HomeMy WebLinkAbout2-G-246 , �tt� i1f �P.EtMS�tMtt �11t��P�1,� �PP NO. i �'(�� THI3 INDENTUftE MADE T61s .... 22nd. . .. . . ... . . day ot ....June ... ............................... w. D., �X . 200� betn•een il�e City ot Sebnstian, s municipal corporstion ezieting under the lswa of the 9tate of Florida, ae Grantor and .......................Bobby. and Leroy. H?:ers........................................................................... ....... ..... ....... ........ 1095 Morningside Drive, Vero Beach, Florida 32a63 ............................................. ............................................ ............................................ ot the County or ...��?di,an..�,iver ..................... an�l 3tate or ......Flori.,da..................................... se Grantee, WITNES9ETHe That the Grantor for and in consideration of the sum of $ 7, 5 0 0,., � Q, ,,,,,,,,,,,, to it in hand paid, the receipt whereof is herewith ac- knowledged, does by this instrument grant, bargain, sell, releax, convey and confirm unto the Grantee ,.,....,, heirs, legal repiesentatives and assigns the following propeitylsitt�gE�d ir� �ebutian,��n Ri�er Cp�tntjc, �lorida, to-wit: G � � �G4� � L6�6/�G All of Lot(s) � 9�,� Q, Block,�� C��,iNIT ,, 2,.,,,,,,,, of Sebastian municipal cemetery as per Plat Number 1 thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 65 of the pub e�cor u►��he office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Lucie County of Florida; said land now lying and being in Indian River County, Florida. LOTS 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30, BLOCK 42 AKA BLOCK G, UNIT 2 To Have and to Hold the same forever; provided that said property shall be.used solely and exclusively for the interment of the human dead and shall be used, kept and maintained at all times in accordance with the rules and regulations, otdinances and resolutions of the City of Sebastian,.Florida, hereto- fore, now and hereafter adopted or provided for the government and operation of said cemetery. T'he conditions, restrictions and requirements contained in this instrument shall be covenants rnnn;ng �th the land. In the event of the failure of the owner of any property situated within said cemetery to ob- serve and comply with such rules, regulations, resolutions and ordinanoes and the conditions of the ddsd of c�nveyance thereof then the title of such owner in and to said property shall terminate and the same shall ievert to the City of Sebastian, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the fust pazt has caused this instrument to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk and its corporate aeai to be hereto affixed, the day and yeaz fust above written. E'' ;���. .��/?� ..��.�? . Attes .�.�. .�„s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Clerk CITY OF SEI3A6TIAN, FLORIDA sr . .W. f�:� .11.�!..���✓�� .............. Me�or (�I�t� �P�1) COCJNTY UF INDIAN RIVER I HEHEBY CERTIFY, 3'hst on this ...��...�./............day of ........... ............. ....... ��j� ... . ., before me pereonally appeared . . . . .�:rLl �2.s�.G�l�. ���� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and . �. .�S���Ci.G/`��/ respectively Mayor and City Clerk of the City of 9ebastien, e municipal corporation under the lawa of t State'�f Florida to me known to be tlie individuals und offlcers described in and who executed the foregoing copveyunce to , .................................... . ..� .�,..�................................................. ........................................................ and severally acknowledgecl the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers tl�ereunto duly authorized; and tliat the Official seul of said corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said co�veysnce is thc act and deed of satd corporstion. WITNE3S roy signsiure and officlal seal st 3ebastian, in the County of Ind3an River end State ot Florida, the day and �ear last aforesaid_ � , ° .: 'i'�. H. JOIINNE 3ANDBERd : � � MY COMMiSSipN # CC 725842 ��- EXPIRES: Apri130, 2002 ,'�'���,. ' Bamled Thru No�ry PubNc Undemnilero ��✓:. . . .�� ..................... Nota ubllc, 9tate ot Florida at I.ar . My c ission expiree: