widening condition. 22 SE S en);5iol ,- Street I Stuart, � L 349941 772-781-79`€81 Susan@OREP.tech 88 of 239 This summary provides an overview of the traffic impacts associated with River Oaks Preserve. Respectfully, O'Rourke ETgineering & Planning usan`� E lourke, P.E. President Prepared by: O'Rourke Engineering & Planning Certificate of Authorization: #26869 22 SE Seminole Street Stuart, Florida 34994 772-781-7918 Professional Engin er Susan E. O'Rourke, P.E. Date signed and sealed: 4/19/2023 License M 42684 89 of 239 Attachment 4 • link Table • Supporting Data • FDOT Roadway Information 94 of 239 EIt1SVMG s u i trH 1 Segment From To Direction IN/OUT Servlcell 2021 Peak Hour servicel') Growth 2025 Peak Project project Lanes Volume Directional LOS Lanes Volume Rate (2) Hour♦ Committed Percent Volume Volumes Growth Assignment C.R. 510 CR 512 87th Street _ EB IN 2L 880 471 C 4LD 19G0 1 OD% 490 117 48% 31 CR 512 87th Street WB OUT 21. 580 765 C 4LD 1960 1.00% 796 0 48% 93 87th Street 66th Avenue ES IN 2L SSO 471 C 4LD 1960 1.00% 490 127 48% 31 -- _— 87th Street 66th Avenue WB OUT — 2L 880 765 C 4LD 1960 1.00% 796 0 48% 93 66t —. Avenue _.._... . _ _ SBthAvenue _ ._ ..._.... EB __ IN _ 2L - - Sao 432 _ C 4LD 1960 1.00% 450 52% 33__ 66thAvenue ��SSth 58th Avenue W_B_ OUT 2L 880 _ 74_8 _ C _ 4LD _ ._.._1.00 1960 _ 1.00% ., _. _ 778 —_ _49 _ _ 14 _ Y 52% 100 Avenue _ US-1 _ EB OUT 21. 880 575 C 41.15 19 00 2.06% 598 25 52% 100 58th Avenue US-1 WB IN 2L Sao 781 C 4LD 1960 1.111% 813 26 S2% 33 (1) Indian River County Traffic mums and LOS Report (2) Area wide growth rate calculated from FDO7Historical AADT EX15TING 2021 Segment From To Direction IN/OUT Service('( Peak Hour Servicel'I Growth 2025Peak Lanes Volume Directional Lan -Volume Rate12) Hour+ Volumes Growth C.R.S10 CR 512 87th Street EB IN 2L 880 471 C 4LD 1960 1.00% 490 CR 512 87th Street W8 OUT 2L 880 765 C 4LD 1960 1.00% 796 87th Street 65th Avenue EB IN 21. 880 471 C 4LD 1960 1.00% 490 87th Street 6fith Avenue WB OUT 21. 880 765 C 4LD 1960 1.00% 796 66th Avenue 58th Avenue EB IN 21. 880 432 — C 4LD 1960 1.00% 450 66th Avenue 58th Avenue WB OUT 2L 880 748 _ C 4LD 1960 1.00% 778 SSth Avenue US-1 E8 OUT 21. 880 575 C 4LD 1960 1.00% 598 58thAvenue US-1 WB IN 21. S80 781 C 4LD 1960 2.00% 813 (1) Indian River County Traffic Counts and LOS Report (2) Area wide growth rote calculated from MOT Hlstorkal AADT Two-way: 257 Net In: 64 Net Out: 193 Years Grown 4 F i.110 RC Project Commited Percent project Assignment Volume 117 49% 101 0 __ 48% 60 117 — 48% 101 0 48% 60 49 52% 110 14 52% 64 25 52% 64 26 52% 110 Two-way: 335 Net In: 211 Net Out: 124 Years Grown 4 Total Traffic LOS 638 C 889 C 638 C 889 C 532 C 892 C 723 C 872 C Total Traffic LOS 708 C -- 856 C 708 C 609 C 856 C 687 C 949 C TABLE 7 Generalized Peak Hour Directional Volumes for Florida's Urbanized Areas January 2020 y STATE SIGNALIZED ARTERIALS FREEWAYS Class I (40 mph or higher posted speed limit) Core Urbanized Lanes Median B C D E Lanes B C D E 1 Undivided * 830 880 ** 2 2,230 3,100 3,740 4,080 2 Divided * 1,910 2,000 ** 3 3,280 4,570 5,620 6,130 3 Divided * 2,940 3,020 ** 4 4,310 6,030 7,490 8,170 4 Divided * 3,970 4,040 ** 5 5,390 7,430 9,370 10,220 Class H (35 mph or slower posted speed limit) 6 6,380 8,990 11,510 12,760 Lanes Median B C D E Urbanized 1 Undivided * 370 750 800 Lanes B C D E 2 Divided * 730 1,630 1,700 2 2,270 3,100 3,890 4,230 3 Divided * 1,170 2,520 2,560 3 3,410 4,650 5,780 6,340 4 Divided * 1,610 3,390 3,420 4 4,550 6,200 7,680 8,460 5 5,690 7,760 9,520 10,570 Non -State Signalized Roadway Adjustments Freeway Adjustments (Alter corresponding state volumes Auxiliary Ramp by the indicated percent.) j Lane Metering Non -State Signalized Roadways - 10% + 1,000 +5% Median & Turn Lane Adjustments �! Exclusive Exclusive Adjustment UNINTERRUPTED FLOW HIGHWAYS Lanes Median Left Lanes Right Lanes Factors Lanes Median B C D E 1 Divided Yes No +5% 1 Undivided 580 890 1,200 1,610 1 Undivided No No -20% I 2 Divided 1,800 2,600 3,280 3,730 Multi Undivided Yes No -5% j 3 Divided 2,700 3,900 4,920 5,600 Multi Undivided No No -25% l - - - Yes +5% ! Uninterrupted Flow Highway Adjustments Lanes Median Exclusive left lanes Adjustment factors One -Way Facility Adjustment �P 1 Divided Yes +5% Multiply the corresponding directional Multi Undivided Yes -5% volumes in this table by1.2 , Multi Undivided �;o -2z°'f, BICYCLE MODE' 'Values shown are presented as peak hour directional volumes for levels of service and (Multiply vehicle volumes shown below by number of are for the automobilettruck modes unless specifically stated. This table does not directional roadway lanes to determine two-way maximum service constitute a standard and should be used only for general planning applications. The volumes.) computer models from which this table is derived should be used for more specific planning applications. The table and deriving computer models should not be used for Paved corridor or intersection design, where more refined techniques exist. Calculations are Shoulder/Bicycle based on planning applications of the HClvl and the Transit Capacity and Quality of service Manual. Lane Coverage B C D E x t.cvcI of service for dtc bicycle and pedestrian modes in this table is based on 0-49% * 150 390 1,000 1 mm�ber of vchic►es, not number ofbicyclism or pedestrians using the facility. 50-840/a 110 340 1,000 > 1,000 ,i a Baas per hour shown are only for thepeak hour in the single dhection of tho higher tic 85-100% 470 1,000 >1,000 *" flow. PEDESTRIAN MODE' j l ' Cannot be achieved using table input value defaults. (Multiply vehicle volumes shown below by number of f ** Not applicable for that level of service letter grade. For the automobile mode, directional roadway lanes to determine two-way maximum service volumes greater than level of service D become F be,, intersection capacities have volumes.) - been reached. For the bicycle mode, the level ofservice letter grade (including F) is not 1 achievable because there is no maximum vehicle volume threshold using table input Sidewalk Coverage B C D E value detbults. 0-49% * * 140 480 Source: 50-84% * 80 440 800 Florida Department of Transportation 85-100% 200 540 880 >1,000 Systems implementation Office 6nps:6WV Jviplanal BUS MODE (Scheduled Fixed Route)3 (Buses in peak hour in peak direction) j Sidewalk Coverage B C D E 0-84% > 5 >_ 4 >_ 3 >_ 2 J 85-100°itt 4 2:> 2 >_ 1 QUALITYiLEVEL OF SERVICE HANDBOOK 96 of 239 Links Maintenance Report CDPR9055 - Links Maintenance Report >rM 4 LIIIK_DE,,MR UQ_!_3_! 13R55 U.S. 1//69TH STREET//OLD DIXIE HWY 1390H U.S. 1//OLD D?S1E HWY,/SCHUMANN DR 1390S U.S. 1//OLD DiX=F HWY/!SCHUMANM DR 1395H U.S. i/,SCHUMAU:! DR!/".R. 512 13955 U.S. WSCHIIMANN DRi/r.R. 512 140011 U.S. ;/i•^..R. 5';N. SER CITY 1. 1400S U.S. I/iC.R. 51:,/:!. SEE CITY L 1405N U.S. 1//N. SER CITY L//POSELAND RD 1405S U.S. i//N. SCP CITY L//ROSELAND RD 141011 U.S. 1//ROSE,L.A?!D Rl7//I?. COUNTY LINE 141OS U.S. ?//ROSELA':D F:Vrl . COUNTY LINE 151011 SCHUMANN DR,,'-..R. 510 E 66TH AVE,'/G. SER 1510S SCHUMANN DR//C.R. 510 ? 66TH AVE/IS. SER 15?ON SCHUMANN DR//S. SF,R CITY L//U.S. 1 15203 SCHUMANN DR!/S. SF.R CTTY L//1?.S. I 1610i1 ROSELAND RD/Ir.,R. 512/ill. SER CITY 1. 1610S ROSELAND RD,'/C.R. SER CITY L 162011 ROSELAND RD//7!. SEH CI7Y L//U.S. I 1620S ROSELAND RD//?{. SF? CITY 1_7U.S. 1 1710E r.R. 51.//S.R. 60//7-95 1710W C.R. 512//S.R. 60//T_-95 1720E C.R. 51://1-95//C.R. 510 172OW C.R. 512;(I-951/C.R. 510 1730E C.R. 512//C.R. 5In//W. SER CITY L 1730W C.R. 5i^//C.R. 5:n1/W. SES CITY L 1740E C.R. 512,,/W. SES CITY L//ROSELAND RD 1740W C.R. 512//W. C-E CITY L/iROSELAIID RD 1750E C.R. SI2//RUSh'LAi!L` RD//U.S. 1 1750W C.R. 51:'//ROSELAN: RD;/U.S. 1 18101: C.R. 510(JC. R. 5..'il66TH AVE181 OW C.R. 510//C.R. 5i2//66TH AVC 1820E C.R. 510.,/6611? AVE //5PTH AVE 182OW C.R. 5101/66TH AVE,`/58TH AVE 1830E C.R. 510/15PTH AVE,'/U.S. 1 1830W C.R. 5In//5Plii AVE//U.S. 1 1840E r.R. 5: n,1/11.5. l/!S.R. AIA 184011 C.R. !; 1.2i iU. S. i; ,S. R. AIA. 1y05E S.R. 60/rW. COI?lrY L::!eifC.[i. 512 190511 S.R. 6=1./nil. ::oJ77 :'Y 71NEI/C.R. 512 1907E S.R. 60//C.R. 51.'./170nTH AVE 190711 S.R. (,0//C.R. 513//1nOTH AVE 1v10E S.R. 60/%1"OTH AVE//11-95 191OW S.R. 601/IOOTH AVE!/7-95 1915F, S.R. 6CWI-95/IP:!::D AVE L")151¢ S.R. 6n+/T-95//a^?i AVE 1920E S.R. 601/821:1) AVE/166TH AVE 19QOW S.R. 60/;R_ND AVE//66TH AVE JgL5E S.R. 601/66.H AV_//58TH AVE 19.25w S.R. 6i•//66TH AVE//SPTH AVE 1.330E S.R. 607/5aTH AVF/14--RD AVE 1+i3Oi? S.R. 60//SaTH AVE!/S__RD AVE 1935E S.R. 60//43:•2D AVE/i27TH AVE 193511 S.R. 60//43RD AVE/i=li AVE 1940E S.R. 60/127 'IF.. AVE//20TH AVE 1940W S.R. 601/«7TH AVE?/?OTN AVE 1945E S.R. 6r•/,:: n•1'H AVFI/OLD DIXIE HWY 1945W S.R. 60,/20TH AVE//OLD DIXIE NWY 1950E S.R. 60//OLD DIXIE HWY//IOTH AVE 1450w S.R. 60i/0?.D DIXIE. HWI'//IOTH AVE. 1955Fr s.R. bn//SaTH AVE//U.S. 1 195519 S.R. 6ni/1,0TH AVE//'U.S. I 1960E S.k. 60/1U.S. I//1HE)iAN RIVER HLVIJ 1960W S.R. 60//U.S. 1/!T@Oi A1J RIVER rLVD 7965E S.R. 6P/;INDTAN RIVER RLVD//IfWW 1965W S.R. 60//T::DIAH RIVER ELVD//ICWW 1970E S.R. 6n/1iCwwi1n.R. AIA 19.IOW S.R. 601/3CWW//S.R. AIA 1980F. SR 60//SR AIA//OCEAII ❑R 19QOW SR 6n//SR AIA//OCRAN DR 2005E 16TH ST//66^.H AV//_,v?H 200511 16TH 3T//66TH AWI74TH AV 2010E COLLEGE LANE - FORMERLY 9540E/!5HTH!i HEDDEN 201OW COLLEGE LANE - FORMERLY 9340W//58TH CURREN- zud VESTED AVA Ct.Ae: e: 973.R2 10.62 1,, .+' 915.30 1,334.S2 15.8R 1.,. +. 859.Sic 1,092.96 14.76 1.1 +.!. 852.28 1., 303. 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FLEMING 13,753 14.560 0 0.00% 1/13/2021 14,097 7,198 6.899 12,405 0.88 1742 CR 512 FLEMING EASY ST. 13,113 1 %,005 0 0.00% 1/132021 14.534 7\588 6//946 12 790 0.88 1743 CR. 512 EASY ST. DELAWARE 12,751 14.113 0 0.00% 1/132021 13,714 7,140 6,574 12,68 0.88 1750 CR 512 DELAWARE US.1. 1Z,733 13,681 0 0.00°% 1/132021 13,036 6,683 6,353 11,472 0.88 9075 CR. 510 CB.512 87thSTREET 13,612 12,826 12,835 4,33%q _ 5/52021 13.391 6,771 6,620 15,132 1.13 1870 CR 510 87th STREET 66th AV 13,356 12,397 12.383 -3.96Yo 9/152021 I I S92 5.775 6,117 12,011 1.01 1820 CR. 510 66th AV 58th AV 22.628 22.135 10.989 7.92% 9/152021 11.860 5 759 6,101 11,979 1.01 1830 CR 510 53th AV US,1. 13,741 13,087 12,747 -2.63% t/132021 12,412 W398 6,014 10,923 0.88 1840 CR. 510 US.1. SR. AIA 16.436 12.172 13,264 -7.11% U132021 12.321 6.117 6.205 10.842 0.88 1905 SR 60 W. COUNTY LINE CR. 512 7.437 3,866 0 0.00% 5/52021 7,106 3,895 3,211 7,817 1.10 1907 SR 60 CR 512 981h AV 7,385 6,1 A4 0 0.00% 5/52021 711381 3,932 3,449 8,119 1.10 1910 SR 60 98th AV I-95 16,871 1 3,690' 0 0.00% 5/122021 14,350 7.277 7,074 15.211 1.06 1915 SR 60 1-95 82 AV 31,729 29,704 0 0.00% 5/122021 28,753 14.344 14,409 30,766 1.07 1920 SR 60 82 AV 66th AV 29,601 27,074 0 0.00'/e 5/122021 27,509 14,104 13,405 29,435 1.07 1925 SR 60 66th AV 58th AV 33,424 33,357 0 0.00'/• 5262021 31,231 16,048 15.194 32,480 1.04 1930 SR. 60 58th AV 43 AV 33,831 32,268 0 0.000/4 5262021 29,956 15,737 14.220 31,154 t.04 1935 SR 60 43 AV 27th AV 29,666 /,9.' R`1 0 0.0(yYo 5/262021 26,231 13,497 12.734 27,280 1.04 1940 SR 60 27th AV 20th AV 23,991 24,690 0 0.00•/a 622021 22.119 10,767 11,352 22,783 1.03 1945 SR 60 20th AV OLD DDUE HWY 22,231 18,627 0 0.00% 622021 21,426 10,548 10,879 22.069 1.03 1950 SR. 60 OLD DIXIE HWY loth AV 19.542 18.040 0 0.00•/. 5/182021 16,545 9,2-5 7,280 17,538 1.06 1955 SR 60 10th AV US.1. 16,336 12,519 16,354 10.59'% 5/182021 14,622 C 635 5,987 15,499 1.06 1%0 SR 60 US.1. INDIAN RIVER BLD 10,464 9,442 9.466 -2.08% 4272021 9.270 S,421 3,850 11,031 1.19 1965 SR. 60 INDIAN RIVER BLD ICWW 27,930 24,397 24,261 10.80% 4272021 26,882 13,169 13.713 31.990 1.19 1970 SR 60 ICWW SR AIA 20,595 18,175 16,918 18.48% 4272021 20,045 10.004 10.041 23,854 1.19 1975 SR 60 SR. AIA OCEAN DR 9.852 9,338 9,525 4.761s 4272021 9.978 5.546 4,432 11,874 1.19 5010 16th STREET 74th Ave 82nd Ave 2,668 2,223 2,2.92 4).4844 1272021 2.281 925 1.356 1.984 0.87 2010 16th STREET 66th AV 74th AV 4.637 4.691 4.802 L54% 1272021 4.876 2.265 2.612 4.242 0.87 2020 16th STREET 58th AV 43 AV 4.590 4982 3.879 21.69"/o 1272021 4\\72�0 2,247 2,473 4,106 0.87 2030 16th STREET 43 AV 27th AV 8,233 7,038 6,396 19.89% 1272021 71 69 3,652 4.018 6,672 0.87 2040 16th STREET 27th AV 20th AV 8.630 7,429 8,264 6.540/a 2/102021 8,804 4,652 4,152 7,571 0.86 2050 16th STREET 20th AV OLD DIXIE HWY 11,171 11,862 11.061 -1.74°% 1272021 10.868 5.180 5.688 9,455 0.87 2060 16th/17th ST OLD DIM HWY US.1. 9,411 10,086 9,574 8,03"% 12/72021 10,343 5,131 5.212 10.033 0.97 2110 17th STREET US.1. INDIAN RIVER BLD 10,428 10492 9.894 5.84% 12/72021 10,472 4,444 6.028 10,158 0.97 2120 17th STREET INDIAN RIVER BLD SR. AIA 21,002 21,909 21,726 1.4001. 12172021 22031 11,351 10,681 21,370 0.97 2210 12th STREET 82 AV 74th AV 704 925 697 28.25% 8/112021 894 454 440 921 1.03 2215 12th STREET 66th AV 58th AV 1,960 1,492 1,534 0.35°% 8/112021 1,539 775 764 1,585 1.03 2220 12th STREET 58th AV 43 AV 5.292 5,489 5,409 -19.54% 10/62021 4352 2.213 2,140 4.308 0.99 2230 12th STREET 43 AV 27th AV 7.592 T225 7,042 8.36% 8/182021 7,631 3.697 3.944 7,860 1.03 2240 12th STREET 27th AV 20th AV 9,515 10,395 9,381 -2.38% 8/182021 9,157 4.403 4,755 9,432 1.03 2250 12th STREET 20th AV OLD DIXIE HWY 11.316 11.841 10,976 -1.541% 8/182021 10,807 5.276 5.531 11,131 1.03 2260 12th STREET OLD DIXIE HWY US. 1 8,509 14,737 14.144 -4.12% S/18/2021 13.561 6,737 6.825 13.968 1.03 9025 12th STREET US.1 IR BLVD. 7,184 7,201 6,929 -12.91% 8/182021 6,034 3.044 2,990 6.215 1.03 00 2305 OLD DIM HWY S. COUNTY LINE OSLO RD. 5.151 5,318 5.852 -8.09% 2/172021 5.379 2,591 2.788 4.787 0.89 2310 OLD DUDE HWY OSLO RD. 4th STREET 7,167 7,657 7,832 -4.741/o 2/172021 7.461 3.510 3.951 6.640 0.89 N w /, \ FOOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts. Florida Department of TRANSPORTATION E-Updates I FL511 I bita map I Translate • Home • About FDOT • Contact Us • Maps & Data • Offices • Performance • P�jests Web Application Office of Work Program and Budget Cynthia Lorenzo - Director Five Year Work Program Selection Criteria District 04 2023-2027 AD Indian River County Item Number:405606-3 Transportation System District Length Type of Work Description Fiscal Year: 2023 2024 2025 NON -INTRASTATE OFF STATE HIWAY District 04 - 3.260 ADD LANES & Indian River RECONSTRUCT County CR-510/85TH ST FROM W OF 82ND AVE TO 58TH AVE Highways /Preliminary Engineering (On -Going) $243.140 Highways /Right of Way $4,301,398 $2,157,208 $500,000 Highways /Railroad & Utilities (On -Going) $69,158 Highways /Environmental (On -Going) $27,558 Updated: 2122120231:01 Item 2026 2027 405606-3 $5,508,881 This site is maintained by the Office of Work Program and Budget, located at 605 Suwannee Street, MS 21, Tallahassee, Florida 323 View Contact Information for Office of Work Program and BudggI Application Home: Work e=M Office Home: umce or work Program and Budggsi • Contact Us • employment • MyFlorida.com • Performance • Statement of Aged 99 of 239 Colberg. THE COURTS DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING CONCEPTUAL DESIGN PRESENTATION 10.21.2022 0 N Colberg. W CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES AUGUST 3, 2023 I. Call to Order ll. Pledge of Allegiance Ill. Roll Call Present Ms. Matthews Mr. Carter Ms. Lorusso Mr. Battles Not Present Mr. Roberts — Excused Mr. Haddix Ms. Kautenburg Ms. Kinchen Ms. Geesey (a) IV. Announcements and Agenda Modifications -o C3 t% Ms. Kautenburg announced that the newest member, who is an alternate member, Mr. Christopher Roberts, is unable to attend this evening's meeting and has an official excused absence. Ms. Kautenburg also welcomed Sebastian's new City Attorney, Jennifer Cockcroft. V. Approval of Minutes: Regular meeting of 6-15-2023 All having indicated that they had reviewed the Minutes of June 15, 2023, Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion to approve. A motion approving the Minutes of June 15, 2023 as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Ms. Matthews, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VI. Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) Public Hearing: A. Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council -- Conceptual Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan — River Oaks Preserve -- 85 Sebastian, LLC, Applicant — Subject Parcel is 146.5 Acres, More or Less -- 352 Single Family Units, 2.4 Units Per Acre -- Located South of Lanfair and Lighthouse Avenues, North of CR 510 & Citrus Hideaway Subdivision -- PUD-R (Planned Unit Development —Residential Zoning Designation -- VLDR (Very Low Density Residential) Future Land use Designation 116 of 239 Ms. Kautenburg announced that the newest member, who is an alternate member, Mr. Christopher Roberts, is unable to attend this evening's meeting and has an official excused absence. Ms. Kautenburg also welcomed Sebastian's new City Attorney, Jennifer Cockcroft. V. Approval of Minutes: Regular meeting of 6-15-2023 All having indicated that they had reviewed the Minutes of June 15, 2023, Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion to approve. A motion approving the Minutes of June 15, 2023 as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Ms. Matthews, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VI. Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) Public Hearing: A. Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council -- Conceptual Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan — River Oaks Preserve -- 85 Sebastian, LLC, Applicant — Subject Parcel is 146.5 Acres, More or Less -- 352 Single Family Units, 2.4 Units Per Acre -- Located South of Lanfair and Lighthouse Avenues, North of CR 510 & Citrus Hideaway Subdivision -- PUD-R (Planned Unit Development —Residential Zoning Designation -- VLDR (Very Low Density Residential) Future Land use Designation 116 of 239 PLANNING AND WISING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 2023 Ms. Kautenburg called on the applicant to make her presentation. Ms. Emily O'Mahoney introduced herself and presented slides on the screen that showed the proposed development which is proposed to have 352 detached single family units at a density of 2.4 units per acre (SEE ATTACHED). The project is called River Oaks Preserve. She explained the slides which also showed the lots, the amenities, streets, green space, wetlands, etc. She called everyone's attention to the cluster housing and explained what that is. The homes are planned to be rentals, but they could be purchased in the future. They are looking to develop an environmentally sensitive project with the goal to be sustainable over time. Ms. Bosworth reviewed that the original River Oaks development was approved in 2004 when the property was annexed in. The Code requires that to get that PUDR zoning designation you also have to present a conceptual plan, which they did. The original plan was in 2004. The economy fell apart, and the project died out. This is a different plan from that original 2004 plan. As such, the City's Development Code states that we have to process it the same way as the original. So, in essence, this is a revision from that original 2004 plan. Included in the staff report are some of the items that also had to be considered for the rezoning. They are currently not rezoning the property. There is not any new zoning designation on the property. Some of the items in the staff report are showing that this plan still meets the rezoning intentions too in order to get that PUDR consideration. She explained what PUD does. This conceptual plan is brought before this Commission and City Council so that everybody is on board with this design and what they are proposing before they go into the next step of subdivision construction with the preliminary plat. That is what is before the Commission tonight. You will look at A, make a recommendation to City Council, and they will also review it and decide if they want to continue and move forward with the conceptual' plan and the subdivision. As this process goes forward, the Commissioners may have some additional conditions that you would like added that you will recommend to the City Council, and they may also have some conditions that they will add if they choose to approve this subdivision. After that, comes the preliminary plat. That is where much more of a design is portrayed, and the design will have more of a complete drainage plan, more detailed surveys on the trees and what can be preserved. Traffic —we are going to have a much more detailed analysis to know exactly how much traffic is going to be added to the road. After that, the preliminary plat comes before you, you will make a recommendation to the City, and City Council will make the final decision on the preliminary plat. The next step is the construction drawings. That gets reviewed by staff and approved by the City Engineer, and the final step would be the final platting. 117 of 239 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 2023 PAGE 3 To put this in perspective, she compared it to another PUD. The last one that was done is Spirit of Sebastian. This project in 2018 got their PUDR designation and a conceptual plan was approved. Two months ago they did their final plan to begin, so that they can show the first houses to be built. So it was not something that within a year we are going to be houses being built on this property. There is still a lot of planning and detailing. It takes about four and a half years. Ms. Bosworth also reviewed the applicant's Justification Statement, which goes into a lot of detail about the project. There is also a traffic statement, along with the conceptual drainage plan, and the tree survey. At this point, Ms. Bosworth entered the staff report into the record. This report contains some staff recommendations as follows: a. In areas where a residential property line abuts a wetland buffer area or conservation tract/easement, a 3- to 4-foot high fence will be required, i.e. a conservation or split -rail type fence, to establish the specific boundary and prevent encroachment of accessory residential activities. b. Wetland buffer areas, notably in the NW corner, that encroach into proposed residential lots will be required to mitigate, one square foot for one square foot, to an applicable, alternative area within the PUD and must be shown on the Preliminary Plan. c. Alternative ground covers (vs. gravel) for the trails adjacent to the wetland buffer areas shall be constructed. d. Construction of the north 720 linear feet of the one-way Shakespeare Street extension shall occur in Phase 1, and with the final design approved by the City Engineer. e. If the final drainage plan, after working with SRID, modifies the conceptual design considerably, the Conceptual PUD Development Plan will need to be reconsidered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. Staff required on the east side some dedication for the Shakespeare extension. Also, the piece of property, when they annex it in and also when they build, will be required to donate some dedicated property to the City for the Shakespeare extension. 118 of 239 PLANNING AND ZONNG COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 2023 PAGE 4 Ms. Bosworth put a drawing on the screen that shows the traffic flow. She also went on to describe the size of the houses, size of the lots, the easements, etc. Whereupon, staff recommends that this Commission forward a favorable recommendation to City Council with the above conditions. Ms. Kautenburg called for public input and explained how this works. Scott Carmine He lives on the one-way section of Shakespeare Street that cannot be divided into two lanes. His concern is, if you put Shakespeare Street through up to 510 the people in his neighborhood are concerned about the traffic flow. He would prefer not to have Shakespeare Street opened up all the way through. Leave that berm there. They can develop Shakespeare Street on the other side of Lighthouse. He stated that there is traffic going the opposite way on the one-way section of Shakespeare. He stated there will be more congestion on the area roads, and the roads cannot handle the added traffic. Tony Salazar — He also lives on Shakespeare Street. He has lived two years in this neighborhood. He described Shakespeare Street as a narrow street. When the service vehicles (grass cutters, septic pumping trucks, delivery trucks, etc.) park there is hardly any room to get around them. You either have to wait for them to move or drive slowly down the one-way road. There are no sidewalks, and sometimes the water after a heavy rain comes right up on the streets. Heather Fisher -- She echoes the safety concerns of the first two speakers. She also lives on Shakespeare where it goes from two ways to one way. Shakespeare is like the courtyards that will be in the cluster housing area. The neighbors get together and talk to each other. We all know each other on that road. Missy Servis -- She lives on Joy Haven Street, having lived there for about seven years. She opposes the project for several reasons, some of which the other speakers have already addressed. She opined that some of the things that were described as benefits may be an injury to this community because of the density of the proposed project. She asked if it is now not low density. Ms. Bosworth said it will remain low density. The maximum is three units per acre. They are only coming in at 2.4, so they are not coming in at the maximum that they could have. She also shares concerns regarding Shakespeare. Another issue she has regard the emergency access road. She asked if that is an emergency access road, does that mean that only emergency vehicles can use 119 of 239 PLANNING AND ZONNG COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 2023 PAGE 5 it, or can all residents and their friends, etc. use it. Ms. Bosworth said no. If there is a need for firetrucks or emergency vehicles to get in there, that is the purpose of that road. However, she added if the residents needed to use it to get out because of a fire, they could get out. It is not for everyday use. It is only if the other two entrances were blocked. John Glaser -- He lives at 1771 Shakespeare, and he echoes what the other people have said. There were 20-miles-per-hour signs, and hurricanes took down the signs. Now people are doing 30-40 miles an hour down that road. He personally has stopped approximately 50 cars coming down that road the wrong way. He suggested tire shredders being put on that road. He added that, if anyone said they have done a study on that street, that is not true. Francine Frank -- She lives on Joy Haven. She is concerned about the wildlife. She lives at the edge of the proposed property. She has had several species of wildlife on her property. Where are the animals going to go? It is something to think about. Jim Kwiackowski -- He has the same concerns as those voiced. He lives on Lanfair. He suggested that once people learn where the new streets are, they will be cutting down those streets to get to 510, and it is going to be a disaster. His other concern is construction traffic. Regarding the suggested trails, he did not see anything regarding parking for people who use those trails. Rita Richardson -- She has lived in Sebastian for 22 years. Her questions have to do with the cluster homes. She sees 26 clusters with an average of 7 to 9 units per cluster. Estimating one car per unit, that is over 200 cars just in that part of this development. Are the rentals going to be seasonal rentals, short-term rentals, etc.? Ms. Bosworth stated that after Public Input the applicant can come up and speak about that. She also asked where the public would park who want to use the trails. Ms. Bosworth stated that could be something that could be considered, but right now it's walking or bicycle access. She asked if that goes for the dog park as well. Ms. Bosworth said that would be for residents only. Norm Tessier -- He has lived on Seashore for 20+ years. He picked that area because of what it was then. If this project happens, it is not going to be what it was anymore. He knows that is part of life. The housing is going to happen. Why does it have to come into this quiet little section? People are going to cut all up and down these streets, where kids are out there playing. He does not know why they cannot make another entrance off of 510. 120 of 239 PLANNING AND ZONNG COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 2023 PAGE 6 Gudny Holm-Johannessen -- Her question is regarding construction traffic. She believes construction traffic will be coming off of 510 during the first phase. What about after that? She asked if construction traffic also will be coming down Shakespeare. Ms. Bosworth said construction traffic would not be coming from that area. They are required to give us plans on where construction traffic would come from. It would depend on which is the first entrance that gets built. Definitely we would not allow it to come through the Sebastian Highlands area. They have enough access off of 510 to get their construction traffic in. Kim Nielsen -- She stated she lives up against Lanfair, and she has lots of concerns, and she opposes this project. She has been here for 23 years and thinks Sebastian is a great place. All she sees happening is that we are just going to end up like West Palm Beach. She also does not think Sebastian can handle the infrastructure. The roads and businesses are not ready for all these additional residents. Regarding the trails, she asked if these would back up to the north end. If so, that can be a safety concern. She asked what kind of barriers are going to be installed. She also agrees with the concern about wildlife. She feels that, as soon as that construction phase 2 starts, it is going to push the wildlife into her yard. She thinks it's wrong how all the trees are going to be plowed down and the wildlife is going to be displaced. She also asked how the additional traffic is going to be handled. Ms. Bosworth emphasized that this is the conceptual PUD. There are a lot more details that have to be designed and studied -- drainage and the buffer areas. With the preliminary plan, there will be more of the final landscape plans and buffer plans. There will be a traffic analysis. If the intent is to look into the Shakespeare extension, City Council will decide. It may warrant a study of the road. She will tomorrow speak to the City's Traffic Engineering Department to let them know that there are some one-way signs and some traffic speed signs that need to be put back up on that road. Ms. Kautenburg called for any final comments from the applicant. Ms. O'Mahoney spoke regarding the questions about the cluster housing rentals. She said the intent at this time would be to do annual leases. The market studies have shown that this type of unit living is in demand. She added that all the entrances are coming off of 510, which means the construction would also come in from there. Ms. Kautenburg called for deliberation among the Commission members. 121 of 239 PLANNING AND ZONNG COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 2023 PAGE 7 Mr. Carter -- He asked if the applicant has given any thought to price points for the leasing of the cluster homes and also for the individual home sites. Also, he asked if there has been any thought to providing affordable housing in this project. Ms. O'Mahoney stated not at this time. it will be market driven at the time. She stated the applicant is not considering affordable housing. He then asked, if the applicant has not taken those things into account, how do you know the project is worthwhile doing. She stated they have done market studies on the area. She stated it is premature to be talking about that. Construction will not begin for three years or more assuming this is passed. Ms. Geesey -- She stated the commissioners have a lot of homework to do. She asked if this community will be governed by an HOA. Ms. O'Mahoney said yes. She said that she is also an animal lover. She understands there will be a study done on the gopher tortoises, and it has to be done when the land is being cleared. She asked when the streets are put in, the emergency vehicles have to okay what the turn radius is, etc. Ms. Bosworth said yes. Ms. Kinchen -- She stated that this project is not designed for you to drive to the project and park your car and walk the trails. It is designed for the neighborhood residents to walk onto the trails. Ms. Bosworth emphasized that there are public trails that are not just for the residents. Ms. Kinchen said it is not designed to put a parking area in for the public to walk the trails. Ms. Bosworth said that could be a consideration. Ms. Kinchen stated it is not on this plan. Ms. Bosworth said it could be on Shakespeare Street. There could be a parking area near the entrance that would allow bike racks, etc. Ms. Kinchen does agree with the concerns of a one-way street, because those streets are terrible. It can still be discussed with staff different ingresses and egresses for this project with regard to the one-way section, taking into consideration all of the public comments. We have to make a recommendation to City Council. City Council ultimately makes the final decision, so the public needs to go to that hearing and speak up at that one as well. Development is going to happen despite how people feel about it. It is going to take three or four years before you will even see the first house go up out there. By that time, 510 is going to be widened, and it is not going to affect additional traffic at that point because it will be widened into four lanes. She thinks it is a great development. We do not have a lot of developments with cluster housing. It is something new in Sebastian. She is in favor of it, but she wants to make sure that staff does take a look at the safety issues on the one- way street. Ms. Lorusso -- She agrees with a lot of what Ms. Kinchen has said. She emphasized that the key word now is "conceptual." She asked Ms. Bosworth how much import the Commission will have at the next stage. Ms. Bosworth said that the Land Development 122 of 239 PLANNING AND ZONNG COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 2023 PAGE 8 Code requires that the preliminary plat pretty much meets what you are seeing here in terms of design, density, etc. Things like that cannot change from the conceptual -- if there is an addition of some trail parking, if the drainage design is tweaked a bit etc. That is why staff added as a condition of approval that if it changes substantially, staff will bring it back before the commissioners. She explained that, regarding what City Council says regarding Shakespeare Street, staff may have to look at the proposed conceptual plan. Ms. Lorusso wants to make sure that there is room to address the issues that the public is concerned about. Ms. Bosworth stated that is correct. Ms. Matthews -- She asked the applicant what the thought process was that went in regarding extending Shakespeare from Periwinkle down into the subdivision. Ms. O'Mahoney said that is probably a better question for staff. Ms. Bosworth said there are policies regarding_ interconnectivity. A future hearing will address Cross Creek Lake Extension. They are adding some lots in there. Staff feels that the interconnectivity and having those other streets down there is going to diminish some of the traffic on Power Line or on Barber Street and Schumann. Because of the one-way Shakespeare area that is going to remain one-way, staff understands that that is the concern that that may become a thoroughfare. The traffic that would use that two-way is going to be that area of Sebastian Highlands. Ms. Matthews said she likes the concept of this development. Her concern is the gate entry on Shakespeare -- if that is something that would be necessary because of the volume, or could it be strictly on 510, and that could be an emergency -type entry. Ms. Bosworth said if the concern is the extension of Shakespeare, she still thinks it is good planning to not have all the entrances on the same street. So, she thinks it will require the entrance off of Shakespeare. Ms. Matthews understands that people will get a little concerned, but she is not in agreement with taking that small Shakespeare/Lighthouse, that whole area, and making it a part of this. When you bring Shakespeare through, you are now connecting these two. She sees a lot of problems when the traffic comes in off of Periwinkle, because people are going to find the shortest route, the fastest way. Her concern is that connection. She thinks that we can have this community with access from 510. Ms. O'Mahoney clarified that any gating as part of the project is only going into the traditional single-family homes. The two entrances that we have are open, non - gated. Ms. O'Mahoney said that the applicant will do the will of the City. Ms. Matthews asked where the emergency exit would be. Ms. O'Mahoney said that is way up in the northwest corner. It is off of Lanfair. That would probably be gated with a lock box so that only emergency vehicles would have access. Ms. Matthews said she knows that growth is inevitable, but we need to pay attention to everyone involved in this. 123 of 239 PLANNING AND ZONNG COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 2023 PAG E 9 Mr. Haddix -- He asked if the developer will be responsible for the three- to four -foot fence. Ms. Bosworth said yes. He will agree with Ms. Matthews about it being questionable regarding extending Shakespeare, only with the thought that, is the City ready and prepared for the infrastructure that would be necessary to make the rest of the roads accommodate the potential traffic. He understands that is not part of this, but he thinks it has got to be considered. Ms. Bosworth stated these are improvements that the developer would do. He is concerned with Shakespeare potentially becoming a thoroughfare traveling south, and is the City prepared to widen Shakespeare from the 8 feet to make it 20 feet. He asked if there are going to be sidewalks. He opined that there will have to be additional infrastructure done. at some point if all of that was to transpose. Ms. Bosworth said that the intent was that northern 720 feet that goes along their property, that there would be a design that would be reviewed by the City Engineer. It may have a sidewalk. When we get the other 25 feet from the property next to it, then there would be that final design. That developer will have to do that. She added that, in the long term when the last piece of the puzzle is that one vacant property which was annexed in last year, that is going to be a complete street. Mr. Haddix said what he was referencing is that additional infrastructure. He understands that the lot to the east would have to be that developer's responsibility for that 25 feet. But versus a thoroughfare, can this Commission make a recommendation versus a thoroughfare, maybe that it becomes a parking area and that the developer looks at their block 17 in that last lot and says that is a parking lot versus a home site. Ms. Bosworth stated she is kind of nervous with the word thoroughfare because it is not going to be a thoroughfare; it is going to be a local street, it's 50 feet. Mr. Haddix said it will become a thoroughfare to move south. People will use it as that. Ms. Bosworth said the intent is not to be a thoroughfare, so there could be some street design that is going to prevent that. That is what the study will be for when we get to that. Mr. Haddix asked that all of the oaks and the sabals that are on this property, we should make that as a condition that they are saved. Ms. Bosworth said there is a plan that definitely shows the trees that are going to be saved in that northern area. With the preliminary plat there will have to be a very detailed tree survey. Not all trees can be relocated, but they will save as many trees as they can. Ms. Battles -- Asked the applicant how is the cluster housing going to be serviced when it comes to trash. Ms. O'Mahoney said that would involve the conversation with Waste Management. It is very doable to go through the cul-de-sac and pick up garbage, but it has not been decided yet. It is also doable for emergency vehicles, Ms. Battles asked if the applicant is planning to have the minimum lot size be 54 x 60. Ms. O'Mahoney said on the cluster houses she thinks that is the smallest one. Ms. Battles asked if all the roads are going to be private. Ms. O'Mahoney said she thinks that was a condition. Ms. 124 of 239 PLANNING AND ZONNG COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 2023 PAGE 10 Bosworth said, if there are roads that are not gated through the clusters, they will be maintained by the HOA. Ms. Battles asked if all the roads on the property would be private, maintained by the HOA. Ms. Bosworth said yes. Ms. Battles asked who will be maintaining the public trails. Ms. O'Mahoney answered that is part of the public benefits. Ms. Battles asked if that is noted somewhere. Ms. Bosworth said that would be clarified in the HOA documents plus the final plat. The trails and the wetland buffers would be a tract dedicated to the HOA for maintenance but allowed for public use. Ms. Battles asked if public parking for the amenities is something that the applicant has considered. Ms. O'Mahoney said the applicant has not particularly thought about it. We thought about it as more of a whole connectivity system. Ms. Battles stated she likes the idea of public .parking, so she would probably want to consider that as one of the conditions. She stated that it appears that all of the traffic generated, and in the report it shows 52% from westbound on 510 and 48% coming from the east direction. She asked if this was done before the request from the City to provide that link, is that why there was no traffic generated from that direction. Ms. O'Mahoney said they never counted on that traffic. Ms. Battles asked what percent of the traffic generated from your property would be coming from the north. Also, she asked how many background trips would there be from the Highlands that would be making that pass through. Mr. Jim Vitter, the applicant's civil engineer, answered those questions. Ms. Battles suggested that this plan was probably done before the request was made to link it, and that is why there was no traffic generated from the north. She would think there would be some trips. Ms. Bosworth said that part of the traffic analysis says it is required for them to address the traffic that is going to come from their project. Because there is no street extension yet, it is going to be hard to include that in part of that traffic study to see what is going to come from the Highlands. Ms. Battles suggested that there be an accurate traffic study that reflects how many trips would actually be coming from the north, as there would be some. Ms. O'Mahoney said she does have an answer to Mr. Carter's original question. Mr. Ben Brown said that it is important to note that the homes are designed to be very efficiently sized, so they are much smaller than the new development homes ranging from 1,,200 square feet to 2,000 square feet including the garage. So as a price point on a monthly basis it is going to be lower than the typical large home. But on a price per square foot it will be higher. It's very hard to project in 4 years what the prices would be, but in Sebastian today homes are renting anywhere between $1,500.00 to $3,500.00 a month. He does not know where this project would fall in that range. Ms. Kautenburg -- She stated she has had experience with cluster housing before in other communities, and they are an excellent product for people in a lot of different stages of their lives. She displayed a photograph taken years ago touting Sebastian as a friendly 125 of 239 PLANNING AND ZONNG COMMISSION 3MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 2023 PAGE 11 town of 1,600 friendly people and 6 old grouches. The reason she thought this was appropriate is because nobody likes change, and she is pretty sure that those 1,600 people did not want her here and probably did not want any of us here. She noted that change is always uncomfortable for some of us, but it is inevitable. She would very much like to see included in our recommendation a condition that would provide guest parking. There needs to be some kind of guest parking. Ms. O'Mahoney said there will be parking near the amenity center. All the roads are set up for the valley curb condition on the road edge. There is plenty of room to pull off in the grass in the cluster home area. She added there is the equivalent of about one parking space per unit additional parking in the court. Ms. Kautenburg stated that overall this planned -unit development meets all of the criteria that is required and fits within what our Comp Plan says we want for our city — a diversity of housing with connectivity to other neighborhoods: She asked Ms. Bosworth if Shakespeare was planned to be a two-way street. Is that what it shows on the plan? Ms. Bosworth said that when Cross Creek Lake Estates developer came in, they were going to give the 25 feet that was required to make a two-way street. There were residents who came to the City Council meeting, and it was decided at that point to keep Shakespeare one-way. Ms. Kautenburg said it seems that a number of people are very concerned with garbage trucks, moving trucks, Amazon trucks, etc. parking their vehicles every which way and people going the wrong way on a one-way street. She opined that a larger street would be a safer street. Ms. Bosworth said that it wouldn't be part of this project, but there is a 25 foot right-of-way. There being no further discussion or questions, Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion. A motion recommending approval to City Council at the meeting scheduled for September 11h, with the staff recommendations along with three additional: (1) Adding public parking for the public amenities; (2) Adding that the owner is required to maintain the public amenities in perpetuity; (3) Adding some sort of traffic calming devices along Shakespeare in the section where construction would take place in the section between the gate and Lanfair to limit the amount of traffic that would be using it as a cut - through was made by Ms. Battles. As a consideration, Mr. Haddix suggested adding wording regarding preservation of the trees, the current oaks and the sabals. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carter Roll Call Ms. Kinchen -- Yes Mr. Haddix -- No Ms. Battles -- Yes Ms. Larusso -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Ms. Matthews — No Vote was 5 yeas and two nays. Motion carries. 126 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 8 Mayor Jones called for a recess at 7:25 p.m. and upon return at 7:34 p.m., all members were present. 23.160 F. First Reading and Ouasi-Judicial Public Hearing of Ordinance No. 0-23-11 - Reciuest for Anoroval of a Concentual PUD Plan - River Oaks Preserve Subdivision (Transmittal. 0-23-11, Staff Report, Justification Statement. Plan. Survev. Exhibits, Drainage Plan, Letter, Environmental Assessment. Traffic Statements. Desians. P&Z Minutes) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING A CONCEPTUAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A PROJECT KNOWN AS RIVER OAKS PRESERVE, CONSISTING OF 146.5 ACRES, MORE OF LESS, WITH A ZONING DESIGNATION OF PUD-R (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL) AND A LAND USE DESIGNATION OF VLDR (RESIDENTIAL VERY LOW DENSITY, 3 DU/AC), LOCATED SOUTH OF LANFAIR AND LIGHTHOUSE AVENUES, AND NORTH OF CR 510 & CITRUS HIDEAWAY SUBDIVISION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN -EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Attorney read the title to Ordinance No. 0-23-11. The City Attorney said there should be a form in front of them to fill out if they have had any outside site visits, investigations or any outside expert opinions to include conversations or emails outside of staff. Council Member Dodd said he visited the area twice and has emails. Vice Mayor Nunn said he has visited the neighborhood. All members said they would fill out the form and submit it afterwards. The City Clerk swore in all who would provide testimony. Council Member Dodd noted many of the audience members did not take the oath. The City Attorney advised that those individuals who were planning to give testimony that that they would like the board to consider as substantial competent evidence should be sworn in as well. The Clerk swore in the remaining audience members. Jim Vitter, P.E., BGE, Inc. displayed a PowerPoint indicating the location of the property north of CR510 which is proposed to have 352 detached single family units at a density of 2.4 units per acre. (See attached) The public benefit of the property is preserving existing wetlands to be enjoyed by the residents, a potential Shakespeare Road extension, additional open space, cluster housing and native vegetation. The proposed entrances are proposed to be off of CR510 and off the Shakespeare extension. He went over in detail the cluster housing concept and noted the single family traditional homes would be in a gated community. The Community Development Manager said the applicant has requested a PUD zoning. In 2004 the when the project site was annexed in, a conceptual plan was submitted and PUD-R zoning was received but it has since expired; before them tonight is a new PUD conceptual plan to be adopted by ordinance. She said the Planning and Zoning 127 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 9 7:54 pm Commission recommended approval with the conditions as cited by staff. She asked that the staff report be entered into the record. She said the report included items that should be considered by Council such as comp plan consistency as well as requirements they have to meet. She said with the PUD process, the code allows them to negotiate the minimum lot sizes and count driveways as parking spaces and in exchange for that consideration, they will offer some amenities such as another 25 feet buffer around the St. Johns wetlands, public trails, right-of-ways for FDOT and on the eastern side they are offering a 50 ft. right-of-way extension for a Shakespeare Street extension up to their entryway with another 25 dedication north of that. The next step will be the preliminary plat where the City will receive the full traffic analysis. In middle of the property there is a canal owned by the Sebastian River Improvement District who will be requiring a few things for the drainage plan. The City has requested that if there are significant changes required by the district, the plan be brought back to Council. She said staff did include the comprehensive plan policies that require connectivity with the streets and other properties to follow good planning principles. Some of the recommended conditions are that if the single family lots abut conservation a conservation area that a fence be installed. She read the five conditions on page 169 of the agenda and said staff recommended approval with the conditions. Mayor Jones said he could not support this if Shakespeare goes all the way south through to CR510. He also said the emergency exit on Lanfair should stay in perpetuity. The Community Development Director advised that Shakespeare was not wide enough for two way traffic. Mayor Jones asked if there would be sidewalks or street lights on Shakespeare going south to CR510. Mr. Vitter said there is a sidewalk and they could discuss street lights. Vice Mayor Nunn said he was not for opening Shakespeare south to Shakespeare north as he didn't see a benefit to the community for it. He said he could see a problem down the road with the cluster home parking because many people use their garages for storage units so the residents will use the extra visitor parking spaces. He would like to end Shakespeare end where it is now and not connect it between the two communities. Council Member Dodd said he liked cluster housing concept. He noted if they want to build workforce housing they have to give up the footprint and have smaller lot sizes. He said he concurred with the conversations about Shakespeare, Lighthouse and Ocean Breeze because they can't handle two-way traffic. He said he would like to obtain the right-of-way but noted that 25 feet is not enough for a two-lane road. He suggested that before the City does any determination to move traffic 128 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 10 from any new subdivision, the City should put together budget to expand those streets. He said he did understand the need for emergency access and secondary emergency access because if there was a storm. Vice Mayor Nunn asked if they could they put locked metal gates at the south end. Council Member Dodd said he didn't see anything wrong with putting a locked gate at Lighthouse Avenue. The Community Development Manager if Shakespeare was closed for 750 feet, it sounded like they would still want the 25 feet dedicated and she suggested putting in a stabilized base so residents could use those trails. She also advised that to the east is 20 acres where 25 feet is coming from another developer, so they have to be careful they don't land lock that property. Council Member Dodd said he likes the subdivision; he would like to add to the motion to accept the 25 foot of right-of-way and to take care of it within 24 months of the construction beginning. Council Member Dixon said she would like to workshop this with the ideas to make sure residents understand 100% of what they have been discussing tonight. Mayor Jones noted that most of the residents present were concerned about not opening up Shakespeare which isn't going to happen now. Council Member McPartlan said he was comfortable with Shakespeare running into Lighthouse to stay the same. He did however, share Vice Mayor Nunn's concern with homeowners not using the garages for parking. He said he was not comfortable voting until he sees everything discussed in his hand. 8: 27 pm Public Input Sherrie Matthews, Sebastian, said the subdivision is wonderful but Shakespeare has never been designed to be an artery. She said that where the lake is, at Ocean Breeze and Lanfair, where it is two-laned, if the lake hasn't been started, she asked why can't the entrance be placed there. She noted the foundation of 2040 Comp Plan is to maintain the quality of life that the residents have come to expect and enjoy. She also suggested they just go with the one emergency entrance and make CR510 the entrance. Vicki Drumheller, Joy Haven Drive, said the one-way street brings neighbors to this location for walking and they cherish this piece of paradise. She asked what the cost is to the existing residents and requested the project sent back to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Dr. Jeff Carrier, Lanfair, said the proposal offered tonight should be an emergency ingress/egress in perpetuity but they will see something different soon with Cross Creek. He asked that the project be transmitted to the Natural Resources Board for comments. Brian Fisher, 1717 Shakespeare, said people come down Shakespeare the wrong way all the time. He asked Council not to change the road at all. 129 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 11 8:56 pm Jose Barrados, Sea Shore Avenue, said he has heard an emergency entrance is proposed but those that live there don't want to be connected. Paul Jamieson, Yearling Trail, said Section 8, workforce housing, and cluster apartments will bring blight and crime; this is not a good fit. He said he is trying to stop New Yorking his Florida. Diane Spanoglia, cited a 2000 City Council Resolution that made Shakespeare, Lighthouse, and Ocean Breeze a one way street. She asked that it stay that way. Donna Greco, Cross Creek, said this project should be nixed as it will bring in rental properties and crime. Mindy Servis, Joy Haven, said she opposed this project because of the continual increasing density and impact to neighborhoods which are so special. In response to the public comments, Mr. Vitter said there is a significant buffer on Light House that they plan to preserve and they are offering a lower density than what they could have. They are also providing additional amenities in exchange for the cluster homes that will provide market rate housing. He noted the garages will be two car garages. The Community Development Manager said the previous PUD plan only had a 50 ft. buffer in the northeast corner but this plan has a 125 ft. buffer along Lighthouse; and there are seven to eight additional parking spaces for the cluster homes. She said this was the first reading with five additional recommendations from staff and three from the Planning and Zoning Commission. She asked for a motion to schedule the second reading with how they would like to tweak the recommendations. Council Member Dixon said given the many questions and the economy, she didn't see a need to rush this. She suggested they workshop this item. Council Member McPartlan said he thought they should take their time. He thanked the Community Development Manager and the Planning and Zoning Commission for the hard work they have spent on this. He said we may not like what they say but he asked them to respect the work they do. He said they should look at opportunities when they come in because the largest growing homeless population is single, elderly women and his children have been priced out of the Sebastian home market. Vice Mayor Nunn said they were following the proper legal process; it was too hard to know where the market will be in a few years but right now there are no other rental opportunities. Council Member Dodd said he understood Council Member Dixon's need for more time but he didn't think they could do a workshop on this. There was no way that the impact of having the development on CR510 would outweigh not having an impact on the neighborhood along Shakespeare and the other streets. 130 of 239 Regular City Council Meeting September 13, 2023 Page 12 He said if we gate off at the northern end, stabilize the right-of-way and keep the gate in perpetuity for emergency access, he believed they were protecting that neighborhood. He said he didn't want to open Shakespeare up past Lighthouse. MOTION by Council Member Dodd and SECOND by Vice Mayor Nunn to approve Ordinance No. 0-23-11 with the following conditions: A. In areas where a residential property line abuts a wetland buffer area or conservation tract/easement, a 3-4 foot high fence will be required, i.e. a conservation or split -rail type fence, to establish the specific boundary and prevent encroachment of accessory residential activities B. Wetland buffer areas, notably in the NW corner, that encroach into proposed residential lots will be required to mitigate, one square -foot for one square -foot, to an applicable, alternative area within the PUD and must be shown on the Preliminary Plat C. Alternative ground covers (vs. gravel) for the trails adjacent to the wetland buffer areas shall be considered D. The 720 feet of 25 foot right-of-way would be stabilized and a gate would be placed at the juncture of Lighthouse and Shakespeare and that gate would remain emergency access only in perpetuity E. If the final drainage plan, after working with SRID, modifies the conceptual design considerably, the conceptual PUD Development Plan will need to be reconsidered by the PZ Commission and City Council F. The developer/HOA shall be required to maintain the public amenities in perpetuity Roll call: Council Member McPartlan - nay Mayor Jones - aye Vice Mayor Nunn - aye Council Member Dixon - nay Council Member Dodd - aye Motion carried. 3-2 9.•ISpm MOTION by Council Member Dodd and SECOND by Vice Mayor Nunn to extend the meeting to 10:00 p.m. There was a consensus to extend the meeting until 10:00 p.m. Council Member Dodd started to recall his motion on Ordinance No. 0-23-11 to include the date for the second reading but it was determined that the meeting date did not need to be in the motion. Mayor Jones announced the second reading and public hearing for Ordinance No. 0-23-11 will be October 11 `h. 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 131 of 239 [� On Lf SE HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meetina Date: October 11, 2023 Agenda Item `nde: Authorization for the City Manager to utilize Open Edge/Global Payments to provide merchant services at the City's Golf Course. Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to utilize Open Edge/Global Payments for merchant services at the City's Golf Course. Back round: The City's Golf Course is currently receiving these services from a vendor that was originally signed in the winter of 2020. These services are necessary for the City to accept credit card payments on sales at the Golf Course. As a best practice, the Procurement Division reviewed six (6) months' worth of statements to determine if the City was receiving the best value. It was requested that each respondent provide proposed rates and any associated fees or cost for implementation, as well as any suggested alternative approaches that would be in the best interest of the City Staff contacted seven (7) merchant service industry competitors requesting quote proposals based on the Golf Course's volume. The current provider did not submit a quote. Three (3) quotes were received but one of those is not compatible with the Eagle Club point of sale system being recommended at this meeting. Open Edge/Global Payments provides the greatest amount of savings to the City. Their quote is for a .25% processing fee per transaction plus a $.10 transaction fee on each transaction. The other provider quoted a .75% processing fee per transaction plus a S.15 transaction fee on each transaction. If Agenda Item Reuuires Ex:)enditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: $45,000 that covers above fees and Credit Card Company Interchange Fees. Total Cost: Dependent on the number of transactions. Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Golf Course Operating Budget Attachments: Quote sheets Administrative Services Department Review:` City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: 4or Date: %0 S ;oa 132 of 239 01tl Industry Standard Merchant Processing Services System RFQ #23-16 HOME Oi PEIICCAN R4AND EXHIBIT I OUOTE PROPOSAL Merchant Senice Comiiarison 29.712 Annual Transactions and $2000,000 Annual Sales Volume _ Column 1 _ Coiumu 2 Column 3 _ ' Column 4 Column 5 _ Column 6 Name of Card Number of Processing Fee Authorization Fee Other Total Monthly Monthly Rate Per Rate Pe Transaction Fees Fees Iran ���D Transaction Tra aFtio� Per Tran��ptioly Per Tram ption Visa � 1_,718 �-� -_-- --og-: 25 $0.00 S0.I0 i .25 en fin St1 tf1 Discover 113 Z $0.00 $0.10 .25 $0.00 $0.10 Debit 51 .25 $0.00 $0.10 (PIN Debit Total Monthly - I f$0.29 ) I Fees: Statement Support Fee $10 ! Batch Fee $.20 Fee $10 Per Item — _ Total: $20.00 1) Charges for equipment maintenance and supplies $ $0 (monthly). 11c`F -- 2) Regulatory fees $ $0.00 (monthly), 3) Total monthly cost $ $0.00 ( Outside of fees listed above) 4) Initial implementation $_$350 per card reader (include application fees, equipment, setup, etc.) 5) If selected, what is your fully operational delivery time in days414 days once ECS completes integration 9/25/2023 Date: Company Name: Global Payments Integrated AuthorizedSignature: Printed Signature: Beal Williams Direct Phone Number: 9194548883 Email: ben.williams@globalpay.com END OF SECTION Failure to fully complete. si,-n and submit this Price Form rna> result in rejection of the submittal Page 24 of 24 133 of 239 MCI MLASERLASN Industry Standard Merchant Processing Services System RFQ #23- 1 6 HOME OF P4KXM KLOW EXHIBIT I OUOTE PROPOSAL Column 2- Merchant 29. 712 Annual Transactions Column 3 Service Coravarison and S2000.000 Annual Sales Volume Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Cohemn 1 Name of Card Number of Monthly Processine Fee Rate Per Authorization Fee Rate Per -_ - Other Transaction Fees Total Month1v Fees Transaction I Transaction Transaction Per Transaction Per Transaction Visa 1s;L IC+ 0.75% 0. 55 NLA N/A MasterCard 0. 15 N/A, WA �3 IC+ 0.75% Discover 0. I S NIA 113 IC+ 0,75% AMEX 0�5� -- 107 55 I CJ + 0.95"/, - - IC+_0.75% Debit NIA Tvt d Monthly. laterchanee costs are based on the S335.35 NIA US p oly tunes of cards _ ou are � acceptine,_ _ i Total: 1) Charges for equipment maintenance and supplies $0.00 (monthly). 2) Regulatory fees $3.50 (monthly). 3) Total monthly cost $15.00 4) Initial implementation $0.00 (include application fees, equipment, setup, etc.) 5) If selected, what is your fully operational delivery time in days typically 7 business days. Date: 9/21 /2023 Company Name: Fisery Clover Connect AuthorizedSignature: Ryan Rabin Printed Signature: Ryan Rabin Direct Phone Number: 866.222.1000 ext 5518768 Email: ryan.rabin@fiserv.com END OF SECTION Failure to full% comWete, situ and submit this Price Form ma% result in reiection of the submittal Page 24 of 24 134 of 239 cc atYOF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: October 11, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Authorization to enter into a three (3) year agreement with Eagle Club Systems to provide point of sale, tee times, inventory control, reports and online marketing at the City's Golf Course Recommendation: Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Eagle Club Systems for the golf course's point of sale services. Backimound: The City Golf Course is currently using Golf Now, Inc. for all facets of golf shop point of sale. With Golf Now, Inc., there is no monthly or annual charge for software use; however, Golf Now requires control over 8 daily tee times and they can sell those tee times online at any price they so desire. While there is no cost for Golf Now's software, the 8 tee times provided to them results in several thousand dollars of lost revenue to the City Golf Course. It has been determined the most effective and efficient option for the City's Golf Course is to pay directly for golf shop point of sales and to have total control over all tee times. Eagle Club Systems offers a complete make-up of golf shop point of sale at a very reasonable cost. The annual amount is $3,600. Eagle Club is compatible with the merchant services providers being recommended in an agenda transmittal also being considered at this meeting. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: $0 but will be offset by revenue from 8 tee times now given to Golf Now, Inc. Total Cost: $3,600. Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Golf Course Attachments: (1) Quote sheet (2) Eagle Club agreement Administrative Services ;Depart ent Review: _ City Attorney Review: Procurement Division R City Manager Authorization:. Date: 135 of 239 015 �'f sE HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN Procurement Quotation Form Use this form when havine to obtain quotes to satisfv the Procurement Ordinance 0-05-01 QUOTES REQUIRED FOR ORDERS $2500.01 AND UP ORDERS OVER $15,000.00 REQUIRE COUNCIL APPROVAL - ATTACH COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, IF APPLICABLE Department: Golf Course Employee Obtaining Quotes: Greg Gardner Item Description: ISoftware for all facets of golf shop point of sale including all cash register operations, online tee imes & text confirmations, inventory, text and email marketing and generation of all point of sale reports. VENDOR #1 VFN LU 0 Eagle Club Systems Golf Now, Inc. VENDOR NAME: Tyler Arnold, PGA Nicholas Hall CONTACT NAME: 204 37"' Ave. North #f101 7580 Golf Channel Drive -ADDRESS: St. Petersburg, FL 33704 Orlando, FL 32819 880-333-8297 800-767-3574 PHONE: agleel ubsystems. corn golfnow.com EMAIL ADDRESS: August 2023 August 2023 DATE 1 TIME CONTACTED: o delay, can be asap immediately, following EXPECTED DELIVERY TIME signing contract I :01111611:;it;afl Annual rate is $3,600 along with a At 8 tee times per day, at monthly non-integrated merchant approximately $15.00 per tee time, service fee of $120. if and when the the total savings amount would COMMENTS: ,olf course can change to Eagle Club's result in approximately $43,680 authorized merchant service provider, savings to the City. he monthly fee of $120 is eliminated. PRICE: $3,600 for Annual Min. 8 tee tirnes per day Department Head Signature: Date: 136 of 239 agle Club Systems 1af8 Customer Agreement Form Today's Date: 09/06/2023 Facility Contact Name: Greg Gardner Legal Business Name: Name of Company: Sebastian Municipal Golf Course Address: Number of Holes 9 Holes Course Type: 0 18 Holes o Private o 27 Hales o Semi -Private o Public o Restaurant 137 of 239 Eagle Club Systems Eagle Club Systems Customer Agreement Form Module List 1. Reservation System, Online Booking Engine, Customer Database 2. Integrated Point of Sale, Inventory Management, Credit Card Processinq 3, Website Consultation and Design 4. Website Support and Maintenance 5. Email Marketing 6. Non Integrated Fee* 7. Monthly Total Credit Card Processing Rate Credit Card Devices Consultation, Setup and Implementation h4ontbiv Anni mlfv $1201Month $3,600 NIA NIA TaY 0/ NIA 2 of 8 Tntal $3,600 $400 Total * Non Integrated Fee paid monthly. Fee will be removed if facility moves to integrated processing with Eagle Clut Systems. FORM OF PAYMENT Throughout the term of this agreement, the company agrees to use Eagle Club Systems booking portal on their website as the sole provider for online tee time reservations. Additionally, any time where there are tee times available to the public, the Course agrees to ensure those times are available online for purchase through Eagle Club Systems booking portal. Customer agrees to pay the Tota4 Annual Price Due in US Dollars, based on the Payment and Pricing identified above, by one of the following methods: 138 of 239 111", Eagle Club Systems 3 of 13 ACH Electronic Funds Transfer — An ACH Electronic Authorization Payment Form must be completed. Funds transfers will occur on the dates and schedule specified in this Agreement. Credit Card on File -- A Credit Card Authorization form must be completed. Customer shall be charged a processing fee equivalent to that which Eagle Club Systems is charged for payments made by credit card. Customer shall be liable for any and all fees (annual fees, late payment fees, etc.) associated with the credit card. Customer's card on file will be billed on the dates and schedule specified in this Agreement. (Monthly or Annual Only) SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE AGREEMENT This Software as a Service Agreement ([he "Agreement") effective as of (the "Effective Date") is made and entered into by and between City of Sebastian with its principal place of business at 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FI. 32958 (hereinafter the"Customer'), and Eagle Club Systems, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, with a registered address located at 204 37th Ave. N. PO Box 101. St. Pete, FL 33704 ("Eagle Club Systems'. Customer and Eagle Club Systems may be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties." WHEREAS, Customer wishes to purchase and utilize services and the system (the "System") provided by Eagle Club Systems. WHEREAS, Eagle Club Systems provides technology services to Customers and Restaurants to enable Reservations and related products and services provided by the "Customer" and facilitates payment to the "Customer" for the purchases with a permitted Payment Method ("Payment Transactions"). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and the agreements set forth below, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, the Customer and Eagle Club Systems agree as follows SECTION 1. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Upon implementation of the System. Eagle Ctub Systems will provide Customer with access to its System and the selected services (the "Services') as described on page 2 of this Agreement. 2. System will be installed within (90) ninety days of the execution of this Agreement. 139 of 239 4 of 8 3. Eagle Club Systems hereby grants Customer a limited, non -transferable, and non-exclusive license to remoteiy access and use the System solely during the Term (as defined herein) of the Agreement. Except for this limited usage right during the Term, nothing in this Agreement grants Customer any rights, title or interest in the System, Services, or any deliverables provided by Eagle Club Systems. Eagle Club Systems reserves the right to make changes and updates to the functionality andfor documentation of the System from time to time. SECTION 2. Eagle Club Systems ACCOUNT Eagle Club Systems may conduct an installation and training session of the System. During this time, Eagle Club Systems and Customer will work together to customize Customer's account for the System. This includes, but is not limited to the following: a. Customizing Customer's account with Eagle Club Systems; b. Customizing Customer's administrative environment for all related personnel and products; c. Customizing Customer's products, including the cost and retail pricing for each product Customer offers; and d. All other steps required for the operation of the System. Customer's account will facilitate Customer's use of the System and well allow Customer to receive current reservations, sales related information, and other information pertaining to Customer's relationship with Eagle Club Systems. 3. Eagle Club Systems is not and will not be liable for any loss of damage arising from Customer's failure to manage and maintain its account. Each Customer is solely responsible and liable for marketing, selling, pricing, packaging, and provision of any products or services offered through the Services in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules or industry standards ("Applicable Law"). Eagle Club Systems makes no representation or warranty regarding whether a Customer holds any applicable permit, license, registration, or other credential for its business; whether representations by a Customer are true or accurate; or whether a Customer complies with Applicable Law. and Eagle Club Systems is not responsible for the quality of the products or services provided by the Customer. SECTION 3. SYSTEM PARTICIPATION Customer Offerings. To participate in the System, Customer must supply the content and images to describe and illustrate the Customer and its service offerings ("Customer Offerings'), by completing and submitting, or authorizing an agent to complete and submit, the infofmation to Eagle Club Systems. Customer Offerings include, but are not limited to, tee time pricing, pricing on retail items, and pricing on food and beverage. Customer is responsible and liable for all Customer Offerings and terms, and for Eagle Club Systems's of any purchaser's use or reliance on any of the foregoing. Promotion of Company. Eagle Club Systems reserves the right to market the customer Offerings to the customer customers. Eagle Club Systems will be responsible for creating and designing the email that will promote and market 140 of 239 Eagle Club Systems 5 of 8 the Golf Course and the Golf Course Offerings by sending marketing emails to Golf Course customers. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that it will, at all times, be in compliance with the CAN- SPAM Act. This includes, but not limited to, promptly honoring any opt-outlunsubscribe requests received from a customer. Eagle Club Systems does not warrant or guarantee the use of the System will result in any particular amount of revenue or profit to the Customer. Responsibility for Customer Offering. Customer represents that all services provided by the Customer for customers booking through the System will be consistent with prevailing industry standards for similar Customers in the area. Customer will be responsible for all customer service with respect to the Customer Offerings. Eagle Club Systems shall have no liability for the nature, completeness, or accuracy of information provided by Customer about the Customer Offerings or the fulfillment of the Customer Offerings. 4. Processing of Sale. All sales transactions for the Customer will be processed through the System. Customer agrees that the System will be the exclusive reservation and retail system used by the Customer, and that all golf related commercial activities, including the reservation of calendar for tee times, will be booked through the System during the Term of this Agreement. Credit Card Processing Rate will be determined by merchant application with Golf Pro Payments. 