HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-03-07 City Clerk's Office ~..~ City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 I, Jeanet~e Williams, do hereby ........ certtfy hhat thts ts a true and correct copy of Ordtnance No. 0-03-07, as adopt.e.dJ~tk~,$¢~..sttan on May 14th, 2003. ?' I hereby affix my signat~e ~is 15~iday of May, 2~3. ~~~~~~'~ ' ~ette Williams, ~e~ ~it~ Please ret~n m: IN THE RECORDS O~ ~;' ~ JEFFREY K. BARTON ~ ~ CLERK CIRCUIT COURT ~ G/~ a INDI~ RIVER CO., F~ ~ o ~ AN O~ANCE OF T~ CI~ OF SEBAST~, ~0~A, PROLOG FOR T~ VOL~TARY ANNE~TION OF 72.447 AC~S, MO~ OR LESS, BErG A P~T OF SECTION TOWNS~ 31 SOU~, ~NGE 38 EAST LOCA~D ~ONG ~ SEBAS~N ~ER NEAR T~ ~TE~ECTION OF CR 510 ~ 512; PROlOnG FOR ~TE~ LAND USE ~ ZO~G CLASS~ICArlON; PROLOG FOR CONVICT; PROLOG FOR AN EFFECT~E DA~. WHEREAS, the owner of the parcel of property described herein has petitioned the City for voluntary annexation of said land and due public notice of this action has been given; and WltEREAS, the Cky Council finds and determines that the land proposed to be annexed is contiguous to the City, will not result in the creation of any enclav~es? and constitutes a reasonably compact addition to the incorporated temtory ofthe C~ty and ~: WltEREAS, the City Council of the City of' Sebastian, Florida, find~ ~and determines that the annexation of said parcel is in the best interest of the City; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TR'E CITY COUNCII, OF TIlE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. PROPERTY. The following described property now lying and being in an unincorporated area of Indian River County, Florida, is hereby annexed into the City of Sebastian, Florida, and the boundary lines of said City are hereby redefined to include said real property: See Exhibit "A " attached as depicted on the attached map. Section 2. INITIAL LAND USE AND ZONING CLASSIFICATION. The interim land use and zoning classifications for this property shall be consistent with the provisions of state law. Section 3. FILING. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be fiied with the Clerk of the Circuit Court as well as the Chairman of the County Commission of Indian River County, Florida, and with the Florida Department of State within seven days of adoption· Section 4. CONFLICT. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. Following ks adoption, this Ordinance shall become effective concurrent with the effective date of Ordinance 0-02-14. The foregoing Ordinance was moved for adoption by Councilmember Coniglio The motion was seconded by Councilmember Hill and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Walter Barnes aye Vice-Mayor Ray Coniglio aye Councilmember Joe Barczyk aye Councilmember Jim Hill aye Councilmember Nathan B. McCollum aye The Mayor thereupon declared this Ordinance duly passed and adopted this 14th day of May, 2003. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ATTEST: // Sally A. ~&~fio, CMC City Clerk Mayor Walter Barnes Approved as to form and legality for reliance by the City of Sebastian: SXETCH OF LEOAL (NOT A SURVEY} SHEET 1 OF 5 N S ~ L1- LAND DESCRIBED IN O.R. BOOK 1085, PAGE 2110 LAND DESCRIBED IN 0. R. BOOK 11365, PACE 1071 LI& P.O.B. '.m 1.18 LAND DESCRIBED IN O.R. BOOK 1132, PACE 2872 SOUTHEAST 1/4 ~P THE SOUTH~ST LESS O.E. BOOK 193, PAGE 4gB L14, -- ;CALE: 1 ".~400'1DWN.BY: D.D.G. I CHD.BY: J.M.M. ICLIENT NO. 2020015 : ~:ERTIFICATION .~'_...,/-~.~ ~__.....-"'/ ~ GARNER, P,S.M. "SIGNING [~'-T~: 10'/.~'7~02 FLA. CERT. N0.6189 THIS SKETCH ~ BEEN PREPARED FOR THE EXCLUS~/E USE OF PER~ON. PERSONS OR ORC..ANIZATION IOENT/F'IED BELOW AND In CER- TIRCAT~ON IS NON-TRANS.~"ERABIJ''. ANY COPY HEREOF, TO BE CON--{ CERTIFIED TO: FORTE MACAULAY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS, INC. WILLIAM ~OTT LAND SURVEYING INC. SHETCH (NOT A SHEET OF LEGAL SURVEY) 2 OF5 UNE T~BLE UN£ LENGTH BEARING L1 65.41' S .Rg'45'01" E L2 21.99' N 00'08'58" E L5 655.71' N 0095'08" E L5 500,5g' S 89'49'1g" E LB 659.29' N 00'10'40"' E L7 762.51' S 8g'36'05" E L8 12¢.58' 5 0096'34" W L9 24.09' S 89'41'36" W L10 532.97' N 00'08'39" W LI! 186.69' N 18'41~05" E l12 1365.52' S 36'46'08" E L13 966.25' S 00'20'5g" W L14 1788.06' N 89'4,3'01" W L15 564.,30' N 0096'59" E L16 313.50' N 89'43'01" W L17 564.30' S 00"16'59" W L18 387.15' N 89'45'01" W CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA LENGTH CI 2205.75' 12'07'35" 466.82' . C~'-IORD CHORD BEARING 465.95' N 4-4'50'42" E SCALE: I"=400JDWN.BY:D.D.G. t CHD.BY:J.M.M. ICUENT NO. 2020015 A~ · C ERTI~ICATION 'SIGNING DATE: 1Q.