HomeMy WebLinkAboutInterlocal Agreement MPO - Public Transport Coordinator INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION AND REVIEW AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION COORDINATION JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT THIS JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ~ day of ?)'~.r c~ 199 ~ , by and between the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION; th~ INDIAN RIVER COUNTY METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO); the TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL; INDIAN RIVER COUNTY; the CITY OF VERO BEACH; and the CITY OF SEBASTL~.N. RECITYJ..S: WHEREAS, the Federal Governmem, under the authority of 23 USC Section 134, as amended by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, and Sections 4(a), 5(g)(1), and 8 of the Federal Transit Act [49 USC app. Subsection 1603(a), 1604(g)(1), and 1607], requires that each metropolitan area, as a condition to the receipt of federal capital or operating assistance, have a continmng, cooperaUve, and comprehensive transportation planning process that results in plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned development of the metropolitan area; WHEREAS, 23 USC Section 134 (a) and (b), as amended by the Intermedal Surface Transportation Effieianey Act of 1991, 49 USC Section 1607(a) and (b), 23 CFR Section 450.306, and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, provide for the creation of metropolitan planning organizations to develop transportation plans and programs for metropolitan areas; WHEREAS, the aforementioned Federal laws require that the State, the MPO, and the operators of publicly owned transportation systems shall enter into an agreement clearly identifying the responsibilities for cooperatively carrying out such transportation planning (including corridor and subarea studies pursuant to 23 CFR Section 450.316 and 450.318) and programming; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 20.23, Florida Statutes, the Department has been created by the State of Florida, and the Department has the powers and duties relating to transportation, all as outlined in Section 334.044, Florida Statutes; WHEREAS, pursuant to 23 USC Section 134, 49 USC app. Section 1607, 23 CFR Section 450.306, and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, a metropolitan planning 9rgauization has been designated and apportioned by the C~vem..or of the -e~*.e of Ho~.da, udth the ?gr~.ement of ~h~?ffee~d u~ of general p~:..ny?:~ local government, to organize and embl!sh ttle MPO; ~ WHEREAS, pursuant to an interlocal agreement executed on April 12, 1993, and filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian River County, the MPO was established; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 339.175(9)(a)2., Florida Statutes, the MPO shall execute and maintain an agreement with the metropolitan and regional intergovernmental coordination and review agencies serving the Metropolitan Area; WHEREAS, the aforesaid agreement must describe the means by which activities will be coordinated and specify how transportation planning and programming will be part of the comprehensively planned development of the Metropolitan Area; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 186.504, Florida Statutes, and Rule 27E-1.002, Florida Administrative Code, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council was established and operates with a primary purpose of intergovernmental coordination and review; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 186.505(24), Florida Statutes, the Regional Planning Council is to review plans of metropolitan planning organizations to identify inconsistencies between those agencies' plans and applicable local government comprehensive plans adopted pursuant to Section 163.3161 et ma_., fs; WHEREAS, the Regional Planning Council, pursuant to Section 186.507, Florida Statutes, is required to prepare a Strategic Regional Policy Plan, which will contain regional goals and policies that address regional transportation issues; WI-IEREAS, based on the Regional Planning Council's statutory mandate to identify inconsistencies between plans of metropolitan planning organizations and applicable local government comprehensive plans, and to prepare and adopt a Strategic Regional Policy Plan, the Regional Planning Council is appropriately situated to assist in the intergovernmental coordination of the intermodal transportation planning process; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 186.509, Florida Statutes, and Rule 29K4 Florida Administrative Code, the Regional Planning Council has adopted a conflict and dispute resolution process; WHEREAS, the purpose of the dispute resolution process is to reconcile differences on planning and growth management issues between local governments, regional agencies, and private interests; WHEREAS, the parties hereto have determined that the voluntary dispute resolution process is useful in the process of resolving conflicts and disputes arising in the transtxanation