5. License to Customer's Content. During the Term of this Agreement, Customer hereby grants Eagle Club Systems a non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable, irrevocable, and sub -licensable license to use, copy. distribute, display, and perform any of Customer's content concerning the Customer and the Customer Offerings (including any trademarks, trade names. logos or copyrighted material of Customer to be inducted in any advertising of the Customer or Customer Offerings) in any and all media or formats in connection with Eagle Club Systems's fulfillment of its rights and obligations under this Agreement, including the promotion of the Customer and Customer Offerings Press Release. Eagle Club Systems may, in its sale discretion, include Customer and the Customer in any press release regarding the Customer Offerings described herein or otherwise identify Customer as one of its Customer clients. Any press release Customer may want to issue which includes Eagle Club Systems must be pre -approved in writing by Eagle Club Systems prior to release. PCI Compliance. Eagle Club Systems is and will remain PCI compliant for the life of the product. The annual PCI compliance certification (SACS) is the sole responsibility of the customer. SECTION 4. PAYMENT TERMS Additional Fees. If an ACH Electronic Funds Transfer debit request is not successful; Customer will be subject to a $15 transaction fee for each occurrence. Additionally, any aged balance beyond 30 days will be subject to a monthly late fee equal to 15% of the balance owed. 141 of 239 2. Currency. All payments hereunder shall be in US Dollars (USD) and made by check, credit card, debit card, or ACH electronic transfer. Credit and debit card payments are subject to a processing fee as indicated in this Agreement. 3. Customer Products Pricing. All prices for the Customer Offerings shall be established by the Customer. Any price changes to the Customer Offerings shall become effective once loaded into the System. 4. Customer Sales and Payment Processing. Eagle Club Systems will be responsible for processing all credit and debit card payments from Customer's customers. Customer's name will be displayed on the customer's statement as the sales agent. The System will also track all cash transactions. The Customer shall be responsible for handling and processing of all cash payments. 5. Payments to Customer. The third -party payment card processor will process all credit and debit card activities for the Customer. The third- party payment card processor will remit proceeds via Automated Clearing House (the "ACH") to Customer account within two business days. 6. Taxes, Taxes Related to Customer Offerings: Customer shall be solely responsible for any taxes, levies, duties and/or similar governmental assessments (collectively. "Taxes") of any nature assessable by any jurisdiction whatsoever in connection with the purchase and/or use of Customer Offerings. Customer agrees to hold Eagle Club Systems harmless of any liability with respect to any such taxes Related to Eagle Club Systems Services: If the collection and remittance of Taxes to governmental bodies is applicable on Eagle Club Systems Services, Customer agrees to pay Eagle Club Systems the amounts to be collected and remitted. Information on assessed and remitted taxes concerning Customer's Eagle Club Systems Services will be provided to Customer by Eagle Club Systems. Please note that any Taxes collected may be subject to change based on applicable government taws and/or regulations. 7, Hardware, During the Term of this Agreement, or any renewal thereof, Eagle Club Systems agrees to replace, at no additional cost to Customer, any hardware provided under this Agreement that is deemed defective or inoperable, in Eagle Club Systems's sole opinion. Customer will be responsible for cost of the replacement of any hardware that is damaged by Customer or any of its employees, agents or subcontractors. SECTION 5, TERM AND TERMINATION 1. Term. This Agreement is effective from date of execution of contract and will remain in effect for three (3) years (the "Initial Term"). After the Initial Term and until terminated with 30 days' advance notice by either Party, as provided herein, this Agreement shall be automatically extended for successive one (1) year periods, unless renegotiated prior to end of the Term. 2. Termination for Convenience. Either Party may terminate this agreement at any time, with or without further obligation, except for any outstanding and undisputed payments due to a Party, by providing the other Party with ninety (90) days advance written notice. 142 of 239 Eagle Club Systems 7of8 3. Termination by Breach of Agreement. In the event either Party breaches any of the material terms or conditions of this Agreement, and such breach is not cured within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice specifying the nature of the breach, the non -breaching Party may terminate this Agreement without any further delay or obligation hereunder. 4. Effects of Termination. If either Party terminates this Agreement per the provisions of section 5.2 or 5.3, Customer shall i) forfeit any and all pre- paid expenses and fees; Eagle Club Systems shall have the right to debit via ACH, or charge a CCoF, for any and all outstanding payments due to Eagle Club Systems; to include Early Termination Fees outlined in section 5.5. 5. Early Termination Fee. If Customer terminates this Agreement per the provisions of section 5.2, Customer shall pay Eagle Club Systems within fifteen (15) days from the date of termination, an early termination fee of fifty percent (50%) of the remaining balance set forth in this Agreement. If Cuslomer terminates this Agreement for any reason prior to the Installation Date or within ninety (90) days from the Installation Date, Customer shall pay Eagle C€ub Systems an additional flat fee of eight hundred dollars ($800) as reimbursement to Eagle Club Systems for setup expenses. 6. Equipment Return. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason Customer will, within fifteen (15) days from the date of termination, return all equipment leased to Customer by Eagle Club Systems. 11 leased equipment is not returned, or is damaged upon receipt, Eagle Club Systems shall have the right to debit via ACH, or charge car, the full replacement value for the leased equipment. SECTION 8. DATA SECURITY Data Security Practices. Customer agrees to use security technologies and techniques in accordance with industry best practices, including those relating to the prevention and detection of unauthorized use and access of systems and networks. A "Security Breach" is any act or omission that results in: (i) the unauthorized access or use of confidential information; or (ii) a breach of the physical, technical, administrative or organizational safeguards put in place by the either Party, that relate to the protection of the security, confidentiality, or integrity of confidential information. In the event of a Security Breach, Customer shall provide Eagle Club Systems with the name and contact information for a Customer employee or position which shall serve as Eagle Club Systems's primary contact and shall be available to assist Eagle Club Systems twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week as a contact in resolving obligations associated with a Security Breach. To the extent permitted by law and law enforcement authorities, Customer shall notify Eagle Club Systems of a Security Breach as soon as practicable by phone and in writing, but no later than twenty-four (24) hours after Customer becomes aware of it. Immediately following Customer's notification to Eagle Club Systems of a Security Breach, the Parties shall coordinate with each other to investigate the Security Breach, 2. Data Protection Regulations. Customer shall, at ali times, maintain policies, practices and procedures sufficient to comply with data protection regulations such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation, or the California Consumer Privacy Act (to take effect on January 1, 2020). In the event Customer is found to be in violation of such data protection regulations or similar laws, Customer shall indemnify and hold harmless Eagle Club Systems from any claims, demands, or liability arising from Customer's breach or violation of the same. 3. Modification of Terms. Eagle Club Systems reserves the right to modify any portion of these Terms of Service with a 143 of 239 Eagle Club Systems ;.: 30 day notice in its sole discretion by notifying you of any changes by electronic mail, posting of the updated Terms of Service on its Website, or delivering an alert through the Application. The changes will become effective, and shall be deemed accepted by you, upon the effective dale stated or initial postingldeliv" date (if none is slated) and shall be effective on a going -forward basis. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service or any updated version of the Terms of Service, your sole and exclusive remedy is to terminate your use of the Services. Miscellaneous. Any action, claim, or dispute related to these Terms of Service will be governed by the laws of Florida, excluding its conflicts of law provisions, and cantrotling U.S. federal law. The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act will not apply to these Terms of Service. If any provision of these Terms of Service Agreement is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdlction, the invalidity of such provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms of Service, which will remain in full force and effect. Failure of Eagle Club Systems 10 act on or enforce any provision of these Terms of Service will not be construed as a waiver of that provision or any other provision herein. No waiver will be effective against Eagle Club Systems unless made in writing, and no such waiver will be construed as a waiver in any other or subsequent instance. Except as expressly agreed by Eagle Club Systems and Customer, these Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between you and Eagle Club Systems with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all previous or contemporaneous agreements, whether written or oral, between you and Eagle Club Systems with respect to the subject matter. The section headings are provided merely for convenience and will not be given any legal import. These Terms of Service will inure to the benefit of our successors and ass'gns. You may not assign these Terms of Service without our prior written consent. Any information submitted or provided by you to the Services might be publicly accessible. Important and private information should be protected by you. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have agreed to the terms of this Agreement as of the Effective Date. Date Signature Printed Name Title Date Signature Printed Name Title 144 of 239 alYOF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meetial-, Date: October 11, 2023 & enda Item Title: Selection of Conlon Landscaping, Inc. for TTB 23-15 for Citywide Swale Improvements in Conjunction with Roadway Rehabilitation. Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve the selection of Conlon Landscaping for Invitation to Bid 23-15 for Citywide Swale Improvements in Conjunction with Roadway Rehabilitation. Background: The City of Sebastian released Invitation to Bid 23-15 for Citywide Swale Improvements in Conjunction with Roadway Rehabilitation on September 5, 2023. Per previous Council direction, the City inspects and repairs the drainage systems on streets that are re -paved or rehabilitated within the adopted paving program. The intention is to prolong the investment made by the City on the roadway treatments by ensuring proper drainage. The City has been performing this work using their own labor force and has contracted out for any related concrete or sod work. With the City's currently budgeted stormwater staffing levels, this requires a full crew be focused on swale work and therefore this limits crews working on ditch maintenance. In order to improve our level of service to the City we are requesting to contract out the swale work to a private contractor. This will allow for a more timely completion of the work as well as the ability of stormwater crews to focus on other areas of the City. Through the bid process we received two (2) bid proposals, one (1) from Conlon Landscaping, Inc., and one(1) from Universal Contracting Construction, Inc. We are recommending Council approval of Conlon Landscaping, Inc. for ]TB 23-15 due to their price proposal as well as their previous level of service that has been provided to the City in other contracts. If &enda Item Reauires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: $1,508,193 for FY 2022-2024 Total Cost: $4,800,480 for duration of contract through 2028 Funding: Discretionary Sales Tax on Major Repairs Local Option Gas Tax on Resurfacing Attachments: 1. Conlon Landscaping, Inc., Bid Sheet 2. Universal Contracting & Construction, Inc., Bid Sheet 3. lTB 23-15 Exhibit A - Roadway Rehabilitation Plans �- Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: Procurement Division 66%, if applicable: City Manager Authorization:! Date: 145 of 239 The Bidder agrees. if this Bid is accepted, to timely execule a contract with the City, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and to furnish the documents, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, means of transportation, and all labor necessary to complete the Work. The individual signing the Bid Form represents by signing, that he/she is duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder and that all information and documents submitted in response to the 1TB are to the best of hisfher knowledge are true, accurate. and complete as of the submittal date. BID PRICE Bidder's TOTAL BID AMOUNT includes the total cost for the Work specified in this solicitation, consisting of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, supervision, mobilization, overhead & profit required, in accordance with the Contract Documents. BID SHEET FOR THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN — CITYWIDE SWALE IMPROVEMENTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH ROADWAY REHABILITATION NO. 1 DESCRIPTION I UNIT I QTY I UNIT PRICE I Earth/Site Work Grading Swale (from edge of pavement to 1.1 edge of right of way) -- includes sod removal LF 1 $29.22 and quarter round removal if applicable 121 Site Restoration (Sod) - Bahia 0 1 $278.20 SF 1.3 Site Restoration (Sod) - Floratam SF 1 $390.00 Firm's Name: _Universal Contracting and Construction Inc. SSN or federal ID No.: 46-3610439 Telephone No.: _321-508-4444 E-Mail Address: _jasenwads%%,orth@gniail.com gntail.com_ Facsimile No.: _321-724-0804_ City/State/Zip: _Melbourne, FL 3?904 I/ 1 l.A Printed Name/Title: Jason Wadsworth - CEO Signature: _ END OF SECTION Failure to fully complete. lien and submit this Price Form may result in reiection of the submittal 34 146 of 239 The Bidder agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to timely execute a contract with the City, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and to furnish the documents, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, means of transportation, and all labor necessary to complete the Work. The individual signing the Bid Form represents by signing, that he/she is duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder and that all information and documents submitted in response to the ITB are to the best of his/her knowledge are true, accurate, and complete as of the submittal date. BID PRICE Bidder's TOTAL BID AMOUNT includes the total cost for the Work specified in this solicitation, consisting of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, supervision, mobilization, overhead & profit required, in accordance with the Contract Documents. BID SHEET FOR THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN — CITYWIDE SWALE IMPROVEMENTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH ROADWAY REHABILITATION NO. j DESCRIPTION E UNIT 1 QTY I UNIT PRICE 1 Earth/Site Work Grading Swale (from edge of pavement to 1.1 edge of right of way) -- includes sod removal LF 1 1(4, �50 and quarter round removal if applicable 1.2 Site Restoration (Sod) - Bahia 1 0SF 176 1.3 Site Restoration (Sod) - Floratam 4� 1 �o Firm's Name: _6�IGC.01V : ►'l1 C . SSN or Federal ID No.:.)(o•'t 2,5 9a0'4- Telephone No.: 11AZ - 38['. ,1 E-Mail Address-"-yni )A a^4� � Facsimile No.: ./V QfnLi./[, corn City/State/zip: P , FL. -%?53;? Printed Name/Titl : 7 Lal'-i Signature:Aegs`V�"'�— `►�d'RK�-+ ibWrEND OF SECTION Failure to ful1F comDlete. sign and submit this Price Form mov result in reiection of tlae submittal 34 147 of 239 The Bidder agrees. if this Bid is accepted, to timely execule a contract with the City, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and to furnish the documents, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, means of transportation, and all labor necessary to complete the Work. The individual signing the Bid Form represents by signing, that he/she is duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder and that all information and documents submitted in response to the 1TB are to the best of hisfher knowledge are true, accurate. and complete as of the submittal date. BID PRICE Bidder's TOTAL BID AMOUNT includes the total cost for the Work specified in this solicitation, consisting of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, supervision, mobilization, overhead & profit required, in accordance with the Contract Documents. BID SHEET FOR THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN — CITYWIDE SWALE IMPROVEMENTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH ROADWAY REHABILITATION NO. 1 DESCRIPTION I UNIT I QTY I UNIT PRICE I Earth/Site Work Grading Swale (from edge of pavement to 1.1 edge of right of way) -- includes sod removal LF 1 $29.22 and quarter round removal if applicable 121 Site Restoration (Sod) - Bahia 0 1 $278.20 SF 1.3 Site Restoration (Sod) - Floratam SF 1 $390.00 Firm's Name: _Universal Contracting and Construction Inc. SSN or federal ID No.: 46-3610439 Telephone No.: _321-508-4444 E-Mail Address: _jasenwads%%,orth@gniail.com gntail.com_ Facsimile No.: _321-724-0804_ City/State/Zip: _Melbourne, FL 3?904 I/ 1 l.A Printed Name/Title: Jason Wadsworth - CEO Signature: _ END OF SECTION Failure to fully complete. lien and submit this Price Form may result in reiection of the submittal 34 148 of 239 a715 �� SESAs. HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: October 11, 2023 A+2enda Item Title: Authorization for the City Manager to purchase four (4) servers and the relevant accessories utilizing a Piggyback on the Florida State Contract #43211500-WSCA-I5-ACS with Computers At Work, Inc. Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approve the purchase of four (4) Dell servers and the relevant accessories from Computers At Work, Inc. utilizing a Piggyback of Florida State Contract #43211500-WSCA-I5-ACS. Background: Staff requests City Council's approval for the purchase of four (4) Dell servers and relevant accessories. These are necessary in order to ensure secure operations will comply with federal and state mandates. Piggybacking guarantees the same pricing and contract terms will be honored while the contract is active; this includes any contract extensions or renewals. The Contract Period is September 30, 2015 through October 31, 2023. If Agenda Item Rectuires Exvenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: $30,000.00 Total Cost: $19,959.85 Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Discretionary Sales Taxes Attachments: 1. Vendor's Quote 2. Master Agreement Summary and Amendment Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: Date: 015 ZO�3 156 of 239 Computers At Work!, Inc. 23381mmokaleeRd. #151 PROPOSAL t)B4 Naples, FL 34110 Phone: (239j514-2888 CAWQ29302 o r [H io Fax. (239) 236-2232 Quoted: Sep 20, 2023 www.vTECHio.com Expires: Oet 20, 2023 EIN:31-1758837 City of Sebastian City of Sebastian pan Beeman Barbara Brooke -Reese Barbara Brooke -Reese Dan.beeman@vtechio.com 1225 Main St 1225 Main St 813-777-7651 Sebastian, FL 32958 Sebastian, FL32958 Toacceptthis proposal,sign here and return: United States United States Phone (772) 473-2799 Email breese@cityofsebastian.org Date: Customer Purchase Order Number: Please review quote for shipping address and accuracy of each item BEFORE placing order. Terms: Net45 Days 157 of 239 Lin.-'. Description Product;; Unit Price Qty E t.Price 19 .01 25 ?5*3of 239 Your investment in addition to the Grand Total $0.00 Billed Monthly $0.00 Billed Quarterly $0.00 Billed Annually _ Subtotal $19,959.85 ' b! 1O Tax $0.00 Shipping $0.00 www.vTECHio.com Grand Total $19,959.85 Pricing, Taxes, and Additional Information All product, pricing, and other information is valid for U.S, customers and U.S. addresses only, and is based on the latest information available and may be subject to change, vTechio reserves the right to cancel quotes and orders arising from pricing or other errors. Sales tax on products shipped is based on your "Ship To" address. Please indicate any tax-exempt status on your PO, and email your exemption certificate to DJ.peterson@vtechio.com . Note: All tax quoted above is an estimate; final taxes will be listed on the invoice. if you have any questions regardingtax please send an e-mail to DJ.peterson@vtechio.com For certain products shipped to end -users in California, a State Environmental Fee will be applied to your invoice. —A 3.5%convenience fee will be charged for credit card purchases— By signing this quote you acknowledge having read and agree to be bound by such terms. 159 of 239 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4FOOFB4-OA5A-4F37-99B2-75E53948D59E Department of MANAGEMENT SERVICES We serve those who serve Florida CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO.: 6 Contract No.: 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS Contract Name: Computer Equipment, Peripherals, and Services This Amendment to the Alternate Contract Source No. 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS Participating Addendum ("Contract') to the State of Minnesota Master Agreement No. MNWNC-108 ("Master Agreement") is made by the State of Florida, Department of Management Services ("Department") and Dell Marketing L.P. ("Contractor"), with its principal place of business located at One Dell Way, Mailstop RR1-33 Legal, Roundrock, Texas 86682, collectively referred to herein as the "Parties. WHEREAS the Parties entered into the Contract which became effective on September 3, 2015, for the provision of Computer Equipment, Peripherals, and Services; WHEREAS, the Contract was subsequently amended to expire on February 28, 2023; WHEREAS, the Contract term was amended again to expire on July 31, 2023; in correlation with the term of the Master Agreement; WHEREAS, the Master Agreement term has since been amended to expire on October 31, 2023; WHEREAS, the Parties agreed that the Contract may be amended by mutual agreement as provided in Section 42, Modification of Terms, of the PUR 1000 incorporated into the Contract; and WHEREAS the Secretary has reevaluated the Master Agreement and determined that use of the Master Agreement remains cost-effective and the best value to the state. ACCORDINGLY, and in consideration of the mutual promises contained in the Contract documents, the Parties agree as follows: I. Contract Amendment. The Contract is amended to reflect a new expiration date of October 31, 2023. II. Conflict. To the extent any of the terms of this Amendment conflict with the terms of the Contract, the terms of this Amendment shall control. Ill. Warranty of Authority. Each person signing this Amendment warrants that he or she is duly authorized to do so and to bind the respective party. IV. Effect. Unless otherwise modified by this Amendment, all terms and conditions contained in the Contract shall continue in full force and effect. This Amendment is effective when signed by both Parties. Rev. 11/2/22 160 of 239 DocuSlgn Envelope ID: B4FOOFB4-OA5A-4F37-99B2-75E53948D59E Department of MANAGEMENT SERVICES We serve those who serve Florida CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO.: 6 Contract No.: 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS Contract Name: Computer Equipment, Peripherals, and Services IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment by their duly authorized representatives. State of Florida: Department of Management Services � Oocuftned by: By:. r cJr6 9l.1, di, A. , ,.,...Z, ;:-. Name: Pedro Allende Title: Secretary Date: 7/12/2023 1 7:18 AM EDT Contractor: Dell Marketing, LP By: Foocusigned by: a{�C t,vt�n t, t,aSfi(( o �— irOch �n00000n w... Name: Katherine Castillo Title: Paralegal Advisor Date: 7/7/2023 1 5:26 PM EDT Rev.11/2/22 161 of239 Skip to Main Content Department of Management Services Florida Department of Management Services > Business Operations > State Purchasing > State Contra cts.and Agreements > Alternate Contract Source > Computer Equipment, Peripherals, and Services << Return Computer Equipment, Peripherals, and Services43211500-WSCA-I5-ACS Contract Details Effective Period 09/30/2015 through 10/31/2023 Contract Type Alternate Contract Source Contractors Pricin Contract Information How to Use This Contract ( 361.57 KB) Contractors by Product Category_ ( 37.15 KB) Employee Discounts Service Updates Contract Documents Participating Addenda Master Agreements Bradlev Beech Contract Administration 850-487-9847 PCS@d ms.fl`gov Commodity Codes Please refer to "How to Use This Contract" in the Contract Information section above. Additional Information Start and end dates vary by contractor: • Apple, Inc.: 9/3/2015 through 10/31/2023 • Dell Marketing LP.: 9/3/2015 through 10/31/2023 • EMC Corporation: 8/15/2015 through 10/31/2023 • HP Enterprise (Back Office Products): 9/1/2015 through 10/31/2023 • HP, Inc. (Front Office Products): 8/15/2015 through 10/31/2023 • IBM Corporation: 8/17/2015 through 10/31/2023 • Microsoft: 5/5/2015 through 10/31/2023 • Netapp, Inc.: 8/17/2015 through 10/31/2023 • Pure Storage Inc.: 8/17/2015 through 10/31/2023 Description This alternate contract source provides computer equipment and peripherals, including desktops, laptops, tablets, servers, and storage; this contract is only available for products that are not available on state term contracts. Document reader download link • Adobe PDF Reader 162 of 239 i u1se Monitoring Procurement Issues--+ Portfolios> CMouter Eauioment. Peripherals_& Related Services (2015 - 2021) > Dell Marketing LP Deli Marketing LP Scope Pricin Download Model PA j Dell Marketing LP Additional Contractor Contact: Jennifer Sherman Jenn ifer.Sherman@Dell.com (512) 720-7343 l Participating Addenda State Participating Addenda Alaska: California Connecticut Delaware Idahn Iowa Kansas Louisiana Maine Minnesota Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada Now Hampshire New Jersev New Mexico North Dakota Ohio Contractor Contact Ashley Salinas Awarded Expiration Renewal Limit 04/O1/2015 10/31/2023 10/31/2023 Documents/Details Master Agreement _ Documents 2015-2020 MNWN...1PC_A4reements_Dell Contract.odf Pricinq Documents + Product Documents + Rhode Island 163 of 239 South cal.(Airla South DAkuta t J t a h Vermont Washimftan Wisconsin bLYY2.12L41,j How Local Public Entities and Other 0 Eligible Entities Participate Didn't find what you need click here .., - . ".1. - -.4 . - 1 .1 ..! . .I.. , 1, .1 • 1 .1 " ': I H . - : . '.. k. 1,11 . . C, . •.,%,. " :-1! 1, ; ;-- , q - . i ..: I. I, , .. -1> I. . '. '! It , ;I' t, W.: I, I. 164 of 239 Docu"n Eny"pe Ip: 14825415-D207-4659-9ABC-D9D6C67C21FO MANAGEMENT SERVICES We sorvc those who Peve F orioa AMENDMENT NO.: 3 Alternate Contract Source No,: 43211 500-WSCA-1 5-ACS Alternate Contract Source Name: Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services This Amendment No. 3 (Amendment) to the Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services contract, contract number 43211500-WSCA-15 ACS ("ACS") between the State of Florida, Department of Management Services ("Department"), and Dell Marketing L.P. ("Contractor"), collectively referred to herein as the "Parties," is effective upon execution by both Parties. All capitalized terms used herein have the meaning assigned to them in the Participating Addendum unless otherwise defined herein. WHEREAS, the ACS was entered into by the Parties on August 15, 2015, to continue through March 31, 2017, for the provision of Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services, pursuant to State of Minnesota Master Agreement No. MNWNC-108; WHEREAS, the ACS was subsequently renewed through July 31, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Parties agreed that the ACS may be amended by mutual agreement as provided in Section 42, Modification of Terms, of the PUR 1000 incorporated into the ACS. NOW THEREFORE, for the mutual covenants contained herein, the Parties agree as follows: I. Amendment to the ACS. a) The ACS is amended to change the end of the term of the ACS to July 31, 2022, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the ACS. b) Section 4.A.1, I. and Section II. of Amendment No. 1, Public Records, aredeleted entirelyand replaced with the following: Public Records Statutory Notice. Pursuant to section 119.0701(2)(a), F.S., for contracts for services with a contractor acting on behalf of a public agency, as defined in section 119.011(2), F.S., the following applies: IF THE CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT'S CONTRACT MANAGER LISTED IN SECTION 4.3 OF THE SPECIAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS. Pursuant to section 1 i 9.0701(2)(b), F.S., for contracts for services with a contractor acting on behalf of a public agency as defined in section 119.011(2). F.S., the Contractor shall: Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services Alternate Contract Source No.: 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS Page t of 6 165 of 239 DocuSlgn Envetope ID: 14628415-U2U74659-9ABC-DE106C67C21FO Department of MANAGEMENT SERVICES %Ye �;efv2 v icse who serve F o6ca AMENDMENT NO.: 3 Alternate Contract Source No.. 43211500-WSCA-I5-ACS Alternate Contract Source Name: Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services (a) Keep and maintain public records required by the public agency to perform the service, (b) Upon request from the public agency's custodian of public records, provide the public agency with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, F.S., or as otherwise provided by law. (c) Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the Contract term and following the completion of the Contract if the Contractor does not transfer the records to the public agency. (d) Upon completion of the Contract, transfer, at no cost, to the public agency all public records in possession of the Contractor or keep and maintain public records required by the public agency to perform the service. If the Contractor transfers all public records to the public agency upon completion of the Contract, the Contractor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If the Contractor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the Contract, the Contractor shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to the public agency, upon request from the public agency's custodian of public records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency. The Department may terminate the Contract for refusal by the Contractor to comply with this section by not allowing access to all public records, as defined in Chapter 119, F. S., made or received by the Contractor in conjunction with the Contract unless the records are exempt from s. 24(a) of Art. I of the State Constitution and section 119.071(1), F.S, c) Section 4.D., Employment Eligibility Verification, is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: E-Verify: The Contractor and its subcontractors have an obligation to utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's (OHS) E-Verify system for all newly hired employees in accordance with section 448.095, F.S.. By executing this Contract, the Contractor certifies that it is registered with, and uses, the E-Verify system for all newly hired employees in accordance with section 448.M, F.S. The Contractor must obtain an affidavit from its subcontractors in accordance with paragraph (2)(b) of section 448.095, F.S., and maintain a copy of such affidavit for the duration of the Contract. The Contractor shall provide a copy of its DHS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to the Department's Contract Manager within five (5) days of Contract execution. Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services Page 2 of 6 Altemate Contract Source No.: 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS 166 of 239 Docusign Envelope ID: 14326415-D207-45b9-9ABC-09D6C67C21FO Depart r'eni of MANAGEMENT SERVICES We 5e ve those vitro sere F o,&. AMENDMENT NO.: 3 Alternate Contract Source No.: 43211 SQO-WSCA-15-ACS Alternate Contract Source Name: Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services This section serves as notice to the Contractor regarding the requirements of section 448.095, F.S., specifically sub -paragraph (2)(c)1, and the Department's obligation to terminate the Contract if it has a good faith belief that the Contractor has knowingly violated section 448.09(1), F.S. If terminated for such reason, the Contractor will not be eligible for award of a public contract for at least one (1) year after the date of such termination. The Department will promptly notify the Contractor and order the immediate termination of the contract between the Contractor and a subcontractor performing work on its behalf for this Contract should the Department have a good faith belief that the subcontractor has knowingly violated section 448.09 (1), F.S. d) Section 4,F., Scrutinized Company List, as amended by Amendment No_ 2, is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Scrutinized Company List: The Department may, at its option, terminate the Contract if the Contractor is found to have submitted a false certification as provided under section 287.135(5). F.S., or been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, or been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria, or to have been placed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List or is engaged in a boycott of Israel, e) Section IV. of Amendment No. 1, Cooperation with Inspector General, is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following in 4.0.: Cooperation with Inspector General and Records Retention. Pursuant to section 20.055(5), F.S., the Contractor understands and will comply with its duty to cooperate with the Inspector General in any investigation, audit, inspection, review, or hearing. Upon request of the Inspector General or any other authorized State official, the Contractor must provide any information the Inspector General deems relevant. Such information may include, but will not be limited to, the Contractor's business or financial records, documents, or files of any type or form that refer to or relate to the Contract. The Contractor will retain such records for the longer of five years after the expiration or termination of the Contract, or the period required by the General Records Schedules maintained by the Florida Department of State, at the Department of State's Records Management website. The Contractor agrees to reimburse the State of Florida for the reasonable costs of investigation incurred by the Inspector General or other authorized State of Florida official for investigations of the Contractor's compliance with the terms of this or any other agreement between the Contractor and the State of Florida which results in the suspension or debarment of the Contractor. Such costs will include but will not be limited to: salaries of investigators, including overtime, travel and lodging expenses; and expert witness and documentary fees. The Contractor agrees to impose the same obligations to cooperate with the Inspector General and retain records on any subcontractors used to provide goods or services under the Contract. Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services Alternate Contract Source No.: 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS Page 3 of 6 167 of 239 DowSlgn Envelope iU: 14828415-D207-4659-9A8C4)9DBC67C21F0 Deparirnent �1 ' `�° MANAGEMENT SERVICES We servc "-:)sc vrtx) save Flcrida AMENDMENT NO.: 3 Alternate Contract Source No.: 43211500-WSCA-I5-ACS Alternate Contract Source Name: Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services f) Section 4.P., Document Inspection, is hereby added as follows: Document Inspection_ In accordance with section 216.1366, F.S., the Department is authorized to inspect the: (a) financial records, papers, and documents of the Contractor that are directly related to the performance of the Contract or the expenditure of state funds; and (b) programmatic records, papers, and documents of the Contractor which the Department determines are necessary to monitor the performance of the Contract or to ensure that the terms of the Contract are being met. The Contractor shall provide such records, papers, and documents requested by the Department within 10 Business Days after the request is made g) Section 4.0., Conduct of Business, is hereby added as follows: The Contractor must comply with all laws, rules, codes, ordinances, and licensing requirements that are applicable to the conduct of its business, including those of federal, state, and local agencies having jurisdiction and authority. For example, the Contractor must comply with section 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, if applicable, and all prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, creed, national origin, handicap, marital status, or veteran's status. The provisions of subparagraphs 287.058(1)(a)-(c) and (g), F.S., are hereby incorporated by reference. Nothing contained within this Contract shall be construed to prohibit the Contractor from disclosing information relevant to performance of the Contract or purchase order to members or staff of the Florida Senate or Florida House of Representatives. Pursuant to section 287.057(26) Florida Statutes, the Contractor shall ensure a representative will be available to team members of the continuing oversight team. h) Section 4.R., Convicted, Discriminatory, Antitrust Violator, and Suspended Vendor Lists, Is hereby added as follows: In accordance with sections 287.133, 287.134, and 287.137, F.S., the Contractor is hereby informed of the provisions of sections 287.133(2)(a), 287.134(2)(a), and 287.137(2)(a), F.S. For purposes of this Contract, a person or affiliate who is on the Convicted Vendor List, the Discriminatory Vendor List, or the Antitrust Violator Vendor List may not perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under the Contract. The Contractor must notify the Department if it or any of its suppliers, subcontractors, or consultants have been placed on the Convicted Vendor List, the Discriminatory Vendor List, or the Antitrust Violator Vendor List during the term of the Contract. Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services Page 4 of 6 Alternate Contract Source ND.: 43211500-WSCA-I5-ACS 168 of 239 bocuSign Envelope lo: 14820415-D207.4659-9ABC-o9{?6C67C21F0 Department of MANAGEMENT SERVICES ' , Wa serve TnoSe •H.-a Scrve For b_: AMENDMENT NO.. 3 Alternate Contract Source No.: 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS Al(emate Contract Source Name: Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services In accordance with section 287.1351, F.S., a vendor placed on the Suspended Vendor List may not enter into or renew a contract to provide any goods or services to an agency after its placement on the Suspended Vendor List. A firm or individual placed on the Suspended Vendor List pursuant to section 287.1351, F.S., the Convicted Vendor List pursuant to section 287.133, F.S., the Antitrust Violator Vendor List pursuant to section 287.137, F.S., or the Discriminatory Vendor List pursuant to section 287.134, F-S-, is immediately disqualified from Contract eligibility. i) Section 4.S., Performance or Compliance Audits, is hereby added as follows: The Department may conduct or have conducted performance andfor compliance audits of the Contractor and subcontractors as determined by the Department. The Department may conduct an audit and review all the Contractor's and subcontractors' data and records that directly relate to the Contract. To the extent necessary to verify the Contractor's fees and claims for payment under the Contract, the Contractor's agreements or contracts with subcontractors, partners, or agents of the Contractor, pertaining to the Contract, may be inspected by the Department upon fifteen (15) calendar days' notice, during normal working hours and in accordance with the Contractor's facility access procedures where facility access is required. Release statements from its subcontractors, partners, or agents are not required for the Department or its designee to conduct compliance and performance audits on any of the Contractor's contracts relating to this Contract. The Inspector General, the State of Florida's Chief Financial Officer, and the Office of the Auditor General shall also have authority to perform audits and inspections. j) Section 4.T., Information Technology Standards, Is hereby added as follows: Pursuant to sections 282.0051 and 282.318, F.S., the Department is to establish standards for the implementation and management of information technology resources- Contractor agrees to cooperate with the Department and Customer in furtherance of efforts to comply with the standards, established In Rule Title BDGG, F.A.C., as applicable. It. Warranty of Authority. Each person signing this Amendment warrants that he or she is duty authorized to do so and to bind the respective party. Ill. Conflict. To the extent any of the terms of this Amendment conflict with the terms of the ACS, the terms of this Amendment shall control. IV. Effect. Unless otherwise modified by this Amendment, all terms and conditions contained in the ACS, as previously amended, shall continue in full force and effect. [Signature Page Follows] Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services Alternate Contract Source No.: 43211600-WSCA-15-ACS Page 5 of 6 169 of 239 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1482S415-D207.4659-9A6C-DSD6C67C21FO of MANAGEMENT;; Wp :�arvF hnm- who scar. f rx:rir: AMENDMENT NO.: 3 Alternate Contract Source No.: 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS Alternate Contract Source Name: Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment by their duly authorized representatives. State o i lari I Departhient of Im �gement Services By: — - - Name: J. Todd Inman Title: Secretary Date: 7/ ?A /'.o?.t Contractor: Dell Mace(i,aE�,P. By: ln,a i Na Title: Contract Administrator Date7/27/2021 1 1:43 PM PDT Computer Equipment Peripherals and Services Alternate Contract Source No.: 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS Page 6 of 6 170 of 239 an .r HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: October 11, 2023 Agenda Item Title: Approve the purchase of Playground Equipment for the Creative Playground at the Barber Street Sports Complex at a cost of $331,003.61, from Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. d/b/a GameTime utilizing a "Piggyback" on the City of Charlotte, North Carolina Contract # 2017001134, Recommendation: Staff recommends that City Council approve the purchase of Playground Equipment from the firm known as GameAme, utilizing a "Piggyback" on the City of Charlotte, North Carolina Contract # 2017001134. Background: The Leisure Services Department currently has playground equipment at the Barber Street Sports Complex which is needs to purchase playground equipment to replace equipment that has extended beyond the period of the manufacturer life expectancy. This is imperative to ensure that the playground remains safe and compliant. This should also reduce the annual maintenance and repair cost of the equipment. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee chose this design as their recommendation for approval by the City Council. The pricing has been reduced by a GameTime Grant Promotion Funding Discounts of $102,746.31 for placing the order before October 27, 2023 and $27,974.19 for full payment at the time of the order. `Tiggybacking" and use of Co -Operative contracts guarantees that pricing and contract terms remain the same while the contract is active; this includes any contract extensions or renewals. In accordance with the City's Ordinance Section 2-10(c)(2), the procurement procedures carried out by the awarding agency are equivalent to that of Sebastian's procurement process. Pricing and designs from other cooperatives, piggybacks and local vendors were considered. The recommended vendor was chosen by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee as the best playgrounds for this facility. Piggybacking allows purchases pursuant to Florida law and ensures that competitive procurement procedures are complied with along with obtaining the best prices available to the City. If Agenda Item Requires Exvenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: $350,000.00 Total Cost: $331,003.61 Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Recreation Impact Fees Attachments: Quote by GameTime & Design for Option 2 Selected by Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee, GameTime Community Champions Playground Grant Documents and Charlotte, North Carolina Contract #2017001134. Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: ,'It Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: c �T Date: lt) J _ 0A_) 171 of 239 GameTime 09!2012023 c/o Dominica Recreation Products, Inc. Quote # amewrme P.O. Box 520700 1055,19-01-09 Longwood, FL 32752-0700 PL/* CORE 800-432-0162 ` 407-331-0101 Fax: 407-331-4720 www.playdrp.com Sebastian Barber Street Sports Complex Park — Option 2 Revised City of Sebastian Attn: Brian Benton 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958-8697 Phone:772-228-7057 bbenton@cityofsebastian.org Ship to Zip 32958 Site access for construction equipment and staging area must be provided by owner Tree trimming as needed by owner. Quote DOES NOT include sealed engineered drawings, if required for permitting please add $ 1,250.00 102 4850 GameTime - 8" Playcurb Pkg $81.00 $8,262.00 2 4854 GameTime - Accessible Playcurb $550.00 $1,100.00 1 5179 GameTime - Welcome Sign (5-12) $713.00 $713.00 1 14928 GameTime - NDS Inclusive Play Sign Package 1 14927 GameTime - NDS Play On Sign Package 1 6375 GameTime - Communication Board $2,499,00 $2,499.00 1 RDU GameTime - Custom PowerScape System- $261,441.00 $261,441.00 ages 5-12 1 GRANT DRP Promo - GameTime Grant Promotion Funding Discount- ($102,746.31) ($102,746.31) Order must be placed prior to October 27, 2023 1 5058 GameTime - Arch Swing (Gale) $8,584.00 $8,584.00 1 5238 GameTime - Shadow Play Flower $6,883.00 $6,883.00 1 6364 GameTime - Dune Buggy Spring Rider $2,999.00 $2,999.00 1 90856 GameTime - 3T SKY RUN ZIP TRACK W1 ZERO-G $15,576.00 $1 5,576.00 1 12583 GameTime - Ada Primetime Swing Frame, 3 112" Od $1,799.00 $1,799.00 2 SS8696 GameTime - End Tot Seat 3 112"18' High WIClevis $492.00 $984.00 2 12584 GameTime - Ada Primetime Swing Aeb, 3 112" Od $1,113.00 $2,226,00 4 S58910 GameTime - Belt Seat 3 112" 18' W1Clevis $413.00 $1,652.00 1 12583 GameTime - Ada Primetime Swing Frame, 3 112" Od $1,799.00 $1,799.00 1 SS8561 GameTime - 3 112" Zero•G Chair (2-5)-Stainiess $797.00 $797.00 1 SS8558 GameTime - 3 112" Zero-G Chair (5-12)-Stainiess $837.00 $837.00 1 INSTALL 5-Star Plus - Five Star Plus Playground Installation Services- $103,820.00 $103,820.00 Performed by a Certified Installer, includes meeting and unloading delivery truck, signed completion forms, site walkthrough, and 3-Year Labor Warranty! OMNIA Page 1 of 3 i•w %j 172 of 239 GameTime 0g;2012023 clo Dominica Recreation Products, inc. Quote # (15amewme)P.O. Box 520700 105549-01-09 Longwood, FL 32752-0700 rm-[� CORL800-432-0162' 407-331-0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrp.com Sebastian Barber Street Sports Complex Park M Option 2 Revised Permits 5-Star Plus - Building Permits- $1,400.00 $1,400.00 Estimated Costs of Permits plus 7rme. If actual permit fees are significantly higher or lower, final invoice will be adjusted accordingly. If additional time spent acquiring permits, due to lack of information from owner, final invoice to be adjusted. Survey & Siteplan are to be provided by the owner for the permit application. Correct legal address will be required. Sub Total $32C,624.69 Discount ($7,871.85) Freight $18,250.77 Comments Quote does not include EWF safety surfacing. 295 cy (8,860 sf@ 8" compacted depth) This quote was prepared by Gina Wilson, Vice President/ Senior Project Manager. For questions or to order please tali - 800-432-0162 ext. 101 ginaw@gametime.com All pricing in accordance with Omnia Partners 1 U.S. Communities Contract #2017001134. All terms in the Omnia Partners! U.S. Communities Contract take precedence over terms shown below. For more information on the Omnia Partners 1 U.S. Communities contract please visit Omnia Partners Public Sector GameTime Permits are not included in cost, unless specifically listed in pricing. if permits are required Signed/Sealed drawings are needed and are also not included unless specifically listed in pricing. Any costs for muncipal permits, paid by installer, will be charged back to the owner. Adding permits to any job will increase the length of completion, expect total time to be about 150 days, after receipt of Site Plan from owner/customer (this is not due to manufacturing but rather the permit process at the muncipality level), It is expected that the owner will provide approved site plans of the area for the permit office, and will help and assist in the securing of all required approvals before assembly of equipment can begin. Installer cannot provide site plans. The permit process can not begin until appropriate and current site plans are provided by owner. If there are no current surveys or site plans available, the owner may be required to obtain a new survey for the permit. This is the responsibility of the owner to obtain. If additional permitting requirements are needed during the process, those will be added and billed accordingly, i.e. soil density test, formed footers, etc. Payment Terms: Governmental Purchase Order. Purchases in excess of $1,000,00 to be supported by your written purchase order made out to GameTime. Net 30 days subject to approval by GameTime Credit Manager. A completed Credit Application and Bank Reference Authorization, must be received with the order. The decision on credit is the sole discretion of GameTime/PlayCore. A 1.5% per month finance charge will be imposed on all past due accounts. Multiple Invoices: Invoices will be generated upon services rendered. When equipment ships it will be invoiced seperately from installation and/or other services. Terms are Net 30 for each individual invoice. This Quotation is subject to policies in the current GameTime Park and Playground Catalog and the following terms and conditions. Our quotation is based on shipment of all items at one time to a single destination, unless noted, and changes are subject to price adjustment. Pricing: Firm for 60 days from date of quotation. Shipment: F.O.B. factory, order shall ship within 120 days after GameTime's receipt and acceptance of your purchase order, color selections, approved submittals, and receipt of payment. Taxes: State and local taxes will be added at time of invoicing, if not already included, unless a tax exempt certificate is provided at the time of order entry. Exclusions: Unless specifically discussed, this quotation excludes all sitework and landscaping; removal of existing equipment; acceptance of equipment and off-loading; lift gate delivery; storage of goods prior to installation; security of equipment (on site and at night); equipment assembly and installation; safety surfacing; borders; drainage; signed/sealed drawings; or permits. Page 2 of 3 OMNIA ;.A v 173 of 239 GameTime 09120/2023 c/o Dominica Recreation Products, Inc. Quote # Gamewrme P.O. Box 520700 105549-01-09 Longwood, FL 32752-0700 FCORE 800-432-0162 * 407-331-0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrp.com Sebastian Barber Street Sports Complex Park - Option 2 Revised Installation Terms: Shall be by a Certified Installer. The installer is an indepedent installer and not part of PlayCore, GameTime, nor Dominica Recreation Products. If playground equipment, installer will be NPSI and Factory Trained and Certified. Unless otherwise noted, installation is based on a standard installation consistent with GameTime installation sheets and in suitable soil with a sub -base that will allow proper playground installation. Drainage is not part of our scope of work unless otherwise noted. Customer shall be responsible for scheduling and coordination with the installer. Site should be level and allow for unrestricted access of trucks and machinery. Customer shall also provide a staging and construction area. Installer not responsible for sod replacement or damage to access path and staging area. Customer shall be responsible for unknown conditions such as buried utilities, tree stumps, rock, or any concealed materials or conditions that may result in additional labor or material costs. Customer will be billed hourly or per job directly by the installer for any additional costs that were not previously included. ORDER INFORMATION Bill To: Ship To: Contact: Contact: Address: Address: Address: Address: City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: Tel: Fax! Tel: SALES TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE M Accentance of quotation: Accepted By (printed): P.O. No: Signature: Date: Title: Phone: Fax: (PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF CERTIFICATE) E-Mail: Purchase Amount: $331,003.61 Page 3 of 3 OMNIA i "J 174 of 239 2023 Playground Grant 1.800.235.2440 (Gamewme) Application gametime.cam . Pl_AS':ORE [omymy Scan and email your application to grant@gametime.com or fax your completed application to 423-648-5902. Instructions Please complete the appropriate sections of the application form. Once completed, va idate Read carefully the information by means of the project administrator's signature. Immediately return the completed and signed application form to your GameTime representative. Project Info Project Name: Type: List contact info Address: and address of City: State: Zip: your project Contact Person: Title: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Background Please provide a description of your organization, its goals, and why it should be considered for a grant. Site Info Number of players: Age range: Total play area size: Is the site level7: List specific info Special site conditions: (utilities, retaining walls, soil conditions, excessive slope, concrete slab, etc) about the area in which the play equipment will be located Budget Info List your actual Dollar amount you want GameTime to match: contribution to the play equipment purchase only. Funding ❑ Up to 100% matching funds on play systems Choices ❑ Up to $50,000 in funds for obstacle courses Select the type(s) of funding in which you ❑ Up to $15,000 in funds for THRIVE fitness systems are interested. Rules & Grant Rules and Limitations: To qualify for up to 100,i matching grant, list price of the qualifying playground system must exceed $75,000, and payment in Limitations full must accompany your order For play systems with a list price of less than $75,000 and greater than $25,000 with payment Read carefully in ful$, GameTime playground grants are available with matching funds up to 8054 For play systems that exceed $25.000, and purchased with credit terms, matching funds are available up to 65%. Matching funds are subject to rounding rules and may vary based on qualified purchase. No other offer, discount, or special programs can be used with this grant program. This special matching fund offer applies to PowerScape,2, PrimeTimeb,Xscape'b, IONift, Modern CityS, and The Stadium E systems only. THRIVE (up to $15,000) and Challenge Course (up to $50,000) are also eligible for funding from GameTime- Vistapope, freestanding net structures,TuffForms, landmark Design, GTSymphony freestanding, other freestanding play products, and Play On! non -system events are not eligible for funding. All applications must be received and validated by the project administrator by October 20, 2023. GamoTime reserves the right to decline any application for a GameTime grant. GameTime will accept grant orders until October 27, 2023, or until all eligible funds are disbursed, whichever comes first. Customer must be able to receive order by December 31, 2023, subject to transportation availability. GameTime reserves the right to terminate this offer at any time without notice. GameTime playground grants can only be applied to additional GameTime purchases and only in conjunction with the original purchase. Standard policies and warranties as listed in the 2023 GameTime Playground Design Guide apply. Freight and applicable sales tax are extra and not included. Authorization Authorized Signature: Date: Signature Project administrator's Name (please print): signature Title: 189 of 239 Contract No. 2017001134 Vendor No.121531 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG CONTRACT TO PROVIDE PLAYGROUND AND OUTDOOR FITNESS EQUIPMENT, SITE ACCESSORIES, SURFACING, AND RELATED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES This Contract (the "Contract") is entered into as of this 1st day of July 2017 (the "Effective Date"), by and between Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. d/b/a GameTime, doing business in North Carolina (the "Company"), and the City of Charlotte, a North Carolina municipal •rt;on (the "City"). RECITALS WEWIWA.S, the City issued a Request For Proposals (RFP #269 2017-028) for Playground Equipment, Outdoor Fitness Equipment, Surfacing, Site Accessories and Related Products and Services dated January 25, 2017. This Request for Proposals together with all attachments and addenda, is referred to herein as the "RFP'; and r SAS, the Company submitted a Proposal in response to RFP #269 2017-028 on March 16, 2017. This Proposal, together with all attachments and separately sealed confidential trade secrets, is referred to herein as the "Proposal" and is incorporated into this Contract by reference. WHEREAS, the City awarded this Contract on May 8, 2017 to Company to provide Playground Equipment, Outdoor Fitness Equipment, Surfacing, Site Accessories and Related Products and Services to the City all in accordance with the terns and conditions set forth herein. WSEREAS, the City of Charlotte, on behalf of itself and all states, local governments, school districts, and higher education institutions in the United States of America, and other government agencies and nonprofit (herein "Participating Public Agenncies"� competitively solicited and awarded the Contract to the Company. The City has designated U.S. Communities as the administrative and marketing conduit for the distribution of the Contract to Participating Public Agencies. The City is acting as the "Contracting Agent" for the Participating Public Agencies, and shall not he liable or responsible for any costs, damages, liability or other obligations incurred by the Participating Public Agencies. The Company (including its subsidiaries) shall deal directly with each Participating Public Agency concerning the placemmt of orders, issuance of purchase orders, contractual disputes, invoicing payment and all other matters relating or referring to such Participating Public Agency's access to the Contract. Each Participating Public Agency enters into a Master Intergovernmental C a , ': , le Purchasing I (MICPA) outlining the terns and conditions that allow access to the Lead Public Agencies' Master Under the terms of the MICPA, the procurement by the Participating Public Agency shall be construed to be in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the state in which the Participating Public Agency resides. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficim ey of which is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the covenants and representations contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 416 of 451L of 239 FI caaftd 2017001134 VaadorNo.121531 :4 4:11:' The btm an bereby iuoopmatod into and' made a past of this Oemmot. in I I I 9ds OoctmA aad aay ambbuides, ft main body of 96 Omftd will Ida Ireoedeaoe am do Bahl, and my incondstency between ft 'rte wM be halved inthe anb r in which do appear belaw. Each tie to G mdllms In Ste Bests and Appaadioes doU be doomed to mean dm Ooapmy. EXEM A Disoomd SebedNes, Price Ids, ad hmenfi s ffiCtOWM- hddbdbmp es ffiIHMYr Q Ndiol Netvwozk of Dram and humUm B)mPf D: Pgd&Rdte EMMtT B: Pmdud Waasd m SIT F. Sonpe at Wads MOM)T O: U.B. dies A 11—Aumcment As used In this Coai;sot, the fifflowhe tams dmU bane tit$ mem3b= set fourth below: 2 417 of 457 191 of 239 OavrsctNa 2017001134 VMWWNC .1a1331 Rd= loan te" apatk bftndlm deslm per% aad adw Items dmt dw DompW to raV*ed tD ddivw to the Chy In co3meoticn whb the cb baat. N A 9% " AllIk"lly i;dm io h c 1, c h that hma. aiw ar n daoed effect as NOMMOPligdww hmaea beft and dw cw&onmeat wbm g a 1 q e-d nth oompaticg{ Pa dob that mm the am pmpose. Tlds oompadm may cow ww nvbzbb waiMp, pw&a1m ap t afflopodmt LeadAWCAsaw Reface to the aly afawkft Iath Offellm AfadwArawwa Rd= to the AffamnW that is made at to by the Lead Pam Amy aftw *0 MWOMM oom"M *few caa Pdbiaa sollodtaft aad IdeotWn pz+000% Ow Fin Paf d0tleg Pub& Armin MOY utilise the aft to pwd= hudaats cad Servioes. Re6ars to a bad aoI , pose tht (a) is o=dW by dw8h tc of Noah C anoffm as a HbMdcdly Undatribed (HUB) whin tine m enb of N.G cim. Stet. 1141-12 A (b) bz at lest p (51%) atsaad by am or nurse pees w who are noembees of = of the fallawlbg groc Aeaim Ada or Bls; M"dc6 Asb A Dire Aaead= ar Amaim bdb ; and (c) is headgumUnd in do Ciszrlatoe C ombhW i Aw& A p&d to may: RaOeea to all aatoa, local pov=mm1s6 school dlsai^ and h%bac abudm bgtftgm is the LbbW SON of A and otw govemmoafial qp=lw and dw d> d b Products gad Sez do as uWw the Neater Agmmm Pam• R,ofetn to an Padum that as COMPM agrees to provlda to the Cbv w part the cOnw . sery(M: Rdw b the PhWyo and Bmd=w, tlwdw FB=u Bwab=W 8whd= She Acaeazies and Ranted Pwduft and Swvlees as regemtad to d& RW. 418 of 457 192 of 239 Conft t Nm 2017001134 VrmdorNo.121531 .twoftleMow and Rei= to all 69htions„ dam+ mquirUneqjs, criteria, Rom: warrentick and per6ozrroaroce standards relatt to the DeRwrebla and Services that aye set forth or refs ua5d hL (1) this RR, Wichrding asW addenda; (n) ihs Documudgion; and W W dal and/or teairaW specific loms that era published or provided by the Company or its Homors or suppfiera Srom timme to time with reoWeat to all or any part o€the Delhwdla or Services. 3. TUX The initial term of this Comimet will be for fine (5) years ftm the Effwtivaa Dde with an option, to renew for two (2) additional two-year temps. This C m ad may be Waded ded only by a written smewhaft to the co*mct signed by bath parties. 4. AC iT TO PROVIDE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. 4.1 Rhe Company almull pmwA& the Product$ aid Saviors in a000rela m with the tetema and condkiamts set Rob is this Comdmtet and the wed BxbRft wbAm a der+ed iron time to tits by to City. Except as set ft, Exhibit A. the prices set Rob in BMft A cunstitde all charges payable by the City for *e Pi obda and 3esvicxa6 and all labm ems, eyaipameK trmupartafiam6 hdHtWo. du am infimmflan tech orxiogs'. peunils, and Baez= necemy for the Company to provide the; Products and Savlcets, TM Cbmpany shall pettform any Services for the City on, site at *a Cf f s facilftito in Charlotte; Norm Cavliva, except as otherwise stated in tlds Contract or agreed fn writing by the Chy, 4.2 Placaemard of Ordaa: All ardem will be placed by personnel desig rated by the City an an as needed basis far the gmmtity required at the time during the term of dw Contract. S. OPnONAL PRODucrs AND SERviczS: the City may in fts discretion ptmahase ft+omm the Company opdand Pr+o&= and Services beyamd whet is called for in the Ste, prt+avided that such pwcba a does not assets i so as to defeat time purpose of the bdd statubea, and provided the Chy is uffiarlred by law to make such puchum w1dmM a ibnmal bid Pnx=s. 6. DOCUMENTATION: the Q=M will provide for all prodmb pmx1med umderr this cockad written orele drenie boa that is oor ds aml saarste, and macierti to enable City employeas wi& a dinary dellh and axpexiearce to Utilise mch prods fen dee purpm for which the City fa acquiring dom. 7. Cflhip`MATION. The tits► shall pay the company for dw producu and setview delivered at oaammpiiame with the specificaSm at due jai= set faath iu F.xiofb3t A. This amouat oonshun the mxinmm fete and chow payable to the company in the: agge trader this contract and will not be finessed except by a writim Ott duly exeaorted by bath parties in eompliaum with tha price &0 pmvvisims ad forth in EWUU 0. The casnpamy sball nt be entitled to cbvp ft City any prices, fm or other amceemts that are not listed in Exhibit A. L PRICE ADdIISTBMW. 4 419 of 457 193 of 239 y Coanirmw 2ormllm VedosN0.121S1 OOw2—M@fiawcwycfcmch data CRY dCbwlOft0AaWmds PspMc PO Boot VM Chulaft,M02823779W Ate OnM) lO. CM4MACT MMUICI MM The C by duM haeo the A& to am& the C=pWs o�plfanoe wAhthe tmema sod cauffi aw of &0 Oosteeat at saa6 fimes as do Colt doeeas agpmnb tee ilk tine cay atolls to taco a the cadwot, the coupwshall develop a a acdm piss to r 1 r p m I aay Clot day ideafflad daft thaw ce oe mWft sad dwU malt such plan to the Cdty wift tM W CM days aft dnonCOMOHMM - 11.tWx 1be C)omlmw ehsn pro Ne su& urn- :grosts of puichmft and ao ies ss uW be r pw od by the c;hy 6fam llama to tip wwsaposts dom9wdiatba 8pedfioesim I& GMMULWAVRAMM& C amap W repaaeeasts andam In that: 13.1 B b a cospmuft d* In m p pesate % vA* aadafg ead in good stmWbg moiler the laasofthe ante ofAtabaan, aad is 1, 116,dtodo inNasth 13.2 R has all the reAte coapasate pour sad authority too l4 deitv+ear aamd pew ftBdbHmdwsvWwSfs 13.3 11� mcaoutiaa4 delivccy� aad pealioamsaoe of this Caatmot bm bem der aaoabotiaed b3►►: 421 of 457 195 of 239 CkmbWNC, 2017001134 VmdorNm 12191 7 422 of 457 196 of 239 1� ao MOM No. 2017OP1134 VeedwNo. 121531 29. 1B1 9 MAYM. 291 TERBSIAT10N VAaH T1' Cif USL Ile Chy may tmmdmtta d& Co� at air tbw cam by Oft lWy (60) dap w,atbea notice b tha the Congww may tote 06 Coftaat at =W time aitii a emm by giving am I I - I I ed sad (1 SO) dip aidthm notice to the My. 24.2 TERNMNATM POR DWAULT BY EZMM PARTY. By givbg vdm nonce t* the odor paW, ems' per► may teraolmte tt C=UW upon the ocanrram of am armors of the eve 424 of 457 198 of 239 c; 0 pn 41, a CMUftdNO62017003134 VeadwNa 12191 I 426 of-457 200 of 239 r N 0 N w COMM Um 2017001LM Va dorNm uu31 oiavfaO Carded by We aty at an 1m or t addug Dom the CC 'a qwdiam wdler tWs Womea Mw CO qmW and cob of IN aR11 mikadom absH Bad does wl" & lights of Sab upfim agfmt dt0 Chy aad each Cf @m bdmnkm a8 dataed it; Secdoa S.I. 13 428 of 457 202 of 239 rr A CoafteotNa 2017 LM VmdorNa. 12031 1S 430 of 457 204 of 239 CockadNo. 2017001134 Va+dorNa 121531 42.6 cW= or mapbyee aomd sum0yumbas coneded by the City. G1ete®oft 42.1 dmugb 42.13 above o tiy► Resbitted lam" as mall as ComadOWN bfimmdm Mw Cattmr admwledgea that cegtdn H4ft Resttided la8o fs ldl eof to legal rcokfim bey=d floes bqpud by this , aad apm dit (a) aII povidm in *h C=maat 17 431 of 4*75 of 239 Ell ContodNa 201700ILM VaewNa 12MI appiEoable 10 CoWidadd hdb=dion dwU apply to Resuiciod hd bn wd (b) the Compegk► wM oleo aopty with say moae rwWcd i e or w policies that may be provk1od by the City $+ten boos to time to I - We mithe cobfidmdaft oily wed Idawadm 43.7 All ma o&b wl& amuMM, reveal or dutva imm dalhammics shall be koapt coat to Ow aimed disdo=o of such w=M reveal CooSdaoU and unlm od awin mead, aU suchmate& "be ntanad to the Chy at desuayed upon sdhhcdm of the pmposa of do db dasu a of such fa Wmud n. 43.8 Comer shall rasWA employee acc= to the Cast bdbrmdim to dwa employees havhag a need to know hr papoose of their jobs. 18 432 of 457 206 of 239 4 0 �' M a 0 �n N W Caufmdi6L201MILM VeWWNo:12191 45.15 ULAN DrANI 1dB U ACT. COMM oeMes that (0 it is mt ideclified on the Final Dives that or soy other Ha of p mbft d hmdm=u created by the NC SUft Tbea = pumma to N.COA 147-86.* (B) I will not tabs aqy acfim eaasi�g it to appear on mWauch Nat dining tba tam of ft God and (O N Will not ughe n y subconbactu that is identifiW an ear such Not to p mvida goods or am ,jem 45.16 PRE-AUM. No pao=ft cmt c to is r gWmd wait N.C. em Slat, IS Wa) because dds Cautmd is four an gummy with no =qWmmonL Nat vitlntaading agVddng aontdaed heteia to do oontmy, 96 Camksat does riot togWm do City to pwftw a or ae mk4 wd a dechi m by the City to 10 malts ate► PuwbM hwoaader will vlob to neither Us nor air 3mgNed duty of and iM and fair doh The City has no dMPdoa miler this COMmat abaft the CWS =eaad= of a valid and bbaiiDg pmdwe ondw or canuad add a pn aWk owdfi cte." 435 of 457 209 of 239 Ooab tNa 2017MI04 VeodarNo. 121BI 45.17 UNROM ADA BU91RA7MR$Qv>RB 'rs pious*fM2,fie., CkqpvJX Poe 200—ThdEbm A Will R*gdmnu2% Cost Priardi k% =d Av t R,o b farFeda d Awards cunmbW iR 21e2 C.F. R 1200 ofxv. 45.18 CORNTERPARTs. This Comm mmy be exemaW In my naaabor of pawl paft sH of uldch bd= toter"one aio& agra m t betwan the parties. [PWFOUml 22 436 of 457 210 of 239 No,2017001134 Veal wW 12MI IN VM?G SS WHFJMF, and In soIthat the panda hereon bw tread end MUMN GM Bad GM hereK the perthm have ea"ad this QMd to be eaoeenoed m1hodata8estwrTdwn sbwm MAY, ,1NC DAVA GAll E MS: PRINT NAMIL t OMAT I• NOW TrnAb St* wmt V. P 11-tri- DATE s//s// 7 crry orcuABL TM PM MOM sv: 11APWFNAM i TITLE l DATE 47 it 23 437 of 457 211 of 239 CmCF SE. . HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meetin,, Date: October 11, 2023 Aaenda Item Title: Approval to "Piggyback" on the National IPA Cooperative Agreement #202329-0 Contract between Tucson, Arizona and Network Services Company d/b/a Network Distribution for Janitorial and Sanitation Products, Supplies and Related Services, not to exceed $28,000 a year. Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approval to "Piggyback" the National IPA Cooperative Agreement #202329-0 Contract between Tucson, Arizona and Network Services Company d/b/a Network Distribution through the National IPA Cooperative Agreement #202329-01 for Janitorial and Sanitation Products, Supplies and Related Services; and approve the total annual expense for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 in an amount not to exceed $28,000 to purchase janitorial supplies from Imperial Dade, which 3s a distributor for the Network Services Company. Baeki!round: "Piggybacking" guarantees the same contract terms will be honored while the contract is active; this includes any contract extensions or renewals. The initial contract period was for June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2023 and the contract has been renewed through May 31, 2025 per the Contract options. The City currently purchases all janitorial and sanitation supplies from Imperial Dade under the previous "piggyback" approval; therefore the City and vendor are familiar with product quality, order and delivery processes. If Aeenda Item Reuttires Eznenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: Varies by department (estimated based on prior year expense): Facilities Maintenance $18,000 Golf Course $5,000 Parks $5,000 Total Cost: Not to exceed $28,000 per year (citywide use). Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Facilities Maintenance, Golf Course and Parks Budgets. Attachments: Cooperative Agreement #202329-01 - Amendment #1 Administrative Services Department Review: /� �-- -✓r�J� ..� City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: Date: %8 /A a-1 3 212 of 239 Janitorial and Sanitation Supplies, Equipment, and Related Services City of Tucson, Az Contract Number: 202329-01 ,tune I. 2020 thrOLI h May 31, 2023 Option to renew %r one (1) additional two-year period through May 31, 2025 RENEWED THROUGH May 31, 2025 213 of 239 OMNIA P A R T N E R S el;ATIO ALiPA UIusooMMi,r,mEs JANITORIAL AND SANITATION SUPPLIES Executive Summary Lead Agency: City of Tucson, Arizona Solicitation: 202329 RFP Issued: October 28, 2019 Response Due Date: December 6, 2020 Awarded to: Network Services Company Pre -Proposal Date: November 13, 2019 Proposals Received: #3 The city of Tucson, Arizona issued RFP 202329 on October 28, 2019, to establish a national cooperative contract for Janitorial and Sanitation Supplies. The solicitation included cooperative purchasing language in Sections I. Scope of Work, National Contract (RFP, Page 2): (RFP, Page 2) NATIONAL CONTRACT The City of Tucson as the Principal Procurement Agency, defined In Attachment A, has partnered with OMNIA Partners, Public Sector ("OMNIA Partners") to make the resultant contract (also known as the "MasterAgreement" in materials distributed by OMNIA Partners) from this solicitation available to other public agencies nationally, Including state and local governmental entities, public and private primary, secondary and higher education entities, non-profit entities, and agencies for the public beneflt ("Public Agencies"), through OMNIA Partners' cooperative purchasing program. The City of Tucson is acting as the contracting agencyfor any other Public Agency that elects to utilize the resulting Master Agreement. Use of the Master Agreement by any Public Agency Is preceded by their registration with OMNIA Partners (a "Participating Public Agency") and by using the Master Agreement, any such Participating Public Agency agrees that It Is registered with OMNiA Partners, whether pursuant to the terms of a Master Intergovernmental Purchasing Cooperative Agreement, a form of which Is attached hereto on Attachment C, or as otherwise agreed to. AttachmentA contains additional information about OMNIA Partners and the cooperative purchasing program. Notice of the solicitation was sent to potential offerors, as well as advertised in the following: • City of Tucson, AZ website • OMNIA Partners, Public Sector website • USA Today, nationwide • Arizona Business Gazette, AZ • San Bernardino Sun, CA • Honolulu Star -Advertiser, HI Pagel of 2 • The Advocate — New Orleans, LA • New Jersey Herald, NJ • Times Union, NY • Daily Journal of Commerce, OR • The State, SC 214 of 239 • Houston Community Newspapers, Cy Creek Mirror, TX • Deseret News, UT • Richmond Times, VA • Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, WA • Helena Independent Record, MT On December 6, 2020 proposals were received from the following offerors: • Central Poly -Bag Corp. • Network Services Company • Ecolab Inc. The proposals were evaluated by an evaluation committee. Using the evaluation criteria established in the RFP, the committee determined that one (1) company demonstrated the ability to provide the products and services outlined in the solicitation while offering competitive pricing to members. • Network Services Company The City of Tucson, Arizona executed agreements with a contract effective date of June 1, 2020 (see Amendment 1). Contracts include: A comprehensive line of quality made janitorial and sanitation supplies to support daily maintenance and operation functions. Categories include but are not limited to: dilution control; green products; industrial paper and dispensers; private label; hard floor care; carpet care; restroom care; waste receptacles, compactors and liners; machines and accessories; institutional and industrial laundry and kitchen; industrial tools & supplies; packaging and shipping; breakroom and food disposable supplies; balance of line/other categories as available by the Supplier. (� Term: - - j/�[`~- Initial.three-year agreement from June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2023 with the option to renew for one (2) additional two-year period through Nlay 31, 2025. r� Page 2 of 2 215 of 239 CONTRACT ADDENDUM CITY OF TUCSON BUSINESS SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONTRACT 0 202329-01 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 CONTRACT ADDENDUM NUMBER: TEN (10) P.O. BOX 27210, TUCSON, AZ 85726 PAGE 1 of 1 PHONE: (520) 837-4000 / FAX: (620) 791-4735 TR TAYLOR.ROSENOW@TUCSONAZ.GOV CONTRACT OFFICER TAYLOR ROSENOW ISSUE DATE: 05/23=3 JANITORIAL AND SANITATION SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT, AND RELATED SERVICES THIS CONTRACT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM ONE (1): PRICE ADJUSTMENT Pursuant to Paragraph 4 (Price Adjustment) of the Special Terms and Conditions section of the Contract, the City hereby accepts the price increases in the attached List Price Page (Attachment A). ***END OF ADDENDUM ITEMS*** ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE CONTRACT SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY. CO n%CTOR: Network Services Company DBA Network Distribution CONTRACTOR HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE ABOVE ADDENDUM 05/23/2023 CITY OF TUCSON: THE ABOVE REFERENCED CONTRACT ADDENDUM IS HEREBY EXECUTED THIS 24th DAY OF May , 2023, AT TUCSON, ARIZONA. Signature of person authorized to sign Date 544, for Daniel Ceko, Treasurer & Corporate Counsel Director of Business Services and not personally Name and Title (typed or printed legibly) Network Services Company d/b/a Network Distribution Company Name 1100 E. Woodfield Road, Ste 200 Address dceko@networkdistdbution.com Email Address Schaumburg, IL 60173 City State Zip Contact information for Sales/Account Representative for daily business operations: Martha Renkoski, Corporate Account Director Name and Title (typed or printed legibly) 224.361.2036 Phone Number mrenkoski@networkdistribution.com Email Address 216 of 239 Network Services Company City of Tucson Contract 202329 1100 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 200 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Price List (847) 803.4888 Effective From: 6/1/2023 Account: 631- Omnla Partners f�roTdtict filgta , S>eectiptiot_ _ . kep# Ce UOM Now '61PP11nae'Sellin8'MFR Pack, ' Janitorial Supplies &E Equipment l00141 00048011350301 PAD FL XHVY-DUTY 171N DIA 175 TO 60ORPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35030 5 CS 511§38 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment lDD0143 DD04801135033WAD FL XHVY-DUTY 201N DIA 175 TO 600RPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35033 5 CS $24.