~02 FLA. CERT, NO,6189 SKETCH HAS TIFIC. A'riON I$ NON-TRANSFERABLE. ANY COI:~Y HEREOF. TO BE CON--' Sl0ERED VAt.JO, MUST BE EMBOSSED WITH TH[ SEAl. OF A REGISTER~ CERTIFIED TO: FORTE MACAULAY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS, INC. WILLIAM MOTT LAND SURVEYING INC. SKET.CH (NOT A SHEET OF LEGAL 'susv Y) 3 OF-5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: OVERALL PARCEL (BY SURVEYOR) Lands described in 0.R. Book 1131, Page 2872, O.R. Book 1085, Page 2110 and O.R. Book 1063, Page 1071, of the Public Records of Indian River, County, Florida, Lying in Section 23, Township 31 South, Range 38 East, of said Indian River, County, being mom particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwestcomer of said Section 23; thence South 89°43'0f' Eastalong the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 65.41 Feet to the East Right-of-Way line of County Road 510 .per F.D.O.T. (Florida Department of Transportation) Right-of-Way map panel 8851-150, as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 30, of the Public Records of Indian River County and the POINT-OF- BEGINNING of the herein described parcel; thence North 00°08'38'' East along said East Right-of. Way line, a distance of 21.99 Feet; thence North 00°15'08'' East along said East Right-of-Way line, a distance of 656.71 Feet to the South line of lands described in O.R. Book 1321, Page 0773,.of the said Public Records of Indian River County; thence South 89°49'19'' East along said South line, a distance of 500.59 Feet to the East line of said O.R. Book 1321, Page 0773; thence North East along said ~:,~t line, a distance of 659.29 Feet to the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 23; thence South 89°36'05'' East along said North line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, a distance of 762.51 Feet to the Northeast comer of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 23; then ce South 00°t 6'34" Wast along the East line of said So uthwest' 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, a distance of 124.58 Feat; then ce North 89"4t '36" East, a distance of 24.09 Feat; thence North 00~08'39'' West, a distance of 332.97 Feet; thence No rth 18o41'03" I=~t, a distance of 186.69 Feet to the point of curvature of a non tangent c~rcu lar curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 2,205.75 Feet, and a central an gle of 12"07"33"; thence from a tangent bearing of North 56°34'29" East, run Northeasterly alongthe arc of said curvean arc distance of 466.82 Feettothe West Right-Of-Way line of the Sebastian River Drainage District Right. of-Way, as recorded in O.R. Book 193, Page 496, of the said Public Records of Indian River County; thence South 36°46'08'' East along the said West Right-of-Way line, a distance of 1,365.52 Feet; thence South 00°20'59" West along the said West Right-of-Way line, a distance of 966.23 Feet to the So uth line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 23; thence North 89°43'01" West along the said South line, a distance of 1,788.06 Feet to,he East line of lands described in O.1~ E~ok486, Page 677, of the said Public Records of Indian River County; thence North 00"16'59" East along the East line of said O.R. Book 486, Page 677, a distance of 564,30 Feet to the North line of said O.R. Book 486, Page 677; thence North 89°43'01'' West along the said North line of O.R. Book 486, Page 677, a distance of 313.50 Feet to the West line of said O.R. Book 486, Page 677; thence So uth 0(7'16'59" Weet along the said West line of O.R. Book 486, Page 677, a distance of 564.30 Feet to the said South line of Southwast 1/4 of said Section 23; thence North 89'43'01" West along the said South line, a distance of 387.15 Feet to the POINT-OF-BEGINNING. Containing 72.447 Acres of land more or less. CERTIFICATION 1D,~7/02 FL.A. CERT. N0.6189 THIS SKETCH HA~ BEEN PREPARED FOR THE E. XCLUS~ USE OF' THE PERSON. PERSONS OR ORGANIZA~ON IDENTIFIED {~.0W ARD IT~ CER- TIFIC.