planning process; WHEREAS, pursuant to 23 CFR Section 450.310(b) and Section 339.175(9)(a)3., Florida Statutes, the MPO must execute and maintain an agreement with the operators of public transportation systems, including transit systems, commuter rail systems, airports, and seaports, describing the means by which activities will be coordinated and specifying how public transit, commuter rail, aviation, and seaport planning (including corridor and subarea studies pursuant to 23 CFR Sections 450.316 and 450.318) and programming will be part of the comprehensively planned development of the Metropolitan Area; WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that the MPO, operators of public transportation systems, including transit systems, commuter rail systems, port and aviation authorities, jointly pledge their intention to cooperatively participate in the planning and programming of transportation improvements within this Metropolitan Area; WHEREAS, the undersigned parties have determined that this Agreement satisfies the requirements of and is consistent with 23 CFR Section 450.306 and Section 339.175(9)(a), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the parties to this JPA desire to participate cooperatively in the Performance, bna continuing basis, of a coordinated, comprehensive transportation planning process to assure that highway facilities, mass transit, rail systems, air transportation and other facilities will be properly located and developed in relation to the overall plan of community development. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representation herein, the parties desiring to be legally bound, do agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 RECITALS; DEFINITIONS Section 1.01. ~. Each and all of the foregoing recitals be and the same hereby incorporated herein and acknowledged to be tree and correct. Failure of any of the foregoing recitals to be true and correct shall not operate to invalidate this Agreement. Section 1.02. ~. The following words when used in this Agreement (unless the context shall clearly indicate the contrary) shall have the following meanings: "Agreement" means and refers to this instrnment, as mended from time to time. "Corridor or Subarea Study" shall mean and refer to studies involving major investment decisions or as other identified in 23 CFR Sections 450.318 and 450.318. 'Department" shall mean and refer to the Florida Department of Transportation, an agency of the State of Florida created pursuant to Section 20.23, Florida Statutes. "FHWA' means and refers to the Federal Highway Administration. "Long-Range Transportation Plan" is at a minimum a 20-year plan which: identifies transportation facilities; includes a financial plan that demonstrates how the plan can be implemented and assesses capital improvements necessary to preserve the existing metropolitan transportation system and make efficient use of existing transI~ortation facilities, indicates proposed transportation enhancement activities; and in ozone/carbon monoxide nonattainment areas is coordinated with the State Implementation Plan, all as required by 23 USC Section 134(g), 23 CFR S¢etion 450.322, Section 339.;175(6), Florida Siatuies. "Metropolitan Area" means and refers to the planning area as delineated by the MPO for the urbanized area containing at least a population of 50,000 as described in 23 USC Section 134(i0)(1) and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes, which shall be subject to the MPO. "iMPO" means and refers to the metropolitan planning organization formed pursuant to Interlocal Agreemem dated April 12, 1993, as amended or superseded from time to time. 'Regional Planning Council" means and refers to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council created pursuant to Section 186.504, Florida Statutes, and identified Rule 27E-1.002, Hodda Administrative Code. UTransportafion Improvemem Program (TIP)" is the transportation document which includes the following components: a priority list of projects and project phases; a list of projects proposed for funding; a financial plan demonstrating how the TII' can be implemented; a listing of group projects; an indication of whether the projects and project phases are consistent with applicable local government comprehensive plans adopted pursuant to Section 163.3161 et ~q., Florida Statutes; and an indication of how improvements are consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with affected seaport and airport master plans and with public transit development plans of the uuils of local government located within the boundaries of the MPO, all as required by 23 USC Section 134(h), 23 CFR Section 450.324, Section 339.175(7);, Florida Statutes. uUnified Planning Work Program (UPWP)" is the annual plan developed in cooperation with the Department and public transportation providers, that lists all planning tasks to be undertaken during a program year, together with a complete description thereof and an estimated budget, all as required by 23 CFR Section 450.314, Section 339.175(8), Florida