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 10D0678 5DD48011052415 PAD UTIL HD, HIGH -PRODUCTIVITY, RECT BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-05241 40 CS $121.86 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000579 50048011056062 PAD BNSH 201N DIA 1500 TO 3000RPM RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-05606 5 CS $35.36 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 10DO581 50048011080043 PAD FL STP AND SCRUB RECT 101N 4-5/81N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08004 20 CS $39.17 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000685 50048011082719 PAD STPR HIGH -PRODUCTIVITY 131N DIA RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08271 5 CS $35.69 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000688 50048011083754 PAD STPR HIGH-PRFM 131N DIA RND BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08375 5 CS $19.05 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000689 50048011083785 PAD STPR HIGH-PRFM 161N DIA RND BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08378 5 CS $25.34 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000693 50048011083884 PAD BFG LT -DUTY 131N DIA 175 TO 6DORPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08388 5 CS $18.53 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000694 50048011083891 PAD BFG LT -DUTY 141N DIA 175 TO 600RPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08389 5 CS $20.98 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000695 50048011083914 PAD BFG LT -DUTY 161N DIA 175 TO 60ORPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08391 5 CS $24.67 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000697 50048011083945 PAD BFG LT -DUTY 191N DIA 175 TO 6DORPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08394 5 CS $32.48 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000698 50048011083952 PAD BFG LT -DUTY 20IN DIA 175 TO 600RPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08395 5 CS $35.36 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000704 50048011084775 PAD FL 131N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08477 5 CS $18.53 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000705 50048011084782 PAD POLISHING SUPER 141N DIA RND WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08478 5 CS $20.98 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000707 50048011084843 PAD FL 201N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08484 5 CS $35.36 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000710 50048011085420 Doodlebug 6472 Pad Holder Kit w/Pads 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08542 4 CS $144.98 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000711 50048011087530 PAD BNSH 201N DIA 1500 TO 3000RPM RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08753 5 CS $35.36 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1D00717 50048011190087 PAD BNSH HIGH-PRFM 201N DIA RND TAN 11N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-29008 5 CS $35.36 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000719 50048011202643 PAD BNSH 271N DIA 1500 TO 3000RPM RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-20264 5 CS $78.75 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000723 50048011556586 ScotchBrite HandPad2.8x4.5xl.2FoamWhtBlu 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-55658 12 CS $18.33 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000867 50048011082771 PAD STPR HIGH -PRODUCTIVITY 191N DIA RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08277 5 CS $62.02 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000996 50048011203138 PAD FL 271N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-20313 5 CS $83.31 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001710 SOD48011083815 PAD STPR HIGH-PRFM 191N DIA RND BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08381 5 CS $33.33 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001712 5DD48011083822 PAD STPR HIGH-PRFM 201N DIA RND BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08382 5 CS $36.34 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001716 50048011083792 PAD STPR HIGH-PRFM 171N DIA RND BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011.08379 5 CS $28.06 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001717 50048011083921 PAD BFG LT -DUN 171N DIA 175 TO 600RPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011.08392 5 CS $27.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001718 50048011084133 PAD CLEANING HD 201N DIA 175 TO 60ORPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08413 5 CS $35.36 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001725 50D48011082788 PAD STPR HIGH -PRODUCTIVITY 201N DIA RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08278 5 CS $67.91 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001740 50048011206887 Scotch-Brite Hand Pad 6.3x3.5 YIwGm #74 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-20698 20 CS $43.83 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001746 SOD48011082931 ScotchBrite Hand Pad 6"x9" SF Grn GP #96 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08293 60 CS $38.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001775 50048011182105 PAD FL 201N DIA 1500 TO 3000RPM RND WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-18210 5 CS $40.61 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001826 50048011084102 PAD CLEANING HD 171N DIA 175 TO 600RPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08410 5 CS $27.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001828 50048011082757 PAD STPR HIGH -PRODUCTIVITY 171N DIA RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08275 5 CS $52.36 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1002479 50048011083761 PAD STPR HIGH-PRFM 141N DIA RND BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08376 5 CS $21.59 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003019 0004802135040C PAD FL HD 171N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND BL 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35040 5 CS $18.78 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003023 00048011350561 PAD FL 131N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35056 5 CS $12.56 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003C64 50048011194283 Niagara Scour Pad 6.1" x 3.6" GrnYiw 3M Commercial Solutions Division 7D071284874 20 CS $22.33 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003167 00048011350462 PAD FL 131N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND R 11N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35046 5 CS $12.56 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003186 00048011350202 PAD STPR NIGH-PRFM 171N DIA RND BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35020 5 CS $19.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003203 00048011350639 PAD FL 201N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35063 5 CS $24.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003216 00048011350233 PAD STPR HIGH-PRFM 201N DIA RND BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35023 5 CS $24.98 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003225 50048011193699 Niagara Scour Pad 6" x 9�' SynFbr Gm 96N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 96N 20 CS $9.06 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003237 0004801135053C PAD FL 201N DIA 275 TO 600RPM RND R 11N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35053 5 CS $24.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1066971 00048011593227 PAD BNSH 201N DIA 1500 TO 3000RPM RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59322 5 CS $26.14 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068627 00048011350226 PAD STPR HIGH-PRFM 191N DIA RND BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35022 5 CS $23.08 tv w Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068631 50048011083877 PAD BFG LT -DUTY 121N DIA 175 TO 600RPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08387 5 CS $16.41 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068639 5004801108390*AD BFG LT -DUTY 151N DIA 175 TO 600RPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08390 5 CS $22.92 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068645 00048011350431 PAD FL HD 201N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND BL 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35043 5 CS $24.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068674 S0048011083938 PAD BFG LT -DUTY 181N DIA 175 TO 600RPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08393 5 CS $29.25 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068686 00048011350141 PAD STPR HIGH-PRFM 201N DIA RND NYL BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35014 5 CS $32.34 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068682 OD048011350479 PAD FL 141N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND R 11N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35047 5 CS $14.34 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068685 00048011350509 PAD FL 171N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND R 11N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35050 5 CS $18.78 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1058687 00048011350523 PAD FL 19IN DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND R 11N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35052 5 CS $22.45 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068727 50048011554346 PAD APPLICATOR SHINE EASY 181N RECT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-55434 10 CS $105.59 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068734 00048011350752 PAD BNSH 201N DIA 1500 TO 3000RPM RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35075 5 CS $25.91 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068742 00048011350684 PAD BNSH 20IN DIA 1500 TO 3000RPM AQUA 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-35068 5 CS $25.91 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068793 SOD48011084768 PAD POLISHING SUPER 121N DIA RND WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division G48011-08476 5 CS $16.41 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068803 SOD48011084805 PAD FL 161N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08480 5 CS $24.67 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068808 S0048011084812 PAD POLISHING SUPER 171N DIA RND WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08481 5 CS $27.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068818 50048012084836 PAD FL 191N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08483 5 CS $32.48 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068852 00048011590653 PAD BFG LT -DUTY 281N L X 141N W RECT R 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59065 10 CS $76.50 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment IG68861 50051111025906 PAD PREP SURF HD 201N L X 141N W RECT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051111-02590 10 CS $177.19 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068864 50048011295959 PAD PREP SURF HD 131N DIA 175 TO 600RPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-29595 10 CS $66.56 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068865 0005111102498C PAD PREP SURF HD 281N L X 141N W RECT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051112-02498 10 CS $190.63 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068868 00048011295923 Scotch-Brite Surface Prep Pad 20" Mrn 3M Commercial Solutions Division SPP20 10 CS $125.00 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068871 00051131968912 PAD PREP SURF 181N L X 121N W RECT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-96891 10 CS $103.91 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068872 OD051111025901 PAD PREP SURF HD 201N L X 141N W RECT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051111-02590 1 EA $17.72 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069974 OD051111024997 PAD PREP SURF HD 321N L X 141N W RECT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051111-02499 10 CS $206.09 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068882 00051141232768 PAD PREP SURF HD 171N DIA 175 TO 600RPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051141-23276 10 CS $105.47 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068941 00048011593197 PAD BNSH 271N DIA 1500 TO 3000RPM RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59319 5 CS $58.58 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068942 00048011592572 PAD STPR HIGH-PRFM 201N L X 141N W BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 7200-20X14 10 CS $69.56 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068955 50048011083808 PAD STPR HIGH-PRFM 181N DIA RND BK 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08380 5 CS $30.08 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068961 5DO48011084485 PAD STPR SUPER HD 201N DIA RND BR 11N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08448 5 CS $36.34 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1068996 50048011084058 PAD CLEANING HD 121N DIA 175 TO 600RPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08405 5 CS $16.41 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069001 50048011094089 PAD CLEANING HD 151N DIA 175 TO 600RPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08408 5 CS $22.92 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069036 50048011182136VAD FL 241N DIA 1500 TO 3000RPM RND WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-18213 5 CS $64.17 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069056 50048011258589 Eraser Floor Pad 20" PF PnkBurnish 43600 3M Commercial Solutions Division 36DG-20 5 CS $40.61 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069064 50049011258633 PAD BNSH 271N DIA 1500 TO 3000RPM RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-25863 5 CS $90.19 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069100 50048011180668 PAD BNSH 201N DIA 1500 TO 3000RPM RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-18066 5 CS $40.61 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069106 50048011202599 PAD BNSH 271N DIA 1500 TO 390ORPM RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-20259 5 CS $90.19 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069118 50048011180453 PAD BNSH 131N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND 11N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-18045 5 CS $21.59 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069128 50048011180521 PAD BNSH 201N DIA 175 TO 600RPM RND 11N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-18052 5 CS $40.83 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069153 5004801108272WAD STPR HIGH -PRODUCTIVITY 141N DIA RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08272 5 Cs $40.08 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069156 50D48011082744AD STPR HIGH -PRODUCTIVITY 161N DIA RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08274 5 CS $47.63 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069164 5004801108280APAD STPR HIGH -PRODUCTIVITY 221N DIA RND 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08280 5 CS $85.13 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069678 50048011055096 ScotchBrlte Scour Pad 6x9 SynFbr Grn #86 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048021-05509 36 CS $60.31 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069803 50048011265631 Scotch -Brice Hand Pad 6x9 SF Grn GP #96 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-26563 20 CS $12.83 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment ID69806 50048011080036 PAD CLEANING LT -DUTY, RECr 10IN 4-5/81N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08003 20 CS $39.17 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059813 5004801108DOSC Doodlebug Scrub Pad 4.6x10 Btu Med #8242 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08005 20 CS $39.17 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059865 50048011082924 3M Hand Pad 3.5" x 5" Blu #88 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08292 40 CS $41.05 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059873 5GO48011181948 Niagara Scour Pad 6"x9" SF Grn MD #96NCC 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-18194 60 CS $29.20 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059874 50048011082511 Scotch -Brice Hand Pad 5.6x3.5 YlwWht #63 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-08251 20 CS $43.83 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069931 SDD48011231636 SPONGE PWR 4-1/21N 2.81N 0.61N SYNTH FBR 3M Commercial Solutions Division 7100054740 20 CS $39.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069932 SD048011231629 Scotch-Brite Power Pad D Blu #2000 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-23162 20 CS $14.89 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069989 GOD48011590318 ScotchBrite HandPad 2.8x4.5x1.2 FmWhtBlu 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59031 60 CS $84.27 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1070039 5DO48012193705 Niagara Scour Pad 6" x 9" SynFiber Grn 3M Commercial Solutions Division 70070997286 15 CS $10.92 N Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 107GO42 50048011193736 Niagara Scour Pad 6" x 9" Wht LtDty #98N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 98N 20 CS $9.39 x Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1070049 5004801119429C Niagara Sponge 3.6"x6" Cellulose YlwWht 3M Commercial Solutions Division 70071284759 20 CS $22.33 0 N w Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1070060 00048011350943 Niagara Utility Pad 4.6"x10" Brn g8541N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 8541N 20 CS $24.64 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1070108 00048011592039 PAD SCRUBBER GRDL HD 41N 61N 31N RECT R 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59203 12 CS $62.95 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1070151 50048012199707 PAD POLISHING GRDL DW-SAFE, HD 41N RECT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-19970 60 CS $58.33 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1070172 50D48011205071 SCREEN GRDL HD, REUSABLE 41N 5-1/21N OR 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-20507 200 CS $80.98 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1070321 50D48011205118 Doodlebug Pad Holder 9"x3.75" Plas Orng 3M Commercial Solutions Division 6472 10 CS $191.45 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1070338 50048011590337 Scotch-Brite Scour Pad Prpl 92020 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59033 24 CS $18.38 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1070374 50048011260131 SctchBrt Squeegee 7.8x0.18x17.7 Rbbrtt410 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011.26013 1 CS $16.02 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075839 10048011554332 Easy Shine Floor Finish Kit 3M Commercial Solutions Division 480115-54334 1 EA $353.88 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075853 00048011554402 POUCH REPLACEMENT REUSABLE 1GAL 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-5544C 5 CS $65.16 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1076481 50048011596469 PAD APPLICATOR PROTECTOR FL 181N RECT BL 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59646 10 CS $123.91 Chemicals 1087533 50D48011168611 3M Sharpshooter Spot Remover lqt NoRinse 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-16861 12 CS $89.67 Chemicals 1089580 5DD48011592782 FINISH FL 2.5GAL LIQ ACRYL WHT 3 TO 9CPS 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048012-59278 2 CS $135.47 Chemicals 1089588 5DD48011592775 FINISH FL 2.5GAL LIQ ACRYL MILKY WHT 1 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59277 2 CS $138.64 Chemicals 1089649 5DD48011592799 FINISH FL LOW MAL NT 2.5GAL LIQ 8 TO 9 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59279 2 CS $98.70 Chemicals 1089661 50048011593796 PROTECTOR FL STN RDY-TO-USE 1GAL BAG LIQ 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59379 2 CS $523.28 Chemicals 1090694 50048011233579 CONCENTRATE CLEANER GL 2L BTL APPLE BL 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-23357 6 CS $267.56 Chemicals 1090709 50048011192029 3M MultiSurface Cleaner 2Ltr HD 21. GC 3M Commercial Solutions Division 2L-GC 6 CS $247.05 Chemicals 1090716 50048011202001 3M Neutral Floor Cleaner 2Ltr 3H GC 3M Commercial Solutions Division 3H-GC 6 CS $256.63 Chemicals 1090722 50D48011192043 CLEANER BATHROOM DISINFECTANT 2L BTL LIQ 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-19204 6 CS $753.28 Chemicals 1090762 50D48011233463 3M Foodservice Degreaser 21.tr Ylw 7H GC 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-23346 6 CS $409.66 Chemicals 1090769 50048011192111 3M GP Cleaner 2Ltr Red Citrus 8L GC 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-19211 6 CS $200.28 Chemicals 1090817 50048011201219 DEODORIZER 2L BTL LIQ BL 122 TO 366G/L 3M Commercial Solutions Division 480112-01219 6 CS $670.09 Chemicals 1090821 50048011207877 CLEANER BATHROOM DISINFECTANT ACID -FREE 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-20787 6 CS $697.13 Chemicals 1090839 5DD48011235528 CLEANER BATHROOM DISINFECTANT 2L BTL LIQ 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-23552 6 CS $196.03 Chemicals 1090841 5D048011260575 CLEANER BATHROOM DISINFECTANT 21. BTL LIQ 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-26057 6 CS $196.03 Chemicals 1090844 5GO48011235535 3M 3N1 Floor Clnr 2Ltr Blu Citrus 24H GC 3M Commercial Solutions Division 24H-GC 6 CS $327.92 Chemicals 1090945 50048011235511 CLEANER BATHROOM DISINFECTANT 21. BTL LIQ 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-23551 6 CS $292.70 Chemicals 1090847 S0048011235504 CLEANER DISINFECTANT GRA CAP 21. BTL LIQ 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-23550 6 CS $292.70 Chemicals 1090862 5GO48011263231 CLEANER GROUT AND TILE 21. BTL PUNGENT 1 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-26323 6 CS $170.86 Chemicals 1090925 5D048011235924 DISPENSER SYS CHEMICAL 30 1 TO 3GPM GRA 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-23592 1 EA $0.01 Chemicals 1090928 5D048011235931 DISPENSER SYS CHEMICAL 30 GRA WALL 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-23593 1 EA $0.01 Chemicals 1101973 50048011140013 STRIPPER BASEBOARD 21OZ AEROSOL CAN LIQ 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-14001 12 CS $160.66 Chemicals 1102178 50048011140020 POLISH AND CLEANER STL STNLS 21OZ CITRUS 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-14002 12 CS $135.50 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1127583 00048011592589 PAD BFG LT -DUTY 201N L X 141N W RECT R 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59258 10 CS $67.55 Chemicals 1169808 50048011597497 3M Peroxide Cleaner 2Ltr 34L GC 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59749 6 CS $132.44 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1171876 50048011598302 PAD BNSH HIGH-PRFM 241N DIA FIND SKY BL 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59830 5 CS $64.17 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1172179 50048011598258 PAD BNSH HIGH-PRFM 201N DIA FIND SKY BL 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59825 5 CS $40.61 Chemicals 1177458 5DD4801159818C CLEANER CREME BATHROOM 1QT BTL MINTY WHT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59818 12 CS $49.50 Chemicals 1228763 5DD48011592881 3M Peroxide Cleaner 2Ltr 34H GC 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-59288 6 CS $132.44 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1234731 ODD48011295961 PAD PREP SURF HD 141N DIA 175 TO 60ORPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 048011-29596 1 EA $6.75 Chemicals 1256991 5D051125857906 PROTECTOR AND CLEANER GL 0.5GAL BTL BL 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051125-85790 4 CS $196.25 Chemicals 1256995 5DO51125858279 3M HD Multi Surface Conc Cleaner 0.5 gl 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051125-85827 4 CS $170.48 Chemicals 1256996 5DO5112585792C 3M Peroxide Cleaner 34A Concen .5gal 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051125-85792 4 CS $83.39 Chemicals 1257005 5005112585789C 3M Neutral Cleaner Concentrate .5 gal 3M Commercial Solutions Division 3A 4 CS $161.80 Chemicals 1257011 5D051125858064 3M Bathroom Disinfect Cleaner 4A .SGL 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051125-85806 4 CS $446.47 Chemicals 1257854 5D051125858507 SYSTEM CTRL FLOW ACTN GAP 4 BTL 2GPM GRN 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051125-85850 1 CS $0.01 Chemicals 1257858 50O51125858309 CLEANER BATHROOM DISINFECTANT ACID -FREE 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051125-85830 4 CS $453.05 Chemicals 1257861 5DO51125857913 HB Quat Disinfectant Clnr Conc .Sgal 25A 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051125-85791 4 CS $160.28 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1258961 50051125858491 DISPENSER CTRL FLOW PORT 2GPM GRA 111N 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051125-85849 1 EA $0.01 Chemicals 1262831 50051125858293 DEODORIZER O.SGAL BTL LIQ BL 1:59 3M Commercial Solutions Division 511258.58293 4 CS $446.95 Chemicals 1263114 50051125858712 General Prpse Clnr Concentrate 8A 0.5Gal 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051125.85871 4 CS $133.27 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1265847 5DO51125859191 Easy Trap Dust Sheets 8"x6" 250 Sheets 3M Commercial Solutions Division 55654W 1 CS $62.11 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1265848 5DO51125859207 Easy Trap Duster 5"x6"xl25' 500Sh Wht 3M Commercial Solutions Division 55655W 2 CS $80.20 0 to W Ic Chemicals 1289748 50051125859283 CLEANER EXTRACTION 0.5GAL LIQ COLORLESS 3M Commercial Solutions Division 85928 4 CS $74.91 Chemicals 1299475 50051125859269 CLEANER DISINFECTANT CONCENTRATED 0 5GAL 3M Commercial Solutions Division 051125-85926 4 CS $118.97 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1313975 50638C6D095480 PAD FL 2-SIDED 141N DIA 175 TO 60ORPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 638060-09548 5 CS $70.83 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1314012 50638060095442 PAD FL 2-SIDED 171N DIA 175 TO 60ORPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 638060-09544 5 CS $90.63 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1314997 5063806DO95411 PAD FL 2-SIDED 201N DIA 175 TO 60ORPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 638060-09541 5 CS $108.59 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1315260 50638060095558 PAD FL 2-SIDED 201N L X 141N W RECT BR 3M Commercial Solutions Division 63806D-09555 5 CS $119.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1315261 50638060095497 PAD FL 2-SIDED 131N DIA 175 TO 60ORPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 638060-09549 5 CS $62.63 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1315683 50638060086372 PAD PREP SURF 201N L X 141N W RECT 3M Commercial Solutions Division 63806D-08637 5 CS $101.25 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1317418 50638060094118 PAD PREP SURF 201N DIA 175 TO 60ORPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 638060-08411 5 CS $71.17 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1318279 50538060095404 PAD FL 2-SIDED 151N DIA 175 TO 60ORPM 3M Commercial Solutions Division 638050-09540 5 CS $77.45 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1333051 50638060084187 PAD FL 201N DIA 150 TO 3000RPM RND PRP 3M Commercial Solutions Division 638060-08418 5 CS $282.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1334128 50638060084217 PAD FL 271N DIA 150 TO 3000RPM RN PRP 3M Commercial Solutions Division 638060-08421 5 CS $441.75 Chemicals 1000067 10807174548126 Virex Il 256 Dsnf Cleaner 2.51. BluMint Diversey 4329 2 CS $74.03 Chemicals 1000068 100465CO043311 Virex II 256 DisinfClnr 32oz Quat BluMnt Diversey 4331 6 CS $80.88 Chemicals 1DD0082 20046500045315 Envy Disinfectant Cleaner 19oz Diversey 4531 12 CS $71.13 Chemicals 1DDD088 20046500045605 Crew Bowl Clnr 32oz HCI Diversey 4560 12 CS $61.51 Chemicals 1DD0348 10907174491101 Virex 11256 Disinf Cleaner 1.51. BluMnty Diversey 3062637 2 CS $52.31 Chemicals lDD0349 00807174491128 Virex it 256Dsnfctnt Clnr Sit BluMntRTD Diversey 3062768 1 CS $76.46 Chemicals 1000355 10807174491859 Crew Floor Cleaner 1.5 L Gm Fresh Diversey 3063437 2 CS $44.66 Chemicals 1000356 10807174491934 Triad III DisinfectantCleaner 51. GrnMnty Diversey 3143429 1 CS $38.69 Chemicals 1000364 10807174492191 Triad III Disinf Cleaner 2.5 L Grn Mnty Diversey 3164406 2 CS $32.53 Chemicals 1000366 1080717449328C1tlpha-HP AIIPurpCleaner 5L H2O2 Clr Ctrs Diversey 3350743 1 PL $89.47 Chemicals 1000371 10807174493946 Alpha -HP All Purp Cleaner 2.5 L Clr Ctrs Diversey 3401512 2 CS $89.71 Chemicals 1000386 10807174502746 Oxivir Disinfectant Cleaner 1.5 L CIr Diversey 4963357 2 CS $66.72 Chemicals 1000393 00807174504385 Signature Floor Finish 5 gat Amm Wht Diversey 5104950 1 BX $138.16 Chemicals 1000394 D0807174504392 Timesaver SR Floor Finish 5gal Amm Wht Diversey 5104984 1 BX $215.57 Chemicals lDD0395 10807174504443 Premia Floor Finish 5 gal Ammonia Wht Diversey 5039422 1 BX $101.28 Chemicals 1000398 D080717450462C Carefree Floor Finish 5 gal Amm Off-Wht Diversey 5104731 1 BX $136.99 Chemicals 1000399 00807274504644 Complete Floor Finish 5 gl BIB Envbox Diversey 5104773 1 BX $79.07 Chemicals 10004DO 00807174504651 Fortify Floor Sealer 5 gal Ammonia Wht Diversey 5104781 1 BX $124.25 Chemicals IG00401 10807174504702 Plaza Floor Sealer 5 gal Ammonia Wht Diversey 5104933 1 BX $139.96 Chemicals 1000402 D0807174504729 Vectra Floor Finish 5 gal Ammonia OffWht Diversey 5105047 1 BX $96.24 Chemicals 1000513 1004650DD40785 Vectra Floor Finish GL Diversey 4078 4 CS $102.47 Chemicals 1000514 10807174547006 Snapback Floor Maintain GL AmmBluLmn Diversey 4134 4 CS $111.99 Chemicals lDD0521 1004650004705C Glance Glass Clnr 32oz Diversey 4705 12 CS $34.38 Chemicals lDD0523 10807174547211 End Bac 11 Disinf Cleaner 15oz Clr Fresh Diversey 4832 12 CS $89.53 Chemicals 1000630 10807174493273 Alpha -HP MultiSurf Cleaner 1.SL Ctrs RTD Diversey 3350727 2 CS $63.78 Chemicals 1000637 10807174498797 Oxivir Tb Disinfectant Clnr 32oz Clr RTU Diversey 4277285 12 CS $68.87 Chemicals 1000641 10807274500131 Oxivir Wipes TB 12/160 Diversey 4599516 12 CS $160.40 Chemicals 1000651 10807274502340 Vectra Floor Finish 2.51. Ammonia OffWht Diversey 4971921 6 CS $113.31 Chemicals 1000652 10807174502357 Signature Floor Finish 2.5 L Ammonia Wht Diversey 4971947 6 CS $136.40 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000654 10807174502388 ProSpeed Floor Pad Wht Diversey D4972122 12 CS $20.73 Chemicals 1000655 10807174502739 Oxivir Disinfectant Cleaner 2.5 L Cir Diversey 4963331 2 CS $106.10 Chemicals 10DO659 10807174503767 Virex II 256 Disinf Cleaner 47.3oz Mint Diversey 5019317 2 CS $61.69 Chemicals 1000667 10807174505396 Over&UnderPius FloorSealr 5gal AmmOffWht Diversey 5118737 1 BX $101.28 Chemicals 1003243 50070659411393 Amplify Floor Finish 5 gat Wht Mild Diversey 5104714 1 BX $140.59 Chemicals 1003281 00807174504637 Carefree Floor Finish 5gal Amm Wht Matte Diversey 5104757 1 BX $118.25 Chemicals 1003282 00807174505051 Aquaria Floor Finish 5 gal Ammonia Wht Diversey 5120870 1 BX $140.75 Chemicals 1003569 10807174502869 Shine -Up Furniture Polish 1 qt Wht Lemon Diversey 4995480 12 CS $60.93 Chemicals 1086119 30807174503743IDxivir Five16 Dsnfctnt Clnr 1.41. H2O2CIr Diversey 5019296 2 CS $64.97 Chemicals 1088354 10807174502722iOxivir Fivel6DisinfectantCleanerlgalH2O2 Diversey 4963314 4 CS $249.97 N N Chemicals 1089619 50070658411300 IronStone FloorSealer Sgal AmmWht Acrylc Diversey 5104837 1 BX $114.95 O Chemicals 1089621 00070658411343 finish Mainstay High Perf-5 gl Diversey 5104917 1 BX $87.34 o N w Chemicals 1089889 50070658401004 Btchr Iron Stone Acr Seal 1 gl Diversey 4006110 4 CS $113.90 Chemicals 1090099 10046500041669 Over & Under Plus FIT SIT GL Diversey 4166 4 CS $86.18 Chemicals 1090487 10807174493778 Bathroom Cleaner 1.5 L Grn Fresh Diversey 3364707 2 CS $43.44 Chemicals 1097185 10807174518946 Bath Mate Bathroom Cleaner 32oz Acid Free Diversey 5516217 12 CS $32.21 Chemicals 1097193 10807174518853 Bath Mate Bathroom Cleaner 1.5glNAGmFrsh Diversey 5516250 2 CS $182.93 Chemicals 1098142 10807174503798 Crew Bathroom Cleaner 1.4 L Blu Floral Diversey 5019237 2 CS $72.72 Chemicals 1145521 10807174509851 Easy Paks Disinf Clnr .5oz Grn Lmn 2/90 Diversey 5412135 2 CS $60.21 Chemicals 1148363 10807174498506 Crew Bathroom Cleaner 2.5 L NA Blu Flrl Diversey 5546264 2 CS $103.29 Chemicals 1162091 10807174515968 Morning Mist DisinfClnr 1gal BlufrshNeut Diversey 5283038 4 CS $85.13 Chemicals 1163010 10807174508175 Morning Mist Dsnfct Cleaner SL Blu Frsh Diversey 5283020 1 CS $36.40 Chemicals 1163070 10807174508199 MorningMist Disinf Clnr 1.SglGrnFrshNeut Diversey 5283046 2 CS $69.28 Chemicals 1166391 10807274511816 Alpha -HP Disinfectant Cleaner 1.5 L Ctrs Diversey 5549254 2 CS $66.00 Chemicals 1167626 10807174511809 Alpha -HP Disinfectant Cleaner 2.5 L Ctrs Diversey 5549211 2 CS $98.87 Chemicals 1201345 00807174517309 Foam Gun Diversey D5776027 1 EA $62.37 Chemicals 1212029 10807174511823 Alpha -HP Disinfectant Cleaner 5 L Citrus Diversey 5549271 1 CS $89.51 Chemicals 1226837 10807174513452 Oxivir Tb Disinf Wipe Lrg 4/160Ct H2O2 Diversey 5627427 4 CS $157.68 Chemicals 1239384 10807174526735 Glance Glass Cleaner 1.5 L Ammonia Blu Diversey 93063402 2 CS $55.87 Chemicals 1239399 10807174526322 GP Forward GP Cleaner 1 gl Alc Grn Ctrs Diversey 1904518 4 CS $54.76 Chemicals 1239393 00807174526356 GP Forward All Purp Cleaner Sgl Grn Ctrs Diversey 1904516 1 BX $50.57 Chemicals 1239407 10807174528685 Neutralizer Conditioner 90Ct OffWht DIBS Diversey 1917048 180 CS $68.01 Chemicals 1239412 10807174526728 Breakdown Odor Eliminator lgl Red Fresh Diversey 194291110 4 CS $104.06 Chemicals 1239416 10807174527435 GoodSense Air Freshener 19m1 Tuscan Grdn Diversey I904889 12 CS $106.91 Chemicals 1239424 10807174528081 Spdbl12000 Power Cleaner 1.51L PrplCtrsHD Diversey 195892175 2 CS $79.99 Chemicals 1239427 10807174528128 Speedbal12000 AIIPurpCleaner 32ozYlwCtrs Diversey 195891164 12 CS $63.72 Chemicals 1239429 10807174528111 Spitfire Power Cleaner 32oz Red Pine Diversey 95891789 12 CS $53.75 Chemicals 1239432 10807174528258 Spitfire Degreaser 1.5 L Red Pine Diversey 95891201 2 CS $79.56 Chemicals 1239446 10807174528937 PresprayPlus Carpet CInr1.5L YlwFIrlFrty Diversey 93515034 2 CS $74.82 Chemicals 1239453 1080717452845E Stride Floor Cleaner Sgal Orng Ctrs Neut Diversey 903906 1 BX $41.09 Chemicals 1239454 10807174528265 Stride Floor Cleaner SL Orng Ctrs Neut Diversey 193063390 1 CS $73.49 Chemicals 1239458 10807174527367 Bravo Floor Stripper 5gal Box 1500+UHS Diversey 195594995 1 Pl. $77.46 Chemicals 1239459 10807174527855 Bravo Floor Stripper 5gal Or HD LowOdor IDiversey 195115958 1 Pl. $61.31 Chemicals 1239461 10807174527770 Bravo Floor Stripper 23oz WhtEHD PwrFoam IDiversey 194966769 1 12 CS $107.63 Chemicals 1239465 10807174527794 ProStrip Floor Stripper 5gl Strw ChryAlm Diversey 95032360 1 Pl. $107.34 Chemicals 1239467 1080717452739E Pro Strip Floor Stripper 5 L Amber Slvnt Diversey 95547312 1 CS $139.66 Chemicals 1242673 10807174529538 Extraction Cleaner 1 gl Clr Floral Diversey 903844 4 CS $70.72 Chemicals 1242789 10807174528449 Stride All Purp Cleaner 1 gl Orng Ctrs Diversey 