~TION I$ NON-TRANSFERABLE. ANY COPY HEREOF, TO BE CON-- CERTIFIED TO: FORTE MACAULAY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS, INC. WILLIAI~ ~OTT LAND SURVEYING INC. Section 23 31s-38e ORDINANCE NO. 0-03-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION OF 72.447 ACRES, M(}RE OR LESS, BEING A PART OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 38 EAST LOCATED ALONG THE ST. SEBASTIAN RIVER NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF CR 510 AND CR 512; PROVIgING FOR INTER1M LAND USE AND ZONING CLASSIFICAI~ION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the owner of the parcel of property described herein has petitioned the City for voluntary annexation of said land and due public notice of this action has been given; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the land proposed to be annexed is contiguous to the City, will not result in the creation of any enclaves, and constitutes a reasonably compact addition to the incorporated territory of the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, finds and determines that the annexation of said parcel is in the best interest of the City; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. PROPERTY. The following described property now lying and being in an tmincorporated area of Indian River County, Florida, is hereby annexed into the City of Sebastian, Florida, and the boundary lines of said City are hereby redefined to include said real property: ,gee Exhibit ",4 "attached as depicted on the attached map. Section 2. INITIAL LAND USE AND ZONING CLASSIFICATION. The interim land use and zoning classifications for this property shall be consistent with the provisions of state law. Section 3. FILING. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court as well as the Chairman of the County Commission of Indian River County, Florida, and with the Florida Department of State within seven days of adoption. Section 4. CONFLICT. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. Following its adoption, this Ordinance shall become effective concurrent with the effective date of Ordinance 0-02-14. The foregoing Ordinance was moved for adoption by Councilmember Coniglio The motion was seconded by Councilmember Hill and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Walter Barnes aye Vice-Mayor Ray Coniglio aye Councilmember Joe Barczyk aye Councilmember Jim Hill aye Councilmember Nathan B. McCollum aye The Mayor thereupon declared this Ordinance duly passed and adopted this 14th day of May, 2003. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ' ATTEST? City Clerk Mayor Walter Barnes Approved as to form and legality for reliance by the City of Sebastian: SKETCH (NOT A SHEET OF LEGAL suavaY) 1 OF3 N S [..~ND DESCRIBED IN O.R. BOOK 1085, PACE 21tO ® P.O.B...m Ll6 L14 w : ~ERTIFICATION SIGNING I~T~: 10/~.--.--.--.--.-.~02 FLA. CERT. N0.6189 CERTIFIED TO: FORTE MACAULAY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS, INC. WILLIAM MOTT LAND SURVEYING INC. SKF, TCH (NOT A SHEET OF LEGAL SurvEY) 2 OF3 UNE TABLE UNE I LENGTH BEARING L1 65,41' S 89'43'01" E L2 21.99' N 00'08'38" E L3 655.71' N 00'1.5'08" E L5 500,59' S 89°49'19" E L6 659.29' N 00'10'40" E L7 762,51' S 89'26'05" E LB 124.58' S 00'16'54" W L9 24,09' S 89'41'26" W L10 232.97' N 00"08'39" W L11 186,69' N 18'41~05'' E L12 1565.52' S 26'46'08" E L15 966,25' S 00'20'59" W L1¢ 1788,06' N 89'45'01" W L15 564.50' N 00'16'59" E L16 512,50' N 89'4-5'01" W L17 564,50' S 00'16'59" W L18 387.15' N 89'43'01" W CURVE TABLE i CURVE RADIUS DELTA LENGTH I GHORO CHORD BEARING CI 2205.75' 12'07'32" 466.82" I 465.95' N 44'20"42" E SCALE: 1"=400J DWN.BY: D.D.G. IcHo, = JmM.M. ICLIENT NO. 20200 CERTIF:ICATION THIS SKETCH HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE PERSON, PERSONS OR ORGANIZAT~ON IDEN'DFIED BELOW ,~NO ~ CER- Th~"ICAT~QN IS NON--TRANSFERABLE. ANY COPY HEREOF, TO BE CON-- SIOERED VAAJD, MUST BE EMBOSBED