Statutes. ARTICLE 2 Section 2.01. Coordihafion with public transit operators. As set forth in Article 3 of this Agreement, the purpose of this Agreement is to provide for cooperation with the Department, Indian River County, the City of Veto Beach, and the City of Sebastian in the development and preparation of the UPWP, the TIP, the Long-Range Transportation Plan, and Corridor or Subarea Studies. Section 2.02. Intergovernmental coordination: Regional Planning Council. As set forth in Article 4 of this Agreement, the purpose of this Agreement is to provide a process through the Regional Planning Council for intergovernmental coordination and review and identification of inconsistencies between proposed MPO transportation plans and local government comprehensive plans adopted pursuant to Section 163.3161 et sea_., Florida Statutes, and approved by the Florida Department of Community Affairs. Section 2.03. ~. As set forth in Article 5 of this Agreement, the purpose of this Agreement is to provide a process for coMliet and dispute resolution through the Regional Planning Council. ARTICLE 3 COOPERATIVE PROCEDURES FOR PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING WITH OPERATORS OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Section 3.01. Cooperation with o_rmratnr~ nf public trarc _m~ortafion systems: Coordination with local government approved comprehensive plans. (a) The lVIPO shall cooperate with the Indian River County, the City of Veto Beach, and the City of Sebastian to optimize the planning and programming of an integrated and balanced intermndal transportation system for the Metropolitan Area. Co) The MPO shall implement a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process that is consistent, to the maximumextent faasibie, yam port and awaUon masK, pans, and pui;,lic transit development plans of the units of local governments whose boundaries are within the Metropolitan Area. (c) As a means towards achievement of the goals in paragraphs (a) and Co) and in an effort to coordinate intermndal transportation planning and programming, the MPO shall include as part of its membership officials of agencies that administer or operate major modes or systems of transportation, including but not limited to transit operators, sponsors of major local airports, maritime ports, and rail operators. The representative of the major modes or systems of transportation may be accorded voting or non-voting advisor status. In .this Metropolitan Area if authorities or agencies have been or may be created by law to perform transportation functions and that are not under the jurisdiction of a general purpose local government represented on the MPO, the MPO shall request the Governor to designate said authority or agencies as a voting member of the MPO. If the new member would alter local government representation in the MPO, the MPO shall purpose a revised apportionment plan to the Governor to ensure voting membership on the MPO to an elected official representing public transit authorities which have been, or may be, created by law. (d) The MPO shall ensure that representatives of ports, transit authorities, and airports within the Metropolitan Area are provided membership on the MPO's Technical Advisory Committee. SeCtion 3.02. Preparation of trart_?ortafion related plans. (a) .~dthoug~ the ~,al decision in adopting th? UPWP~ the TIP, Long-Range.Traosportafion Plaa~ or a Corridor or Subarea Study is in the discretion of the MPO, development of said plan or study shall be viewed as a cooperative effort involving the Department, Indian River County, the City of Vero Beach, and the City of Sebastian. In developing the UPWP, the TIP, Long-Range Transportation Plan, or a Corridor or Subarea Study, the comments and recommendations for.preparation and revisions to proposed documents shall be solicited by the IMPO from the Department, the Indian River County, the City of Veto Beach, and the City of Sebastian. CO) At the commencement of the process of preparing the UPWP, the TIP, Long-Range Transportation Plan, or a Corridor or Subarea Studies, or preparing other than a minor amendment thereto (as determined by the MPO), the MPO shall extend notice to the Department, Indian River County, the City of Veto Beach, and the City of Sebastian advising said agencies of the scope of the work to be undertaken and inviting eonunent and participation in the development process. The MPO shall ensure that the chief operating officials of the Department, Indian River County, the City of Veto Beach, and the City of Sebastian shall receive approximate fifteen (15) days written formal notice of all public workshops and hearings relating to the development of the UPWP, the TIP, Long-Range Transportation Plan, or a Corridor or Subarea Studies. However, it is agreed that the failure to properly extend written or other notice shall not invalidate, or lodged as a claim to invalidate, the adoption o,f the UPWP, the TIP, Long-Range Transportation Plan, or a Corridor or Subarea Studies. (c) LoCal government comprehensive plans. (1) In developing