903904 4 CS $35.65 Chemicals 1242790 10807174528883 Prespray Cleaner 1 gl HD Clr Fruity Neut Diversey 904266 4 CS $131.22 Chemicals 1242811 10807174528661 Easy Paks Floor Cleaner 0.5oz Omg Pine Diversey 990653 180 CS $67.34 Chemicals 1242834 10807174526414 Crew Bathroom Cleaner 32 oz Blu Citrus IlDiversey 94476081 12 1 CS 1 $47.99 Chemicals 1242845 10807174528197 Spitfire All Purpose Cleaner 2.5LRedPine I Diversey 95892221 2 1 CS 1 $108.50 Chemicals 1242855 10807174527848 Bravo Floor Stripper 1 gal Clr Mild IDiversey 95215940 4 1 CS 1 $65.85 Chemicals 1242888 1080717453080C Bath Mate Bathroom Cleaner 1.51. NAcid HD IDiversey 93145328 2 CS I $57.46 Chemicals 1242891 10907174530886 Speedtrack Floor Cleaner 1 gal Wht IDiversey 94033110 4 CS I $78.84 Chemicals 1242902 1080717452805C Emerel Creme Cleanser 32oz Acdc OWhtFrsh IDiversey 94995295 12 1 CS 1 $62.62 Chemicals 1242906 10807174526742 Glance Glass Cleaner 2.5 L Ammonia Blu (Diversey 905779 2 CS $78.69 Chemicals 1242911 10807174526452 Glance All Purp Cleaner 2.51LAmmFree Blu IlDiversey 93172641 2 CS $78.19 Chemicals 1242913 10807174526469 Glance Glass Cleaner 1.4 L Amm Free Blu Diversey 95019510 2 CS $49.43 Chemicals 1242914 10907174526476 Glance Glass Cleaner 1.5 L Non-Amm Blu IDiversey 93361936 2 1 CS $57.59 Chemicals 1242921 10807174531418 GP Forward All Purp Cleaner 2.51. GmCtrs IDiversey 904965 2 1 CS $97.68 Chemicals 1242923 10807174531425 GP Forward All Purp Cleaner 5 L Gm Ctrs Diversey 193245408 1 1 1 CS 1 $114.06 Chemicals 1242925 10807174527466 BrkDwn Odor Eliminator 2.51. Enz RedFrsh IDIversey 195773791 2 1 CS 1 $85.54 N Chemicals 1242926 10807174529255 Good Sense Odor Eliminator 2.5 L Clr Apt (Diversey 1904969 2 1 CS 1 $172.91 Chemicals 1242933 10807174526575 PERdiem All Purpose Cleaner 5 L H2O2 Clr IDiversey 194998859 1 1 CS 1 $88.94 0 to W Ic Chemicals 1242937 10807174526605 PERdiem All Purpose Cleaner 1.41. H2O2CIr Diversey 95019481 2 CS $66.21 Chemicals 1242938 10807174526681 PERdiem AIIPurpose Cleaner 2.51. H2O2 Clr Diversey 95613252 2 CS $95.06 Chemicals 1242941 10807174527497 Crew Bathroom Cleaner 2.51 Red Fresh Diversey 95694769 2 CS $135.15 Chemicals 1242945 10807174529941 Extraction Cleaner 2.51. Cir Floral Diversey 904972 2 CS $89.94 Chemicals 1242951 10807174527626 Revive Plus Floor Cleaner 2.5 L Red Ctrs Diversey 92974618 2 CS $107.90 Chemicals 1242969 10807174531449 #20 Hot Springs 1.5 gl Diversey 93318102 2 CS $104.25 Chemicals 1242973 10807174529767 Extraction Rinse 1 gl Cir Fruity Floral Diversey 903730 4 CS $85.12 Chemicals 1242975 10807174531340 Prominence Floor Cleaner 5 L Ylw Ctrs HD Diversey 9499645E 1 CS $156.49 Chemicals 1242976 10807174531371 Prominence Floor Cleaner 2.51. Ylw Citrus Diversey 94996466 2 CS $149.88 Chemicals 1242979 10807174532347 Snapback Floor Maintainer 1 gal Straw Diversey 904116 4 CS $105.68 Chemicals 1242982 10807174530862 Raindance Floor Cleaner 1.5gIYlwCtrsNeut Diversey 93323981 2 CS $162.56 Chemicals 1242991 10807174529521 Stride AIIPurpCleaner 2.51. FrgFrOrngNeut Diversey 94240626 2 CS $71.78 Chemicals 1242993 1080717452818C Stride Floor Cleaner 2.5L Orng Ctrs Neut Diversey 904716 2 CS $214.16 Chemicals 1243005 10807174529699 Gum Remover 6.5oz Fruity Diversey 95628817 12 CS $61.79 Chemicals 1243277 10807174532255 Crew Bathroom Cleaner 2.51 Acidic Prpl Diversey 93172650 2 CS $94.26 Chemicals 1243409 1080717452821C Speedba112000 Power Clnr 2.51. NB Ctrs HD Diversey 100835210 2 CS $128.76 Chemicals 1243422 10807174529453 Carpet Spotter 32oz Water -Based Clr FIrl Diversey 904192 6 CS $47.68 Chemicals 1243570 10807174527404 ProStrip Floor Stripper 2.5 L NB HiEff Diversey 95547355 2 CS $131.21 Chemicals 1245638 10807174517269 MorningMst Disinf Cleaner 2.51. Quat Neut Diversey 5773934 2 CS $39.51 Chemicals 1247062 10807174532316 Prespray Cleaner 2.5 L Ylw Floral Neut Diversey 904274 2 CS $118.09 Chemicals 1247064 10807174532514 Glance Glass Cleaner 19 oz Ammonia Diversey 904553 12 CS $46.40 Chemicals 1247115 10807174532194 Hot Springs All Purpose Cleaner 1 gl HD Diversey 94039110 4 CS $54.88 Chemicals 2247116 10807174532941 Profi Floor Cleaner 1gl Wht GrsRmvr Rbbr Diversey 94512759 4 CS $86.60 Chemicals 1248824 10807174529934 CongRDust Dust MopTreatment 17oz Amine Diversey 904751 12 CS $96.19 Chemicals 1250497 10807174534327 Extraction Rinse 1.51. Floral Fruity Diversey 93515042 2 CS $58.51 Chemicals 1253854 10807174533498 High Mileage Floor Finish 2.51. WhtMild Diversey 95109638 6 CS $139.25 Chemicals 1254238 10807174533481 High Mileage Floor Finish 5gal Box Wht Diversey 95104811 1 Pl. $131.69 Chemicals 1255453 10807174533047 Wiwax Floor Cleaner lgal Amm Wht Pisnt Diversey 94512767 4 CS $122.56 Chemicals 1255648 10807174532248 Crew Bathroom Cleaner 1.5L Acidic Prpl Diversey 93145310 2 CS $61.25 Chemicals 1256425 10807174529774 Stride Floor Cleaner 2.51. Red FloralNeut Diversey 904717 2 CS $221.41 Chemicals 1279764 00855419003148 ekscrn Urinal Screen 60D BluFrshAntSplsh Diversey EKS-30-12 12 CS $54.71 Chemicals 1281579 10807174537328 Defoamer 32 oz Wht Mild Diversey 95002620 6 CS $35.19 Chemicals 1282897 10807174538035 CrewTile&Grout Rejuvenator32oz B1chLtYlw Diversey 100919352 12 CS $49.85 Skin Care 1283283 10807174537182 SoftCare Impact Hand Sanitizer 1.21. Diversey 100907873 6 CS $141.76 Skin Care 1284807 10807174537229 Soft Care Hand Soap 1.3 L Pink Lemon Tea Diversey 100907877 6 CS $72.28 Chemicals 1285486 10807174538257 Crew Disinf Cleaner 32oz Non -Acid Diversey 100925283 12 CS $29.74 Chemicals 1302876 10807174539612 Good Sense AirFreshener 16oz TuscanGardn Diversey ID0949179 6 CS $38.02 Chemicals 1307236 10807174540823 Crew Bathroom Cleaner 2.5 L Multi Purp Diversey 100965931 2 CS $89.32 Chemicals 1336834 10807174546641 Crew Toilet Bowl Cleaner 32 oz Grn Flrl Diversey 4578 12 CS $40.72 Foodservice 1007758 10078731974119 REFILL FORK HEAVYWEIGHT PP 6.451N BK Dixie Foodservice DUSSPFS 960 CS $44.18 Foodservice 1007774 10078731974133 REFILL TEASPOON HEAVYWEIGHT PP 6.171N BK Dixie Foodservice DUSSPTS 960 CS $44.18 Foodservice 1010953 00078731985774 CUP HOT INSULATED 8OZ PPR COFFEE HAZE Dixie Foodservice 5338CD 1000 CS $102.47 Foodservice 1010981 00078731985781 CUP HOT INSULATED 12OZ PPR COFFEE HAZE Dixie Foodservice 5342CD 1000 CS $135.07 Foodservice 1011079 10078731986105 LID CUP DOME, LGE, SIP THRU PLSTC WHT Dixie Foodservice D9542 1000 CS $51.64 Foodservice 1019122 OD078731878649 PLATE DINNERWARE HEAVYWEIGHT 8-1/21N PPR Dixie Foodservice SXP9W 500 CS $67.05 Foodservice 1021071 10078731914955 Kant Leek FoodTray 21b7xSx2 PlyCtdRedPld Dixie Foodservice RP2008 1000 CS $42.12 Foodservice 1021072 10078731915051 KantLeek Food Tray.25lb PiyctdPpr RedPld Dixie Foodservice RP258 1000 CS $25.96 Foodservice 1021073 10078731914917 KantLk FdTry2.5lb7.56x6.50xl.84 PCRedPld Dixie Foodservice RP2508 500 CS $34.32 Foodservice 1021211 00078731980564 TRAY FOOD 9.311N 6.131N R PLAID SUB Dixie Foodservice RP500 500 CS $45.55 Foodservice 1030793 00078731888105 REFILL SPOON MEDIUMWEIGHT PS 61N BK Dixie Foodservice SSS51 960 CS $41.78 Foodservice 1030794 DD078731888082 REFILL FORK MEDIUMWEIGHT PS 6-1/21N BK Dixie Foodservice SSF51 960 CS $41.78 N N Foodservice 1030917 OD078731888099 KNIFE MEDIUMWEIGHT PP BK 71N Dixie Foodservice SSK51 960 CS $41.78 N � Foodservice 1031286 00078731350923 FORK DISPOSABLE MEDIUMWEIGHT PP 61N WHT Dixie Foodservice PFM21 1000 CS $19.04 N W Foodservice 1155482 10078731919080 LID DOME, LGE, SIP THRU PLSTC WHT Dixie Foodservice 9542500DX 500 CS $31.16 Foodservice 1158580 10078731940589 TRAY FOOD 8.381N 5.811N PATHWAYS 13LB Dixie Foodservice KL300PATH 500 CS $36.03 Foodservice 1160488 10078731940275 BOWL DINNERWARE HEAVYWEIGHT 120Z PPR Dixie Foodservice SX12PATH 1000 CS $89.32 Foodservice 1161764 10078731940527 CUP HOT 1ZOZ POLY PPR PATHWAYS Dixie Foodservice 2342PATH 1000 CS $95.21 Foodservice 1205525 10078731949469 PLATE DINNER HEAVYWEIGHT RIND 61N PPR WHT Dixie Foodservice SXP6PATH 1000 CS $43.42 Foodservice 1209101 10078731950892 TRAY FOOD 9.311N 6.131N POLY-CTD PPR BR Dixie Foodservice ESSOOU Soo CS $44.18 Chemicals 1093760 10025469129229 Silver Power Flatware Presoak 8 Ibs Blu Ecolab 6112922 2 CS $140.67 Chemicals 1093765 10025469253955 Solid Brilliance Rinse Add 2.5 Ibs Grn Ecolab 6125395 2 CS $290.75 Chemicals 1093768 00025469127167 ET Ultra Klene Dish Detergent 5 gal Red Ecolab 6112716 1 PL $148.12 Chemicals 1093824 10025469130942 Lemon-Eze Creme Cleanser 32oz Wht Lemon Ecolab 6113094 12 CS $158.63 Chemicals 1093827 10025469114904 Leman Lift All Purp Clnr 20oz CIB1ch K&B Ecolab 6111490 12 CS $125.72 Skin Care 1093852 00025469139610 Ultra San DishMachineSanitizer 5 gal Ylw Ecolab 6113961 1 PL $59.54 Chemicals 1093855 10025469107517 Solid Metal -Pro Dish Detergent Bibs Blu Ecolab 6110751 4 CS $134.13 Chemicals 1093875 00025469143105 TriStar So Fresh Fabric Sftnr 5giGrnFrsh Ecolab 6114310 1 PL $193.17 Chemicals 1093894 10025469179057 Solid Surge Plus NP Lndry Dtrgnt 91b Ylw Ecolab 6117905 4 CS $227.69 Chemicals 1093899 00025469165275 Oxy Brite Laundry Bleach 5gl H2O2 Clr Ecolab 6116527 1 PL $234.52 Chemicals 1093913 00025469143204 TriStar SoFresh Fbrc Sftnr 15gINPhosFrsh Ecolab 6114320 1 DR $460.47 Chemicals 1093918 00025469129710 PanTastic Pot & Pan Detergent 5 gal Blu Ecolab 6112971 1 PL $118.24 Chemicals 1093919 10025469129632 PanTastic Pot & Pan Detergent 1 gal Blu Ecolab 6112963 4 CS $84.91 Chemicals 1093922 10025469139792 Eco-San Machine Sanitizer 1gal Low Temp Ecolab 6113979 4 CS $35.57 Chemicals 1093927 10025469109429 Rinse Dry Rinse Additive 1 g1 Grn Ecolab 6110942 4 CS $152.28 Chemicals 1093939 00025469159823 Tri-Star Stain Remover 5 gal CIBleachYlw Ecolab 6115982 1 PL $78.28 Chemicals 1093952 00025469166593 EcoStarSourVll Laundry 15gl Lt Ylw Pngnt Ecolab 6116659 1 PL $691.91 Chemicals 1094331 1002546996406E POLISH FURN 160Z AEROSOL CAN LEMON LIQ Ecolab 6196406 6 CS $43.06 Chemicals 1094337 10025469962918 TREATMENT MOP DUST 160Z AEROSOL CAN LIQ Ecolab 61196291 6 CS $55.54 Chemicals 1094368 10025469574647 CLEANER ALK DRY 0.50Z CITRUS PRP SOL 1 Ecolab 6181087 180 CS $64.96 Chemicals 1094436 G0025469614025 Prep Pak NeutralizerCndtnr .5oz PrplCtrs Ecolab 6191402 180 CS $87.03 Chemicals 1094494 10025469636994 CBC Plus Bowl Cleaner 32oz PhsphrcAcdGrn Ecolab 6100487 12 CS $42.32 Chemicals 1094495 10025469636659 CLEANER BATHROOM AND BOWL 320Z FLORAL Ecolab 6143665 12 CS $40.88 Chemicals 1094635 00025469143303 TriStar TurbBost Lundry Dtrgnt5glYlwCtrs Ecolab 6114330 1 PL $362.21 Chemicals 1094637 10025469109061 Scout Pot & Pan Detergent 2 gal Ecolab 6110906 2 CS $156.51 Chemicals 1094653 0002546916146E Eco-Star Stain Remover 15gal Cl Blch Ylw Ecolab 6116146 1 PL $149.25 Chemicals 1094663 00025469145598 Oasis Orng Force Degreaser 2.5gl Orng Ecolab 6114559 1 CS $78.78 Chemicals 1094668 00025469106254 Oasis 115XP Floor Cleaner 2.5gal Lemon Ecolab 6110625 1 CS $84.93 Chemicals 1094709 10025469145441 Power Force Degreaser 32oz Citrus Ecolab 6114544 6 CS $75.51 Chemicals 1094733 10025469669312 QC A-456 II Dsnfctnt Clnr 1.31L Quat Prpl Ecolab 6166931 2 CS $49.62 Chemicals 1094782 10025469133264 Ultra Klene Dish Machine Detergent 1 gal Ecolab 6113326 4 CS $160.50 Chemicals 1094808 10025469103625 Apex Dishwashing Detergent 31b Prpl Ctrs Ecolab 6110362 2 CS $115.00 Chemicals 1094809 10025469103649 Apex Flatware Presoak 4 Ibs Blu Ecolab 6110364 3 CS $184.47 Chemicals 1094938 10025469101201 POLISH FURN MULTI-PRP 170Z AEROSOL CAN 7 Ecolab 6110120 12 CS $108.96 Chemicals 1094947 10025469160017 Solid Navisoft Fabric Softener 6 lb Tan Ecolab 6116001 2 CS $184.95 Chemicals 1094962 00325469177087 Oasis Multi Sanitizer Clnr 2.Sgl QuatRed Ecolab 6100536 2 CS $97.24 Chemicals 1095060 10025469268112 Apex Rinse Additive 2.5 Ibs Grn Ecolab 6116811 2 CS $308.97 Chemicals 1095061 10025469170627 Apex Dish Detergent 6.751b Chlorine Wht Ecolab 6117062 6 CS $185.03 Chemicals 1095180 00025469104304 CLEANER LAU PHOS-FREE LIQ ODORLESS CLEAR Ecolab 6210430 1 PL $431.43 Chemicals 1095238 00025469611413 REFRESHER ROOM 2.5GAL LIQ MORNING BREEZE Ecolab 6100141 1 CS $184.13 Chemicals 1099509 10025469170917 Apex PowerPius DishMchnDtrgnt 6.75# Wht Ecolab 6117091 4 CS $193.82 Chemicals 1099753 00025469120830 Tri-Star NP LaundrySour Sgal LtBlu Pngnt Ecolab 6112083 1 PL $154.86 Chemicals 1099803 00025469120816 TriStarAgSft Lndry5ourSftnr 5gal NPNPEFr Ecolab 5112081 1 PL $180.52 Chemicals 1143459 10025469611854 Solid Power XL Dish Detergent 9ibs Wht Ecolab 6100185 4 CS $147.04 Chemicals 1154577 10025469201024 CLEANER FL DUAL-ACTN 1.31. LIQ PERFUME Ecolab 6100433 2 CS $72.07 N Chemicals N 1154781 10025469573176 CLEANER FL DUAL-ACTN 2.5GAL PAIL LIQ Ecolab 6100428 1 CS $145.07 Chemicals 1206928 10025469000153 Ecolab Floor Cleaner 2.Sgl OrngSwtshNeut Ecolab 6100036 1 CS $171.28 0 �-n N w Chemicals 1214535 10025469004021 CLEANER SURF AND GL 2.5GAL SWEET YEL LIQ Ecolab 6100302 1 Pl. $197.21 Chemicals 1215442 10025469003222 TREATMENT VEG AND FRUIT A -MICROBIAL LIQ Ecolab 6100283 1 EA $159.82 Skin Care 1229455 10025469010855 REFILL SOAP HD FOAM LIQ SWEET YEL 1250ML Ecolab 6100709 4 CS $84.65 Skin Care 1229716 10025469DO9767 SHAMPOO BODY TOT 750ML DISP REFILL BTL Ecolab 6000064 6 CS $66.10 Skin Care 1233641 10025469010848 SOAP HD FOAM LIQ SWEET YEL 750ML BTL Ecolab 6100708 6 CS $84.65 Chemicals 1239592 10025469013504 DISINFECTANT AND CLEANER MULTI -SURF 1.31. Ecolab 6200792 2 CS $46.13 Chemicals 1240378 19025469010145 Peroxide MS Disinfectant Clnr 2gal Ecolab 6100693 1 EA $105.81 Chemicals 1256789 10025469024869 Ecolab OdorElmntr 2.5gal BioEnz WtrFIMst Ecolab 6101024 1 EA $96.74 Chemicals 1258408 10025469024968 Ecolab Bathroom Cleaner 2.5gal Acid HD73 Ecolab 6101041 1 EA $199.76 Chemicals 1258726 10025469024951 Oasis Pro 73 Bathroom Cleaner 2 L Acidic Ecolab 6101040 2 CS $105.59 Chemicals 1262030 1D025469011135 WashNWalk Floor Cleaner 2.Sgl GmNoRinse Ecolab 6100731 1 CS $138.82 Chemicals 1264476 00025469020741 EnzymaticSpcl Laundry Detergent 5 gl Ent Ecolab 6100914 1 CS $289.03 Chemicals 1264480 10025469024944 CLEANER BATHROOM ACID DISINFECTING 1.31. Ecolab 6101039 2 CS $52.51 Chemicals 1283093 10025469031515 Lime -A -Way Delimer 1 gl Ecolab 6101131 4 CS $61.59 Chemicals 1299318 1OD25469045413 Ecolab Home -Style Solid Laundry Dtrgnt 3N Ecolab 6101659 4 CS $172.93 Chemicals 1324486 1D025469025316 Laundry Solid Chlorine Sanitizer 41b Ecolab 6100975 2 CS $145.41 Chemicals 1327410 D0025469021595 DETERGENT LAU EMUL SLIGHT LT CREAM/OPA Ecolab 6101849 1 Pl. $216.69 Chemicals 1337843 00025469021489 DETERGENT LAU EMUL SLIGHT LT CREAM/OPA Ecolab 6101844 1 EA $659.76 Foodservice 1001326 10073286615777 NAPKIN DISP ADVANCED, INTERFOLD PPR WHT Essity DX900 6000 CS $53.59 Towel & Tissue 1001888 10073286617429 TOWEL HD EMBOSSED, SGL-FOLD, UNIV PPR 1 Essity SK1850A 4000 CS $25.92 Towel & Tissue 1001889 10073286617412 TOWEL HD SGL-FOLD, UNIV PPR WHT 14000 Essity S81840A 4000 CS $35.23 Towel & Tissue 1001907 10073286613445 TOWEL ROLL HD EMBOSSED, UNIV PPR WHT 1 Essity RB351 12 CS $35.22 Towel & Tissue 1001908 10073286611106 TOWEL ROLL HD ADVANCED, EMBOSSED PPR WHT Essity RB800 6 CS $39.22 Towel & Tissue 1006467 10073286658026 TOWEL ROLL HD ADVANCED WOOD -BASED FBR 1 Essity 8038050 6 CS $53.59 Towel & Tissue 1007538 10073286658019 TOWEL ROLL HD ADVANCED, DLX QUAL WHT 1 Essity 8031050 6 CS $57.52 Foodservice 1023117 10073286616170 NAPKIN DISP INTERFOLD, UNIV PPR NAT 131N Essity DX906E 6000 CS $50.98 Foodservice 1023348 10073286617504 NAPKIN DISP ADVANCED PPR WHT 171N 121N 1 Essity D802A 6000 CS $54.47 Towel & Tissue 1023645 10073286616880 TOWEL HD MULTI -FOLD, UNIV PPR WHT 1 4000 Essity M8540A 4000 CS $28.76 Towel & Tissue 1023646 10073286616903 TOWEL HD MULTI -FOLD, UNIV PPR NAT 14000 Essity MK530A 4000 CS $26.14 Towel & Tissue 1023674 10073286616927 TOWEL HD MULTI -FOLD, UNIV PPR NAT 1 Essity MK520A 4000 CS $24.84 Towel & Tissue 1023935 10073286613940 TOWEL ROLL HD ADVANCED SOFT PPR WHT 2 Essity 121201 6 CS $49.67 Towel &Tissue 1024263 10073296611205 TOWEL ROLL HD EMBOSSED, UNIV PPR NAT 1 Essity RK600E 12 CS $46.41 Towel & Tissue 1024269 10073286611229 TOWEL ROLL HD EMBOSSED, UNIV PPR NAT 1 Essity RK800E 6 CS $34.75 Towel &Tissue 1024270 10073286613681 Tork Universal Matic Hnd Towel 7.75" Nat Essity 290088 6 CS $45.75 Towel & Tissue 1024308 10073286610482 Tork Roll Towel 6.75xll 120Sh Wht2P Perf Essity HB9201 30 CS $45.75 Towel & Tissue 1024373 10073286614862 TOWEL ROLL HD EMBOSSED, UNIV PPR WHT 1 Essity RB6002 12 CS $55.88 Towel & Tissue 1024419 10073286617726 TOWEL PERFORATED 2-PLY, UNIV 91N 111N Essity HB1990A 30 CS $32.41 Towel & Tissue 1024424 10073286617733 TOWEL PERFORATED 2-PLY, UNIV 91N 111N Essity HB1995A 12 CS $30.72 Towel & Tissue 1024606 10073286619799 TOWEL ROLL HD EMBOSSED, UNIV PPR WHT 1 Essity R88002 6 CS $35.29 Towel & Tissue 1024808 10073286613698 Tork Hand Towel 7.75000 Ppr Wht Bleach Essity 290089 6 CS $48.37 Towel & Tissue 1024896 10073286617047 TOWEL ROLL HD EMBOSSED, UNIV PPR NAT 1 Essity RK8002 6 CS $30.72 Towel &Tissue 1025197 10073286614893 Tork FacialTissue RecycFbr Wht 300/sh Essity TF6710A 30 CS $28.14 Towel & Tissue 1025235 10073286614886 TorkAdv Facial Tissue 7.9x8.2 Ppr Wht Essity TF6810 30 CS $30.07 Towel & Tissue 1025733 10073286618785 Tork Bath Tissue 7.36"x75l' Mini)mbWht2P Essity 12024402 12 CS $37.91 Towel & Tissue 1025742 10073286618730 Tork Bath Tissue 3.6x1000' Ppr Wht 2-Ply Essity TJ0922A 12 CS $37.91 Towel & Tissue 1025746 10073286618815 TorkAdv Bath Tissue 3.55xl600' JmbPprWht Essity 12021502 6 CS $41.83 Towel & Tissue 1025790 10073286618778 TorkAdv Bath Tissue 3.6051 MinUmbWht2P Essity 11020602 12 CS $45.75 Towel & Tissue 1025945 10073286620351 Tork Advanced BathTissue 3.9x625' PprWht Essity 110291A 36 CS $60.78 Towel & Tissue 1025946 10073286620344 Tork Bath Tissue 3.8" x 3.9" Paper Wht Essity 110292A 36 CS $56.86 Towel & Tissue 1025970 10073286620085 Tork Bath Tissue Paper Wht 500/rl Essity TM1616S 96 CS $53.59 Towel & Tissue 1028021 10073286615418 PLUS WIPER 16-1/41N 9-1/41N 1 PPR WHT Essity 192127 800 CS $50.98 N Towel & Tissue 1143880 IG073286623468 TOWEL ROLL HD ADVANCED, EMBOSSED PPR WHT Essity 290092A 6 CS $53.59 Towel & Tissue 1144365 10073286622874 TOWEL ROLL HD EMBOSSED, UNIV PPR WHT 1 Essity RB10002 6 CS $47.57 0 N w Towel & Tissue 1173226 10073286624038 TorkAdv BathTissue7.4"xl200' Mn1mb Wht1P Essity 12013903 12 CS $49.67 Towel & Tissue 1177122 IG073286624908 TOWEL ROLL HD ADVANCED SOFT PPR WHT 1 Essity 290095 6 CS $60.13 Towel & Tissue 1231364 1D073286625806 TOWEL ROLL HD PREM, SOFT PPR WHT 2 7.71N Essity 290096 6 CS $67.15 Skin Care 1251343 10073286628807 SOAP HD FOAM EX MILD LIQ ODORLESS WHT Essity 401211 6 CS $66.67 Towel & Tissue 1267422 10073286634778 TOWEL HD ADVANCED, MULTI -FOLD PPR WHT 2 Essity 101293 3024 CS $43.46 Towel & Tissue 1284961 10073286639285 TorkPrem Bath Tissue 5.6x266.67'Wht2P OC Essity 106390 36 CS $53.59 Towel & Tissue 1285114 10073286639261 TorkUniv Bath Tissue 5.6x288.3' Wht2P OC Essity 161990 36 CS $53.59 Towel & Tissue 1285119 10073286639247 TorkUniv Bath Tissue 7.2x583.3' Wht2P OC Essity 160090 12 CS $35.29 Towel & Tissue 1290066 10073286639254 TorkUniversal BathTissue Roll W Opticore Essity 112990 63180 CS $58.82 Towel & Tissue 1299635 10073286646078 TOWEL ROLL HD EMBOSSED, UNIV PPR NAT 1 Essity 80313D0 6 CS $46.41 Towel & Tissue 1300245 10073286646047 TOWEL ROLL HD EMBOSSED PPR NAT WHT 1960 Essity 8031400 6 CS $48.37 Towel & Tissue 1301189 10073286646085 TOWEL ROLL HD EMBOSSED, UNIV PPR NAT 1 Essity 8031500 6 CS $40.52 Towel & Tissue 1301401 10073286646092 TOWEL ROLL HD EMBOSSED, UNIV PPR NAT 1 Essity 8631060 6 CS $32.68 Towel & Tissue 1302385 10073286646184 TOWEL ROLL HD EMBOSSED, UNIV PPR NAT 1 Essity 7171300 6 CS $47.06 Towel & Tissue 1306506 10073286647402 Tork Bath Tissue 2 Ply 616/11I Essity 240616 48 CS $56.21 Towel & Tissue 1306511 10073286647334 TOWEL HD MULTI -FOLD, UNIV PPR WHT 1 Essity 420483 4000 CS $28.46 Towel & Tissue 1306774 10073286647396 Tork Bath Tissue Premium 625/RI Essity 246325 48 CS $66.51 Towel & Tissue 1315822 10073286645866 TOWEL HD ADVANCED, CONTINUOUS PPR WHT 1 Essity 105065 12 CS $53.59 Towel & Tissue 1342847 10073286656299 TOWEL HD ADVANCED, MULTI -FOLD PPR WHT 1 Essity 424824 4000 CS $32.03 Towel & Tissue 1000161 00073310131023 Envision Bath Tissue 2000' Paper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 13102 6 CS $54.51 Towel & Tissue 1000162 00073310206035 Acclaim FldTowel 10.10x13.20 PprWhtCfold Georgia Pacific Corporation 20603 2400 CS $35.95 Towel & Tissue 1000527 10073310127986 Envision Bath Tissue 3.6"x1000' JmbJr 2P Georgia Pacific Corporation 12798 8 CS $36.54 Towel & Tissue 1000530 10073310145805 Envision Bath Tissue 44.05 1210 SheetlP Georgia Pacific Corporation 14580/O1 80 CS $82.29 Towel & Tissue 1000532 10073310193752 Compact Bath Tissue 4" x 4.5" 2 Ply Cris Georgia Pacific Corporation 19375 36 CS $65.82 Towel & Tissue 1000535 10073310193783 Compact Bath Tissue 3.85x4.05 Paper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 19378 18 CS $52.35 Towel & Tissue 1000536 10073310198801 Envision Bath Tissue 4.5x4.05 550Sht Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 19880/O1 80 CS $68.30 Towel & Tissue 1000537 20073310203895 Preference Towel 9.2x9.4 Ppr Wht MFId Georgia Pacific Corporation 20389 4000 CS $39.15 Towel & Tissue 1000538 1007331020904C Envision SFId Twl9.25x10.25PprWht Georgia Pacific Corporation 20904 4000 CS $41.96 Towel & Tissue 1000539 10073310233045 Envision MFold Towel 9.25" x 9.5" Nat Georgia Pacific Corporation 23304 40W CS $30.98 Towel & Tissue 1000540 10073310235049 Envision S Fold Towel 9.5x10.62 Ppr Brn Georgia Pacific Corporation 23504 4000 CS $31.44 Towel & Tissue 1000541 10073310245901 Envision Folded Towel 9.25x9.50 Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 24590 4000 CS $33.53 Towel & Tissue 1000542 10073310251902 Envision Folded Tw110.25x13.25PprWhtCFld Georgia Pacific Corporation 25190 2400 CS $38.10 Towel & Tissue 1000544 10073310264018 Envision Towel 350' Paper Brn Georgia Pacific Corporation 26401 12 CS $36.08 Towel & Tissue 1000545 IDD73310266012 Envision Roll Towel Paper HRT 800' Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 26601 6 CS $43.07 Towel & Tissue 1000547 10073310273850 Preference Kitchen Towel 11" x 8.8" Perf Georgia Pacific Corporation 27385 30 CS $39.08 Towel & Tissue 1000548 10073310281435 Towel Roll 7.8" x 15" SofPull Cpull Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 28143 4 CS $54.18 Towel & Tissue 1000549 10073310287062 Envision Roll Towel 7.87"x350' Paper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 28706 12 CS $44.38 Towel & Tissue 1000550 10073310292219 Brawny Ind Wiper 8x12.5 148Cnt PprWht 2P Georgia Pacific Corporation 29221 2960 CS $82.61 Towel & Tissue 1000551 10073310296163 Brawny Industrial Wiper 17x24 Rayon Ylw Georgia Pacific Corporation 29616 200 CS $71.96 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000555 10073310470464 SafeTGard Toilet Seat Cover 14.5x17HfFld Georgia Pacific Corporation 47046 5000 CS $76.41 Towel & Tissue 1000557 10073310481002 Preference Facial Tissue 7.65x8.85 100Sh Georgia Pacific Corporation 48100 30 CS $33.46 Towel & Tissue 1000864 10073310202416 Preference Folded Towel 10.1x13.2 PprWht Georgia Pacific Corporation 20241 2400 CS $44.84 Foodservice 1001327 10073310332014 HyNap Dispenser Napkin 7.25x13.5 Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 33201 10000 CS $68.82 Towel & Tissue 1001329 10073310208876 BigFold Z Folded Towel 10.25xll Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 20887 2200 CS $42.75 Towel & Tissue 1001330 10073310894208 enMotion Towel Roll 8.5"000' 1Ply Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 89420 6 CS $76.34 Towel & Tissue 1001331 10073310894901 enMotion Towel 800' Paper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 89490 6 CS $87.06 Towel & Tissue 1001338 10073310182800 Preference Bath Tissue Paper Wht 2-Ply Georgia Pacific Corporation 18280/01 80 CS $70.33 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001345 00073310577487 SafeTGard Seatcover Disp 11.75x2.5 Blk Georgia Pacific Corporation 57748 1 EA $6.86 Towel & Tissue 1001619 10073310263011 Envision Towel 800' Paper Brn Georgia Pacific Corporation 26301 6 CS $38.69 Towel & Tissue 1001745 10073310290000 Brawnylndustrial Wiper 13x13 PprWht 4PLW Georgia Pacific Corporation 29000 960 CS $76.21 Towel & Tissue 1001868 10073310894604 enMotion Roll Towel 10" x 800' Paper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 89460 6 CS $75.10 N Janitorial N Supplies 1001932 10073310440009 Prfrnc RollTowel 8.25x12 Wht2P CpullPerf Georgia Pacific Corporation 44D00 6 CS $56.47 �^ Towel & Tissue 1002500 10073310273003 Preference Towel Paper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 27300 30 CS $46.60 0 N W Towel & Tissue 1002505 10073310137183 Acclaim Bath Tissue 3.5" x 2000' Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 13718 8 CS $38.50 Towel & Tissue 1002506 10073310137282 Acclaim Bath Tissue 1000' JumboJr PprWht Georgia Pacific Corporation 13728 8 CS $35.75 Towel & Tissue 1002509 10073310474103 Envision Facial Tissue Flat 100/Bx Georgia Pacific Corporation 47410 30 CS $31.24 Towel & Tissue 1003477 00073310202044 Acclaim Fold Towel9.25x9.5Ppr Wht 250/pk Georgia Pacific Corporation 20204 4000 CS $34.38 Foodservice 1022686 10073310314362 GP Dinner Napkin Wht 2P 1/8 Fld Georgia Pacific Corporation 31436 3000 CS $66.73 Foodservice 1022909 10073310377077 Acclaim Dinner Napkin 12.5x11.5 Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 37707 6000 CS $69.15 Towel & Tissue 1023773 10073310210008 Pacific Blue Select 2PIy Papr towel Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 21000 2000 CS $29.93 Towel & Tissue 1023833 10073310208852 BigFold Z Folded Towel 8x11 Ppr Wht CFld Georgia Pacific Corporation 20885 2600 CS $28.69 Towel & Tissue 1023906 10073310230006 Signature Towel Paper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 23000 1440 CS $35.56 Towel & Tissue 1023924 10073310335879 BigFold Folded Towel 10.2x10.8 Paper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 33587 2200 CS $39.48 Towel & Tissue 1024014 00073330566405 VISTA FldTowel Disp 11x4.37x7 Smk C/MFId Georgia Pacific Corporation 56640 1 EA $13.73 Towel & Tissue 1024037 00073310566504 FIcITwlDisp Ux15.45.25 SmkTransCMFld Georgia Pacific Corporation 56650/O1 1 EA $14.38 Towel & Tissue 1024221 10036500421578 Cormatic Roll Towel 4200' Paper Ern Georgia Pacific Corporation 2920P 6 CS $64.18 Towel & Tissue 1024264 10036500421561 Cormatic Roll Towel 8.25" x 702' Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 2930P 6 CS $70.72 Towel & Tissue 1024278 10073310280001 Signature Roll Towel 7.875"x350' Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 28000 12 CS $65.82 Towel & Tissue 102428C 10073310282906 Envision Roll Towel 8.8" x 11" Paper Brn Georgia Pacific Corporation 28290 12 CS $39.54 Towel & Tissue 1024294 10073310277001 Preference Roll Towel 8.8" x 11" Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 27700 12 CS $43.33 Towel & Tissue 1024302 10073310281244 SofPull Roll Twl 7.8x15 PprWhtCenterpull Georgia Pacific Corporation 28124 6 CS $50.52 Towel & Tissue 1024360 10073310894307 enMotion Roll Towel 8.25" x 700' Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 89430 6 CS $83.92 Towel & Tissue 1024362 10073310894109 enMotion Roll Towel 8,25"x425' Paper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 89410 6 CS $71.44 Towel & Tissue 1024369 10073310281251 Sofpull Cntrpll Towel 7.842 JR My Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 28125 8 CS $44.97 Towel & Tissue 1024444 1007331026100C Preference Roirrwl 7.87x1000 PprWhtHiCap Georgia Pacific Corporation 26100 6 CS $61.18 Towel & Tissue 1024464 10073310200856 Brawnylnd Wiper 110.3 84Cnt DRC WhtPerf Georgia Pacific Corporation 20D85 20 CS $79.74 Towel & Tissue 1024728 00073310562018 GP Roll Towel Dispenser Steel Wht Crank Georgia Pacific Corporation 56201 1 EA $45.75 Janitorial Supplies 1024879 10073310894703 enMotion Roll Towel 10" x 800' Paper Whit Georgia Pacific Corporation 89470 6 CS $80.26 Towel & Tissue 1024880 10073310894802 enMotion Roll Towel 10" x 800' Paper Brn Georgia Pacific Corporation 89480 6 CS $70.78 Towel & Tissue 1024956 10073310894406 enMotion Roll Towel 8.25" x 700' Ppr Brn Georgia Pacific Corporation 8944D 6 CS $68.63 Towel & Tissue 1025298 10073310485802 Angel SoftPS Facial Tissue 7.65x8.85 Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 4858D 30 CS $39.74 Towel & Tissue 1025299 10073310465804 AngelSoftPS FacialTissue 8.85x7.65PprWht Georgia Pacific Corporation 46580 36 CS $57.65 Towel & Tissue 1025360 10073310144488 Envision Bath Tissue 3,95"x4.05" Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 14448/O1 48 CS $67.06 Towel & Tissue 1025627 55000010256275 Bath Tissue Disp SO Chrm SeriesLck Georgia Pacific Corporation 57320 1 EA $16.47 Towel & Tissue 1025652 OD073310500119 Compact TssAdptrSpindle 6.5x.5x.5PlasGry Georgia Pacific Corporation 50011 1 EA $2.16 Towel & Tissue 1025653 00073310500126 Compact TssAdptrSpndl 6.25" Gry SprngLd Georgia Pacific Corporation 50012 1 EA $2.16 Towel & Tissue 1025750 10073310198818 Envision Bath Tissue 4" x 4,05" Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 29881/O1 80 CS $63.40 Towel & Tissue 1026001 10073310193714 Angel SoftPS BathTissue 3.85x4.05 PprWht Georgia Pacific Corporation 19371 36 CS $67.39 Towel & Tissue 1026002 10073310193721 AngelSoftPS Bath Tissue 3.85x4.05 PprWht Georgia Pacific Corporation 19372 18 CS $54.51 Towel & Tissue 1026003 10073310567447 CompactQuadBathTissueOisp 4RI Plstc Smk Georgia Pacific Corporation 56744 1 EA $8.30 Towel & Tissue 1026101 00073310592091 GP Bath Tiss Disp JmbJr PlstcTranSmk Georgia Pacific Corporation 59209 1 EA $21.18 Towel & Tissue 1026102 00073310592060 GP BathTissDisp 13.58x5.73x8.59 TransSmk Georgia Pacific Corporation 59206 1 EA $17.12 Towel & Tissue 1026122 10073310193745 Compact Bath Tissue 3.850.05 Paper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 19374 18 CS $55.75 Towel & Tissue 1026144 10073310165605 AngelSoftPSUltra Bath Tissue 4.5x4.05Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 16560 60 CS $65.88 Towel & Tissue 1026145 10073310485604 AngelSoftPSUltra FacialTss7.4x8.80PprWht Georgia Pacific Corporation 48560 30 CS $53.86 Towel & Tissue 1026146 10073310465606 AngelSoftPSUltra FacialTissue 7.6x8.5Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 46560 36 CS $71.11 Towel & Tissue 1026248 10073310565016 SfPll BthTssDisp 10.5x6.75x10.50 PlasSmk Georgia Pacific Corporation 56501 1 EA $7.19 Towel & Tissue 1027738 10073310003501 Interstate Wiper 9.5x10.3 Ppr Btu 1/2FId Georgia Pacific Corporation 350 2250 CS $42.81 Towel & Tissue 1027991 10073310200672 goRag Wiper 10"x250' Double Recrepe Orng Georgia Pacific Corporation 20067 6 CS $125.29 Towel & Tissue 1028026 10073310250233 Brawny Industrial Wiper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 25023 300 CS $76.21 Towel & Tissue 1028214 10073310302284 Brawny Ind Wiper 9.25x16.3 Dbl Rcrp Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 20070/03 900 CS $93.46 Towel & Tissue 1028372 10073310200658 goRag Wiper 10" x 250' DRC Wht MW Dry RL Georgia Pacific Corporation 20065 6 CS $119.93 Towel & Tissue 1028417 10073310302260 Brawny Ind Wiper 9.25x16.7 Ppr Wht 4PLW Georgia Pacific Corporation 29050/03 5 CS $59.22 Towel & Tissue 1028500 10073310200757 Brwnylnd Wiper 9.25x16DRC Wht LW PopUpBx Georgia Pacific Corporation 20075 10 CS $83.46 N tv Towel & Tissue 1028759 10073310200238 Brawny Ind Wiper13x12.5DRC Wht MD 1/4FId Georgia Pacific Corporation 20023 1170 CS $102.94 Towel & Tissue 1028960 10073310297009 AccuWipe Surface System CntrPull Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 29700 6 CS $64.18 tv w 1-0 Chemicals 1093425 10036500305458 enMotion Hand Sanitizer 1000mL FragFr E3 Georgia Pacific Corporation 42331 2 CS $65.14 Skin Care 1093427 10073310437115 PacificGarden Hand Soap 1200mL DyeFrClr Georgia Pacific Corporation 43711 4 CS $57.71 Skin Care 1093448 10073310427116 enMotion Hand Soap 1200ml. Georgia Pacific Corporation 42711 2 CS $48.40 Towel & Tissue 1144185 10073310194483 Envision Bath Tissue 3.95"x4.05" Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 19448/01 48 CS $85.56 Towel & Tissue 1145606 10073310264803 SofPull Roll Towel 7.87x1000' Ppr BrnEmb Georgia Pacific Corporation 26480 6 CS $64.97 Towel & Tissue 1145607 10073310264704 SofPull Roll Towel 7.87" x 1000' Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 26470 6 CS $71.31 Towel & Tissue 1148195 20036500303789 Angel Soft PS Bath Tissue Paper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 16880 80 CS $75.16 Towel & Tissue 1152270 10036500303782 Angel Soft PS Bath Tissue 4x4.05 Wht2Ply Georgia Pacific Corporation 16840 40 CS $42.68 Towel & Tissue 1156051 10073310565092 SofPull Bath Tissue Dispenser 2RollSmoke Georgia Pacific Corporation 56509 1 EA $13.07 Towel & Tissue 1157604 10073310266104 SofPull RollTowel 9" x 400' Ppr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 26610 6 CS $35.95 Towel & Tissue 1165876 10073310269105 SofPull Roll Towel 7" x 1000' Paper Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 26910 6 CS $55.69 Towel & Tissue 1170565 10073310198856 Envision BathTissu 43.5 550Sh WhtEmb 2P Georgia Pacific Corporation 19885 80 CS $61.57 Towel & Tissue 1215475 10073310293223 Brawny Ind Shop Towel 9.1x12.5 HEFWht HW Georgia Pacific Corporation 29322 1760 CS $207.65 Towel & Tissue 1218438 10073310195107 SofPull Bath Tissue 5.25x8.4 Ppr Wht2Ply Georgia Pacific Corporation 19510 6 CS $41.24 Towel & Tissue 1220844 10073310215010 Brawnylnd Hand Towel 8.6"x12.2" Blu Wet Georgia Pacific Corporation 21501 6 CS $89.41 Towel & Tissue 1252554 00073310296527 Brawny DineACloth FLAX700 Wiper WhtGrnMD Georgia Pacific Corporation 29651 150 CS $58.37 Chemicals 1266188 10073310482559 Compact Refill Fragnance Citrus Georgia Pacific Corporation 48255 12 CS $93.64 Foodservice 1276698 10073310320066 Dixie Ultra Disp Napkin6.5x9.85Wht Emb2P Georgia Pacific Corporation 32006 6000 CS $67.71 Foodservice 1276699 10073310320196 Dixie Ultra Disp NapkinBrn2P 9.8x6.5 Georgia Pacific Corporation 32019 6000 CS $65.03 Chemicals 1282407 1007331048261C ActiveAire LowSplash Urinal Screen SunSc Georgia Pacific Corporation 48261 12 CS $44.36 Chemicals 1282419 10073310482801 ActiveAire Freshener Refill Coastal Brze Georgia Pacific Corporation 48280 12 CS $63.07 Towel & Tissue 1282435 10073310264957 PacificBlueUltra RI Towel 7.8"x1150' Brn Georgia Pacific Corporation 26495 6 CS $75.62 Towel & Tissue 1282437 10073310264902 PacificBlueUltra RI Towel 7.8"x1150' Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 26490 6 CS $81.31 Skin Care 1283206 10073310433353 Pacific Blue Ultra Hand Sanitizer 1000m1 Georgia Pacific Corporation 43335 4 CS $76.67 Skin Care 1283207 10073310437146 Pacific Blu Ultra Hand Soap 1200mLFragFr Georgia Pacific Corporation 43714 4 CS $53.19 Skin Care 1283209 10073310437153 Pacific Blue Soap Foam Gntl 1200mL Georgia Pacific Corporation 43715 4 CS $52.99 Skin Care 1283337 10073310520602 enMotion Dispenser Soap/Sntzr TF SS Georgia Pacific Corporation 52060 1 CS $6.94 Skin Care 1283339 10073310520572 enMotion Skincare Disp Blk Gen 2 TF Georgia Pacific Corporation 52057 1 CS $6.94 Skin Care 1283342 10073310530588 Pacific Blue Ultra Disp Soap/Sntzr Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 53058 1 CS $6.94 Skin Care 1283344 10073310430246 PacificBlueUltra Hair n BodyWash 1200mL Georgia Pacific Corporation 43024 4 CS $56.60 Skin Care 1283345 10073310428199 enMotionTrangAloe Fm Soap Antimic 1200m1 Georgia Pacific Corporation 42819 2 CS $55.63 Skin Care 1283347 10073310427154 enMotion Tranquil Aloe Soap Foam 1200mL Georgia Pacific Corporation 42715 2 CS $49.44 Janitorial Supplies 1283348 10073310427147 enMotion Hand Soap 1200mL Fm Moist Gen 2 Georgia Pacific Corporation 42714 2 CS $50.28 Skin Care 1283350 10073310423347 enMotion Hand Sanitizer Fm FragFr10D0mL Georgia Pacific Corporation 42334 2 CS $62.85 Skin Care 1283361 30D73310530601 PacificBlue Ultra Disp Soap Sanitizer Georgia Pacific Corporation 53060 1 CS $6.94 Towel & Tissue 1285440 000365CO306618 enMotion RI Towel Disp 8" 55 Rcssd Auto Georgia Pacific Corporation 59466A 1 EA $98.04 Towel &Tissue 1285786 10036500306592 enMtn Impulse RI Towel Disp 8" Blk Auto Georgia Pacific Corporation 59498A 1 CS $52.29 Towel &Tissue 1295045 1OD36500306783 Compact Bath Tissue Disp 2RL Blk SdBySd Georgia Pacific Corporation 56784A 1 CS $6.54 Towel &Tissue 1295046 10036500306851 Compact Quad Bath Tissue Disp 4RL Blk CL Georgia Pacific Corporation 56744A 1 CS $15.69 Skin Care 1295333 3007331042717"nMotion Soap Foam 1800mL Refill CntrMnt Georgia Pacific Corporation 42717 2 CS $58.89 Towel & Tissue 1295897 1003650030689°S4ompact Bath Tissue Disp 2RL Gry SdBySd Georgia Pacific Corporation 56783A 1 CS $6.08 Towel & Tissue 1295898 10036500306837 Compact Bath Tissue Disp 2RI Blk Vrtcl Georgia Pacific Corporation 56790A 1 CS $13.07 Skin Care 1297549 10073310428205,enMotion Soap Foam BZK DF FF 1200ml. Georgia Pacific Corporation 42820 2 CS $59.10 Towel & Tissue 1297555 100365003066531enMotion Roll Towel Dispenser10" GryAuto Georgia Pacific Corporation 59460A 1 CS $52.29 Towel & Tissue 1297558 10036500306646,enMotion Roll Towel Dispenser10" BlkAuto Georgia Pacific Corporation 59462A 1 CS $52.29 Foodservice 1323047 000365003075360Ixie Ultra Napkin Disp Blk Tabletop Georgia Pacific Corporation 54527A 1 EA $1.31 Skin Care 1314954 10036500308619 Pacific Blue Ultra Soap Foam Gntl 1200mL Georgia Pacific Corporation 43716 3 CS $65.83 Towel & Tissue 1316653 ID073310597666 Enmotion Towel Dispenser FlexTchls Stnls Georgia Pacific Corporation 59766 1 CS $150.33 Towel & Tissue 1316655 1D073310897209 Enmotion Flex Towel Paper Roll Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 89720 6 CS $67.58 Towel & Tissue 1326652 0D073310595894 Pacific Blue Ultra RI Towel Disp BlkMech Georgia Pacific Corporation 59589 1 EA $19.61 Towel & Tissue 1326658 0D036500306670 enMotionlmpulse10 Dspnsr Twl 1RI AutoBlk Georgia Pacific Corporation 59488A 1 EA $52.29 N Towel & Tissue N 1330836 10073310117284 PacificBlueUltra Tissue Pac 2PIy Wht Georgia Pacific Corporation 11728 24 CS $78.04 Skin Care 1000166 1D073852091127 REFILL CLEANSER SKIN LOTION ECONOMICAL GOJO Industries Inc. 9112-12 12 CS $55.01 0 N w Skin Care 1000170 00073852403671 CLEANER HD 1GAL PUMP BTL CITRUS GRA/OPA GOJO Industries Inc. 0955.04 4 CS $71.72 Skin Care 