WITH THE SEAL OF A REGIS'FE. RED SUR~-YOR EMPLOYED ~ THIS FIRM. CERTIFIED TO: FORTE MACAULAY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS, INC. ~ ~FILLIAM MOTT LAND SURVEYING INC. SKETCH (sot ^ SHEET OF LEGAL SURVEY) 3 OF 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: OVERALL PARCEL (BY SURVEYOR) Lands described in O.R. Book 1131, Page 2872, O.R. Book 1085, Page 2110 and O.R. Book 1063, Page 1071, of the Public Records of Indian River, County, Florida, Lying in Section 23, Township 31 South, Range 38 East, of said Indian River, County, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning atthe Southwest comer of said Section 23; thence South 89°43'01" East along theSouth line of said Section 23, a distance of 65.41 Feet to the East Right-of-Way line of County Road 510 per F.D.O.T. (Florida Deparfl-nent of Transportation) Right-of-Way map panel 88.51-150, as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 30, of the Public Records of Indian River County and the POINT-OF- BEGINNING of the herein described parcel; thence North 00°08'38'' East along said East Right-of- Way line, a distance of 21.99 Feet; thence North 00°15'08" East along said East Right-of-Way line, a distance of 655.71 Feet to the South line of lands described in O.R. Book 1321, Page 0773, of the said Public Records of Indian River County; thence South 89°49'19" East along said South line, a distance of 500.59 Feet to the East line of said O.R. Book 1321, Page 0773; thence North 00°10'40'' East along said l==,~t line, a distance of 659.29 Feet to the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 23; thence South 89~36'05" East along said North line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, a distance of 762.51 Feet to the Northeast comer of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 23; thence South 00°16'34" West along the East line of said Southwest' 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, a distance of 124.58 Feet; thence North 89°41'36" East, a distance of 24.09 Feet; thence North 00"08'39" VVest, a distance of 332.97 Feet; thence North 18°41'03'' I=:~t, a distance of 186.69 Feet to the point of curvature of a non tangent circular curve concave to the No rthwest, having a radius of 2,205.75 Feet, end a central angle of 12°07'33"; thence from a tangent bearing of North 50°34'29" East, run Northeasterly along the arc of said curve an arc distance of 466.82 Feetto the West Right-of-Way line of the Sebastian River Drainage District Right- of-Way, as recorded in O.R. Book193, Page 496, of the said Public Records of Indian River County; thence South 36°46'08'' East along the said West Right-of-Way line, a distance of 1,365.52 Feet; thence South 00°20'59" West aJong the said West Right-of-Way line, a distance of 966.23 Feet to the South line of the Southwest 114 of said Section 23; thence North 89°43'01.' West along the said South line, a distance of 1,788.06 Feet to the East line of lands described in O.R. Book486, Page 677, ofthe said Public Records of Indian River County; thence North 00°16'59" East along the East line of said O.R. Book 486, Page 677, a distance of 564,30 Feet to the North line of said O.R. Book 486, Page 677; thence North 89°43'01" West along the said North line of O.R. Book 486, Page 677, a distance of 313.50 Feet to the West line of said O.R. Book 486, Page 677; thence South 0~16'59" West along the said West line of O.R. Book 486, Page 677, a distance of 564.30 Feet to the said South line of Southwest 114 of said Section 23; thence North 89043'01" West along the said South llne, a distance of 387.15 Feat to the POINT-OF-BEGINNING. Containing 72.447 Acres of land mom or less. SCALE: I"=4001DWN.BY:D.D.G. ICHO.BY:J.U.U. ICLiENT NO. 2020015 CERTIFtCATION ~]CNI~"~- (}ATE: 1,.0,¢'1~/02 '' FLA. GERT· N0.6189 THIS SKETCH HA~ BEEN PRE:PA,RED FOR THE EXCLUS~V~ USE OF THE PERSON, PF-RSONS OR ORC..ANIZAT]ON IDENTIFIED BELOW AND ITS CER- CERTIFIED TO: FORTE MACAULAY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS, INC. WILLIAM MOTT LAND SURVEYING INC. Section 23 31s-38e map ~t 07.33 compiled 08/07/01 ~ the Indian Ri~er County Property Appraiser's Office page 1-79