the TIP, Long-Range Transportation Plan, or a Corridor or Subarea Studies, or preparing other than a minor amendment thereto (as determined by the MPO), the MPO, Indian River County, the City of Vero Beach, and the City of Sebastian shall analyze: (I) the comprehensive plan future land use elements; (ii) the goals, objectives, and policies of the comprehensive plans; and (iii) the zoning, of each loCal governments in the Metropolitan Area. Based upon the foregoing review and a consideration of other growth management factors, the MPO, Indian River County, the City of Veto Beach, and the City of Sebastian, as appropriate, shall provide vn'itten recommendations to local govtrnments in the Metropolitan Area in the development, amendment, and implementation of their comprehensive plans. A copy of the recommendations shall be sent to the Regional Planning Council. (2) The MPO agrees that to the maximum extent feasible the Long-Range Transportation Plan and the project and project phases within the TIP shall be consistent with the future land use dement and goals, objectives, and policies of the comprehensive plans of local government in the Metropolitan Area. If the MPO's TIP is inconsistent with a' local government comprebensiv~ plan, the MPu snail so indicate, and me MPO mali present, as part of the TIP, justification for including the project in the TIP. (d) Multi-modal transportation agency plans. (1) In developing the TIP, Long-Range Transportation Plan, or a Corridor or Subarea Studies, or preparing other than a minor amendment thereto (as determined by the MPO), the MPO shall analyze the affected: (I) airport master plan; (ii) public transit development plans, of Indian River County, the City of Veto Beach, and the City of Sebastian. Based upon the foregoing review and a consideration of other transportation- related factors, the MPO, shall from time to time and as appropriate, provide recommendations to Indian River County, the City of Veto Beach, and the City of Sebastian, as well as local governments within the Metropolitan Area, for the development, amendment, and implementation of their master, development, or comprehensive plans. (2) In developing or revising their respective seaport master plan; airport master plan; or public transit development plans, Indian River County, the City of Veto Beach, and the City of Sebastian shall analyze the draft or approved UPWP, TIP, Long-Range Transportation Plan, or Corridor and Subarea Studies, or amendments thereto. Based upon the foregoing review and a consideration of other transportation-related factors, Indian River County, the City of Veto Beach, and the City of Sebastian shall from time to time and as appropriate, provide written recommendations to the MPO with regard to development amendment, and implementation of the L~WP, TIP, Lo~:g~P.z~.-ge Tr.~asportafion ~e'~, er Corridor and Se.~area Stodie~. : (3) The MPO agrees that to the maximum extent feasible the TIP shall be consistent with the affected seaport and airport master plans and with public transit development plans of Indian River County, the City of Veto Beach, and the City of Sebastian. (e) By letter agreement to be executed by the MPO and Indian River County, the City of Veto Beach, and the City of Sebastian, the MPO and the affected agencies or authority shall mutually develop a process for planning coordination, forwarding recommendations, and project programming consistency. The parties hereto agree that under the letter agreement, the MPO and Indian River County', the City of Vero Beach, and the City of Sebastian need only include in the MPO's TIP those state funded airport and seaport projects that directly relate to surface transportation activities: The process agreed to in the letter agreement shall provide flexible deadlines for inter-agency comment on affected plans referenced in this section. Upon approval of the letter agreement, the letter agreement shall be appended to this Agreement and shall be an exhibit hereto. The signatories to the letter agreement may revise or terminate same from .time to time without approval of other parties hereto. ARTICLE 4 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION AND REVIEW Section 4.01. Coordinaton with Re~onal Planning Council. The Regional Planning Council shall perform the following tasks: (a) Within thirty (30) days of receipt, review the draft of the proposed TIP, Long-Range Transportation Plan, Corridor and Subarea Studies, or amendments thereto, as requested by the MPO, to identify inconsistencies between the foregoing plans and: (1) applicable local government comprehensive plans adopted pursuant to Section 163.3161 et seq., Florida Statutes, for counties and cities within the Metropolitan Area; and (2) the adopted Strategic Regional Policy Plan. (1) The parties hereto recognize that pursuant tO Florida law, the MPO's Long-Range Transportation Plan must be considered by cities and counties within the Metropolitan Area in the preparation, amendment, and update/revision of their comprehensive plans. Further, the Long-Range Transportation Plan and the projects and project phases within the TIP are to be consistem w~th the future land use element and goals, objectives, and policies of the comprehensive plans of iocal governments in the Metropolitan Area to the maximum extent feasible. Therefore, promptly upon completion of its review of the draft proposal, the Regional Planning Council shall advise the MPO and each affected county or city of its findings; (2) If after completing its review of the draft proposal, the Regional Planning Council deems that the MPO plans and programs submitted are not acceptable, the Regional Planning Council shall promptly advise the MPO in writing of its euncerns and identify those portions of the submittals which need to be reevaluated and potentially modified; and (3) Upon final adoption of the proposed TIP, Long-Range Transportation Plan, Corridor and Subarea Studies, or amendments thereto, the MPO may request that the Regional Planning Council consider adoption of regional transportation goals, objectives, and policies in the Strategic Regional Policy Plan implementing the adopted TIP, Long-Range Transportation Plan, Corridor and Subarea Studies, or amendments thereto. If the proposed TIP, Long-P4nge Transportation Plan, Corridor and Subarea Studies, or amendments thereto was the subject of previous adverse comment by the Regional Planning Council, the MPO will identify the change in the final adopted plan intended to resolve the adverse comment, or alternatively, the MPO shall identify the reason for not altering the plan as suggested by the Regional Planning Council. (b) Provide the availability of the conflict and dispute resolution process as set forth in Article 5 below. - ARTICLE 5 CONFLICT AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESS Section 5.01. Disputes and conflictq under this A~eement. This process shall apply to conflicts and disputes relating to matters subject to this Agreement, or conflicts arising from the performance of fi'ds Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in this Article 5, only representatives of the agencies with conflicts or disputes shall engage in conflict resolution. Section 5.02. ~. The affected parties to this Agreement shaH, at a minimum, ensure the atl~mpted early resolution of conflicts relating to such matters. Early resolution shall be handled by dire. et discussion between the following officials: for the Depata.ent by the District Director for Planning and Programs; for the MPO - the Staff Director; for the Regional Planning Council - the Planning Director; for Indian River County - Community Development Director; the City of Veto Beach - the Airport Director; and the City of Sebastian - the Airport Director. Section 5.03. Resolution bv senior agency official. If the conflict remains unresolved, the conflict shall be resolved by the following offieial~: for the Department- by the District Secretary; for the MPO - the Chairman of the MPO; for the Regional Planning Council - the Executive Director; for Indian River County - Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners; for the City of Veto Beach - the Mayor; and for the City of Sebastian - the Mayor. Seefiun 5.04. Alternative Re~onal Planning Council dLqpute resolution. If a resolution is not possible, the parties may undertake dispute resolution pursuant to the Regional Planning Council procedure set forth in Rule 29K-4, Florida Administrative Code. All parties to the dispute must agree to undertake this procedure before it may be invoked. Seodon 5.05. lt:esolufion by the Office of the Governor. If the conflict is not resolved through conflict resolution pursuant to Sections 5.02, 5.03, and 5.04, the parties shall petition the Executive Office of the Governor for resolution of the conflict pursuant to its procedures. Resolution of the conflict by the Executive Office of the Governor shall be binding on all parties.. ARTICLE 6 MISCF. LLANEOUS PROVIsiON Sex:tion 6.01. C0nsfimfional or statutory duties and re~_mot~qibilities of parties. This Agreement shall not be constmod to authorize the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of any of the parties. In addition, this Agreement does not relieve any of the parties of an obligation or responsibility imposed upon them by law, except to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by one or more of the parties to this Agreement or any legal or administrative entity created or authorized by this Agreement, in which case this performance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility. Section 6.02. p, me~adment of Agreement. Amendments or modifications of this Agreement may only be made by written agreement signed by all parties here to with the same formalities as the original Agreement. Section 6.03. Duration: withdrawal procedure. (a) D~afion. This Agreement shall have a term of five (5) years and shall automatically renew at the end of said five (5) years for another five (5) term and every five (5) years thereafter. At the end of the five (5) year term and at least every five (5) years thereafter, the parties hereto shall examine the terms hereof and agree to amend the prox)isions or reaffirm the same. However, the failure to amend or to reaffirm the terms of this Agreement shall not invalidate or otherwise terminate this Agreement, ~) ~~~ Any pard' ma), Mt.hdraw &om ~J-: Agr. eemem aft-er pre.~e'~Sng in written form a notice of intent to withdrawal to the other parties to this Agreement and the MPO, at least ninety (90) days prior to the intended date of withdrawal; provided, that financial commitments made prior to withdrawal am effective and binding for their full term and amount regardless of withdrawal. Section 6.04. Notices. All notices, demands and correspondence required or provided for under this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered in person or dispatched by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. Notice required to be given shall be addressed as noted follows: Indian River County MPO City of Vero Beach Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 1840 25th Street 1053 20th Place 301 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Veto Beach, Florida 32960 Stuart, Florida 34994 Indian River County Board of County Commissioners 1840 25th Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Florida Department of Transportation 3400 West Commercial Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309-3421 A party may unilaterally change its address or addressee by giving notice in writing to the other parties as provided in this section. Thereafter, notices, demands and other pertinent correspondence shall be addressed and transmitted to the new address. Section6.05. Ilttalllre, lafi~. (a) ~. All parties hereto were each represented by, or afforded the opportunity for representation by legal counsel, and participated in the drafting of this Agreement and in the choice of wording. Consequently, no provision hereof should be more strongly construed against any party as drafter of this Agreement. Co) Severabili .ry. Invalidation of any one of the provisions of this Agreement or any part, clause or word hereof, or the application thereof in specific circumstances, by judgement, court order, or administrative hearing or order shall no affect any other provisions or applications in other circumstances, all of which shall remain in full force and effect; provided, that such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law. (e) ~dll~mr~lall:li~. In interpreting this Agreement, the following rules of construction shall apply unless the context indicates otherwise: (1) The singular of any word or term includes the plural; (2) The masculine gender includes the feminine gender; and (3) The word ~shaH" is mandatory, and Umay" is permissive. Section 6.06. Enforcement by parties hereto, In the evefit of any judicial or administrative action to enforce or mterpret this Agreement by any party hereto, each party shall bear its own attorney s fees in conneCtlO with such proceeding. Section 6.07. p.?eement execution: Use of eountemart sitmature oaees. This Agreement, and any amendments hereto, may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 6.08. ~ This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by all parties he,to. Section 6.09. Ptlrmlani' to Federal. State and Local Law. In the event that any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice, or other proceeding or authorization is required under applicable law to enable the parties to enter into this Agreement or to undertake the provisions set forth hereunder, or to observe, assume or carry out any of the provisions of the Agreement, said parties will initiate and consummate, as provided by law, all actions necessary with respect to any such matters for required. Section 6.10. partes Not Obligated to Third Parties. No party hereto shall be obligated or liable hereunder to any party not a signatory to this Agreement. There are no express or intended third party beneficiaries to this Agreement. Section 6.11. When Rights and Remedies Not Waived. In no event shall the making by the Department of any payment to the MPO constitute or be conslxuefl as a waiver by the Department of any breach of covenant or any default which may then exist on the part of the MPO, and the making of any such payment by the Department while any such breach or default exists shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to the Department in respect of such breach or default. FORM 525-010-03 POLICY PLANNING OGC - 05/96 Page9 of 9 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Joint Participation Agreement on behalf of the referenced legal entities. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: INDIAN RIVER COUNTY INDIAN RIVER COUNTY METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ha~rp~ers°~n- 50~" Iq W. TIPI~/IbI ATTE~ x:AL erk CITY OF VERO BEACH Mayor City Clerk ~ TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL ~ t ~- Ex~cuti~ctor ATTEST: ~,c~ea.~ t~.K.~ SEAL Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN City Cl~k : ~: ~ : : ? :_ T~S~ORTATIO~ ~ck Chesser, P.E. Dis~ct Fo~ Secret~ A~EST: Executive Secreta~