1000565 10073852009696 Purell Hand Sanitizer 1200mL Clr FrtyRfl GOJO Industries Inc. 5392-02 2 CS $66.72 [Skin Care 1000573 10073852096511 Purell Hand Sanitizer 4oz Alch Clr Ctrs GOJO Industries Inc. 9651-24 24 CS $49.88 (Skin Care ID01409 10073852009603 Gojo Hand Soap 1200ml-TransPrplCranberry GOJO Industries Inc. 5361-02 2 CS $47.33 jSkin Care 1001430 ID073852021377 REFILL SANITIZER HD GELALC CLEAR/LT GRN GOlO Industries Inc. 2137-08 8 CS $102.26 Skin Care 1001438 10073852001690 Gojo Hand Soap 2L Pnk Cranberry GOJO Industries Inc. 5261-02 2 CS $47.11 Skin Care 1GO1439 10073852001723 Gojo HandSoap 2000ml. Antibac OrngBlsmRfl GOJO Industries Inc. 5262-02 2 CS $47.58 Skin Care 1002100 10073852096313 PurellAdv Hand Sanitizer 4oz Aloe Mstrzr GOJO Industries Inc. 9631-24 24 CS $49.88 Skin Care 1D02104 10073852912804 Gojo Pnk&Klean Hand Soap 800mL Pnk Flrl GOJO Industries Inc. 9128-12 12 CS $42.53 Skin Care 1003394 10073852009702 Gojo Hand Soap 1200mL Gld Fresh Fruit GOJO Industries Inc. 5362-02 2 CS $51.79 Skin Care 1008896 10073852502111 Purell Dispenser HandSntzr ES6 TchFR Blk GOJO Industries Inc. 6424.01 1 CS $0.01 Skin Care 1024274 1G073852512615 REFILL HANDWASH FOAM LIQ SOAP-UKE BTL GOJO Industries Inc. 6582.02 2 CS $54.D4 Skin Care 1028688 10073852017479 Purell Wet Wipe 6x7 Clth Ethyl Alch Wht GOJO Industries Inc. 9031-06 6 CS $70.33 Skin Care 1028831 10073852021643 Purell Hand Wipes Wht 1200/cn GOJO Industries Inc. 9118-02 2 CS $89.94 Skin Care 1091169 00073852007824 DISPENSER SOAP HD 1500ML SST CHROME-PLD GOJO Industries Inc. 8500-01 1 EA $0.01 Skin Care 1091188 10073852009627 Purell Hand Sanitizer 1200mL Clr GOJO Industries Inc. 5456-04 4 CS $69.36 jSkin Care 1091246 10073852010838 Gojo Dispenser Hand Soap Chrome GOJO Industries Inc. 8520.01 1 EA $13.89 Skin Care 1091277 10073852011712 Gojo Hand Soap 1200mL FragFrWht Rfl Foam GOJO Industries Inc. 5665.02 2 CS $50.80 Skin Care 1091362 10073852009269 Gojo Hand Soap Foam 7.5oz Peach PumpBtl GOJO Industries Inc. 5710-06 6 CS $22.46 Skin Care 1091661 10073852014713 Gojo Hand Soap 2000mL Dye&FragFr RFl Fm GOJO Industries Inc. 5265-02 2 CS $55.72 Skin Care 1091664 10073852014638 CLEANER HD FOAM 7.SFL-OZ PUMP BTL LIQ GOJO Industries Inc. 5715-06 6 CS $21.53 Skin Care 1091871 10073852021179 Gojo Hand Soap 1000mL Pnk Floral GOJO Industries Inc. 2117-08 8 CS $66.38 Skin Care 1092019 10073852072652 REFILL CLEANER HD MULTI-PRP LIQ CITRUS GOJO Industries Inc. 7265-04 4 CS $80.61 (Skin Care 1092116 10073852027096 Purell Hand Sanitizer 2oz Alch Clr Ctrs GOJO Industries Inc. 9606-24 24 CS $47.76 Skin Care 1092152 0007385240041GPurell Hand Sanitizer 800mLCtrs Instant GOJO Industries Inc. 9657-12 12 CS $146.19 Skin Care 1092251 10073852506584 Purell HlthcrHlthy Soap G&F Foam 1200ml GOJO Industries Inc. 5072-02 2 CS $29.20 Skin Care 1092485 10073852001751 WASH BODY AND HAIR HD FOAM 2000ML GOJO Industries Inc. 5263-02 2 CS $47.25 Skin Care 1325522 10073852512417 REFILL HANDWASH FOAM ANTIBACTERIAL LIQ GOJO Industries Inc. 6581-02 2 CS $50.17 Skin Care 1328194 10073852072003RO Dispenser Hand Soap 2000mL ABS Bilk GOJO Industries Inc. 7200-01 1 CS $0.01 Skin Care 1329338 1007385251038MEFILL HANDWASH FOAM FRAGRANCE -FREE LIQ GOJO Industries Inc. 5213-02 2 CS $32.22 Skin Care 1332354 10073852513094 Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer RF 1200mL GOJO Industries Inc. 6463.02 2 CS $42.65 Skin Care 1338612 10073852281184 Hand Soap Foam 1500mL Mild CX GOJO Industries Inc. 8565.04 4 CS $83.82 Skin Care 1338753 10073852281177 Hand Soap 1500mL Pnk Fresh Scent Purell GOJO Industries Inc. 8561-04 4 CS $85.03 (Skin Care 1347045 100738524GD905 Purell Hand Sanitizer Adv 8oz 12Pump Clr GOJO Industries Inc. 9652-12 12 CS $45.44 lCan Liners 1002011 00098241017116 Bag Liner 17" x 18" Nat 6 Mic HDPE Heritage Bag Company Z3418RN R01 2000 CS $22.06 Can Liners 1002014 D0098241017697 Liner 24" x 33" Nat 6 Mic HOPE Heritage Bag Company Z4833RN R01 1000 CS $28.63 Can Liners 1002021 D0098241020741 Liner 43" x 48" 56 gl HDPE Nat 22 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z8648UN R01 150 CS $38.74 Can Liners 1002022 00098241034939 Liner 33" x 40" 33 gl HOPE Nat 16 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z6640VN R01 250 CS $30.84 lCan Liners 1003040 00098241024336 Liner 40" x 48" HDPE Nat 16 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z8048VN R01 250 CS $43.80 Can Liners 1003041 00098241054272 LINER CAN MAX -DUTY 60GAL 381N 1.5MIL BK Heritage Bag Company X7658AK 100 CS $35.64 lCan Liners 1003063 00098241017369 Liner 24" x 24" Nat 6 Mic HDPE Heritage Bag Company Z4824RN R01 1000 CS $20.66 Can Liners 1003083 00098241024343 Liner 43" x 48" HDPE Nat 16 Mic Roll Heritage Bag Company Z8648VN R01 200 CS $37.66 ]Can Liners 1003095 00098241054258 LINER CAN MAX -DUTY 40 TO 45GAL 40IN 461N Heritage Bag Company X8046AK 100 CS $30.70 Can Liners 1003100 00098242054289 LINER CAN 60GAL 381N 2MIL 581N RESIN BK Heritage Bag Company X7658QK 100 CS $47.63 Can Liners 1003117 GD098241054241 Liner 43" x 46" 56 gl LLDPE Blk 1.5 Mil Heritage Bag Company X8646AK 100 CS $33.03 Can Liners 1003204 OW98241054265 LINER CAN MAX -DUTY 40 TO 45GAL 40IN 2MIL Heritage Bag Company X8046QK 100 CS $40.91 Can Liners 1003205 00098241011541 LINER CAN XX-HVY 40 TO 45GAL 401N 1.51VIL Heritage Bag Company H8046AC 100 CS $40.69 Can Liners 1003227 00098241019882 Liner 40" x 48" HDPE Nat 13 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z8D48HN R01 250 CS $35.36 Can Liners 1003387 00098241136442 LINER CAN 32GAL 331N 0.9MIL 441N LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H6644TC R01 100 CS $21.53 Can Liners 1003454 00098241060464 Liner 38" x 58" 60 gl Repro Blk 1.3 Mil Heritage Bag Company X7658PK 100 CS $31.91 Can Liners 1003520 00098241018106 Liner 30" x 37" 20-30gl HDPE Nat 10 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z6037MN R01 500 CS $31.66 N Foodservice lCan 1044655 00098241004413 BAG FOOD FLAT, NON -VENTED LLDPE CLEAR Heritage Bag Company F1218XC 1000 CS $52.47 Liners 1051020 00098241006998 LINER CAN 20 TO 30GAL 301N 0.65MIL 361N Heritage Bag Company H6036HK 250 CS $25.87 O IV W Can Liners 1051072 00098241127716 LINER CAN 32GAL 331N 1.3MIL 441N LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H6644PK R01 100 CS $27.86 Can Liners 1051074 DDD98241127488 LINER CAN 32GAL 331N 0.9MIL "IN LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H6644TK RO1 100 CS $21.54 Can Liners 1051101 OD09824112773C LINER CAN 44GAL 371N 1.3MIL 50IN LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H7450PK R01 100 CS $39.63 Can Liners 1051103 00098241127723 LINER CAN 44GAL 371N 0.9MIL 50IN LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H7450TK R01 100 CS $27.47 Can Liners 1051139 00098241046294 Liner LO 46" x 50" 1.1 Mil Clr Flat Pack Heritage Bag Company H92505C 100 CS $39.29 Can Liners 1051157 00098241127747 LINER CAN 55GAL 40IN 1.3MIL 531N LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H8053PK R01 100 CS $45.43 Can Liners 1051217 00098241060662 Liner 40x4640-45g1 LLDPE Blk 1.3 Mil CL Heritage Bag Company H8046PK ROl 125 CS $43.97 Can Liners 1051222 00098241037992 Liner 40" x 46" LLDPE Clr 1.1 Mil Heritage Bag Company H8046SC R01 100 CS $29.83 Can Liners 1051297 00098241117038 Liner 38" x 58" 60gl Repro Blk 1.3Mi1 CL Heritage Bag Company X7658PK R01 100 CS $31.91 Can Liners 1051301 00098241114167 Liner 40x46 40-45gl Repro Blk 1.5 Mil CL Heritage Bag Company X8046AK ROl 100 CS $30.70 Can Liners 1051304 00098241OS4487 LINER CAN 56GAL 431N 2MIL 471N RESIN BK Heritage Bag Company X8647QK 100 CS $44.90 Can Liners 1051305 0D098241127617 Liner 43" x 47" Repro Blk 1.2Mi1 CL Heritage Bag Company X8647SK R01 100 CS $27.04 Can Liners 1051344 00098241033451 Liner 30" x 37" 20-30 gl HDPE Blk 16 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z6037VK R01 SOD CS $50.70 Can Liners 1051458 00098241052391 Liner 43x48 56gl HDPE Blk 18 Mic CL Heritage Bag Company Z8648YK R01 200 CS $42.30 Can Liners 1051596 00098241130235 Liner 43" x 47" 56 gl PCR Blk 1.3 Mil Heritage Bag Company L8647PK 100 CS $40.74 Can Liners 1051886 00098241019899 Liner 40" x 48" HDPE Nat 14 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z8048HN R02 250 CS $39.09 Can Liners 1052011 00098241074515 Liner 24"x32" 12-16g1 LLDPE Clr .7Mil CL Heritage Bag Company H4832HC R01 500 CS $40.79 Can Liners 1052465 00098241133700 LINER CAN 23GAL 281N 0.9MIL 45IN LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H5645TK R01 200 CS $33.34 Can Liners 1052468 00098241136473 LINER CAN SSGAL 401N 1.3MIL 531N LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H8053PC R01 100 CS $40.69 Can Liners 1052910 00098241060969 Liner 38" x 58" 60 gl LLDPE CIr 1.5 Mil Heritage Bag Company H7658AC 100 CS $48.63 Can Liners 1052916 00098241033765 Liner 24" x 32" LLDPE Blk 0.9 Mil FP Heritage Bag Company H4832TK 500 CS $52.37 Can Liners 1053233 00098241033321 Liner 38" x 58" LLDPE Blk 1.3 Mil FP Heritage Bag Company H7658PK 100 CS $42.14 Can Liners 1053467 00098241028662 Liner 24" x 23" LLDPE Blk 0.9 Mil Heritage Bag Company H4823TK 500 CS $37.86 Can Liners 1053471 00098241002921 LINER CAN 8 TO 10GAL 241N 0.35MIL 231N Heritage Bag Company D4823RC 1000 CS $29A0 Can Liners 1053481 OW98241006240 Liner 2432 12-16 g1 LLDPE CIr 0.7Mi1 FP Heritage Bag Company H4832HC 500 CS $40.79 Can Liners 1053490 00098241005793 Liner 24" x 23" 8-10gl LLDPE Clr 0.55Mil Heritage Bag Company H4823HC S00 CS $23.01 Can Liners lOS3508 00098241006356 Liner 24" x 32" LLDPE Clr 0.35 Mil Heritage Bag Company H4832RC 500 CS $20.51 Can Liners 1053515 00098241006301 Liner 24" x 32" 12-16g1 LLDPE Wht .5 Mil Heritage Bag Company H4832MW 500 CS $29.16 Can Liners 1053533 00D98241043559 Liner 40" x 48" 40AS gl HDPE Blk 19 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z8048EK R01 200 CS $45.10 Can Liners 1053594 0DD98241008787 LINER CAN 33GAL 331N 0.9MIL 391N LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H6639TW 150 CS $25.64 Can Liners 1053602 ODD98241035721 LINER CAN 33GAL 331N 0.9MIL 391N LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H6639TK 150 CS $25.64 Can Liners 1053605 00098241026026 LINER CAN 60GAL 381N 1.3MIL 58IN LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H7658PC 100 CS $42.14 Can Liners 1053622 00098241006752 LINER CAN 56GAL 441N 1.6MIL 551N LLDPE Heritage Bag Company IH56 G 100 CS I $55.21 Can Liners 1053730 0009824101193C LINER CAN 40T045GAL40IN1.1MIL461N Heritage Bag Company IH8046SC 125 CS + $37.36 Can Liners 1053750 00098241012937 LINER CAN 56GAL 431N 1.1MIL 471N LLDPE Heritage Bag Company IH86475G 100 CS 1 $32.73 Can Liners 1053841 00098241028617 LINER CAN XX-HVY 60GAL 381N 2MIL 58IN Heritage Bag Company I H7658QC 100 CS 1 $64.99 Can Liners 1053863 00098241043054 LINER CAN XHVY 66GAL 381N 0.8MIL 58IN Heritage Bag Company I H765SEW 100 CS 1 $24.27 Can Liners 1053866 00098241011053 LINER CAN 60GAL 381N 0.9MIL 58IN LLDPE [Heritage Bag Company IH7658TW 100 CS 1 $29.16 Can Liners 1053868 00098241010803 LINER CAN 60GAL 381N 1.1MIL 58IN LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H76585C 100 CS $35.81 Can Liners 1053869 00098241010865 LINER CAN 55GAL 381N 1.1MIL 58IN LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H7658SG 100 CS $35.81 Can Liners 1053875 00098241057938 Liner 38" x 58" LLDPE Wht 1.3 Mil Heritage Bag Company H7658PW 100 CS $42.21 Can Liners 1053955 00098241063182 Liner 37" x 50" 44 gl LLDPE Clr 1.3 Mil Heritage Bag Company H7450PC 100 CS $39.63 Can Liners 1054048 00098241116246 BAG COMPOSTABLE 33GAL 331N 391N 0.9MIL Heritage Bag Company Y6639TE R01 200 CS $136.11 Can Liners 1054067 00098241054227 LINER CAN MAX -DUTY 33GAL 331N 1.5MIL BK Heritage Bag Company IX6639AK 100 CS 1 $21.54 Can Liners 1054132 00098241010926 LINER CAN 60GAL 381N 1.25MIL 58IN LLDPE Heritage Bag Company IH7658SK 100 CS 1 $40.74 Can Liners 1054135 00098241012159 LINER CAN 40 TO 45GAL 401N 0.9MIL 461N Heritage Bag Company H8046TK 100 CS $24.30 Can Liners 1054145 D0098241026019 Liner 38xS8 60gl LLDPE Gry 1.3 Mil FP Heritage Bag Company H7658PG 100 CS $42.14 Can Liners 1054184 00098241117649 BAG COMPOSTABLE 30GAL 301N 391N 1.2M1L Heritage Bag Company Y60395E R01 125 CS $103.51 Can Liners 1054185 DDD98241117656 BAG COMPOSTABLE 48GAL 421N 481N 1MIL GRN Heritage Bag Company Y8448YE R01 100 CS $118.86 Can Liners 1054349 0DD98241056672 LINER CAN 30GAL 301N 1.3MIL 361N LLDPE Heritage Bag Company X6036PK 250 CS $39.09 Can Liners 1054350 ODD98241054234 LINER CAN MAX -DUTY 33GAL 331N 2MIL 391N Heritage Bag Company X6639QK 100 CS $28.70 IN Can Liners 1054382 00098241111319 Liner 55" x 60" 65gl LLDPE Blk 1.5Mi1 FP Heritage Bag Company H1060AK 50 CS $38.37 Can Liners 1054537 00098241118356 BAG COMPOSTABLE 32GAL 341N 481N 1MIL GRN Heritage Bag Company Y6848YE R01 100 CS $95.86 0 N w Can Liners 1054839 00098241DD0118 Unr 24" x 23" 8-10 gl LLDPE Red 1.3 Mil Heritage Bag Company A4823PR SDO CS $67.03 Can Liners 1055135 00098241062796 Liner 38" x 58" 60gl LLDPE Wht 1.8MII FP Heritage Bag Company H7658XW 100 CS $58.33 Can Liners 1055190 00098241043481 Liner 24" x 23" LLDPE Clr 0.55 Mil Heritage Bag Company H4823MC ROl 500 CS $23.01 Can Liners 1055264 00098241070524 Liner 43" x 48" 56 gl LLDPE Clr 2 MII FP Heritage Bag Company H8648QC 100 CS $60.77 Can Liners 1055706 00098241133717 LINER CAN 23GAL 281N 1.3MIL 451N LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H5645PK R01 200 CS $48.09 Can Liners 1055707 00098241138149 Liner 40" x 46" LLDPE Clr 1.5 Mil Heritage Bag Company H8046AC R01 10O CS $40.69 Can Liners 1056443 00098241142153 Liner 38" x 58" LLDPE Blk 1.8 Mil Heritage Bag Company X7658WK 100 CS $52.56 Can Liners 1056480 00098241142337 Liner 46" x 50" 56 gl LLDPE Blk 1.35 Mil Heritage Bag Company X9250SK 100 CS $34.57 Can Liners 1056484 0009824112827C Liner 38" x 58" 60 gl LDPE Bik 1.5 Mil Heritage Bag Company X7658AK R01 100 CS $35.61 Can Liners 1057146 00098241074324 Liner 24" x 33" HDPE Nat 13 Mic CL Heritage Bag Company Z4833HN R01 500 CS $31.70 Can Liners 1057259 00098241040374 Liner 33" x 40" 33 gl HDPE Blk 22 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z6640WK R01 250 CS $42.26 Can Liners 1057339 00098241026569 Liner 43" x 48" 56 gl HDPE Blk 22 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z8648WK R01 150 CS $38.74 Can Liners 1057361 00098241048837 Liner 40" x 48" 40-45g1 HDPE Blk 22 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z8048WK R01 150 CS $36.11 Can Liners 1057432 00098241058034 Liner 3300 33gl HDPE Blk 16Mic Coreless Heritage Bag Company Z6640VK R01 250 CS $30.84 Can Liners 1057474 00098241017178 Liner 20" x 22" 7 gl HDPE Nat 6 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z4022RN RO3 2DDD CS $31.87 Can Liners 1057494 00098241022301 Liner 24" x 24 Nat 8 Mic HDPE Heritage Bag Company Z4824LN R01 1DDO CS $27.99 Can Liners 1057491 00098241031894 Liner 24" x 33" 12-16gl HDPE Blk 8 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z4833LK R01 1000 CS $38.47 Can Liners 1057494 00098241018595 Liner 33" x 40" 33 gl HDPE Nat 12 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z6640MN R01 500 CS $46.10 Can Liners 1057501 00098241017567 Liner 24" x 33" 12-16 gl HDPE Nat 8 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z4833LN R01 1000 CS $38.47 Can Liners 1057504 OD098241018229 Liner 30" x 37" 20-30 gl HDPE Nat 16 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z6037XN ROl 500 CS $50.70 Can Liners 1057507 OD098241018014 Liner 30" x 37" 20-30 gl HDPE Nat 8 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z6037LN R01 500 CS $26.17 Can Liners 1057509 00098241017970 Liner 30" x 37" HDPE Nat 13 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z6037HN R01 S00 CS $42.49 Can Liners 1057513 00098241027481 Liner 33" x 40" 33 gl HDPE Nat 11 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z6640MN R03 500 CS $42.19 Can Liners 1057554 ON98241019516 Liner 38" x 60" 60 gl HDPE Nat 14 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z7660HN R01 200 CS $36.33 Can Liners 1057557 0DD98241019684 Liner 38" x 60" 60 gl HDPE Nat 17 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z7660XN R01 200 CS $44.03 Can Liners 1057558 0D098241027382 Liner 38" x 60" 60 gl HDPE Nat 22 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z7660WN R01 150 CS $42.96 Can Liners 1057815 00098241052636 Liner 38" x 60" 60 gl HDPE Nat 16 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z7660VN ROl 200 CS $41.64 Can Liners 1057833 0D098241028433 Liner 38" x 60" 60gl HDPE Blk 22 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z7660WK RO3 150 CS $42.96 Can Liners 1057861 00098241034250 Can Liner 40" x 48" HDPE Blk 16 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z8048VK R01 250 CS $43.80 Can Liners 1057893 00098241071088 Liner 40" x 48" 40-45g1 HDPE Nat 22Mic Heritage Bag Company Z8048WN RO1 150 CS $36.11 Can Liners 1058056 00098241037268 Liner 30" x 37" HDPE Nat 12 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z6037MN R03 500 CS $37.83 Can Liners 1141579 00098241142306 Liner 43" x 47" 56 gl Repro Blk 2 Mil Heritage Bag Company X8647QK RO3 100 CS $44.90 Can Liners 1154303 00098241057143 LINER CAN 55GAL 361N 1.5MIL 581N RESIN Heritage Bag Company X7258AK 100 CS $33.84 Can Liners 1165311 00098241131676 LINER CAN MAX -DUTY 60GAL 381N 1.2MIL BK Heritage Bag Company X7658SK R01 100 CS $35.04 Can Liners 1171004 00098241137449 LINER CAN 60GAL 381N 1.2MIL 561N RESIN Heritage Bag Company X7656SK ROV 100 CS $28.37 Can Liners 1221824 D0098241133625 LINER CAN 60GAL 381N 1.1M]L 58IN LLDPE Heritage Bag Company H7658SC R02 100 CS $35.81 Can Liners 1230370 D0098241146625 Liner 24" x 32" LLDPE .7 Mil Blk Heritage Bag Company H4832HK R01 500 CS $40.79 Can Liners 1232692 D0098241154309 LINER CAN 20 TO 30GAL 301N O.SMIL 361N Heritage Bag Company H6036MK 250 CS $19.87 Can Liners 1233366 00098241154262 Liner 24" x 23" LLDPE Blk .55Mi1 FP Heritage Bag Company H4823HK 5DO CS $23.01 Can Liners 1234356 00098241154286 Liner 24"x32" 12-16gl LLDPE elk .7MII FP Heritage Bag Company H4832HK 5DO CS $40.79 Can Liners 1234371 00098241154521 Liner 33" x 39" LLDPE Blk 1.25 Mil Heritage Bag Company H6639SK X01 150 CS $35.54 Can Liners 1234390 00098241154583 Liner 4307 56gl LLDPE Blk 1 Mil FP Heritage Bag Company H8647YK 100 CS $29.83 Can Liners 1235233 00098241154637 Liner 40" x 46" 40-45gi LLDPE Blk 0.9Mi1 Heritage Bag Company H8046TK R01 100 CS $24.30 Can Liners 1236838 00098241154965 Heritage Liner LD 30x36.65 Mil Blk Cris Heritage Bag Company H6036HK ROl 250 CS $25.87 Can Liners 1245654 00098241115881 KartPak Liner 24x30 LLDPE Blk 0.95Mil IL Heritage Bag Company N4830TKK01 75 CS $14.81 Can Liners 1316720 D0098241151452 Liner 24x33 HD Nat 12 Mic Heritage Bag Company Z4833MN R02 500 CS $29.16 Can Liners 1322879 00098241172853 Liner 400819 Mic HDPE Metalic Blu Heritage Bag Company Z8048EXXOI 200 CS $46.37 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001967 20075289150009 Discreet Seat Toilet Seat Cover 1/2 Fold Hospeco The Specialties Company DS-5000 5000 CS $46.41 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000D07 0D0360OD410440 CLOTH CLEANING HD 16.81N 11.11N WHT Kimberly-Clark 41044 160 CS $28.72 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 100DD08 OD036000410556 CLOTH CLEANING HD 12.21N 12-1/21N R Kimberly-Clark 41055 475 CS $66.10 Towel & Tissue 1000010 OD036000416008 WYPALLX70 Wipr 12.442.2 JmbHydroKnitWht Kimberly-Clark 41600 1 CS $78.24 w Skin Care 100D013 10036000915942 Kleenex HandSoap 1.2LAntibacClrFrtRfl Kimberly-Clark 91594 2 CS I $49.92 Towel & Tissue 1000414 100360MIOD05 Scott Roll Towel Paper 8" x 1D00' Wht Kimberly-Clark 1000 12 CS $100.72 O to W Ic Towel & Tissue 1000415 10036000010401 Scott Roll Towel 8" x 800' Paper Wht Kimberly-Clark 1040 12 CS $93.45 Towel &Tissue 1000417 10036000010807 Kleenex Roll Twig" x 425' PaperWhtl-Ply Kimberly-Clark 1080 12 CS $89.75 Towel &Tissue 1000419 10036000015000 Kleenex Folded Towel 10.12x13.15 Ppr Wht Kimberly-Clark 1500 2400 CS $51.52 Towel & Tissue 1000420 10036000015109 Scott FldedTwl 10.1x13.2 Ppr Wht CntrFld Kimberly-Clark 1510 2400 CS $43.19 Towel &Tissue 1000421 10036000017004 Scott SFId Twl 10.5x9.3 Ppr Wht Kimberly-Clark 1700 4000 CS $49.53 Towel & Tissue 1000423 1D036DOD018D49 Scott F1ded Twl 9.2x9.4 Ppr Wht MultiFld Kimberly-Clark 1804 40DO CS $37.56 Towel & Tissue 1000424 1D036D00018902 Kleenex Flded Twl 9.2x9.4 Ppr Wht M-Fld Kimberly-Clark 1890 2400 CS $38.22 Towel & Tissue 1000425 1003600D01980C Scott Folded Towel 9.4" x 12.4" Ppr Wht Kimberly-Clark 1980 4375 CS $54.04 Towel & Tissue 1000427 100360O0020004 Scott Roll Towel 8" x 950' Paper Wht Kimberly-Clark 20DO 6 CS $58.75 Towel & Tissue 1000428 10036D00D40071 Scott Bath Tissue 4" x 4.4" Paper Wht Kimberly-Clark 4007 36 CS $63.52 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000432 20036D000532DO TOWEL UTIL LT CLEANING 91N 10-1/41N 1 Kimberly-Clark 5320 2250 CS $54.48 Towel & Tissue 1000433 10036000057017 WypAll L40 Wiper 12.5x13 Ppr Wht CntrPul Kimberly-Clark 5701 1008 CS $85.59 Towel & Tissue 1000434 10036000O57901 WYPALL L40 Wiper 16.4x9.8 Ppr Wht 1-Ply Kimberly-Clark 5790 900 CS $81.71 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000435 10036000058007 WYPALL Wiper LD Pop Up Wht L30 Kimberly-Clark 5800 8 CS $76.09 Towel & Tissue 1000436 10036000058120 WYPALL L30 Wiper 13x12.5 Ppr Wht 1/4FId Kimberly-Clark 5812 12 CS $52.39 Towel & Tissue 1000437 100360O0060017 WIPER 61N 121N HYDROKNIT WHT Kimberly-Clark 6001 6 CS $50.03 Skin Care 1000438 10036D00062110 KimTech Prep Hand Wipe 12" x 12.5" Wht Kimberly-Clark 6211 540 CS $114.13 Towel & Tissue 1000439 10036DOD064114 Kimtech Prep Wiper 12x12.5 WettaskSystem Kimberly-Clark 6411 540 CS $64.43 Towel & Tissue 1000440 10036D00070054 Scott Bath Tissue 3.7" x 2300' Paper Wht Kimberly-Clark 7005 12 CS $78.07 Towel & Tissue 1000441 10036D00070061 Scott Bath Tissue 3.7" x 1150' Paper Wht Kimberly-Clark 7006 12 CS $66.69 Towel & Tissue 1000443 1003600D072232 Scott Bath Tissue 3.55 x 2000' Wht Kimberly-Clark 7223 12 CS $57.70 Towel & Tissue 1000444 10036000073048 KleenexCottonelle Bath7iss3.55x750PprWht Kimberly-Clark 7304 12 CS $71.67 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000445 10036000074106 Scott Toilet Seat Cover 15" x 18" Wht Kimberly-Clark 7410 24 CS $76.68 Towel & Tissue 1000446 10036000078050 Scott Bath Tissue 3.55"x1ODD' Ppr Wht 2P Kimberly-Clark 7805 12 CS $49.41 Towel & Tissue 1000447 10036000078272 Scott Bath Tissue 3.5x2000' Jumbo PprWht Kimberly-Clark 7827 6 CS $55.16 Towel & Tissue 1000464 10036DD0177135 Kleenex Cottonelle Bath Tissue 4.09x4Wht Kimberly-Clark 17713 60 CS $55.69 Towel & Tissue 1000465 10036000213406 Scott Surpass Facial Tissue 8x8.3 PprWht Kimberly-Clark 21340 30 CS $34.41 Towel & Tissue 1000466 10036000213901 Surpass Facial Tissue8x8.3 125Sh2P FltBx Kimberly-Clark 21390 60 CS $65.67 Towel & Tissue 1000467 1OD36000214007 Kleenex Facial Tissue 8.3" x 7.8" Paper Kimberly-Clark 21400 36 CS $51.61 Towel & Tissue 1000468 1OD36000347903 Wypall Wiper 9.1x16.8 LtDty X60 PopUpBox Kimberly-Clark 34790 1260 CS $84.92 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000470 10036000410263 WIPER 1/4 FOLD, GP 121N 12-1/21N WHT Kimberly-Clark 41026 200 CS $36.90 Towel & Tissue 100D471 10036000411000 CLOTH CLEANING MDM-DUTY 16.61N 14.91N Kimberly-Clark 41100 300 CS $57.24 Towel & Tissue 1000472 10036000414551 WYPALL X70 Wiper 9.1x16.8 HydroKnit Wht Kimberly-Clark 41455 1000 CS $93.37 Towel & Tissue 1000473 10036000414827 Scott Kitchen Twl 11" x 8.78" Paper Wht Kimberly-Clark 41482 20 CS $40.95 Towel & Tissue 1000474 10036000506065 Kleenex Roll Towel 8" x 600' Paper Wht Kimberly-Clark 50606 6 CS $59.50 Chemicals 1000475 10036000910671 Scott Air Freshener 48ml Citrus Rfll Kimberly-Clark 91067 6 CS $77.79 Chemicals 1000477 10036000910725 Scott Air Freshener 48 ml CIr Ocean Rfll Kimberly-Clark 91072 6 CS $79.47 Skin Care 1000486 10036000925522 Kleenex Hand Soap 1.OL Pnk Citrus Flrl Kimberly-Clark 91552 6 CS $54.58 Skin Care 1000487 10036000925546 Scott Hand Soap 1Ltr Foam Antimicrobial Kimberly-Clark 91554 6 CS $60.67 Skin Care 1000489 10336000915904 REFILL SANITIZER HD FOAM GEL PLEASANT 7 Kimberly-Clark 91590 2 CS $59.28 Skin Care 1CO0490 10036000915911 REFILL CLEANSER SKIN LIQ UNSCENTED Kimberly-Clark 91591 2 CS $32.36 Skin Care 1000491 10036000915928 Kleenex Hand Soap 1200ml. Pnk Floral Kimberly-Clark 91592 2 CS $39.60 Skin Care 10D08D0 10036000915607 Kleenex Hand Sanitlzer IL Clr Floral Kimberly-Clark 91560 6 CS $91.17 Towel &Tissue 1001332 1003600DOIDOSC Scott Roll Towels 8"x10D0' High Capacity Kimberly-Clark 1005 6 CS $50.98 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001347 10036000335603 CLOTH 1/4 FOLD 121N 12-1/21N UNSCENTED Kimberly-Clark 33560 528 CS $73.87 Towel &Tissue 1001348 10036000348658 CLOTH CLEANING 121N 12-1/21N HYDROKNIT Kimberly-Clark 34865 12 CS $68.97 Towel &Tissue 1001349 DD036000410259 WYPALLX80 RITwI 12.4xl2.2JmbHydroKnitWht Kimberly-Clark 41025 1 CS $62.95 Towel & Tissue 1001670 10036000044604 Scott Bath Tissue 4.1x4 Ppr Wht Std Roll Kimberly-Clark 4460 80 CS $70.78 Towel & Tissue 1D01934 1003600GO70016 Cottonelle BathTssue 43.95 2P 800Sh/RI Kimberly-Clark 7001 36 CS $67.44 Towel & Tissue 1002503 10036000O41429 Scott Roll Towel 8"xBOO' Ppr Brn Hard RI Kimberly-Clark 4142 12 CS $72.65 Towel & Tissue 1002504 1D036000051022 Scott Bath Tissue 4.1" x 3.75" Kimberly-Clark 5102 80 CS $96.33 w Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003350 1D03600083610O CLOTH CLEANING 15-3/41N 15-3/41N YEL Kimberly-Clark 83610 24 CS $56.92 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003351 1D036000836209 CLOTH CLEANING 15-3/41N 15-3/41N BL Kimberly-Clark 83620 24 CS $57.56 N w Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003352 10036000836308 CLOTH CLEANING 15-3/41N 15-3/41N GRN Kimberly-Clark 83630 24 CS $55.36 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003355 10036000913719 WIPES CLEANING PRESATURATED, WATERLESS Kimberly-Clark 91371 450 CS $74.97 Foodservice 1023404 1003600098908C Scott Dispenser Napkin 6.5"x8.4" Ppr Wht Kimberly-Clark 98908 5250 CS $63.65 Towel & Tissue 1023698 1003600001807C Scott Folded Towel 9.2" x 9.4" Paper Wht Kimberly-Clark 1807 4000 CS $34.08 Towel & Tissue 1023753 10036000019602 Scott Folded Towel 7.84" x 12.4" Ppr Wht Kimberly-Clark 1960 4375 CS $43.45 Towel & Tissue 1023896 10036000112686 KleenexUltraSoft Hand Towel 9x10.5PprWht Kimberly-Clark 11268 18 CS $61.08 Towel & Tissue 1023914 10036000132547 Kleenex5cottfold FldTwl 9.412.4 Ppr Wht Kimberly-Clark 13254 3000 CS $61.08 Towel & Tissue 1023915 10036000132530 Kleenex Folded Towel 7.84"x12.4" Ppr Wht Kimberly-Clark 13253 3000 CS $48.97 Towel & Tissue 1023972 10036000018407 TOWEL FOLDED PPR WHT 14000 9.21N 9.41N Kimberly-Clark 1840 4000 CS $34.38 Towel & Tissue 1024282 10036000010326 TOWEL ROLL CTR PULL PPR WHT 14200 SIN Kimberly-Clark 1032 6 CS $66.60 Towel & Tissue 1024301 10036000010104 Scott Roll Towel 8"45" Ppr Wht Cntrpull Kimberly-Clark 1010 4 CS 548.39 Towel & Tissue 1024991 10036003123880 Scott Slimroll Roll Towel 8x580 PaperWht Kimberly-Clark 12388 6 CS $49.65 Towel & Tissue 1025113 1003600021606? Kleenex Facial Tissue 8.3" x 7.8" Wht Kimberly-Clark 21606 48 CS $77.48 Towel & Tissue 1025123 10036000222706 Kleenex Boutique Facial Tissue 8.4"x8.2" Kimberly-Clark 21270 36 CS $59.03 Towel & Tissue 1025129 10036000211952 Kleenex Facial Tissue 8.4" x 5.5" PprWht Kimberly-Clark 21195 48 CS $46.08 Towel & Tissue 1025276 10036000482802 Kleenex Bath Tissue 4.5" x 8.3" Wht Kimberly-Clark 48280 36 CS $44.55 Towel & Tissue 1025755 10036000678052 Scott Bath Tissue 1000' Paper Kimberly-Clark 67805 12 CS $41.76 Towel & Tissue 1026062 05027375010354 Klnx Btqe Ntrls FacialTsse 8.4x8.4PprWht Kimberly-Clark 21272 36 CS $54.42 Towel & Tissue 1026063 16636000216018 KlnxNtrls Facialrissue8.4x8 125Sh PprWht Kimberly-Clark 21601 48 CS $77.49 Towel & Tissue 1026181 10036DDD044420 TOWEL HD SLIMFOLD MULTI -FOLD PPR WHT 1 Kimberly-Clark 4442 24 CS $33.11 Towel & Tissue 1026239 10036GO0132172 Scott Bath Tissue 4" x 4" Paper Wht Kimberly-Clark 13217 So CS $55.52 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1027047 10036000583103 WYPALL Wet Wipe 10x12 PP Wtrls Grn Ctrs Kimberly-Clark 58310 8 CS $69.25 Towel & Tissue 1027068 10036000058601 TOWEL DRY UP 421N 19-1/21N CELLULOSE WHT Kimberly-Clark 5860 200 CS $90.27 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1027542 10036000410836 WYPALL Wiper 10" x 12.5" HydroKnit Wht Kimberly-Clark 41083 560 CS $29.99 Towel & Tissue 1027623 00036000349658 CLOTH CLEANING LIGHTWEIGHT, MULTI -TASK Kimberly-Clark 34965 11DO CS $86.68 Towel & Tissue 1027631 0D036000059413 TOWEL CLEANING LT HD 12.41N 13.41N WHT Kimberly-Clark 5841 950 CS $45.75 Towel & Tissue 1027658 1D036000354017 Wypall Wiper Hydroknit 9.8x12.2 WhtX60 Kimberly-Clark 35401 12 CS $107.22 Towel & Tissue 1027669 10036000057765 TOWEL 1/4 FOLD, EX ABSORBENT 12-1/21N BL Kimberly-Clark 5776 672 CS $47.36 Towel & Tissue 1027674 10036000347057 WIPES TASK DELICATE 11.81N 11.81N 2 PPR Kimberly-Clark 34705 1785 CS $110.29 Towel & Tissue 1027675 10036D00051206 TOWEL WSHLD LT CLEANING PPR BL 2 9.31N Kimberly-Clark 5120 2240 CS $59.33 Towel & Tissue 1027688 10036D00058205 WypAll L30 Wipr 9.845.2 DRC Wht CntrPul Kimberly-Clark 5820 2 CS $60.09 Towel &Tissue 1027691 10036D00030461 TOWEL EX ABSORBENT 101N 9.81N WHT Kimberly-Clark 3046 810 CS $67.53 Towel & Tissue 1027692 10036D00030867 TOWEL CLEANING GP, HD 10.81N 101N 2 PPR Kimberly-Clark 3086 12DO CS $67.36 Towel & Tissue 1027693 00036D00349559 WYPALL X60 wiper 12.4x12.2 HydroKnit Wht Kimberly-Clark 34955 1 CS $80.14 Towel & Tissue 1027694 10036000354116 WYPALL X60 Wiper 9.8x12.2 HydroKnit Blu Kimberly-Clark 35411 12 CS $107.22 Towel & Tissue 1027718 10036000058168 Wypall Wiper 16.4" x 9.4" Wht Kimberly-Clark 5816 6 CS $44.26 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1027732 10036000059257 TOWEL SVCE FOOD 1/4 FOLD, HD 12-1/21N Kimberly-Clark 5925 300 CS $54.10 Towel & Tissue 1027744 10036000349006 TOWEL CLEANING 16.81N 12-1/21N 150 WHT Kimberly-Clark 34900 6 CS $100.88 Towel & Tissue 1027749 10036000347217 WIPES TASK DELICATE 16.61N 14.71N 2 PPR Kimberly-Clark 34721 1350 CS $131.14 Towel & Tissue 1027768 10036000062806 Wyper X80 Wypall Foodsry Twl Wht/Blu Kimberly-Clark 6280 150 CS $46.25 Towel & Tissue 1027783 10036000410294 WIPER 1/4 FOLD, GP 121N 12-1/21N R Kimberly-Clark 41029 200 CS $37.35 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1027784 10036000410485 CLOTH CLEANING HD 16.81N 8.341N WHT Kimberly-Clark 41048 400 CS $63.97 Towel & Tissue 1027786 00036000050073 WypAll L40 Wipr 12.5x13.4 DRC Wht Jmb RI Kimberly-Clark 5007 1 CS $58.71 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1027798 10036000412007 WYPALL Wiper LO X70 Pop Up Box Wht Kimberly-Clark 41200 912 CS $84.38 Towel & Tissue 2027800 10036000057406 WYPALL L40 Wiper 16.4" x 9.8" DRC Blu Kimberly-Clark 5740 9 CS $96.93 Towel & Tissue 1027810 10036000342564 Kimwipes Wiper 14.7x16.6 PprWht Delicate Kimberly-Clark 34256 15 CS $117.48 Towel & Tissue 1027832 10036000341338 KimTech Science Wipes 11.8x11.8 Wht Kimberly-Clark 34133 2940 CS $84.00 Towel & Tissue 1027838 1D036000341550 Kimtech DelicateWiper 8.40.4 WHT 60/280 Kimberly-Clark 34155 60 CS $152.69 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1027843 10036000053224 TOWEL UTIL LT CLEANING 10-1/41N 121N 1 Kimberly-Clark 5322 2250 CS $103.73 Towel & Tissue 1027866 10036000051237 TOWEL WSHLD LT CLEANING PPR BL 19.11N Kimberly-Clark 5123 2240 CS $36.09 Towel & Tissue 1027886 00036000350159 CLOTH CLEANING 12.21N 9.81N HYDROKNIT Kimberly-Clark 35015 1100 CS $51.90 N w Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1028025 D0036000417029 CLOTH CLEANING GP, MDM-DUTY 12.21N 9.81N Kimberly-Clark 41702 825 CS $87.66 N Towel & Tissue 1028035 10036000341208 WIPES TASK DELICATE 8.41N 4.41N 1 WHT Kimberly-Clark 34120 9400 CS $92.21 0 -n N w Towel & Tissue 1028059 00036000410433 CLOTH CLEANING HD 12.41N 12.21N BL Kimberly-Clark 41043 475 CS $67.45 Towel &Tissue 1028319 1003600D058434 WYPALL Wiper LD Wht L30 Kimberly-Clark 5843 24 CS $74.17 Towel &Tissue 1028472 10036000017011 Kleenex Hand Towel 9" x 30.5" Paper Wht Kimberly-Clark 1701 18 CS $69.50 Towel &Tissue 1028669 10036000064718 Kimtech Wettask Wiper 12x6 Wht 1405hts Kimberly-Clark 6471 6 CS $55.20 Towel &Tissue 1028712 10036000835509 WYPALLX50 Wiper 9.1" x 12.5" Wht LD Kimberly-Clark 83550 1760 CS $73.91 Skin Care 1091407 10036000915539 WASH BODY AND HAIR FOAM 1000ML BTL LIQ Kimberly-Clark 91553 6 CS $59.42 Skin Care 1091439 1003600091556C Kleenex Hand Soap IL Pnk Floral Rfl Kimberly-Clark 91556 6 CS $42.94 Skin Care 1091440 10036000915577 Kleenex Hair & BodyWash 1LYIwCtrsFlrlRfl Kimberly-Clark 91557 6 CS $45.67 Skin Care 1091624 10036000915652 Kleenex Hand Soap IL Antibac DyeFree Clr Kimberly-Clark 91565 6 CS $48.60 Skin Care 1141664 ID036000112853 Kleenex Hand Soap 1.51. DyeFree ClrReflll Kimberly-Clark 11285 2 CS $38.61 Skin Care 1141665 10036000122808 Kleenex Hand Soap 1.5L Pnk Citrus Rfl Kimberly-Clark 11280 2 CS $41.53 Towel & Tissue itch 1144140 10036000139645 Kleenex Prmr Ken Towel 10.41170Sht Kimberly-Clark 13964 24 CS $81.66 Chemicals 1144959 10036000123705 Scott Air Freshener 48mL SummerFrshRfll Kimberly-Clark 12370 6 CS $66.00 Towel & Tissue 1147458 10036000423461 TOWEL CLEANING LT -DUTY, LIGHTWEIGHT 91N Kimberly-Clark 42346 6000 CS $93.19 Towel & Tissue 1162773 10036000257004 Scott Roll Towel 7.5" x 1150' Wht Kimberly-Clark 25700 6 CS $90.97 Towel & Tissue 1167844 10036000257035 TOWEL ROLL HARD HC PPR WHT 6900 7-1/21N Kimberly-Clark 25703 6 CS $90.97 Towel & Tissue 1167999 10036000256397 TOWEL ROLL HARD PPR WHT 142007-1/21N Kimberly-Clark 25639 6 CS $79.48 Towel & Tissue 1168282 10036000256304 Kleenex Hard Roll Towel Wht 1PIy Kimberly-Clark 25630 6 CS $79.48 Towel & Tissue 1168284 10036000257028 TOWEL ROLL HARD HC PPR WHT 16900 115OFT Kimberly-Clark 25702 6 CS $90.07 Skin Care 1169658 10036000129776 Kimcare Hand Sanitizer Foam 1000mL Kimberly-Clark 12977 6 CS $78.54 Towel & Tissue 1210682 10054000751308 Scott Shop Towel 11x10.4B1u Unscented RI Kimberly-Clark 75130 30 CS $78.93 Towel & Tissue 1255796 10036000439608 TOWEL ROLL HARD HC PPR WHT 15400 900FT Kimberly-Clark 43960 6 CS $65.95 Towel & Tissue 1274947 10036000020011 Scott Essential Roll Towel 8"x950'PprWht Kimberly-Clark 2001 6 CS $61.44 Towel & Tissue 1295446 10036000470359 TOWEL ROLL SLIM PPR WHT SIN 580FT Kimberly-Clark 47035 6 CS $50.14 Towel & Tissue 1307048 10036000473053 Scott BathTissue 3.9x3.7Wht HiCnt 115ORI Kimberly-Clark 47305 36 CS $72.35 Towel & Tissue 1316418 IG036000470311 TOWEL PPR WHT 12448 111N 61N Kimberly-Clark 47031 24 CS $34.44 Towel &Tissue 1327646 10036000470328 Scott Towel Slim 8"x580' Hard Roll Wht Kimberly-Clark 47032 6 CS $50.97 Towel & Tissue 1330368 00036000540154 Wypall X60 Wiper Brag Box Wht Kimberly-Clark 54015 1 CS $26.31 Towel & Tissue 1330369 0003600055300C CLOTH CLEANING MDM-DUTY 16.81N 11.11N Kimberly-Clark 55300 1 CS $38.31 Chemicals 1350826 10036000536093 WIPES SANITIZING HR24 WHT4506.71N Kimberly-Clark 53609 6 CS $48.93 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000179 00086876007596 RM Broom Handle 60" Woad Nat Thrd Rubbermaid FG636100LAC 1 EA $5.38 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000181 00086876007824 RM Broom 12" Corn Fiber Blu Nat Rubbermaid FG638300BLUE 1 EA $17.88 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000183 00086876014655 LID CONTAINER TRASH FLAT RND RESIN GRA Rubbermaid FG263300GRAY 1 EA $10.31 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000186 00086876015621 BAG CADDY 141N 10-1/21N 20-1/21N VINYL Rubbermaid FG264200YEL 1 EA $30.80 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000187 00086876016505 Brute Trash Container Lid55gIHDPE GryRnd Rubbermaid FG265400GRAY 1 EA $22.11 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000188 00086876019391 BUCKET 10QT RND HDPE GRA STURDY 10-1/21N Rubbermaid FG296300GRAY 1 EA $9.88 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000189 0008687603419C BAG WAXED 8-1/21N 8-3/41N WAX-CTD PPR BR Rubbermaid FG6141000000 250 CS $32.03 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000191 00086876046021 RM Wet Mop Head 1" #32 Cttn Wht Cut Rubbermaid FGV11900WH00 1 EA $7.11 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000192 00086876046182 HANDLE MOP DUST 601N HDWD NAT SNAP -ON Rubbermaid FGM116000000 1 EA $16.27 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000193 00086876050677 Kut-A-Way Dust Mop Head 36x5 Cttn WhtCut Rubbermaid FGK1550OWH00 i EA $22.81 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000199 00086876095418 RM Carpet Bonnet 17" Wht LowPrflScrbStrp Rubbermaid FGP26700WH0O 1 EA $31.25 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000201 00086876118339 PAD FINISH 181N SIN MICROFIBER BL/WHT Rubbermaid FGE05200WHOD 1 EA $22.55 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000205 0008687614202C BRUSH CTR PP 12-1/21N 81N SIL Rubbermaid FG634200SILV 1 EA $7.41 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000206 0008687614736C HANDLE MOP WET 601N FIBERGLASS GRA CLAMP Rubbermaid FGH246DOGY0O 1 EA $27.34 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000210 00086876154962 Lobby Pro Broom 7.5" x 35" PP elk Rubbermaid FG637400SLA 1 EA $9.34 Apparel & Safety 1000215 00086876166606 RM Safety Pole Ylw Closed f/Cleaning Rubbermaid FG9S1600YEL 1 EA $27.14 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000216 00086876172539 CADDY RIM 32-1/21N 26-1/21N 6-3/41N YEL Rubbermaid FG9W8700YEL 1 EA $59.58 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000218 00086876176827 WRINGER AND BKT CHARGING DN PRS 40QTYEL Rubbermaid FGQ90088YEL 1 EA $106.86 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000221 00086876183555 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA, VENTED RND Rubbermaid FG264360GRAY 1 EA $53.28 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000222 00086876183702 TRUCK TILT UTIL-DUTY 1/2CU-YD 450LB 4 BK Rubbermaid FG130400BLA 1 EA $586.83 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000223 00086876183733 TRUCK TILT UTIL-DUTY 1CU-YD 850LB 4 MDPE Rubbermaid FG131400BLA 1 EA $832.78 N Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000226 00086876187465 LID CONTAINER TRASH FLAT RND RESIN GRA Rubbermaid FG264560GRAY 1 EA $17.83 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000227 D0086876192292 CART CLEANING JANITORIAL TRADITIONAL 3 Rubbermaid FG617388BLA 1 EA $182.03 0 �-n N w Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000578 00086876011029 CONTAINER TRASH STA 56GAL SQ PLSTC BR Rubbermaid FG256BOOBRN 1 EA $179.53 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000584 00086876019162 RM Wastebasket 41.25 qt Lrg LLDPE Bge Rubbermaid FG295700BEIG 1 EA $11.64 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000585 00086876026528 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA 35GAL SQ Rubbermaid FG395800BEIG 1 EA $118.61 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1000600 OM86876174809 HANDLE 58IN AL YEL QUICK -CONNECT Rubbermaid FGQ750DOYL00 1 EA $11.53 Skin Care 1001450 10763905013113 Hand Soap 800mL Blu One Shot Rubbermaid FG4013111 4 CS $44.57 Chemicals 1001481 10763905012444 FRESHENER AIR S.3OZ REFILL LIQ 6000CU-FT Rubbermaid FG4012441 4 CS $49.20 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001675 DD086876045499 Kut-A-Way Dust Mop Head 24x5 Cttn WhtCut Rubbermaid FGK15300WHD0 1 EA $17.58 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001677 00086876046199 FRAME MOP DUST W 241N SIN 11N MET BK Rubbermaid FGM253D00000 1 EA $6.81 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1D01680 00086876089479 FRAME MOP DUST W 361N SIN IIN MET Rubbermaid FGM255O00000 I EA $8.09 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001681 D0086876089516 FRAME MOP DUST W 481N SIN 1/21N MET GRA Rubbermaid FGM257000000 1 EA $11.44 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001684 D0086876087598 HEAD MOP DUST 361N SIN WHT ENV CUT Rubbermaid FGLIS500WH00 1 EA $11.45 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001736 DD08687600764C HANDLE BROOM 601N WOOD NAT 15/161N THD Rubbermaid FG636400LAC 1 EA $6.48 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001743 D0086876045505 RM Dust Mop Head 24" x 5" Bind Wht Cut Rubbermaid FGL15300WHO0 1 EA $9.06 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1D01798 D0086876007770 Lobby Pro Broom 8"xl.5"08" Cornfibr Brn Rubbermaid FG637300BRN 1 EA $5.75 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1DO1806 D0086876176421 Bucket Wrngr Cmb 35gt YIwSdPrs WaveBrake Rubbermaid FG758088YEL 1 EA $100.64 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001808 0D086876179156 WaveBrake BcktWrngrCombo 35gt PEYIwDnPrs Rubbermaid FG757788YEL 1 EA $143.42 Apparel & Safety 1001846 0D086876141702 RM Floor Sign 25" PP YlwCaution WetFloor Rubbermaid FG611277YEL 1 EA $12.03 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1001856 0D086876052473 HANDLE MOP WET 541N FIBERGLASS YEL CLAMP Rubbermaid FGH245000000 1 EA $26.80 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1002042 0D086876046168 HANDLE MOP WET 601N AL YEL i.121N SIDE G Rubbermaid FGH136000000 1 EA $20.94 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1002D48 0D086876146875 HANDLE MOP WET 601N FIBERGLASS GRN Rubbermaid FGH14600GR00 1 EA $16.52 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1002049 0D086876019353 BUCKET 10QT RND HDPE R STURDY 10-1/21N Rubbermaid FG296300RED 1 EA $9.88 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1002054 0D086876179287 WaveBrake Bckt/Wrngr Combo 35gt Plas Ylw Rubbermaid FG759088YEL 1 EA $106.25 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1002059 0008687617917CWRINGER AND BKT DN PRS 35QT POLTHN BR 4 Rubbermaid FG757788BRN 1 EA $160.94 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1D02075 D0086876007602 HANDLE BROOM 601N WOOD NAT 1-1/81N Rubbermaid FG63620ONAT 1 EA $7.06 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1D02079 D0086876142129 RM Broom 10.5" PP Mtl Gry Ylw Angled Rubbermaid FG637500GRAY 1 EA $9.22 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1002501 DO086876014679 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN WO LID 32GAL Rubbermaid FG263200GRAY 1 EA $36.73 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1002511 00086876156164 DUSTPAN URT PLSTC BK LONG 12-3/41N SIN Rubbermaid FG253100BLA 1 EA $14.77 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003050 00086876051865 HEAD MOP DUST DISPOSABLE 361N SIN COTTON Rubbermaid FGL25500WH00 I EA $9.39 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003055 00086876046014 HEAD MOP WET LGE 11N 71N COTTON WHT 4 Rubbermaid FGV11800WH00 1 EA $5.80 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003147 DD086876120578 RM Carpet Bonnet 21" Wht LowPrflScrbStrp Rubbermaid FGP27100WHD0 1 EA $40.78 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003189 0008687617483C FRAME 171N 31N 1-1/21N AL YEL Rubbermaid FGQ/56000YL00 1 EA $27.00 Apparel & Safety 1003240 D0086876032994 RM FloorSign 26x11x25PP YlwCautn MltLngl Rubbermaid FG611200YEL 1 EA $12.03 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003267 DOOS6876094411 HEAD MOP DUST 481N SIN COTTON/PLSTC YEL Rubbermaid FGJ15700YL00 1 EA $35.22 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003357 OODS6876034165 RECEPTACLE NAPKIN SAN 10-3/41N 5-1/41N Rubbermaid FG624000WHT 1 EA $41.48 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003391 0008687605021SHEAD MOP WET 21N 61N RYN WHT LOOPED Rubbermaid FGIr43800WHCD 1 EA $9.66 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003396 00086876053647 HANDLE MOP WET 601N WOOD NAT EASY-CHG Rubbermaid FGH516000D00 I EA $12.84 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1003518 OODS6876174977 Hygen Duster Wand 20" MF QC w/Sleeve Rubbermaid FGQ85000BK00 I EA $28.14 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 2028085 00086876170O85 CLOTH BATHROOM 161N 161N 0.131N YEL Rubbermaid FGQ61000YL00 I EA $4.02 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 2028086 00086876170092 CLOTH DUST GP 161N 161N 1/21N MICROFIBER Rubbermaid FGQ62000GR00 I EA $3.42 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1028087 00086876170108 CLOTH CLEANING 161N 161N 1/41N BL Rubbermaid FGQ63000BLOO I EA $4.98 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1058908 00086876148695 LID CONTAINER TRASH DOME RND RESIN GRA 1 Rubbermaid FG263788GRAY I EA $73.19 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1058911 00086876148718 Brute Trash Container Lid 44glHDPEGry Dm Rubbermaid FG264788GRAY 1 EA $102.11 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1058915 00086876014150 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA, VENTED RND Rubbermaid FG263200YEL 1 EA $36.73 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1058917 00086876047493 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA, VENTED RND Rubbermaid FG263200BLUE I EA $36.73 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1058958 10086876015499:DOLLY CONTAINER 250LB RESIN 5 BK SWVL Rubbermaid FG264000BLA 2 CS $91.56 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1058961 00086876161779 DOLLY CONTAINER TDM 400LB HDPE BK 41N Rubbermaid FG264600BLA 1 EA $170.88 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1058965 00086876012477 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN VENTED 10GAL Rubbermaid FG261000GRAY 1 EA $17.41 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 2058969 00086876013436 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA, VENTED RND Rubbermaid FG262000GRAY 1 EA $31.70 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1058996 00086876005318 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA, VENTED RND Rubbermaid FG265500GRAY I EA $68.55 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059127 D0O86876023138 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA 21GAL 1/2RD Rubbermaid FG352OOOGRAY 1 EA $69.89 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059159 00086876117196 RM Wastebasket 14gt ThrmstPolyBgeFireRes Rubbermaid FG254100BEIG 1 EA $26.06 w Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059160 00086876117165 BASKET W FRES 3.5GAL RECT RESIN BK Rubbermaid FG254100BLA 1 EA $26.06 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059162 00086876117264 RM Trash Container 28gt Plas Bge FireRes Rubbermaid FG254300BEIG 1 EA $36.91 0 N w Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059163 DD086876117233 BASKET W FIRES 7GAL RECT RESIN BK Rubbermaid FG254300BLA 1 EA $36.91 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059167 DD086876018288 Untchbl Trash Cant 44.37 qt Lg LLDPE Gry Rubbermaid FG294700GRAY 1 EA $19.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059195 0008687602603C BASKET W SM 13QT RECT PLSTC BEIGE Rubbermaid FG295500BEIG 1 EA $8.03 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059196 00086876026061 RM Wastebasket 13.625gt Small LLDPE Blk Rubbermaid FG295500BLA 1 EA $8.03 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059199 00086976018523 RM Trash Container 13.675gt Sml LLDPEGry Rubbermaid FG295500GRAY 1 EA $8.03 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059425 OD086976011241 LID CONTAINER TRASH WO DOOR RECT RESIN 2 Rubbermaid FG256VO0BRN 1 EA $177.17 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059471 00086876156881 CONTAINER TRASH STA 25GAL RND HDPE BEIGE Rubbermaid FG817088BEIG 1 EA $206.42 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059514 00086876018851 RM Trash Container 28.125gt Med LLDPEGry Rubbermaid FG295600GRAY 1 EA $7.33 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059515 00086876012538 BASKET W MDM 28QT RECT PLSTC BEIGE 151N Rubbermaid FG295600BEIG 1 EA $9.45 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059516 00086876018837 RM Trash Container 28.125gt Med LLDPEBIk Rubbermaid FG295600BLA 1 EA $7.33 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059521 00086876019179 RM Wastebasket 41.25 qt Lrg LLDPE Blk Rubbermaid FG295700BLA 1 EA $11.64 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1059523 00086876019193 RM Wastebasket 41.25gt Lrg LLDPE Gry Rubbermaid FG295700GRAY 1 EA $11.64 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060116 00086876184907 MegaBrute MblWasteCollector 120gIHDPEBIk Rubbermaid FG9W7300BLA 1 EA $555.64 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060123 00086876186376 SlimJim Trash Container 23giLLDPEGryVntd Rubbermaid FG354060GRAY 1 EA $42.75 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060127 00086876183566 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA, VENTED RND Rubbermaid FG264360BLA 1 EA $53.28 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060140 00086876188431 LID CONTAINER TRASH DOME RECT RESIN BL 2 Rubbermaid FG269288BLUE 1 EA $44.06 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060154 00086876186406 LID CONTAINER TRASH SWG AND DROP RECT BK Rubbermaid FG267360BLA 1 EA $30.09 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060156 D0086876186383 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA, VENTED 87L Rubbermaid FG354007BLUE 1 EA $46.44 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060157 00086876186369 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA, VENTED 87L Rubbermaid FG354060BEIG 1 EA $42.75 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060180 00086876191486 LID CONTAINER TRASH SWG AND DROP SQ BK 1 Rubbermaid FG268988BLA 1 EA $24.23 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060181 00086876186390 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA, VENTED 87L Rubbermaid FG354007GRN 1 EA $46.44 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060210 00086876194173 RM RecyclingContainer 28.125gt MdPlasBlu Rubbermaid FG295673BLUE 1 EA $8.36 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060234 00086876194166 BASKET W SM 13CJ,T RECT PLSTC BL 11.381N Rubbermaid FG295573BLUE 1 EA $9.13 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060242 00086876191806 BASKET W MDM 28QT RECT PLSTC GRN 151N Rubbermaid FG295606GRN 1 EA $8.36 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060247 DD08687619418C BASKET W LGE 41QT RECT PLSTC BL 15-1/41N Rubbermaid FG295773BLUE 1 EA $11.95 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060252 0D086876186352 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA, VENTED 87L Rubbermaid FG354060BLA 1 EA $42.75 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060277 10086876173205 DOLLY CONTAINER 250LB HDPE 5 BK SWVL 31N Rubbermaid FG264043BLA 2 CS $170.59 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060278 00086876194272 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA, VENTED RND Rubbermaid FG263273BLUE 1 EA $36.73 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060292 00086876194227 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA 23GAL SQ BL Rubbermaid FG356973BLUE 1 EA $57.50 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060676 DD086876191424 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA 23GAL SQ Rubbermaid FG356988GRAY 1 EA $66.50 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060677 00086876191448 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA 23GAL SO BK Rubbermaid FG356988BLA 1 EA $66.50 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1060681 00086876191691 CONTAINER TRASH TOP OPEN STA, VENTED RND Rubbermaid FG264307BLUE 1 EA $53.28 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069414 00086876095425 RM Carpet Bonnet 191' Fbrc Wbt ScrubStp Rubbermaid FGP26900WH00 1 EA $37.34 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069821 00086876173727 Hygen Scrubber Pad 20" x 5.5" PP MF Ylw Rubbermaid FGQ81000YL0O 1 EA $15.41 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1069856 00086876173741 Hygen Wet Mop Pad 11" Microfiber Blu Rubbermaid FGQ820D0BLOO 1 EA $10.52 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1070056 00086876173710 RM Finish Mop Pad 18" x 5.5" MF BluWht Rubbermaid FGQ80000WHOD 1 EA $16.75 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1071120 00086876173734 PAD MOP WET RECT MICROFIBER BL Rubbermaid FGQ41100BLOO 1 EA $16.13 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1071134 0008687617496C PAD WET 20-1/21N 5.71N MICROFIBER BL Rubbermaid FGQ41600BLOO 1 EA $17.03 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072212 00086876201246 Web Foot Wet Mop Head 5tiMed Microfbr Grn Rubbermaid FGT85206GR0O 1 EA $19.80 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072444 DD086876201239 Web Foot Wet Mop Head 1" Lg MF Gm Tube Rubbermaid FGT81306GR0O 1 EA $22.52 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072529 0008687609349C Web Foot Finish Mop Head MedSynth WhtLpd Rubbermaid FGA41206WH00 1 EA $13.86 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072533 00086876093506 Web Foot Finish Mop Head LrgSynth WhtLpd Rubbermaid FGA41306WH00 1 EA $17.23 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072563 00086876058154 HEAD MOP WET LGE 11N 61N COTTON/SYNTH 4 Rubbermaid FGC11306WH0O 1 EA $13.08 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072576 DD086876058895 Swinger Lp Wet Mop Head MdCttnBlnd81uLpd Rubbermaid FGC15206BLOO 1 EA $10.61 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072580 0D086876145212 Swinger Lp Wet Mop Head MdCttnBlndWhtLpd Rubbermaid FGC25206WHO0 1 EA $10.61 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072582 00086876059137 Swinger Lp Wet Mop Head LgCttnOIndBluLpd Rubbermaid FGC15306BL00 1 EA $15.73 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072587 DD086876059373 SwngrLp Wet MopHd 5"XLgCttnBlndBlu4P Lpd Rubbermaid FGC15406BLD0 1 EA $18.38 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072595 DD086876049169 RM Wet Mop Head 1" Bind Blu Cut Rubbermaid FGF5180OBLOO 1 EA $8.75 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072622 00086876047813 HEAD MOP WET 19-3/41N 3.961N COTTON WHT Rubbermaid FGE13800WHOO 1 EA $8.13 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072652 00086876050165 Wet Mop Head 24 oz Univ Blend Blu Lpd Rubbermaid FGE23800BL0O 1 EA $8.70 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072719 00086876049152 RM Wet Mop Head 20 oz Cttn Blu Cut Rubbermaid FGF51700BL00 1 EA $7.59 N Janitorial Supplies & Equipment w 1072941 00086876065596 Super Stitch Mop Head Lrg Cttn Blu Loop Rubbermaid FG025306BL00 1 EA $11.67 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072950 00086876065572 Super Stitch Mop Head Lrg Cttn Wht Loop Rubbermaid FGD25306WHOD 1 EA $11.67 0 N W Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072960 00086876065398 Super Stitch Wet Mop Head Md Cttn BluLpd Rubbermaid FGD25206BL00 1 EA $9.30 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1072990 00086876147353 HANDLE MOP WET 601N FIBERGLASS GRA Rubbermaid FGH14600GYOO 1 EA $16.52 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073115 00086876161908 HEAD MOP WET LGE, RGH FL SIN SIN WHT SIN Rubbermaid FGT25600WH00 1 EA $14.94 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073388 00086876161892 HEAD MOP WET MOM, RGH FL SIN SIN WHT SIN Rubbermaid FGT25500WH00 1 EA $12.08 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073458 00086876064599 SuperStitch Wet Mop Head 1"MedCttnSynBlu Rubbermaid FGD21206BL00 1 EA $8.44 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073463 D0086876034806 REFILL H MOP REPLACEMENT 121N 31N YEL Rubbermaid FG6436DOYEL 1 EA $15.41 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073499 0D086876034790 MOP SPONGE 121N CELLULOSE STL Rubbermaid FG6435DOBRNZ 1 EA $34.80 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073571 00086876050400 HANDLE MOP WET 601N AL GRA SIDE G Rubbermaid FGH126D0000D 1 EA $18.28 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073579 0008687604612C HANDLE MOP WET 601N AL GRA CLAMP Rubbermaid FGH22600D00D 1 EA $30.78 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073583 00086876050462 HANDLE MOP WET 601N AL VINYL-CTD CLAMP Rubbermaid FGH2360DODOD 1 EA $29.52 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073702 00086876093131 WebFoot Shrnklss WetMopHd Md Cttn GrnLpd Rubbermaid FGA25206GR00 1 EA $17.11 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073707 00086876093124 WebFoot Shrnklss WetMopHd Md Cttn WhtLpd Rubbermaid FGA25206WH00 1 EA $14.81 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073711 DD086876093155 WebFoot Shrnklss WetMopHd Md CttnOrnglpd Rubbermaid FGA25206OR00 1 EA $17.11 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073713 00086876093254 WebFootShrinkless WtMpHd LgCttnBldBluLpd Rubbermaid FGA253O6SL00 1 EA $18.27 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073716 00086876055344 WebFootShrinkless WtMpHd LgCttnBldWhtLpd Rubbermaid FGA25306WH00 1 EA $15.13 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073718 DD086876093247 WebFootShrinkless WtMpHd LgCttnBldGrnLpd Rubbermaid FGA25306GR00 1 EA $18.27 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073799 00086876174045 PAD MOP WET RECT MICROFIBER R Rubbermaid FGQ410OORD00 1 EA $7.55 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073825 00086876174052 PAD MOP WET MICROFIBgR GRN Rubbermaid FGQ410DOGR00 1 EA $7.55 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073859 00086876064056NEAD MOP WET MDM COTTON WHT 4 11N LOOPED Rubbermaid FGD11206WH00 1 EA $8.02 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073868 D0086876154832 Super Stitch Finish Map Head LrgBlendWht Rubbermaid FGD51306WH00 1 EA $11.75 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073872 00086876064797 SprSttch WetMopHead 1"Lg CttnBlnd BluLpd Rubbermaid FGD21306SL00 1 EA $9.92 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073875 00086876064773 SprSttch WetMopHead 1"Lg CttnBlnd WhtLpd Rubbermaid FGD21306WH00 1 EA $9.47 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1073885 0008687617D016 Wet Mop Pad 18" x 5.5" MF Blu Hygen Rubbermaid FGQ41000BLOO 1 EA $7.55 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1074478 00086876046137 HANDLE MOP WET 601N HDWD NAT CLAMP Rubbermaid FGH216000000 1 EA $25.50 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1074488 00086876146899 HANDLE MOP WET 601N FIBERGLASS BL SIDE G Rubbermaid FGH14600BL00 1 EA $16.52 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1074513 00086876146882 HANDLE MOP WET 601N FIBERGLASS R SIDE G Rubbermaid FGH14600RD00 1 EA $16.52 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1074636 00086876012903 BUCKET 14QT RND HOPE GRA STURDY 121N Rubbermaid FG2614DOGRAY 1 EA $11.56 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1074761 00086876176513 WaveBrake Bckt/WrngrCombo 35gtPEBrnSdPrs Rubbermaid FG758088ORN 1 EA $101.56 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1074817 00086876176483 WRINGER AND BKT SIDE PRS 35QT PLSTC R 4 Rubbermaid FG758888RED 1 EA $129.97 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1074878 00086876191585 WRINGER AND BKT ON PRS 44QT RECT PLSTC 4 Rubbermaid FG757688YEL 1 EA $196.50 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075070 D0086876093933 HEAD MOP DUST BLN 241N SIN YEL SLIP-ON Rubbermaid FGJ15300YL00 1 EA $18.92 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075149 D0086876081855 Kut-A-Way Dust Mop Head 24x5 CttnBlu Cut Rubbermaid FGK15300BL00 1 EA $17.58 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075153 D0O86876082913 Kut-A-Way Dust Mop Head 36x5 CttnBlu Cut Rubbermaid FGK15500BL00 1 EA $22.81 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075186 00086876051841 RM Dust Mop Head 24x5 Can Wht Cut Dlsp Rubbermaid FGL25300WH00 1 EA $6.56 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075232 00086876170139 Hygen Wet Mop Pad 24" Microfiber Grn Rubbermaid FGQ42400GR00 1 EA $13.59 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075274 00086876174847 FRAME 241N 31N 1-1/21N AL YEL Rubbermaid FGQ57000YL00 1 EA $31.27 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075275 00086876174823 FRAME 111N 31N 1-1/21N AL YEL Rubbermaid FGQ550DOYL00 1 EA $20.70 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075277 D0086876174816 HANDLE MOP ADJUSTABLE, ERGONOMIC AL YEL Rubbermaid FGQ760D000D0 1 EA $17.81 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075281 D0086876174984 Hygen Duster Rplcmnt SIv 22.7" MF GrnQC Rubbermaid FGQ851DOGRDO 1 EA $10.55 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075289 D0086876174939 Dust Pad 18" Microfiber w/Fringe Grn Rubbermaid FG9418DOGRDO 1 EA $15.13 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075301 00086876175448 Hygen Dust Mop Pad 18.5x5.5x0.5 MF Gm Rubbermaid FGQ422DOGR00 1 EA $9.23 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075312 ODD86876182460 HANDLE 48 TO 721N AL YEL QUICK -CONNECT Rubbermaid FGQ755DOYL00 1 EA $20.16 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075319 OOOS6876182330 HEAD MOP DUST 241N SIN BLSLIP-ON Rubbermaid FGJ35300BLOO 1 EA $17.17 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075335 00086876182491Hygen Dust Mop Pad 40x9 Mcrfbr Grn WFrng Rubbermaid FGQ438DOGR00 1 EA $26.36 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075337 00086876182507 Hygen Dust Mop Head 48" McrfbrGrn w/Frng Rubbermaid FGQ449DOGR00 1 EA $33.08 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075349 D0096876182514 HYGEN Dust Mop Head 60" Microfiber Grn Rubbermaid FGQ4600OGR00 1 EA $39.58 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075350 DD086876182477 FRAME 591N 31N 1-1/21N AL YEL Rubbermaid FGQ595D0YL00 1 EA $50.59 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075594 OD086876194609 HEAD MOP DUST 481N SIN MICROFIBER GRN Rubbermaid FGJ85700GR00 1 EA $40.44 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075596 DD086876202229 HEAD MOP TUBE MOM 11N 61N MICROFIBER GRN Rubbermaid FGT81206GR00 1 EA $18.78 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075598 00086876194593 RM Dust Mop Head 36" Microfiber Grn Lpd Rubbermaid FGJ85500GR00 1 EA $30.92 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075651 00086876194586 RM Dust Mop Head 24" x 5" MF Grn Lpd Rubbermaid FGJ85300GR00 1 EA $21.70 N w Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1075899 00086876174854 FRAME 351N 31N 1-1/21N AL YEL Rubbermaid FGQ580DOYL00 1 EA $36.39 Janitorial Supplies &Equipment 1075931 00086876174861 FRAME 471N 31N 1-1/21N AL YEL Rubbermaid FGCL59000YL00 1 EA $41.48 o tv w Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1076170 00086876182484 PAD DUST 27-1/21N 91N MICROFIBER GRN Rubbermaid FGQ4260OGR00 1 EA $19.39 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1076186 DOD86876094176 Trapper Dust Mop Head 36x5 SynBlndYlwLpd Rubbermaid FGJ15500YL0O 1 EA $25.84 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1076231 OD086876144383 RM Dust Mop Head 40x5 Cttn WhtCutToLngth Rubbermaid FGM15000WHO0 1 BX $116.86 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1076280 00086876052497 RM Mop Handle 60" Fbrgls BIkGry SnapOn Rubbermaid FGM146000000 1 EA $18.47 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1076290 0D086876045956 HANDLE MOP WET 601N WOOD NAT 2.961N Rubbermaid FGH116000000 1 EA $13.05 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1076817 D0086876156232 BROOM LOBBY SYNTH WOOD BK SYNTH 71N BK Rubbermaid FG253600BLA 1 EA $5.00 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1077337 00086876128659 HANDLE BROOM 601N WOOD BK 15/161N THD Rubbermaid FG635700BLA 1 EA $7.20 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1077339 00086876294081 Broom Jmb PP Metal BlkYlw RM Rubbermaid FG638906BLA 1 EA $9.77 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1077351 00086876142167 RM Broom 10.5" PP Alum GryYlw Rubbermaid FG63850OGRAY 1 EA $23.55 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1078159 00086876169102 DUSTER LAMBSWOOL TELESCOPIC PLSTC BK Rubbermaid FG9C04000000 1 EA $14.86 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1078189 00086876164428 BRUSH SCRUB GROUT AND TILE PLSTC 8-1/21N Rubbermaid FG9B5600BLA 1 EA $2.44 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1078277 00086876007213 Bowl Brush 14.5" PP Wht RM Rubbermaid FG6310D0WHT 1 EA $2.88 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1078283 000868760O7312 RM Bowl Brush 17" Polypropylene Brn Rubbermaid FG632000BRN 1 EA $6.72 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1078315 00086876141993 BRUSH SCRUB FL PP 101N BL Rubbermaid FG63370OBLUE 1 EA $16.27 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1078365 00086876160499 BRUSH SCRUB PP IRON 61N COBALT Rubbermaid FG648200C0BLT 1 EA $3.36 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1078599 00086876125894 HiDuster Duster 51-102" Cttn Gry Tlscpc Rubbermaid FGT11000GY00 1 EA $28.56 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1080196 00086876200959 Hygen Duster 22" Microfiber Wht Refill lRubbermaid FGQ85300WHO0 1 EA $15.27 Apparel & Safety 1080501 00086876165951 RM Floor Sign 20" Pias YIw Caution Cone lRubbermaid FG9S0000YEL 1 EA $40.23 Apparel & Safety 1080502 000$667616596A RM Floor Sign 30" YIw Caution WetFlrCone lRubbermaid FG9S0100YEL 1 EA $40.42 Apparel & Safety 1080506 00086876166590 RM Safety Sign 13" PlasYlwClosdMeaning Rubbermaid FG9S1500YEL 1 EA $27.14 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1080678 00086876180572 CART CLEANING JANITORIAL HC 34GAL 3 BK Rubbermaid FG9T7200BLA 1 EA $303.52 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1080779 00086876184181 TRUCK TILT UTIL-DUTY 3/4CU-YD 600LB 4 BK Rubbermaid FG101100BLA 1 EA $717.42 Apparel & Safety 1082206 00086876123470 RM Floor Sign 26x11 PPYlw Closed 2-Sided Rubbermaid FG611278YEL 1 EA $12.03 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1082421 00086876156201 BRACKET HGR DUSTPAN 41N 1-1/41N 1-1/41N Rubbermaid FG253500BLA 1 EA $12.50 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1082469 00086876156171 DUSTPAN URT PLSTC BK LONG 12.81N 11.3IN Rubbermaid FG253200BLA 1 EA $25.48 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1082471 00086876116960 RM Dust Pan 12.25" x 8.25" PP Char Rubbermaid FG200500CHAR 1 EA $4.48 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1082488 00086876016482 CADDY CLEANING MAID CLEAN-UP 161N 9iN 2 Rubbermaid FG2649000RAY 1 EA $36.05 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1082489 00086876007220 RM Bowl Brush Holder 5" PP Wht Rubbermaid FG631100WHT 1 EA $2.94 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1082704 00086876192360 CADDY HC 14.131N 8-3/41N 30-3/41N WHT Rubbermaid FGQ966000000 1 EA $78.13 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1082795 00086876193695 RM Cleanup Caddy 15x10.9x7.4 PE Blk Dlx Rubbermaid FG3154880LA 1 EA $12.19 Apparel & Safety 1082941 00086876141719 RM Floor Sign 38x12PP Ylw WetFloor4Sided Rubbermaid FG611477YEL 1 EA $41.84 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1083028 00086876127898 KIT HLDR ORGANIZER/TOOL CLOSET 3-1/41N I Rubbermaid I FG199300GRAY I 1 I EA $70.23 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1088941 D0086876192339 Pulse Mop Kit 56" 21 oz Aluminum YIw, lRubbermaid 1183SS28 I 1 I EA $128.50 Skin Care 1091266 10763905000199 REFILL SOAP HD FOAM ENRICHED LIQ BL lRubbermaid IFG450019 1 6 1 CS $68.66 Skin Care 1091426 10763905501122 Auto Foam Hand Soap 1100mLTeal Ctrs Rfl lRubbermaid IFG750112 1 4 1 CS $95.49 Skin Care 1091454 D0763905501279 DISPENSER SOAP/SANITIZER HD AUTO 1100ML lRubbermaid IFG750127 I 1 I EA $10.04 Skin Care 1091598 10763905503867 One Shot Hand Soap 16DOmLTealCtrsWMoist lRubbermaid IFG750386 1 4 1 CS $96.29 Skin Care 1091742 10763905505175 One Shot Hand Soap 800mLTealCtrs WMoist lRubbermaid IFG750517 1 4 1 CS $57.14 Skin Care 1091744 10763905503904 REFILL SOAP HD FOAM ODORLESS 1600ML lRubbermaid I FG750390 1 4 1 CS $85.03 Skin Care 1092801 10763905013137 One Shot Hand Soap 800ml. PearlHnyscklRfi lRubbermaid IFG4013131 1 4 1 CS $43.03 Skin Care 1093254 00763905501408 DISPENSER SOAP HD AUTO 1100ML PLSTC BAT lRubbermaid IFG750140 I 1 I EA $10.04 Skin Care 1093310 10763905503836 REFILL SOAP HD MOISTURIZING FOAM TEAL lRubbermaid IFG750383 1 6 1 CS $54.86 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1095870 00763905011877 FLUSHER T PLSTC SLOAN OR ZURN FL VALVES lRubbermaid IFG401187A 1 1 1 EA $158.17 Chemicals 1101783 00763905015042 FRESHENER AIR 60Z REFILL LIQ 6000CU-FT lRubbermaid IFG401504 I 1 I EA $6.31 Chemicals 1101823 00763905015479 TC Air Freshener 7 oz Ocean Breeze Refil lRubbermaid IFG4015471 I 1 I EA $6.53 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1122842 OD086876095401 RM Laundry Bag 36" x 24" Wht Mesh lRubbermaid IFGU2100OWHOO 1 1 I EA $15.63 Skin Care 1146688 10086876208624 REFILL SOAP HD FOAM LIQ VANILLA BL lRubbermald 13486571 1 3 I CS $51.73 Skin Care 1146703 00086876208825 DISPENSER SOAP/SANITIZER HD MNL 1300ML lRubbermaid 13486591 1 1 I EA $0.01 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1146705 00086876208832 Flex SknCrDisp1000-1300mL PlasAntimicBlk IRubbermaid 13486592 1 1 i EA $0.01 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1147912 00086876211542 LID CONTAINER DOME RECT PP BL 20.41N 1 lRubbermaid 11788372 1 1 1 EA $30.84 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1147914 00086876211559 LID CONTAINER DOME RECT PP GRN 20.41N 1 lRubbermaid 11788373 1 1 1 EA $30.84 ri w Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1147921 0008687621158C LID CONTAINER FLAT FIND RESIN BL 22-1/41N lRubbermaid 11788376 I 1 1 EA $17.50 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1156621 00086876203530 LID CONTAINER TRASH SWG AND DROP SO GRA I Rubbermaid IFG268988GRAY II 1 I EA $24.23 N w Chemicals 1159804 00086876212754 DISPENSER FRESHENER AIR LCD BAT SPRAY Rubbermaid 1793535 1 EA $44.20 Chemicals 1167932 00086876212877 DISPENSER PLSTC WHT 60 TO 90DAY5 2.81N Rubbermaid 1793547 1 EA $10.89 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1217646 00086876194839 WaveBrake BcktWrngr Combo 26gt Ylw SdPrs Rubbermaid FG748000YEL 1 EA $93.75 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1219701 00086876220599 FRAME MOP LIGHTWEIGHT, QUICK -CONNECT 31N Rubbermaid 1863893 1 EA $22.63 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1220873 00086876222265 BAG CADDY 15-1/41N 11-1/41N 20-1/21N BK Rubbermaid 1867533 1 EA $39.78 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1221297 55000012212972 CLOTH CLEANING LT -DUTY 161N 161N 0.061N Rubbermaid 1820583 1 EA $1.09 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1226166 00086876222242 CONTAINER W STA, VENTED 32GAL FIND PLSTC Rubbermaid 1867531 1 EA $34.38 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1229447 55000012294473 CLOTH CLEANING LT -DUTY 161N 161N 0.061N Rubbermaid 1820581 1 EA $1.09 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1241021 55000012410217 CLOTH CLEANING LT -DUTY, ECONOMY 161N YEL Rubbermaid 1820584 1 EA $1.09 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1253421 00086876223927 SlimJim Waste Receptacle 13g1 Bge StpOn Rubbermaid 1883458 1 EA $110.95 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1275443 0D086876227352 BAG CART REPLACEMENT 16.81N 10-1/21N YEL Rubbermaid 1966881 1 EA $61.50 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1277038 DD086876227338 BAG CART REPLACEMENT 9.131N 6-1/21N YEL Rubbermaid 1966719 1 EA $59.75 Skin Care 1303307 10086876239959 SOAP HD LOTION ANTIBACTERIAL, ENRICHED Rubbermaid 2018581 4 CS $70.51 Skin Care 1303313 10086876239109 SOAP HD FOAM ANTIBACTERIAL, E2-RATED LIQ Rubbermaid 2018598 6 CS $101.40 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1326370 0D086876250541 BUCKET WTR DIRTY 180T PLSTC R W 9-3/41N Rubbermaid 2064907 1 EA $22.47 Janitorial Supplies & Equipment 1326371 00086876252354 CASTER AND BKT 35QT PLSTC YEL 16.051N Rubbermaid 2064914 1 EA $84.59 Chemicals 1000511 10044600353064 Formula 409 Degreaser 32 oz The Clorox Company 35306 12 CS $59.83 Chemicals 1001216 10044600385041 Clorox Disinfectant Spray 19oz BleachFr The Clorox Company 38504 12 CS $95.49 Chemicals 1001243 10044600004560 Green Works All Purpose Cleaner 32oz Grn The Clorox Company 456 12 CS $56.40 Chemicals 1028061 10044600353095 Clorox WetWipe 9x6.75 BlchWhtFrsh Disinf The Clorox Company 35309 6 CS $78.26 Chemicals 1028697 10044600303588 Clorox Wet Wipe 12"42" Bleach WhtFloral The Clorox Company 30358 2 CS $77.11 Chemicals 1028705 10044600303595 Clorox Wet Wipe 12x12 BlchWhtFlrl Refill The Clorox Company 30359 2 CS $71.03 Chemicals 1028925 10044600305773 Clorox Wet Wipe 6" x 5" Bleach Wht Mild The Clorox Company 30577 6 CS $83.57 Can Liners 1055668 10012587704278 Glad ForceFlex Liner 24"x28" 13gl 100/bx The Clorox Company 70427 1 CS $26.91 Chemicals 1084300 10044600354207 Clean -Up All Purpose Cleaner 1gl Bleach The Clorox Company 35420 4 CS $59.77 Chemicals 1084318 1004129441772C Cleaner Pinesol Orng Energy 144 oz The Clorox Company 41772 3 CS $42.56 Chemicals 1084399 10041294354193 Pinesol All Purp Cleaner 144 oz LmnFresh The Clorox Company 35419 3 CS $42.56 Chemicals 1084400 10041294354186 Pine -Sol All Purp Disinf Cleaner 144 oz The Clorox Company 35418 3 CS $49.46 Chemicals 1085453 10044600354177 Clean -Up All Purpose Cleaner 32oz Bleach The Clorox Company 35417 9 CS $61.46 Chemicals 1085468 10044600159499 Clorox Wet Wipe 7x8 Cloth WhtFrsh Disinf The Clorox Company 15949 6 CS $44.91 Chemicals 1085573 10044600159482 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes 8x7 Wht Lemon The Clorox Company 15948 6 CS $44.91 Chemicals 1085581 10044600015948 Clorox Wet Wipe 7" x 8" Cloth Wht Lemon The Clorox Company 1594 12 CS $49.89 Chemicals 1085585 10044600015931 Clorox Disinf Wipe 7x8 BlchFree WhtFrsh The Clorox Company 1593 12 CS $49.89 Chemicals 1085799 10729969688322 ClrxHealthcare RTU BleachClnr 32oz The Clorox Company 68832 6 CS $93.34 Chemicals 1086712 10044600004591 Green Works Glass Cleaner 32oz Clr Lemon The Clorox Company 459 12 CS $56.40 Chemicals 1087189 10044600353002 Formula409 Degreaser 128oz DisinfCleaner The Clorox Company 35300 4 CS $59.83 Chemicals 1096615 10044600356003 Tilex Bathroom Cleaner 1qt Bleach Ylw, The Clorox Company 35600 9 CS $67.11 Chemicals 1096652 1004460MM319 Clorox Bowl Cleaner 24oz Bich Frsh The Clorox Company 31 12 CS $42.17 Chemicals 1142588 10044600306138 Ultra Clorox All Purp Cleaner 1qt Bleach The Clorox Company 30613 8 CS $48.11 Chemicals 1144172 10729969689701 Clorox HealthcareDisinf 32oz Bich ClrMId The Clorox Company 68970 6 CS $93.34 Chemicals 1144173 10729969689787 Dispatch DisinfClnr 1gal BIchClrMld Refl The Clorox Company 68978 4 CS $114.29 Chemicals 1165025 10044600308286 Clorox Hlthcare HydPeroxide Clnr 32ozClr The Clorox Company 30828 9 CS $70.33 Chemicals 1165103 10044600308255 Clorox Hlthcr Disinf Wipe 155Ct Peroxide The Clorox Company 30825 6 CS $49.11 Chemicals 1165105 10044600308248 Clorox Healthcare Disinfectant Wipe H2O2 The Clorox Company 30824 6 CS $46.63 Chemicals 1165107 10044600308262 CloroxHithcr Disinf Wipe 12x11 185CtH2O2 The Clorox Company 30826 370 CS $73.97 Chemicals 1165109 100446GO308279 Clorox Healthcare DlsinfWipe H2O2 Refill The Clorox Company 30827 2 CS $68.06 Chemicals 1201434 100446DO309665 Ultra Clorox AP Cleaner 121oz Bleach Ylw The Clorox Company 30966 3 CS $29.96 Chemicals 1208094 100446GO310364 Clorox Urine Stain Remover 32 oz Fruity The Clorox Company 31036 9 CS $59.14 Chemicals 1215688 10044600310432 Clorox Disinfectant Cleaner 14 oz 4-in-1 The Clorox Company 31043 12 CS $74.06 Chemicals 1248805 10044600313518 Clorox Urine Remover 128 oz Refill The Clorox Company 31351 4 CS $83.49 Chemicals 1255566 10044600314157 Clorox Urine Remover 32 oz Pull Top The Clorox Company 31415 6 CS $39.43 w Chemicals 1258664 10044600314287 Clrx Disinfectant Wipe 8x8x7 700Ct Fresh The Clorox Company 31428 2 CS $82.57 x Chemicals 1270436 10044600315475 Disinfectant Wipe 700Ct Bleach Fresh Tub The Clorox Company 31547 1 CS $51.37 0 N w Chemicals 1279600 10044600314782 Healthcare Fuzion Disinf Cleaner 32 oz The Clorox Company 31478 9 CS $144.26 Chemicals 1289825 1G044603316502 Total 360 Cleaner Disinfectant 128 oz The Clorox Company 31650 4 CS $109.24 Chemicals 1289826 10044600316519 Anywhere Hard Surface Sanitizer 128 Oz The Clorox Company 31651 4 CS $109.24 Chemicals 1290270 10044600317110 Clorox Odor Defense 14oz Aerosol Spray The Clorox Company 31711 12 CS $61.71 Chemicals 1290272 lDD44600317103 CloroxOdorDefense 6ozTmdMtrd AerosolSpry The Clorox Company 31710 12 CS $62.57 Chemicals 1290273 10044600317080 CloroxOdorDefense FabricFrshnr 32oz Spry The Clorox Company 31708 9 CS $65.06 Chemicals 1324447 10044600319039 Disinfecting BioStain & OdorRemover 32oz The Clorox Company 31903 9 CS $65.06 Chemicals 1324722 10044600319114 Disinfecting BioStain & OdorRemover 32oz The Clorox Company 31911 6 CS $43.37 Chemicals 1329980 10O4460D317585 VersaSure Wipes Disinfectant AlcholFree The Clorox Company 31758 6 CS $72.34